Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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WciinSBu'ay Morniu i Jan. 21 ,
rncifio car Hull out on
Ths Utlon p y
it * monthly tiip to-day ,
--Mr.Jiromol'cDtisil , clerk ol Iho pallet
( lines' .
couit. has recovered fiora
Tko UnUn Stir club will gite agnail
mMquende ball t Moltopalltin lull , corno
FiiJay , Jan. SUtli.
VtuttconUi nJ DoJgf ,
The two fellows who robbed L slio &
' Mondnjr morning wore
ilorroll' * drug Btoto
arrested yrtterdayaadLno In J ll awaiting
nu cxuntnnltun.
The tmtns fran the cast were notrly a'l '
the transfer yesterday ftau
I t3 In reaching
tha Union 1'aclfio train , No. 3 , was dtlayoJ
nbjut tno luur in luavli g ihts city.
In pollca court tun morning Patrick
llowlo/ , who waj b n.on out of $10 yesterday
by n , bjRUi thict , fllcd n complaint ngalusl
B , 1) . Wn'sh , tbo a an who dtow the chetk.
'Jha Tint Spiritual Hocloty will meet Sun
day nt JEO ! : p , rn. ehnrp for the diction of
ofliccrs , ut Mettox | > llt n lull corner of i'oui-
taeulli > nd Dnil o ktrects All nro reipoct-
fully Invited to utotd ;
Tha Germ in edition of the illustrated
BUppleiuont of the UEK can now bo lud at thU
olllco at 1C ctnls en , h or two for 2o cent .
Tlioflo can bo ruallud to any pait of this coun
try furno coot and to Germany for two couts
\Voitbrook. thobicyclut , was approhtnd-
cd at the lit pat yc torday afUrnoon , i n ft'i
rUtrulunotit wtr.autauod out by Carrier , the
photgrupl.ur , iu Judge Anderjon's cnut.
WostSieuk i aid up his debts and was allowed
to dop&tt.
A car leal of furniture for the now court
home , the first received , nrrivuil Monday
from Contractjr Foig ? , at 33 ut Saginaw ,
Michigan. It ccnjittod of furnltuio tor tVo
dlsttiot court room , county o ! < rk'i office and
county treasurer's ofllco , and Mr. 1'eigo his
eonttwo icon to receive anJ put it up.
Dr. A. Herg , who loft Omiha under some-
whit of a financial cluud , has written Judge
Boncko tilting that ho wont to C pj Girardo ,
Missouri , for * tbo purpose of raising money
upon some propirty which In hid In that
place aud will return toOtnah. \ about the raid-
dlo of February aud will iny all Ms debts and
uuko this place hi ) future hamo.
Noirly all tto trains were moro or leas
la'o Utt eight. Tno North western win
twclvo hours behind time , tha K. 0. , St. Jo )
& 0. 15. one h > ur and twenty minutes lats ,
the C , 15. & Q trjkin from Chicaao one hour
late , while the overland Denver train on tha
U. 1 * . loft thu d.'pot on hour ntd , n quirtor
bshmd shedulo lima , doUyod by eastern con-
mclium ,
A reporter viiiting the hospital yesterday
saw the man , John Andarson , who \ua so horribly
ribly mutilated by the explosion of a blatt'ng
chatga at Buinctt , Neb. , last Novombar.
Anderson's jaw has bcon entirely removed in
front nhilo his cheeks wh'ch were blown open
liMObcca unv'.ly aswoil tog'ther. Auderson
will not only recover , but will in tlmo proiont
n very re pjcUb's appear anco for a "man
without n j w bona. "
Delina Pinco , Delia Morns and Maud
Clifford nro the names of the three girls who
ha\o until recently Leon ergsgad as varitty
nctrmea at the Buckiuuham theatre.
At th otptrntfon of their cott-nct , the man
agement owtd them S2CO , which it is alleged ,
they refused top y , without however , giving
any good ( riounda fo : the refusul to meet just
debts. ThiiUaaold trick of lha Butking-
ham people , and in no xviao conflicts with
thilr goneial repuUtion.
Uon , Tflomas T , Mulvihill Is at the Pazton
W. S. Shannon , assistant surgeon of the U.
S , A , is at tha Paxton.
Arthur E. Rood , of Monrof , Wis. , was in
the city on a wes.tra tiip.
Mr. K , 8. Van Ta'Eoll , cf Cheyenne ,
patted ! through this city east yesterday
lie was uccompanied by his two
who are returning to their studies ,
spent thsir vacation at their homo in Chey
enne ,
Jamoi D. Graham , J. W. Adamr , North
Bead , Henry C arko nn-1 family , flainview
J. B. Whipliey and fcmlly. Cvleton , Mr ? .
1'anny Golilo rvtd two children , Ciuletin , I1' .
J. Junes , York , and James Rovitt , of Lin
coln , are at the Me'
An official notice from Goooral SuperIntendent -
Intondont Smith apyi : D. W. Cam-
mil gt baa been appointed joint agent t
Han ting t'n at&tton , Idnho divieion , for
the U. P.Ry. . and 0 , R. & N. Oo'o. ,
vlco 0. F. Drukr , rcaignod.
The followluf ; lulu give norao rccont
nppiintmonts nnd repeat otlnre :
The following named peraons are the
nuthniiz d claim ngenta of tin Union
Paiitio railway company : Mr. John R
Manohoitir , fur the line * i f the Ni-braakn
dlvialon , with ofllcb at Omalm , Nib , Mr.
0. F. Jorduii , for the HIOI ofthuOM.
orjdo diviaiun , nnd tint porlioh of thn
Kiniaa diviiim in Chloradu , nlih offi.-o
At D nver , Oul fefth. R W. Jeikuit ,
for Kiu/as division li oi In Kansas , with
olllcu at City Center , K B ; Mr A M.
Fleming for Wyoming nua Tdaho divis
ions , nnd the llnua woat ot Cheyenne ,
with ofllco at O dou. Utah.
Th j nuth r zed tax agents of the com-
piny are as follows ;
Mr. Otioiga W Voile for the linea of
tbo K.visM mid Cnlnrndn divisions , with
.oflico at Topeka ; Afr. John B Eiraur , for
the lines of i JD N bmnka , Wyuuiing and
Idaho divioloni ) , wiih nfllou at Omaha ,
A Kiciiioiii Disaster.
Word was received * in this olty latt
ovouiof ! ( Ji\t M O. Cobb , B prominent
citizen of Freruunt , wai fatally , injured
ycaterday afternoon by a railroad uoci-
dcnt at that point.
It appearr , from the meager information -
tion BO far rocoi\vd , that Mr. Cobb was
walking alouj ; 1ho track , near the town ,
when ho was run do n by the cast-bound
Denver train th-own the
, npon cow-
ostcher and hurled violently mlfo. He
was terribly brniied and mutlhtod , end
wa tskonupln u g'ml.nnconfctous con
ditlon. The phyjiriaiu pr. nonuco his
injurica to bo of a most serii us imtura aud
tbfnk that hU rocorory la a matter of
vfrv Rravo doubt.
Mr. O.ibb is a well known citlron ci
Fr'tuoMtiud big man ; frioada iu thu
city wHp v/ll / rej et > n hi a' of the std. a .9
cidont Trhlch ho b flm ! him.
Discnssion 0er Extra Pay
Potltlons from I'rotCBtlnR 1'roporty
Owners Minor Matter * .
The city council canvonod In regular
sofaion last nglt. ! Prisont , Messrs
Andor cn , Beohol ; Behm , Ford , Furay , ) , Kaufmin , Ljodir , Rtdfl.l' ,
Thrane , Woadwotth and M yor Murpfcy
From the mayor , approving certain
paring i rJinincca. Filed.
From Qeorgo llolmts , requesting cor
rection cf error In ptnonal tjx , Re
From E. Kountio , potitlomng for a re
fund of curling aud guttoriuj tix. Ro
Namcroiu billa rroro referred to the
proper ooumittoca.
From 0. K Tumor , protesting agtin t
grading of Fn'natn atioot in front cf his
opoity. Referred.
From Qeoigj A. Uorgland , asking for
A refund of propony tax on error in us
eoanment. Referred.
From opoo'al ' apprft'a'nj commitlo :
consiating of Mosars. Kauftinn nnd Hna-
call , that the lot on lha eouih-
weat corner of Sixlcoath andFarnam wae
worth $13,000. A inotiou to s-ll the lit
0 the board of commeroo , was , after a
aomowhnt lengthy dtacimion , patajd.
From baatd uf piblio woil ; , rcconi
mending that the city ahall trakothe
proper pjymonta to the Batbdr Asphalt
Uompauy , on contracts for gradirg done
in paving districts No 3 , 4 , C , G and 7 ,
and recommending that n guarantee ol
$200 bo reserved until May 1. when the
quality of the work done by the ompany
would"ha vo been thoroughly
At this point , a keg and animated dls-
cusiaton followed. Oouuciluitm lUudtlu
thinking that ihia waa n proper juncture
at which to spring the matter , rolerrod to
an editorial statement which had appear
ed In the Republican to the effect
that an ordiimuco for the payment of
$ l,178for exctsi cf gradiup had been
ougitoared through the council surropti-
ti ) uaiy , nni ia such n manner aa to pre
vent til the m mberr , aavo ono , from
gaiulng nn underataudlrg of ita true im
port. Iln finally wound up by giving tbo
name of tin motnber of the council who
h'ad g'von ' this falao information as Mr.
Wo .dwortti. .
Mr Lecdcr took the same position nnd
tvoight it ws a burtiog disgrace that
lha council should bo extensively liholed
in tho'circulation of defamatory itoriea
by the journal referred to. Tlicrj waa
mt , lie naid , ono iota ( f fru'h in the
article. Mr. Woodworth took the floor ,
and admitted that ho had furuiihed the
information which had given rlao to the
editorial , supposing that it waa olFicinl
aud authonlio. Ho mid that the sum
of $1,178 had boon paid
ever , hu had undorstroJ , to
the Barter rxiplult company in n voucher
which hid never ! ; mo through lha rcgu-
lirnnd open comae of biuluoa ? .
Air. naecall said Hut it ai well known
that nil reports made by tbo city engineer
wore submitted to , and approved by , the
board of public w.irko , and all mistaken
would bo uncovered when the a-conntn
were finally audited by Major Murphy
Mr. lied Bold came to Iln front agxin
and road the article which had roen denounced -
nouncod aa false , and had caused all tin
Mr. Woodwoitb. explained that ho had
nothing lo do with the article in quca
tion further than famishing the fixuroe ,
Into poaseation of vthtch ho had comp ,
fully be'ioring ' that his construction o
the oii iaal account which ha had BLOII
in the city engineer's oflieo was cor roc ; .
City Engineer Roaewater , bynqueat ,
gave an txplanntloa of the porpl xiog
inn .tor. He explained in burning , that
iu connection with the Tenth street
gradinc ; work , thu contractors coma to
him , md wanted extra pay for excess of
work d _ > no , and as ho r of used to make
the nllowiinc ? , they wont to the c nncil ,
hopu g easily g < t the bills making the ol-
lonnuco. t'iroig . In the caao of ( he
Uowaid fltrcot grn 'itig ' , OJULC hnin Red
field had o > mi > to li m with tbo bill f > r
extm dllo taito < H HXCOIH < jf wirt , and
nrged that it ho included i i the abstract
of the levy to bo submitted ; and hu be-
lloving that the bill hud ic uivo 1 > h i on
dortoinuut of the council , had made thi
allonnneo , and lal Clod the paper with
Redfiuld's riamo written acroes U.
Mr. On Ighton wan then c 1 od npii' '
for u supplementary ccluiia'on. , Hi-
said that in his capicity us chairman of
board of public wurxa ho hcd for snm >
time been cunnccttd with the contrcc s
of various kinds lie bjliovcd that in
many cases the contrastors ought to biuo
er ra p y for extra grading. In the case
of the Howard utreut grading , I lure had
bionvo1 / toiioii why thu contract r *
ehuuld bo allowed an extra sum on ac
count of tbo long haul which had to b
made for iho buiitGt of thu neighbor UL
street ? , Jours and Leaveinv.irth. Thert-
was no doubt but that the contractors
ought to bo paid an extra turn for an ex
co of work on their ( ou'ructa
How , or out of wl a1 ; tuud , this aurplm
( aymout was to 1)3 nude , was n quistion
with which thu board of public works die
not luvo to dual.
The commuuic.itioa from thn board
was finally approved by a unanimous vote
of the couiuil.
From shine , presenting contrtct of
01 arks Gardner for certain sidewalks.
Fiom property owners on Thiitonth
strcbt , prou-ating against the raving of
ttmt etrtot south of the U. P. bridge
From Sherman avenue property
owuerr , protesting ngainit the pavinp of
that street during the coming year. Ro-
From J m s Bolau , a protoit against
tax orror. Referred.
By Anderson , allowing certain claimr.
By Behm , reooramondina the oino 1-
Intr of tax on lot 1 , block 15 , for thu year
1884 , the same bein used for church :
purposes , R feir d
By Foray , reccmmendlng that a
spociil pollcomsn be appointed to collect
the liquor llceuiot ; at the expense of the
school board. Adopted.
Btihm , roconmi i ndlng the caUb i
llslmifliit of grade on Lt-avonwotth , from
Twentieth street to oily limits , on 0 1-
loqo street from St. Mary's avenue on to
Maton atreot , on OoliTado titfi-i from
St. Mary's avenue to Mount Pleasant
strnut. Adopted.
By n 8c ll rooomraondlng that the
itrout ooinmlciloner repo.-t to thu council
jthonutubar of croi - r lk laid by him
tinco October 1st , 1864 , end other minor !
details of hla work. Adopted.
' REFOhTfl.
From commiltoo on finance and claims
allowing certain billr. Adopted.
From a mo , rtturnlug Wakotield cltiai
of error in tax , for moro explicit ata'.o-
mint. Adopted.
From same , recommending payment
of rortftln ninor coatraots.
From map , reporting favorably to petition >
tition of the Masonic Tunplo craft for
remission of certain back taxes
From aimo , approving nidowolk ctti *
nntcs. Adopted.
Fiom mine , reporting favorably on the
rob ti i f c.r aln tex errors. same , approving c'ltiln bills.
From oimmittco on police , lojonv
m end 11 g coii I ] i mil ion of pi Hso appoint
ments < it J B.'jih Itovlcs , Andrew Crnv
ford , Rolliu Firth , Fred Fuller nud
01 .vies O Blom.
Frcm ( oinmlttco en streets and grades ,
reporting Uvorabty n nppia'aor's ' n p ut
( if dimagis by grading to propiryon
Oummg Mreot , botirutn Divitiou and
Brown R-jcommitlol.
Fran samp , recommending cstsbl L-
mnt * of grade of South nvonuo from
"it'lvmworth to suuthorn terminus.
From eamo , rcquoitlng ca'ionto ' on
ioit of filing alley between Blarney and
P riam and 1'ffonty second nnd Tn'ou'y '
thli d streets Adopted.
From earno , recommending the cm
ttruct ( n of a culvert box twelve I neb us
s inure on Cits , between Elovcnth end
Cwolfth BtroU. Adopted.
From cammitloo on aldowalkr , tocom
mending that the proper orcinanco bi
pasted toft pro vide for payment of aide-
walk contacta of Oburles QarJuor.
Adopted ,
Honda of uivw policemen , Joicph
Rowlts and Rollin Firth , presented uud
From rales , forma and printing , in
approving ceitiin bills. Adopted.
From tpacial apptninoment coramitlop ,
Tuing ttio valua ( { of each Equate
foot uf hnl to bo created as city lots by
narrowing of Nlcholis atroot from
Twentieth slroot west , at 7 cents. L dover
ever for ona viock
Appropriating monies out of apechl
fund ) to pay for certain public works
Appropriating monies out ol epecV
funds to pay for paving of intersection of
Fourteenth and Webster streets. PiSi-
Appropriating monies to pay for city
paving and cloning contracts. Passed.
Adjourned for two weeks.
Notes of tbo District and County
Courts Final Disposition or
the Klncald Case.
A petitlou was filed in the district
court yesterday by Ernoet H. Hoffman ,
praying for a divorce frotr his wife ,
Laura Hoffman. Groundi nlKgod thoao
of abandonment. The pctit'on also re
quests the custody o ! a fif toon-year old
daughter , Dora , ono of two children by
the marr'no. :
OuuripH Uiowo fi'oj ' an answer In an off
set account , In the matter of a suit of
James Sluphonana for money due.
Lotterd of adininisiritiMi were irsae
in the county courb yesterday to Lucius
Jeuy , in tha matter of ths estate of
George L Obamberlnin , who -was killed
At thu Elkhorn disister last fall. Mrs.
Clnmbsrlain will recelvo $4,000 from the
Uiiiou PdciGo company.
Judge McOullochostorrlay specifically
decided tbav William Klnciid waa the
actual poasuis > r of the $401 for which he
fii-'d the adminUtratora of the oataro of
Jihn Lannon , dcciasidj
A rrplovin tuit for the poaaooalon of B
cow wa cnmmenced by Ohailea Hunt
ington m Judje Anderson's court yester
day againat Tnomaa Stack.
Stcile , Johnaon & OP. recovered judg
ment in.ludgoAn'ircon'a court ycater-
dty for SGI ) against Edward Loedtr.
A marriage licenao waa isiutd to John
Hurley and Mary McGinn.
SooUIlHiii AmoiiK Hired Glrlff ,
To the Editor of the BKK.
There are many daughters of poor
parents who have to earn their bread in
factories , and still moro , unhippy ate
girls who have to trork at housework
Through American swnidlii g af onto I
have been induced to come to Omnlia ,
jphero it waa said a gill who can cook ,
tvaah and do nil Linda of luuaowork coulo
c-ot SO , $7 or $8 a week. I cvmo hero
six months ago and I hive worKed for
four American ladies in whoso homo
millioiiH of HOiHh waa had. F/rat / , to
my rnltf. . r uno I found tint there nro
nuro working niili hero than ia neceai-
> try , nil of whom are brought hero by
sw ndling agents , or sent here by f rn-
era The largest wpgss fora girl are 34 ,
tnd go away down t > SI a week. Iho
4irl who wishes to Rot $4 a wdik muit be
vcty gotierous , muat have a very small
s niton , because she hardly ever geta
o.jougli to eat Sin mutt have as much
ttrength as throe muloi , and if aha does
lot with to bo rude she must wait fur her
* OROB six weeks , as it happened to mo
in four places Two and a half or throe
dollars a week for eighteen or twinty
li mis' work each day Is email pry for
much muscle I worked in New York
< tid Philadelphia and Ohi ajo , but such
Imaitfii' ' , lazy , powdered and stingy la-
itits I never nut with until hero in
Omaha. I alw yi thought how our lot
could be changed , and I came to the con
clusion that auoh moan women , with no
heart for tbo hlrjd girls , onght to bo
tolled liki wild boasts. 1 am a rosialiat.
I have my mind made up that from toil -
il y vi lit n a lady chests roe , to aet the
hnu'Q on firo. I an a < aiu working for
wnitlthv folks. I get little to eat , bo.
ctuBO they liavo a hen three days for
h'ca people , ih bones , which ought to
nu gtvon to the dog , are loft for me , nnd
if they cheat me out cf my wages , as has
oft iii happened , then I will uka my revenge -
vongo on such wealthy scoundrels.
In the name of forty girls who nu3o
have up a secret socialist soclo'y wo beg
you , as a man , to publish it in your paper.
From Lilnoolti.
Chief Butler , of the Omaha fire depart
ment , has arrived , in order1 to attend the
I meetings of representatives from the dlf-
I ferent fire departments in the state.
These gentlemen , Hko Ihe county eur-
vojors , oouuty clerks and others , sro
I anxiuus for beaeficUl legislation directly
I concerning themaolves , and have come
to contult M to the best means of
obtaining U. Something of a moro Inter-
| oatlng nature mky be oommnnloited when
| tha homes meet and proceed to bustneu.
A. Lot ot "CIcvrlMid Kriys" t Stcph.
onHon1 Barn to Ilcst Up.
. , I. N. High nnd A. S. Slout
arrived in Omaha yesterday , having n lot
of fine horses which they have imported
from Enyhnd fo place npon their stock
farm at Blackfoot , Idnho. The hoisos
aroal ! thdrougbrcd "Cleveland Bsys'
and a finer lot of animals have not been
seen In Omaha in many a day.
Thcio nro eight of thorn in all , no fo- !
owe : Tlnrafsins Inkormau , 4 years
ell ; Kit BOTTOM , 3 years old ; Satiaf action
2 y outsold ; Abproromblo. 2 ycara old ;
Lo cl Mulgravo , 2 years old ; Oonfidonop ,
2 yonra old , Yorkohiro Lai , 1 > pr old.
Ohatnp ou of the Moor , 1 > oar oil. They
are nil stallions nnd will bo used b >
Mosara. High atd fctontfor bteeditig
The nnimals were brought thtoiiph
from Now Yotk in ono of tto Arma &
Smith's pulsehorao caw , nnd , by thu
way , thcso oirj are genuine palaces Thc >
cnntoin etalln for hntscp , plaoa
firfocdand nator and apartmtnta for
Attendants. Two En l'sh hostlers accom
pany the animals.
The "Oloveland Bay" is Iho animal
used almost exclusively in Lmdonfir
coach "fid rarmgo horaor. They nro bred
oxpresaly for two things , ci lor and sctbt' ,
ittd tiny uio , without duut , the liut t
ict n j horeoi in the world. They are n 1
bi ) B and , by the way , tic horao ia a full
blood "Olovoland Bay" that hna nny
other colorrd hair upoij him than a bay.
Tbo anliu h ha vii bcrn a'ablrd ' in thu
magnificent birn of Mr. Jaino * Stephen-
ion , carnor of Tenth and Barney otrcoto ,
when * every convoniouco for caring for
line horses lo to bj found tnd hardly a
tiuo animal passes through Omaha that is
not placed within the walls of this stable
rest. *
10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Seal of North Oarulina Smoking To
cco is the bi nt.
Mrs. Bhck. the wife of the novcliar ,
1m preserved the original nnnusoript of
"Mudcap Violet and Molojd of Dare , "
handaoruely bound , to hand down aa
hoirlocmi to their children.
of Nunh Oarollna Tobao
Mr. JnmcsMockdnlH nnd Family He-
turn to OmaliB ,
On iho 1st day of May 'aat , Mr. James
Stnckdalo nnd fomi y left Omaha for an
extended trip to England and other
points. It was reported after their de
parture that the vessel on which they
sailed had been shipwrecked and tha they
had'bccn losthis icpo t was afto ward
contradutcd , and on Sunday mo ning
last they arrived in Omaha safe and well.
In talking ith a HEIS icpo ter , yea-
'dny , Mr. btockdalo said that they
did not a rive in 1 ew York in time to
ako the vessel which they had in
tended to take , but took the next
no utifi nnivod in England two wo "In
ofcro the jateamor in whiph they had
originally inti nded to rju' ' , arrived. They
nsd a very rough vova o , but arrived all
Durintr their ab'onco they v's tad En-
gltnd , NttW ZinlriH. Australia , and
called at the Satd/ich Itlinria. They
rettirntd by the n .y of Oabf jrnia and
spout sorer 1 wafks in th t aato. Mr.
Sccc'idalo io vtr/onthu iiaiia over hit
trip tnd taa tfllfltoriea enough t ) fill a
largo book. Thd trip wai made in the
interest of Mrs S ookdalo's health , and
her many frienda in ihia city will r j 'ice
to loirn that aho ia now ei'j yiug bitter
health than ak any tuna duriug tuo pus1 ;
ten jo w. Th y now iiitond tj make
Omshi their future homo.
StOOO. Civesi
If alum or finy Injurious eiiDEtaiircscKi bo round
In Andro-wn * Ponrl Bating Powtlr , Is jws-
th cly PURE. Being < l , nnd 1-r Jmonlalj
icccled iroin such chemists aa 8. Jlium lajs , Bos
ton : M. Dclnloiitiiliic , of Chicago ; nnd Gustavuj
Dodo , Mlhvunkea Never sold in bull : .
lake fat.
i adrertlwd aa absolutely pure
riAeaaeuitopdotviiuii a liutblotenntll heatcd.thet
roniova thacoruruuJ niuull. Acliemlit will not b > r
quired to detect tlm pro cnco or ammonia ,
m iiuiTiireuiss ins HEVER BK < jcE8Tion ,
In million homn for a quarter of a cntaiTll hu
itood tba conium rt rellablo tent ,
msKu or
Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts ,
TMltrnfMt , Mtd.ntU aalMUrile frkMw < u <
'e.Dr. | Price's Lupulln Yeast Gemi
I Ttr Ugkl , HMlthr.Ur * dTh ' * BM | Dry IIo
T ul In tha'TTorld.
When you should take advantngo of the cncriSct wo nro ranking iu Merchnut Tn-lora'
Custommnio Clothing ut the
Ho argument can be made in our goods and prices , wliick
speak for tkeinselvest Wesimplv rely upon tlie good judgment
of our patrons who are not slow to discern between the goods
we sell and the ordinary cheap factory work. The fact that we
sell elegant merchant-tailor made garments too cheap for com
petition , is because we buy them cheap from the leading tailors
throughout the country.
All Alterations Done Free of Charge to Insure Good Fit
Suits. Overcoats ,
f2T 00 Merchint-Tailor imdo nt snoo $25 OO.Mcrdtant-tiilor made nt $10 00 8 0 OOMcrclnnt-Uilor ir.ado ixt 3 0
30 00 MOO SO TO 11 M 8 00 " "
4 00
as ro 1C 01 41) ) 00
U 70 10 00 ,
40 00
25 45 00
G 00
45 00
20 l 0 01 00 "
22 00 15 on
7 50
50 00
23 no CO 00 C " "
53 16 10
0 < l 00 18 00 7000 SO S50
C5 00 SO (0 ( Open evenings until 9 o'cloclr.
7500 . 3) 00 Saturday night until 10 o'clock.
We wantto tell you that we are able and willing to save vou
nionev , a fact that none of our customers have vet disputed. ] 3e
sure to see our overcoats. Bear
. in mind that we are established
for the sale of Merchant Tailors' Misfits and uncalled for Cloth
ing only , and every garment bears the name of the tailor.
1312 Douglas Street , Up-Stairs , Omaha , Feb.
All Alterations to Improve a Fit Made Free of Charge.
Absolutely PureB
This powder nevrr ranee. A mancl cl purr ! ? !
st cngth HI d who cs motion. JTmo connormcnl than
iho ordinary klndeatd innnut boso'cl In competl
ti m with the nu'tl ude uf low te-t , eh rt t.ight
I m of i > h } hrto p wdois. to'J unU In cann
n YAL BAKINO I'llWuKIt CO. 0" W ll r ; N V
Omaha Medica & Surgical
-tusti ute
IKotvard Street.
( N. B Corner 1'Jlli and Howard
( For the T-taln ent of nil
Chronic and Surgical Diseases
Dlieiscs I FurmlcH , < f thu Notvou < Stftcm , I rl
Tttto Lie as S ut the Urinary and Sexual OrBni ,
toil Dkeasoj of tbo Ilcpd 'Ihioatana Lun c ,
t < j < ecIaltiC9
Plneu-i trraud liy aae | > 0'liiio < ! < l epor-h'ht. ft'ito
riltc so of thi Uiart Liver , Btomanh , Klilneyc ,
Bladder. Neur.lnh , Uheumat T , HI. n , L'ano.r , etc.
And all other dl ow cf the 'hroat nd f.uncatreit
< d by Uedlcattd Vapon. ( 'end for Inlnlcr or
ciicn ar < m InnuU 1 'H. )
/H illfflie i of the lloot > , Uiluary and Sexual Or
gats 1'rltato l.Ur e and
Files Cursor no Pay.
(16 ( Years Ho p'talnnd I'rlr to I'riollca. )
Comui a Ion and etnmlnaihn fro' .
Call o' wrltnf r clraular * in ohronla ill ca'ta and
d'foimlt't-s ' , D seaa n uf Fenia ei , I'rlvate liUrascg
uf tbtUrlnar in-l Suxntl O'irang , Seminal Wruk
si , Ncivoua Del l'lt > or Exhiusticn.ecc. , etc. , nd
iur new rcatnraMtetroAtnieut.
All lot'era ' and cououltallon'Confidential ,
llrdlcl oa tenv to all parts of the country vy ex.
| irBai HU ely pakd from oVnervatlon , If full de-
scrliiticnuf cane U ( ilven. One | f > oonal lutojvlew
preferred If oontcnleut O [ cii at a'l honrs
Addrota all letters to
Omaha M > diciil & 8nrgicnl fusthite
1118 Howard St ? Omaha. Neb.
Tlie Jdartjest Line in
tJie City. Not
But Cheape 1/ian finy Store in
the City.
Buy your FineBronzed _ Hardware at Home for
less than tastern Cities Oan Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask
Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track ,
Ordara for * ke ludian Department given for Buffalo Scales ei-
clusivnly. Scale
Suits formerit/ < > AOn < nv
Suits formerly $12 AW now
Suits formerly $11 > . < W now ffi
Suits formerly $24.M now $1SAM > .
Over Coats formerly $ SAW now $ ti.Ott.
Over Coat * formerly $ JLOA > O now $ 7.SO.
Over Coats formerly $ t ( > AW now $12AW.
Over Coats formerly $18AW now ijitS.&O.
Ovc.i Coats formerly $24 AW now JfiJ.8OO.
And evpry other nrticle in proportion.
Call and ECO our prices.
1216 Farnam St. B. NEWMAN & GO
I U4