Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1885, Image 1

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BE ! They Spifl larns anfl Expoclorale
TteoJoiceiDlIieLoIiuy ,
The Monotonous Eloquenoo of the
Olerk DistraotB the Houao ,
The Eailroad Lobby Greatly Dis
turbed by the Senate Bill.
A Determined Raid Proposed to
Slaughter it m the HOUBO ,
Examination o ( Witnesses in the
School Land Frauds ,
A. Liberal Crop of AtiUHCH nnd Cor
ruption Gathered In the Unl-
vcrnlty Onlibneo I'ntch.
Special to Tin : BKH
IjtscoLN , 1'ebruary D. So far nothing of
importance in tbn way of legislation has been
done duricg the week , nnd this afternoon lus
beoii no exception , Theru was n huge audi
ence in the gallery who mu > t have found it
wuarlsoma lutening to the clerk calling the
roll Tli's and the announcement by the
v [ > eaker 'hat u certain bill has passed was all
to interilt them. It must have been disap
pointing to many , but then the recent ad-
jour < .ment bnn apparently unsettled mem
bers and riml work proceeds slowly
This apathy will bo made up nt the end uf
no-Hion by bills btine ruthed through
wiliiout coLpide'-xtlon. Many momberx hud
to bo Bummonud into thq homo ibis uftmioon
to vote In order that tbo requisite number
two-thirds , might blln th majority to allow
requisite bills to piss. It was no unusual
thing for members to bo heard askim ? on
their hurried return which way they were tc
vole AH far as considered legislation is con
cerned ii.emberd might as well stoy at home
and icceivd their pay and thereby not en
cumber the st.i'.o statute books with useloat
lawn.Thi < J nflernnon the senate eonsiderod in
committee of the whula the bill for
: md placing the maximum ohnrgo nt three
cents u mile for each p senger. This mot
with coniidorable opposition urincipally from
Mr. Church Howe and Mr , Burr. It how
ever passed through ths commlttco but not
until Mr. Burr had moved that on its being
reported to the senate for lecona deration a
recommendation bo ridded that it do not pass.
Tlili motion was however lost , but on the
bill boinn reported another attempt to destroj
its effect was made by Senatoi
Hpencor who moved that nil the
railroads in thu state not subsidised or undei
th-j inanag'iincnt or control of subsidized cor
porations fliould bo allowed tj clurge three
and a half CPnts n rnilo for each passenger ,
Senator McSliano who had nil aloug foujrhl
the railroad ring , knocked the wind out of the
sailn of this motion by a-king for the name ol
any line in the state tint ban not cither subsi
dized or under the control of a nub
Hldizod milroxl. The bill eveut-
ually napsnl tbo senate for third readinj
: md id in principle the tumo as that : ilreulj
passed through committee of ttio houso.
This bill bn : almost caused the railroiu
managorH to tear their hair , for ono of then
wan heard to remark Karnistically , that tin
next bill would bo for tearing up the raili.
Thorn never wai such an array of rallroac
legal talent at any session of the legislature
is at thu present
They have been backud up by a large scmai
of lobbyists ho have been working violent ! ;
lu the intiireHts of the railroads. Thu railroa
question is not definitely settled yet , however
over , nud it remains to to seen hor/ far th
inlluenre of the lobby will succeed in fnulrai
Itg equitably legislation.
it is now K""orillly understood tlr'ttr
special committee appointed to invtstigal
the Btato ngritiilturul farm have dlsnovorc
ab\Hu and eormption. Tnty intend to n
port this fi : t to tbo house nud rcccommcnd
completn anvorance bbtween tbo farm and tl
Special Corre'-pondeDCo to TlIK BKH.
LINCOLN , February ( i. The short mon
ing Befsion of the sen.itovao mostly tpnnt i
tliuroidmgof lulls for th u aeco time and r
ferriug them to their rojpoctiy committee
Srnittor Clurry introdured n bi 1 legalizing
municipal election in Wyrnore , and Senate
1'iul n bill to fncreaio attorn ' foes in ton
cloMiru cafes. The bills defining tlw limits < ;
Dnwep , Sioux and Uorsey countloa woi
pasie < l. Seine little effort was rnado yestt
any to change the uoino cf Dorsoy , but no ol
jtction waa made to-dciy , Hcports from so
oral couimitteui wera also h mrd. The coi
mitteo on uenitintlury repoited on the cu
vict labor resolution that they could lind i
laiv a iiinit thu employment of convict labc
and would make r.o reconunendHtlon. T
cominitteo medical lfgi > < latiou report
fnverablyon the buveral bilU beftiro tbfin , I
chiding the touching ot hygiene uud | ) hysii
riry in the publio echoolx , with ruepect
temperance KvixUtiou.
The cominitteo investigating the land frau
held a short session this morning and liea
the testimony of At , L. Hnyward , of Taluiag
.Oton county. Thia Is the puty whom
Sterling Morton reported us h-tviup Kuid th
Keuduli was a pretty good xort of u fello
having le.Kcd him laiuU fctrtf ? that were wor
Slifi In hiK teatiuiouy this inoriuDfiMr. . Hn
wai\I denied ever having said MICH n thin Ueclnied that MorUm lied. Ho ( aid
went to Morton during the cumpaigu ami ct
tradictcd the statement. H > i said tha la
waa arth less than ho paid for Hand wa ? n
worlh uiura thou S.r ) to dity with Iti impro >
inentx. All the witm-w.s no far uxamin
wrro dUnUso 1 tlux morning , except ux-Trci
uierSltiroevnnt , who will bi recalled to c
plain a loiter ho wrote to Mr. Vldjnin.
Theruhj.1 been some talk of Ute concern !
thu late COIIKV itntionul nmxudiiuiit extend )
the legMutivi * tvaiions to sixty dan ) und mi
ing theY ! of members $5 per da > ; . At I
l.xst ejection fit , OOJ votui were oiat in iti fai
and 17,1100 agal.iit It. It has been genera
believed tint tht amendment WKB defmti
To tint the ca o i u the supreme court , Kep
veiiUtlre Steven. > n , of Otoe , made out
voucher a four ilayi' ' nince for pay at the rate
? 5 ] ier day. The auditor refused to pay ,
cout e , and a mat'-'l mu8 was ieiued , 'I
case was argued b etoro the court yesterd
mill It is expested n o ecinon will be given ii
few i'ay ' . . . , ,
A BKK reporter talki < 1 with Mr. Sttveni
ab ait the OISB to-day. . ' 10 laid that it was i
so much a tfht ci o on tl. i > aiiundinont aa
all conotitutinnal amenditientii. "It u lun
impossible , " ia he , "to ' t an amendmi
to the cua titutioii pas id. 1'eople are
cari-leai alnut voting and thli carelesili
kills them every tlmo. It i M hard to get
nuuMulmsnt to the canntitutum AS for a r
nun to enter Hmven , "
It looks now like thrro would be much
complete butlDvm at the end of tbo fo
dayu ai the $5 a day U a coiiiidera'Jon tl
the inembert are not averse to comudoring.
Special Corret | > ondence to THE BES.
The houio asuembled at 9:33 : a. m , an u i
lileiuben of tba different committees hi
been providing work for the house and t
Jen than filter bill * wtro reiK
ed , None of thorn , however , were of great
The cominitteo en public laniU and build
logs tent up House Itoll Nos.It and CO ,
The committee on claims rofiported Home
Holt 132 , which denls with the claim of Sam
uel Bacon , The committee recommends that
It do not pass. Evidently Mr. Itncon hni not
to many friend ) m this committee as Mr , 1'at
U Haut'j , or his claim would have been al
The committee on agriculture pretented
Nos. 131 , i.VJ and 177 , all bills to amend lor-
iner nts.
The industry committee as ustial had the
largitt batch for presentation. They were
iNis. 73 , 05 , 107 , 112 , 122 , 12J nnd 1211. Tlis
committee recomiiiecdcd' > < > , ard 112 only to
the consideration of the home.
The cumiiiitteu un mlscellnncous questions
sent up lloua-J Koll 9U witu n majniity aud a
minority report. Thia bill dials with Iho
leaiUg of con\ict labor , and provider that at
thu expiration In 18l ! of thd contract with
\Vm. Htoiit , convict labor shall no longer be
Icastd , 'Ilia majority of the cotntnitlbo tec-
otniiifridoJ the p.uaogd of the bill. The mi
nority were ol the contiary opinion. Mr ,
Lee , of l'unm , movtd tin ) adoption of the
minority 'eport , which was lost by 58 to it. ! .
Mr. liruuner now moved that the majjtity
report bo adopted , Mr , Henry explained
thilt the presnt umtract does uot exptru until
188' ) , lie thuiight the bill prematuru and un-
uecmenry , btciusa the hou.-o had no right to
mturferu with the subject of couvlct lubor un
til the present contrail lud expired.
Mr. Winspntr slid the bill was t
hereafter prevent thu state letting the prison
labor by contract.
Mr. Holmes moved the bill bo re-commit
ted.Mr. . Nettleton said ho was opocHed to the
present system and wanted it dunged. The
aoonor the better.
Mr King opposed ru-commlltil as oho did
Mr. Vnruer.
Mr. Wrurit thought this house phould not
make all the record. It might five future leg
islation n chance.
Mr , Troupe wna of the opinion that thn bill
is Larmlusx , But because tUu committee ) Lad
reported on It , thu huuso thould lecognize und
corridor it. Thu repoit of tbe majority of
thu committeu was adopted nnd thu bill plac
ed on general lilo.
The special older nf the dny wns called for
and liouto Hole 175 came before the house ,
which immediately resolved itself into n committee -
mitteo of thu.whole with MrLuco in llio chair.
Thu bill under consideration ( llouao Hole 175) )
iito provide for tha taking of the census ,
§ 50,000 being appropriated out of the general
fund to defray the expenses. It was repotted
to the house lor third reading.
A few bills wera Introduced thia morning ,
Monday next being the last day on which
LOW bills may bo presented member nru
anxious to make their record before that
time.Mr , Barney introduced n bill to prohibit
persons opening gravoj and removing bodies.
Mr. Taylor , wrio , by the way , may always
bo n tlcoa changing his vote wtion it doc ) not
coincide with Unit of the speaker , has n bill
dealing with immigration , the principle of
which is very commendatory.
Mr , Winspear introduced an elaborate _ bill
dulling with the sa e of liquors. It provide ) )
that Baloou Ilceueos Khali bu issued ns hereto-
foio and httll be 81,000. It nppuara a reason
able bill and ono tha * , will not ineuS with great
opposition. Tha houso. now took a recess un
til 3 o'clock this nltcrnouii.
Since thu ue < siun began about one-third ol
the niombrs of thu Imuglua delegation have
each been tnlkud about aa candidate ] for may ,
or of Omaha. Tim latest id Mr. Turtle-
Uurim ; the week his Umaha fiicndu have
bein down hero and in recognition of his ser
vices to tlu state-ho has introduced ono bill
they promise to secure him tbo democratic
nomination for mayor. About April 1st uexi
therefore , wo mny expect to see Mr. Turt'.i
duly elected.
"WastliiK Time.
Special telegram to TIIK BEE.
LINCOLN , 1'ebruary U , The senate con
sunitd the entire afternoon session consider
ing bills iu tbe committee of the whole. Non
or them called for particular mention , cxcep
the bill providing for instruction in physiology
elegy nnd hygiene iu public schools , with
view to instructing the jouth in tha eflfecU c
alcohol and.narcotics on the system. Thi
paieed through the committee. The hou ;
also discussed , in committee of thu whole
tlireo bills lulaliug to civil procedure , nouo c
which are worthy of extendud report ,
The School Land Frauds.
Special Telegram to THE UEE.
LINCOLN , February C Mrs. Kudolph Don
of Omaha , testified before the land fraud ii
vestigation committee this afternoon. SI
wn ] questioned concerning her husband
dealings in the school lands , but knew not !
J. II. Goodrib , county treasurer of He
Willow county , waa examined. Ho te-itlfie
regarding the Vlehnrlty leases , upon whic
Dawea it Vua , of Cruto , had mndo ouo pa ;
rmut of interest. There was much discu
siou over thin case during the campaign , bi
Mr. Goodrich kuuw of uuthiug illegal <
fraudulent buvingbeeu done , and ho was ili
The alphabetical superintendent of publ
instruction won next put upon the rack , nri
tbo fact elicited that ho know not
Ing. Ho admitted having held fi
n lew months n part interest in twenty ae
lion's of Hchool land upon which he said 1
paid about S250 nnd realized a prolit of a voi
fmv dollars , lie knew of no croked traim
tiona iu handling tboichool lands.
Mr. Oluut ; ui nskod for n report from tl
committee appointed to invcNtigato the co
reepoudcnce lutwieu him and Mr. Morton.
Chairman Buckworth announced the recei ;
of two cumplaiuta from witnesses legardii
tbo garbled testimony published in the Sta
Henry Bohlcr , of Omaha , will testify bofo
the committee nc its moniing session1
Captain PhelAn and his Assassin
jd YOIIK , February 0. A largo numb
oto of dyimmltora wera iu attendance at t
oed Touibd police court this m.Tning to ceo t
IS- arraignment of Richard Short whocommitt
IX * the assault en I'helan in Rosaa's oflice. PI
Ian was lii-ought from the hospital. Ho w
palo aud thin , his left &riu hau inc in a elii
Off "Yes , I feel pretty weak , " he eaid ; to a i
iV- OK porter , "but I am mighty glad to get out uc
Iw more. " In the affidavit which the cleik ma
or out , Vhilan utatea. "lUchard Shi
llv did wilfully stab and wound d
llvd. ; poiieut with a certain dirk kn
re- \vhicn he , ( Short ) held in Itia hand ; that c
Ilin poneut wua so attzcked bv xuld defendant ,
Ilinof and within the oilica of said Jeremiah CJ'Dc
of evan Koaaj ; that he thun and there rectiv
'he ' eleven ntab wounds iri the body and at t
hands of Knid d
la While I'lielon wai niakfcp ihii stateme
Slwrt was led into tlie room and placed at t
bar. Ho looked much better thiui when pb
lot ed m prison four weokn Ago ,
oo "Do you sco the man In court wfeo atHaull
yon * " inquired Juttica 1'atterRoii U J'helan ,
"Tlut ia the man , " hu repliud | Lnting
SO Short.
ras "I f hall hold you for exeiniiiatioii S.'K '
an under ! ? 3COO bail , " iid thu judge to ' .1
ich prisoner.
"Judge , I should like to aik the protect !
of the police whila I remain In the city ! " M
1'heUn. vlth a thow of hesitancy , "I'l
not feel Bifo from the attacks of tliat mai
pointing to Short.
"I am sorry I cannot give you a bo <
guard , " replied the justice.
"If you will give ma the privilege of carr
in ? weapon * 1 can dcfind myself , " remark
1'helan , with pride ,
"Apply to the police , they will grant y <
permission. "
Two policemen escorted 1'helan borne. T
t > .X8mJD.iUon taiui place to-morra\r.
A Grist of iDterestiD ? News from
Wfegton ,
Hisoook and King WranHe over
the River and Harbor Bill
And they Become so Very Per
sonal that
The Sergeant-at-Arms has to
Seat Them ,
Passage of the Bill Begulating
Fees of Pension Agents ,
Palmer Delivers an Klaliorato Speech
on tliu Suliject ol Woman
WASHINGTOX , February 0. After the
transaction of a variety of miscellaneous busi
ness the house went into committed of the
whole on the river and harbor bill amend
ment appiopriating (15,000,000 for the inv
provcment of the Sandy Hook channel ( mouth
of Now York harbor ) . It was the occasion ol
a long wrangle of a personal ruttiro betweer
Hlscock acd King , and was finally rejected
Another fierce dispute arose when the amend
ment giving Memphis S'o.OCO was reached
Young intimated tknt Willis was tesDouMbh
tor the omission of Memphis from thn bill
The word "falsehood" was freely used b ]
both gentlemen , and the confusion became si
great that the chairman directed the sergeant
at-arms to seotlut the members were seated
Young subsequently withdrew the emend
ment , though the angry feelinga of thu twi
members were no. abated , The comintttei
then roao and took icceee1.
WASHINGTON" , February 0. Ingnlla movee
an amendment to thu senate rule , that pro
hibits general legislation on the npproprmtiot
bills amendment , being to permit suchlegisla
tion ns may be germain , or relavcnt on tin
subject matter of the bills. Alter a Ion ;
debate Ingalls' motion wna referred tei tin
committee ) on rules. The debate was par
ticipated in by Hnrrl1 , Halo , Beck , Bayard
Fiyo , Ingalls , Harrison , Sherman , I'la'.t
Dawe ? , Hoar , Allison , llawloy , Cockroll ane
Lapham ,
In the course of his remarks Cockrell alluded
ludod to the newspaper _ reports , to the elfecl
that 82,00. ) hid been paid to onu eminent at
torney in Washington , and SI 000 to nnothei
to got certain pension legislation througl
1 iawley said that n bill could bo passed it
half au hour repealing such legislation.
Thereupon Jackson called up a bill alre-ad ]
on the calendar , referring t * tha feea of pen
sion claim i'ngcuts and attorneys. The bil
was tnkeu up and , but Palmer nskei and re
ceived the unanimous conpont to lay it ixsid
temporarily to allow of hi delivering torn
remarks on the woman suffrage constitution : )
Palmer's speech proved to ba nn elaborat
effort to meet all tha objections to woma :
It wts agreed that the Bon.ito shall meet a
11 n. m. on and aftur Monday next ,
The bill to regulate tbo fees of pensio
aents and attorneys was then taken ur.
Heck paid in 183-J the ppnslon agents wanto
their fees increased to $25 , but both houses r
congress declined the increase then , yet i
congress the committees' fess were iLcreasei
Allison said it was duo the conference ! con
rrittee to say that as ho ( Allison ) underitoo
thn matter , that the pensioner commie&iom
and secretary of thu interior rcconimaude
or approved of the IcgWntion referred to.
if Beck paid that thejo otlicUls had no busine :
to recommend measures after both houses <
rou roas had distinctly decljuod to pa s then
\VhuntIieconferencucommitteo by that t <
opened up all the cases between 1878 and ISi
they wore tnnijn out of tiin pncLeti of tl
pensioner S3.51I3 85U ( on ' L'M.tGO claims the
pendlne ) and if the 138,723 cases that hi
UPen rejected , but were Btill being prefsei
slioulel be restored , ( which was not itnposslbl
tbcro would bo a further sum which that bi
would nllow to bo squeezed o-.t of the pa :
siouera amounting to ? > JfiSOOuO , making
total of fTiii , lt)9 , ) > , of which the p i
Hloners were robbed , The penaic
attorneys had agreed to do the wo-k for te
dollars and most contract ! requ'rlng ' § 23 wei
fradnloat , and made under dur ? 8 Aft
further discussion the bill passed without e
Tin consular and diplomatic bUl was the
called up and pissed.
The chair then laid before the sena'o t
nullsilver coinage bill , but without furth
action the senate went into executive eeasii
ncd whfii thu deurs re-opened ndjourne
leaving that bill us uniiniehud butinesj for t
Special Tciujram ; to THE UEK.
WASIIINCTOK , February 0 , Senator O
loin , who ia extremely gratified by the pa
ago of his inter-state commerce bill , nays
has seine hope of getting it tbrougn the hoi
yet this session ,
llcagau , however , does cot agree wit a I
Hunator as to the prospects of it ? passage
the homo. That body , hu say * , id opposed
the "commission" feature of Ctillom's bill a
he thinks there u little prospect of Its pa
° -
From other senator * , however , it is learr
that Hoagan is a trille nervous lent it m
pa < H , and leave him shorn of the glory whi
lie his bill no ft grants him ,
tie Handjll , to-day , gave notice ia the hoi
isd that the appropiiuti 'iii ' comtnitt e haJ una
mously determini < d to demand a clear right
way 1 the house for the appropriation bi
and notified Iho river and harbor commit
that their bill would bavo to ftaud asi
"Tliat.naid nn old observer of the hoi
proceeding. * , "Is thn death-knell of the ri
COde nud barbir bill. It can not bo got throu |
do Willis will probably try to get some ni |
irt eessions to consider it. but tha opposition
- no strong that it ia doubtful If he can get
ife The river ' and harbor bill is dead , in
leopinion. .
at It Is by no means settled yet that there v
mnot'be an extra session of congress , althor
ed there can bo no doubt that the democra
lie lenders rtgard with disfavor the Idea of h
iug one. The simple truth Is that Ilanc
at olid Homo of his democratic oosociitca are m
\HI \ concerned about thu formation of Clavclau
icc biuot thin they ar * about perfecting i
appropriation billrf. and getting kthrui.uli i
ed IfRisUtion required to avoit an extra neibl
Some ot the largest and most important
t propriation bills am yet to bo considered
the house , ami it u becoming evident that
rt set ate will bavtt to accept some measure ; .
ie , volving many millions ot dollars , without h
Ing opportunity to properly corihlder and (
> n CUK them , if they are to become laws t
id ees-iou. IJut twenty-two legislative days
la main , sud it will require cinttant hard wi
1 to secure the ( uitagH of 11 the approprlat
bills within that time ,
jy Many army officers characterize the rec
caiirt martial proceeding ) against Col , M
vrow , - for dupIIcaUng hi ) pay account * as lit
i > d letter than a { tree , The drmre on the , i > arf
the w.r department to ( hield him aa fat
posalblO. was traruiparunt by the conne of'
judge nd owiUi , in ubitaiuing from bring
be forward da'ciaglog evidence and making
attempt to . < curu hj conviction. Morr
has been n favored officer in Washington for
many years , and his s tvico on the staff of
Ucnoral Shermnn cave him considerable In
fluence in the war department Had the war
department shown half the anxiety to convict
him , and drive him out of the army that has
been displayed asrainit lieneral Swalm , the
court martial which has juit finUhed consld
oting the charges against Morrow would not
have been the tame nffftlr that it was.
WASHISOTOX , February I ! , James F ,
Legate , of l.eavenworth , apiwiirod bafora ths
sub committee investigating the conduct of
Marshal Wright , and was questioned relative
to the conversation with Kerens at St. l.oui * ,
wherein the latter Infonned Legato of the
arrangement to kill prominent dnmocrata in
Cincinnati if they figured too conspicuously
on election day. The question was ruled out
and the witness di-cliirgeJ. '
IVfitmastor Kttie L. 1'eet , Tipton , lown , C ,
K. Itoham , Alton , Iowa , Sylveiter W. Oi
borne , Darllneton. Wis ; , Chas. A. Spencer ,
Sheboygan Falls , Wis.
Postmaster , Chas. V. Hockwoll , Tujlor
vllle , . Ills. , Newton W. Sommers , lioone ,
Iowa ,
WASHINGTON. February p. Tlio sub-coin
inlttco of the homo committee on expend !
ture ? , department of > lu tice , are investigat
ing charqes made by .1. J. Barker , of Irregul
arities in the firat comptroller's otlice , will re
port the charges untustaincd. It also reports
that the affairs in the comptrollers olllco have
been honestly conducted.
The entire Iowa delegation unite 1 In recum-
inondin. ; the president to appoint Ueu , Tuttle ,
of lowa aa governor of Wyoming , to succeed
Win Hale , of Iowa , dpcoaml. The move
meut in Gen. Tuttle'n bclmlt was inaugurated
without h's ' knowledge , the object being to
giyu him the fir t intimation in the shape of
the appointment to the governorship.
The outcome of the movement la uncertain
ni several other applicants have entered the
field , The president has not signified his in
tention in the matter.
WASIIINOTON , February G. The bill to reg
ulate the fees of the pension agents , as it
passed the sunate , provides that no fee greater
than $10 shall bo received by pension claim
agent ; , except that under special circumstances -
stances subject to revision by the commis
sioner of pen-ionerj , A contract In writing
may be made between the applicants and the
claim agents for a fee not exceeding $25 ,
The bill contiina a clause specially forbidding
the collection by claim agents of moro than
$10 on claims filed between .Tu'y ' I0th , 1S7S ,
aud July 4th , ISjl , and prohibiting , the gov-
erament pension azents from paying claim
agents more than $10 on such claims oven in
case of new contracts.
The house this oveninsr passed twenty-six
pension bills , including cue granting $10 each
to the minor children ol the late i.iout nnnt
British Dctccttvf-H After the Dynn-
milcru in ThlH Country.
Special telegram to THE BEE.
NEW YOHK , February G. Immediate1 } ' af
ter the recent exploilon in London , the efl
oret service police depaitment telegraphed to
the chief of police in all large cities in Kuropo
and America , rcquesting.allmen reputed to be
dynamiters to bo put under surveillance , and ,
if circunutances warranted , to arrest them.
It now transpires thut the police of tbiscity have
made four arrests of persona whoso actions led
ti the belief that they knew sonrrtliibg about
the London explosion Txvo dete'i : ' lves arrived
here last week from tjuobpc , t inada , from
which city these four men fled immediately
following the explosion , to eeo if they could
identify them. They were not recognized n !
tha four seen in Queb-c , who lied just aftar
the explosion , aud the detectives returned.
I'hotographs of another man was
sant to Quebec a few days
ago , nnd JiHgc Chanvean , the criminal jud t
and Scotland Yard detective , came hero tc
identify the man. Ho proved to bo u bif
criminal , suspected to have committed a creal
crime in Canada , and besidoa that ho was re
cognized an one of the four mysterioin mor
eeen in Quebec after ) the explosion. The pris
oner is now in the tombs aud Judge Clunviii
in in the city , still working quietly to pet thi
prisoner extradited. The police have kep
his name and the arrival of Judge Chanvear
a secret.
wa ? out late last night. He arose early tbii
morning , breakfasted , and was ready to re-
ceiyo callers sluitly after fl o'clock. M ani
visitors were wailing to see him baforo tlui
hour. They arrive in delegation1) o { fron
three to five , and ppnerally make their call i
a body. Senator ( iorman visits the president
elect tarly and often , and has no trouble ii
seeing him. Ho was cm baud at U this morn
Ing aud had an interview. Ho won't tell th
exact purpose of hi frequent visits , but it i
generally conceded that hu ia either i eel , ing
place for hlmsolf or some other Marylam
ututesman. '
Soiiator McPherson , of New Jersey , callei
this moruingj Your corru-pondcnt learned
on good authority , that he la urging th
1'resideut to appoint Att jrnfry-Goneral Stock
ton , of New Jersey , and ex-UnUoi States act
ator , to the attoruey-geni-ra'ship ' , and tha
Cleveland wua fivoiably impressed by the arguments
gumonts [ iresHiited by Mol'nerson ,
Isnau li. Hunter , colored , of Virginia , i
here , aud intends to call on the president-dec
ta request thollu > tau ! mission as a rewar
for his hervicus in behalf of Cleveland lai
fall. Hunter , who ia about 40 , flumped tl :
ho state for Cleveland aud claims to have coi
verted many colored men to the democracy.
A Kanca * delegation is expected hero tc
day to present the name f Charles \V Bla
ho for a cabinet position , claiming that if thei
in i any mau in K-msai who deserves recogn
to tion , Blair is that man. "
CnrclB anil 1'lstolu IlangTu
. 1'coplo.
av KBTEILVILLE , Vn. , February G. Wayi
-i , Powers and Georgia Bibson were hanged hei
to-day for the murder of Win , Gibson in Api
last. Both a'idrr Hird the crowd , ncknowlod
ing the crime and exonerating Jonah I'ower
of convicted of the emno offense. The
III between Wayne Powers and his broth
tfo , Jonah , reprieved by the governor , waa vei
IP. ufftfcting Wayne ascribed all his woes wliiiiky , cirdn and pistols. Tbrpo thoupai
persona were present. The execution w
private , but a Und outside had been c-recte
ht I nun which the condemned innn epnke , d
; is tailing the killing nod burning of the body
it. their victim , which was horrible to listen t
it.ny The billing wai done for $1'2 end a Miit
ny clothes. Bibson joked aud laughed about tl
ill ropu and some persona up In trees looking o
ch 11tey swung off at 17:30.
v- A Steamer \ vlthIOO Chinese Su
„ , , posed to bo tosr ,
SAN KRANCUCO , February 0. * The Brill
; l,8 steamer Sardonic sailed from Victoiia , It. (
ho for Hong Kong , December 10theinca then
in. has never bo n heard from.5he had 4
ip. Chine.a aboard nnd a light cargo of ccal. S
by Is said to have bjcn uueafe , it Is suppos
the has gone down.
LATKK The Merchanls1 Excbhngo has it
received a dispatch announcing her arrival
reik Lowfll ,
Ion LOWELL , Mau. , February G , Five hundr
employees of Uie Lowell Mftnufacturlog coi
; nt jiany , chiefly weavers nd lx > y , tru
ON against a decrease of ten per cent in wages.
Of Bau CJatro Fratrtqiclo.
Die as JAO : CLAIIII , WJ . , Febnury C-Wi
ing Tliorpe , chairman of the town ijoard , wu th
no and killed kit night by hi * son , for ttboii :
ow Wi family , The 1011 ww Aue teJ.
BnUGeneral Wolselcy Feels CooflfloDt
of bis Ability
To Attack Khartoum and Dafeat
the Falsa Prophet ,
The British Government Give him
Uarte Blanche ,
To take any Moasuroa he May
Deem Necessary
To Eeoaptura Khartoum and Ke-
open the Berber Eoutei
air. GlBiUtorio'H Hcsldcnco Guarded
The Middlesex llcRlnicnt Order-
nil lor Active Duty.
LONDON February C. General Woleeley
telegraphs from Kurti to the war otlico that
this afternoon a courier arrived from the
British camp atlMutoruneh who reported the
rebel a at Motemneh have become defiant
aluco hearing of the fall of Khartoum , The
courier also Bays the attack of Gubat may be
looked for at any moment , aa the rebels ex <
pect reinforcements ttom Khartoum. Lord
Wolsoloy states ho will remain qviict pendinf
further ordure from Iho goveiumcnt. Th <
cabinet thin morning considered what cours <
to bo taken in regard to the present J'tryptaiii
emergency. It wia decided to Bond telegraph ! )
orders to India to dispatch Indian troops t.
Suaktm and meanwhile reinforce the enrrisor
nt Suakem by drafts of troopj from Kriglimt
and the Mcdeterrnnean.
Tha ministry is in favor of _ strong , activi
end vigorous policy , The ministry will SAHC
tton any demand of Lord Wolaeley which wil
aid In the defeat of tho.Mahdi and will Eccuri
the release of Gordon if nlive. or wreak van
geanco upon the Arab ) if slain. The tele
graph line between London and Korti is entirely
tirely occupied with dispatches between the
cabinet and Wolaeley.
LONDON , 1'cbruniy G General Wolsole ;
telegraphs tha government that ho will not b
able to reach Khartoum in less time than fiv <
weeks , when the hot season will have com
menced. He assures tha ministry he fuel
confident of his ability to successfully attucl
Khartoum and defeat the false prophet , bn
ho asya that tha operations necessary t
achieve these result1 ] now will be dlfficultfani
Advices from Korti state tint a number espies
spies have been dispatched to Khartoum ti
ascertain the fata nf General Gordon.
At 3 p. in. the cabinet council adjonrnod
It boa been in session three and a quarts
The tesidenco of Glade tone at Hawardei
has been placed under special police protec
tton. . , , r - * # * .
The Middlesex regiment ; now at Dover
and sixty members ot the commissary depart
ment have been ordered to pre-paro for activ
LONDON , February C. It is announced tha
Italy replied fornully to the protects of tin
porte astaimt the cctupation of K/yptian porl
along the llsd Sea by Italian forces. Ital ;
admits tbc c aims of the sultan to Eovcreipnt
over the lied Sea , bat says she folc compellc
to occupy certain points in order to protci
Italian subjects imperilled by the withdraw ]
of the Egyptian garrisons. She says she wi
late this afternoon that he has been interim
that Col. Wili-on one man killed and fiv
wounded while returning down the Nile fri ;
Khartoum , A meeEOuger summoned Co
Wilson to eurronder , and at ths same tin
stated tliat
It is the giiieral opinion in military circli
that Gordon IB dead.
Ten thou and Britioli troops at stations
the Mediterranean ara available for service I
Soudan. Theao include eight rrglmeuts
the line and five companies of engineers.
LONDON. February C. A dispatch from
Paul de Loado states , January 15th fo
Portugese men of war. occupied the month
the Congo. The Dutch and other retiUeti
protested. The British cruisers Forward ni
Hapid , are oil the coa't.
KOMI : , February ( ! . The fall of Khartou
produced u profound imprestion in this ci ]
tal The newspapers unite in expressions
sympathy with General Gordon aul glvo u
terauco to the belief that the Mahdi's victo
will draw KngUud and lUly into yet clos
relations with a view to a joint action
' °
LONDON , Februiry 0. It IB undpn'tiK
that the cabinet cotuicl d-w u i
give Lord \Volseley carlo bluncho t > take n :
measures he deemed necessary for the rose
{ of Gordon , If alive , and ir.nko use of su
military operations aa ho coniders ndvisal
to repaln the ground lost In Soudan by t
fall lit Khaitoum , Among the alturnativ
suggested b Gen Wolteliy are the immoi
ate recapture of Khartoum and the cmpk
inent , II necessary , of Indian troops to i
open the Berber route , Ucn. Wolseloy'a :
ply to the dispatch of the government givi
him carte blanche to operate ; In the Soudan
oxjieclcd by noon to-morrow.
Advices from Gubat Fay the fall of Kb :
tnum has decided tha Sbukriyeh tribes to j <
El Mnhdl , which placet bath banka of t
Nile uudoi his control. The statement
confirmed that Farez Pasha trcacheroui
made torum with El Mahdi , whereby t
latter was enabled to capture Khartoum.
The wildest rumors are afloat in Lend
to-night relative to the affairs in Soudan , a
It is said by some that Gen , Gordon was hi
during the attack on Khattuum. The decisi
of the cabinet , giving Gen , Wolseley cm
blanch' , baa created a very favorable impi
tion. Groups of people were gathered on I
street" , eagerly reading the latest issues of I
evening pipers.
LONDON , February G , There 1 conside
hie speculation a to whether Arabl Pai
did not have a hand In bringing about '
full of Khartoum , It haa been oscertalr
that thu man who was the prefect of pol
ucder Arabl. and with whom the latter
tmpposud to h ve Intimate relations , was
London recently as an emissary of El Mali
The ex prefect , while hero , Is nald to hi
given to one of hi ) acquaintance , an outl
of thu Mahdl'a planr , which have since bi
carried out almost to the letter ,
LONDON , February 0. The excitement o
the fall of Khartoum is subsiding and uilliti
critics now consider the troops at Metemi
safe if Gen , Earle'j advance to the harbor
hastened , und reinforcements hurried on fr
Korti. The decision of the cabinet giv
Geu , Woleiley full power to act has caln
ttie public mind , Ordorj were sent to ( J
raJUr and Malta to prepare for the iictnodl
despatch of avnilM'lo troops to Soudan. Hen ,
AVoUeley adopted ( Sen. StephemonV ad\ ice to
send ft strong force to Suakitn , It is repotted
Hint the Indian trtiotm will garrison ciunklni ,
while A fotee of 0,000 liritish will advance
upon Ucrber , 'Jhe txpulitlou ( will bo comp -
p > sed of draft * from Indian regiments and c-
climated Ilritith troops now in Egypt , who
will be spliced by drafts from Englind and
the Mediterranean. The Eovtrnraent has de
cided to nminUia the full strength rf the
garrisons in Egypt. The go\ortunont
expresied a readouts to PI b.irk from ll.'iu- '
biy a forcr i.f iii > orklu iLfantry and Sikh lan
cers within a fortnight.
METKMNEII , February 0. GI-D. Wolseloy
to day issued the following proclamations' ' ' ' . ! ' ! )
the noUblos and inluliltnts of Soudan :
England lus sent > nn with an army to restore
pence , ahd not to collect taxca or Injure any
one. I will pay yea for all supplies and
guarantee to executa General Gordon's
promise' . Only thut ) dciorvlng punishment
nt our hands will receive it. I call upon you
t ) submit and not listen to evil advisors.
Come into my camp uml BCD my ollicera , no
OH shall harm you cither coming or return-
leg , "
aniinos At.ivt : ASII SAID TO IIJIVK iiEnuin A
METKMNKII , February 0. Col. Worlley ,
with three English sofdiern mid n party of
nutivi's in a row bo t , reached hero this morn
ing from the wrecktd steamer. They reported
that whllo going up the river ihry traveled
principally during the night to avoid the ex
ceedingly hot fire , which co.vsed when : v
man advanced with a white tlag
bearinga _ letter from the mahdl to the Eng
lish dtlicer' , in which It was stated that
Khartoum had been captured without firm * n
ehot , and that the city and General Gordon
were in hi-t bands. A mo 8igo hai been re <
reived at Metomnch from the mihdi statins
that Gordon lua become aniusstiliiun , and nil
thoEaglieh nfliien had better follow his ex
ample. The muhdi said he had no desire U
tiiht the English , but unless they embraced
the true faith , hu would not Icavo onein Sou
DERI Y , February 0. KewbalJ , chargci
with sending a letter threatening to blow uj
the town hall was diecharged from arrest
nothing Incriminating being found agalns' '
him ,
LTIFSIC , Fobtunry C. Decnmber 21 ! the an
archistc Hupicli , Keinsdorph atid Kurehle :
were sentenced to death for the attempt t' '
awjsinato the omparor of Nelderwaldc
Kupich's sentunco IB just commuted to pem
servitude for life. 'I'ho others will bo oiccut
en to-morrow at Halle.
DALLAB , TEXAS , February ( ! . Col. E. C
Houdenot , the Arkancns candiduto for con :
misEoner of Indian affairs , in : i privuto lettc
to n prominent Dallas democrat , received to
day , dates ho 1m positive information the
Seymour and Tilden have urged in writin
lr. Mlllfr , of Omaha , for postmaster-genera
under Cleveland , The appointment , Boi
dinotis assured , lies between Miller , Jonas <
Louisiana , and Muney , of Mississippi , in th
order mimed.
15y Associated Press
NEW YORK , February 0. A gentlemai
prominently connested with the democrat !
national committee during the recent cam
palgn faid to a reporter this morning : "
have good reasons to believe that Cluvclan
has made np his mind about at least one men
ber of the cabinet and tha choice will ti\
general. yBatisfactionto .thc'idemocra1
of the' country , Senator Gorman an
Col. Smalley have eaid to Cleveland in plai
woidi" , 'SVo have no fovora to ask of youf (
ourselves ; but if it M your wiah in any pa
ticular mnnner to testify your appreciation (
the efforts of tha national committee in t !
last ccnvoss the appointment of Jonas in yov
cabinet would ba accepted by in as a sattlt
mont in full , and v.-o : isk that , and that'only.
Jonat has mony friends in the eenatovl :
urge his sppointment , and petitions from a
parts of the Eoutii , and from business me
aro. continuously coming in , and otlie :
are in preparation. So far Cleveland has mac
no definite sign what ho intends to do but
belicvoho has made up his mind to call , Tona
of Loufcana , into the cabinet as postmaete
general. "
Among callers upon Cleveland this inornir
were Senator Aid'herson , State Civil Servii
Examiner Burt , Senator Gorman , Iloswoll 1
Flower , Jnmes F. English , and Isaac I
Hunter , The latter Is a colored orator wl
advocated Cleveland' * claim to the presideuc
on the stump at the Ir.te election , and 1
waited on Cleveland to urge his claim to 1
miniter to JIajti. Senator Gorman called
perfect , inauguration plans.
D '
n The Manly Art at Jjiuiis vlllo Cayi
Dnllon Pone Up l > y Olcary.
LOUISVILLE. February 0. A tight wi
fioft glove ? between Mike Cleary , of Ne
ar York , and Capt. Dalton , of Chicngo , was w
of nossed by a largo crowd to-night. Chief
tti Policu Whallen was on hand to eo that t
id fight was conducted properly. Cleary was
eplondid condition , but Dalton bore markn
his recent fight with liurko at Chicago. Fo
round" , (2ueeiiflbury rules , gate receipts to t !
victor , was the agreement. After sporrii
two minutes nnd forty eight seconds Clcn
succeeded in landing n terrific right hand
under Daltou's ear. Though struck with st
glove * , blood spurted from D.iltou's nose , ni
ho was knocked senselest and out of tin
Hn jecovered in about lulf an hour. T ,
light was given to Cleary.
to Armed MoxiciniH Cross Iho It
d SAX ANTONIO , Tox. , February fi. A te
' i gram from Carlzzo Springs , Dinomit count
I1U says n hundred armed Mex'cnns ' have orou
I1Uh the Rio Grands , and are now en route
> lu Cariizo , for the purpose of releasing snve
he Mexican pmonera confined there. Unit
es States Mnulial Negley and the Texas Sti
li.y. . . rangers left for the eceno to-nipht. Tlio M <
y.V lean prisoners ant charged with stock stealii
V- Thuy are said to belong to the gang who
ceutly made a raid in Uimmit county , wl
five of their number were killed.
Connecticut 1'olgonlng C ao , . KKW HAVEN , Ccun. , February li. Poii
ho wna found to-day In the stomachs of Jo
is Sullivan and wife , who wore found dead
'iy ' Ansonla recently. Thn theory of murder
bin wife , and her Huicldo U mipportsd by in
on ical opinion , and taat the Iniibjnd died twe
od ty-four hours before his wife. The weir
tot imagined that hur husband waa ucfalthf
on and would desert her , or dying , would lei
tu her but a widow's third of a small osta
I'S- which was in hla name.
PoniLANn , February (5. ( In the ballot
United States senator to-day , the dcinocr
ra- voted for II. S , Strahan , Hirach received
lia which is a gain of two , and just half of i
republican votes in the joint billet , His o
ied vote If cast for himself woulrl pivo hir
ice U majority of one. Hare received 1FdiliDfj
Williuma , remainder bcilteilng ,
ive ill , Mr , M o Como | f'ortli anil nlHf'or |
ino CHICAGO , February C. Marcni 1' . H. M
len assistant secretary of the Chicago public
brary. Is missing , and his accounts are eh
anywhere from IJ&OOto $5CO' . The c
cloHiire caufed spma coniternatlon among
officials of the library , iu view of the red
iry disclosures of tbelta by Otto Hunk , anotl
teh employe.
Bkllimoro Failure.
nn DALTIMOEB February C Uruff
ied , , , Maddtu
ili- 1'Aulkncr , wholesale dry good * , uiiirne < l
day. Bond of trusttet , 1300,000 ,
Tbo Bnlls M Bears Hold the Mar
ket Nearly Steady.
The Oattlo Trade was Fairly
Aotivo and Prioss Hiejhor.
The Hog Market Took a Sudden
Down Turn (
May Wheat at the Oloso was
Firm at 84o.
Corn Opened Stronger , Fluctuated
with Wheat and Provisions !
OntB Active and ArtvauoliiR Kyo
( Plriu I'rovlRtona Goncrally Iiu-
S | > ccial telegram to tha 1HK. :
CIUCAIIO , Ftibriary 0. The crowd ot
traders who occuped : the wheat pit on 'chango
to day were divided into two pretty nearly
equal factiona. Thorn were thoio rather
anxious ta cover , and these , who being long ,
werp fearful that the lit ice mlglit go dcwn
again , Mid leave thoai inimis thuir profit.
The comeqiianco of these conflicting emotions
being so * npenly demonstrated WAI ta hoi U
the market almost sttndy.
opened steady at S'gc , and sold as high aa
8c. ! The close wts tirm nt Sic nt 1 o'clock.
It was claimud that fully 8,100,000 bushels of
short was bought in between 0:30 : and 1
o'clock , and tha statement was alsomado that
among the heavy sellers of long stulf were n
number of English capitalists. Bears called
attention aUo to the report that no wheat
was being _ taken for export. But for the
heavy coveting of short' , and to the influence
of the strong piorislon ma ket , It was the
iniprctROH ! that wheat would hnvo been weak
and considerably lower.
The bulls used several cffootlvo argumonlc ,
among whicli were reports of freezing :
weather in the eouthwost. and the probabili
ties of political compile ihons Mining from the
unsettled condition of eastern affairs. Thu
moit effective weapon in tha hand * of local
boars wai the report that thin week tht ) violbla
supply would Dhow an Increase of about 25 v
000 bushels.
Opened relatively stronger tban wheat , being
Ic higher for near deliveries , Subsequent
fluctuations were confined to Jc Market
being steady and trade rather below the
average. All througli the niorning cession
this cereal t > ok its cue from provisions and
wheat , fluctuating with them , though not teas
as great an extent.
Wcra moderately nctivo and showed quite a
steady advance of go owing to short cnvuring.
May options being abouttho _ only traded lu. .
, BtK
About firm 'with no option on the iloo
with 03c bid , O "
generally Improved and higher all through
the list until well along toward the close of
tiio morning cession , when tberovaa n slight
reaction in sympathy with nn easier feeling
on other market ? , and a reaction from previ
ous higher prices. Little was doiio in cash
quotations , being nominally the same ns Fob-
inary. The strength and activity of the pro
vision market was attributed to reports that
Armour was the bujerof May pi rk. Tfaia
scarf d the shorts , nnd they made th'ngi ' lively
for awhile. TIi3 f r Mny porl ; wan
L'Jc higher than Inst night. Thu liivhoat
point wns § 1" 90. On the afternoon cull ihero
was no mat trial change in the titnntion ex
cept the uroviaions wese active and stronger.
Trade W.IH fairly active nnd piicei g in a
shade best sorts of - and
higher on ofhipping (
dressed beef e toers , miking an .advance of 10
CalO for the week so far. Thcru wni .a better
showing of fair to coed cattle than fur any
day thia week , yet there were but few IhaS
could bo classified as prime , 1'rimu steer of
1500 nnd thereabout ! ) m y bo quoted nt . * ( i 00
( tC 2Ti ; good to choice , S3 505 75 ; and fair
to nietliu-n , S-l 75@C 00 nnd thereabouts.
Common are making about thu enmo prices M
in the early part of ilia week. They are not
advancing with the beat eort < . 1'iiiric to
thoico butcher * ' stol : which Includes
only fine fat cows nud heifers ,
wai again selling at strong price. . Hulls ai
making good pric" ? , corn fed in cor loadi nio
making 3 f > 0@3 liO ; ' canning stock wnj again
weak and urices woic geueraily qui ted a it ado
lower with common M > its selling a < low mi " CO
© 2 75 ; etocktrs end feodcra in good demand ,
nnd prices film cm suitable stock Stoare of
MOOS1GOO pouuilr , 5 23I5 'M ; 12tO13 0
pouudD , 5 10ii,5 ( ( ! ) ; 10COfnH200 poundu , 4 20 ©
-1 00 ; cows , common , 2 50@3 00 : medium , 3 lu
( ,3 U'3 ; good , 3 LT-I 00 ; stcck rH , 3 50
feeders OOg-1 CO , Texans , 4 00@5 00.
Thu market took almost us midden and
lownward a turn to dny as the upward one cf
yesterday. Tbo general market opened rather
strong , but the strength wat only momentary
as it was soon discovered that pntno half a
feIn dozen men of the packing linns I ad m orders
on the market especially nt yestciday'i piicei ) ,
In- anil a eharp down turn of strong 103 was tha
Iny. remit , thu market clcuing weak at decline.
y.ed The quality waa not a > good nRyeft-uday ; bent
ed nssorUd heavy made ? 1 ! )0@5 ) 00 , and all other
to Bortu sold at a proportionate decline , I'.ick-
rnl intr nnd Hhipping , 250 to 400 lb . , SI 70@5 10 ;
ed light , 1 0 to 200 IbK , , 51 4-l ! ) 70.
, Iowa , Failure.
iR. MAUHIIALI.TOW.V , Ia , February ( i , K. Wil-
ro- ligrood , dry goods , failed. Ll.ibiliticH , 18-
roen 000 ; preforenceH , § 7,000 ; nutotH , SIS.BOO.
Catarrh Cured
hn Catarrh Is a very prevalent disease , wit.1-
In distressing and ollcnslvo symptoms. Jfood'a
Sarsaparllla gives relict and
by ready speedy
cure , from the fact It acts through the blood ,
3dn - and thus reaches every part of thu system.
nan " I siiUcreil with catarrh fifteen years. Took
ill , Hood's .Samiiurlllaami I am not troubled any
kVO with catarrh , and my general health Is much
to , better. " I. W. I < ILUS , 1'ostal Clerk Chicago
& St. Louis Railroad. - . . _ , . . ,
" I suffered with catarrh 0 or 8 years j tried
for many wonderful cures , Inhalers , etc. , speud-
nts Ing nearly ono hundred dollars without bcnent.
J tried Hood's fiariaparllla , and \vas freatly
Improved. " M. A. AIJIJKY , Worcester , Mass ,
wn Hood's Barsaparllla Is clwractorlzcd 15
n n Hiiro peculiarities : 1st , Ihu combination ot
rcniuillal agents ; 2 < 1 , thu proportion ; 'M ,
process of FceurliiR the actlvo inoilluln.i ,
iiualltlcs. The result Is amedlclno of uiiusna
Etrciigth , rlTcctlni ; cures hitherto unknown
aeIi Bend for book containing additional evidunci"
"Hood's Barsanarllla tones up my Ryslein ,
art purltluH my Mood , sharpens my ari'i'tlfo , and
Us M'wns to iiiako mu over. " J. r. TiiOMrHON ,
tbu JU'Klster or Deeds , Lowell , Mass.
nt "Hood's Harsaparllla heats all others , and
icr Is worth Its weight In uolil. " I. JUluiiNtnoN ,
130 lUuk Street , Now xork City.
Hood's a Sarsaparilla
: & Bold by all druggists. 11 eU for 5.
tc- only by 6.1. HOOD fl CO. , Lowell , Mans.
IOO ° Do8osOno _