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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1885)
* \I H THE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY JANUARY 21 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE - Orafthn Office , No. O10 iTurniim * rN MY Yorfe Oflico , IVoom OQ Tribnno fiallillrtR. V Pabltihea trerr morning , exoepl HnniU ) [ tfc 111 , Kondkj dornlog dully. taiftr win. 3n Te r H9.00 I Three Uontbi..I UltontM f.CW | Ono Hontb Per WMk , 25 Cents. [ tni vrttiT rn , rr/tusaio sriai } vctixisATC mus rcrtTTiiB. 1 9ptTnt JJ.OO I Three SfoV.L t - ' - I.OOCno | ontli . M Cdmurrlciktioni rafatln ; to It'owi and XlHorl l atUeta tbrald ba cW fl ta tU EBttoa cv TUB Ml Btulnepi T/otton Knd R/iraltunoel ttion.d be flddr JM 10 1\i D B rffCLtfHTJ/O OOUTJItT , QHAB4. > Hif ( , ChacVji 03d rcMtolliM orders to b mule p y- mbli to the orcjor ol the rx > mpinr. E BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROPS' ' Ii ROSEAVATEH , K lltor. A. H. fitch , Mnnapor Dally Circulation , O. Box , 488 Omnhn. Neb. IOWA , llko Nibrajka , will Invo a atato census taken this yo r. Oar legiilature , \ > y the way , should not overlook the f ict that it ia required to makosomo provision for the taking of this slate conui ! . " " Till ! Omaha Jlcrald Insist on referring to the BKK aa "our evening conterapor nry. " It does it in a sort of sneering way as If the BKB ware a "poor , litllo evening shoot. " The Herald forgets that the morning Bii : has a circulation twice as largo as the entire circulation of that paper. Tun oily of Watortown , Witcansia , which haa bean hardened with an cnorm ons railway baud debt for many years , has good reason for rejoicing over the re suit of t case in which the sum of $4CO- 00 in bonds was involved. The court decided in f ivor of the city , and the people celebrate the ovcnt with connau adlng. TIIJS city of Kcokttk has taken Uic pro- 3iibition bull by the horns. Following the example of several ether Iowa cities , the city council has cs'nblishcd a local liquor license twon'y-fivo d liars inon'h and his passed a resolution order ing the city nurslml to enfoico the pro liibitory lav agnnst all saloon -\vho refuse to pay this license. TUB Western Union has not forgotten the cfTorts of Senator Hill in behalf of postil telegraphy , aa will bo coan by the following from tuo Denver Tribune-Re publican : For the past three days , the noire' fluents of Jay Gould have boon lit Den ver with thousands of ( lllurn at their command , scheming aid planning to defeat - feat Hill. They willdieoovor that though tboir money miy control a caucus , it caa not control tbo ' THE governor of Irkutsb , biing of an ontarprlsing turn , sat out a uno rooatha agj to explore the lotion over which ho xuled and canio across a town of 500 pao plo , with 1GO houaoci , four ancion churohca .and valuable Cossack relics , o which ho nor the Russian govornmon never hoard. Tbii lost town was fouuc to have a republican form of government although not cna of the inhabitants could read or write any language. Odd ly enough , they told the governor the ; ware sorry they had boon discovered. TUEUB are 110,000 federal otticoi , and about 9G.OCO of thorn are not subject to the civil service law. The great polltica problem cf the day h how can this cflices bo satiafaotorily distributed amonf , inoro Hun a million of democratic oflioo coekcrj , for it is tafo to say that thor will ha over ten applicants for over office. How to got nu oflico is just wha the avawg-i democrat is now osdoavorlug to find out , and tha consequence is tha tbo pub'whcw ' of called " " to "guide * ar making a mint of money. A corre pendent of fie Philadelphia Jiecord who haa boon invoitigating the "guide business , s yj that they are print d in handy volumcpapor boui.d , EoHincrin th Waahiogtou market for from 15 to 2 loonta a piece. Ihoro are hilf a dczon varieties , gotten out by a * many enter prising publisher ! , who sec a rich hirvcs of silver pieces just ahud. The title pngo of the boat of thcsj guide purports to tall txwtlyhow to get an oflico under the govtmrnent withou pasiiifjs : a civil service examinatif n jut AI though that was tho. only obatac'o to bo passed. Tbo impression smight to b jnado ia that if any ombiliojg young man twyu this little manual Iu will find an easy.entrance Into the government ser vice and an oasy.lifo in the aamo. Th desired intomition does not apjpiar on thofitat.pagoof . the book. That and al fiubaoquont pages , except the Last , ar filled withjplctureequo detcriptions of th fat offices hanging on the trees of th governmental paradise , with their fasci nating salorioi attached. They nro al there , and In tkolr most ottnotlvo forms Down at the foot of the last page in th llttlo book f a brief paragraph which would Deem humorous to anyone ono not personally intaraatei In the search for oflico. It embodies al the " * dvico" yea can find between th two covera of the "guide , " and is couobec in smart terms that are characteristically Aroorloin. If brfllnn a lth the llippan tcuiam that "in politics , as in every othe .pursuit , the longest pole inocks the per /limmou. " It olaboritea tUs by advising tbo applicant for cffico to Leg In by got ijng tbo endorsomenti of al ! the loca politicians , then of all -the a'at polltlciwia , then of his aenatorc And rqi rescjilalirer , and then of anyotlier in lluential mtn that he can react. Thu it warns him that ho must not cxpcc BUCCOJS unless ho is ccnsttntly , in season And out of eeaspn , preatinj his appllca tlwn with closest diligence. Posiibly after tor a jear or BO of fjiistortof cffartho m y get "loirtthlrg. " This i ) tiue bat it's not worth 15 cortj. FINOH AND ST. JOHN. And now comoi the redoabUblo Mr. Finch with the following c td ir m Dot- on : BOSTON , fiiss , Jan. 17.1833. Vi thoOmaTm D.vly llcr-ikl : The Mntointnt nf the Uttiaht HF.E , in toward ( jo.trg ii Miller , n ) the batiotml dotno- r < t cc mmillec , puliip me tronoy , iu toily n it intllcli u y ItiUr , oii'l ' ( on n par wltli re- inWic.iti tliarp o . St.lolinh ill lure romltnl l thowl R tin repubican nstijuM oniniittos aa a bribery machine. Joitx n Fi.vca. Hits card ! a snpplamonted by a cert'E- ' cxto from Dr Go > reo L. Jlillur , editor of the Oaiaha Herald , in which ho stolen that ho never atipu'nto 1 to pay and never did raj nor t Uol kbiut p ymg John B ! Tmh any money fcr any purpose- whatsoever - soever in his li'o. Dr. Jilitlor a ij s : Mr. Finch mtdo koown to Mr. Millar is ! plana for the promotion of the prohi bition cause BS an ISMIO in the national Oiuo na lout' ajo M 1882. Ho said then as he has arid since , that ho 'ntendod t > u n the votes of ro | ttbllcaDs for nrohlbi- i n candila'oi ' in 1884 aa a buhnco of power In Now York , Ohio , Indiinaand ether states to defeat and destroy the re publican pirty. Ho suited his conduct to h s words und made them good in the uU. Wo know enough to know that t wan John B Finch , nnd not Governor St. Jihn , who wounded the republican wrty t i < li unto death in Ohio hat Goto- jar , nnd gave New York to Cleveland and Ileudrinka In 188i , according to hip own pre-concerted plan of 1882 , which WAS organized with the content und ftup- orlcd by the enorgiojof leading prohibi- tionlata throughout the country. The denial of Dr. Miller la emphatic enough , but it goes without saying that 10 was ready at all time's during the last campaign to uao all "honorable" means ; o elect Cleveland and Hondricks. His cxporlonco in the Patrick Cronln affiir n 1870 doubtless suggested the propriety of his not ontorlng into personal negotia tions with the chairman of the prohibi tion committee. John B. French , in hla denial , is not quito eo poaitiro as to Dr. Miller. Ho disclaims having received any money from Dr. Miller. Nobody charged tbo > Millar did pay him any snm of money. It ia a notorious fact , however - over , that Dr. Miller's democratic f Honda claim for him the credit of effect ive Etiggoatloin toho national democratic committee , whereby the prohibition campaign iraa stimulated aud kept up by a very liberal contribution , lay about § 20,000 , to thu chairman , Mr. Finch. It ia not presum able that Mr. Finch will now como for- trard and admit' that ho received this money , no ? do wo expect him to tell how and whoio It was expended , any more n wo would oxpoai Church Howe to toll how , when and where ho spent the § 25,000 given Hii by the na ional re publisin committee with which to carry Tennosoee. It in true that Finch ha : been a democrat all the tioaa , while ha claims to bo aprohibitionht. All thlngi being equal , it has bosn his design and desire to break np the republicia pa-ly not with any idea that this would stimu late the prohibition iauso and re salt ii giving prohibition supremacy iu the state or nation. Fjnch knows hotter than that. He knew that the late contest was bo twee a the republicans and democrats. The success of neither was very encouraging to prohibition'sta but certainly the democracy in power at Washington atid the ropublicins oat o power cannot in any bo of advantage to prohibition. Finch was killing two bird with ono stone. Ho was killing the re publican party , which ho hates , anc which really furnished nine-tenths of the rocrultd for St. John , and at the some tlmo ho made prohibition a pronlablo oc cupation for himself. So far aa the Bet la concerned it Jiaa steadily refused tc bellevo that St. John received any cf ih- swag , or was In any way connected with any corrupt bargains , but did his > or > best iu the campaign. Finch haa made a very nice stake cub of the national cam paign. JWogivo him the btnafit of hie denial , however , as well aa that ot Dr Jliller , and lot it go for what It is worth THE LICENSE QUESTION. IE the legihlaturo doja cot wuit Ih wholeralo liquor dialers to pay a license the s'amo a ) the retailers , then lot the Hceus3 Lo fixed at half the amouiit no a charged for retail ltenao. Formerly the wholesalers paid § 100 , but now they pa ; nothing. The only purpose of the retailer tailor is to make rcoaoy , and tha whoh salers have the same object In view. The law should ba 10 fixed ao to place whole sale dealers , whether in or out of Ne braeka , on an equal footing with rcspec io th's ' state. Tha license issued to nr ; d > aler In ary county in this atate should authorize them to sell at any point , anc if New York , Chicago or St. Lou's ' dealers ors detiro to compete with Nobratkj wholesalers , lot them como hero and pa ] their license and get cortiQcatoa fr.n the proper officials showing that they have fully complied with the law. Bu the idea tliat there should bo no tax on the wholesale dealats in 'Nebraska , when they submit gracefully to the United State * tat , ii preposterous. Docs the nationa government make any diiToronoo betweoi the wholes dors nnd retailers ? Iho whlo sale dealots of Omaha and Nebraska have already kept back from the acltool fuiu between ? 50,000 and $00,000 by refusing to i vy license. It is their duty to oboj Iho law , but instead of this they have fitcadily violated it. Under mch cirtmn tauctis they como before the legislature with ror/ poor grace to ask for exemption Tlioy shoultl coi tainly bo made to con- tribuluthuir sliaro to the school fund , am they ought not to gnunblo. Iu o her states the wholesJeta are made to pay tht Mine aa tlw rolaUew. Whatever ia dona by tbo legislature ( honld bo absolutj. No option as to the amount chargoi for a Jlcenso chould be left to the commissioners in any county , or to the town board or tlu > city council. to give auoh power" to thoao .bodies mean * that the liquor interest Is to control cur local Jegtalation. When wo hara a cilj council to elost the question wil ) not 1 e whether Iho cndidalca ere honest nd apsblo , but wlnthor they ate willing teat at down tbo Ifqaor license nnd lot the iquor dealers hnvo their own way. Talto he liquor quolion out of politic ! and giro nsgocd government. Leave that question n politici , and wo stall alweyshuoaj distutbing oloracnt. The only power hat should bo vested in any county > oard or city council is ths power to regulate or prohibit the s lo o ! liquor. The amount to bo charged and tbo con ditions under wHih sales are allowed lor iconso ehutd bo definitely and abioluloly fuel by law. Ai to cities if the fint and second class the law should bo no tixcd an to cvan take airny the power of the city council to meddle withlha liquor question. It is no'otious ( hit liquor will bo sold iu every city of the first tni Dnd clasn any hovr , nnd the leghlotnro might aa well make the rognlatiocs abso lute , and ha o no option whatever. If the payment fcr liconaa is to bo quarterly lot it bo made no legally. If the amount it to bo $500 , $800 , 81 000 or any ether amount , lot it ba Gxed definitely by law. and not nliow the city to bo subjected to the constant turmoil end corrupting in fluence which a conflict with the liquor interests ulwayj creates. 1UILHOA.D DISCRIMINATION. There is batdly a state iu the Union which is notafiliatod with railroad ixtcr- tion and discrimination. Everywhere the people ere demanding nliof from tbo burdens and Impositions placed upon them by the railroads Evan from the little Elate of Delaware therj comoa a loud complaint. Tin governor of the atato in hio recent mosoago to the legisla ture , oitneslly advised that body to pass a rallrotd anti-discrimination law. Ho eald that the custom of freight dlscrimi nation , In the way of drawbacks or spocia ratca to particular individual ] who maybe bo moro extensive shippers than other * ii unfa'r , and not cn'y against the inter ests of the producer but of the railroac companies themselves. It ia a practice which tends to build up moncpaliea al the oxpcmo of the producer and con a amor. Continuing , ho said : Under the system you cannot 'havo competition , and without it wo are a the mercy of the favoroi claese ; . In a recant in.psrtant case tried in thu state o Ohio it waa decided that ominon car- ncw couM not charge difTjrlng rates for the same service : "Whether railroads are conaideted ai public or private corpo ra km , whether they are public high ways i r otherwise , it is manitctt that the ostablishmnet of these great railroads by legislative au hority with all tholr great privileges , powers and franchises am tholr construction , are largely duo to the fact thtt their right to toke pJlvato property orty for that purpose , without the con aoixtof the owners , makes them , ia sotnt mcaiuroat least , public works tistjblishec for the benefit of the public. They ate common carriers , made BO by law tnd the public have a right to the ! use and benefit , as such , on terms ol oqiulity , without unfair discriminition , < uid this requirement or oxasticn on tha part of the public doea not ia my julgo meat or in any manner iuftinto upon the equitable or legal rights of such carrier of fricgnt and merchandise. " I trust this important subject will receive con sidcrable attention at your hand ] ani the outcome of It may bo wholesome l wi preventing diacrlrxinatfoainany shape anc protecting and favoring a'ike ' all shippers bo they laiga or email and cspectall ; preventing companies from charging a higher rate on freights on a short than on a long distance. lc rs plSiuly my duty t.3 direct attention to theeo matters , fo tbo discrimination ia constantly otcurin ; in our own midat. THE CHAMBER OP COMMERCE The movement on the part cf a few business men to have the propcsad cham ber of commerce building located else whoio than at the corner of Sixtoentl and Farnam streets Is a mistake. Six teenth street is going to bo the main thoroughfare of the city at no dfstan day. It will be extended and improve ! clear to the Union stock yards , and wil bo paved from ono end to the olhe within the city limits. It strikes us tha the board of trade ought to take advantage ago of the low price at Iced by the city for the lot at the southwest corner of Far nam and Sixteenth streets. No where else in the business part cf Omaha can a lot of equal slza bo purchased for § 13 , 000. It ia very cheap now , but in two or three years it will moro than double In valn , owiog to the many improvements thtt are to bo mndo in the Immediate vi cinlty. It is not by any means sn ou of the way location , The Chicago board of trade , which had its oh building located In tha very boirt o the city , erected a now building costing over 300,000 several blocks away , near the Michigan Contial depot It took advantage of the cheapness of the ground in that locality , which won out o the business center , but it drew baslnes with it , and the consequent rapid risi o property in the vicinity of the chambo of commerce has amply rewarded th board. If our boird .of trade and bust * neas'uaen generally are going o wrangle over the location of tlio proposed chain ber of commerce the project m'gbt ' as well be abandoned at oncq , for it is bourn to fall to pieces like the Omaha club en terprlso. As a purely business question everybody c&n BOO that the purchase o the lot at Farnam and Sixteenth streets is a iplondld investment If a location la decided upon between Douglas am Harney and Tenth and Fourteentl streets it willCoat twice or thiica as mud ( ai the city lot that is now offered at such reasonable tomn. We hope that the board of trade will not throw away this golden opportunity , and we also hope that an effort will bo made towardi bar mouiouB action in this matter. report of the clerk at the house o represent a tlver , which has just been put llshed , chows that tbo fanertl oxpecad of Congressman Hiskell , ot Ktnsar , amounted to $3 218. This Is about the average cost of A congressional funeral. The-pcopja are beginning to think that thcto functtl f call vi Is IXTO bccomin ? a llttlo too txpon ive , but tro don't be- lltva they would object in tha loiat tf the ; could select the motubois of con gress that ought to bo burled. 1 hero nro quito n number of coccrestinon whoso uncials ought not to ba postponed nny ongor. THE Fltz John Potter rnio Is onoo uro boftrj oongrcea in the shape of & caolulion , introduced In the h uio by Ooncrnl Slooura , which requests the rcsidotit to transmit to that body an ap peal recently made to him in bahnlf t f Joncral Potter for reinstatement , on the ground that the president can restore him without nny futthar notion on the psrt of ongresa. Fnvorablo nstion ia looked fern n tbo nnttor , nnd it mny bo Mmng the > are pDsalbilltien Hut Fitz John Potter will nt last oncccod in hla efforts which mo occupied his nttontion for ever tnonly years. Mn EVAUT3 Avdl ho the next United 3ln'o3 senator f om Now York. BOHOOIj DA.ND FIIAUDS. A Pointer for the IjoRtslntivo Invcill- jatliiK Cninmlttcc , A prominent farmer residing tt Wood Lawn , Luicaator county , who haa votoc the republican ticket for thictoon years , wtitss to the BEE nsfollono : The stand your excellent paper l.iVca inconncctitn with the leasing of oui Gchool litnds is appreciated by me , nnd ] for ono sincerely hope that an invoit.'pi tion may bo haa in Iho matter. I wil give au inotatce : About ono year Rgo I learned of n riice of echojl land in thia ooun y tbal hul betn sold nnd on which na jay ment of interest had been mtdo since Juno 15th , 1809. I determined to try nnd got it but was informed by ouo ci our county officials , tbatthero was no uio of my try Ing as nona but thcsaintlt ring utoodany chnnco of getting nny of tha school lands. I resolved to go up to thu hnd ocmmlfisiouora cflico nnd lock np the matter but Y.M Informed their was no use ol my tryinp. On the Snd of De cember , 1883 , ( according to the date in my diary ) I wuit to the office , and csked for the privilege of looking ever the record for Lancaster ciunty ochool land ; , but the deputy comminatonor on mr.king an apparentoilort informed mo It could nc' bo found , but instead brought mo a com plicated trocnrd in which it wan ditticul for'.auy bat the Initiated to understand Finally I found wh\t I wanted. On my return our county official oxclnimrd "rionr d'd ' you find that out ? " referring to the note I hed ohown him , but nsutnt- od it done ma no good , ai I could uevct got the ica'da ot the matter in question 1 afternarda loeracd that ono SteRacr , a speculator , eucceded in gottfng n lease on a portion of the ssmo section ( about < miles from Lincoln ) mid immediately got it appraiaad at aavcn dollars per asre Thcro haa a'eo been sold school lane wilhln two miles of Lincoln within the last ihroo yotrs at seven dollars per rcro that the pmics who bought are hod ! > np it .V from ono to'thteo hundred dollars an r.cro now. Hoping that the subject will bo thor oughly sifted , I ramaiu , , Yours truly , A. J. Hog Cholera , By Louil A. Wohlfarth , M. D. , Rosedale Ktt3. Fdrmnra in Wyandotteo coanty , Kao. and Jackson county , Mo ; , have , during tha hot autumn , sustained heavy loaio by a dlaenso which ravaged their herda o swine. The disease was pronounced by veterinarians aud the "knowing ones among the laity hog cholera. My prao tico being largely among that class o people who raise snrino for domestic anc mercantile use , I could not help notice , their IOSSPB and peculiar condit'on ' of the diioised animals. At the rcqnot of several oral very intelligent farmers , I conclude to make past mortem examinations of the dead swine of different herds in differon losalities. Deeming the subject of aufli cient importance , from hygienic , i.anitary and fcluntific otaudpolnta , I beg leavi to rtpirt the result of my investlga tion. The animals which suffered from the diacaaa Lad the following ap pojrance : A droop'iig head , diflicultlooo motion , often with an apparent "crick" in the lumbar region ; great thirst and an uluuot cDiintunt dcairo to Ha in water cr mud , avcisi y to food , dturrl ' tu < ir oon- Btifatiou , frequent efforts'to urinate , bnl voiding 01 ly email quiiilitio * of uriuu at a time , The duration of the diicaie , OB near as I could ascertain , varied iron ten dcyj to lour woeke. The autopaioi ] made are only eleven (11) ( ) , in five differ- int Incitlltiee , bat the oirners of these sino fid their herds hrgoly on owill ob tainol from hotels , boarding houses , res t&urantB , olc. , in the city. With ono ex ception the autopsies gave uniform remit * , tni in order to oondenso my re pert I ahull only give n synopsis of one In making the autopsies 1 was governed by the tame rules and methods whicl uovorn the autopsies of the hnmau sub ject.Tho The lungs and hotrt wcro normal ; the liver and eploon very much congested , the liver enlarged with the spleen ap parently not an , the stomach nornal , the email intestines below the duodenum congested , below the jejunum thiy woio studded with numerous yellowish nodultu and papillm , moro so near the ilio ctut > connection , the colon normal , except that portion near the ciuinm , which was slightly congested , the light kidney was very much congested , the left only slightly so , the contents of the small in testines reacted slight'y ' acid on lihnae paper , the nrino was turbid and rod , the bladder normal. I aho examined different ont sections of the intestines under tbo microscope , and I found that the yellow nodules and papilla ) were the tolitiry glands in a ptocoto of degeneration anc nlceraticn the lateratlcoi between these nodules appeared to bo broken down one these I recognized as the valvulne con- nlvontes interrnpted In their continuity or integrity by a process of inflammation and uloeratlon of the solitary glaude ; I could detect no distinct or particular ba cillus. The last of the autopsies I ma-Jo in tltp early part of Novtmbcr rn Mr G 'B fatm m Jackson comity , Hissiuri. He Lai had ft herd of about fifty swine , the imjirityof ttcm beinz under tno yotr cf aje , some two year old broc d BOM sand twi or thrfo buart. Be had Int abcn' ' oU'htjfU Ings from the dia-sio , and boi < g atk d by h'm ' for a icuiedy afto mtkinz the autopty , I ncjinraoucwl hi ute to use tha follow in i : Glflti'or ail' ' , 2 poundi ; talphldo cf B3d , A pounuj nitruto if jjotuih , 1 pound"flnbllmated { sulfhif. | pound , / Blix und dissolve as nearly B pomihlt i i t four buckets of water and give ubjnt jonebflJpint to each sick hog In roueb < f bran and skimmed milk or butter milk , twice daily. Mytioitment wai comparatively cm- pirlc , but Mr. Q Jtf rmed mo thut since ho has ndrp'cd the above tren'meiu ha haa lost onlyoto hop , and thu to- mftlr'dc.r ' f f tlm herd Hnipr well Now , physicians and veto inarinns will ask mo to yivo my diagnosis , and while I cry much hesitated to make the autop- ies , txi.d more so to icnoit the same , fear- ug that my confotcs might g vo mo the ptthct of "only a hog doc or , \\ill say hat I consider the cliseoso cntciic fever. t \\o accept the mo bid anatomy and i.ithology nsdcsc ibcd by lendingnutho i- ics , such as Klnt , Watson , Mcnmcyor , I aimer , Virchow , T o Costn , and \ \ ood. \hoso works I have carefully oxannnca relative to cnlo ic fever , as correct , nnd rom my own experience iu the ttcattncnl of this clisca o in 'ho human race , its symptoms , its clinical histo y , its morbid anatomy as seen on Iho cadaver , 1 inn t , y compaiiug the symptoms , ho clinica listo'y and morbid anatomy , as found ir .ho ho and described above , como neces sarily to the conclusion 'hat it s onto ic ; dvor and not cholera excluding oven the condition of typhoid cholo a , describe I bj Dr. Roodycar Kcynold's system of Mod. Vol. 1 , for i ho reason that the hog especially the swill-fed hog , is fed on tin very substance , which wo , as physicians , coiul inn as the source of the typho cl fovcr go > in. Now , why should the hog , whoso physiological func tions nnd anatomy do not essentially differ from the human , bo entirely ex oaipt from a dlscaeo , whuh wo bsliuvo i originated in the human by a npcclG germ ? Of course I presume th\t tha Io77cr otdor of animals dp not manifca these nervous rtfloxca in discaco whicl the human race docs , but who knowo who can toll that oven a hog hai no sub Bullur , ooiua vi il or ( blirium in fovcr ? Ia order to ilhutrato my comparison of the autopsies of diseased hog ] , whial 1 have good ronsou to bellovo have dice nf outcr'o fever , I will cilo a doacrlptioi of an autopsy undo on a human cadaver deceased of t > plcal oatoric fever , by Dr UarJoy ( vide Reynolds , volume I ) . Au topty : Kotundity of the body preserved lungs healthy , excepting engorgement o ono lobe. Stomach duodenum ant jejunum appeared healthy. The soli tary and cgtninatcd glanda of the lowe part of the ileum owollon and iufhmed those near the valve wore ulcerated one sloughy , nnd formed slraoit cna con tinnous surface , rsgjoaly disintegratec ncd greatly swollen , extend ng around the whole of the lait two inchc ot the bowels. A few of the solltar ; glar.ds of the caecum and occendin colon wore inflimed and ulcerated. Th corrtoponoing mcjcnterlc al&nds muc ! swolon , oongented and ooftonod. Spleen soft , twice its normal size , liver i n Inrgt'd and fatty , weighing three pound nine ounces ( ivoir ) . Gall bladder ex tended with palo brown wa'ory bile o excessively acid reaction and sulphurottct odor. " I doom it unnecessary to oay moro relative lativo to the comparative morbid anatomy of th'.o ' disease in swine no describee above , but lot physicians all through th country whoio hog cholera prevails epl damically , invtstigtto the disease cato fully and tclontifically , and it will , nc donbl- , repay thorn for their labor , and may pooeibly sivo their best paylupr pat rocs the fanners , thousands of dollarp end last , but not least , may disprove the supposed fact , that the American "we ! fed hog" is suffering from the aamo dis eaep ai the European "swill fed" ho which is known aa trlchinalie a dloeas very seldom heard toll of or seen in th ! country , but frequently mot with in tb country in which Prince Bismarck is in fallible. I firmly bolitvo that in hoallhy fed ant well cared for swine , the disease callec hog choleri , cr aa I prefer to nnrao it entotlo fever , will manlfoafc Iteclf only sparodialy. ) A few roinark-i regardln the philosophy of the treatment I ad vised for Mr. G 's bog , I have to make I ordered gluabar salts , because It la gen rrjlly considered that it will relieve a congested liver in the human , if properly orly given. I advised to give nitrate o potash , on account of its dnerotio ant ellmlnatlvo effect , and the sulth'do ' o snclu and enlphor , because they are con aiderod antiseptic , alterative and nutral iztug. If other and moro competent ob aervern and investigators rhould oorrobo rate the result of my Ilmitoa investlga tion , would it not open new channels fo hypothesis ! for the hyglenlst , ranituri.ii and physician in regard to tha otiolagy o typho'd ' fever in tha human race. H o m BLS ERUPT Itching and Burning rrlod for eleven ears fn have my wl' cured of a terrible akin ellscami. Tbo Cjtlcura ( iu c3if8L'utli.ura Iteiohoot , the now Blood L'/ulHtr nternallr , onil Cutlcura , the great t-KIn Cnrr , anc ( Jullrura o > p , an ixquislto Stln Usautlder extern ally ) ln\o done In l weeks < shat I ti\o tn d fo elt > n j tarn to 1m e dooo. You f hall htt u tnn par tlci In s t s BO n an I can give them to you aud a. w are BO well k own In thU put of the uountry , It wi benantjou , and tbo rcmullba will olire nil wh i us th'tn. OUAS U. MII1TE. Majevllle , Ky. I used your Cutlcura llcmcdies for Blorrhf a , ani am completely try Inexpressible joy Cut curaSiapIs the host 1 ha\o ever need and to Ih irofessloa It is ImaluaUo for cleaning the &klu thereby icmovlng all ' cork , " grease , pal t , and a ! thfl stuff utod by toein , leatlnztbo akla pure and whltoand eoft. llygieatustplca uroliiln recommen dln ( { euch an article. II. MACK , Champion Comiquellollur > kater. Youngstown.OnIo. SALT RHEUM : . I htve tad thn Salt Itheura for about thrre yean rni htvt Bpcnttljioand money to ht > e It euro without lucten * , unlll I tried the I ntlcnra Itcmudle which are doing the work. Q. J. YOUNG. Mmhfield , Coos County , Oregaa. . $200 FORNOTHING. Having paid about $201 to flut claes t'oo'ort t tuio my , wlUout BUOOOIB 1 tiled the Cutlcur Kemodlcs , whlcn completely cured after using thie botilen. WU aOHDON. 87 Arlington Ave , Chtrlostown , Ma s. Hold by all druggists. Cutlcura , 60 oontej sol Tent , tl ; Roan , 2/inenta' POT-TUB iica AND CJIIM KUJ-Co , for "How to Care Skin Diseases : * cnt ? 8 < mP 'cr Rou'h Chipped and lledilnedflkln ) n4 Hrndt ; COLLARS fCUFFS ItAfUNd THIS KAXIC MI THI FINEST GOODS EVER MADE , > ciNa 111 Linen , BOTH Lloingt AMD Exterior * . Aak for U n BKOS. , AgentM for OrauJio SPECIAL NOTICES 1O liOAN. Rlimcy. MO ti 1n n on ch ttcl br J.T. UMIIT. S S nulh 14th ft. HWY tOVNRO on Clul'ft'i. Co'Mer * ' * . S . H enrol Kdlf s , cr Hot ) iui t . FlmrclM > x < 1V3 Fun T tt Mlfottp In intr ol * 3oo nii u O. P. CavU nd Co. , 1U 1 Kt to nS5S S5S U rONr.T lowie-l on ohktteJi. lUllroal Ticket and Wld. . FureroMi , J1S H Hth VI/AS : ED- girls t Sl on hotel , S 10th t. \17AJiTKVt-Cllrl to I'H'ii drew aV'nr , nirt ! < > V In h'Uiinoik. UrJ , Cjrbctl , 1813 tinaril S 70S Zip 7f ! Mp \ 17.XVEDeood clrl for fenornl hou n work. > > Mr . 11. 11. "llbur , 1U HatLfy it 761..Ip - ( fill 1714 California $ t WANTEU-OctmvJ 749 SSp \A7ANT' ! ) A go-nl Mie lfro-il fl r Mlotrun TV on llbcr lco > iml H"Mouly tich nttil rply Aililra aLownonft Acx ! iulirS03 lljioom tt. , N Y. Otjr. 7S82i | AVT U Olrl for gcilMll outwalk , Appli W VU20aptolato 748 vSp WANTFD AB oil ffljnd gttlQoiDun ml 1M3 llowanltt VtTAKTKD-Comio'tttgltl.S. W. cor. JOlh i > n > V und \\ov wruin. 73-2p ulil lo ilo coaklinr , illtil ntl trn'lni ; , In | > tlv t ) fitullt , at 1300 S lit t. MM. T. M. Ureclry. 73NSO \1TANTKD Aglilfar kltohon work 17.4 ItiuztM > V st. < Wl-20p \TfANTBD-AnemclontBlrlt3ilo R'lictal ' home- TT \\ork at 207 UoJfio St. UrJ. CKo. llft c. 730-21p A cool 6 coml Klr'.refo'cncc * Jtrs WANTED S. Wcotocr 191U ttnd Cnj.itjl a < . 724 teXT \ TNTKD \ RJcd U\cr anil oouf.o loner Ail W driushUhiotcroncos , Chw. B.LillUp. Va'ca tine , Neb 7U-1C-P _ IT * . ANTf D-T.ady rr gentlcnun ; fu'l ' of energy , t VVcan > aifor ripldly Bolllnp aitlclo. Aptly toll 0. Vurjuion , Pobmtn , Ornun * Butlacta U llejo Om&hs , Neb. ? 1 "P _ Agents to lcl ! Oatoly'8 UnUenol KJlt WANTED monthly payment. AddrtHircal on W. 1) . P. loftry , r era 6 , 119 N 10th St. , Ooi hi 697lcbSp _ . - > ( rood business man nlth eoocl retor. WANTKDrood cnccsi , acd ten crlltttcn liurdrd ( Kllati cs li , to tike & halt Intorottln a new grocery stoic located the beet part of O inahv.dilreisa V. , llco otlKo. - at 1212 Capitol avc. WANTED-Bvardera avc.678fcb7p - 100 sMIcltors , eood pay to the rlgh WAI-TED ddress Ni litutka Mutual Marriage t en clH a soolalloa. Fnrocnt. Nib Ullfeli BISHAtlOBB VfAHTBD. - a jracll tl driaaaker , a pn l- WANIED-UV lurnlitcd. Addroi "K. " Pcoofflof. 70l U "IT7ANTED By a tlio'oughlv experienced Bhlp- Vjili'K c'oili , a sltuaiiuii Iu a nliolc.Vu lioueo in thUchr. lttoience ( or security Acdicot S J. , th'a clllco. " 22.p WANTUD-Futui-hid rsom with boaid , byr. ( .eutkmin and \\.lt. In flrnt ilats nu'yribor ' hood. App ! > wlih rtferoLCJ , to O. F. Davl &i'o. 1515 Farnaa it. 747 22 " \I7ANTnD AT oung man i f good habit' ; n iltua lion innorugstuio to Knrn rtng < . Cm glv be tit of ra.'oicoco. Addtca ] "I. X L. " BJO oil cc. 731 22 Situation by a mlddla-iRed Udy a WANTKD ksrjitr In hotel or | r.into luuily. Ad dress "Q K. " 17.23. CassSt" , Omaha. 743-21p A rorof hrka to locp oio'nlcpi. A1 WANTED H. " tioa offio. 737-21 * ; uiftii * Aloua , In wbalcoala teUbiitlimoat In Omaha Addrw " 0 " roro Hoo. MS8.H -A ( .nrtcer , with $5 P , to Uko btlf In WANTED , ( aleg business. M. U Ilr oUlcc. 70525 "VTITANIED To buy at obargilo.n horsn , bugyy YV and htrtess. Addrten . N. B. " Boo eillUc 723 2)p Hoorumud be aid Iir4 peraonso'mon- WANTED tin Post olllco. Liberal i rlco paid ( or gojd actommodatlcu. Address T , 0. Box 307 1 or 2 unfurnished or partly furnlshe WANTED or Bmallhou-o near lower FarnnoSt Addrct3"O B , " BcooQUe. 75120p WANTED 10.000 famlles to try our eclf-rlflng Pure Burkwhcat flour and faclf-Elelng Com incal k < pt by 1I fltet c'a'fl grocers. Wo warrant al buckwheat sold under our brand pure. W. J WEL SHANS & CO. . Manufacturers. 124-tf roa RraT ncscaa &na tor- " 0011 KENT Neatest andchrapest furnished room JD In Omiha. Apply to O. O. II , Acdoison , roam 14 , Anderson lilock , north entrance , 18th and Da enporteticet 717fcbO ti OH R.KNT Sulta of roone furnished for llgh C1 houBo keeping , are eco Firrallv aacant In lice inor'd block , corner 8tli ard HonardSts. 433t FOR HKNT Furnished roe i P , u'ock north o I'oatilllw , S W eor IS'.hand Uipltol n c 732-23 | 1/Ollll'JvT iloufecf H-ven (7) ( ) rooms , on wc I dido ef Tulttcmtli (13) ) St. , bet Davcnp rt am Chicago , 735-tI Id HKNT Ua n ; w IIaccommoiato 8 rr 5 h"tps FOll aip'y ' ! . ave 801-10 IlUNT-Sfoind snd third HOOM f f bul'dm FOR 1118 rarnam bt , tillable for warehouse or et e igt- 7525 171011 JtENT-Choip ; twn nl o firnhhvl front 1 n cm3 i car 16ih and /arnam. tS , U , 3 rnpso < 310) d i&th t. D3p FOll HKNT Ch aj > ; t o nice fornls cd fr n rooirm near SiHkud Kunum E. D. Hiiimn 310 } b 16tn et. 71.8 L'jp ITIOIIIIFNT Twoolllceio ms , J b'oeV , Ut X1 a' < * C-uitol ate , Ennui o J417 lamamut. "Mtl FOll HENF A o tlage ol 4 roome ; 1 qnlro o Ihct. U lfl,16tliaidCli'C4KOilu 7Jir.2ip rOrtKKST PeVu ryfsft now 7 rxm oittao fau-lly without chl dreu pief.ncd. F , II Km iiard , 7S5- f llKNTOosd htt BS flro roms on 2M bt FOll netr Masoii 3 blcc ! > 8 In m car linoVe I an < ci ttrn IqurdM Lee , uroor , 2M St 7 9 Hlj OR llENT-FLrnlibed Iloonu 628 S. 20th SI F ' j Oll JlKNT-Nl. elv lil-i.lsbel froit room , 1707 One bloolt Irom N. D , lolcnncr 703 ftp F OR KENT-Sn all new cottsge , 1223 N 19th fit bet Paul and Sterman. 70821 p T70H RENT Furulth d or uomrnUhod rcom- with koud at 45 per weekc ; utul Icc-itlon , 1814 i > OO11U With board , doorable or winter. App JtVit St. Cbailea Hotel. 421-1 FOR HUNT Nlco front room , ISO ! Farnain street 6J7-21p I.KJIt UKnT Il u o9 roouw , ? ji ard Dodge , tl I L1 3 room collate , tilth and Davenport , 110 ; cotttg Sroonrs , tGth and D VJI port , 18 ; cottige it IMIIM : ath ard Douglas 5 ; eoltsg 4 rooms , S 13th a,8 6 one room , 8tn nd Ueujlts , { 5 ; | ir > o oltlc" room [ J rk r's b'oik , 16th aul Faiuam , 910. Bar or & Utyne , UtU and Farnam. C)7t ( IlENT Itoom and baid for two gentlemen FOR Ctpllal ave , 678 Zip HE T l rtenlco'y fnmlshrdri ms Ad FOll icfcriiui "M. a" Dee olllco. 803 tf . IIHNT'art of double house ; 4 ronrr , ulil j i FO.i addition ; 410per mouth ; room * ! Omnlit o tlonal bank. 6JM jllUEM-FurLljhedllooaiwltn board , W3 N F 17th , 821-t llbNl Now DII e room h u < e , with tit FOll tT , on r-outh 17lh Ht. noiriallr adirnK tultable foi b'anile tf bouir ; rent ( SO ; 1 ' ! " ' ' t maba t..undry . or ( f T. W. 1. lllc * rO . t7ttf H > ult MINI Bilck I.UUM , lUrooin. , modon I in prnveuiectfl. tulford , b.uir Jc LkVtu , KI8 H ' > street. MOU HKM Furnlthod loom. UU J fl win Bt. FOU 70R EKHr Furnl heit rocrni 1818 Dodge 81 ! 7OUHKNr Furnlthel room llh me of patlnr , ann flro , aid t 4 cl\y benders , ulth iti-rrMc * . S141VI rrn t. 74) Sip 17011 IlKNT-NIco y furnlshld pultt 'd bd ' room wltnneif kltchfn ; alii ono Ve'l room. nqu r at 23 10 1 apltol vo " 30 S J p [ TO lURVT llilck htiU'e oltljl.l room In tsonj P rrp > lranlrtn rtllf locattil W H lliomp'on , Fits l atoii l lUnk. 74 tf _ 77(011 ( il NTMh bo id , ooe la ge furnhhcd L1 fiont rroiv ; g nd b > tn ; H Vf Cor. rl i4lht i Jojfs , 1403 ; 1 so k few table lo\t'fr .iDt < il. c9t ( 1/OR UI'.NT Nfwrottatf , < li.OOper ( n onlh. Oood I1 furnl hM I0"ni , M DO icrtiiontli. 1UO l' tter > 01 , c r. lllh md fsriar. (25 tt IlKNT Nwlt furnished front room ? , rr B' ' mt . P. W. 17th aid Cm. HENT line tur ilii room with tfardal two or thret day boarder * , 1014Vetx tcr. 1 i0ll RtKT On * Lotus , lunulie Edho'ra A Kill JL1 on. SX'U ( rUHl lU'M TotcriUdccD enl ) , a rltrvtant ( ur. JC nh&ixl room , a K. corner 10th and Dctwlm. 418-U niOll HKMT-Twonlerr-Rtroomj In Itallek'tbloch , i ? laul en ft Co , IMS Putnam. 440-tl pOH RKNT FuruUlied ( rant room ( or tent S22 1 10th bt 418 U FOR Hl.NT-Storo room mil F in m St , with rr without lltllUrd lalilri , l > y Tauhen A. C.1611' ' i'arnam et 434- roi ; BA S ( , ' - titch mtiorMt.on * FJUSUIKCHEM'-Ontclo icunl tir clock , one I nirly new Kn l > o 1'iano. 0\o g < lil frimml plctur s , rns hono. 1 ainem im ( ( liictin , one Hells ia'e , imaU ! t < < , ono litautlful chin * Bfffiosft Al < mvlir < o | utulljoiljil Et l ) r- g. rhqulr 1 15 D dgjtt , Ul-tf ir OR HAI.K Oil VX-JIIASO-C Kino lior e and IrtiR- l1 gyanddcublohatno K Itoreo t > Uiunnrr , Far- nnmot , ipp. I'axton httrl. 7S3Jlp 8 I.K A elock of mllllnor coodi In a ll Irotl ' nty lout lo nln Nth. The I o k 1 all viv , nioldir o r.iallVactcryrrMCHHtor foil ttg Rrun. OtlloradJrcM tlai H B ar , 1'leice , Pierce Co. , > 'eb. 7JO-I4p BALK Doar.tlnx hon .alwa ) InllJ In a ) irgt FOlt ntar umtht ; bu ttble f.ira laiy : void onlr fcrca h ! rfntof hoii'e low. Further pirticnlan ad- urcsj L K , xco cHp. ( ( 070-21 p , > Oll aAl.UUH Tll U uo.xl ttock f rm uf toe 1 ' acr > 9 , 20 ml ci fr m On ahi , one mile from Sprtngflod-Nob ; viljl Irado for Om < lia iiroperly. AiMrcos Woolcy & Harrison , O.n h , ir ci. XI. tlarrt. ton , Sprint Hold , Ntb. 377feb2p FOll SALK 60x105 feet on Cnmtnjr etroet 3 blockc west ot Ullltiry bildge , 1,60J. John L. UcCngue opposite Pott ottloo. 420-tt Full 8AM5 132x124 feet on corner , south-cast frott , house 3 looms , barn , 3 blocks west of Park aro. nnd Lotvenworth , easy payments , cheap 31.7CO. John L. MoCnguo , opposite Pout Onice. 417-1 T70US\LK-tly bulMloR anil etKk of clothlnr , J ? booti uul'hoca , will iraJi for firming lanu. Gco H Potoreon , 801 South Uth St. , Omaha. 437-lebl FOll SALU Chctp , hone and buggy , 103 , Cum- Ing St. 202 tf JTrOtl SALE A faalU Icavlcg the city wlsbos to I1 d tpo.c of household goods. Oail at 012 N 17th BTfct , 742-ilp ITO-l HALn-MU2IO\L INSTllOiinNTS A. P Hospe oners Ore Boirdmtn & Gray Piano at S 15S 00 Onell lius B otPiatunt : . . . . 16000 Ono J , P. llall Piaoo at Ufi 00 Ono Va'On & iiamlln OipMi at 31 00- Ono Shonlngrr Orpnuat 36 CO Ons Wotwbrldgo Org4nit 6000 Ono rttoj Oisan at 80 93 Ono JotiLBon Organ at 4500 For ca < h or on ouy monthly Instailmcnta. Alpo agents for cclc'tatod Kimball Piano anj A'im- ball Orf an , tfmcrton end llalltt Ii Until rlnnon. Largcit ( tooklowest prlots. A. tlc fC , Inin Uodgo stio-t. S39fcbO 17 011 HALIi Oil I KiDb Uooil uitum ilj irniK mill JL1 with two run of buns and ono food buir ; nil In Rood rcpMraid onlr been uwl H" . b.tiiatod i'ii ono o [ tha bat builneat lots In Kearney , Neb , Wlldl o-orf lot nd mill toother ur mill nljue ; n fine loo-11'n ; will poll onifOJa terms , or trailj for other disirtblo propeity. AdJieM LJC 1) x OS'J ib. 6171 < b5 T7 > OH SALK Oil XCItANUB-A IU pel aoru. all i ; or patt of tivo t > inu n < nores of timner land , forty mile- east of Kitniai City , wll exchange ferN N braaka land or merehandlst ) . Bedford , Souer * IIIB 422tt MiaoKi.t. MKonn ' po KtCHiNQE Firms ( or Imrrore I property In I Omivha. Ins 11. Woo ley , lloc/m 23 , cunhe , N.tlonal Dank Omaha Kcb iS-15 STEAM tngln w.-nt d , f.nm ill t > ten hone | > } w-- r , 8 iOnd hand etatlunery or poitiblo ore no In good < rdcr. Send p lea a U discretion lo J. P. Knglhh room 18 , Keni k > Uaak buiblny. TDAHTinj Wlsblni help or icnanti il < alflog tlta JL othns can obUIn the eama calling on Mis , Ocorgoat OCO Capitol ave. { ( OSOp "IJAHTltS detlrlrR ( o looMo p.iTornnicut laids , or J vurohasa deeded l < nds , chonp , wl 1 flud It to tbo t tiititCB' to corrtjpandwlth D. Crowley b Co , Kcnutt , Ntb , 718-22p PRAIRIE CIIICKCNS I * ani a man m every town In tha BUto to buv them for cash. No llm't as tJ quantity D. B. Bco-ner , bujor and ship per cf Uarae poultry anil Kgg , 01 , t03 , EC6 , and 8U7 llowiiil St. , Omaha. 423 tt LOST On Friday the 10th , a brown setter doc about 4 months old , last oen on IPgti School grounds. 1'lotto return to 118 south 2Uli St. 762-ZOp LOVT Ap'cketbooliooiitaiiiluiiiu o for S.iU md timber claim papers. UndciJMll confer a Favor by luivlc ) ; game at thin oOloc. 763-ZUp MOIUO iOi : LOANS Wo nro prepared to nuke r. few Itain In Apio\rd | rrnlcsln-.u smurlty. Ihc rcnlretaloiuust Locoatrillylvoatod. Mo" gneDrue. ojijirB to Post olHce. 710 2fip STHAYUIi-UiilhblS hln.t .agraySyaar-olil oott with haltir ; a rcwaul will ho paid f > IU return orunInf niuilon icidlmtolt , K. Unoin.a n.N K Cor Oth and Umglaa. JLO 22p riA it ok ol i roccrlu fur ncrepriipirty riAL ailj InlnL1 Omaha. Chin H Woolloy , i.ooni 2 lia National bunk , ( ituaba , Neb. tV7-f rr\ KXCHANOK Farmi ( or stcck cf mcn-hamllao JL Cli.-ia. It , Woolej , llocm 0 , Omaiu hutlona , I.'jnk , OiLaba , Ntb. D'.S 1C 17IOII TIlADISlooksofgrio Bto tiado fur land. 1 Chas. It. U'oolley , Uuiia " 0 , Om Iu Italian * ! Hank , Omal.a , Nib. 20 (5 ( T7UMI THADE ror merobani'lfc groceries pte- JL' fcrrcd , thro (3)ialt ( ) ib'o IU In Dajlcn , Ohio. Duo ( ) l.t in St. ] , . , uU , Mo ; C-lOocri'D L ! ID Kamu ; One ( lfi.r.ii In ( Jhlo. Ililn propcit ) Ij lieu of li.cunjbrnticj All comiiui Icatluin will br Uetttd urictiy toulldcntlal , 8. II , Wimprar , 2074 Cumin v , Ht 887Jnn80 NOT1CK. The oo-partner'hlp lierut fore dUtlrp between CbarlosM. Ldghtonmid IleuryT Clark under the naujoot Lolghluu & Clark , la this day dls olvcd by mutual ooi f or.t , MrLclgU o r t'rli t , ' . All Indebted nest due t > said IIrm will bo collected by Ur. Clark * aiUBllcUliLHin ; ln-t eild flunwlllbo presented to Dimfor myrooiit. 11 rDark * lllcontinue bunlnen at the md Btmd No. 114 ] Harrey tt'i'ct. ' Dated atOmahr , Uccernbtr I'J , lc&4. Bigned. CiMRLrR If. LBIOUION. URftltr T. CUBK. oonj mto PROPOSALS. UNITED BTATBS INDIANSEHVICE , I'INR RIDUK AUH > CT , Dakota , J.nuiry 12 , 1885. Braled proposals In triplicate. Ii dortcd , forthourtctlonof one aud CarpeuUit shop , ana liartcu , ahco and u I o I n'leoui Bhops , onu ela gtiter touse , t o witin and utorage shedt , onu lulu IIOUEO uno cellar , ut this agen y aud direct ed t > tie underi gnedcara of Chiui < 2uarlerma t r departn cnt , < f ti > u i litte , Omtha Neb , will bo re- cenuif ilttl 12 in. Hilurd.y , February 14,1(85 PlariB tnl ( pecillrjitloni ) can be ixtmlntd In Iho otce cf the eklef quarto -iasto' , deiartnent ofthu fjatte , Uinalm , N u , the "I. tr Ooan" Chicago , 111. mil the "Journa , " .t Ktniai ( Ity , tl'i , Conn act will Lo awatdixi to tne lowest rcsponsllile bidder , subject th tin approval of the department ol the Interloi. Iherlxbt , however , Is reserved to i eject any and all , or any part of aoy bid , if deemed for the best In- tere t c f the if rvloe. PropPstUmuht fi'ale length of lime required for m , lelltion urbuilillii < nier0 | > rral ol contract , ml mi st be wcouipilmxl b > acertillei clieck upon t tut Hulled Stales Deiioiltoiy , i y b'e to the outer jt the unoertlgned , fur nt Icatt tliu (5) ( ) , > T cent ol ti e a i ount f the propoul , M hi h cheek thall be forfeit * 1 lo thu Unltud States In ouoof any bl der lecelvuiK tlie kwi rO ; h ll f .11 to execute ) lomptly a contract w th guad rnd * utuclent Hecuri * tie , ccordin to t'otiruMuf bis tU , utlisrulso tea > > a ictun ud to Ihu bidder , rcrlurthcri I iintton addresj the undersigned it Pine HWiio Agency , 1) kola T'e uiiit'ttl. in d will lit be at I'axton HOUKO , Imah , Neb. , by thu looinlns o Frldiy , February 13,1S35. Y. T , M'Oiu.ToctiDr Jan 10-3 * me U. H. IiidU'i Agent. iz MAUL , ISUOOE830B3TO JOUU Q. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS I At the old itand 1417 Farnam Si. Orders by lel&- ( raphtioliciteduidiiromiiU ttttodedto , Telq > t > oou