Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1885, Image 1
WASHINGTON NEWS. Liont , Grcely Accnsod of Cowarflice and iQiinman Condnct , It Will Deotroy His Chances of a Sinecure , Secretary Toller's ' Opinion of tlio Oklahoma Lands. The Oklahoma Boomers Turned Over to Oivii Authorities. Congressional Forecast for the Week's ' Business. Secretary Chnmllor Directs tlio "Work to 1)0 Ilcsumotl at the Navy Yards. WASHINGTON NEWS. XIEUrBNASr ORKKLV ACCUSED 01 * COWARDICE AND INHUMAN CONDUCT. Special telegram tn Tin : BKK. WASHi.vaTON , Kebruary 1. Another com plication id on the tniiu In the fortunes of Lieutenant Greo'y ' nnd his party. To provide M suitable and honorable place for him , Gen eral ItoaicraiH and Geacnd Slocum , of the homo military committee , obtained a recom mendation thu other day tlut the imMtion o' ' assistant chief of Iho signal m'rvlcuba created forGrecly. Yestoiduy they withdrew that rccjiiimeudUion for leasons that Ro far as fititcJ were as but nominal and equivocal , the alleged inside count of tha matter b-ing that as tlio diaries of tha p.irty having been read , and th'i whole story of thu suiTerniR.s of Groelyiind his men boun knowu , it has been tliicove-rod tlut sumo negreoof responsibility for the cannibalism perpetrated rests ou Gieelay hiimulf. The story is that charges have l)9en undo bofora the house committee on military tiff.irs accusing Grooly of coward ice , cruelty and inhuman conduct. A part o the story is that Lieutenant Greyly issued or ders for the men to _ bo shut for purposes o cannibalism , that the lives of n portion of the command might at least ba saved. CIVIL HEHVICK KKFORM. The houho corLinitteo on reform in the civi arrvics decided to report alversely on tbo bll of KepiosentutlVH Taylor , of Ohio , to prohibit the removal from the civil service of noy honorably discharged Union nolilisr xallor or maTjne , or wi Jew or dependent relt ti\o of auy dtceascd union eoldier , sailor , etc Till ! OKLAHOMA LANO3. Special telegram to Tun BEE. WASHINGTON , February l.--Tho eenata recently contly celled upon thn executive for a state ni3ut of th > views of the executive on Oklaho ma. The president has sent to the snnato th letter of SocreUry 'IVIler , di-linlng hU vioax After detfulug thn legal of theio Unds and thutroulile lalcn by the government ta keep tbo Bottlers elf ol them , Stcretary To'ler ' Hiyj ; ' 'Tlut portii nf the land ) commonly known ca the Okl.ih > cua c mntry , will con tinuu to bo a tourLt ) c.f . trouble while it re mains in iti proi nt at tin. The land is valu able for ngiiculturn and Block [ raining aud i is dtfli u't ' to rutl fy thopo plxi o > iringhome 4ia th ) jmbliu lands. It should not botrtatut as publi ) Muds mt stttloment allowed there OH. Tno frami h ivitg disappeared from th Indian country there remiliia no longer ty- ; . useful pnip HJ for their ro lining over the fin jnen-t ) tract < of uncccupl d landa. It is b : lievtd thut thtro will Lo found n nil times in th'i United Slates a wh ih-iom public opinion , thu will dmai.d of the gov 'rnment ita contract ! h > * retofnre nude wh i the ludiins , bo ropo5Crd in nil cases whore they duiotcoullicti w'thili-i interoU of the Ind. anp , . ml urn not unjust to the people of ( the United States , lint coi tracts of treaties Iiiip0f lblo ot M c ' ion , ui ju t , and unfair to botli wliitoi und In liarn , oughto ho modili-d liy Irg H'ativo action. Ic is not boi.oli ial to the lumiH to hiivo millions of acres of vidui- bio liml loiiiain unocciiincd around tlitm. There is a foiitemont , that tht-B'j lun-l- ehould not bu withhold trorn hottltmunt , be- cuisa they are Include 1 within tha bouuda- no" of tin IinltAii lor itry. These lands ara de'irnblo for o.ricu ; tural-ndv-rnzlng purpose and ovwrv year tun dillLulty of tecping thuiu from tottlomont will incrjaxo , that ih-y oanhi' malntiiiud for miv considerable kngih of tlrno is hardly uessib'o JUl. CI.KVKI.ANI ) ASKS CUILIHU : HOJ1P. NK.NT QL'ESriOXS. Special Telegram to the BKK. Al.HANV , Fubnitry 1. A prominent demo crat who w.-u ho-o whm Hnonkar C.iflisle eilled on I'reBidi-nt-o eel Cleveland nnyu Thu Hp.mkor iseemo 1 to f Jel tba * < it waincii'ii bent on Irm to el tbonito y ilefend the liori zontal tirill rxilnction | io icy fntnguraUd ii corgrx d b > him mul Miirr < H n , HIM lu fiirtln eays C.ovelinul d d notauito with lliHspe l < ei in hltt I'Ufi ' i in , und < pi et'y ' * k > d Homo qii'-s tlniH which Bhowod u ko-ner In i ht Int i tin subject tlun IIHH ginerully been arcredi'.oil ' ti h'm. ' For which OarliHlu W-B alt g > ) lli'ir ' pre pared. ( ! l vl'ind wmi'.ecl to lin iw if Un speaker th > ugh' th kt the h > ri/.i > nt d r < ilucti > ; jiolicy ha 1 livn buneflcul to the ileiuocrull party during the latu na'i nal c.iuipiijii' ' i .such nt.itm ns Now Yerk , Ndsv .lers-iy , am Oonmctlcut , alt of the tlmpirtial states am itbu uri-ciil | ono aiiohitoly indiKpen lble. H wanted to know if mcli a pule was not moro In ackno lo l finertt of pnbli . /.untlinonU in'priinitiveuvites , like Kentucky l\ll \ 3i rtiipiaiid'L'-nan , whi h w ro H uiri ) an how , lloa-k Ciilislo if his c mmiiten oi wayc and mean * not hai n mailn up i.f ei trumo rrnrvHeuti IVH , of cm paituiilir e' ' < meut In solid dem critic elates , riiihur tha by Ikrenreiwii tativns of grunt coiiniioivl ; inteiut like Nt-w York. New , ler ov an < 'oDiiosticit [ , whinh WITS doub fnt. Had m J.lurr-Hti - nud llunl and other uionbjr tliat committu ) under the clo.ik of taiitfrt jarrn douu t.c'iial ii jury , in f ics com neur il tuting ih ) di < iioura'y in UIH n .tionul stru pit1 ' \Vht havd thi ) membf'H of that cm mittoe in the doubttui Btatei where bel wan really deeded ? ISVKHTiaATIO.V. February 1. Secreta Chandler , in rcap-inso to a houho rosolntii fur inform atiin concerning the business up < which the ' .Tulk oosa wai mga ed at tha 111 of hur loss , tayii the vsai on tha cuatoma frelphtlng cm tso. h'lt ' hud been at times us- to enaliltt UIDiecretary of tlm navy to vi naval st > tioui t , r vt-ai Ij , or thn prmtdent t Initwa shtpd or evudrniH. 'Tho Ui < pnt > and Talhpooi1 * > ' the * ecrttary , " * h roasnnablvinrvinft' thi pit poia ii.ilic.itod , o not I ho most tuitible vowels. They th ui < bu replaced by i tlu < r Krd bjtter thip-i ulu over a reconstruct ! 11 "f the navy lu aceordati with modern io < ii.i.U"nt.s hai mllicienl progreaied , The pi aut'co ' of other tia\ I > OHO s may afford a gui 'e to ou actl n. J maintalu , us n part of tk. ir navy , not or t nnspoitX ditpitch Dteumera and tMulum , I also vea.eU u ed by h nl ! naval oliijers a goterntmxt ollii.-i.ilj on jn eciiona and views of cliipti and fiualruii | " THK OIIAHD AI1MT Of OfylCK SEEKERS , A letter receit'ed lure to-day from a grirl mail of piomuiijiicu in A'lmny ' fathat t only euro thing ih.ut the cibiin't is tha , lection of ( JurUiiil. Thin geutlenian nays tl he fat-la very oontidi-nt thus all thereH > a nu tpe uUti n and thai iMr. Cltnu'atid ' lilnv lias not m do up Ins mlnJ , and In * ca > e < wh be i < drifting toward an opinion he may obliged tu fliift hii p itiou. ( Inrfi Id nil hUcabhut in or and over agaio , an I e\ dunged about at thu very laot uoinent 1 juo.t teiiouii quootioti to solve 11 * . in the rl tion of a lecretary nf state. If Mr , Bavi out bteiuso ha caoDDk afli to Uho the place then who shall bo selected is on embarrassing qu tlonem - barriMing because there are so lew democrats who have the wide social aqu lnt.inco , thn knowledge o' public Affairs , nnd thu wealth requited for the filling of this plnce. Mr. l.amir'rf nnma b.n been mentioned in this con nection , but none of his friends hero believe that ho would take It. Hit health would itand In his way ; then ho Is a poor man aud has no menus outride of his official salary , Tli9 present indications are that Ohio will 1)3 parsed by. If I'endleton la rucoirnizod at all In the cabinet make-up It will bo on account of IIH possessing moro qualifications for the ollica of secre tary of state thtn most any man who is avail able The opp isltlon to bun from Ohio is , howexer , very decide 1 , It is HDW undnratoad that the Payne Intluonce has been decided against him , Mr. Whitney , who has been mentioned so olten In connection with the cabinet has never been in the right place. A friend of his < aid to-day that Mr , Whitney prefer mil the lnt rior department , and would probably get it If hi < goes into tha cabinet. Th ° ro Is not a silicic democrat in Washing ton who attaches any Impirtarjce to tliB stnry that I'rank Jones of Now Ilsmpthiro Is going into the cabinet. This Is a ttory which started from a republican eon ret1. Senator Gormim mid Mr. Smalley , member of thu nation tl democratic committee , have gone to Now York to look after cabinet mat ters. They are both in favor of Garland for attorney general and Senator Jonas for post master geueral. Miantimo the friends of Representative Mitchell , nf Connecticut , nro pressing his claims. They represent that Katon and Franklin belong to the o'd ' school of politira ; that the democracy now nocds young , vigorous and jiriciical men to pu h its f attunes nnd keep it mp'iwrr. Kx-Gov. Weller ol Connecticut , is very unpopular , epp ° cially with otoor party leaders. In anticipation of hiii df f nt for eoveruor baforo the people nt the hist election ha tried to furco tha prominent democrats of the state to pledge themselves In advance to secure him n fat pUcn in the event of Cleveland's election. This they refund to do , as some of them had their eyes on such places in the event of democratic success themselves. Waller has really gixen up all hope o | n cabi net position , as ho tecently endeavored to have his party friends join in asking Gov. Harrison for the judgeship to which Phelps WPH appointed. Representative Katon indulges in cabinol hopes , bnt ha haa no real backing. Senator Jonas has loomed up lately nnd ho lias the support of eomo of the most influen tial men in his psrty. It is stated by his friends that he will ho invited to visit Mr Oluveland next week. Now that the Indiana democrats in the leg Islnture have spoken unanimously for McDon aid , the belief is that ho will go 'into the cab iuot. On tbo last occasiun when McDonali was mentioned to Mr. Cleve land ho rpokQ ef what seamed ti him as a lack of earnestness in tha support o Indiana for McDonald. Ta do away will this impression the unanimous and emphitlc endorsement of the democratic part of the leg iilaturo was procured. Kemosentativo Money , of Mississippi , am his friends , are making un acrgnvlbivo tort o fight _ for the postmaster generalship. Th principal atticks upon Garland catno from them , as they feared that the two men cam from states too closa to/ether for both to sue ceod. But there is no fueling nf confidenc amonpst Money'x lackers. Within the las fe-v days piomincnt democrats liavo been asked if they would mt assist Money to pat the first ng-istant postmaster go"eral'hip in CIS' ) he failed to got at the head uf the depart ment Many democratic conzressmen are expect ing ti bo called to sen Cleveland soon , aud when ho begins tn aeo th m he will see wnat a muddle of conflicting \iowannd interests there is. nECKI'TION" J1Y OKX AND 1III < < . SHKIUDASELK CANT TOILKIB. WASHINGTON , January 31.-General and Mrs. Sheridan .avii iho last of their F.iday evening receptions la-t night , and the friends who filled their parlnrs formed OEO of th ujoit brilliant gathtriuga of tha 'inter. The host and ln tesn st"o 1 near the entr ncoof the first room of _ thn suite. Mrs Sheridan wore a Biipoib toilet of white satin with tahllfr and trlinin'nga of seed poails. Several strands of po.irlri _ were wound about her throat , and ? hir hiir she w ro three p tlo pink ostrich tips. rho toilets if the evening were oil notably ele4iit , a few of th mo t Rtrilung beinu : Mra. Jnlion Jnme , white patiu madn en train , with low c > rt > Dg'and tabller of while Ra'.in hrncoderl in velvet arabo'quei' , the whole trimmed with inothci-nf-pnarl fetquiiis. A coljet of dUmotius and a diamond star In her hair were In r ornament ? . iMiss Newt ) Ids , crushed strawberry velvet combined with'ue tisuio the handsom , est diamonds in the reom and sipphirtf , Mra. ISrawster , blight , bronzu satin , em ' broidered in gold boidn and il raped with gold embroidered tiseiia of the aauio nhade. Mra liancr ft Davis pearl satin brocadoc in sca'let ' and gohl llowera Mra Bacon ( born .Stoiifjhton ) , cloth of Rolt brocadi'd in bltck velvet. Mia McCulhch , whita natin and gauze with ponrl orn inrnts. Miss ljra Mi ler , iilo blue gauze , silver : cpxnplod , with tabli'r of palo blue aitii heav ly embi'oi ler d in unokid peaili ) . Sh carrie 1 a Innje bocpmt uf la Franco roses. Mrn. Melvlroy , desp nmetlivst PJ. in. i iMrs Do phi" , go'd b'oeniio ton bed wit gamut velvet ; , anil superb iliuimmi'H. OIIK nrSUMKI ) AT THK NAVY VA11DS. Seeietmy Clnndlrr has dliected the rn sumption of wurk at tin nuvyjarila and et tlOIl" , Which WltK Hlrtl | = Illl d oil til ) Ut < m January on account i f Ihu failure of congre tic to provide for a continuance. I" CIVIL 8KIIVICK IIHFOIISI. ' ' U proRCUtatlvo Mitchell , chairman of tl coimmttoa on refoim in tlm civil aervicn , hi been Initrnctid by the commit tos to make n cy adverse report on ilii bill 1 1 ] i ohiblt the re lie rnoval of any hone -x'lly discharged Uniei soldier , tailor or mariim , or widow or docni [ ay ; ent < upon thu mi > , from nny otlici ) In tl civil fervito of ihe Utiti d Statep , except fi spociQud ibiiaes. The nommittco holdn ih loan the power to rein ive from ollico , wisely exo an cised , U necims iry lo enable thn executive ialml fuUill th > ) conati utinnal duty of adminttiterii ml the I.IWH , lielioveH that logUlitti m whli jot restricts Is uncunatltutioual and inexpcc c ) ent. re- do- TUJtNED OVEB TO THE C1IL AUTHOIIITIES. domv . January PI Secretary LI mv coin his instruct d Brigadier General Atiu elp toturu over to thu civil nuthuriliea Mich lea era aiming tin Oklah"ino booui' r < as huvo v lute I Beoiion 'JUS of the ruvieedatitufea rcl. : ing to the mbjtct in d'spute ' , D1VIDKND I WAfiHIKuTON , Jaiuary 111. Tim cninprn ler of ihn trRury has doclured further ill line dend of 10 per cent lo favor of the credlti lary of the Fiitit National bank of Mox'iiiouth , II maklnir 60 thn credltora. ised per eent paid . i-it IlKftClTKlN Of THK I'CBUO ICI1T. toMl WAbllINCTOJ < , Januwjr 31. - It -e-jtimat Ml tha1- the c < inlug publfo tie11 ttutmnent w hilu ahow a reduction of tliodelit for January 1 aru tiveen f7OOJCOO aud 53,04 0,01)0. ) uld ien- The CnnRrrsilnnii Forcoa t. ii"y ? WAHIIIKOTOW , Kebruary L , In tha hoi ivul to-uu > rrow individual motion * to suspend t All rnlea will bo in order , and a number of me inly bnt beri will endeavor by thla meant to becuro I and inimadUta passage of loeclfied moa-iuros ta- two-thirda vet ) will ba nvc iiary ti pasi a bill ( hat may bu cuoMderul. Iteprf.s ntiti Collins will ask the house to paw tha bu 'Is ruptcy bill , aud Representative Jlatiou I , f. hill providing for an increase of peuilous that soldiers' widows from $8 to $112 per nvni nern UipresnilativB 1'ayne will endeavor to hi velf passed the bill providing fur an incrfano ra the apiiinprlation of $75,000 for putllo bul he liign tritt < lmrg , Mo Ifejirfnentttive PprI nude er , the bill to provide an appropnati even for the pubho building nt ] Th and McCord a similar bill for the building ' flea- Keokuk. It i tin fHii ial opinion that I vikrd remainder of tha week will be taken up lord the consideration of the river , harbor i postollice bllld. If opportunity offers , however over , llenrmntatlvo Henlay will call up the bill providing for the forfeitvro of tha North- trn 1'aclfic land grants. Townehond contem plates tffcring a resolution during the week providing for night ees'loDB of the house. Consular and diplomatic approprUtion bil 8 baforo the senate and .District of Columbia pension and agricultural bills are likely to bo reported back from the aporoprlalinn com - mttteo during thu week. It is probable ttiot iiono of tlio'o measures will give- rise to an extended debito. The interstate commerce bill is Rtill unfinished business. In the sen ate , after the morning hour the discussion of the Pacific railroads billwliichhas already begun - gun , Senator Mori ill gave notice last week that he would seek an opportunity next Tues- d y to make some remarks upon the silver coinaRi ) bill. This measure is likely lo give ii > o to n long dobuto in voting on oxory branch of the financial affairs of the country. HOUSE. WAHIIINOTON , Jnniury ill. Tha speaker pro tern ( Blackburn ) laid before the House a communication from the supervising archi tect nf tbo treasury asking for an appropria tion of ? 20,000 for the public building nt Kansas City. The House- then wont into committee of the whole on tha river and harbor bill. A lengthy debate ensued. Pending further debate the committee rose and the llousa ad journed. Now York Dry Goods Store Iyn * lulled. NEW YOHK , February 1 , At a late hour last night Garry Brothers' dry goods store , on Grand nnd Allen streets , was injured 523,000 by an explosion of dynamite , which wut placed underneath the frame work of a win daw. The shock was felt several hundred feet axvay. Thn police nro tatisfied the explosion was the outcome ot a ttriko ol Garry BrothereJ employees. Burke , n former clerk , xvas diimiised n few days ago. The dry goods clerks' uiiicn , of which hi is amerii- btr , endoavrred tn eecuru his reinstatement. The persecution of the firm la BO parsisten1 tlmt step ; were taken for their protection aud to this end a meeting of the private iqa ! dry goof H dealers was held , The proceedings arc not divulged , but It Is thought tlmt the organization of the dealers made tha union men more deepor.ite and impelled them to use dynamite NE\V YORK , February 1. Thos. Garry , of Garry Bros. , eaid : ' 'Of coarse tli9 Equality association Is at the bottom of thn outrage. Wlut turprises mo is they have ( lorn nothing worse. They mule throats of nl kinds but we were inclined to lojk for the ! execution upon our clerks rather than upon our prcmiaea. " I. J. r au hten , a delegate of the Equulity 'Bociation , denied nil knowl edge of the affair and claimed that the otitrag not caused by tin members o the organization , ajthotieh ho said it miph bb done on individual reaponsibility IIo thought Garry's OAn nguits c.iu _ ed th explosion , The mon arrested on auspLion o complicity with the explosion stoutly den ; all knowledgs of it J < teph Lamb Is a printt nnd works tor the American lia k Note cum p nyvbero ho has boon employed for ytara Williams Britton is a waiter , und works a 135 Broadxvuy , ho an1 James Da'y , who ia bookkeeper in his unclea plumbing nstablivh ment , buurd in the ea ne home ISiitton say when ho and Da'y were g ilng homo Sunda mori'ing ' they F.IW a fuaa tmralng tiiul bjfor they It Hi w it had exp' < d d. 1'olice C.ipt tin i Allaire had n long coufermco vith Inspector IHriioa aud furray to-d y relative to tne nlfjir. Inspector Byrne * refused to talk but iutimattd more arre < > ta w mid scion follow. CHICAGO , February 1. About four hundred persona weio present in West Twelfth atrost this afternoon to listen to n jo'nt diccuseion between the B' ei UiaU and trades assembly , tin latt jr having recently parsed a resolution denouncing poculism ia behalf of the wage workera of this city. A numbar of pera ma apoko on each sulo of the question. On be half of the trades assembly , it wjs chimed that the condition of the laboring classes in th'a country had been steadily improving , in- steud i f growim ; wors ° ; tint they were hav. in ? butter hears , bolter clothed and better f-d , and in f ct that in every way they were batter off thtu evir b'foie in the history of the world. On bellif ! i f th. ) eoria'ists ' it was claimed that the working man were still puf- ferii g great wrnnpe ; tha.thostatisiicH showed rhal f .r every dollar the worker rtceivol , the capitalist rectivoItUht ; tlut though work- IUHII nowadays black * d thnir boo'x , other w > rkmen were starvin. ; tlut condition ol ulf.iiis whicn had only come ab ut reren ly , that tramps were unknown prior to 1873 thai millionaire- had lucr asod too ranidly withir the pa-t hundred yoarp , and that the onlj roinoJy was to force redistribution. Oca Grnnlto Mrs , CoHav , SOUTH BUND , Iiid. , January 31 An auto r- craph letter hai just bo n received from ex rin Pra.idi nt Grant by Mrs. Colfax. A'tsr ' men both t ! intug his com ilioji as improving from a dh abhng attack of sore throat , ho xaH : "Mi th ! C'llfnx and I were pn tnil friends from th day of our n sociatioii on the tamn ticket fo the twn hfghoft olfic'-s in the gift of thn nu tion Up CD his untimely nnd iuioipote rn- ( Uutli I was alw.ij'H hij de-f , nd r asainnt whn tanf I believed to ha mo-it imj'ist char ( ! < H. " Th ' nf lo'tur uliounds In evijrS > ions of heartfe t svrr CSJ pathynf Mr * . Grant and llimeo'f with Mn Coif , x and her eon In their suddnu and piet lo.s-i , and closed with udditional words of eulo | Ihe : gyr of the character nf Mr. Colfax Presidor as Arthur also sends a letter oppressing foclnif an i.f the deepest sorrow at the death of Air , Co re- fax. ion id- Thn Tnaii uralinn Ceri-inonirH. the ALIIANT , Fohruary 1. Senator Goiman , for Maryland , eilled on the president-elect t hat or- : day to givu hi n n detailed account uf the a orto raiigemr > r1ti mad for the ceremonies of the ii ing i.uRuniti- > at Wanhlngto , March 4. 'II Ich preiident-eifct ua < fully infer i ed of tin pa that the committee of urrangmentu intnndi Us should perform , from his arrival in WHS' ii'gton ' , March - , to his departure from tl Ar.ingtnn hot l for thn u-ipitol M'iroh ' reading hU Inaugural nddreiii fn in tha ea unr . f'ont ot till ) c.\iltol | nnd the mbxqucnt pr 'ad. cpsrtmu to tli white hoiiFo. Senator Gnrmi vie ! left for New York in the evening. la.- IrlHli llcviilufloiiibt Mootlnir Ntw YOHK , IVbrunrv 1. O'Dimovan Hot rol- llvi and othtrs addronced the Doimis Dea y cln tors of tha Irish H'jvoiiitionis's Itrolheihiod I III. , ninht. Walker KUiot on tuklnif tha cln Bald : "You all know ivlut has beou ilnny i i contly and 1 think you ore with it , ( a plaiue ) 1 know that I am , i trd don't need to eniul material will . them , tt cn bo manufMtiirud thi ro. " IIui ba. U O'Uuilly wai introduood an "a young Jn man from Ireland nut Iwre vnrv long , " ] baid : "In tha war between K"giand a Ireland wo luve had a victory. You In yo ' o h arU know perfectly ell any mean 'to liri the about uu atnolioratlon of the condition of t Irish race are Ju-.tifiublo In light of God a leu man. itho ithoA A Death ul l'iul HUIi ook , any CHICAUO , Fabruiry 11'rof. . Kicho tive Frincis Cook , died litre to-day of heart d ink- ease , g l fill years. He was ono of the b the known phystc'ang ' in the west , unMIng < for chalr < of cliau iitry , pUhnln/y , and diagnnt nth In Immeopitia colleKea in thm city , C ncliui , aud Ann Aroor. Mich HII was a grand liave of thu tint governor of Rhode IiancJ , of Jlld- Fire nt Wiuto Hall , Ills , itiun | g. CHICAGO , February 1. Tin Daily Nei III. , White Hall , llli. , fpecial eayi : L ivii I 'gat walii'a dry gnodi cd grocery itore , aud I .thu llutchiniou A Bou' < gricultural implemi pby building burnol thi ; morning. Lot ? . J3.B and insured for ? 3,200 , FflBEICH NEWS. Bismarck's ' New Setae for Extend- iog fte GcrmaD Empire , Dr ( Eumpff's ' Murderer Closely Guarded at Frankfort , Reorganizing : the English Detec tive Forces , Terrible and Mysterious Triple Murder in Paris , Thirty Murders in Paris and Vi cinity Last Week , Tne Irish Police llcmlcr Valuable Information About , the Dyun. mite 1'lotR. FOllElUN NEWS. IIEOUOANI7.IKO THE KNOUSIt UKTXCT1VE 1OKCB , Special telegram to the BKK , LONDON , February 1 The dynamite out- rngtH and eu ro are i-ortiin to result in the re organization of the lOuiglUh detective ferro or department of criminal investigation. It is probable that a now force of secret Borvlco men will be organized for the express purpose of tracking p offrndors , in Imitation of Un system now in operation in niostcoatinon- ta'.apitols. ' This f irco will co-onerato with f-iiuilar bureaus at Paris , liotlin , Vienna and St. Petersburg in giving each other warninir of the plots and movements of snspactad per eons. eons.The nervous tension of the public was illus trated last evening. The storm of wind nnd ruin that MRoJ nil day. at 1:30 p. in. culmi' ' nated in a terrific peril of thunder , The ro- poit startled the whole metropolis. But m one thought at first of attributing i. to its true cause. A rumor spread llko wild fire to the effect that the general postofficoin St. Martins Lo Grand , had been demolished by dynamite. To add to the confusion several fire alarms in streets neai the poitoffico were operated by the rlectricu' disturbance , causing an alarm to bo turned in. A doztii fire engines niihod to the localities Indicated by talan alarms , and the streets pnnn became packed with excited citizens , The fiiomen quickly discovorpd they hid beei fooled by a prank of the lightning , but thi explanation snrcad slowly through CUe crowdi and it was a lung time bcforo thi ) excitemon' was nllnycd. THE MUnnERIll 01' Special telegram to the UKE. LONDON , February 1. Julius Iiicsko , th supposed murderer ot Dr. Kumpff , the Kraut fore police ( .fluial , remains in cloio confine ment at Ma-jheiin Precautions were takei by di3 I r ton officials to hs-tiro the safe keep ing of their prisoner e-x'raordinary. Ho i chimed hand aud foot , and a policeman live. lth him in his cell. Tno corii ore of the prison , us well us this surrounding walls , are thick with nentriep , and a company of infuntry lia& heen a'attoutd in the court yaid beneath. The German nowspaptra have broil forbiddtii by tha go\'ernuiuit to rcfar to Lc'mke in any uiannT whatever for the present. It Is learned , hnvever , that ho has pirtly rsvealed some iniportantaiiarchist'H seen tsjn his deep , and that the au'horitlo ' * hopi tlinjr" by using tha information thin obtained , tbey v/ill suc ceed lu fright * nnu ; the p iaoncr into an p n coLfes'ion of _ the anarch stic schemes with which ho H said to bo connuc ed and thm de- vvlop in liini an informer whom they luve so long sought.BWJIAIU'K'S BWJIAIU'K'S NEW SCHKME. Spacial Telegram to TUB BEE. UEKUN , February 1. It is tint'il that iamciick , fnomrafioj by tbo tightening of th bonds o ! liieudbhip b-twcoa Germany < uid Hut-sin , ha * prepared a surprise for the fit ittn- rnen of Kurcpo in a i tw and colli.'sSil scheme for an extension of thn German empire upon an improved plin , fAtlnoned after th it which gave Great Biit.iln her universal drum boat. - TUB DYNAMIIK FLOTIClta Alt , KNOWN. Special telegram to THE BEK. Dunu.v , February 1. The authorities in Kng'and ' nave received instructions thrmgh the Irnh police nearly a _ month 4go , of the ; intention uf the dynamiters to blow up the house of parliament , and even a list of the oiitrigt8coutemplattd _ at Manchester and n the proviucsH. The belUsf IB general here thai the authorities ntonwaroof the identity of thi persons eugagid in the conspiracy. Iho dif hculty is to bring home the guilt to the plot tern uho manage their p'aiiH to Well , none uu1 the iudividuala in the und-irtakinc , can Bfii when or whcire the dynamite will ba laid Tha ; the houdquartera of the dynamiter * ) H ii I'a-iit is a cerUiuty. Al-o that pcibons for Ir. mor-y lesidunt her < ) _ nro at the he d of th Ir.he huzaidou * plots , It is the firm conviction o For tha Iiinh police f < rce now tlut Karl Spi ncer' ia- winter quartms will bj rein ivod tu the castl f'Oin Pnoenix pirk. Ic is Bubttant'all ' mt m n n'.nt'j of s'egf. The river runs ovtri 'ho grtat per inn of thi cistle. Holea and sul in- teiranmn pissazesiuuninrf to the river affon > acctss to tnu castla. Tno gito is nuw dou in"j rlvi twi aud BU irdod nndThcu tha d 0 _ of night aets jn only the lower yard gate mt the caalle remainaoptn , nud no one , not eve a domestic , can unter without a pass tizns , Ig8 ol- by the chief commissi mor of police , giviu the name uiid occupation of the holders , an , hours duiiaK which tliu pies holds good , A iiroimd bra detectives in plain clothen aii uniform aud ( entries are successively takiu of i countorsigiiS. Tnis may not bo the acknow to- ndueil war , AS Lord Coleridge hinted at tl erin - Gallagher dynamite trial In London , but vei in- Ilka thu description of thocastlo besieged , heart A'UHIIIDLH AND MYSTKRIOUH Tilll'LE JIOUDi art IN 1'AItIH. * led ' Special Tclepram to tha BEK ah ' the PARIS , February 1. During the 'past wc no le-a than thirty iuurdeiM hav < ? been cot last mitted in 1'uris and vicinity. Qf thiau tl iro- n.oat dramatic took pucu at th' ) farm lau ( iloloredku , tbetdtaof tie ancient convent Goiilot da HiiBbV , where Alexander Dum : pUce I iho Hcjnea of the famnin " ( Jon pai. nnns do Jesus " M. do Laroch , a\m liormirt ) and a let red hwycr , his ago t nuAli nud a servant girl were killed by twcTm rcle who gained udmlasion to the huiua n a pi UnsHof selling an ancient Btatua , The trj itir to- murdir being 0.200 pluhsd the aB atsina pi [ csedtd to search the premiece. They bui re- . open wiitiut ; c.tu uuii a safe , and toiU aw ap.we xvlth th rn the murdered man'a family pipe ' we and 300.030 fiancs w. rth of JJmaiiin m to K glish Kovernment bonds. T ugli nan 8-nn left silver plato of great val 'Ho mu- union ho I , alao 6,003 irunca in gold. T and nun liuvt ) just bten arroitol , auapectea of t crims OIIH named Arnnuld , A woikman , am 'our notoiious'y bid chancier tha other a poacl ring naimd Uugnt'r Both when orrteted weru th aud 4 a s , ate of gr intoxication. It is believed the buiglib irhoud , however , thut these t im-n were merely hired asi neln . Althou the umrileiu I uiilllonaiio had many relativ he Ignored them all nd was known to hi olas made a will b que.nhing his outiro property dis- hu mother , should oho outdvohlm , and u | bett hi * m > th s death all was to go to a von daughter uf JI. I.oceux , a Bcuhiter and c the cororaio. ThU will wai taken off f il.s , tna aeaaeein' The ' , wilde t reports ro curn /iutl In UIB neighborhood tn to the real In ' ' of tbo terti le and mysterious crime , DISPATCHES H1011 GENERAL WOLSELET. LONDON , Febniary 1. The following i ' pkltOi waa received from General Wolsel r * - - - - - - - v > fl VlltJbllU < ( ( ! : Os. h-OnTi , , tebruary 1 General Karle , vauc-od hit troopa vvlthtn neven mile of Bei D. but w.ll be unable to concentrate them ifnt read ne * to atuck tlut plaoa until the 2 : SCO ; owing to tha difiiculty in narlgatiun o | I nrer. Tlia enemy holds a itroux poalUon. Boiti dcicrlcr from the rebel rankn nitys that the commander of Berti rccuivot ) n letter from the emir of Berber tinting that the Hrltich cnptttrod Metemcneh nnd sent steamers to Khartoum with troops nml stores for a girri- son there , The omlr strongly ad\i oi the commander of Uerti not oppose ] > rlo's nd- vnnco , as the British are neiutlng troopi acrccs thu desert from Karoiko to Abu 1 tamed to suppress the rebeln. A deserter recently left Berber who says there arc twonty-sk sur\i\ors of the uusmcro of Colonel Stawart's ptrty wrecked on the Kilo in one of Gordon's itsamera , The survivors art-Syrians and Greeks. Ho lays they were not imprisoned but allowed to leave Berber. riiKXOii Tiioora READY TO ADVANCE. February 1. General Btiote do Lisle and troops nro ready to advance upon Lm g on , The troops nro lu good health and spirits. A IllltTISH KKCON.VOISAKCK. SDAKtu , February 1. The British to-day made n reconnolfauco In foice , with two ( pins. They shelled the enemy V camp nt lUsheen. The rebels who hold n very strong [ lositinn , are % erycourngoous and ord mhanclng with loud yejU , but Beamed loth to leave Rroui d. The British subsequently returned to Suakim , DKATIt 0V LOUD I1IUH CHANCKLUm O'ltAOAN' LONDON , February 1 Baron Thomas O'iiagan , of the house of lords , formerly lord high chancellor , died to-day. SENSIBLE Mil. O'LIAIIV , MANCHESTER , February 1. O'Loary , n Foulau , lectured to 4,000 people this nvoning. Ho condemned the recent dynamite explosions nnd said they were hkt-Iy to compl to the slavery of Ireland , Ho characterized the dynnmito agitators in Amoricnas ignorant and unscrupulous fanatics. O'Leary was fio- quenlly intorrnpted by nn Irishman of Liver pool named Connelly , who said that no honest Irish patriot should dcnnuncn nny weinon that Irishmen used sgAlnst England , Tina statement , evoked great appUuso. Other ( peakers followed , who also strongly urged the USB of dynamite against England , Cheers were given for O'Di novan llos < a. A ROVAL 11KTUOTHAL. THE HAQUE , February 1. The bntrothal is announced of Princess Marie , of Kussb , to I'rinco Frederick Bentonick , of Aldenberg , FIlEKOlt TELEflRAl'H WIRE3 INTKnnUITEl ) . PAWS February 1. Telegraphic commnni c it ion in Franco is interrupted by n eeven storm. The earthquake at Osil , Sardinia , de troyed eight houses. No loss of lifo reported TWO NEW ITALIAN OAHHI.VAL3. ROUE , February 1 The Monituer Di Homo announces that two Italian urch bish oi > < i are about to be made cardinals. The llassegencai sirs that news is expected soon of the landing of troops at Massotvah , MUST ASK TOIIKEY'S CONSENT. LONDON , February 1 , The Tu kiah govog ment sent a circular to the Enopenn powers protesting against Ihe occujntlon of poili ou the Daad sea without lur consent. ENGLAND AND FRANCE AMICAIlLY EGYPTIAN QUKSTION. PARIS , February 1. The Temps this morn ing aaya : England has accepted the French counter proposals , relative to the financial raaniigement of Kgypt with a few amend ments , which France and the other powers have adopted , nnd thn Egyptian treaty will be shortly arranged. France secured her re quired interests , and England has admitted the principle of inttrnationnl inquiry. It only rnmalns fur the two parliaments to esdoiuo the agreement. Tha Tcmpa adds , ' 'Kog- Und will withdiaw her troop from the Soudan ss soon ns possible. 1HOTOUS I'KOCEEDINOS AT LONDONOLRBY. LONDONDERRY , February 1. Redmond and O'Britn , Irish lational'sta ' returning to this city after the ineetiig nt GardonauBb were met by a torchlight procession. The rrpyor ordered the po'ico ami tin military to prevent the tntry of the procedtiou Into the city O'Krlen then departed for Dublin end Redmond came lids city. Kiots occurred during Iho evening belween tno orangemen and nationalists. CU01TKH3 ARREST KD. LONDOV , .Tammy 31. The crofters recent ly arres ed in Klimme Glttmlidn on tlm charge of rcsistii g Iho sheriff m I" of his duties , a , e guarded by a Blrunr * force of police and raa'inup. A larpecroxvd of friends j gathered at the landiucr. From the landing - to the fouit house there wa a lurqeunwd which liept up a continual yelling , and hover- nl t men made threatening demonstration ? but were held nt bay by guards. No trouble . is anticipated iioxv. VALI.IANl'8 IlII'ODENCE. PARIS , January 31. At the sitting of the municipal V.dliant made a violent at tack on the capitali-t ca G , which , lie si itd must nuke way for t' ' o proletariat , armec with revolutionary dictatorahip. Iln mnvo an ojiprpp'iatinn of 0 .00 .000 f'-anca for labo nsiotiaiions. Thelmution was referred OS to'J SCOTLAND TABU ADTHOBITIF.3 DENOUNCED. LONDON Januaro 31. The Saturday Ri - view t rduy contains nn nriio'e ' eeyertly du itut pouncing the Scotlacd Yard auih ir ut ities for .heir incapacity I > cnpo with the dy ayd. namitm. Tli9 writer rays tint ultrth d. nf wo-k Rinco the ' d.In Itpse a oxp'o-ilons nt pnrlia In n ent buildings aud the tow > r the p-lica knot jrho but littt morn ubout the porpntrato's tliu ho b fore the outrages wore committed The pu of HCH I'ehcribed . talkative ' urn .13 , indoUnt an r's unintellluent. while the miscreants pgalnt ) whom 'hey arn pietfd hayn the oppisita qua lly ; ities i > f teurtitivenefcs , activity nud H'jiarliirH a Tholatist a lilevmiient of th ) police in coi illrd : ucctiim wi h the expl sinns is the arrest two nowfpap'r reporters win wnre eximinln the public bulldlngd in search uf clewa to pa tss or coming outingei. In order to prove the of iunoceici Ih y hivopen1 ; to the IIHWH apei on anaccauntof thiirarrett wliicli nllectfl list credit on the sagucUy of the pol co. nd OKN. STEWART AWAITI 0 BEINFORCIISIBNST. LONDON , January 31. The mahdi's m are to well situated at Metcnmeh tint it h mg been deemed alvisablo to await rcinforc ment befirn assaulting the utmnghold , 1T the : the arriva of reinforcement * Uen. t towur ry command will endeavor to take Meteninob 1 storm The nclion of the troop * after th will lareely depend upon Gen , Gt rdon. is aaid tlut Gordon , if succes crowns tl work of tha expa'litton ' , may p > r > itively refute to bo relieved or allow his farri'on t' > go , m cok < that he may intUt upon remaining nt Klu 3in- toinii nud establiiming a government tnei thn In the latter rate Stuwnt'd fjrci-s will of pushed forward and will attack the ma d I tof Oni'lurmmi. G n , E trie's forces u ill probati nsn nn et yvitd a bat'l < at Abu Hume J , where t inahdi has assembled a largo forco. QKNHIIAL WOLbELEV'H ARMY CIIANOKB , he/ OAIIIO , Feb'uary 1 Gm ° r l Butler , Ge net ) eral Wolneley's chief of etatf , temporarial IQ ) [ , appointed . to . succeed . . General . . . Stewart - _ . , comu auder i > f UIH expedi'ion to Kihrtot iro- via Metemneh General Sir Eveljn Wo UNt HUCcHids Butler at chief of tttalf , ( ienei Grnnfel succeeds Wood atcommatid-rin chef 'era of Iho Eejptian army , Gtinral Cleary s mil ceodii Gronfel in command of thu Nile trat Thfl ports , nluo _ rwo < the RtYIhltOAD KAOICET , a OUT PABHKNOKR IIATEH. cher Spfcial Telegram to the BKE , din in NEW YORK , February I , Thi report pi two Itsbed yoeterdy that tha Wuit Shora had i rngh vancod immigrant rates to Chicago from 11 , was ut least premature , It may coi y'to h ° * * ( ' ) lnorrow ! Tha company met i ipon Pennsylvania' * cut In order to preserve unc business connectioos with the western age : col- in expedition that the IVnniylvanla wo by t not maintain low rates. Tha Wo-t Shore i itc/ra / licem , however , have been a urd that 'opvud to continue tliu I immixrant ia o as lung us the war on fi clasit fares las u , and under tha circumstan dis- the W 4t r-horu does not desire to contluu ley : loeintr biuluedi. ad- INDIANAPOLIS , February 1. The Jour erti nays that the I'enniylvania people will roe ] In war on eaat bomid iat i from lodi'tnapi 23d , aid St. Louis , nuotiner a IS cent rite tr the thin | > olut to New York. A C'm'cigo , A Lonii ud J'iUsbarg ollicbl quotlajr , ia ; there Ii to bfl m > moro trilling. llAtcn will bo cut to the quick , Passenger rates will also bo cut. CHICAGO , Jamm'y 31 , At a rcrettng of the rcpn enUtlves nf the Colorado , Utah nnd Pacific coast pools here t i-day , It was decided to contiiniB thwe pools till May 1 , 18Sr > , nny nrtil belntr allowed to retire nf tcr thirty days' notice. The old uiles governing the pools are to remain in effect , the per centoflcs afler 1'obniary 1st to be fixed by arbitration with Messrs. Bogus anil MHgoly , of this city , ru tl I'rmik , ot bt. .Louis , nn arbitrators , CHIUAOO , Jnnunrv 31 , At mi ndjourned mooting of Iho Southwestern railway associa tion this nfteinoon. the proportion of the Northwestern and Mllwnukua k St. Paul nnds to bo admtlted to the pool on the ground of their biuituw originating in Wis- connin and cariicd to the gouthwest , VM denied. It was decided , however , that thn reads In question should bo given a nxtn of divisions which would cnablo them to form lines for handling the business in question with the roads members of the association , SHE BUSTKD BOOMKHS. TIIET ABE QflKTLY BKMOVED AND THE BtNll- LKADEIIS ABHGHTr.P. KANSAS CITY , ilo. , January -General Hatch reached Cnldwell from Stillwater yes terday. Ho slates that Couch refused to sur render until nn order was given for the sol diers to advance upon their camp. Then the boomers agreed to capitulate. The colonists then , under escort of the troopn , marched to thu Kansas linn nnd crossed to Arkansas City. Hero Couch and three lieutenants wore ar rested yostsrday evening on federal wnrrnnts for resisting the troops in the Indian territory nnd will ho taken to Wichita to-day. Gen eral Hatch sent a detachment from Stillwater to Intercept a companp of six hundred boom ers en route from Arkansas , lie estimates that there were nearly 1.-100 invaders in the territory , all of whom havi boon removed without bloodshed , Guards have hem stationed nt the avenues o : inuress which , it ia thought. ill prevent fur ( her Invasion at present. The boomorn , how ever , do laro their Intention of returning. / meeting was held at Arkansas City yesterday , nddie-aed by Couch and others , at which res olutions were paesed denouncing the action o the government nnd doclarina Iho intention of an early renewal of their efforts to coloulic Oklahoma , It was resolved to meat at Ar kautas City on March next , and start nunin on the following day , equipped with thirty days'rations. It was asserted that their force would bo greatly augmented then owing to a change in the national administra tion. tion.WICHITA WICHITA , Kan. , January 31. Couch. Stafford , Bronn nnd Wile ox , Ihe Oklahoma leaders , were arraigned before the United States cnmmiBsioner this afternoon and bound over in Sl.OOO each for n hearing on the 10th of February , Stntcn Islam ! Telephone Wires Cu.t. NEW YOBK , February 1. All the telephone wires ou Statcn Island were cut last right. A few days ago the salaries of the employes of the company were reduced and thcsuperinten- dent and other employes resigned. Some old linemen were adjusting the wires to-day. Thn culling was done in several places nnd OLds of the wires were linked by crds. . Tli3 residence of Geo. F. Shtver , at South Hold. Stattn Island , was burned to-day. The - lunve was nn flfgant ono. It was a wediinn ; prtsont from 0 uunndora Co'iiclioa Yandex bilt to Daniel B Allen and the oldest daugh ter of tha commodore. Loss on the house S2oO,000 ; contents , 3400,000. She Victims of the Gns ExploMon , cnried fr in yesterday's natural gaa explosion Twenty-ono victims are reat'ng ' cmy. with om exception. Mary Smolder ia Itho youuf ? weir ir ai who struck the mutch which caused th Jir-t nxploMon. Her condition ia very serinui arid it is believed tnnt abe inhilod some of the burning g if. Oihtrs are believed to booutol danger. Th sci'oe of Ibo disnster waa visittcJ to-day by thousands of people , ropes hVt bosn pin ol around till wr ckcl district one extra p lice detailed t' ) ke > p the _ crod bad and prevent iujury from the falling walls. , ; Ynttaw , CIIICAOO , January 31. Julius Yattaxv , om lo of tbo deputy United States marshals tried 01 the charge of murder for having killo.l a inai on the day of Iho recent national election , xva it- accqiiHtod before the stito pettit jury thi - morning. It wua thown on the trial that Yat pd , t--w , in'tho performance nf his duty , attempt ed to rnnkonu nrro t. out of which resulte o1 the killing. The arrest of Ynttixy was ior at tlio instance of the city authorities to nuk , certain of hia trial in the htato instead of th federal court. u- An Important Arrlvn.1. NEXV YORK , Feb mry 1. Fung Chow , y- this city , is the happy father of the first ( so iasald ) full-blocded , Bimon-puic unadoltera oil Chinoie baby born in America east of tl un : Kncliy mountain * . Fung Ohoxy i3a _ leadh Chinvfo meicli nt , b-inn a partner In the ' . land K e t n cnmpniy. The baoy , a hey , will duo tuna bejomo an American citizen na Fur ! Chow has beuuiaturalizid : U- IVninaii nnd Guild Mitrdorcd. Uof GRAND FOIIKS , D k. , January 31. Re' axt ng G. IJ. Snell'a xvifa and 11 year-old son wn oir found dead in bed at their homo near Inkati era yesterday , by the neighbors. The moth .tlo and boy wera murdo el for money last Su day while Hav. Snell xvas holding a mectii at &I yvllle. George Miller , a hired man , T the crime. len baa ce- 'Fooling iviih a 1'lstol , inn CHICAGO , January 31. John Schenarufr a years old , hhot and killed hii biother Jaco : by hit 2lJ years old , th'x aftfrnoon , He did n It know the gun wax loaded. the iifo Klpon , AVlB. , IjtiniUor Co. Failed. CHIOAOO , February 1 The Dally Ncv : lar- . lllpnn , Wis : The Klpon Lumber and Mf nf-tcturlng company failed jmtcrday. L at bilitieH , $ 0 000 ; nominal sssots , ? 3HIOO. bly the Hood's Sarsapariili ' c An ally Combines , In a manner peculiar to Itself , tl na best blood-purifying and strengthening rem Mllll dies o ( the vegetable kingdom. You will Hi 'coil this wonderful remedy Directive whcro othi eral meillclncs Iiavo failed. Try It now. It wl hief purify your Mood , rcgutato the dlgcstlo sue- > and give new Ufa and vigor to thu entlro hod ns' "Hood's Sarsaparllla did mo great goo I was tlrod out from overwork , and It torn mo up. " Jilts. O. K. SIMMONS , Guliocn , N. ' "I sulTcrcd three years from blood polso I took Hood's Barsaparllla and think I a cured. " HUB. M. J. DAVIH , lirockport , N. ' pub < ad- a tlic Jilooil Hood's Bnrnaparlla ! Is characterized 1 nne , Ihrco peculiarities : 1st , the combination the remedial agents ; 2d , the proportion ! 3d , tl itu process of securing the active ineillcln ents mialitlcA. The result Isamcdlclno ould btrcngth , clTcctlng cures hitherto urikuow of- rii.'iiil for book containing additional evident the "Hood's Bnrsanarllla tones up iny systei low pnrllli'H my Mom ) , nharjunis ray amietlto , ai serins to make mo over. " .1. r. THOiirso Tint Uuuds , l.otsull , Mass. ncoa "Hood'a Sarsaparllla heats all others , a a ! s orthlUwughtliKo ! ) | < i. " I. DAKIILNOTC 1JO UauU Street , Now Votk City. irnal jpi-n Mood's Sarsaparilla Bold liy all druggists , tl 5 Bit for 15. Ma iroui only by C. I. HOOU & CO. , Ixiwell , Mus. at. jlug 10O * DososOno _ . Della ? . THE CHOLERA SCARE Immediate Precautions Reciiieiiiled liy Mtfitcal Aullioritics , Whioli Oaglit to ba Promptly At tended to. * " \ The Dynamite Conspirators on the Ragged Edc ; Owing to thn Dainndnc Esvela- tions About Ounninghanii The Informer is Threatened With .Phelan's ' Fate , A Terrible Commotion In tlio lynn- mlto uanip Prevails ThroiiRh. out the United States. TUKCUOM3HA. IMMEDIATE HIKCAUTIONS KKCOMMKNDED Irt THK "MF1KAL 11ECOUD. " NEW YOHK , January 31.-In nn arliclo bended "line the Kpldomte Fund , " The Now York Medical Record siys that every day's delay on the part of the Bencral government , to emi loy oil the means nt ita command to 1 meet the incroa&iup danger of n cholera epidemic Is unpardocably trilling with the lives i'f the people nnd tlm future business of the country. The article refers to the rccotn- in mdation cif the cor grcsslonnl committee on public health for nn appropriation of S ,000 for the national boar , ! of health aud of ? M)0- ) OOJ to ba used at the dlscreti n of the president - dent in keeping cholera away , anil I r says that in Iho ordinary coureo V of affairs , where tucli oppropna- tinna are pasicd tha funds nro not available befoto March 4. Mejmlimo the season ia approaching preaching when the iitst cases of cholera make th ° ir appearanceamong immigrants. If adequata pinvontico measures ro to _ bo pliMi d nnd put into BaosMsful execution . against the threatened invasion , it IB ) i.iuted- . out that the whole mach'nery must bo In full operation by April 1. The national board of. health must adopt inomurea looking to the Interest of the traveling public , atooiii'lnp companitsand the foreign commerce of the whole country. Tbo perfecting of these . measures would require weeks of ducu slim and i oiipidemtion with all pa > ties nftectcd. A properly organic 1 stli'ms of prevention would involve a thoiough Bjntom of official Inspection , vhuh should begin - in the foreign port ? , ho kept up at tea , and bo reinforced at all cur uxvn staport ( quarantines. Tliciw should else extend along . tno Canadlhii frontier nnd be made at Iho ft terminus of each i f our trunk r.iilxvayn. It IB . urgad that the national board of health should. ; meet at once nud con iimo in BCBuion utitil it8 \ \ mea uri.B are mattert d nnd in operation. It ( * i is paid tlm board has no money , even for office k , r nt ? "If tlmt is true , " pays tlm papir , "tnerof > < / ta atill the epidemic fund , to bo uao'l ' at the * " , discretion of tha president in ihu event oE a threatened actual epidemic. Tliero ia ip rea- H > n why the expeiue of the beard should not , b defrayed out of the fund. Wo ask'JPieBi- deiit" Arthur it cholerais not lufGclently , threatening to makt ) it inonnbent on him to use that fund to prevent the invasion. " THE DYNAMITEKS. ( THE CONSriUAIOHS ON THE JtAGQED EDGE OWING 10 CUNNINGHAM'S IIKVKLAIIOSS. Sr. Louis , .Inn. 31.-The rocfiit exposure in this city c morning tha identity of James Gilbert Cunningham , the alleged Linden dynamiter , luve cau ed n terrifies commotion in the dynimite camp throughout the United States. The local legion is held accountable by the order , nnd the most explosive cones- nn pcndeuco has already t/kun place. Tho. on traitor xvho revealed the secret * of the order ( an la cursed and condemned. The pipers hayo. as been flooded by bloodthirsty mis lis sive * , in which tha nnnoymnuai at- authors sxvoar Phelau'a fate awaita pt.ed ihe dii-picablexvretcb. The man who is naid .ed to have uiado tha disi-loeurra concerning Cun-j de ninglum ! nsid ta I e ouu Jami H MtC rmnck , \ ke wh > was formerly in the employ of n paper ? ' ho thlscitycalled the AmprcnnCelt. IIoxxananad- verua uu agent for Iho c < ncorn , but twojj * months ago became involvid in a quarrel with the editor , Clnrlcs O'lSiien , nnd left tie ' , ' of paper McCor-nack is claimed to have , threatened lo divulge Bomo ot the dynamito1 .it : SuBiriiiss which ciimo into hia posscmion at- through bia once intimate ncqiiiintsncj with the O'lhiui. The latt r is a younr * IrUh- iui : ? American , intnngily extreme In his views. Wo He waa krro ted In Ireland in I8SO t' r con in spiracy , but waBBOiin nileaKfd und mnco then lllg hia hostility to nnx thing Knglish is the n oat [ ironiini'iit tra-tof his character. The American - , ican C. It , a weekly publication , Is the mnaf biitorflieet priitcd in the ntntes. Doth ho and Jilclormaek are well ncquiiinlBd with * , ev. O'Donirvan Roesaand wi'h the leadurs of tfo ; tra Irihh American winr ; uf tlio ordor. Captain ten I'h-lan xvaa an occaMonal vinltor at the Celt her ollicn and coiittiint tubicriber. When Iho publication concerning the short un- residence of Cunningham , alias liyrno. was ia nude , cipher lelegniliis between Mew York , Chicago and St , Loula ( levy thick. McCormack - mack ackuoxvlui'ged a portion of the charges ngr.inH him , lie Hays that when liyrno was hero ho Introduced a ret orter to him , and , that the retiull wim tliu .publication of the in ob , terview concerning the invention f the port not able dynaniito cartridge and Ihe instructions regarding explosives aud their UPII xvliich ho- waa giving jounif membera of a cert m dyna- nita society on Thiitaxnth and liiddlof-trrels. lo drnloa lu tote thtttjio re\oaUd the fact WB , hat liy ) nu was Cunningham , or that ho was Ian- tibtruiM'iital in nny way in securing the pub- ; Lia- icntlon. The order h ok with dihtuist upon I na explanation , especially when tlii'V know f the throats ho 1ms nm e agiinst U'lirien ' , A'bo waa a friend of Cunningham while lu hia city , An afternoon gives Cunningham paper a plcturoof 'a ningham taken from a phot graph fuinieh d iy a joung lady that ho vttiteil while the U nun * eru tlm description exactly as cabled no- 'rein I/oudon. lud heron IIcndriukH VIsilH Ole-vrland. NniiNAi'OLiH , January 31. It tranejiirod on , this nftermuii that Vlcj Protldent-elcct Hen- dy. dricks , uho left the city last uvc niog , lian gone od. Albany In roDocmn lo a letter from tbo od.Y. president elect , requesting hii prcBeuco in that Y. city.ALIIANI on ALIIANI , January 31. Vice I'rfBident- am elrct llbiulricks was accouipauled fnun hi hotel t - the depot by half a d , zrn frirtida , and left for New York. It is nadcittood that ho had a mot inn ortant confertnuu with 1'reni- dent-elect Cleveland and Hi eakor Curllde. It M in btlk'veii ' that the aicuniiii , was dcogntid to nl bring about a uniformity of plan In the i ollcy thf of tl. u democratic p rty , lleudricka declined lim to gay an ) thing of the conference. H is un- dtirbtood that it Is thu inlention of Ilendilcku uj to proceed frtm New York to Washington , wn and thence go to thn New Orleans exposition , ICQ ami em , to AVlllUiu Henry Kmftli , ON , COI.L-WIICH , Ohio , January 31 , Thu legiim- ture han adopted a joint resolution returning nnd thunkn to William Jfeury Suiitu for the care row , ful , coiiect and fair manner in which ha com piled the St , ( Jl&ir paper * , Chlneio 8UTOR , BAN FBANCIHCO , January 31. Five moro whlta babies , four of them girla , have beeQ dUcorired in Chinese denj of proUitutlon ,