Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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sgi | una m&
= V-i /.S.W.-JI. horlk-sr.-- I
. -
eorahlnmg l on with ? MI
fit i
w in unlhlllne r.-n-.t-l * for ) ) i c.TW3Of tf i
cif nnil I.Urr.
tntnumblc for Dlnrorw ) < oiillfcv x
nnn. Mid nil who Itnil Mjileiitnr.t h.n.
IHM not Injiiro Ihc trttli , cnuw IicnOficlrf- *
lijio constipation othT Ironnfllr'n-
fiirli'lipsnnil purlfk-s iheWoonMlni'iiiir
* | ti"Otlle.nlil HIP ( Hmllntlnn of fo" '
.nllf'iirTiiirii nmJ Itclrhlug arUfA'- ) '
DIP Tnn'clo * nntl iii'ivr
ill tntcrmltunl KtvpiB ju lliu1 * ? *
rtVr It li 4tiiivimnl
r The Rtnuinr I'M tliovo i iir r i
MMIspateillii tie BROAD GLAIN .
"Eyer olfcrcd to the nubile.
OIUEOT uirs ron ENGLAND , rrtAioi : AW >
Iha steiaublps ol this well-known lice era ball ) o
liaa. In wktor-tlght compurtmcnts , find are famish
sd with every requisite to make the passage bet
eala nd BKtcoiblo. They carry the United State
Had mails , and leave Now York Thurt
dayo and tiaturdaya for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Obsr
bonrif , ( fARIS ) and IIAlIimUQ.
Raios : Gtcot co from Europe only 518. Tin
Cabin , f S3 , W5 and S7fi Oteorago , < 20 ,
rjonry Pundt , Hark Hanson , F .E. ITooreo , II. Totl
( contain Omaha , Orcnewoic fc Schocntgon , igeotali
Counoll Bluffs. O. BMUOUAUD fcCO. , don. p. ,
Aft 3. , 81 Brotdwaiy , N. V. Cbaa. Eormtnitl fi Co
Qtocral WMt ra Asanti , 170 WMhlngton St. . Ohio
: K. Avlctlmof youthfullmnnidenco
CiuuitiR Prematnro Decay , Norvoni Debility , Lost
Alanhood , , 0. , having tried In Tain every known
remedy.k-rdiBcovorim A ftimplemeanHor self-cure ,
which bo will Bond FRKB tobiafellow-aufforera.
AildrcfC. J.lI.HHl VKa. " " en-
tt rf" > / > ! US ror Uin. Qoiclt. lnr , nfe. Hook frw.
W B irf W K Cli ! > l5 Atencr. 100 Fultou S L. N w Tork.
U Do. E. 0. Wx8Ta HIRTI Am BRAIN TsBAaHiRT , ,
nar&ntaed ( peolflo for HyBtcrla , Dlulness , Conva
jlonn , Fits , Ncrvonj Neuralgia , neadacba , 'Nervous
Pf oatritlon oaueod by the use ot alcohol or tobbacco
Wttkofulnosa. Ilental doproBoIon , Soltonlng of th
brain , resulting In insanity knd leaping ; to misery
decay and death , Premature Old age , Baroness , loa
ofpower In either BOX , Involuntary Looses ivnd Bper
atcrhoiftoausod by ovotoxertlontof the brain , eel
abuse or over Indulgence. Each box , contains on
month's treatment. (1.00 ft boxer six bottlel o
IC.OO , lent by mall prepaid on receipt ol price.
To cure any caaa With each order received by D
tit olx bottles , ac3ompll h d with $5.00 , wo will Ben
he purohaeer oar written guarantee to refund th
money If the treatment does not effect r cure. Quar
nioa Uiued only by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. ,
Ely aa.mS9-rv..JJH ' & < " VladUon St. , Chloazo , III.
: W > > [ K James Medical Institute
" *
- Tt Chartered by rheStateof Illl
Unois ( or theexprcsspurpoec
f of Rivinfjimmcdliitc rclietlfi
Sit Jail chronic , urinary ana prl
f vate disccsct "onorrlxcJ !
} ' GlestandSyphills In all theli
' complicated forme , also a\
diseases of the Skin am
r Ulood promptly relieved end
rermancntlycurcd by remc
L diestest/din ni-'ur/j/lViiri
1 tlpcctul 1'rarttce. Scmlna
t Vsnhneis. IJirhl I.CIDSI. . by Dreams , Pimples on
the l''aceZ.O3t Manhood , li UlKvttilctirinl > ihert
> 1 > ut > r.ciK'i'inirniii < i , Tlie appropriate rt.r-ed'
jf.ante used In each cure. Consultations , per
i rial cr by letter , sacredly confidential. Med.
JUai sent bv Mall and Express. No marks ot.
( i4C : ize tn Indicate conU'ntu or sender. Addreii
Calmbaohor , . . .Bavaria
Pilpnor . . . . . . . Bohemian.
Kaiser. . . . . . . . - . . . . . *
BudwoiBer , .St , Loui ?
Anhaueer , . . . .St. Louif
Best's. . Milwauliw *
fichlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee
Knag's Omaha
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhin
Winp. PD. MAUREB ,
Fanmm St
. KEBS8 ? Vl
ffiFD tti
A Skelcli of tte Great
HeHiarkaWe Military Record ,
Ono of the Yonngost Brieadier-
Qon0rala in the Army ,
h _ _ _
Modesty a Lending Trait Services In
trio Kcbclllnn nnil on the
WAHAI.VOTOX , D. 0. , January 15.
Spocinl. ] Nelson W. Miles , ono of the
norabora of the Swaltn court-mmtial , is
ono of the youngest brigadier-Ronorats In
, ho Army. Ho has had n moat remark
able military record. The cloao of the
rebellion found him at the ago of 25 a
major-general. Uaslcr was the only
other boy general who was younger than
fillies , and Ouster was only two monthn
younger than Milcn. This grade o !
mAJor-goncrnla was not an ornamenta !
ono handed to Milon through politic *
influence after the fighting van over. Ho
reached thft rank during I ho trar , anc
fcr n short time waa In command of the
second corps , lie is still a young man
Ii ) is only 44 years of ago nod hcs been
a bti adior-goneral in the regular servic
since 1880 , and Is In command of the de
partment of the extreme northwest. H
is a very soldierly-looking man. Ho i
slightly abovomcdlum haightwlth a round
Tvdl-fillcd-out figure. Bis head is largo
while every feature of his f.ico indicate
decision mill character. There is not i
weak line in it. 13is forehead is broadnni
high. II is nose ia a fierce Roman hook
underneath which is a long , dropping
military mustache. The test of his fac
is smooth-shaven , with the cxccp ion o
ono inch of beard in front of each car
flo is what might bo called a dark blonde
Hia complexion is as fresh as that of ai
Englishman. 1ho expression of frank
ness and manliness upon his face make
friends for him at once. Ho goes nowhcr
without making a pleasant impression
Ho is happily married and is devoted t
his family , liis wife is n niece of Genera
Sherman , and a sistdr of Mrs. Do
Cameron. General Miles is passionate !
fond of military science , JBo niado
specialty of the study of our coast do
Ho did not comu into the nnny throng
West Point , flo was a clerk in a Bosto
house from the ago of sixteen to twenty
ono. The Miles family is an old one
Iho earliest ancestor that the genera
knows anything about was the Ilov. Joh
Miles , who came to this country in th
seventeenth century. This cLrgyma
afterwards fought as captain in the wa
against King Phillip. Thcro iiafighlin
strain iu this family. It had representa
tiv"oi in our earlier wars , and it may b
that their , records turned the thoughts o
young Miles towards the career of the sol
dier. Ho had no ambition , however , t
enter tbo army in time of peace , and s
when he set out to learn how to become ,
merchant it was because ho saw no chanc
for becoming a soldier in a way tlia
would satisfy his ambition.
In the spring of I860 a number o
young men in Boston showed that the ;
had a clearer vision than many of th
politicians. They became convinced tha
there wes to bo a war between the nort !
and the south. Two or throe hundred o
young business men and Harvard stu-
denis got together and organized a com
pany tor the purpose of drilling. Mile
was in this first organization. Th
young men employed an old French ofli
cor by the name of Sollpuao to inatrac
them. Sellonac waa an officer who fough
in the Crimean war. Ho was highly ed
ucated In military science and devotee
himself to teaphlog the young men undo
hia charge moro than would have bon
taught to an ordinary military company
Ho made it a training school to turn ou
well-equipped officers , who would in turn
bo capable of taking in hand and instruct
ing rw recruits. This school producti
some of the best oflicors sent by Massa
chusetts into the ecrvicc.
In 1801 , when the war broke out
Milea was Riven a commission by ihagov
ornor of Massachusetts for a captaincy in
the Twenty-second regiment of thatstato
Young Miles was very prond of hla poai
tion , but before ho could get out ot the
state with the regiment ho was greatly
diaguated at receiving a letter from tin
governor aakitig htm to send back hi
commission , as o lieutenancy was a
good a position an ho cauld give him. 1
aoema that torao politician with inflnena
wanted a captaincy , no the young noldlo
had to take a step backward. Ho accept
< xl ( ho situation , however , although hi
was by no moana uatlaffad , and with hi
regiment joined the Aimy of the Pete
mac. Thcro he mot with a auddon pro
motion to relatively very hlih } rank. . To
hia pleasing address ho owed his first pro
motion. Lfo bccamo acquainted will
Col. Barlow , who when ho firat met liin
waa the lieutenant-colonel of tbo Sixty1
Grat Now YorK rglmont. They
became great frionda. It waa too
early In the war for the great disparity In
rank between the two men ( o stand iu
the way of their intimacy. One day Bar
low hoard that hla colonel waa going to
bo transferred and that .ho wai giug to bo
made colonel , and to ho wont to Milea
and paid to him : "How would you llko
to bo lieutenant colonel of the Sixty firat
Now York ? " The poor , snubbed Massa
chusetts lieutenant said that bo would
like it firat rate. Ho would like also to
have command of the army of tbo Pete
mac. Ho thought ono about aa near as
the other to him. Barlow eaid : "You
never mind. I'll fix it If you want 11. '
Barlow wrote to Gov. Morgan. Ho mus
have had a good deal of influence with
the governor , aa the commission for
Miles came right back. This tavor waa
all the moro marked , as It waa the fire
and only inatanca daring that year tha
Gor. Morgan went outsideof tbo state
for officers.
Ho served with the Army of the Po
tomac nil through the war , and took pat
in all of its noted engagements. Ho waa.
all through thu terrible etrugglo in the
Wilderness , and , although ho was se
verely wounded a number of times , came
out of the war in line physical condition
Ho waa wounded ueriously three times-
once in the throat , once in the groin
and once in tbo nnklu. There fa a vviuj
ragged line from his chin running a'ouiu
towtrds his left shoulder to-day , the scar
of the first-mentioned wound. The bul
let that made this t'ack just skiruinec
over the jugu ar vein. ' 1 ho narrowes
call the general had during the war waa
in connection with thu BOO ml mtmtionix
wound. A rifle ball at very short range
strtrck the pinto of his belt and glanced ,
down into hirf left 'eg ' through the gr < in. I
If it hail no'- been for the brcast-pIato
the kill would have g no straight through
hid abdomen.
I called upon the general the other
night and tried to got him to talk about
" is cngngcinen s. But , while ho was
rilling to talk upon almost eve y other
ubjcct upon ca'th , when ho came to ho
ubject of himself ho wou d say nothing
oyoml the shortest of nil possible answo a
o my inquiries. He nppcn-cd to bo inCapable -
Capable of dilating at length upon his own
xploi'a. I asked him what ho thought
vris Iho hottest cngngcmcnt ho was over
n Ho replied "Snottsylvnnia. " After
hat engagement was over the g-otind in is called the angle of tha *
ngngcmcnt , for a long distance was
ito ally covered with do d bodies so that
jno coul i not walk without stepping upon
lead men. An oak tree , which was two
cet in diameter , wh'ch ' stood direct y in
ho line of the most murderous fire of
hat day , was so chipped t rough with
mllcts that it foil , and if it had not been
or Irs dcxtoiity ono of the aids of Ocn.
Miles would have been killed by the frdl-
ng of the tree. The stump of this trco
now in the museum of the ordnance
Mireau of the war department.
T asked Gen , Milea to explain to mo
ho courage which keeps men up In the
'uco of such n fire ns tbat which was
poured down upon our men at Spattsyl-
rania when they charged in solid masses
forty deep litsr.vlly into the jaws of death ,
llis reply was a very slmplo one : "Dit-
ciplino tint , then pride and patriotism , "
The discipline ia tor those whom noth
ing clto would sustain , for under the
rules of war the man who deserts tha
Gold in the face of the enemy is punishable -
able with death. Pride and patriotism
sustain the best class. The rigid disci
pline of munnrchiu ! ' , however , cannot bo
maintained under a republic. During
the Into war many thousands deserted
where hundreds were punished. During
the Franco-Prussian war there were only
1GO deserters from the Germany army ;
but with that army was always tho' em
peror , who Is the supreme authority.
Punishments decreed by him were swift
and nummary , livery deserter who was
captured was shot. None were pardoned.
This Illustration was merely given by the
ROD oral to show the effectiveness of a per
fect discipline In holding up an army.
At the cloaoof the trar Gen. Miles
was made colonel of the Fortieth infan
try , which afterwards disappeared under
the cutting down'of the army ordered by
congress. With ono exception ho A
the youngest colonel in the regular ser
vice. The youngest colonel waa Penny-
packer , who had earned his post by gal
lant service at Fort Fisher. Ho was BO
badly wounded at that engagement thai
bo has never fully recovered. Ho is now
on the retired list.
Gen. Miles has made as brilliant a rep
utntion In the west as could bo made in
the barren field of Indian warfare. Ho
han developed great skill in managing
the Indians. Ho is nioro than a soldier.
Ho ia also a student of the highest forms
of government. Ho has mastered the
Indian problem. Ho ia perfectly confi
dent that the time for caring for the In
dian as a ward of the nation IDS paused.
They should bo placed upon their own
responsibility and their personal rights
amply protected.
The Senior Senator.
Washlnrtou Letter to the Now York World.
Justin S. Merrill , of Vermont , h the
oldeat United States senator. Ho has
had as long continuous tcrvlco in ccn-
grcss as either Olay or Benton and longer
than any ono at present In public lifo.
Ho has bcon in congress slncu 1855. Ho
was a member of the honso from that
period until 1607. Ho has been In the
senate over sinco. Ho has been recently
re-elected for another senatorial term.
If ho should live to the end of that tern
ho would bo 81 years old. This would
give him a record ol 35 years in congroer.
This is a longer record of continuous eor-
vlco than any one lus yet made in our
history. There is no reason why ho
should not live to the end of his term and
oven longer. Tha soeator is in most ex
cellent health and looks fully as young
to-day as many men in the sonnto 15
years younger than ho. Ho appears to
hive a bettor lease of lifo than his col
league , who Is 20 years younger than he.
A stranger would not think there was
much oiOfaronco between the ages of the
Vermont senators.
Mr. Merrill is a man oror six feet in
height. Ho is slightly round-shouldered.
This detracts from what would otherwise
ha commanding figure. Ho is very pre
cise in his manner end very neat and
careful in his dresr , as every old man
should be. Ho han often boon doccribed
at resembling Charles Snmner to a great
degree. There is a resemblsnco which
the lines of time have strengthened. He
has the Soinner nose. His gray side
whiskers sro cut ia exactly the came
fashion as were Sumncr'a. The general
carriage of hia bead , the sweep of the
soft iron gray hair , are the same. The
lower part of the fas ? fs thinner. The
resemblance is so marked , however , in
its main peculiarities that a bust of tbo
senator in the parlor of his house is often
taken by strangers for that of Sumnor.
Send to | 0. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell ,
Mass , for a bcok oantalning statements
of many remarkable cures by Hood'a S r-
Plilt Shcriilrui'fl Chicken.
Sew York Cor. Chicago Journal.
The last time Phil Sheridan wa > in
: own he remarked to a friend , as they
were eating in their hotel , that there was
only ono place In America where roast
chlcicon could bo provided to exactly suit
; ho requirements of his taste. The friend
said that was all bosh that a tender fowl
put on a hot fire waa sure to come out pal
atable , and no amount of skill could ac
complish anything more. But Phil In
sisted tbat the restaurant of the cook re
ferred to was the exclusive place In which
the thing could bo done In prime style ,
and ho invited the other to test the ques
tion with him the next evening. At the
appointed time six or seven gentlemen
sit down to a dinner , of which the chief
dish wai roast chicken. During that im
portant course Phil alternated hla mouth-
fula with laudatory remarks , asserting
the delicacy of the flavor , the tendornesi
of the flesh , the daintiness of the cook
ery , and BO on , until somebody's irropes-
elblo grin eet the table In a ro r. Then
the swindle was uproariously exposed.
The particular chicken pet before Phil
was bogus not a chicken at all , except
for tbo skin and the bones , the rest being
a clever structure of veal and pig , in im
itation of the few ) , and impregnated by
chicken gravy.
THE VOLTAIO BELT Co , of Marshall , Mich. ,
offer to cend their celebrated KlECTBo-Voi.-
trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old )
ufflicted with nervous debility , lost of vitality
and manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also
for rheumatism , neuralgia , puralyulg , and
uany other digeases. Complete restoration to
health , vigor and manhood guaranteed. No
riik u incurred aa thirty daye trial ie ullowail.
Write them at once forj Illustrated pamphlet
Centre villa claims to be the banner town for
pretty Rltls.
Another 121 utMnprnill Is talked of atOrom-
wood , Llack Hills.
The fire * t lswich | , Dec. 33th. destroyed
SW.OJO wi.rtb . nf property.
Duster City th tmometcts rfg'utered forty-
eight I clew , Christmas niornlcff ,
Mititfotn Lakes county , cxrordcd About
3'(00 ( for rcsldor t buildliRs In 18SJ.
A Inrpn Mijh Bcbool bui dlntr , to cott nbcmt
/.OtO , it it , conluiuplfttion nt Klanilrenu.
UriBciupuloun ptrsonsst I'ifnoaremld to
bolmtthtrinR dincneed cattle and sollltB the
Whltn Luke liquor dealer ? , at Uioprc'cnt
ute i f licsrisp , i > y Into the county trtasury
SU.fX.0 per annum.
A rrc'r.t gold dttcovery nfnr Greenwood Is
urn nf ( bo best > et made In the Hills the oio
milling SCO to the ton.
The DCnrlwoo I land office twk in ever SCO ,
OCO In 1834. Ncnrlv a quattur of a million
acre ! of Innd were taken in that district.
The Unlttd Slutta Innd office at llur. u for
1884 Tccmvcd 13,825 tilings and entries , enter
Ink- i.'AJ1.5o4 ncico. Oath receipt , Stt'J ,
McUaln & Co , of Sioux 1'nlK havopaM
ihco ApillG , 1S8J , over Sli0,000 frflfihton
the t < no they Lava shipped to Council iilulti )
mid Omaha
The Do'ls ' Mining company has bfon orcau
zed In Sioux Jb'nllr , fnr the purpose of getting
out Jiupor prnnlto. The capital t took of the
company i , § lOOOOi\
Jamestown' * buildings nnd Improvnncntu
for 1 4 foot tin nv < r ? 300,000. 'Iho C pUM
lays .Una rocoru finds hardly an cquiliuauy
city in thu uotthwost.
During tlm Decent cold snati n nnil carrier
pot itrnndoil in amow drift betxvpcn Grnnd
View mid Mitchell. Ho remained over m'ght ,
( loenintc In his sleigh. H-i came out un
injured with tha thcrmoinoter SO ckyreo.-
A 1O7 of blick powder explodoil In a cabiu
at the cnrbonuto ramp , the olhor ovniinp , anc
thcugh nluo mun were In tha room plit ) ini (
cards nt the time , HOMO of them wore sotlously
Injuied. rho cabin wan wrecko.l nnd the
clolhlti ? stripped from the iumatc ? , but thu
dock was saved ,
Thittofu months ego there waa simply nn
expanse of prairie where now stanHa Di un , a
town of over COJ inhabitants. Tli3 Monitor
came out on the 8tn with a siicolum review
of the conception , birth and growth of the
town , which indicates that Diana haa only
just commenced to grow.
Albany county expended nearly 312,000 01
roads and bridges in IBS I.
Laramia county's commissioner is to hav
50COO trout cggo from the Laramto fish
Mr ? . Donnelly's restaurant and Keefo's
butcher shop burntd in Cheyenne on the 7th
Loss S3.EOO.
_ L.irninie U on the tbreshhold of a con
oil war mul proiipcctlvo low prices eerlousl'
threaten thu reign of tallow dip ? .
Shecpdip Kennedy is building a tannery n
Laramio. Kennedy ia a rustler. Ho leaves
a mark or mortgage in every town hu strike ?
The longest staeo line in the United State
is the Wyoming , operated between lluck
Creek and Jntctioii City , a distance of110
Gov. Halo , lately dpcaased. cnrriod a lifa insurance
suranco of $10,000. Besides he leaves $25,03 <
in real estate , bank stock , etc. , which wil'
main'ain ' his illlictod family comfortably.
The wholesale etuiling of horses in North
ern Wyoming tbat has been going on of late
has been nscort.vned bt be the work of Nuith
Crco Indians from British America.
In Ohojoune the wcathor during Docorabcr
was the coldett known in fourteen years. In
Salt Lake , on tha contrary , the past Docom
her Was the mildest finca tha establishment r
the the signal etati-n. here , sicco 1875 , tha
year being mildtr by a fraction of a degree.
Live stock companies are multiplying. The
kt9st Is called the "Carlisle , " incorporated
for fifty years , with capital iixod at half t
million. The trustees of the company are
stated to bo Alex A Thompson , \Vm.A
C ffey , David B Stereick , and Mlllard P
Thompsou , of Carlittle , 1'aunsylvania , ant
Jamus D , Greasou , of Greason , I'ennaylrania.
FOuray county claims a production of 51 ,
A ] { ita undertaker offers a chromo wit )
every co'liu ' purchased ,
I'itkin county claims a production cf SI ,
250,000 for the jear834.
The Colorado Agricultural cullrga opooci
at Fort Collins ou the 7th with 100 studoiatj
The manufacture of iron and coke will soon
bo ono of the leading industries of the Kcrber
Creek gulch.
The total ere and bullion shipment In
Chalk creek district , ChafTto county , for las
yearisSlL'1,950 ,
The seven months work prosecuted on the
Maid uf Krin inino , LcaUville , during the
year yielded 8235,100.
Over ono thousand articles of incorporation
were tikd ia the ofl'ica of secretary ot btito o
Colorado in the past two years.
The richest man in Colorado is ox-Governor
John Kvaiia , worth $3,000,000. David Moffit
Is worth § lbOlOUO. ) Jcseph Chalice took bin
out of a statlocory store arid put him in the
Tha Grand mesa between Gunnison ant livers , contains 2i'J lakes , big and
little. Tlu lorgest one is about tivo miles
long by one-ba'f of a milo wide. Half of th
lukoj abound iu trout.
The Gibbon Hill miners , Summit ccunty ,
ara repjrlod aa yielding largely under stamps
at Brcckiai idge. A run of ten tons of selcctud
urj fiom the Moody's Bulfalo vein last voek
cleaned up six pounds of pure gold.
The load output for Colorado during the
year 1881 Is said to ho 75,000 tonp. ahio
u one-half of tbo entire product or tin wholu
countiy. The entire product of the United
States fur 1883 was l-l/JtO ton ; of lead.
Itio Grande county has produced no silver
whatuver this year , and her rich gold bonanzan
nt Suininitvlllo Iirive LOC beca worked , The
Littla Annie Gold Miniig company of the
saino county , produced S15UJOO ( Iu gold bul
Tha annual round-up of the various coun
ties in the state shown an Increase in wealth
knd population , and that the pinch of the
lard times waa not BO severe an to w event a
lealthy activity. A great doil of prospecting
wont on during the year , which proves tha ,
ho miner WAS able to secure his grub stake ,
i'ho news frurn all tha camps fs that cold nnd
mow have nut seriously checked work , or
vhera this hat been the etna It will soon be
resumed. _
Helena has a five-cent soup house.
There are 157 school children iu Dillon ,
In 18M thu Helena postoflice did a cash
business of almost 9750,000.
In December tha Northern Pacific fold 2C- ,
IRU'acrtti of land , 0,1170 acres of which waa in
The laboring men of Bntte have saved a
million dollars in live years , and now Imvo it
deposited in tha banks of that city.
During the past season over $1,000 worth of
heep and young calves havu b en killed by
vohi'rt near Deer creek and Mack Jiutte ,
Meogber county ,
The succors of Marquis da Mores in the
Montana beef business the past ynir is ex-
prctoi to create a b om in emigration from
b'rance to Montana the coming season.
The supreme court at Helena hu granted
Sames Duncan ( convicted cf burglary ut Deer
Lodge ) a UAW trial on the ground that a bur-
; lary cannot ba coramltud in the day time.
Prominent among democratic atpiranti fnr
the | > o itlon of United Stittsmarulml of Mon
tana under Cleveland' * udmlnlitratlon arc
dhas. D. Curtld , of Helriu ; .1. J. Healy , of
[ J nton , and J. I' . Haleht , of Uifcoula.
The Pioneer Stock company , with ? 1OCO , .
000 cspiU' ' , tl'ed articles of incorporation ut
llelenu. Its micipal ntcckholder nro H. T.
llauser , Con Kvnrs. A. J. Uellgmaa and
Ir nvllle Stuart. Their range Is iuttjir
b'urt Maglnni * .
A'rnood ' and apule trues in Ixn Angeles
county are in blossom.
Water was bft-a trrnod Into the Toper San . , , 7--
Toaqufn cixn/il / and It nnw flowing marly the
ntlro lenstli of it. When completed It will/
Lie nno o Iho longest cannls in the st to.
A 21-mlIo V flutno is being conntmctcd for
Lbo t > urno o of fl.htlnR wcod and timber from
: ho H n Bernardino rnrco ; to the tine of Ilio
ou'liirn l' cifio railroad for Miipmcnt to
Fmncieco ntid other points.
A pearl wtighinp ninety-threo kwixts , the
ln Be t known , mil vnluo't nt $17COO , wan
f > und by tin Iiuliftn diver nt Mult-pe , Lower
C lifortiii ! , recently , and sold by him for SW )
to n ft1 "on who shipped it to London ,
W. M. Cutlf r , rf Jtarystille ,
from n tren in his yard _ n Chinoo orange ,
measuring tiinrteen Inchut in it < grent-st clr-
ctlmfoirn o nnd eovontocn incliOR tlip tliortcp' '
way. It vtciehs two pounds and two ounces.
Some ncli placer ground is reportnd to have
bftn lately discovered upon tbo H'crnir.tnto
river In the ll zclcreok rrgtoti. YOSM ago
llnrcl creek w s vor.v rich , nnd upward ol
1,01)0 ) miners wcro actively ongtgod there nt
ouo tlrno ,
Nnpa girl of fifteen nnd a boy of ttxtoun
wera mairled without the kuowlodie ; cf their
psionlp , nnd hod bnpn livlnp tngother rn mnu
mid wife for several d y before the old folki
found it oat , and they took them homo ami
tpankuit them.
KnUin-iuaktng wni first ntlomptod In Call
fornio uinotton years ngo. Thefollowiucypar
about 1,5CO boxes wcro rnndo , and the Indus try
his rapidly progressed. Tin years ngo the
crop amounted to about -10,000 brx > s. Thia
year the crop ii estimated at 200,100 bjxcs
Tlie ilobt of Altutas county , Idaho , Is nbou
? 17BCOO.
Two nf the Kotchum , Idaho , banks have
A cnroful est'mati ' placoi the yield o
iMturns county , Idaho , usinw at 91.OJ..OO ' in
1B84 ,
Como , a mlnin ? town near Dayton , Nevada
which nt ono time had n population of 3,000
Is now filUoly camp of twenty or thirty in
TLo monument to Kit Carson , Genera
Fremont's guidn , is nt last completed , am
nir.veil . at Santa Fe last week. It Is under
stood tbat the inrnnur.\l ceremonies will take
plnco on Decoration day.
Mn ! > ng men uml ere produnora of Binglmm
Utah , ImvolipH nn indignation rncetirg niu
protest against tha freight charges on nro by
the railways. They ticclnro that tha ralso
amounts to moro than tha profits on the oro.
A shocking accident is reported from Nortl
Ynmhlll , Oregon. While William McCoy , a
farmer , wag chopping wood his dttle boy r i
behind , and the 'athur , throwing the ax bail
of him to Btriko a strong bl w , hit thu chili
ou the skull , crushicg it. Death ensued in a
few hours.
Some time ngo it was said that K. S. Cbnso
former United States marshal of Idaho , hat
embezzled some $11,000 of government money
Mr. Chauo denied the charge , and domnndci
a speedy hcarincr , Tha case han just been
tried in JJoiee , and the result waa the tie
fcndnnt waived all technicalities and went t
trial on the merits of the case ; and after thrc
clnys it was taken from the jury by consent o
defendant , who agreed that plaintiff inlph
move for judgment for $50 nnd the Unltet
States to pay costs. Conversation with th
jurymen has shown that , had the cato boon
left to them , they would have fr.und th
United Sutra inrlohted to Mr. Chase in a
sum greater than $2COO.
llerul Bowed Down.
So go the victim * of debility and lan
guor , barely able to put ono foot befori
the other. No heart to work. No gooc
chcor for the present. No li po for the
future. Brown's Iron Bitters builds u ]
the system ; enriches blood ; sots liver n
work ; regulates hcatt ; strengthens stomach
ach ; tones nerves. Then you are nl
rightMr. . John S. Kager , Walturboro
S. C1. , says , "I used Brown's Iron Bitters
for nervous debility , and found it very
beneficial. "
Statiatica show that clergymen liv
only two years longer thin the wlckci
Analyses can't find ono drop of opium
morphine or mineral poison in Red Sta
Cough Cure.
_ _
Mrs. Ooorgo Bancroft la aaid to wiolc
the needle aa nimbly aa her husband dee
the pen.
A'Luelcy "Memphis Lodger and Ap
peal" Carrier.
The § 50,000 , the aecond Grand Prlz
in The Louisiana State Lottery , drawn
yesterday at Now Orleans , was parti }
held hero , and partly In Cincinnati cue
San Franciaco. Among the lacky men
la Mr. Gun Philllpps , a route carrier on
the Ledger and Appeal. Ho has one
tenth of the ticket and is entitled to $5-
000. Ho ttill vlait the Now Orleona
Exposition and present it to M. A
Dauphin , in Nnw Orleans , to bo inshei
In person. Memphis ( Tenn. ) Ledger
is to got n frano a line for 30,000
lines of romance to ba published in i
Paris paper.
"AH Men ATO Wars" ,
said David of old. Ho probably wac
prompted to inako Hi above ivraark
after trying tome uooliablo ntwrh
remedy. Had he bco nrormittad to live
until the prcssnt dayn ptriod Dr. Sago'a
Remedy , ho miaht and had n bettor
opinion of mautiad hive claim that no
ease of catarrh can. Wo nd the magic
dlfcls of thia won witlis'a ' dicino. Ono
trial of It will con derful rnitf its cfllcncy.
By duiggiat ; fiflyylnco yon cents.
The wife of Gou. Bolknop , former oec-
retary of war , ia in Florence for the win
lIorHford's jicltl Plioapliats.
Dr. R M. ALSXANDEK. Fannottaburgh ,
Pa. , says "I think Hereford's Adio
? hoaphata is not equaled in any other
reparation of phosphorus.
Prontisa Rose , of Edinburgh , Pa. , baa
seen married five time ) , three times to
ono woiiun.
A sure cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching and
Ulcerated Files has been discovered by Dr ,
Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr.
iVllliam'a Indian File Ointment. A single n
x > z haa cured the worst chronic coses of 25 or
\Q years standing. No ono need suffer five
ulnutos after applying this wonderful sooth-
ng medicine. Lotions , Instruments and eloc-
uarles do more harm than good , William' )
"ndlan Pile Ointment absorbs the turners , al-
ays tlie Intense itching , ( particularly at night
after getting warm In bed , ) acts aa a poultice ,
fives Instant relief , and U prepared only for
. 'ilcs , itching of the private parts , and far
nothino olie.
Head what the lion. J. M. CotBnbej ry , of
'leveland ' , says about Dr. William's Indian
L'ile Oolntment : "I Imvo used scores of File
3uros , and It affords me ploaanre to say that I
mvo never found anything which gave such
mmodfato and permanent relief as Dr. Wil-
iaia's Indian Ointment. lpor sale by all drug-
glsU and mailed on receipt of price. 0o and
il. Sold at retail by Kuhn k Co.
Wholesale Agent ,
Colonizing ia becoming a mnu I a with
vbo natlona cf Europe , but Americana
ceap tbelr heads level , don't ' go until they
are ready , and then quietly step aboard
ho lightning ezpreaa for Canada ,
Mra Harriet Beecher Stowo ( a spend-
ng the winter in Hartford , and fa ro-
: ortod aa enjoying the beat of health.
Dreeamalor Worth has met hit Water- &
oo in failing to force crinoline on his '
iltherto devout vforth'ppcrj. '
" y
Rhptimatism , "neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Heatlaclu. Toolhacho.
IIucii , .Srnlil < , ITo.l Illio ,
< .M ' ' oTiiru ROIUI.V riiM AID III
foia tf Drujjuu inrt iirOrn ctrrrtt li rt. linr C..UU Iwlll
Ulrocllotiilnlli nc ncrn.
THE ciiAKi.ta A. onn.r.K co.
( J w i u A. TOQtLIn * CO. ) lUIUuorr , aM I1. S. A.
8will's Rpocino eurnl mo ot rheumatism thrr
months ngo , Mot my t hyticlaos h&J cxtmnsloJ ttcl
rcmrxlloj without RlvlnR relief.
O , P. QoonvXAX , Att y at Law , Ilrunsnlck , Oo.
I hart been afflicted Ith tliciun tlsm neatly fort
rcnm.nnil n few bottles ot Htrllt'a Specific cured mi
U la a Oed send t * the nilTorlnk .
J , U. WAULIR , Tliomton , G .
I havobccn entlicly relloed cf sarcro rhcumattsi
In uiy light aim l > y the use ot Snrltt'a Spocillc. n
ivrcd through list winter nltbout relaj go.
SID.NET IlKnmnr , Ed. So. CullUator , Atlanta , Qa.
TWENTY YEAltg-I hud been a sufferer from
rtcumntUm tucntv ; was rcuiccd to ikolctoi
ocu4 ! hardly gel about , even on crutches. Snllt
Spec flo his cured mo sound ind well ,
Una I.'zm .MtRSiiox , Macon , Oi.
has relieve ! mo nf hcunmtl m
which t ono time threatened to Mop
woik. JUv. W. A. KIRK , Cn i fUm ? ,
Swllt'n Specific Is entirely vcotnt > ! o , Troatloe o
nioodnnd SMn Ulicajcg inatleJ free ,
Tun 8wirr Smcino C . , Atlanta , Qa.
QnlpU. Sure Curra. .
fl oratieo ptrett
itnitcrtnken ,
< rScudtwo tnrnpsforColcbratoJMcdIcal\Vorlc ,
Address. F. I . CLARICE , JTJ. , ! > . , iSfi SoutL.
Clatk Street , CHICAGO , lu-
thiivca on Horllck's rood , " wrlto hundreds ot
ftratiful mothers. Mother's milk contains no
( birch. An artlndal food for Infants tliould
matKin no staron. Tlio best and most nutritious
" " "
food In health
nr ilckncus ror
ALKKAuk uiur4.P Ircorroni
Ptarch and rifiulreo no cooklnt- .
i Il'icoMniPUdcu uy 1 uVMcians.
I lUfrhljr bciieflclal to 'Nun.ini . ;
MoUicrnnnadriuk. )
' * ? & > * sv \ ntid7."icenU. Ilyu IdniiivlcU.
ind ior Book on tlia Tnatinent or Children , frca
'Kakllv dUe tcj iu < \ cuUloui. . " t/.H" . Bailey ,
"Fin 1 It ll thiicoUJ hedoltfJ. " B".IT , KelJ ,
No hevttincj In rronpunelnt It mpfnor to fcny.
Ihlnj exunl. ' If A' . fV > 4 m , V. l > . Trifi , 1. 1' .
n'lll Ixi cent by mail "n ri-cetpt of prlcti iu LtEmr .
tl ! > rCK .N Fl ( l ) t'O. , Ituclnc , Wli.
n-fow Uom.TrK'B I > KTKXTH/CT or " ' *
G17 St. Charles Sf. , St. lonls ,
t rcff l rtpAlpa'.e rtwo p.Ufl4lCDleKcilia ! l > rn cA
ftiptgrdln tbifpeoiaitrefttit.ntof Cnuoiic , Ninoua. Bu
Hn \ lit. fto D ! K4cc4tbt.L ui ) oilier I'hjld n In St , Lotji
u f Ity rit'Cri ' chow find ml ufd r - Uenii kcow.
MervouDto9tratlcnf Dclitilty. Mental sn
riiysicat Wcattnesa , Mercurial nnd other ARC )
tlons o ! Throat. Skin or Hones , Blood Poisoning ,
Jill SOrCQ anil Ulcers , no tccMM with Dcitr .
cpf ioii lat tt if l ( alias prlcel'l's. WtcI/fPrii ( tfl7.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Escc
Exposure or Indulgence , iHch rr < Qoo m of u *
iHowlrK cPects : ner > orjrj s * dcMhtr , din M of
* ad deffeUte memory , plmpJci < r.i the fBMrb/iiiealil
tvcrtlnntothe * otleij vf fem I * , confmit tf ldcAi ( ,
rendering llnrrinco Improper or nnumppy , arfl
ttrmanetttlycuretl , i'sntplilM 3H r geitl ! the abor , M9l
! i rnlM eLvriCrpw , 'r < otn ( injafldrois. Cor. ulutlon it f-
? ce or l > j mull fix * , nndt nvl ted. H rite for qu-.itloci.
A Positive Wrirrcn Guarantee
Tlvovln ktl cnr1 lneatei , UMlclnesicnt rrrjhore. .
7'AinphlPto , Zncliali or German , 04 pa oa. < lo
pnbinunbovodif.eadOs.ln n'.aloor
/D / ! pUt . lllnitrUci ] la tlcth neil tilt Hulls ;
. r rcilage ; iaci * . l > ar | . eov < rs , SV. T li bKl
ICEU.ll I U the curiour , deuttirLl cr ILlt.ti.Ulre VLlt U
< Mt. A ( .OOi f EttUt | D , Ut tO UlU llUlt . nU''J
Uf irouvuj OT Iv MUM
latu the I.IVER mid IIIDNnVE.
Ulltl ItKhTOltU Tlllt I1KAJ.T1I
nU VIGOn , of YOUTH. Mr"-
lieSla. | AVnntof Alipt'lltO , in-
illicstloii , l.iick nl MlrtufUll ,
il Tlr-1 ' ' " "Unxabsoltilelv
itircd. Hones , tuiisclcsain )
fves receive nc-wforco.
rllNtim Ilia inlml and
nupullc3 Ural n 1'owvr.
HnirerltiKlroiii cuniplnlnts
'jieculliirto llii'li'snv will
tlnd ItiDZt. Et.lirUri'OmON ; TONIC n * nro nod
ipccdy euro , vllvcsatkur , hualtliyi' iiii > li'xlon.
Frequent Attcniptnot ci < > rl'"sr' > 'tliit ? onlyudd
( o lliQiionMlarllyoriliu orlKliml. Do not ciiicrl.
oinnt gciiliu OitKHNAi. ANuliiST. :
Homlyournililre to'lb rr. HurterMi'd.rJo.V
St-IxjulB , Mo.for our "JJHliAJiI HOOK. " B. .
Full of otraui/e nod useful Uifarnjauoo.Ixfw./A J
o i a
Oontn' ' Dttl B
T T lei tal * UO.COO aorw eaielollr selidti ! laodl
Eaitern HebraEU , at low price and on eity Icrmi.
Impiovea raimi lor gale In Donglii , DoJm , ( Jollai
lull. , Curt , Darning , Barpy , Waiolnjton , tfulok
tundtri , and liu'Ior jonnlleo.
Taxei paid In all parti of the Blalt , ;
Uoney loaned on mprorcd f armi.
Kotarr Itibllo alwavi la office1 norteatiOBd
I btra a txiiltlTO remtilr fur th abort dli . s by I J.
mo ttiootand.orcue.or ttia wor.t kind mid of fan
.U.dlnK liftro teen cured. lnd.d , oitr nlrUiaTfAlt > n.lTWO IIOTT1.E.1 ( UKU
tortlherwHhi Vir.UADI.ETltKATIbKtilltlilldlMH
roDriafft < r r. Ulr.eillrei.Kndf U.addrill.
UK. V , A. BUXTUU , 111 1'eltlbt. , Men Tork.
LtiM tojLft&cdiar'M ! li
Royal Havana Lottorvl
Drawn at Havana. Cuba , Every 12
to 14 Days.
Subject to no rojclpnltUon , not fltntrolled by the
artlej In Interest. It In ttu falriat tblnj ; In ( lie
lature ol chance In existence.
For in cruiatloa nd nartlatlan apply to 8UISGY
&CO.Oeieral Agents , 212 Broadway , N.Y city ,
MOLL & CO , 417 Walnut tn > et , St. Louie. , Mo. ,
'rank Labrano , L ! > . , 10 Wyaudotle , Kan.
The romnrtablo growth of
daring the kit few yours Is in.tttov o !
gront aatonlahixicut to thooo who pay nn
occasional visit to this growing cUy. The
dovolonmout of the StocV Yarda the
nocoMlty of the Bolt Line Road the
finely pwod ntroota tlio hundreds of nov
roalcfoncoa and costly bnalnoan blcxski ,
with tlio population of oar city moro thitn
doablod In the last five years. All thlo
Is n great eurprlno to vloltora and la the
ndoilratlon of oar cltltotu. Thia rapid
r-rofrth , the baolncss activity , nnd the
tunny nnbctnutlal Improvoruonta madn n
lively demand for Omnhs real ontnto , nnd
every Investor has made n haudoomo
Since the Wall Struct pimlo May ,
with the sabsonnont cry of hard ttmco ,
there has bcon loss domnnd from specula
tor ? , bnt a fall domnud from Invoatoro
Booking homos. This latter class nro
taking advantage of low prlooa In build
ing material nnd nro securing tholr homer >
nt much loss coat than will bo pooclblo b
year honco. Specnlaton , too , can bnp
rcnlcsta' ' 9 cheaper now nnd onght to take
ndvanti o of prcnont prices fox fntnro
pro ts.
Xho next few yearn promises groatca
dtvolopmonta In Omaha than the pasu
fiv ) yoara , which have boon ns good BO
, wo coald roaoonably doalro. Now mnn >
nfactnrlng establishments and largo job
bing houses nro added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity ot Omaha.
Thcro are many In Omaha and through-
bnt the State , who have their money'ID
the batikn drawing a nominal rate o !
toreat , which , If judiciously Invested ID
Omaha real estatowonld bring thorn
much greater returns. Wo have many
bargains- which wo are confident wifr
bring the pnrch&aor large profits In the
near future.
We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north und
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lota at reason
able prices on Sherman nvenue,17th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets. n
West on Fornam , Davenport ,
Cuming , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible Borne b the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Faruam , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
will increase in valu
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty iu the south part of the city. Tha
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
the price in a short time.
We also have som iiue buRinesa
lots nud some elegant inside resi
dence ? for sale ,
Partieo wishing to invest will find
some good bargains by calling u
213 Bonth 14th 8t <
Bet . ( roen Farnham and Douglas.
P. S. Wo nak those who hava
property for gale at a bargain to giva
IB a callWe want only bargains
Wo will positively not handle prop
ertv at moro than its real value.