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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1885)
THE DAILY BE E ' .Thnradrvy' Morning Feb. B5. " "LOCAL BREVITIES , . County Oletk JcMllt , Judge McCulloch , In Lincoln commiwioncra ura nna the county on official Irtiiinesn. -Itev. Mr. 1'ylo , the Nebrwka rovlvnli t , ! holding .erviccn t the First Metluxllrt. You are Invited to come to-nltht. ? -PlntUmonlh h i b cn visited by a f.te which destroyed the stores of Muthew and J. S. llobins David Miller Schlcgel , 0. , Duke , - Thursday evening the Qlco Club will sing At Fn'coner's ' hull. At the fair nt 1'nlconcr's hall , for the nefit of the poor , merchant's supper will b ( * or\ed for 25c , from 5 until 7 , to-day , Thurs > day and Saturday , DurinR the year 1881 , 014 marriage li cences were Icsucd by the county court. Dur Jng the year 1883 , 578 were Issued , BO that the Incrcaio for 1881 has been UC over the preced Ing year. - Don't forget that the ma < iuerado ball ol the "Press Club" takes place In Mawnic hall , Thursday ovcninK , February 12th , Grand march , led by the fighting reporter , liromptly at 8 o'clock. " Marriage licJnsos were iasutd ycstcrdaj in the county comt to Michael Hozelia ami Miss Madeline Hekmimt , Kdward E. Sewall , of Co\mcil4llluirj , and Miss Catharine Durr , uf Omaha , Frank llusz and Miss Julia Kker Attention : Myrtle Division No. 3 , II. U K. if ) 1' . Members of this Division an hereby commanded to appear at our Armor : this morning nt 8:30 : o'clock , In ful dross uniform , for escort duty to the Supromi Chancellor. TllOMAH I3UHRELI. , Sir Knigh Commander. Mayor Murphy' * little son received i while coasting Friday aovoro gash ou the cheek day night , which has developed < iulto geriou results. The wound was Rewod up and thi boy was rapidly recovering from the effects when diphtheria , set in. Tha little follow li quite low. The Omaha Light Guards , n military or animation in this city , composed of a munbei young rnon , is in active training to taki part n the production of "Youth" nt thi Opcr * house. The boys are becoming ver ] proficient In military tactics and RO thiough i yery fine drill. The rain had the cilect Tuesday o weighting down of the electric Ugh wires until they crossed telephone wires , en dnngering the 'phones ' if not the buildings n which they wore placed , and several telephon wires were cut Tuesday night by the compan ; sis n precautionary measure. Marshal Cummings received a tolegrnr yesterday from David Sloan , DCS Molnes 3owa , asking to notify EmmaGriUiths "Iivin | nt Taylor's near the government corral , " tha her husband was dying and wanted her t come homo Immediately. The woman , how ever , could not be found , though every effot wax in ado to locate her. Mrs. Ada Williams , n colored lady , reported ported at the police headquarters yesterda ; that her fourteen year-old daughter , namei Mnmio Wllllami , wearing a gray cloak reach ing nea-ly to her shoe ; top's , and hood , hai mysteriously.disappeared. Tha family of th roivaitig rrl is nearly distracted and wholl " unable to account for her strange disappear ance. It is said that the Central and Union I" : cific roads have co-operated to establish a fcs through ficiftlit between Chicago and Sa Francisco. One thousand cars are being mar ufactured and equipped with air brakes fo tha new line. Ono hundred and fifty piece of rollinf stock have already been turned oul and trams will bo scheduled and given rut ning ordeis within a few days. The friends of Mrx. Van Nostrum will I glad to know she is recovering from her recet Hovoro illnebs , C. T. Taylor and family will leave short ! for Now Orleans and J'lorida to bo absei about two months. Dr. Davidson , reaidontsurgeonof the Unio Pacific nt Nortli 1'latte , was in the cityyeate day on official business. Mr. D. L. Ijond , principal of the lilair hig school , was in the city jestordny and tpoi the day In visiting the schools. R. U. McConaughty and wife , nnd 1' . A McConaughty , M , D. , of Gottenburg , ni spending a few days visiting in the city. W. S. McMickcu , capitalist of Counc BlulFe , has been spending a few days In Oni ha , looking alter property with a \ low of nial ing Omaha his home. A ratty consisting of Mr. nnd Mrs. U.rj Taylor , Misses Nora nnd Margaret Boyd an Mr. D. 11. I'linlMlss Alice Pratt le yesterday for Nisw Orleans , Horace E. 1'owers , of the law firm of Dav & Powers , of Blair , was in the city yesterdo cm his way homo from Lincoln , where ho hi been in attendance on tha supreme court , George 1'owcrs , editor of the Beatrice H publican , and nu old friend of Fostinasti General Ilatton , who was appointed postal i epector last week , is in tha city to report fi duty to Inspector Steen , 31. T. Uace , Woahington ; C. IF. Phillip Kaunas City ; W W , Hill , New York ; D. ( Wheeler , St , Louisj II. W. Stevens , Chicag T. P. Hmnpson , Grand Rapids , Mien. , regi ttred at the Millnrd last night. C. T. Tayl&r , wife and daughter , D I Pratt and daughter Allie , and tha two Miss 3Joyer left ywtsrday for New Orleans , who they will epenJ Komo thno "doinc" the exp eitiuu. Mies Pratt will visit friends in Oh before her return. T. II. Worley , wife nnd child , Valparats .Tames 1) . Graham , North Bead ! Miss Ann Jobiikton , > f. H , Bowers , O , Uninsny , Lineal W. Glaur , Aurora , Nob. ; Charles Harris 01 Inrother , SideliaMrs. CellaBmitit , .Sioux Cit It. W , Uinersin , Kansas City , and Mies * Vermeil , of Chicago , are i toppingtth e Me ropuliUii. Ladies 1 Pyhsicisns and chemists hoi analyred Pozzuut'a medicated couiploxic powder and reccomtmd its uae to tin wives and lady friends. Wha botti bo said of it. w. o. Au. . .All mooibors and friends of the ( T. U. ro invited to attend tha proyi meeting at the First H. E. chntch o Thursday at 2 o'clco'i , and to hear tl repoii ot the cjmraittoo on the furuisbiii of the rooms thi y have leased over it Junah rooms , t * > oa known and cccuplc s the iloaiu. MKS Jorm T. BEIL , P4o . BmokeSsal of K Ouoliua Tubs f CHECKED OFF. , & H , Baeasemtn Threatened the Bonnce , Killed Sftinplo Trunks ml KlohlnR Drummers netcctlvcs on n Still Hunt. For tomu time pa t a number of doloc- Ivcs have boon shadowing the baggage men ou the B. & M. , and watching the agg RO cars and baggage rooms of the ompony. The cause of this unusual igilanco bos just leaked oat. Darlnjj ho year jnsS pist It is said by mon posted n the business , that the sample trnnki f commercial drummers have been robed - > od of various kinds of goods in value cs imated at ? 50,000batwcon Paoifio June. Ion and Sin Francisco , The complaint ! f the "road agents" were loud and long , nd finally the company determined tc nvostigato. The somh culminated laal week in a liw.lo. Ono cf the detectives , who imagined he hal corraled a victim rdored the arrest of H. A. Cead , a bag jane man on the Plattsmouth-Red Clone Ivlslon. A search warrant was Issuec nd Goad's ' residence overhauled , bu nothing was found to connect him in thi cmotest way with the alleged thefts lowcver , an example had to bo made am 3cnd received his walking paper * . Dudlej Thompson , { another baggage roan on thi omo division , was discharged wilhou jny knowu c&uso , and also an exprosi nossongor whoso name could not bi earned , Other members of the truok jorkuij .ratornity on the road ore ea'.d ' to bi ahivoring clear down to tholr boots , no mowing what moment the edict of thi detectives will caueo their removal. Si ar nothing has been found to impllcati the man in the alleged thefts , and it i. . more than possibleth t the drummon are trying to fasten on tlio railroad lossei jccaaioned by their own carelasenoas o : own pointing expeditions. THE DOMING BALL , Ilio Mardi Gr 8 Unll LftJil Awn ; Hack on the Shelf and All Former Attempts Out- Done. The masquerade ball to bo given li Masonic hall by the "Press Club , " 01 Thursday evening , February 12th , prom ses to bo the greatest event of the kin < ever given in Omaha. All former event will bo totally ec'ipsed and this ball wil stand out untrainmelcd nnd alone. I cannot bo other than a success , for th reporters are running it. During winter' cold and summer's heat the weary report er goes his way up and down the streets low dodging in lieto and out there t give to the readers of his slice , ho voiy latest IIOTTS. To church fairs ani sociables , funerals and weddings , pri/ ighte , horse races , balls and parties , ii 'act ' , Trharovcr ono may go in the city o 3maha , ho will find present .some ono o the rejnrtora of Om ha daily papers. The coming ball Is their maiden effor in this line and In making their dobu they ara determined that it shall ba "on of the finest. " On that occaaionthe dramatic reporter religions reporter , suutional reporter court reporter , society reporter and , in fact , all reporters will ba in at tondanco. Ono of the crowning foiturc will bo the appearaeco of the only livln fighting reporter , with a neck like Bathan bull and arms five feet long ; li bas navy revolvers for fingers and write with a llvo oak club ; ho spells a man' ' name wrong and kills him if ho wants i corrected ; levee poets and poetry an takes Ihom both raw ; carries his dead i his pocko- and trims hia gory ulster wit the scalps of complaining subscribers. This will pssitivply ba his first , last an only oppjaiunco in this city , as there I pressing need of hia services in Lincolt whcro ho goes to parnljxa the losislatur immediately after their turning the etal over to tbo railrcade. Tickets for this grand ball will t placed on sale to morrow , and you .it cordially invited to indu'ga ' to the amour of ono dollar , or more , as the case ma be. If there is any of the mllkcf liuma kindness in your system , or if the bloo n your veins warms at the mention < he name of a reporter , got , your monc oady , for the boya will surely bo arounc THE BENEVOLENT FAIR , Tlio I'roKroBB of Iho Pnir of til Omaha Bcncvolunt Society , The fair of the Oimlia Benevolent si ciety , now being held in Falconer's hal is proving si most successful venture an will bo the means of realizing a neat littl sum with which to aid suffering Inuiuiniti These nightly gatherings are pleasant i the oxtrcnio. A line musical prognunn : is presented each evening , inter sperse with dancing and social intercourse. The hall is beautifully decorated an Is of itself a eight well worth the price i admission to BCO. A now feature jui added to tbo fair by Mrs. A. Goldsmltl Is an art gslloiy. It is well worth a vis and the hcly who has tbo thing In charg will bo able to make a considerable amour of money for the society trcatuiy. To-night a fine programme will b offered nnd the citizens of Omaha ai most cordially Invited to bo present an enjoy It. 13 oh ovonstg from 5 till o'clock , a merchants supper la served an at this time no admission n chargci These suppers are excellent , M tl : writer can sty , for ho has bean there an liiiowa how it Is hinnelf. If you desii to aid a woitby cause , and , at the earr time got a good sapper , do not fall to g to Falconer's hall any or every ovenln this week for ten. It is an old story thi "tlio way to a man's pocketbook through his stomach , " and the ladl hooo to find the way many times durii tha week. Finn 1'Jcturcn. A reporter of THK Dec was last uve : ing tliown a very line pott'alt cf M Elam Clark , now docoued , who was vo well knon in this city. The portrait an off-hand eraj on ekutsh , by Brr. Dfnr con , of Chicago , and is n perfect likone of the deceased gentle-nun. Mr ; , Ola : propos's as soon as the weather is a Htt more propitious , to place Jhe p'cturo ono of the windows down loien in o that the uuny frionda of Mr. Olaik m goo it. A second porlinltof a jonng jat was also ihon. It ii alio an off-hat crayon sketch , by Mrs. McNan htoa , Council BltilVs , and it equtlly as fine at the portrait by the great artist , Marxian. Mrs. MoNauRhton is an inv lid l dy , and she Is obliged to Ho in bed while doirj her work , and It Is truly wonderful how she cm do such work under such unfavor able circumstances. GLEE OLUB CONCERT , A. llrilllnnt Muslunl Event at Hoyd'i Opcr * House Tuesday Night , Ono of the finest nndionccs which hai gathered together In Boycl'a opera honn this season assembled Tuesday night t < lltton to the first concert of the aen-.ot byt hoOmahn Glooclnb , assisted by Chlca go Madrlgnl club nnd the Fourth lufftntr ; band. The night won a stormy one am without all was dark and dreary , bu within the walls of the open house , hov changed the scone. Everybody waa hap py and the slnqors iroro in the mos pleasant of moods. The programme opened with th "Chorus of Men , ( St. Cecilia's Day ) " b ; the Omaha Glen club and the Fourth in faiitry baud. It WAI a fit opening fo nch an entertainment and at th losing of the selection th argo audience applauded loudly Thos. S. Mondson , of the Madrlpn club , followed With a pleasing sole 'Dreaming , " by Wolllnga. Mr. Mend son has n line tenor voice and his singln ast evening was highly creditable , am ; reitly enjoyed. The cornet solo by Frederick Austin of the Madrigal club , was well rocolvoi and although the selection was very wcl ondoroi , yet Is not uecossaiy to loav ho bounds of Omaha to find cornet play era who can execute equally as well a did Mr. Austin. "Parting" was vrry cleverly sung b , ho Glco club , and they responded to ni encore with that grand old selection Annlo Laurie. " Miss Alice Atwood ho aoprano of the Madrigal club , inado ? cry fine impression npon the audience and rendered with telling effect "Qc a Voce. " In response to n : encore , she sang very sweetly , "Oomi'n Through the Bye. " The Madrigal clu ollowpd with "Forsaken" and "Swedls iVciding March. " Both selections wer exceptionally well sung and the Mndrlga club inado themselves prime favorite with the audience. About as fine a selection as was on thi Boquet of Melodici from Lucia , " b ; the Foutth Infantry band. This oigini /.ation is too well and favorably known t call for extended comment at this time Snllico it Is to eny that they were oblige o respond to an encore and did so ver jraeofully. The solos by Miss Emma Mabolla B.n cor , the contralto of the Mad'gal ' club were applauded to the echo , and she wa , wico recalled. She la a very plcasan singer and is a great favorite with ho audiences , because of her pleasing waye as well as imgnificent voice , The bass solo by Mr. George H. Bred orlck was rendered in that gentleman' usual happy style , and of conrco ho hate o sing a second selection. George nove sings once but he Is immediately callei npon to sing again. The balance of the programme was car ricd out in a highly artist ia style , am nought but words of praise can bo said o t. The Glee club is in excellent snap nulor the efficient leadership of Mr Franklin Smith , ono of the best musica directors In the western country. Omuh can justly fool proud of such n grand ot ganlzatlon , nnd the beautiful auillonc hlch greeted the bojs Tuesday is th ) est evldonco that their eflorta are thoi oughly appreciated. They went ta con sidcrablo expense to bring the Mad rigs club to this city , and are entitled to th thanks of all. In the future they wi1 ; ivo another concert , and we bospoa ior them the patronage which they si richly deserve , and it la safe to say thn on their next appearance there will nc bo a vacant seat in the house. Seal ofNorth Carolina Smoking T acco Is the bust. HOME OIROLE LITERARY A I'rivato JTjiterary Society Holds It Fifth Meeting. The fifth mealing of the Homo Giro ] Literary society wes hold on Hondo evening at the residence of Mr. Wn LUoy , on North Nineteenth street. . largo company was present , and the larg parlors were filled to their utmost ca paclty. The meeting was ono of tb most pleasant which has boon hold I the society , and was productive of mnc gocd. An excellent programme wi well carried out and was heartily onjoyoi Following is the 1. Duet-"Iy the ljulot Luke" . . D. P. Heard nnd L. 8. Mol 2. Song -"They Grafted Him Into the Army" . Aunt Marirar 3. Piano -"March" . . .Miss Ada Win I. Song ' 'The Moorish Drum" . . L. Ltttlpfie 5. Society Paper . Mies Minnie Colle 6. Sonff-'Tfio Old Mald".G. W. Shriv 7. Recitation-"Tho Wlufikers" . . K. 1' . Xlmmermi 8. Song ' 'Down the Sbadowed _ Lano" . Miss JoLiiie Schui Intermleelon. I ) . Drama "Our Surprise Party. " OA8T OP UHAIUCTKUS. Miss Maggie latey. F. W. Pickenu , Mies A nio Lane , U. F , Redman , Mien Amy Pick- ens , D. P. Beatd. MHB ! Dolly Bally , W. II. Latoy "Orchestra" Mrs. J. M. Heineman , Prc Mole. 10. The Old ArmChair . Rosa Bsi 0 oughs , Colds and Soro-Thro yio r adily to B. H. Douglass & Sons' Caj sioum Cough Drops. 3 Pollen Court. In the police court yesterday mornir Owen Connelly , bolter known i "Whisky Jack , " was charged with dnml cnncss. Eo w s sentenced to ten da ; in the county jail on bread and wa'er. Oco. Slrong , charged with being a sin [ licious person , was lined $20 and sentc : ced to thirty days in the county jail c bread and water , but judgment was sui ponded providing ho left town by noon. James Leo got into a drunken rack and bi eke a window in a Cuming strc saloon , Ho agreed to pay ell damag nod -was released by the court , with warning not to como again Henry Hawkins , charged with s'ojlii 815 from A man named .Nichols , was di clwged , no oao appearing to prosecute. 0. E. Mattes n , the ' 'solid" man Can io Mullen , was fined $10 and cos and sentenced to five days on bread at water for ssault the upon driver of t express wagon. Henry liouU , charged with vagranc was givtn a low hours to leave the city. SPECIAL CORSET SHE , Great Stie at Smith's ' Div Goods Store To-day , Grcnt Bargains Booked or Hvory D y Tills AVeok , To-day , Thund.iy , Fobrnary Oth , t Smlth'a dry goods store , 1G07 Fntnam trcot , there will bo a special sale of Boto. From the lowest grade up to ho highest , they will bo sold at cmo-hnlf ptico , in order ta reduce stock. This id ono of the best bargains over ndvottiso n Omaha , and no lady can w ell afford to runs profitlni ? by It. On Friday thcro will bo a apodal silo a the linen department. All goods marked down to bed rock nnd all masl ind wlllbo sold without reserve. These goods were never before offered 83 cheap n Omaha or in the woat as they will bo nt Ill's ' sale and yon will never bo nblo to buy thorn so cheap again and by all moans take ad vantage of this salo. On Saturday , February 7tb , there will jo n gtand reduction in all lines of peed : and a grand special srxlo will bo given. The doors will bo thrown wldo open and nil may como in and take advantage ol the lowest prices over offered at any store in Omaha. Wo doriro to call special attention tr Smith's line of underwear. Ho has n Very largo stock of voiy line goods and it selling thorn at prices which bnlllo all competition. In carpets mul rugs a fortune can be node by buying them at Smith's store. You will never bo able again to buy car pets at at such low piiccs as they ate now t'tfcd for at Smith's. During this entire wcok you can find ; rcat bargains in all departments at Din'th's anil it will bs to your interest tc ook over his stock and prices bcforo niak- ug your purchases. The O. , St. P. , M. &O. Depot Itobbcil at Noon YesterDay. Yesterday , w hllo the employes ir tha depot office of the 0. , St. P. , M. & 0. road were at dinner , a sneak thle : Forced an entrance and brooking opot the money drawer , carried oil' its content : amounting to abont $40. The clerks did not leave their dcski until abont half past twelve and somool the number returned within fifteen min < ites and it wai dnrinc ; this short apace oi tlmo that the theft was committed. The agent reported at police headquarters and says that ho thinks the thief is a tramp , who has been hanging around the depot for a week p t " STORM-BEATEN , " The Company " \Vltli the Windy Name 1'ilcd up In Wreck , The "Slorm Beaton" company , bllleil ; o appear hero this week , were ditched jy a railroad accident in Indiana yes- : etday morning. The associated press repott yesterday afternoon says : The Chicago D y News special from Vincennen , Inc Baays tlo "Storm. Beaten" Theatr : if company , travelinn by special train , were picked out of a btd wresk near this city this morning. Tfcc train was running fifty miles an hoar go. 'ng round a cnrvo and waa ditched. The baagage car , containing the scenery , wa1 splintered , and the parlor car , in whk-1 s the company , was upset , but nom were badly injured , . 21io Ladies' Musicalc. The seventh of the present series o : the Ladles'Musicalci took plao yester day afternoon , at Meyers' hall , bolof quito largely att3tded by the member ! and friends of the society. Ovatoric miuic , of the grand and masterly styli of the old coinponore , furnithod thi theme of the afternoon. The followin | are the numbers rendered : Representation of Ghana HiiTtli ( L'iauo nrrangempnt finir. the creatoion ) Miaa Minnie lirovvn. O Sing to Coil ( Noel ) Gormoi Mrs. SquireH , Irs. HhndcH , Mrs. JCsta- brook , M re. Peck. Air-If With All Your Heart , ( Elijah ) Mendelasoh Mr. Urecltonridgc. Inilamnintus , ( Stabat Mater ) Dvora' Mies 1'ennell. Kositation and Air-I Will Extol Thos. ( Kli ) Cost Recitation and Air-If Thou Shouldst Mark Iniquities , ( Kll ) Cost ; lr. Warren Jlogew. March to Calvary , ( Redemption ) Gormoc Mia3 Brown. o itno Liiar To the editor of the 3i:2 ! , In joaicrday's ' Ilepublican , the cdito indulged bis spleen at Senator Van Wycl in his usual unfair way. The Kopublicai states that Senator Nan Wyck slid ilia it took IHO bushels tf coin to purchase ton of soft coal in Nebraska. What th rcnntor didsay see pages 828-9 of con grcssi"iial record. January 17th is this "In Kansas and Nebraska 50 bushels c co n will not pm chase ono ton of soi coal. " ' There is a s'ight difference between ) ! and 150. For months corn did not briiij mere than 12J cent i a bushel in the in terior of the slate , while soft coal was sol at § l,50 ! to 88.50 per ton. Forty bushel of com at 12 ccnta would bo § 0.25 , nine ] less than tho'averago price of a ton of sof coal in country towns. Ilenco wo find that Senator Van Wyck 8 statement vr as literally true , wliil the editor of the Republican multiplie that sta'cment ' by three in order to slan tier the senator. X DIUU. CAHl'ENTEH-Kcrtlia G. , youngest daugl tur of JnmcB ( > . and Klizaboth CarjionU ; on TuoBday , Fehruary 3 , aged 13 years , months and 17 days. Funeral on Thursday , February Gth , at o'clock p , in , , from residence , & 25 Fairviui ftreet rAKFITT On the 3d lust , cf confusion ( the brain. Htnry , youuBest child of Ihoi ] : , aid Clara T. I'ftrfitt. Funeral on the 6th hist , at Laurel Hi Cemetery \vlieiu ha will be laid bonido h four year old brother Frankle , buried ther on the 20th cf Novembsr last. Mr. T. 1 1'arfitt , who for the last three years has bee employed at the K S office , has the eympath of all In this , his [ second bereavement with ! ten weeks , during which time the whole ' his family baa been down with diphlherii and ho himself a lutlerer from a painful hi Affection , Marshal Neil Iloaes in bud and blooi at E. 0 , Erfling'a Floial hall. UP-STAIRS. UP-STAIES AGAINST the WO It can be set down as a settled fact that since the opening of the Misfit Clothing Parlors in this city , Omaha City is the best place in the country to obtain really fine Custom-Made Clothing at low prices. The Misfit Parlors are bring ing here the choicest work of the leading Merchant Tailors through the east and west.and retailing it at prices that do not represent in many cases the cost of sponging , cutting- , making and trimming ; certainly you could not expect better rates than these , We buy low because the tailor has either to sell his misfits or uncalled for garments to us or sell them at auction. What the tailor loses our cus tomers gain , If you think it wiser to pay half price than to pay full price , come to the MISFIT PARLORS , where Fine Clothing is always sold at half- its real value , Bargains that Save Dollars- All Alterations Done Free of Charge to Insure Good Fit , Suits. Overcoats. JPants. 925 00 Merchnnt-tnllor mnde Suits for 812 00 523 00 Mer nt tailor mailo Overccnta ut § 10 00 $ C 00 Merchant tailor rn.-ulo Pants nt. . 3 30 00 HOT 35 00 10 50 30 00 . 11 50 8 00 " " " -I 00 40 00 18 25 10 00 i. It 75 i.n " ' " 10 00 0 00 15 00 20 00 1500 n i > 0 00 50 00 i3 ! 00 DO 00 12 00 " " 6 00 l > 0 00 28 00 22 00 C5 09 , .soon 60 00 2 ( ! 5) 15 rn ' , . H 7 50 75 00 .35 00 00 70 3000 18 OU " " S 50 Open eveniiiga until 9 o'clock ; Saturday nights until 10 o'clock. We wnnt to tell you that we are nb'e and willing to save you money , a fact that none of our custo- 3 have vet disDiited Bei suw toisee our overcoats. Bear in mind that ; wo are established for the sole of 1'S MFSPITS and UNCALLED FOK CLOTHING only , and every garment hears the name of the tailor. 1312 Douglas St. , Up-Stairs , Omaha , Neb. All Alterations to Improve a Fit Made Free of Charge. LI IT IIP RV REP Tlila powder never varies. A marvel ol purety , strength anil uho'csmcncs9. More economical than the ordinary kinds.arJ cannot bo Bold in competi tion with the multitude ol low tc t , short weight lumot plijsohrto pnnders. Sold only in cans. KOYAL BAKING 1'OWDEu CO. , 103 Will St ; N.Y. Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute 1 US Howard Street. ( N. E. Corner 12th and Howard Street * , ) ( For the Treatment ot all Chronic and Surgical Diseases Diseases ot Females , ol the Norvoui System , Pr vato Diseases ol the Urinary and Uexual Organs , uid Diseased ol the Head , Throat anil Lungs , Specialties. EYK AND FAIl , DlecascB treated by an experienced epcclilUti also diseases ol the Heart , Liver , Stomach , KUlnojo , llladder , NcuralKlt , llheumatlsm , riles , Cancer , etc. CATAllHII , DUONCI1ITIH , Ana all other dUcaneH ol the Iliroatind I.UDfa treat ed by Medicated Vapors. ( Send lor Inhaler or circular oil Inhalation. ) All < ll ras(8 ol the DIooJ , Urinary and Sexual Or. gann. I'ritnto Diseases and Piles Cured or no Pay. (15 ( Years Ho'jiltalaml Frlvtto Practice. ) Coinuliutlon and examination tree. Call 01 writofirclrcularsjjn chronic dl'ca'es and ilclormltlc ! , Dlseasrs ot Females , I'rivato Diseases ot the Urluarr > n < l Sexual orirans , Seminal Weak , ness , NcnousDebility or Kxhaustlcn.eto , , cts. , nd cur new roatoratitctreatment. All letters and consultation ! Confidential , iiedlclncs nont to all parts ol the country hr ex. press , Becuicly packed from observation , if full de scription ot case Uuhcij , Ono pocsonal iatcrvlew preferred if convenient , Open at all honra , Addrcts all letters to Omahu M > dical & Surgical Fnsttute 1118 Howard St. Omaha , Neb. Omen Aunrrou or I'CULIO ACCOUNTH , ) KTATK ov NKWUBKA. J. LINCOLN , Jan , Hi , 1885. I It ii hereby certified that thn Wenttrn JIu- tual ] if novolcnt Aeeoclatlon of Deatiica in two state of Nebraska , baa comnliud with tlie - turnnca law of this ttate , and is authorized to transact tlio buelnesa of life Ineuranca in this Btate for the current year. Commencing Feb ruary 1 , 1885. ' gsal of the Auditor 'Wltnem mr hand and the ditor of 1'ublicAccounts the day nd year kborti written. BKAL ] H. A. ' BABCOCK , Auditor J' . A. -ON .4LL- CXA-SIBI S.A.HLIES OF OU1Z JKJ3JDUCTFOWS : Suits formerly $1O.OO now $7. SO. Suits formerly $12.OO now $0.00. Suits formerly $ Z6.OO nou ) $ JL jOO. Suits formerly $24.O < t now $ JLS.OO. Over Coats formerly $ S.OO now $ Over Coatsformerly $ Z0.OO now $ Over Coats formerly $1G.OO now $12JM * . Over Coats formerly $18jOO now $ JL3.&O. Ove.i Coats formerly $24 JOOnow $ JL8OO. And every other article in proportion. Call and see our prices. Farnam St. B. Ni Ci LARGEST STOCK OF I i : Is Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for fess than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nenraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for the Indian Department given for Buflalo Scalea exs cluaively. 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