Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesdays Morning , Jan , 21. .
Bv ( ferrlet - - - - - - -SO eonta per we k
o. 7 Paail Stre t , Hear
L. 8. Hosier has opened a branch house
at Ida Grove ,
The Knighta nnd Lvlios of Honor moot
this evening. ,
The Bavarian band picn at n hall at
Miucola Saturday ovoning.
I Gillnoky is removing hla secondhand -
hand furniture sloro to 038 Broadway.
J. J. Dickey hao gene so E rling _ to
look after the recent lots by fire there.
Horace Simmons , formerly a resident
lioro , died in Konoaha , Win. , Saturday.
Leave your orders for job printing n
day or two ahead at Pryor'a Bno job of-
The circuit court for this county opens
hero wi'h ' Judge Connor on the bench ,
February 0.
Pormtt to wed wan ycatorday given
Ooorgo T. Lacy and Alice F , Giblar , both
01 Council Bluffs. %
The Y. M. 0. A. hold another of its
pleasant literary and social cntartoln-
ments last evening.
A private social party will bo held to
morrow droning at Smith's hall , Sixteenth
nvcuuo and Eighth street.
Among thcao who have applied for
lodging at the city jail Is a poor fellow
who ban had both legs frozen.
Mrs. Elizabeth Stein has commenced
auit against the city claiming $2,000 for
damages on account of a fall on the nldo-
Mru. Ann Phonlcks dlod Sunday at her
Lomo on Sixth , street , of pneumonia , and
was burled yesterday. She has lived
hero slnco 1852.
Prayer mooting to-night and every
"Uoduoaday evening at the usual hour , at
the Homo of the Friendless , No. 714
Avenue D. All are cordially Invited ,
A well known sporting man appeared
on the otroets yoatorday with an over
coat and wearing a straw hat. Ho must
have got hit hard , or also is bluffing old
The Women's Christian association
aooma to bo doing a noble and practical
work , helping many needy persons , and
Bonding Bimahino into many a gloomy
A fine musical and litoraiy concert
will bi ) given in Maaonla ball next Mon
day evening , January 20 , under the man
agement of the musio committee of the
Congregational church.
0. E. Stonp has commenced unit
eginst the city in the circuit court ,
claiming $3,000 damages en account of
damages to hla property on Yino street
by the overflow of the crook.
The variety show is said to have cloaad
for ropiira , or in other words that the
wonderful stars forming the galaxy want
more money before they.go on the stage
again. It is high time the thing went by
the boards.
It is getting worse and worso. Surgi
cal Institutes and doctors are posting ad
vertisements about the front of the old
court house so that frequenters of the
old rookery in case of accident will know
whore to go. *
Billy Heffnor , bartender for John Nich
olson , is said to luvo attempted to make
quick transit by a dose of arsenic Friday
night , but Dr. Green saved htm , though
It was a night's work. Domestic trcublo
Is said to luvo been the oauao of the at
J. 0. Fitto , the contractor , living on
Mynstor Btroothaa boon Battering greatly
of late with neuralgia. Monday night ,
j ? while in n dazed condition , bo took n ro
ll ' volvcr from the bureau and fired _ two
I tihots , apparently not knowing why or
1 where. Neither bullet did any harm ,
i and he TBS speedily disarmed.
| ( A meny party of yoncg people wont to
I * Omoli * last evening to attend the ball of
I , the E H. club. The party were com-
| .V poiod of John Oalbonno aud Mits Kitty
| ! \ ' Whitney , N. PorteiGtld and Miss Ida
! ' , Toatovln , Mr. Houdricks and Miss Stella
II. Bnllatd , W. D'Oocko and Mlia Gusslo
L Minor of Plattsmouth , Neb. , Dick
[ / Francis and Misa Lou Smith. Theywonl
| > ; ever iu a largo fuurhorso sleigh.
| $ P. P. Kulm formerly proprietor of the
Colorado homo , will shortly open a parai
Bhop In this city. Mr. Kuhii desires U
notify hla creditors , also "his Gfrmai
" that ho and tha' '
friends , owes only $110
ho will shortly pay them and ovorj
cent ho contracts for. Ho furlhor atatoi
that certain parties are trying to rail
vrhat little good name a man has aftoi
, tunulng a saloon and ho trusts they wil
hereafter lot tbo name of P. P. Kuhi
Tbo case of N. H. Lewis charged will
killing hU room-mato at Dos Molnos ha
boon sot for trial at Wintorset , Madlsoi
county , February 3. Sheriff MeAndrei
hia subpcunaed the following from thl
city by whom the defendant expects t
establish hie reputation for peacofulnen
etc. : Dr. Macrae , H. II. Field , W. B
Vaughan , J. L.- Forman , J. H. Pace , J r
W. Chapman , John Bens , Thomas Oorlr
$ W. M. Piper , W. L. Blggi , R. T. Brj
ant , A. J. Bump and Ooorgo Graves ,
Judge R. C. Hnbbard has been pre
Dented by tbo Nonpareil newsroom fore .
with an elegant gold-beaded ono as a
Indication of how the bnya appreciate hi
many good qualities , Mr. Hubbard h :
been connected -with the Nonpareil for
jrars , and haa done inoro and better edi
torial work than any other man who has
been Ojimected with the paper. Aside
from his ability ho Ins won tha esteem of
thcsa who by bolng closely associated
with him luvo had opportunity to know
h'm ' best. Ho Is at present taking a
needed respUo from arduous editorial
* ork , and Is in the buslmsi office most
of the time now. It Is to bo hoped , for
Iho sake of the readers of the Ntnpareil ,
that ho will ere long pick up the pen
ngaln. _
< [ im
M , D. Aller , of Boston , is Jit the Ogden.
Col. Ckcfcrano has returned to his ranch at
Little Sioux.
Col , John Chapman has returned from an
eastern trip.
D , H. Fralim , of WakeflelJ , Neb , , was at
Bechtol's yostoidny.
II. T. Gowcly , of Wcatfield , Maw. , was at
the Ofld'n yesterday.
Mis Ulancho Oliver expects to lo&vo to
morrow for St. Paul.
Nat William * hvi so far recovered from hli
Illoo33 ns to bo nblo to bo out ,
Iliuman Kellcy hai gene to Siloam Springs
whcro his wlfo has been for some timo.
J. B. Low ! ; , of Marno , was hero yesterday
greeting lita old Council Bluilj filoucls.
iTocoph Grason , who with his sonr , now
manages the Silvan spring ? , Is hero on n few
daya visit.
Miss Florence Knot , nho has been spending'
some time with friends hero , has started for
her homo in Chicago
II. N. McGronr , the insurance miller , wna
in the city yestsrday , nnd started on thi fly
to Atlantic , to look after some buiincis tbcre.
Mr. Kempor Alkor , of Colnmbun , 0. , Is
visiting his brother-in-law , Mr S , W. Van-
eoarcr , a well known farmer living near Ibis
city ,
} Ion , U , F. Olnyton , of Macedonia , was In
the city yesterday , acd seams to boir with
duo ento , the talk about Ills being the next
lieutenant-governor of the stato.
For sale My book and stationery bus-
ness 3-11 Broadway. H. E. Seaman.
Breaking Jail.
Frank Jackson , arrested for stealing a
sack of flour from Weis it Clausen's
stare , attempted to break out of the city
jail. By the aid of the stove poker ,
while the officers were gene to dinner , he
succeeded In working from the wall
under the window of the corridor several
bricks , and had ho not been discovered
would in a few moments longer had quit a
a hole through. Ho wna at once takin
before Judge Aylesworth and tontonced
to thlr y days In the county jail.
Tha city jail , though a nov ono , ia by
no means a jul. It ia merely a building ,
but as a jail is a failure. It is not well
arranged , nor is it rightly built for j til
purposes. Outsiders can readily pasa
anything into thoptisoncra and prisoners
cau readily pick their way out unless
confine ! in the colls.
Itcnl Eutrtto Transfers.
Tha following i a list of real estate
transfers filed yesterday in the recorder's
office of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , as
furnished by A. J. Stephenson , abstrac
tor , real estate and loan agr nt , Council
Bluffs , Iowa , January 20 , 1885.
John Francisco to Richard Hlnes , lit
sw 1 , 77 , 39 , $2,500.
W. W. Dearbora to William Ganiy ,
part lot 88 original plat , § 1,201) ) .
Stephi n S Hunt to George M. J rott ,
J nwj30 , 77 , 39 , $2,150.
Henry Howe to Lidoman Ho wo , lots 1
and 2 , block 11 Stuttsman's 2d add ,
Wilbor B. Bishop to John H. Ott , part
lot 3 , block 1C , Walnut. $1 800.
0. N. Green to J. L. Fatter , part at 1
w 12 , 75 , 40 , 8200.
Total salesi$8.850.
Dr. 0. 0. Hazon.Dantist , 100 Main St.
Harmony obaptor No. 25 , O. E. S. ,
held their first meeting in the now hall ,
Thursday evening , January 15 , when the
following officers wore elected.
Mfe , G , H. Jnckson , Worihy Matron ,
Mr. E fluniington , Worthy Patron.
Mia. M. B. Maynard , Associate Mi-
Miss Oirrio Huntington , Sec.
Mrs. S. Harrif , Trets
Mrs. A , C , Graham , Conductress.
3V ) TJ. J. Kullor , Associate Conductress.
Miss Emma Potter , Adah.
Mrs. Brintnn , Ruth.
Mrs. E. B. Gardiner , Either.
Mlsa Anna Bryant , Martha.
MUs H Haworth , Elucta.
Mr. H. Kelley , Chaplain.
Mrs. H. Millur , Gardin.
Mr. S. S. Nush , Sontiuol.
Ciimint ; Jurymen ,
The following gcn'lon.en have bern
drawn aa the circuit court jury for the
term commencing February 9th : James
Rainbow , Sliver CreoV ; A 0. 0 ntk and
R , B. Williams , of Washington town
ship ; D. F. Dryden , Unrdin tjwnthip ;
William Steele , Lenta township ; Wm.
Carloy , Mlnden township ; W. Bnrch ,
Itockford township ; J. W. Oaborne ,
Huzel Dell township ; Henry Uaywood ,
Garner township ; A. R. Prentist , Ores
cent township ; Wm lioblo , H F ul , E.
Brltton , S P. Hanson , D. Eiwall , 0 K
Hubbard , H. Otis , Ali-x. Woods , D W.
Patterson , Join Junes , R. P. Sualy ,
Goo. Snell , Theo. Brasch and A. W.
Vovalt , of Kane township.
Iowa University ,
The reporting style of short-hand la
now taught to local clas'ios which are or
ganized In towns and cities everywhere
by the Iowa Stale University school ol
short-band. Each student receives per
sonal Instructions by mall , ud drill If s
sons are given by a quallGed class lotdor ,
who ii given the full courto in exchaugt
W for such service. This lathe most tin
cessful plan everdeti'oiof ' learning stui <
fgraphy. For free tott. lessons or othei
information , address University Schoo
of Short-Hand , Iowa City , Iowa.
The New York H.nintor ! ilp ,
AuuNT , January 20. Tbo democratic pun
atorialcauius was lull this morning. I'M
ward Cooper received 23 , J ( eejih Pulitzer 21
Win.- ; Smith U , Coop t't uuminatiou w
„ At nton the homo billntttvl for
° Tt-ofillowing is ihs tonult : W. M. Kvatt *
73 EJwurd Cooler. 62.
Thtt senate formally r nmin > t < vi Willl m M
Kvarf. for tcnatnr to lUy , Kvatts ruvoivu
10 votes } Coop r , 13 votes.
TUb City Coniicil Nearly a Year Behind
ia ApproYiig toe Journal ,
Talk of AOdlriR Ono Moro \Vnril to
iho City ,
council mot yesterday afternoon
thrt ma ) or beinc present , atid Aid. Sldd-
eutopf , McMnhon , Mycator , Keating and
Nenrly\wo hours wore taken up In the
rcndlug of old minutes. It nppoars that
council has , with its usual chlftlcsi WAJ
of doing business , lot tlio minutes slide ,
without rcndiug or approv'ng them for
nearly a year. As election time drnws
near it sttuck lomo of them tint it would
bo well to begin bracing up , and so the
rending of old minuted is oimtnonced.
Of course it lo lirgi ly a matter uf fonn ,
HD ilto avorsgo nlderuianio meuioty is nut
eufliotently strong to recall eteivs ia de
tail so as to make needful coutostii ns ,
at this Into date , months having intoi-
By steady rrndlnR the minutes from
May 1 to Juno 27,1881 , were cutight up ,
leaving only nbuut BOVOU moiuln more to
hcnr and to approve.
Some other business wnn transected.
The bond of V.iloii'iau ' IlaoBuu for i a-
loon litoiieo win presented and approved.
An ordiuanco won presented defining
the boundaries of the wards , bat it was
nut complete , and the matter was re
ferred to n committee of the whole coun
cil , with Aid. James as chairman , to re
port this nftcrnonn. Tlio ordinance
lines the bound rios of the First and
- o nnd wards , the Kitat ward buing nil
u tt. of the out line of Oaltsburg nidi
tion and in rth of Broadway , iho Second
\v\tA being all west of sild cnit Ijnu of
Gilenburg addition. It nos also pro
posed t organize tinther word to bo
known as thb Fifth ward. This feature
jf the ordinance will bo discussed a
length , and citizens interoslo.1 shoud at
tend and give the council the benefit of
their npluions.
A potiiton of cltlzons was presented ,
asking ihtt the tumu of Second struct bu
changed to Park avauuo. The petition
was granted , on condition that the prop
erly owners should pay for the necotairj
The committee on special assessments
reported in fiver of having books par
chased and tbo necessary accounts opened ,
aotno person being employed to got
thoao books and accounts In shape.
Aid. Siadentopf reported on the difference -
once arieing between the county auditor
and the city council , ( hit the
county auditor by law was only required
to put those special a'sscamonts on the
books once a year. The count il holds ,
however , tint the county auditor ahull
put them on the hoiks at once. Referred.
Mr. Brown , cf Brawn & Woodbury ,
asked for a reduction of taxes. Deferred
to the finance committee.
The committee to whom was referred
themuttrof iha now city map being
preptrdd by 0. R Allen reported in
favor of the city purchasing tan copies at
$10 cash , nuking $100. Adopted.
The matter of comp 1 ng the city
ordinances referred bark to the
judiciary committee.
Mr. William Siodcntopf not os "alder-
man" but na "Mr. " was employed to
prepvo books and open account ! of
apeciil assessment.
The ordinance defining the duties of a
nitfat ; jailor was passed to a ccsond read
ing and referred to the police committjo.
1'bo estimatn of the amount duo on
sewerage $1,331.70 was presented and
referred to thu finance committee.
Aid. SieclenUfT reported a special as
sessment. Filed.
Ed. Brlttan requested that the city
warrant he had received , In payment of
ice furnished the city bo taken at par in
ayment of licenses dnorfrom him for hia
xpross VIQOQS. , Granted.
A P. Ltugiiiard complninpd of the
peeial assetsmont ior sewerage. Re
ared ,
The council then adjourned until 2
'clock this afternoon ,
What A Prohibitionist TblnlCH of
Iowa's Cold TVntcr Law.
Y > the Kditor of the BEE.
The republican patty of Iowa in 1883
a their state convention at Dca Moinee ,
doptcd prohioitiun aa ono iti loading
links , aud pledgad- the party to the
n lotmont and enforcement of prohibi
ory legislation , for which tbo party was
o have and did receive the votsu cf the
imperaaco people of Iowa , which gava
ho rtpublicin party a majority in the
tate of ever 20,000 , notwithstanding the
withdrav/al of almost the outiro German
voto. This tnovo was championid , and
ably advocated by J. S. Olarkaoti , and
ho Doi Moiaes Itojiatir , nnd alto aup
> ortoi by almost tbo on ire repnblirau
ness of the state , which led the tomj.or-
inco poopln to balievo tl at they were to
receive what th y were promised by the
epublinm party , thatvai ouch
tg'nlntiutinn its would enforce
truuibition aa to tbo manner in tvhtali
hat rjljdgo was kept the Iowa liquor law
peaks for itself ias'oid of giving a
; nd , souiirl , wholesome law which they
ial prom add , they gave a something , a
o hmg a jaw that ia not worth the
> aper un which it ia written. It ehowa
upon Ita fico that it Is a fraud , and
doslpnod to deceive and midoad tbo tem-
nnc3 poopld bettor by far have en
acted a stringent license law , Tha loaders
if thu tamperanco cause In Iowa have
shown thuir iucompotenoy by accepting
such a law , nnd if the republican party
inoi do better on another trial , they
liad letter repoil the pres nt lair , and
vo ua a good sound linxntH law inaload.
Council BlulTi , Jmi. 15
GBK KUT , Wis. , . January 2 J The whole- ,
§ ! H nnd lO'iul dry gnodd and grocery store of
Jiilx P rri'ont-rai'd ' tbo harniHi tlmp of L.
ililm bu n (1 at night , IJ'I-B to Tarmentor
on , tuck S23firo in .urance 517oOOj Hill'tf loa
naiuwk $ ? , fOO' iraunnea Sl,50lj Iocs on
bn'ldinf ' oniud by N rthweru Mutual
lift ) iu uranca c < iniiany $13,1 0 ' , imnred $1 , -
( VK ) . ThefiiouriRli'ated from an overheated
Jealousy l.oaili * u > Iho
OALWAT , J nu ry 20. Thomas I' rry , who
auulerod his iweelheart , A'ito ' Uuroa , No *
Tomlinrlaat , W'nh < nged to-day. Parry w s
luvagtd t < > iimrry Ml s liurne. She broke
tlio uupkgemenr. He travelud over ouo bun-
drfil iii'li ' g to commit the deed and after huv
Ing f < thtt tliu would ctrtninly not marry
him IIH h"t Biiil kille I her , ifttirwardi shoot-
ibg hiiruelf but not red u ly ,
lllCH , KtO ,
Nrw OiturANB , January 18' Tha day
clarnd o.ld ( .od twenty Ihcuiand i > eopU
Wbiottt lha WorlJa
OH the purpose of reducing stock and
making way for spring purchases , we
shall , January 6ih , offer our entire stock
of Dry Goods , Carpets , Cloaks , Curtains ,
Etc. , fo lie sold without regard to cost.
This stock comprises a Fine line of
choice Dress Goods , Silks , Flannels ,
Ginghams , Prints , Lie. A choice stock
o Newmarkets Brocade Velvet and
Seal Plush Cloaks.
Ladies' and Childrens' White and Scar
let Underwear and Hosiery , Lace , Lace
Ties , Fichue and Embroideries ; also a
lot of homemade Comforts , Blankets ,
and Toule Linen.
Our Carpet stock is complete and
offers sepcial inducements for select
ion from choice variety of patterns , t
includes Exminster , toilettes , Body
Brussels , apestry Brussels , Three Ply
Ingrains , Hemp , Rattan Matting , Napier
Matting , Etc , , tto.
Fine Lace Curtains , Tambour , Turco
man , Curtain Gdodsand Curtain Shades
. -/r eauty of design.
Begins January 61
Customera'will secure
JJI MtiLl ?
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Whoat-Nc 1 milling , 65 ; No. 2 , 63 ;
No. 8 , f,0.
Corn Now , 25c.
Oats For local purposes , 23e.
Hay S5 00@G 63 per ton ; baled , BO@GO.
Kye S5o.
Corn Meal 1 SO per ICO pannda ,
Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00 ©
6 60.
Goal Delivered , hard , 0 50 per tonj ooft
4 f 0 per ton
Lard Falrbank'a , wholeaallnft nt ! > fo ,
Flour Olty flour , 150@2 90.
Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz ,
Cattle Butcher covra S 2a@3 75 , Batcher
atacre , 3 75S4 ( 00.
Sheep 2 50@3 00.
Hogg i OU4 29.
Poultry Live chickens , per dos. 2 25 ; drees-
od chickens , 8c ; dressed turkeys , lOc ; dress-
id duckn , 9o ; dressed peese , lOc.
Butter Creamery , 22@25o ; choice country
Efrga 22 per dozen.
Vegetables Potatoes , 40@50o per bushel ;
mlons , 60c per bu ; apploo , choice cooking or
eating , 3 < K ) ; bnans , 1 OOffll 50 per bushel.
ClUor-32 gallon bbl , 56.50.
Orixuftefl } 2) per box.
LomooB 4 60@5 00 per box.
Corn Meal ,
Graham Flour ,
Ground Fresh Every Day !
Ground Feed Always on Hand.
Mill , corner of Noith Sixth and Mill Streets ,
To purchase
A.fc BottomPrices , is
China Store ,
23 Mnin Street , ( on oil Dlu
$20 KEWABB !
REWARD paid loc Information of preoent
SPA lo'ktlnn pair ro'spi. nairnn and barnees ,
morlz gel bv WillUm D Hall toTbornaa t , > cnlon
U y herM even ytars old 1'do potmda , eoir left
bind le .blick hi raa nine jeara nW.i tarli > fora-
ned btutln In right hind leg w gen , Coo'eimake ,
th'e Inch let double Ir-rne-ti , t ) en from Tottawatt.
arr.le county In Aucust Tin dollars reward for
di > very of uld II > II , Hill d-tcrl o < li about 5
feet 10ncbe | > , ndy complexion , b < Id ho K * rn top
vnkuri brownlib red , BtouU b built , about 10)ran
prlj toLo'owd ' Ev ° rett , attorney at law
illuffi , Iowa ,
not. omoni v , a. K. rein
OotrncU Blufli , . . . Ia ,
Established - - 1856
In roreljntod Domcitlo Ezebu |
DOOM StcoriUu ,
Offlco , Main Street , Room 9 , Shugart and Eeno
block. Will pracilco In S ate and Fodeial courts
u. &t. TATS ,
Praoilco In State and FcdorsJ SonrtJ.
Collection ! promptly attended to.
Room 1(1 ( , ShuRart'a ' Building ,
Masonic Temple ,
Oonncll BInflfl Iowa.
All the Latest Improved
All Work First Class.
Orders by Mail Solicited
Express Paid on all Or
ders over $2.60.
Collars and Cufra a
Specially ,
Established 1882.
H. E. REMER , Manager
BKATES-denU Uo , LadlN 100.
Admluton Pr * Vi Utdlei caoh aorolng and Tni
day and Tburediy altcr&ooaa , VM ol Bkatci 11
4. r. GCniNOK. n. n ,
Ilauagof. Proprlttoi
St , Charles Hotel ,
Mn. K > U Ooakly , Prcprlc.VsrefB.
luinltiul. Good tatnple
room , on first floor.
arttmi II.CO to ti pei dtr. Special ratei circa
nemben ol tbe leglnlatiire , norio-lm-tne
SMITH A TOIitiEK Agts. ,
T and 9 Main R'.rcot ,
Oouxoiii IJLurrs , IOWA.
Complete Line of New Goods to Select From.
Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which
wo will sell In retail or wholesale lota.
' All Stock Warranted as ReoresBntetl.
Whole Mo at'drotAll thaler * In Ornln .ml ruled Hav. Prlcoj
nonablo SiUlnfftrtion Oi utr < l.
Corner Fifth Avo. , t Fourth St. UouncllBlulTs.
Winter Goods Heady. Suits Mnde to Order in Lufcst Styl
on Short .N otieo ami nt Reason bl > [ 'rices.
flOB Mam titreot , .
Council BInffi.
Brs. Judd & Smith's ' Ne-w Improved Electric Belt.
IT I OSntVM.Y CUItKRKMncy an > l Liter Complaint , Hilfflit'4 I ) | PA c. hcu nuttsin. Nour ldi
mfwrpla , Ncnonstcm W.RtliiB WcakiKtf , I'jiralysli ) , Sjilnil All oll-ni. liiJIfrajllan , Hc it liiuu ) < . Kits
"nd JS-ollTrtllVsJ i ch C'lnaftUdl'M"SreqUltln' luofll"oj mathop.K-ors. Now Improve. ! b
IN ntc rnioES or
oring Btoves !
nc l t li tcnclurtcd to dlrpoae nl uiv utorra RMAnnLPSJur conrm im *
xt ( e on. C JI eitly u 1 will not bo um'ottohl ) > v HKJ one.
A. J. Mandel ,
825 UroMlwav. Uounnl ' ' -
NOTICE. Special & vettlncmonta , no 8 Tjoel ,
round , To Loan , or Sale , To Uont , Wanta , IJoarJ
Ing , etc. , will bo Inwitod In this column At the low
rate ol TEN OKNTS PKUIJND for the Orst Insertion
nl FIVE CENTS FEU UKK for each subsequent n-
ortlon. Loir * nJ\-BrtlsomcaU tt onioffioo , ! 7o.
Peitl Mtrcot. near Broadrar
ovltlrn by a oc mrctintDock-lictpcr.
r n furnish pond rolerenciland rewonl for
drsl'lng change. Addrest A Eco office , Council
Dlufls ,
WAN ED Place to ork morclngj and ore-
nlnf ; < hvn Elrl attending ichoolO. . Uco
offlce. Council P uH ) .
WAKTKti A partner take bait Interest In n
Hotel buslno > , S'.COOeajli rcqnlicd. Can ox-
toid builiic-8 Hlth It mi as tiUoualathoproflte. Aa :
dic33 I. . Btoomcc , Council Illod' .
FOR SIi ; 1 ands Improved a&d unimproved.
II youuanta fairn In wc-tcrn lena , Kan
Ncbrnaln or Dalots , lotus boir frum you.
TT'On S4LE Special bargain. A largo twu story
franodwill nir , too rooms' with all modern 1m
piovcmrnts well located aid almost ne\v. Piico
< 6uO ; $1,1 03 cash balance long tlirc ,
TT7"ANTH > Tocorrenpocdwlth any non-rceldent
r T owner or i roperty In Council Bluffj or 1'oiU-
viattimc county , or any onwlfblug ti buyer
or will piopetty iu western lo aKuisi8 : or Nib'0sk .
FOR SA1 E A large cumber ot builncss and rwl-
( Jcnc Iotnlii all i.uriu of Council Bli fl > . Suu
us before you bny , EWAH & WAIKIR.
r OR KEBr Wo h5 TO several houn-s o-i our list
for rent , vacant now , feWA
FOK 8Le Partlei wishing to buy onoap lots to
build on can bnj on a onlhly | iii v rtcnti o' from
S2 to S10.
FOIt RKNl We will rent you a lot to bu Id on
wfth the priillage to buy K vou w ! h anery
llboial term . SWAX & WALKER.
WANTED i o"rrcsj > end wlllnnj on wlsblnca
( * ( d loottion I r ( lannlng mill. sa > b , door
and bind manufactory , no hiuo bulldlnir and
macb.nerj , no'l located , for sale , liasecr tialc ;
* , S\i AN & v > ALnnK.
FOR KENT Larje two story fratro bulldii g sultf
obis for warehcnuu or etoiavo pur oics , r.oir
railroad depot. SWAN & WILKBK.
FOUUKNP Oil 8ALK Bulldlnn ard graunn
FVt't' b o for Bwatl foundiy and maohlne nhop
joodbjlloraiKirjD , cupla ) , blower HlthiJicd shall-
ag eta. , icady to-put In motion
FOR SALE she Tins , o-unters , t\blo < lie s , gaa
flxturuK etc. K etilro | ol II , e , Scnusan , paper ,
jooka and Btntlooery , 341 Jlroailnay.
fOH SLKfeconcbandeatc. . Ko. S17 Droad-
1 CouiicP BluOs-
T7 < olt HAi-K TwuhuiH a ilnitloinggj \ , and light
JL elnglo harness. C. H. llolcsteon 6J4 Droatl > ay.
WANTED Agenti in every county In western
Icuaton M tbo "Champion Dojom Htrcthcr
end Ironitj ; Umrd' , FMnylady pronouuics it 'n
eight to be Just what eh i want' , cither for horafll
or hirer * 1 clp flic Inruccments to agents lUt.lltf
or $1 , Aildrcfe 0 II. 8. and 1 llcud , i ) o
touncll B uuV , Iowa.
, j'UK WALK Ui.uHes , 1 otu and Land. A. J.
J ? top o iaon , 5L3 trtt avenuo.
SALK A top-hUKKy , llr t1 m nui.u and
iiMJll 1 ex client cunditl n Or. will lr do for cho.p
Ot. Addre-i , r , tl Uooi nio , Coiinjl !
1 > OOU-OouifO | Huaton , OZS llr'i.d-
ay. eella coal nd wood at reasonable priced ,
Klvca 3 000bt \ , for a ton , and 133 cubic for a oord ,
Try him.
Kvery Douyin Uuuucli tlluflo to uuo
WAWTelJ Dollrored by cartlei at only twenty
Mnts a vtoek.
O LLI I'Al'EIia For Bkla at lli > otllM , at S6 conU
a hnnJrod
No. 507 Broadtray Oonncll BJoffa.
Railway Time Table ,
Corrected ta January 7,1836.
Th lollowmj are the times ol the arrival and il -
pirtaro ol trains by i ntr&l etandard tlm , at tie !
local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton mlL.
atog earlier and arihre ten mlnuten Ulor.
cmcAot jffjiMiaros ADO OOIKOT ,
SS6pia : Chlc&KoEiprest ) 9X0 am
9iO : a m Vast Mail , 7:00 : p rr
HSO ; p ia AooommoJatlon. SiK ) p m
* At local depot ortf *
EAB1AS ( nt , 81. IOt AND OW.ICtU BlBfn.
10.05 a in lltkll and liiprt'.f , 25 p ra
8:15 : pin PaoICo KipreiM , 6tpm
omjAoo , WILWADEH Ai > a si. rAm ,
6:16 : p m EiproBS , B:05 : a in
9:25 : a m Kiprean tt : > b p m
6:25 p m Atlantlo Eiproea , 0:05 : a m
9:25 : a m Day Kxp M 8:61 : p m
7:20 : a m 'Dei Holnon Accommodation , 0:16 : p m
At local divot only.
Clo pa Acoomnodaton Bnoam :
1BO ; p xa Loulj Exprosa 8:46 : p m
1:60 : p sa CbloajjO Kxprew 10:65 : a m
* At Tranilor only
tM : p m Kipro 8 , . 0:60 : p ra
JZ6 | a m Paclflo Kzpreu : Cfi a u
IW ; p m BL Caul Expreu , 9no : a m
JlW a m Day Kiprcsa 7:00 : p in
* DKIOH ricirio.
S:00 : p m Western Expreu , 8:80 : a m
UW : a m I'aoino Eiprexi , 4iO : p m
llllfl * D Lincoln Eiprew , 1:111 : p m
At Trantler only ,
Le T -8:8-0JO-loSO-Uio : : : : : . n > . ltl-JB : :
BBO-l:80-6ao-fl:80-ll : : : :6 : p. tn Buuday 7:20 : * -
iSO-ll:40 : a. m. i:90 o S:30-e : O-11ut p. m.
rtlnlOmlnuto , bcfo
rronlraniler only
in , H , J , Hfltoo ,1 B , ,
, ° ret fjliJj yosrs pwctlp'il exp.ileeo * Ofin o.
E , Pearl § t p . Council Bluffl.
frt .
Cobs , Coal i Wood
30. JE5 , O-OKTOOEJ ,
P. O , JdrcM. Look Box UB9 , Council Blafft ;
of the Pei
Chicago , Minnfapdl's ' , Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Ccd. r Rupids , ] > 4venx > rt
CSmton , RicUforcf ,
Hock lelnni ) , , l u > Hvlllo ,
Lu Uruebe ,
HelIt , Winna ,
Acd oil otliB ? Impurtnut points East , North-
eont and Sdtitboaut.
Ticket oll"o at 1401 Kin am ftoci ( in I'nxton Ho
tel ) . nri'l ' at U | rti Hacilln ICi | > t.
} ' < I.I.IUN SLZKrKR and tliB FINIOT Di.M a TABMI
Till MOULD KTU rii onthomal'illueauf th Chicago
fcUwauJcea&St , PaulB'yucd o-ery aiterilim
) > xld to ptsttngtrj by oourto.a employe jot tha
ex nipiny.
S. a MhRHILL , A. V. n. CAfiPKNTEB ,
Gcniri I Managei. Oen'l > J'jef c"ipr Aitent.
ItMlfj KH , OEO. F. UK V OKD ,
A.t 't Ocn'l Manager. As't Oen'J Pan A ent.
J. T. C1.VUK , Oia'l Su orluloudout.
Tbo niott extensive ) maiinltctuiora
John JIOckBtrnwer Qooornl Axant or Nebrntk * MI
Woatorn Iowa.
> a B. Tenth Htreot . . . . OUAIIA , JJJCJI ,
/Vndatlau JiUllnjJ .nj Pool T blua nod nutcrlft
_ Also UJ vnluabio nnd rolinble re-
ciport ( ( K7er beloro juiblislied. ) nny-
ouo ot ivliich is w rtli < JI.OO mid
from that to &i5 00 , at d n copy of
the ' "Cultivator" BBnt FltEE to
any one that Hen da ft stamps to pay
po tngo etc. , 8 comic pictuto cards
will a BO bo oh closed in the ptck-
ugo. ThfBorecipea rre valuable to
i bo household aud any oaergot cptr-
aon knowing the necrets they difcloso
nted never want for monoy. Please
wiite nnmo aud address phioly. Put
U ntanira in a letter nnd address it
to tne ESTEtiN PUB. CO. , box
509 , Omaha , Nob.
Mitttr ol Application ol A. & II. lUcrboch til LI ,
< | Ui > r I.lcunu * .
Notice la heraky trlmn Ui t A. fc IL Pitrbo-h
did U | > or the Illli day ot Jauour A. l > . IB8A , ( U
thtlr application txlhu Hoard ol County O mitl.lou.
omcl LiuuBliu rouiit' , Nebruka tor Uoeiitu to ull
Malt , Hplrltuaut anil VlnouK IvUorn ) , at Kl.horu
hUtlun , Iu Oliloiio t'lociunt , J outclwi coumy , M .
liiaulia Ir m tb 1 t datl tulrujiy , l6SCtolb
lit da ; ol Slay USf.
II ilicru to no otjccllon , remanftr nc or protok
filotl wltlila twuKa- lioin Jn uiry ITiti , A 1 > , lib&
tbu aU llwjujo H ill U k'rmtwi.
A U. l > > nniri [ , Applicant.
an 17 SZTp Jl , T , M ; YIW , tcuutj CU ( .