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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1885)
r DAILY BEE FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , TUESDAY MORNING , JANUARY 20 , 1885. NO. 183 1 Tfec Gatg HI * lomligalion of Ito School ( .aid . FA Bill ta Looato an Inaauo Asyluir at Grand Island , Lee of Furnas Took the Uusua ! Anti-Monopoly Spasm , * Introduced n Bill Eoduoing Bail- road.Faro lo 3 Oontc , Nichols Thrown a Bombshell am Creates a Sensation , Gi-re , tha IiohbjUr , Unblitn nronni AIII-/HK the Cappers. THK I Special Telpgram'to TitR BEE. LINCOLN , Neb , Janu try 19. In tha bout t o-day , OlmstT.r ) , of Adam ; , from tha specln a ) nvoutMia tj inveatigkto the tchoal lain raudn , atked the homo ta grant an addi tiocat B9ig ant-at arms to peivj aubpccoa fo ho committee , but thu homo , undnr the lead rsh1p cf thn friends of thu gang , refused t the reiiusst. liichoU of Antelope , intrc dueed a res lutlou ' 113 trusting tin Uuitei Htitcs senators fcom Nubraika to do all i their power to sacuro the ptsaaga of the Her na bill , Nottloton , of Clay , moved to amtu no ns to r'ad : "l ogna'd inter stito comasurc l" " ' " Lee. "f FuriiAi , moved that tha i an lutlon hu ro'orred to lha comtnittoo o ra.ilrond and Miller nf Butler , moved tint i be made tin special utdor for Thursday at 1 . in. Ca ried. A bill was introduced fr the relief of Snmujl Bicin of NebraikA Cit } Ho ii of blind asy'imi fame. Cora' llu < u Hall , introduced .1 I ill to locate an imac n-ylum at Grand I'la/id Thompson of JulToi son , to pri/hibit houica of urjstitutlou withl C milba cf ilia limit of any clt ; Lee of Furca , took the UEU ; diurnal an'imoiupo1spism and being out.i rcscJi of Uolnjoj. Tluirstcn et al introduce a b'll t > reduce pieascce ? faro on railroads i I - this state to three cnats per milt. ThT rcsi lution rt Nichol regarding the ltagati bill wi n veritable b mb shell und caused tha utmoi oinfuslon. Uere , who happsnad tobaontli fluori a lobbyist had n cat fit instantly Altir a few moment ? breathing ho flow on to Holmes , and nftor hurried whisporit sailed around to L e , cf Furnis , where tt buziingwa ronewid , from Leo hu ecampire tu oilier railroad loots and capperp , and vi | croun opposition was inaugurated againit tl resolution. FOUKtUN Nf'iWS. FOB SCAKIM. CAIRO , .Taniiarv I'.l. Preparations aremal inn to send rcinforo1 men's t > Suakini. Th ( will coii'i'st of a bjktta'ion of inf mtry and tv guns. Ic is undo stood horn tint the commi teo'o inquirj" , which the powers pioposo nave Investigate the linancial condition JCgypt shall cumpriio the presmt morrtcra ttiu Cuis'o < lo La Uttto put > lio.up , with tin ai ditirn < if thu Ueiui'Ui r.nd ItiHtiau delegii and consuls of tlio vrent puwrra It is b lievrd hwo this saliome is n t acceptable i tlio Knghsli and it is tantamount , unless mo strictly defined , tu the plan of multiple c : trnl , which was rejected by England la spring at thu conference. A TOnKlSH DIGN1TAHV IN LONTON. LONDOM , January 1'J HasnoTBhinl Paih Turklsli mioitter of ju8tlo3 , who is in Englan pu a e'tci [ l miatiim toticoridr g Kyjjt dro in Rtata t ) the foreign oliicoto day. iMusnt Pasln , Turkl h ambosiador , uitroduci Tthml to llirl G ran u lie , the foreign mm's'e ' AlontrconferencooiiBiied. After the curifu enca thn ciuat mlnist r give a long explan lieu to Graovlll'J i f Germany'd vie\vj of t K. jptian question. WOOLKX jirtu iiunSKn. ' LOMDOK , Janmry 19. Arictoria Wool Mills at Bartloy burued. Loss § 15 ) , COO. LOSS OK A BRITISH SHID. SAN FIUNCISCO , Jannnry 19. The Briti ship Dowa Gurgadhur. from Gallon from I'oi la id , Oregon , went , mhora ia ehoal watr tnurlarot Oregon yesterday , 'ilia crew w u\\ud but tha vessel is a total lo's , CKniIAN\'a CLAIMS ON FIJI. Ihr.i.lN , January 19. 'Iho White Book li just bu'ii issued entitled "Tha German Claii s tu the Land of Fiji. " It coniiiivea | thtrt three dwinunts rAuging in date from Ocl berai , 18S3 , to September 1C , 1881 , and c : tatning thu records of Gemui.y'd efforts obnin a ett'loment nf thu claiius of Germ tunjreti to thi Und of Fiji. Tfto dccumn iiosiets cp ° cial inteii'at t-03ino it wnx K. land's ro tothesucluimt wllicli indue Germany to adopt her piusent active colon policy. THU DESKUn nU-OI'ENBD. CAIRO. Jnnuiiy -Gotoial Wohloy 1 ordured all luttcrJ adrlrossed to Gene 1C tries' colum i to bo forwarJa 1 via Korea and Albuhumad. Thia implies that the d ort route In re-opened. K-UiKH WII.llnLM HICK. BEKUN , January 19. The einpuror of G many u ill and confined to his bed. BIX ITCT op BNOW IN raANrn. PAUIS Jauuuy 19. Tha RCont Cenis ra way U blocked with six feet of snow , OltANUHMBIf'd MANIFESTO. Duni.lNJanu ry H ) Tha maiiifoiio ii sued by the Orangrmen prcpwlni ? th brethren In tha future to i-fcurn n adequi represeutation in p > rliamuit for the wea and Myalty uf Ir.-land. EI1KIUTION OP ALL TUB nDIflSU COLONI Janu ry 19. ir Stafford No cote tto ciu ervatlvo loader and member parlinniont , Bdilressad u hrgo meeting cf constituents tbis oveniug. Ho declaml h ! rlf unroi9r\u.lly In fnvor of the fodent of nil the ccliinlo * nf Great Britain , and establishment lu London of n central ooi ! council , to UQ ! In ca-oporation with the pr council acojrdiug to thn plan aJvoc.iSed Karl Gray nnd tae marqulx of Loruo Anu.her council WOK huld to-day at tbo t ofticoontho Kit Vtlau | cpiei tion. Orders traiKjurta at Suez to convey the troops Suakiui. ANOTHSIl NIIIH.ISTI CONSniUCV UNfAnTI IN 11U.HSIA. LONIWN , January 18. The police of llu lmvariceivod iom startlinR informal about the doings and ile lgu of the Nibili It it said Ihkt tlm Niliilats are now uogMtei n cocapiracv to murder by mannn of pol cerUIn otlieiala who bavu incurred the hat ot tbo order. In tin ullort to thwart this < gplracy , ii cularhas been sent to alt pnco | ul officUU In the empire , warning tl eg inst tlm riuployinrnt of now f errants ' era not strongly vouched for , and cautioi them eguin t tha acojptanco cf food t r di frcm any ono not known to ba tru It bai aljii transpired tint ever el last HfptitnbT there has lx en a toumtic srries of < W Icationg and eni-fz menu by min- olici ! N concerned with traaiurliiof Rumiau cities. Thethleveil ; invariably p-\nj to have b > en connei with tlm niiillit orKanirition , and litth oie of thu Holeu money has been overod ArriuKra ON TUB CZAK'U Lira , It i feared that the uih'lnU ' have now \ \ ned lutlicient fundi taorKaoizo v p. nntd attnuipt noon the llfo of the ( Alexander III. Thare i > no longer sny doub ! th it the nVompt to wtook tto Bpet > l ttan ! or tlo Oitnhina railway , which wai cnnv jlna tin czu to ht. 1'etersburg the 7tb lilt. , wai t deliberate attempt upm tha Ufa < > f the novrr- oign and the corpse nf the ecatinal found by th * Mrto of th * railway , ju t who o UK train w s oxptcttd to luayo Ilia track fur nlaha 1 ample pro f of ( ho rnaligtity oj tbi n < fflanlni < . That narrow escape has cunsidora bly shaken thq Oz r' notvef. lie ia now vie tiially n heimit in hit porg'oui winter ptlaci of thi Zs"eyivpera | > etive , and bo lookl forwau In Htiperslili us dread to thu 1st of Mntcb wli'ch will b ] the fourth anniversary of thi murd r nf hi * ( athrr. OHHMAN COLON'ISTS IN AflltCA , Private adviws give tleplorablo ntconnta o the condition of German uclontiti in Africa T 0kl'ii gdeiciiptioiiB published by inter o t d explorers a ftAnmtiUs fK" c\uied quiti urush of amijritinn fnin Oormnny to Atgr ; Pcqu'na , St. LucU U y , nnd tha Oimur ! > < do'plto the waniiiiR' nt n majority of tin Get nun nowstupcw. When they airivo-1 at tbei dcHlinatlcn the emUrsnts found cnlthcr tin aluhrUuR climate nor the ftrtile iiil whlcl htd b en pictured to thorn , Many of then euccuinbul ti ftvers , ar.d many oili3r were iliug.itored by the ua ivfs. These wbo sur \ivcdf.undlfiat the Roil and climito wt-r. . totally nnfi ted for tlio agricultural method they hid uicd in Oermany , and they nun rlcclaTo that the s il it capab'.o of ratfir ; nntliitie except wccdt and tna'atia. Alcst o them ere now pUrously pica Hug for numoi miuiigh to hricg them home , having used al thfic tavingi in thi jutsaco money nnd tliti nuttit for tLo advuit'ito. In thti loiters thry Ireely attribute Uio hostility o thu natives to the intrigues and lioi cf Kui'lM agents wiio ecok to monopolize fie ttaio o thu He Nmv Voile ou the Treaties , YORK , January J9. The special core mittseoftha chambar of commaica lepcrl thrt after investigation among all the men bers of the chamber , it finds theresoloticnnc votes tu the Spanish treaty , passed ntnmeo iug January 8 , satisfactory to a largo majoi Ity of the repressntativcs of all branches e finds , and inunufacturo his besu called npo li T an opinion. Tha committee adds : "Me > icoand San Domingo , sisterjcpubliej , the la t r especially U iu sympathy with our pe < pl < i nnd inititiitibuj , and from her p xition might bo of muh vatuo i giving us a coaling ttition in casoofwoi L'roaties with these countries take but llttl f-iorn our revenue , open up nn-avunao of trad at a reasonable cost and deserve favorab' ' consldo'ation. On the other hind , Cuba an Porto Rico are dependencies of Spain an under the Spanish rule of the mosl.urbitrai aud opprejrivo character. Shi has tax * ; them unti they nro bankiupt , nnw she ueel ai our expense to make them further able t Bwell her revenue. " The report concludes thus : ' Tl rcvonun of a tingle ye > ar proposed to ba ti licquuhai by us wtuld build a craditab ! navy er fortify our harbois , or build a post telegraph , or enlarge our canals , thus furulel : ing American laborers with emp oynient , c we might leave citlzana from taxation I tint extent , or for one-tenth of th sum wo could establish America stceiii lines t > all tha south and central Ame icin ports , which would do moro 11 build t our commerco'thin ten such one-sided roci ] roity treaties. Tnn repcrt has b.en tent the United State 1 tenntors. The VcwYorlc fcjonator.-iliip Fraction Jy Sottleettn Favor of Evarta. Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ALBANY , January 19. Although tin even of tha put .few days have practically settli the aenitorahip in favor of Hon. Wm. I Uvartf , sti'l ' , hia friends in order to preve : any tKck'ry , poured into Albiny to-day such numbers as to complote-ly tax tha i sources of hoteh. At the D Iavan particuln ly whcrathe headquarters of the ramiioic candidates for senatorial honors are locate thn corridors are to-day pressed with Inllusi tlal republicjns , noisily ehoutin ? tha prais of their standard i oirers. It is apparent' Iho iinunrtlal observer that tba sentiment strongly in favor of the nomination of.Kvart It is also evident that that the bickboaa the Moiton campaign ij ine.triev.ib y broke A Standnra Oil Forger. Nltw YOBK , January 19. It is reported th money has been obtained upon forged chcc or drafts drawn upon thd Second Nation bink of Cleveland , Ohio , and s'gned ' 'Stan ard Oil Company , by B. M. McGregor , " other name ? . Several of these checks , it said , hayo been cancelled by t' banks and individuals in Atchiso Kansas , Jak oo , Mississippi , New Orlear aud Atlanta. Qa Tjio drafts ate sUd have baen lithographed at n Kaneaj City < tahlirhment nud are printed in dark ink < buff paper The forger is said to travel und the name ? , O , Ii ! Thomas , F. C. Adaois ui Clns.V. . Moore , having with him tne Sta dard Oil company's letter heads and repre onting hims If as the agent of the Stinda Oil company. I'asooiiKcv Train DcraiUd. ST. Locis , January 19. The Wabo Tcledo train bound for St. Louis struck broken rai just north of Youtce this mornh derailing the combination InpgJgo and i press or and einoku.- , both of which we thrown into the ditch. The smoker v pretty we'l filled with passengers. The mainder of thu train remained ou the trai There were eight or ten psrxoni injuri United States Express Messenger Hatloc fatally. Tha others were able to walk. Scntilblt ) Worklugmfin. WiLKESli.MltlE , January 19. The min and laborers employed by Patdeo 4 ; Co. . C Bros , k Co. , C. B. Marklo , Leiseneriug Co. , ooalopentor la Lazersns county bp work this morning at a reduction of ten ] cent invagei. . 'J int order effects about t thoiwaad inoi who slRuilled their intentli to work rather than lie idle. r Keokulc Grants LlcciibO. KZOKUK , Janusry 19. The city council night by a resolution ordered the city man to9uforcu tlm ttata prjhlbitory law agai loon-keeper who refuses to pay a cen e ot $25 par month. The loss t f rovei slnca thn prohibitory law uunt into efj oiused this action. Vortraltof I'rcfildunt GarllcU. WAHHINOTON , January 19. Alifeelz ii triit of the lats Prejidfiit OarfieM hai b purchued , which will bo placed In tha reef of thj houfcocommltt-'oon appropriationi which commltteu lie was cluiiman whili member of the bouse. lirakoiiien. Four WAYNB , January 17. The silual as regards the rtiilrond strike is uncbanf both eidcs are quiet and no demonstration been mada so lye to-day. The heavy si storm of last night impade ] travel. I'dii ger trains ara frum three to five hours Ixte , A $ 100,001) Fttlluro. NKW YOBK , January 19. Hichard Woi luaton made an a Uninent todayllh t $3CO,00) preferencrii , i\i amount nf al $81,100 all to pirtiuj ia th' ! city. Xom y. M3 t3 , $400,000 , y.CO CO COs sn - Subsidy Jor Blill > ' . n WASIIINQTOX , Jannhry 17. Fiye'a bill 10 ve encourage tha merchant marine * , provide ] 3dor a government subsidy to American ships or carrying m ll to foreign ports not to ei < SI per uiiln each way. llenioval of th Daknta Oniiltal , . I BiauABCK , January 17. Potter , of V < It-1 county , this morning Introduced a , bill IT Jmormg the cnut | l from Biimarck to I'K THE HOLOCAUST I Fartlier Particulars of tlie Kartato Eeoovory of Five More Eodioi from the Bains Testimony of the Furnace Build- oni Before the Ooronori Tlio Coroner' ' Jury Bring inThoii Yordiot That the Oauso of the Fire Wai Acoidontal , Ami Exonerates the Ofllocrs , as The ; Did Xlicir Best With the at ll.-Mitl. THE ICAKKiVKEH FIUB. KASKAKKB , Ills. , January 10. Tha toilie of the five other victims of tha ICaniakoe hos pltil fire , weto rescued to-day. Th'y weri Alfred llunyarA , agsd 50 of Winnebago , > h entered the ho pital last November , C. SI Tyler , aged 43 vl Sheldon , plasoil in tli hospitalhtt April , C Strtz , aed 03 of Chi cogo , whocarne ln t November , from Jcffei s n h 'Bpital , Jno Na haa , aged 41 ! of Chic.igc tbo gMioral fivorUa ab ut tha hospital hoj widow came for the remuics to-dnj Ho was placed in the hospital la1 July. Orlaudo Kllis , _ sged -1 uf Pontiac , win waa hopelo lv cick , had bae in the hospital since 1S79. The remains ( 1-I1U were found Immediately benecth the > of Belden. sepirated by the debris. Tn room of Ellis on thf second floor was obov th tt of Belden The remains of .Nathan wh. . found prcsevod the term ot a perfect skeletot but on beintf touched thr-y crumbl-'d to ashej The remains of llunyard and Strotz woul eah fill a collar b > x. The remains nf Uelder who was a Kul ht Templar , were token b Col U. O. Clarke , grand commander K-jighl Totnplar of Illiuois , acd eeot bv him t h friends. Tha remains of Hickey wei sent by request t.i Springfieli Those cf Merely n era taken by his b othei Snnator Horely , of Chicigo , to M'arengi Those of Gallsway and H&igh wsra byrequea buried here. Tha inmites , Oscar Andersp and Isaac White , are suffering from injutii rcceivud at the lire. Attendants R id , La barge and Brown are still suffering from li juries recened at the fire. Trustee Donovs reached the city to-day. lion have bee placed at oich of the 20furnaces of the hoip1 taldtiy and night to prevent n re-occurrenc of the accident. Hospital Architect J. 1 Willet , of Chicago , testified before the core ners jury tbatho was hero ones a week on a average to superintend the pUcmc of the fui naces.aiTho construclionsj of the fu naco were in cccoi dance with m instructions ; the buildings were a built befoio the furnace was put in ; the woo joista v-iry from C to 10 inches f loin the top i brick works two coarsoj of brick wcrj lai over the iron pir Jers above the * furns.ce ; tl brick was a'l ' laid in mortar with sheotiro between the iron pipes ; in the furnace I h ere 21 inch's bslow the matalro f. Iputm hand on the top of a similar furnace to do and found it nicely warj . I noticed tl wooden cord ; it was erfect'y cool. It barol touches ho brick. The tiza of flua avaragi 16 inches widp , 10 inches deep ; no wood about the hot air flue ; it is plastsrad o brick ; no fira ring about it. I ehould ba su prised to find the fl"or nbavo that furnai hot to the hand. No clothoi closets in tl house when built , would not think any bpi from the farnaco coild make the r cms aboi dangerously htt I should ha\o gouo and e omiccd if 1 had been complained to th.t Oie : floora were hot. I was nsver notifia.l of it. tested ths room in a similar building ar could not tell by feeling of the floor wherotl _ furnace was. I have no idaa ai to the orig ftho fire. My superintendent or foremo on'y had the general fcdpervision of the furnncss. The spsco above the bricks and. b low the wood work was closed up by the fu naco men. It ia a mooted question as whether if hot it would be best to bavn tl space above furnnoss open or closed. The fu nacos wera the Ruttan. They wore placed position byDiedrich & liases , of Chicjg It was impossible for the heat to tscu ] through the brick layers EO as to char tweed wood above. Hot air would not ignite woo Do not ttink it possible for that furnace to f fire to the building in tha _ h ! hour between the visits of the nig ! watch. Don't think any part . of t furna o insecure in view of the aoiaent a seeing the public excitement I might recor mend the placing of another layer of brl above the furnac > , but do not deem it at t necessary , and do not know that thera a pine Umbers extending ? over the top of tl furnaces at the hospital to one reaching ale the rear nf tha ono in the burned buildlu Tested the furnaces when placed in positlo Thav were all right then. I hive seen the frequently since. This A Driver testified : 1)11) THE MASON weilK , on those furnaces under thu supervision Willittb1 foreman , Scnllv. He was not t immediate master , si ill I was under him. was very uncomfortable in placin ? the roi on the furnaces , they wcro so close to t woodwork above , we could have done bet' ' work If wa bad more room. Wo had pipit ed the brick all over , pi btered all the job iutho iron work , the furnace mm put the furnace proper , and tha smoku-plpa a wn bricked around. Wo built them ii s \vlth ad a'r ' epaca above loft open. 'N closed up those spaces at Scully's order bellovo if they hud been left open as fi built it would have tended to prevent the fi The eprca above the furnace was entire enclosed ; those walls wora built up to kc the coal dust and ashes from teing dia < thiouzh the air dints into the rooms abo' Scully is a man who ii considered master his business. To the beat of my knowled there wa ijnod work dona when they wi built. Charles Xoister , Sr. , . ttaUtii Am contractor Sillis'd foreman in stone a brick work , I built the hot air lluoi a chinaneys'in the _ burned building. Tha we are a single brick , tto s-roko flues dou brick the hot air linen i > lnglo brick not pi tcred IiuMe , meiely the holes stopped ( 'c elder the c nstruction uf the smoke and 1 air Hues and butting nf the joists' about th all dona In perfect ordur. Tha hot air Hi are arch coverad. Jarae ? Silllo teitllied ; tha contractor and builder of all the hodpi buildings at Kankakee. Had the contract building tbo buUdincr burned all bat ' the heating Wienthu contract was let w s not known whether It would bohcitoil stotm or air ; Uioee flurs are suitable Indirect heat ur hot air ; there was no wi about heat HUP ? ; the walls of hot air flue * four inches thick on one tilde ; tha walls of smoka Hues ara eight inchis ; have s'uporvi ibe putticg up of but few furna- ; h v given pirticu'ar attention to these furnacej my judgment they wera a little too n the woodwork to ba abiolut I cinnot cpnceivu of any othsr meana of fir that building from what I have learned tl frcm that hot air , and there were two n > e < the furnace that night , one more than usi to From my recent observation of a similar I nace when well heated tha floor ebsve co become pretty hot. I believe it would safe if the air circulated above tbern , built the closet immediately above tbo turn where tha fire was firt seen. ItvrasliGd One side wai formed by projection of a air flue. The floor of the closet was of : plcf tha wulki of pinu , Tha furnaces v the Kuiton. After they were placed in , came after and ened them. Wllle foremsn. Scully , In i ted that ' we nun I tun the wall * up to tha ceiling , and tn < elfse the * p cu above tha fnrnaor. llii excuse or reat-on for BJ doing wai besaiKo they would look better anil prevent the dust fiom goitg up tie air clntijbjrs. I lie aid no objection from UIB lurnaco men ai to the ra p bsina too small abavo the furnace. The lnyeM of bslck were laid well in moitar about thn fur- unce. Jy oph'inn Is thut with tint confined air it could luvo been heated hot enough to set fro to tha woodwork oveniualy At a late hour to-ntght tlio jury rtndcnd the following verJLtVotfhd that the de > ccaied cimo t thi 5 deaths by bert g tuffoo toJ and burned Ly the smoku nnd lire orltfinatlnp over tin hot air furnncojn the iilrinarj of the Southeastern Illiiv is ho pital at Kan < kakee Jan. 18 , 183. Webella'o the c use of the fire to have been dua to a defectuo 01 incrhca'.cd furnace coven'ng , the woolxvork b ing in too clofo prcximi-y to the furnacf < and the space lietwesn the furnace roof and tlmloor joist ) ahD'o the same being cnclo t > c with mnonorj , pievinting a free circulator of nir tcinecn the rcof of tha hot air chambci nd the llo ir joistr. Wr , thaj ry , rccommt ni the liumodi ti removal of tlio maionry b - ttviiui tha furnace roof Mid 11 lor joists In tht timilarly enclo ed furnaces now li utoat tiocattom Illlnnia liospitil , Wo alst lied la k of saitiblu lire alann > , itcipat aud appllana s fur ixsinguieli'iig ' litoi in tha detached tachod watds ol said hmpttal Wo also tint that tht ra wa > no n'gttiteiio ] ou the part o the oin rj or enip eyes cf suld hospital am that they did all In tbo'r power to na\o Ht and property with the means at lurd. IliueH In Kjjypr. LONDON , January 19. The cxcitemon cau'cd yettsrday by the timuuil occutrenc of a c uncil it the war office on Sunday wa greatly incieissd by the tepoit that tbo go\ eminent decided to resist nay attempt on th pa't of Turkey to occupy any portion t Kjvp * or land troops iu tha' country. Tiioi is couuderab'o excitement at tha war olfic t > d < y. Oiders hvo been tent tu Chatlmu Poitsainuthud Woolwich , which cauae much activity at the great naval sUtl n Anuthar battillion of troops wai ordered t emb.trk Immsdutcly for Ak'x ndiii Otfie ttoops were orderad to bi in readincu t move at any moment , 'iho indications a point to stlrrltg events in Eglpt. Thoio 1 no doubt the mil istry ii determined nut t allow Turkey to i iteriera In 1'gjpttan affuli by paingrinatmedforceinatyp.krtof ! L'gjp The FI 7. John I'ortor Jlclnstfit omen Bill. WASIIINQTON , January 19. A resolulio was introduced in the house to-day by Gci Slotum , calling on tin president to tranim to congress an "appeal made to him in beba of Fitz John Porter , about two months ng and is request d by Porter for reimtatemer iu the army , ho ( Porter ) claiming that tt piesident can reinstate him without fnrthi action br congress. The piper ii an elaborat review of the attorney penoriJ , upon yhie the president's veto of tin Porter reinstate mcnt bill at the lst session wss based , i which the vionr taken by the attorney generi Is cnntrovfrted. The test.lution was rofeirfl to the military affairs committee , and vvi probably be MDortsd back to the house favoi ably within a few days. The Now York Bnintoraliip. ALBANT , January 19. Crowds of palit ciaus ara at the Delavan , Evarts' brni quartern. The nttendmice at Morton's heai quarters was not HO large , 1:40 p. m Tno great question of ditcussu on all tides is whether the , h llot to ba tak * iu the caucus this Teningtvill be viva vo e i secret. The strength of Jha opposing parti will bj accuiauly teated' iy thw vote ou" th question. Tha Jslurton uien.aro for a eesn and the Evarts men foran opj'n one. ALBANT , N. Y. . January 19. In the R publican cauciu to-night Evaits received ( votes , Moiton 28 , Derew 3. The Boston Piro , BOSTON , January 10. The Bay State sug ; refinery was completely gutted by last niphl fire. Loss to suiar minufactory , S 00,01 loss t > owners of adjoining propsrty includii Standard dye works and tenement h-uses a gregato S35.00J. BOSTON , Jaouary 19. Tha miunnce on tl Bav State rtfinerr , burned laet night , and i eluding the stock nnd machinery , aggiezat § 335 COO. It ii stated that tha loss will ! considerably moro th m the insutance , thou | tha atnouat is not definitely known , An Tmporiant Drcialon , CHICAGO , January 19 Tha Inter Oceai Madicon , Wi ? . , special says : Judge Bum , tha U , S. circuit coutt to-day decided the ra way bund case of Metealf vs. The City Watertown , in favor of the defendant , t ruling streets $ -100,000 worth of bonds. T ograms announce ilia ? the citizenj of Wat town are celebrating with cinnon , Cutting Ocean Hates. Nnvr YOBK , January 19. The Red SI steamthlp line his issued a circular to agci givitg the rata from Antwerp to Wow Yc and vice versa at S 0 , with 51 commissioi I'ha G r line ! ? also tolling tickets atS Cunard , Archer an ! other'En lish lines si adhere to 815 for steerage pieEosgere. t\ Com Snap. DODCQUK , January 19 The coldeit day the winter ; the government tbermome showed 21 below at 7' a. nf. Other th mometars 2t to 32 , according to exposu The railroads ara gatting cleir of th blokado. The Illiuuij , C u ral west is of from hare to ParkBrsburg , Trains will t through to Sioux City tumorrov/ . Coal Klenc Hank. PrrrsBURO , Januaiy 19 , A fleet of eov coal baits and barges belonging to J. UUhcr k Co , , broke from' ' their moorings m Woods Run , Ohio tivor last iiighr , aid f barges containing two hundred andthircy-il thousand bushels of coil sank. Loss S24l , I { nkor tlcnileraonU A iTairs. LANOASTKR , Pa. , January 19. Exports i examining tin affairs of the lata Amos Hi derson , the insolvent banker. De"n its now stated to bo ia excess by 201.000 of : amount previously repj'tted. IIender . chitdrf n icdicat d their intoatlon to eurrt > n > their claims for tha banoStJat small deposit : "Will Probaoly .Rcsiinif. < PirauuRO , January 19. Oliver Bros , Phil ips affairs appear to be progressing eal fuc'.orily toward an o'teisioa on favora t ims. A meeting'of creditors will bo h to morrow. It Is stated on ( pod authni that the hai'.Uits will noj exceed 82,2COOOC The Weather To-rt y. WASHINQTON , Januiry 19.Upper Mi * [ ppi valley , fair , warmer vva th r ; wi etilfting westerly. Lower barometer. & eouri valley , warmer , fair weather ; wi get erally westerly. Falling barometer. Division BISMAIIOK , January 2lT In the house i morn nif n bill meraorAlizIng congreo f > r divi ion of Dakota and the aduilition of southern half faseei under suspension cf rules by a unanimous vote. Hlmienot Mill Burned. , Minn , J'anuary 19. Pi llb It Hurlbut'a elevator at Georgetown bur this morniftg and VP.OOO builiiOs of whi Lou uot stated. The elevator will be rebi lijncUed. TTLIH , Texw. Jsniu r , 19. A band masked nson Int n ! lt M"the vill g c . d Je took Daniel .Sottiw-frow B negro h ( and ) ynLed him. , * * * Innsiigatiou of lib Na'ional ' Pensioi Bui can. Introduction of n Bill to lisanlatc Live Gtook Traffic. The U , S , Cattle .Trail and Quar antined Qrazinp'QroundR , Tlio Public Printer's ' Baporfc foi the Fiscal Yoari Eulogies on Senator Anthony Pro nounced in the Senate , The Treasury Department on th Iiaokont for Cututu Filibusters Gen , Onrllchl's I'ortralf. THE BRNATP. WASHINGTON , Jsnuary 19. Goko Introdui ed a bill to eiUblish aud icgulatu quarautiu of live stock on thn trail aud romiiltta li\ lock t aifio batween stat s , H furral , At the coiiclusiou of tha morning busline Aldriuh < ifcro'l the following : lla > o'vcJ , th Senate haa hoard wit profound forr w of thu dasth of Henry 1 Anthony , IntH senator from Rhode I Und. Ka'olvt d , Tint tha bualnets of the Sen l ba n&w su pendud to tuible bis esiociatca I pay prtipir tribute of iez rd to his hlfh cha actrr und diAtlnguithcd publio servicoa. Kulogiei ou Senator Anthony wcro pr nouaced by Stnatirs Aldiiih , Kdnumds , Ua lund , Icgalls , Uayard I'cndlaton , Iilorrll floar , Hawley , But tier and Sheffield , lies luticiH were adopted and the icnatv a journed. * * * HOUSE. WASHISGTON , January 19. Tha speak laid baforo the IIOUEO a commuicat'on from tl secretary of the tto % ury transmitting an osl mate of appropriation ( $40,000) ) to meet tl mrid nt 1 txdcnsea of the United States n val vote's attending tha wrrl'ds industral o : poiition at ftew Orleans. Referred. Bills w > ra introduced and referred : BvTowrsan. Artsjlutlon requesting tl p eiidentto furnl h tha hou-e copies aud co respoodento rclatho to thoto-cillcd OUbh ma lands ia Indian Territory , together wi informatiuu as to the present condition of tl controversy growing out the attempted occ ation o' such lumK By Ward. Amending the act to prevo the introduction of contagious disease ) . Tl is the bill prepared in tha conference of n tional henl h ffic'rc. By MMs , a resolution amending tha rnl so that a majority of the members pretent nil ni'pand the rules and pass bills relating th revenues. By Blount , to onfoKo the collodion of tax on oi < tilled spirits in bonded warehouses. _ Hitt , under instructions from the committ on f.weiga affnir ? , m Toi to suspend tin rul and pas * the cpnate bill providing for Ihn ercis } of jurisdiction confcrrad c n the Uiilt StaWs iu trnltory ard dominion , and icpei After the explanation of the purpose of t bill and the debi-ta tbereqn , the mot'on auspoad the rules and pasn _ it was lost , fuill of the necessaiy two tbiids majority. Puiidim ? the motion to adjourn , in order prevent tha committee on military affa fiom bunging forward the Grant retiremt bill , the Anthony resolutiocs were receiv fiom the senate. After several dilatory IT tions , and without action on either the hov adjourned. \VASniNOTON NF/VVS. WASAINOTOS , January 10. The bill int duced by Blount to enforce the collection taxes on distilled spirita dirojts tbo 8 ° nf the treasury to immediately on the expii lion cf three yens afttr tha award [ lor 1 payment of such taxei to proceed to colli tha same notwlthetanding any action whi n.ay be bf gan after tha said time for Its eip lotion. rnorosAt. S , Janaary 19 , Ia response K rc uo t ffcm the committee on rivers u harlots , Gen. Newton , cbi f engino'r. si mitted a report to-dny on Captiiu Eads' p nosal to iroproTO ualvcstou haibor. Gi Newton nays the proposed contract is ontiri onesided ; that while it provides for a det of thirty feet of water over the bar no partu lar width of that ch nnol is stipulated , a that tha contract could bo curiod out by I making it over two feet wido. Newton a finds that an undue pr iportion of tin contn price is payable fur tha earliest stages of t work , which might main it desirable for t contractor to throw up thf job before ccmji tion. And finally that it givei undue pot to the contractor over the navigable water. The biU'introduced by Senator Cjko to ( tibheh a quarantine stock tra'l ' jiroyldes the appointment of three c iramis < ionerd .f . layout and establish a public highway the purpose of driving live stack to market from ono place t > another and also to est lish at convenient puinta on this highway trai ) , a suitable quarantined gracing grot where Jive stock m y be held and grazed short periods during the drive , This ti a hall begin on the Il d river near the tei degree ot longiiud * * , th ncu run in a nor wa'terly direction through the Indian torrito following as for ku praclicab'n ' i he Fort Gi fin and Dodge City trail to the southwcsti corner of KatisiP , asd thence over the uni pruprlated lands of thn United States ic neither ! y direction to the boundary line twem thelUuited SUtos and Canada. 1 trail not to i xcef d elx miles in width and quarantined grazing ground shall not cxc twelve miles tqunra. All unappiopria lands needed for tbo proposed act are to withdrawn from settlement and pet apart the proposed act for ten year * . The roper the commifsionerd require ) the approval of secretary of the interior before the tra 1 is tablimed. Ten thousand dollars are apf ptivtod for the proposed act. THE PUBLIC rBINTEB to-day tran > mittrd to the senate the repoit tha fiscal yfarerdi'g June 30th , 188 * . ' . report says the printing by order 3f the i ate cost iM9,143 $ ngainst SCl.-lGt , and housa printing 3470,343 against S175 207 tin previous year. On the probable in dutua of the cholera to this country , i its re'atiim to hU ollico _ tlio public prii , "I adrijod that impoit d ! } < : am rogo largely uted hv the contractor who nupp the paper. The tromury department has sued an order prohibiting the imputation ragi from the cholera infested countries , there is danger iu the use of tags at the a. it would seem that tha dis asa uilzht ba o mnnicated in the paper , daily received at I office. In view of the expected apprracr tha cholera , tnd in the name of the L',300 j pla under my charge , I submit this pro question for the considoratioa of congn An appropriation of 52,073,0 W ; , aiked the ci mln < Cscil year , agalutt thi $3,01-1 , estimate for the current fiscal year , For a number of daya the house commi on paymect of pemloutt , bounty and back have been lovuttlgatlnc the cause of the di of the pension bureau in Allowing pent claim * . In the courao of the inveetlgatlor that t-ortlan cf the pension appropriation passed lait teflon which provided for payment of a 82V fee to the claim o etti u making a contract with the puanoner filing with the bureau luve been coneide of The legislation in question was agreed u in the congjuisional conference committee adopted ia both houiei on tha report of commUtee.'atl o iglnaUy' agreed upom in hcuif , the$25f 9 wai bmlud to cUirci i after the p saeof the act This wai di'- itjtrefd by thetcntlp. Iu the ccnfercnco the sub-titats was adopted which made tha pro- vi lm pply rt'so to esses whldi had beer filed prior to the p.vtaga ot the bill , and Alter the tna'ttnont law of Jt"S allowinf a10 fee. Osorga l.cnnon , a Washington claim agdit test lied that his attorney ho went to the Interior denm- tnent nul argued in fiuor of tha puuslltut ! adopted by the conferenoo committee , th1 the subtlituto WAI prep roJ by Secretary Toll l < r and that ho ( Union ) * nw Iho individiu mtmbfrs ot the coi ftrfnja comuiittoB ant ii-g l them to adoht thn proposed tubitltute N. W. Fitziora'd , also nf Washington who was last yoir disbarred froii pra.t'citsg bjforo the pinsiuii bureau , testlnei that tin Oav ptior to tin adoption of th sub stitutiby tha conffrjico committ-o he wa rclu tatod M atto ney befuM the pnisioi bur.'au , and by the n Ivico of So ro'.ary 'IVlle nl I hii p .Mon buitiu's with h s-nteroit ii nbuut545OJO rending claims to Luium fo 98 OJO. Th t I y the purchase and by Ilia adoption o tin luhstituto Lution w a. enabled to irak toveral hundred tliAU a < tn tl ulini profit1 thu ne ondo\voro 1 to buy the bu'iiiss bsot froii Lemon , oil ring n bonus when ho illscoverci Ilia action of the c nferonco coiutiuttee ; tha Lorn n refined and s\ij it htd cost him inor than 88 030 to get tl.o substitute througli Joslyn , as-istaut becretiry of thu in terlor , explained n nutnbor of officl ; orders that h d b-cn i su d by himnplf t ijnldo the commisiionur of ponsolns in the al 1 iwauco of the claims in question Ho test ; fied that Fitzgerald was reinstated by th tro fcuty department in order that ho mlfil : transfer hi bxuini. s to Lemtn , Tno test mony uf Joilynill be continued to-morrov In reply to au inquiry by an Associate \ pie1 r pjrtcr , Joilyu laid tint tin bill paieul b thu. dei-attineat was not pi'sed by cot Kress , but anuthor bill whic the depattmont know nothir about had passed Fitzgfrjld was reinstate so that hu inipht toll out. , llo had thn pape in a largo nuiiiber of pension cases , which 1 refused to surrender , and thu caecjcroi tied up that nothing could bn done ta thi in I the bureau. Joslyn said ho was personal ! responsible for Ida reinstatement. The ne law In regard to attorneys fo.B was won it advantageously. Under the old Jaw hui dreds of fraudulent or inval ! claims wera gotttu up by attorneys who : 810 foe was not contingent upon the resul The adjudication of this mass of cl nns iute fired with and deUyed the Bfittlfmont those which were meritorious. All this dit cutty had disappeared under thn new la1 The pension oliiai had mule a mistake In co nection with thu Fitzgerald Lemon matter the holding of claims who paid Fitzgerald 510 fee that they should have paid Lomi ? 2D. They should on'y ' pay Lemon $1 TUB TOEASUnV Issued spoeia instructions to the collectors customs aud its other ngouts in tha viclni of tha Gulf coast to bo on tin alert to prove any violation ? nf international obligations h'tcfng out filibustering expeditious agair Cub . Revenue st-amtrs art now cruising the gulf ou the lookout for sutpicious vesse RAIIJKOAD UACKET. PHILADELPHIA , January 19. The prnci ! [ reason assigned by tha pas ngjr departim of the Pennsylvan'a ' railroid company for t swnrptm ; rcductiors in emigrant fares it t fact that other parties in the pool bad raduc the priei of Btcord cla s tickets below t emigrant fare. Tim officials said to-day tt "other roads have taken the emigrant bu ness into their own hcnda without a reference to our interest ? . The contest : the emigrant businet s was carried to such extent that on Wednesday last others in 1 pool held a meeting and agreed to mn the emigrant rates to Chicago , 88 , and t was qmitftaiiifCwitte ( garden.'The effect"vv to take all tha through emigrant business second-class business , nnd the pool v thus robbed nf conndorahlo mom the first intimation wo had of this reductl was a cable from Livcrpcol stating , that t lower rate was quoted in Europe. This was Friday and the E.VIIO day wo received t commissioner * icnort of the meeting , and decided to take vigorous mr.v-mej tt once. ia scarcely probable that the second clais n will get below our emigrant rate. The fi class lates west bound are still maintained u ? . CHICAGO , January 19. A < J nearly as can assert > ined , the heaviest cut on thu eastbou grain or provisions to day was three cen which was the tame rate as quoted on S t day. There scorns to b < > a disposition to co pete for business upcn tin basis of commerc house ? , and let the relative volume of tra regulate the making of rater. PORTLAND , Oregon , January 19 1 English bondholdc a of the Oregon and Ci fornia ruilroud which defaulted the Janu : interest , applied to the United States co for a receiver to day. R Kesler preai manager and A. G. Cunningham were ; pointed joint receivets. NEW YORK , January , 19.- Each of the ! emieronts to-day by steamer Brittmic , v banded 813 on each ticket to Chicago , . ' was directed by thoa ent of the 8toam > l company to buy a new ticket for SI. 1 emigrants were joyous over the preseutat of $12. SorioiiH Accident at Keiitrlce. Bpacial to THE BIB , BIIATKIOE , Ntb. , January 18. A sod ai deut occurred Friday about eevon miles no of this city. While Mrs. C. Gordenier t her son Wil'ie wera returning homo fron funeral of a neighbor , the bugpy was upi throwing HIP. Uordenier out , breaking collar , bino and hurting her badly in ot way1) . She WIB taken homo unconeci Her eon received but slight injuries , 1 ho e ran away , breaking the buggy to piei Mra. G. is elowl ? recovering. Illinois CUIOJGO , January 19. Tlio Inter-Oces Springfield says : In tha senate to-i Rlerrltt introduced. a joint resolution fix We&net day , the 21st aitho day to cnunt vote for state olliceiu. No quorum , adjourn The house met at C p. in. nud ou motion Linengar immediately adjourned till 2 p. to-rr orrow , after making Fuller's appeal fi the decision of the chair Filday the I thing In order. Explosion of Gas nud Fire , PITTSDOBO , January 19. A natural gas plosion occurred this morning at Sharpnln live miles east of hero which Bet tire to M head Brothers & Co'g. , vomvius Iron wo The fire ii still raging , Other buildings li taken fire from the tmrning mill. Kng from Allegheny and this city have been f to aid In coatroling the fire. PiTrsDuno , January 19. The exploi created int mo excittmont. Sbarpsburg i zens'ltaro boon active In opposition to the tural gas company laying pipui through borough , and aft r the accident to-day beef of men went out threatening to tear them There was no violence however. Tlio COIIKO Question , BEHUN , January 19 Baron Lambermo report to Congoconforencu embodying tho.I lith proposals regarding neutrality end laj down formalitie * to bo observed by the p erg in annexing the African territory , Is c sidcred a further step to Knglaud'a advanti There is a general suspicion that Germany gards the report with littlejavor , Ijoulnvlllo iacrotinnt Mlaslntr , IXJOIHVII.LB , Ky , , January 19 , W. Pate , dry goods merchant , has been mis since Wednesday. It Is supposed that he gone to Can ida. leaving $20,01.0 debts , He he wss Hot Springs , but cauno found there. The store was closed to-i The indebtedness is for goodu bought credit. Ilemnnmu of * v fVreoIr. ST. IXJUIH , January 19 , Tba Wabswli t from Cldcwo met with a lerloui accident lu ie I milei eMt of East St. LouU thii morning , tie I U reported hero that twelve cd I lerlonily iojursd. THE MARKETS. Just Sufficient Demand for Ibe Lisht RCCtJDtS , . Hundreds of Telegrams Sent Out Advising Shipments Hog Market Stronc and Advanced 5 and 10 Oonta , The Feeling on Wheat Was Do- oidedly Bearish , Corn Had More Friends than Any Other Grain , Oat0 Steady Decline Uyo Firm ] and Stcnil } Provisions Moro or Strons. 'CHICAGO M&UKHX. CATTLE. telegram to tbo BKK. OAIOACO , January 19. Thera was just about a sufficient demand for tbo light receipt * , and prices ruled considerably stronger. Hundreds of telegram wcro sent to the country ndvis- Ing shipments lint would reach hero ou Wednesday and Inter , BO that n big run may ba expected toward the end of the week. Good to ch"ica 1400" . 1HOO lb ? . , S5C5@i9 , " ; 12iO@Kt01bs , , S520@5CO ; common to fair § 12035 00 ; infotior cos , $1 ! 60@2 00 ; mo- diutn , S3 00@3 50 ; good , S3 70 2-1 23 ; stockore , 3 40@ 100 ; feeders , S3 903-1 CO. HOGS , The market opened rather slow , both spec ulators and i ocular buyees expected that they would not have to pay higher than on Satur day , and fhaped their notions accordingly , but them was an outsldu and miscellaneous demand of sufficient strength and activity to toke the offerings at strong 5@10advance. Telegrams were tent all over the country advising ehip- ments for the rest of the week. Senders be lieving that the present strength would continue. The hipheat price was § I75@4SO for c'osely and choice he vy. yet there wera a few lota tl'.it were held higher. Packing and Gripping 253 and 425 Ibs. , S16T.4 80 ; light , 175 nnii 215 Ibs. , $ t25@4GO. Itunnlng through about all of to-day's speculative mar kets there was a pronounced fo-licg of uncer tainty which at times bordered closely on woakn a . Th.o bulk of it camofrom tlio unect- tled conditions prevailing at eastern financial center ? , with the natural reEul of bringing out more local sellers than buyers and to a slight extent depressing values. In a general way speculative business was greatly curtailed. WHEAT. WPS fairly firm nt the opening ; , principally on light roeipta anc5 prospects of decreased arri vals during the cumins weeU , by reasi'ii ' of tlio freight blockades. The advnnco ever tbo opening prices was onlymoiuMarcli , sll pther , options'beirif ; at tluir bfBtttit op'ening quota tions. The tituation on Wall street was such as to bring out frcqsellers and run tbo May options down gc , but from this point there was a recovery to jjc under early quotations , the bulk of it taking place between 12 and 1 o'clock , on talk of for.ign complications. In a general way , however , the feeling was boar- inn. No. 2 spring sold early at79c. but cased off to 78fc at dose. COBN. rhowcd rather moro than usual atroneth at the 1 opening , with prices from J to io over Satur day's closing. Early purchases by loading local booses stiffened the market perceptibly and induced a little line of tailors. It wts re marked that corn probably had inoto friends to-day than nny ther trrain on the floor. No. 2 cash wa rmoffd at 3S c early , tin cloicd nominally at 3Sc. OATS were steady and firm at the opening at Jo bet- er than the closing figures , but the subsequent range was irregulaily downward within go , the close at 1 o'clock being ab jut steady at de cline. JlYE continues firm and steady witii caih and Jan uary C2o bid ; February , ( KJc ; March , C3Jc ; April , lilc , and May. G8c , but with practical.y no options on the floor. Track stuff ranged from CO to CG ? . I'KOVISIONS were generally higher at the opening , the in crease being 5c in pork and 'SJo in lard and ribs , with the exception of here and there a > sale. Shortly after business opened at 2&c over first quotations early figurci were the highest for the day. The irregular downward range aggregated lOaiu pork , 7io in lard and Be iu slKrt ribs , while the prevailing tone was one of moro or loss hoavino'i. Cash pork was quoted at § 12 10 hrd ? G 774 , and ribs ? G 12J , though bueiuesa in this line wss so light that prices wera httlo better than nominal. The close was easy. The Clawsoii l'oIjK * > y Case. WASHINGTON , January 19. The supreme court of the United States entered a decision in the polygamy caaa of Hudger Glawson , ap pellant , vs. the United States , cppcal from the supreme court of Utah , Clawson , appel lant , having boon found guilty by the jury of the crlmo of polygamy and cohabitation , was duly sentenced to pay a fine of 8600 and imprisonment for four year ? . Ho appealed to the superior court of tlio territory , and pend ing judgment on such appeal , applied to the court tin sentenced him for a relcatu upon suitable btil. The judge denied thu applica tion , on the ground that the defendant ought not to be admitted to bail after conviction and sentence , unless Homo extraordinary reason * were shown , and no such reasons have been given. Clawsoii thereupon sued uui n writ oC habeas corpus in the supieme court of thu territory , and prayed for a release ) upon the ground that the court below had un lawfully refused to admit him to ball. Tha supreme court overruled thn petition and re manded thn prisoner to the custody of Ilio marshal , whoronpon 1'u ' took the piiaont ap peal to tbU court. This court holds tint in asmuch as the judgment of thu third judicial court in which the prisoner was tried did not ImpCHe upon him a fine only but ulio imprts- oumint , his admicelon tn ball , pending the appeal from that judgment , is distinctly com mitted by the laws of Utah to the discretion of the court or the judge to whom the appli cation for bail may be made. The supreme court of Utati was therefore right in overrul ing tbo petition and remanding the prisoner to the custody of the marshal , and Its judg ment is affirmed. Dan VoorhocH to the Front. INDIANAPOLIS , January 19 The demo * cratic members of the legislature held a cau S.DP . cus to-night to nominate a candidate for the DP : United States. lion. Daniel W. Vporheca an was nominated by acclamation and a rising id vote. In a similar way a resolution was be passed warmly comme-nding tba lion , Joseph bey. E , McDonald to the attention of Presldcnt- y.on Cleveland as a fit man for a cabinet ro.'Illon. a " \Vnl ) Hh Wreck , in LONIXJN , January 19. Eleven persons who en were in the misting boat of the ill-fated Ad It miral Mooraon , were rtucued In an exhausted condition. They bad b an in ths | > oat since Thurid y.