HE FOURTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , NEB. , MONDAY MORNING , JANUARY 19 , 1885. NO 182. MaikofYirlne. Patrick , James and Thomas in the Eolo of Injured Innooonts A Vigorous "Raid in tlio Lobby Bar ren of Iinmodiato Eenulto. The Anti-Olaims Resolution Ef fectually Looks the Troanury , Dull-Witted Moinbero Protest They "Didn't ' Know it was Loaded , " Tlio Knldcirf ShlimlBhSiiR Aroiinil for Homo Motlioit to Tap the Vuiilts A l''cw hioro KllH Head. B-VMCVJI ) SpJcinl Corrciipondenco of Til it UKK. LINCOLN , Jnnuar17. . Lous btforo the homo bojjnn its buaincai this morning groups of men migh ) have bejn lean standing In tha halls and crrrldora , or crammed away In corners of the loumn adjoifiinrs the house , ovi- dcntiy d'scu'sltg ( omdhing , the natuiu of which deeply intoioiUd them. Ai a matter of fact these men were actually discussing the ho't IIIUIEH if nny of NULLIPriNO TIIK IlESOLtmON passed by tin house yesterday afternoon , concerning the firm of llawcs , Koncnrd , Peaunaa k Co. , tfco well-known claimants. Hftwoj wai hers In person to watch the pro ceeding ! on behalf of the firm , and JConnard might also have been no tlcuil instructing l < * ield'a lambs in the way they should go. It liaa besn noised nbaut the bui ding thai many of the men composing thoae groups already spoken of aujvo were anxioui that a resolution bo pre sented to the huudd to allow Itwos and Ker- nun to appear on the Holr < nd adilre-B the mambcM on their owa behalf , so tint they might luvo an opportunity of personally ex plaining matters A greater intuit to tbo puoplVof this stata and a inoro impudent and biro-faced auggcstlon could not possibly ba conceived. To allow these men whose names nnd repu- tatiuni nro nauieui tall rijhs miiidel clli- 7.0n9 , to rtppo-tr before n legally canstituted ns'einbly of repioientativeaof the people to pemocutu their imaginary claum should n it for n iiiuaunt ba tolerated And yet we have men hew who would allow thin tlilmj , und who to-icy spoke regretfully btciiHo it being Saturday and thtir fiioudj way they could not present this resolution t > tha homu. 13 ut now , according to the rule ] ok tin house , CNDnil NO OIUCOUSTANOEd can these claims bo preacntf d again during tills session , BO that Hawoi & Cy. bein ; ? now knocked ou of tlinu on this nuy find s.iino cither scheme of a lilto character on which they can baio a olalm against t hostile. Thny are experts at this , aud no doubt bo- forj long we shall either directly or iudirestly hear from thtm njaln. ; Too actual buairwis of the houee thia innra- icg calm for no yory particular muution. More Inbbyini ? than legiila.ivo bmlueaa w.is done. The tirst resnlutinn nresentnil to the housa wai ono by Martin , of York who inov d tnat in intrnory of the Into ex-Vice President Colfsvx" tha hiiuso do adjourn from 11 o'clock to duy until I o'clock p. m. on Monday next. Thin was met by an amend meat that the house nt its adionrnuient moot again on Monday nt t > :30 : This amnrlmcntv s again met with aaothor by No'.tleton. who iniivod that the house adjourn at1:30 : o clock this afternoon until Monday Tne original resolution as introdiicod by Martin w f > , now- uver , adopted , und the clerk proceeded with the uist UKAUINQ OF BILLS. O.ie intro lused by Utisiol , to provide fir a minoraloxical aid gjolo icAl survetor , to sur vey the atito and report the result to the liou-u. liar Ian , of Yor > , introduc3d a bill to pro- vitlo ngalns' perjonn asiialiug prlwoueis to 01- cap' ) from jail. Tin seiond reading of the approp-ia'ion ' bill was procjedeu witl and on the c o k luvln ? tinlsliail the ro diug , Nettlotoii prqpoiud tlut tha cjcsiieratiou ( if tha npproprlatioa of OIU- 003 It defray thi Kxpemoj oE the Nebraska if * rcprejotitn'.lon at Now ilrloana bj referred to the committee of the whole housi nud that It ba made a niid.il order for 10 u'cluckunVtd - uendity next This wm carried. Thoclork than continued roa i'R tha bill for thi ) fccond time und ut II o'clock , in accordance - cordanco with the resolution of Mirtln al ready pi'aecl , the homo stood adjourned until Monday next ut < t o'clock. TIIK BENATR. The mombora of this nugtixt osiombly and their la-rln-.la president ware eonspicujus by their absuncu from the oipitol this morn ing Hivinf r turned to their homes A unmoor of iheii will have lima to comider the method of ustinu they are to takn on tha bills bioughtu ) ) for their lontido nlion , this line of'iict ' ou always buing in accordance with thn wiflna nnd di itatsa not of the people- but of the railroad monopolints and managers , the claim agent ) nnd lobbyists of the stata of Niihrasku. Till Hag over tha aonnto was hokto-.l half limit high this morning out nf respect 'o the memoiy of the latuux-Vica I'retlJciit C Ifux. Specijl Correspondence of The IKK. ! LINCOLN , Neb , January 10. With n good ! j numlior of spec tutors in the gallery , the house was called to order thia afternoon nt 20. : The bmino 8 was cf a very time iloicription the only bills introduced belru OIK which partook cf tha nature < il n memorial to congress nnkicg that the du'.y en wool bo inorcaruJ , This was followed by the house bolng nsteil for an * ap propriation itf $10,000 to defray the expeme ; o ( the NtbraiLn department at thn Is'o.v Oc- leiuis Kxpenition , Then came the reaolutiot proposed by Miller , of which a telegrpphu dlipatch has IMS an tent , Riving nn outline. Tiu following , hnwi ver , la a copy of the resolution 1.3 Is waa actually presented , 1UU11EI ) OUT. Whereas. PntricIpO. H we , Thomas Ken nard nn 1 J. Peariunn Jmvo given out b ] f poech until it hua become a matter of coin inon rep rt that they nro ontltlrd to lnrg < sunn ot money by reasou of alleged cuntractt made with the Ute fur the prosecution ol claim * In mattrri roluting to the militia , § a liiui luuda and other lunt rs and demands ; Tiioreforo ba it rnsolval , That no moaie : BUI due to iai'1 cUltnanU foraervic a rendered to this state under uny contract , expr BJ ci Implied , which u or ha been clatmrd to l > > it force ; and it la hereby ordered that the nttor- wj'feuoral be required to luttltnte any pro exuding * nocfsivty ti cancsl any tuppoe ( : coutiact claim d tbe in force between tbi etuta iul raid pirtiei. And ba it further ro ulvcd , Tlut this liousi will uiaVn nn appropriation lor tha payuieu of eulil mppxtd clainn or any or either o them uotil tlio julgtnttit or oidrr of noun court of compet-ut juriaiictiou is obtained ui to tlio validity of tbcue contr&cU. Harried. After tbla resolution WAS carried the bngu claim ogenti and then hangtM-on w o busy in the ho.ue , and caupcd A flOOn HBAI , OF COJ1MOTION , for no Interest was taken in thn biuino'a ' be fore ; tln home , tlo prlncipil nnil evidtnt nlm of the thcfo land thnrksr.iul claimants br ing to nrrftrigo n ulnn whereby the result 1 toady attained might ba coniuHod. Thopiin- clpal workcts In thii riRhteinus cause wojo Konnnrcl himenlf nnd Church Howe. Thty worked 1'icld's Iambi , whllethslooked on with feigned diilotcrestedncsa. A report friin the tpecinl committro np- [ iomtud to inquire irito theaecoiistic properties ol the house , ucd of which ll'a'n ' , ot b'illmore , WES chairman , wns nnv ? tend. Is wisely i-c > comiTitudocl ) that the hall b. ) be-tter ventt- latnd ns ono nid ; nl > o Miggested ta..t drapery be hung around the wbllp , Whllmnro introducer ] a I ill slm'lar tu that which McShano brought up in the cenate. The houi'i hiyinR tesolved tSai the II ig on the capital b ) hung nt lulf mist to-morrow lu rmpect to the mornoty of tha late Ssnitnr Colfax , nn adjournment wai proper > d , This was carried. The house will meet again at 0W : to-morrow morninj. THE BBIUTC. Thus'nttd mtl this nfternoon nt thtes o'clock , evidently bent nn adjomnlng ns eom as pos ibR. ! Aftor'McShanc , of Dougla ? , had introriuc.cd a bdl for au act to provide for the building nf via iuct ? , bridgoi nnd tunnala In crtaln cason in cities of the first class , nnd the dill dealing with the prevention of cint9R- loua dlsea-es nmoug domestic nninml * , Sonors moved that the sanate adjourn until four o'clock on Monday. Thla wai rovily acuap- ted and the senators dispersed immediately. : lie Oajilral of Dnlcctii , BISMAIICK , Dak. , January 1C. Kennedy , of Brown county , in the council , nnd Picklcr , of Kaulk county , in tha house , pave notice 'o > d y that on to-morrow they would introilu o n bill for relocating the cr.pilol of Dakota. It ia understood that tlia bills proposa locat ing the capttol nt Pierro. William * , of Bis marck , gave notiro of n memoiial a'klng con- gceea to divide Dnknt . It now appeat-H that the removal of the c\pitol to Pierre la practi cally ngrci'd upcn by the majority of the couth Dakota moaibars of the legislature. Some who have been in the caucused from the begin ning eay that the bill in not yet drawn , and the point is not agreed upon , but that the majority are detenuined tremove the capltol even if they have to lemovoitto Jamestown or oven to Mention , In order to got the votfs from the north to help to do it , as a protest njalnst the cipitol commission law. The organic act of the territory , howovar , re quires the concurrence cf the governor Iu the location of tlia capitol. nnd if tha removal aahomo has the majnrltv claimed the remit will be governed by the action of the gover nor. The intention of the most radical is to lelocato the capltol. The subject in now open nnd the members talk frtcly , but differ some what in the statement as to tbolrstrength , and nil ngreo tbat they have enough if the gove nor will npprovo the bill. Funeral o" Sulmylor Oirac. . Souril ButJI ) . Ind , January 17. Business U entirely suspended. Tolling bells and other ovldencoi of great sadnej ! nroo sarvable. The funeral train if tha Into ex-Vies President Oolfnx i ? procoadingfrom tha rosidcnca of the ducoasod to the little , eld reformed churcl where the dead statesman had been G faithfu communicant for many yonra. Services com menced nt 2 o clock , Rev. N. D. Williams , the Colfax pastor , resisted by Have. W. C. Lamed nndV. . H. Hlckmau , officiating. Services nronUo b'insf ho'd ' nt tha P.eabytJiian church , llov. G. Teller officiating , nsaisttd by Rova. Boweri ncdVilon. . Both churches ara np- proprlntoly trimmed with wreathe of emilax and evergreen , and nro crowded with mourn ers. Mrs. Colfax nnd rftlativc ? , and Immedi ate friends , occupy the lecture room of the reformed church. After services interment will take place nt the cemetary here , th- fol lowing gentlemen ajting ai pall boarera : "Vico President HenJricks , ox-Senator McDonald , Governor Gray , ex-Governor Porter , Judge Gresham , Hon. Mark McClalland , T. U. Haughey nnd Thomas Underwood of the Grand Jorlga nnd oncunpment , and Jamei Oliver , Clement Studebakir mil Jojhua D. Miller , of South Bond. HcleU , tlio TrnlriVreekor. . Gtillly. ScitUYLKn , Nob. , January 17. The trial of Holdt , the train wrecker , was finished to-day. A very able defense wna made by Brown and Hoxie. Brown is always good and sound , but Hoxio outdid himself. All that could bo done from a legal point wai done by these gentle men for tha prisoner. It wns their duty , nnd that was enough. On the other hand , Russell made clear the rquaro statements of facts , so strong that no jury rould dnubt na to tho'r ' vcrd ct. Marshall closed with a strong com mon-some plea , Eeldiin equalled. The jury waa nn exceptional one , bting composed of good , level-headed men. Tney wpro not out ten minutes when aver.lictof uuilty wna re turned. Heldt was sentenced by Judge Til- f > ny to stato'a prison for ten years nt hard la bor. It may unrm hard , but , eupposo the train had run cu the bridge , a do/.5ii passengers would have been killed. What then ? The citizens would want to have the prisoner lynched. Tito tram wai not wrecked , by mere luck. Trio sympathy is with the pris oner , an a poor , ignorunt man , who did not comprehend a'l ' of the consequences of hia at , but the verdict was undoubtedly just , Ttio Sullivan nnd Ilyan Fighr. Special Telfgrain to Tin : BEU. NEW YORK , January 18.John L. Sullivan , when aiked about his coming match with Paddy Ilyan , said , "I have not the slightest doubt that I will beat Ryan on Monday night. I will then show tbat all thia talk about my baing out of soils nnd 'no good' Is bosh. After 1 have settled Paddy Uyan , I will turn my attention to thosa who I henrnregning around saying ho Is too much for me. or any other pugilist iu America. Whan 1 am through with him , I will take a rest tliU time for irooil and let others try to gain a reputation , I weizh about 225 pounds now but expect to take otT about G pound ? . It IH good , aj 1 luve not li.vn abusing It. Of coursul luvu uol trained ns cloidy for tlio coming match nu I might have dmr > , but it ia not uoCH'snry _ Thn contmt Isrinlv forioiots and ivi "kno kirg out " Puddy Ryan keeps up his regular fyntem of work and it i.ex pected ha will give gojd account of hiicEclf an Monday night. Terribly KcaliJcil by Steam. ST. Josr.ru , Mo , , January 17. A terrible accident occurred at Ladedp , n umall station on the Hannibal & St. Joe toad early this morning , A freight train mat-bound was standing on the side track when another freight train pulled in nn the main line cast-bound , The onuine of the latter wua about ti come tea a standstill whoa the. boiler oiplodad , Tha ecene that followed cannot bo described. Kn- gineer Clnrlea Lnplart nnd hln iireman , name unknown , woie tcalded severely , and tha for-rer'a life Is deijialred of. ICrglueer Daily nnd a brnkeman , who were in tha cab of the other engine , wpre complctoly cnveloptd in ctcspin ttamn. They were horr.bly bcald' cd and their recovery la hardly expected. The Sprlnjjor Uonunltlnc. CINCINNATI , January 17 , ] J. G. Rathbone , before tha .Springer investigation committee , tejlIBed of information ho had of repeater * coming to Cinc'nnati , nnd of the meina taken to deluat their purpoie. A remark by Mr , Stewart that Ohio ought to have rt'pentert until ho enacted a decent regiitru'lon lawvvai iecei\ed with npplauiu , tin < o Itlowlut ; . ! ) ES MOIKM , January J7. Tuo sife In Bampaoii'a unloon waa blown open by burpUrs kt S o'clock this morning and CS03 in tn h and $1,800 worth of watcbd and eliamonds stolen , ST. JOHN'S DENIAL His Complatc RefWiou ol all dart- sail's ' Cbargrs , Ho Demon all trio Accusations Maclo Acainst His luti'grity ' ; Eo Did Not ' 'Feather Hio Speoolr OF , " Nor Agrao to , or Did H < i Pretend to Eave a Sere Throat , Ami Ohalloogeo His Defamers to Prove Eim Guilty. larkBon Afjnln Comes F'oiw.&rd nnd Stoutly KoltcrMcs "Bit former Statements. ST. JOHN'S 1 > KSI VIi. Sr. PAUL , January 17. Ki-Govarnor St. 'olm lunJed the following to n representative f tlia As ociatod Picas tills evening : J , S. Chrlceoii , of the DCS Molnes Iterator , , ad member of the national committco of the cpubllcui i arty , i ftcr a great deal of goading ind conference with hia friend J. B , McCul- ougli , of the Globe-Democrat of Si. Louis , t la < t givoa to the public what ho calli tha vidonco lo provo'I propoisi to Bull cut to the opublicacs and thus betray the prohibition isrty. In Clarlcscn's letter , published In the Ihicaga Ttibuno on the Oth inet , , ho says , 'To ' uiy knowledge ho did have overtures made through a friend from hia own state , " > y which he offered , If paid § 23,000 , 0 nsk to withdraw as n candidate altogether , r to Etny iu the field and "feather" poeches ( ay it was put in .a Kansas i-luaju ) , to the halp of the republicans. JUo was asked , In order to prove the sincerity of ' IH ciler , to withdraw from Ohio the last week > uforu tha October elections in that state. I In id this under n plea , which ho Bkld ha would give , of cottlng n sere throat , and with ths "riend I have mentioned \vent fitat to Pitts- urg , next to Philadelphia , and finally lo New York , where ho hoped to meet aomo ono on the part of the xopubltcan national committco who would bo ready to make the deal and pay , ho cash. " My appointments were inudo by , ho national comtuitteo of the prohibitiou party at Obicaro , September 18 , I tilled every 1 no of these nnd ono more , and those , who _ , Uended my mooting will do me the justice to aay that I didn't "feather" ' my speeches eith er. Having thus completed my work in Ohio , without having a sere throat , in accotdanco with the programme made for mo by the com mittee , I proceeded on the morning ol October 17 , to CAdricn , Allili wheie t2p. m. tbat day in the open air I r.ddrcaied nearly " P,010 paoplo , going the aamo ovemncc to DC- roi : , whciu I addressed a Urge audience in the Grand Opera houoo. The nex : morning in company with lion. D. B. Sa < endorf , of Charlotte , Mich. , and ono of the national committee , nnd tovor.il other piomment pro < hibitionuta. I started for my cost appoint' ment at Kalambzoo , mnking eevoral aLert spseches on the way , and addressing a meet- ug at Knlamazoo , both afternoon and even- ng. ITtom there I went witu other prohibi tion workers bt Flint , Mich. , where at 2 p , in. , October Otli , I addressed n large open air meeting , leaving them in the evening In company with Hon. D Pieaton , prohibition candidate for governor of Michigan , for De troit , from which city at 12 o'clock that night 1 started via Buffalo to Philadelphia , arriving thf ra about 'J o'clcck in the evening of th 10th. I spoke m the Academy of Mus' , be evening of the lltli , nnd epuul i good portion of thi day o the 12th with 11. J. Burdettii at Addinore , eight miles from the city. On the evening of the 13th I addressed an open ai mooting at Monument square , Baltimore , nni then another meeting tha n JIHO evening in Kns Baltimore. That night ati o'clock I started for Brooklyn , where , on the evening of the 14tb , I apoko in the rink , the IDth at Middle towo , Connecticut , the 10th at _ Wuiesater Massachusetts , the 17th at Cbickering lull New York city , the 18th at Newark , Now Jer soy. li'iom thenca I went to western Now York , where I had eight meeting ? . Every ono of the foregoing mottliigs being in stric pursuance to the nppo'.n'.wiJiia ' in do by the national prohibition committee I have not been at , or passed through. Pittt burg for years. Mr. George R. Scott , foremai of the Now York Weekly Witness , joined me at Oberliu , Ohio , October G , and traveled will me and nt'euded all the meetings from tha time up to and inc tiding the one at Newark New JorsoyOatobjr 18 lla and no other as quantance accompanied mo from Michigan to Philadelphia , i or did I , mi the way , too any friend * or acipuiutances from my own sta'e Mr. Clarkson further says iu hia Tribune let ter of the 19th : "I may add that neltbe the national committee , or nny one acting for it , over made an overture or proposition of any kind to St. John. AU that 1 did was to 1 sten aud discuss the overtures and propo itlons mudu to ic , through the medium wh'ch ' bo employed to r acrj it. " Yet , in the sama let ter he convicts himself , for he eaya : "Ho ( mvtelf ) was n'ked , in order to prove tha sin ceiity of bis olfer to withdraw from Ohio the last week before the October election in thv state. " Who wai there in this transaction to doubtmy aiucvrity but J , S. Clarkson ? But , further on , be cays : "Tho thing * which were demanded from tit. John as to his movements in Ohio wore pledged by that friend and car- riu I out by St. Jonn. Thrao parties aie bore referred to lirjt , the party that made tie de mand ; i econd , tha man that gave the pledge and third , myself , who "earned" it out , Now , I submit , that there muat have been aomebot y to bavo named the ' 'things which wcro de- mr.nded , " and who could it have been but Clarlison , and yet ho says tluttlt it ( the com. initteo ) aid was to listen to and diiciiso the overture * wl proposition ! made to it II Mr. Clarksod wai an hnneatman , why did no1 hot be Indignantly refuse to entertain any such proposition. But finally Mr. Clarkson uanira James K. Legato of I.o ven worth , Kansas , ou the lung suppresied name i f this middle man and proceeds to publish whit lie claims to bi Legate's Icttar * , which , whether genuine n not , eorvcB further to show up Clarkson'd per fldy. In what UUrkson chirun to bi Legate's Ictte- , dated ntTopeka , Kacs\5 , nd droesed to Mr. J , S. Clarkson , Legato xaya "At Seiut r i''d loquest I camu t > ecu yea at O.uclncati. You seemed to thace m viewh You r ad me your talk. I waltaJ th arrival from New Yoik , nud supposed th matter would be cloied up , but after the con eultatlon at Columbia , it WAS deemed bctt ulioulil look after tit , John , and meet him a Cincinnati , having previously agreed to g with htm to Michigan with a arro throat , telegraphed him nnd made linnaBpecifio pr m iButoRo to PittHburg , expecting to find aom ono there , but failed. I aid tJ him , basu UJKJO what you aaid nnd your friend froi New York , toqe'her ' tvtth what wn mid b Senator P theulght nltur the conference a Columbus , that 1 woulu guarantee 10,000 JIo was Kattsfiod aril wont with mo to 1'hila delpbla. I then paiautdtil him to write le ( tt-ra to L , W. ( Ji > ( ? e , state orgjniter f < ir Ohio A. L. Carey , of Samantha ; Itev Mr. Gogger of Coiumtius , aud I'/of. W. G. trait at Oborlin , tirping tfcora to aid th republican atatu ticket , saying if lha icpubl can utato ticket wai elected ha beiiovad h vote in Notutubor would bo largely Incroaaei My iudgment ia that Ills IcnviiiKtbo t te am writing these letters aided a very large nurn her to the republican majority Iu Ohio. A Philadelphia I received a ilUpat'h that th matter would ba fixed at Now York when with him , I went. I found Mr. Elkim , wh aeeined to know nothing and would do nstl rg. " "At Socatt r P.'s request we came to t you ( Dnrkson ) at CiDciiuuti. You loomed D Jiaro my vlons. " I sMd to Win , based upon hat yeu had said , nnd your filcnd from NOW York , together with what was said hv Senator . ' the night after th confcrenceat Columbus , tat I would Ruaranteo $10,000. llo was xtiifird and went with mo to Phil- ddphia Who makes n witness of jfgato in tha conttovcrsy and hyj 'Inrkfon. What was thelrj rolatioaa ? et Chrkion witness' nnti Mr. Legato ell. Here Is what tha Assi elated prirs ro ort * tay on tt o HUh inst. : "llwas acting ns ho agent doll g the wi h of Mr , ' Olarkton ni a munbpr ol'tho national committco nnd t'aoo ' ilh r.hom hovas nsjociatedflln Ohio in all latwaudoiio , " But wliit lOM Mr. Ltgito vy about inj sell ? Let w giveThis oMiWurds ubli'hcJ in the Daly ritito Jonrca1 , of opeka , Knnias , on the I'Jthinst. lit ro they re : "That Governor St. John had never alked to him on the subject ; had invcr Tiwd to inako nny terms wltl the topub icatis , nnd that St. John had netcr author- zdhim | to ] mnko any proposition } nnd I hit ny charge that ho had donu en wna a wilful c , gotten up toi.iju eSt _ John amiost odown 10 men who had been lying on him , " Thus iv Chikson's own witnets9. Legato is made ia and noimyapout , and I am exonerated ram all complicity in thesa matters , but IHn aid that I saw Legata nt Oberlln , Ohio , ctober 0 that is tm ? , but why was ho thaio d in whoso interest ? Why , he vns sent by iioso managing tin lopubllcan campaign in Jhio for the oxprc.it purpose of making n to- ubllcan speech , which ho did the ovoiling cf ictjbur 7 in answer to the address delivered y mo on tin Oth. But to throw a liltlo moro glit on Air. Clixrkson'rt jcUtlon to thla whale matt r. hoar what his friend J. B. McCul- oiigh , of the St. Louis Globu-Damrcrat , in an nterviow repor'o.1 In the Post-Dlsp itch , of t. Louis , 01 tlii 30th ult , aay t "Mr.Clnrk- on , of the Dca Molnea ( Iowa ) llpgiitor , who aa a menibur of the committee , and who had hargo of the department which conducted the fgotiitioni. hai proof of the fact. This ia in uch ahapo that ho is bound to rome extent nd cannot ute , but the fact Is rcittlc. I tni urobfit Si John wantsd 835,000 nnd $50 t leslure. " Now I aubtnit to the candid judg- msnt of evary good citizen , unbiased by paris - is an prejudice , even though I should inter- > ese nov nd In my own defans * , do not the lateral nta of ( Jlarkson , Legato nnd Me- ullough eboiv that thcro waa n pUn laid to ithsr tilch money from tha tteasury if tlis national rjputlican committco or bribe mo tj betray nnt honest , sincere and oneciencioiu minority , and thus prevent n air expression of the will of the people and hrougn auch corrupt means gain a victory for he republican party. Falling in thi ; , and maiticg under the fash of political defe.itand ilastsd liopes , to crown the infamy Legato is reachoroualy betrayed and offered as a sacil- iica on the altar of corruption. And thcso are my accuactsl But it has been _ charged hat laboured early in the camcaim from Siiutor Plump a letter introducing Mr , La- gate to the national committee as a psnon uthorized to act and spaak for him ( mo ) To which I reply that I have notseen Senator lumb for neatly o A oar and hava had no cor- 'ejpondoico with him since Mr. Blaine was nominated , and never requested him nor any- > ody olao to do any auch thing , nnd Senator 'luinb id at liberty to publich anything that 10 has from mo touching on thla matter. It will lie obierved that it is eta'od thatl wrota otters ti L. W. GBBC , etato organizer for ) hioA , L. Carey of Samanllu , KBV. Mr , Go- ; au , i f iolumbus and Ptofo orV. . 0. Frost. I Objtlin. Now I reapostfully nsk thcso gjn- : l mon if a y Utter or latte.a or other coin- tnunicaliona were ever received from me ; hat tsnd to throw any light upon thia question to publish that fact. Again it is charged that "thoio are covcral fentlemen who could help prove that I told out to the democrats , and the ( editor of the hicaco Newa is mentionad ns ipne , and Sen- .tor Gorman , of Maryland , BA ahotlior.Now , while I have not the honor of.personal / ac quaintance with either of thesiJ < 'Kontl''uen7"I ' tespoctfnlly request thorn in tlio interest of common fjfrnoia if they havjf any evidence hat criininntca mo to give ifr.to the public Finally , IJ did not RO to PhiUdolphia with Mr. Lezato 'nor from Philadelphia to Now York with him , but I did , whorl in Philadel phia , on the ui/ht i f October llth , inanswer , ; o a request mido through the columns of the Now "Vork T ibun9 of that date'by wfca , pur ported ti ha the New York state ternperaaco Binbly , " that I withdraw from Ui9 cam- ign. write an open latter ( publithed in the Now York fand Philadelphia pap irs of the 13th in reply to said request ) in which I said that I should "neither withdraw nor nsjumo a neutral position.1' but would contiuua tha fight against the liquor trafHo ai long as I should live and the flag of our country waved its protective fol B over a legalized dramshop. I was never in the hotdquirtors of either the democratic or republican party , and to this day f do not know where _ they are located , nor did I during the cam paign ever epcak , write or telegraph to , or even to my know'odga see nny mem ber of tha national or state icoinmittees of cither of said parties , nor did I receive a pen ny , pledge or promise , directly pr Indirectly , from any political pirty , cjmmitteoor other organization , except my legillmalo expenses , amountcp ! to less than SOX1 , mi'l by the na tioDftl committee of tha prohibition party , . Nor did I over do , or propose to do , or omit to o'o , anything for the pnrposo of do.roiaing the prohibition vote1 , or if increasing the veto of either of the other political parties , nor did I "get a sate throat , " or pretend to get a aora thioat , and I think thateven the la- publican party will not claim thatl "feath- f-reci" Hpeecho"nnd I again challenge mv do- fatwra to prove to the contrary. "With charity for all and m-jllco toward nonii , " I now submit this sln'.omiiit to the pcupU w ti ! a firm conviction and full realizition that for the truth thereof I am to answer to God. ( Signed. ) JOHN P , ST. Jonx. CLAHKSON'd 11KW.Y. DE3 MoiNEa , January 17. St. John's statement - ment did not reach uoa Moincs till nftor mid- light nnd Olnrksou had merely time to glance tover. Ho said : "Itismoiootn confosjilon , han n contradiction ; ho deals only in quibblea and craftily evades the main facts. Ho virtu- a'ly rests hla whole cue on the assertion that fjugate's cUIm ti ba hia agent wai falsa and hat Legita'H letters , na printed-avo forgsrics. He knows that botii of such ntsortlonn are un true. IIo knows too , that if what he now isserts was not untrue , ho could get a letter rom Senator Plnmb vindicating both himself and Legate , The latter came to me an fiaint John's agent , with a letter from Plumb , which showed tbat tha Kamai senator know .hat Lezato waa acting for St. John , nnd that 10 was nul homed to net for him. Why does 10 not bring a letter from Plumb to deny the facta which I gave to the publtoin the Globe- Uomrcrat iutrviawon the Kiih , nnd whydo < s lie not biing u libel auitngainitmysclf nnd my paper and the Globe-Democrat , and so compel M the fnctu to ba brought to light. Ho knowa lie dare not sue for iifcol and that ho dare not lot Senator Plumb and others gp on the wit ness etand nnd tell under oath what they know. He ncd others will not voluntarily t ll that which th y voluntarily learnml from St. John and Lo nto in confidence. But in Court they would have to tell it , Why doesn't St. John biing them there ? Uualnosa l < 'nllurjp. PiiTSncno , January 17. There continuei to bo much goisip about the Oliver Broi , A 1'ulllipa Buspcnfeion , It is now thought that the firm thought It beat to suspend and die to voluntarily. They concluded H was use leBi to carry the debt any longer In the face ol the present condition of trade , and after t week or two of consultation it was conclude * to ct-ip payment. I'lrranuna , Jnmiuy 17. T > 0. W. Carrel has made MI astigninoctof all 1)U ) property. A. blieiwor itt htonrfl. U84i.t.4T.\ , Art'entinfl Kepabllc , January 17. A fearful shower of atonea fell here tlili evenioff hhting eighteen minutes. It do atroytd all the grazing and cultivated Jand leaving many person ) completely destitute , Teller Nominated for Senator , DKKVEK , January 17. The republican ciu cus to-night nominated 8 cretary Teller fo the Urlted States tenatoribiii. Beveutnen o the Hill supporter * Lolted the pomioatioa. the Eastern Illinois losaDe Hospital. Seventeen Incatia Peoph Perisb in the Flames. Hcroio Oonduot of tlio Superin tendent and Assistants In Rescuing Many of the Insane Patients , The Fire Originated in the Fur- cnoo EOOID , A Fall List of tlicrJainco of the Vic- Ulna "Who I'arlKhcel In tlio Flames. I11R January 18. The couth infir mary of the Illinois eastern hospital for the inpano bunied this morning nt1:30 : , The fire originated in the furnnco room , nnd had pot n good headway before it was discovered. The woodwork of tin building being of pine , it burned very rap'dly , The building waa orcu- plod by forty-fivo pat'ents ' nnd win night watchman , Bnvenlcen nro mUstug ; tliiiteon bodies hnvo been recovered. AU the patients wee Infirm. The bedridden were rescued first , but those who were nblo to assist them- solv 8 did not realize the danger nnd nnuv of them perished. The attendants lost all their oncct ! > , aud many had a very narrow c'oipo , Ono of them had lo tie the bed clothes together and let himself down troin a top win dow , The building wns n new one and cost § 70,000 , but wns not yet provided widi water vrork * . The following perished : Henry Hrown , Hock Island ; H.V. . Belden , Galesburg : George Beunot. Morris ; Joseph Colbeit , Chicago ; Orland Ellis , P utiac ; J. W. Galloway , Macoupins Thomas Hicltey , Springfield ; Matthew Hague , Cbcbane ; Tluchner Stevenson , Oouuvy : Ttiomaa Hcrely , Chicago ; J' ' hn Johnson. Vermillion ; Michael Jordan , Chicag ; J. Nathan , Chi cs go ; A. Ruuyaid , Winnebago , county ; 0 Stratz , Chicag.i ; J. W. Tyler , Chlcucoj F Weymouth , Puttutn county. Thomaj Merely is the Eon of State Senator Heicly. The building was heated by hot air. funucoc , tt wns twolyo degrees bslow ; zero when the watchman discovered the BTnoko issuing from the floor immsdiatoly above the furnaces. He awoke the attondimta. Tno smoke at once becarao drawn through thi hot r.ir flues and along halls and stairways to all parts tf tlia building. The fire spread to tapldly that all the efforts to save the buildIng - Ing in the absence of n fira ulitm to summon help nud for want of fucilitiea to quench tin tinmen wcr found to bo In vflin. Attendant W. A. Bend began drugging nnd c - ryit g < ut path nt i , Muny patients clad In their right clothing only rushoJ frnm the bitter cold air back intjtbobuildiug. Keid , at the risk of bis own life , otruggled on until L twenty-one of his twenty-three pitients were rescued , whoa he bocaino-cxhniiathdf and-ti'i ! ) carried.to bed."On thctlBecondsfloor'fatteud- nnts lloss nnd wife hoard the nlarm nnd es- en od down the stairway just Dofora it fell. Atttirlant Brown , who WAS sloooing ou the same Moor , wns awakened by the tmoko and attempted to sava a patient in , an adjoining room and failed , and sliding dowu n theet from his window , "jumped to the ground. Superintendent 1 { . S. Dewey roaclud tha eceuo and with a ladder climbed to tiie eocond story windows nnd smashed thowin- _ aowd nnd was able to reecue some pati nm thereby.Almost all the patients refused to co-opsratejn , the efforts being made to eayo them , and weio only rescued by being ' dragged _ from the Ilames and held frsm returning. A marvellous esc pj was that of an inmate whn fell with the second end floor , struck the burning debris abavo the furnace and bounded throur/h n window to the ground uninjured. The remains of the Indies of twelve patients have bsen taken from the ruins burned to fragments , only to bo identified by the location in which they were found. At the coroaer's ino.uo3t this afternoon Su perintendent Doivey testified that hn lind asked the legislature two yejro ncio fnr ? { . ' )00 to protect these detached war.lit trom tire , tbat § 1,000 WAS allowed , all 01 which was used iu mains und hydrants , that the amount was insufficient to answer the purpose. He sug gested that the floors above the hot air fur naces bi changed , it being shown in the evi dence that is wa * but four inches from tno nutjido of the furnace to the joiits. He gave two reasons for tlia great number of deaths , first , tha patients were nearly nil suffocated by the smoke before they could bo reached and BCC- end , the inab.llty oc unwilling csi of insane patients to try and halp themselves. The re- uiuins of the bodie ; , with one exception , did not nggtegata each a sudicient quantity of charted fragments as wuuld fill n man'a hat The ontiiu remains of ten were placed on n small table two feet tquarc. Friends nre nrriving In search of the loit onos. The scenui on their arrival , nnd view of the charred remains is heartrending. Tele- grains are pouring In from nil parts of the state from parties asking as to the safety of their friumin among the l.DlIO inmates ot the hoajital. The coroner's jury , which nd jourced until to-morrow ntteruoon , is inves- tigutin as to whether the furnaces were de fective. Tha fuccs that there is no general fire nlarm between the various buildings of the I'OBpuul , nor no uydttm ot water woiki to protectiifoaiulproiurty [ the P , account * l rg ly for the very largo loss of life , Johu Coyne , of Chicago , an lusuuo Inmate , ro.moa four patients from the ilirnes at the risk of hU life , Some patioats eecapeil by bliditg dowu Bluets from tlieir window , Nothing U known of the particular ! ) cf the death of Thonus ilertly , of Chicago , brother of State Scm > tor Heiely , except that ha went dowu to dcnth with the burning building , As far as is known no calls for help isiued from his room , nnd it it believed ho was yulftcitcd. H. W.Beldon , ged fifty years , of GsJ g- burg , ono of the victims nnd the only ono whoso remains preserved even the semblance of a human being , was a prominent man in his fif'ctioa of the state. Ho was oa the set.- end door , was nn invalid and was unable ti help himself. Superintendent Dewey , aided by un attendant , placed a ladder to his win dow. Dewey nicended it , broke the g'ass with his hands , but being unable to break the the sanh descended for eomo Implement to break It with. Meantime Bel den's thrleks for help were loui nnd ngamzlng , Aa Dewuy ru-atctindeil tin abriekd died nwav. The emoko and llauict pjured from the window eo that no li lp couk bo given him. Or. Dewey hearing callfl foi help from another window hurried t'j the ret cue , and though a snun of light build , drnggu : a 18J pound patient through the window um bore him nafely to tto grumd , The burnee building was utul an an Intirmary , inauy of tl.u imnatei brine ; unable from nickneis t wa If , The only Ech me o for obtaining watt was from the small wneh itJIKJ faucets , no even fire bucku's or barrels Leiog un hand Night watchman Cobb tastifiad before jth cori-ner'fl jury that ho regiiterjd a report o hi * calls every half hour. The register ehowec that ha vUlted the fiiumco room nt 34U ; ant found it all rlf.ht then. At 4i\0 , v han he du covered the fire , that the lloor immediately eve .th furnaces hid frwuently | beenuoticedby nt tendanta tldtplng there to bo uncomfortabl ; hot , tint thefurcncu was roofed by sheet iron then by two Jayeu of brick , laid iu mortar with a jpaco of but blx Inchei between then and the nine , Attendant It. 0. AVilllam Ustltud that five nilnutee after the fire wa discovered It was blazing tlironqh thall.o' , thai ou bdng toutp.1 hn r.\n ouUidv , nnil AW tlint tire fire WAS only visible nb ut i nd nrout rl the furnnco. Attendant J. 0. McVnrlftt d outtlila night watchman testified that ho Iv'Aid theory of firo. rotinoil the nttcndnnt * of nrda No . fi and C , nnd carded two ladders to the burning budding from HID mrpenter ehou K 0 yard * nay. P Skully. fiTetn.in for Architect J. H. Wlllfltt , of Chlcngo , who hns charge cf nil the hnppital buildings , testified ho inspect-d the furnace whni complet-d. Ho wns atl fied with tlipm then , had not inspected them sinco. 'Ihonlr circu'nted bitweon the fur nace rodf and the plna timber The hot nir conductors nro brirk Hues , no wood nbout them. The hot sir flips had four inch wnllf , the smoke fluej ci ht in - hvnlls. . The coroners ners jury n o well known rltizets : S. M. Davis , Albert Sclmoldcr , A. Kurinnch , 1'Vfd Frlbnch , S P. MeU-au , J. S. Whitham , who promi e n careful consideration baforo rnulf ring \erfliot. . This is tlio first fire over occurring nt thii hospital. Though tlio alnrni of Hro was eoundril in thfl city , ns KnnVnkco hiu no Hro r'ernrlniont ; nnd the liotpltnl ia half n inllo away. No aid loachcd it. llio stnte does not inruro its propurly ; but n compatntlvcly flight np- propriatioii , added tn the prceont inrompleto fncilitie ? , will furnuh .for the hoopitnl adequate means for fire purii"scs. An appro priation fir tlut purpoRo has nlready been asked of the present legislatuto. The builder of the furimco In tlio liU'ind bullying is the Kutter Funuco company , of Dccalur and Chicago. faeuntor Ifcrely reached IvnnlrnUco on n npeciil 'rniu ' for the iciualnn if his brother. The furnaces In the older rvomtly complf ted hospital detached wards nro built in precisely the samu r-t\lo nud nttha mine dlatanco from the nine timbers as was the one in the build ing bnrnoil. J'nuteo McC.igtf nnd Hosiitnl Atchitcct Willett will reach Knnknkeo on n special nudiC midnight , to investigate ) the cauees loading to the firo. The architect of the asylum building stnloi that ho is convinced that the fire did not accidentally originate from nny dofcch in the heating furnaces but was causo-i bv the cnro- lessnEBj of tome attache , in hnndlincr n lamp or cigar in the lumbar room. The super- tendenfcof tha institution could not bo drawn into nny expression upon the question of the responsibility nnd blnmo for the calamity. Ono patient , believed to have been burned , n-as since found wandering nbout the street * . Public fceliugin Kanknkuo runs high nnd the most rigorous Investigation will bo nindo to disoivcr , if nny , the culpable responsibility. Anotlinr Account. Special telegram to Tin : BEE. KANKAKEK , III. , Jnnuary 18. On the Boutl : side of the Knuknkeo river , immediately op silo tin city , ia located tlio Kietern Illinois hospital for the insane1 , compriiing the largos clutter cf expensive structures owned by the st.it3. In these are housed fifteen hundred in sane inmates , nnd with ono or two exceptions they were nil deemed fire proof. Shortly afto lour o'clock this morning a detached ward o ; the hospital , occupied by forty-fivo Inmate , and used aa nn infirmary , wni dUcoycrcd to b ou fire by the ni ht watchman , but ; when tin discovery wai made tlia flames were already under w.vy , nnd were finding their way from the furnace room , where they originated , through the pine flooring to the lower sleop- Ingroon . T-era were startled cries to the watcher ? , nnd instantly au heroic effort VIM made to nd thpjiliuildinB 'ff its cccupante. Outs'de tlio'temperature ) wag 12'ilegr.e7cS' ; below zero with a depth of .fourteen inches of mow on ilie ground aT a weIcToma"tc'tho stir tied and'poorlyclad patient ) . filled with reilnona pine in the itoo'rin walls , and the fire made n The flamesr , when they- broke through thereof roof , lit the entire ecane , and there vrns a hurrying of guarda and watchmen from nil of thomaiu structures to the immediate vicinity of tha fire , but for whoso nid the mortality would have been greater. Seventeen of the forty-five inmatai wnro stifled in the structure , filled from the first with n. stilling nndblinding smoka , that filled all the avenues'of escape and made the work of these who sought to save tin bedridden and helpless hcrcic in thci extreme. From the first it wai simply n quo tion of removal as no appliance of any kind was upon tlio ground to stay the flames. The bells ot the city across the iivor began to eound ( Ii3 alarm. When the flames wer-nt their highest nn attempt was made to organize for assistance , but the tragedy was complete before nny help from that quarter could have been inado effectual. Tlio nlmost naked es caping inmates wcro carried into the ad joining ward ? . In addition to the li't ot these burned In the building , ia expected to bo in- cmdcd four or live who , through exposure and fright , may IOEO their lives. Tha inma'ca word nearly nil nged or incapacitated for rc- tioi- , making tha work of the guards especially arduous. Search wns made throughout the ( ay for the bodies of the victims , which nbn proved a work ot great hardship in t low of the intense cold , Tha remains of ten person ) , each representing merely a handful of nshoi , wcro placed upon a small table , having baen burned in the fierce heat barond any possibility of recognition. A coroner's in quest begun to-day only dlnclosed the fast that tlii fire originated trom too close proxim ity cf llio furnaiototho pine II icring , which fact appears to have been well understood , The blatno under the circumstances appears , therefore , to rest with some ono connected with thu In-tltution. How the fire could have obtained euch frightful headway without the knowliulgn nf the night watchman h one of the questions which will bo plied to tliH Investigation to-morrow. The facilities of the Institution wore ampin to p operly care for all the reamed and anything in the way ot ny.dical treatment ami o rat 1 nursing was provided , The insti tution has been looked upon na a model nnd especially provided ngalrmt such n happening as thi * , nnd every ono of the wardo % vns con ducted especially with a view to [ ti protection gain > t fire. Very few of the friends of the dead had reached the scene to-day owing to interruption of the telegraphic nnd railway communications. aiiineaolncendlary ABteuincr'fiFato SAN I'lUNOisco , January 18. The "Arnblo" which arrived this evening brings the news , dated from Hong Kong , December 23 , and from Yokohama January I , tbat an Incendiary ire completely dottroyfd the Crown of Hieng- lan near Hou Kong. No details are publish ed but It ia believed that many lives were lost , Fear * are entertained tht > t the Hteamcr ' 'Charlcstnwn Hook"whichlatled from Saigon fur Hon Kong lias been lost with two hundred and fifty souls on boaad. An Old Bank FnllH. IIANCASTXII , Pa , , January 17. The banking houbo of Amos Henderson , ono of the oldest in the country , failed to open for business this morning. Honderedn died Tuesday , An ex amination of the book slmwa the bank'n insol vent deposits to ba about $200,000 , many bo- iug time depositi. The bank Is believed tc have been wrecked by stock speculation. Indicted for Flection Fraud * . CHICAGO , January 17. The special gram jury appointed by the Cook county criminal : court last night returned indictment ! ngalns Mackln , Gallagher. Shields , Hnnabrough , Sul livau Bechl nnd Gleason for nartlclpnting ir the Kightsouthwnrd election fraud ) , Mackii wai also indicted ueparntely for perjury It sweai ing he did not order the printing of tin bogus tlcktti. Illstnrio Vltit lo GctlTHljnrjj. WASHIKOTON , Jnnuary 18 A number o veterans of , thu first army corps met in till city to perfect nrrangementa for an liiatorica viiltof the corr to the battlefield of Get % * burg on May -Hli and Cth next. A uurnber o veteran * of otbtr corpi were present nod tool part in the f jij More Candidates ftp llio stale Sen- atorsliiD , A N"ow Man to ba Trotttd Into the Arena , To Proveut the Priso Going to Morton or Evarts. Ohaunooy 6L DoPow or Whitelaw . Road Spoken Of , An Unseemly Quarwl in the Brit ish Royal Family , SunntTnl la Ul h Ijlfo Iiniilluntln , Ajlcsforel nnil KCV-- cral Otlicrs. MOIIB NEW Yemic , January 18. There has been nn effort hero to-day to bring n now mnn into the Bonatorihlp fight , to prevent the nrizo from going either to Morten or Kvnrts. The heat exhibited by friends of thcso two cnndi- dntes haamado it Imposslblo for cither to bo elostod without great disantisfnction en the part of the ether , which might go to the ex tent of endangeringtho _ governorship this fall , Both aides nro cortiin that they have a ma jority of the caucus. The Morton men may bo declared ns confident , the Evnrta men as jubilant. But there Ima boon overtures made to-day from n largo number of mombois both toChnunccy M. Dcpow and toWhitelnw Reid to enter the rnco. The beat inside In formation pieces the strength of Morton nnd Evarts as nearly equal , with Morton f llehtly In the lend and eight or nine doubt ful votCB to v. ork on. British Court Hcnnelnl. 9 : Speciaf Telegram to Tin ; BKK. NEW Yonif , Jnnnaiy 18. The Tim3 . ' cabf & * l letter tajs : Something very like nn urJjyii seemly family qunrrel is reported to exist inw the royal family. Neither the Prince of * Wales or tao DuUo of Edinburgh congratwl lated Prince Henry of Bahenbercr or Princajw' * Bfatrico ou their engagement , nud thay are * said to bo disgusted with thofnatcb. Tlio Qaoen ban refined to go to Sandringham because - cause the Prince of Wales insisted uu having dancing. To this she wns opposed on nccount of the Dnko of Albany's death. Princess Boatiico nlso refused to go , but for nnotlfeTr reason-she was in the sulks over the neglect of Prince Henry who was not fr > vitod , and would not have fropo.- evrii if her mother had given iiinnlesipnTfJ The quoou has Interfered to have1 the prince of Wales son called * Albert Victor by j.hcfV paoro in spits of the father's efllorts to have ) , thopublic know aimjB % Edwar3J by which" he- is nlwS < ' - " " ' ' ( 2cmred'otTlCrj- ] - - - - - - - Princess Beatrice are goini iime tlia. poor dutches ! of Albany wilKtako- her place a the victim of uiequoeu'a splenotitt > morbidity. . * It wns n otrnngo co-incidonco that on tha very day that Life published a photogr ; denying the rumor that the Dukn of M borough intended to remarry his dive wife and adding that if , however , a cart lady well known in society should ba fi from her present matrimonial bonds the no owner of Blenheim might bo induced to for , hia freedom. The news came of tto .Karl Aylo'-fords cloith nnd the consequent freed of the "certain lady. " The lady comes oyrai ; famous and wealthy BuckiiiRhiuiishiro famwy and her sisters nro bright particular stnra , ( At her liaison wilh the Inke of Mnrlborough w s ; so ehamoless that it ia believed to be impost- bin that she should ever ogalri bo received anywhere even ai the ( Duchess of Mnrlboroucth. The radical papers point out tbat tbo Kirl of Aylesfoid in fifteen yeara squandered 83,000,01/0 , Including his debt ? , and killed himrolf by drink. They sk how tha people like that kind of a hcriditary legislator , The society papers only say : . ' "Poor Joe ! he bad no enemy but himself. ' ? Sir Philip Rose , who , with his family , ia the latest orninont Catholic convert , in the aonvpf-t Rose tlio solicitor , who Disraeli portrayed in , "Lothair" as "Putney Giles" and then madoy him a li.-uonet to culvo hia feelings. Tho/f Churchman attacks the Rev. M.Edgohlll , llio new chaplain general of the Ent/liah forceri , ntf ; n mcEt olFoDsivo ritualiit , and Rays that Mr. Gladstone's act will bo viewed with disfavor by every true Protestant In th ? army. Mass Meeting fjl' Workingincii. LONDON , January 17. In accordance with previous nnnouncementH a maia meeting of unemployed workingmen was hold in front of the Royal Exchange ) thia nftsrnocn. Shortly nfter IIODII tlio people began nsaembling and by 3 p. m , fully 10,000 had como together. The multitude m perfect order waited tha ar rival of spankora , II. George , Hobcn Taylor , Wm. Saunders and other well known radicals , who wore loudly applauded. The Illinois SPHiNonuLD , 111. , January 17. The legis lature adjourned at 1:15 this morning , nfter the passage of a re.iolutioii that argument on the temporary spcakcrehipahouldbo made the first order of next Tuesday morning , which IH considered a victory for the opposition to Haines. Removal of tlio Ilnkota Cnpittil. BiasiAiicic , January 17. Potter , of I'tulk county , this morning Introdnced a bill re moving the capital from RIemarck to Pjerru , Catarrh 13 a very prevalent disease , wit ? * distressing anil otTcnslvo riyinptonis. Hood'o fiarsaparllla gives ready relict and speedy euro , from the fact It nets through the blood , and thus reaches every part of the system , " I suffered with catarrh fifteen years. Took Hood's Hamuarllla und I am not troubled any with catarrh , und my general health In much letter. " J. W. LIM.IS , Postal Cleric Chicago fs Kt. Louis Itallroad. " I suffered with catarrh 0 or 8 years j tried many wonderful cures , Inhalers , etc. , spend- Ingncarly ono hundred dollars without benefit. I tried Hood's Hnrsaparlll.i , nndvas greatly improved. " M. A. Aunr.v , 'Worcester , Mass. fi-.riaparllla Is characterized M three peculiarities : 1st , the combination ut * iciiil'itlul .ient ! ; i Sdtlio proportion ; edtl'f process ol eccurlni ; the actlvo medicine ( lualltlur The result lurvmedlclno of umisua'- strength , cllcctlng cures hitherto unknown Send for book containing additional evUeiica "Hood's ' 8irsanar11lr\ tones up my mlcm. niirliicii my lilooil , Hliarpens my niii'i'tlfo ' , an < l M'fius to nuKe inu nveir. " .1. r. TuoursoN , i'giter ; : ! : ol Dccda , Lowell , Jlans , "Hooil'n Hnrflnpnrlll.i boats nil othcrn , nnd Nv-ortliUnwelilitlii'ol ( ( < l. " I. JUUliUitmitf , VJ ) liuk : btrcct , New Vork City. Hood's -Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1 1 six for (5 , JJado only by 0. 1. JIOOI ) ts CO. , Jxwell-Jias . Dollar * )