Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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Ml lllemt'ls ' to BecnUra
Wantoned for ito Priam.
Berber to bo Oapttmd for a Per
manent British Stronghold ,
Gen. Stevenson Advises the Ko-
treat of Troops from Motemneh ,
Paris Placarded With an An
archist Manifesto
Borne , Switzerland , Aho Threat-
Tened by the Anarchists , i
Chine ( limpowilcr "Works E\ .
ploilc , DcstrojIiiK > lie
ana Killing -5 ( )
Spoclal Ulogram to TUB UKH.
OAIUO , February 8. Ordom havu boon received
coived from tin war oflice In London for Lori
Wolseloy to captuto , at all In7arils , IJerber ,
and makoof Ita iiorminont Fngliih strong
bold In the Soudan , All attempts at the recapture
capture of Khattoum for the present will IK
ubandoucd ,
CAIRO , February 8 It is reported tint
( ienir l Stovennin adviaod the retreat of the
troops from Mntomneh on Ivutl nnd the c m
centrntion of the entire force tj\vrd Horber ,
and afci r the capture of Bsrbur ,
to await the expedition coming
Snakim beforomaking an advance on Khar
toum. Military nuthutitUt estimate that thlf
plan involves delay in the aihanco upon
IChartoum until uutumn. The hot uoukei
vshlch bfginHiu\t moLth make it ImpUsiblt
for the Knglleh force to btmid the innrchis.
ins vo\Ait ir.Hit luaiJit.NT ARUIVKS AT
(1AKHUI , .
OKDCI , February .S Col. Sir Ration
Boiler , WBth the rojal Irish regiment arrivoi :
having tramped the whale way from KortI
Thisla the first regiment th.v' attempted t-
make this joiitnoy on foot. Col. Holler will
the regular Irub and Sm'ei ugiaienta am
camel corps Btart on Friday to
Gubat , an tsaault on Metcmneh 13 ox
pcctod Bonn after bin arrival at Gubat. It I
not thouplit that the enemy will make a pro
Two thouaand of the MnhuY.H best troop
and miny principal xhieka wer
ItilleJ , wounded or disheartened in tw
recent b.ittles. JI , oy emirs a
Metemnah wera woucded. Thn Mahdi hai
twenty-two gnna before Khart'ium com
minded by the pro'cge , lamuel 1'oaha , win
baa been taught artillery practica at Cairo
Ne.irly all the sharp ehuoera were deaorter
from Hicki F.nha's .11 my.
ISO 250 KMPI.01KS.
SAN FHANCISCXJ , February 8. The stoame
Itlo Janeiro arrived bringing Hong Korg non
under date of January Uth , Yokohom.i 19tl
'Iho gun powder works at Futshan , fi urteei
units from Canton , exploJed on D.cembe (
J'Jd and killed li5U employes.
LONDON , February -Soldiers on cruar
last night saw a man advancing , and com
manded him to halt and give the countersign
Tno stranger neither halted nor give th
countersign or reply , but attempttd to wai
past the guard lino. The sentinel thereupo
plunged hia bayonet into tbo roan's body , kill
ing Mm almost instantly. The occiinenro 1 :
: V London la exnggoratod mtq a seueitionul repoi
tint the ilvnaiulteri ma o an attack on tb Investigation shows that the mm
attumpting to run the guard waa also a sol
( hoc and comrade of the uentlntl , whom h
luJ tried to annoy by the silly prai
tlctl joko.
LONDON , February 8. The Telegraph hs
received a dispatch from Abu Klea , near Mo
umiieh , dated February 1 , which says : Co
Wilson's patty states that Klurtoum fell o
January 27th. The river above the sixth ca
aract 11 crowded with Arabs. Thu Mahd
in a letter calling our officer * to surrunde
Implies that Gordon ( s still alive. Stewa
oxpacta to bo closely invested hero.
Imbor Crihls In Kraiice ,
Special telegram to THK USE.
LONDON , February 8. The labor crisis i
in Franca is the cause of the utmost alarn
All efforts for relief by the government soei
tube futile. There are 300,000 workmen id
in I'atia and at least a million In the p-ounce
The discontent consequent upon this ftato i
aifaira is daily spreading , and apprchunaloi
are exprtMBtd that , unl as sumo relief can I
deviled , labor riots will break out in all sei
lions Tuoiday last the walls nf 1'arn uei
placard ) d with an anarchist manifesto , whli
called up.11 all persons untnijloyed | to n
aemble on Monday aft. moon next , in tli
I'laca Do L'Uporu. The documsntwaa lull c
statements nf the m st pronounced cominui
istic typo , and stated it would be well at tti
time for thu woikii > Km n ni-l women of Par
to come together tn ma-iie in the faehionab
I'laco Do /Opera I , und lululy 11 unit the
misery aud ta H In the very facei of tl
we.ilthy rrsidenU of that vicinity ,
ard arriv ing rapidly nt Londm now that M
\Vclnelfy bai removed the embargo on nowi
They differ in many respocti from the ollicl
repjrta which huve.hitherta been allowed I
Matters in the vicinity of Metomneh a :
evidently in a very senoua ehape. fc'e\et
coriespondenU eijicesi a nervoueness uvi
thu nttituda nf the Kibbabish tnbo and otln
natives who have hitherto been relied upon i
fnondly to the ] 5ntl h. Their allegiance hi
boeu shaken by ( ijn. U irdon'd tallnro i
Kli.ittoiiin , and in , my of them are wiwerii
botwoflii tlia wUh to keep their pledges to tl
ISiitlfhand wish to make tonui with tl
Mnlidi. If they become actively hostile
will bo dllhcult and purhapi impossible I
maintain c immunicatious between Gnbt an
KortI. U H evident that thn Mnlidi haa d
cidod to attack Gakdul and other posU entti
Imbed by lien. Stowatt ( lurm < his mart
across the divert. HU plan is said to b
attack the positions m detail , and slaught
thu troopn which have been left atguardd ai
hold thu olticers nt hostages for ransom.
AimrcliiNt TliH'iils In Svvlt/crliiiul.
Special telegram to THE HKK.
rxNl > os , February 8 , The people of Uor
are still excited ovir the tliroaU of the a
archlsts to blow up the federal palace in i
taliation for the repressive measures iccenl
adopted by tha federal council. It bag trar
pUod that the warning to the Sw Its govei
ment cauio in a letter , which was sent ut Ct
fame tiinn to Ilia chancellor of Gcrmanv , t
foreign minister of Itiuoia , and thu premier
AuttriA. Thu translation of the document
ma follow * :
Itewate ! Your anti revolution troity Is ui
less , You havu suborned free tSwitzerla
into an abominable cotnp ict , uud pronogo
feel Knglauii'd pulse similarly , liawn
KngUnil is already well dTinmltsd , Bwitzi
lauU cannot eecaiiu Other European captt
oru trranged fcr The Fenian and From
German and Swiss anarchists are brothrer
one for all and all for one Our fatherland
the world. The palace vs herein your tn :
waa concocted and siftnod shall never bi ui
for iuch pnrii8pi ] again The anarchists v
jw its site with talt and plow up the groui
riovrUml \ ihlth the SIIKO ot Grt
htOIU * .
NEW YORK , February 8 Cleveland ,
couipanlod by Daniel Manning , boarded I
train at the great central depot at 0 t
morning and took a eeit among the pasi
gera. Cleveland waa recognized as he pas
through the depot , and tin railroad emph
and many pMicngcrs n > ulo tow * rJs the t ir ,
anxlouiti ) catch a glitup i * i.i.'l If l'i ; lble ,
t.hik. hands with ths pidtnt olert ,
\Vhenthetralnntrivedat Yonker * Cleve
land and Monninp were rrcslved at the dtpit
by Tildeu' ptlva-.e jecretnry. At Cleveland
utrpfx-d Irotn the cir thn people about tlis
Htulni r i il thMr hats and
pre ied frrtritd to tlmko hand , but
ho hurnul to Tilden > ciftoh and
the patty were rapidlvcorritd to Greystoco ,
the rtsidencs of Tilden. Tin gupsti wro
welcomed by Tilden mid hit i Iccc , and nfttr
a dhott general conversation an adjournment
was taken to tha tludvwhcra the host an-1
gtiftU could ciinvrso fri.efr > in int rruullon.
At two dinner win nnnouncMl. Tilden t cc"
pled the head of the table with the president
elect on his light and Manning < n the lelt.
Nearly two hours was spttit tn the dining
room After a short walk In the tjnmnds the
gentlemen repaid to the study wheto they
spent the t ( mamdnr < > f the afternoon.
The Mr\lritn MniiuulcfH.
GAIAUTON , Febturary 7. Tha Galvcuton
News special say § : The situation at Carn/o
lngs n growing eerum. The citizens ore
determined to resist the band of a hundred
Mexicans w hen they arrive. A bloody battle
is expected. The clttrcns of Xayalla and
Mavorlck ate joining with Dimnet county in
combatting the marauders. Hunnvn livvo
been tent to Cotulla and other points for arms
and amunltlon. Is It ascertained that the
Mexicans crcssel the HIo ( .rande on the
night ol the sixth and numbered full a hun-
dud , and have divided their forces into ( nut
banda who aronppioiching Carri/o , through
unfremieLted portl-ins cf the country , diiv-
Ing away herdi as they advance Into the In
terior. Spirited running fights occurred t < >
day between thn scouts of the citl
zens organization aod the detail of the Moxi
cans. Two mnrauderi were killed aud one
American wonndu I. Sheriff Oglcsby of Mt-
verick cruiity rent a mounted posse to tin
pceuo of the action. The frontitr troops at
Uv aide lelt to-night for Curriro ,
Another repjrt fr m the frontier chronicles
another alfiay in which twelve Mexicans
killed and a number wounded , Thu Atner
lean losiif nnj' , Is not reported. These con
diets took pli u between the ranchmen mid
icliys of Mexicans who wera overtaken whlla
dtiviug thu stock towaid thu Hto Grande.
TheJMeilcans are being reinfonel. Tlislr
objective points bung Corjlzo Spnnjts , nt
which place It u beheveJ they agreed to con-
rentritu their forces , attack thu town and
rtleafu their compttilots conlinuJ foe cattle
stealing. Telegrams from many places along
the Illu Grande cull on the inhabitants fur
tr ( ops.
Tin News' San Antonia special says fl ° n-
catlonal an 1 cnnllictlug repo.ts contmuo to
c nr.o from Corri o ijprings. All accounts
ogroo that aaother fcbarp recunn iterHjR
skirmish tiok placu between tlio Mtixicaua
and thu nherill'd pps e , in which tlireo inord
raidttti ueru killed and a division of the rad- !
ing bandits wuro dnven back across tha UK
Grande ,
Tlio Inauitiii-Kt ion 15all ,
WASHIM.TOS , Fnbruary J8. The clover
acres of canv as which is to form the temporary
roof of the inaugural ball room was d llveret
yesterdiy. A contrict for tli3 decoration o !
the hall has been 'awarded , at So.EOJ. Tin
material to be used will be insured for $59 ,
OW , anil the contractor * themselves say thai
they don't expect to maVo any money an I wil
bo satished to make their uxpOLses. The )
t-'inl : that thn adveitisemeiit will repay them
The gallery running around the hall wil
bo draped with a heavy mnrou
velvO' , woven with golden Bpangles
'I he large columns in the cente
will ba covered with white inuiliu , ta represent
sent marble. Natural iloiveri ani plants wil
boussed largely , acd also evergnea wreathe
and garlands. People who uco coming mai
form some idea of how they will be expect > <
to accommodate tlieinsehes fromthestatemen
that the coinmi tdo e\p ct to lodge 13,0.31 per
sons In 1 , 192 room * . Fifty-two hulU w ill fur
niuh lodgings for 8,328. Too committee hav
already secured ace mmodatioiu such as thcs
for 1112 ( ! Individuals who have written.
PiTTSiiuno , February 8. The ttory tha
the anaichists are armed aud drilling here
and that dynamite Is stored at various point
in the city , seexs to have some foundation
In an interview with a rcpoitT ot the Dis
patch to-night , a protriiuent pohca otlicia
states that ho had reliable information tha
dynamite was stored at least at ono point withii
the cty limits and that a lar , e auppl :
of guna were lately reseived by the Pittsbur ;
anarchists , which ho thought had been shipped
pod from Chicago. He said thu paitles hav
ing these nrms were foreigners , not working
men out of employment , but anarchists ,
Herr Joseph Frick , a prominent socialist
admittuj to a leporter of the same paper tha
thu anarchists were armed in _ this city am
that they had regular nights for'dril ing , H
said thera wore about 1,000 inunbeia in Alls
gheny county.
A Youlliful Mimloi-er Kills III
Special Telegram to the BKK.
CAIUO , Ills1. , February 8. Frank Abnei
aged 10 , who seems to bo a precocious crimim
H In jail at Metropolia for the murdtr of hi
grandmother , Mrs. HOBS , in Hardin count }
lie telU the horrible etory with perfect com
posure , eatj and sleeps well and does notteei
to apprtcliito the enormity of his crime H
says on Monday evening ho was choppm ,
wood for his grandmother , when Tnrnbul
Watson , an older boy induced him to go awa ;
and play , telling him if his grandmother ob
j'ected to knock her in the head , bho repr !
mandej htm whov lia eitno lijine. He wen
Kiillenly ti b d and about midnuht nrosi
took tuo ax and went to bis grandmother
hrdside and bulled the wuipon iu lur lirali
killing her instantly ,
.Military Mailer-- .
AV3ilisoTON , February 8 Lieutenan
Frederick Schwatka , whoso retignation froi
the army took effect on tha 3Ut of Januarj
will not receive his full pay until satisfactor
explication u furnished for deficiencies In h !
ordnatHe and quartermaster's accounts pic
to his Arctic expedition of 1S78 , amounting t
nearly 51 0. The senate bill introduced fc
his relitf in tliu nntterhas beenrccninmrnde
fur indunLit- istponement by thu cjmmttte
un Military utfalrs , on the fcttenifili of Infoi
matt m fuinished by the war dejitrtment , t
the effect that LUutenant Sch vatka'a ' .itten
tion has repeatedly beun called to the def
clenclesm his acCountbut that no explann
tion hai over beun made , and that there w ;
no reason why lie ehuuld bo relieved in tl
absence as evldenca showing thj Iocs of h
retained papers.
Lieutenant William I'nclnh , 17th Infantn
is undergoing trial at Fort Lea\onwortl
Kan. , on charges of seduction.
Old HIiKoi-y'H Modal Knllliul Oil.
Special Telegram to the BKK.
NEW YOUK , February 8. The gold mod
awarded by congros to Andrew Jackson i
commemoration of hU victory at the battle
New Orleans In 1815 , was rallied among tl
members of tha stock exchange two or Ihn
days ago. Tbu medal was in the hands of tl
descendants of Preiident Jacketm until r
cently. The last owner was obliged to d ,
pose of it from cecosoity. Iti value Is aho
8120. The stock brokers sold 100 shares
$ j each , and the lucky niimbar was held 1
H , L Atderton , jr , of the firm of Drown
Anderton. Ic is Intimated that ths blttor
trophy will bo placed m the kit-ping of t > oi
puillc institution.
Sr Louts SnrlalUti- .
Sr. LODIS , Mo. , February 8. At n tnoetii
of the soclaliiti this afternoon a black be
deied circular was freely distributed , contai
Ing a bitter tirade against Germany fur t
eiecutiou of anarchist ) , and calling upon t
workiiiBineii to orgamza and revolt agaic
pilestcralt monarchy and monopoly , T
Uohemlan group of InternatloimllsU al < o he
a meeting , at which the present wage sjutf
ami all kinds of monopoly were condemn
Mid revolutionary socialism advocated.
Tire ai Huril'mil , C'oiiiiecilcut ,
HAKTIOIID , Conn. , February 8. The Hoe
well block , lUker'i block and a few am
LiiiiKlin j burned to day , Loss , ? COXO ( ; t
Anecdotes of the Tragedian as Related
By a Fellow Actir ,
.V "Memento ot . ( CMC Jmnc . "Mr-
OtillotiKli'alillltl " ! usu Slnui-r
A Mctlntto IH-slputlon.
The subject of "John McCiilloncb , " of
whom so much haa been said in the pail
few inontln , true and fulao , la becoming
rather threadbare , despite the fact that
that eminent tragedian has many trlcnda
who arc deeply interested in his welfare ,
conversation hold ! > / a representative
of the DUE yesterday with Edmund Col
lier , the rising young actor , developed
some points , honovor , which .ire
given as bsmg of possible interest to
Omaha admirers of the tragedian , of
whilom greatness. Mr. Collier , at pres
ent with the "Storm Beaton" company ,
wai for fDur years the loading male
support in the McCullough com-
pauy , and is well acquainted with the
traits of the great etago gcniua.
Without attempting a detailed descrip
tion of McCullough's general or particu
lar traits of character , Mr. Collier related
a s'.ory or sj which show u ell the great
and ruling characteristics of the man.
"Thcro is one point about McCul-
lough's chnmstnr which alway * impressed
me , " said Mr. Collier , "and llut was hia
grim humor. Ilia wit was clumsy , ele
phantine , but impressive , and his la'k
and actions were invott jd with the suno
trait. There is one anecdote ever which
I often lahgh At the time that Me-
Cu'longh ' was playing in Kinaaa City ,
JHBSO James was killed at St. Joseph.
Miss Foraj the , at that time in the
troupe , wai a gtmt admirer of the James
boys , and lamtntid crcatly the cruel
fate which bad decreed the death of the
bold , bad bandit.
The remains of the dead highwaymen
were brought from St. Joseph to Kttneaa
City , nud the mumper of the Hannibal
ifc St. Joaoph railriaJ , a special friend of
McCullougha' , Invited him down to the
depot to lock at the remains. MIJE
Fc ytho of cjureeatitod to "gotjo , "
but la this she was prevented by
MeCullonuh , who thought that
elio w mid bo better without the night
Mlts Foriytho plead in vain. McJul
lough would not relent. The matter WOE
finally adjusted by a earthing promiSc
on the part of McCullough tn ta o the
hdy when the company patsod through
St. Joseph , to the spot where James had
died , to point out his eld quartersand ti
buy her some memento of the dead ban
dit. Reaching that city , our next stand ,
MUB Foraysho was taken in charge bj
Mr McCull iib , who amply fulfilled the
first par ; of his promise in showing hoi
the historic spot. As regards the second
Miss F. was surprised t > racetvo a daj
or to aftoward , a heavy cooking stove ,
carefully boxed , markud "A memento oi
Jassa James.Q ouw , John McCullough. '
"The gnat actor , " continued Mr
Collier , "was mott Indefat gable In hli
drill. Lip had us practicing all the tlmo
At first his ideas of rch-a sal were not at
pronounced and dtfmud , but latterly hi
iuslated upon his company's ' spending
hours every day in the most thorongl
and exhaiutivo drill upon euch parts ai
ho deemed necessary. I remember oni
little Incident in this connection , which ii
always to mo sadly amusing. Yoi
know McCullough could never whlatlo 01
s nij that Is , correct'y. ' Of course
ho could make certain noises , but then
wai not the slightest clement , of miuli
therein. We were rohearaing one o
McCullongh's fatLous plays , tn whicl
laze has to sing tbo verso ,
King Stephen was a worthy peer , etc.
After singing tbo verse once , Jagi
says , yon know , to the assemblage. "Wil
you hear mo again ? ' Of course everybody
in deference hastens to say "yee , yes
good tirl" When McCullongh was play
ing the part in rehoaraal , ho managed ti
get through the stanza , and turniiij
around said , "Will yon hear rae again ?
The effect of his vocal cll'irt was ai
wretchedly ludicrous that everybody burs
into laughter , and tald , "no , no , no , n > j
lord ! " "Then -t" said McCul
lough , and ho walked oil' the stage in i
petulant humor which was suatainci
during the rest of the day.
"McCullough uaod to relate an inter
esting reminaconca of the great acto
Forres relative tothi period of his play
ing in that actor's ' support , " laughed Mr
Collier , continuing. "Forrest at th
time I speak of was suffering severe' ' ;
from rheumatism of the haulj , paiofu
in the extreme. In one of the part
which Forrest was rehearsing vtitl
McCullough , ho fcrmer ea'd ' nithdrawir
hand Irum the Hjman toga , "Dares
tbou take this hand aitu ? " Me
Culloughalappod hia hand upon the in and swollen member of hia fdlo\
tragedian , and with a roguish twinkle " 1 dare , sir ! " "D you , " sail
Forrest , huatily withdrawing his paw
"cover do that Pgaln , sir ' ' I suppose
however that when the dread rheiimttlsi
departed , McCullough was allowed t
handle the ploj according to its prc
"What do I know about his health
Very little of an authentic nature ,
have not heard from him for aomo time
I saw a cquih In eomo paper the othc
day about him , which if true would InJ
cato that ho la roco\orlng. It eai
that ho Jwas fast regaining hi
hea'th ' , and WAS studying , with a view t
producing it on the stage , a play writto
by a young Greek in New York. Thl
same pl.iy which was written for th
tragedian two joars ago , I well rt
member. Before McOnllough's broal
down ho cherished the Idea of producin
It with his old company. The play I
entitled Iho "Wife of Mlletna , " and wn
written by the young Greek In at oi
ceodingly happy vein. It 11
like tho"Ingomar.oicept that the part
i f the hero and heroine are exactly re
\uraod. I am afraid that McCullaug
will never bo abla to handle it , though
ainceroly hope ao. "
"Acquainted aa you are with the groi
actor's life and traits , do y u ut'nbn1
hia mental and phjual breaking dow
to overwork , or ta dissipation , or both
"Largely to dissipation McCulloajj
had friends every where , and no matti
in what city or town ho was playlnj
there were friends who would take hi
oat to wine or oyster suppers. A mt
cannot do bu work under each treme ;
deus pressure aj McCnllough did hi
and dlaetpate BO freely , without his cour
eventually telling , with terrible and la ;
ing eIfect uptn his systein. Fiutn wn
I have aeon and known of the great tra
edlan , I think I can tay that the impal
incut of hU mental faculties , aa well
the wrack of hia pbyaicil eyatum , can
traced to hia dissipated habits , as t
principal producing came. "
firmo HoMiiMs AcquittoU.
A low weeks ago the etory of the re
bcry of grave of Mrs. Gecrgo M. , ft
Conaughy , at ll > t Hello , 111 , , was pub-
lahed in these columns with a tncntml
hat the men accused cf stealing the
> ody were about to bo trlod. The nc-
nictl were twojoung men named Shin-
nlo end Wateinnn , ani were students of
hellush Medical College In Chicigo.
The jury In the case returned n verdict
f "not guilty , ' a.tlnugh . the testimony
gainst the acuaed wns ccticlualvc.
Ihinklo was the stroke oarsman who
hrow the race with the Oxford team a
ow years ago.
it. : ) nlior. ( ll. A.i. . N 1'rc-
ulpliatctl O cr n llrlilgi--
"Ton lloum tiato. "
The bulletins nt the depot ! a t night
nnounced the alraplo fact that tnln No ,
i , westbound on the C. B. & Q , was
en hoarj lato. No cause was at first
.siigncd for the delay but the general
mblic was not slow in "catching on" to
he fact tint there had boon a wtock un
ho lino. Reports nt first were very
mongra and all sorts of wild tumots were
if' . No nno around the depot seemed
t all posted on the subject nnd tome
dicers rather overdid themselves In dis-
laimlng any knoirloc'gu ' of the accident ,
jitor reports , hutrover , detail the
ccidont ns Rt\cn In the tolepraph colA -
. A wrecking train wan early
ispatchcd to the econo of the disaster ,
rhich occurred late in the ofcerroon.
The following is the late ajsoclttad
ress dispatch :
CUKSIOS , Iowa , February 8. A serious ae
Ident occurred about ton ml caw et uf tliU
lace this afternoon. As t'aln Iso. 3ust
ounJ , approached a bridge across a gtn.i 1
treatn they struck a brok u rail and tilted
long un tlio tiea ULtll they ran unto the
ridge , which went down , carrjInR with it
\vo coaihea and a sleeper lontaiulne from
wenty to twuitv-fUe pisseiiRt-n The ful-
ouintr U tli3 li t iif tin killed : Kuliart Brown ,
\It. I'l a'ant , LnviAirs. ; . 1'owell , Xaw Al-
y , Ind. ; Mrs. W. C. Carroll , San GaUio ,
llorrllilo Crittio In
ST. PAUL , Tebtuiry 8. Tha Wnhpeton
pi-clnl to the Globe aiys : Thirty neighbors of
ho IJill fumily uneurthod an unnatural crime
u-day. August 1)111 , a prominent German
nrmsr near the town was myaterl-
lUfly missing ginco January ' . ' 0.
.nd . no trace could bo fouud
lutil to da > , when his tematns were found
under the manure pile near his ttablcs.'u \
vifo conf"9'id who i confrouud by tht
orpse. Sha saidVe nu.irtclled , and J
h it him twice with n pistol borrowed of the
mod iunn , Julius Kbel , who helped to burj
nm " Tha woman admits of her intiimvcj
vuh Kbel. Botli are in j.iil , and came neat
Clo\cliuil Anarchists.
Cu.VKL\Ki ) , O , 1'ebruary 8. ] ' . L. Gcger ,
if G2 Linden street , formerly apeut of the
nternational Workingraeua' association , an
archists , BOJH there are four groups of the
ardor m this city with -30 memb ra und mony
yinpathizera. T < oare Oermau and two are
Johemian. A fifth American will bo organ-
zed to-morrow.
Ho says the workiupmcn hero are ripe for a
riot nnd that unless tunes impro\o the grout-
? st revolutions the woild hai e\or known will
> e inat'gurattd , The sociali t < are Increasug
n numbers hero very rapidly. Geger is u
railroad clerk The present ngtnt of his
group la Franta Sukrid , of Ibti Croton street
Chicago Socialists and
CHICAOO , February 8. The modoratc
locialists held alamo attended meeting on the
west side this afternoon. Speehcs were de-
Ivered in 3'oglish and German counoiling
.filiation . to secutu the adoption uf their priii-
Anoth r large meeting was held on the
north eide at which the moderate socialists
ind anotchists divided the time in discuseion ,
.lie sori.Vista counseled moderation and agita-
.ion. The anarchists , as usual , the use ol
djnamite , which , ai ono of the spaakera re
marked , would make ono man equal to r
.housand , Ho favored the defiance of all
The JleiiTlcst SHUU- Storm ol' the
Season ,
CHICAGO. February 8. Decidedly the worsl
snow storm thus far this season set In hen
about 8 o'clock to-night , The Hakes are fall
ng very fast. Driven in the blinding guati
'rom the north and belncr very wet , tiny cllnf
, o every thine they touch. If it continues
trains will bo greatly delayed or blocadcd be
: c ro tnoroin/ . Inquiry at 10 o'clock ehowet
.liat the telegraph wires had not experienced
any trouble to speak of , tli'iii h it was anticipated
patod from the > tick > ( character of the snow ,
Advices from other points Indlrato that thi
storm area Is large. It Is sleeting at Spring
field , 111 ,
The Marshal < > F Wjomlnfj Removed
WAsm.NGTON , February 8. For some tloii
past an examination has been going on as t
the conduct of the affairs of the Unitet
States marshal of Wyoming. It Is snid tba
deivlictijns have been found In the man'tqe
mtnt of this offit > slnill ir to those rharpoi
upon the Montann tlhio. GuftaviiRSiliiilt/er
hasbdii romo\td. Tha aulhoritits at th
attorney general' oflice hero rofnso to giv
t any iufoimation on ttio subject.
Killed \VIHlo Ilctiu nint ; Pro in 1'rajci
Ht NTiNriDO.V , I'o. , February 8. Annie am
Klla Miller aged 17 and ID respectively , wer
struck by the mail express at Mapletcn las
night. Klla was instantly killed and Anni
wan Eeriomly injured but will probably re
co ( ) r. The girls were on their way hoir.
Jroin prayer meeting ,
UcoUiiK'H Ijiccnsc Imu.
KEOKUhIown , , Febiuiry 7. The city coun
cil to-nlglit adopted an ordinance liceneln
ealoona to fell bereraces not prohibited by th
state law. The license wax fixed nt 8 100 ne
ye.ii. The resolution recently poised to ec
force the ktata law was raicmded. The S3
loons will take out licenses and continue to d
husineBS uuloja interfered with by private in
dtviduals. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cnplain I ' .N mV .Sou I'lojcit.
GAUESTOS , February 8. Ik-dfor
Pym. of the Knghsh navy arrived In this clt
to-night to inspi ct the hnrbor and dotettnin
the possibility of his plan of building a pic
about four miles tn length to permanent dee
water. Ho would protect the jner With
tloating break water ,
Don't Keel Wltti an Ktlltor.
WMIAHH , Ind. , I'ebruary 7. Leo l.inn , ed
tor of the Courier , wan accostid this morn in
by William Hickey , of Lagrovv , who had mai !
threats against Liun'a life. The laUer [ mile
a jevoher and tihot him twice thro. gh tl
breast. He will die. Linn has not been at
Death nl'aNolfd Hor-rmiui.
February 8. The Daily New
Dccatur , 111. , inyi : Samuel l'owir , wide
known aa a breeder and ral er of thorougl
bied norses , died hetu lakt niglit of | ineum
na , aged ti Hr was worth a quarter of
million dollars.
Tln StpiuiUT AUhUn An cd.
NKW Yonh , Tebruary 8. The t anier / !
aslia , neveral days over due , arrived elf in
Islauil in tow of the bteamer ! - ' Wlnnipei
( rein Liverpool.
Iliiclnj , ' at No\v Oilcans ,
NKW OBI EANH. 1'ebruary 8.-Ths first rai
of five fu long Kllen won , Nat Trimbla se
end and Maivolio tbird ; time , 1 lt > ,
Fr mont wrnt Iho PPI trie light.
l > ixon county IIM a debt ot ftM.COO.
A creamery is bslntr built at Pcnen.
Thare re 2C" children enrolled in tits J i-r
folk schools ,
Tlw Met'iodist c > leje nt Central C.'v ' will
co tSl.\000.
Sctibnir ts sinking a number nf urlU for
Luon million auJ a half < > f
M > 8ov3nllo property ,
The 1'eru Normal chool ha two hundred
students tin term.
T e Commercial bank has bein organi/ed
at Weeping Water.
Loup iounty > riponses f.r this year arc
estimated at $ J,100.
Crelghton clnlina the lead in the tmagulnr
race for the land tllic ? .
The ullngtd i oal mines atl'oncn will soon bo
opened for inspeutlon.
Albion proudly points to her now hitjh
cchool , ju t completed ,
Tbo 1'lattp liridgo at Fromnnt is being put
in order to resist the cptlng froali < t.
Thetc were S2S2.1S5 10 in the Lancaster
ciutity treasury on the 1st of January.
Iho Central Citv Loan and Trust company ,
with a capital of SoO.OO ' , has lieen org ni7ed.
The FlattMiiouth Hi raid lira been roorcnn
l7d , remodeled and-a jaunt intK'o ' inserted ,
HTba thirteenth antmal fair of Dodge county
U f t for the 8lh , Uth and 10th days of Sep.
timber. '
A farm of 7l > 0 acres , near Fremont , sold for
$37,000 John W Collins , of Wyoming , being
the purchaser.
The prnmliinij town of Athena h g been
hanlod away aud will hoieaftur conntilutt a
wa tl in tha town uf I'endcr.
Central City and Fullerton arr still quarrel
ling and ca'lli ' g each oihgr bad names. Abuse
and jeulou lcs never build towns
Thomas Athford , In nig near Dakota City.
lost five liyud of cilllo by thiii tiroaking
through the uo of tha Mi-uonri : l\er.
Vulentlni- reports tie tying rush of sattlers
ns already irttlt g in. At the United btatea
hud ollice the eiilnos n\cr.iRe thirty dully
.T. F. Fuller IB pronounced by the Nanco
County Journal to ba the larg t Ue id bent In
ho weot. Iho editor is out SbOO In iirintlng.
The Fremont creamery during January
nrchneel 7l.r > 72 pounds uf butter nnd turned
nl 1,1,011 pounds of butter uud ICO pimtida of
iii'ose ,
The Flatt'-mouth Herald bulfs Bnlliugton's
tout pnsiin bill and usstrts thut "ISebraska
us criminal i-uough to care for without 1111-
urtlng them "
The late fire in Phtt'-mouth brings into
roniinonc" the uicuisitj of water mpply for
re pro eUicn. It is ulwsjs u older to lock
lie Htub'o ' ilojr after the liaise is stolen.
A lintlcr county school teacher numbers
mo g her pninls thliteen jear old ma nud , tha joungest in the sta'e. ' Ale an ol : , the heaviest of his ago in the
: ite.
1 li I ? , & M , t hops at riattsniouth are un-
iul > biH\ . and the force in ail depart-
tuts H stei'llly inciea-iiur. Alar e number
Oinnhi nuchanlca ha\u found employment
The family cf Owen Quinn living near
'olumbus ' hai been terridly afllicted with the
rrnilful diphtheria. Last week three of the
h'ldron , agad 8 , 11 and 10. died , and others
f the family ard down with it.
The olhcial visit of Manager 1'o'ter ' and
lupt. btuiie to I'lattsniouth means much good
u the town. The shops there will bo enlarged ,
mprovel machinery put in and the force
arge y inrrea'ed Tha plans will not bo m -
ure bjloro spring.
The Hon Chas. Sang , v\ho was led into a
w bv Kachel IJeer , of FremoDt , is v\lus-
irgo livtly tuuBB'nco ' a jury of twelve pio-
ouuced him no guilty of ilia charge of being
u uniuthorizcd father.
Frank Lllic , after permitting tha pubhca-
on of his namu a ? witness in a caie ot ' hnal
tojl" bi'ore ' tbe United States land oflice nt
Torth 1'lntt" , demandtd $ L(0 ( of the widowed
la'inant before ho would testify. The case
ent ov er for another tixty dnye.
Chailes Johnson went to Lincoln with § 170 ,
ut up at a cheap hold , fciid OB it was still
heaper to room with a strancrcr than alone ,
e shared hia room with a guileless youth ,
'ha cash an 1 the youth both arose and dc-
arltd ne\t morning bafora Mr. Johnson WAB
Chas. Gate" , aThay r county you'h ' , eagerly
atchad hi pird burnishing an , old , rn ty
ustol , a kicker from away back and loaded to
ho muzzle. His fjco was peppered with
mall shot , which required a doctor several
ours to extract. Charley narrowly escaped
nosVing at the pearly gates ,
Engineers are surveying the Dakota county
lough with a view to its permanent drainage ,
t is proposed to construct a twelve foot canal ,
ivc feet dreo , with n fall of thirty inches to
he mile. Thu length would be four and a
lalf mlleJ , It would drain 4,800 acres ot
land and cost about 51,300.
There was a ntumpado in the Fremont Tri-
me otlico the other day. A package of BUS
liclous loukmg uil was unloaded in the
inctum juet its the nensof the ( hooting of
COBBU arrived. The piclcoge was cautiously
nalyzed by the Majendia of the staff and pro-
ounced wedding cake ,
Line > ln , not contnit with skinning the liv-
ng thronizh legnlativo acts to the benefit of
hat city , wauls to skin the dead. A repie-
; nUt vd from th tt city has introduced n bill
, hut all paupusdving in ubhc institutions
hsll be b"X > d ind slnpppd 1 1 the state uni-
oimty , [ I'latlemuuth Herald.
counties in No-
There are seventy-three -
raska , NfiW8p persaie pubiiclnd in sixty-
ninu counties Cities , towns and vill gas in
which papers are published number 1J ( > , ol
which BUty ore county seat' . Of the i7l
papera which ln er : advertisements pubh-liorl
n the state , 17 are daily , 218 weekly , f ! semi
weekly , and D muithly ,
The Liochen family , of Dodfjo county , is a
irauch of an hue eir Gernuu h , IHH the h ail
if wh ch , Alrp. Martha Joiisfin , celeb1 ated hoi
niiulredtli bimivirsury at Loca , ( iermary ,
'ei'ruary ' 3. The old lady has over 200 of hei
ihildreii , grard children and great gr.indchil <
ill ou now l\ug , uf whom thirty reoido in
Dodjte county. Her oldest child , hO years ol
ige , is living with the old lady , and en joy ;
ixcbllent heiilth.
The number of cattle killed on the U. 1'
oad tl is wintei between North 1'latto nnd
Denver lm b on unusually large , but u special
coming cluwn one 'lay last u-tek clajiped the
iliinax by killing eichty three head , forty
hree of which were slaughtered in ono cut ,
Tha ongiuo wai badly broken up in front , the
[ > ilot tjrn oil , head light fina htd nnd several
if the iron bard broken , hut aim ttn k to th
rack and brought the coach through e.ifely ,
It was an expo'sive trip though for the com-
> any. North 1' atto Tdbune.
The rchldents of Oineva enjoyed a remark
ibla atmospbn I : phenomena one Jay luel
, veck The lleviiw fiais- The peculinutj
wBrf in the fa .t that Fairmont , a town eighl
iles to tbo north cf us , end BO situated b )
the lay of the ground , that it is entirely out ol
eight , but that morning it watt In full view
and apparently on ths I ) ink of the creek onlj
a mile fn in us , The picture was beautiful
perfect , and startling , when it burst upon ui
as wn turned the corner of the ttreet Tin
illusion was BO perfect it seemed tlmt we couli
asi'g ' cauy on a convereatiou with that town
In a few minutes the condition of the atmo *
ere had changed and the picture had van
iahed ,
IXplo-.lon at I'corla.
I'louiA , February 8 Three boi'irs ' in th
starch works of the Fennnich mauiifactiinn
company exploded this evening. Tli9 build
ing , which was badly demolished caught in
and will probably be a total lo-.i > , Sjnie (
tlie boilem were thrown adutancoof seven
blocks , Tuoinen , a fireman , and a water :
man ara n utin ? , but it has been impossible i
ytt to make a ttarcb for them.
Death ol Manager Men ill.
MlLWAlhhli , February 8. S. B. Merrill
manager of tha Chuago , Milwaukee 4.S
Paul railway , died at 12..1) ) thu morning fro
tlis effects of aa Apoplectic utroko on la
Tuesday evening , lie was aged 07 ,
lion and filcol Mill Bunird.
NASHUA , N. II. , February i . The pla
and bar mill of the Nashua Iron * nd Sic
company butnud this motn'ng. '
property kii wai about 810U.005 ,
Wish to announce that they have from this
time marked down ALL GOODS , and wil
for the next 60 days , make a reduction o
10 per cent.
Overcoats , Suits and Pants well made
and sure lit. Now is the time to buy
K *
Wo have the largest and beet stock of Shoo Music Iu the city , comprising Hot
In , Vienna , Potors' "Leipzig" Cheap Edition , Breslau , Meyouco editions.
Small Goods and General Music Merchandise of all Kinds ,
Jewelry of nil designs mndo to ordor. Largo stock of
Diamonds and Fine Gold Jewelry.
arvard Waltham. Elsiir Lancaster and Golumhus Watches
101 and 103 , loth Street , opposite PoatoBica.
L. A
1 Jones Btieet } AS FOB BED CROSS. { OMAHA KEB
Are now offerino *
Tlie greatest bargains ever seen in Omaha
200 ORGANS ! ! 100 PIANOS ! !
Also great reductions in Diamonds , Jew-
elrv. Clocks and Silverware.
g *
The only importers of Havana
and Meerschaum Goods in Omaha.
Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition ,
Sporting Goods , Notions and Smokers' Ar
Startling Reduction in Under wearNeck wear , Eosiery&c
$1.50 Scarfs - - reduced to 50c
7 5 c Handkerchiefs ' * " 35c
T5c Hosiery - " 25c
Kid Gloves " " 75c
$2 - - -
$5 Silk Umbrellas - " $3,5O
Trunks and Traveling Bap's at Cost.