Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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    L I " !
3UBPLUQNOV 1,1881 . 32,000
. 'TTl TAT.V1 , :
v. uooiiB , ) NO. n. coMJiis , tnwis o. RBKU.
tot K. HiyJcn , AndsU and Acting Owliltr.
Thcs ipora B-arsk
Ih'TEKKST elloTjad oa tlmo dericslta nj'Oi
ftToif.bin tariiio anj upon fconocti ot louii
jn'l hunkers.
li-jyda and Cocr.ty * ar ! Oltnecurltiea bct hi
Dll ( old.
In iti Ivofttuioa' ol ctutomcn tlis most llhj
erftl poliay la pnrcued o ii ! tent vrith eafetu
< nl round bnnWnj ? , anr ] vrc invite oorrcsponc's
enaa or penooul inquiry in connoaticn there
N w YoitK , January 15 , Money Ilasy
nt 1@1J per cant , closed offered 1 per cent.
Prime mercantile paper li@Gc.
Starling Ikchango , Bankers' bills Strong
nt 4 81 ? : demand 4 85J.
Governmonto Stronger.
Knilway Bonds Irregalar.
Stocks -During the morning were dull ff at-
101. Prices eiionod n fraction of decline.
Between I nnd 2 o'clock the market wai firm
to atrorg. In the afternoon Lonisvlllo &
Nashvillu broke J rcr ccl > t and Now Jcreoy
Central 1 $ per cent. This unsettled the entire -
tire list , although the decline was lots im
portant , except in the case of the Canadian
Pacific whli.h bioko 2 per cent. Maiket
closed weak , owing to rumors confirmed after
clue of business that Cisco & Son had as
signed. The firm has no outstanding con
tracts with the stock exchange. Compared
with lost night the closing prices nro i to 2
per cent lower , except Denver , which Sa g per
cent higher.
" "
g B . 1" . . . . . . . . . . . 122
' " " ' ' ' ' " '
Pacific 6's'of" > 95' . ! . . . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! . . ! ! . 125
Central pacihu. . . ' ' !
Chicago & Alton . 131
do do pfd . 145
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy . 11 8 J
Delaware , Lackawana & Western . 83
Denver & lUo Grande . 9i
Erie . 13g
do pfd . 28
Illinois Central . 121i
Indianaiiolls , Bloom. & Western . 12)
Kansas &Toxas . 1CJ
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern . Gl
Louisville & Nashville . 21i
Michigan Central . GU
Misaonrl Pacific. . . . . . D3
Northern Pacific .
do do pfd . 39
Northwestern . 901
pfd . 123 ?
Now York Central . 874
Oregon Trnna-Continontnl . l.'U
PacifioMail . C5g
P. D.&E . 15 !
Pullman Pnlaco Car Company . Ill
I Rock Island . 108
V St. Louis & Sun Francisco . 19
do do pfd . : t8V
\ Chicago , Mllwaukeo & St. Paul . 74 $
do do do pfd . Kfi
St. Paul& Omaha . 201
t do do pfd . 80
Texas Paclfio . 13
Union Pacific . 49S
Wnbasb , St Louia & Pacific . 4 *
do do do pfd . 12J ,
Western Union Telegraph . 5Gj
O. R. &N . 71
CHICAOO rnonnou.
OUIOAOO , January 1C. Flour Unckinged
but firm.
Whtat Active and higher ; unsettled ;
opened weaker and 'J c o lower ; advanced
rith lluctuatlons Tot IJc , declined } ? , Hue-
tuated. nnd closed Jo over yesterday ; 811'iA
8Hc for cash ; 8liJ8Uclor January ; 81j "
8\lo \ for February : 82rj823o " \ ( for March ; b8i
@ 88c for May ; No. 2" red , 80J@82c
Corn Active and higher ; early January
advanced Ic , February and May Jc ; later
prlcoi declined jj fc : : closed with January Jc ,
February e ami May ie ) over yesterdHy ; 38c
for cash , Jauuary , February and M-irch ;
4U'ail5c for May.
Oi U Fnirly active and strong ; fluctuated
fractionally ; at times waa4@rfo over yesterday ;
2fl @ 27c for cash ; 27c , for January nid
February ; a7@274c for March ; 33i@305c for
-v May.
May.Ryo Finn at GOc.
Barley Nominal at (5"c. (
Timothy2tfo ( : ! higher ; pilmo. 1 30@1 30i.
Flax Seed-Tame ; No 1 , 1 47J
Pork-Activo nnd firmer ; lYa-23c higher ;
closed Btoidy nt an advance ; 12 15@1220 for
cash nnd JKruarv : 12 22112 25 for Febru
ary ; 12S > 55 12 37 i for March ; 12 47i@12 CO
for April ; U & 7i@12 CO for May.
LarJ Active mid Htrouzcr , fi@10o higher ;
closed stu uly : G 87 @G < JO for cosh mill
January ; ( ! OJJ@G 94 for February ; 7 02
7 05 for March ; 7 12 i for A irilj 7 20@7 22j
for May.
Bulk Meats -Shoulders. 4 85 4 90 : short
clear. G CO@G 55 ; short ribs , C 10@U 12 * .
Whisky 13.
Butter Steady and uncharged ; good to
fancy crimi.ory , ' Uj > ( ot32c ; good , 2i27o ; fair
to tiuQ dairy , 27i@28c.
Cheoae I'.wy ; good to fine chcddars , 11 jc.
Itogj-Firm ; fresh , 23o.
Htilos Steatly and unchanged.
Tallow Steady and iiuchongod ,
Receipts. Uhlp'tn.
Flour , bt > la . 13.000 15,000
Wheat , biiBhcl . h2,000 15,0 ! 0
Corn , bushels. . . . 203W ( 101,000
Oats , buahols . 13J.OOO 33,000
Hyp , bushola . 3,000 none
Barlay , bushola . 50 OOD 7,000
KANSASClTY , January 15. Wheat Higher
cash , C < c ; Fi'bruury G3c bid , U3iu nsked
May CGJaG7o. (
Com HiKhero ; sh,30@OieFebnnry30J : (
nuked ; Mnrcli , It.'c ubktd ; May , : tljc bid
ll-n uskoi ) .
Oats Dull and nominal ; 25Jc.
Sr. Louis , January 15. Flour unchang-
Wheat Lower and weak ; bGjo for Febru
ury ; 93c for May.
Cam -Steady ; 33J@3lo for Jnniuuy ; 37 ;
for May.
O ta in : icr ; 031c for May.
Kyo-Diill ; 4Ho.
Barley-Quiet ; 53-a5c ?
ButtPr Unchanged ; dairy , 18@23 cream
. . . . .a-Hteady at 230.
KgRb ( Juiit 20@21.
Klarst'od I < tHtor at 1 31 ,
Cornmeal Firm ; 1 yO'J 00.
Whl.kv-Steady at 112.
1 fay Unchau | > od.
liran Unchainied ; Mlontmill. s
I'nniiiious Stroufer , but pricoa nn
Pork -Sti-ady 11 25 tor cash.
l aril Quic-t ; xalux quutiHl at U 55@3 90 fu
lUilk Min cl < > ar , 5 CO ; short ribs
fi 70 ; abort cli" r , 0 ' , n llanni l * > og cli-ar
( joO : hort tilx , U Ol'lgU 75 ; bliort ck-ar
OALI lloAUD.VhealOjK'ned liipborj 88
( or , ljunary ; bSjo for ljrutry ; 05cfor May
Corn-fcteadv ; JWJc for January ;
for February ! t ( < l'ij38Je ; for May.
Oat * Xothioi ; done.
YOBK , January IB.Vheat Spo
praies Jtflo IiMer ; option * opined * < ? fc
lotfor , Inter tftlli'd IfmlJocloMnf ? firm nd j
slndo under outKli'oflRUK * . llorpipls 35,000 ,
et" rt8n,00''j ' No. 2 uprinp , ttOos tingrArlp i
red , IID l 00. Nt > H rH , ! 'lc ' ; No 'J red. 'J.1JfV
0jc { No. ii ! l mul IVbrtury ] ( - , 1,126CO > )
nt ! @ 'JIJo , clofiDjjnt OIJo.
Corn HiKt lot iffljo mil optinn * 45 better
closing steady ! rowlpU , 127.000 ; cxiwtc 1H-
000 ! ungm wl M(8C3c ( ! No. fl , 5iigit2ii ; :
January , Baf * 5 'ci olofioffftt f2jo.
Oats Shade lower : ip-dpl * 49,000 , oxpor
filOi mixed wetern 3t ) ( 38cnlo ! \ \ \ western 37
( n J 'c.
HBRH Krwh WMtarn vry firin nl 27ig2So
Voik - New rat-in 13 2i@13 7. .
Ijitd Hlchor ; wosti-rn itef > m spot , 725.
Huttcr Firm and fairly active.
CI.VCINNATI , Jnrmnry 18 WhiatStroBger
N . 2 rtd , 85c. KcScipts f 5,000 bmiieK
Corn Aclivo and ( irmj No. 2 mixed , 41i@
Oata-Strong nt 2c.
Rye Strong and higher ; No. 2 , C2@GJc.
Barley Firm nnd uuchaoged.
Pork-Quiet and firm at Si ! 2512 rO.
Lard Active , firm and higher at SO 0. ) .
Hulk Meats I'itm ind unchangnj ,
Yhilky Uon-J demand lit SI ll.
uvnnroor , .
Jtmuaty 15 , llreadstuila
Firm ; sellers asklog advance.
Tot.Rio , January li" . Whrat Dull
but I'uin ; No. 2 tea cash and January 80o
Corn Quiet and steady ; No. 'Joifcli , and
January -12JC.
Oats Dull nnd nominal ; no .notations.
January 1fi. - Wheat Higher ;
No. 2 winter red spot , 91i@92e.
Corn Western , firm ; mixed spot , 40J ©
191 c.
c.Onts Strong ; western white , 3"38c ; mixed
> lff3G. (
Kyo-Quiet nnd Hrm nt I8@72c.
Stendy nt 27@S8a.
. January 15. Wlioit J'aslor ;
No. 2 Milwaukee S"Jo ; Jnnuary. S05c ; Febru
ary , 80gs ; Match , 8U Mnv , 674o
Corn Quiet and stfady ; Nn. 2 , 3'Jc.
Oato Dull ; ; No. 2 white , 29s.
Rye Strong nnd advancing ! No. 1 , COc.
Barley Lower ; No. 2 sprirjg B3c for
ash ,
NEW OIU.KAXS , January 15. Corn Demand -
mand active and e iur ; in eacks , white , 49 ©
Oata Western , easier at 37@3Sc.
Corn Meal Strong and highrr at 2 GO.
Hyo Stead j' , quint at C2'aGlc.
Pork Good demand at 13 25.
Lard Firm ; tieico refined , 725 ; Ksg ,
75 ,
Bulk Meats Good demand ; shoulders
> , - \ : ke185 ) ; long clear and clear ribs , 038.
Whiskey Steady ; western rectified , 1 05
IitVK tjl'OCU.
OniOAQO , January IB , Drovers' Journal
o ports :
Cattle Kecolpta , 8,000 hend : slow and
vcak lOc lower ; exports , B 9D610 ; com
mon to choice ehlppiucr , 4 00@5 90 ; Inferior
o choice butcht-rp , 240@l L'5 ; stockera , 3 30 ®
00 ; feedero 4 00@4 UU.
Hogs Receipts 28,000 head : brisk and lOc
igherrouh ; packing , 4 1B@415 ; packing and
lipping , 4 CO jj4 76 ; light , 420@450 ; skips ,
3004 25.
Shce | > Receipts , 1,000 head ; slow and
toady at recent decline ; inferior to good , 2 25
@ 4 CO ; choice , 4 00@4 23.
KANSAS ornr.
KANSAS CITT , Jnnuary 15. Cattle Re-
alpts , OSO head ; firm lOo higher : export ? ,
35@5 G5 ; good to choice shipping 5 O3'o6 30 ;
ommon to medium 4 60@4 UO ; feeders 3 50 ©
00 ; cows , 2 40,6.3 BO.
3 Kecolpts , 7/00 ; excited : 10@ine
. . . r ; loti 105 to i2. > lonndi 4 15 ® 140 ,
ainlyat42 © 130. G
Shoap Rscoipt-j - l.HOO ; steady at 2 7u@3 BO.
ST. LODIS , Januiry 15. Cattle Receipts.
,500 head ; steady and firm ; good demand for
at cattle ; exporters , G.03@G 35 ; good to choice
hipping , 5 35@5 85.
"Wholesale Prices.
Thuraday evening , January 15. f
The following prices are charged retailers
ly jobbers , whotesolera nnd commission mer
chants with the exception of grain which is
noted at the prices furnished by the elevators
and other local bnycrs :
Whaat Cash No. 2 , Gtjc.
Barley Ca li No. 2 , 51.
Ilye Cash No. 3 , 40c.
Corn No. 2 , 23ic.
lOata-No. 2 , 21tfc.
ijlvo Stock Market.
Hogn wern firm at 3 7o@ 1 00.
Tlio cattle market to-day waa quiet and
) utchorn' Rtock waa quoted at 3 dOf 3 75.
Bheap wer quoted nt 2 B0@3 00.
Steady ; green butchers' G green salted , 7c ;
dry flint 12@11c ; dry salt 10@11 damaged
ude , two thirds price ,
Greasu Prime white , lc.
Rlienp Pelta 25@100.
Tallow 4i'g5J.
Flour and MiHstutTu.
Winter Wheat Beat qualityjpatont atla 80
(5)300. ( )
Second quality 2 20 © 2 M.
Sprlnu Wheat Beat'iuality , patent , 2 81 ©
Seonnd Quality 21B@2 50.
Bran C o per cwt.
Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibj. , 80@SOc.
Corn Meal-90croil OJ per cwt.
Scrocnlncf G5@75o per
Apples There are but few choice apples
If ft in the market and thosn are bringing good
prices ; Bon Davis , S3 CO ; GentouH , S3 50.
Poultry No maiked change to note. A
stronger feollngprovaila but prices remainabout
thosnine. Chickens have been in better demand
lutrlv than > thor kinds and art * quite tcarc ; ,
Chi ken , dwsod , choice per pound , 89j ]
chicken * dicatcd , fair to good , ; per lb. G@7i
poor. 5c ; tut key a , dressed l > er lb , choice ,
10@llo ; turkeys , dressed , fair to good , 8oj (
9c ; poor , o ; geese , dressed , per lb ,
choice , lie ; fair to good , 9@103 ; poor , 7@8c ;
ducVs. dresaed , per lb , choice , lie ; fair to
good , lOc.
Kgga-Qniet and muuDg slowly. Saloa
were not madu aboi'L'c. .
Butter Ri-celpts h.ivo incrcuMtcl
avla finco the lajt wtck and prices
are weaker , especially on oir grades.
Wrap the rolla in thin clean musliu and avolc
mixing dllferent qualltloi in one package us
much as poi&lblo , Creamery 22W5 ; fair to
good , 12taiB , choice daliy , [ 15@37 ; inferior
grades , S@10.
Unnio. Prairie chicVetu , per dozen ,
51.00 ; quail , M < § i76 ; pceie , pei
dozen , S.100d83f)0 ) ; jack rabtitfl , per
aozeu , $2 fiO ( ? ? ! t 60 ; small ribblls , per
dozen , 23c@59 ; onlpo , per dozen , fila )
75 ; decks , mallard , $1.00 ! ,2BO , ; teal ow
mixed , ? 1.BO ( 2.00.
Potatoes .Supplies will soon run out , ant
riH soon as wrathor ] > ermits uliipnifnt will 1)3 )
in order , We ( juotu 40@50o per liuslicl ,
Onions-COgUOo per bushel fortound un
frozen stock.
Poi > oorn Dull and elow Bales at l@ljo
p * > r lb ,
Beana Are now In bitter demand am
stocks clearing up fast. Prices nro firmoi
and can encourage consignments. Ni vlc
per bushel , 1.40@1.50 ; medium , psr biiHhel
Honsy Comb ' Choice domestic , 15@10c
California , ll@lBe.
Beeswax Iu good d < > maud. Choloa bright
porlb. 2G@2Sceommou ; to good dark per lb
Culer-0hlo" per bbl. , 700 ; "York
State" per bbl. 8 00 ; per 4 bbl. , 4 75 ; coa. ]
denned per cal 85o ; crab apple lr gal 35o.
Oheeca Full cream , western , 12c : WUcon.
m new 12)c ) ; young American , 12 a ISo.
Mania Sugar Pure , in bnckf , I T lb. 16o
Ohio 13ctiaal ; c&keal2tc.
Grocors' List.
CANNED Gooiw. Oystatii ; (8tandard ( ) per
case. B 90 ; ctrawberries , 2 lb , per case. 2 20
raspberries , 2 lb. per case , 2 60j California
peara pei case , 5 80 ; apricota , j > er case , 5 00 , i
pcftche-i pc * cai > 0i " W while chcrrioi per
c se , 0 7 ; plums per cn o , 4 50 ; whortle'ier
rips , per CMU , 3 00 ; cwif plums , 2 Ib , p r ease
200 ; green RaRei , 2 lb prr case , 2 W ) ; pine
spies , 2 lb. ter w , 3 2005 CO
UorsSisal , i inoli nnd larger , 9s , 3 inch ,
OJc , 1 inch , lOc ,
OANDt.BS-Botes. 40 Ibs , 1C' , 12o , 8s , 12jc ,
boxes , 4 Iba , 1C oz. Ga. Me.
MATCHES Per c&ddio , B5c ; ronnd.rl.cnio
2 55 ; equaro , cnso , 1 70 : Ofthkosh , osse ? gr , (
SOOARS Powdered , 7jccntloaf ; , 71can- ;
ulated , Gc ; confoctloncra' A , C-jc ; Standard
extra 0. Gcj extra 0 , 6o ; inodium yellow , Gjc ;
dark yellow , 5c.
CorrEES-Ordlnary grades , 12@12c ; fnir. 12
( % 13Jc ; good , 13c ; prime , 14@15Jc ; choice ,
16@17c ! fancy green and yellow , ir.@lGJc ; old
Rovornment Jovn , E0@2f c ; Arbuckla's roast-
cd , 164c ; MoLauglilin's XXXX roasted , ICic ;
ImitntloQ Javn , lCS@181c ; Clark's Aurora ,
Standard Com. , 28c , bbls ; Stajdard
do. 4 gallon kegs , 1 25 ,
SOUA In lb papers , 8 20 per CJMOJ lcg , per
lb,2Jo ,
PICKLEO Medium in barrels , C 00 ; do In
half barrels , 3 50 ; small , in barrels , 7 00 ; do In
half barrel ? , 5 00 ; gherkins in barrel ? , 3 00 ,
do in half barroli , 4 50.
TKAS Gunpowder , good , 45@f > 5c ; choice ,
CO@7Cc : good Imperial , 40@43o ; choice. GOffl
G5c ; Young Hyson , good , 3G50c ; choico. Go
SI 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 75c ; Jopan ch&iev ,
G075c ; Colon ? good , 8.10c ; Oolong choice ,
tn(355c ( ; Souchong , good , S0@10c ; choice , 35
RICE Louisiana , prime to choice , C@7c ;
fair , 5c.
Kimf-No. 1 mackerel , hall bbls. , 7 :5o :
Family J bbln. , 4 25 ; No. 1 kits. 1 05 ; family
kite , COc ; No. 1 whitefith , half bb B , . U 50 ; No.
1 kits , 9Sci family halt bbls. , 300 ; family
kiti nnd'palls , GOc ; No. 1 trout , half btlfl. , 5 25.
WOODSNWAIIK Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; three
lioop pail , 2 10. Tube , No. 1 , 9 00 : pioneer
washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 90 ; well
rackets , 3 85.
SOATS Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 45 ; Kirk's
satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk'd standard , 8 75 ; Kirk'a
White Russian , 4 8" ; Kirk's outoca , 2 15.
POTASH Pennsylvania < 5nnn , 1 cans in case ,
35 ; Bnbbitt'a ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 90 ; Au-
clior ball , 2 doz. in c.iso , 1 50.
OANDT Mixed , HnlSc ; stick , lOallc ; twist
stick , lOio.
ViNKaAn Now York npple , IGc ; Ohionp
plo , 13o ,
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ashtou ,
n sacks , 3 60 ; bbls dairy. GO , DN , 3 60.
St'Ancit Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 8c ; Corn
Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn , 7jc.
SriOKvj Pepper , 17c ; spice , Mo ; cloves , 20c ;
costia , ICc ,
DHT FnniTS No. 1 , quarter apples , bbls ,
IJc ; N C sliced , boxes , Gjc : evaporated , boxes ,
) Jc ; blackberries , boxes , lOJc ; peaches , J.
raxes , 8ic ; poachcn , ovaporntod , 14c ; rasp-
jerries , 82c.
Dry Goods.
BEOWN SiiEETiNaa Atlantic A , 7Jo ; Allan-
" Ic P , Go : Atlantic LL. SJc ; Brunswick ,
.UUU 41 , ffU , , T UUUUUOWfcW * V , | ; JW.
perell R , 7c ; Salisoury R , GJc.
BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon , 4-4 , Gjc ; Bnl
Ion , 7-8 , 5Jc ; Cumberland , 4-4 , 8c ; Davoll DD ,
SJc ; Fairmount , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Loom 4 ,
9c ; Glory of the West , SJc ; Golden Gate , 8Ve ;
Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jc ; Lonedale , 7Jc ; Now
York Mills , lljc ; Wamsutta , 10JC.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , Hip ) Bos
ton , 10 oz , 14ic ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall River
DUCKS ( Gray-West ) Point , 8 oz. , lie ; Woat (
Point 10 oz. , 1-lc ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie.
TlCKiNaa Amoskeag 13Je ; Continental
Fancy , 9jo [ : Oordis 10 c ; Pearl River , 12c ;
York , 12jc | Hamloton Awnings , 12Jc.
DENIMS Amoskeag , 14c : Beaver Creek AA
12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Beaver Crook
CO. 10o ; Haymakers , 80 ; Jaffroy D & T , 12fc ;
Jatrrey XXX , 12Jc ; Pearl River. 13c ; War2
roa AX A ( brown ) , I2c ; Warren BB ( brown ) ,
lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc.
CAIIDRICS Fifth avenue glove finish , < ljc ;
Keystone glove finish , 5c
CfoBaur JEANS AmOry , 7Jc ; Hancock , 8c ;
Ilcarsayer 8c ; Rockport , 7c.
PntNis Aliens , BJc : American , BJc ; Arn
old's Gc ; Cocheco , Gc ; Harmony , 4Jc ; Indigo ,
c ; Indigo 7-8 lljc : Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc ; Stool
River , 5Jc ; Charter Oak , 4Jc.
PHINTS SHIBTINQS American , Gc ; Cochoco ,
Be ; Gloucester. 5o ; Sonthbrdgo , 4Jo ; Wa\er-
leys Ifc : Roaedale , 4Jc.
GINQHAJIS Amo keag staples , 8io : Bates
Btaploa. 8c ; Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plunket
plaida 9c ; Hudson checks , QJc ; Amoskeag
Persians , Ojc.
DBEsa GOODS Atlantic alpacca. 9Jc ; Per- cashmere , 23c ; Hamloton cashmere , IB c ;
Hamloton Fancua , 11 Jc ; Hamleton brocades ,
15o ; Arlington brocade , ISc.
Heavy Ilarrtwnro Iilst.
Iron , rates , 2 30 ; plow steel , special cast , Gc ;
crucible , 7o. special or Gorman , 5c ; cast too ;
do , 15u20c ; wapfon spokes , set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs
per set , 123 ; lelloos , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
each , 70a85c. axles , cash , 7oc ; squarp nuta per
lb , 7allc ; washers , par Ib , 8al8o ; rivets , per
Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , Gal2c ; malleable ,
8 : ; iron wedgoH , Gc ; crowbars , G. ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 7a8c ; Burden's home
shoes , 4 40 ; Burden's muleshoo's B 70.
BARBED WIBE In car loto. 4 00 per 100.
NAILB Rates , 10 to GO , 2 30.
SHOT Shot , 185 ; buckshot , 2 10 ; oriental
powder , kegs , G 40 : do , half koga , 3 48 : do ,
quarter kegs , 1S8 bloating , kcga , S 35 ; fuse ,
per 100 feet , 50o.
LBAD Bar , 1G5.
COAL - Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor 1
ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whitebrea't lump ,
5 00 ; Whitobroast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , B 00 ;
lorvanut , OOi Rock Spring , 700 ; Anthra-
clot , 1125all CO ; Canon City , 7 00 per ton.
Leather. °
Oak solo , 28@12c ; hemlock Bole , 28@33c ;
iiomlock kip , 0c ; runner ti5o to 75c ; hemlock
calf , 85 to 100 : hemlock upper , 22 to 2ic | oak
upper , 2 Ic ; alligator , 4 00 to 560 ; calf kid ,
32$35c ( ; Greisen kid. 2 CO to 2 751 oak kip ,
80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip.
110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 2j to 2 00 ; russetta
5 50 to 7 BO ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 ; t ppings ,
9 00 to 1050 ; B. L. Morocco , 30 to35c ; obblo
O. D Morocco 35c ; sitnon , 2 CO @ 3 00.
IlABNEaa No. 1 star oak , 3Jc ( ; No. 2 , 34cj
35c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 33c ; No. 1 do , 31c ; No.
1 Milwaukoa 84c ; No. 2 do , 33o.
No. 1 Pitta oak hur , 3Gc ; No. B Pitta oak
bar , 3-lc.
ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol , 2 20 per wino
gallon extra California spirits ; 188 proof , 1 18
per proof gallon ; tripple refined gpirita , 187
proof , 1 17 per proof gallon ; redistilled
whiskies , 1 00 3 1 50 ; line blended , 1 60 % 2 50.
GINS Imported , 450SGOO ; domestic , 1 40
ROM3 Imported , 4 BOS5G 00 ; New England ,
1 99 .400 ; domestic , 1 50'a3 BO.
PKACH ANII APPLE BBANDY. 1713' ! ? i 00.
CIIAHPAONKS Imported , per case , 28 00
3100 ; American , per case , 12 00@10 00.
Plug Tobacco- Climax , 47c ; Bullion , 47c ,
Horseshoe , 44o , Star , 4Gc ; Rudy , 45c ; Her-
soy'B , 40c ; Black. 38 © 10 ; Spearhead , 4Go ;
Oi-r lUpn , 4Bc : Piper Hoidaiock. Gla.
Flue Cut Common , 30ci Medium , 4Cc ;
good , 45@COc ; Hard to Beat , 70c ; Favorite ,
COc ; Diamond Crown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen ,
Smoking 0. S. , 2JJc ; Meerschaum , 30c
Durham , ICoor. file ; Durham , 8 or. , 55 < i ; Dar
ham , 4 oz. , 57r ; Durham , 2 oz. , Gc ) ; Seal of
North Carolina , 1C o/,41c ; Seal of North Car
olina , 8 oz , . 4tc : ; Seal of North Caroline , 4 oz. ,
48c ; Seal of North Carolina , 2 oz , , BOo ; 0. S. ,
Durham.4 oz. , 28c ; O. 1C Durham , 2 oz , 30c
Uncle Ned , I'a 25c ; Tom and Jerry 23o ,
Wo quota lumber , lath and shingles OB car
at Omaha at the following prices ;
JOIST AND bOAHTLiNo 1 ( > foot and under ,
18 00 ,
TJMBZBS 1C feet and under , 18 CO.
TlJIBBB. AND JoiST-20 ft , , 10 OOj 21ft. ,
FENCING No , 1 , [ and C In. , 20 00 ; No. 2 ,
SIIKATIIINO-NO. 1 (2d ( common boorda ) ,
18 W ) ; No. 2 , 1C 00.
STOCK BOAIIW-A , 4500 ; B , 40 00 ; 0 , 35 00.
Ffcoo-iiNO-No. 1 , 35 00 ; No , 2. SO CO ; No.
3 , BJ 00 ,
SiniNO , clear-25 00 ; No. 2 , 22 50 ; No. a ,
OEILINO - J 3' ) 00 ; 8. 20 00.
SHINOLKS , host M BO ; standard , 3 03.
LATH 3 00 per M.
LIUB Per barrel , 1 ODj bulk per brwhel ,
35c ; cement ; bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50
hair i > er bus , Me ; tarred felt , 100 Ibs , ;
straw board 3 00 ,
DBUOB AND OiiKJiiOALa Add , carbolic , 40c ;
acid , tartaric , ( Oc ; boldun copaiba , per Ib , , *
GCc ; birlc , swnftfras per lb , I2e ; calomoi , per
Ib , 90J ! cinchonidla , per oz. , ? 0 Mt ; chloro
form , par lb , $1 05 ; Dovora powder * , par lb ,
St 25 ; cpsom saltf per lb , SJc ; dycorlne ,
pnro , ppr lb , 25c ; lead ac-eUto , per lb , 20c ; ol' '
cMtor , No. 1 per gaL , ? 1 BO ; oil oa tor , No. 3
per gal. , $1 40 ; ololivp , per gal. $1 40j oil
01 ignmim , BCc ; opium , 51 BO ; nulnlno , P. A
W. , fend R. & S. , per or. . , " 5c ; potassium ,
loilde , per lb. . S3 CO ; oallcin , per oz. . 40c ;
nulphato morphiLo. per oz. , $ J 40 ; julphur ,
per ; strychnine , per oz. , $ J 35
I'clnla Oils nnd Vnrntahoiq.
OILS HO carbon , per gallon , 11 Jc ; ICO
headlight , per gallon , 12c ; 17fi ° headlight ,
per gallon , ICc ; 150 ° water white , IBc ; llto
oocd raw , per gallon , 49c ; linseed boiled , per
gallon , B2cj Lnrd , winter etr'd , per gallon , 70c ;
No. 1. OOc ; No. 2 , CO ; castor XXX , per gal.
Ion , 1 GOc ; No. 3,1 40 ; sweet , per gallon. 1 00 ;
sperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fith W. U , ,
tier gallon , 65 : neatKfoot extra , per gallon , 90r ;
No. 1 , 75c : lubrisAtlng , zero , per gallon , 30c ;
nuinmer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per1 gal.
Ion , 35o ; No 2,128c ; sperm , signal , per gallon
Doc ; turpentine , per gallon. 40c , uaptha , 71 ° ,
per gallon , IGc ,
Ury Palnt-fl.
White lead S9c ; French zinc , lOc ; Fan's
whiting , 2Jc : whiting gilders , IJc ; whiting
com'l , lc , lampblack , Gcrmantown , 14c ;
lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , C5c
uutrauiarluo , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , So ; umber ,
burnt , 4o ; umber , raw , 4o ; elenna , burn-let ; ;
slcnt a , raw , 4 Paris green , genuine. 25o
Uic ; Venetian , red , American , IJc ! red load ,
Tie ; chronic yellow , genuine , /Oo ; chrornoyol"
low , K , , 12c : othro roclicllo , 3c ; ocliro , Krcnh
2c ; ocliro , Arnenojn. I'c ; Winter' mineral ,
; lehlgh brown , 2Joj Spanish brown , lic ! ;
nce's mineral , 3c.
AHNiaitKaBarrels , per gallon : Furniture ,
extra. 81 10 ; furniture. No , 1 , SI ; coach , ex
tra , SI 40 : coach , No. 1 , 51 20 ; Bamar , extra ,
$1 75 ; Japan , 70c ; aephnUum , oitra , 85o ,
shflllac , S3 oO ; Hard oil finisli SI , BO
PAINTS IN OIL White load , Ornaha , P. P.
5J c ; wblte lead , St , Louia , pure , fijc ; Mnraoil
lea prcon , 1 to D lb cans , 20- ; French r.ino ;
trroen Bcal , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , lie ,
French zinc , in vmnish nset. , 20c ; French zinc ,
In oil ns t , 15c ; raw and b rnt _ umber , 1 u
DB , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; Vandyke
brown , l3c ; rofmcd lampblack , IL'c ; conch
black and ivory black , IGc ; drop blnck , IGc ;
Piusiian blue , 40c : ultrainarino blue , ISc ;
chrome green , li , M & D. . IGc ; blind and
nhutter green , TJ. M. & D. , IGc ; Paris green ,
18c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tus
can rod , 22c ; Amorlcan vcrmilliun , I , & P.-
; yellow ochre , 9c ; 1 . M. , O. & D. O , 18c ;
yellow cchro , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent
dryer } , 8c ; cmining colors , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash , lOo
FLOOII- Colorado , 100 Iba , 125@155 5 pat
ent , 100 Iba. , 2 75@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75
@ 3 CO ; graham , 100 llis , 1 0 ; ryn , 1 OU Ibs.
22v back-wheat , 100Iba , 7BO ,
GnAW , FEED , ETC. Wheat ' 100 Ibs ,
00@95corn ; in sacks on traclc,100 lba,00@l 00 ;
oata , in sacks on track , 101) Iba , eastern white ,
1 20l 25 ; Colorado white , 125@1 SO ; miiod ,
110120 ; barley 100 Iba , 130135 ; bran ,
.on , on track , 14 01(315 UU ; chop , corn , 100
bs , on track , 1 G0@l 05 ; chop mixed. 100 Iba ,
on track , 1 251S5 ; com meal , ICO Ibs. 1 SO
HAY Baled , upland,1 ton , 13 00@15 00 ;
upland , loose , ton , 8 00@12 00 ; second hot-
; om , baled , 11 00012 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton ,
10 00@lb 00 ; straw , baled , on track , ton , 7 00
@ 9 00.
BUTTEB Creamery , fancy , lbt SG@37c
creamery , fine , lb , 33W 35c ; dairy , choico. lb
20 ( 22c ; dairy , coed , lb , 18@20c ; dairy , fair
b , 1516c"cooking ; , lb , G@8c. .
EGOS State , candled nnd warranted , doz ,
SOfdSlc ; ranch , daz , 33@3-lc.
CilEiaE Full cream , 15@17o ; half cream ,
b. lOfojllc ; akim , lb , 9c ; t3wisn , domostle ,
b , 22@23c ; S vis3 , imported , 3U@32cLlm-
ju'gor , 18c.
PotJLTnYLive old chickens , doz , 500@5 CO ;
ivo springs , doz , 3 OOAC4 00 ; live ducko , doz ,
> 00te)5 ) 25 ; dressed turkeys , Ib. , ll)15c.
POTATOKS Colorado , 100 Ibo , 1153125 ;
sweet , per Ib , , 4&
Onlone , yellow , 100 Ibs ,
141 ; cabbage , 100 Ibs. ItO ; boots ,
1 01 Ibs , 1 10@1 23 ; turnips , 100 Ibu , 1 25.
FiiDlia Lemons , per box , Mozsliia , 6 61
! 00 ; oranges , Louisiana , per 100 , 3 25 ,
applet , fancy bbl , 3 75@4 75 ; apples , medium ,
M. 3 f.O ; Oab'fornia grapes , box , 1 7E@2 10 ;
Melvolse , Peru , Muscat , 20J@225.
CnnKDMBATS Hams , sugar cured , Ib , 12 $
© 12Jc ; hams , sweet pickled , lb , 12Jc ; bacon ,
breakiact. lb , 13@13&c ; dry Bait cldes , lb , 7j
@ 81c ; dried beef , lb 15c ; laid in paila ,9JS ,
9gc ; lard In tierces , 8Jc.
FMJSII MEATS Dreased beef Colorado , par
b , G'iGlc ; choice veal. Ib , Gi$7ic ( ; hoga , Ib ,
77jc ; mutton , lb , 5@fc.
LIVK STOCK Colorado ateora , per 100 Ibs ,
Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per lb , lli@12o |
No. 2 , lb , 910c ; green steera and branded
calf , Ib , 4@5c ; green . , 8@10c ; green kip ,
b , C@7o ; ehooD skins , dry , S@10c ; deer akina ,
summer , lb , 1525c ; deer okins , winter , lb , 12
© ICc ; nntolopo skins , lb , 12@15 ; tallow , lb ,
WOOL Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , 1415c ;
rack , Ib , 8c ; Mexican , 8c ,
FISH Mackerel , No. 1 , 120 kit , jnsas ,
G0@2 00 : California enluion , hnH bbl , 10 SO ;
Holland herring , keg 1 CO > 1 CO ] trout , per
lb ,
tvfcJ\l > THIS.
THE VOLTAIO BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. ,
offer to tend their celebrated KLKOTBO-VOL-
trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old )
afilicted with nervous debility , loss of vitality
and manhood , and nil kindred troubles. Abe
For rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , nud
many other disease1 ! . Complete restoration to
liealthigor and manhood guaranteed. No
rtik is incurred as thirty dtvs trial is allowed ,
Write thorn at oucs for Illustrated pamphlet
US : . MAM
ry inoui'.pl pcn.tiun of J > line , oonnc.-"J .1.
i'li , i t ni I. i VlfAt ttf tlvo r.'torlf-ai i-rutc , nad tar
r * , | wn * , M t ? out oll. .r.l c ( farj , brtv *
( / il'a n , iICrtllor. . Ctty , CoUul'll J.'ll Uc. I > IIVOC
MIR . .Ic , uiii , . Itn.u'uprlii onil U' . J dill.
on. o ( i in l/'uica T > rvoii aih nil Iho irincip >
lii-j ' Jonll t."t i _ 'fu Allonm nud tl.o IV'l
J . > M . Iti , eijmuu ) r.t is uni1M * U untl magi < ! .
> ui I "i . CLUII > , " \ -I C-iaifiriiiblo r.n
.1 ul Ljy I'owiM , jmrf i 1 > -
> .o..if ' \i > .ir Car , I'ullii ir.'j 7jctli it Pt\ > -
a.i'oim f Curs , mid ih JJ.irt 'Ji.o 1 Vji.iUR Ca.t
f. totw r.tiO Ojr.-i'f l.n . m Konoct avA Kunfr
* - " 'i * * " it ; . It * i cj n * i i r-tvui i. Hiefiro-1 itj
1iCi\\j \ lTi. . HCJ ti .Mjf.l 1 MitA.IOtVU
f tr. A H.ivnlc.j.c 'ini.-lej'ai. : ( : ' . I i" > . . '
IJaan > ' ! vnl Uimy.eituiiU ) ( iin.r . i.11 , jc y
tii , > aJi J'at. nmiiiiirJ riU i9p.ii '
Ail Uliioii.'h ta i.n.iu'ijj * > l nu oVjt J-'iji.-tfJ
' ! f : ifi-a for ia si n prmrlprlTlafcoi CKcw if
a.u UulveA bi.m t M 1 f.aHurt- .
cl.'cv. vl 1,1 rv.h ; nuJ r > it * of fcrs /
W an ivULLiiioia tint c.ltr .era nC i'
t.\ your a < rr t Ticket O c . or uddrcu
C7 , ( I. OAHLCJ E. BT. JOHN ,
fin tu 'I'i'/r ' , GiilTi.J'u .ti
_ Is aphrodiBloc , arous-
I OB activity , iK ) iU\oly
I cureBlmituucy , lost
_ * ouorKy.ncrvouaaobll.
ity , all wcukne&a ofeencrattvo aye U'ia ; cither f ex.
lby mull. J , U.WuniiTVJllft(3tttt ( bt.Wi ! tCO.
Dummy Trains Iflsvo Omaha at 040,8 00
B 00 , 10 CO , U 15 a in , 1 00 , 2 00 , 8 00 , 4 CO , G 00 , 0 CO.
lOS&ptn. OnSundajntho 8 00 and 10 00 n m and
100 nnd 4 00 p in trains do nos run. Arrh o t trana-
for depot 13 minutes later ; Broadway dopct 20 inlu-
utcalater ,
Leave Council Bluttg ( Broadway depot ) at 7 M , 8 SO
B 80,1020,1 40 a in ; ISO , 230,880. 4 M , 530 , 016
and 11 05 p tn. Oil bundojs the 8 SO and 10 30 km
and S SO and 6 SO p m trains will not run. Arrive al
Transfer 7 mlnutoa later , Omaha 20 mlnutoa later.
Tra n sforTral n 0 Leave Omaha at 8 16 , 818
10 OS a m , 4 26 , 0 10 and 0 55 p in , dally.
Arrive at B 45 and 1116 a rn , 13 IB , 7 SB and 815 p
To and from Chicago via the Tripartite Alllanco Linen.
| Mil. | lt-1. I M-W | N-W | H-l | Ml
Sunday evening and Monday morning trilas arrive
In oriospomllng order. 0. B. & Q. trains inn every
Lciuo Union I'aclfla depot at
Arrive from Stock Yards nt
Mall Tlmo Card ,
Union 1'Aclflo Locul Mall 830
8 SO Union I'aclflo Through Mall. 430
0 30 8 0 ° 11AII inob. . 7 20 fi 1C
0 00 0 B. &Q. 6 33 K 20
8 00 0. B. & ( J Ex. Mall 410
10 0 8 00 0 U. I. & P. 5 3D 3 20
8 00 C. M A , St. P C SO
1080 e co 0. & N. W. 6 SO 320
1 05 0 Bt. P. M & O. a ic
SCO O , k Hep. Vollcv. 1215
Sioux ty & PndllJ Local. G SO
1030 CO Sioux Cltvfc St. Pnul. 3 SO
S 4fE > Council Blulli & Kansas City 5 33 a w
E Oiuncll BluHj Local.
700 Fort Omalu
I 80 Uls'nurl Paclflo. ' 88C
WahwhSt. . L uls. 12-
Wnbash Chicago. 8 20
Irvln ton !
nr WAY or
"jonucctliiK In Union liepots nt Kansas Oily ,
Oimilia mul Donverw ith tliroiiKh trains lor
Ami nil points in the West.
Oonnectliii ; in Grnnil Union llopot nt Chicago
w 1th tlirougli trains for
ROM 2'
And nil Ei * * tn Cities.
Atl'corl'iwllh tluoi ' tniliislor jiidlnnnp-
oils , Cincinnati , ColurC'fl , nnil nil iiolnts in
the Soutli.Hnst. At Hf * oulu Mlth tJiroucli
trains lor ull pohitH
Day Ccnrlica , 1'urlor Oaruv , Uh He-
cllnlnirJlmlisHC.IU liceSmokliiBCnra with
Revolving Oluitrn , I'ulliimn I'nlaeo 81uuiiij ) ) [
C'ira niitl tlio famous ' } . It. A Q. Dluinj ; t'ars
run dully tound from CilIciiKO nnd Kansas Oily ,
Olilcflionnd ; Council JilullaCliicagn nnj DCS
Molmu , ohlciiKo , st Jost'l > li , AU'JilHou mid
Topolca without clmiiKn. Only ttiroiifli line
iunnl4R tlidir own tmins botwcbn Clilcnu'o ,
Lincoln nnd Uenvor , and ( Jhlcnco , Kniibus
Cltv nnd Doiunr. Throusli cats liotwcoi !
Inuiaiuiiiolla and Council lllulla , via 1'corla
Solid TniliiH of Klcgnn' . ' Conoliea and
I'ulUnnn 1'nlncoSlcoiilnjj Cow uro run daily to
1111(1 from _ .St. Louis j via Hannibal ; Quincy
Kcokuk , IlHrlliigton , Cedar Jionidsand Albert
rrato&t. I'uul and MlnncftjAis ; I'm lor Can
with Hcc Inlnr ; Chalta to nnd from 8t. Louis
nnd I'oorla. OnlyonocliaiiBoofcnrsbutwoon
Bt. I.ouisaiid UrnMolnra , lo tt , Lincoln , Ke.
binBka , nnd Denver , Colorado.
It la ulso the only Through Line b6twecn
It is known as the ( treat THHOUtlJI OAll
WXI ! or America , anil la universally aUralt
ii'il to bo the
Finest E uippei Balliwai In the Werld fa.
all classes of Travol.
' ZOiiKli Tickets via tlilB line for sale ntpjl
EXst-coupou ticket onlcoslntho UnUcUStatos '
41. J , I'OTTJCR , LL ,
u. li Out. Wn.trtr.
\VUl2H * _
_ . rldlna ,
ud ! M eniy a *
ion ai with two V , , . .
ntU D andihoren tccrdln lolhowrl litlhej
tarry. Equally wall adapted to rough couutr ;
vadi unil lint drlveiof cities. ManiifnrlnredKni
old by lllliolfadlD C rrl * e lnUlcri ijJ Ilrar
. H HryTlmk > n. ' - -
J d ZclOllTOlr l > f
lowers of Live Stock and Others.
n M
It Is ( ho boat and choapoat food for Block of nny kind. Ono ponnd Is cnnal to
three iion da of corn , Stock fed > vlth Ground Oil Gako In the Fall nndVinlos
laatonu of running down , will incroMO in weight nnd bo In good marketable condt
lion In the spring. Dairymen , as well ea othora , who uao It , cnn tcalify to Its ino
lla. Try It and judge for yoxiraolvoa. Price $25.00 per ton. No charge for saoka
aftd JLfi&GK
If" < * *
3. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood t Draper , Ohfcago , Manngor of the
Tea , Cigar nnd Tobacco Dop rtmotits. A fall line of all gradoa of
the aboxo ; also Pipoa and Smokora' ' carried In otook. Prlcoa
and sauiploa f arnlahod on application. Open orders
intrusted to no phall receive our careful
i attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
, F
PQinto ,
M i
Office , Exchange Building Union Stock Yards ,
\V A. PAXTOK , Prcst. and Tioas. Union Stock Yds. , Omaha ,
SWAN BROS , chejonne AJco connected with Gregory , Coolcy
JOHN A. HcHilANK , Manager Bay Ftate rattle Co. Co , Union Stock Yards , Chicago.
J. A. CBEIQUTON , Vlcc-Prcet. First Nat'l Va.nk , Omaha.
C3TAddro99 all communlcaMons Union Stock Yards , Oraaba , K
HEOTIY T. CLARKE , Prcs. and Ticas.JOHN A. SI. CUMIKE , Vloa rrcsldent
JOHN T. CLAUKV , Secretary.
T AHOEST Jobbing Drug house between Clilcngo nnd San Franrlsco , CAPITAL STOCK $200,000. Wo
Jj tha'l ' lent the bUtom of UionarUt at nil tinny Will duplicate Chicago and St. Louis prices with
IrclKht added. Our tpecia'ty ' wlbbo , . . .
Pwe Drugs , JPamts , Oils and Window Glass
Cellmates elrcn on plito glass To tbojo about toeoilurk Inthodnig busmesa will do well to consul
their Interest by calling on ua or send for our price list which will appear about January 6th. Mailorders
solicited , HI * IIAUNKY STIIEET.
Double " anJ Single Acting Power and Hand
im i 0rn-nji
TrlmmloRa. Mining MachlDervi Bolting , ) Josc , Brnes r.nd Iron FHllnca
at wholesale itnd retail. IfALLADAY WIKD-MILLS , OHUE011
Ai-iDsonooL , : BELLS.
Oornor lOtli and Farnam Bt , , Ornaha Nol ) ,
Sole ngents of United States Electric Lightiiig Co. , for S Into of N
braslm. _ Ow/.ers ot western ptitents for Electric Motors , Arc Lamp , Me
guhrgo incandescent and email incandescent electric lumps. Cheaper
than gas. UEST LiaiirJCxowx. Adopted by the United States gov
ernment and all the leading steamship lines and leading hotels. Fo
prices enquire at