Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1885, Image 6
THE DA1JLA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , SATURDAY , JANUARY 31 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. Batnrday Morning , Jam 3L SUBSCRIPTION UATE3. : g8Sta- ; ! o. 7 i-earl Utreet. H r3Bro dway.i MINOE MENTION , The county board of supervisors moot Taoaday , Herman Kialor wis yoalorday ftnod for boint ; drank. The city council moota at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon. The Danobo socloty give a ball thla ov- onlng at their hall. Orofta' docs and will hold hls"joods ; In quality the same ni boforo. Rev. Mr. Hammond will preach in the Congregational church to-morrow. Fay Tomploton oppoaro at the opera houao thla afternoon and evening. Leave youf orders for job printing a flay or two ahead at Pryor's Boo job of , fico. fico.The The circuit court , with Judge Connor on the bench , opens hero en the 9th of February. Walter Amy now has n badly injured knee as the result of falling on a slippery nldowalk , lltjv. T. S. Boroll will preach in the Baptist church to-morrow morning and evening. Permit to wed was yoatorday granted Marvin Noleon and Cathrlna Olaon , both of this county. The young ladlca of the Episcopal charcn are planning for a social in the Masonic hall next week. Crofts' clgaro are all manufactured at D29 Broadway under his own supervision and are Union hand-made cigars. Oa Friday evening of next week Bob JBurdotto Is to give his lecture on "Tho IUso and Fall of the Moustache. " The Fay Tomploton company divided up , part stopping at the Ogden and the tnost of the company at the Pacific. The interior of the now Presbyterian church has so neared completion that norvicos will bo hold there to-morrow. Wallace Shepherd now has a sprained nnklo aa the result of coasting. Two years ago ho mot with a similar accident. J. 0. Morgan , now of the Kearney , Nob. , Courier , now mourns the death of Ilia aged father , who died there on the 22d. Two tramps sneaked aomo pairs of boots from Eiaoman , Rodda & Co.'s yea torday , but were arrested , and the goods recovered. There Is to bo a convention of survey ors and engineers at Dos Moines Feb ruary 24 , for the purpose of organizing an association. Charles Bennett , known as "Banjo Charlie , " was yesterday given a donblo doao in the police court for being drunk and oxpoeing Ills' person. Itoraomber CrofU sells three Go cigaro for lOo and twenty for OOc , also two , clear Havana filler , Sumatra wrapper hand raado cigars , for 15o and eight for COo. COo.A A pair of handcuffs with the key at tached by a cord has boon lost by Nick O'Brien who requests the finder to leave the same at TUB BEE office or return them to him. Among thoao who have filed plans for anew now court house are S. E. Mason , of this city ; Eckort&Mann , of St. Joseph ; E. E. Myers , of Detroit , and W. A. Howie , of Marahalltown. The Evening Herald has struck n leaden on filling up space. It is publishing all the anonymous letters it can find or com pose , purporting to bo from persona who contemplate suiciding. Graham avenue has proved the popular coasting place. The travoraors have a alldo of threcquartors of a mile and make the dlatanco In two and a half minutes , which Is fast flying , indeed. W. H. Strickland , business manager of Shook & Collier's "Storm Boston" company , was in the city yesterday ar ranging for the appearance of the com * vi my here February 4th and 5th. The iron beams for the now postoflko ro oxpoctad to arrive to-day. The castings came two or three days ago. Mossra , lUymond & Campbell and 0. Hondrlo of this city have put In bids for Dotting the above as have also several eastern firms. Rev. L. H. Hammond , of Chicago , father of the superintendent of the deaf nnd dumb Institute , will occupy the pul pit of the Congregational church to morrow morning and ovoning. It is ex pected that ho will preach each Sunday until the arrival of the now pastor , Rev. 0. W. Croft , about March lat. Now it la on Harry Hunter. Some ono told him that spring must bo coming , for they had soon a Martin , but forgetting to Bay that it wai Henry Martin. Straight way Harry evolves for the Nonpareil tbo pleasing Item : "llouso martins , sweet harbingers , of spring , made their appear ance yoatorday. " How poetic i The trial of N. A. Lewis for the mur der of Arthur Fagan In Des Molnes in January , 1883 , will bo called in the dla- trict coutt at Wintemt next Thur day bolora Judge Mo Henry , A number of witnesses will attetyl from here to testify . to Lewis' good character. Judge Cole and Will Mcllonry * are Lewis' attorney ' in the cnso. The work of helping the boys of the city has taken a practical tarn , and much good will doubtless bo accomplished. Neglected j and needy boys should register' ' their names at Mr. L. B. Sibloy's office nndor the. Citizens' bank , and the meetIng - Ing of the association is to bo hold Mon day afternoon at 8 o'clock , in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. There was a happy gathering of friends at the residence of J. W. Squires Thura- day evening In honor of Mr. J. H. Chap man , of Woodstock , Vermont , who ia vialting Mr. and Mra. Squires. Mr. Chapman is a fine vocalist , and the must * cal feature of the evening's entertainment was highly enjoyable. Miss Christie added her voice to some enjoyable se lections , and Prof. Hammond favored the company with ono of his excellent readinga. Emma Smith , who hag a house In Yankton , has boon here for a day or two getting some "lady boarders. " She a ourod four here and two 1m Omaha. Among those engaged here was Loua Wright , who has * boon boarding with Kittle Edwards. As she skipped out in the night the Edwards woman a were out a warrant for her arrest on the charge of jumping a board bill. Oflicor O'Brien went after her , caught her In Missouri Valley , and brought her hack. Justice Schurz dismissed the case , and she hurried back to join the pirty. For sale My book and stationery bus- ness yil Broadway. H. E. Seaman- Yearly Itoport of tlio V. M. O. A. As wo compare the work of to-day with that of a year ago wo notice n most inorkj cd uivauoo. A year of constant effort haa caused the change. There have been no booms but steady and saroly wo have tnado our way until wo occupy the position wo now have in this city. The benefits to individual young men will never bo fully known. Socially The elegant parlors are al ways open for any yountr man who de sires to moot his friends "in quiet conver sation or entertain them with games. In this room a young man haa the same rights ho would have in his own homo. Young mon of excellent social qualltlco are always on hand to cordially greet and welcome strangers. At the Tuesday evening literary hundreds have become acquainted with each other and have been made to fool at homo in our midst For mental Improvement the oppor tunities offered are many. First cumes the reading room , with a carefully selected assortment of papers and zincs. Second , chance for development In public speaking , reading and singing , as found in the Literary and social. Third , general knowledge on current events , such as manner of conducting conversations , organization of companies , practical talks , congressional debates , law suits , etc. Fourth , lectures ; two have been given ; ono on "Peculiar People ple , " by John B. Gouph , and ono on ' Sunbeams , " by Prof. F. Starr. Fifth , matter of fact ; this very practical way of searching for bottom facts has just been introduced , but promises to bo the most valuable moans of acquir ing general information wo have got true example. Ono evening the subject , "d'f- forent modes of transportation" was taken up and discussed. The railroad system was found to bo the most com plete , hence a special evening vaa spent in talking of railroads. The cars , value , kinds , coal , freight , baggage , mail , coach , sleeper , etc. , size of trains of each kind 9 trains compared , speed compared , also any additional thoughts that might be suggested in that lino. Physically , our advancement has not been so rapid as it ought. A well equip ped gymnasium Is connected with the association but as yet it has not secured suillclont patronage to allow ns to stamp the word "success" upon it. The spiritual condition of our work ia healthy. Wo regard this branch as our strong hold and there the most of our ef fort and enthusiasm is centered , The gospel service , tha young men's mooting and the young men's bible study are held weekly. There have been occasional conversions , but the most noticeable ad vancement is the development of the spiritual lives of the young mon. In times of epecial interest noonday prayer meetings were held with good results. Financially wo hav" received mtieh sub atautinl encouragement from our busi ness and professional man. This has cjmo in donated sunn varying from $1 to $100 , and for which wo now extend our thanks. Through the kindness of the daily press wo luvo been supplied with free coploj of THE BEE , Nonpanol , Globe and Qorald , and many complimentary notices have boon qlven us. The association has been tbo recipient of many gifts , such as | article ) of furuitare , decorations , maga zines , coal , Wtod , etc. The Sundty school nndor our auspices ' , held near iho Rook Island depothas been ably conduct d by Mr. Wyllo recently assisted by Mr. Boach. The monthly conference between the active members of the Omaha association and onrs has boon held with profit to both for about six months , the inter change of ideas being mutually beneficial. Wo thla year with a more favor able outlook than wo began last and wo en ) working and praying for greater ro- sul s , Membership February 1 , 1881 , was thirty ; number added during year , sixty- six ; deotaicd , two ; present membership , ninety-four. 0,903 persons have attend ed the religious meetings and 3,806 the literary and social. P. J , MoNTaoMEiiv , HAEHV CURTIS , President. Stcrotary. Hordes and Males For Snlo , Two car loads of horeoa , mules and mares just received , for ealo at the stables of Sohlutor & Doloy , Kiels barn , corner Fisth avinuo i nd Foti-th street. Architect Mann , of St , Joseph , ia in the city. city.Jno. Jno. Meti , of Ilivorton , Iowa , was at the 1'aciGo yesterday , Major P. I' . Kelley , of Glenwood , was In the city yesterday. II , K. 1' ate , the Dunlap liveryman , was nt the I'uciGo yeeUrday. T , A Clark , wife and daughter rare re- Utrued from an extended oattern trip. Mr. : George Clark , of Ntw York eceomjiai.ied them ou their return and will probably main In tha weft. TorntrloFB occur mini frequently in tl o afternoon , 4 o'clock bultig called the tor- uado hour. A BA.T TALE , The Sensation About n. 1'oor Olit JjRdy blvItiK Alone , IJcliiR Union l > y lints. A. aanaatlonal utory was atartod yoator- dap that nn old lady named Marie Bar- rlngor , living alone in n little hovel , No. 243 Sixth street , had had her fingers cnton by rnta. The story proves to bo largely Boneational , with but little truth. The old lady , now In her 78th year , in not of very clear mind , and lately ono of her delusions haa boon that a tnimol had boon raado by neighbor * , loading into her Httlo'.houso , for the purpose of nondlng rats ; into it. The pl&co in which she llvca is a little old Imoso , with many cracks for ntorma to bout through , and she haa.not boon BuflbrliiR in many re spects from destitution. Uata and mice infest i the jilnco , but it aoems that aho haa 1 not been BO badly eaten aa the sensational report Indicates. The ends of her fmgora , but that the flesh was ta ken off by rats whllo oho was asleep eoomn not very probnblo. The old lady is very peculiar in itiat-y respects , but Is known tnat doapito her proaont condition she ban been aa finely ( ducatod ns any lady In the city. She ia a thorough French and Gurmnn scholar , has boon able to do moat olcgtnt embroidery and pointing , and haa received a thorough musical training , having boon an espec ially fine performer on the piano. She receives n ennll amount jrom the old country every quarter , and with the ns- aiatanco ' of kind-hearted acquaintances and the county , is given a lidog , though in j many respects it is a vciy sad and lonesome - some j ono , and lacking ininy of the com- i fortu ao needed in old ngn. ADKUNKEN ROW , 1 ( . IB Followed by a Display of Tem per In Court , Kato Herbaria homo Taa the econco of a lively racket Thursday afternoon. Ilor son-iu-Iair William Larno and Thomas Brown scorned to bo largely concerned in it , and an oflicor was scut for. The new ly appointed ono , Kllgoro appeared on the sono , but though a burly built man , ho nooinod uuablo to handle Brown , who was protly full of fighting \vhiikoy , after ono iound , In which Urown IAVBB given a blcody bloir on the head with the police man's club , assistance came , and Brown and Larno vroro brought to the .station. They appeared In the pollco court yea torday morning. Brown pleaded guilty to being drunk and was fined. Larno's wlfo appoard against him , and they had a lively war of words and Interchange of ' abuse and charges' . The display of tam per was such that Judge Aylostrorth con cluded to lot the case go over to after noon , but by that tlmo the woman had cooled down and did not appear in court to testify , so her husband was discharged. About an hour later she appeared on the scene , nnd finding it was too late eho started off in hieh dadgoon to uce aoniu lawyer and corau.onco . over again. STILL MOEE OHAEGES , The Police Force I Catching It AH Around. " Besides the many other charges against the police whioh have been aired up of late is ono to the effect that Captain Hathaway and Oflicor Cuslck were In John Nicholson's ealoon last Saturday night getting a lunch , when a row broke out , and In settling It ono man was knocked stiff , it being fully fifteen min utes before consciousness was restored. It is eaid that the affair was a dlegraceful ono throughout , and yet the officers made no arrests and the matter was not re ported. Ono of the reasons assigned for the Boercsy ia that the police hayo boon in the habit of getting free lunches there , and hence are under obligations to the honao. The pohco com mittee can ioon with more inquiries now. Real Ktttato Transfers. The folloning la a list of real estate transfers filed yesterday In the recorder's office of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , as furnished by A. J. Stophemon , abstrac tor , real estate and loan agent , Council Bluffs , Iowa , January 30 , 1885. Benjamin James to Snmuol L. Me- Cullough ; ej , nej , 1 , 77 , 40-81,000. Henry G. .Fuller to O. D. Dillon ; lots 1 and 5 , block 7 , Underwood ? 00. J. D. Edmundaon to W. B. Cuppy ; part se | , BWJ , 14 , 77 , 39 $25. Total saloa , 81,675. Dr. 0. 0. Hazon.Dontlflt 100 Main St Death ol MrH. I'aco. An event by no means unlocked for occurred about 1 o clock yesterday morn ing , Mrs. Pace , wife of Mr. Harvey Pace , then breathing her last. She had boon married about three years , nnd was in the twenty fifth year of her ago. She had a largo circle of friends aud acquain tances , and was esteemed vary highly | > y all. The funeral is to be hold Sunday at 1 o'elosk from the family residence , No. 710 Mytuter street. The boys who have suffered from the jokes of Pilly , the leader of the Hibern ians are _ now even with him. Ho received a nrat little note in feminine hand , ask ing him to moot the writer nt the depot In Omaha on the arrival of the dummy train , After spending nil of Thursday afternoon and evening watching the trains In vain , ho became dbgusted and re turned ouly to find another note Baying that she had been aick and oould not come , hat would llko to ( meet him at a certain place en upper Broadway , last evening. Ho wont there and had hi ourloeity ra lafiod by finding the miter of the note a dutky maiden with li ht early hair. John Schinlt of Pge & Schmidt , re ceived a telegram yesterday announcing the death of his sister in Ann Arbor , Mich. licniiepln Canal. ALAIIAHA , January 30. Chairman Shoe maker , of the committee on canali , presented < ho nenito resolution in regard to the He' nopln ranaj to the assembly thia morning nd _ i que ! > talit to ba immediately passed , i woj done. DjiiBinlio I'liivatB. S , January 29. Harcoort , homo etc- reUry n Crivf information that dynamiters hrfl tfnt > blow up tha liritish . mu eum. Kitr. . j.rc'-i.utloud have lo > n takeu to protect | 1Ua building , | A full stock of Hens' , Woinens' , Boys' , Misses' and Childrens' . Hew Jersey ARCTIOS , now ready in any quantity to suit purchasers. CHICAGO TERMS and DISCOUNTS every day in the year. We also carry FULL lines of BOOTS and SANDALS of above named goods , includ ing the nicest line of SPECIALTIES for fine retail trade made by ANY company. We have some Felt Boots to close out cheap. Try a case of our COMMON SENSE ARCTIC for MEN , we FULLY recommend them. Write for list on "Lumbermen , " Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St Office , 412 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. OOMMKllOIAIj , OODNOIL BLurra UAUEBT. Wheat No. 1 milling , 65 ; No. 2 , GO ; No. 3 , 60. Corn Now , 25c. Data For local purposes , 23c. Hay $5 00@6 50 per ton ; baled , CO@GO. Rye 35o. Oorn Meal 1 SO per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prlooa at yarda , 6 00 ® 6 60. 60.Goal Goal Delivered , bard , 0 CO per ton ; soft 4 00 per ton Lard Falrbank'a , wholesaling at 9 c , Flour Olty flour , 1 50@2 90. Brooms 2 953 00 per doz. HVH BIOOK. Oattlo Butcher cows S 25@3 75 , Batcher Btoors , 3 7C1 00. Sheep 2 G0@3 00. Hogs 4 00@4 25. rnoDDOE AND rnnua Poultry Live chickens , per doz. 2 25 ; dress ed chickens , Sc ; dressed turkeys , lOcj dress ed ducks , 9c ; dressed Reese , lOo. Butter Oroamcry , 22@25c ; choice country Eggs 22 per dozen. Vegetables Potatoes , 40@DOo per bushel ; onions , ( iOc per bu ; applets , choice cooking or oatincr , 3 00 ; beans , 1 00(2)1 ) 60 per bushel. Cider 32 ( jallon bbl. , 50.50. Oranges 1 25 per box. Lemons 4 0@5 00 ncr box The r.itca at public tolephonoa in Paris are ton cento for five rnlnntoa' convorsn tlon. ASK YOUK GROCER FOR Corn Meal , Graham Hour , Hominy , Ground Fresh Every Day ! Ground Feed Always on Ifnnd. Mill , comer o ! North Sixth and Mill Street ? , COUNCIL , BLUFFS. STEAM JJUNDRY EVERYTHING NEW , All the Latest Improvea Machinery. All Work First Class , Orders by Mail Solicited Express Paid on all Or ders over $2.60. Collars and Guffs 0 Specialty , Established 1882. H. B. BEMER , Manager 111 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Dr. W. H. Shorradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council Blofl * , low * . JTACQH SIMS , COUNCIL BUJF1S , IOWA. Office , Main Street , Room 8 , Shugnrt and Bcco block. Will practice in Siato and Federal courts. Pnctloo In SUte and Fedor&l Oourtt Collection ! promptly attended to. Room 16 , Shugart'a Building , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA lOa. BKATES-Otnts Ua. Zadlw 103 , Admission FIM to Ladlei etch morning nd Tne day nd Thuradiy altcrnooni. UM ot Stutu K oenW. A T. ECHANCK. a C , MARTENS , Froprlotot St , Charles Hotel , O.STllEET.'BET 7th and 8th , LINCOLN , NEB. Mrs. Kate Coakly , PropriotoroeB. ly ami elegantly furnished. Good Bample room ) on first floor. f jarTorms-tl.50 to 82 per day. Special rates given members of the legislature. novlo-l m-mo j. L. DEBEVOISE. in Met No. CO ? Broadway Council Blaffr. Railway Time Table , Corrected to January 7 , 1885. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following re the time , of the arrival and de. parture ol train , by central standard time , at tbe local depoti. Trains leave transfer depot tea min utes earlier and arrive ten minute , later , CniOAOO , lUBLISOrOK AND qOUOT. tUVl. 11EIYI. 6:55 : pra OhlcaroEiprosa B.OOara : M a m Fast Mill. T:00 : p ro P ItitO p m Accommodation. IiOU u m At local depot only. KU9B1A CITT , 8T , JOI AND COUNCIL ILDTf I. 10.05 a m Mall and Eiprcaa , 8:25 : p m 3:15 : pm 1'aolflo KiprcM , 0.65pm COIOAOO , MILWAOEIl AND IT. FAUX. 5:25 : p m Kipreaa , 0:06 : a m 9:25 : m Eipresa , 0:66 : p m OJIICiOO , ROCK IIILAKD AHD riOIflO. tU : p m Atlantic Kipreu , D:05 : a m : rn Bay Eiprea , 9:61 : p m Tito a m 'Dta Uolne , AoootnmodattOD. 8il6 p m At local depot only. WAIAIIJ , ST. uwi , AID rAoino. CIO p m AccommodatOD 9:00 : a m 1:80 : p m Louli Kjprcss B:45 : p m i:60 : p m Chicago Kipreu J0:66 : a m At TraDiferonly OUOAooaod Ho inrunu , C69 p m Kipruu , BM : p m 0ii a m riclBo Kipr M BM : a m ( BOD i cm ADD rAcinc , T10 ; p m Bl. I'aol Expr M , 9:00 : K m WO a m Day Eipreea 7:00 : p m uaios ricino. EX : ) p m Western Esprca , , E:80 a m Hioa m I'aolBo Eipreaa , i(0 : p m UllO a n Lincoln Kiprea , , 1:18 : p m At Truiler only DCKHT TJUDU TOOMiHA. Leive 70-flEtv-3:30-10S : : : : a. m. l 0-ls : O-i : BO-6SWSO-llt6 : : : p. m Bandar 720- ; 0-11 ! 40 a. m. lSC-tSO-tS0-e : : : : a-lirc6 . p , cj , lr > (9 mlnuU , belire llnvlDg time. tin a tr cel i3a1/ BBIITH * TOIiliKU LEADING MKROHANT TAILOU8 T and 9 Mln atroot , Bivrrs , IOWA , A Complete Line of Now Goods to Select From. KIEL SALE STABLES Keep II oreCB and Mnlca conatantly on hand which wo will soil in rotall or carload lota. All Stock Warranted as Reurcsented. \ > lcl i lo mlrcUlliltacrt In Ginln mlliltd \ ll v. Tricot ro * > eonablo Batltfactlon Guaranteed. OHCriTTmSI ? , So BOLE ! ' * : Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UounellBluiTs. HOEENE & LANDSTROM , Winter Goods Ready , Suits Mndo to Order in Lntoat Style on Short Notice niul at Ilenson lp | Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. S05 Mam Street , . . . Council Bluffs. AGENTS WANTED. . Ers , Judd & Smith's Ne\9 Improved Electric Belt. S10 imOAtWAY , COUNCU , J1LUFFS , IOWA ; 725 r.Ut ST. , DALLAS , TKX.VS ; nml KT. WAYNK.IND IT VoslTIVfcLY CUUE8 Kldncv na Mtcr Complaint , IlrlRhtVi Dlscas. . llhotlAfttUm , NourMgU Djspcrel.i , NcrvonsLCM W ntlnij Wuikiirea , I'sraljslp , Spinal .Affections. IndlKMtloii , Hciut l > l o m , Kit * Hciulach , Lame IHck , Oo'u frect , and all illsoanos requiring Incrcnsod mothopouoM. Now fimiro\ixl o fSand J5oM ; Btloi each. GENUINE SLAUGHTER IN TUB THICKS or Cooking and Heating Stoves ! The Bfaeon'telnp far advanced I hav atludtd co todlsposoot m.vsto > cs RfciAnDl.R33 or cost \n treno * to itorlcj thim until next ectioa. Call early M 1 will not bo uiulrtcold l > > nn > uuo. A , J , Mandel. 825 Uroadway. Council liluff ? . SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special vortlsctnonts , euo M Loet , round , To Loan , For Halo , To Rent , Wants , Hoard , log , oto. , will bo Inserted la thla colQmn at tbo Ion rate of TEN CKKTS PER LINK for the first Insertion an * ! FIVE CKKTS FEH LINE for each Bubsoqaent n- ottlon. Leave advertisements at our office , No. Pearl Street , near Broadway WANTS. irvOK SALK ttostanrnnt , confectionery and lee 1 cream business. Ceutrallv located on liroadw y a rare bargain H. L , Williams , 18 X. Main street , Council UlulTj. FOll RENT A farnlihed house cheap to parties without small children nho will board ( our adults. Address "A" Bco office , Council Bluds. Ia. r\7"ANTKD A boy with a pony to carry TUB HUB. r T Cull at DRK ollloo Immediate ! } . FOIt SALK Lands Improved aad unlni ) > ro\ed. If you want a farm In western lena , Knnaia Nebraska or Dakota , let us boir Irctn you. SWAN & WALKKR. FOR SALE Special bargain. A largo two story trap o dwelling , ton rooms with all modern lm < jirovcmcntu. uell located nnd almost new. 1'jico 5X)0 ; ) , 81,000 cash balance long tlmo , WANTED To correspond with any non-rcsldont owner ot property In Council BUHTd or Potta- wattim'o ' county , or any on * uUblog to buyer or gull property In western low a , Kansas or Nebraska. SUAN& W.M.HKK. FOR SAIE A largo number ot business and-resi dence lots In all parts of Council Bluffs. See ua before > ou buy , SWAN & WAI.HRK. FOB KENT Woh vose\eralhou9P9 on our list for rent , vacant now , SWAN & WALKKIU T70H SALK Forties wishing to buy ohrap lots to P build on can buy ou u-onth ly pa > menta of from $2toS10. BWA.V& WJUKKR FOIl IlUNf Wo will rent you a lot to bu Id on with thoprlvllago to buy If jnu wieh on cry liberal term" . SwAN & WANTED To correspond with any nnn wishing a good location f r flanning mill , saeh , door and blind manufactory , wo ba\o building and machinery , well located , for sale , least ) or trade ; SWAN& ALKKII. F IOIl r.KNT'e ; , two ( lory Irnmo Imllillrf ; suit nl > le tor worcliouso or EtorriRo imrpoccs , notr railroad depot. tiw.AN W/I.HFR. ] 7 < 01l UEInX OK SALh ira.iJI t und ground ! ) 1 H ulUI lo for biuall loundiy and machlno ghop Good boileronelnc , cupola , blower with Ilied Bhalt ing oto. , icad y to put iu motion. SWAN WJM.KFB , IpUK SALE UhoIng ! , counters , tablca desks , gas ' fix turns etc. Enquire ol II. r. . .Seaman , paper books aud stationer311 Broadway. SALK Tttohoisos. tinitlo liugnry , nnd nliilo ) liarucsH. C. II , llokcrtson toi Droadmy. WANTED Ajrentj in oicry county In vveatira lena tOBtll tbe "Cliamplou Boeom Stretcher and Ironing IJonrd" , K\cry lady pronounces it on eight to bo Just what slid \\ant-i , flthcr ( or lioiecll 01 lilrci * help , lllj ; Inducements too t'iits ItiUila Address C. U. S. and I Heard , liao OfLco Council llluDii , Iowa. i < OK SALK Huusts , I.ota and Laud. A. J. ' f'teploTon , 6C3 l-irst ateimo. 1 rvua bAl.K A toii.itiKy | ( , flrntlim . inaku and J ? In ex client condition Or will tr do lor cho i > iOt. AdilrcnB r. M Llaixillke , Council COAL AMI * V OOU-OeuiKU lluaton , 02S liru.d. way. Bolls coal ( .nd wood at reasonable prices Kl\08 2,000 Us. lor a ton , and 128 cublo for a cord , Try him. WAMTKJU hvery uouyiu Council DIuIIu to [ tut TuuBai , Dollvered by carrier it only twcnt } oenta week. OLD 1'APKUS For eale at Jlii office , > t 26 oenlt hundred SchmittBarb -TIIE- Ilaio reiDoicd from under the Opera House to | NO. 402 BROADWAY , Tliey will continue their CIOAH AND TOBACCO busineflu , and invite all their old friends and the pub llo to call and tee them. The Uncut clgara and to lucconlnajsonliand , ORDEU YOUJt Cob , Goal g Wood OF 33 ra . , O. addrim , Txick IloK 1I83 , Council llluffd.1 . SOHURZ , II Wee or the Peace In orncK OVKH AHEUIOAV KXPHCSS nOTJNHIL BLPPKa _ R , Bice M , D. or othi tauon romoied without thi ij kali * or tlr wlu cl blMd. CHRONIC DISEASES0' ' * " " " * . " Over tblrt/Jbir * t < ractlol ip rUM ( UlM > , Pearl itreef , Council Bluff ! . < jrCoiiiult Slcn lrt . TOO , . ornoxM tr , u. M , rein OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. ltld on Ooaodl Elaffi , . . . Ui > Established - - 1856 * D al r , In foreign mil poacttl * Srs , HJ , EillDnJ D , , PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON , 2 ! lM ! > UiOiAwiy , CcuiioU Bluffi. JOHN FOX , Deputy Sheriff and Ceneial Collection Agent , OITIco with N. Schurz , Justice ot the Peace , Cctmcll Bluffs , Iowa. TIIK BKST KOUTE AND 3LI3STE3 Omaha Council Bluffs and Chicago. The only line 1o take for Dts itolnon , ursball > town , Cellar llapids , Clinton , Dlilo , Chicago , Mil waukee and all points cant. To the people of No- bra ka , Colorado , Wjomlng , Utah , Idaho , Notmla , Oregon , Washington and California It olloru superior advantages not poaplblo by any other line. Among a few of the nuincrous points of superior ity cnjo > cd by the patrons ol thla road between Omaha and Chtcago , are Us two trains a day of DAY COACI1KS which are tuoflnost that human ait and create Its 1'ALA.CE SLUUl'lNO ingenuity ( an ; OAU3 which uro models of comfort and elegance ; IU 1'AIU LOIl WIAWINO ROOM > AH8. unsuriia scd by any ; and its widely celebrated 1'ALA.TML DIN I NO C'AIUJ the tqual of whli h cannot be fourd cl 3 hcr . At Council BlulTit the trains of the Union Ptclfla II } . connect In Union Ucrotwlth the o of tlio Cnlra- RO &N rtli C3toin ley In Chleago tbe trams of this line make close conni-ctlou with these of all eastern Unfa. For Detroit , Columbus , Imllnnapo'Is , Cincinnati , NUgara Kails , Buffalo , liltsburg , Toronto , Montreal liOBton , New York , PhlladelgihU , Ililihmru , Wash- ngtonand all points In tliu i : st , ask tbo ticket agent for tickets \ la the "NOUTH WiaTER" , If jouwUh the licet occommodatioas I All tlckot , atents eell tickets \ la thld lino. M. IIUOUITT. It.I. . HAIR , General Manager. flo . PASS. Agent. CIIICMOO. RAILV AY. CHICAGO , fcStPlffll The SHORT LINE. Ancl BBST HOUTE. FROM OMAHA 'IO THE EAST. TWO T1IAIKS I1AII.Y HI'.TWKKN OMAHA AND Aiul all other Important pnlnli ICnnt , Norlli- caiit mid HuiitLoaut. Ticket olflco at 1(01 FArnam flout ( In Paiton llo- tel ) , an < l at U Ion I'acillo Dupit. 1'oi.t.utN HLKKI KIUI and tbu KIIBST DIXIVO GARIIN TIIK WoRi.naiu rii on the main lines ol the Chicago BuilwaukOO &St. Paul H'x and o ery aitcntloa If pi/Id to piuiacii'i.r4 | by courtto a cmpfojoiof tha nuinpany H. H MKKHILL , A. V. II. CAHI'KNTEIt , Cciurulilanagcr , ( Jun'l PasKoigrr Agent. U , MIL. Kit. OhO. V. IlKM' OKI ) , Aes't Ocn I Manager. As > , t Oon'l l'a j Agent. J , T. CLAItK , Qrii'I Hu crln'ondeiit. ' DAVIB AHNVDKII. ) DKALEIt.S J.I OMAHA. Hate for fa'o ton.cOO acre , on fully ulrctot land , ) intern Kel/raaVa , at Invr piico mil on i any turins Impru\ed farn v formu Iu DinIan , licxf u , Colfat , Plat u , Hurt , Cunili-i ; n > ri > y , Waihlngton , Morrlck , tiaundcra , u'l littler cnuuitv. , TaifB pa il Iti all pirtx of the utato. Money lo ed on improved ariun. Notary I'ubllo always ir. olllco. Coireijiondenoo Bollclted. VEMICLEit t rldlm VclilcItTraaf * . < M eajy RWltU ouop n a , with two . > - * - / Th. hpri " . > Ddiburtcd acrordloi lo lhnvxililillli < y tarry. Kqually well dited | to ruuti uiumtij oad , aidflncdrlTMorclllr * . M nufnclur < Bl Oldliy tllli le dlu ( ( ' rrUillullilrr > ui > l Urv r § . llrnry Tlmtn > t . l' i U . MU ( ! ,