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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1885)
Ib83. ! ' --vK * * \WWiX-SV i2i ' - ; SM g. I * * ! * rne < 1'cln , combli.lng Iron with r < i n.r.gM ! toni'i , n nckly nivl romj'i'ti ' ' rr lly | irpiln , , ! iiilc ! < - tl < iii , \ \ > tii < nc t Hniiiirp | lltnoil , .UiilorlnChills iinjjrev rt tnilciirnl ln. ntf an uiirnlllnc remedy Alitncsi unit Mtcr. It Ii itmluoljlo for Dl rwci 3i > i > iCt , ninl nil who Itnd scilcntnrj nvi. 71 ' "Psnotlnjiirotliotcotli.cflMielicmlnrlrf ' iTo nro coii"tllintloii nthn Iron mnllnnr- , V. enriches ( viul purlflcd the Mood , Mlmuia Jji"iriictltc.nlli tlio avlmllatloti of fooil r > .TVM iicnrtmirn nrid Ue-lrhlng , and Mtij- t. i thr mnsclji anil norvci vi > r Intermittent Kevors , u mlliid < * , I rr. Si < "i'r , A.C. , it has no t-qtinl. Hi- The upmilnc lifts nbo e trni" " m * ' ' ' tT red llripnou vraj'JKT ' Tpk- . At ovl-tr illlOWIKIIlnll'tL et > B tTI11l . < . T fljuQaaispnted In tie BROAD VJSRY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND Ever oiTcroa to llio mibllo. rihj < l for lofanti hat Bated tuanr llred , ' wrllci & ft - n.V.n > crJ// . , fV'S.Uf aldrn ! , litiritlw o 9 / / 'S./U/f fcF 4M4'Mnll. , | BM , _ bj mall for amount In Kamna.O--nookii'rtfr ll rllfl. ' V , > nl Co. . llltln , V ll. HAIBUEGAIEEIOAN PACKET COMPANY. ' Direct Line for England , Trance nud Germany. The steamships of thla well knonn line are built ol Iron , lit water-tight compartments , and nro lur- nlehcd with o < crv requlalto to make the p.-ieai 'c both sale atil axrecablo , They carry the United Stitoa and Huroponn malls , and lauo Now Vork Tbusdnysond Saturdajs for 1'lvmouth ( LONDON ) Chcrbotiff , ( PA1US and IIAMIIUHG. Ilatos : Stccra 'o from Ilamburi ; 810 , to Hamburg $10 ; round trip § 20 First Cabin , $55 , $05 and S7D. Ilonry 1'undt Mark Hanson , F. K. Jtooros.Xr. Tott , Brents In Omaha , aronottcg & SJioontgon , agents tn Council BlufK C. B. 1UCIIAHD & CO. , Uen. Fass. AgU , 61 Uroadway , N. Y. Chaa. Koz- mlnskl & Ca. , Oonoial Western Acent ? , 170 Wash- t. , ChlcaiollL E. Avlctlmof jouthfulliiinrudoncii causlne Prsmatnro Ioe y , Nervous Debility , last Uanbooa , io.Jmvlnf tried in vnln orory known remedy:1-Jiscovereil a Blmplfl ruennsof Bolt-euro , which bo nn'mnil FUEII tobls fellow-Buffororo. AJdiers 3.U.ltiEVEa. Obatbainiit..NawY If A rjIPnPITI ET ramim eura 111 r . ROOK rre * VMnlLiUbL.L.C. cuiiie Ajencr , 100Fuitouat , > t ' DK. E. 0. WUT'S NIRTI AHD BRAm TRIIBUINT , a naranteod Bpoolflo for Uystorla , Diirlnoea , Conval- rions , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Iloadioho , Nervous Ptoetratlon oausod by the ueo ol aJoohol or tobbaeoo , WakcIalacBj , Mental doprcaalon. Softening of the briln , resulting In Insanity and leaping to misery , decay anddouh , Premature Old ago , Baronass , loss ofpowerln cither eez , Involuntary Loaooo and Bpor- ' atorborarausod by ovoroiortlontot the brain , Boll- nbnsa or over Indulgence. Each box , contain ] ono month's treatment , f 1.00 a boior Biz bottlei or BJ.OO , tent by mallprepatd on roculpt of prlM. WE QUAHANTEi : SIX BOXES Zo euro any caao' With etch order received by aa [ or six bottlog. acoompllibid with 85.00 , wo will aend he purchaser onr written guarantee to refund the money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Gnar- kntaeo leaned ou.'y by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. , IT SS.mJto-ry (3392 ( Uadlaon St. . CblcaRO , 111. . , - 1 , ' A b 'f l.ulu lii ( JJCCA I aU Jk KaTIii'BiW'JatWorc'viniimmediatcr ' : < ViS ( ' sVui.r Av'tSS01' ' chronic , urinary an if .rC /y.Wvate disease"onw fc..A % r\ ) S / Glcetandbyphtlisinal their % WPP" fornib , alco al v.'jj.As , 'Kff . d . > . seases of the Skin and i > J3tlK\SV v.Mi > ! Blood promptly relieved nnd permanentlycund by rem.-- _ bjiecluil'ructire. Seminal n ht Los3i. by Dreams , Pimples on ' odJ. jilli-clj/ci ( < re < t T/ier ri. The appropriate rc.r.ed1 vjutonce used in each ueie. Consultations , per- l.nol or by letter , sacredly confidential. Mod. i < jn-'fl bent by Mall and Express. No marks 03 ( tacvaec to indicate contents or sender. Addrest IB CONDUCTED BY Eoyal Havana Lottery I ( A. aOVEUNMENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 12 to 11 Days. PICKETS , lt.00 , HALVES. 11.00 Subject to no manipulation , Dot controlled by tin .parties In Interest , It Is the fairest thing In Ibo mature of ohanco In existence. For tickets apply to 8I1ISEY SCO. . 1212 Broad ; ay. N. Y City ; A. MOLL & CO. , 417 Walnut St. , t. Louis , Mo , or M OTTENS 4i CO , 013 Main St. , ausaj City , Mo. A FINE LINK 0 F THE ONLYESOLU&IVB : IN OMAHA { NEB. feBSS AUtoata nrticrlrtloa cfa iioud irodallik eu ttrtJ. ) Druiclili can 111 It , Addr.n TRAMPS AT THE DEPOIS , THe Effjrls of PfiDmlGSs ROEIIBS li Travel Wittont TicKcis , Anel Loafers M'lio Try th ( r.-\tlcnco ol OIllcltlH The In- format Ion nnd Ij < > st crty Uureau. 1'hiladclphia 1'ren . "I must gn to New Yoik. It is life 01 death with me , " screamed a wild-eyei' wotnnii at the D'oad Street station of the Pennsylvania railroad yesterday morning , forcing herself through thu station mast ct's cilice to the platform , and eluding all the gate-keepers Special Ollicer Miller , who can tell a lunatic a milo oh" , overlook Iti r before she had reached the New York express train , and gently led her out ol the building to the street. "Wo have a good many cases like that" remarked the officer when ho had returned to his post before the bureau of infer mation. "People icsott to all kinds of tricks to pass the gatcnicn and get on the trains. The \vommi 1 just took out is n mild crank , who has bee-n hanging orouiul the station for the past two days , At this season of the year the time of ono or two oflicers is required to keep ttnmpa and roughs out of Jio depot. They fre quently gather about the heaters In great numbers and refuse to move till they arc taken by thonockand pitched out. Ono man has turned up hero at 7:15 : regularly every morning for the past month. Ho stands before the otovo for lialf an hour , and at 8 o'clock I always find him asleep in iho same corne-r of the room , i lend him out after his nap. The next day ho comes back , warms himself , 3ocs to oloop , and after a little time , isaa usual gravely escorted to the door. IIo la a quiet , neat , follow , and I have not the heart to drive him out when ho comes in shivering with the cold. Some of the worst characters in the city drop around to opond the night in the waiting-room \Vo know them nnd lose no time in bust ing them away. If they woroalloweel to remain they would bring out thior whisky jottlcn cud have a merry time. ' ' "Do you find anything olno boaldca tramps lying around in the station1 ? 11AI1IES AS LOST MIOl'EUTY. "Yes , It has not boon long since n iToman , who came hero to meet her hus band who had boon out west for nearly a oar , left her two babies asleep in the waiting room while she wont up to the : ars to greet him. She was so much ; akon up with him and his conversation ; hat she got into a cab and waa driven lalf way to her homo , on North Fortieth street , before eho remembered her off- apring. , She was driven almost crazy with anxiety and humiliation. The driver ; ot another dollar for putting on extra npocd in returning. He made the trip in returning. Ho made the trip in ten nlnutos. When the woman lushed Into ho wnltiiir/ room aho wa * crying , and her tair wai disordered. Her husband , who v.i3 Icaa concerned about the fate of the , wo youngsters , followed , frowning and oproving her. I think there was no lappior woman In the city than that ono vf lion she found both children asloopwhero ho left them. They had waked up mcc , but an officer got them some milk rom the restaurant and quieted them , nucli to the amusement of all tha other joraons In the room. " "Who waa the man that did tha nurs- ngi" "Myself , " said the ofliccr , blushing. 'If yon want to know about other sorts > f lost articles , " he added , "ask my fiicnd icre at the bureau of information. I ook after the lost human items only " "Ihero area great many things left on ; he cars in the course of a year , " replied ho man whose business it is to give moro or less correct information to passengers. 'Every train that comes in has on it some it-tides left it the . on by owners. Every- hing of use or value found on K\ia on heir way to the city , or after their arri val at the station , is turned over to mo. I ittash a tag on them and make an cutty n A book , showing the date and the nuin- jer of the train on which the articles were found. " "How do the owners recover their iroperty ? " GETTING THEIR UMnUELLA. BACK. "Have you got my eilk umbrella ? " de manded a prjtty girl at this point , hrnsting her head In at the window. ihcrj waa an anxious look on her faco. "When and _ where did you lese it and wlut was it like ? " politely Inquired the oflicer , turning to his book. "It is black , and has a silver handle , " replied the girl. "I left it tins morning on the 11 o'clock train from Now York. ' "Hero it is , " and the oilicor handed a neat litde umbrella to its owner , who ; hanked him pleasantly and departed. 'Your question is answered , " ho added , urnlng to the reporter. "All peraona lave to prove t.lulr ownership In the amo way. " "Do rogues over try to got other peo- ilo'a propeity ? " Sometimes they rnako the attempt , ) ut , BO for , always In vain. Nearly everything loft on the carj is called for * The few articles which remain in our )38to9olon are kept for aix months , nnd hen aold by auction. The assottment which cornea into thla oflico is a very miscellaneous ono Umbrellas , hat , bon nets , batkotn valites , books , bottles of whlaky , watches , tooth , hair and clothing Drnahcs , overcoats , waterproof cloaks , [ ans , handkerchloffl , nnraing-bottloa and false teeth are the things most frequently receive J. There have been a good many sots of ialso teeth loft hera within the last year. Pot cata , guinea pige , white mice and song birds have been deserted by their owners In the carj and after warda recovered here. Wo BOO the moat surprising Instances of absent minded- ness. Men frequently quit trains bire- headed and it is by no means a rare thing to BOO passengera step oil a through train without their shoos or with only ono ollpper on , I think there are more nuTons old men who ask foolish eiuoi- tlons hero than there are women. THE IIUIIEAU'S HKCOUD. "Tho Bureau of information was oe- tabllshod in Fobraary , 1882. I kept an accurate account for ono month of the questions which 1 answered each day 1 found that I rapliod to 1,500 dis'inot queues daily , and that at a dull Beaten , The man who dividoa the time with me answers as many people as I. Wo have tipivoall kinds of information about Philadelphia , and to keep accurately in mind the arrival , departure and connec tions of 338 trains. Wo are examined occasionally , and era expected to have al ! of this knowledge at the tips of 0111 tongues. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gfl Twenty.Ono 1'cruona with Tails. London Standard , The diecovory of the tailed tian hai been BO often announced that until ha ii actually captorad , photographed , lion iesd , and duly reported on , we Bhall con lieu ? tkeptical rpeTdlng the "wcll-au the-niicalod statement" of th a interest personage ninnin wild and presumably naked In the wouds e.f Now Britain The f ct that some hxtrcnolj inaccosj mublo a--H h s invariably been selectee for his abode has enabled successive K n- orations of romancers to tomaln uncon- Indicted until they and their story \riri forgotten. Since the famous Lord Men' budilo'n time there have been plenty ol aasortlona which would have boon good enough proof lor a theorist ready to cntcb at any straw , though scarcely wolghtj enough fur olhnologietJ For example , a certain Col. dn Cm-at reprved to the Fdonoh academy that whoc in Mecea fcrty-tht-eo yean no ho saw at the hotiso ol the Emir n "Ohilano" slave named Belial , who had n tail thrco inches long and as flexible ns n monkey's. Unfoitunately , Col du Comet is not generally ndmittcil to have over been in Mecca , though the account nhirh ho gives has to an appre ciable extent been repeated , if not con firmed , by other tellers of wondrous tales. John Struys , a Dutch traveler who visited Konuosa in iff7 , osscited that ho saw in the interior of that island n savage "with a tail inoro than a foot long , covered with red hair and very 1 ko that of a cow , " an appendage which , ho adds , was common to a 1 the inhabitants , and "was the eli'ect of the clima'e. " llonienmn transferred the story to the Ninin-JSiams , who were cvitcntly the people to whom M. elu Cor- ret lefemd. .Again and gain have trav elers in Kthiopia Blinded to iho belief in the tailed men which exists among the Abyssiniuns. Dr. Wo'iV waa quite con vinced of the truth of the story of there being men and women in Abyssinia "with tails liku dogs nnd In racs'1 so ponderous thai they use them as weapons ; and adds that such people also live near China. Dr. Hubscli atliiins that he saw in > 2 , in the Conslautineipla hospi'al ' , to which he was physician , n Niam-Nlam woman with a tail two inches long and a wolfish expression quite in keeping. Dr. llubooli waa a man of good status , though at the time his reputation for strict ndhoicnco to the truth waa not unquestioned by skeptics. In reality , it is now known that Mich deviations Ii'.im thu normal state of matters are by no means unique. Setting aside the story of a child m Newcastle which was born with a tail ono and one-fourth inches Ion ; ? , Dr. Max Bertols , n distinguished Gorman anthropologist , has , witniu the last four ycara , investigated twenty-one well-authenticated CABCS of persons hav ing been born with tails. There is , therefore , no reason for scouting the Idea that men provided with the superfluity in question may exist , since it la on essential pr.nciplo of modern biology that any pecu liarity may become hoicuitary , and that there is a tendency to perpetuate these ac cidental "spurts" for "tho good of the species " In early life the 03 coccygis , or termination of the sacrum which in tlio adult condition is tucked In projects somewhat , and Prof. Krnst fiaockl , who regards there bcncs as on undeveloped tail , declares that there exist rudimentary muscles , the remains of those which ac cording to this somewhat wildovolutionist served to move the tail of our "ancient progenitors. " Unfortunately the sub ject has never yet boon reasonably treated from a popular point of vlow , the idea leading Itself lee much to burlesque or to ridicule for that calm discussion which so grave a possibility demands. It is , In deed so Mr. Baring-Gould tells us a widespread superstition among Devon shire children that Cornlshmon are born with tails , and accoteling to a similar legend , referred to by Andrew Marvel In his "Loyal Scot , " certain men of Kent were afllictodiu like fashion as a mark of the divine displeasure uro at their treatment of Thomas a Bocket'a horsont Strood near Rochester. But , after all , what matttra it ? A tail ia by no moans an nnornamontal superflui ty , A tailoss monkey is infinitely lots pleasant to the eye than ono with a tall , and among various savage tribes this fact is recognized by the men attaching those of wild animals to their dress when per forming any particularly sicrod dances. Indeed , the train of a fashionable young lady , if a great oflicer of state like the lord chancellor , and of the debutante at court may bo referred to as a similar In articulate longing after what nature has omitted to supply. PILES ! PIIiES ! PIMSSI A SURE CUUE FOUND AT uASTI NO ONB NEED WJFXKB , A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching nnd Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr. William's Indian File Ointment , A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No ono need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful sooth ing medicine. Lutlons , Instruments and elec tuaries do more harm than good , William's Indian L'ile Ointment absorbs the turners , al lays the Intense itching , ( particularly at night after ( jotting warm in bed , ) acts aa n poultice , gives mutant relief , and is prepared only for Piles , itching of the private parts , and for nothlno else. Head what the Hon. J. M. Opffinbe. ry , of Cleveland , says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oolntmeut : "I have used scores of Pile Curofl , and it affords me pleas-ire to say that I have never found anything which gave such Immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Wil liam's Indian Ointment. For sale by all drug- and mailed on receipt of price , COo and flats Sold at retail by Kuhn & Co. O. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Agent , Hftnlnn In Australia. SVDNKY , Fobrtiory G In the new South Wales sculling match between Haulon and Clifford , Haiilou won by six lengths. Send to 0. I. Ilood & Co. , Lowell Moss , for a book containing statements of many remarkable cures by Hood's Sar- paiilla. Uptlio Itulllnn , NKW YOHK , Vebruary 7. Hank statement. Iteservo Incrni'u , 81,111,000. The banks now hold 85l'JS5OOU in excess of legal re quirements , Virginia Olty ami Gold nil ] , These places have badly run down since the mines gave out. Houses are empty and dilapidated. Property will hardly Roll for the amount of taxes on it , This is bad busineBJ , and the worst of It ia that there Is no remedy for it. When an overworked busliioea min falls In health and becomes debilitated , It la bad ; but wo can do mmothlng fer him. Brown's Iron Blttora will put him in working order. Buy this bust of tonics of any droggiit. Oito HunUlm , HOJIB , February 6 The Italian exixdltlon consisting of 1,6CO wan ordered to proceed immediately to Sualdm. It is reported 2,000 more troops ore being mobiliztil for service In Egypt. Tim "Worm Urctliml HlrlcturoB speedily cured by our new radical meth ods. Pamphlet , references and terms , two letter stamps. Woild's Dispensary Medical Association , Gi3 ( Main Street , Butlalo , N. Y. NEW YOHK , February 7.-Tho bteamor City ot Chester , arrived thU morning , ri'porU imv < itig pasted the steamer Alaska , fears far whose safety lave been ( titcitained , on the 6th lust The Alaska ww \vtting j iu for Halifax. A DESPERATE DUEL A Figtt Belmn Bratabii on a frying Train , Two Men Mnilly In Iiovo AVIIh One * Girl A Hut tie from ( lie O l > ooso to tlio Cow-catcher. Lender. "I've got yon at Ifist. Now I'm goine to kill yonl" shouted Brokomon Tom Drady , firlni ? full in the faoo of his follow brakcman , Frank Morrison. A freight train on the Denver it lllo Grande rotul wna ju&t iiulllngotit of n sldo truck station between Denver and Ssh Lake ami two bi-dkomon nml a pRBactgor named Wllllnms wcro I ho only occupants of the cnboeuc. The words nbovo quoted preceded n novel and thtillii g encounter. Alter his arrival In Salt Lake Wiilla-ns le'atod thu particulars ti a Piillmim con ductor , and lant evening a reporter on thu L-ador Uatned the facts frtra that dll- cial. cial.Tho adventnro occrm-ad last Thursday , but as It has never appeared In ptiut , it will no doubt Interest the readers of the Loidcr. It aeoins that for three months both men , who are line looking , drossy joung fellows , have been visiting a young lady and bad blocd had boon engendered Wordy wars have boon of frequent occur- ancp , and when they parted at the charm er's gate on Sunday night last each vowed to kill the other on eigat. Urady's shot missed its Intended mirk , and Morrison , who is the larger ami stronger of the two , grappled with hU aaeniliint. A short sharp struggle took place and Brady firad again , this time hitting Mor risen In the foiehoad , plowing a deep lur row through his face and oiuamg hit faca ' to bo covered with bloo'd. Tha wounded man fell to the floor stunned , but immediately recovered , and , seizing the revolver which 1'iMdy had dropped as ho turned to fly through the scuttle in the top of the caboose , fired , wounding Brady in the shoulder. Maddened with pain , and blinded with the ensanguined fluid that covered his face , Morrison staggered to his foot and sprang up the ladder in pursuit. Beady had juat reached the next car when Morrison climbed through the hatch. Ho fired again , but the bullet sped wide of Its mark , and Brady con tinued his flight over the tops of the cars , followed by his avenging Nemesis , who still had ono shot loft in his revolver. Brady stumoled and fell iUt upon thereof roof , nud Morrison reached him : i3 he arose , but dropped his revolver , and clutched hia antagonist by the throat. A frightful struggle took place In mid air on t/p of the rushing train. From cido to stdo the men bwayed in their death struggle , fighting , caraing , biting and gouging each other , until Mor risen , with a supreme effort , raised his foe and throw him with all his might , falling backwards himaoif from his exer tion , But Brady caught the brake wheel and saved himself from falling between the cars. Regaining his feet ho rushed toward the engine over the tops of the cars , jump ed down on a flat car and clambered up on top of the next box car , still followed by Morrison. By this time the engineer and coneluc- tor noticed the men running toward the tender , and the former shut oil' his steam , thinking something might bo wrong. Brady leaped upon the tender , dashed into the caboose , through the window and out open the footboard alongside the boiler. Morrison followed , hnrl'iig a lump of coal as ho sprang through the window. The men again grappled on the foot board and hammered one another , each ono striving to hurl ths other to the ground. Tims they fought their way out upon the cowcatcher. The engineer reversed his lever and brought the train to a stand still , but not before the madmen had rolled oil' the cowcatcher into a ditch be- sldo the track , where they both lay sense- lesa. They were picked up and put to bed on board the caboose and their wounds attended to. The authorities were not informed of the fight , and as both will recover it is probable that neither will be arrested. They were taken to private rooms at Salt Lake and when thu conductor loft that city both men wore in a fair way to recover , although Morrieon will carry a scar on his forehead as a souvenir cf his desperate battle. A F AMD US "jUlXIG ATION. itcuvccu 1 wo MIIwanlct-cjuiH That Lasted Thirty Yearn. Nashville American. There haa juat died in Milwaukee a re markable character named John J. Ortou , Uo waa a lawyer of great ability , and a man univoraulity respected , but nla lifu UBS eo full of uccrbiiiesthat it sometimes seemed as though he had no frieudo. With an exterior as rough and hard aa the rocks he waa nevertheless kind' hearted and sympatlmtic , and his good deeds were numerous. Ho seemed to take de light in exposing tha rough corners of lila nature to public contact , and never appeared to care for the good or ill opinion [ cf the world. Wbilo justly celebrated as a lawyer , Mr. Orton gamed great notoriety as a litigant. lie was a paity to one of the fiercest legal baitloa over fought In the United States , and the history of that conflict will bo remembered IOP alter hit more legal reputation has boon lorgotten. In 1861 Mr. Orton came into the pos session of a water power on the Milwaukee waukeo river , and at the same time Josiah A , Noonun became the owner of a paper mill near by. Noonun was very much the eatno kind of a irian as Orion , lie was of violent temper and great pertinacity and had a disposition which tilted htm a good deal better for a fight than for anything ohe. The previous owner * of the paper mills had made con tracts with the previous owners of the water power for a given number of years. Over the fulfillment of these agreement * Orton and Noonau had n falling out right away , and after they had vainly en deavored to rnako each other come to terms , Noonan began fifteen suite against Orton in ono thy for broach of contract , trespass , etc. Orton responded by having Noouan arrested for forgery , libel and fils ? pretenses , and then entered ten or twelve civil suits against him for dimayeF. All this was dent ) In a few days. Everybody waa laughing over it , knowing the character ot the two men , bat no ono supposed that the fight begun thsn would last more than a gen- eritlon. Both of the litigants employed the test Uwywr , in the state and as time wore on u d suit followed suit , almost every law yer of prominence in Wisconsin was on- gazed on ono side or the other. The va rious caeca were tried end. retried , ! ' . . . l < e < icd And fHC'sod nni to'tlr-l. It by hutcoriio mft < 8 I Iho wr-intcf it < t > ono t > rt i ulnr cate. ho \ * "iild immediatily be JIM sr < nher sui of t"ino kind , | icrh v" Inlf a den cf them. Thus inut-ia ilranid ; nloiiR for twenty years , the llti atiui lutnberltg up all the coutti and makii g business tor half the lawym In tha state1. Noonan was a man of prjpor- y when the suit began , and for n tr/nd nnny yenn thcreifte-r ho mndo mi ney rapidly , but after awhile the expenses ol Irs ln\\suits \ became eiiormonr. lie s toi | 'iinl and too stubborn to jiold , aix turiiiiii all Ir's revenues Into the hat ds > ' bis numerous attorneys ho presjed on. About t.-n years ago , when ho hrd be come ti-ri tuly involved , it was thonithi tint a settlement could bo arranged , but Matt II. Carpt liter , in a casual conversa tion with Noonan , hold out a faint hope tint ho might yet beat Orton and the main suits wore thereafter ptessedilh the greatest vigor. Noonan niid'Orlon were now old men. A generation had come on the stage which could not remember a time \\\ivn \ the court ele'ckets did not contain four or five entries of "Otton vs Noonau , " or "Nt email v.i Oiton " was a bankrupt t nd n man who from having been at ono time the dcnwcralic Warwick of the Northwest hid become simply a ira scible old chap whom nobody paid much attention to. Otton rota tied his law practice and had something of an income , but his peculiarities were marked. Fin ally in 1880 some of the main suits went against Noonan , and the old niniiJJ haung no more money let i ho others go. Dm ing the tli tty yo-rs of litigation ho h d begun mere than 100 suits , and had spent liun- die-ds of thousands of dollar * . lie was now a physical and financial vreck. lie went toVa hington and secured some humble employment in the de partments front republicans win lnd known him as the friend of Marcv , Jacksjn , Van Buren and Buchanan. There ho failed gradually , and finally showing signs of n brain trouble ho wna taken homo to dio. llo passed away aa quietly in 1882 ns though his life had bean one of poacj Instead of overlbstlng warfare. When Orton hoard of his eld antagon ist's death ho wrung his hands and excl - cl Mined : "Impossible ! imposoible What shall I do ? They are all going ; all going. My occupation is gone,1' The old man lingered until this week , main taining with great poreiatoticy bis out ward appearance of ugliness , but showing to his more intimate friends a kindly spirit. In speaking of Noonan a few daysbe'oro his dca h , ho said : "Ho waa a bravo fighter , but ho iriod to rob mo , d him , and 1 beat him.1' About the last words of poor old Noonan relative to Ortou wore to the same effect. "A G el scoundrel , sir , " aaid Noonan referring to the man whom ho had fought for thirty yearj. Aches and pains are all cured raadlly by the outward application of St. Jacobs Oil. NAMES OV NATIONS. Xho ncrlvntlotiB of the NninoH of the Prinolpul European Countries. Messenger. These are derived frincipilly fram some peculiar caueo or object. For in- i-tnieo , Ireland which Julius Ca > 3ar first called Dibernia Is a kind of modifica tion of Erin , or the country of the west. Scotland , from Scotia , a tribe which originally came from Ireland. It was anciently called Caledonia , which moans a mountainous country forests acel lands. Portugal , the ancient Lusitanh , was no named from a torrn on the llivcr Douro , called Gale , oppofita to which the Inhabitants built a city called Porto or Oporto , And when thocountry was recov ered from the Moors , the inhabitant ! combined the -werJs and called it the kingdom of Pcrtucalo ncnco Portugal. Spain , the ancient Iberia , from the river Iberiaa or Bispania , from the Phiuniciau Spaniga , whicli signifies abounding with rabbits , which animals ore very numerous in that country hence Spain. Fiance , from the Prank ? , a people of Germany , who conquered that country. Iffl ancient name was Celta , Gaul , er Go.Ua , Barechatta , the latter signifying striped breeches , which were trornby tee natives. Switzarland , the ancient Helvetia , was so named by the Austriaus , who called the itliabitunda of thcEo mountainous count ies Schwoltzei-3 Italy received its present name from a renowned prince called Itolus. It was called Hcsporla , from it ) woatera locality ityHolland Holland , the ancient Batav' ' , a warlike people , naa so named from tun German word hopl , the Krgtish of which ia "hol low , ' implying a very low ountry. The ubabUanla are called Dutch , from the jferman dcutsch or toutsch. Sweden and Norway were anciently called Scandinavia , which the modern Hiillquarhns think means a country .and wooas , whli'h have been burned or des troyed. The appellation Sweden is de rived from Sintuna or Sulthood , the native termNorwayor thenorthorn way , explaining itself. Prussia , from Pcnxitj a Sclavonic race int some writers suppose it took itj name 'rent Rtusia , and the Sclavonic syllable ) o , which means adjacent or near. Denmark moans tha marches , territo ries or boundaries of the Danes. Russia ij the ancient Samaria , which iaa been subsequently named Muscovy. It derives its present name from Ilussl , a Sclavonic trlba who founded theRns - ilan monarchy. The original savage in- mbitanti us.d to paint thtir bodues , in > rdor to appear more tumble in battle. They generally lived in the msontains ind their chariots- were their only hiblta Turkey took ita name from Mio Turks or Turcomans , which signifies wanderers , and originally belonped to the Sc > tlilanu ) r Tartars. It ii unmotinua called the Ottoman Empiso , Ollmmi , ono of their principal leaders. Thu French In China 1'Aitis , Vermwy 7 Oficial rtejpatfhea from Tonrjt ia tatoa the Vranuh fen e * on the \vayto Lanfjscn r.itinetl | ) an deUchment of Chinese tropia tin renched In cam | > at l > < > rn Sniiff. The French c.imcJtlca wern ellght. The to linrigBonj it 1)1 ) be continued with out delay. The LONDON , February 7. - Tlio iwlico found a. pajtir In Duiton'n hicrape ; which contained a tilaa i > f the RraiuAiloorof tlu ) ] > nrllninent build- IDJ8. A di-tectivu Is about to Bt.itt for the United States to ecok infurinatinn concur Cunningham , DorT JlOMK , February 7. Michael ] X vItt , on arrh ing lust Thursday , went to the KnRli h hotel , but waa obliged to seek other quarters because the Kapllsh RUoaU refused to alt at tlie HSHUJ table with him. Smoka Se&l of North OaroHnn Tobw o Q Rhciinialism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago. Backache. Hcad.ii tic , Toolhaclm. Norc Thronf .Nurll ltts , Sjirn In v.tlriilM'v , Iltiriio , .Si-nliK. I'l-uol lilies , ( Mi ut. IITIIIII iiiinm rim \ MIII-H. fV'l II ) Uriikjj.i. , : , IP , ! . , , rr linje.i.iH.i. IM. . l > u I Kin 11 1,1 , i k . TIII : on vui.r.H \oori.iit : rti. ( < n < yvl tlla V. tOUELLRJtCO ) IMIImotf , JIJ. , I. S. t. A gltl III my employ h i boon rmcil ol constitu lonM scrolula by the of Snl't's ' Stioclllp. ,1 , ( ) . Me IMMCI , , AlUtoonn , On. n eentlcmixn Is the ffttncr of the eio\croor o n. ) V nilcrlllt's millions rnuld not buy fromtncwba SwIlt'sSpcelflo 1ms ilono for mo , It ctircil mo o ecrofula ot IDf.iis' ftUmllnR , UH.H. Hi.iZ-MiRili IHKEP , Acwotlh.On. TETTI'.U After eiilTcrln ; ; with Tetter for cli-vct \oarp , Anil haxlnv All nnrtK of troatnicut , 1 w s re Ilex ea cntirclj b > Swltt'a Srcclllo. L. II , IKK , BiH8onOa. SNATOHIUFKOMTHKOItAVK-I n.ii lircnirli to dcAth's < ! oor l > v n roinblrntlmi of < rzcm * urn erjsliiclss , frmnh rli 1 1ml snlleroil for tliieo jenra \\'nf trcntcil by ecxertl | liylrlixnB "Illi 'oiilno pntni ( him , xxhleti HPclnnl to fml the ill'cpsu. I Ime been cutej Biiunil ninl xuMI Ij tlio u-o of H lt' ' Hpccino. .Mr.s. SAUAII 1 ! . Ti IINKK , llumbulclt , linn. Svxllts Spfclfln lacntlielyxcijotnble. Trcatlcooi nlooil nnd Pliln Dl'otica mailed fciu TIIK SWIFT Si nine Co. , Urn crS , Atlanta , O1 * . oMTiO W..lcl St , New York. trrlttpn yHnrantrn " t-rrt-j/rnwo iJt-fTrt-fnfcctt. d t < > AJdre , E- % i .iitJti ; , ju. ij.gibt u ttl. Clark I n . Ir I. 017 St. Chnrlcs St. , St. Louis , Mo. rrgulnr gradu&tc or two Me'llcal ' Colleen , tint livoti longrr tnjriiped In ttiox pcliiltrcntrucDt of O unn nnd IIIOOD Ii.ii.tith n ny other ftij.lcln ! tri ho\f end nil old rrsldent knm Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mcntrl end Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other " lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , " ' ' ' old Sores and Ulcers , am treatc.i . with tucto * . , on lautffel < > ntille principle. , fa'elv FrUatciv , Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , uMrh produeo acme or the rollo ltiK cOifUl mnoinue , . , tlcMlilr , dlmnt a of ljll nil dtfeetltg memory , rlmplcira ilio face , fUj ilfal ilc-caj , nlPr lontotnt * oelflj or femalM , ronruiiUa orllta < , et rendering Marrlneo Imprancr or unhappy , are * , I'aiuphlettJi ; ta esrntlio ) aVofe.RciiA uicalril cu\elopc , rrcolci nn.r ndilnii. Con ullntloaat e ( Dec or u/ mall free , nmllnvllf , ! . Wrllo for qucitloni. A Positive Written Guarantee Blvc In all enrableeaiei , iltdlclnMrcot cvcrrnhcro. Tamph-en , Enpllah or Gorman , 04 pacoa. do. Jcrlblnz obovo dlaeuncs , In nialo or female , 1'ilEB. MARRIAGE GUIDE ! XWrngrj , Onerl'ti-n. IllnitratM la cloth and jilt blmllnc. onc.moncTorro'tase ; anioi.npor coicn , SV. THi l , ok eoutalua alt the curious , ilouljtrul or InuuUltlTC vant tno . A took orcrat lut nut to aa Ucaili. U ai - ' - -Uvl-rtort JI-STTi'lU l.ISIIt.ll , l > _ Iiauit"om l1' luinlllatfd TIIi.VTlSi : ON Hl'.t.V IlCVI'.I.OI'.lll T nv Till' Ki-n.VI.i : DUST. " colorej anatomical rlat , fullKiiilanatlonm Jlcal opinionetc. Bliowathat tniileTttop tlor Bhrunkrn coutlttlon la abnormal aod no- ticaltby , how to nlargo tn full and proptr proportloni. Bafe , iln'pln , atm ilutcl ; certain. ( Oilier portions ami mem- tori < le > cloi'fl lij altnllar j'roroin. ) A copy or ttili Tain- lbo ! t > ookuiallcilluaealelenT loporor20ctfl. AddreeB f. ti. Drawer IIS. IUJPFALa. n. 1t\ \ IJiiriry BLOOD.'rc'cti- - l.itn tUo P.IVUR uii'l XIDWEVC , atul It. uiui : TIIK IIKAJ Tii nnd VIOOH of VOUTIt. V- ' Want of Apiielllo , iu cnri'd. Iso.'s , iiiiiicli'sainl n < rL s n .tlvo in w luri-i * . ll\Lin tlio lulnil and D-ip.llt3 | I'ralii I'O LT. Kniii-i lim Iroin cuniplalntB -i. iai. ' ir IK.-V III I'ltl'll ) tlll'lt * Bl X M'.i d In UK. Et .3 IXS'S UtON TONIC t unJn neil Oily cure. .Htl ct. a. i-lcar , ljeJ..tliy coniplrilon. ' - ' T * 'lim a'H ' 'rciUcnt | fitl 'iiif ts at < the nniiiilarltv in ihuorlcliial. loiiut iiii rit ntctiliu omi.iNAt. AMI IIIMT. HcOlyoun Idri > pslo'lh l > r. llHrlvrMeiLOa V St.l uls , Mo. , for our "HHEAM UtTOH. " 11 I , Vi llor vtraniM"nf' - 'Jl In itOR frvm.Jr I Pilsner. . . . . . v . . . . , . . * Bohemian . . . . . . . - . . - . . . . .BrRmon , DOMESTIC. Bad-S7oxaor Sfc , "Louis. ALnhausar. . - & * Louis. Best s. . . . Milwaukee. Schlitz-Pilsner .Milv/aukao. - . - . . . S.rcE73 ; , . . . .0raaiin Ale , Potter. Donostic and Rhine Vine. VI ) . MATJEER. OF AHA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY CROUNSE'S BLOCM , Capitol Avenna , treats all ctiei Clip plod or l > ef oiinod aUo dlscasaj el ( t Korvous System , Throat , Lungs and Urinary Organs Ourratoriol the HpUe , Crooked Foot Ugi and Arme , Dl&woa ot th * lltp , Knee , and Ankle Joints. Also UJiroulo affections of the Llref llhoumatlsui , I'trtlv , ) , Tllcg , Ulcora , Uttarrh , Aeth ma and Bronchitis are all trc td by niw and B O. 9 aeful methods , All diseases ot tnu Blood and Urin ary Orcini , Inelu-llngthoso jMultInK from lac Itera tion , or exposure , are ealJlj uid euoceaefuUy triatcd Youni ; men , middle KW , and old men suffering from Weaknwi and Nervous exhaustion , prwlucink .uaiKOstlon.FulpltatloncI the Heart , Uomondonoj Dltilncw , Lt of llemoiy.lAok of Kncrjcy and Am bition , cat t restored to btaltb and rlK" , It COM Is Dot It t lone ncjflectod. The Hurs-ooj In charge was pruUdont ol the Nortbwt t rn Buriflcal Iiistl- tutu tjul Buriteon < J tha National Bualtal Irutltuto , If aJUIrtwl , call oi write ! ull debUlpUM of your ewe , ad modlalne mky be sent yow. Consultation fr > . Addres ' Omaha Dispensary , Crounat Block , Omaha , H b. Office hour ) 10-1H * . tv. , 1-1 a 7-8 p . m BotHari.10 * m. Uewaro of all traveling t ttltWa have ntrtt * fiend l9r clrnil r The remarkable growth ci Omahn during the last low yosrs IB mattet of great astonishment to thosn who pay an occasional visit to thla growing city. The development of the Stor Yards the necessity of the Bolt Lint , Rosd the finely pnvod ulroota the hundreds of now residences and costly bnnlnons blocks , with the population of our city more than doubled in the last five yearn. All thl la a great surprint ) to vhltoro And la the admiration of onr cltlcous. Thla rapid growth , the bnalncsa activity , nnd tha many eubitimtlal Improvemouta madn a lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every invcaten hao made n hundooma profit. Slnao the Wall Street panto Nay , with the cnbsonuuat cry of hard lltnes , there haa been Ices demand from iipoculn- tora , but a fait demand from Investors aooklng homos. Thla latter claoa ars taking advantage of low prices In bnlld- ing material nnd are securing their homoi at much leea coat than will bo possible a year honco. Speculators , too , can bay real octa * a cheaper now and ought to take ad-rant. ) o of present prices fox futurt pro t ; . The nest few yunra promises greatoa developments In Omaha than the pant ti vi years , which have been aa good ai wo could reasonably doolro. Now man- afactnrlng catabllohmenta and lar o job bing honaoa are added almost weekly , nd all cdct to the prosperity of Omaha. There are man ? in Omaha and through- but the State , who have their money tn the banks drawing a nominal rate of torost , which , if judiciously Invented I Omaha reel citato , would bring thorn much greater returns. Wo have manw bargalne which wo ore confident will bring the purchaser largo profits In th * near future. We have for sale the finest resi dence properly in the north mid western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reason able prices on Sherman avenue , ! 7th , I8th , 1'Jth and aOLh streefca. West on Farnarn , Davenport , Cumiug , and all the leading streets in that direction. The grading of Parnnni , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Faruani , the pro perty in the western part of the city will increase in valun We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper- by in the south part of the city. The levelopments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company mid the railroads will certainly double the orico m a short Hmn. Wo also have Home fine business lots and some elegant inside resi dence ? for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find aorne good bargains by calling u 313 South 14th 8t , 13 oi fopu. Farnhanj and P. S. We nak those who have property for flale. at a bargain to jive as a callWp r/ant ortly bargains We will posit'.roly not handle prop artv at more , than its real value.