Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1885, Image 4

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tf W YonK Ornoi , ROOM 03 TBIBONB Bnito-
. . „ - every morning ,
only Monday morning dally f ublls
One Y r tlOOO IThrea Monthl. 2 0
BIiMonthV ! ! . . ! ! . . 6.00 | Ono Month i-w
The Weekly Bee , Publihsed every Wednesday
TMVS , rostrAio.
Ono Year , with premium I \ °
Ono Year , without premium * "
Bit Month * , Ithout premium < °
One Month , on trial
All Communications rclnllng to News and EdltorM
mitterV thould bo addressed to the EDITOR or 1111
nvsmss Limns.
All Budncsj Ulten and Rtmlttancoj ihould be
nddretied to Tin Rug POBIMIIIXO COMAKT , 0 Ani. .
Sratts.Ohecks and Post offlco orders ta bo mido pay.
Able to the order of the company ,
A. n. Fitch , Manager Daily Circulation ,
p. 0. Boi , 488 Omaha , Neb. _ _ _ _
means a whale , and wo therefore do not
believe ho will swallow any Louisiana
Ui'ON aocond thought wo have como to
iho conclusion that the ground hog
doesn't know any moro about the weather
of the future tlun General Ilazon or any
other man.
the pro-cmptlon and timber claim laws
have boon repealed. They have not boon
repealed , but probably will bo at en early
day , and hence any person desiring to
take advantage of tholr provisions had
bolter do no nt onco.
n.uu > times seem to make the people
road moro tlum usual In Great Britain.
According to the returns of the book
trade for 1881 , it IB the only trade that
does not allow a falling-oil for the year.
There were 100 moro new books pub
lished in 1884 than in 1883.
TIIK English are making fools of them
selves over the shooting of O'Donovan
Iloasa. While rejoicing dvor the affair
and applauding his assailant as a heroine ,
they forget that the act of shooting a man
In the back is as cowardly as the dyna
mite outrages , which they BO emphati
cally denounce.
OUR Lincoln correspondent says that
| l the Indications nro that the railway
spoochoa of Messrs. Klmball and Eustla
made many converts. Thcso converts of
conrso are among those members of the
legislature whoso pockets are lined with
railway passes. It doesn't require much
argument to convert such men in favor
of the railways.
A NUMBER of idiots may bo Boon going
about the public resorts of Now York
with miniature electric lamps In the form
of breast pins in their ehltt-bosoms.
They , neck to frighten their friends by a
sudden fl&mo which resembles a diamond
on fire , This novel toy will give these
young men something to do and to talk
about for a week.
no doubt expects an adequate -
quato reward for his valuable services In
the legislature. Whatever reward ho gets
will como from the railroads. No mem
ber of the legislature has proved himself
a more cubservlent tool of the railroads
than Mr. Troup. His conrso has teen a
great surprise and disappointment to
his friends , who supposed that ho would
represent the Interests of the people.
MR. EUSTIS , the great railroad states
man of the B. & M. , has made his little
speech to the legislature. His assertion
that the capitalists are becoming weaty of
railway legislation reminds ono of the
weariness of n highwayman who h.i3 been
cornerid by the ollicers of justice. The
"capitalists" referred to by the eminent
Eustis are the railroad jobbers , who , like
highwaymen , want to bo lot alono. If
the members of the legislature would do
justice to the people , and pay less atten
tion to the capitalists aim monopolists ,
they would come neater performing the
duties for which they are elected.
OMAHA Is not the only city that has
boon cursed with corrupt officials. The
etald old city of Ho cheat or , N. Y. , has
aovoral cases on hand , the grand jury of
that city having Indicted five officials
the president of the council , for taking a
bribe of $200 from a man who was
elected ovoraoor of the poor ; a council
man for taking $117 from the tame portion
tion ; the city clotk for taking over $100
from the same party ; a councilman for
taking $300 from the city surveyor , and
another party , who was a candidate for
city purveyor , for giving a check of $1,600
to aid In his election. The end Is not
yet , as moro indictments are to bo pro
Boated by the next grand jury.
i 'i '
THE salary of $1,000 for the city mar
thai is altogether too small to ronnmor
ate & competent man in that Important
and responsible position. The sum Is
too Insignificant oven to attract the at
tention of a competent man , and hence
It ia that the position , as a rule , Is filled
by au Inefficient person , who can be
easily corrupted. The salary ought to
bo railed to $1,500 at the very least , one
wo do not think $2,000 any too rancl
for the right kind of a marshal. The
man who does his full dniy as city mar
ihal cams every cent of $2,000. We
believe also that the mayor and council
men should receive higher salaries , am
particularly tbo conncilmenhosopa ;
now amounU to about $200 a year. I
cannot bo expected that for any sue !
pay a person can afford to devote very
, much of his time to city business , and 1
IB on this account that good men hcslUt
about becoming candidates for iho clt ;
council. If higher salaries will give u
bettor officials wo are In favor of < h
Investment. We hare had enough o
cheap men to conduct our affairs.
President Garrett , of the Biltlmoro &
) hlo rntlrcnd , has determined to catnb-
sh a technological school for the pro
motion of a higher course of Inatttictlon
or the apprentices of that railroad ,
'ho ' objost of the company Is to qivo a
beral technical education to the youths
n Its employ , so that they may become
ntolligcnt mechanic ! and employes. The
laminations prescribed in the courao of
bo technological school will bo very
borough , and the company nlll endeavor
o advance the graduates of the ichool
positions of responsibility and trust
n Ita service , and only thoio who de
monstrate willingness and ability to
uallfy themselves for advance
ment will bo retained. The
; cnoral manager will convene a board
if examiners , constating jointly of two
medical examiners of the relief asaocla-
lon and throe instructors of the techno
ogical school , whoso duty It shall bo to
xamlno and classify all apprentices now
n the service in accordance with the
tandard of qualifications prescribed in
its general order on the subject. This
ioard will visit each station where np-
rontices nro employed , and finally rn-
iort In writing to the general manager
lie result of their labors. This plan is
orlalnly worthy of imitation by ov-
ry Urge railway corporation or
manufacturing establishment. The old-
ashloncd apprenticeship of aov-
ral years service in the various trades
nd callings has been almost entirely
bandoned , in this country at least , wo
TO sorry to say , simply because it Is too
low for this fast ego. The American
outh who has served a fall apprentice-
hip ia a rare exception in these days ,
lo gets a superficial knowledge of a trade
luring a few months of what may bo
ormod tinkering , and then ho blossoms
orth as a full-fledged mechanic and de
fends upon hij chock to carry him
hrough and obtain full wages , but
t is soon discovered that ho ia deficient
, as a result , his services are either
lisponsod with entirely or are paid for
according to their actual worth. This
ixplalns why wo have BO many "black-
mitha" in every trado. Quito a number
if larqo eastern manufacturing establish
ments have found it so difficult at times
o secure first class mechanics that they
lave been obliged , rather than import
killed labor from Europe , to establish
chools of instruction and educate work
men up to the required standard. The
esson of all this is that every young man
pen choosing a trade should make up
ila mind to servo as an apprentice until
o becomes an efficient workman.
Mu , T. L. KIMIULL aa naunl says that
10 clamor ogalnat the railroads Is the
ork of agitators and the misatatementa
f the press , and ho attempts to convince
bo legislature that the reduction In both
assongcr and freight rates would bo a
obbery of the railroads , the Union Pa-
Ifio not having declared a dividend for a
ear , and not likely to do so in another
'ear. ' Mr. Klmball seems to forget that
lie Union PaciCc Las robbed the people
or years by extortionate rates In order
9 pay dividends on millions upon
illllons of watered stock , and
ow that the general depression
revents the earning of dividends he
iroposes to hold the people responsible
or the misdeeds and mismanagement of
ay Gould and his associates , who ruined
he stock of the road by their gigantic
obborloB. Mr. Ktmball's argument is
hat to do justice to the people would bo
robbery of the Union Pacific. Ho
lahnj that the proposed law will cripple
very now extension. If the Uniou Pa-
IDc had followed the example of the B.
M. and built moro extensions In Ne-
> raska , with a view of creating a heavy
ocal traffic , instead of spending millions
upon millions in costly branches
hrongh unpopulated , unproductive and
ifitint regions , for the benefit of
nsido construction rings organized lor the
iurposo of robbing the stockholders , it
would not to-day bo in the overburdened
londition In which it finds itself. And
ret Mr. Kimball wants the people to coc-
'nuo to bo robbed through extortionate
rates , in order to make up the deficiencies
laused by useless branches and consolidn-
ions , watered stock , and the robberies of
Jay Gould and Sidney Dillon. Ho must
.hink the Nebraska legislature is com-
jcsed of Ignoramuses and knaves , nnd if
t fails to give the people some relief from
.ho burdens imposed upon them by the
railways everybody else will think so too.
A DILL bus been introduced in the
Pennsylvania legislature providing for
the establishment of the whtpping-poal
lot the punishment of wife-baators , and
It Is mooting with such favor with the
people of that state thai
It may possibly become a law.
It Is to bo hoped that it will , for
no sympathy ought to bo extended to the
brutes who kick and cuff their wives as
they would a dog. The present custom
of sending a wife-boater to jail for thirl }
days , and then releasing him In a day or
two upon the petition of his wife , who is
compollep to depend upon him for
support , is altogether too len
ient. It frequently hippens that
the Imprisonment or the fine lmpoe <
upon a wife-beater punishes the wife
moro than the husband. A good whip
ping would tend to cure the wife-beater
of his brutality. It might be urged tha
the whipping-post Is a relic of barbatism
but wo believe in treating barbarian
with barbaric methods of punishment
There are societies for the prevention o
cruelty to anlmala , aud wo can see no
good raaton why measures should not b
tjken to prevent cruelty to wives. Som
such bill as that of Pennsylvania , if In
trodnced In the Nebraska legislature
would no doubt meet with some staunc !
advocate ! . It seems to us that while
there la BO much proposed legislation fo
ho benefit of married women with ra-
pert to the protection of their property
Ighta , It would bo equally appropri&O
o throw additional protection around
heir health , limb and life. As thn Hon.
Ohurch Howe seenii to bo particularly
ntcrestcd in legislation concerning mar
led women , perhaps ho might bo prevailed -
vailed upon to Introduce a whipping-post
bill providing for the adequate punish
ment of wlfo-beatera.
THE democratic members of congress
whcso terms expire on the 4th of March
are now classed among the moot per-
latent cflico scekera , and are devoting
ilmost tholr entire time in laying tholr
ilpos for appointment to some Bolt place
under Cleveland's administration. Some
are seeking territorial governorship ) ,
others ate after United States marshal-
hips , judgcshlps , iho Internal revenue
collection offices , attornoyshlps , and all
other fat offices. It la understood that
.ho . Pennsylvania democrats In congress
will unite in atklng Mr. Cleveland
o appoint Congressman. Hop-
r.ins as minister to Italy , and that many
algndtures have been ohtalnid to an ap
plication for the appointment of Congress
nan J. H. Bogloy , of Now York , as com
missioner of pensions. Kentucky will
lemand that the Mexican mission bo
given to Senator Williams and Iho com
missioner of internal revenue to Con-
; rcesman Thompson. Representative
Cassldy , of Nevada , would like to bo di
rector of the mint or commissioner cf
railroads , aud so on through the whole
1st. It is sjfo to say no office within the
; ift of the president will bo so poor as to
; o begging for an occupant.
THE true west of America Is with the
men of California and Oregon , and the
'ar west Is Alaska. Yet , only n few
rears ago an Ohio poet called his volume
'Western Windows'1 and everything that
ay beyond the Alleghanlos was "west. "
To-day , Chicago is as much ' 'east" to the
Dcnvorltos as Now York is east to the
man from Ohio. Chicago , and even Col
orado , now publish journals named
"Interior , " "Inter-Ocean , " and the like ;
; hey repel and dltavow the term "treat. '
The sunsat color and evening clouds are
over the Golden Gate ; the true realm ol
the west Is from Sierra to Pacific.
THE Albany correspondent of the Chicago
cage Times throws cold water on the as-
mirations of a prominent Nebraska donv
ocrat , as follows : "Tho 'suggestion that
a cabinet position should be given to No
jraska is ridiculed by all sensible demo
crats who does not live In that state. " It
must bo borne In mlnd/however , that the
Chicago Times , owing to the Influence of
Sterling Morton , Is just -a little prej
udiced against Nebraska's cabinet candi
date. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Now that President Arthur has earn
estly urged the passage of a bill to place
General Grant on the retired list it is
quite likely that congress will act favora-
n the matter. If it passes such a bill ai
uggeatod by President Arthur , which
will not Interfere with the constitutional
irarogatlve of appointment and enable
lira to nominate General Grant , snch ac-
ion will be generally apppoved by the
icoplo ( of this country , irrespective of
larty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THE Springfield Republican saya that
ho Iowa republicans are disturbed at the
ffort of young Dolllver , who made an
iratorical hit at the last state convention ,
o aocuro the nomination for governor ,
lis oratory , a sort of cross between the
poeches of Bob Ingersoll and Emory
itorrs , was In considerable demand dur-
ng the presidential campaign , but the
ilder politicians do not think that Dolll
ver Is big enough to bo governor.
"Froze Out. "
Jreto Vlndetto.
Thcso two words "frczs out" are very
Igntticant and ought to sot every honest
man In Nebraska to thinking. For sev
eral years the uiltor of the Yidetto has
> oen pleading through the Press against
unjust discrlminaticn , extortion and
loallng of railroads with very little pp
n'dclable cil'dot. Four years ago wo in-
rocluced a bill In the donate , cutting the
uasenger rates to three coats per mile.
Phe company volunt wily reduced the rate
'rom live to four cents and it Is quite prob
able that the agitation of the question nlll
jring about the paaiago of a throe-cent
jlll this winter , which has been favorably
reported upon by the committee. But tbo
freight rates are of vastly moro import-
inco to our producers , A letter has boon
iianded us by a lumber merchant of this
jonnty which will explain Itaolf. We
bereby commend its careful perusal ta
our representatives in tha loglaUture. nnc
would respectfully ask them if they ; are
willing to have tholr conBtittunts continue
to bo "froze out" from the lumber dis
tricts of Wisconsin ; the coal mines o :
Colorado and Kansas , and the merchan
dise of the eastern markets.
KAU CLAIHK , Wia. , Jon. 21,1885.
Mn. Dear Sir :
TlioB , & M. railroad having refused tn re
ceive lumber from the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul rnlluay at Omaha without trans
lining to B , & M. cnra , we are obliged ti
withdraw from your territory. We repre
that these nrbitr.ny ru'ca ' are enforced bu
such being tbe case we nro compelled to aak
you to consider oui'delivered price lists'
prior to this date as void. Truly yours ,
N. W. LUM. Co.
N. H. From tbe above circular letter wo
have sent out on B , & M. points , you will BCD
that we ure trnzo out of your country , We ro-
eret the circumstances very much but can'
help eurselves. Truly yours ,
N. W. LUM. Co.
NoUraaka's Best Senator ,
Minnekaduna Republican.
We BOO that our eastern exchanges are
devoting considerable apace to hones
Van Wyck , Nebraska's famous senator
Oar state never bad n representative it
toe national legislature who eommandec
the notice and consideration at the handi
of people and corporate monopolies tha
is being bestowed upon our senior aona
tor. The railroad magnates know tha
Van Wyck Is Incorruptible , ana they
rightly consider that thry have one o
the ablest men in the U. S. rouate to
fight a man worthy of their , atoel. 6
mote It. be ,
Uoysl B. Yonrg , a son of bis father in all
thing' , is on trial for polygamy.
The Mormon temple nt Salt Lake City will
Vet requiri' wnro than four ycnra for its com-
'IctloD , find will cost S3.000.COO.
Salt LnVn comity has ( nought suit ngnlest
) lrk Uucklinldt , the Into county clerk , tn re-
over 511,000 which it is alleged ho has o\er-
Tito decision of the sutiromo coutl of Utah ,
declaring legislative divorces illegal , Is attract *
ng considerable attention in tuljolnltip tcrri
otlcs. The decision prevents the Mormons
rom letting nw y tlictr wives ou slight pro-
ex t ? .
The receipts of bullion nnd ore m Silt Lnko
lity for the week ending January 28 , inclu
ive. were § 91 , 02,0(1 ( , of which § 70,171 WBS
mlllon , nnd S24i31 wai ore , an unusually
ilgh percentage of the latter to the whole ,
too week licforo tlio total receipts were 59- ! )
Wl.ns , of which 578,519.18 WAS bullion nnd
520,932 was ore.
Several rumors of n larga gold strike in
Jtah have been floating about town for the
ia t ten days. About two months ago rovernl
stnploycu ot tlio Denver t Itio Grnndo rail-
oad Rtakcd men to (50 down the Colorado
iver to prospect. Those men returned last
reek with a f nek of gold ( lust and biff stories
) f tlio gold plncera nnd lends discovered. The
placeof disco\nry Is about 120 miles flouth-
tut of Green Kfver tUtiou on the Colorado
Helena U burning gas made from Utah
coal ,
A Hillings bakery soils twenty-four loaves
f broad for SI.
Borcman has (1'5 ( chilJren of school ngo and
.iviugston has 222.
Hulena has one gambling-house payi
3,380 license per year.
A four-foot voitl of good coal ia being do
eloped nnd worked nt Birch crock , Chutcau
Spotted Tail , tbo Crow war cbief , says if
lint cattle syndicate lento ia foiced upon the
.ndiiuip , thure will bo trouble.
In 18S4 the total assessment of MonUnn
vns lU.T ' 'CS.Ul , whlcli U nu increase of
§ 5,0 7,807.G.1 ever the figurea of 1883.
The proposed laws against gambling and
. ci7,9 fighting , if passed , will bu serious blowa
ut two great industries of the territory.
The Colorado syndicate hns raised Its bid
from 30,00. ) to SUJ.OCO per year for the leaao
of VOUO,000 acres ol Crow pasture lands.
Great Tails , Montana , Is having n boom
The great f alia of the Missouri river niocapable
jf supplying unlimited power and is to be
argely utilized.
The Indian appropriation bill includes the
following amount ! for Montana Indians : In
diana at fe. Peck agency , S)0,000 ! ) ; GrosVon-
troa , 530.COO ; Afsinaboines , i30lOO ; Black-
Teot , Bloods and Plegans , S&O.OOO. The total
a 523U.OCO.
The first man caught incendiurlzing In Hel-
ma ia likely to stretch hemp. There have
loen four incendiary fires there In tlio past
: ou days , nnd the citizens nru organizing to
: erret iho matter out. The city is now being
patroled of nights ,
Notwithstanding the unusual severity of
.his winter in Montana , stock of nil kinds has
; hus far dona letvsonably well , much to the
surprise of the greater portion of those who
nro interested in that Industry. The absence
if heavy snows in the eastern portion of the
territory , where can bo found moat of tbo cattle
tlo of Montana , probably accounts for this
satisfactory situation. Leading cattlemen of
.his . district admit that the deaths among cat-
-la on tha range thus far have not been over
ivo per cant. , and they look upon that as an
outside figure.
CAM 10 EN I A.
A prune orchard of 13,000 tree * is being set
lut near Gilroy.
The immigration to the coast by the North-
: ni Pacific railroad In 1881 was laVC3.
The Salvation army Is planting itself in
Vnllpjo. It consists there of ono mala and
wo females.
San Luis Obaftjvonnty in 18BOhad SJ.GU3-
085 worth otJ roperty ; in 1884 it had in
creased to SS.OgijM , an increase of 84,37(1,069. (
Property-owners in Cloverdale nro binding
benuelves , under a 8500 forfeit , not to sell or
ent property to Chinamen for laundry pur
A trail , well equipped with relays , and used
jnly by a semi-organized band _ of horse
hlevos , has been discovered , leading from
JOB Angeles to Lower California ,
An iron bridge is being constructed nrsund
Jape Horn , nbovo Colfax , by the Central Pa-
: tfic railroad company , to take the place of
ojno of the old work at tint noted place.
Herbert Austin killed an eagle near Santa
iosa recently while it was in the act nf
carrying oft a lamb in its talons. Tha bird
measured six feet ten inches from tip to tip.
Vina , Nomaha county , baa developed oa a
pendid peanut region. Tnu nuta attain the
; rentest perfection in the rich soil , and the
rverage yield is from 30 to 70 bushels to the
if An artesian well has just been completed at
ho entrance t > Antelope Valley , six miles
rom Lancaster station , Los Angelas county ,
t is 235 fuet deep , and gives a Urge volume
f pure eolt water. The well cost only 5371.
The land sales of the Southern Pacific com
pany for the past year foot up an aggregate of
, UO,000 acres. The average prica at which
.heso . lands were sold waa 52.5i per acre. The
sales in Kern county were 80,000 acres , or
about one-fifth of the whole.
A ledge af rich tin ore has recently been
llecovered on Cave creek , Yavnpai county
\ . T.
Tbe Nevada state prison shoe shop has re
turned a net profit to the state of § 22,280
liuco iU establishment.
Keductlon works are to ba erected at the
3ay Stata mine , Newark district , eastern Ne-
vtda , next spring. The of a will bu worked by
he leaching process.
Workman and mechanics are rushing to
jhoshone from various points to get places in
, ha machine shops. It ia now settled that
Short Line motive power , ma.Mnery , supplies
and car work , will be concent.ntod at Shoa-
tone. The works started up on the 23d of
Two tribes of Alaska Indiana have had a
battle on the Island of Ken in which beven
went over to the happy hunting grounds. The
fight grew out of a failure of the cbief of one
tribes to fulfill his pronu'se to hand over 400
shoddy blankets to anothtr tribe whoso chief
ho had murdered.
Thomas S. Smythe , a prominent cattleman
of Graham county , Arizona , who Is charged
with the extensive smuggling of cattle and
horses into this territory from Mexico about
two years ape , h s been placed under art est ,
and Hult has been commenced for 810,000 , the
alleged custom dues. Other charges are ex
pected to follow ,
A humane blackiralth In Nevada hai built
a cart with the axih bent so that tin hoise is
diiectly under It nholterd from sun and wind.
Tha driver sits In front and other passengers
sideways on seats running lengthwise over tha
horee'rt back. There Is , of course , a steering
apparatus , and also an arrangutnent with a
wide band under the horsa so that in going
down bill that animal can bo lifted bodily off
hit feet and given a rod , while tbo whole out
fit "coasts. " And to lifting machine comui
into use if the borse tries to run away , as the
turn of the crank leaves him working Ilia legs
In the air to no purpose uhntever. .
Their Sltllnu8 "With Mediums in ttio
NEW YOKK , January 31. When Mr.
and Mrs , Lei and Stanford , of California ,
arrived hero hat fall with the cjrpao oi
their only BOD , It is laid that aa aeon as
they had reeled from tbo ocean voyage
they began to vlait "upirlt mediums. "
With Slado they were pirtlcularly de
lighted. One medium in Now York and
ono in Brooklyn finally received their
undivided pitronase , It la laid. One oi
them , a materialising medium at whose
circles Indians whoop and yell.tnd steam
boat captains give forth unearthly sounde ,
and famous warrlora gopher nightly to
re-enact the scenes of life , got a living
or weeks , it is claimed , ont of
MM. S anford. The aonnco ? woio
iko moat snch ailurf. In the
midst of nil the noise there often came
Ve h roanifes ations , s iil to bo occa
sioned by the arrival of the belovtd child
Ml gelhor Mr. and Mrs. Stanford went
iuah ,1 spiritualistic cxperion o that
would liavo unsettled tbo reason of stoics.
At the si tings voices uotild address the
) oor mother nnd assure her that her lost
joy vas safe in the spirit world , and
often , it is said , a Irarse , metallic voice
nrnuldboi'ioiids.iyiiiK "Mother. " This
wxs always too much for the sorrowing
lady , and tbo sto'y goes that she would
.carfully entreat the unseen to como
icarer to her nnd touch her. At other
.iines communications woto written to her
> \ h ch she was told cat no from her son.
Mr. Stanford was sometimes anx'ous
about his wifo's absorption in the ono sub-
cct , but it was now to him aud interest oil
lim greatly. It is hardly cotrcct to say
.hat no was altogether the dupe of the
: rauds. The ! ? taiifords met Parson New
man , and found tbat ho uainn ardent ho-
"iovcr in the phenomena , and eventually
10 went to CalifoinU to preach the
'unornl otation over the long-uuburicd
; > ody of the boy. It is said that ho was
paid § 10,000 to make this trip.
The Power of tlio llnllxvay Lobby.
Nebraska City 1'resa.
They fitnlly perfected a bill regulating
passenger tsrllF in Nebraska. On motion
of Thurston and other notorious railroad
cappers It was sent bnk to the committee
until gentlemen on the pay-roll got in
tholr work on the different members who
are pliable. It is almcst folly to hope
for a reduction. The members moat nil ,
if not all , ride in on free pat so' , and they
think It plenty cheap enough. When
the railroad cappers gob after them it ia
the old , old story of "Walk Into my par
lor , eald the spider to the lly. "
That iiuie , sncct. Bale , and c fleet Uo Amcilcnn
distillation \Vltch-lhzel , American 1'lnc , Canada
* lr , Marigold , and Clover-Blossom , called .Sanford's
Radical Cure for CiUrrli , with ono box Cntarrlml
Sou cut and one Sanford'a Improved Inhtlcr , nil In
ono package , mny now bo had of > ll ilrut'irtats ( ur
$1 00. Aek far Sanford' Radical Cure
Complete Local ami Constitutional Treatment for
every form of Catarrh , frnm a Simple Cold or Influen
za to lots of Smell , Tivste , and Hearing , C'oughIron-
chills , and Catarrhal Consumption , in o > ory pack
Clergymen , Vocalists ,
And PublloSpeakers without number cue their pres
ent usefulnesa ana SUCCOM to Hatiford'a Jtadical Cure
for Catarrh.
Ilov. Dr. Wiffslns pnv : "Ono of the best remedies
for Catarrh nav , the best remedy wo ha\o found In
allfotlinotf Buffeting Is Sanford'a Hadical Cuio.
It clears i ho hi ad and throat 8) thoroughly tint ,
taken each morning on rising , there are no unpleaa
ant secretions and no disagreeable hawking during
the entire day , but an UDprcc d cntcd cleirncsa ol
voice and respisutory organs. "
Sold by all druggists , Price 51.00
Potter Druf ? and Chemical Co. Boston
Weary eufTcrcr from
Jlhcumatisiii , Neuralgia ,
and Colds , Weak
Backs , Weak Stomach and
Bowels , Djepepsla , Female
Weakness , Shooting Pains through the Loins and
Hack , try these plasters. Placed o\er the pit of the
Itomach , they prevent and euro Ague Pains , Blllioua
Colic , Lher Complaints , and protects the syitem
from a thousand ills. 260.
VnntIInZ.entnn , Orange , etc. flavor Cakes ,
JrcutuiI > iid < IliiK , .trc.ii delicately and nut-
urullyuithe fruit from -which they are runde.
Price Baking PowdenCo. ,
Chicago , III. St. Loulo , Mo.
Dr , Price's Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Iiipuliu Yeast Gems ,
Jle t Dry Hop Yeiiit.
LADIES ONLY ! lumln LIBIIKU , teil
OV THi : lfiMAl-i : : DUST. " colored anatomlctl
jUt , f > Ut rpl n ton ! ( medical o tnton etc. Bhow ttnt
BiidevoloptJer ilirunken condition U abnormal nd un
lieallhr how to eoUrfi * to fall nd proptr proportion ! .
B realmpl , * t > lutely certain. ( Ottierportlontftii < t meo >
tiers deTeloj tt by Imlltr procen ) A copf of thli vale * Ued lu ieal d * iif elop * for SOcti. AJJrcift ,
p. tX. Urmvrcr l * * *
BEIMO. ill Linen , BOTH
UD'IQS ' AND Eilorlon.
Aak for them
CAM fn > - Oman
ri.sE E < : DUE AOHNCY , >
Dakota , January 12 , 1885. )
Sealed prcpoeala lo trhllcata , Itdoned , proposal *
lor the erection of one nocelwlfibt aud Oarpttitei
shop , one harnets , shoe and ituctllaneoui shop" ,
ono HlauJiter | house , two wagon cndetorage sheds ,
ono bike Uouio anu rc'Jar , at thb agen * } ' anil direct'
ed to tb untlcrs'giiedlc ' > reef Chlel Quarlcrmastei
department , ff the riotte , Omiha Neb , will bo re-
ceitoil aotli 12 in. Saturday , February 14 , US5
1'lans and epcollkMitlons can be examined In tbo
of co o ! the cblcl r/aartot.timler / , dorart-uent of the
1'IatU , Omaha , Nod , the "Inter Ocean" Chicigo , Ul.
and the "Journal * at Kausii City , Mo ,
Outiact u Ul b < aw anlcd to tbe lowest rcspojslbU
bidder , subject ill the appiotal ol the depiitiMiit ot
tha Intcrlui ,
The right , hfwevcr , U resencdto reject iay and
all , or any part ol any bid , II deemed lor the best In-
UrcBtof thewnlctf . . . . . .
l'roi > fsU must Cial length ol time joqulred for
comulctltlon ol bullitlJi < alter apprmal ol contract ,
an-i mnet be accoiopalued by a ccrtlflod thock upon
BOMB UolUd SUtui Depositor ) , lajilJ * to the order
ol tbo ( unCtrtigncd , for at lc it flu (5) ( )
peroait ol the amount ol thepropoul , which check
Shall bo forfeltul to tlie United State * In vue ol any
bidder rccU > lug the awirdj shall I'll to uiecuUi
prciaptly a contnct with good iiul tufflclent wtcurl.
tlui , according to the termii of hU bll , otherwise to
bo returned to tbo bidder ,
For further lufonutlon addicM the undersigned
at Fine Illdfo Agency , P'koU
Ttouuder.lnr. d will nil ! be at I'avton House ,
Omah , Neb. , b ) tbo momlnj ol Frldi ) , February
Jan 50-Sw tn U , S , Indim Afea
rr 0 I OANV fl.toocn tiMcttntt from J t)6r-tr .
rinnurial Kxchntuc , 1(03 Katnam St. 03S-4p
\rONKY ID LOUf-In nm of 110 anil UP , on
M ) icm . ) > Uno , furniture nd nil Uials ol
lutteK W. II Uotter , 1104 Furnitu St. . eerIer
Ior e > shoo ttoro. M2lf
MONKV TO LOAN I li \o mnnoy to loan on Im-
proud cl'yprorertj In ny amount * t < Milt ,
at roatonaUo ra cs W. II. Metier , 14C4 Farram tt. ,
o\tr Mou. > thcc store. iJSH
M ONRV tfl loan on chattel ! bjr J , T. BnMty. 213
nouth 14th Ft. OsflltblO
\fONKY LOANED on CMttels. Co'latcnklc , So-
1 > 1 cured Notes , or Itoal Kslato. flnanclM 1.x-
cluneo UtS v ri m st.
ONKY 3OLUA2 In sums of SOO ud Upward.
0. F. lttand \ Co. , llcal Kitato anil Tx > An
Agents , JfiOS Farrmm St. SG7 t (
ONKY loaned on chattels. lUllrotd Ticket3
boujht and cold. . Fort mac , S13 , Uth
War ? girls at boron hoii'O , 613
opposite lies olllco. OMtf
I ifANTKO 1 Rood iwutiy rook at Catl A. Colc' <
TT Kectauinnt , 16'0 Furnam St. 10J-5p
W ANTIIDAgoccl glrllor general work. Mrf. N
JUUey , 200 Cnsa St. 100 tl
V7ANTK1) A inlfillc ntcil jiciRon to l ke ( nro ol
> nbalii , 110 S. ZStli , 4th door Ircni DoilRC.
'ANTKD-Kltchcn girl 1513 Howard.
\ \
f AN'TlIO-Oood Mvo solicitors Address Mutual
W lir.ll luiuranco Co. , Start Noli. f g5 > linp
TXTANTKD-Glilnt Onuil liotcl , 1010 Mason Sr.
W osi-
WAM'KD A wldjvv lady with a liltlo irlrl ns
house keeper. Apply at 1212Capttolme
\7ANTED-Glrl for gcncial houtonork l&'S ' How
> nrrt Si. F37p
ANTKD Two cllnlnj ; room girls at Arcade ho
W til 1215 Douglas St. CS P
\\T.NTEU-T OKWs. A llret-o'rn > oiok and a
Tl liiuso null ) for tcconilork. . Apply at N. E.
comer Cbloio and 21st ctrccta. 031 4
TI7ANTED AflrRt clnsi illiilnKrcom gltl at the
V Slotropobtin , No other need applj. "S3 tf
catorcn ; monthly pajment' . Address cr call
on W. J ) . V Lowry , reom 6 , 110 N 10th st , , Ornah * .
ryANTEU-Dtardcrsat 1212 Capitol a\o.
\\7ANTED-100 Billcllors , uood pay to the right
V > man. Address Xclirasli Ifutual Marriaga ben
efit asaoclatton. Frtiuont , Neb. Oilfcb 0
WANTED A eituitlon as house keeper by
lady fora widower oraelnelcmao , " 111 go mil
of town It desired. Addtcsa Miss Emma lire no ,
Omaha , Neb. lll-4p
TXT'ANTED I'csitlon by a joung man withgoodref-
TT cronces to wcrK for Ins board anil attend tbo
Omaln Commercial College. 1114 and 1110 Farnam
' Call nt or address the College. 1000-4p
"TTTANTED Employment by a young man , care of
VY IIOTSCI preferred. Rolercnco from last emnloy-
er. Addrosn'M. 11. O."thl olHco. B7-Op
TTO ANTED By a joung man , best ol hablti and
IT good reference , atltuatlon as boak-kccpor. Ad
drtss "S. S. " caio ol Bee. 000-4p
WANTED By a German g'xl a situation as cook
or geccral liousowork. Address "M"E31 South
22d St.,0maha Neb. 037 6p
WANTED A homo In a pmalo famllybva widow
lajy who Is nllliogto make herself useful. Ap
ply \Vomans ABtocIatlon. 093-Ep
ouug iiiarilsa man wnuts Bltuatlon es nook
keeper , In wbolceala eetabllahmenl hi Omaha
AddrnM "O. " care Boa. 880-tf
1'AUTNEllWith a few hundred della -
WANTED take half Interest In an established
wish crocen. A good chance. Addrces Grocer , Ueo
offlco. 101-4p
TXT'ANTED Boarders 1803 Farnam SI.
\T7ANTED-A hotel to take chirgo cf , by a man
YY of Iwenty-flvoears experience , can glvo best
of references. Address "K. M. " Dee olflco. 088-4p
To rent a house with 4 or 6 rooms and
WANTED family ot two , leat not to bo moro
than from MS to i2v , must be in- food location , tent
sure. Address "Jt. 0. " Bio o lce. 033-lp
WANTED To rent by email reliable family bo
lore first cf Maycottago Iheor sixrcooia within
17th and Cass , E2d > od St. Mary's avc. llcntmodcr
ato. Address "CotUgo. " Bee oSlco. C88-5p
Agents for o\ory city and town In
WANTED for a cheap fast selling article used In
e\ery family , big profits. Call or odd re a agent ol
the Ululne Manufacturing Co. , 8. W. corner 10th and
Burt bt. 813 Op
VV In Cass county , Iowa , for Nebraska land ,
within ICO miles cf Council SluIIa. J. J PHEi ,
Council Bluffs. 832-6
WANTED Agints to woik for the Western Mu
tual Benc\olcnt Association , of Beatrice , Neb.
Cash ca ] italSIOO.COU , paid up In full. Ihoso desiring
Dgcnctea In liutcrn Xerraska or AVoitcrn Iowa ,
ehould nddresa C , A. Wootley , No 12221'arniiH st ,
Omaha , Neb. , or Oliver C. Eabto , too'y , Bcatrlco.
Neb. To good agents , man or women , a llboial
compensation will be paid. Company Is co-opera-
ti\olnplan , sale , reliable and cheap , and oaty to
work. 800-122
ANTED Ladles or gcctcmen In cityorcoun
try , to take nice , Hifhtand pleasant work a-
their own homes2 ; to $6 a day easily and qulotly
made ; work rent by mail ; no can\awlrtr ; no ttump
lor reply. I'Uase adcrets Reliable Uan'fgCo. , 1'hil-
ailolpula , Pa. Jan 19 24.fob-2-7
TfiOll RENT-Part cf building N. K corner Dav-
JC onportnnd 14th Sis. Roomn enough toacoooi'
rnodato a family and convenient for house keeping.
FOR RVNT New cottage , fi roome. J. Dtlppsltoo ,
1512 8. Cth st. 91Stf
FORRENT-Latgebilck homo , 1718 Dodge st
Apply nt Chiid'd Ucspllal. OM 7p
10R11ENT One house. Imiulro Kdliolm It Krick.
RENT Prick ) aidIn grid orJcrard wcllur
FOR . Cali on McCaguc , opp. I'ojtoflke.
047 7p
HEN'T Oood house flto rocms on S7d Bt
FOR , 3 Llccln firm c r line. Well and
cldcrn. Icqjlm M , Leo , grocer , 22d Kt 710-4p
IlKK1 ? Farm three miles from Omaha In-
FOR 623 nortb ICth St. , o > tr store.
7 < OK U1I.ST Nice 8 room cottage coiner 24th and
. ' Davvnport Direct. Apply to E. C , Chapman ,
1217 Howard St 8D3 tl
FOR I'.IiNT A now slaht room house. Enquire of
11 rj. E. RoddlB , 16tbb t Davcrpoit and Chi ago -
go sts 70UI
InR RENT- Furnished Room with board , 603 N.
17th. 624 tl
FOK RKNT Part of double bousa ; 4 rooms.Rhlnra
2d addition ; $10 per month : room21 Omaha Na >
tlonaltank. 002tf
FOR RENT New Ire room house , with dty
watir , on tout1) 17th St. neir rallrrad trako
suitable for bearding houie ; rent 830 ; l 'iulie at
Oaiah foundry or o T , W. T. Richards. Oli-tt
UFNT A i rociucolUto on eait o ol 17th
Foil tinor.J d > or south cl Wobator. > ilio !
O.U JJo no liCt > 777-tl
TJ > OR RtKS 7 nice rooms on 12th utmt bctvrwjn
JL1 iouulao.iud Farnam. Apply to llttropoUUn
Ilotel. 112-lOp
IBT Knimlre drug aiore , cor , 10th
JVaudPouglas , luj tl
' RENT Fuiulnhed room , Jciulro ] ol William
B'OU Irunebaum , near01 h mil St. Varj't
Av oue. K op
jit KENT Unlmulshed fi ont room , 101T CMua-
yo lit 10s "l1
HbNT FuroUho j teem , 105 N. Iblh It.
UENT Furnished froutroom , with or with
out lire , 13 9 Capitol me. 107-lOp
13H UtNr-FurclBledrocuis , 1616 Capitol eve.
F 104-lDp
"JOMU " WiUiboud , deilrablo oi wluUr. Aprly
t Bt , CTmUe u < rt u 9'ja-n
FOR RRNT Ont furnl'hfil trdroom wlthhoMd ,
nd tire rr thrM dv boMilers , 19M WeMer.
I/1 OH HKNl- suite l tfrjrtJeTirMiIc front ri cms
X1 for tttit , south-tail corner thltgo nnil ? Cth St .
ont MocX from H l c r line , WS lop
IflOn 11KNT Tno nlcflv fnrnUhcct fiont roomii ,
1 fftttiMo for to Rcnllmen , l o snltiol rooms
l irllth ( hmneXc rlnK , furnltlitM for that iumxwo ,
Ml tcillh 10th strict. 979 Pp
ROOMS with tioanlfor two RontWmen KOI Onpllol
mo. * ( . nvccV. nji-tp
1 0 LKT A 'lirnrshnl inont. Inquire ol J K.
JL Wilbur , OmarmSMlrgs IHiik. 9Mf
Ipt'UMHIFHto iu suitable lor ono or luopni'Io.
' nicntt 1K3 Dodge St. CiOJp
< OU HK.NT 1'lcuxntlnrtlslitil room , 1707 C a
1 St. 815 ISp
1 011 UHNT-TwootllcoroDmi.JBwb liUHk , Utb
Jl1 niul C.i , Itolavo. Iii'Uilro ' U17 Karimm Jt.
OW tl
I , OH11KAT llainl3oinuliirifaholroomZJ091ic > ilto.J :
Ij Oll HKNT Hand ome tmnfetictl roolrs within
JC1 ono Mock ( rom Ho > d'n 01 er * house. K. J , Kd-
\rarJ .316South IBtli 31. tPOp
17011 llKNT-Kurnlshcd rooms t 1S10 Podgo et.
JU 0Sfcb8 :
FOH HKNT Nicely turnUhcd room w 1th c\co
lent board for two gentlemen , 1(12 K rnam st.
FOH KKNT Suit fuint > hi4 room * , with board ,
1617 Ctvpitoliue. OOS-Jp
70H HKNT-Ttt ( i fruut rooms. 1MJ Cnpltol ae. .
HKNT Fnrnl hed room and board ? 5.00 per
vcek. Very best locution , 1811 Uacnpn't.
778 fob Zip
FOH HUNT Neatest ncilchmpeai furnished ronma
In Omaha. Apply to O , O , II. Auiloason , roini
14 , Anderson lllock , north entrant , 18th and Da-
onporteticct. 717fcbO
I71011 HKNT-Koi light liouickooiln , Uo roome.
furnifhed lor that purpose , i ) . W. cor 8th nnd
Houard . ScStf
u10H HKNT Two olcc nt rooms In Kedlok'n block ,
: ; I'nulson & Co. , 161SF rnam. Oll-tl
KKNT-Furnlahod front loom lor rint ! i
IDtbSt 94'.tf !
SALE 120 anei o [ buft farm lands hi Wellington
ington ruunty , Neb ; Si mllci from Herman ;
3 inllca from lllalr. Will cither cell for cash or will
trade lor houfo In Omalm , It bujor nlll taXo up
some notes on IOIIK Hum. Troholo Unit linear
cultivation Adre ! < s Joo. Kolowratek , No. 1374 S
13th t. , Omaha , Mob. 001-tf
1 011 SAI.K Sit tinner's toola all new , 3a off Ad-
JP dresi "Tlunor , " Iliwnrd Hume , Llncofn Neb.
FOH SATr-At .1 banrahi , house ff 3 rooms and
2 closets \Uth i lot 00x04corntr 23th and Krank-
ImSt. $760 i cath , balance on time. OS9-7p
FOH 3 ALB Saloon and lixttirca centrally lotatod ,
and doing a Rood business. AddrcbS "Saloon"
lice olllco , 10. ) tt
FOR SALi : A. goo 1 profitable litislno' ? , mull cap
ital rcciulrcd. Addroea "J. U" Dee oltlco. 300 Up
fT'AHJV FOH SALE OH TIlADi : A vitll impro\cd
J1 fnnncf ICO acres \\ltIllarKO bcnrlni ; orchard and
plenty of Ein.ill Irult , t\v cnty-cljht ncrus of peed tim
ber , 2 lioutes , tarns and all other modern improve-
monti , only 24 nilloa south of Om rm tnck i Ard on
I'ollov uo road , prlco and terms reasonable , would ox-
chan o for tlcairablo Omaha ) > ropcity , will bo sold
soon l > r futthcr partlcularg callon prcnilfl-oor ad-
drees I1. M. I'ccUiaui , 1 > . O. boa 707 Omaha , Nrli.
FOR SALE Drug store desirable location Apply
at oiico to box 020. 9S04
FOR SALtf 200 tons Fctactai hay at nikboin Sta
tion , plica f J.OO per ton. Apply to > > in Iloppvrl
Elkhoni. 052-llnp
F I OR SALK Japan store south 10th St. , between
Jooosand Lcavcnnorlh. K0-7i ! >
FOR S LE A gcod paying Implement business
well located and established In thriving town on
B. i II. H. R. in Neb. hverythlng ready to step
right Intogood tradr. Only nodoiato cnpUal rev
quired. AJd-oss "X. Y. " lice oWce , 012-feb2Sp
TTIOR F.XCHANOf : For a gooiL stock o [ genera
X1 merchandieo and buildings. Address look box
WloUi , CassCo. , Iowa B10-4p
FOR SALE CUEAP One elegant chimbor sot.
former cost $375.00. One regulator clock ,
ono nearly new Knabo Piano , Ota gold framed
pictures , ono horse , harness and phaeton , ona
Halls safe , small slzo , one beautiful china coffco
sot. Also a largo pure blooded St B rnnrd dec.
Inquire 1616 Dodge St. 234-11
FOR SALE 1 lor so , harneai and phaeton , cow and
calf and 8 months old ojlt. Inquire at 214 south
I''tll St. Rott. Stoln. 000-4p
T7IOR SALK00x185 foot on Cumlng street 8 block !
JD west ot Military bridge , $1,800. John L. IfcCaguo
opposite Post olllco. 031-tt
IOR-SALG Cheap one ball acr In north Omaha.
Address X. Y. 7 , Boo ollioo. 816U
FOR SALE A new stock of hardware and Impla
incnta , lillslncfS well cstabll'hcd , sa'os for } car
18S4 , 875.100. Also new brick building built In 18"3 ,
cizo 25xl20 | , t o story ami basement Also frame
ware houso. Capital required from t > 10.0COto 812.000
oxclusho at bulldtug. Location the very best In tbo
oltv of Kcaincy , Neb For portkularp , address
Whlbcaker & Co. , loch box 681 , Kearney , Neb
FOR HALE 132x121 foot on corner , south-east
froct , house 3 rooms , barn , 3 blocks west o
Parka\e. and Leavenworth , easy payments , cheap
$1,700. JohnL. IfoCaeuo , opposite Post Olllco. 047-lf
Hospo otters
One Boardman & Gray Piano at . $ 125 00
Ono HalncsBio * Piano at . 16000
OnoJ.P. Uall Piano at . 12S 00
Ona llason & Jlamlln Organ at . 3500
One thoninger Organ at . 35 00'
On Woodbridgo Organat . 6000
Ona EstoyOrganat . 80 00
Ono Johnson Organ at . 4fi COi
For cash or on easy mrnthly Installrnonta.
Alno agents for celebrated Kiutlall 1'lano anil Kimball -
ball Organ , F.mtrum and llnllet k Dai-i * Pianos ,
Largest itooklowcbt prices. A.Uospo , 1610 Dodge
I OR SALE OR TRADE Good steam Rourlng mill
J ? with two run ot burrs and ono feed burr ; all In
good repair and only been mod 18 months. Situated
on ono of the Ixnt business lots in Kearney , Neb ,
Will dlnposo ol lot and mill together ur mill alone ;
flno locitlon ; will fell < in good terms , or trade for
other duirable property. Address Lock IIox , 602
Kcarney.Ncbt B17feb5
IjlOR 8AIJ5 OR iXCHANOE-At | 0 per aero , al
X1 or part of two thouiand acres ol tlmlwr land
forty inllcu east of Kansas City , wll oichaERO lot
Nbraska land or merohandlsu. Bedford , Houor ft
LOST A largo rcxlloithT pocket booli contain-
i K papers \o-1uaUo totho owner only. Return
to lice c.llco and recclro reward. J. Vfi Uopjiel.
liUSINESH LOCATION Jjirgo up-stuts room fer
Drent or will sell either buelneus or leo e of bull-
d ng. Oat. 15th & Farnam. Imiulri. iflU Cop. Ave.
15KIVV viulti , slnkH nd ccfipooli aloanod at tha
ihortcst not oo ard at any 1 1 moot the day , In an ,
entirely ordtrlma way without tbo If ait inoloatation.
to occupants or neighbors , with r > us Improved and ,
odorless apparatus. A Evans .5 ; Co. , .Ml Capitol ave.
_ OSlmlp.
I pO KtCIIANUlC r.rins for Improve ! property la
L Omaha , i.haa R. WoolUy , Kooin 20 , Uniahh.
Nttloual Dank. Omaha Nob.
mO THADK St')0k of grwiirleslor acre property
J. adjoining Omaha. Chan. R Woolley , Uootn 2 '
Omthi National Hank , Umili ) , Mib. 310-lf
TO KXCIlANOIC-FonoH for deck of mcrchwidlwi
Chas. R. Woolley , Jtoouv to , Ouiaha Mailona ,
Uaali. Omaha , Neb , 6J8.I5
17HR TltADE Stock * of oo's to trodo fr land.
1 Chag. II , Woolloy , liooin 20 , Oui.tA , National
Bank , Omalm , Neb. (29 16
TRADE For uicrobandlie gioMikti pre <
J' ferrod , three ( fyvalunUo lets In ZUyton , Ohio ,
Ono ( I ) lot InHt , loulp , Mo ; WO acres ol line land In
Kansas ; One (1) ( ) lann In Ohio. Tbli pen rty In Iroo
ol Intumbranoe Alcotun.unlcjtlon ) lll te treated.
Btrlctly coulldonilol. S. II. Winupcu , W71 Cumintv
Bt. S87JanM
A 1. 1ST. SO ] feutb street , betvata Farnam anJ Har <
ncy will , wUhUicildol guudlin ichlto , eli lnlng
lor suyono gUnou In the punt § nd prouunV , and ou
corttln condition ! In the future. Boots tud thott
made lo nrdir PerfMt gatlslu-tlon eua
AttherJd tand417 FaronoSt Order * by UU.
craiih eoilcJU-i DU rromj l