Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1885, Image 2

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, cornhlulnp Iron with F :
ti'itrthii vinlri. niiiphly fcnrt
t'nrr ! > > | > up < < ln , itii'lKi' t
/id Nnmilulii.
\lit nn tinfiilllnr rc-nctly for Ri cMCJ of tM
llilncj'i nnil l.ltrr.
It i * inrnlimblo for Imc M pccullii to
f i'tusn , luul nil who Icntlspilcnlnryllin
luftcji not Injure the teeth , < w.seheadnrtr
y r liii crimination ol/iT Irrm mc-i tcine * J
piiriclipsntiilittrlflc > thol > ! ooi > tlmu o'it
t ! < npti"tlto. Mils the * s lmllRllrin of fiKvl r-
, < -rc > < llentUnirii nnd llviclitng , and xtiv > .1
> , , Un > muscljs mnl rifrvet Intermittent revw , . AwltivJo , lA"r .
< , . rvTJ , A.V. , U hfim tin ( -qll'il. '
IF til' The onnlrir ) j.-.3at notra'l t3trV ( AI
' . . ' " ) lints DL wrapper , 'i.ikcti r.n -
tonDnilspnteilatlB BROflD DLAIft ,
SCver offered to tlio oubLIc ,
IMBUE ! } -Ufflffljll
Dir/ecb / Line for England , Franco
and Germany.
Tlio steamships of this wo'l known line are built
of Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are fur-
ntahotl with every requisite- make tbo panaigo
licth sufo aid ftfircoablo. They carry the United
Btitos and European malls , and Ica\o New YorK
Thu d ysond Satttrda58 for 1'lrmouth ( LONDOK )
Cbcrboujr , ( PAKIi ) and IIAMDUI1O.
Kntos : Steoraso frnm Hamburg 3M , to Ilambur ?
814 ; round Irlp Si8 First Cabin , 855 , 05 ana S7S.
Henry Pundt Mark Hanson , F. K. Jfoores.M.
Toft , agtuts In Omaha , Oronewci ; & S.hnontgoa ,
ngcnt" In Council Blurti. C. B. liICIIARD & HO ,
Oen. FAFS. Agta , 01 Brr d\vay , N. Y. Cli&s. Koz-
sulnakl & OOonotal Western /gont ) , 170 Wasn-
Ing St. . Chicago , 111.
EMUii BEE. Avlctlm of youthful Imprudence
c uslnK Wmaturo Decay , Nerrous Debility , Lout
Aianbooo , . , navini ; tried in vain every Known
VIGOR Tor U n. qaioc , mr > , nn. Uoot trM.
drills AoBcr. 160 Ftrloti ti L. N w York.
oaraatood gnocdna for IlysterU , Ditilnoju , Oonvnl-
MOQ * , Fits , Nervous NonialgU , Beadacho , Norrotu
Pioitratlon oaueodby the use of aloohol or tobbacoo ,
WftktfnlneM , Uental doprcsalon. Softening of the
brain , resulting In Insanity nd toaplne to mliery.
decay and death , Premature. Old ago , Baronen , loss
cfpower la either asz , Involuntary LOMOS and Bper-
y a tor bora caused by overozertlontot the brain , golf-
boM or over Indulgence. Each box , contains one
month's treatment. Jl.00 a boi.or six bottlei or
11.04 , lent by mall prepaid on receipt of prlca.
lo care any caao With each order reoelvtd by na a
lot tlr bottica , acoompllahid with 86.00 , wo will tend
he purchaser our written guarantee to refund the
money If the treatment do a not effect a oure. Qnar- '
nieea laaaod only by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. ,
y..J li35 S lladlaon St. , Chicago , HI.
* * u
x > &
y - . JMftCliartercdbythcStateonm.
rV ' rt jgftt.L nois for theerprcaspurpose
vSju.-tv-icKS WtRjofElvInGltnmcdiate rclletIC
* < ; ? * ' 0 < ! : S < ull chronic , urinary ana prl-
f f V l -tS-atc ? disease * , "onwhcra ,
* * jV X\T'1 : < MQl tnnd&yPl"lisln all their
* : A- . , iWC'Sr cpinpllcttcrt forrnn , nlso all of
of tha Skln Bnd
permanenttycurcd by reme <
Siicclnil'ractlce. Seminal
-ficiu Losst. . by Dreams , Pimples on
.r.Lost ManhoodIoJ/flt't < j/nirc < lir'Acri >
dr > ii > <'/ appropriate rc.r.cdy
c'jotoncc med In each cue. Consultntiotis , per-
< nn.ll or b/ Idler , sacredly confidently. Med.
icnc3 ! nent bv Mall nnd Kxprcsa. No raarkii oa
jncxoifr ! to indicate contenu or sender. Addren
Bcrral. Havana LottervL
Drawn at Havana. Cuba , Every 12
to 14 Days ,
ICKKT.S r.00 , HALVES , (1.00.
D Subject to no matlpulatton , not Controlled by the
putle * In Interest. It Is tbo fairest thing In the
oaturu of chanro In ezUtence.
For in orniatlon and pirtlacltrt apply to SIII8ICY
&OO.Oeieral Agents , 212 BroadwayN.Y city ,
MOLL & CO. , 417 Walnut a treet , St. Louis. , Mo. ,
Frank Lahrino , L. D. , 20 Wyandotte , Kau.
y ei-tr&o & w
\ C 4. ) OruK > Uf aajlU.llArJr ij"
Details of tUc Bill to Rtiimiiale Ihc
kticnllnral College ,
Tno Location to bo Given to tlio
CHt IJItlilt-r A. Divorce From
the University.
Correspondence of tbo DEE.
Nob. , January 27. The bill
recently Introduced in the legislature
provides for n separation of the ngricul -
( ural college from the university. The
object la to make something out of it
worthy of the name and inako it o-ccoav
pllsh to eomo extent what It was do *
( signed for.
The name of the college is to bo the
college of agriculture and mechanic arts ,
It is to ba governed by a board cf six
trustees appointed by the governor and
confirmed by the senate. Ono half ol
the timteea nro to bo actual farmers.
There la to bo a 'part of the farm eot
apart for an experimental station. All
the operations of the farm are ( o bo con
ducted In an experimental manner.
All operations oto lo bo reported quar
terly to the BCC'oUry who is to keep all
ropoitsln such a rnanncrthat by reference
to any field or orchard a complete history
of it may bo obtained in icgml to propai-
ation of soil , manuoritg , culture , yieldor
any ether points that may to of import
ance in an oxpctimen'al ' way , It is [ pro
posed to rcnko agriculture , stock raising ,
daltylng , orcharding and nursery opoi.i
tlcg n ipoclality in such a way that tlio
otuccnts may learn wbat ia downed they
should learn from such a scboil and farm.
They ere to bo taught to cor.o : oxtail
wco.i and iron work. It is expected tba
no student will go through tbo collrga
who cannot sharpen and use the various
klndacf saws and phrosso ns to pp.r
form all work that may bo required on the
farm in a workmnn-liko manner.
Veterinary science is to bo provided also.
The fact that it is a college is not lost
sight of. A liberal course in English
mathematics and cspccia ly those sciences
relating to agriculture arc iiiailo a speci
alty , such as bo'any , meteorology , ento
mology , agriculture , chemisty ) , anatomy ,
and physiology of animals and plants ,
na'ural philosophy and mechanics Tlio
fact tint the graduates are to become
good citizen" , moral and political science
ate to bo provided for. In short it is to
provide such an education as many classic
al men have learned by sad experience is
the most valuable part of their education.
The bill provides that the expfrhuen's
on the college farm shall bo well reported
and circulated for the benefit of the state.
It is to bo t'to ' psoplo'a college to work
among and for the people , not above
The great reason for separating it from
the university is because It Is doing but
Uttlo good. Nor have wo any reason to
think or believe that it will accomplish
what it should s > loog as it is connected
with the university. Thera is not a sin-
; lo example of success in the United
Hates whira the two are combined.
Take , for example , some of the best ones ,
as New York , Ohio , Wisconsin , Missouri ,
Minnesota and California. la their cata-
ouo for 1883 the entire six report forty
students in agriculture , whllo Michigan
alone , which ia separate from tbo univer-
tity , has more than five times that num-
aor , whllo ita population is only onn-
oightof the six statts mimtioncd. Or
compsra with Kansas , which ia also sop-
irate , wo find this young state with seven
itnes the six states mentioned , wbilo her
) opulation is only one-thirteenth.
The agricultural colleges on a seper-
ate bas's are the only ones that nr j suc
Tbo universities of the United States
lave boon experimenting from ten to
twenty years with the agricultural college
and have failed almost utteily to accom
plish the end designed by such schools.
[ t would seem that experimenting the
above leng h of time is sufficient to cause
change uf base. In tbo langtugo of
another the best fiihorman is the man
that citchcn the most ( lib , so the best
agricultural college is the cno that pro
duces the moat farmers. The colleges
soporato from universities are the ones
that do work of a kind and quantity that
unounta to aomothiog , such at
Michigan , Kinsas and jvlasenchusetta.
The bill ptovldes that the stale shil
idvance for buildings $50,000 , to be re-
mburecd in pert by thu aulo of the pres
ent college farm , also that any county or
coutitus jointly tn y bid for the location
the college wlthm its border upon thu
ollowlng conditions : To dciiato to the
college not loss thin 040 acres of laud and
not less than § 25,000 in cash. The
xnrd of trustees reserving the rifcht to
refcss acy orall bids for good aud sufli-
iUm reasons. This gives an oppoitunity
or sums county towards the inferior of
ho ettto to get a first class collage , eco
.hat will soon have an endowment of over
$000,000 from the Bale of Imd which
fill prtdupa an income of $30,000 and
he ntato ia bound by the terms of the
grant to make good the endowment if
any of it should bo lost.
The first of October , 1885 , la the limit
time given to receive bids for locating
.ho college. The bill provides that suffi
cient buildings bo erected and professors
and employes engaged ( o open the school
n April , 1885.
Inasmuch as thcra IB eomo difference o
opinion in regard to this question wo
quote from speeches delivered by Mr.
Merrill who Introduced the bill. First ,
From h's ' speech in congressional Globe ,
35 h congri ft , first session , page 1092 :
" \Ve exert our power acd expend millIons -
Ions lo protect and promote commerce
through light houses , coast sumys , im
provement of Imbors , and through our
navy and naval academy. Our military
"crown jewels" are manufactured at
West Point on government to jount. Wo
make immense grants of hnd to railways
to cpan tow fields of internal tndo , Wo
secure to literary labor the protection of
copyright. We encourage the growth
and discipline of hatdy seamen by eking
out their scanty rewards thronf h govern
mental bound s , We Bfcaru to ingenious
mechanics high profits by our system of
patent rights. Wo make munificent
grants to scuro poneral education in all
the mw states. But all direct incnnr-
atonent lo agriculture has been rigidly
withheld. "
lie goes at eomo length in pointing out
the rapid deterioration of our American
aci' ' , and that the tlmo will soon eomo
whim science will have to aid as it has
dor e in Earopo to bring our eolN to a
tnnximum of productiveness. Ho rajs ;
'Jhera is 1 ttle doubt but that threr-
fui' In of the arub'.o laud of our whole
couuti y Is more or lesa snbjectjd to thla
process of nxhoiutlcn. It has been esti
mated by Dr. L9 , of Gsorti1 , that tha
annual income tf the soil of not leta than
100,000,000 of acroi of land in the Unit
ed States la diminished at the rate of ten
cents per acre. This would amount to
$10,000,000 and involve the lost ) of tap !
tal of SIGG.GGG.GGG annually.
"Agriculture undoubtedly doraactU
our first cnte , because its products , in
the g eg&te , are not only of greater
value than thoeo of any other brnuch of
lndu t.y , but greater than all the others
together , and hecausa It ia tiot merely
conducive to the health of society , the
health of trade end of commerce , but es
sential to their very existence. But
whllo it Is the most useful and earliest
of arts , so sluggish have been its advance !
that wo are jet experimenting upon
problems which were mooted points two
thousand years ago. Surely an interest
so superior and of such vital consequence ,
ought not to bo loft to lingering routine ,
but the aid of science should bo Invoked
to accelerate its pace , until It can If cop
atop with that of other induatrlal pur
suits of rrmuklnd.
"Wo have schools to tench the art of
manalaying and to make masters of
'deep throated engines' of war ; and
shall wo not have achoola to teach men
the May to feed , clolho and enlighten tha
great brotherhood of man ? It Is just on
the part of statesmen and legislators , just
on the part of the loarntd professions ,
that they should aid to elevate the clasi
upon whom they loan for ( support , nud
upon whom they depend for their aud
ience. There is no clashing of interests.
I Us not designed to make every man hla
own doctor , or every man his own lawyer ,
but to make every man understand hla
own business. A lawyer la not the worao
for having an intelligent client , nor a
clergyman the worse iVr having a pros
perous parishioner. Our present literary
colleges need have no more joalouty of
agricultural colligca than n porcelain
manufactory nrouid have _ of an iren
foundry. They move in soporato
spheres , without competition , and using
no law material tnat will diminish the
urply ° f on ° ° r the other.
"flic farmer and the mechanic require
special schools and app'optiato litciaturo
quito as much ns any one of the so-called
learned professions. The practical science
a'o nowhere else called into such repeated
and constant requis tion. Would it bo
sound policy for ono who expected to ex
pound Blackstone to limit his reading tea
a muck manual or to agricultural chem
istry ? If it would not , how are wo to ex
pect ono to solve all the scientific relations
of earth , and waterand vegetable and ani
mal life who has only explored reading ,
writing and arithmetic.
"SVo need to test the natural capabili
ties of the soils and the power of different
fertilizers ; the relative value of different
grasses for flesh , fat and milk giving pur
poses , the comparativcvaluo | of grain , roots
and lny for wintering stock ; the value of
a bushel of co.n , oats , peas , carrots ,
potatoes or turnips in pounds of beef ,
pork , or mutton ; deep plowing as well as
drainage ; the vitality and deterioration
of seeds ; breeds of animals ; remedies for
the potato disease and for all tribes of
insects destructive to cotton , wheat and
fruit crops. Those and many more are
questions of scientific Interest oven be-
jond their economical importance in the
researches of the agriculturist.
"It is plainly an indication that educa
tion ia taking a stop in advance when
public sentiment begins to demand that
the faculties of young men shall bo
trained with eomo rc-ferauce to the voca
tion to which they are to bo devoted
through life. It is clear that Intellectual
discipline can be obtained under more
than ono rxode , and , if the primary edu
cation sought for this purpose can bo
afterwards bo applied to practical uao in
the destined occupation , it is a point
clearly gained' "
In the closing of his speech ho says
"Pass this measure and we shall have
done ;
SointtMng to enable the farmer to
ratio blades of grass Instead of ono.
Something for every owner of land ;
Something for all who desire to own
land ;
Something for cheap scientific educa
tion ;
Something for every man who loves
intelligence and not ignorance ;
Something to induce the farmers' sons
and daughters to settle and cluster
around tbo old homestead ;
Something t } remove the last vestige
of pauperism from the land ;
Something for peace , good order , and
; ho better support of Ohiistlan churches
and common schools.
Sjma to enable sterile railroads to pay
Sirnothng to enable the people to
) car the unorrnous expenditures of the
n&tiacal government.
ijomothmg lo check ( ha passion of in-
ciiidnals aud of the nation for indefinite
: oriitorial expansion and ultimate de
Something to prevent tha dlspcrs'on
of our popu'ation ' aud to concentrate it
around the best lands tf our country
ilec's hallowed by church ep via nnd mol-
owtd by all the Influences of time
where tha consumer will be placed at the
dcor of the producer , and thereby some
thing to obtain higher prices for all agri
cultural productions.
Something to increase the loveliness of
.ho American landscape. Scientific cnl-
, uro ia the sure precursor of order and
bounty. '
"Ino persuativo arguments of prece
dents ; the example of our worthiest
rivals In Europe ; the rejuvenation of
warrant lands which bring forth taxes
only ; the petitions of farmers every
where y Gaining for a more excellent way ;
tfulamhropby supported by our own
Highest interests all those considera
tions impel us once to do something for
agriculture worthy of ita national Impor
TFvory Woman Knows Them ,
The human body is much like a good
clock or watch in i s movements ; if ono
joes too slow or too fast , so follow all the
Dtho s , and bad time results ; if one organ
or set of organs works imperfectly , perver
sion of funct onal effort of all the organs
is sure to follow. Bcnca it is that the nu
merous ailments which make woman s life
miso'ablo ate the di cct issue of the ab
normal action of the uterine system. For
a 1 tlio numerous class ef symptoms and
ovoiy woman knows them there is one
unfailing remedy. Dr. Pirrco's "Favoiito
Prescription , " the favorite of the BOX.
Tlio A'ulunor a Ton iiJ Gold.
Mechanical Engineer : Ono ton (2,000 (
pounds nv inlupois ) of pold or silver
toutalna 29 1G3 troy ouncon , and , Ultra-
fnre , tbn valuu of a ton of pure gold is
SG02.70921 , and a ton f silver § 37-
A cub'c foot of pure gold welplu 1-
21875 pounds avoirdupoir , annblofoot
of pure silver weigba 055.25 pounda
Onu million dollars aold coin weighs
3 G85.8 pounda avoirdupois ; $1,000,000
silver coin weighs 58,029.0 pounds avoir
dnpois ,
ABInzo ut Hlpnii.
nii-ON , W"otn in , January 29. The Ripoa
natlui ( l bank ruUdincr , two adjoining stores
and gevernl ollic-j burneit Utt n'ght ' ,
§ 18,002 ; lcsuau. two thirds ,
ANODE ( be Mammoth Rancues of lip
Lone star Slato.
Wbera Wealth la Conntcil by Millions
ot Horns on the 1'UliiB.
Af cr wr'ting my last letter from Colombo
mbo City , Tex. , writes n coirespondent
from Denver , Col. , to the Louisville
Comier-Jcunial , 1 did not contemplate n
further tax upon your columns. But it so
lnpponcd that a kind invitation and good
company tempted mo to take the over
land route to Dodge City , en route to
"You will pass by some of the largcsl
ca'tlo ' ranches in the world before } oil get
into the Indian territory , " a friend n.
On the 20th of December , with n airf
sky and a cool , bracing air , wo rode out
of Colorado City. Passing by properties
mentioned in former letters , wo concluded
to stop at Goodnight ranch , whcro Mr.
Roboit Beatty. familiarly know * as Bob
ths rosy , genial son of Col. Bcatty , capi
talist nml erstwhile-big politician of San
Francisco had ill charge some 8OCO head
of sheep. Ho is the modern mirvol and
natural , hospitable , typical plainsman ,
is Bob whom everybody likes. Our re
ception wai unaffected nnd heattv.
The Goodnight ranch Is principally
owned by an Irish capitalist nnmoJ
James G. Adair. Mr. Goodnight la the
resident manager and partner of this
great estate , which cm year ego repre
sented In value § 0,000,0001 Prompt re
joctlon was made of an offer of § 4,000 ,
000. This properly is the result of n
investment : of § 350,000 , made in 1870-
77. It embraces a million of acres a
big Goinwri principality or a small em-
plro in oxtont. Over this \st range
100,000 head of cattle ore roaming.
Fully 25 per cent of the estimated value
hes bean returned to the owners in divi
dends within seven year * . Tha ranch
covora the counties of Randall , Arm
strong and Donley. Several months opo
Mr. Goodnight aold to aa English capi
talist a property known as the _ ' \Kittio
Quay ranch" for a round million ol
American dollars. The ranch waa organ
ized in 1879 with Mrs. Goodnlght'a pin
money , and represented in cash § 125-
000. Mrs. G. had R liberal allowance , it
may bo Inferred. Any nay , the vast Bums
are bonildoring.
The ride throush familiar country dis
covered larger and smaller ca'tlo plants
which are BO often the properly of foreign
capitalist , whose agents s arin through
Texas with plenty of lo'suio and money
at their backs. Part of ono day was spent
at the rineh of the Francklyn Land and
Cattle company I was aux'oas to see Mr.
Bon Groom and sen , the manage rj , who
woroao lorg identified with the breeding
of thoroughbred cattle In Kentucky , but
they were absent. This great ranch cover }
tbo territory of a European kingdom. It
enbracoa the counties of Hutchias , Rob
ert. Oiwon * nd Grsy , In Texas , and ex
tends into New Mesiso , The va t terri
tory of thirty-air hundred equate milts u
surrounded with -wire fence.
The ranch represents an actual cash
investment of § 1,950.0CO , with a s'.cclt
cjpitalizitlon of § 3.000,000. It is the
model ranch of Texas. Every depart
ment shows system and a high order of
executive ability. The splendid business
habits and training of the Grooms have
served to recoup their fortunes. Wind
mills are whirling their huge arms in
every direction and wells and huge tanks
furnish and kpep an ample supply of wa
ter for man and beast in the dry season.
Bering artesian wells ii only one feature
of enterprise viaiblo and the corap'oto
BUCCOBB which has crowned this work Ins
alarmed some of tha native Texana , who
are anxiously awaiting tha time whe-n
these walla will tlaod the whole country.
Tno people In charge of the ranch wore
courteous , but very loticont , and evi
dently regarded our party as on the hunt
for property.
' There ia no atock , ro interest in thla
company for sale at eny price , " volun
teered one shrewd young man ,
I learned , indirectly , however , h t the
Franckljn company was u Now York or
ganization , and had yielded in oiah ti ita
projectors § 480,000 , and now hod rncra
land and cutlo than when it was first or
ganized. The b g things in Texas saom
to bo controlled by New Yorkers and
foreigner * .
Wnen the traveler strikes the boundary
line of Texis and Indian territory ha
need cot bo told of the fact. The Im
aginary line is the invliible skirt be-
tweoa modern civilization and aami'Bav-
agery. Cultivation , farms , cattle , houses
all the evidences of modern progress
stop short on the wild waitoa where the
lazy Indiana roam and oxtralto full cou-
tiot over cocao of the grandest territory :
on this continent. No wonder Captain :
Payne and his wandering colonist's fought
for homesteads In this Eden.
The trails let ding through the Indian
territory from Texaa to Kaoaos , ovflr
which herds of cuttlo are driven to north
ern grass end market , uro haunted wlin :
the eoveral robbir trlboj of Indians , who , u
in their security frcm interfere ncu , pluu tid
dor the cattlemen at thoirownawoot will.
'Ilio chief of tbo tiibe near the Texas boi- >
dor generally ridta up with two or three
score of dirty rarrlors as a herd crosses
the line aud boldly demand ] as his toll
"woh-how , " This is their term for cat-
t'o. ' They owly caught the familiar call
of the ox-drivor "whoa haw" and adop '
ted it. ' It is very exprersive. It meat s
that they want tbo p'ck of the
Fet steers tometimes as many cs 8 or 10
per cent of the drove. The owners are :
Bompollod to submit to the robbery. A }
refusal would It ad to a greater loss.
It fs h'gh ' time that westira congress-
men ahould "let np" on polltica and leg
islate on this aubjuct. The Indiana are
more exastine la their territory tlma the
chiefs in mlddlu Africa. It ia only when
United States troops happen to bo in a
oumpnny with tbo cattlemen the doughty
redakina rafrain frein exacting their vll-
liinous tribute.
Three days of fair riding oirries ono
over the rail of thu territory into
Kansas , a vast expanse of fertile grsz ng
ground viitmlly locked up for the rd-
anmod hem tic ot these druukou * thiovicg
tribe * of Indiana.
\v e struck the railroad at Doduo Oily ,
a thriving , bustlltg phcu. It is thu
great dUtrilii'.ing pulnt for tbo north
west , foedinn-prounda , and marketer /
the driving herds of the Texts plains.
Hero one haara cattle tnlkwd of night tnd
day. In euch a large , confounding way aa
to figures , valuta , ot : . , that a skeptic
wonaora if the tribe of Co ! . Mulbary
Sellcn has not rnamlonaly increased
ainci John lUyraond immortal swd the
herd of the family. Here , t o , are the
obiqnltona ogenta cf capitalists and land
proupeotors. Shrewd , curious , bold , and
undistinguished in turn , they fmd no
difficulty lu iiroourlnp ; iuforraatlon , m k.
log propoihlomi , and at curing proper
ties.Tho aamn bewildering talk about rattle (
and va'-ueo Jif > sfl lu your earo tn U
the train to Denver , where yan got
llttlo change , in that the conversation
widens to mines and mining proper
I tin justified in believing , from wha <
I have ssen and learned , that the profits
from the cittlo and Inud business iii
Texts and other eccllons nro ao largo , am'
made ] ia such a brief atmco of years , that
the turplua capital of Europe will , withir
tui years , bo draining into thla oouut < y
In I such grcco'y volnmo that the value of
land and cattle the ranch organizations
will be Increased five-fold.
In my old Kentucky hcmo I know c
many iiiduatrloup , careful men who have
had their capital employed in tobacco
whisky and fancy atock for fifteen yonw ,
who are but lltllo bettor off now ttaa
when they commenced , and some much
woran. Half the energy ana capital In
vested in cattlo-ralointr , would have made
them millionaires. Kentucky , as n state ,
i well represented , however , in Texas ,
No r Mexico , Kansas and the northwest.
Such cntorprialng men oa Oantrlll , F/'n- /
nell , Payne , Walker , Thompson , Burgosa ,
Brockinririgi ) . the Tilfords , Johnson , Mo
Farran , Monifoo , Brotrakor , Br dy , Lonj ,
and others whoso names 1 don't recall hi
present , scattered all over the state , have
shown their wisdom in planting tholi
surplus capital in an interest which wit !
yield them the moat magnificent lo turns
within a few years.
Fortunate are tno men who are already
phced in this great Interest. The wcni
will Bupp'y ' the old world with meal
within ton years. There ate grana and
water in plenty , and the world is the
open market. Who can doubt the result'
"Wollh ! "
That ia what the old Saxons called it.
They meant what wo call wealth. Hugged -
god and aturdy old follows were they.
Wo are hardly up to their otnndnrd for
wealth , because our style of living his
introduced many unwholesome habitus
But wo can rutlnt , the debilitating effects
of our manner cf living by taking Brown ,
Iron Bitters. Itcon qucrs indigestion
regulates the bonrols , cures weakness ,
malaria , oto.
VSlry a Dnrlccy Olmngod II lu Mlntl.
Detroit Frco 1'rets.
Ho looked all around to BOO if anybody
was within hearing , and then dropped hla
volco to a wniapor and said :
"Boss , I rock OQ you klu tin ; mo a lootlq
informaahuu. What does a pnsson do
\vhpn tie elopes ? "
"Why , an elopement is when a man
and woman or boy and girl run away to
gothor. "
"Whar1 do dey go to ? "
"Oh , anywhere they decide upon. "
"Who pays do expenses ? "
"Tho man , of course. "
I 'How long am dey gent ? '
"Sometime ] a week sjmotimcs fcr-
"Who pays do expenses back ? "
"Tho man. "
"What becomes of do woman's hua
band ? "
"Well , ho generally arma hlmaelf with
a ebotguu , and if ho overhauls the couple
ho shoot * seven kinds of daylight through
the man and forgives his wife and takes
her homo. "
"Fo1 deLawdl Shoots right at ye11
"Fills ye right full o' shot ? "
"Yes "
"Doau" gin yer no time to run or re'
pent , an * can't bo bought on wid a aivor
watr h an' § 2 ? "
"No. "
"Now "
! Sayl"
' Well. " .
"I isn't Rwlno ! I'za dun changed my
"Good day. "
A euro cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching and
Ulcerated Piles haa been discovered by Dr.
Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr ,
William's Indian Pila Ointment. A single
box haa cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or
30 years standing. No one need suffer five
ml nut oa after applying thla wonderful sooth
ing medicine. Lotions , instruments and eloo
tuorloa do more harm than good. William's
Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the turners , al
lays the Intense itching , ( particularly at night
after petting warm in bed , ) acts as a poultice ,
gives instant relief , and is prepared only for
Piles , itching of the private parts , and fer
nothlno else.
Road what the Hon. J. M. Cpffinb&nry. of
Cleveland , says about Dr. William's Indian
Pile Oointment : "I have used scores of Pile
Cures , and it affords mo pleasure to say that I
have never found anything which gave such
Immediate and permanent relief as Dr , Wil
liam's Indian Ointment. For sale by all drug
gists and mailed on receipt of price. 50o and
31. Sold at retail by Kuhn & Co.
Wholesale Agent.
Wall Street New * .
"Sumuol , " she said , aa she suddenly
looked up from her knitting , "what IB
hia 'uro railroad war I see referred to ia
ho papers ? "
"They've bin onttiu' down rates , Han-
ner , " ho replied.
"What for ? "
"Why , It's just this : S'posen there
were four of na farmers a haiilin1 gravel
rom Liverpool to Bungtown for no much
load , and half of us lyiri' idle lulf the
tirno for wont of Inadin * . I cot tbo price
dijwn five ct n's ' a load , an' thu gravel bo-
ina to fly. Noybur Smith ho cuts five
> ale r me , and Johnson g < oj below him ,
and Thorapkms Ritj rfcht duwntohanlin'
iir nothin * an * farnlehln * hla own axlo-
jroato It cornea my turn fur a drop , an'
what do I do but of Fur to haul gravel
from Liverpool fur nothin1 an * load atone
'rom Lun ) < ; town on the tame time.
"But jou wou'dn'tmako ' anything. "
"Ex ctly , Hannor exactly. All I
ould hope t'ur would be the benefits of
log exerclao. All the railaoada unlco out
' this ia to keep their aide tracka clear
fur ahuep paaturo. "
Is a very prevalent and exceedingly dis
agreeable disease , liable , if neglected , to
develop into serious consumption. Being
constitutional disease , it requires u
constitutional remedy like Hood's Snrsa-
pat ilia , which , acting through the blood , nvory part of the ayatorn , effect
ing n radical and permanent cure of
catarrh in oven its most aevero forms ,
Made only by 0. 1. Hood & Co. , Lowell ,
My niero , atatea Mr CharleB T. Krebu ,
737 M dlaon avenrtH , Baltimore * Maiy-
land , "vrftJ eptieilily cured of anvero
hoararnosa aud aoie threat by a few dosca
of Rtd SUr Cough Oniv. It ia ploanant ;
to take , and free from the lal effects of [
othtr CDUJ.II prepr.raliono. '
She 1'ntjioHci ) .
Ustton Prut.
"Ah. Gtiorge , did you prcpojo lo Viv
ian ? "
"No ; she made the propoaal before 1
hid H eihancfl to aay anything. "
"She did ? What did eho saj ? "
"Sht proposed that I leave the housj
, and I accaptfd , "
Crcinatod tlorso-llchli ,
, January 29. The livery
table of ( harioi 13 , Hmlth turnsd today ,
hl'ty IVUQ hortti burned to deatb ,
- .
° u
Rheumatism Ncura1qia
, , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Dackathc , llcada'cho , Toothache ,
> - . .
. . .
Ilnrn * . .Si-nlilN , I'rontllllco.
. . , . - n Ai.r. oTiirtt niiiur.T rn\s AMI ntr < .
SOU 1 r Hrujl nnl | lr l.r iTTilif n. KmCVuU Uilllg.
IMrfcltntHlii 11 ln tiMCtfl.
TIM : fii.vitiis : A. voor.i.iMt c < .
w A. \ CHJELln i CO. ) lUltlmorr , H J. , I . S. .1.
Krotn experience 1 think Swill's Sioclflo | Isn
valmblo remedy ( or cnticcousitlecne , nml at the
tame tlmo n.i Invleomtlne tinlo.
JAMfS jAChSOV , Chief JfitluO Of OH.
Atlanta , Sept 188-1.
1NOCULATKI1 POISON . AlUr Irjlnft all th
other rrnii'ilIcK SuIll's Spocltloling cnroflmo noun
ntnl well of torrlMo Wood ol
n on oontrACtfd fr'm i
nuiso. Mns. T. W. I.RK , Orccmlllc , AU.
FOI90K OAK. A Utlr ho > o liaq been entire !
cured of { .olion o > kiel < onliy thoujonf tno b ttlc
ot S. S.9. It. 9. 1'JiArmmD , Tlj.t ntllle , Tcnn.
ULCERS 25 YEAHS.-A in'mbor of my chnrcl
his liren cured ol an u'ctratrd Icfj t f 21 > cats ttanit
IDJ ; v llh tno bottle i ot 8nllt' HjuculHc.
1' . II. CiuiMn.iB , I'Mtor Jfoth Cti..Macon , Oa.
Swift' * Spottltlo Is entirety \ cRctublo. Trcatln on
lltooJ and akin Dlsca'.o ) luailoairoe.
Iho SuirrSrr.cincCo , Drawers , AtUuti Gaoi
150 W. J3d St. , N. Y.
, .
" tmnrantfo oltvc
- n rtmrt/cawii ttndfrtnlifni
OurSendtwoBtRnirjforCclebrntcdllcdlcanVotko ,
Address , F. . CLAJSIkE , JU. . , iSd So.llS.
Clark Street , CHICAGO. ILL.
hlmjieructl ) ,
IT 1'midiv.titor '
. . " .
nliih , n \\el\ni \ tlitifo irpiii icmitalilo | < li > pirtnni
tlirouirliont tbowliolo U H , lw.r fj to thowortli of
ll < qulrat lie cookliic. JlD'l food in lierltli or > lcl-
, .
I10I 1.ICK > S , Uls.
tbat. i l o:1i'r I'Lj.leUu n Ht.
u city p..vert ln > ail vfJlrf.Mrnl4lir.o7r.
Ncrvouv "loslMtieii , Debility , Menial * < i *
physical Weakness , Mctc < irial and other Alto
linns of Throat. Skin or Hones , Blood Poison' . ,
jld Sores and Ulcers , . . trntat with uur rii.a
Diseases trlslnij Irum' ( nalscfelfon''Excitx ,
rendcrtoe MurrlaKn Improper or anuuppy. M
rtrrar > nrallrcuri..l. rmnrLIt-Urt ffnncn the nbortt < n4
l ntleil tDV.Uin , free to < nr > ddrcii. CoDiolutlcn o l
JtnFrtiruallfAK.iuidluTlKd Wrlta for etiloDi.
A Positive Wriuen Guarantua
( rtf f lu ! ! enriildd eaif . It tllrlnof cent tiTrrrvborft ,
Vatnphloti , cllah or tifrmntl. 04 ruigon , < 1
roriblneabovodlieasou lonia'.oor fgmslo , PB22
UO p&ecf , doe pltten. lllnitruteil In cloth aod ( lit t > Ulla
t > 5 , D urj r poilige ; ssoit , i"I r eovem. Us. Vb ! ttS
nUll > )1 ) tb eurteui. dotilitrul or itiqgl.ltffa ir At >
tao . A boo ) , t trnl | n < A > u > to 1L UwltL. X MU
l3lf Mf * * ft * 'V d ? * .
Will imrliy Iho .
Utu the LIVER ant ) KIONEVS.
anil Hf'hTOIlK THE IlKAI/Tll
and VIGOR of YOTJT1L D- -
> ila.Vantof Apiiclltc , jn-
l.ack of btrcnRtli.
turod. lioki&s. luiiiclcsanu
ticrvos loo'jlvi/nowlorco.
lCr.ll\oii3 Ii3 ! mind ami
nnprdlco ilraln rower.
, SullorlimfroDi coiiipliilnts
' nuccllarto tliuirecx will
In UK. E ! ' BrEBtS IRON TONIC a tufa andl
fpopijy euro , irilrrs a clear , iiuutliy compluxlun.
Frcijitont utloniptr nt " " ' " ' Mutt only addle
lo tliopo | > ularllyur < hu orllnal. Do iioteipctl"
tlilinl IMiltliaOlllalXAI'AMlHKST.
J Koud roar liddtc'tstoTbo Dr. Hurt or Mud < To.
W St. Louis , Hto.fur onr"IJKKAM I1OOK. "
.rnllof BtraoVHHpd us fnl iuro
o a posltUo remedy for tti aboro tll0pa e ; by I *
tno thoufiaittlforcaBoaot tlio woret kind ttiidof Ion
etaodtnirhaTO been cured. Itirteflit , 'ontrnnglflmyfiilt
hlllaellcacytlmt I will ndT\VO 1IOT1J.VS IIIKB
together with a VAI.CAllI.KTKnATlSE on ttiliillivu
to u r tulToror . OlveniproM nj ! o. dJn-si.
D1U T. A. bLOt'Uil , 111 I'.arlSt. , JJow York.
nfc m eOilftw26t
nth and Capliol Avenne , treats ail oatei Crippled
plod or Detained alsodiieatw of It
Etervous System ,
Throat , Lung ? and
Urinarj Organs
All eaies o Cniraturo of the BpVno , Crooked red
iiOgs and AriM , Diseases of rih < Hip , Knee , and
Auklo Joints. Also Ohronla ( Jfrctlons oftbe Liver
nbetimatloui , Parily l , Piles. Ulcoi , Catarrh , Atth
ma and lioblll ) are lUI trtotoil by now and auo-
Muslul metfeodi. All Jlooiets ol toe Blood and Urin
ary Organa , Including thc/eo woulUng from lnctiur -
lion or eiyoanre , ara lafcV ] * nd euocewfully truU d
Tounjc men , middle Kg1 * ! , and old men nuOtrlo ;
rom WMknusa aud Norracu exhaustion ,
initlgeskkin , Palpitation o tb Unit ,
Mulruiu , Ixita of ilouitxy.Lttci of Eoerjy au > l Am.
jltlon , c n be reatored to hullb and vigor , H CM
9 nUWolong neiriecifd. Tba Burgeon In charve
was froelderit ol thn NorthwcsUrn Uut iteJ Instl.
utfe and Surgeon cJbh Nailnnal Kurglctlliwtltuto.
f .ibltoJ , oilier wiltef ull dtttcilptlon ol yocr caao ,
and medldno may b sent you. OoutulUttou
'r > , Addioi Croatia IXepenwry , CIMUUA Block ,
Omaha , Neb. Office bour IOU a. ta.,1-4 a 7-8 p ,
ScnU'ii10 a m
Bewaterf til trtvvhrg ogoutt. We hue none.
Fend for circulars _
Phconlx Insurance Co. , London , Cata
AeatW . ! . JS.fcSt.PCO
W trhe terN. Y . CapltAl . l.WO.0.0
ThuMurclmoU of NuwMk.N. J.CkUial. } . . , l.HS.OOO
OlrftrdKlto , I'hllftdelphb.CaUlaJ . l.WU.OCO
The romnrknblo growth of Om h
dntlng tha last few your * ( a a mnttor of
groal oatoulshtuout to those who pay an
occtitlonal visit to this growing city. The
development yo ! the StopV Ynrd the
nocoaslty of tEe Bolt Line liond the
Cnoly pnvod ntroets the hundreds of now <
roddonocB nnd coatly buslnosa blook ,
with the population of oar olty moro than
doubled In the last five yonra. All thli
Is a great anrprloo to visttora nnd Ia the
admiration of oar citizens. Thla rapid
growth , the bnolnoM activity , and the
many onbatnntlal Improvements randn a
lively domnnd for Omaha real ootntc , nnd
every Investor has'n handeomo
Slnca the Wall Btruot panto Mnjr ,
with the aabsoqnont cry of hard tlmoo ,
there hr.a boon loan demand from opocnla-
tore , bat n fair demand from Investor *
Booking homoa. This latter class nre
taklnt ; advantage of low pricoo In bnlld-
Ing material and nro securing their hcmos
at much loan coat than will bo possible
year hence. Speculators , too , can bay
real oaU1 a cheaper now nud onght to take
ndvant o of present prices foi futnr
pro ti.
Iho next few yearn promises groatoi
divolopmunta In Omaha than the pant
dvi years , which have boon aa good aa
wo could reasonably dcalro. Now man
ufacturing establishment ! ! and largo job
bing houses are added almost weekly , and
all add to the proopority of Omaha.
There are msny in Omaha and through-
bat the State , who have their money In
the bankfl drawing a nominal rote of
toroat , which , if judiciously Invested In
Omaha real citato , would bring thorn
much greater rotarus. Wo have many
bargains which wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profit * In the
near future.
We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue , 17th ,
18th , I9th and 2Hh ( streets.
West on Earnam , Davenport ,
Guming , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnum , Califor
nia nnd Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the uro
perty in tne western part of the city
will increase in valiiH
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate arid Stock Yards proper
ty in the Houth part of the city. The
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
she price m u short time.
We alflo have somn Hno business
lots and some elegant inside resi-
dencec for sule ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
some good bargains by calling u
213 , Boufch 14th &t ,
Bet VOPJI Kamhuru uud
P. 9. "Wo ask thoBo who
property for uale at u bargain to
IB a callWe want oaly bjgains
Wo Vfill positively noi lianij'te prop
ertv at more tbim ita real value.
t\ \
W *