THE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 4 , 1885. 'fin' yTK . . ' . 'l'Urtiio'litirs i"'ky ! ; sriij f.i 'UfTS l > M" < r > > lh iiiillKrMlnii , W riil. ' * ' 'i ii < u < tjnm1ltidnisJv ! Jo * SliltiCJ" "lli'l ] , l rr , , . . . U K I'vslunMn fit Iitncf.M-4 pfcutlr.V. tjyumiti , ami ) ' who ; rn < lH.n < titnr ? tivf < , l" ' jn tiiru i-onwlpitloti O < AT Iran ncflif > " . - . .nrlcticsatiil pnrir.n tlioblnoil.Rtln v < U" pH'ttc ! , il'la tin1 n * lnill llun of 'u - 1 . ! - > Hcnrtliurn nnd lirlrlilrc , an-l r1- . . ' ! ' mii'rl. " nnil n"f\'t l' " Intermittent fevers .r.F-dtiide ' ' ! r : " , . \r , it ' ) ( u liorqupl trHi. . ' vc-n urnhn nlimclrmlcM > > ' ' , , 1 \ r ' . 1 . U * " , ( * ? fl II I * I ' i AifDDUspiicdbi lie BROAD CLAIN BEST OPERATING , QUIOKES ! SELLING AND JEyer offered to the nubile. HAIBIMAIEEICAN PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , Franco and Germany. Tlio Btcamshlpa of this well kno n line are built ol Iron , In water-tight compartments , nnd are fur nished Mlth c\orv requisite to make the pissijro hoth sato nod agreeable. They carry the United States nnd European malls , and lea\o New Yorlc Thusdnysond Saturdoja for Plymouth ( LONDON ) C'hcrboug , ( PAlltS ) and HA1IBUHO. Ilntes : StcetBKO h-om Hamburf 810 , to Hamburg 810 ; round trip 8iP First Cabin , ? 50 , ? 05 nnd S76. llanry I'undt Mark Hanscn , F. B. iroorcs , M. Toft , oxents In Onmlm , Oroncwcp & Sclinontjron , nccntxlnCouncdBluffs. C. B. RICHARD & CO , vbn i'af . Agta , OL Broadway , N. Y. Chaa. ICoz- tnlnakl & Co.GcneralWcstcrn ARcnti , 170 Wash- lag St. , Chicago. 111. IlEMCUYKilEE. Aviclimof youthfiillmiirudonca rausini ; Piiiimturo Docnr , Nervous DebilityIjost Zlanhood , < tc.havInK tried In vain every known reniedy.herdificoTorcd ABiinplomeanaof Bolf-curo , which ho will eniid I'UICi ; to his fellow-aulftircra. Norunno nnliilti/cJ ! ° ' ( : kI' mi'ntctIr - Rookfrit. llUrVUUo UHIIIIIlVni ui > inocTui Fulton Bt , N.Y. Da. E. C. Wzsr'a NIBTI mo BBAIH TKXABUSNT , a narontood apeclSa for nyacctla , Dlczlnoes , Convul I- sions , Fits , Nervous NearalgU , Iloadacho , Norvoaa Prostration caused by the uao ol alcohol or tobbacco , WakctolnoBa , Uoiital doprcualon. Sottonlng of the bndu , resulting In Insanity and leaping to ml9ory , decay and death , Premature Old age , Baronosa , lees of power In either sax , Involuntary Losses and Spur- f atoihoraoaused by over oxertlontof the brain , self- jtbaio or over Indulgence. Kaob box , bonUlus ono month's treatment. 91.00 a boxer six bottles or 15.00 , lent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE QUAHANTES SIX HOXE3 To cnio any caso' With each order received by nn lot elx bottlce , accompllshsd with 8C.OO , wa will oond he purchaser our written guarantee to refund the cioncy If the treatment does not o3uct a euro. Ou i- nteoslsencd only by JOHN 0 : WKST & CO. , Vijy S3-m&o-rr. JHV3Saj UadldOD St. , CMoazo , III. Chartered by thcStatcof 111' nol3 for tl'rcxprcsspurpose olclvtngimmcdiate rrheiift all chronic , urinary ana pri yj C Icet and&y phills In all t licit 'complicated forms , also aV diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved and perinancntlycurcd by rcnK-- dicstestf din afortyVrart J.S icc/fjJJ'rtJCtiVe. ScminM Weakness. NwM Lossci by Dreams , Pimples on vne FaceLost Manhood , ) /osf/it'ti/cmr ' < JT/iere u HD experlnietillnii * Trie appropriate tti.T.fdy ant once used In each case. Consultations , per- etnal or by letter , tacrcdly confidential. Med. iclueo cent bv Mail and Express. No marks on riacuace to Indicate contents or bender. Address < JKJAMESrJo.204WashinglonSt.Chicagoll ! , is ICONDUCTED Roral Havana Lottorvl ( A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana , Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days. 1CKKTS K.OO , . HAI.VE3 , Jl.OO , Subject to no manipulation , not Controlled by tha parties In Interest It la the fairest tiling In the oature ol chance In existence. For inlormatlon and particulars apply to 8IIIBEY A CO. , General Agents , 212 Broadway , N.Y olty. MOLL tCO. , tl7 Walnut street , St. Loulg. , Mo. , Frank Labrano , L D. , SO Wyandotte , Kan. y SI-DJ&e & w A FINS LINE 0 P THE ONLY KXOLUSVVB IN O1IAHA'1NEB. ' Afirctile preicrlptloa cf a aoltd ip Clallit tueni * . ( ! rid. ) I-K.fcUt c n Oil II. XJJr n - io .itrTuiM4.ii < MEXICO'S ' CAVALRYMAN. His Dingy Acconleraents ani His Soldierly Slouches Mexican Cavalry Horses vs. Attierlonn How to Fight Indians A llnrcl Life. Cor. St. Lotila Globe Democrat. PASO DEL NOIITE , MEX. , January 25 I have ccon the soldiers of many lantla and have soldiered a llltlo myaclf j I hnvo seen the "Houziu" and the "Plou-piou" of "In Belle Franco ; " 1 have soon the corpa of pompiers , the solditr-firemen of the same nation , vainly endeavoring to quell the fire-fiend with haml-squirts that would have driven even our volunteer firemen crazy ; I have seen the pipe , uhank-walsted soldiers of Jt.ily ; the dull , heavy , bnt elophantlno'poworful war riors of Germany , and the equally stolid , red-coated defenders of the eld lady who , on the British penny , seta on n boor bar rel and ia ennui with a hey fork. All theao are miliUry tjpea. They smell of the barricks-room , and have a wholesome - some contempt for the mere civilian which in qulto refreshing. IIo , the afore said civilian , ia a poor wretch who exists , lives , and makes money because the mil itary element la always on hand to guard him from extinction. Gerald Maajoy has undo his EnglMi man-of-wor'a-man ' aptly express the sentiment : If wo cannot keep the sea , you lubbers , Your cent nor cent must stop ; If wo cannot Keep the sea , yon lubbers , llow can you keep the shop ? Of the confidence begot of thia feeling , Thercso was it not uied to sing : llicn n'eat sacro pour un sapour. And nothing wai sacred to sjpour , or tea a soldier of Franco of any kind in those grandly corrnpt days that preceded Sedan and the fall of the Third Napoleon. \Vo crocs the Atlantic and the typo of the soldlor changes at onco. Ho is coin- monplaco of the commonplace. Here In the United States whatever admiration the people have for the army ia associated with the men who in the moment of the nation's peril dropped the pen , the yard stick and the spade for the saber and the musket. They have none to waato on the "Regular nrmy , oh , " in thoao piping times of peace'and but llttlo on the mili tia , whicn ia associated only too much In the public mind with "fuss and feathers , " feather-bed officers , bloodies ] bayonets , virgin sashes , and the mud and sllmo of atato politicians. MEXICAN MILITAUY ACCOUTKEMENT.S. The soldlor holds almost as bid a posi tion in the social scale as the actor dooa in China , where his tank Is lowesfof all other professions a pretty fair teat of the culture of the peoplo. The same is true of this land of "God nnd Liberty" from which I write. Ono would aupposa that when Cervantes wrote his "Don Quixoto" ho not only sneered array the chivalry of Spain , but its martial spirit likewise , to judge by the appearance nnd morals of the Mexican army , woco it not that It requires a gigantic imagination to connect the Mexican privates with the descendants of Coronado and the seekers for Oibola'a fabled cities , Some companies of the llth Mexican cavalry nro stationed hero , and I have an ample opportunity of studying the sol diers of the republic at will. They are all shades of color , from almost whlto tea a dirty black. In nearly all the Indian blood can bo distinctly traced , and in many the typo is so strongly marked as to dwarf all othora. The uniform Is not handsome. It consists of kind of heavy blouse made of course black cloth , with red facings , and pants of the eamo material , and fatigue cnpa similar to our own. The men ass not measured foe their uniforms nor anything olso. There are three -izss of uniforms , and one of the throe must fit. If it does not it does not mat- tor , as the officers seem utterly indiffer ent to the personal appearance of their men. In foot gear the poor fellows are worao ofl' than in anything else. The government sorvea out brogans , , but I notice many bravo defenders wearing old moccasins In a atato of dilapidation that wonld excite the contempt of a Papiigo Indian. It Is chilly juat now in the mornings and I observe that many of tbo soldiers have colds in their heads , which is very unforlnnato for them , as up to data the republic has omitted to supply them with pocket handkerchiefs. TUB MEXICAN CAVALltY HOUSE cannot by any stretch of fancy bo called a noble otcod , IIo Is not a Tartar of the Ukraiu breed , nor of any particular breed to speak of. IIo Is mustang broncho at that. Ills coat is rough , nnd judging from its appearance I would argue that the stable call is seldom Bounded In the Eleventh cavalry. In barrack hla ration of hay Is small and his allowance of corn frequently n negative qcantity , which mathematicians demon strate is loss than nothing. In the field ho lives oil' the face of the country , and how ho continues to llvo where an Amor- lean horse would starve Is an cquino mys tery. Bat it Is the capacity of both man and horsa to live on little aud bear hard ship that makes the Mexican cavalry bet ter Indian fighters than our own. To Con. Torrasaa , of Mexico , la duo the ex tinction of Victoria nnd hia band , who , for two years , plundered and murdsrod the settlers on the forntler line of eouth- orn Arizona and Now Mexico , and to Gen. Guerra nnd Ool. Gallardos moro than to Gen. Orook the extinction of the bands of Nona , Ju and Bonito , and their expulsion from the Sierra Madro. The reason why our troops have made such poor Indian fight era is explained in one sentanco by Gen. Orook : "You can't catch mosquitooB with a slx-mnlo team. " Take the American horse. Hois a splen did animal , selected with great care by a board of army oilicers In Missouri or Cal ifornia. Oftentimes ho is the beau ideal of the war horse of scripture , and worthy to live on the canvai of a Horace Vornot. But ho Ia the horse of the plains , not of the moun tains ; of civilization , not of naturo. Like his master ho must bo well fed and well oared for. Ho muot have a dally ration of grain and hay ; must bo combed and rubbed down at lemt twice a day. If there bo mud on hla fetlocks it must bo carefully removed lost ho suffer from "scratches , " and , finally , his habitual pace must bo a walk nod hla exceptional pace the trot or gallop. All thla moans a large pack or wagon train , a fearful loss of time , and the utter inability to catch a foe who haa baen known to do sixty miles in twenty-four hours on foot ! A 1I13A\V LOAD. The weight the American cavalry borse ia compelled to carry la enough to almost literally make him stagger. IIo carries saddle , saddle blanket , side lines or hobbles , some 30 feet of thick jplcquet rope , iron plcquet pin and ring , jantoou , blanket and overcoat of the loiriler , raddle-be m , the carbine and the eojdjer , together wi h hia two bolta iillod with cartridges add hli revolver. The wnndor IB , not that he covers to littla ground , It Is rather that ho cov ers to much. The Mexican civnlrr hone has llttlo of this Impediment - pediment to carry. A light hair lat at tba * . can not bo eaten by cayotoj supplies the place of' ' our heavy ptcquH rope and pin , ho has neither side lines nor hob bles , n poncho supplies the place of blank- in , and nearly nil the weight on the ono is thnt of the rider , his ntnmunl * on and his simple field ratlin. As the orao can llvo on anything thnt n burro an , the long wagon or mule trsin la nn- ocossary. No ono cave those who have een tha Mexican hoisa on aorvlco can roaglno the llttlo ho will llvo on and the eng marches ho will make. Almost as uro footed ixs a mule , ho will climb the toopoat mountain-side , and finda to- rcshmcnt and nourishment In the tough nd wiry gramma g'ajs. MEXICAN AAT10NS re not fixed by the government , and bo- mj hla own commlsinry ho has no com- ilalnta to lodge against tlio deportment f sitbsUtonco. Ho goto 30 cents per loin and ho finds hlmeclf aa will aa his lender pay will admit. In the field ho Ives on plnola ( toasted corn ground to ino ilour ) , ctmio scca ( jerked meat ) , ilnosho ( a kind of candy made from dlrly > rowu sugar ) , with , ns a luxury , a few tortillas thrown In by his wootheart or wifo. Strange aa it may oem there nro men in the Mexican ntmy who on 30 cents a day manage to "sup- lort1' n wife nnd nn odd babe or two. Sven Ilunry Ward Bccchor , the advocate of a dollar a day for workingmou , never dreamed of economy like this. The plnola is maot and drink. Mixed with water it makes n nourishing bever age , having n slight acid Ihvor whlcl makes it very ngronablo in the heat of r somi-tropic sun. The plnoeho nnd tortilla - tilla may bo looked upon aa a rough at tornpt nt pnstry and dessert. In barracki thh hard faro la varied by n little chile con cirno , an nrticlo which , I sao by a cent order of the secretary of war , hni been , in my opinion , nnwleoly omittec Psom the subsistence atoica or the Ameri can ormy. On the Mexican frontier , OB in all warm climates , the stomach nocds n stimulant mu-h bettor supplied by chll con carne thnu by the "cowboys' cordla with n bite , " sold in and around our mil [ tnry reservations. A HAItl ) LIFE. The lot of the Mexican soldier , llki that of Gilbert's 'policeman , "is not i happy ono" In the vnst majority o cases ho is n criminal serving out a term of imprisonment in the array. The nnl form ho wears brings with it the ignom iny of thn striped suit of the peniten tiary. Liberty lisa none , except ii cases of exceptionally good conduct , an < ho ia guarded by hia non-comkslcnei ollicoro nnd hla moro lucky comrade during Iho few hours that ho IB allowct to exercise or tnako his poor little pur chasou cm the plaza. As in the ol < slavery days there were found negroes i careless of freedom that though they enjoyed joyed the confidence of their masters who allowed them opportunities to cm brace it , they were proof against tempta tlon , so there are soldicrsjln the barrack hero who ara allowed at long intervals t cross the El Paso , nnd who do not forgo to come back. $ It fs needless to oay tha the surplus cf thirty cents per diem would go but n short way , If any on San Antonio or El Paao directs , and it take considerable saving to get enough for good time on the other side. Whntovc the sum may be , though , it goes fo whisky or its equivalent , as it doe among soldiers the world ovor. When Mars , the mighty God of war , Did first of battles think. Ho girt his sword upon hia thigh And mixed a drop of drink. These soldiers of Paso del Norto ar the terror of the American bar-keeper , a their idea of a drink is all the glass wi ! hold. For them ho provides a glass wit ! wonderfully thick bottom , massive side and small capacity , or otherwise produce the ready bottle of inspiring "all sorts. They are quiet on those old trips to th American side , are honest , paying for th little they buy , and giving no trouble t the police. 1 might think it was the aw of imposing numbers of Gringos to wilic ! this was duo if I were not aware tha their conduct as individuals is equall } good on the bank of the river. Perhaj the solution ii to bo found in the sever discipline of the Mexican army. MEXICAN DISCIPLINE. In the old days when poor old Adinira llyng of the British navy was shot for i mistake , Voitairo sneered at the peopl who killed Admiral "poor clientage ; le antics" and laterEnglish cynics boastcc that if the English sailors and soldier could not bo beaten by the enemy , thci country made it np for them a homo. I do not know if the soldier o Mexico , even now , would not be beater abroad , but I do know thnt ho waibenten at homo. The lash which stnmpa th soldier 'ca a slave and degrades chtvahj to the level of the ehnmbles fiouriihea The state Is not put to much oxoenai either when the laah is applied. There is no parade of officers , no marshaling o witnesses for and against the accused , n Jud/o / Advocate , no dress sword-bolts , n white gloves , none of all the "pomp pride and circumstance of glorious war.1 A single officer sometimes gives judgment mont , and in the words of Tlioma O'Brien , "Tho dovll a much time he allows for ropontonco. " In all I have written of the Mexican army I have had no Intention of hurtiu ; the feelings of the larga and growing gen erous class , who are only anxious to approach preach in everything the h'ghor ' level Homo was not built in a day , and the leaven of proeresa must have room ant time to work. I have eh own that in many things the American army m'gh ' copy from the Mexican , aa well as th latter from the former. To bo extra son aitivo , or to deny abuses , ia not the wa ; to reform thorn , although it seems to b the only method known to a section o the of Mexico nnd people a portion o their press. 0. A. SI. General J. M. Wright , president bean of trade , Louisville , Ky. , saya ho con tracted a severe cold in hla nock an shoulders. "I tried a bottle of St. Ja cobs Oil nnd its effects were marvelous , was well in n few hours. " Ono of the women said to have bee lately cured of her malady through th prayers of a miracle-woiker , proves to b n kleptoman'ao , Reminiscences of a Memorable Even. The pleasure ceekers who are flockin ? I Now Orleans to the great Imposition make n point to invest in the world renowned Lou isfann State Lottsry , and eintnliw the intei rlty and correctness of the distribution undi General C. T.Ueaumrard of La , , and Joh V i13' ' , ? ' V ? TIV } "Mt < th8 Wth ) Gran Monthly Drawing will occur nt noon , Fcl 10th of which M. A. Dauphin , Xow Orlean La. , will givu any Itifounation. * The great-grandfather of Ralph Wsld Emerson , Father Moody , of York , Me. WM the first [ author in the limits o Maine , n serradn hiving been printed b him in 1701 , THE CENTRE OF CRANKDOflM People Who Coiroale at ( be National Capital , Iiota of rctlnwa Who nro .lust Going to Got nil Appointment ami arc Worried Over tlio Olllcc They AVill Accept. .pedal . to the St. Louis Itrpubllcnn. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , January 31 , ) no of the police ctlicera ot the capital , ccordlng to the Evening Star , tlijcoureed a follows to-day regarding the queer icoplo and oflicc-BEokors who nowadays rcqitent the rotunda : "Hero comes the Inspector , " satd the officer ; " 1 noan Clovoland'e now steamboat inspoo- or. IIo comes hero every day nnd tits hero. IIo says his appointment is nil ixod aa soon as Olovclaud comes in. IIo uat slta ntlll tlicro and watches the olka RO by. The other day ho np. reached one of Iho guides very conti- lontlally and asked him to assist him in lading out the dntica of n steamboat In- pcctor. lie wanted to know something about the position so aa to bo able ti enter upon the duties as soon as np- lointod. Ho sits there every day study. ng the matter over. LOTS OF OFFICE SEEKKUS. "The crowd of visitors is unusually argo for this time of ycer and Is getting _ ror every day. Lota of them are sightseers , brldco and grooms , etc. , but n largo proportion of them are not strangers. You can toll the stranger , pou know , and you can toll the ollico Boekera. The latter outnumber the others just now. Strangers and sightseers generally got a guido to show thorn about. They always want to know heir high it is to the canopy in the dome , when the capital wai built , and who owns the pictures around the walla. But , as I was sayingv the larger part of the visitors hero now nro after places under the now ndmiula- tration. They are hero after the members bors , laying their wires. They are swarming in every day. Some ot them wear boavcra and buttonhole the members bors on every occasion. Some are seedy and don't know anybody , but just all hero and wait. They nro all after places , " and with a sweep of his hand ho took in the whole circle of sjats about the rotunda , occupied by a motly crowd of men , all wrapped in profound silence if in deep thought. TUIXKUIIS. "They don't know just what they want and have como hero to think it out. They come every day. ] 'vogot to kumv thorn all. They oay they are nil right with the new administration , bat tha throat trouble is to think out just whn phce they'll take. Some of them find that a poser ; but as soon as they get stuck , and can't think just whai they want , down they alt and begin to think it nut. All the seats yonseo are full They come early. Many are hero -when the doors open. They are punctual they make a matter of bnsinoss of it When new ones come and all the scats are taken they walk about disconsolately When ono of them settles upon what ho wants ho is just as delighted as if ho hac received the appointment. Ho runs np and tells the watchman and then hli neighbors what ho is going to be , am after that they give him his title. They are then Mr. Inspector , Mr. Marshal Mr. Collector , Mr. Auditor , etc. If two Bottle upon the Eamo place thcro'o trouble and they have to compromise the matter and think over again. LOOKING AT THE LADIES. "But they aren't the only carious ones , " ho added , as his eye wnndorot nloug the lino. "See that fatherly-look ing old man standing there to your loft smiling at that lady. Well , you wouldi ) ' think it , would you ? No ; no ono would. Ho comes hero for no oilier purpose bn to admlro the pretty ladles who are al ways pasting through the capitol to see the sights. There are several of them who come hoie for that purpose. They always got hero before the throng of vis itora begin to pass through. They take a stand in the rotunda and feast their eyea until evening. Lots of young bloods como up to the capitol from time to time to make mashes that fs what they cal" them , ain't it ? But these old follows como just like going to the theater anc watch all the pretty woman pasj through That old follow there ho is quite a dandy you see gets so absorbed sometimes thai when a group of ladles in which there is a marked amount of boiuty passes ho sometimes follows them around , koepiu < , a little behind. Wo have to etop this , though. Ladles might think It impu dence , you know. LOST AHTICLES. "Thero are other folks who hang around to find things. It would astonish you the number of valuable things losl by people passing through this rotunda. The guides espocielly find n great many things. Everything that IB found that wo know of is turned over to the ser geaut-at-arms of either the house or sen ate to bo reclaimed. Ono of tlio guides found a pocket-book the other day that belonged to a friend of Representative Wise of Virginia. It had in it a § 20 bill and $800 in coupons besides some vulva bio papers. He left $1 reward for tbo finder. Pocket books are often found on the benches whore they have worked oul of the pockets of ladies sitting down. Ladies' wraps , jewelry , money and lott of things are found oven watches. 1 once picked up a gold watch on the floor of the rotunda that a crowd of people had walked over. It la strange how long a thing will Ho on the floor , people walking over it all the time without being picked up- ALL KINDS OF I'EOI'LE. "But the bettor class of people who stop hero in the rotunda nro those who choose this aa a point of obcorvation to see a variety of people. I guess , by sit ting hero a little while , you can sec more men of a national reputation pass through from time to time , going from ono house to the other and to tbo supreme court than could bo aeon in any other place it a lifetime.11 A Vigorous Old Ago. S. 0. , January 31. A remarkable colored mau , named Stephen William' , lives In this town. Ho la now ninety seven yom of ago , and is able to do aa much work In a day as tlio average young man of the times. Stephen has all his teeth , not a yroy hair can be no tlcad on hi * head , and his appetite ia ahv ya good , Ho goes barefooted at a.1. limes , but , unlike the negro race , he never eats com broad. Uo makes a pinter or n quart of china tree berries aorvo him as HU occasional moans , nnd confines himself to that article when ho IB not well that is , until ho Is relieved from his ailment. Many white people use the same berries as a vermifuge. Recently ho proudly made It known that bo had como across an unusually fine china tree and had eaten enough to Joat him for a - day or two , Ilia father , William Ayer , Ived near Buford's bridge , In the lower lart of this county , where Stephen was > orn. _ _ TAMCING BOO fllttiKS. V Tclcpliono That Dun bo Used for Distances. The Now York ? Times says : "Hollo , Miles , Is that vou ? " sang out Mr. Glllott , of the banking house of Miles & Glllott , ihrough the telephone yesterday inorn- ng. Mr. Gillett was in the workroom if tha postal telegraph oflico , No. 49 Broadway , and his partner was In Mead villo , rent ) . , 509 miles. They were test- na n now Invention in "tclephonogra- ? hy , " In which both nro Interested nod .mwllllng . to tike the inventor's word for Ino success of the mnchlno. They agreed that Mr. Miles should go to Mcadvlllo nnd Mr. Glllott should etay hero , nnd that on Sundny morning at 10:30 : they should communicate. "Sing mo a song , Miles , " continued his paltrier. "Oh , 1 can't sipg ! " The reply eamo back distinctively to n half do/en Intcr eshul persons who weio standing around with transmitter i to their cars. "There ire some lineman mending the line sumo- where between you and mo , and the in duction is very bad. " After a good deal of persuasion Mr. Beall , n genileniainvith a tenor voice in Meadvillo , was induced to como to the instrument nnd sng , " Sweetheart. " tone "Good-byo Evoiy , every word and indeed the vibration of his voice could bo distinctly htntd. Ho next sang "SuwancolUver , " and some body hooked on a telephone in Owcgo , NV , , to listen , \\hich broke tip the con nection and brought upon him the ana themas of the men at both ends of the line , who spotted him andad\i fd him to "cut out" as quickly as ho "cut in. " The inventor of this long-distance tele phone instrument Is Mr. Wobator Gillett. rJis method is to USB ton points of contact and ten induction potnta. This * multiple system was laughed at when ho first tried it , but ho soon got his pnints to work simultaneously. Ho had twenty cells going yesterday , or two cells to the point. The instruments were at cither end of Iho wire of the Postal Telegraph company. Mr. Glllott , the inventor , who , by the way , is no relation to tha banker , states that ho hns talked with men In Glove- laud , 009 miles away , and that ho believes that there is no limit to the capaslty of his invention. OVKU CEEUHEU. A Town Conncilinnn Creates a Brcc/.o at ncwport. NEWPORT , R. I. , January til. Luther M. Wilcox , a wealthy member of the Tivorton , ( R. I. ) town council , created comidernblo excitement in Newport this morning by proclaiming that Henry Ward Beecher was "tho King of kings , " and by trying to impress the fact upon the minds of all whom ho met. Ho said he had message for Boccher which must bo de livered. It required the combined efforts forts of six policeman to take him to the station. Ho waspronouncod insane and will bo sent to the asylum. Ho ia per fectly sane on nil other matters cave , in regard to the message to the Brooklyn divine , While ho was being taken to the cell ho cried and said it irna hard to bo removed from his wife and family with out tlio privilege of seeing them , but ho would try to bear it. If he was allowed to go to Brooklyn ho would return ai once , ns ho had no desire to remain in i brown stone house such no Bcachor cccu pled. ' It's no secret that Dr. Piorce'a Com pound Extract of Smart-Weed Is com posed of best genuine French Brandy , distilled Extract of Smart-woed and Jamaica Ginger Root , with Camphor Essence , and constitutes , therefore , the best remedy yet known for colio or cramps , cholera morbup , diurrhiui , dya ontory or blood-flux , or to break up colds , f overs and inflammatory attacks. 50 cento. By druggists. The governor of the island of Samoa hai discovered a tunnolmeajuring [ 5,000 feet in length , and constructed at least nine centuries before the Christian era. "May Good. Digestion -\vniton Appe tite. " It Is sorrowful business when n man tukos his eoat at dinner , looks mournfully around and eays , "I believe 1 won't take any. " Indigestion gives people the blue horrors. Appetite for meals ia ono of the highest privileges of mankind. Mr. J. P. Dix , South RIchland , N. Y. , sayn "I used Brown's Iron Bittora for debility nnd want of appetite with good BiiccsBH. " Similar good BUCCOHB will at tend your efforts in the eamo direction. In West Virginia there resides a woman aged thirty-five , who olopuJ with her adopted son , to whom aho hud boon a mother for ten years. PILES ! 1'IIiES ! A SUKK OURK FOUND AT NO ONK NEED BCFFEB. A sure cure for Blind , .Bleeding , Itching nnd Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams ( nn Indian Ilemody. ) called Dr. William's Indian 1'ilo Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or 80 years utandluf * . No ono need suffer five mlnutOflaftor _ applying this wonderful sooth ing mudicine. Lotions , instruments and oloc- tunrios do moro harm than Rood. William's Indian 1'ilo Ointment absorbs tha turners , al lays the intense itching , ( particularly at night utter trettinR warm In bed , ) nets rw a poultice , gives instant relief , and la prepared only for riles , itching of the private parts , and for nothino elsa , Head what the lion , .T. SI. Coffinbenry. of Cleveland , says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oolntment : "I have used scores of Pile Cures , and It affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such Immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Wil liam's Indian Ointment. For sale by all druggists - gists and mailed on receipt of price , Wo and 81 , Bold at retail by Kulm & Co. O. V , GOODMAN , Wholesale Agent. George P. Brown , the old actor who kept an English chop house in Now York , and has furnished the white house with pickled pigs' foot during Pre ident Ar thurs administraton ; , la said to bodying. The distressing disease , Salt Rheum , la readily cured by Hood'a Saraaparilla , the great blood purifier. Sold' by all drug- * giata , Every common trade h Amsterdam has a government ahop where deserving poor can always find employment. The gooda there made are used by the government mont instead of being sold. It has boon decided by an Arkansas literary society that a circus la superior to a district school aa a civilizing agent. A Vermont farmer made a net profit of $4,350 from the produce of a simple Is turkey hen during the past season. If A lamp taken fnom the rains nf Pom- pell , and allgod to bo three thousand years old , IB owned by a man of Beverly , n -Mais , o Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache. Sore Tli foal. Sii cMlii : .S | ' > > limltriilM > < > . Ilui'iio. NriililN , I'rool llllrn , ( Mi ui , onitit immn rmsM MIII llliiili < r wV . HnjrC m > , < . . . TIII : oniti.iH A. voiirij'K co. uiotl lo A \ * CO I Ililllraort , JIJ , , I . q. I. From experience I think Swift's Sperillc I * nerv valuable remedy for culaneoun illacntn , and at tlio eamo time nn InUzoiatlnc tnnlo. . JAMKS JACKSOX , Clilcf Juslii-o o ( On. Atlanta , Sept Ibgl. INOCftATIU ) POISON. After trylntf nil tlio other rfiiH'illcsSwift's Spcclllo Imi curoit mo Rnuiut nml well of n torrlldo blood clam contracted frrm a nurse. MRS. T. W. Litr , Grecmlllo , Ala. POISON OJKA lady lio'c In ? l > oui entirely CUTej of | oljon oaki < olson \ > \ tlio n o of two battles of S. S. S. H. S. BRA n ORD , TlntcmHie , Tcnu. ULCERS 25 YRAIIS.-A member nf my chnrch : IRR bcon curcil of an u'ceratrd 1 ( | * of 25 ycais bland- Inn "llh two bottle i ot Swllt'a S | ccrlllo. 1' . II. CIUM. LKB , Pastor Moth. Ch. , Maoon , Oi. Swltt'n Spcilflc Is entirely \eRctable. Treatise on llloo j and Skin Dlaeaicj uialleJ tree. 7ho SniKi Srrnnc Co , Drawer 3 , Atlonti On , , or 150 W. ISd St. . N. Y. Oironlr .ITVerroni ouarantfo tmiferfrn. . CUJTjcud two stumps for Celebrated HedlcnlWorku , Address , P. 1 > . CL.AKKE. . SI. ! > . iSG jUluL Clatk Street. CHICAGO. ILL. thrivjs on Ilorllck'o rood , " vulto hundreds of praleful nioUicra Mothers' mllL coiiialnn no ttarch. IIOUUCKR1 TOOD roll JUrANTStfrco fipmfhtrclOiL-qiuicsiiornolitiii ; . 1 holiest fooil In health or BickneHH for INTANTS. Tlictiestdietlor DVSI'M'TICS aud INVALIDS. niKhlybeiicnci * ' to nun-it ! ! ? mothers I > H a drink. PrUcHOumKSc. Ai , drup-lt-ts Book on the treatnientof chlldrfii.frift 1 t'cllciolt ' to lie suiurlnr to nnrthltift of the Vlntl forctmirrti " It 6irnni < mt. M. fl.tktw lorl. IInicM' ! llLBlr prononmc it t5 t ftt Food la tie rjnrlirt " H" . M. llurrttt , At. 7 > . , Votton. Otn nf StlieHt ulntlliitr for mother § inllk. " ynjt. r. ie pent 1 r mall on receipt of prieo In Btamr" . JIO'U.IC 'Jl > > VOnii CO. , niicinc.VIM - - * UTOACT or U Cliark'S St. , Sf. J- iIsf JSP , It rprtniftrFftflltt' ? ftwc i ill" all tier s hai liecn f M t'aR'1iiIn Iho tpociii'n H in i. Cnu t * ir r * vofi , H1 * f L.1 til , OD THKAIKrf ) ttaD 11 Ut f > f I'LjItl'IdU Ul 0 > i-'r- * u -HT fM'tri show nru H t U * tti ntsk-soff Mervoyx Drostratlon Debiflly , Monlat rn * Physical VJcaitness , Mcrcoilal and other AKc ( Ions of Throat , Skin or Rones , Blood Poiscn'n. ; Did SoreS anJ Ulcers , tro t'-atr < I vlth nrartt- : : ! Diseases Arising frum inniscrclfon , Exce * I'xposurc or Intiulgcnce , Mhicb rroduee vma of r- ' * foMonlne ffic-cr : * ce'vooini'wf , Jtbtllty , diat it offljiij neil dcrtcliio motuory * vicirlei ou tbe face , pt > lcaldc = n > ( fcVHrilcu to tha ocinj o f fcmslfo , eonfudtm of Uens , etc- r ndorinfr McrrlaRp improper or nctiiLppy , ? l ieaed ! rnvclepi , , f o to tut a < Mrcts. rnnsQltAtlouVi1 Cectr by mailfro * . andluvluJ. Write f > rTtj ptUni. A Positive Written Guarantee glvct In M eornlde emes. IfeJlclnea sent everywhere. , EneHnli or Herman , 64 pare * , dn. iVQuise oOs in ziiaic * or foxtin' CUBBE I ei , flnrpltlfi. lllinlralol la cloth ami ( lit b jc , Kouey cr roslage ; nauic , j. % [ rcr frn , f Tlili b * ct > oi&k > s rll t tr cur'ous. dculitfJl or mja'n'Uv Itow. A boolt e [ grtat | uti.t to nil , . . . - > RtOOO.'rcnn ( iitu tliUlVEn unil KIDNEYS ) and Id nui , nil ! UE/U/rH end VIQOH ofSOUTH. . Win- neiisla'amorAiiielltc | , In- cllu'c'-iloii , Lark of blrciiRth , L , oml I'lr-1" ' " ' 'inHaliouliitcIy ' enroll. Lives , muscles nml ni'rvoa icwlvo niwlorcc. * - tlio iiilnit unil llr.iln I'owor. dnd In DR. EU illEEB'S IRON TONIC fafa and i\v \ cdy euro , iilvcs a cleur , liealtliy complex Ion. 1'Vcrjnciit attempts nt c " 1 > ' 'T'7fi'lfii | ( , ' only aud to tliuiiopulurltyiil ttio oili.-liul. U < uiot eipcrl' ment gcttliuOmoiNAt. J\M > III : T , 'Scndourn < ldrf 3to'lhBlr. ) Jlnrl'irMed.Cxi.V St.l ouls , Wo. , tor our "UJIKAM BOOK. " ft i U01 etruDuo and usoIul.Luiurujauon.lKa.J ? J E. S. ATWOOD , Plattsmouth , - - Nebraska lUADiBor Tno&ODODBBra IHD mail eiupi HEREFORD I1D JERSEY 8ITILE AND DDEOo'Oa JEEflHT BID SOTNH ItP Inn itfil lo ( Die. CriKfrcrdttrn icll MEDICAL AND SURGICA1 DISPENSARY CROUNSE'S BLOCK , 18th and Capitol Avenue , treats all CUM pled 0 Dcfoimed also dlsoasei ot 11 Nervous System , Throat , Lung ? and Urinary Organs All casog o Curvature of the Spine , Crooked Feel Lcifi and Arm * , Diseases of the IIlp , Knee , end Ankle Joints Also Ubronlo affections of the Liver Ilbeumatlam , Faralysle , I'll03 , Uleera , OUarrb , Asth ma and Bronchttlt are all treated by nsw and sac- oeoslul methods. All dlseaeei of the Blood and Urin ary Organa , Including those rcenltlnt ; from IticUcre- tlonot eiposaro , are eafal ] and auocoaefully treated YOUQJ ? men , middle aged , and old men Buffering from woakneea and Norvoui eihauntlon , prodnclok millee8tlonPalpltatIonof the Heart , Despondency DluincM , Loaa ot Memory .Lack of Energy and Am bition , can be restored to health and vljor , If cue not tr o lonK oeirloctod. The BurKeon In charge woa president Of the Northwestern Hurglcal Ingtl- tuto and Hurgcon of the National Surgical Institute. afflicted , oallorwrltefull description of your case , and medljlno may be sent you. Consultation free. Addrei.Omahs II ineity , Cronneo lllock , Omaha , Neb. Offioe boon 10-1S a. m. , 1-B a 7-8 p. > Ronlari.10 a m. Beware of all tnulmi ; Bgcats. We hMe none. Bend for ciicuUra The romatknblo growth of Omtht dnrlug the last foir yonrs In matter of great tatonlshmont to thoeo who pny MI oocaalonal visit to thla growing oily. The development of the StopV ynrds the noccaalty of the Bolt Line Rood the finely paved atrooto the hundreds of now rosldoncon nnd costly bualuonn blocks , with the population of onr city moro than doubled In the laat five yours. All thlc ID a great aurpriEO lo vlsltoro and la the admiration of onr oltlEons. Thh rapid growth , the business aotlvlty , and the many substantial Improvements madn R lively domond for Omaha real oatato , nd every Investor Las made a haudBomct' ' profit. Slnoe the Wall Street panlo May , with the Btibaoquont cry of hard tlmoa , there has boon loaa demand from specula- torn , bnt n fab demand from Invoatorc cooking homos. Thla latter olua are taking advantage of low prices in build ing material and are uocnrlng their homos at much loaa coat tlma will bo poaslblo it year honco. Speculators , too , con buy roaloBta * D cheaper now and ought ta take advantage of present price \ for fulnic pro ts. TJho next four yenra promtKoo grcaton d vo\opmenta \ lu Omaha than the p Bfc tivi years , which have beoa na good an wo coald roanonably desire. Now man ufacturing ontabllnhmenlu r.nd larRO job bing housoa tro added nlmoot wnokly , nnd all add to the proupority of Omaha. There are many In Omaha r ad through- bat the State , who hnvo their money In the bankn drawing a nominal rate of toroat , which , If judiciously Invested 1 Omaha real estate , would bring them much greater returns. Wo have many bargalna which wo nro conSdont wlfi bring the purchaser largo profits In the near future. Wo have for sale the finest resi dence proporfcy in Hie uorth and western parta of the city. \ North we have fine lots at reasonable - able prices on Sherman avenutt,17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam , DavelnportJ Cuming , and all the leading streets in that direction. The grading oil Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty m the western part of the city will increase in value We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company and the railroads will certainly double the price in a short timo. Wo also have some iine businesa lots and some elegant inside resi dence ? for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some good bargains by calling REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 213 ; South 14th St , Bot.reon Farnham and Douglas. P. S. Wo ask those who have property for sale at a bargain to give us a callWe want only bargamo Wo will positively not handle prop erty at more than its real value.