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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1885)
OMAHA DAILY BEX' WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 2i , 1885. CUFITAb PU1ZK S75.OOO l bkct only $5. Shares In Proportion Louisiana State Lottery Company "Wt&ektrA'j i ( fy t u npcniia tkt ft tisntfitnli far all lift J'cntAfy itnd 3tml-Atw > Dtnvmjt t J tht ou ( < * n * Stan Mltry Oompcnj andttytrten ntannst trvt control tit Draaini thtn\tfvUanltkattketM are coniuiitei ( Zinwity./amtiiant\ ( \ ( ( ofil/ailk louarii an iwi f 13 , and usauiA0f ( iKs etmpanv la tut ! > < tff * vr Commissioners , I MI by tli * IntftlMCM iUj ytirpoH ; Tlth . ea | -.l.WO.oW to wlilcli A rsjoivi rend cl LTI ( . .W,3W run lnoe bwjn uldad. By to overwhelming populM T0 e lit funoMia M uuda & i' ik of the proocnt Kit * cmitliatloi fcOMr/tml noMrnbef * d. A t ) . 187P. Tlioonly httoryevcr Toted on nd endorsed by tfce peopld of y etilo. It never scales or pottponcf. itn grand dliJglo nuinbci drawings tiki pJico monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUH ITT TO WIN A FOU. TUNE , HKCONDOIOND IlllAWINCl. CLASS U. IN TUB AOMJKUY OK MUSIC , NK\V OULKAN.- , TUE'DAY , KKUHUAKY 1U , 188 } . . 177th MONTHLY DRAW1MQ CAPITAL PRIZE , 575,000. 100 CCO Tickrto at 55 o.teh. Fractions , In Fifths in oport'on , iiys OP ruiZEo. rr.izK . _ . . . . , . do node dee 1 o do . 13,00 : ! WUJXSOV { 8,000 . I1Wf 6 do 1370 . 10.CU 10 dao Kf.0 . 1S.CW SO < o SCO. . 10.0VH Jo SW . 2J.CS' dr 1)U ) . 3 > .oa 6)0 itu CO . , . 25 ( XX ION do Si. 9 AFptoxlnlIon : prt ri cl 4753 . 8760 9 do da 603 . 460 0 do do 50 . 2 250 1M7 U03tl2I to . (266600 Appllutlon tor tuttn lo debs jho.nM be nidi onlj o tha oXoa ol the Ccrnptny la Now Orletue. For further Inlonaitlon trrlko clearly giving tnl ftddroea. POSTAL NOTKJ , Express Money Orders , 01 If iw York Kicbttngo In ordinary letter. Curronoj by Exprena ( all Bums ot CS nd upward ! at our ox < penao ) iddrosjed _ u A. DAurnra. ot U. A. DAUPHIN , How Clilctn : it , . 807 Boronth C . WMhlnKton D. O. ttako P. 0. Money Ozijis payitl nd adJrcti Rczlitorod letters to ' NEW ORLEANS HATIONAT. BASK , Ken Orleani T , * . WEAK , HOEVELOPED-PABTS OK TMK HUMAN ISOUV hMjAll ( l > . DUV' : ! > . HI UH jiil v r 11 < ; ni 11it I n n ari i TI i n ci u r i mpr. , 1 h > n ij I v t n 111 q u i ri c ' w n w 11 If n v \ u n 11 ( m ro i H n n t ) v nl piico o I h 11 in I HI g nbo n 11 li i n. 11 n l h n co n t ni ry , 111 a n ilIT p r M r _ nrn For the Cure of all diseases of Horses , Cattle , Sheep DOGS , HOGS , rOULTBY. Used successfully for 20 years by Far mers , Stockbreeders , Horse R.H. , &c. Endorsed t used by the U.S.Governm't. pliIcls t Charts sent frep.'ffia HUMPHREYS' ' MEDICINE CO. . , 109 Fulton Humphreys' Homeopath D Bfpa WW & & ( * ' In I uoo 30-yi/ita. / The onlv saocwwfnl remedy for Nervous Debility , Vita ! Weakness , imd 1'rontriitton , fron * overwork or otlii'rcMJio * . Cl ri&rvial , nrfivtaUacd larpo vjnl pn\nler. for PA. HouniY niu'oomiH.cirBontpojtpaUlGtjruceinlof prlcK. AitilnwiIliiiuitUruy * ' liuiiivDiiuUilu nittUclimCo. . ! ! ) ! ) ViiltuuSt. . NiiwVorli. MB 4IEEICAE PACKET COMPANY. ' Direct Line for Engiand France Germauy. Tha Bicaintblpa of thli wo I known line are bull ol Iron , In wntcr-tlghl oinparimonts , and aru lur nlshc4 with ovcrv r ou alto to umko the ims-Ri cilo ard ntreoalilo They ainy the Unltf . fitiloi and KutO | > tan n.Hs , MK ! leave Now Yorl Thuedays und Satnrdtt\B ( or I'\ month ( LONDON Cfccrholl ? , ( I'AIUami ) lUMIlUHO. lutes : Svcraco lr ui Hamburg 3 4 , tn IIimb < in $14 ; round trip $ ! 3 Kirat Cabin , $55 , 105 auu $7C Iloarj I'undt Murk Hanien , P. E. Mnorep. it Totl , K < IH In flnnlm , Oroncwfp It S hirutKtin tgtiit * In Couno 1 UlulU C. U. 1 > ICUA.I1I > & < 'O Ot.n. F w Agtfl , 81 llrfiulwjy. N. Y. Hun. Koz mlmll & 0 . . ami'ial Wuiloro AKtnlr , 170Visn I B Bt. , Oblub'o. III. THE AND RAILWAY. TUB IJEST noOTE AND LI3STEJ Omaha , Council Bluffs and Chicago The only line lo tike for Den Moinn * . Marshal torn , CciUr lUpliln , Cllntoo , Dlxlo , Chicago , Ml auk acd all polud < t. To tbe pen\.la \ of Ni br k , Colorado , Wjomli K , Ul h , Idaho , Ntvatli Ortgon , Wublngton and CnllurcU It often nup.rlc ulvkitted not | Mwlblo by my ether lino. Auocga 'ewof ' the nuiutroua k > "l < ti of rup rlo Ity e'Jixoil by tbapatrooiof thli rovd botwee Ouiihu Dil Chicago , arelta twotrtlrsfctlay of DA COAOOE.S Vfhlch are thalnwt th hunun 't n Inafuulty tan frcitc ; It * PALACE SLEEl'INO UAH which ro mcdeliol comfort auJ tl g nc j llal'AI LOU DUA.WINO IIOOM M1H , uniur. MieU hy n n.UU widely relebratf.H'UATULIl lNQCAl ( thetntul olwhl. hcmnot bufuu'd cUiwhcre. At Council liluff * the ( rilns of tbe Unhn I'icll Hj. coourct In Union Derotwltb thouo ( it the Rhlr p ANoith etnn llv In Chlf jo the trtini ol th Una mike dote connection with thotu of all tastei For Detroit , Oolumbua , Imllantpo'ls , fl-clnnil NlU r Ftllt , Quffilo , HlUbur ; , Toronto , tluntri llditru , Now York , 1'hlladeliihU , Utl.lmore , WM ingtoiiaoddlpolntl la the Kiel , Bile tlio Uik Rent for tlcVfH il thn "NOUTJI WUSTKUN , " Jf you 1 h the belt accemmod&tlan ) . All lick n enli toll ticket ) U thi * Hue. . iiuanirr. u s HAIR , Oon. Put. Agunt CHICIGO. H , 8 , ATWOOD , Plattsmouth , r - iiiABunoi iuoto rnau AUB maa u > HEREFOBO M JERSEY in mnoa OB mart uo swiio < 3TTcu it 11 1 .n n.i. ( ( iiiiiotuu i i ! BUEN'SAmVEItSABY ' , Tlio ItiOtJi Anniversary of Rums' IJIrtli by the lium's Club. Ewh joy or Rfkf thnt llihta the'ca Or melts til3 licait by turns SUnd forth tefiiud and ( { loflBfd In Soti 's mlnn'.tril Bum's , On Monday evening , Januiry 2Gth , 1885 , the Burn's club of thl ) city will ojlobrito tholSG'.h atinivorzary o the birth of Scotland's bard , Kobort Burns. The president of the society U Mr. Jamoa Acdorsui nnd the secretary Mr. W. J. KIDX , The colobtation will t&ko pleco in Falconet's hall and the followiug pro- grmmo has been prepared : rnnoBAiiun. Krt ! Wolcon o by the President. S2cond = Tti.i l of the t veiling -Tho Memory of Hum ? : ; "Thtro wns n Lvl was born in Kylo" . . , laml ? Ilov. W. II. C > plnud Hesponrc Mr. J. Noifmip " eng "Volianksaud Braei of lionnio Dnon , " Band Miss Cliatnbjrlaln Son ? Third Toast Scotland America. God Save the Queen ; Star Spangled Ban- nfr Bmd Mr , John Kennedy Ucepoueo Mra. O. Chcenoy. Song "Should Auld Acquaintance bo Forgot , " Band Mi'n Mnuiio MulcJruiii SOD Hoy's Wife Baa Fourth Tenet Ihf I'rcss. "My Love Sho'd but n La" " io Ytt" Band Alfred Sorcnson Kesponso Mr. Alexander Gray Sontr "Hoy. tlio Bonnlo Ureajt Knots" Band Min 1. Lorlni Gibson Sung 1'iftli Toast The Lautca. "A Man's n Man for n' That , " Band "My A'n ' VtroHldo" Mis. O. Cheoney. MBX | FJoo-tng , Mcatrs. llolentson and Stinml Quartette "Grcon Grows thollu lies Ol" Band TEAMP , TEAMP , TRAMP , Six of the "VaRS" Tnko n Trip Over the Bill KI Fccil on Vreail iul Drink " \VAtor. Monday six of the boldest nnd aaucl cot of the largo gang * of tramps now making Omaha tholr headquarters , were locked up in cells in the city jail and the charge of vagrancy set opposite their names ou the pollco register. Yesterday morning when Ofllcar Hlnnhoy woke np the gang nnd told them to gob out thceu six iellowu talked very bold and tnldhim to bear in mind that ho wan talking to gentlemen and ino more civil language to them. Thia morning they all pleaded guilty In police court nnd five of thorn were sentenced to ten day a etch in the counly jill on broad and water and the oixth one , who hid bcun [ jutting in his time In bos tit K restaurant keepers out of menls , won given fifteen doyj on btoad and water. This will give them nn oppor tunity to clean CUE their systems in good shape. Vnsaar At Boyd's opera house , on Sa'urJay ' , Jamia-y 24 , 2:30 : p. ro. . will bo given a "Ballad Matineo" for the benefit of the "Vassar cducat'onal ' fund. The soloist of the occasion will bo Mrs. M. E. Latey , long a favoiito in Omaha. The pro gramme will bo vocal , with the exception of two , and will , as the name intimates , consist wholly of ballads. A word in explanation of the object of the inatinco may not bo amiss at this time. The Vasar : educational fund has for its ultimate end the establishment of a frco Vassar scholarship in every western stato. It is the special work of the Western assoc - soc a ion of Vassar nluiAnuo , founded in 1881 , and numbering now among its mem bers sixty-eight of the 113 western gradu- a es. In 1883 was b'gun the organized work for the Vassar fund , whoso interest is to bo .devoted to the education at Vas sar of western girls ; girls whoso scholar ship and character make them worthy a col ego tra ning , but whose lack of means prevents iheir obtaining it. For the list year ihia work lua ab sorbed all the oncrgius of the western al- utnuiu. In towns where tltoro are nev- eral graduates all act together aa a com mlttoo. Such committees exist in Chicago cage , Haclno. Grand lliplcls , Rockford , Council Blufl'jjOinubanuct San Francisco. Iju'a'od alumtiUi aru doing what they can alone , five in Illinois umo in Michi can , six in Iowa , pno in Missouri , ono in Indiana , tin03 in Wisconsin , two in Mince iota and ono each in Kansas , DA Uota , California , Wellington territory and Texas. llnir cnthnslasm and iudaatty have boon well rewarded. The result of the work thno far , en shown Vy the report o January 1 , 1885 , being § 1,480 32 No largo gifts have BR yo been made to tbo fund , S1UO ropro asnting Ilio sum contributed by friend of the college. Tfch rest has bson given audiarnod by the alumnn ) themselves and in tbo fruit of many devices saccoja fully put in practice , including /aim , con carts , flower silec , tutoring , oto. Conourued in the highest iateroat r western girls and seen through compoti tlon to benefit the brightest of them , the work Is ono which deserves the gcnuron aid of our woatcrn people. The nlumcrui of the western s'a'ca ar carrying It an o y toward compti t on aa succor , and they hope that at their wor becomes known it may so command ro spool and confidence as to Boom worth the aid of western men and women wh are able to give more liberally than the themselves can do. THE SECOND ATTEMPT , Holdl' . Bold Dash For Muerti III Former Experience , A telegram wai rocelred by Detect ! v Nollgh at 0:30 : yesterday morning isyln that Heldt , the trail vreokor who hai juat bcon tentencod < o ton yoara in th penitentiary , had broken jail at Schujler Mr. Nellgh made all preparations t leave on tha firo1. tnin ta recapture h man , when ho waa uotiQed by the U. P. headquarters people that Iloldt had ben apprehended after a abort run. It n aaid that the people of the town turned Qt out en-masso to hunt down the miscreant and Boon succeeded in caging him. . fhia is the tusond bold da h for liberty thnt Ho'dt baa made ainco couSncd in thi Schuylor jail , About two months ago hi made another attempt to break jail wbicl very nearly proved uccu fal. It op pot. a llut hla ' * , notorious throuy' ihlo section cf l lie country aa "U , P Mary , " conceived a plot of rescuirg he : lover which waa certainly unique aa i peclmen of bold crimina'ily. ' fciho ae Ore in a ntigbboring building , end dur ing the uxcltemcnt loc'dcnt ' to the occ < i : lon , U-ldt brtko out of uii cell. IV til cffio'ftV , aUraotod by the cry of fire , isd left t-o building , and Iloldt wxs juat bouttn make teed ; histscipowhon ho WAI elected by n pasecr-by. The nhrm waa po dily given , and Iluldt was captured il locked up in his coll. The trtln wrcckor is sinn to bo taken o Lincoln , and ho will specdi'y bo mnurtd In Iho alU w oh nro to "It us h a pji a t ; f r the das < idly ci me. tcprcftcntntlvo Klley's Views Upon tlio IiriMntlon ; Ncodcil by This City. llopn tuntallvo U'loy ' , who spent Sun- lay in Orufiha , was naked by n Bnn n- orter what iho Doughs county dclcgs- ion hna done In the wny of shaping ceded lepitltUlon for Omaha , "Wo nto waiting for sorno dcfinltoox- reeolon from the people , " replied Mr. Riley , "aud conEcquontly wo lu.o toil'y ' ono nothing na yoL However , in the baonco of eomo action on the part cf the ooplo suggesting wht.t they tiecd , 1 will tate my vlown on thn matter and what I ropoto to favor. In thla way some dia- usslon mny bo created , and a concluiion rrlved at by the pooplo. "What do yon propose to do In regard o public workt ? " "VVhoro paving , curbing ncd guttering ro done at the same tlmo I thill favcr ho ptymont therefor In ten yciiH , ono- bird to bo berne by the cityatlarga , nd" two thirds by the abutting property , Vhoro curblnp and guttering nro done ojotber I shall fiwtr the patscgo of n aw enabling propelty holders to pay heir sbaro In five yearn and make ihj Ity boar cne-fourth of the coat. " ' Uow about oalarlce ] ' "I thick iho councllmon ought to bo iaid$400a year , the chairman of the nest Important committoco , such ns troeti and graded , paving , curbing and uttering , sewerage and water wotks , to eceivo $100 additional. The mayor juqht to receive $1,500 , the marshal tha amo. I am In fiver of making the may- irond city engineer ox-oflioio members of ho beard of public works. This will not ncrcaae the expense , and it will msko a very efllciont board. Wo need also a clly auditor , who shall audit all accounts and bo n check upon the treasury. We hsnld also hare n board of pollco com- ni'3iionora , to consist of the ma } or , narchal and one private citizen , who hall have control of all nppointmonti to ho polica force , which should bo under ivil aorvica rales. The board of oduca- ion ehould bo iacroiscd to twelve mom- isra , to bo elected the came as city couu- ilmon. Those nio my viows. Now the ) ouglaa county delegation vrnuld hko to tear from the people ou thoao matters as eon as possible. " A PAIE OFDOaUMPS , .boy Itcport Having Dccii Koubpd of $1DO A. Sivrdo Loses Ills JLltllo All , Ycatarday two mon reportcil nt ollco hcadquarlcra that they had been ebbed Mcndao in the French cofleo lomo ealoon , corner of Tenth and Jones troots. They said they came up from jlncoln and ono of them had $150 and a heck for a trunk. They vs-ero drunk when they arrived in the city end went nto the pl-tco mentioned and got beastly ruiik encl while in that state , thg fellow ran robbed of his money and trnnk heck. The atory lookoJ a Jittlo flltnny nd nn ofliccr iuveatigatod the matter nd bccamo couvlucod that the fellows mly hod about $20 originally and had quandcrcd their money in a drunken proe. ROBBED OF § 00. Yeetcrday a couple of Swedes , iving on Seventh street , approached ) fficer Curry , ( on Tenth ntrect , and ta'd i that Monday cfcoruoon a man called at their housj and cold them a clock on the installment plan. Qua of ho SwoJca took doirn a little square box containing $00 and p.\id $1 in advance ipon the clock. After the clock man lad lakcn hia ooparluro the Swedes noticed that till the money had disap peared from the box. They thought the : lcck man had stolen it , but an they hid their eyes upon him all of the time , he munt luvo had thonid of invieiblo snjriis in transfer th monny from the btJP ti als pocket without being Been by tbo owner. I'nEtolUce CliinucH In Noliraska For the week ending January 17,1885 , furnished by Mr. Van Vleck of the post- oilico department : Eatabliihed : BlnckTOod , Hitchcock county , Sarah E. Willlamn , P. M ; Tren ton , Llitchcoek county , Garrutt 0. Bur ton , P M ; Wulwotth , Caster county , Mra. B. E. Predmoiv , P. M ; Whittier , Lenox county , Jo < eph Jackson , P. M. Name changed : Sioux County to Ohadron. Poatmaatera appointed : Olonr Spring , Antelope county , Mra. AY. A. Pjckwood ; D unbar. ( too county , ' Miaa Lallo A. Jones ; E khont , Douglas county , \Vm. S. Oiinnou ; Krooinan , G i o county , J. W. Mumford ; Powel , Jifl'irson coun'v , Kd- atdM. Waplet ; lick Falls. Phelpe county , D. Clpon Nash ; Rookvillo , Sbor man county , Fred Guat ; Burptitta , Butlci county , Jas. B. Morrison. Poatoflico changes in IOWA Daring the week ending January 17 1885 : Established : Bnlltown , Dubnqm county , Lenis Backes , P. M. ; Oonroy Iowa county , Julm 'C. Engelbert , P. M Postmasters appointed : Golden , Del aware county , A. J. Atkinaj Rocheater Cedar county. Win. Baker , Jr. ; Wes Grove , Davis county , Anna E. Henry. A ( till alann cnt in to Engine house No 1 t 3 o'clock tlil i rooming called that com pany to IJcnnttt'a laundry en Izarrt street wleraaCrahad gained Lealway in the dry inff loom. Tha blazs wm eitinul hod b'lor doiDR damage exceeding tneetlmotoof SlOfl AToTPuund , W , O. Bradly , Blair , Nib , G. P. Greni , Nellgb , W. G. Phelps , w. Ncbuakana refjlatcred at the Millard lot There Is to be a ravivniof smooth fact ning soii ty men. The mutloa-obi ; ran it bo chopped off , and the goatoa rm e go too. A human javr bone of fiv teizesndpci fact at\to of preservatii n hai beni foun sixty feat below the aurf co of a Georgi llmestono qiurry. Pan Voorhfen Jl".rlrcto < l. lunUNApous , Junmry 20 VcorLoo * ws re-elecwd aenttof to day. lie received a mi jnnty cf 41 mt cf M3 VoUf , OVIT ex ( Jcmm lurirr u iiiinntd l > y thi rfimOUem , OU3TEB OOUNTY NOTES , Cattle on tlio lTan c i Dotnq Wcll- Btcndy OrowHi of Brtrsent Ocncrnl Notes , Co.'rcipon'Jencoot thoBEB , Custer County , N .b.\ January 17 , 1885. ) Although TTO trj oxporionchig some pritly cold weather , wilh contldcrablo i noc , the c indl tlon of the ctt-loat the ranches ti uated on the Middle Loup , norOiTCst of this point , is m gojil os duiing any of Iho winters of fquil se verity In the past , nnd thtrj it nally but lltth BUtTei ing among them. Thaloests occasioned by the cold have bcon com- paratlvily few , which la no doubt no- c uutcd for by the ciro taken in erecting proper nheddtt g end liordliiR near the hills. The auow is not mire than tix inchco dcpp and ia 1'ght ' and dry , utid the cattle find no great difllcahy in get ting at tlu gr s , uvori where the snow has not bcon blonn elF Basinets IB dull , although the fnrmorc , if anything , have loss CMUO to grumble than thoab loca'ci along the aifforcnt rflilrais. Thn price of corn has never been k'ts than 18 , nlthough some private traisactii ns havu been made an low na 15 ? , but the ruling price ia IQs. Owing to the price of cufcl being eo high , $1U ptr ton , nlmcat everybody is burning c6rn' It being coustdotcd the chcapis' nnd thoutanda of bushels nro being burnt dnilu in th'a ' valley. Hogs anlllng at $3 50 per 100 and on the riao. Fatmcis nro holding all tholr products for a higher or price , and hence vciy little hauling to market is going ou. The first ot Jaacary , Wm. n. Prod- moro bought a half Interest in the Loup Valley Eiglo , published at thia place , nd bo and the foaner owner , D. 0. Kulley , an old Onulu n-jwtpipor man , nro gut ting out a .first-clasi paper. Mr. Prod- moro was formerly editor of the Wcot Udlon Gazatte , but seeing that it waa "loves labor 1 tt" in trying to nia a pa per and endavortng to build a town so near Sargont na West Union , gave up the ghost tnil associated himself as above s tel with Mr. Kollcy. Ho ia n thor ough nowopaper man and will bo a great acquisition to the Eaglo. The citizens of this locality , seeing the udvantrgj n btltlgo would bo to them ocroistho Middle Loup at this point , wont lo work aomo time since and raited , by subscription , the ncco-sity funds to erect a substantial wooden ono. The contract was given to a Mr. S. Tiffl su gar , of Eau Claire , Wla. , who arrived in tiatgdnt last week end will EOOII have the tooia and material on the ground , and tlu work will proceed as rapidly as the nature of the weothor wiil permit. Ho hopes to have it C3inj.latod by May 1. TERSONAL. Mr. W. T. Haypa and family , of Char- lovoiz , Mich , criivod list week nnd will make thia their future homo. Mr. C. H. Darling , if Rockport , Ills , , arritoi last week oa an extended visit to his brother , A. M. Djrling , and likely ho too will conclude to Inoato with us. Mr. Ernio4Jerin , our popular deputy postmaster and nowo acant , roporto many new subjoribers to the old favorite , the WEEKLY BEE , which id rt ad by the mi- jorlty of the people in this part of Ne braska. The time is approaching when lining setkcra will oocm bs on the go , and Cut ter county is fait becoming known for her good society , nunmoua churches and szhool houses , frtilo EC ! ) ? and certain cropp , with the finest of tvtcr and best of clioiato , and aa a consequence will ro- celvo into her llmitn her full quota of hoir.osookcra who trill recelvo a hearty > welcome. ° J ' Par lisa deairlng voliiablft information cm write to Rev. W. F. Cole , Sargent , or to Rov. M. R. Peirco , Broken Bow , Nob. , enclosing stamp for reply , COLONEL JAMES. NOT KILLED , , tbo Telegraph Lineman , at St. Joseph , Missouri. Mention was made in these columns yesterday oi the letter of Inquiry from J. L. Eads of Aldcn , Kansas , stating that ho had understood from an article going the rouuda of the Missouri press , that U. O. Eatls , Iiia brother , haa been killed near Paplllion some time about the twenty-third of last December. It hap- poaed Eids slid , nhilo the young man , In the performance of his duties an a telegraph line wan , was riding along the U P. track on n linotnnn'a tncyclo. Coroner Drexel quietly investigated the mi tier yoalorday , aid found thit Bads had been in tliu o-npluy of thu Union Faoific up to the eixth day of last December , whcu ho was disci nrgod ; that aflor drawing bis pay on tbo 7ch of tbo month ho went to work for the Hannibal & St. Jojuph road , baing stati med at St. Joseph. Why ho has choaon to keep hie wheioibouts sicrdt ie , of coutao , not known. It is qulto probable that the dory of Eads" ae.Mh aroar , qulto curiously enough , from thu lulling of a lineman named Ilonp.-r , at NpcingGold , which happenoi Dicjojbor 23rd. The inqcoU was held by Coroner Dpjohn. of P pillion - lion , who returned a verdict In accordance - anco with tbe clrcamatancea. How the twj etotios became mixed is a myitery which la still to bo explained. FOREIGN NEWB. ENOLAND AND THE KQVl'TIAN Tl'.OUIJLlH. LONDON , January 20j-Tha St. Jamea Gazette hears that England will tiolve tbo Egyptian trouble liy seaumirg' for a certain period the entire administration of lower and mlddlo Kh'jpt , toRttlier with all the financial rcepoueibilit'os clving to the tultan uppft amlequitoiial Kgypt with any port or pert * nn tbu JUil fen. The mlftion of Hotatn Fehml I'acln , Turklih minliter of juuticu , i believed to bo roone.tea with u scheme foi the paitition of JCgypt. AWKHICAN 1ILOCKADE IIUNNEIW , LONDON , January 20 , The mails frott Madastascar a y that a ( mall body of volun teer under sn Amerio n olllcer had run thi bloikado end rcnchrd the capital. WILL KODND A GEHHAN HTATION IN CONGOj BUILIN , January 20. A letter from thi CoDK'OimDtiT iav Lieut. Sohulze haa lie quired from tbe African Intertutiou 1 aUo- elation a laiga lr ct neur Nokkl , where h < will found ; a Gf rra n Btatiou. , TEnmuLE AVAUKonta IH ITALY. Hour. January 20. News * BB rccelvoi that villages in ills litgblai d 'of Kiedmon und Soroy wore devastated by nn avaUnche Three villngrs in Pin moot , including the im pnrtvat villaKa uf VIMslnn , have been uii'lei ' ih aviUuche from Pit'mout'd [ toountalni st I'lia town of Clmumnnt , Tratic' , tlio capit il'imtiuent of IJaut Him at tlia foot ol tin Vo'ges ir.ouutiini > , li pait'y ' overnhflinn with IOQW and wauy people killed , An"the > avaUnchoo cuifod it Hperdio on Ihu DTI UullU liver , a f w u.iles . gouth of Qnta. Fit tetn periona ure kcown to In buiitt ) uude the enow at Spnroiic , Vilugrrn hn h vi been ma ohooicUu liytho uutdiaaiter bav api > * led for rulfof. The ruyal treasury troop were tent to am > t thtm. LOKDON wnva. tf. January 20 , Thi rabin t , a',3u'uu3k , al : tcmUis eio.'pt Chdmbfrlain , president of th boud of trntp , ud Karl SIK-II cf. fie lord HeutenAnl o IrcUnJ , Ulad * imj looked vi orom. Thp cftVii ptd'd i fttp irate until 7i33Anotho council will IH liol I to in .it row to fin.Mlv do tide th point * nt l u i between Knphn < \ nnd the cu tmentil pjw-ri te nrdlng tbo future manngeinsnt of trie K < yn iiu oll.ilrs A linllUntRnillcn onclomctl Mrf. Lingkry at the I'tioco's 'h ' Aira to. Uht in lur cuf\ iho London atli 1'rlnc-ss ' Cl rn maso - OMB'- . Tha comedy wii xvtll m unte 1 , but fnilnd to intetoit , it lsun ui'p' ' * < i n Knr'ish ' aud.cntp , 'I'ltf i n.0 ( r , SiK FHASCISCO , Ja ni iy P0. The chstnbi ref of commerce ? , at iluir nunnnl incotlng to-d i , plB'pil a rcfolnti in pritojlirg neninst tli cnnllrtnatiou of the Sp ii'iili-An."ric.i'i trentr. nnd ittonijly it'Rini ; tlu ratifi aiiuu of tee NicaraRiu treaty. TVcatln r T January 20. For Upper Rcnornllir coMcr , fair wcithcr , winds Rhiftme nortnwest r'y , rtsinff buotn * cUr l-'or Mirsmri Vullnv , cdilor , flr wiather , noitlcrly winds , rifinp ; barometer , 0 U. S , DEPOSITORY- .rl.rV1ILt.ARD , WMffWAULAQE , Trutdont. Cuhlti $500,000. Flro and Burglar Proof Safes , For rent &t Irom 8 to f 50 pot annum 19 N. Sixteenth street , sells floua cheap- r than any other store in Omaha. UNION1 PACIFO , " 3 ; WAStlDUHN SUPEHLA' ' TIVB , $2.80 ; "FAVOUITB OF i.MAUA . , " ? 1.40. All other brands at equally low rates. Satisfaction given or money refunded. Remember , 719 , tisr. WETISTKR & BURT. ' BR. BYSAKT , Oflico and residence , N. W. Cor. 12th , nd Howard etrcota. Calls answered promptly night , nd day. E3 ? Spoclal attention Riven to the dl cases of women and children. Private Lessons N GERMAN ! GIVEN Day or evenlne. Terms very moderate. Call on or aJdross , , F. . wr/ssaFinuER , maha Commcrchl College , 1114 li 1110 Farnarn Bt JA .EP ABODYM , , D. Physician & Burgeon Residence No. 1407 Jonca Bt Office , No. 1239 Far lu ctreat OfDco hourg,12 m to l p. m. and ficm o8p m Tulephnn' , lor cjnl007i08liJoDOO 136 , TALK ABOUT DISCOUNTS , 331-3 PEE CENT , TAKENOFf iP THE LOWEST CASH PKICES ETEP. KNOWN. W. M. BUSH&LdN DETERMINED TO LEAD. GC | cents buys § 100 worth § 2 00 ys § 3 00. All goods nro nnd always have been marked in plain fiRurea. Our Btoro ia oo well knowtffor fair dotliug to ncod 'urther recommendation. This will bo a evore loaa to us. bat wo are determined ; hat our prices shall bo lower than any > thor in Omaha.Vo certainly oanaffoid t bottcrthii ) any other house In the city , DRESS GOODS. Cj centn ill now buy Dress Goods ; hat coat 10 cents ; 163 cents , what cost 25 contf ; GC § cents what coat $1 00 3ilk0 , and velvota , Bamo pioportinn. 13 : ents will boy table linen worth 20 contt 10 eeuti will buy genuine Turkey red rarrantod faat color , that was cheap at 5 cents ; finest crcum cud bleached ooda , Bamo proportion. NOW BUY A CLOAK. § 4 CO will now buy a ladj'a heavy ihl&chilln cloak wprth § 0 75 at wholu- iftle ; § 4 G03 buys n heavy Nowmarkot worth ? 7 70 ; SO 00 boys nn imported Berlin cloak worth S13 GO wholesale ; 830 COj buys a brocaded velvet , marked = 555 00 , that is well worth $75 00. CQiLDRENS C'LOAKS. Sl.GU'j buys a four-year-old child's cloak worth W.nO. $3.81 j buys a child's sloak worth § 3.75. S-9.i)3i ) | for our finest 'ourteen year-old girl s flush capo , pltisl ; iunnings , ma ked § 14.00. Children ; knit hoods ma ked 25 cents willnow be eold t lOij cents. Ladies hoods , knit goods , hosiery , flan- icls , blankets , underwear , gloves , mittens ; aces and fancy goods are all subject to the same discount , EXOEPl'MOnLINS , PRIN1S , THREAD and GINGHAM on which there will bo NO DISCOUN I' ijecauso wo would have to replace them in 48 hours , or bo without them. Remember wo never have and never will advertise trashy stuff as first class and then sell you goods that are not wo th making up. 'I he above discounts will last but a short time. The loss is too heavy to last long. Remember tlio place and HAVE MON BUSHMAN'S , , New Store , N. E. Cor , 16 & Douglas , DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Trie firm ol Btco e , Johnson & Co. , ol Omiha , Nefa. lethltdty difBOlvod ty mutual cement , Jlr. 8. It. Johnoon ictlrlcfff'cmiheflrni. D. II HUele li alone au liorUtd to let tie I lie ifTalraof the firm ndt IC- oolnt ( or monies due said flim. Oiuiu , Jan 16 , UB5. D. M STEKXE. a it JOHNSON , B. W , SI'KATLIN , A.UNIKLC8. xivr mu , llelenlng to theabovo tlio underlined * \ ' . \ 001- tlnuo tlie Lublno auidcrtho firm mine ol D. M. Hlcele & Co. , and hcpe to merle a continuance olt'jo naojr favon hitherto extended tithe late Orm. Okiiu , Neb. , Jan. 15 , 1885.D. . D. IL BTEEr.E , B. W. 61'IUTUN , A.l ; HIKT.DH , J. 0 CHM'UAN. . In retlflnK from the flrin o ( Stx If . Johnrou & Co. IdeilretnthuiklhetraUe tor the UTO-J < xteml d lu the i > a-t , and toaik a oontlau LC ol the tame to tbe new fl in Ouim.Jnn.,15 , , 1185. ail. JOHN30N I o-ll MAQIB T H oy PAtMYBTKRY AND OONUITK K ALIST. BJ3 fcLth [ licet , between F DAm nd Ifn neywul. with th ld ol ( turdl n wlilta , eli . > lor 6"ji > ac Klmcoo lo tbapaituu piMcul , ' 'i t ncii. t'oi hi It * 'uiuit. Heel > u Who have trilled rway tbolr youthful vigor ni"l power- Who nrc suffering iroin terrible drains nml losses , w li o n ro weak. IIY1POTEN T. nnd unlit lonunr- ofnlluRca\\holhul power " ' vital c rvo ami 8KX- STUKNG'l'll vosikouoil , \vbctlicrbvlACKSSorcnrlyliabltt CAN rorelvi- positive & last- ins CURE. 'O innttcr of ho\r leif § PtautlliiR your cnso may bo or who lins failed to euro you , by a few wocksor inniitlis use of the colebra- tcii M'/rtloain Troatmont. At hoiul'Uliiiitt osposuro , in Icsa _ tluif , and for LKSS tnonoy than any other mot hod In the world. Weak back. Hoailat'lio. EMISSIONS , lassitude , loss of spirits nnd ambition , gloomy thoughts , dreadful dreams , dofretlvo nuMuory , Impotence. IniiictUiiifnts to imin-lnpo , oiillnpsy ami many other nyniptoitiB loading to'consumption ami Insanity , are promptly removed by thoJlYUTLEAlN'rHKAT .MKNT. MARRIED MEN , AND MEN ABOUT TO K1ARRY , REMEMBER , PERFECT SEXUAL STRENGTH 51EANS ; healthy ami vigorous offspring , long llfo ami the love and respect of a faithful wife. No uv.ui should over niariT who have been guilty of early Imlescrctlons , until he has been restored to I'hU- l-'ECT MANHOOD.Vo guarantcu a pcnvmncut cure lu every rase undertaken. Scud a stamps for treatise with proofs ami testimonials. Address The Climax Modica ! Co , St. Louis , Mo. Ar © now AT Th.e greatest bargains ever seen in Omalia 200 OBGAMS ! ! 100 PIAMOS ! ! Also gteat Deductions in Diamonds , < Jew- elrv. Clocks and Silverware. 5'XJSK The only importers of Havana Cigars , and Meerschaum Goods in Omaha. ' Wholesale dealers in Guns , Aannumition , Sporting Goods , Motions and Smokers' Ar ticles. THE CHEAPEST PLACE ] N OMAHA TO B"DT Ono of the Best and Largest Stocks in tfte United States fco Select From. NO STABS TO falMB. ELEGAMT PASSENGER ELEVATOR Wavnmn Street , Wish to announce that they have from this time marked down ALL GOODS , and will for the next 60 days , make a reduction of 10 per cent. Overcoats , Suits and' Pants well made and sure fit. Now is the time to huy GOOD CLOTHES AT LOW PRICES. WHOLESALE BY L , A STEWART 1013 Jones Street } AB \ OMAHA FRAKZ FALK BREWING 00. / Milwaukee. Wis. GrTOTHER & 00M Solo Bottlers ,