Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1885, Page 8, Image 8
: .m rr THE DAILY BEE- SATURDAY , JANUARY 31 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE Saturday Morning , Jan. 31 , LOOAL BREVITIES. Neatly M the trains nrrlvodon [ time Iwt night. The Denver westbound , on the U.l' . , left the depot ono hour Ute. Marriage licenses wore Isausd yostcrdiy to MMtin 0. MurtinBon nnd Mary Johnson , JIwis Behrons and Annto Bohlman. Mlllard U , D. Camp-No uiootinf ? IilnovenlnR on account of bad condition of hall. By order of the commander. The 1'ay Tcmploton opera company through this city yoslcrduy , on route 1 ° Council Bluff * , where they appear l < wt eve ning. Dan Thompson , a young thief of classical JjcnlwM arrested last night , charged with Btealing n book of Tennyson's poomsfrom rnno's book-store. Mr. J. Goldberg , the proprietor of the Bankrupt store rejoices over the fact that Mi wife , Thursday forenoon at 11 o'clock present ed him with a bouncing baby boy. The wife of Schroder , the hog thief , was in police court yesterday and t promised I * pay all costs and pay for the hog If the judge would release her husband , but that ho ro used co do , Wlig & Wcatborghavo capped the cli max , or rather their salesmen , whoso heads are adorned with n skull cap , on which is worked in rfld letters the firm nnmo , all of which , bonldei being something now , makes n very neat appearance , There wai a Jargo attendance last evening - ing nt the South Tenth Street Methodist church and a number of seekers wont forwarder or prayer. These meetings are Assuming a poncral revival character and attracting con siderable of attention , County Clerk Lcnritt hai arrived from Lincoln. Ono of the bills to which ho is em phatically opposed is ono introduced by a country member proposing to separate the office of county clerk and recorder of deeds The bill has boon pretty effectually killed , A STATE COMMITTEE , A. Committee From the Senate and House KxamlniiiK the Dcnf and Dumb Institution , Yesterday morning a committed of the Oonato and lower honso composed of the following gentleman : Mussrs. A. Smith , D. F. Smith and E. M. Lore , of the eonato ; and Messrs. J. W. Thomas , D. P. Henry , S. M. Hngon , 0. D. Em- crson , Henry Williams , 0. II. Lee , W. F. Thomas and Fhelps Paluo , of the IIODEO , arrived In Omaha and regiatorod at the Paxton hotel. The gentlemen came to the city ior the purpose of examining the deaf and dnmb institution at this place , incorpora ting the result in a report shortly to bo presented before the legislature. The committee wont out to the asylum carfy In the day , and wore escorted through the institution , in all its various branches and departments , by Superin tendent J. A. Gillosplo. The tour of in- opection was a thorough one , and will enable- the committee to present an Intel- Igont report upon the condition of the nstitution. J Mr. Payne , the secretary , was seen oat night and expressed , himself on ohalf of the committee , as pleased with the way in which the asylum was man aged. There were no abuses which the committee had discovered in the syitem upon which the asylum was conducted , and their report would bo in every sense a favorable ono. The committee loft on the evening train last night , some returning to Lin coln and BQino to their homos. They \l \ vhavo juat come from Kearney , where they completed a satisfactory inspection of the reformatory school. A DISASTEODS RUNAWAY ; An Unfortnimto Accident "Which Happened to Mr. John K. David son Yesterday. Yoatordny afternoon Mr. John E. Divldaon , who was riding down Saundora otroot with a young lady friend , Mi a a Boyden , of Waahfngton , D. 0. , was thrown out out of hla buggy with the fair lady occiipint. Mr. Davidson was not sorioualy injured , while Mits Boyden , badly bruiaoi and sprained , ta otlll alive and able to recount the ludicrous comoi- nation of circumstancoa which brought about the dlaaator. It aooma that a team of horaoa belong ing to ono of the Had Line cars , while being transferred at the end of the line , become frightened and daahod down the street. They ran for a blocker or BO , until they atruck tbo buggy In which Mr. Davidson and Miaa Boydon were riding. The two horsoa ooparatud , one going ono side of the buggy and the other on the opposite , and ntartod frantically nhoad. In this three horse fashion the buggy waa rapid ly propelled through apace , Mr. Davidson tnado terrific efforts to call time. At length , striking on obstacle , the buggy careened , ar/d both occupants for the nonce communed with Mother Earth. The buggy was med up , nnd Mr. David- Bon will hereafter keep n apodal lookoul for runaway horses on the lied Oar lino. A nr koinnn Killed , Cheyeno Sun , 29. n. n. Bacon , n well known and popu lar young brakeman on the mountain di vision of the Union Tacifio , WJB killed a Simpson by an accident to train No. 11 on Tueaday afternoon. The train was a light one , c misting , at the time of the accident , of only an engine and caboose It ran along all light until the Y switcl nt Simpson waa rrached , when the cngin jumped the track and the caboose wa overturned. All the occupants wore mor or less injured and Ilacon BO Ecriousl that ho BOOH d cd. The unfortunate ma was unmarried and n r aidcnt of Larami City. Do is ( aid to have a sister livin in Nebraska. DIB remains reached Lara inio Tueaay night on f eight train No. 12 Among the injnrcd Has Dr McGhco of Rawlins , and the t aui conductor. Tli accident was caused by a misplaced switcl HUNT'S [ Kidney ana Hvcr ] REMED Is no "hit or mi a" compound or old wo man a mixture. It is prepared by Bclentlfio pharmacist , with a full know ] edge of the piwore and virtues of eac ingredient In the cl * Of dlseasea whir. It curt * . It ia purely vegoUblo and cat uot harm the youngest child or the mos feeble Invalid. A New Corporation. The articles oi incorporation for the Qjnaha Invenlmont company have boon ilod in the ofllco ol the county clork. 'ho corporators are E. M. Evcrott , Z , T. Nelson nnd Frank L. Everett. The mslnojs of the company la to buy , Boll , ease , mortgage and convey real estate j roct buildings upon real estate owned by it , or which It may acquire by loaao or mortgage. The business will bo con- luctcd In Omaha. The authorized capital stock of the cor poration shall be § 50,000 , in shares of ! 160 each , eighty per cent , of said stock 0 bo eubacrlbod and paid in before com mencing business. The articles specify hat the existence of the company shall ommonca on the 1st day of January , 885 and terminate on the 1st day of annary , 1005 , unless sooner dissolved > y law. V Double Track Ilctwccn Onmha and rnpllllon. upillion Times. The Union Pacific company baa begun ho delivery of 200,000 railroad tics at 'apllllon , a circumstance that would oem to indicate that the mnch-talkcd-of loublo track from Omaha to Fapllllon is a certainty. The Times liai it from ; oed authority that the construction if the now track will begin aa Boon an the weather Trill pormlt. This will bo a big thing for Faplllion. It is wall known that many Omaha ousinces non have long cotomplated building lomoa In this beautiful suburb , but have valtod because of the lack of facilities in ho way of morning and evening trains > otnoon the two places. The double rack nnd the increased business reuniting horofrom will give us plenty of early and ate trains. Wo look for n handsome > ulldlng boom In Papllion { next summer. Buy 0. H. Douglass & Son's Capsl- um Cough Dropa for your children ; hey are harmlrss , pleasing to the taste nd will euro their colds. D. S. and Vado Mark on every drop. 1 Itcal Estate Transfers. The following transfers were filed in 10 county clork'a oflico Thursday aad oportod for THE BEE bv the Amos' real state agency January 20 , 1885. 0 M Coilin and wife to 0 0 Brons w d ota 2-3 Bowery Hill § 2,450. T H Lowe to F B Lowe trust deed lots -8 block 133 $1.00. N Edholm and wife lo A W Bourg w dlot 57 Nelsons add , § 2,000. E J Biggs to G A floagland w d pait 01 1 block 131 500. Ladies should rclloct well before using ny preparation that is applied to so dell- ate a surface as the skin. Any cosmetic will at first impart a beautifying effect nd not apparently injure the akin , but n a very short time little blotches and iscoloratlons appear on the face which : onclusivoly show the poisonous drugs in lelr composition. It can bo safely naid lat more than two-thirds of the face lowdors contain these injurious ingrodi- nts. Pozzoni's medicated complexion towdor is not only absolutely frop from 1 deleterious matter , but its principal igrodiont is an active curative for all iseasos of the skin. It has stood the cst of years. Sold by all druggists. The " \Vronjj Man. Yesterday morning Mr. 0.V. . Hlldo- > rand was arrested upon complaint of a man who claimed to have been confi- encod out of $3 by the defendant. Hil- obrand protested his innocence and up- n being brought to trial readily proved i alibi and was discharged. It was a oar case of mistaken identity and Mr. [ ildobrand haa been done a great In- uatice. IN THE PASTRY IF VnnlllaLemon , OrnnEe , etc. , flavor Cake * , rcum > , I > iiilillnKI.trc.i delicately und not- rally a thelralt fiumvhlch they arc made. DR STRENGTH AND TRDE FRUIT FLAYOR THEY STAND ALONE. PRfiHEO BY TM Price Baking Powder'Co. , lllCDBO , III. St. Loula , Mo. ii < Kini or Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder HOD Dr. Price's Liipulin Yeast Gems , Hot Dry IIo | > Yemt. WE MAKK liUT ONE QUALITY- WJEJ3JDJEMA.N & CO. , 20 South Fourteenth Strict. PRODUCE COMMISSION MKROHANTS , SPKCIAI.TIEHUuttnr ! , Kjjfjs , Poultry. Gnmo , Oyatorj , Pruviaiona etc. Quick sales arid prompt returns on all con sicomonts. sicomonts.UMPHREYS' UMPHREYS' For the Cnro of all diseases of Horses , Cattle , Sheep joas , HOGS , roui/riiy. Used successfully for 20 years by Tar- men , Stockbreeders , llorso U.K. , &o. Kntlorsed .t used by the U.S.Oorcrnni'l. Ol'aiiiplilcts & Charts sent froc. ' HUMPHREYS' ' MEDICINE CO , , 100 Fulton St. , Now York. Humphreys' Homeopatlro n UM a jreora. he cnr snouraiful remedy ( or Nerwos Debility , Vital Weakness , nd Jnwtt . ' lion. fiwu ovvr-work or other C UM . } l rwrrlal.rrSTiauand lirse viil powder. ( or5 hOLU ur Duuiia wm or wnt poatpii J on ruceii.t ol AuarvM lliimiilirtiyx' lIuiiiruDullilo ' 'uniubl. , . are all Assorted AND THE GRAND BAZAR To-morrow Jan. 31 1885 n - , . , 1312 Douglas Street , A cordial invitation is extended to all to call and narta\e \ of the feast of Merchant Tailors' Misfits and uncalled for garments Now let every citizen of Omaha and vicinity. Shoulder arms and march in line , And bear in mind the place and time , On to-morrow , Saturday , morning , No postponement , clear or storming , The number your eyes will meet , It is number 1312 fiouglas street , Wo will open in the morning as early s& seven , And remain open at night as late as eleven , We will have no band of music , Or a floral display , But custom-made Clothing , In the styles of the day. / Gome to-morrow , or at night after lodge , And satisfy yourself that this is no advertising dodge , Don't fail to embrace this our invitation , But come and inspect clothing made upon a tailor's reputation , Made in styles for citizens wear , fit for an Imperial , Which will be sold at about the cost of material , You ascend the stairs but one flight , Where as clear as day the Parlor is made by Electric Light , Upon this , our gala day , We will have bargains to be taken away , By each of our patrons and callers , As a souvenir to remember the Misfit Parlors. 1312 Up-Stairs 1312 Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marrel ol purely , strength and wlio'csomencsa. ' More economical than the ordinary kindsard cannot bo sold In competi tion with the multitude of low test , Bhcrt weight Mam of physrhrto pandora. Sold only In cans , KOYAL BAKING 1'OWDEH CO. , 108V llHtN.Y. ; Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute IXX.8 Howard Street. ( N. E. Corner 12th and Howard Stroeta , ) ( For the Treatment ot all Chronic and Surgical Diseases Diseases of Female * , of the Nervous System , Pr Tata Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs , i and Diseased of tbo Head , Throat and Lungs , Specialties. EYE AND EAU , DIscoitB treated by an experienced gpedalUti al o disease * of the Heart Liter , Stomach , Kidneys , Bladder , Neurnlglt , Ilheurnat'ira ' , riles , Cancer , etc. CATAHIUI. DUONOniTia. And all other dlrcane of the throattnd Lunfstreat ed by Medicated Vapors. ( Send for Inhaler or circular on Inhalation. ) All dlrntses of the mood , Urinary and Seiual Or. gang. 1'rlrate DUeages and Piles Cured or no Pay. (16 ( Yean HoeplUland Prints Practice. ) Consultation and examination froe. Call or write tv circulation chronlo dUcaica and deformities , Dlseaaes of Females , Prltate ulseaaes of the Urlnarr ami Sexual oreans , Seminal Weak , ness , Nervous Debility or Exhaustionetc. , etc. , ind our new rcBtoratltetreatmcnt. All letters and consultation * Confidential. Medicines sent to all parts of the country hy ex * irtse , securely picked from observation , U full de- ecrlutlon of case bglveu. One personal laterrlew ireferrod U convenient. Open at all honra. Address all letters to Omaha Medical & Surgical Insttute 1118 Howard St. Omaha. Neb. OmcKjAunrron ov PCBLIO AccoEtmO STATE op NEIIRASKA. J , LINCOLN , Jan. 10,1885. I It ! > hereby certified that the Western Mutual - tual Benevolent Aseuclatlon of Beatrice in the state of Nebraika , has complied with the - Buranoo law of this etnto , and is authorized to transact the business of Ufa insurance in this state for tlia current year. Commencing Feb- rnary 1,1835. Witum my hand and the seal of the Au ditor of VublicAccounta the day and year bo\o written. [ SEAL ] H. A. BABCOOK , Auditor 1' , A. All nlteratiouB to insure n perfect fit , done free of charge. Don't fail to call and see our. prices. Tuey will astonish you , 175 this Fall's Overcoats just ar rived from the Leading merchant Tailors throughout the country. ON .4LL .SBC S.A. -CF- SEE OUJS MJJJPUCTXONS : Suits formerly $1O.OO now $7.SO. Suits formerly $12.OO now $9.OO. Suits formerly $1.OO now $12.OO. Suits formerly $2&.OO now $1S.OO. Over Coats formerly $ S.OO now $ O.OO. Over Co its formerly $1O.OO now $ V.SO. Over Coats formerl'y $16.OO now $12.OO. Over Coats-formerly $1S.OO now $13.5O. Ove.i Coats formerly $24.OOnow $1SOO. And every other article in proportion. Call and see our prices. 1296 Farnam St. Taylo LARGEST STOCK OF- Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES BUFFALO 0S , Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for the Indian Department given for Buflalo Scales ex clusively. Scale 405 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEBRASKA DON'T READ THIS 1312 DOTOLAS ST. 1312 OLLAR saved is n DOLLAII mndo the old ndnge and it is not nuy more thoroughly demonstrated iu the conrso lo pursue to mnke the saving than nt the MISFIT PAULOIIS , who deal iu MKUOIIANT TAILORS Misrirs tmd uncalled ior garments , which their many agents in from the lending MERCHANT TAIMUS throughout the country , nb times less than the cost of the raw material which the cnrment contains and while the MISFIT PAHMJUS have light oxpouso with close margins it is nt once realized that dollars cau bo saved in purchasing from th most elegant and best assorted slock displayed uy any regular lock ta bo found nuywhoro. with the best made , both in rAimics and workmanship , are the OVER COATS , fine DKKSS SUITS , as well as Business Suits and Coals nud Vests. and ofPanfaloons , are unsurpassed in cut and finish , in fabrics. A fit is always assured as the best talent is furnished to make the alterations. A call will satisfy all doubts , in being fully nble to satisfy the most astideous. "I * 3H 9 Douglas Street , < 4 QJ 1OJ & ITp-Stairs.10 I OpenEvenmgs until 9 o'clock ' ; Satuiday until 11 p. m. LIT BY ELECTRIC LIGHTS. Are now offering * AT Tiie greatest bargains ever seen in Omaha 200 ORGANS ! ! 100 PIANOS ! ! Also great reductions in Diamonds , Few- elrv. Clocks and Silverware. The only importers of Havana Cigars , and Meerschaum Goods in Omaha. Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition , Sporting Goods , Notions and Smokers' Ar ticles. THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY U 11 0 1 xlTTuliRRE DEWEY&STONES' One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From : STAIRS TO CLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR 98tn Ducal Brunswick , Luenoburgh , Lottery , Germany. 100,000 TICKETS and 50,000 PRIZES Capital Prize , mark , 500,000 , 300,000 , 200,000. 100,000 80,000 , \ ( JO.OOO , 50,000 , 40,000 down to 150. Drawing Commences the Oth and 10th o February , 1885. Whal Tick ets 818. ; Half , 8J.00 ) ; Quarter , 4.50. OH AS. F. SCHMIDT & CO. , G2 W. Congress St. , Detroit , Mich. To prevent loei It It urgently roqaetbd . to make all i omllUaw bj po ' "ate , ing as/ order oksck. In regliUied letUn cr to cx rtiw.