Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1885, Image 6

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Thursday Morning , Feb. 5i
sUBScnmioN IUTES. :
By Cattle ] - - - - - - -SO wnta pet week
By Kail * - - . . . . - 110.00 pet jc r
o. T "a rl atr t
"Slorm Boaton" at the opera house
again thlfl evening.
Grtat solo of slightly damaged muslins
at Cocko & Morgan's.
Just received , an ole ant line of white
goods at Cocko & Morgan's.
Ladies' hemstitched handkerchiefs , ICc
worth 20c at Cocko & Morgan's.
The small-pox bills have boon laid over
by the county board until the April sos-
Leave your orders for job printing tv
day or two ahead at Pivor'a BEE job of
The county ofliccrs are to bo moved
Into the Mtsonlo building on the first of
\V. T. Braun is having some financial
troubles by which his restaurant has been
closed temporarily.
Mrs. Sarah Boncoa aska .lustlco
Frainey to have her husband arrested on
the chnrgo of adultery.
Bleached and unbleached muslins at 5
cents worth 5) ) ceuls , only slightly dam
aged by water. Coeko A ; Morgan.
Best grades of bleached and unbleash-
od minlino at G. [ cents worth 10 cents ,
slightly Bailed , at Cocko & Morgan's.
Thu water has gathered in a great
pond right on the corner of Main and
"Willow uvonuo , the paving Booming to bo
too low thoro.
It Is proposed to put in a tllo drain ( to
xun the water oil' from Bayliss park ,
arrylng the drain several blocks to some
lower point , if ono cxi bo found.
Mrs. Sibley , Mrs. Swan and Mrs. E.
HarkneBs will entertain the sociable of
the Congregational church at thn resi
dence of Mrs. Harknoes this evening.
Iho strife for the postoflico under the
Cleveland administration begins now.
Ono petition Is being circulated in favor
cf Tom Bowman , and ( mother in favor of
Welles Cook.
The sawor di'ch ' is BO filled with water'
that many pupils could not attend Otirtin
street school yesterday , tbo only w.ay be
ing to go clear around by tha old Union
svonuo bridge. A bridge Is needed
badly lower down.
, County Atlornoy Keatley has boon
Instructed to take an appeal to the supreme
premo court In the case of Potto mxttamlo
county versus Carroll county , lately dc
elded against this county.
{ { The county board yesterday received a
telephone message from H. Mendel , of
Nelson , eayii\g that there was a mistake
TO to how Nelson felt on the court house
question. It wna willing to vote for
$200,000 for a court house and jail.
AldormonJamo ] and Sicdentopf yostor-
dfy expressed to the county bqard the
wishes of the council tfcat tha board
would build aomo bridges across the new
Bower ditch. The matter was referred to
Supervisor Graham to report at the April
A iittlo boy who sauntered into the
city jail building was supprised to seu
what ho called n duck roosting on Hie
top of the stove. It riappoued to bo ono
of the gray-backs with which the jail Is
Infested , and not ono of the largest siza
The entertainment given at the opera
house last evening proved a treat indeed.
"Storm Boaten" was presented in a most
excellent manner by a very evenly bal
anced company. The scenery was remarkable
markable , and excited much enthusiasm.
Thosamo entertainment is to bo present
cd again this evening.
The case of Supervisor A. C. Graham
charged with assaulting Constable 0.
"Wesley , was called up before Justice
Prainoy yesterday. Mr. Graham took a
change nf venue , and iho case was sent
to Jasllco Schura , who continued it until
April , a < which tlmo the board of super
viaonr , ull of whom arc called as witnesses
will bo in the city to attoEil the regular
mcolirg of the board.
ProfcBior Slattorly yesterday received
the sad news of the death of his stepbrother
brother Michael in St. Louis. Ho was
ryad about eighteen , and has been suffer
ing from bronchitis for about a year past.
The profusaor has been called on tome
mo am several times during hlafivo years1
residence in this city , ho having lost In
that time thico In others and ono sister.
The city jail la proving ( o bo a very
wca't structure , and the CMO with which
prisoners dig out should cause immedi
ate action to be takon. Tha jail should
Lo lined with with Iron plates , and
wall thould bo run about the building to
prevent outsiders from passing thingi to
the prisoners As it is now the j
would nuke an exoallent chicken coop
peihtp * , but certainly no cafe place to
keep prisoners. The jail has also become
vi r/ filthy aad much littered up. It is
tiaa Infested with vermin , so that even
tbo officials 1 ave pwat ditlicnlty in Loop
ing their own clothing free fiom them.
] IORK3 ANw MULKg Foil
Two car loach of horses , mulea am
nmros just received , for saloattho stables
of Bchlalor it Delay , Kiols b&ru , corner
Fisth avenue end Fourth etreor.
Dr. 0. C. IIszeD. Dmtlst 100 Main St
For sale My book and stationery bus
341 Brood w y. U , E. Seaman-
A Special Election Mallei to Decide the
Conn Honse Qneslion ,
Che Flans Accepted and a Limit
Put to the Cost ,
Facts nd F
An important decision was reached by
ho county bonrd of supervisors yester
day , it being thfttn apodal election should
> o had and the question of building anew
now court houeo and jail embmittod to
ho implo. There were ninny roaaons
which led the board to Ihla notion. At
ho last special election hold for this pur *
) oao the proposition to build n now court
loneo was only defeated by 08" votes ,
and tbo proposition for a now jail by 2GG
votes , It is very evident thnt there hns
been a great change of tcctlmont In the
county slnco tliat election was hold , and
t is qulto cortnln that a Inrgo uajerlty
of the voters are now in favor of building
loth. Seine objection has boon raado to
loldlng a epecinl election instead of sub *
mlttiug the matter at the general election
next fall , but unices actions
Ejections have been made c jinst ( ho
ittor. The oiponno of a apodal election
nill not exceed four hundred dollar/a , and
it will then bo removed entirely from
political coinpHcitions. It ia also evident
that a now jail must bo built right away ,
and the con of holding a special election
, o secure a now jail , would bo just as
{ rent as to hold onu for the court house
at tha aaino time.
The board of supervisors sworn as they
ere to look after the county's interest ,
ind the county without any eafo place
'or ' keeping either the valuable records ,
or keeping prisoners. The title of every
nan's farm is in danger of being affected
by the records bsiug destroyed. The
: oanty is also obliged to rent some places
'or oflices and court room , and the
supervisors have ascertained that , aside
roni the inconvcnicnco of such an ar
rangement , the cost to the county Trill
ja more each year than the interest on
: ho bonds.
Aside from many such practical reas-
IODS , there is also the fact that Pct'awnt- '
ainio county is one of the largest , weal-
Meat , and most prosperous In the stato.
The county is entirely out of debt , and
bore is no nooa why it should have the
ntoroata of its citizens jeopardized , an-
lual expenses Increased and the roputa-
eon of the county disgraced by a crumb
ing old court hpuso and jail , which can
not stand without props.
The sheriff yesterday presented the
> oard some atartllng ii nroa as to the
iost'of keeping the prisonera else where.
Inlesa a new jail is to bo built this sen-
Don they will certainly have to bo kept
soraewhero else , and there is no place
this side of Ft. Madison in the state ,
where accommodations can to had for
hem , The coat of taking those prisoners
; here and bringing thorn back hero for
; rial , would make an enormous bill , and
the sheriff's fees alone would
make him a nlco Income. A < ho said to
the board yesterday , "Just give mo the
[ all and you may keep the court homo. "
His figures were as follows and wore con-
lidorod low estimates , tho/ being on a
jasts that ha could take two prisoners
across the state at a time , wh'ch could
not well bo done always , and if not the
33Bt would bo a good deal more. Do
Igured on the basis of an average of
twenty prisoners per quarter. The ex
pense of carrying them to the peniten
tiary and returning them for trial would
bo in three months § 1,310. Their boird
and washing at 85 cents a day would ba
Sl,570 more , making for these items
$2,880 , and this being for only ono quar
ter , a year's exponsa would be § 11,644.
Ho thought that this would bo found to
bo the lowest pojsiblo estimate , and it
might roach $15,000 a year.
This makes it evident that one half of
that expense paid toward a new jail each
year would in five yoara pay for the jail.
It boa alsu been urged that by now
voting for a now court hnnso and jail the
jail could bo bnllt this aessou , and the
foundation of the conit house could bu
laid. Only enough bonds would bo sold
to pay for thia much of 1 ho work , and
iho tax payers would not have to pay a
cent additional Uses until 188C , as the
tax would be levied next September , and
would not ba duo till next year , and then
payable , under the now law , In two pay-
mentB. Then the next season the sopor-
structure could bo built , the foundation
being all the bettor for laying ono win
That the people may know jast what
they are voting for plans have bjon in
cepted , and bonds are to bu filed and
published in the sum of S3CO.OOO that
the building ] shall not coat moro than
the amount lixed , and the board reserves
the richt to inako a contract with any
lower bidder , so that while the court
liouso cannot cost moro than § 150,000 ,
nor the jail more than § 30,000 , the
bnildioga may bo put up as much cheaper
as the board can got contractors ( o bid.
The date fixed for the special election
is TucsJay. March 10. Two distinct
propositions are to bo then voted on , ono
as to whether the board shall build a new
court house , the oiluraa to whether they
shall build a new jail.
The plans selected are thoeo of Eckel
it Mann , of St .loo. It ia proposed that
for building the court liouso not more
than § 150UOO bonds ahull , under any clr-
cumatancoa , be issued , and as much less
as the board cau got the building ersc'cd
for. These bonds are to be sold only in
such Bums ns are needed by the prcgnm
of the work , so tint the county will save
as much interest as poesiblo. The bonds
are to draw six per cunt Interoit , payable
Bcinl-umuolly , and are to bo sold for not
IUJB than par. They will doubtlees com
mand a premium of two or thrjo per
cent , which will cut down the interest
still lower. In seven years aflur they are
iesucd ' § 30 000 of thoao bonds will fall
duo , in eight years § 40,000 , In nine years
§ 10,000 , and in ten years § 40,000. It la
proposed that each ynar for iix years
a tax levy of ono mill shall bo rcnde ,
whish will pay the interest * n < i which
will hardly bo hit by the taxpayers
Then a levy wlli bd made year by year
aojliciont t > > moot tbo interest and thu
principal as it falls due , Before the ttn
yenrj are passed , at the rate this ci y ana
county are growing , tha levy will be ex.
tromely light , and of the whole amount
this city , which now pays two-fifths of
the taxes of the county , will ba paving
over a half , so there need bo no claim
that Council Bluffs Is tryirg to burden
the rest of the county , it having the
larger share of the whole expense to bear
For building a new jail , it ia prnpoted
not to spend moro than § 3,000. Bonds
are to bo iiautd as for tha court house.
None fall duo until elx year * after thu
jail is built. Then § 0,000 will bo
each year until all is paid off. The tax
ovy shall only bo onc-qu ter of mill
a year to keep up thn Interest until the
Donda become duo.
The people have all the guarantees
offered that they can ask. They have
oard of supervisors of their own choos
ing , and ono made up of men of known
integrity and wiedom. Thavo hayo plans
resented showing just what kind of
Buildings they are to build. They have
5300,000 bonds that the cost of thcao
buildings shall not exceed the amount
named. They h&vo also the assurance
.lint the board can and will lot the con
tract for those buildings to any ono who
will put thorn UD for less money than i >
voted. With all thess safeguards thrown
about the people's interests , and the fact
that this great county has no court house
or jiil , there seems no food reason why
the propoaltiona should not bo carried by
an overwhelming majority.
What shall bo done In the mean
time ? Yesterday U. H. Mar *
ten ? , the proprietor of the
skating rink made a proposition to the
board to rent thnt building , but after
looking It over , they concluded it would
not answer the pmpoeo , and thcydocldcd
to stick to their former pUn of holding
court in the Masonic hall , and using the
lower floor for county ollicera. NecesBalr *
ly there will bo great Inconvenience
caused 'and much risk as to the de
struction of papers and records , there being -
ing no vaults , and iho building not being
fire-proof , but a watchman will bo em
ployed end precautions taken even
though extra cxponso la caused for the
present ,
The plans of Eckel it Mann , of St. Jo ,
which have been accepted by the board ,
are now filed with the county auditor
and will ba scanned with greater interest
than over. The court house In Us ox
trotno measurements will bo 144 foot by
108 , but there are recesses and abut
ments S3 that it is dillicalt to got at the
actual measurement ? , these being the
extreme. From the foundation to the
top of the dome is 158 foot. The build
ing is to consitt of a basement , first and
second floors , and will bo built of stone ,
and made fitc proof , iron beams , etc. ,
being used.
The building entrances on the front
and two sides. In the baeemont are three
largo storage vaults for ancient records ,
which do not need to bo examined but
seldom , ono for thu auditor , ono for the
clerk , and ono for the recorder. The
vault room for these old records nra said
to bo equal to all the vault room shown
In other plans. There are also the base
ment , rooms for county board of agricul
ture , assessors , surveyor , superintendent
of schools , janitot's room , boiler and fuel
rooms , otc.
On the first floor are offices for the
auditor , gcounty board , recorder , clerk ,
treasurer , sheriff , county attorney , grand
jury room , otc.
On the other floor arc the district and
circuit court rooms , a room for the judge ,
a small room for the clerk , jury rooms ,
bailiffs' rooms , etc. , a largo y > om for the
attorneys , opening Into each court room ,
and a corresponding room for the hold
ing of probate court , or for public meet
ings of the board of supervisors , etc. All
the corridors for public use are to bo
tiled. To all the windows of rooms
irlioro records are kept there will bo steel
rolling shutters , Trnlch , when pulled
down , render the rooms fire proof and
burglar proof. Thera are also vaults pro1
vlded for each oflico.
gJTho plan for the jail la eomowhat
familiar to the public , aa it has been on
file hero for some tlmo. It is to be an
iron revolving jail , the cell rooms being
In throe tiers , and so arranged that only
ono cell can bo opened at n tlmo , thus
preventing all poesiblo jail breaks. There
will bo accommodations for eighty _ pris
oners and rcsidonco rooms for the jailor.
Charles Baugh has returned from the New
Oilcans exposition.
Riley Clark and Marshal Sells , of Neolu ,
were In the city yesterday , as witnesses in a
case before Frainey.
Henry Tarboi , of Silver Creek township ,
was hero yesterday shipping his goods to
Kansas , where ho will heieafter make his
homo ,
Mr. JJ. T. Wagoner and hla newly-mado
wife , of Council Bluffs , are visiting hia par
ents , Mr. and Mrs. August Wagoner. Stanton -
ton ( Neb. ) Democrat.
Wheat No. 1 milling , 65 ; No. 2 , COj
No. 8 , 0.
Corn Now , 25c.
Oata For local nurpooos , 23c.
liny $5 00@G 53 per ton ; baled , 60@60.
Rye 35o.
Corn Meal 1 SO per 100 ponnda ,
Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00 ®
6 CO ,
Coal Delivered , hard , 0 50 pov ton ; soft
4 CO per ton
Lard Falrbank'e , wholesaling at 9Jc.
Flow City flour , 1 B0 < ! 2 90.
Brooma 2 95(23 ( 00 per doz ,
Oattlo Bntchor cows 3 25@3 75 , Butcbor
steers , 3 75(3-1 ( 00.
Sheep 2 C0@3 00.
Hogs-4 00@4 25.
rnonuoB AND rnnim
Poultry Live chlckens'per doz. KOOj'dross-
od chickens , 8c ; droased turkeys , lUc ; dress
ed ducks , lc ) ; dressed geese , 8c ,
Hnlter Oroainery , 25@28ej choice country
Eggs 27 per dozen.
Vegetables Potatoes , 005 ? C9o per bushel ;
onions , ( iOo per bu ; apples , choice cooking or
eating , 3 nO ; benne , 1 00@1 DO per bushel.
Cider 32 gallon bbl. , 80.50.
Orangoa 1 00 per box.
Lemons i tO@D 00 uer box
Schmitt & Harb
llave removed from under the Opera llJUw to
They will oostinue their CIOAtt AND TOBACCO
builnen.and Inte all their old friends and the pub
lie to call and tee them. The Cncet cigars and to
Uoco alw ji onbanj ,
A full stock of Mens' , Womens' ,
Boys' , Misses' and Cbildrens' New Jersey
ARCTICS , now ready in any quantity to
suit purchasers , CHICAGO TEEMS and
DISCOUNTS every day in the year. We
also carry FULL lines of BOOTS and
SANDALS of above named goods , includ
ing the nicest line of SPECIALTIES for
fine retail trade made by ANY company.
We have some Felt Boots to close out
cheap , Try a case of our COMMON
recommend them.
Write for list on "Lumbermen , "
Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main
Office , 412 Broadway ,
To Allcw ? Anyone to Die of Diphtheria ,
the last liveyc.ira there 1)89 ) not been n death from diphtheria In any ca o hero Dr. Thomas
DURING ' prc\ontho and euro wai used. It hag been the means ot saving thousands of lives. India
pcnslblc In ] mtiM Eoro thrfnt , in malignant scarlet fe\or , changing It in 48 rtuirs to the Simula form. Fur
eole only at the iloctoi'g office , Ko. 'J3 South Eighth street , Council HlufTd , Joua , Send for It ; price $2.
Djspepttc , whyllxo In misery nd cilo In deapalr with cancer of the stomach ? Dr. Thomas Jefferlf ) cures
every cafe of Indigestion and constipation In a very short tlmo. Belt of rtfoieucen given ,
Is the cause ef ninety per cent of all diseased conditions.
WhoIesVo and Retail Dealers In
Hard Soft ana Blossburg
O O .A.
W. H. SIBLEY , Manager.
Ofllio. 88 Slain St. Yard , on C. n. I. & P. and C.
M A. St. P. Hallway.
Corn Meal ,
Graham Hour ,
Ground Fresh Every Day !
Ground Feed Always on Hand.
Mill , corner of North Sixth and Mill Streets ,
All the Latest Improved
All Work First Glass ,
Orders by Mail Solicited
Express Paid on all Or
ders over $2.60.
Collars and Cuffs a
Specialty ,
Established 1882.
H. E , REMER , Manager
111 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFi'3 , IA.
, W. H. Sherradon
Masonic Temple ,
Ooonoll Blofll Iowa.
Fraotloo In State and Federal Coartl
Collection ! promptly tHonded to.
Room 16 , Shufiart'i Building ,
ADUISSlON-a.ntSlSe-LadleJ 100.
BKATES-CtnU Uo. LadlM lOa.
Admlulon Fr e to Ladles each morning and Tues
day and Tnnnday altcrnooni. Ci ol Bkatea II
Uanager. Proprletoi
St , Charles Hotel.
OSTllEET , BET 7th and 8th , . . LINCOLN , NEB.
Mrs. Kate Coakly , Proprictoreee.
jHTNowly and elegantly furnished. Good sample
rooms on first floor.
J7X3rTcrmn31.50 to $2 per day. Special rates given
member , ) of the legislature. uovlO-lin-mo
No. 607 Broadway Council Blnffa.
Railway Time Table.
Corrected to January 7 , 1685.
The following ire the tlmcg of the arrival and departure -
parture of trains by central standard time , at tbo
local depot ! . Trains leave transfer depot tea mln-
atea eirlier and arrl > e ten inJnuU later.
ciuoioo , BusuNoroa AND QUISOI.
8St ; p m Chloago Eipreea 8:00 : a m
8:10 : m Faot Mali. JiCOpw
ISO ; p D Accommodation. IlOO p m
At local depot only.
1COG : n in Mall and Esprcea , 6:25 : p m
8iU p m Paotao Eipresi , OM p m
65 : p m Express , B:05 : a m
9:23 : a m Express , B:65 : p m
6:26 : p m Atltntlo Express , BC5 : a m
0:26 : a m Day Kxpreus 0M : p m
7Q ; a in f Dei Molnes AcoominoJatlon , C16 ; p m
At local depot only.
ifoiiaii , or. LOUIH ABD I'
CilOpm Acoommodanon P:00aro :
1:30 : p in Loul Kxprua 8:45 : p m
1:60 : p u > Chicago Express 10:66 : a la
At Transfer only
i:60 : p m Kxprean , f.iO p ro
Biiiam Pacific ExpreM B:05 : a m
noui cirr * .xu ricinr ,
7:10 : p m St. Paul Exprttu , 0:00 : a m
IllOam Day Express 7:00 : p m
raio.1 rAcirio.
6:00 : p m Western Expioni , B:80 : a m
11:00 : a m Padflo Express , IM p m
IIIIO a a Lincoln Express , 1:18 : p a
At Transfer only
06 t Te-T:20-8SO-9SO-10SO-niOa. : : : : m.
-i :8O-5 : < W ! : 0-llC5 : p. m Sunday 7:20'- :
1:40 : a. to. lSO-JSO--6:80-flJO-nC6 : : : : : p , m.
10 rnlcuki bef
m IriDderooly P
Merchant Tailors I
7 mid Main St. ,
Corxcn. Bi-riTs , . . . IOWA.
A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From.
Keep Horses nud Mules constantly on hand which
wo will soli In retail or carload lota.
All Stock Warranted as Represented.
ft holtulo ttid tcUll tln'riT ' In Grain mil Telcd ll y. Ttlctt rcn-
lonnblo S tl tactloa Ouirintcod ,
. 65
Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. CouncllBlnffs7
Winter Qooda Ready. Suits Made to Order in Lntest Style
en Short Notice nud at ReasoiuiWe Prices.
205 Main Street , - . . . Council Bluffs.
Drs. Judd & Smith's Now Improved Electric Belt.
IT FOSmVKt.Y CU11K8- Kidney and Liver Complaint , HrlKht'a Dlsoan Ithcuaiathm , NouraMa
Dinertia , cr\pn8ncll \ VitlntiAkntsii ( , 1'aralysls. Hpinal Affc-ctlone , liitllKc'stlou , Heart 1)I 8S Kits
Ilcadach . , Liinio Uick , Cod ! tcct , audall dleoasoa requlrinjc Increased inotUo powers. New Improved o
R.t and J5 ; old stjlo ? 2 each. *
IK THR rniCEs or
toves 8
A. J. Mandel ,
o35 Broadway , Council HlulK
NOTICK. Special a vortlsomcnts , sue us Log
found , To lioan , For Sale , To Ilont , Wants , Board
Ing , oto. , will bo Inserted In this column at the to
rate o ! TEN GENTS PER LIIJK ( or the first Insortlo
and FIVE CENTS PKR LINE ( or each eubsoquenl n
ertlon. Leave advertisements at oui office , No.
Pearl Street , near Brcadwav
"ITOIl SliB A rareclianfo to > rct a One , well Im
JC proved farm of 00 ncics , within a few miles o
Council Bluffs , at a lurgaln. Low price and cas
terms. &WAN & WAI.KBR.
FOR SALB A good paIo hotel property ll
livery ctAbe. ! In one of the best small towna 1
"cstcnilowa will soil ulth or without furniture , o
will timla fora nnMlfarrn with flock etc.
FOIl 8\LE Eighty acres unluprcncil land i
Union countv , Iowa , HJ nulca south cast of A
ton , the c unty scat , or lll trade for Nebraska
Kansas land.
1,1011 SALE A 23 acre tract of Rood land abou
1 on c and a half n lies from Council Ulufli pos
oflico , at a bargain. SHAN
Ij OIl SALE In Harrison count ) , lo a. 320 acre
JJ Brass land , all under fence a ! 09 arro fan
will ) line Improvement ? , all under cultivation cxep
JO acres prasl 8) acrus Rood Rress or pasture land
and several other tracts cf from 40 to ICO acres o
unimproved laud. HWVN
FOIl SALE OH THADK For Kood city propcrt
in Council Bluff * or Improved farm , ; my uric
livery stable and entire stock or the stock only an
lease of etablo for ( hojunsor mire. Did a bus
rcss of over ? 5.0CO In 18' 1 with eight Ihcrr horses
W. L. Patton. 23 N. Main street , CouBcil Elulfs.
I poll SALK Ilcstaurant , confectionery and Ic
' cream bu lores. Centrnllt located on Ilroad\v j
a rare bargain R. L. Williams , 13 N. Main street
Council JSliffd.
FOIl KENT A furnlfliod house cheap to naitle
without small children who will board torn
adults. Address "A" lice olllce , Council Bluffs , la
"V\7AjiTED Situation as fire } class meat and T
i try cock , by n man of experience. II. II
LenMeciopohtan hotel , Council Hindu.
\\7AKTnD A boy with a pony to carry TUB BKB
> > Call at BKK offlce Immediately.
"TT OH SALi ; Lands Improved nad unimproved
-I1 If you want a farm in ueitcrn Iowa , Kan a :
Nebraska or Dakota , Ictus toir from you.
FOIl SALE Special bargain. A largo two storj
Ir.xu o dwelling , ton rooms with all modern im
pro\cmcnts , well located aud almost nuvv. Pjlcx
t&uu ; 41,100 cash balance long time
WANTED To correspond with any non-rcsldcni
owner of property In Council DlnfTj or I'otti-
natttme county , or any OIIH wishing to bu >
or sill propoity In wieternIoKaKanstsorNcbraaka
FOIl SAIE A lariro number of business and rvsl
deuce lots In all parts of Council IIIuIff. See
us before you buy , SWAN S : WALHEIU
rOll KENT Wo ho several houses cm our Us
for rent , vacant now , SWAN & WALKKR.
FOIl 8LE Parties wlshingto buy cheap lots to
build on canbuy on uonlhly pajincuts ol from
$2 to ilO. bWAN & WALKKR
FOIl IlKNI'-Wo will rent you n lot to buld 01
with the prltllagu to buy If > cm with on very
liberal term' . SWAN & WALKKR.
TT.rANTED To correspond w Ith any ono w lulling a
W good lootlon f i planning mill. Bash , duo
and blind manufactory , wo have building am
macluncr ) , well located , for sale. Irnio or trade ;
HKNT-Largn two itory frame biilldlnK suit
FOIl for warchouce or storazo purposcH , near
railroad dcjxit. \N WALKKR.
: \ UK HAl.c , , , u..jjg ; or.ii grounds
' su'talU for fn.ull fouudij and rnachinii ehop ,
Good boilerengine , cupola , Ij'mvcr with llted uliafl-
lug eto , icady toput in motion.
" | ? OK SAL1' > Vhe.tlngocunters , tables deiku , gas
J1 IKturcs etc. KLulreof | II. B. Seaman , paper ,
books and stationery , 341 Broadway ,
1 ; TvOll HALK Twolioises. sinitlo buggy , and light
single harneba. U. If. lioterteon till Uroadvay.
i < 0lt HAIjK HonseB. Luts and Land , A. J.
tonoa FlrftMenuo. _ _
li Oa WALK A top-buggy , llrntI.B ) motto arid
liX1 in ex client condition. Or will trade for chop
, otL Addrcua r. M. Bee oMlco , CpuncllJIluTs. _
GOAL , a NO OOU-tluuiKU Tluaton , fa Itiuni-
way. Bella coal and w oed at reaaonablo prices
gl\ts 2,000 Ibs. foi R ton , and 123 cublo for a cord ,
Try him.
\\l AM'J'K1 > tvury ouuyiu Council lilunu to t
VV TuiBii. Dollvorod by carrier l only twenty
jontB a week.
O LD PAPEIIU Kor tile at 11" offloe , at Hi oenti
a hundred
Attorney - at-Law ,
Office , Main Strutt , Room 8 , Shugart and L'euo
jlock. Will practice In H ate and Kederal courts.
Cob , Coal g Wood
OF (
, 0. addrtsi , Lock llok Hts9 , Council Bludi.'J
Irs , HJ , Hilton , H. D , .
B oaw y , Council Blttfl. .
Deputy Shoriir and
GenefalCollectionHgent ,
Office with N. Schurr , Justice of the Peace , Ccuncll
Bluffs , Inua.
ID03. OPTICXDI TT. n. H. rcisr
Council in
Established J85&
Dealers In Foreign and Domtstlo Kiohang. and
Home Becurltlc. .
Oror thirty years practical oxpultiu ( UlM fie.
t , Fear ! atrect , Council Blcfla.
/STCoiiiulU/Jon trta.
Council Bluffs
end Chicago.
The only llnolo take for Dis Molnos , urshatl-
town , Cedar Itapids , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil
waukee and all points east. To the poopla of Ne
braska , Colorado. Wyoming , Utah , IJaHo , Nevada ,
Oregon , Washington nnd California It offers superior
advantages not possible hy any other line.
Among a fuvv of the numerous points of superior *
Hy crjuiud by the patrons of this road liotnucn
Omaha and Chicago , nro Its twotrMnaaday of DAY
COACOKHvhlch are thorniest that human art and
ingenuity inn orcato ; Its I'ANACKSI.m'INQ OAKS
which are models of comfort nnd elegance : Ita PAH
LOKDKAWIKQ KOOM OAKS , unsurnasecd hyany
and its widely rclchratcd I'MATIM , DININO CAHS
the cual ( | of which cannot bo fourd els inhere.
At Council UlufTd the tralnx of the Union 1'iclflo
It } , connect In Union Depot with those uf the Chica
go &NnrthHCbt rn Ily In Chicago the trains of thla
line make close connection vv 1th these of all eastern
For Detroit , Columbus , Indlanapo'ls , Cincinnati ,
Niagara Kails , DutTaln , t'iit'burg , loronto , Montreal
liOBtcn , New York , 1'hlladclphla , IljltlnuroVwh -
.ngtonandall pohiU In the Kast , ink thu tlcKtt
agent for tickets via the
If you wl h the l > et accommodation 1 All'ticlet
amenta ecll llckota via this lluo.
General Manager. Oc * . fua. Agent.
' 'St. Pail
Minncapollfl , Alilwaukeo ,
it. 1'aul , HajiidH , Davenport
Clinton , DubiKjuc , Itockford ,
took Island , 'rvuport , Joneavlllo ,
vlgin , JMmllHon , ha CroBBe ,
toll It , Wiuoiia ,
And all otlior Important jmlnta I ast , North
east find Southeast.
Ticket ollloo at 1401 Farnam utott ( In Paston Heel -
ol ) , and at I'nlon ' I'arilln Depot.
I'nr.Lui.s HLKBiKimand thu I'IIMT DINISQ UtniiH
UK WuiiLiiaiu run on thu main linen uf the ClilcaKO
tiilwauUeo & St. Paul K'y and every aitentlVm
p ld to | iawvn JUH by cmpfoyoi of thu
, S , ilkUIIIf.t , , A. V. II. OAIU'ENTKil ,
, . 0 " 'l P onKer Agent ,
I.MIL.J5K , OEO.K. -
.R. R3SDON ,
'hconlx Ineuraooo Co. , London , Coah
AnH > t .
Vestrheiiter.N , Y , Capitol 1,000,000
rbeMeichanUot Newark.N. J.Capital. . . , 1,876,000
Irard Fire , rblloJelphU.CapllAj 1,200,000
rVoman'i jrund.UatlUl - . 1,09.000