I THE DAILY BEE Fiidsy Morniud : , Fob , 6 LOOAL BREVITIES , All Incoming trains were on time last night. UaniOlien and Ilorima reterson were united in the Indissoluble bonds yesterday by Judge Weiss. Both patties rfisido in Omaha , Samuel N. Tonda , an employe of the Union Pacific , sprained an ftnklo yesterday by falling down an embankment near the yards. Samuel Ileichenbcrg sues John Homan in Jud o Weiss' court for the ejectment of th ° hltor from cortam promises belonging lo the plaintiff. A apodal mooting of the cornice workers ixnd tinners on Friday evening at 7:30 : , at Iho police court room , All Interested in tha nbovo trade ) are invitod. Revival meetings contmuo every evening In the South Tenth street Methodist church A question box has beun placed In the vesti bule. To-night questions concerning the bible will bo received. -A now boat has lately been created by the police authorities , including Fourteenth , Fit tconth and Sixteenth , from Dodge to llarnoy. This beat ia 'patrolled in the day time by Officer Tom Pelrronot. Tlioro are a series of prayer meetings be ing held at the North Tenth Street Mission Sunday school for the benefit of these not at tending other churches. Mooting to-morrow night at 7:39. : All are cordially invited to at tend , W. F. Brown & Co. , of the Uuton Stock Yards , yesterday shipped 8 car-loads of hogs to Chicago. This was done on nccount of the dullness of the market , parties hero not being willing to pay a price in proportion to Chica go prices. The grand jury wag engaged yesterday In examining the cano of John Thompson nnd LiT.ilo Howard , who are hold on n charge of inunlor In connection with the death of Not lie Howard , who was burnt on the night of November 29th. 1 The Union Pacific railway company began ' yoatorday to reconstruct and extend the rip rap on the Iowa uldo to protect the embank ment , and to pile additional rock around the piora of the bridge , which latter protection is provided each year. Tha secretary of the treasury not confirm1 ina the appointment of Mr. Jacobean , of Hastings , ui gaugor , Mr , A , M. Barnett , a ganger at the International distillery , Des Moines , Iowa , has been assigned to duty at the Willow Sprinra distillery In this city _ ( leorglanna Olarka colored proatitute'h ' d a quarrel with horjaolld man last night , nnd struck him on Iho face with a beer mug , lay ing open his lip for the distance of an inch and a half , The wound was sowed up by Dr. Ayroa. Gorgianna , after gazing tearfully upon the havoc she had wrought , fled for parts unknown , Jamea Wilson , a auspicious char acter , was arrested yesterday afternoon , Ho had boon trying to pass what Is supposed to bs a bogus chock of 6100 on , Boveral north end merchants. A fter his ort - _ t * * real ho muat either have oaten the check or JT * * metamorphosed it to powder invisible , for it „ now nowhere to bo found , , Sheriff Miller received the following card from T. J. Paisley , of Dubuque Iowa : "If Hull Blxby or hia nephew , Jackson Bixby , ro in you : county , they will hear something of importance financially by addressing mo. They left Hamilton , Illn , about fourteen yoara ago to engage In cattle buRtnes * in your state , and will pay you liberally for informa tion , concerning thorn , dead or olive. " An item appeared in the BEE yeateday to the effect that the "Storm-Boaten" theatri cal company had been wrecked in Indiana , and that the company wait billed to appear at the opera houao in this city thia week , The latter part of this statement was incorrect , as the company that met with the accident was en route to New Orleans. The company that is to appear in Omaha is in the Bluffs there be ing two companies of the same name. In Judge Selden's court yoUorday Nathaniel Ford swore out a complaint against Prank Wock and three other boyu , names un known. The complainant alleges that Wack and his gang , none of thorn over seventeen or eighteen years of age , burst Into hia homo In South Omaha and mada all sorts of dire threats , based on hia ( Ford's ) refusal to allow thorn to vandalize his property. It ia claimed that these boya constitute n gang of profes sional thieves , who make it their business to plunder and maraud. I , Williams , Brownvillo ; J. J. Tropen , Hickman ; W. J. Davis , Ord : Herbert Wil son , Dunbar ; F. P. Wighton , Norfolk ; K. T. Johnson , Wayne ; 0 , W. Knoelly , Ashland ; ( Jeo , Berlin , J. G. Macklay , jr. , Auburn , Neb , , and L , Crawl and wife , of Philadelphia , Pa , , are stopping at the Metropolitan , Army Orders. A board of ofhcerj to consist of LIou- | ° . tenant-Colonel Edwin 0. Mason Fourth I Infantry , acting assistant inspector general - \ oral , Major George B. Dandy , quartermaster - master of the department , and First Lien- tenant Guy Howard , Twelfth Infantry , will at those Aido-do-camp , convene lioadfiuaJlerj , at 10 o'clock a. m , Febra- cry 0 , 1885 ; or aa Boon thereafter as I practicable. The board will rocolvo [ for i. Its guidance Instructions from the do pertinent commander. The junior member will record the proceedings. Leave of absence for twenty-throe days , with pormistiou to apply to proper authority for an extension ] of ono month is granted Captain George n. Barton , Twenty-first Infantry , j to take effect on adjournment , alno die , of the general oourtmartlal convened at Fort Sidney , Neb. , by paragraph 7 , special orders No. 117 , series 1881 , from these headquart ers , of which ho la a member. General ordora No. 12 , from those headquarters of Juno 20 , 1883 , Is re voked. Hereafter , In this department , In spection of unserviceable propertywill bo jnadn only somi-aunually , and then by the acting assistant inapootorgoneral , ex cepting in cases requiring Immediate action , Mich as diseased or dltablod ani mals , porhhablo stores , otc. The in epectlons prescribed will take place In the months of March and July , or as noon thereafter as practicable. Appllca tloas for the appointment of a special In apeotor should be made by the officsr re eponsiblo and forwarded through regnlar channels , giving in full reasons ( showing the necewity therefor. Attention Is Invited to paragraphs 1,383 and 1,385 , army regulations , Smoka Seal of North OwollnB Tobto CO PYTHIAN POMP , The Grand Conclave of the Knights Pythias of Nebraska , Exemplification or the Secret Work The Dance mill the Unminot. ; Yesterday was memorable in the an nals of Pythlaniam In the state of No braska. The event around which mucl of the Interest centred was the arrival o ; John Van Valkonbcrg , of Fort Madison la. , Supreme Chancellor oi all the lodges of the K. P. order in the world. lie came for the atatod purpose of oiempll fylng the SQcrot work of all the Pythian lodges of the atato , But once before it the history of the atatu lias n supreme grand chancellor vlaitdd Nebraska , that being In the year 18G9 , when the fus grand lodge of the slate waa luati tutod in Omaha. Accoullngly the loya Knights of Pythias determined to hcnrlc the arrival of the supreme chancellor for the second time stopping into the pro ducts of the Gate City , with as much clat aa possible. Mr. VanValkonborg , arriving in the morning , waa escorted tojtho Paxton hole by the Knights of Myrtle Ledge No. 3 , U , D , , in full uniform. During the fore noon ho vraa kept busy thaklng hands with Ha fellow Knights , who throngoc the room , eager to gnap.by the hand Ufo high mogul of | the order. In the after noon the vi Him ; and local lodges wcnl Into session at Castle hall on Fourteenth atroot , and the work of oxomplifylrg the lodges In the aecret work , the passwords and signs was commenced by Mr. Van Valkonborg , nsehtcd by George Leslie and J. J. Worrell , Sir Knlghta. The fol lowing lodges of the atato and city were proaent : Nebraska Ledge No. 1Omaha ; Planet No. 4 , Omaha ; Omaha No. 26 , Oaah- ha ; Platte Valley No. 5 , Plattsmouth ; Eureka No. 7 , Nebraska City ; Tecumseh No. 17 , Tecumseh ; Talmago No. 8 , Talmnge ; Star No. 9 , Ashland ; Lincoln No. 10 , Lincoln ; Myrllo U. D. , Omaha ; Apollo U. D. , Lincoln ; Beatrice U. D. , Beatrice ; Auburn U. D. , Auburn ; Bellevue - vuo No. U , Papilllon. The secret work of exemplification being - ing satisfactorily completed , a rousing address of exhortation to the Sir Knights wna made by Mr. Van Valkenburg , to which a felicitous response was made by Alf. D. Jonea. Spoechca were a'sj ' made by J. J. Moncll and Colonel Ir- win. At 4 o'clock the session adjourned , and Mr. Van Valkenburg left for tha oast. oast.In In the evening a grand ball and banquet - quot waa tendered by the local lodges to the visiting delegates about fifty In nnmbur , and representing aboat half tha atato. M. C. McNnnthton ; , of Brown- villo , Neb. , grand chancellor of the atato , was present and in the absence of the supreme chan cellor , led the festivities of the occasion at Caatlo hall. A largo number of the mombera of the Pythian lodgea of the city , with their friends and the delegates were preaent , and indulged in the pleas ures of the dance. At a late honr an elegant banquet was served , at which icaata and speeches wera made by promi- icnt representatives of the order. After he auppcr had boon accorded ample uatlce , dancing was resumed , and the eatlvities of the day came to a conclu sion in the grand march finalo. Nearly all of the visiting delegates ro- .urn to their homes to-day. THE DEEAD SOOUR&E , It Makes an Appearance in the City Removed to the Pest HOUBC. Yeatorday morning a second ciso of small-pox developed , this tima at a dwelling , No. C20 South Eleventh street. Dr. Lelaonrlng being called in , ordered ; ho removal of the patient to the pest- house , and this was accomplished last evening. The victim ia a German , and iko hia predecessor , refuses to glvo his name , either to mom bora of the press , odlcal prfcaalon or nursos.H' IB case s pronounced a serious ono , and ils chances for recovery slight. The ) thar patient , however , is progressing favorably toward recovery , and will bo llschargod in a day or BO. The wisdom ) f the authorities in retaining the pest ouso guardian is now apparent , and it is probable that the policy will bo con tinued hereafter. Dr. Pettlt is In charge of affairs , assisted by Charley Miller , formerly janitor at the jail. So far as the probability of the dig- eajo becoming epidemic ia concerned , on opinion expressed by a prominent phyal- clan may bo quoted : "Thoro is not much likelihood that tbo discaao of small pox will become ragingly - ly epidemic. The conditiona are not very favorable for auch a thing. Of couro the sanitary condition of the city Is not what it might bo or what it onght to bo , at the same time it la far above certain standards which prevail in other citloa where thera is not the slightest ap- piohonalon of a small-pox aconrgo. Theao . ciaos of the disease I consider to be purely aparadio and Isolated , and not In of any way Indicative of any likelihood that the dlaoabo will become epidemic. " Whllo this may bo very true , ovoiy precaution should bo used in the way of vaccination , tto. , so that the city may not bo taken unaweras. Ladies 1 Pyhaiclana and chomiata hav analyzed Pozzonl's medicated complexion powder and roccomqnd its use to thor wivoa and lady frlonda. "Wha hotter could bo aald of it. THE SOHOOL LAND FEAUDS , Onmlm Citizens \Vlin Will Testily Relative to Ilio Subject. Soargont-at-Arms LaiTorty , Aealatant Seargont-at-Arma Wlggiiu , of Lincoln , wore in the city yesterday , serving sub pa-naa upon certain citizens of Omaho , who were wanted to teatffy before the tpoclal committed of the legislature ) and to tell what they know about the school land frauds. The names of thoao sab- pamaod are , Edwin Poycko , George Helmrod , Henry Bolln , Mrs. Dorn , P. L , Lovott and Rudolph Dorn. Tha case of the hat named gentleman Is a rather peculiar one. He had boon engaged in certain school laud deals in the interior counties , ( at leaat so It was alleged ) and about August 188-1 , he loft the city mysteriously , and without saying word to his wife or friends. He bad np to the time of hia depirtura been connected with the West- crn Hone and Cftttlo Insunmcocompany Ho succeeded In "plunging" the compan ; for A small sum of money , though not t any alarming extant , lie heard that th authorities had become cognizant cf th fict of his "crooked deal , " and ovci understood , as ho confidingly told i friend , that the sheriff was searching fo him with n warrant for his arrasl. Fo theao reasons , with a good deal of trepl datlon ho dotor-nlnod lo leave Omalu Ho has not boon scon here sinco. THE CHARITY FAIR , The Fourth KvonliiR of the hurtles BonoMlcnt Fnlr. The benevolent aocloty'a fair waa wcl attended last night nud the hall wa thronged with strangers. Many books were filled with chances duing the even Ing. Ono of the many beautiful articles put up to bo rafllod during the remainder of the fair , waa a bran , now crisp $100 bill , The glee club , which waa oxpocta to glvo a few vocal selections during the evening , filled to atrlko the right train and did not alng. Several of the mom- bora put in nn appearance but they coulc not sing without the remainder of the club. The many who attended especial ly to hoar the glee club were very much dlssappolntcd. U seemed aa though every young man who waa mkod to take a chance wnntad either 38 or 138 , The roaaon will bo learned on Saturday even ing at the closa of fair. The prizes and winner ! last evening were the following : Silk suspender * , George Hoyn ; Manicure toilet case , Geo. Morton ; doll , Mrs. Paplnakl ; an order for A doz. shirts , Mr. N. B. Falconer boy's ault , Edward lUlo ) ; handkcrchlol case , Mlaa Fannlo Ran ; tidy , Mrs , L. Obarfoldor ; painted cheque , MJS. M. King ; plush mirror , Mrs. M. Hollman : Isdlo covering , Adolph Michaels ; silver butter dish , Thos. F. Boyd ; fira acraon , Mrs. A. Brown , Muaio and dancing were continued nn til a late honr and the Rebecca's well had to telegraph for a fresh supply of lemon ade. ade.Tho The filr will bo cloaod to-morrow night to give the ladies a chance tj rest and to allow them lo fix np their booths for the closing night , when the benevolent eocl oty will give a grand ball. YOUTHFUL BANDITS , Organized Bands of Young Tliiuvoe "NotlilnR to Eat. " "Didn't have no money and wo wanted to buy something to eat , " was the explanation volunteered by ono of a quartctto of boys who were arrested last night on a. charge of larceny , in response to a reporter's query. The boys names wore Leo Hugh , Joe O'Brien , George Thompson , William Johnson. They had been hanging around Hosier's hall during the afternoon , and had stolen a piocc of carpet and coat belonging to a collector for J. A. Fuller & Co. The carpet they Immediately aold to the Douglas street second-hand man , Brown. A TRIPLE THEFT. The coat was recovered late last night by Officer Whalen. The history of the theft Is remarkable , and roads like ono i of the exploits of the "Artful Dodger" typo. The coat had boon stolen eatly In the evening by a sneak thief , name unknown. Ho was detected in the act and throrr the coat into a corner and made good his escape. Before the loss could bo discovered the boys under ar rest had determined to complete the work of stealing , and by bribing a small colored boy , the coat was purloined. Bafore they could dispose of It , however , It was taken forcibly from them by oomp plratica'ly ' inclined ejonlus , while the ringleader of the gang was absent , nnibla to inuator his forces. The coat was taken to a Tenth street second-hand store , where it was disposed of by the man who had stolen it for the third timo. The boys wera immediately arrested , but denied any knowledge of the theft. By adroit manipulation of ono of the gmg , a confession was extorted - torted to the effect that the mm who hid stolen the coat had boon seen to enter a pawn-show on lower Tenth street. From this clue , the itolen artlcla was recov ered. ered.Tha Tha boys say that there la an organized band of young boys rang ng all the way from 12 to 1C years of age , who , as ono of them expressed It , are learning to "do up" the town. Thcso boys are the Incipient toughs of the town , and fur nish good material for ample crops of burglar ; , thieves and other classes of criminals. It is to bo hoped that the young thieves will bo sent to the reform school. For that is about tno only place in which they nro safe from the tempta tions which blight and destroy. TEADE PICKING UP. Noticeable Increase in Trade Dur ing the Past Few Ileyw. Slnco the woathar began to moderate .hero baa boon an Increase In all branches trade , barring , perhaps , the coal trado. jidlos have been able to got oat upon ha streets , and beciuso of tha long end uninterrupted cold snap , there were many > nrehaaes to mako. It is an agreeable change to the merchants of this city , and heir faces are now all wreathed in smile ; . The cold snap gave them all an oppor- unity in take inventory , go through and sort up their stocks thoroughly and now they are prepared to rocolvo their cnoto- mora in the beat possible manner. Not withstanding the dullness of trade throughout the country and the great hue and cry about hard times , the merchants , of Omaha nro looking for , and doubtless will have , a good spring trade. Iloal KHtnto Transfers. The following transfers were filed In the county clerk's office Thursday and reported for THE BEE by the Amoa' real eatato agency February 4,1885. Theodore Bigler et al , to John F. Hoi- ton , q c d , n 22 foot and w 32 feet of B 44 feet of lot 7 in block 101 , Omaha , 51.100. .Tamos Murray and wife to John F. Holton , w d , lot 8 In block 311 and lot 8 In block 319 , city of Omaha , § 100. no ward A. Worley and wife to Orpha 0. Dlnarnoor , w d , o | of lot 4 , block 2 of Patrick's addition to Omaha , $800. Orpha 0. Dlntmoro and huaband to Andrew Johnson , w d , o . } of lot 4 In dock 2 of Patrick's addition to Omaha , 9800. ' s Seal ofNorth Carolina Smoking To toco U the beat. A $1,000 , ROBBERY , Gring's ' Anclion Stare Raided toy tin Night. The Dack Door Oftrolcssly LiOft Opo : And Ilio NlRht llftldorfl Have An Easy Job. Yesterday morning Vf , 15. Gtlng , sue tlonoor , gave notice nt police hcndqnar tors that his store , near the corner o Douglns and Fifteenth atroot , had boo entered during the night and lobbed o $1,000 wotth of wntchos and jewelry. Two men sloop np stairs over the stor and la order to roach their npartmonta i is noccstnty for them to pass through the store. Ono of them wont up atnits to bed about 10 o'clock nt night [ and hia partner had not yet turned in ho lof the back door of the atoro open for him It aooma that the partner did not comi in nt all during the night nud the dee : remained unlocked. By this moana the burglars found easy cofs to the place nud they must have smiled with a great deal of satisfaction when they found how couvlonlly matters had boon arranged for them. In the front part of the atoro wan n ahow case , which Mr. Gting claimed contained $1,000 worth of watches and jewelry. The doors of thla case were locked and the burglars "blow" it , or broke n glass in ono end of it , stripped it of its contents and quietly took their departure. Sometime during the night the man who was sleeping up at.tlra henrd a nolon and wont down Into the store and looked around , but ( aw no oun. Ho returned to his bed but still left open the back door and of coureo the gang conldn't lot such an opportunity as that pass. There aooma to bo something very funny about thla robbery. Why a man ohould leave $1,000 worth ol watches and jewelry In a show case iaarnyatory. What waa the use of locking the ( how case doors ? Why not paste a sign upon the glass of the case , "ploaao do not touch thoao goods , Mr. Burglar. " It would bo just about aa safe to yllo the goods np on the aido-wnlk ontaido and draw a chalk mark nround thorn. Another strange thing is that any sane man elioiil J leave a store door unlocked all night. 1'ooplolio are so careless as to lcavo store doors unlocked , thereby in viting crime , must expect to bo robbed. Burglars arc looking for just such chumps 13 these and it is n genuine . .picnic for .hem. The one eyed thief of the world , Qeorgp Howard , just got out of jail a few days since , and when ho is out upon the streets look out for some kind of funny wsiness. Gcorgo-ivouldn't steal himself , oh , no ; but ho lias a way of stining up the gang. The police now h vo the matter in land and think they will bo able to twrn ip some ot the gords and possibly the liicves. DEATH OF TE , SIOKLES , ormer General Superintendent and Chief Enjrincor of the Un ion Pacific Koad P sacs * A\vy. Intelligence was reuolvod in this city ostorday of the death of Thoophllua E , Jlckels , the celebrated civil engineer , at Philadelphia , Pa.T February 3d , 1885. Mr. Slckeh waa well known In thia city , laving been connected for a period of over ivo yeara with the Union Pacific reid , In an official capacity. He came to Omaha n 18GO to auporlntend the construction of the Missouri river bridge , acting as onsulting engineer until 1870. when ho ) ocamo ch'of ' engineer and general super- ntondent of the Union Pacific system. lo served in thia capacity until April , 874 , when ho roaignod hia ) jsltlon , being succeeded as gen- ral superintendent ty S. H. H. 31ark. Mr. Sick'els wont east , where hs las ainc3 been engaged In the work of civil engineering , with headquarter iow York city. For more than forty yoara ho has . eng god in the profession of civil oarin ? , in which ha nchiov , national reputation. Ho . > eon engaged in important entorp ' laving comitrucied the Croton aquod" " n Now York city , the Harlem river > rldgo and in 1859 the Hannibal & St. Joseph railroad waa com menced and constructed under his per- onal supervision. The deceased leaves a daughter omo twenty yoara of ago , and unraar- led. Ilia wife and second daughter were buried in 1870. Since hat time Mr. Slckols haa ) eon living at Konnott Square , Pennsyl vania. Ho has lately acted in the ca- > aclty of chief engineer of the newly con- tructcd South Pennsylvania rail- oad , and it waa In conneo- ion with hia dutlea in that maltlon that ho received injuries from ho oil'octa of the gaseous discharge of an explosion , which subsequently proved atal. The interment will take place in Ken- not Sqnaro. Special Bulletin. The following paragraph ia clipped rom the special report of the chief sig nal officer of the United States , In re gard to the weather for January : "On the 2Cth a storm developed in Nebraska. It began to move southeast erly , accompanied by rain and enow , but on the 27th changed its course to a northeasterly direction. Aa thla storm approached the coaat of the _ middle Atlantic elates it developed considerable energy , causing violent galea from the south Atlantic atates to Nova Scotia. It dlaappoared on the 29th. Following hla storm came a oold wave , which ap peared in the northwest on the 27th. It novod southeasterly and then easterly , causing a fall in temperature of 200 to JO ? , and disappeared oif the Atlantic coast on the 29th. The month ended with cloudy weather and proolplUtlon in nearly all districts. " Police Court. In police court yesterday Jamoa Cunningham , James Hammond and Thoa. tyan were eaoh fined $5 and coata for drunkenness. Dennis McGlnty waa charged with drunkenness. Ho pleaded that the ulde- walka wera very ilippery and he fell down and waa arrested. The fact ia that Dennis waa beattly drunk , and ho re ceived the UBUil dose , $5 and costs. Tom McOarty WM charged with being drunk. By reference to the old files it was found that there wai a suspended ant once of twenty daya on bread and water tgainat McOuty , tad be WM com mitted accordingly. 1312 1312 ANOTHER Shipment received yesterJny nt the MisriT PAUI.OKS from thoir. mnnng- ing qnnrtois , consistiug o clognut sntin lined cutaway frock and sack suits , with n bountiful nssortiuont of business suits and sopnrato pun In- loons ; together came Overcoats in nil styles of cuts and fabrics. They arc all superb , And seasonable , nnd not many Misfits , but mostly gurinonta mmlo for persona who did not cnll for thorn , limiting it rnthor diflicult 1'or the tai lor to dispose of same unless ho should fortunately have a customer tent nt any suit , Upon the Of the shipment , the nmnngcr of the Onnlm branch , finds by invoice that the ngents havoprocuied them A great sacrifice , in consequsnco he proposes to give the public of Omahn and vicmiiy , the benefit of arraying themselves in FINN MER CHANT TAKOII'S CIOTHINO , at about the cost of the material. THE Make and trimming of these goods are from the best Silk , Satin , Serges and Italian cloth. The JJEST mechanical talent is employed to make the .alterations to imure a perfect fit , which is made free of charge. One visit will satisfy the most fastidious that they can be suited without a doubt at the UP-STAIRS. . UP-STAIRS Open ' ) p. m. ; Saturday until 11 p , m. Z7JP JBY ELECTRIC JLIGHT. Tills powder never varies. A marvel ol purely , strength andwhotosomonoaa. More economical than the ordinary kindsatcl cannot bo Bold In competi tion with the multitude ol low test , short weight lumol phjRnhrto prmdors. Sold only In cann , ROYAL BAKING 1'OWDEIl CO. , 108 Wall Ht ; N.Y. Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute 1118 Howard Street. ( N. E. Corner 12th and Howard Stroeta , ) ( For the Treatment ol all Chronic and Surgical Diseases Diseases of Females , of the Nervous Syatom , Pr vato Diseases ot the Urinary and Sexual Organs , and UUcaaea of the Head , Throat and Lungs. Hpoclaltlea. EYK AND KAU , Dlscants treated by an ripcrlcnced specialist ! also diseases ol the Heart , U\er , Stomach , Kldneyi , Bladder , Neuralgia , Hhcumatlum , 1'ilce , Cancer , etc , CATAHKII , IIHONOIIITIH , And all other diseases ol the Throat md Lungs troa t ed by Medicated Vapors. ( Bend for Inhaler or circular on Inhalation. ) All dliotseg of the UlooJ , Urinary and Sexual Or gans. I'rlvate Diseases and Piles Cured or no Pay. (16 ( Years IlospltaUml Prlvitu Practice. ) Consultation and examination froe. Call or write for circulation chronlo dlttaioa and deformities , Diseases ol Females , Prhato Diseases of the Urlnarr anil Sexual organs. Seminal Weak , ness , Nervous Debility or Kxbaueticnetc. , et3. , > nd our now rcstorativctreatmcnt. All letters and consultation ! Confldentia ] , Uedlclncs tentto all parts of the country by press , securely packed from observation , if lull de scription of case U given. One personal Interview preferred If convenient , Open at all hours. Addreis all letters to Omaha Medical & Surgical Insttute 1118 Howard St. Omaho. Neb. Aciirrou or 1'cnuo ACCOUNT , ) STATK or NKHIUBKA. > . LINCOLN , Jan , 10 , 1885. I It ia hereby certified that the Western Mu tual IJenevolcnt Association of Jieatrica in the state of Nebraska , ha complied with Ilio - euranco law of this state , and is authorized to transacted business of life insurance in this Btata for the current year. Commencing Feb- rnary 1 , 1885 , > VitneH my hand and the seal of tha Au ditor of 1'ublicAccounU tha day and year n , A.JIUUBPOOIC , Auditor 1 1 ON ALL G. ALLSAJLIEIS -CF- CFG G LOTHING SEE OUR REDUCTIONS : Suits formerly $1O.OO now $7.SO. Suitsformerl'y $12.OO now $ & .OO. Suits for me rly $1 < .OO now $12.OO. Suits formerly $24.OO now fjilS.OO. Over Coats formerly , % ' 8.OO now $ G.OO. Over Coats for mcrfy $1O.OO now $ 7.SO. Over Coats formerly $16.OO now $12.OO. Over Cottts formerly $18.00 now ijM&.SO. Ovc. < Coats formerly $24.OOnow $18OO. And every other article in proportion. Call and see our prices. S2I6 Farnam St. B. NEWMAN & * CO Himebaugh LARGEST STOCK OF t p & S i Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES BUFFALO US , Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for Hie Indian Department given for Buflalo Scales ex clusivoly. Scale SHCO > , 5 0 DOUGLAS STREET OMAflA , NEBRASKA