TUE DAILY BKE OraRtia Offlofi , No. 1110 Ffci-nam Now 3Tork Offlco , Itoom O3 Trilmno BulltllktR. PaWtftbea every trernlntr , eictpl fiesday * [ t % Kocdajr marnlDg dally. ' in - BT Mltu Oit Tsit . 315.00 | Thm Kontkl . f aixUonth ) . 5.00 j ( Hie Month . Pot Week , J6 Otnti. tni WCKLT in , rtraujtuo trier ; wrossstir. " 3o V r . t03 1 Throe Month ] . 8 M IU Months. . 1.00 | Oao Month w. ' Oonmantatlont Muting to Nol and Xdlkoi ! < > l tiira thtnld bo & tie ! tewed la Hit Emro 07 Tai Bttti ! ass tins * ' . At ! BastoMS Trttrtu and nsinltcanees ehoa.t ) bo ddroiasd to T/ti Jl I'OTMirmco OovrAxr , nvtuf , Drifts , ObMkn nnd Post jfflco ordsrj to bo ma Jo pay- kbit to ! ho oriltr of the ootnpanr. BEE PDBLISHIHQ CO , , PROPS' ' K. noSBAVATKH,5jKaitor.1 A. II. Fiteh , MoJMwpr Dally Circulation , 1 * 0 , Box , 483 Omahn. Neb Tun railway besEeij and Uio jobbers , plunderers and riiigstots are having a - picnic tliio whiter nt Lincoln. . Junor David D.wia in now raonllouod nmong the now crop of eonatorial candi- datoi in Illinoij. Ilia candidacy carries considerable weight with it , not withstanding - standing ths frufc that Ms aizo has of Into boon considerably dlmiufshed. ANY ono can now Introduce n bill in the Nebraska legislature for tin regulation of rallro.id ; . It ii sure to bo sidetracked by tlxo railway boisca and their legislative stdtchmun , but they cannot repress the growing indignation among the farmers and produosra. ACCOIIDINO to the Cincinnati Prior Current the Ing-packing for the wliolo country to date is already 3G5.COO larger than last year , while foe the entire ten- son up to nnch 1 the eotlmatcd Increase la 990,000 , hog ? . Bssldca thin tha hi- crcaao in the avoraga weight in about five per cant. jj No United States senator id more I watchful cf the iutorcuta of hln con- Btitucnta than Gancral Von Wyck. Hla latest effort la their behalf la the intro duction of n bill authorizing the ex- tonnhn of the time of payment 'of the annual installment of the purchase money duo from the Bottlers on the landa of the Otoe end Omaha Indiana. A I'liOHiiimoN bill has boon introduced in the legislature. This waa not to bo uuoxpoctad , but whatever olao the legis lature may do wo fool conOdont in saying that it will in no way disturb the prcaont high licciiBo Jaw which baa proved BO eftlijfuctory to the rroat majority of poo- pla in thin state , and which la being gradually adopted all over the nnion. EToDraska does not want the experience of Iowa , wheru prohibition not only does not prohibit , but ia the constant cause of trouble and agitation. High license IB the only sensible way to govern the liquor traffic , and it will sooner or later Bupf-raedo prohibition even in Iowa. Tun charily ball , the first event of the kind that has over taken place In Omaha proved a brilliant success not onlyaocially but financially. Whatever may bo Bald of the affair by cynical porsonr , whose only recreation ia to find fault with those who enjoy thomsclvca , wo venture the assertion that in no other way could ยง 2- , 000 have been BO quickly raiaed for the benefit of the deatituto poor. Had a contribution paper been circulated around town it would have been found difficult to raise $500 in the oamo time that haa been devoted to the ball. It was a high-priced affair , and It wes in \ tended ti bo such , rs the mcney realized wan expected to bo obtained only from those who could afford it and from those who would otherwise have contributed llttlo or nothing to the poor. The prlncl- plo cf giving nomoth'ng ' for something Ii governed Ihla enterprise , andhonco those -who attended tha ball admit that they got 'their money's worth , as it was n moat on- jojablo affilr. The succcaaof tli9 charity 'ball makes it pretty certain that it will "bourne an annual event in Omaha. THIS Oinaliit Republican witli a grc.it Hourish calls for : i icfoini in our nninicipal yovorainont , and advocates a non-partisan ticket at tlio spring election. The Herald endorses the proposition and calls upon the BISK to follow unit. Now the Herald need not woiry about the BEE , fof this l > apor in local elections has pursued an independent course and has supported foi oflico the men whom it believed to bo the Ixjst"fitted for the places , irrespective ol party. Of course it has occas'onally beer mistaken In some of its preferred candi dates , but such mistakes are somctimci unavoidable. So far as the BEE is con cerned , it haa always been aiu will bo in favor of the best inoi for local offices without regan to party. But when the liepubllcai makes the claim that it has been the enl ; jiapor to consider the municipal govern jiiont in a non-partisan way , ami that "i has always been the lirs and , for tha matter , the only ono , to expose cornip- tion and call attention to abuses , " it certainly - tainly exhibits the same reckless dia regard for truth which has nlway characterized it. Every ono know that for years the Br.r. h&a boon the enl ; paper that bin ndvooatod municipa reform and expose J oirruptlonandnbuao ! However , worrj Ijo that the JJepnbllca , hai at loot awakened to a BOUSQ of dot ; aud we hope tlia'iwlioii the spring olecl Ion comes , it will not back-slide from it presfnt commendable position nor in mi way support or protect the word bum merf , the ba'lot.boi ' stofFeiH , and tli lioodlutna win h vo always fonnd tli-jlte with tint paper. Omaha needs the very bo < men In the city council , aud wo o rnestl liopo ihat when the tlmocomea for aclio there will boa strongly organized citizen' ' movement with no oilier object in via' ' * than to eelect ( hi bott men , not only fo il the council , but for all tin other clt ofllceB. t-l - TUE LAND LAAVti. The bl ! ) to repeal the pre-emption , 3 > erl Innda and timber ouUiiro laws , and o amend the In mst d law , has pMscd hs wtiato. The rpeal of the pro-amp * ion UTV h not intended to affect the iglits of any person which r.ro accruing n the pwsnea of the net. It farther irovid s that any person who haa not urotofora had the benefit of the pro- mptloti law , aud who IIM failed from ny catiao to poifsct the title en land leretoioro onUrad by htm undo ? lie hotnostcad law ? , raay make a eccnd homestead entry in lieu f the pre-empt inn privilege which la repeated. Section 2 repeals .ho timber culimo law , with the provioo hat it shall not iuter.'oro with existing Ignis. Section 3 nmendj the revised talutea no thdt persona who have availed liRinselva of tha homcbtead lawa may pay n minimum price for Undo , after ighteea monthu from date of entry , pro vided they file a preliminary notice sis months before. Section 4 repeals tha osort land act , except ai to claims which xist nt the date of the pasugn of the ct. Sostion 5 provldo3 tl nl no public anda except nbindonod military or other osorvatlona , mineral h\nds and other ands , the calo cf which haa been author- zed by u apscial act of congress , ohall bo old at public auction , or by special or mv.i'o entry ; til offered public lands nru withdrawn from market , end chall IID da : ) OBod of as unofforod public land ? . Ono of the rcaaona for repealing the pre-emption law in that under the present ygicm a person can acquire title to 480 ores of land , and it ia believed that the- imo h&a como to limit cash port on to ICO crca. Another reason ia that BO man ; rauds are perpetrated under the pro- mptlcn law that Its repeal ia noccaiary. io far M the timber cuUuro law ( s con- ornoi it hai not only proved n fiilnrr ml it Ins nlao opened a vast Hold f < r rauduUnt ncquiromenl of lauds. If hcao lawa were allowed to continue in orco It would only bo a very short time ) cforo all the available agricultural landc would bo gobbled up by hud-sharks and peculators to the detriment of the stual aottler and homastcador. There a no doubt that the repeal of the pro- mption and timber culture acid , and a iropcr amendment of the homestead aw , will work n , healthy reform in the matter of land a-quiremoat. It will compel the land-eharbj to cease holr frauds , and -will give the homo- ( eider some show of aecuriug a deair- bio farm. ELECTRICAL EXEOUIIONS. Governor Hil' ' , of Now York , recom mends in hla letter to the Icgiolaturo that omo improved method bo adopted in the xocutlon of criminals convicted ol cap- kal [ offocaca. Ho considers hanging a cruel prr.ctico and a relic of barbar- am , acd in this ho ia ccrrccb. Aa a sub- tituto ho suggeata morphine , chloroform or electricity. Months ago Tin : BKE ang- gosted the use of oleotricily inoxecutione , nd urged that it bo employee ! on the round of humanity , If for no other rea- on , us Its effect ia in&tantaneoua. AVe loliuvo that the day ia near at hand when , to use c forcible but slangy ex- ircBsion , hanging will bo played out. Vo shall not bo surprised if the Now rork legislature takoa nome favorable ac- ion upon the recommendation of Gover nor Hill , which moots with favor at the lands of the loading papers of Now York. ? ho Tribune says : There haa been a great deal of discus- ion as to the painfullncep , 01 the reverse , f hanging , and opinions have been ex pressed by people posaeaaiug no expori- nontal knowledge of the subject that mngirig ia painleaa. No reliance , however - over , can bo placed upon Bach assertions , any more than on the assertion that Irowning i painless- The truth ia that ill forma of asphyxiation , whether by mmorsion , constriction or.opprosalon , in volve , at all ovonta in the lirat at&gos , acutely painful feelings , and there are trong grounds for believing that those jalnf ul feolinga continue while couvalaioue ait. While this may actually bo but a ) ; riod of a few seconds , or a minute , the igony of the cuffcrer under such circum- atcn'ces cannot bo estimated by ordinary imo-moasurc , becauaH the capacity ol the human mind to suffer and to feel IF mraonaoly stimulated at cuch critical juncture ? , so that a man while hanging one minute may pass through torment * which seem to him to bo protracted ; hrough hours. Iti cflect no death t < hch ! in net instan- ancoua in its | axtinctlin i f conciouanesi can bo declared painloin , aud therefore only an inatantanaona fern of extinction ought to bo accepted as fuHHiug tJio purpose ( f tha hw nrcl f eoQtety. There ia no icafon to doub the eb lity of mcdern eceno ! to doviaa ; mode of awift aad really pitnlrsii cxecu 'lin Eloctr c ty would ojita'iily ' furniol tVo meant ; tnd it is unqneationably i duty on the part of ths legislature t < 'ako Gov. HuTa aug oct on on this hra ; into consider ticn , toi there should nebo bo psmutted the existence of a doubv. & to nliothor condemned criminal ! .suffe aoedlestly in paying the fical penalty. TIIEHE ia a strong agitation in Mimic seta in favor of a high license liquor luw and it ia very likely that such a mujsur will bo adopted in that state. Iho St Paul Pioneer JVm , wh'ch ' is a stroii ] advocate of high license- says : Bishop Ireland prcson'ed abundant evi donee of the efficacy of h gh 1'cutao In ru dining the munbirof siloona , aud a ro- duc" ion of their number impl ca a miiol greater proport'onate ' reduc'ion ' ot the dc oauchaiy aad disoidetly couclac inc'dent to the tiadic. A $1,00' ' 1 cense , With stringent ptovis on ai to the quality of the liquor sold , vrouli produce , wo doubt not , excellent roanlts In the majority of prof ahopi dostruatlv and maddening poisons are sqld undo the name of whlaky , brandy , to , Oare ful analysis of scores of sample a proonrci In Chicago Ust winter from the variou saloons proved that ftlcohcl waa the meal lest and meat Inocuoua clement in th liquor told. The board of health ii orory city ahould bo required to Inspec atmplea of the liquor sold , and the vui dera of drugged liqnnra should forfoi their liconata. Thia rcquiioment coupled with high license , would prol blyforco ouk. of the b.iatncca ninety i r < o t < f the wors cl si of asloon- ecjf r" and gna'ly dimialeh tin phya-cil ivrd imtat ovtla of the tr.-flic. Tno ruoly Incrdftssd revenues detifcd frfin Hpn liwnio would , to uomo ex'cnt1 , coin VII'.VH tha mutualiality for thopo'ioi tnjudicial \ iXj.otsM growing MI' of ho tra&o. Tho-e la a rapidly erowiiu iii'-lic opiolon in sui > i > irt if the Ugh icui o s s'oui as a ii'CJ r > auxtlny ' ho B'rinijfnt rpguhtion of the trafCc , nd tha prwnt IcgUlntuio could do loth-ng which wfiilJ ot ti Ii It tj so'ar ' e a mo unroof pobl o grntitir'o s by tlio onic'mcnt of ago otnl hl h licnosolaw the , Now York eonatorial con- eat first opened up it wai not suspaotoci that.oleomirgarlno would figure an as important factor in the fight. Yet such now seems to bo the ciso. It is intimated that Mr. Evarls hta lost ground owing to the fact of lib having boon a legal defender of oleomargarine. A circular a being distributed throughout the rural districts cf the Eaiplro State severely criticiohig Mr. Evarls for lib opinion , cs counsel of the "ahair.-butter confedera tion , " declaring the nntl-oloonnrgiuo act uncrmtilution-vl. Thla circular , it Is almost unnecessary to cay , although charged up to the credit cf Tom Plat * , omnatca front tbo Now York state dairymen's association. The dmymon appeal to the legislature to permit Mr. Everts "to remain in the ccjjymunt of ila piivAto practice aa counacl for the ateor-grooso hog fatcottonacadoilboah - butter iutorcatH. " That org'it to nettle the fate of Mr. Erarts , and it probably will Ho very likely knowa by thia time , which sldo of l.is bread is bntkred , and which s'.do In spread with oleomargarine. THE Saha'.ion Aimy is distinguishing taolf by disturbing tha puaco of the community wherever it appears , and UB a result its uianiboro find frequent lodg ment in jail. There waa never a groatet mmbug than these piiua rioters , whose mnin objcc ; acorns to be the collection of money for tha benefit of their loaders. The commander.in-ohiof , General Booth , recently bought a handsome and coatly lorao in E. gland from the proceeds ol ; hia enterprising army , and sluco he las financially fixed himaolf , ho haa noth- ng to do with It except to continue to re ceive contributions. TUE'St. Louis Globe Democrat pub- ishcs a Hat of Texas domocrata trho arc .n quest of office. The Hat ia longoi ; han the moral law. It is evident that ; hofficoa > are not sufficient to supply'thc demand. JF the legislature goes into the investi gation of the school land frauds , it i : loped tint it will not rosoit to the white fh bucket in order to paint tha rascal i white. Ungactous Canines n Letter to Memphis Appeal. "I hayo .1 dog , " said Senator Vest , wlu liad heard a previous etow story , "who i much more sagacious than the crow though ho cannot talk. One morning he watched intently while a negro boj blacked my shoes. Ihu following morn ing ho came to where I was sitting with n blocking brush in his mouth. You may not believe it , but that dog gel down on ins haunches , spit on my shoo , took the jrush in his teeth , and rubbed away like a house alite. But 1 must admit that lit ; di-t not get up much of a polish. "Ono Sunday , while I was living in Scdalia , this dog followed me to chinch. [ noticed that ho watched every movement - ment of the preacher. That afternoon J ieard\t terrible howling of dogs in my iiack yard I went oat to see what was the matter. My dog was in the wood shed s'anding on his hind legs in an old dry goods box. Ho held down a torn ihnanac with ono fete paw and gestulated wild with the other , while ho swayed his lead and howled even more sadly than : ho preacher I had heard that morning , rhero was an audience of four o'hor dogs , who barked and yelped aj intervals. This s not only true , but the sermon interested no fully as much as the ono I had listened : o in the forenoon. " Quite a remarkable instance of canine sagacity is vouched for bv th opcretary of Ohnrt ing Cross Hospital. Between 1C and 11 o'clock on a rouuuc night the porter ter heard the whining of n dna at the ; ates. Fpon'ngthem , a rough-hairoi ter ror tlmlid in , tqimtoci on the mat nnd lilted up its ris-ht fore paw. The porter , nooing the limb WM injured , summond be liouso surgeon. The dug followed thia , -f ntloniun across the hall to the accident- room , and in roeponso to his Invitation , jumped on a chair and again hold forth the injured limb. The unrcoon drcpned It and thu doj immediately testified his gradltudo bj licking the tuud ut hin Conoluctfir and barking loudly , So loud was dis demon stratlon that the dog was put cut , but he romninrd banging about the pntranco foi quite two hours. St Lonls Globe-Djin octal. a HOOK OHKVKNNE , January ID. Tha Loider' apeclat fioin Carbon , Wyo. , saye : Two hun drad and thirty men employed by the Unloi Pftcifio railroid in tha coal mines at that poin have struck. It Ia a 'Id that Lwiuncs Quenly the HUiierintendont , attamiited to bulldozi them poUtteally in tbn lout election. Thi places of tlnsttikeis , lm want Ouealy removed moved , werp paitially filled by torcigneiB No collItlocH hive Tot occurred , end tho-io a work are not Interfered with bv the ittikera It la imid CIO miners ftt llooU fiprio ? " B oui to-day unless Quealy h removed. The con supply la r ther eliort here , nod in the even of u long stvllce.anJ cold wcatli9racoalfamln will remit. _ Now Conies the TiiROfWnr. IxNiON , Januwy 15. The Berlin corria pondi-ntof the i'all Jlall Gazutta aaya Ger many rejected propoanla regarding th Kptjifun tinaneeB nxsentlv submitted to tlv puwxid by iKnglnnd cn1 ncceptnd counter pro prHala BUbmlt'cd by 1'raorn , tha latter to em body a tinnncial achemo Kni land dlstinotl1 rejoi'teil nt the Egyptian cobfeteneolu Londoi . .Tanuarj15 , Englijh ofliciel laugh nt the story jiulli.U ) d in the Totcji ofTaiisto the effect that Klmadhl hail ac ccptfd tha terras ot thu coinmlm offered b ; Gen'l Wolseley.nndtbattlioi-A toiiion for th relief f Gon'L ( iordon was unopptu d in It march to Chsttoutn , TYbncco F otorlc8 iicsiuno. LTNCHIIUKO , January 14. Four largo tt liaceo factories here sta'tsd up to-U-y Others are preparing to start , THK , Hess UOY Of DPllU 8CUOOI , Ii.wnvonlotioH Ho Kxpcrlcnccil ftaiu tin "Ufttten" on the Hum , Bill NB. IJenr render , do you remember the boy fyourschoo ! who did the heavy falling trough the ice ind was always about to > rcak his neck , but managed to live trough it all ? Do you call to mind the ontli whaiiovor allowed anybody clsa to all onn of a tr o and b cakhia collar bono vhcn ho could a tend to it himself ? JSvo y school Ins to secure -ho services f such a boy before i ; can succeed , and so ojr school had one. Wh-it I en cred ho schctol 1 saw a a glance ilia * ; ihu boa-d lad neglected to provide i self iti ) a boy vhoso duty i- , was to nearly kill himself ivoiy few days in o dor 10 keep up iiror- a , sol _ applied for the posi ion. 1 so- nircdi : wi hoiit any trouble wha'cvcr. "ho boa-d inulers oed at once from my icaring tha1 would succeed. And I lid not betray the trust they had 10- ) oscd in mo. Buforo the firnt term was over I had tied to climb two trees at once , aud been carried homo on a stretcher ; boon pulled out of the river with my lunga full of rater and artiQcul respiration resorted , o ; been jerked around over the north ialf of the country by a fractious horse whoao halter I had tied to my leg , and which ia now three inches longer thau ho other , together with various othci ittlo early ccccntriotlea which I cannot it this momentcall to mind. My parontn t laat got ao that-aloug abcut 2 o'clock p. ru. ttoy would look anxiously out oi hu window aud say , "Isn't it about time or the bo jo to got hero with Wllliam'B remains ? They generally net here before 2 o'clock. " Ono day iivj or six cf 111 were playing 'I spy ' around our baru. Evciybody cnowa huw to phy "I npy. " Oaoahtitc its 0503 and counts oao hundred , for in- tanco , while the oihars hide. T&cn he muat find the rest and nay "I Bpy" so- ind-io and toucli the "gcal" ' btforo they do. If anybody boata him to the goal , ho victim has t > "blind" over ngatn. Well , I knew the procnd pretty well , ind could drop twenty fcot out of the mn wnulow and strike ou a pile oi straw so aa to land near the goal , toucl ; t , and lot the crowd hi froa without jotting found out. I did this several times and got t'.io ' blinder , James Biup , irotty aisd. After a boy lac : counted five or aix hundred , and worked hard to got in the crowd , only to got jcorod aud laughed at by tht > oys , ho loses his temper. It waa EC vith Jamoa Cicero Bang. I know hn al ways hated me , and vet I went on. Fin ally , in the fifth billet , I saw a gooc chance to elide down and lot thu crowd u cgaln , as I had done on former occa sions. I slipped out of the window and down the side of the birn about two feet , when I wasdotainod unavoidably. There was a "batten" on the barn that wa ; ooao at the upper end. I think I was wearing my father's vcat on that day , aa 10 waa away fioin homo , end I frequent ly were hia clathts whim ho waa abaont. Anyhow , the veat waa too largo , nnc when I alid down that loose board ran. uj between the Test and my person in sucl a way as to suspend mo about elghtcet feet Irom the ground in a prominent bu very uncomfortable position. I remember it yet quite distinctly James 0. Bang came around where hi could sso me. Ho said : "I spy Billj Nye and touch the goal before him. " JS < ono came to 'iemovo the bam. No om seemed to sympathize with mo in mj ; -eat sorrow and isolation. Every litt'c ivhile James 0. Bang would como around the corner and aay : "Oh , I see ye , Yoi icedn't think you'io out of sight iq ; here. I can ace you leal plaiu. Yoi : lad bettar como down and blind. I car see you. " I tried to unbutton my vest and gi down and lick James , but it was no use , It was a very tr > ing tima. I an re member how I ttied to kick mysell loose , > ut failed. Sometimes I would kick the > arn and Bomotimes I would kick a large iclo in the horizon. Finally I waa rea cued by a neighbor , who said ho didn't want to oeo a good barn kicked into chaot ust to eave a long legged boy that wasn't worth over six bits. It offura mo great ploauuro to add 4hat wbilo I am looked up to and medly loved > y every ono thit does not know mo , Tames 0. Bang ia the brevet president oi a fractured Bank , taking a lonely bridal our by hlmaelf ia Kuroye , and waiting lor thu depojltora to die of old ipo. ipo.Tho mills of the gods grind slowly but hey moat generally get tboro with to'.h ept. [ Adapted fioai the French by por- mission. Tlio Franco-German Alliance. BERLIN , January 15. The repcrt tlm ( Franco and Germany have come to on under standing on the Kgjptlan , Cliinosn and Congi questions IB credited in official circles hero though it Is not ata'od that definite : ( . nefct has befn fuiinul ted It ia said , how ever , that iPrince Bismarck U awaitins : tin result of tbo French electioni bsforo giviujj ils deslBion , a-ad If 1'remler Ferry maiutalna a uujoiity in. tk-3 chambers the present com pact will ba cemented. Death of FrancolH Eli Ilaulainc. PAIUH , January 1-1 , Francois Kli Itanlainu the French hydographer , IB de.id. Hn wt , ho originator of a project to ereato sen in tin Sahara desert by cutting canal" through thi tow Hind hilU which boparato the ( lenert fron th Alediterreanan sea. He waa 48 years a age and waa un officer of the legion of honor It i i rumored that Loui e Michel hai IK-OI liberated aad is now tither in Loudoa. A ntllarrt Hnll Busted. CHIOACO , January 15. The Dally > 'o Ilockford , III. , apeclul eayu : At Durum half a dozen young men engaged in ; drunken row in a billiard boll. Cue a balls , plstola * nd Itniveo were freel ; usfd. John Van Valkonb-rR and Matthov Doyle oincot recover. Uilwrs nra & 11 uinr or less pnundod nnd fUnhtxl nnd nro unde arrea . Tim interior of the eitabliabmeat ii ; complete wreck. Arrested lor Kinbezzlcinrnt. CINCINNATI , January -Benjamin ] ' Tail , cUrkcf the ) onlic dfepattment , wa ar retted yesterday on n warrant sworn out b. tha Superintendent of Police linlllv , char ) ! ing him with embezzling ! ? J.noo cf tlm city' fuiirip. VhisUy and giinbi'ns are tha mil postd causes. Iinntl Sliiln In Auotria. January IB , A dispatch fron Czi-raoratz , Austria , ttatca tla1 ; eeiious hn ere ( ccnrrirj' on the hill behind th Greek cathedral n ( that toxv.i and the build Ins adjacent to the cathedral which cost 3-r , 000,000 U in grout danger , H , S. M'WOOD , Plottsraouth , - ' - Nohra k ; HEREFOEO UD JERSEY CATfLE JJTD poioo oa jntBir MO swiai itoolc lor ule. CcrrtcroBdeoce lollcl lESTYODRBAKN&DERTO'DAi ndtf rti p-d m n' ' olii'rly ptiro THY TEST I l'i ! f < > t\cnntopdnwnoi n hut tuTHini'Ac.ii'l rriuotn there r nd k.n n Achrmht will not b ! uirtJ to detect the pnKu.ce of nnmonln. DORS NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. TS inuLTiirmiss ius NEVER U BX < itEstinx. : InMnllllonhomo for n qimrltr of A ctnlui ? It bu teed thn consunioiV rellnblft to t , THE TESTJFJUE OVEH. PRICE BAIQNG PONDER CO. , IUKF.M or Dr , Price's ' Siiccial Flavoring Extracts , The ilronnlnoil dflltlcoi cd n lnr l n ior\no-rind 3r. Price's Lupulin Yeast For Lleht , Iloallhy Ilrcail , The Hail Drr Ucp Yeast 111 the World. FOR BALE BY GROCERS. " CHICAGO. " _ _ ST , S.OUIO fl'h ' f rilei I'licnonicnilln It ) simplicity and cttccth cnc83. Thi NcatCBt , CbctDcst , Llsbtott and Host Durabli Typo Writing llaohino ia the \vrlJ. Ivpe Changed Almost Instantl ) ; send for c.rcu . 1B17 Ihrnov S' . , Omiha. No LEGAL , NOTIOE. J It Wynf art defcndin'i ' ill lake cotloo that oi the 15th tlicf Dec , 1834 ndruund Bartloit l.sq. , b ; J ] u tl < f tbo 1'eaco of D..i lmi county , hi'io ' ai order cf uttarmncit I ir tbo sum of two hundred dollars lars In an astlonpo-'dlntrby him wherein Jacob Cohi aspl.IntiU , nnd J M. Wjgart h defnicant Ilia projorty of tie eald defendant , ronslsllne of stoi-l of ponds , fixtures m 1 tthir ] ) crscn l pf-rejty ncn t lnrd In hi * shop , o rncr of loth end Jonca street liaubocn attach il under ( uld order. Said ciui was continued to January 31st tt Oo'cl-ck. In th f&renocn. D\VQUT HULIj doc20-loM3wDo Att-rnuj for I hlntlff Warranted 5 Years. .SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. LOVKJOT W. 8. SHOEMAKEE , Attorney . .and Coonse oi 2/5 S , 13th St. Omaha , Neb. Fourteen Years' Practice In Iowa and Colorado. nEFEBENCK3 " , , f. ( OWAHon. . J , Heed , Amnclato Justice Suprcmt Court , residence , f < uicil Ulnfl' ; Han C. U. I/owlj District Juiljro , ic'ldfnee , Cherokee : First Na'lonu ' Dank anu Officer .tl'u ty. Banktrs , Council blutfj [ larvoy & Kord , Bankcr < i , Logan , llairlsen Co. , la. COLURA10 ! Hull J. C , 1I-3D | ) , A930ClitO J-JStlCP Supreme C-nrt , rcsIJrnce , Denver ; lion. Win llr.i rlson , Dia'rLt ' lung' , 'o idonco , Bueaa VistaIIatb ; < nav'a Bank , Fauplay , 1'trk t'o dcclS-lm IS CONDUCTED Ha7ana Letter v ! ( AOOVHRKMENT IKSTTTUTION. ) Drawn at Havana. Cuba , Every J 2 to 14 Days ICK.KT3 fS.OO , UAI.VKS , 81.00 Subject to ni minipu'atlin ' , not Ointrnlled by tin p&rttojlnlnlorcbt. Un tno lain-st thing In thi nature of chanto In c.iLjtcuca. Form crmation and particulars apply to RlliaKI bCO.aeieral Agents , 2IU Broadnay , N. Y city. MOWi & CO , 417 Wilnut itn-e , fit. Ijooli. , Mu. , Frank Ltibrann , L p. , SO Wyaudotio , Kin. y 21 > iT& & w (300Ca,80RS ( TO JOIIH Q. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS At the old stand 1117 Farnam El. Crdon by tclo graph EGltcitodMKl prompt ! ittmdod to. Telcpbor. No 225. onitint Consumers ( a Fnoc trjfiniVic ff.j tli inott ( ( imoiineal til to but , Drugyitt il ; i it , but i you ejnnot protur thu lite of your lirtig jM lend the annum itith full aiMrttt t Woo'rich . .1Ca , J'al mer , Matt. , nii'l ' the , trilt/uncanl a tan , ei frcsi patil. COLLARS fCUFFS CAKI a THU IUKK I THI FINEST GOODS EVER MADE , limn ill Linen , BOTH Un'ngi ' AND Eitorlon. Aikfor them OAHN BROS , , Agents for xNOTlCE S IO-\N. At1" Y I.O\NKII on Uiat c' ' , CoMcrftJf , So il L euro ' XcitM , f r llc l Ittet * . Flninnlol 1.x- n' ' tt A' to loan on clnttxls in stnwolitO and MUN up. Alto in rent MrMo. W. 11. M < tlerl < 04 ' tntm St. JOJ-jMi 1 9 j . . , v i - .v > in tuioi of ftwtna iiipwini : . ' ' 0. P. Parta n.d Co. , Brftl ttttcti ard limn Apcnlr. 1.M > 6 IVirnamSt > 3 H lo.intd ( m c.i tt ! . BillroiMl Ticket bniiKlit and wft. , roromtn , 813 K. 1MV \ \ /XTKD Ore Rood c-o-ipor , nff'y to Thi . , ; , , ilt < lfn A. San , Clri-onda'c packing boil"1 , rum- U'A.NTKII - / 1'rttcliut ' ) lady cot.k1 . nothlniful flr < t clivs nidlm.ilywjRi.e30 ; i r mocth. Center Hole' ' , Wyn 010 , Nib. 08-17p UTANTKtl A slrl for pcncra hou enoik Inn ( mall family , 110 chlldicn , 104 d iKth st , IH'-U Dodf. ) .055-lOp \ > ratnren ; monthly pajiiifiit . AdtlriM.rnil on Wl ; ) . I1. IvO ry , reim 6 , 110 N 10th at. , OmMi . N KD Two hutdry girls at the Tln-itcr'a iso ir.p A V'NrKOKitchen Klrl , 1W20 St. Mar ) 'a nvo man wltheooil re lor- tnccsi , fitcl tiixrliltun liunitrd ilullara c.isli , In take a halt Intcrnetln a lien grocery sloio locatcil in Dm liict iiartuf Oinahi. J ilJtots S , Y. , llco ollKe. 070-lTp \tTANT CD A tboroiiahly I'ompctcnt cook. Mra , V > Morte , H Wco . Uthand U-ltol | a > o Obl-17 "ITT'/sNIKtl Agord cook btst w.iROt iilvon. Aji \l tly ) i \\rllo to lira , llorco KvLtitt , CoU'cU \x\Nl'Kl-Uiil fotKorcrallcusuxicrk ; ono wlm t Isacood cocK , attho real liouiocn fhctnuii a\c.oppc8lto tMr UrcucOH Qocd wngoj paid ; dcr man orSwcJo rrcfencd. f > 04 IBr ITfTANTED-OIrl to ib Kcufral houinwort. Apply VV at 1C18 Mason Bt , l)0f. 10th mid llth. Ofli-iTl' ' \\r MlDJocl : > co-ndpltl ; rotcrcnccsrequired. V Apply lo-MrJ W. 11. McUord , 3V cor. iStli ard Dniifai. 071tf U.trdi-rsat 1212 Capitol a\r. WAKTaU ar.670feb7p ANTKU-Oooil nnicswl'l ' b * paid to an cx < VV pcrlcnccd vlrl to do Lcnetal liot.8oworkcill at 2400 UodKOittltt. ISUf \\fASTiCU-A Rlrl to w Bb , Iron and cook ; to competent help , flyer cok ; references required quired , 012 S 16th t. 057-17p \ X7"ANTEI100 H llcliors , coed pnv to the V > mau.AdJrojiNbrceka Mutual ilarnoKO ton- cfit association. Frtiaont , Neb. dilliib E ) ' ! UUl.IO.Krt I N\anip a m u incv-r ii'AlHIi the 8tt/.o to buv them tor ra > ti. 71 limit no t > i iiuwlty I ) . 1) . Ileomcr , L'll or and sbipt per tf Oomo -n.try onJ KgB ( , 01 , ICS , 8C6 , and 8 7 Ilowiril St. , Omaha. 423-U WANTED > tuVIon by a practical Bunn-nltl end mach nUt.whnh.s jeiraoi c\i > triunc 82tt 18th S.UVm . llamoite. 630 17p WANTED By a youne mm , experienced aid n ll-.lilo book-kncpcr , with best of roforencen wants a situation with tno of tholltgir fltm . Ad dicss B. 0 , Den ollbe. . COJ-17p WANTED Sltuat'on ' by a midd'o aped man a1 Janitor or watchman J. I. Bee office. Oouc references given. 00-17p IN : experienced dtcss maker wiltdoeow-rplnprl A vnto fatnlllcn. Call at 3414 Dodgo. 631.10 ; WAN'lKD-Ily oxpcnoncod notcl man , a positior aa clerk or maaagcr. Address F. K. F , . "r < OQTce. B55-10J TX AlfTED A position ns tn app'ou t'colnahar VV narostoro. AdJreaaC. S. Bargelt , Norfol Nob. 171-Jan- m&iKiui. iuvi w uvo nizuatuia Atoung In wlioles&to cjUWUhm'jr In t"v" ' ' " ' --no I ? ALT I.- . I'uripiBhfd room and l > 3ard by n gcutlernai , In house with modern IrajroTO- rocnts , contta'ly loca'rd. Either Omaha or Coincil ; Itlull. llcforonceaclvon If desheil. Addrtes C II K lock tex 82 Onuha 1 > . O. 6S7-17t 'AN1KD Two pentlemcnflnt class board , ad W dress ; W. G. It. , Bee olllco. 693-ldp To lent , bj gentleman anil wife , tvo rooms , furnished or unfurnlshod In private familycentrally Icoated orhandy Uslreetrar ; rel- ercnras farniib d. Addrosa P. O. box 702 , cit . COS 20 10.000 famllos to try our self-rltlng WANTED Bnckwlicat Hour and Self-tlalug Coin mcM kept by all firrt-o'a's grocers. Vi'o warrant all buokwbcat eold under our brand pure. VI. 3 V.'EL- SHANS & CO. . Manufacturers. 421-tf WANTKD The Linen Finish Uacufacturirg Co. , ft Buffalo , N. Y. . want an > gen ] for cacti U the statea of Iowa , Kansas , and Nobra<a , to handle their goods at wliolwalo ; tn.ad capital required ; profits largo ; for particulars : all en the comi > ai' > 's general agjnt at No. 1512 Howard st , bet. 16th and 10th eta , Omaha. eig-10p T'ANTED To borrow $500 fnr ono jear at ljer V cent , on cbat'fd mortgage Ooo-i r 'oroni.cs ' furnished Admciv N.C. , care Dec. UOISp WANTKD Orocsiles , Frovls'oi.a ' , Four , Ferd , Ilav , etc. , to sell on commlH-i'on In o micctl..ii with hardware , in gocd location for tba business ; good rcfercDti'BaJ''re3)Giocur ; , looofilce. OM-lnp FOH HKN'T-Front room App y ? J 18th Bt. UlU-ltp KENT Nlco furnished rooms for Rontltmoa Fdll ; at 310J S16lhSt ; price rcasonsMo K. 1) . Simpson. dj716p Ij OIl HUNT Ono h--usoon 19th bot. Cas and Cal- llnrnlaS'p. , with 0 rocms , cellar.woI and cm . Apply tt iiGUiOLoldSeulugMacnluo clllco , tt IflthSt. 62J-17 FOH IiKNT 7 oligant rooirgon 12ih i tret t su t- able for lifcinu keeping up s'tlra between Farnam & Douglas. Apply a ) Metropolitan Hotel. 613 10 FOIl UKI.T-Nicely fuin'sbod rooms 723 S 18th ht. f42-17p HKhT Ono ci mfortably f'lrnls'nJ ' roomwlth J71011 ' closet , Bin ! tworiums uuumMu.u ! In prh&te house ; njiily-VlU-SlSthbt. C13-19p OH I-ENT Mlcejr fuinlnhcd room , IcotlonVx- ccJIont.atin ? , Ho rdsf. Ctl-lEp HUNT Nlco front roorn.lS02 Farnam street FOH 5J7-2Sp / IIKNT Two ncwiyfuniUhai rooom with or 1 without braid ; referenced rtPiulredN W nn , 10th and H rniy. Cdt7p ' IIKNT llnuso I rooms , VJvh St. , or arply to Nci\ipiperUmuii. COMO RENT Kurnlfh d or ualurnlshod rrom , witrLl'cardat(6 per uc .pontra ) Iccttlon , 1814 Davonpoitbt. Odfi-2op I'.BXT Two tllfurullbcdpioms , 1615 Chica go et. UI5-17 | ) HEtfT-S room ! , clOictc Jlar and fl'y water FOH 60d N mil St. 0,7-17p HINT A store and roocni , 15U Usugla'tt. FOH _ iulre | up stairs _ Oi8-17p ItKNT HDUSO ! ) roomn , ? 31 acd Hedge , t4' ; POR room cottaic , atlllisnd Daveupnrt , ? 1U ; c t , Slith and D-.VJI port , * 13 ; cottiga ' rwino , 2Cthaid Douglas S3coiai ; trc/oms , b ISthst , 3 f- nnsrnnrn , gtnand DoiuliH , t's Ur.'ii nllleo mum , lUlt-.tr'u li'o : ! : , IMh bi'pl ' KaiLkn ) , 310. Bar r , ntu i'd Faruam ItENT-Wlthbcar'UtoaU'ly. a nrafur | - FlOII loom , 3-Wcor. Uh t uudHt. Jlai/'s a\ ( , fb3-17 | , _ > 0il HUNT Sin-oral rixup luusi , b , Ilitltpu 1j Bios. , 317 B Utlut OH. 17 KENTyurnlahua room- ) and bond at Lvll FOIl , 77 17 | > IIKNTItoom aud lizard for t" A geniloiuun , FOH UipliRl a\o. fl78-4lj > A cotkagoMith S rocus near St. Ma. FOHUKNT Jr.o. I. . McCiguo. SIMI. HB'T Lartenltc j furnUbtd r > i tin Ad- i. COStf RKN'l NcitcoUih'0 It loom * , hill , pin try ctogul Mid oelhr , $12.60 , alin other cheap tea ment.1. D. U 1borr.au. -117-tl 17011 ItdM lloomt ) 0 4 a. Uth til. KS-lBp OIt HKNT Eight room houss ; 41 r . K. Il-xMU , IJ 314N > Mhkt. IPOS MKNT"ait of double house : 4 roonu.SMi i' 2.1 addition ; $10 pcinuoth ; 'local ' lank. CO'-itl board 6(3 N. " , ) HkNl' N w nUo room h u o , with dtf I"Mll - , on t-outh 17ih St. ntur rsllr ad trick ; uiUble tor b ardmu houir ; runt ISO ; l-ijulio at iiuha f junury or tl T , W. 1. lll ardn. 67/tf IOOH ftENT Baru ; will aoxiniuJ'vil'k ' i hnrieg ; I1 aj-ji' ) I8l7&hvtann ve. coi-f , pOll HUNT Brlek houw , 10 reom < , inoilum tm- I 1 otcmctiti. UedforJi Sithr & L vl , us S 14lh trt > . frt'll UKNr HrnMi f .IffiotH fl. ? > nd Rim S4 I1 1 WrtkSoMlckory JS | > er mjuih ; nplr mi minis f. V. MptVm 'cl. tfr.tt _ JT Oll UK.ST-rur l he 1 rooin , MIS Jtrtteii Jrf. I1 f Ji n tp 1 1 , 011 lll.VTlili lHV fd , ono UK . InrnhKt ! I1 front rootfctnxnd btth ; 9 ( V. Cor. cf I Uh and J'i KM , 1403 ; a to a fen table Ixmricrs wnntid. ioitf I /Oil UiNT-Xowcott : fC ! , Jlaft1 | > rironth. Hon.1 ' turi.l-li'd . ronm , * J ooiorinmith , ItO letter- don , car. 14lh ami 17011 11F.NT NewU fiirnlsbul front roowr , s' r or en niltf , tf. W. 17th and r * . 49 t IrOll HUNT Ono 1.CU99 , Inquire Hdhnlm It ltlo- : 1 > on. _ as-tf _ _ [ / ( ) < Jir.Nl - no < nr 1 1 c tnoni with H < ard , ftl X1 two or thtoo day bonrder.1 , 1014 WoUJcr.4S5.t 4S5.t TT OIl lit'NT Neatest and chrnpMt ( itmlrhcil tcMml 11 InOinthv Apply tii 0. 11 Andarron , room 14 Audtrnon lilosk , north ci. trance , 10th anl Vnn port at. S73-jnn 15 T Tovcntltf.cn onlv , pUnwut fur- tltliod room , H. 1C. corner tctb aud Douclan. 419-tf OU HUNT Two clev-snl rocma hi Uoillcl , ' Moth , F 1'auticn ft Co. , ISIS Kurnsm. < 4U-tf 011 HUNT Kurulshej front room for tent K2 1 10th tit 418-tf T7 < 0) ) ' . I'.nNT-Ploro room 1B11 Kivrnam Et , with or I1 without IlllHMd tabled , by raul.un ft. ( In. , 1513 t'amam ht , 431- "CV > H HUNT-Store bullilliK with rosldtnco al - f27. | > crinontilu ! good lutAllon , 1) . L Thomni , 418-lf , \i OU KKNT-Hii't3 ol roots furnNhtd for 1UM jL liouso kroitlnjt , nrucco-Fninlu nacant In I-c. ) mcr'H block , cnnu-r ill ) Mil HownrJStrt. 4.1 , t FOR SALE. FOH S ,1V-J ; otl ItnnliiKton gunant mint , tS0 HlRthMt 0321M. . T7 > OH SAIil ! Choii | ; Roml linclncea rropcriy r.i ' Omahift nc'i > tnl9 ; bu'.ldlni ; EUkSO , It slot ICD ; Jtlm It.oiJ , 1R 1 Cassst. D7i1 p UAljE fioarJInff hoiifo.alw.-xjs dill ; In a l o FOIl nrar dnuha ; m'.talilo ' t ir a la ly ; soUI only tiir c.-vbi rent ct hnu > o low. Tnrlhur luitl.-nlirs ml- dress I , K , tlco illlro. C70-21 p : TIUDE omxi ktock farm oi too FIQKSAMOII ncris.'JO ivl'oi ' fr'in Oiraln , ono inKe fiom SprlnKOoil , Neb ; will triulo for Om > ha ( property. Aildreas TS'oolcy A llajrlt.onO.n . hair tl. M. Hani. ton , SprluetlclilpN.b. 37fubp OR3VLC CHH VI1 Oiioolo"ftnt ch'inl orwt , ono Ti ' ra-ju > it > r claiU , ona noir-y now limbo I'lano , n\o R.ltl frim- < l pictiir u , rno IKHSPJ , I.iruc3 < mil Iihict.-.n , ono It'.ili tafe , snnll siira , or.u ho.tuMtiil china oofTi-o ptut. Inqulio No. 2011 llarney tt. , i-ct. 'Jtth aiiH 21st 231-hii 18 Tj > UU SALK eOxl6' > foot on Cumlne Btrtct 3 b'.ocki J1 west of Ml'lt ' ry bildRO , 81.60J. John L.iriC : K o oppoalto t'o t oillco. -l'0-tf i . -II S.MiB ISixl'JJ feet un corner , pouth-oasti fro-1 , hoosp ) 3 rooms , barn , 3 blocks west of Park avc. and Lo vcnworth , ta y payments , cheap > ? 10 ? . JiPhn L. JtoCnmio , opposite Post OKU-o. 4.7-t TT'O'il ' SALK Horscj , mules , harccsa and wifjouo I ? 0:10111 or taoycard timu. Heal tttt.tu security J. L. Thomas. 423-tf FOUSMj't-My ' buldloffaml aticlj of clothlnf.- bootuanilfhoivi , will trade for firming land , dee II 1'ctcraon , SsOl South Ulh St. , Omaha. 4S7-fobl F iOUSALi ; CUe > p , horeo and buugy , S10J , Cum- ! HK St. 203 tf JJiPUSMj'C 1 set of Inroe'j , 1 a | m and coal 1 box ; new lust summer , S E cor 17th .ind Dorcap sts. 033-19p S ALL A err all busiccas at 707 N. 16th at. FOH C62-15p Tj OUSALCOIlTl'.ADB aoidslcam nourlnR mill JL' with two run of'burrs ' aud ono fcedbuir ; all In good repair and onlv been used 18 month * . Situated on one of the bo hustncn lota in Kearney , Neb , Will dljpjouo i f jot nad mill tojjcthor or mill Mjne ; Dno loojtl njwhl fell ongo.cl terms , or trade for other desirable propaity. Address Look B-x C82 KearaeyNtb. fil7Itbr On SALE OU XCHANOE At 810 par aero , all or part of two thonnan I aoroo of timnor land , forty mile * east of Kintai City , wll exchange for Nebraska land or njerchandleu. Bedford , Senor A avla. 422tf HAT.Ii-MUSICAt , INSTKUMKNTS A. FOH Hospo oners Oco Boirdtntn & Gray Piano at 9 17G CO Ono lUlius B oi Piano at IRQ 00 OnoJ , ! ' . Hall Piano at : If 5 00 OiioHaon & riamlln Organ at 3S 00' One Shoninger Orpanat 3500 One Woodbrldfja Organat DO 00 One KstoyOiR.-Jiat SO 01 Ono JohrjHon Organ at 45 00 For canh or cm uajy m nlhlr Installments. Alfo ajcnts for celebrated Kiwlnll I'lano and A'l'm- ball Or inn , Jlmtrton and llalM'ls-Davit I'lnmH. Larst | itook , lo-.VLet 1'rlojf. A.acspe , IMf ) Dodge stiect. STRAYED Oil STOLKN-Last rv'Kiit Bimo one cither utola lior'c from the btnblo of Jena Hansen - sen , or olsu iho animal btr-ucil a ayit In a uray mire , gray niano aid white tail , eight JOUK old anil neighs about l.OCU pounds. Tlio aulm l uaq taken from tliu btake } on Nlncternllifitrcnt , botuocn Clark and Oraco BlroctH. liberal rcwarcV.will bo paid for ita return to Ul S 13ih st. 600-ltp MO.VKT I'OH 1,0N On real uiUte , Ly Bnllou tiros. , 217 Siath st. 6S.1-17' M ONF.Y tn loan on cbaltcla by J , 1' Boattv , 2'a Bouth 14th 11. . OSOtI \ : ( ) no of the liwt farina In rOKE.\0iANOr Nanco Co. , cf 481 ncriu , anvcn mlka from county feat. ( UOacreK under plough , homo , stable , cribs , clc 1'luntyo' running , eater , and timber , r r a im 1 slock rf drv cno'lrt liard\\aro orgroccrltii that will Invoice Slu.lOO or $12v I'T ' 'csi. ' ( Iroc rlca- prctared. Atldrens. W Il.JlotU-r. 14U4 Farm in 8r. Wl-Vr r t V ) KU.'lIiNCIE I'rnn fot.lmi ro\o t property in L Oniahn. baa H. Woo ley , liocm 20 , v ninha. N.tlonal Bank , Omaha Neb fr.'O IS . - Wiehlnir lnlj : | cr. ; * ant3 doilrlng t-itu FAHTlK.-t obtain the uaaio calling un Mrs , Gcorgoat W.fl Capitol ave. fSJ-2Cp rpo TIlADi : t-rk of gfMMlcsfor ncroproporty L adj'lnlng Omaha. Cha 11 Woolley , i\oom a Omtba National Hank , Cluiaba , Neb. t'27-f TO l CIIANni Farmi f > r etcck nf mcrc iamllso Cbaa. II. Woollc ) , Itoom 20 , OmaUu Nation * , Uank , Oo.aha , Nib. tzs ft. Irmil TJIADK Stocks of-ijon nto trade i r-land. 1 Oh.in. It. Woolley , Hooni 20 , Om ba. a lontt ) Ben ! ; , Onialift , Neb , f,20 15 1701' TBADE For uerchanHUo groc ri a pro- fexred , lhr'0(3) ( ) alm'i'o lits In Dayton , Ohio Ono-pji ) | t In \4'M\f.l'tn \ \ . ; C40acres of linolai.il I K&Daa ; Oni > (1)i.r ( ) u in Ohio. Thl prorcityU free , of iiicunibranou All cornu uiilcatlocH will be troatedl strictly contldcntlal , ! > . : } . Winipear , r. ? 4iCumlnT , Ht. 2S7JanSO 0011S With board , p , iHtlo ur wmtor. App ri St. Oiailca HotBl. 421-1 DISSOLUTION NOTICH Not'cn Is liunby glvnn that tlui .Inn of II , O. ( Hark & Co. lius il.U ay dUjuhea \ > j. nnitiul loiifn-ni U I ) ( Jlaik rttlrln j.aiiil the firm f > _ urko llru'n. tt Co. BUI < cfd therein 1)i ) latter Qrm a-i mini all Itabl'lt ' ot tlio i-iniur iirui ; * ill CJl. < it Mid nil outbuilding account ) . A M. Oiraha , Ne * < . Jimmy 12. l NOTIOK. Tlio co-jiartn t'hlp beret > fc > ro cxlitli g. bctwiicn Chucles M. UlglitPii and llu-iry T Clark uudor the naaooM.vljliiou picClarh , Is M clay dl olvcd bv lainual cpiopsant , MrWxnnii r f rli.g , < vltimeUil ! ) ncsidue ijwu.iarm wdl hDcnllcUxl l > y Mr. UirL- an1 allnl Uipa uuiln-t mid II ni will bo prtssntfil to him for 3.mout. Mr OarbMlllcontlnuo ViuaJuuit atthonliUt UPjiN'o , 1111 H ri iy hfrtt. l-atci ) trOiuali. . DecvmUr ll > , ItBt binned. ' . I.UVOII1UN , ix-rlloas , ! * ul | ticticlli , ilo-eloi nirnt , nuit fuu tIoDltnt to Tirrore u t > f tl > * l \r \ > KI U hu n ltltln ri r No lnUf HliuuUr.il | r.yfit. i lru t. HiujtU. Ualt' U , t > cliittlrftl uiantutucA | | | rUi > c C"tuUn 'l. < * > 7 U'lltiri till * nxiJa ur tir tmfbl I'jijmo * ! nw iMful know a t'i ib9 nieaicii itfor iwi , " r4fuvicw ( ii6'iK' . "vu < cur eod- eniTiit " / / < ( ( Jtr ( Jltrltv. Al > oriHrifjr ] ' * . to mtnntj | > tiy > leUn | * 11 11147 PitUtf th n > itlto without Ci-iU" 7 , Hitritch. ' iiliittUtitluntiririivwwrUvllh * Uvrr huilnjf | rr rttf ti iilii4 r rltr | Ul * < . > , & > * Or * / r fdrn t > lv"i'tf1in ERIE MEDICAL CO. , DUFAUO ,