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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1885)
1 HE DAILY BEE. 1OURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , WEDNESDAY MORNING , JANUARY 2 , 1885. NO , 18-i ; A LEAP IN THE The Das's ' ProiMfliDgs at tiie Slale Forcing the Monopolists to Show their Dolors in the Housd A Spasm of Excitement Caused by Nichols' ' Eesolutiorji Railroad Lawyers , dappers and Spiko-Bendors Crowd the Lobby. Prospective Investigations of Stata Institutions , "TJio Btnto CnbtmRO Patch nnd Cow I'jisturo Orjintl Inlniu ! "Minis * tern to RJInOs IHK IIOCBI : . flprcivl Carroipo ilciui of I hi LlNXt.x ( ) , ilrttmiuy 11) ) . - Long bt Joro four o'o'oc't this afternoon , the lirno aj | ointol for the h 'Uio tn aisoii bio , many mcmbcra were already in their pine K. ' Sumo of tin first to ariivo woio Mr li air , liom over' b idy must have bom pi d to see loottitu so well , with Mr. Henry , of Johnson , following cloeo at hind. Among tbo nth ra who mi * ht. ha" o bayn no ticed wet o Miff > rn Miller , Tmup , DouiiKto , Harlan , uloaily f llo od by NwlU t m. 'linn ciuno H"lmrus u mil unoltimr c'gar , ac- ctimpanied bScovlli , o' ianndo'n , who mUht have b on ohttrvo on tik > ng h'n to t , knaw- Ing nn nppla Nich 1 hroUKtit up th i rinr. Kvldontly f ngrr lor bu int-f B N let ol propos ed that the tea nng of thf > journal ba iimp ndo I aud Oln sttad touk the fl iur ith . rei lutiuu tb t unoti er aest-tiut eoigi'atit-at-ainK bu up- pointnd , the pn > ent RtnfT not being mffiu ent to expedite the unrkn g of thn fcbool lau t in vestigation coinmittto , til which hn id ( bur * nan. It ha * takau thl o mmutexH > mo time to rcaHzo tlio fact thut thu i o < P'H are anxi ms they fihoulil proceed t bu-in 83 < n qti > ckly us posrible. Up to the pics in time fry. lm\e done nothiiu but meet Wluntlipy have tan- ishod what ttioy will no dou it ca 1 t OT la- lur' , th ) stiti ) will hava thi satiefucti n ol knowing tint tluy hvo nut nnd have donn elae. The with hi- nothing serseitnt alrin - till is t P'tsent well a'iln ' 'o ' hiitig bef TO them alt the w tnrstes tiny rcqu'io ' , nud IM soon as th ° v wako up nnd ihow t'uiv i ra xi- ons for bit'lno-s at d u thorough iovo t'gtttion he will bring roforo thi-m SB in.iny p-r < o 8 as they wntit , The pout li a > ti LP n tu luain as tpiickly ai po-flbln ho AT miuh thu n HL'IIOOI. I.AM ) have chektnd them out i f , and the R0on ° r this committee pmcicds with the investigation the boUer for all u mccrntd. H It , of Giwe , olfered a reso'utiun that a committee of ( ivo bo uppohit'id tn vitj : tin Agricultuial Furm t > PIKJH ra into thu nmu- a ment aoil uoritiog n d rp rt to tin lu us . Tliiiwas alotJtid laku ttij laud fr.ttdx thn qui : ker this is oiqulred mxo tha bo tor , ns b'- fi ra the legis'aturtj in els ngaln , two year * beuco , thi < dim will bj st ckid wich tuch a liot'rigjunus coll-cliiiri of animils that no zoilofli'.t living will bo a Jo to tall to what clasi they bv'ooi ; . THR IlKQAN RESOLUTION NichoV res iluti n to instruct the United Stitej i > ena'oiB t u < u > yciy moans in thnir power to moil o t > io | ossing of tie Uo in In- tortta'o C in'iu'ic ' bill wi 1 cjll for fuith r rn marks when it again miKoniti appe trance in the hou-t > . At i r ut-nt it tunyn f.nly ( fUfBied how the milrna I icbom rs will net , but by tin timn th' ' y have bui u i mtiuct d tiy Andrew Jackson I'oppU too , Ctiirlta H. Green and others there will lie no d ubt. However , thov have this to cou > idur'h t the peopln who 5fnt _ thoin i era ure wat h ng them work nnil w ill ro id the trux iQurts iinln in the papers tint nr ) nit subs'd ' zed ny tin rail- roadj Tli i people will kilo * h iw to at at tb ir first muiiuig at tin p illn. Tiny nhi > are husking c rn now may havH som thlug to > .vy tlnu th it will c ns'durably ' upset tha men who ullow theoi to livi uudor tuch A tvpannic- . ! monopoly .IB at pr. eot exists. Tne-o m on who have growit thn corn that they may n w bo hus'jin/ ' . know ho t'llnjs i-tun ' . They am awum i f th" fact hat to uan < port tlrir cull from h r to Now Yo k thev m i t to diiy p.y twuity-live I or ient moro fo ht ch ig M on evjry . .iloid frm herd to Cno ! < gi th m from Cuij.go to New Yurk fm th former dm- tanco Ii inv h < u hulf that of tha laintr , Weaver , Jtl. G. , f r NebMnk . oied f r tin lle au bill v/lieti it wux bototo ill ? louss tor cnmii'er ' ition. Hwai ei titled to no credit for this hoA-fio , . He ouly voted d > r tin bill bcouioo he cou tl u t prrv-nt itn pasiiuHa itw from his iioiitton tit iho bottom of the Ift how things wi re going -o i e joined tlm crowd. Yury likely some of lit < Itii-uilalio-o will > dept thu HBIUH tiutic' , other will plt-ud iguurauie , but tliuy will u 1 bo wit hd < 1 .nely , Gnu , Tnuiston , Diocese 1'liil ips a < d i who'i gang of luilroud a.nkert mo hereto previ-nl the ia < < i > ga of the w lulion , Timy an backed up tiy Mio'ho'ga ' m y topi ti'il" ' conkistlug of railway Uwjer * ilye the bye wh'it ate tiejola'tur djing hep ? They conn aud stay all the vrnek and ut thi &djournmrn' ' from S.itu'diy to Mou ay th-y dis pt ) ar After the Xic'aoh ies luli m very l.t lu busi- ntn wan done T oup prc BUM ted a r < solution that a > tan 1 In * bi 1 relating to tire lum anco biininvt and Klven to a ch member nf the flu luartlHU'datgitlou ch are nr w in bisiio ; hero. An I a lull for I r.ivHiug f r the takiui of the census \n nr lufnro JIIIIH 1 , lHvr . Cornollous iiitroduied A bill f r Uio imrt'oi ' and malntuiiiknco f u a.ata lun tiu a" > lutn Th's ' is ubs'ilulcly ' ne-ecmry mid nvery ulfor should bu mude to eocuro iti ppndy pittit < p Mr , Cjrnt-lioUK , huwivir , wUhm the u > > lun to be sittin'oJ ut Gr nd I laud. Pp nil 1 ; th ro ate more' mad ptoi le there than ii con tirnlly known , nut why hi ebon d ba s mil us to beep thuu , thuro may uppea alnngo to many. Tin ho so a lj mined at D:12 : until 9:30 : tc morrow morning , Til ESI KATE. The btito snra'o tno' to-day at 4 o'c'rcl ' Moat of tha meuiberii were in their ilac-i only about a dozen ab't > ut 'Ihy pr ecu- ling were not of a very lively \ture aud nfter tli clerk had read at this rutnlnaiug b.uly fo something unler an hour it adjourned ui t 10 o'clock to-uiorroMMnoniing Tha bilUiu > were the anne of which mention hat ulresd been made at their trot 101 ing. Tbli belli the time for their > con I reading and rofe. . lo the roajiectivo committees , ' H pedal to the B o. LINCOLN , Jtnuary 20 , The houss aesfn bled this moiuiug ut 0:30 : and was at oni called to order by the speaker. The readic -of tha journal w&s soon diipeosed with. Kiley offered a resolul ion th U a page ba a pointed to sniat the lihr risn. This wa h owever , lost. Thomas , of CMS , then came up with rei lot ion th t thi rules of the housa bo suspenc ml and the re-ent votq upon the rejjhittt offered by Miller of Hutler , relatin ? to tl cluuns t'f H w < n. Kma rd anil " M jnr" 1 reooukiilertd , This was s-cooded by Dam ' , ; . , -fnm tb t the reiolotion be Utd upon tha tabln. I * DotutMter ivlahml lo creik no tla rfnolutl bm ww ruled out of order , Cole now hwl t IP * * rotdutlon reid to th heu4e , nd tint hot * Tlog votwJ Uw Hit tbairuJ th t tifly-fo tupported Prcnner nnd thlrtysfven o | w il him. HU mnetdmctit wni , thniefof , rar led The folloalntt b Ing the ana'y ' l of ) vtres glvrn , it * ill allow vour reodeis to l"dgwho nto thu mpp liters- the o p r ons who prciont riHilcioi | Binl fr ttlu1ont tlaiini t'i thu state. Some nf the men whotq n tn"n nrj not 10 cord oil stcppo I out of the room to ovoid ou- wrirg to their name' . YCJSAtl&tno , Alkon , Kail y , Barnny , BlilLo Urunncr , 1'uHli ' gton , Caspar , ' 'ii'e , Co nelhi' , I'urr , Cnjt , rnwfoid Crook ] ? ber- innuti Kvrott , Gill , Glen , Gnmaer , Hurl in llaztn , Heimrinh , llo'iry , Hlggin' . Hols- wirt , Ilnwaril , Hulf Irwiti , .Irhinton , Keboe , K ng , Kttoi.j ; , Leo ( Mi trick ) Liob- hart , M rbi' , Mn'tin , McAriHu , M llnr , Mtilvehlll , Minn , Ntillr. Nfiimejvr , iNow coiiicr , PmnloStiver , Sttvpnson , Stptllntr , -Stithcrlat d , 'Ihimppou , Turner , Turtle , Wtdto , Wln car , \\'olhnch , BI. Nays Bas tBtcklv ; Itlaco , Brandt , 0 HowflV , CJon er. Gjpe. ] ) rtnp < to' , Kmer on , Hull , llutnuB , Ilolr , Jiiutta KuKy , L i- , ( Film * * ) , Li tVfld. Luce , Nlchol , Olmrtold , O'good , Peterson , IJi-o , KibiiBoi' , ( St nlon ) , Koor , Uu sill , civilK Smith. T Kciut | , Tay lor. Th mm ( fa < ) , Troup , Vainer , Wulto , Wil iau-f , Wright , Alt. Stcaker-37. , IininoLiaiely utter tlioolo ngai'i Hixwcs and Kniinnr. ! might have le n noticed in n 'a' oftxi.ileni9iit hurrying ab tit Ui9 t.oufo. II wen wus . oitoit with inst u tin ? hi fr end * ho v to net in the future bus KenrarJ it.on brflllgerjiit ui-h d into thu uaemi and uituck d Sir ) lo of Douglas 'Hi-Kii tw gentlemen uuifrht have bet 11 win htvi g a vury an'mttod ' onvtration In the iinto'Dom. In tict in hlii. ddtesefRto iho Vaual B in n' riinliiiB IC-nnard muht 1) ) ivo been hoard utteticg wo.dt not i f n"ctinp imoiitRry cln raster - aster to tin p > rs ns who oppintl Thotnug * recolu'lnn and Jlr. Tilt tie pjrtlcul tily came in for a lull share of Kent-aid's valcdiotvry rema'lci. Havhg been d faateel twice and being ptevtnttd now according to the rulet of illhousafrom atrnln bringing up tlmir ibluiB ( hot haxo started the mxt best thing thny could ilr > , which is ltor the rules uf the houBn on thll point No doubt nilh tliii ibj'ct in view it w s announced tint the 0 immitteo on rules mot at 2 o'clock this fttr noou and in order that ovcrv bo < y mlKht ki-ow it , the chairnitin inadu the ami unci- iii' ' nt from his pVo in the homPiobably we moy not have heard the hfct of the llawes and Kennard chims. All tint can be done will no doubt bo done bvthonotod thirty- exon to have them brriwht a aln b fnrj the h u < e in totna form or auothtr Hence , the n lATftti it s of lh i rnloi tf thn hou to will ba ie- Bortid to If nocwaary. Perhaps Hae * & Oo. th unlit lli4 i i.u-o ( omniittve was cotniio-ol 01 fie most malleabln tnaterinl and would try thtir 1 andn on them iiist ; But the acti > u of tld < commitiuo will ba wutchoJ with ut- ttnti n. The Brst claim of th day havinc been dia- prselof , tVo next tti.t of Stmuel B c n < ainn before the house ou tbo second reading of tha Use m uppropriktlou li.ll Thomas , of Ca s movnrt that it ba in definitely pojtpomtl , at which lli'o ' slid all cii-ims on tin state should b ( inquired Into , but cnuldeiing that Sonuel Bicou'u cla'm ' < have b ou mrjuirfd into Already on occn Ions and that hi ) cUims have boon pai ororandovir agtiuthii romnrk WJB not up plicablo t j the pr sent c ISP , t xcopt at far BB i. wis intended to explain the nbtouc ) of the spnaker from ttte lUt i f vet n on the qui-stion rji < ed oarliwr i i the da ? by the sama Thnnus Uo over , the motion ii withdrawn aft r ale lo v words from Vurner advocating inquirv into all tlalmi , an1 the clerk prccetdj wi U tbo cpcond reading of t'illa Among the numerous visitor ! in the town m y ba notio d tie cnunty dork of Dniglas ami Mr. Thurstiu Whitmore , one of tbo ippresanla ivoi of D uglas , id unforbuuutely sick aud IMS been o\ froLa the housa. Special telegram to Tus BKE. LINCOLN , Neb , Jnauary 23. The only matter of interest lu the legislature to day was tin defeat nf a refoluti-n in thohoueoto rooi.sidir the vote by which the claims of Turn Kennard and Pni Havrcs were refeired to ilia courts. An effort will bo mode to to morrow to expunga tha reaolnt'on relative to Kenn rd , Haivoj and Poatnun but it ia not likely to pas ) . ' 1 h < atato board of agriculture after transacting imp irtant lulnoss elected the following nliicarx for the year : J. B Don m > re , of C ay , pro idpnt ; K. D uleli , if Sirpy , fiist vice presideut ; Frank Hilt , of Gigo , Focond vic , prendant , Chris. Uar'inu ' i , ft Doiigles tieai- uri > r. TtiBuo were all eli cted by c lamtitiun , tnd after a very spirited but fiiind'y CJintfBS over the f poret iry l i bet vtou R. W Kutn \ and nd D ii. Woeo'er ' t e roinur W B elected. Proposals for ih i Lck'i n uf tha fur for the next five y * M wo'O icad from Oinuhl , Lin coln aud G'a-id Island , bit the socifty ad- jo'i'ind without t jkiug a votu until Ou. m. lo-motrow 'L'h St ito Firemon'ii as ociati m wa < In s's- sii n HUM nf tr nmn , with a 1-igo attendiucj No bin nusi of impjitiuca us yet wai trans- i.cttd , Now Yor Special Telegram to THE BEE. NKW YonK , Ji nuary 20. The etotk market to-day bad rally in ill i morning most in trk ed In tha V.vderl ills and Rrangerf , particu larly the Northwestern. 'llu New York Central was put in tha load crowd brokers vkerecSarRed S52.EO and 812 25 p r day for UH , which forced the shorts to cover and the tito.k went up 1J p r cent and rccoveiinj the lost later Late fahora advanced i nnii won i-ustaiued by the ripnt lint Vxndotbilt was imtiug bailc the ituck hi rccoi tiy sold tliort. o \irlhwentern HO it up ft on tlio covtniiif if , sho'ts , tell oB frcctiona'ly ' and roovernd , a/uiu St. Paul mill up , , ml lost an 1 retov orud In turn but the fteliug is not OH strong on this stock as n" the Northwettern aud it is predicted that It will go t > 70c 'I h detnoralited railroad sttuati n und the tutting of g .iti rate's by Wia trunk linoa ere tto di < - tiu tof rny nlly Bro b s lo > k for no tettle- mentiif tlin rnllroid v/ur und tha I'linna- ! V4iilo people aru mid hero > o have not iti id Mr. K'lik that If ho does not stop thu pml roidnfr. m cuttirg both fri < ht and pirsiuor : rat B tha Penntjlvanla will go below thu low- o-t. It is said tha PeuiiBlvAni4 will uotbd fa i fled unless a moniy pool with "ttie mercy up" Is nitablishcd A Torrnto dispatch says the Grand Tnuili will act with the Krie. Lack wauna , New Yotk Central and Wcat Shora nnd not in-et tn omigmnt cut of $1 nt the Pennwylvan'a ' M . Fink lun oilled ano her confrio' c-i of thf r.'ada ' lo o .nEider the situa ion TliPoiin yl < vania wilnot ) Join the ootntioatlou aud itn itkvl IT tall t rouuh It IB rnpirtod thy Va1 derhilt ii sickof i ii So'ith Ponndjlvanii venture i nd Imi o do rid ta loll the uncoin k. pl tHd rotd t > ) iho 1'cnmylvaui i tail o.d com DBIIT , Theieii l-o lev d to bo cons drrnbli truih in thu report , a'tbourh the Peuntyl vaula railroad ofhulatfl re rettce-nt , TlinVlsoniiNin HI nntorslilp , 3poi l Telegram to TUB BEIT. MADISOS , Wl > , , January 20. A largs dole gttioj of Milwaukee business men Is iu th rily to-day. They raptured Senator Stanle ) who Is u Spooner man , and after luring hit into a private room , fired fpeeche * and petl tions t him for lulf an hour , advising hli of the Import inco of his'prooerly representn ! the ptoplnirf Milwaukee by vctUg for Fi child Thus f.r , however , the d'lrgntio does not appear to have influenced the stul born Stanley. Brynnd thU Datura tfaerp : nothii'g new In tnetcnatiiial ltu iti' n Thei oppea a lo be no trouble wluttvi-r of Spool cr's DUCOOSS to-mci'row night in the republic ! d- caucus. don on be Klopom be ST. Louis , Jauuaiv SO. A Cb tt nee ( ' ; ( Tonn ) vpeclkl tu the IVet-DiapiU-b , ta ; int Dr. Marker , of Adums county , IOITB , r Mrs. Clizi I'urk , who elnped together , deiat Ion ing lawful partneri , three months ago , we the anetstfid yesurduy in4 brounht here. Murk ure I * btlievwl to beitcphciited lu t > bank robcei our III * wiU b ) tint b ; U t > lotra to-day , Pitt Kfc Cite lie was Delitoratilv Dtfraufled , Barnum of Oonneotiout Proposes to Hoop his Hand In , The Swaim Oourtmartial to be Throuch this Week , A BolSof that this Congress Will not Eetiro Gen , Grant. The Oklahoma Sattlers Threaten to Eesist the Govercmont. Iins lie ccl veil Ot tiers to Kcmovo them in a i'enoc. nblo" JIanncr. < WASHINGTON NEWS. Special Telrgram to The Bee. WASHINGTON , January 20. While repre sentative Pitt Kellogg iu not at all fanpuino that ho will succeed in obtaining his seat in next c n < ics' , ho propoica to go ahead with his coutest Mid show this country that h was dohb'rately defrauded out of bin ccrtltiiato ol olection. He says ho Lai secured proof th it Burke , the state treamrer , telegraph od to the demo rats in his district that ho ( Kollofg ) must bo counted out at any cost and that it was in pursuance of a couspliacy that 1,100 republicans were arrested the night before t lection.on n chtrge of vagrancy , kept in C'isto ly until after uitctli n , nnd tliou relensod. Kullojjg'Biys that lUtHcluut evidence will be f rthtO4ing t > cttablish his right to a seat in next congress. t'etlttVpr Barnuro , of Connec'.icu * , ha < i no in tenlioa of remaining in private llfn during thu incoming aduiini < tratlon. Ha has taiif to fiieuds llifio that bo wai not an applicuiit fur , n < r would ha accept , any appointnent under Cltvela d , but would keep his band on the politics of his own Etate and two jnrsfroin now bght for all he Is worth to BECUIO the s nattrjhip , taking it aw y from Gen. Hawley. Although the nominon c f his part } now , us ajali st Senator Platt ho cuuld not i aept tha him > r for in bearing upon the sea- atoiil tction two years hence. Ho bolievm that with a proper organization and n right chaructur of work at the proper time , thu demi crats cm csrrv the legislature and at-cura the e ectiun of a successor to Senator Hawlev , in winch event ho ( Uarnum ) expect ] to bo chosen. It is expected that the S aralm court-martial will gtt t'irough by TfaursJuy or Friday , and that tliH court will begin the trial tf Colonel Marrow , for dub ioating his pay account ? , ou Monday n xt Tno proaecuilon will find itstlf tmbiira'ioi by the f ct that tha dupli uated accounts were all derftnyad lmn Mor- low gave the tew pay \ouc'"or to covrr his pay for a period lo.ig oLough to cov r the duplicated account * . Broker * who held du I Heated accounts will rafuso , it Is undpislood , to testify against Monowr , an'l ' if they do th s it 'n goinrf to bo diffiuiU to make out a ca o against thai officer. Man" peis > n in Wellington Iccow all ui out thoaff iir at the time it occur cd , uud entertained i.o doubt but tha' th i facti were alsj known t the war d pinniflLt A year bforo tha chaigoj were preferred. Will ion oet up the Grant retitcment bill bifore Msrih ? ' wus > sued of Gcneia It-ezraui ti-duy. "I bave about lost all hupo , I dou.'t ih nk we will got a consideration of the bill t.t ull , " replied tno general in a toji ) of dlamav. It is the gate ul bo Icf ho o that General Grant will uot ba retired by this congress. Too ndjnt mt-fciieral of the army to-day received u Mtgram from Bngjdier General Auyur , c mnmnning the depsrtmei t of 'he Histburi , announcing the number of fottlern on the Okluhimit laud are ttjadily increasing having reiciod n ady-l' ' > 0 and reaittooca to the federal auttority is threatened. Secretary Line lu had a conference with thu Preside t ou ttia eubj-ct this a tarnoof , the result ot which was that Gcnenl Augur i * instruc od to concu.trate mi ra troops ut tin suppla- mentaud remove the invalern from therj in aa poacealle a manner as possible. TLO house ommittan on POSTOFFIOKa AND TC8T IIOAI)1 ! will next Fridry com dor vauo bllln relativa toarduction on I Wfjupur i ostagH. The oimuilttuo is IP re < , . , k mum on lh > s 'j1 ct irepti , d li ti r irmnitteo repreeeot- ing the naflfjipp r i IJ In i u the west and noithwtBC.'LhH ttoj w s appointed nt tl.o latt ra utt ) ' "t " ' < we ttn Afsiciared pro-8 , held a1 ; iJitroit , tn rail the i. nt oa of toiiBr 8itiJtheiUfqu hum of the p < 1 Uws berinn ( the rain ch t 'ftl IOT iu > piper and po iodt al-i The immortal BUJV , in put : "New piper pub'itht-ra ' are ni t inondicuuts hut IT y claim tu h VM such relutii in with thn dilfu ion of light und knowledge among lha people , which we uudflrctaii' wa ono of tht objects for which the p s'al dop rtment nf the giivfiiroiont a < irmt d us it givoi tbem a lixht to dfliiviml a f ir hearing nJ juit treat ment. The iucon.ruity i f tin law icftrrod to would , tn a stranger lo our nutit itionIndi - u te that the govBrnmtnS looked disfav or on alt publications tircul.ti g bayoud the oitinoi of tha touii y in whiih they are pub- a'lud. W certainly underataijd such is riot the case but bei ! ve it will be un i o tor c n- gte 3 to | Hiinit r-uch iccansUt nay to remain oa our statute books. " KeprrBsuutive was instructed by the boii > e coministeo < vf CJiumeice to-duy to ropoit favo-ably on Ripro-entatlve Hopkins rdfolutiuu inf.roduc d ut the lu t fojnon di- nctiug that tine mmittee Inquiru into such evils as may exUt lu the TIU 81'OUTATIO.S OP LI VIC STOCK. Ono of tha evils cited in tha r solution Is that by the Brecon t syttoii of transporting live itock by tin lainad comfnnoi 10 pur ent of the aninia u peiiih in ctn queue nf . . tieattinnt , and the lleah t f tlu dead nuimali ia svl 1 to the public , OONFIRHATIONS. John Davtn , District cf Columbia , judge ol the United States court of clairi sj SVm A , Uichiirdam , chief juattca of h ) U < i'd ' St ti i mult of cUim . 'Jha secretory ot thn war do cl n l to order a court rnirtUl for tin trial ol Ch'ef ' Signal Olflcsr Hazen , on charges prefer red by Lieutenant GaihnKton aud has decM- -i tn takn uo further action iu regjrd to tin Greoly relief expedition. HKNATB. WASHINGTON January 20. The Mil pssse ; Authorizing the National Hank of Blooming ton , III. , to change its iiam * . Plumb offend pteimble and r'snlutioi which went over until to-morrow Tha pre amble tets forth that a wilely extended be lief prevail * that the unoccupied landa in In dun teiritory ate subject to eetilument , bu the president dona uot concur In such opioioi and contiJo/s it his duty to removn by mil itary force these parsous now on tha l ud and In cooeoqueDco there seems to bo daogo a conflict , it n ther.furo Kciolrtil. That the president be requoste to adviie the senate ta the status of tb Unda In question AS viewed by the eitcutiv vctlon t ikuii , if any , to expel person * teekin to settle thereon , and tha rrtsan for thn garni together with ny other Information In h posse > son ! bearing upon th rxlstiui : contr < versr , The senate returned tha couiHerntln of the Inter-eUte ct-mmeic - * biU , the hou id bill , lleigan lull , to-c Ued for tibving b > < tt- jJreudy In the leckte nnd road ? wice by tit irn md placid on llo cklezidur , wai now Uki ( com tUs calendar m\ read iu fall , Thd u-utiUaa betora the BsLkte w i on tl t Qaltout h r tof r * io + i * to strtl out all f lor Ihe enacting rlau-o in the II use I 111 and ln rt inste/id icveial prou-ims in the comulsioneis bill ulreiidy dtbutdaid HRpoi to lu theS'nate. Tba Utter bul was now also rend In full. Bock rcovfd to ftinfnd tlo Uousa bill by st'lk 117 out fio'm n the pn vis ions reRatdlngtlito imlnatiiiH In pa-83iigr ac onim'xlatlons , and diurhn mtiitis ot no- c iuiit of color , i 'lht * wiuld hfiva m do the bill In tliHSimi ; condition inlii.h ith > dbeen orlg nal y bright 'tito tha Hoii'o by K > nir , ii , Beck sold liQ ( u'd amend ihn hi use bill t < us ti p ohibit rjilna s tiom ilugi g mote for carry ng f rtinht over put orllutr Hi o tlun they c urgrt for.oitrjing th mover the while Icnith nf thHrjlnr. Wl'h nit ctiou the sen- fits went into o'rwiitlvn s "dun. A mosjare from the prrrtdint w in laid bof ra thn auato tr tiBniUtlng information letatlng to the lor- H gn ciuniii ref of Mexico , Conttal an Suu h Ain * ict , Sijamih We"t Intlies , Ilnyii mid San Dr.rclnfjOu.d Ilia th&ro of Uio United Btatfgth'rein " Adjourned ! j January 20. Hewitt of Now York , fiotti tlg'jpomtni tea tin WBJB nd mums rHportrd a bUljatnoniling c tiou SO 19 ra\Utd statutes , to Itvull'rcad ' at follows ! ' ' nlmll bn iillowrd ll Section 80Ip.-Tnero ; on articlfti wholly ma'iufoct ired of maMria'K im jiorted on whuhjtto t U ifs 1 avu bojn pud wlion rxpor'ed.thdrawhjck ' , equ 1 lutinuutit to ih ) riuty pildjou such muteiids nnd no iniirp , to liH ai'ceft intd imdprRUch repnUtiniis as sh 11 bo pre'iTrlbed by the B rretniy of the troa-iiry , andWllprovisions , tf law mcon i ten' ImoAithfiuj ntrehy ropoakd , llefinod tJ c iiumtttee of [ tha who'o. The Home wem into Cjomiiittno of Ihe whole , \VcllboitT1n thocluir , on tha Indian appr priatiou I ill. El In txplaitfcdf.tho provisionn of the bill. u ug . B e I ijs a practical potation if the Indian qursfon , tht ip | ointment of a com- ii i-t-ion to at ctt tn the nor hwtste rn country , t rri ory tltnilur io tin IndUntenitory , rtbeie m us nal echppIsVnd nils sions could bo cs ta li'hed iindj"yncro the Indian could bi latifihr. to support lilnisalf. Hi an eainwtly pr-EB-d upon tiia'atteutloa of iho coinmittue the importance . ' 'of takini anmo Immediate action to solt'o ' the question as to whetho that portion oftthi Indiiu t-rritoiy ki own as the Uklihoma strip was open to ittlem ° nt Mm ha-l Bottled upin Ihit land clnimiug tht it beliug d-to tin United States and therefore they ha'l a light to erttle it. It was claimed by ilwROVirnmrnt > h t the HmtnoU nd Creek Indians ccdoj the land to the United States In order to enable the govorn- tuont to locate t'o friindly ludiaas ther - . Subsequently t't the cersioit the government chtugad its poljcy and coigro's paestd a law prolul itiupt the fettloment if any more In dians in the ttirrltory. Hn ntltlipr affirmnil m r denied lha cltim on i itlur ide but the importatco of iettllng the disputed nutation could nutbo , ovoreati mated. lie s nt to the' 4 clerk'd dexk aud had road a iciiis t of resolutions adnpt > d atapublio me'etSng Howard of Kanfa > , do- uouucl g B nn lOUtrsgB the trea'mmt by the government of the Oklahoma seulomenr , who arn striving to ma'co ' : i ht me c n the lands be longing lo the ptoplp , a d the u e of the irmy to rlrlvo out aptujl stttlerd on any public do main , c.nd ( JutthtS m gave his oninion t iat the Uklaboma Btr'pJwhB ' not public domain , It was a parcel < > M land which thn overDin'nt a > p clf 3 purpoaa. O'Ni-il re < sooed thjt no sense i f just ci ciuld tolfr.itn Ihi tp- piro of su h Indian' , HB thetrritoivwus lyinir wustet w thout a liopu of b jug occupied by the lultun ? , butnimply left it to the ra pacity -lid speculationl of every combinUi n and tin ; tint entered into thi teiritory. A hntdred thoumud aero ] wo-o leajfd by this aud that syndicate at a turn while i hundred thoti'and psople wo > o wautm ? them orh'injs. Thi8s ulia of the Baerednfcsof treaties whichi should bo recognized fhmdno' bp caftiol to ihs verga ot nilcy Thw Inliuns th B.Jd J > o rtcompen fd for what ever land was tat nfronti themibufrtbo \ > \ \ - i.m ei < i * tin laud eh'bulil b ) reserved actual sottUri only. Pei.cllng fuithur deb ta the committpn rofe nnd public business biine BUS- p 'dol , th ) Housa ptocee led to pay fitting ttibuta to tha memory of tha lata Jiio. Hot / ot South Carolina. Clitcltoti Tliivoa S\\\ot EVANBVILLK , Ind. , January 20. The police ehot and killol two chicken thieves early this morning. They were returning from the suburbs with n nmnbar of l. rgo bigs of chickens , Oa seeing the office ra ono ran ; the otliT was captuwd , Horo'isted the attempt f the elli or tj put thn nipp-ri > n him nd struck at the omo r with a i hint handled uxe ho had in hi < band. The officer WH- getting wnrftfd and it WAS n ca siry for him to use his pistol. Ho slio1 : twice , klllii g S.ndwra instHiitly. Meanwhile , another oflicer was in pu'smt nf the man who hud un , Nelly by imuie , and who WPS Lot 'ap ured un'il iu his o n boLBP , nnd then only wtt r shooting1 four llmea. Nally i ) tow In a dying conditiun. Pltz John I'ortcr tcaitls tlio Gambler * NEW Yens , January 20 General Fitz John Po er , polic-a c mmiuioncr , lua betn asqu tinting himself wl h tha gambling tlens ol New York , in visw of their i uppreesion. Ho omp'oyed two detojtives to fin I put where ' name * were in overall n , HH paid the mm out "f his own picket. Tn < po t r Bjrnt-H ot ihe d to-tivu foic > , W th a number of men , ra du I u ilozjti uptown fustii inable gambliux lious'-B lo-uight , und capture 1 a UrgH' amount of prop rty in the eh po of ctrds cteckH , fate anil nher'lajouts. filauy kenptrs of lnu c Irnd bam warned uud were ou ; ot reach of Uio ottauerr. T 10 National V.r-rnn AflHoolntlon. CHICAGO , January 20. Gen. M. II M. Wal'ace ' , pretident i f the Natioual Veteran association , puUhhes a notlco to tin effect that a mcetirig or tha i fll en of tbo as < ocia < tinn will be held sf Lincoln hfll , Wfttliingt ; n D , C , March HI cond , fur takiiu uch uctiou adin ybo deemed mc'sssry lo poif ct the orgamziliouof thoks o iitiou. Each br mli of the SPS mlatiou is tequtsteid to co d one dele ate for ( oai-ul'.ati n. All the m mbeti of the arsocUtlon intpuding tn take part ir the inauguration C'looioniei a' tin ? ir sldent- nloct will on arrival report at hoidquarten in Lincoln hall. Tlio IlllnolH CHICAGO , .Tanuary 20. The Journal'i Springfield ( III. ) special fava : Temporar ; Speaker Haines applied to M lyor McCreer' ' this morning for polica tn protect him. Hi sad ! Uiat ho understood that he wan in d uige of paisonal violonoj. Tne mayor Informet him tfmt ho nal no jnriidictlon oto th- flat , house , or the JeginlulUM ; tint the leglelatiu uppoluto 4 iti o vn pullcem n , and he hai puwer .to appoint as cnaiiv as ho deemo neo s ary. If uuy one diaturlod the paao outsidof the etate homo the mayor woul iutuifere _ Oporrs ( 'eulivkl Chorus. CIIIOAQO , Jaiitiiry 20. The Chicago Opor Festival Chuius , comprising orer two hui dred fresh voices gave a Bini-publl f hearai to-night under the direction of S , G. Scot Those present expressed muth turprtto an ileasuie at the tuarsnJ power and efpcieoc of the bo ly , This chorus is to ling in coi lection with Maplenotr'u troujn t Chlcsgo irst grand opera fdnttval beginning April till and luting two wnoki. North Carolina' * H nntor. RALEIQH , January 20. Z. B. Vance w re-elected U. B. teoator to-d y , receivh 123 Tote . Tyne , the republican nominee i ceiveil 35 vote * . Held was elected to th v cancy of the Fifth Ci/ugreuaoual duttl without oppotitiou. 10 Thn Prenuh In Tftnqoln , oa .le FABII , Jwtiirj 20. Adview from Tonrjt en report the Miiv l of more reinforcements French t'jtpi , A g uor l forwwd iao emi h * o ( the I' Vkdtaif fcrcw I * tptotod to ' kj ecd tf , tiw pik &t m .nth. GENERAL HEWS. rerrible Explosion tf a M Tank al Sioux City DestrojingthoBuildincs and Kill ing Several Hen And Olosos tbo Packing' Houses Until Spring , Satisfactory Mooting Tof Oliver Bros , & OO.'B ' Creditors , "Woman Suffragists National Convention iu Session tlallrorul Hackct The Iowa Iijnuli- ciB-StmiKtiton UlttorH Ft res niul Kiillurcs. TUB SIOUX CITY IHSWTRH. SlODX CITV. January 20. The moit ssrlous disaster that ever occuncd In Sioux City touk plica at 7 nVlojk this rnotniug in the pork picking ettablh-limjnt of J.imos ! ' . Boogo & . Co. The day foicj was just comiiGDciug wuik In tin laid rattdmng room , when one of four lirgo ttuks exploded with terr fie force , temioR away a four-story aaditinn to tin main building and scattering death among ilia employe ? . The work of oxtricitinj tie de\d and dying was invnjdiit b'KUii by I ha employ a in other department * . The fi 1- lowing weie ttkon out tioul : Jt 1m W. Far- icl , n ed 18 , tiugl , atd John Knllt > r , who leavtw a family in St Louie. Jn'epli Krfiich toktn out "live , but shrrtly cl en. IIo was inairud The ii juiid , James H'owu , fnr llj , WHS mirtiet but ta1 no children. Hurry KlUworth B-n ] ) oylo b ) > B tint dnUBeriitialy hu't. John Sillntbon , ngod 18 not dnrgor- ouily , Wm. Wnllaco , .uingoiou'ly injntvi ! . Charles Udrll , a boy B'ii u-lv. J foph F ir- hoid , nir-glo ti an , paiufully soildcd. Had UIQ me dent occurred naif un h > ur litjr the IOJB of life would have bfon toirib'o ' as th < full reimplement nf men woul'l havd boon at work. Tne lard building which was au addi tion to the mam structure wai four Btories high and 6lby8 ) < ftetln iiz < . This WJB almost completely demolished Tholo > s lo the buildii g. machinery , etc. , H pla i d at 520,00 f , on which there ia noin-nr neo Theio tre Vbrious thou ies as to tin rau o of the tx ptunion , but notlii gricBnnols known , > lee French , ouo of the killed , had cWgo of thu tink. Ha w > B considered a viry caioful man. Ino Rttugo Jo ; steam off when tin pres-ute bojtms t o high nnd It le nut thought to ha > o resulted from thin uauao. A bad f attire of the di- utter i * that it ends thn pfccUitg for he oason and th > lo-a to thn city auil ttie w < Tk- intrcou will bo great , 'ihe buildings will no [ Ait in sh-ipa a < ain in the spring. OIilVElt BttOL'HIOUH & MUETIXO 01' TUB CREDITORS , B/VTISFAOrOUY / AltnANaEMKNTS WILL BE AimiVEr ) AT. PirrsDOna , .Tatiuary UP. The creditors tf Oliver Bros & Phillips and Oliver & Roberts Wira company , .mothers tbia moinjog , .to disiuis the affairs of. tha firm The attend ance waj largo , all the creditor ! bein ? repre sented. H. W. Oliver Jr. , presented the fol- loirgitcitement : PllTsnuno , January 20 To our crcditois : Wo tuboiit tit your consideration a ft .item tit of our assets and liabili ioi. We feel cert tin that a carelul peiusal of tbi > Btatorcont will couvii c < you is It ha ) -onvlnctd u , that th a Iowa oe of a lOmonabla time uu jour part i td bv c ireful miuogfinent on MIS , will t liable us to nay ull our del t' . With thin Kid in view wo propose to ] > ly all claims g.inBtm , notsfcurrd bymorigtifH , by our note- maturing a * f 'How : One tilth on F > b- iuny 1 , 18 G ; one-fi th on Kehrua y I , 183" ; Hue-tilth ou February 1 1888 ; una fifth i u February 1 , J889 ; one-hf h tin Fehru.ry 1 , 1600. Etch DU o to bear interest at the t G p r cent per annum fr in d it , when ihi claims are r Bp cti > oy due. 1' rtica ho'diug c-ur - piper fndorseil or giuiatjt-trt ly uihe p itia will ifceiva udin fndors iutnt or fcuawnty in tha extousion notes to n > rwn iliete notes. Wo will deliver to nuy timteo < r truatces that miy bo lamtd by you , a nioitxigii coiu ing ull ur real cniato in Allo gtioi y and Wb-tmortljiid countifp. We A to propubo to niako uenii aonoal reports 10 taiil tiuuiffa nf the c nditlnn of nnr u ine's , und if in tl.oir . opml n it is p < > ihlo nilhuut inttrfn-ing with carrying ( n bus nus to anti ipat ny p o merit aboio mjnlioned. they are to have auhirny 'o ' do * o direot. VVouUo roqu-rt u likti ix t-nsion of ur indi- tiiiual ) i tbili'ies upon thi RuinH tprmsnuhb we p'op > el to our tartiitr'hipc o 'i'orH'osnurn ' oliuli , omh til ui wil extuuanil -livor to si'd T iBteta , a mortsgi ) cov mig ull of the ta'o of 'aid ital estatB to bj upp ind Hist fi'i ' t o iiayment f tl o o n d bn aotl the bil- anca to the parlner-hip debti. 'i'un a n-eiii nWCIH iliscU'B'i'l ' at Un th auil a coiuuiuti o of livrf app jlnttd to ex mint- inlci thrui moro cuoy. ! Too comuiltto' after EH absence of sema tinn icturned and repo ted f vor bly tlifii rocidod to take no fin.l aclim until Thursdai , tlm 2nh , wliua another ma > tii c , will bo hcJd. In tha mean tiino a tnnrougii intcst'giti'in ' will le mrde by the o inmitt-u wlnih wane n inufld. 1h * greatest hanrqii ] prevailtd t thH tnetiting ai d t o dl p < itioi uiunifested by ha credit- to grant fivn year extension akrd by the firmxiaud it Is tiuiulil such a step will be taken at the next meeting The ai-seu nro con i'lerid inusu illy tfoo-l Tti n r no t liowrd thn labilities avgrigati 31,80(1000 ( , afs ts $ tSl'J OTO The ita'cni n of tto Oliver & Rohmta Wire Co. , llinite' ehoH-3 llibiliiicd $9.2,000 , as > et $1EG9.100 Tlio lion Convention , WAeniNaioN , January 20. The executiv aeaiiun of the Women's ' Suffrage Assuciatio : was held at tbn Ulygi houeu to-day , Sueui d B , Anthony presiding , Amoog there prcten a were Clara B , Colby , of Nebrattkx.Dr ; Alic Stockbam , of IllinolB ; Mury K , McPbcMnn 1'ivta ; Mrs. K izabeth Cftly Hti ton , Mrs. Lillian Unreaux BUkc and Mrs , Am'lia B. Pott , Wjoming. Th first open > eeaii n bezan this afternoon , an was well attended. Elizabeth Cady Stanto presided V rlnm repoiU uere made ou and Mr * . Shuttuck presented th * retp nsibl ity InvcUol In the question of woman nuf ragv. At the nvenlog session addresses wt-j delivered by K'izabtth 0 < dy Stiuton , Mi ftl tilda Joslyu Gugd and Deforce Gordon. KMI < UO/VD UAOKUT , COLLIHION UN 71IE NICKEL FLATK. ClIICAQO , January 20. Two. heavf frelgl rains on the Nicjal Plate road , each tlravi ) y two engines , collided near Grand Grcsaic this inoining , badly wrecking four engln md killing an engineer mined Charles Kill Tha other meia escaped injury. Tvtul 01 5200,000. CHICAGO , JMIUUV 20 , The genrrM freig ' wxtbjund rca-Uniut to-d y.l > ut rr let unable to je.tore the raUs , owing to couplic tionx a\ the ent. iUliUKLlMUA , January 30. Operator ! r tbt refut 11 > ( the VonnijlTaulu road to enl ilnof thnew anthracite f 01 coiabiu tl n will i of biruk thft combination ID'i I'msBClKJ , ' nn ry , A per tUkt 1 tko H. VufU rbi'thdtrB ' lcded to sell out I int wt in tn tha 1'onnoylva in oimpjny ii denied by Dr. llo-t tt r , oiifof 'ho ri ic'orr. SA.V FiiANCtiCo , .lannary o. Thn TKUIK. ront'iipiiinl Kiilw y As oclatlmi lccti'd C. W. Smith e > immi * > i n-r M-nlth is generrtl manager i < f the Chcspeako & Ohln road. UMIUAGO , , ) niiar > 2' . A ttiiih re it of " rent < nn end bound vrainand ptoviiinn uin quit" generally quot d to d y , U o ptovnilli g r IPS b in * 20c'iit o i frdu and V5 cents uu pr. vi.ioi B , ri total cut t f fi cent * MoNTnn\tranu > ry 20. Justice Mathew rnul-r d judijintnt in 'ho en o nf C tot o Sti-phmm ht nl. Vf. llrm'h U rln > vital 'Ihn nct'o anne nit nf tha hit Itenoy of Uarlow , fi niicrly pro Ident f ill * Souths stern wil w v. an t ni tnciitii'l ti > ri-covrrthonm tint of a million and a half of proinl-co y note * mi do nt Montreal a d Mpn d btha ilcfend- nnt" , tin t * . utt-o i-tt-in r liwiy ctimany , no in thtouxh Itprlow , president , nnil A. Uiihlfi-p , icuiomrv nil I nouitrer. TlncMU't coiulFintird fiodtfuuitnnU 1 1 pi y n tl sat tfy tin amount < jf note with Interett uud cost of protest. liullnn l < niul li I\RCH. .v , 1) , 0 , Januiry 20 , Thomnn E. lierry , of WelllnKtoti , Kana.v , ono of the vacant lamls of the Sacs and Fox Ind ans , tcBtllinl to d y before thu scnnto c imnittco on Indiaifflri' , that ip cl l Agent Tiiwii'ciiH , i f lhI Indian bureau ami iicfikod tnnlnr 1'ioki t , ob'ai-i'd lunKei- while thty WPIO oIlioKs of the to\er nnciit f"im lowj. They trii d 1 1 gnt Iraeoit r in th" 8 u- and Fox , hut xvitutts was instiumctitil in Towns-lid ii'cd hit authrrity n povern- mcnt ngeat to procuto thu IUIHITlic lows po Hurry te t lie i h "i not niqtiir tl tiUo t > i their ro < er\nli'Hi nnd Tnwjimr d midp them belli vo IIB wo 14 Ktt title n for iht-m if they i uld givnliim thu IdiBf. SVit'ii'Bfl ( aid tl u InoiiiH lolioved thht Towi EO d wi B lh" T > vetiiinvnt ami in that I ohalf lh y 1't lilm lia\o tbo lease. lcny ! alto clargtd th t Town-nd hid und inorjoy tigat his ) ) si Ho i r'fTted thaw * ng li t Tiwnietd b > forotho IiiOian bnnau , but did not litar from them mail ho g t Sfiutur Pmmli tn inqniri about it Ho WIB < h ° n advihcd th'-t 'IVnviisojii'l hid resigned and llTPforn tbo Indiau connnis-ion could not do anything with him Wit eH teitified i < w s utiilir teed that the corruptioi fund wax used to obtain the ' Cherokee ti ip" leases. PANAMA , VIA ( JALVESION , Januaiy 20. The con -lit - ion of an * Irs in political citcles heio is gtcatly dlnlutbtd. Ci\il war IB lin- min nt. On Sunday an American in in-ofwar anchored and hcdo 1 a force of nu.riies . wi h Galling gui sat Ai > | iiiiw < t11 tigu rd the railway - way Mid canal pie ertj theru Ino hndirg of the Atnencin fork's ciuitcd grrot exiitc- ment tin ng tie n tive * . nh'ch ditappiar < id when it I'l-dimi 111011 Ihev were B > nt at the nqu tit nf the prtmileur. Thn pojplo of the Iilbmus f ol 10 o over American pio'ei'iio fir the Kicarnguan nnd ny tha Ameticiim have enjoyed hero tor tuny y Ais ll thu beii'hls Bought to bo secured by the Nic aragua treaty. Tlio Imvn THE anANi ) jtmr iiErusi : TO ISDIOT THEM. OrrrjmvA , January 20 The grand jury wa-idlccharged to-d y. It ignored ( he case of the state iigaintt the five men arrested for lynching Poi ! ant Auibrsoi three weeks ago. 1'fio pub'ic p os'cutor -kpd that th case b- a ain refeired to a jury , and the a < urt look ihe mutter under alv's-mett ejprfioing are ro ratatthn fatluru of iln jury to indict. Tim Juiy ! " > ijnored all violations of tto piohltiitory law. . . BOSTON , Jannaiy SO. Iha trial of Lysan- der-Wood,41'homas Rlanchard snd Frederick E , Lire , members of a St. Jolmchamborposr , of Sloughton , charged with mamta ning a lot tery in connect ! n with th- > recent grand fair held in that town n ai betiun at Stiu , hton to day. Justice Aftrdtn took the matter J.nuder advieemtnt until January 31 , intlu ating that t at th8cn o * a < . f'at should go to thi- gcand jury. During the trial to-day hu-i. ess iu SUutjhton was ulmott o'jtlrrly tu rpendtt ! . The CHICAGO , January 20. Th ? In'or-Ocean's ' Mndison , Wis , sprcitl siya : The senatcr ehip cotiHat U viituilly fnd d to-night , vtlnu a" ; the caucus f ihi auppoit-ra of Colnnnl ! M. Stoini-r , fn ty-eixhu m mbpis nsponded to roll call Kortone h thu iiiujinicy , tn1 Geuiral.R irchild' in nagcr < lire snid to b no obstruction to tha repujlicaa caucus to morrow. Aricst > il lor OoiintorfotHnjr. DftnoiT , Mich. , Jununy 20 Mrs Fran cia M. Harr/n / au 1 daughter Ha'tio and a lum ber dealer namedBiadford have bctn anosttd for pausing cjunterfeit n.oney. Quar titi8 of tha money , Imlf do'lirn a d qnaiti s wj-ra fmmd , but no dioi or stamp- MrH rriB in sai I to hue a brother ticw Bcrvicg ( ivo yearn fi r con tjrfoitiug. THt > rmnn I'dlj nniiNiw J IrrchttMi SALT LAKE. Jonutry 20. 0. W. Peeroto editor of the It Beret Nowp , a. church nrgn i a < soiipht fi r by the officerH to d iy on to count ot polygamy. He could not bo found. The presimnt < .f . S < lt L k , Antrim Mr. C n n n , WUB arrexteil to ay for polvdimv , wai h'l 1 for cxamina' ' i in to morrow llu is i btotnoa of the ape tie Genigt Q Canuon , lli < 5 llAi.krtiplcj IJIU. NEW YoliK , January 20. The exocutlvi oorarmttfo of the national banluup'cy Jaw convention nnd committals of the cl ainbor o , board of trade , and bar ptsocl : tionh'lrl a joint secsi m to-day and pnes-ei resolution * urging congr m the paiHagoln tin senate nf the binuropicy b'll ' bofuru tLo clou of the present o n gr s , o DENVER , Col. , Janu ry 2 > . - -gislaturo ii eets'on ' took fir t ballot fur I'niUi Senator till * afternoon. Tha fo'lowing ' is th mimtnarv of the vi t" Secret ry. T. ll p 3.1 Hill 17 , Sullivan "I , Tab. r 1 ; 38 vol. a urces tary to ilrc.t So > eral of Sen tor Ilil' tolo WIT * repnr ed HH cniiipl > < inontary. It in gen erilly conceded Teller will be elected on th lirct joint bal it to-morrow , IlABUiHiiona , Jumary SJI ) , At thuaftci noon sescion of tlie senate Ioa Cameron ri ci-ivad 23 voles agaiost 18 for W U , Wai a > In tha IIOUBB be riceivixl 135 vg.Inst (0 fc Walla'-e aud a nuuib'r o' ' noittoiin , ? ccirvblnt voted giva Cameson il'i majority over nil. CnnnAutlont. i'January 23. Thu senate i noon voted for U , S. senator. O. H , Plat ( republican ) mtivid fifteen votft ; W. H , Ba : num , ( democrat ) > oveu. In the b uiotho vol was ; 1'lutt , 148 ; lUruum. 77. ht A Warning ti > Montreal. MONIIIXAL , J uu&ry20 , 'The chief of polli IM been notified by a lottar that If hn do ei stop lLterf rlng with tdvdrn kerpnrH in Hoc ) luz % for keeping open riuHanJa's , the w * mil will be blown up with lUnauilto , ht PROTIOKKCC. K , I. , January ! JO Jonath Chve wns ej .t < d U S , cenator to-day tm following Tote ; Chase 78 ; Sheffield , lawaBtll , j ,2-- . r ttlmi l lUilllu * : Al' lU 1 * ° rimcu o , Janu iy20. Tin dttTicuHyl W , twcn the puldlcr and. Ihe maik er oft hU Nuioral rolUug mill UM U"n ojmprooiin Th. wlU will uuw tttttttd In f U. Gallic Recto's ' Tc-Da ? Wire Not Ean Expooted the Rest of tbo Week , The Hog Market Closed Slow and Weak. Loading Grains To-Day on the Down Turn , OQI-II Hanged Fairly Steady With a Downward Turn , Oato Unnccil imvor Ilyo Contlnuoil Quiet I'rovlHlorjH ItiiKCtl Knvlor. CHICAGO M\UIU5T. CATTLE. ( clrgrnmto the Hr.K. CAICAUO. January 2J. Kec'iptito-daywero nit excessive but inrst opnators seemed to think there would 1 o a big tua the rest of the wo < k , commenclri ; to-morrow , to tiny would to day rnly buy what th ° y uppdod for nmn < ul- ia o UFO. This npnlicB tninly to the chipping and drisiod buf cat If. rlurrhu B' Block , especially round , plump , fat o i\va ind hetfors woio Hilling e-qiully as well ai at ony tlnia. As soon ns tha weathur inoJcr t's to that ciuntrjmou can morouafo'y hanrlo anil care for vouni : stock , a brttur m ukftis looVt-d for. Prices ilosivl a out IColnvvcr Gi d toth > ci , l.a .0 to l.f 0' ) tin. , ? 5 rs1 ! 00 ; 1,2 Ml to 1.3'0 Us . SOl@H ! ; r < ni'iMMi tufrtir , § I5) ( M 1)0 ) ; 0 mm ni rovva Si ! ! ) > % 3 00 ; < nir to medium , S3 IWn 3 75 BOO 1 o choluS 9 Iff 1 dO ; atock- r . S3 KKa-1(0 ( ; ftoJinSI O.ol ( 70 ; common fed Toxnns , 51 7C. iioas. The mnrkoypenod quiet artl steady , tVion arlvmrud it trifle nf-.trwurdt becuno inthtr li w .n l _ weak , ind si clm-itl , A few limdrof fancy fliippli g Riirtu sold np to SI 8Ua-l ( 85 , or Och'gh ' r tlmi yeftprdhy , but the geni-rtl lun or picking and light ort-t vnrler\v ut Hula erne no ch nga P.ckf IB' idorr < were limited , nnd pecuators were not at all unxi ms t'i ' onny an\tl it g over , us they were ' p'aii.tni" the turn f > r a b'g ' run and 1 nver | rici s to-m'iirow. Thn tnivn-i ui market wn < jtn-t ubi ut steady as couin > .rod with yistoidiy , and thotti is no 1 ait'iultr activity ttiii wioc in pidiiogand irovi-ion cir.lua. r > aoi ! at f 4 80@4. in lor c HMD n nucl rough p ckorf ; J 1 OOfoJ.G' ' for fulr to good ; Sl.B1.7fi for bant , tnd S4.80@ > 4 85 for chi'ica ' heavy. P.ickini ? anil nhtppitg 20' ) to1(10 llv. S-l f5@l 85. I'gln , MGO@J10 ; Ifinbs , S155'n-lJ. ( . The laidint ; aniilea ti-d y w io i-liRhtly on the down tiiui , anil during thfbulh of tto inrrning ession fu t ba ely b-ttor tlmn h v nnd moro or Ufw depressed. Tlio e'ufcier fotliug como iniiinly f n in free m Iting. Thiri were at- ictlipts to bull valuer on ttio exploded "war" cry , but it failed of an > thint ' , like success. TliO c'oso In a Kenerat v ay v\a ca'y. win : AT Op ° ned full $ o under yaBtotdny's closing , much of i.n ea-ior feoliiu nclup i-i thn natura i.f n.reaetion frjmy terdi.y'H ftrei trth. There wiisqtnta free selling frmn thn st rt , the cau o i f the f inner t-tirt K'-h I avin ? been en tirely removed lha irngu'ar dnwn-oartl n ngj iu opli n B W > B Jc , wi n M decline of jo "fit No. 1 f-pring a < quoted at 707U ) . " OutMdorr 1ern in u tp 'tul.i-.iyi ; wnyw roin- i-ined < o lightnc's Iho icpir'rd failure of the Calumet Ull crmpiny at PitUbnrp ex- rte 1 a uealoMiInir influeuLo , whcu tlo ; New Yo k stock bid" bettifc'I later to i flight ex- t'nt The inlliieiicu if the \Uiblu ftipply tHtemont , iluwing an lic ease of 2U8 (150 ( b'isliel' , was in a n enure cuU' ' tcractod by thn NYe k HiftirfB , which mido it out 147OCO' Onth Is. Tha c o > e WLB iwy. conN op'iied tairly sfpfldy t a dpclinn of i from nfght'B _ i flici 1 h'guips but dniiig the mori'iiu ' O'sion imgr-d qn'tn ( .tfatiily down ward , the bulk of t u d > c iiiH nppiarlig iu the .M ynptioi. Trudus gavn thij grain rather le t'uin the IIRIM ) uvt nti n. r > 'o 2 cai-li , was quoted ertiiely nominal at 38. A do rm to 'n ' the visilila * upp y matnnent of . ' 10- , OrO.Si0 ! Cli tn < o funnel i.i Now York vva'i en- tnely UIB by our i. crca e of 829.U03 buHtnls. The cloio w.s easy. OATH rnnzed a fcw pointf lowpr than yestrrdav and quirt lit thp docli ic , tr d i g bclnc c < nhutcl to- eilt In iho JHy out on ut 'tli@31J. Da- WJB light aiu i Hi-rings fair , un : nnlintifd cpiiet with Um tequiremPt t < rf Iho tr.idu ui dnruln No 2 unh was fjnoteil B Oiriy 11 2 , wlii o t8j could I ave bten hitll for solli rnovjsi INS rangfd n" lpr all thr u < h ilm ppe'iiUUve lint , the iiUh t-t p i nt ruuh d beinjf uiily equal to .VPH erday' Ll , ii g li iui s. OH" opomng of tiiu wan accouii o i f > bv the wmv feeling in wh riuiiig tlofirbt hoiirJif trivdlig All fluctualionx were loiiimd to nauow limit * . . U ta ioiiso i tn h duff wtrjvrtiy llltlrt lot- tr ih n in initial. Pork won < ' lled at3I2 01 , Inrd $0 75 , utd Bin rt ribt ? ( i fv Thu net decline - cline in 0 | tlors vrm n out fo. No appaiont fea urPB otitprnd tro nimkut whlcltWA ulmiHt whilyjntho h.ivls . .fooil / pc lt < o.a The pr < nit'll ' gin uivt/nt tliu jnrdi , owing to the 'xcfK iv WHuttior , ke-ps i acko/a oul ot the inaikrt , Ovcrliititl U tilr nil l > i > il SAN PKANCISCO , Jdiiuiry 20. > Tha Trnns- contlnpiital Itiiilway nrjoclatinn pgreed to , loim an oa t in and witier/i pot' ' , tin former lo roiitrihute nt permit , thcj-iatter 40 psr CHi.t liotli poi U u ui l.ti under ono jommia- tionr-r ntul c nf inily furnhh the 8 per ceub. hi nus to bo pud 1)13 ) northern lined , Rheumatism We doubt If there h. or can be , a spoclfl ! > remedy for rhcuinntlsm ; but thoue.inil' ) who have Buttered HH pains liavn been greatly ben efited by Ilood'a a-iniaparlllu. II } ou havo. failed to lltid relief , try tii ! grunt comedy. "I was alllUtwl with rlicnmaUsni twenty years. I'rovlctis to 1BSJ.1 found no , relief , buu grew worsts , uid at oca time wai utmost Itclin. lesjHood'a Barsar/urllla did mo tnoro goott than all tlis otlicc medlclno I over bod. " ' H.T. IUi.coiiShUt y Village , MasSv " I had rhwimaUrtin three years , ntul > got no , relief tlUI'.Urals. Hood's Ha aparllUu It baa done graaVtlilpiri for me. I recommend , II ttr others. " XKurtHltuniiAxs. lildUf.mdM.o. : llooil's B.iifiaparllla in charactcrlrctl 14 tin to r < eriiUirlllcB : i 1st , the ccmJilnatUm nt CO eutSi 2d , U > * proportion ; 3d , thf lt'8 vl securing the r.ctlvo ucdlclna The rcsulJ It 6 moJlclneo unusual ty t'Oi'ctliic cures liUUcrto uriknowb jrittl for hook eouUinliis JdltLouM oviUeiicix "Hoort'B HirRatiarllla tones up my nystom , iiMiUcit liloou 'tlto , ami my , r-harjiBus niy ii | - ijuto maku nm over. " .J , r. TUOIII-BON , by , tufU r of Ictdn , ljuiH , ilau. RiriuipariUa toRla all otltors , cm ] i worth lu ut-lnlit lu v-oio , " I , lUiuttNinoK , LU JldiiJt HtKk.1 , Kcw York City. / Hood's Safoaparilla be- - Bold by M d/ufrf'ta- I dx for S. Madfv the i-nly by a I. I10OI ) & 00. , Lowull , M.V3. Ono Dollar J