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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE-THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 5 , 1885 , -THE P" BESITQ C , Thrt rnetfMnf * , combining Iron with V < Wt l > lo tonics , quickly nnd romrilet'-'j 1'iihr * lT < nirpqln < CnillRrnllnnVriiKiirnt , Jniniirnltlnnil , ,1lnlurliiC'lill ! ! ind l/evrra , nnd NcurnlKlii. I tli an uufnlllnp rcrnfdy for Diseases off t iililncjfi mill IHer. ( t 1 % Invfttimblo for Discard pcculla l > : Vrimioii , and nil who IcndRcdenlnry llvci ItdocinmInjure lliotcctlicnHsehcfi < lacbr r prolticc coristlmllon | olhtr Iran mrdicin't > It lrirlclici find jmrldet the blood , tltpnlit ( f thcnppctltc.AliIg the Rfiflmllntlon of ro-0 Clavn Hcnrtliiirn and notching , and f'r.-r p.- vvthf musrlos nnd ncrvi i KOI Intcrmiitrut FCTCIS assltudc , I &ck Knrrgy , < tc. , it has no equal. &tr 'riio frctni'nc ' tins RimrelrfiiV mi'1- ' ' " > iO i rid linen t'l. wr&lij < or Tnkr < ' K l.euL'l SlIIOtMtUjalllL tfl. IHLTISIVI * ir ill OidlsDM La ihe BROAD CLAIN i 'VERY BEST OPERATINCf , QUICKEST SELLING AND Krer ofTcrcd to tlio nubile. HAIBUEBAIERIOAN PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , Franco and Germany. The steamships ot this well known line are built Of Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are fur- nlebcd with o\erv requisite to make the pasatgo both oafo and agreeable. They carry the United State. " anu' European malls , and lemo Now York Thundays and Saturdas for I'lymouth ( LONDON ) Choiboug , ( PAUI8) ) and HAMnUUO. Er.tea : Stcoraco from Hamburg S10 , to Hamburg 819 ; round trip $20 , First Cabin , 555 , 65 and $76. Henry Pundt Stark Hanson , F. K. llooros , Jr. ToK , agents In Omaha , Cronowctr It Sohoentcon , ogenta In Couurll BluDs. C. B. HICIIABD & CO. , Gen. Tasa. Agta , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Chas. Koz- mlnekl & Co. , General Western Agenti , 170 WashIng - Ing St. , Chicago , 111. . Avio < kuO/ > < causing Premature Decay. Nervous Debility , Lost , Bianhood , c. , having tried In vain every known renindy.hcrriiscovercd inlmplomonnsofoolf- ' " " - - Filr3i ; to'h"is"ieTlow-Buffirer ! Addrecc. J. ; EVKS.43 Chatham SU-NewYcss. ' ' tur * noor m * VARICOCELE ? . , .V.r , . * Health is Wealth ! DR. E. 0. WMT'O NIRTI ABD BEIDI TRUBHINT , a r-nnrantood spoolflo for Hyacerla , Dlrilnoes , Convnl- dons , Ht , Nervous Nonralgik , Hoadaoht , Nervonj Proetrttlon otnsodby the use ol loohol or tobbacoo , Wakelolnees , Uental deproBslon , Cottoning ol the brtln , resulting In Insanity and loaptog to mliory , decay and death , Premature Old age , Baroness , losa ofpowor In either Bex , Involuntary Loeaos and Sper- f atorhoraonnsed by over ozertlontof the brain , soil- Abate 01 over Indulgence. Each box , contains one month's treatment. Jl.OO loi.or six bottloi 01 01.09 , tent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES Xo oaie any easel With each order received by ni lei > lx bottloa , accompllshod with I5.CO , wo will send he purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money If the treatmenidooa not eOeot a cure. Qonr- Utoes Issued only by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. , k , | r S8-m4o-ry.-Hii38 2 Uadlton St. , Ohloaifo , III. ! HV lanes lledioal Institute } Chartered by theStateof Iltl. ASWGlectand&yphi * complicated forms , also oil diseases of the Skin and Ulcod promptly relieved and ptrmanentlycured by rcmo- dies.tcstrdlnai"orij/l' ( irf - . _ _ Sveelail'rartlre. Semlntl AVeaknesa. MiKlit Lossy by Dreams , Pimples on t4ieFaceLost Manhood/os/ii ( > f < j/curedThere ili > iocx ; > -fmriii < n < / . The appropriate re.r.edy 1,1 nt once used In eachcrsc. Consultations , per. liunal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med- Idnes sent by Mall and Express , No marks oc to indicate conteDta or tender. Addreia , ix' . JA.HES.No. 204Wa3lilnglon St.ChIcagolll , IS ( CONDUCTED al Havana Lottervl ( AOOVEHNMENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana , Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days. ICKETSJ2.00 , HALVES , 11.00. Subject to no manipulation , not Controlled by the parties In Interest. It la the fairest thing In tha onturo of chance In existence. For tnlormatlon and particulars apply to SHISK7 & CO. , General Agents. SIS Broadway , N. Y city. MOLL & CO. , 417 Walnut s treet , St. Louts. , Mo. , Frank Lahrauo , L. D. , 20 Wyaudotte , Kan , y Sl-m&e & w A FINE LINE 0 P THE ONLYIEXOEiUfAVB IN OMAnATNEB , Afi < mt * rrticrlptltm cf o Oil 11. QUELLING A MUTINY. CaplaiD Enstroi's ' Desperate to Keep His Ship , How the Mutineers were Subdued Af ter they hiul Killed the Second Male Starved Out and Ringleaders Shot Down , York Sun. Captain I. F. Enstroni , of the brii , alnl , tolls in an emphatic fashion the story of the mutiny and bloodihedvhlch jccurrcd on his vessel during its voyage ast year from Boston to Brisbane , Ana ralla. Do was struck with a brcruhxo > y tlio carpenter ai ho una lying on the oungo in his cabinet at 1 o'clock in the norulng , mid , as ho fuught with the car- icnlur , who was tear the vound deeper , he caw the steward stand- ng in the dcor and waiting his turn to tiiko at him. Ho wrenched the axes way from both inon nf ler a desperate trcgglo , and then the steward dro\v his heath knife and cnt him , making long , eep Rnshcs en his check and forehead. The carpenter had by this time revived and drove his kutfo Into the captain's lock , under the right car. "Whni the cnlfu,1' said the captain , "camo through on the other side , 1 grabbed it with my Ight hand to keep it there , so that ho couldn't ute it nny moro. Ho courgod it round and round , trying o got in deep enough to cut a > ig vein. While ho was forcing the cnifo Inward I forced it outwards. At at I forced it out of my nock altogether , and got It away from him. At that minute the uiato came leollng into the room , and blood was coming out all over ilm , too. I suppose the carpenter and ho steward thought ho wan dead. Any- low , they left at once , nnd I was so much cut up I had to lot them go , or else vo might have killed them in theio with ho kitchen axe that I had under my oot. Yes , certainly , it's lucky I was n trcnginnn , but it's luckier that'there was a stronger hnnd than mine in that ocin , or else I'd bo dead. " SHOOTING AT THE .MATE. The mutineers , of whom the steward nd carpenter were loaders , had previ- naly killed on the dock young Enstrom , ho captain's aon , who was acting as BOO- nd mate. Toton , a Eoaman , who after ward proved to bo the ring-leader , rook charge of the mate , Sylvan- us , and , revolver in hand , made for the mate's stateroom. Sylvanns Trna taleep , and it was quite dark in its room ; but Toton know the lay of the and and mlng h's best judgment , fired our shots in rapid succession , and then an out to BCO how the cnqienter was nogressing. His judgment in tiring irovcd good. The first ball put out the nato's right eye. the second struck him n the chin , and the other two took efl'ect n his body , Toton was wrong in think- ng Sylvanna was dead. Ho was alive , nd knowing that moro deviltry must bo oing on outside , ho arose , picked up the ovolver which Toton had dropped and mn to the Captain's room. As Toton came in the door Sylvanus amo in the other ; holding in his hand 10 revolver , with one bullet atill in it. t was a surprise to Toton when bo found 10 captain fighting , and still moro of a urpriso.wlicn the mate appeared opposite lirii and "tried to shoot him with his own ) istol. The carpenter , the stewart and 'oton made for the deck together.Vhen iioy were out of the cabin and the mate ocked themselves in , got out the mcdl- inp chest and fixed each others wounds , [ either understood surgery and the best icy could do was to bathe them and dl- ilnish the ilow of blood by binding the ounds with lint. TUB CAPTAIN'S VICTOHY. The ciptatn and mate then armed icraaolvoa , and sallied forth to attack 10 mutinous crew , who were standing round the door with their axes and cap- tan bars. The fight began at once , but 10 number of firearms demoralized them , 'hey had no tlmo to fight much before half dozen bullets flew around and sent lorn forward with the captain and mate n pursuit. The forward hatch wa * open nd Toton , Refus , another seaman , the arpontor , and the steward jumped down n wild haste. They liked to fight with .coping men best. One of the seamen did not succeed in ; ottlng out of sight. Johansson was the plucky ono , and ho looked much dis- lirited as ho tried to make himeelf small lelilnd the capstan. He had a capstan > ar in his hand , but it didn't look very ormldablo when the mate , with his two avolvera , and the captain , with his rifle , 11 ready , came at him from different iroctloiiB. That was too much , and Jo- lanescd expressed a wish to yield. The tptain's first instinct was to shoot every no engaged in so cowardly an attack , but ohaneaon's part of the mutiny hid been uiot , and the captain told him ho might , vo if ho would go to work. A little ater the captain discovered the murder > f his son , and regretted his clemency , > nt ho kept his word. For four days the captain and mate worked the vessel , with Johansson at the wheel. Their wounds caused thorn ex- ruciatlng pain , and oven constant ablu- ions with salt water could not ward off ho aggravating effect of a hot climate. in the afternoon of the fourth day the sptaiu had made up his mind what to o , and ho told the mate about it , who greed with him. Their wounds wore ; ottlng woraa , and they might be help- ess at any time , in which case Johansson vonld betray them and lot out the men n the hold , who would pitch them over- loard. In any event , should the fine weather coaao , they were not capable of managing the ship alouo. They must iavo help , and that without putting ; homaelvca at the mercy of their men. KILLING THE IUNO LUADF.JIS. The captain and oiato wont forward , pulled off the hitch , and ordered the men to corno up and submit. There was no answer. The captain emptied a revolver at random into the hold and repeated his order. This was fo'lowed by awh'speroc ' convorsition. The men were oxhaustet by four days' fasting. Besides it was ua pleasant to bo shot at in the dark , am they made up their minds to submit. The captain ordered them up ono at a time and tbo mate ttooa ready to enforce the order , The cirpoatcr was the first to op pear. After all had laid down the ! knives and axes , they were ordered t < itind in lino. The captain looked a them s-crnly , and then , taking cucfo aim with hit revolver , shot the carpente through the heart. The man dropped like n log , and the others stood in speech lesj terror , while Johansien thanked his stats at the helm. Captain Enstron waited a moment and tlnu lifted his re volver again. This time it was the sea man Toton's turn , and ho dropped deai beside the carpenter. 3 ho last two , wh had been the tools of the dead men , wer almost dead with fright , but they wer needed to work the ship. "Throw thoic bodies overboard , " Hi captain Mid , got something to cat and go ; o work. " They g'adly obeyed , and heaved the two corpses into the son , and then united with Johansson in faithful obedience. A few days later the captain fell in with a Norwegian bark , whoso captain lent liitu two men. Their presence enabled the wounded olliccrs to take much-needed rest , and the vessel soon arrived safely at Brisbane , fiom whence she made the voyage ago to this port. ACR D. To nil who Arc uflcrlnp from e Son anil Indleoetlona of south , ncnous weakness cam decay , loss of manhood , etc. I will toml receipt that will euro \ ou FHKi : OF CHAHOK. ThU Rrcnt remedy wan discovered by a missionary In South America. Send felt-addressed envelope to UliJO' sum T. l\jitx Station "O. " New York A Coal Uonver In KM" , CbicftRo Now ? . "So hollup mo , thudge , I neffer lose. I vas an honest man , shudge.1 The speaker was Solomon Isaac , : i fear 'tilly dirty and grizzled Jew with gray mir and n greasy red comforter about his icck. "You giddy , giddy tbinjr , " playfully replied Justice Footo , as he picked up a pair of fine kid gloves from the desk vhich Isaacs was charged with stealing i-oiii a down town store. "How old are our1 "Shrnlgo I vas sdxty years oM " "Young man you are sowing your uld oats at a rapid rate. May I ask \liat fair young hdy you intended pre senting thorn tol" "Shudge , I ptiycd dcm gloves from a unn for dwcdwy-fivo cents , und I vas tjoin" to vcar dein mysclluf. " "Ah , I see. What's your business ? " "I vas garryin1 coal into shentlcmen's louses. 1 vas an honest man sliudge. " "What ! a coal heaver wearing kid ; lovcs ! What frightful extravagance ! LVeiity-fivo dollars fine. " "Having recently tested , " writes Mr , ? . A. Stior , Second National bank , Wash- ngton , D. 0. , ' the medicinal virtues of led Star Cough Cure during a violent cold , I can heartily recommend It. A few loses relieved my cough. " Price , 50 cents. The Arery Nexvest Thing in Menu ments. MrminRlmm Mercury. "I took the order " to-day queerest yet , aid a dealer In monuments recently. 'An old lady wanted a little pillar of narblo to mark the last resting place of lor husband. She wanted it made so hat sbo could always nso ft as a hitching > Dat. The epitaph , you see , Is to bo atone ono end and the ring and staple at the other. Whenever she wants to use the lost for a gravestone elio has only to : art it around to the graveyard and stick ho end with the staple in it down Into ho limestone socket at the head of the [ oar departed. Then when she wants to make a hitching post out of it she merely needs to cart it back and stick the end rith the epitaph on it into the ground. think it's a beautiful idea , though it never struck mo before , it's as neat as t reversible overcoat , and deserves to ) ecomo as popular among economical loople. " SKIN DISEASES CURED. By Dr. Frazler'a Marie Ointment , Curoa f by magic : Fimplea , Black Heads or Grub Motchea and Eruptions on the face , leaving he akin clear and beautiful. Also cures Itch , lalt Rheum , Sore Nipples , Sere Lips and old , ) bstiuato Ulcers Sold by druggists , or nailed on receipt price. 60 centa. Sold by Cuhn & Co. and 0. F. Goodman. A Romantic Story. A curious story of Mr. Hasting , the le" ; itimato heir of the carl of Huntington , s told by an English paper. When a oung man ho met a pretty chambor- naid named Betsy Warner , and becoming namored of her , vowed to marry her if ver ho got possession of the family living ! hitty years passed by. Mr. BaUingj ergot his early love , married , lost his * ifeaud finally ga'ned ' as a second living. lint ho had always desired. Ono day the cnerablo old pastor was astonished by lie arrival of Miss Warner , who calmly old him she had come to claim the ful- llnient of his promise , as she had never woived from her engagement. The re * ult was that the reverend gentlemen , ndinp ; upon inquiry that h's ' botrothed's onduct had been exemplary , consented , , mblishcd the bands himself iu his own hurch , and married his early love. STOP THAT COUGH ! y using Dr. Frazier's Throat and Lung Bal- am the only sure cure for Cougha , Colds , loarsoneas nnd Sore Throat , and all diseases f the throat nnd lunga. Do not neglect a ough. It may prove fatal. Scores and mndreds of grateful people owe their lives to ) r. Frazier't Throat and lain ? Balsam , and o family will ever bo without it after once isipg it , and discovering- marvelous power , t is put up in largo family bottles and Bolder or the email price of 76 cents per bottle. Sold Kulip & Co. and O. _ V. Goodman. An Outbreak. 'etna Silting * . "I see by tbo latest dispatches that lore has been an outbreak , and the Eng- sh authorities are very much alarmed bout it , " remarked a repoitor who celled n Mt. O'Donovan Roaaa at his cozy lit- le oflico in New York. "I've not eeun anything about it yit In lie papers , " sild Mr. Rocsa , "but I could iavo tould you of that long ago , if I had nly hid a moind. The outbreak was > ! anncd right hero , bodad. In this very iflico , by meself and a few mora Oirieh pathriota. " 'Tho outbreak h In India. " "Av OOOKO. Among the down-throd- .on natives of India. " "At Madras , " observed the reporter. "Right yezaro ag'ln. " "It m believed that it will spread. " "I'll see to thaS moaelf. " "It'fl ' an outbreak of cholera , " remarked ho reporter , as ho piaicd out. YOUN GMKN ! KE.\D THIS. THE VOLTAIO BELT Co. , of MarshallMich , , offer to eend their celebrated KLKOTIIO-VOL TAIO BELT and other KLKCTIUO API-LIANOKB on .rial for thirty days , to men ( young or old ) atllictod with nervoua debility , losa of vitality and manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and nany other diseases , Complete restoration to bealth , vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred as thirty days trial it allowed. Write thorn at once for illustrated pamphlet ftoe. block. Fittslmrg Chronicle , Jay Gould's little boy recently wont to visit aoiiie country relatirca. Early in the morning he arose , and , mlnalng his uncle , aakbd ono of Ills cousins : "Whero'a Uncle Jabez gone ? " "llo'e gone to water stock , " replied Jaboz'a little boy. "What , BO o rlv ? ' exclaimed little Jay Gould. "Why , my pa never \\atera stock until ho goea down-town in tha city. 'bout 10 or 11. HUKX'S [ Kidney ana Liver ] REMEDY la no "hit or miss" compound or old wo roan's mixture , It is prepared by a scientific pharmacist , with A full knowl edge of the powers and virtues of each Ingredient In the class of diseases whlol It cures. It is purely vegetable and oar not harm the yoaugest child or the mos feeble Invalid. CLEVELAND'S NABOBS. Henry B , Payee and Some o [ Ms Brother Millionaires. Sclf-Madc Jloti with Money ntul Kc- ccntrlcltics HocUalellor , the MoviiiK Spirit of the Stniulnrtl Oil Coin- pnny. Uorrcspondencc 1'liiladolphia 1'ross. Cleveland hag for its size , perhaps , moro millionaires than any other city in the I'nltod States. Their big palaces line Euclid avcnuo for miles , nnd their junk accounts are the wonder of the state of Ohio. They are a ctimus tot of fellows - lows , too most of them to'f-mado ' mon , and some full of cranks and oddities. There is J. II. Wade , for Instance , who organized the Western Union Telo raph Company and wasfor nloog time its pros- dent. Ho lives on the nabob sldo of Euclid avenue , at the corner of Caea , and has a lawn filled with statuary. Ihat big homo next door belongs to his grandson , built for him by Wade at n cost of $100,000 , and that rad gronito uanslon which Is going up over there ho s buildincr for hit prand-daughtor. J. 13. Wade , now over 70 years old , is a self-mado man , and started life as a carpenter's apprentice. As a boy ho made instruments and played the church organ. At 21 ho had learned his trade and had become the owner of a sash and iliiul factory , and three years later ho had eft this and struck out for Michigan as a loittait painter , llcro ho learned photo- jrapliy , and took the litst daguerreotype aken west of .Now York. While photographing - graphing ho got sick , and during his sick- icss turned his attention to telegraphy , hen in its infancy. lie soon became tin expeit operator , and began to undertake contracts to build telegraph lines. IIo > ut up some of the first telegraph lines in jhio and Michigan , and was the first to idviso the railroads to use separate wires. 3e inven'cd ' the Wade insulator , which imnediately came into general use , and or a time everything ho touched seemed o turn into gold. Ho resigned from the Western Union in 1807 on account of overwork. OIIIO'S KICHEST MAN. The richest man in Cleveland , and I nppoao the richoat man in Uhio , is Mr. lockafoller , the president of that monopoly ely of monoplica , the Standard OH com pany. Rockafellor la a young man still , ind his years will not , I should judge , number CO. no is a solf-mado man , a Japtiat liberal and generous. Ho owns a fine residence at the corner of Euclid and Ciua avenues worth $100,000 , and on he rear of his lot ho has a birn which iai cost moro tbnn twenty ordinary louaes. His lot alone Is worth what would bo a fortune to a common man , and ho has also a magnificent country residence eight miles out of the city on he Lake Shore , and a good sized house n Now York. No ono In Cleveland out- ido of Rockafellor knows what Rocka- eller is worth. There is no doubt that ho snm runs up pretty far into the ; ena of millions , and moat of his uonoy is in Standard Oil stockwhich paya oyal dividends. Still , there are thoa- ands of mon hero who remember Rocka- eller-whun ho was a poor commission merchant down on the wharves near the piaduot. TJo made hle'cnonoy out of oil. A.B BoorinG ho had a little saved ho or- ; anlz3d'JtWmpany and went into wcst- rn Pennsylvania and bought of lands. A.B ho got moro ho kept buying , and inally succeeded In organizing the stand ard oil company and making it what It is. THE PAYNES , FATHER AND SON. Oliver H. Pryne lives in the old Payne lomestead. He is a bitcholorr and his money has been made in. the Standard Dil company. Ho went Into it at its or anizatlon , and has grown up with the- ompany. Ho Is especially fond of 113 sister , who married William J. Whitney , and ho gave her not long ago a residence In New York vhich people out here believe to be worth. 5500,000. The old Payne homestead l n ordinary story and a half building , rery old and eminently respectable. It ooks eidewiseat Euclid avenue , and has \ veranda and little windows up near the oof. Next door to It lives Henry B. ? ayno , in a big stone IIOUBC , eurrounded oy large grounds , and worth very near ; 100OCO. Henry B. Payne's father sold arick , and thcio is a tradition that lenry , when he waa a boy , worked In a aricliyar.i somewhere in New York , ide ( fas given a good education , however , and hortly after ho rame to ClovcUnd ho narriod. His wife 1 think , inherited bi.3 old Pnyua homestead , and the ad- aacd in property mudo him wealthy. Head ad a good law practice also , and ho sought more lands , a1 ! of which increased a value , and have at last made him a Billionaire. Ho bai been in congress , was a candidate for senate whou ion WaJo wai elected , and stands chnnco of going into Cleve- and's cabinet , if ho does not hold jlFiu fsvor of his son-in-law , Wil iam C. Vhitncy. Ihere is no meanness about ho Paynes when they want to accomplish nything , and it is said at the time Henry 5. Payne was selected to congress over ) ickParsons the Kennarl house dining- ooni was covered with Mumiii'a cxtia Iry two inches deep. STONE AND JOHN HAY. Colonel John Hay , the author and di- doinat , is another milLoimto who lives u Clcvo'and. ' Hay gsts his money trough his wife , who , it will bo remem- > ercd was Anmsa Stono's daughter. Stone committed suicide a year or so ago , ind loft in the neighborhood of $0,000- )00 ) to be divided according to his will , n this ho remembered everybody about lis household , oven to his coachman , > ut his two daughters got ho bulk of the estate , acd th o Bharo of each amounted to several mil- lona. Amasa Stone , like J. A. Wade , started lifo as a carp ntcr in a little Mats achusetta village , and at the ago of 17 was apprenticed to a builder for three years. At the end of h's ' torta ho began to build church etooplea on his own hook , and from that roue to bridge building. This brought him Into comificlion with railroads and he obtained control of a patent railroad bridge. Soon after ho took contracts for railroad construction and made a fortune oat of building the line ruunlg from Clove Und to Columbus and IndlanapollB. This brought him to Cleveland , and he undertook other con- tracti , building a part of the Like Shore. Ho became deeply interested in the vari ous railroads of the west and tbo risa t f their stocks made him a millionaire. Atone ono tiran , it is said , he invested heavily in the Weatorn Union Telegraph , buying ita stock outright. Soon after hta pur chase Western Union jumped up above par and ho made § 000,000 by the eposu- Utlon. A young fellow , who waa paying at tention to Stono'e daughter , wa sitting D a the steps of the Union club house , and on his jptjiklpg of Mr , Stone , who WAS juat in sight walking down the av- onus , an "his j lly old father ia-lan , " his companion dared him to slap Stone on the back and walk downtown with him. The yonng mao accepted the chal lenge , and as Mr. Stone camn by. walked up behind him , and , slapping him on the shoulder , thtuit his ntm through that of the millionaire. Stouo looked coldly on him , but rtld not raaont the action in nurds , The next time the young nnn cilled at the Stone mansion to BOO the milllonalro's daughter ho was told that lie youug lady was not at home , nnd this ended hlo courtship. The Western Reserve college was brought from Dmlsnn , Ohio , to Cleveland by Amasa Slono and called Adclbert college - lego in honor of his son Adelbert Stone , who was drowned while attending college - lego at Ynlc. Amasa Stone was very in dignant not long before ho died at being referred to as John Hay's father-in-law. Colonel liny is a small slender man with a square brow and dark hair which ho [ tarts in the middle. Ho has a full , short , : latk beard , parted nud combed , and ho wears eyesglasu'S in fiont of his bright , black eyes. Ho dresses well and likes society. Ho is now building ono of the liiicst houses iu Washington , just below that of the millionaire Oorcoraii , and di rectly opposite the white house. Mrs. [ lay will bo one of the lights of Washing ton society , fcho is twice as big as John ind is a fine-looking woman. If you sutler from looseness of the bowels /YiiKOflturA / Bitter * will nuroJy euro von [ townro of counterfoil ) , and ogle your groccror Irupgist for the genuinn article , prepared by. Dr. d. G. B. Slegcrt & Sons. 1JOUN IN A SLKHl KU. A. Pullman Car -'All Torn Up" Oxer an Unexpected uiul Untoward liveur , Chicago Time ? , 2d. It is the unexpected that happens ; at least so thought the incoming paesougors jn the tloopor Niobr.-.ra ovortho Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad , y eater- day morning. There was excitement among the ladioo abcard , and dire con- "uaiou manifested by the centlomen. The porter ran through the tialti in search of D doctor , and fortunately encountering - countering one , hurried him to the sleeper. His services were urgent'y ' needed by Mrs. T. Hanlon , a lady jour- laying from Helena , Montiiin , to Now York. At 0:30 : a. m , a child was born to .he housa of Hanlon , and upon the ar rival of the train at the Union depot the mother and babe were transferred to a sleeper on the Pennsylvania route , and continued tholr journey. A telegram 'rom Fort Way no yaattrday afternoon convoyed the iutolligenca that mother ind child were aa well as could bo ex pected. "I tell you , boss , " said the darkey on the Niobrara ; "if datar chllo grows up , he's gwlno to bo a fas' ono. " Hereford's Acid Phosphate , BEWAllB OF IMITATIONS. Imitations and countcifits have again ippeared. Bo sure that the word "Hous- youD'.s" is on the wrapper. None are genuine without it. no "U'ns Onl. .Jurlington llawksyo. ' Is your maator busy ? " aakcd the allor. "No , ho is out. " "But I jnat saw him at an upper win dow. " "Well , 1 just asked him for some money and ho said he waa out. " "On , if that's the caeu I am oat too. " Brown'B Bronchial Troches will ro- iove Bronchitis , Asthma , Catarrh , consump- , lou and throat disortea. They are used al ways with good aucceas. Money in Bibles. "Thorp is moro money in Bibles than n anything else , " eald Mr. J. K. Jones rf Philadelphia , ono of the largest Bible printers In the United States. "Thereis i steady , reliable trade for the good book , and I think I have made 2,000- 100 of the different grades since 1 have 3oen In business. The price ranges from L9 cents for the kind given away by the Bible Society to the $30 one bound in velvet and ivory. I have nearly ceased minting other books. Aa a general thing , hey don't piy. Unloas you can got a work by a great author or a note'd poll- Itlan the sale of any book does not reach > ejond a small edition. I paid Alexander 1. Stephens § 33,000 royalty OH the War Between the States , ' but only about § 0,000 for his 'History of the United States.1" Young mon or mlddlo-agod onoa , auf- orlng from nervous debility and kindred veakncisos should send three letter tamps for illustrated book Biiggeetlng uro meant , of cure. Address Worlds' VIedicul Association , Bull'ulo , N. Y. Atiittlo Too Previous. Now York Sun. "John " said a Dakota merchant to his clerk , "how's the thermometer this morn- np ? " " below . " "Forty-two xaro. "And the woatner probabilities ? " "Fair , slightly warmer. " "Well , throw open the windows and get down the ttock of linen dustoraagaln. ! thought wo were picking away thoto ; ooda too coon. Captain Mitchell , of the bark Antoine Sala , Now York and Havana trade , came lomo in May. entirely hopeless with houmatiBtn . Ho went to the mountains , > nt receiving no benefit , at his -wife's ro- meat began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. io immediately began to improve ; in wo months his rheumatism was all gone , and ho Bailed iu command of his vessel a well man. Hood's Sarsaparilla will help ? ou. Sold by all druggists. Starved to Doudi on an Special Telegram to TUB BKH. BALTIMOBK , February 3. William II. llol > - erta and hta family , consisting of a wife and ive children , have for a number ot years bfeti thaorly in habitants oi an iilanil in the Susquehanna - quehanna river , just above 1'ort Oejmsit , where an ice fjorge now exiot * . In 1875 the Family wax in great peril and its members were rcscuod at giaat risk by peiiona living on tliofhora , Thuy ore again cooped up ou the lonely bit of land , anil have boon unable to reach the shora for enveral weeks. To-day KoberU managed to attract the attention of pfoplp on tlio river Ixtnk and by Hlcnn and nhoutiiifc' convejed to them the intelligence that his wife and onu of their children were dead , and th t the others were Iu a dying condition Their condition iu a dreadful onu , Thev cannot escape , und no assistance can reach theai until the situation in tha river channes. The caiwe of tha deaths ia not known , 'iiut it is i > } 8blhlo they aiay bo starving , DDIIKEE'S COLD MEAT SACTCB & SALAD DitnssiNO , readymade , nntrltlouu , econ omical , delicious. Nothing equal to it wa > over offered and it is invariably pop ular both at homo and abroad , In Wales an enthusiast in the came ol cremation htely cremated a favorite boll , The ceremony lasted nlno hours and was witcL'Seed by thousands , many of whom have a'nco ' espoused the Inc ratlon idea. . . , I'IM < tie * ninl 1'Hl.inii.i. A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE OURE I'or Cough * , ' 'nro Thront , llonr cnc , InnuoniD , Cold * , llronclilll * . Ooiip , \ \ hnoplni ; Cough , AMhnui , fiilnf > T , lAlnlit Cliit ftniotlitr ArrM-ili > ti4 of the Tli rout An 1 l.ntig * . I'rlcc no cents n rnttli > Sold l > v tlrncel t nnrt tlcM- cr l\irttr < ttnnblr I > iniliiff IMr ilfulrr f tirnini'tlu fid It for ttifin trill n flrt liri bottlttKfn rmhariie * l > alJ , mutiny one iloj/.ir to TUB ni tin is A. Toiistrn ronriNv , tiff tn < l Mmitirnctnrfrii. lUHhnorr , Jlirjlm , ) , r.P , A , Krom experience 1 think Sulft'a Specific Hacry \nliiable rcmcily lor cutaneous dlscaics , anil at tha tame tlmo nn Imitrotntlnir tonlo. jAMMjACKtON , Chief Justll'O ot On. Atlanta , Sept 18S4 , IXOrllLATr.l ) POISON.-Attcr trjlnp all the other rcmoilles.KnlH's Spoclflo has cured ire sound amiollotn tcrrltilo hlooil i olson contracted frcm a nurse. MRS , T. W. I.Kit , Qrccmlllo , Ah. POISON OAK. A lady hero hag been entirely cured ot i olsoii oak | ol > nb.\ the n o of two battles of 8. S.S. U. S IJUADHmu , Tlfitomllle , Tenn. ULCI5KS25 YEAHS.-A member ot my chnrch h s been cured of an u ceratcd leg of 25 j cart &tau " Ing with two bottlei ot Swill's SpcerlHc. 1' . II. CKIM. LBtt , I'astor .Moth. Ch. , .Maon , ( H. Swlft'n Spc'lflols entirely voptctahlc. Treatise on lllooil and Skin Ulscasus mallei tree. ThoSwifTSi-RcincCo , Drawers , Atlauti Oa , , or 159 W. 13d St. , N. Y. NJR on ilorlicVa 1'ood , " writu Inmdrecls or pratcfal inothcrH Slotbers" milk contains 110 rfaicU I1OUL1OKS' FOOD 1'OU INTAXTSfrco ( f tnni i-tarcli ) reiiulrci" no cooKiuir 1 he best food In ai altli or KicKiicpR for INTA N'J S. 1 he lH"-t die t tor i INVALIDS HMiis-bencfici * . ' iHnBadrlnlt. rriceWandTlic. AX1 I3onLontlitttvatmentufchlllicufrua ! "I h-lleip It to be uicrior to Atjthtnff or tlia klinl for chlldrrn " f > . AintMmit , M Itev > Yori L-nlml'ttluily pronounce ! . ftt t JooJ In ttf ratrKot " 'I' Jtlanrlt , if. D. , B- ton "Ortcnf C ebot iul > tltutcn for mother milk. " / / . ( ! , I t aon. J1 > , UnoKin , X. Y Will lx > sent 1 r null on rrixliit of price In stamps. IIO H,1C' 'Ife FOOD CO. , Rurine , Wis. QfVkz Uoi Jjaai'b UP" Ksxiucz or } Ui/r"ua 017 St. Chnrlos S' . , ? ( . Lonls , ilfo * fcroKulir icat1uitte ortnn lcilri.1 CollPitaa. b&a ) i f > u Ic Jni ' 3EiB * Q ' ipfCtiulrcalnje it of CMRO' IC I urcce. " ana Hi no DiAKiBs than iuj ather I'llj let&n la at. 1 w eltypk | > rn ihow nud a I oM r < > > l > leiit8know. Ncrvo'jiostrilloM ' , Deuliit ) , Mental an' Physical \Jtanness , Mercurial and other Alto lions ot Throat. Skin or ( lanes , Bloud Poison'.ij ' ) , aid Sorts and Ulcers , ro t > ated ith utin > m ! . ; : r Diseases .Arlslny from Indiscretion , Exce'ot , 1'xposu'e or Indulgence , Meh rroJueavm of tin Cc'loisinj effectsLtnon.nfa ! , drbllitr , d K ti or i2t4 ! rsd d r tle nicmory , iluplca ou tbc r&oclttleKld' > eal fcrerflonto tbti boelMy or remalfi , coufuil * * orlJn fetv , erlnf Marrlnge improper or unnappy , antBtly cured , I'aiuplilc' (3ti pn f3)OTll ) o BTOTO , s c * iealel envelop * , Trie to nny adrtreii. Ooniultotiani.ttf' Qa or by iiioll free , and fnvlto'l. ' Writ * for iu sttcm. A Positive Wriiren Guarantee or Ocrinan. 01 paf do os iamalAor fomal , lOrMelCnerhtr . lllnnrntel In 'loth and jilt Mu t s. money r peal K ; piur iiaper coven , 25e , T lc icntftlri 11 the eunoas , doiilttrt ] ! or laouUttiTe w A booi eferut [ ut , jt tl 1L. 7 i Will purllVtlin GLOOD.TcinK I.Uu the LI VHR uml KIDNEYS , .uul lti : ioiu Tin : 1IKA-L.T11 imd VIGOR of "Y OTJTII. DOT- pepsin , \\.inl nt Ai < | ! lltc , in * Ki'Stlon , ) , ac . ni hlrt'iiRth , ciirvil. lioncT. , iiiiisclrsniiu in'rvpsrcculvoiicwlorcc. tlio mind mid i llralu I'nwtT. i coinplulnta . _ _ Inim.'EV WXER'fiIBOMOiOino amh'nnd ; p < * edy euro , 't.lvcs ' a clcur , healthy coniplexlnn. Fruijucrit litiemptu at c0""Tf"'liiK only .idil to the popularity ul thuorl lnnl. Do uot expert * oiunu-frottliu OIIIOINAI , AND llitsr. jt Send jour mldn-MtoTha Dr. llaitnrMnd Oo > . 8 SUJ ula. Mo. , for our "DllEAM 1JOOK. " B j V Vl'ullof Btrunsa and U6etul.UilonaftuOQ./rtio Jr J H. S. ATWOOD , Plattsmouth , - Neoraska HIADIBOT TnoaonanBan AKD man ORIBI IIEBEFOeO UD JERSEY GmiE ttIO DDROO OB JBttJUT BID 8WINI B 1i 11 > Itiil In Itlc' . Comi ei dcrre loll MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY CROUNSE'8 BLOCK , 18th and Capitol Avenue , treats all oases Crip pled 01 Deformed aUodlieasei of It Nervous System , Throat , Lungs and Urinary Organs All eatel o Curvature cf the Spine , Crooked feet Legs aud Arms , Dlseuoa ot the Hip , Knee , and Aoklo Joints. Also Ckroulo affections oft he Liver UheumaUsm , Paraljell , Plica , Ulcers , Oitirrh , Aitb ma and Bronchitis art all treaUd by rnw and suo- oesutul methods. AU dlteues ol the Blood and Urln- iry Organs , InoludUg those resulting from lucltcre- Uon.or exposure , ue eafal ) uid succotKjfully treated To no ? men , middle agsd , and old icen Bulletins Irora Weakness andNervoui tihaustlon.produciub indlftwilon , Palpitation ol the Ucart , Dospondcuoy Dludrcai , Loea of UemorjrLack of Energy and Am bition , can bo restored to health and vigor , If co U not UolooK neglected. The Burgeon m chvfre waa president ol tbo Nortliw ostern Hurt-leal Inoti tutu and Burgeon ol the National Burglcal IwUtuto , If aQllnod , oallor wrltefull description cl jour CASO , ind tnidlilne may be sent you. CtnmlUUui tire , Addrca Omihi Dlspeoury , Crourue Illoek , Om'Jia , Neb. ' Offloa bonri 10-1J a. mt > l a 7-8 p. m Eoniayi.10 m , Be irocf all trcliov agent' , Wo hlvo ' EeuU ( or circular ! Tha rom&rkablo growth of Omaha during the last fovr yosra la a mattot of great astonUhuiout to thoao rrho pnya oco.tslounl vlalt to thin growing city. The development of the 3ter < V Ynrda ihu nocoBBlty of the Bolt Line Road the finely pared ntrooto the huudroda of navr realdouooa and costly bnsluoaa blooka , with the popnlntlon of our city moro than doubled In tha last five ye are. All thlf la a grcnt surprint ) to visitors &nd la ihn ndmlratlon of onr rltlzoua. Thla rnplil growth , the buolnooa activity , nud the many oubstnntlnl improvouicuta m&dn n lively domnnd for Omaha real oatato , nd every iavoatoK ban made a handionii profit. Sluco the Wnll Street panla May , with the snbaonnont cry of hard times , there baa boon lean demand from apocnU * torn , but a fair dotnnnd from Investors Booking homos. Thla latter claso are taking advantage of low priooa In build * lug material and nro nocnrlng their homoe at much IOBR coat than will bo possible yuar hence. Speculators , too , can bay real oats' 3 cheaper now and ought to take advautioo of preaont prlcoa fov fntnio pro ts. The next foir jroara promlaoa groatoi divolopmonta iu Oumha than the past tivi yeara , which have boon aa good at V70 could reasonably doalro. Now man- nfnctarlng oatabllahinonU and IQTRO job bing houeoa arc added nlmoat weekly , and all add to the proapority of Omaha. There are many in Omaha and through- bat the State , who have tholr money In the bankn drawing a nominal rate of toroat , which , if judiciously Invented 1 Omaha real obtato , would bring them much greater rotunio. Wo have many bargalna which wo are confident will bring the purchaner largo profits In thu near future. Wo have for sale the finest resi dence property in the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reason able prices on Sherman avenue,17th , I8th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam , Davenport , Guming , and all the leading streets in that direction. The grading of Farnarn , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty m tnewestern part of the city will increase in valun We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company and the railroads will certainly double the price in a short time. We also have some line business lots and some elegant inside resi dences' for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some good bargains by calling u Bet vcen Farnhara nud Douglas. P. S. Wo ask those who have property for sale at a bargain to ejive us a callWe want only bargains We will positively not handle property orty at more than its. real value.