Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1885, Image 1

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The Senate Books ton 3-ufint Bill for
Next Wednesday.
A Similar Measure Passes the
House Without Opposition ,
Two Moro Important Bills Intro
duced in the Senate ,
The House Improves its Reputa
tion Qab and Grab ,
The 3-Oent Passenger Rate Bill
Passes the Senate ,
Another School liiind Whines AVIio
lini'vv Nothing Oilier KCIIIH
or Interest ,
Sroclal Corri'9pondencu to TIIK BKK.
1.1NCOIN , February 7. Two bills were In
troduced in the senate tills morning , ono by
Mr. Smith of Lincivster , requiting that all
animals dying of infectious dlseaso bo burned
or buried. This lawn demanded by many
farmers where cholera infected bogs nro
hauled across the country and converted into
lord. The disease ia spread by the trauipor-
tatlon. Tha other bill was introduced by
Sunator Clark nud u nearly the same as Kep-
resentatlvu Bninncr's bill authorizing a rail
road and warehouse cominiision.
The subject which attracted the most at-
tcntion from the senators waa the thteo cent
milcnga bill. It was rea 1 the third time and
caino up for final paseaga when Mr. Burr
moved to recommit it. This brought out the
opposition of Hen Uor.1 McAllister nnd Sncll ,
both of whom cluimod that the bill had been
under cons ! lor.V.lon long enough , aud should
be put upon its paeea u Senator Djy op-
poiod it .11 being a measure to gain ticno , and
thus the mujtiuro altogether. Hastings
was favorable to postponing and considering
the bill toeether with the ono introduced by
the railroad committee n few days ago To
tlm end ho made a motimi. Severn ! other
amendments , motions and substitutes were
run Jo till the b < > y found ilsclf In
a tangle , from which it took an
hour t > extricate itself. An effort was made
to have the two bills a special order for Tues
day morning , but thin was obj cted t > by
Ohaminn Sovvmsof the railroad ommlttec
on thi ground that the ruli K allowed cninmit.
tees four days in which to repoit. Tim vvaa
HUfltalnod by 1'r siduut Howe and after cou
Biderablo discussion on parliamentary ti3-v7o
thu two above mentioned bills wore hualhj
made the special oidi rfor next Wednesday a1
10 o'clock. The railroads now hive fun
warning and if tnry c.i i delay the bills a few
da > H in Ilia house will bu all right. Nexl
Wednesday ia the ivttii'y-Mxth ' day of I In
session nnel it will not tequtio any great olToi' '
to keep the bill in the hoii'o two weeks Tin
Konato ndjournoi till 1 o'clock Monday.
in io
Sjtecial Corre'pondonco to Tin : BIE. :
LINCOLN , February 7. After the customar ;
Introductory ceremonies this morning til
homo proceeded to business.
Mr. Stov ensoii came up smilinp with a reso
lution that a cumiuittto bo appointed to viai
and report on the asjlutn for feeble minded a
Glonvvood , Iowa , with the view of establish
Ing a Mimlar institution in Nebraska. Th
resolut'on win ad ptcd.
The speci il order of the day was eallcl fo
and the houuoviint into committed of th
whole , with Mr , Hjovillo in the clmr. Th
bill uudor aa U u r II No. 2 (
counties and umniy officer ? . This bill as re
ported tj the houui prmJdH that all claim
again&t a conn y BI ill be vaulted on alhdvil
nud ihst when .my claim is ilmillowetl th
cluimnut may appail viklun sixty cliy * . Th
taxp > r may nppn il ngaiti't any c .uni with !
twenty da } 8. This is as thu bill hit
boon reported by tha judiciary commitlc
A long elHcU'Hion of an nature fol
lowed on tlu IJIUHIIUII of elujs. a do/9
iimeneinn nts at loiit helncr submitted t
cliuuird tlm number Mr. Troupe and Mr
llarlun explained the bill and Hbiaial men
lt'M ) h id spoken , wh ( n it diiwni1 J upo i Mi
Varner thin the c nnmlttio did not unilei
eta d its object imd he Bought to put tinny
stiattfht. Ou hi 4 resuming hU the bitua
turn vuis ninrs confined Hum whou ho nron (
An attempt u hero made to ereatoKUi
pi i\ fill disorder as wis enacttid jc'ituJa
iifternoin , but Mr Seville was not to L
tampered with and ha soon stepped tli' ) gun
of frohcs.miu members. Tlio bill as it reac
iiluvo was ovonuully rupmtml to the house.
The speaker rcc ived the rt port vl the c im
mittea of the whols. Durum the pmc-eiliiu
ho repoi.Udly Iml to cill for miirn order as i
was impo slblo to heir whut was going 01
lint compa'-atlve tiltncH must never be e :
pact'nl uhilii autograph gn hirers phnto rai
peddlers and others if a like ntture are allot
ed on the Moor at the tun 3 the house is
At 11 ! o'clock the linns ? took a rrcecs mil
2'M , aftfr nn attempt hid been made to a
mini until Mouduy next.
I < tsvoiv , KoSirtury 7. 'Ihe senate did n
convene this f turnout The first businens
the homo was a resjlntion by Mr. Halo ton
point another competent person who n u
assist in pla ing bills on the general hie.
tabled on the motion of M' . King ,
Tno spaiker now announced the third rea
ing of bills urnl Imuso roll 231. The thro
cent a milo passenger rate bill vva * broiig
up. Tha vo'.e showed 78 a < ain t n thing ai
It wai declared pH < od. Konalii lilo 5 < J , ullo
irg trust DM of instltutioiiB the piwer
changing their names , wan read a third tii :
And pas. ) id , The couinntteo on comity KOI
and county towns reported sU lulls lion
rolll II Hi , ( ! 8 , DO , 18S and L'1'3 , the first on
riceiving the recommoudatlou that It
Tha rojwrt of the live stock and gra/ii
committee conslttoi of ouo bill huusa b
111 with a iiuiiimiiodatinn that it do pi
Thla api o-irs to ben lull of an extraordma
nature. It provides f r the appoiutment ol
itaU * voteruiiiry surgeon , vvith a aaKry
Sa.fiOOa > ear , vJio thill bi endowed withe
ceptioual POHOIJ. Ho will ho at lllwrty
visit a firm or inspect a herd of cattle a
dec do whither or n ihn herd is hiilferl
from an on lemlc If he thmki 10 ha m
irdi'r tha i < tlrt < her deetrojtd and tlia ktu
v\i 1 ba cuflod upu to piy the owner t
damiigo arUing fr m lass.Vonuvexpect
an o.rly date to h ar of a bill Introduced
which the etnterfilull cuuipensatA a man wh (
IIOIHO lus \ tvntuiutor \ otherwise destroyi
1'rovidiog udulv apiioiuted inapeotor arnv
nn thu scsno before tljo de oaUon ! was coi
plate The comtm' eo on tmnej and miner
reported for paoa e II. It 170. A bill 11
vuilni ; for a stata p ologic l inrvey. T
following committees aUorewrted | furpaieaj
Citie * and Towns K 1 { . Ulland 2Vo.
Ho d ard Bridges II , 11 30 ,
ClUlintH. U. 24
llaveuua ami Taxation H. 11 , 254.
A motion to adjouin until Monday at 4
wf a now made by Mr. Xew coiner. It v
amenJulby v'r ' Olmttoad to read , Tuo di
' : Mr. Kiel moved that It ba tabl
which WM curiiod
On the motion of Mr. Xrttlr ton tlie ho
went Into cominitteo of thu whole with 1
clulr , Hone roll -II aod
were considered without debata and ordered
to I * reported to piui.
The next bill considered wa housa roll 80
which provides thtt nil university matrlcul.i
tion foci now In the hands of the itato trsis-
tirer shall bo appropriated for the support of
the univrrslty nnd ttate normal school llb-tir
les. The bill patted through the committee ,
after a few grammatical amendment * , and
progress was reported.
On the speaker taking hit place , Mr. Olm
stead asked It to he recorded on the journal of
the house. That ho being absent on ccmmit-
too work dining the bill on the 3 rent pasnn
ger fitto till , ho wished his vote recorded aye ,
and In support of the bill. His request was
grunted , and his vote recorded ncordlnply
.Several votes were now taken on moti ins to
ndjourn , the hou o oventunlly elecidirg to resume -
sumo business at'.hSO on Monday inormm' .
Tlio l.iuul
Henry Belle , the Omaha grocer , wai ex-
auined ns to his knowleel of school land frauds
thii morning. Ho said ho Iml never leased or
purchased any school lands and knew nothing
of any ftaud' , crookedness or iiregtilantles
connected therewith. Ho said he was at one
titno approached by Kdmund Pcycke as an
agent of Kudolph Dorn and n proj ositiun
mndo to take him into the sjmllcato for $ l'JSO ,
and ha was niruicd that there W R m > ncy In
leash g echool lanrlg. Ho refuseelto join the
ayudfcite. No other witoo-ses were e-namlned
and the committee adjourned till Tuesday
Special to thoBKK.
LINCOLN , February ( ! . Thr-houso assembled
this afternoon at tlnoo atidimmodlatcly went
Into commit eoof the vvholo t ) consider Rome
of the bills th t hod been reported by the
standing committees at the mnrnlug sitting.
The firsttakeu was house roll No. 20 , n bill
intended to prevent immorality and viiit-
inglhousos of id fames Mr. Howard , of Clay ,
introduced the bill and supported It at some
Mr. Stnvenson di J not for a moment doubt
thu good intentions of the persons responsible
for the bill , but ho had heard it said tlmt
"Hell was
Mr. Newcomer thought that this bill was
p nmotad In thu interest ) of the railioads.
Mr , Kalevexulamed that tha bill \v.u ee-nt
back from thu judiciary committee with n rec
ommendation that it do not pi's. Un'er
theti ) circumstances he should move n similar
recommendation on its report to the hen n.
This motion was adopted and liouso roll -6
wan brought before the committee for consid-
Thu is a bill relating to procedure in the
probate court ? . Nobody eeeincd to know or
care luything about what was going on ex
cept Mr. Pete'rson eif Burt. lie , however ,
voted on it ns < d amidst the clatter it was
passed through tha committee.
The next was house roll 28 , mtr ducei by
Mr. Peterson anel reining to justices of the
peace. It had , however , thu advantage of a
favorable report from the judiciary commit ,
tea. It went through the committee
of the vvholo without _ comment' , Dnrinp
the proceedings on this bill tbe action of some
members Denied to ba doveited rather to uddc
log confusion to the already confused state
of the chui man than to the sections of thi
bill under consideration , Without w.itcMiif
wh it was froiuz on they would either put at
amendment or move ibat somethnu out o
order 1)0 done. 'Iho clubman not being ai
expert at parliamentary proceeduro was euuti
at 11 l -f ' to know what to do , Ho oventuallv
however , decided that the bill should hi
repjrteel to tlm house as amended.
House r 11 31 , n b 11 10 ! it ing to tha pay o
jurors came hrf ire the c mini tee forconsielcr
iitinn. The judiciary committee had can
dunned this bill but Mr Holmes called it up
Mr. ltd y opposed tha bill in stiong term
and with considerable force.
Mr. Troupe did thu sumo.
Mr. Mi ler vv.u heard to remark "Itfcomi
to mo , " tha lest bemi
lost in thu noise which prevailed
Mr. Kmerfon who always el es e\erjttim
on general principles , e-uiipoitul this bill fo
Iho same reanpn. Mr. Kaley was string n
his denunciation of tha bill. Again CODS dor
able confusion prevailed in thi committee s
tha1it was iu possible to cat h en i\i Mr. Bas
petl dtscubnd it However , it vvus uvotituall ;
said i h.t the bill vvr.s to be reported to tli
h use with tha recommendation that it do no
pass. The committee now roao and reportci
to the li nine , the chairman evidently delighted
lighted th it ha lud lived so long anel survivci
mich an o elral.
On tha speaker taking the chair tha clrr
rep rted thu work of Urn committeo. Mi
Howard inalo another ttand fcr his bill I
It 20 , but Mr. llico moveel Unit the vvhol
thing bo tabled. Thu list wis tailed and th
result was ( il against -1. Mr 11 cUey h r
atked to change ) his voti explaining uiuids
great laughter i hat ho thought hu was votln
for a rallroid bill. Tm'd concluded the busi
ness of tha day nnd at b-60 the hou > u ac
journed ,
nn : ci : ) i' iiii' ( > KT.s
vim.i.M v.
llANHOLril , Vn , , February 8. Hariiso
commissioner of aciicul'.uro , sajg ; "I hav
the ollicml figure ) from all portions of tl
state , anel find tin acreage fully thirty JH
cant short fiom last year. '
llcpardlng the condition mnco my last r
port , advices from the southwest portion <
the etato rope rt that wheat is being almost a
destroyed-"winter killtcl. " From what
huvo soon and heard within Iho last few day
thu pro pict for vvhrat ia worse than it h ;
been su.cti ISu'li. Tlio prin-Jpal canst ) is alte
nate fice/Ing and tluwiug , with madequa
protection from snow.
kKK , February t. S. W. Ta
m in receipt of the following late i
f01 mation in regtrjs thu area con Jition m
prospects of thn u in ter whout crop , the r
eluced nrea is 'JO to TO per ceiit , the condltn
of the crop is not up to tin standird. Tl
damage is by nurects and xuveia weather.
The nhont area is ten to fifteen per ce
Ios < than thn previous j ear wheat tiufuvi
able to iho jilant.
The reports pay that the wheat crop Is ful
twenty per cent less in avorsge than luit yea
and the daiimgu by fruvlug is all of ten p
cent , Thu mta of the wheat crop In
'JO jitr cent below last year , owing urine
p dly to low prlcou In uoino of the largo
wheat growing counties.
u.Mn LAUD.
Compareel with last jear , the nrea sown '
wheat is fully Ui per centuhort. Though the
is no fear uf eotioua dttmaco , the condition
not Mattering , own g to hubte in Bowing ,
Thu authorities repoit the area savvu
\ \ heat 10 per cent short of 18BI. little dai
ago to the plant re'porteel JH yet.
The acreage eowu to wheat U About 15 p
cent short of hut year. No BOrious dunm
npoit'd in the eouthern part of tha stat
Until tha snow goes ofl tliere U no ( .banco
aicertain the general condition of th ) cio
The greucd is well cuveied with uuow.
The acreage ii much reduced , and thu co
dition in not encouraging , owing to t
drought last fall.
The area ia somewhat leis than last yea
30 The coudition is quite favorable ,
'as WIST \
3 : The acroige U fully 20 per cent short , T
condition is unfavorable , owing to freezi
and thawing.
i' ' The extreme drought of ( be fall cause :
largo fallirg off in the are-i. The condition is
unfavorable ,
The area Is fully ten per cent fhort over
last year in not more than 2.600,0:0 : acres.
Not more than one eighth of a , crop in the
northern , and three urfhths in the southern
part of the state in the farmers' hands. If
prices re main low the ate t ol wheat will not
be incrflasod any in the spring.
Special Telefr m to the BBK.
CIIKSTON , Ia. , Fcbnmy 8 A sorlotu acci
dent occurred about ten miles vveit ol this
place this afternoon , As train No. 3 , west
jound , apprcachod a bridge acrois n Mil ill
stream they struck n broken rait nnd tilted
along on the ties until they ran on tu tbo
bridge , which went down , carrying with it
two coichcs and nsl-eper , containing from
twenty to twenty five pi'ttengera.
Thu following la a list ot the
Itobt. Drown , Mt. Plca'int , In , ; Mrs.
Powell , New Albany , Ind. ; Mrs. W. C. Carroll -
roll , \ngache , Col.
A , 13. Cole- , Grand UapiiN , Mich. , slightly
cut on the head ; C. II. Houflll , sleeping-car
C'inductor , arm broken nnd face fon.onlmt
Bciatched ; J. H , Hawkins , conductor , Crest -
t > n , Iowa , injure el in the hip ; S. I Lmdmy ,
Crmton , luvv , seriously ; vv J Davmport ,
Uurllugton , slightly ; Dr.V. . C' . Carroll , ho , Co' ' . , seriously ; MM. M. Far tell ,
I'reacott , Iowa , seiioiuly ; If.nah M. Water
man , Coining , Iowa , teiiiusly.
1 hu accldunl was unforeseen. The change
mthu vvuilhe-r of thu la t few days was uu
doubteelly the causa. The injured were removed
moved to the Summit huueo at this place and
all thtt is possible fur their comfort is being
dona by thu railroad i flicials nud citizens ,
GlovclumlVi Cabinet.
Social Telegram to TIIK BKK.
NEW YOUK , Fe-bmary 8. The following Is
civon as the latest probability in retard to
Cloveland's cabinet : Secretaryof stateAVilliam
H , Barnnm , of Connecticut ; secretary of the
interior , Jcs. McDonald , Indiana ; postmaster
general Lamar , of Mississippi ; eej retary of
the navy , Frank Jones , of Now Hampshire ;
attoruey general , Garland , of Arkansas ; secre
tary of war , Black , of Illinois , or llosecrans ,
of California ; socictary of the treasury ,
Hewitt or Whiting , of New Yo-k. It is
positively asserted by thiso In a position tu
know , that no ono has yet bann offered a port
folio. But to relieve the president from em
barrassment BayarJ , Randall and Carlisle
hav u all assured Air. they en-
tertaustd no cabinet aspirations and would
prefer to lemain in the po-iiions win h they
fill , as leaders of their respective fact
ions in the senate nnd hw o A demo
cratic editor said to-night , thn treasuryship
ia the _ key of the capitd. Bayard wants
it and is backed I y Bolmout , But Clevo'and '
in him on that point anel having begun to rely
en Lamar , thinks hu can get itlong without
l ! yau ! evun for stcr-tnry of state. lie will
tender tint place to Biyard , but will not be
disturbed if Bayard Iodines and remains in
the Eciute. But the treasury-ship worries
him. Ho vvantael to give it to a western haul
mo'iey man. Alexander Mitt hell wai talked
of b it would not accept. McD. nald * as taken
ULiler c moderation ic being thought bin haul
money vicino and hm western location would
suit both east nnd vvest , It proved un'atis-
factory to both. Thun ho turned to Itaudull ,
but It indall vv ould not accept. New Yoikcis
want the treasurj , aud Cleveland has finally
decided to try and accommodate them. He
wants Whitney , nnd has been trying to nc-
conipluh that , but finds it won't work. Hew
itt is to ba thu iran. Ho has been offered the
place , and haa'it uudor consideration.
Gen. Oraiit ( ' .il s on Mr. Clovclaml ,
Ntw Ycu-c.Fcbruaiy 7 Gen Grant ca'loc
at tbe Victoria hotel this afternoon nnd lefc r
card for Cleveland. It is reported this after
noon that Cleveland will stop on tha waj
back to Albany nt Greystonennd oonfcr vvltt
Tilden , but Private Secretary Lament denlci
t this , and eald the presidout-tlact vvoulc
I probably leave for Albany to-night .in 1 maki
no stops , Among the aft rnoou callxis wen
Congressman Kills , of hum-Una ; Win. L
Scott , of Pennsylvania ; Jefsm Scligmau
IMward Pieriepout , Ueoreo llhrut an I ox
Mayor Ely. A New Y ( rk deleiration of banl
t presidents was also received. Jt is b bovee
D that the object was to confer with Clevelaue
- ' on tin1 mlvor ( | ua > tion.
a Daniel Manning arrived to nip lit and pen
t his card to President ulect Cleveland. Mr
Manning has jnat come fr m Greyfctone
whcr" himself and biido h el been tha punst !
ofTildon. Ciuvcland at ( inco received Man
nmg , v/ith whom ho leaves for Albany to
morrow on the il o'clock train. Clxvelane
passed thu evening wil li Manning , Itirnuin
of Conueciicut : . L. Sjott , of Ilrie , Pa
Oswald Ottui d 'rfor , uditor of the btaat
/eiluug. and Sena'nr ' ( > ormtn.
o " "
ShinlV NaiiMvv I'hcajio.
ir Niw Yoiik , February 7. An iminons
throng of Irish nationalists , members of th
Fenian brotherhood , lijnanutcis and othct
were at the Tombs pol'ce ' court this afternoo
when Ilichardjahort , vviio'stibbed , Capt. Ph (
Ian in O'Donovan U issa' office , was arrnigne
for examination. The police force was we
represented. When Phelan appeared nn
Short hrvd been led to tha bar"Short's counsi
said ho would like to know if Phelan ha
bean siarchul. Judo ; Pa'toreon said that li
1- ' tnpiuscd [ ho Hud but ordered tbu polica t
1i - eeurch him Thu Fergeant put his ban
id among the bandapes thatnuppo ted Plielan
iB left arm and pulled nut a Colt's five shootr
B with a long bairel Th'TO wis qulto n eel
in nation in court when thu ravolver was di
10 oovered. Short laughud nervouslv but eeemi
rihevud when tha weapon was taken from til
captiin. Short's counael asked the court f' '
nn adjournment on the groand that ho ha
just come from Albany and was unpiepare
for ths cxninlcatinD. Th proceciition ot
posed the adjournment. Tbu judge finall
set the C BO for next KUurday. The pris tier
counee.1 made n ( notion to reduce his client
hail from H COO to $2,000 , hut the court d (
nled thu motmn , faying that the ball was IK
toj much in a eas llko tins.
Ilio I''nuliHli In
.V , Februwy 7. AMorawey dispute
says : The Black Watch andStaffordehbroreg
ments passed liahauti Cataract. ( Ja tbo'
way there thpy deutroycd the houeei e
Suleiman Wadganny , who perpetrated tli
massacre of Col , Stewart ami party , Th
rebels abandoned Hhakvack Pass , MuUi aui
munition and Bruin were fou&d them. Hi
Cornwall re-giiiieu * is nowjusslng the C taracl
Tliu Telegraph received a dispatch from Ab
ICIea , near Metemneh , datevl February lt (
avmg Col Wilton's party ttate ) t Khartin
fellJamnry 27th , The river abovn the mx' '
e itaract IH trowded with Arabri. The Mahi
In a letter calling our ollicera to eunendt
implie * that Goiebn Is alive. Stenart ei
pecU to bu closely Invested here.
\ Nc ro L/yne'licd.
19 HcRDUtNUUiu , , TUXM , February 7. The
Morris , a negro , wej 'J3 , was taken from tl
calabonM this morning by a masked mob ai :
hanged to a tree , ft is alleged that ba rai
Uhed a white girl of thirteen.
Holler Mvillusion.
Sr , LOCIB , February 7. The boiler In tl
diitlllary of Cbria Peper , Lebanon. Ill , , e
plodtxl this morning nd tha building w
borne J , LMI $10,000 ; ioiurance $8,001) ) ,
The Army Bfctirci List Bill Passes tie
Senate ,
Congress Thanks Mr , Vanderbilt
aud Mrs , Grant for the Helios ,
Reagan's ' Inter-State Oomuioroe
Bill Stands a Poor Show ,
The Congressional Forecast for
the Week's ' Business ,
President-Elect Cleveland Sound
on Civil Service Beform ,
I'rlvntc Henri's Dlurj Uo Culls
Iilent , GrceH-y Miserable
CovvartI ,
i February 7. The ' chair laid
before tbu senate a now set nf credentials of
Win. Kvarts , senator-elect from Jfovv York.
They were read and filed. j
Cameron presented jomt'rcsolutions fromthc
legislature of Wisconsin urging congress to
ptitchutu the Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michi.
gan canal ; also a j nut resolution relating 10
the purchase of thu Portage Lake c.inal.
Sherman , from the conunltteo on library ,
reported n j unt refolntion accepting the offer
of W. II. Vanderbilt and Mrs. Grant of the
swords , inceUls , bronzes , paintings , and othei
articles of value presented to Gen. Grant by
the various governments of the world , a >
tokens of appreciation cf his character ns o
soldier nnd statesman. The resolution ex
presses the thanks 01 congress to Mr. Vander
bilt and Mrs. Grant atd provides that the
articles bo placed in the library of concresa.
Cameron , Pa , called up the bill authorizing
a retired list for privates and non-comtnitsiou'
cd otncers of the Urn ted States army who have
served thirty years or upward.
After deba'.o the bill was paesfd 37 to 0.
The Sen ito then passed thu bill pruutinjj .1
pension of S2.CCO to Margatct ( jr. Halpii.o.
Senator Peudleton , from the committee or
reign relations reported favorably on hii
II fur tha return of S.JS3.-IOO to the Chineee
iveruinu t as the sums elue that government
nin thuClnueso indemnity fund.
Van Wjck moved _ nn amendment to one
: thu privntu pension bills providing that nl
ildlers' widans or minor children whoby thi
\istmg IAVV , are or may become entitled ti
j per month , shall in tuluiu receive S12 I > E :
Van Wyck explained hat the provmoi
as the fame as that which the senate hat
ut in the Mexican ppmion bill. Then
eomed to be no other chance , Van Wye !
aid , to get justice done to a laigo cumber o
eserving people who were now receiving :
ittance of only $8 per month.
Blair thought the amendment might dc
e it the Meiican pmion bill.
Van Wyck said it was aheady substantial ! ;
efeatod. Neither tha Mexican soldiers no
ny others would receive nnj thing from th
OUBO before the 1th of Maic * > . j
The Vnn Wyck amendment ? was agreei
o - yi as 30. nays 12. _ \
These voting in the nepHivofero ; Bayard
Jock , Chase , Cockrell , Cfke , Ji'air , Hani-
laxey , Morgan , KiddIebergerQaulsbury { an
Mitchell moved to add to the bill a furthc
rovition of the Mexican peiiMonhill , Eatntlj
"irst , That in considering cases of dependeu
larents it shall bo sufficient to show that sue
luronts nru \ \ i'hout other means of comfort :
lie support than their own nunual labor c
.ontributioiu Irom persons not legally boun
or their support. Second , That proif the
ho applicant was regularly mustered into th
ervico fhall ba presumptive evidence (
nundnees nt the time , b t subject torebuttn
L'hird , That no pencil shall ba entitled I
more than onn pension at a tlmo unless speS
ally declared by act of congress. The
amendments were oRieed to yea' , iiO , nay
" 7. Those voting in the negative were : 1'er
ird , Beck , Call , Cockrell , Ouka , Colqnit
'air , Garland , Hampton. Harris , Jscksoi
Maxe'y , Morgan , Hieldloberger , Saulbbur ;
slater and Woat.
Afcur e\ecutivo session the Fciiate 01
louineel. _
WASHINGTON , February 7. Usagan aski
mnnim ins consent to take from the speakei
table the intor-stntt commerce bill witbseun
amendments thereto , for the pupposo o' noi
concurrrncoin those amendments.
O Neill , Puma , objected.
On motion n bill was pasted providing f
.lie appraisement and eale of lots at Per
At 5o'clock , while Iho housi wai in coi
mittrp of iho wluloon tha river and hart
lull , Towns-nd moved that the committee rii
Ho vvishu 1 to move that the IIOIHO adjour
having bjeu oduaed that it was the intuntii
of the fricii'lsof the and harbor bill
continue this legislative day tluem hemt Mo
day and thus crowd out the regular appropr ;
tion bids. The motion was lost.
Hepburn offered an amendment prohibit !
any of the iVow Orleans nppropriution b I
expended in connection with luveua owned
privatn citizens or municipalities.
_ Hepburn said ho understood the appropri
liouvvas _ in ended mainly for the protection
the individual prupeity of residents oppos
New Orleans.
"You are mistaken , " Interrupted Hui
"and It is not BO. " {
"I appeal , " continued Hepburn , "from t
gentlemun's interested statement to a betl
find hero In the repoit of t
"What do you mean by interested sta
input' ' " exclaimed Hunt
"I moan what I say , " leplied Hepburn ,
"Interested , how' " prrtuivcd Hunt ;
"As a representative , " replmd Hopbnrn.
' l > > you mean ns a man of honor ? " contl
ueil Hunt
"Uh , certainly , " replied Hepburn , " as
man of honor , and thus Ilia usual warm d
CUSBJOU whii h dally charncten/es the cons
eratioii nf thu river nnd harbor bill was i-ve
pd , On the amendment the vote stood f ) . !
l > 7. There was no quorum and the * commit !
rose.Tho house then took a rocoas until Mend
morning ,
Tli OMJrle-n County
Uiiidii. "
"fial Tale gram to TIIK B'HK.
WAKIIINOICJ. , February 8. Dr. II. . '
Hamblin , secretary of the "Rrjuatte
UnIaD"of O'lUien countr , I wo , has
rived here , to urge upon the senate the noc
iiity of acting1 speedily upon the bill to forl
the land grant of the SiouK City A , 1'nt
road. Dr. Hamblin say theio are 500 fa
llios of various nationalities located V [
8rvOO acres of the unearned land gra
The pettier * were lnduc d to go the > e by u 1
ter of Secretary Teller ot March , 16S2. v , b
said that the track wu unoatned. The
publicans have not been A bio to agrew as
what action should be taken with lespo t
thii bill. Dr. Hamblin SHY * that all that <
tion of Iowa la in a ferement o vcr it.
The friends of thiOneniurt are anxious
get it before the hotwe , It la cru > in , there/o
ttut should the home deternwoo that t
npeaker'8 table advocatei this W&MUTU tli
will not consent to have it laid wide , and
li doubtful if Heagan arid the southern me
bera who inpport hia inter-atato commerce {
would consent te allow the Mexican penu
bill to paw , even to save the inter-state co
mercoblll. The five meiiure intcrvenl" ( ;
between the inter st.Uo and the Mexican bd's '
would not h ad to a protracted controversy ,
but the Meiican pension bill is likely to bo
u od as an obstacle In delay nnd prevent the
inter slate commerce bill being reahoel.
TinKongim lllll btixntls n 1'eior
Special telegram to tha BKK.
WASIIINOTON , Tcbruary 8. The elinnces
for Reagan's into : state commerce bill seem
rather poor. Its opponents are determined tome
mo every parliamentary method to pmcnt
the pa > saga of any bill on this subject , and
they hav o power under the rules to keep the
bill on the table until It can ba reached by the
regular prescribed methods , When the
home' resolves to pr cpad to the consideration
of business ui the speaker's ttblo the first
thing in older after tha disposition of ox ecu
tivo commutiicUions is house bills and resolu
tions with amendments by the senate. There
ixie fix bills of this kind on the- calendar in
( milt , of the Inter state bill , and the fmt ol
this clots Is the bill granting pensions to the
toldlera nnd sailors of the Mexican war , vvhlcil
the senate anundod oat to include soldiers Mid
tailors who served in the war of the rebellion.
Clcve-liuul Soimel on Civil Scrvie-e-
lle'f'oriii ,
Special tolfgram to Tan BEE ,
WASIILSOTOS , Fobruyry S. Ono demo
cratic senator whs has been to visit Clevelacd
gives It out cold that tha coming president is
bound to get into trouble before ho has boon
In ollico a mouth over his civil serv lea policy ,
Thu feeling has been growing of late-that ho
WAS inclined not to yield to the reneral de
mand in the party to turn out all thu repub
licans , and in aider to learn just what they
could depend on in the _ way of having the
federal patrontge to distribute , savernl ten-
atoiB have put tha question to him uoint
blank , as to his sincerity in his civil service
letter , llo assumed to them ho was , nnd tu
one of them he said : "I moan every word I
said in that letter , and I don't mean that it late
to boreael between Its lines in other woide.
I mean that no maa is to bo removed from
ollico merely because ha is a republican. If
ho has neglected his duties , or violated the1
law , ho can bo complained ngain t and thu
complaint will be m vesicated , but he will not
bo rou-oved tlmpl } to make a place tor some ;
other man who happens to be n , democrat. '
This was a ttaggorer.
WASHINGTON , February 8. The condition
of business in cougrcij is such that a miiuritj
in eith'T home can easily force an extra hes-
uon , but if tlui purpose to do BO is anywhere
entertained , the tact has not been made
known , nnd the leaders of both homes oxprosi
the opinion that the nppropnntion bills wil
be passed before the 4th ot March. This wil
require the abandonment of many important
me.isuroH which have been perfected on tin
house or other , nnd It may bo added that no
much general legislation other than thai
which may ba ntUclied to appropriation bills
can in any event ba enacted.
The c i tion of the house to-morrow Is lookee
forward to with much Interest , as it \ sup
posed tint the chances fur nn extra fles-ioi
will thereby bo either increased to practica
bility ( r reduced to nothing. The house wil
asstjmblu at ton o'clock , as in continuation o
the last legislative day. The most .icily
promoters ot thu river und harbor bills hav
Announced tlinr purposoto realtttha n'jonrn
mont , formerly at 1 o'clock noon , nnd tli
immediate reassembling , as on the next le lf
lativo day. They will endeavor t
continue the last legislative da ;
throughout tec vvu k , if necossar ;
to sectiro tha passage of their measure , in
vote to take a recess Instead of an ndjourn
incut , ( last night ) the fiionds of the river an
haibor bi 1 were found to bo In a etron
majority , but the Is-uo was not then cuunrel
madu bitnem that mcaeure on the ono hand
and ono of tha regular appropiiation billn wit
the prospective extra Kejsion em the1 othoi
Such will be the issue to morrow ,
The nrmy , Indian and agricultural bil
have passed the house.
Wodneaeiay will bo devoted to counting c
tin-eloitoral votes.
T v pension appropriation will probably I
taken up to-morrow and passed.
Tbo ludian army a'el agricultural nppn
piiavion bill * are in thu hands of the toual
lommittoes of nppiopn.itions , and may bo n
ported in time for action upnu < ne or two <
before the end of the weak. The unfinisht
business is the nnti-eiher coinngo bill , in :
several ceuators h we prepared speeches upc
it. If the measuia ba not set otida by tl
other appropriation 1 ills there is n prospa
that it may be disposed of before the end
the week. The silver men who nt hwt thren
cued to pi event action upon tins bill no
claim to have strength enough to ttnko 01
the feature looks to fctopping the coi
te age of the Stan Urel dollar , and BO huvo le
reason to pojtpono actioo.
If shot n of this , Its moat important featur
the bill will simply provide fnrthti letircmen
and recoin'igo ' of trade dollars. The Jar
grabt forf iturolbills to dEclarornihoad Ian
subject t tix&tun , and the Pacific radroae
nx.tyyoar bill , are measures which are mo
hkeiythan any olluu to receive tbo attentli
of the eeuate during thu week , and the I
maimler of the te ion , when the appropri
tion bills are not before it ,
the reprfeentativos m the appropnatii
committee is successful to-moirow m oppeisli
Iho further consideratlrn of thu river ai
harbor bill , Tlio postollico appropriation b
will bo called up , and immfd'ateiy lifter
11 at as go , the legislature executive and judie.
bill will bo pressed for consideration , T
appropriation committee expect to report m
iliy civil tills , HO thiy 'Jiay bo taken up
turn , Thoco three meaxurea will probably
sullloleiit to consume thi * " "V Ori'1 I"
eich dav may bo devoteu to tuu cuiitiu.rat. .
uf unobiectod casct.
cr WAhiiNTTON , Februarj7. | A fira this eve
ing in the signal bervice building destroy
& number of va'unblo meteorological rccoi
and almost ruined porno of thu finest
taonts in the office. The fire was confined
the second , third and fourth floors. The nerds
ords destroyed and injured were thouu c
Irctrd during tha last five or fix yearn , whi
ofhcials Bay cannot ba replaced. A numl
of charts wore also damaged beyond futi
HBO. Thu instruments injured were of t
finest class of barometers und thormometo
oitfiial service ofticials are unable to estlm :
to-uijiht tha loss to the service. Loss
building SL'.t
WAHHINOTON , l''cbiimyJ7. Senator M
ler , of New York , from iho committee of i
riculturu , to-uay favorably reported the bill
si. iirov ido that thu agricultural department fcli
bo an executive department under a secn-ti
of utrlculturo , tlio compensation of the nci
tary to ba the samn as that eif the secretary
DS' other executive departments , An assittt
eit tecretary of agriculture shall bo appom esd
the same .alary received by tha uttistant n
reiiary of thu interior and u chief clerk at
Annual salary of # ' . ' ,500 to be appointed. 1
on bill further provide ] for the creution of dl
it. ( ions of veterinary science ) and forestry in I department.
to WAHIIINOTOX , February 7 , The journal
c- Private ) llrnry , covering the period botwc
October , 168.1 , und June , 1NS | , lus been ma
to publ c. Ho writes under datu of May :
e , l'liVlilstler ( ) who vvu the bud eat in
be deiyumoiation of tbo uufortunato who y
evit teinpUi I to purlion scrap insat , was to (
it caught Ln the commissary , having broken ot '
nill the door , aud was foil d with about a pou
ill of bacon fu bin picket. " Th entry on M
LiD llth Is"It : was acciwardl ) action ia Greel
n- to ihoot Jr. J'&lis , JJe drew
rilla on Ponder. Calls Klsllmbury n linr.
and apologises to the entitle i
men. ' ' Femr elavs latnr the- entry
l as follons : "Yoitrrdnv lieulrrbeck
vnd Whlitler had n row out of doors over
some one else's lawn , which vvasunt'cr ' chnrco
of Lieut. Greely. It wai a terrible struggle.
Death by starvation actually has no terrors
forw . w e look with stolid indifforencu em
our coming fate * . A few hours before death ,
instead of craving for food , our comr d s ko p
calling for water , and coulel hardly ba en
trolled or satisfied , All , with ono except o ) ,
were uncemiuoua a few hi urs before dying ,
Poir LnckwiMid cvuie out of his big to stand
In tno allow ay w. ilo moonshluo distilling was
going on and ho was the first to got his jior-
U m. I're tin riMt of m had our share ho re-
quoted n ru otltion of the dose from the
elli tilling steward and alter being repri
manded by an othcer for asking ouch n thing
from the steward , he turned nrotinel
to the doctor and taiel : ' 'Well ,
I will go to the fountain head , ' and ha re
peated his de-mand. On bell g abiolutcly re
fused , ho doppctl to the Hour and liaidly over
opened his inuith again to utter nnothcr
word. " May 23 , after noting tint Whistler
isdyirg , Henry fays ; 'Vailed at the tent
and Wdsluiormpd that live1 men madu a until
statement that Pavey atolr > | Klluun'B rations ,
and that the official re'cord eoncortii g it had
been t.impmd with. A. W , G. , it ho does
die , dies the d nth eif a Hint ruble con aid , "
May 'JSth : ' Pour Kialln burry is i-inkin *
rapidly and the doctor has given him up.
l.att nlijlit Dr. P , nml Lieut G , had nnothcr
nqu.b > lo over in dicmes The majority of us
( umrteen ) havetgucn up all hopes of seoitg
our friends again , but a few ( till hnvo n
chance.nt the conclusion of this terrible trag
edy to welcomed as worthy Irontierii-
men of Uncle' Ham , nnd as men who made
thfiim'lvi's unuiiitil by it splendid victory
and Bufferings hlthcrti ) incomparable ) in the
niiiml * of Aictic exploration nnd against the
laws eif nature. " The notes of thu first four
eluys of Juno niei abiief memoranda of tlio
rupidly siukim ? condition of thine left , T ) ese
wtra made juet prior to his bung shot , Kx
tracts from the other diaries sh .w n eleplura-
bio condition of nlfaiip. Insubordination prevailed -
vailed to a considerable extent , and rniarrel-
ing , sometimes leading to blows , was not nn
uncommon occurrence. Sergt. Brainord'ii
diary Is In his possession nnd note
o tainable. nnel Sergt. Cornell declines to
allow hia diary to ba Inspect-el , stating that it
was written with the express understanding
that no ono but Gen. Hu/en should read it.
( .ONflKMM-IONa.
Postmasters : Newton W , Simmons , Boone1 ,
vvANTrtKLiEF1 ,
The executive association of tha United'H n s Delation of states and terrlt ries nt
the Now Orleans exposition waited on Presl
dent Aithur today nnd presented a state
ment of the affairs of the exposition , together
with a memorial to congress asking an addi
tional appropriation , vv Inch ho was iisked tc
transmit to congress with his approval. Tha
president promised to give the matter prompt
und careful attention.
Destructive mill fatal Fire.
NKVV BRUNSWICK , February f. At three
tMs morning two freight trains collided on the
bridge over ] i.iritan river , this city. , The oi
tank on one of the trains exploded , the burn
ing oil running into the streets below nnel
into the Raritan canal which was covered will
ice. The oil ran over the ica to the wall pa
per"minufaetory of Janovvay & Co , which via1.
I destroyed , together w'th ' seven dwellings
opposite the manufacturers and under the
i railroad bridge , 'Unbuilding used us a bo ;
i factory by the Consolidated Fruit Jar C > . ,
and their main manufactory vveroalsodc-
stroycel. Tha wood work of tha bridge
burned. Frank Dumas , Ilia brakeman , wa
carried down by the wreck Into the btreot below
low and vvus burneel to doith. Pnlricl
Dougheity entered the burning building o
Janovvay & Co. , and has no
been Peon since. But for the favoring wim
thu whulo manufacturing pnit of tlio i. .
would hive been dest oyed. It is now though
two bmkemen on the oil train were biiruu
to death , also. Loss estimated between § 00 ,
Janou ay .1 Go's loss ia ? 750OOD ; Comoli
dated Fruit Jar Co 's 1 ( bs SoOO.OUO. The lo
to the railrond einnot bo inc. rtalned , owini
to the unwillingness of officials to impart ill
formation. The 1 S3 on dwelling houses i
i10JOD. ( The bridge was not weakened an
trams arc running on time.
Cleveland In Now York. ' '
NLW Yoni. , Fsbiuary 7. President elo (
Cleveland broakfisted early this mornin
with Major Grace and General Fnrnswort
and then began his daily reception. Amen
the callers were Governor Abbott o ( No'
Jersey , ex Congressman Birgs , Hugh Mi
The Tammany delegation a ]
poin'od to present Iho compliments e
the wigw im bravos to Clov eland came elurin
the moinine. Gen Cochrano prefentod a
addie s udcptcd by Tamm my last eivenlng.
Tin Kansas deli-call in was hoard. It cor
sista of Mnvor No llv , of Lsavcnworll
Judge l > erpat , W. C Perry , Angul Mnthuw
eon and 1 ilitor Mumfoid Gen. Bluir wr
urged by tha delegation for toerttaryof ll
interioi , being n limed by the Grand Arm
of thn thu republic of Kansas , i nd also tl
lepubhcnn aud democrat members of con/rci
of the Hate. Dr. G. L Mille-i , of Nebrask
WBH prebented for puBtmnster general Olhi
callers were Abram S. Hewitt , Gan. Blair , i
Kausas and J. W. Harper of New York.
Htownrt'8 Army In
LOMXIK , Fobru iry K. Korti disp itches ti
day indu.ite'a aeuous state of affairs at tl
British camp near Metrinnoh , Lord Weils
ley te-l graphud thu war i Ulcer that a conn
hud just at rived from ( uuat and reports C
lief caw , commander eif that pl.u otenously i
Thu Mahdiii forces .no
ing to attack trio liiitish can
The Arab ] hava several guns vvlm
the v are gradually placing in position to been -
on the' British camp. Oilier held pieces n
being minoeuvered for the fame purpose. T
natives rsuort the mahdi has 11,00'J ' m <
fcittered between HerberShaplynnd Motei
net and a force lit the latter place daily r
diving reinforcements.
An liniix'i'iil Man Hcle'ascd.
Dhfl MOINKH , February 7. Governor She
man to-day paidoned Harvey Spellman ,
' ' tenced to the penitentiary lait October I
three j ears for allrgod horse stealing In V
Burcn county. It was a case of mutak
ire . 11 is shown that
he identity. now Spellman
innocent ,
"H.tu J. P , Johiifon , on trial at tha Mnri
county district court , churned with the rm
on derot W. H. McUride , at Swan , in Mnrc
IbHI , wa found guilty , to-day , in tha first i
A/i gree , tbu jury recommending imprieonmu
fur life ,
Trouble in Diet Hocliin'allcv. , .
to Coi.L' lliU3 , Ohio , l''obruary ' 8. Tlio Hoc
ill ing valley haa been greatly excited to-nig
over rumors of a concentrated attack by t
of strikers. Over four hundred shots weru fin
nt in the nelelihorhood of Nclsonvillo and Buc
at te ] , about 10 o'clock , but no attack was mad
ate Patrol trains drove tno strikers away ,
he \nnrcIiiHlu .Ilvucjutotl ,
11ho BKIIMS , Febiuary 7. Jlelnsdorf ni
ho Kcuchler anarchlBts tentenced '
, , to death
the imperial court at Lelpsic for attemptlog
cause the death of tha Kmpornr and otl
royal poivons at thu Nlederwald celebratli
weru executed at eight thin morning at Hull
The execution took place in the prison u
de en was by a eword.
$ a K < > v < Mr' Newl ° " " ' ' " ' Trl ' l.
'as ' NEW YORK , February 8. Assistant BUh
ay Potter has consented to have the Rev , A
nd en Newton presented for trial , Thn counsel f
the presenters ia busily engaged in preparl
ay I the necessary papera which will be ready t
A Reporter Joios Tlieir Association in
He Lonrns all About Their Or
ganization nnd Publishes It ,
Johann Most and Justus Sohwab
the Liadintr Sphits ,
They Seek to Overthrow the
Present System of Law ,
Method Murder
By Any , Dynamits ,
der and Nitro-Glycorme ,
llo OliUtlim a C'opy of their 1'iocliv
nun ton , 1'rlntcil In 111 one !
K d Ink.
Special lolccram to the UKK.
I'lllUDicU'ltiA , February 8. A reporter of
the ' I'rcss who
L'hiliultlphii joined three .
months ago , the International Arboltcr , or
the Working Men's Association , the most
potent oiganuUion of the Anarchists In the
United States , publUhes In the Press n full
account of iho organization of the AnardiiiU
nud their secret methods , anil alms to tell
how surprisingly tin order has grow n within
the past nix months. Where less than
twelve months ago , they had only four
"groupes" or branches In thu city they now
liavoFeven , whoso lolls nro constantly being
nddtel to , on end to which the society is now
working with nil its energy in tlm introduc
tion of Americans into their asajciatieui.
They think tint unless the sympathy of the
native born citins is aroused tu some extent
their prujectuJ revolution cannot bo succoja-
tul , The Anaichix's are governed by chief
exTcutlyo c mmlltcrx , lou ted in Now York
iiiid Chicago ienpc.iely. Krom the former
city thu orelers are all nsued by
The leadini ; spirits. The Now York committee -
mitteo controls the duburftment of all
money collected for tha ' cause" in each city
invhich the anarchists are located in any
number. It has what ia known as a central
committee ) composed of two mom' era from- *
oich branch. Thesa arc in dltect communica
tion with the headquarter ? . Ordinary mem
bers are not informed of the operations of the
ofjiirganization.In their declaration of piinci-
plos'i nd anarchists avow themselves In favor
ORitation "for the purposn of organization for
the purpose of rebellion. "
This is ! u a few woiels their vvholo object ,
they seek to overthrow the present ex/slum / of
law by any method
The article in the press contains a Hit bf1
branches in the loading cities , their places of
meeting , anel tha ndmes and rCBidtucei of
their chief ofhceri ; also , Eomo _ of their chief [
depots ia Kuropo for tbodistribution ot Htera-r
furo anel dynamite. A full list of the > head
district agents in OV7 York , Cincinnati , St.- .
l > ouis and San Francisco , and comprises over
2,000 names amt addresses. The national'or- '
ganx of thu society are the Freiheit , published
by Schwab in New York , nnd a 1'olisli paper ,
the 1'roletnr , emanating from tliuBnmontrarca.
They contain thu most rovolutiouiiry' doc
trines. Tim organs of the Cliicatro branches
are the Alarm and Vorbote. The joujnals
nio issued from No. 107 1'ifth nvonuo ip that ,
city by A. SPIOH and A. 11. 1'ammB. JTac-- "
Hitiilereproductionseif tlieeoslicetH form aart'\
of the reporters btorv. Now Yoik Ityfe
is tupposed to have 7,000 momherf , Chicago
1,001) ) , nnd this city 1lliO , ) , I'lttabnrg H f iirth
on the list. The 1'hilndn'phl.i ' Lrgan of the
anarchists is called tha Future , and is c.'id to
have lOCOciidilation ! , edited by H. ( ! ran.
The day to wlnth every auaicHst lejokH for
ward with pleasure and expectation it that of
in Kuropo and the United 3 atep. Orders
will bo sent fiom New York the ) day befoie in
the hlmpoof n proclamation , n copy of which ,
in Cjerman , wai procured at headquattojs. It
begins ax followh :
to bo issued on the day of thu impending 1.111-
\frsalnsingor rrvoliition.
1'attl. In every coinmiine where the pee
pi-htvu been vletuiluu" , rovolutloiuiry com
mittecH will assemble. Thosn will execute the
ordeia issued by the revolutionary army ,
which vull strengthen itself by arming all the
workin men , and make ute eif its power as
the conqueror nf the new world. 'I ho present
will 1)3 morn readily and easily vanquished It
those in authority , bo they
DI-STIIOVM ! ! ) .
In the me.intimo the n > ohsacro of Ihn ene-
mlcH of the people fhould bo organised. In-
Kiirrpctions must be extitud in distncts around
nnd about the lovolled commimiH. Kovoln-
tioimry war can only coma to MI end when the
foe has been pureuul to his last hiding place ,
and destroyed. Kentx nhall not bo paid , MIICO
all niMi have a right to protect their health by
pecking ehelt'r. Committee , ! ) on eiuartors
which vvhicu hold pernianentHlttlngs iu.varioni
districta will IK > UB billets te > thrno who have
no homo , or whoso accommodntioim are mado-
imte , which will Becuro them rnmfoitablo
homes. After the rich have been swept
away , this will lie an easy matter. The proc
lamation continues In this strain at great
and is signed "Kxecut < vo Coininltto * of Fifty
West Secoml Btrcot , New York. " When the
moment for iueiirrectionH comes the assosia-
tlem will roe ive no other warning , MtrnberH
are told that the proclamation may como next
week , next year or not for three years , 'Iho
latter It m averted is the extreme ) limit.
Cansci Its victims to bo miserable , hopeless ,
confused , nml depressed In mini ) , very Irrlt.i-
Mo , languid , and drowsy. It Is u dheaao
which docs not get well of Itse-lf. It requires
careful , persistent attention , and a remedy to
throw oil the causes and tone up the diges
tive organs till they perform their duties
willingly. Hood's Harsaparllla has proven
just the required remedy In hundreds of cases.
" I have taken Hood's Harsaparllla for dys
pepsia , from which I have suflcicd two years ,
j tried many other medicines , but none proved
fti satisfactory as Hood's Barsaparllla. "
'JnoMAS COOK , Uru3h Klcttrlo Light Co.t
ftcw York City.
. Sick Headache
'Tor the past two yean I have been 4V
affllitcd with $ e\ero headaches and dyspcp- . (
tla. I was Imluctd to try Hood's Hirsapa-
rilla , and have found great relief. I cheer
fully recommend It to all. " Mna. K , I' .
AX.SAIILI ; , New Haven , Conn , ' " " HSJ
Mrs. Mary 0. Smith , Cambrldgcport , Mass. ,
was a miflerer from dysjiejislaand blck hcael-
achc , Bho took Hood's Barsaparllla and
op louiid It the best remedy she over used.
tr.or Hood's V Sarsaparilla
finld by all drucgUts. tt i Hit lor 35. Made
ply by 0.1. HOOD it CO. , Lowell , Mass. /
* 4OOposo8lOnoi Dollar ,