Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1885, Image 1

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    r I EE ,
fte RiiBleB tatted From Mi
Perpaiicnlar ijlMUy
, ii i _ -i
"ho Brainy Donclas Member
Tackles the School Land
Thiavos ,
And Throws \ho Oalsominora Into
a Gonfusod Hoap.
Vigorous Pen Sketches 'of the
Senate Eailroad Committed
Bradford Brothers Want $10,000
Foes in the Morton Case ,
Troup Klatcd OVT Illy Bnrjialn IVith
Field Thi ) Giuiiblctalnvltoil to
fcitop Up mill "JJcnvc-ele. "
Special Corrcspondcuo to TUB lii ! : .
LINCOI.X , Nebraska , Jnnua-y 14. Tli"
homo ro-asicinbhJ this afloinoen nt half past
two and rn procieding to buiinrai the follow-
inf tneesagj from ho sonatu wai received and
read by thu clerk :
"Tho sonata concur ? in that part of the
hoiiso'a toiolutiou of thU date requottiii ? the
appointment of a committo ou thu part oltho
sonata tc-a.p.t . with tin house committee to ia-
vestiga'.o Iho management of Btato school
lauds and have anthorlzid the committee
heretofore appointed under the seniiti roaolu-
tion. said committee consisting of Senators
Uuckwowth , Mills , Spencer , Lewis , Motz ,
I./- Cherry and Norris to act with the committr o
of the house ; also to inform the homo that the
aanato his failed to concur In tbat pirt of the
hiuao resolution authori/'ng ' said joint com'
inittoo to envapo services , "
This gave Kiley , of Douglas , on opportunity
A Fiir.t : > DAY ,
aud on the conclusion of thu reading of thn
luosgago from the senate , ho immediately in-
troducad n resolution to tha effect that the
conmittco appointed yesterday by the house
bo dismissed and a now committee uf eix be
appointed , ccnslsting of thrt.o republicans and
three democrats , to investigate all transac-
Uons concerniug the lensim ? and aalo of school
lamU in the ttatt tbo committee to have
jioncr to employ independent legal advice
and investigate the whole subject thoroughly
and report to the limaIn support of his
roiolution Hiley very forcibly maintained that
tliii niveuKgaUon wau necessary ; that the
alt rney geuernl was an improper poracn to
employ u > counsel in prosecuting this investi
gation , us he , with the commissioner of public
land anil tlio secretary of state and treasurer ,
constitute the board havitg in charge
the disposition of said echoul hiidn
and as _ euch wai _ untittcd to advisn
the committee of investigation. Ho advaitcd
strongly t : > tha methods uned in tha senate in
failing to comply with the terms of the reso
lution ot the h'jusp , and taid th t Iho action
of the sonata tune n virtual refusal to co-
operatouilh Ihe hnuso it should invoet'gnte
the matter thoroughly and alone. Ha then
quoted figures showing tin azrea of echoM
land clit-pos.'il ot both by public and by pri
vate aalo in d showed thitt the number of
acres cold privately was tsu times the number
told by putillc and legal methods. This ho
said was tig ilicant aud suspicious and it was
the right ot th > people to know what had bo-
coino of their heritage.
Troup of Douglas , who may uov1 > 3 con-
uldered *
iiud Lancaster rin s , followed Riley and hi
renmrkj s ow how conij.lttBly ho was in their
poimssioii. Tliu debate waa contlnund by
Miller , H dmcs who oigrctcd to counsel to-
C1U30 ot the exponae , King who aaitl that any
committed appo ntcd by thejhouao would ba ad
mirably qualified to protecuto any invoitlga-
tion , Demplor who reijuestod the raport again
bo read , utd a g ntloumn from Webster wlu
inovud that thu rejiort bo Itul ou the table.
On thn role beiLg called sixty-four numbers
voted that til's resolution bu tabled and twenty-
eight against it. lUey win voted in the
atllrmalive ugaln nppeaiud ou the scouo with
a resolution in it thu previous vote borecm-
ilded and he pa vo a i his reason thn fact that
the senate hiiil appuintfd on iti committee
four republic-arm and thrco democrats which
woa not coMipljkp ; with tha resolution of yes
and many inquirieu were made of the speaker
as to tha stile of tlio proceeding.
Olmftiadrdquoitvd lhattlio original reeo-
lull on mitt to the cenutobo read , mul the
cltrk read It. This fcumed to add confusion
to the alroidy corifutecl state of thlngi for ono
etmtlomim iiuinodliituly after the oierk had
finlnhoil roudiiig wanted to know whuio they
wuro now. However , another member came
to thu rorouo with mi nmundmunt t > UIIey'K
motion to the ofToctthatit bo laid on tin table
and tha iiiiiuiidment was cnrrloJ by IJ'J to V3.
Tlio resolution wan therefore loat.
ImniHilutely alter Hiloy lud Bubfided , Mr.
L o , jf Furii'i' , proposed a resolution to the
pffuct that the railroad committno draft a bill
ntcarlitst oppoituuily establinhin } ;
to 1)3 charged by rtllnudd in the state and ro-
poitsaireto the house This was a weak at-
tumpt < m the part of Le to appear virtuous , but
beiigmirrounded by Thunton , John Sobler ,
1'at lluwes , John Manoneeter , O. H. ( Jreen
und forty other rallr < > ail cappers , ho wai
speedily frightened and to make amends and
fully cam his pasttiH ai d other Bwap , ho not
only eiile tracked Mi appr.rrnt ( ? nod Intfiit'ona
hut backed the hole thin ? off Ilia switch bj
niKvlnp tj lay his own resolution on the table.
Mr Lsowill find out before la-morrow night
tint it ii a bad thing far a railroad murnbcr tc
oasay the ro o of reformer. However , there
i * not much f.ur of his trying it a ain for the
doclslvn vote whufi tabled Mr. I SO'H res > lu'
tion (72 ( ujamat 18) ) w * jirobably a fair ndi-
eotion of the utrougth ol the reform element
in thu ) uiielaturo.
The Biibjldlzed press o ! the state at the late
elncllon in orU r to make thi ) legUUturo
nearly unaulrnoud as possible again.t le in-
lativo railroul rJorm lguon > d all iniMition * in
thut direction nd Nteadfa tly tilked ol
inattors foreign thercto tarllf reform , pirtj
suprrinacy , etc , , eta. Tno ( chemeri uo\v
nmnnxu whenque tlons of this character come
uptomakiiA puty imio and thus whip in
many of the unsuspecting members who are
inclined to vote for nny reasonable bill whict
liB4 a cliancu of p ing , WhiUt on thlf
iiue tionof mlroatls a word on Lleut..tov ! ,
Wiedd H oommittf CB m y bo strictly In order ,
Whtii Mr. tShcdd w s sneaker ha pretended
to thu
rillK.\D3 OV IIAILHOAI ) Il l-OIlM
th % * . ho would appoint a raihoad commlttei
winch would treat tha question of railroad ru
form 'fairly. " His c mmlttca when np
pointPd cuuiiitcil of eo many now nun that i
wan dithcuU to determine whether ho ncted It
P.NI I faith or not. hut subsequent uveuU ahnw
the people that the committees was as supph
to railroad ili-mands ta any that could l.avi .
well to nsalect-d
He MtHn-pto ' to escape criticism by sayini
that \v iilt nemo were now uit-o , he had conti
denca they would 1m f.ilthful to tha t > eope ! bu
that they wera unable to. with.taud the mtiu
enoB brought to btar upjn them.
rhis llmu he ban
dincardad all formality am
announcea a committee which certainly mus
havn chillenKfcj the admlntion of all the rail
rota manager * 111 the stats. There are a fev
fair men on the cominitfe- hut thiy are so far
In the minority as to bu ntmoat hopeleff ,
Joe Sewers , of Adntn * , the chairman ,
of .lim L.iirdV ttrikeiN and one of the mint
unblushing rallroaJ tools the ttnloever pro *
duced. M lkeljohn Is n runiway inMu of
Itrad Slaughter all that need ba n.hl of him.
l'i\ul is cut from the same piece with Uleti
Kendall , JJoth a'o notorious as rallrosd
Rtrlk rii , with pedigrees as far back as thu
GlcBoll of Karney ii n brjtbor-in-livw nf
Warden Nobes , and a pocket piece of Bill
Stout and like "Harkina" Is nlrvr.yn "willit "
This gives a psi till pedigree uf four out of the
nlno , Tto fifth ono is
xvlinm our roadera will rc'iiipmlisr , was in the
last sonatn and WAS RO fastidious upon the 6ul > - _
jest of railroad l si Utlon that ho was unnslo"
to Hnd a bill which in any manner effected road Intorf nt tbat lulled him His olfact
ories are probably asdilicAlo nonrcB they wcro
then , htnco no food need bo cxpctnd ot him.
Of tin otter members , Unwell , ol York is a
true man and may bo rellud upon ti d'i whnt
hlfl constiuonta require liuckworthMotz aixl
Hoebel are not ? men , and thu Dctc hopes to bo
able to say many good thicks of thorn kofoie
the se ? sinn closes ,
n little free advertising nt the hands of the
USE. Uowoia
and each session mtnngp * to intronuco a half
dozen or moro bill ? for the purposa of black
mailing thixo whoso Inturoeta tire moil alfec-
led , Sjmetlmes thobil'H ' IUQ iutioditced by
himself and often by < thcra-uiuiupootlng
dummies , who lacking thu ability to form i >
bill themselves , jump at the chnuce to offer
any kind of ona riven thorn. Thus for n ron-
sideration the bill n ay ba strangled in csm-
uittoi or withdiawn fnim coinMdoratlon. In
thii cue the gambler * of Nebraska must down with the cold cash or go to other
cliintF ,
Something will I'o mid of other cimmlltcc ? ,
but had bettor bo deferred to some other lime.
Therfl is comiderabla excitement jetmur the
affairs at the asylum , and investigations will
bo many and thorough. VTour : orrespondeut
h 3 noticed that tbo railroad manager ? , when
theio Is n prospect of advorre IrgUbtiun en
deavor to put on foot na many investigations
ns possible , to divert public ! attention from
niatld'i nirccling railroad intfrest , aud this
eeision will prove no exception.
Special telegram to TUB BBE.
LINCOLN , January 15. In the house to-day
the bill introduced to piy Bradford Bros. , of
Washington , 1) . C. . the modest sum of S10-v
DOO for alleged services in the celebrated case
of the state if Nebraska vs J. Sterling Mor <
ton , for the title to the salt sorin s of the
state , n subject which the BES will discuss in
n few daya. Tha speaker announced that the
comnilttoo to investigate tli9 school land
frauds would be glad to have the co-operation
of any person having knowledge concerning
thn inquiry and thai all suohnppear before the
committee ai early as possible. Troup , of
Doutjlas ? , who. is greatly el&ted over the _ suc-
cesjful bargain made with Speaker Field ,
which purchased him the chairmanship of < hu
jndiciary cnmmitte ? , to-day Introducad a bill
to amend the constitution so as to iucrcaaa the
salary of the Bcpremo judges. Troup probab
ly has his eye on one of tlwo vacant seats
upon thu supreme bench , nnd desires that the
salary shall bo eomewhat commensurate with
liis brilliant talent. Chief .luslics Troup will
liloiso wait a few days before douuidg the ju
dicial ormmo until the public jury has time to
consider his case. The BIE : lit of the counsel
in his case. The housa received 11 % is't ' from a
lor o delegation of Isdie ? , delegates to the
i-tale convention held to fid the homo for the
friendless. Mrs , Uittcnbonder , of Lincoln ,
wns introduced by the epeaker and spoke at
ome length In support of n request to apprfl'
priato § 10,030 for suppoit of tbo institution
The legislature was Invited to attend thn fail
to-night. StovensoDof _ Otoo county , offered
a resolution to appoint n committee to in
quire into the necessity of such an appropria
tion which pauod ,
Special to the Boo.
LINCOLN , January 15. 1'recieely at 10
o'clock this morning tha sonata mot for legis
lative work. The lieutenant governor , who
was absent yesterday morning , appeared at
his post to-day , looking well and pleased with
everybody , as well as himself. McShane , of
Douglas , whose chair has bein vacant duiinc
the week , was occupied to-day by that
Human. The business of the day proceeded
in n slow and interesting in inner , end calls
for no particular mention , Clark'n resolution
calling for a , railroad committea of inquiry ,
came up ( or consideration , but crealed no stir.
Brown declined Io servo on the committee ,
and suggested tint Clark himself bo appointed
in his placo. Ihis was accepted , and the
resolution , na amncded , was adopted. The
following being tto namea of the members of
the committee ; Clark , McAllister , Spencer
I'utnnm and Mills , This beirg Battled , the
clerk at once proceeded with tlio reading of
the bills before the senate. Tin * continued
until 11:30 , whei a motion tr > adjourn until 3
p. in. was proposed , and carried unanimously.
Special to Tin : Bit : .
LINCOLN , January 15.-At half-past nine
the speaker took the chair and called the
house to order. After the usual Introductory
business and as BOOH fts thu speaker announced
motions , at least forty of thosopiescnt jumped
to their foot with either bills or rotolutions ,
wishing to present to the houso. None of
thaso , however , were of any importince or
called for any remarks until a resolution by
Cole of AdaniH , was propotOd. This rcsolu-
w tha following effect : That Iho com
mittee on railroads bo Instructed by this
homo to repoit back to this homo at its
earliest opportunity a bill regulating faron and
freights of all railroads in the ttstu of No-
bra > ira. _
Cole , in introducing his resolution , tiiid lie
had every faith in the railroad cominiltee , lait
ho wanted them to act Bpetdily , bcciustj the
cry of the people oi the itito W H for railroad
Holinos , of I'ierco , objected. No bill had
boon prroeutcd to the house yet and the house
ought to wait uhtll the ralhoad committee 10-
ported on some of the hllln already given them
for cons'derjtlon. These reinlutlons wuro be
ing Iniroduced by irro pomib'n psrsous whn
wlaliid to obUiu notoriuty , 1'ottrjou agrocd
with Holrncri mid mined tlo rrsolutioa be
laid on the table. ThU was , however , lost.
Troup fciipportocl thu roiolutiou boraiua the
people d emanded railroad reform. Ho said I
he were on any committee ho would examine
all nnd any railroad billx and leport.
Casper Haiti tha house should drop every
thine for railroad legi'laUon and etrougly in ;
vised the members of the house to go to th
library and find out everything tonceruln
railways by reading thu oflicial reports am
statistics. At this point Dempster propotsi
mi amendment that the railroad committea re
port to the honsi before tha twentieth day o
the stfiaioii , and wa > of the opiuion that th
committee on railroads should do its work
early as possible ,
Howard , of Clay , auppottcd Dempster'
amendment , mid tald that two years agu the
had to wait until all the hills went conxldure
by tlM railroad c-immitteo , and that when the !
rarort was made to the homo It wai too hit
for lepnlation. The name thin ? would occu
now unit-is this amondmeut was adopted.
1'fice , of Holt , mppjrtcd the renolution
and ridiculed the idea that thix reaolutloi
would cast any reflection on the railroad com
mittoj. This in ject demamlod tha cr.ruoe
aud peo1y coneideration of the lu.ine. Km
ereon at thin juncture wished the aumndmen
readAud the clerk read the amendment.
HaiUn favored tlio motion , and in an evn
east appaal to the houiu said the time ha
coine for reform. Eery where in the ktato th
cry wui the barne rtlorm the railway legU
lation of the sttts. Ho advised thn matter bo
talon ho'd of i.l the b'Kinnlrg of the toislot
fothat they might Imxo time sutnclonUy to
consider this important subj'ct nnd to net
thoroughly in the mutter. Let this muttei bo
anitatu 1 in ths houao discimlon and sifted to
the bottom.
Nottletui , ss member of the rMlro\d cnnv
mittep , hoped the house would pwa the ro > o-
lullon , bcc use it wn apparent tha houro do *
f.lrd lugislation on thlo subject as epeoaily as
Cote , of Adom , replied nnd twittolHolmes
j ut his remurlM m notoriety. On the mo
on beinp : put it wes carried by 89 to 5.
Thla ended the prlnciual business of the
ornintr , for the rmt of Iho Boaiion WAS oc-
upio 1 by tlio cler * reading bill * . The homo
ook n recois from 113 o'clock until 2:30 : this
'taruoou. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
VT. HOBISRON , Neb. , January 10. Two
looting nlfr.iys tco' * place laet nUht at l'10 '
iloons on the houlcr of this military icaetva-
atiou , bntholw' ichoro the results of pay
ay. The flint occurred at what is called the
Lake Hanch , " a despctato resort on the
Vhito Hi\er road , resu'ted ' in the tctious
ounding of John Wiulder , the barber of II
oop , fifth cavslry. Winklcr was shot In the
g , tha ball loeglrglnthehsad of the thigh
The Bimo nifjht 1'iivato Cattcr , of V troop ,
hilo lyinx in a drunken stupor , on the floor
! Denny licjau's tsaloon was shot m the glut-
a' musclfsbv John Sale" , the kcf-rer of neighboring
oighboring "hog rfitcho. " The bill pussod
round tlio pelvis and was extracted from the
ront. Sales , commonly eallol ' Cotton , " has
ft tha cjuiitry. The refusal of Gov Dawea
QorRai'7.3 Sluiix county , in accordance with
36 politijn p-ceentod lilm from this toctlon ,
MVCS our p.oplo without eifficirs t > enforce
10 laws or toapprohctd law bwakois. Theio
JitronR talk of th'sorg nizitlon of avlgllanco
oinmilteo end nomethu g will dtmbtlcsa bo
OHO teen in this line if Sioux county ia not
ivan Belt-government tinder the statute ,
The storm which recently p ovnllcd _ m
estern Nebraska between the Dakota line
nd the PJatto wua the mo t terrific in the
nemory of the o'deat Inhabitant. Snow fell
or twenty-two consecutive days , and a perm-
noblizzir.l wi.h a wind blowir g nt the rata
f forty mlle nn hour , aud the thsrniometer
veraRing 28 ° below zero , raged for more than
week. There are tunuri of several deaths
mong lettlers to the east of ibis pott , but
ono of the reports have yet bton authenti-
fttod. Capt. J.IM. Hameton , 5th Cavalry , and
Ir. W. K Annin , of the linn of Paddock &
3o. , pst traders , had a terrible experience in
: ie blizznid ou their trio up from Sidney , in
10 Black Hilla coach , nnd nearly uomhed m
10 storm , being five days and nights making
distance of Bxtvmilea. They were three times
est in the blinding blizzard and spent three
tghts on the praliie with the thormometar
2 ° be'.oiv ero. Tha coach | n which they ar-
ived late on the Safurday night after Christ-
iap , had been tolling througli the snow from
idney sinca the Mouday previous , n journey
sually accomplished with ease in twenty-four
The news of nn appropriation for Tort Nis-
rara has induced strong hop s in the settlera
round thU point that Fort Robimon will n _ t
much lon er neglected , ns it has been in
ho past. Military authorities concede 16 to
io by far tha m-jst important frontier past in
Nebraska , Ijing as it does ou the left fUuk of
lie Sioux reservation and only sixty miles dis-
ant from Tine RtdRO Agency. The country
djacant to the reservation is settling up very
pidly , and immigraticn lua been largely in-
uced by niBurancestha'FortIlobln30ii ; was to
> 8 built up a. d materially strengthened as POOH
s sufficient appropriations to th it end could
10 securpd. Tim nearesS mllita'y post to the
ast is Fort NIobrarn , nearly 200 miles dis-
ant and which would bo quite useless iw a
> lsce of refueo for the settlers of the western
> artof Sioux county in catcof an outb-cak
it I'ino Hidgc. Ai there are now nearly
; wo thousand settlers in the county , which
number will bo double I by the clojo of
pring , tha importance of Fort Hobm-on to
Ilia bcntion is n constantly incroising one.
cpcialy ) as from Gordon Wfst the line of
settlement la parallel to the southern line of
; he Sioux rererve. There is a steadily row-
ng feeling that it is unfair and unjust on tlio
jart nf those who have the matter in charge
at Washington to pro\ida so bountifuljy fir
the Elkhoru vallfy in the way of militaiy
srotcctionvlul * the aettlors on the White
river are left with a rapidly decaying port ,
and a paltry garrison of f ur companieii , in
; he most Importaut military position ia north
western Nebraska , n position which mu t con-
tlnuo equally important until the Indian
pioblem has been thoroughly solved bv the
complete civilization of the most blood
thirsty savages' in the west. With
a strongly built post at I1 or
Niobrara on the , w
with ono at least , equally as strong at For
11 binsotion the west of thn Sioux reserve , the
settlers in noithwe stern Nebraska would fee
secure from any probable raid from the north
while a general outbreak could ba lurned tuo
ces-fully from the ee tlenvntj on our northern
frontier. Without Fore It binson this eutir (
i ect on would Ho completely nt the mercy o
the snullo-t band of marauders who migh
chcoso to descend upon the settlements auc
ravage them befrro relief could reach them
from either Niobrara or Lararale.
The feeling is bscoming eo strong among
cur people thai netltioi s are already in circu
Ifttion. addressed to our lenators. iirgin ? then
to make n united effort on behalf of cnl relng
Fort Iloblnson and rebuilding its tumble
down quarters.
The Striking Ilrnkonicn.
Fonr WAYNF , Ind. , January 15. Up t
this hour the situation of the striking railrom
braknmen Is practically unchanged. No move
ment has been mada to-doy looking tow.iri
Ihe movement of freight trains. The striker
ho'd absolute sway over the ytrdfl of th
Pittsburgh , Grand Rapid ] & Indiana railroad
They keep a patrol moving upon the ehiftin
entinos ( from the east yards to Grand Rapid
junction , a distance of two miles wet , tnheai
off any movement of the ollicials to
wards starting the train ? . The striker
have pinco the strike been holding meetings ii
cabootu No CO , near Lafayette street , iutld
thu city limitt , but to-diy they dic.dud t
move into moro cammojlous quurtera. They
appropriated n passenger coach , placet
it near their caboose ) aiiit will heroaftsr hoi.
Ihnir niur chamber cessions In the coach
while the caboose will be uited OH a rec ° ptioi
room , Hiit ( Law saya that ho has callei
upon tbo city and county au.horities for pro
tectinn , but for seine uno'plainod reason
no aid hai been rendered. It is thought to
night eoina arrrsU will bj made to-morrow
but nothing definite is known , meantime th
yanln of the company are blocked with load
eif freight earn , many of them with perish
able good * , The striker * doggedly otser
that not n wheel shall turnnatil the olmoxlcu
double-header system is ubolishcd. It i
supp sej pin firemen will join tha strikers to
morrow. Tha pay car is due to-morrow.
Illinois bonatorinl Aspirants.
CHICAGO , January ID , - Tha Inter Ocean
Sprivgfiold , 111 , , fpacial cays ; The lion
David T , Littler gave a dinner this evening t
varloiu atplraut * fir the United SUtca ten
atorthip. Those prezent were General Logan
JudxoVm. . Snider , Comjreseinan Morrison
Genera ! Black , Joshua Allen and Carter Har
risou. It wai un enjoynbla occasiun to th
p&rticlpintf , who all eug ed in goud-uatum
wringlo over their reapojtlve chauees fo
fur Murder.
WKLLBBOIIO , January 15. George Travis
Wftshangedin jail here to-day for thu luurdc
of Matlah Syl'via Charletton , in Tioga , Pa
April 3 , 1883 , end burning the rdmnlns i'n
vacant barn to conceal tha crime. Aftorwart
he drove her cattle away , claiming to hav
bought them , He w g convicted oa circuit
Bttantial evidence alone.
lie McPhers < ] ii Bill is Vlrinallj Dc-
fealcfl ,
[ peculations in Regard to General
Grant's ' Retirement.
kndall Thinks all Appropration
Bills Will bo Passed ,
And Rooommsnds that Nothing
Bo Done to
Umbarras the Incoming of the
New Administration.
Clio Portrait of Kx-ProaUlunt IInycn
to bo llunc in the tnin
WASMINDTON , V. G. January 15. ISSo.
talr , from the committea on nival affair ? ,
eported favorably the bill for the relief of
lie suffcrcts by thu wreck of the United
tttcs steamer "Tiillapoasa , "
Calendar. Miller , Cola , , introduced a bill
o Increase th pen'ion of the widow of Gen-
ral Gtorpo H. Thomas from $300 to 91000 a
ear. Hcfenol.
The senate then proceeded to the considcra-
lon of thn bill * nn the calendar.
On innti'iu Miller , C.vla. , senate went into
xecuiivo BO sion.
A portrait of ex-President Hayes painted
y HuntirjRton , was received at the White
tome to-day will bo hung In the main cor-
When the doors were reopened the senate
Senator Morgan made a tpeoch in the ox-
cutivo eeasion in favor of the NIcar guan
rcaty. _ Ha discussed the possible relations
f foreign powers to this fubjot , nnd stt
orth at great length the advantage to this
onntry , which may bo expected to follow the
( instruction of thin canal. There were nether
ther speeches.
An amendment wai offered by Sherman
inking to negotiations witli Great Btitain for
le abrogation or amendment of the Clayton-
tulwer treaty before the Nicaragua ! ! treaty
nail lake effect. * . <
WASHINGTON , D. D. , January 15 , 1885.
The f poaker laid before thn house thp esti
mate from the commission of the District of
Columbia for the appropriation of 810 , ' 00 tenable
nablo them to maintain public ordar during
he ceremonies attending the , dedication cf
ha Washington monument and the Inaugu a-
ion uf the next president ; referred. The
lousa then went under n special order to pro-
f ej to the con { deration of the McPherson
rll. Henly wished to antagonize It with the
.uestion of consideration , but tha speaker
uled such a question could 4iot be raised
gainst the special order. Henly gave nolle i
hat he would Saturday press the Northern
'aciEe land grant bill tor asMon ,
A some _ hat "extended debate : on the Mc-
'hers in bill enenoi Coolc was among
hose who opp-scd $ _ the bill ,
lenderfon. of Iowa , eupporte&Sho- measure ,
leclarlngit in the interest of tI > people and
not in the interests of the banfis. Pot er op.
> osed the bill. Ho gave notifeof a m t ion
; i > re-nnmmlt the bill with instyuctiins to the
lommittcc on banking nnd currency to repprt
lack the bill which he read entitled a bill
o refund the bonded debt of tha United
stales nt2.V per ceiit Interest tp reduce UXA-
, ion upon the circultating banlj note currency
and to secure tuch currency against unneces
- > ary dlstur'-anco and fliictuiUons by applying
; ho national revenue * economically to the pay
ment of tin national debt. t
Hewitt , New York , thought tha vote of
Now York city would bn found oas * ajralnat
Ihe McPherinn bill. HowiM' advocated the
Potter eubitltute , because that wuldlaVo the
surplus money in the treasury nnd usi il for
the purpoio of reducing Iho rate of interest
on the I ) mil ? , while the principal of the bonds
would still remain ns a basis for banking.
Hunt bridly advocated the McPherson bid.
Warner , Ohio , offered nn amendment au
thorizing the secretary of the treas
ury , that whenever the circulating notes
national banks shall fall below S303.3I8 081 to
issue United States notes in Buflicientamounti
to keep the vojume of paper currency at all
times at a total ot SGfiO.OCO 000.
Wilkina then demanded the previous
question on the bill and amendments , pend-
whlch MilUmovJd the House adjourn , atat-
ing that the democrats wished to bold n
caucus. The motion was carried , yeas 130
nays 112. While this was in no sen o
a teet vote on the Me-
Pherson hill ( many members voting
In the affirmative. In order that the caucus
might bo held ) it operates as a virtual defeat
of that moaburo. as tha special order is not the
continuancy ordor. ' >
Bucuner , chairman of lha banking nnd cur
rency committee , said to nn associated pr BS
repoitw'That settles the bill , wo will
never again be ablotoVot it before thohoiuo. "
Pending the announcement of the votes , thi
houo oin-curred In the senate amendment tc
the tlx months naval anpropiiatiou bill and
Handall , Holman and Long were appointed
conferees. Adjourned.
Special Telegram to The Bee , .
WA-HIINOION , January ID.jfTharo IB cou-
sidoruble inquiry hero to-day as regardi to
the amount of salary Gen ral 'Grant will ro
celvo in casa the house concurs in thebill [ plac
ing him on the retired list'which posioi the
senate yesterday , Ofcourie.-ho will receive
thouame salary at General Sherman now re
ceivei ) , but thu difficulty is to ascertain oxactlj
how much General Shtnnan Kceivoa. Armj
ullicers , ns a rule , conceal the amoiiut of theii
Bftlaty. The _ money Is not appropriated direct ,
as are ralarie paid the civil employes. It
got u to them in paresis , BO inpch for salary ,
eo much for length of service , eo much toi
rat'on ' * , and In other ways. General
Sherman' * salary amounts" In all to
nlMit § 17COO per your , a little moro than
double the amount received liycabinet officers
or justices of tha supreme court General
Slocum , who has charge cf tha Grant rill in
the In mo , Is urged to move the senate bill ue
a ub tilute. At tbu democratic caucus to I c
held to-night Speaker Cjrlisle najs tha order
of buxlness will bo arranged. It is understood
that the Grant bill will baono of the measures
to bo considered , us will also thu various pub
lic building hills. Tha Idea ia to past all billi
that are meritorious , and as far as poeelblo tc
prevent antagonism on the democratic slda ol
the lioiino on any iiiDUkuro , In an Interview
with Col. Lamout , the president-elect's l > ri
vato ccretaiy , published In the Wow Yorli
World , ths colonel denies. that thcio Is anj
nmkotl scramble fur ollico under the now nd
ininUtratlon. Ho says the nuraberof appllca
tiona for ollico id quita small , and Indlcatci
that Cl-nelaud has made no pledge * of anj
PolUlc l Trlclcesry.
Special telegram to the DEE.
WAHIIINQTON , Janary IB. Blaine ii gettlni
to be almost as active ai he was daring thi
late campaign. Democratlo senators trao
his mischiuvous icfluence to two very recto
attampts to emlarraia Cleveland. They hoh
him rt-tponublo for the debate over the Sherman
man Jt'flerion Davis controversy , nhich the ;
i\y bo had precipitated with a vlnw of etirr-
ig the southern democrats up , in the hope
ixtthey might fay or doiomathing which
nuld bo eTon ( ivo to the p npleof the north ,
'hey ' regret that any si uthtstn tonntor suf.
ic.l hiin ( lt to bo ( irann iotn the deb.\te on
iifl tubjpct , but they think th t what was
aid by tha suuthern men will not bs ulitoi-
us to ho Bfnuo of the right i f many ,
It was bfc.iuro they detected Ulauo'a pur-
ese that the leaders of the demoi ratio tide
nl thp debate nff , suffering only two demo-
.ruts , Brown nnd Vance , to epcaV , and allow-
ng thnn on y licc-nsu they had been men-
'uued by Mr. Sherman. The other attempt
as that embodied in n Washington dispatch
niblMiod recently , which ftiti'.l that the
outheru ndvi'ory board hid been cicatod by
nd was eompoicd of si uthern ei'iialurp , who
rorn to distrlbutn the { .atronaga of thn south
or Clovclaud. Thisreport wns ab olutelyuu-
mo. Itii eo pronounced by all southern
cnators , including the < u who were mentioned
.s mcmbcrd ot the Lonid ,
lllvcrs mill
The committee on rivers and harbora do-
idcd ID recommecd an appropriation of
' 150OfO for Now Or 1 o.ins harbor on the
round that it i ? n harbor of refuge nnd a city
f a great soiport. Jtccomtnondatlons lor
ppropri .lions lor otht-r h irbora on the j\lu-
tteippi , madu by the Mississippi rive-r cnin-
ni'Sion , will not bo con-idered An appro-
iriatlou i f 83.)0,000 la ncommcnded f..r big
itussol shoal and 850,00 ; for the ToDnsssto
ivor above Chatan ) > rgt.
The committee also recommend the
.ointment of a eommiitiou of sa\e'iimomlirra ,
\voarm > engine rs , one coast survey cincer
.nd . fonr clvilluus to examine iho work in
irogr iB on the various livem and ha brrs nnd
cport to congrots , the commission to bo in
ixlstenco but one yoar. Tbo mcmb'isot the
louse committee1 on public health express the
pinion to bo Impo'xiblc , owicg to tlio ehort
line ranml ing bffora adjournment of can-
ress to pass the bill i rovidinK for regulations
0 protect the public hta'.th. ' They may , how-
ver , rcc mniend the appropriations commit-
eo to report an appropriation to old in tin
irovention unel spread uf the cho'cra , should
appear in the country within the next yoir
Immediately niter adjournment this after-
.con the democratic munbeis of the house
lold a short caucus. It wai nnnounci'il that
It object wns to ngreo upon a a plan of work
utiog the tctmindor of the ecssion. No
ilau , boweverwai pro cntcd.JHandbH said he
id called the caucus simply t > acquaint the
lembers with llio condition ot the approprla-
ion mcisure's. Ho was of the opinion that
hera would bo no disagreement betne-entho
, wo bouseof / ) enntrrcss and every appropria-
ion bill would bo passed before the 4lh of
larcli. lie recommends that nothing be
: ono which would in any way cmbarrai the
o\v administration.
William A. Richardson , judge of lha court
if claims , to bo chief justice of the court of
laim . John Davie , of the District of Col-
mbio , to be judge of the couitof claims
ilr. Davis is the present assistant secretary of
tate , Kichardson tikes the place of Chief
ustco : Drake , retired.
Now YorK Senatorial Aspirants.
Special Telegram to THE Br.E.
LOANT , N. Y. , January 15. Ks-Governor
Cornell has arrived from New York and per-
onally taken clmrgo of Morton's canvass ,
ine of the Kvarts leaders on seeing Cornell at
: ie Delavan house said : "Thero must bo
iome great neccasity or Mr. CorLell would not
eiummonod hereby the Motion leaders. "
, Ir. Cornell took tha room which he occupisd
bile spaaker of the asspmbly in 1873. Thera
iowas soon visited by ecores of political
'rlends. Throughout the ovoninap hii rr > om
1 aW-crowdqa nff'Tp'blitic Tliea3citrartog.
. .Ir. Cornell made no d-sguiso of his interc < t
n Mr. Morton's canvass and it was evident
10 night that ho was throwing his
raat influocco in the state in Mr.
ilorton's favor. Meanwhile the headquarters
f Mr. Kvarts and Mr. Moiton wcro full of
ife. Persons entering the Delavan house
cmnd great pi icards puated up pa the white
iillarsof the lower corridor , ( tatinpr that L vi
? . Moiton , William'M. Evarts and Leslie W.
Russell were candidates for United States
iinator , and that thtir headijaaitsrs would be
. 'ouud in tlio corridor above. It was antfc-
Ipitod tbat a placaul announcing the candi
dacy of Frank Uincock would appear during
ho day , but his managers for eomo unknown
eason made no such announcement. An
mmenso crowd of politicians crowded
.lie lower corridor all day , Up
stairs tha Kvarts and Mortem leaders
were in council nearly all day Ex Senator
Qamiltor Harris , of this city , took the man-
Cement of Mr. Evarts' canvass. With biin ,
here WEB seated at a table on which ' - .
Evats' ctinpaign was marked fi1 ; r1" . , ro-s-
man Henry G. BurlelRli , of V.'hit ' 'iall. ' . The
iiresence of Mr. Burleigh waj K nerally interpreted -
pretod as a eign that President Arthurand bis
friends had decided to support Mr. Evarts
Andrew S. Draper , chairman ot the execu
tive committee of the republican
etato committee , and .lames S _ Smart ,
of Cambridge , who are personal friends ol
President Arthur , were in fri quent coiumlta-
tii n with Mr. Uurlelgh and Mr Harris dur
ing the day. Indeed the Arthur men made
no diegulsoof the fact that they wera going
to do llieic best to elect Mr. Evarta ,
Ht. John Interviewed ,
MINNEAPOLIS , January 15. Tha Ateoclatcc
press agent asked St. John to-day if he wouli
content to make a public statement regarding
tha Clarkson-Lepato publications' , which re
gard his course duting the late campaign
"No , " eaid ho , "I have thus far declined ti
make any statement beyond a mere denial o
the accusations , but I may prepare a state
ment and furnUh you with the mauu'crlp
before I Icavo the city. I have not yet deter
mined. If I conclu a to ans er the chupasal
all , further than to deny thn whole affair i wil
not depend upou ttio memory or anyone , hut
will furnish the copy to you myeclf. Th [ <
charges are faleo from beginning to eud. La
gate is now tlin strongcRt wltijcjt figamsfc im
acciuers , and I have uo C'lminunic.Uion will
> him or any ono else ubuut the matter. Tin
associated prees dispatch s for tha last feu
day a FI uld bo Bufliclunt proof to nnyone thai
the chargoi nru fiiUe. It gata admlta th-
the letter , or part of It , Isafor ery Allldeain
to'say now is , that I am innocent of thoti
rharges , and i'hopo I do not bok llko a guilt ;
man.If I conclude to make a publlcstatdinen' '
I will furnishyou with a copy over my owi
slgnuturo. " This wai all the governor had ti
say about tha recent publication" , luciden
tally ho said ho bad ten tinns ns many oiler
to lecture as he could accept ,
Another- Fire In TccjumHcli.
Johusou County Journal January IS.
At about six o'closk WeilnctJ.iy mornin ;
the alarm cf lira was given by tha rlnglnsr o
bells and tha blowing e/f whistle ; . The street !
were Boon filled with of our citizens anxious t <
reach the scene of the iiru and render al
poisible nuiiatiuce , Testimony appears t <
show that the ilsinoj wcro first dlscoverecj it
the room of or immediately hack of R , P
Shuck'i ) fruit ntand on Clay street , In a fav
nipiner.ti the ilamea had posic.sricm of S
TinpID'S bulldiag occupied by OllilJ & Spur
gin , as a lutchur eho | > , and Fred Keymor , a
a harness Hhop , while V. D , Metcalf aim
hud hla law ollito up-htair. , Nex
uame the building occupied by Martii
& Montin a billiatd hall , ownei
byWIllard Stewart , of Llncolu. Then thi
building ( iwood imd uccuplod by A. P. Wil
no a wuu consumed , but by dint of hard 1.d
the law allies of I'lnero & Cliapman wiw saVac
and that , too , after the building had caugh
fire. d. P. Tliiirlo had $ l,00j in manceoi
his building ; WtlUrd Stenart bad Jl.COi
insurance. Kred Kejmer had las ( tool :
tuiured lor $1,000 but eavuj mot of hi
goods OfHIl & tipurgin , Martin .t Mont
and A. P , Wilson saved most of their good
having light insurance. V. D. Metcalfo los
bis entlio law library , and many other valna
bn'nrtlcl ! f , no insurance , R. P. Shuck haof
S200 ioHirsnco on hln ptoolr , but saved some
of his goads. It ia a mjstrry how the lira
orvlnotcd. Total low about S I.OCO or 5o,000 ,
Oiirfifoln Decembir ncutirrod on lha Ifith ,
while thii one took phco on the lltli , just
one mouth l.Uer.
Clnclniintl Klcollon Investigation ,
CINCINNATI , January 10. The Springer con-
ercsstonal cotnmittoo investigating tha conduct
of tlio Octilw elfetlon in this district to-day
received ttsthnonyof Amos I/iuliuglon.
Ho salJ ha was surervlsor of the Race street
preci'Ci of ho Egh'h ward. The colored
pi'oplo did not take clmrgo of tlio polls and
run things their own way. Tin democrats
chnllfingoil every nocro. In eomo ca ej be
fore tha judge ? had time' to examine the man
thu dem jcrats would shout "He's n rep. tiler"
aud ho would bo letked do < * n and beaten till
ho ran away. The deputy shotlfTi , armetl
with dray pin ? , oul-red the deputy nunha's
and supervisors out of the pilling plactp.
Ono of them was In the room now , anil to-
d\y tbr.atoned the witness. Judge l < "oraker
asked it I'liilllpj wns present. Wttnojs
pomtul him mt , and Phillips nrosa and look
ing at the wittues , etid "You llt > . " Witness
s id that ho hud boon told tbat witnets had
thrtaUiicdhim. Witn si eaid tint a man
with a hickory club in his hand had imlerid
him out of t m ih lling placo. JfomithU hand
on tin ballot box i.nd stood at his post. Sam-
ui'l Tayloi ( ut'loiod ' ) . a bank mo seng r , lold
hi ; ) effort to vote at thl.i precinct. He wtis
ihallengcd by a colored democrat , the only
colored man ho law thoro. The judge ivp-
puiotcd iiiyu to go with him to eu whore
iiu liso.l. 'Ihe moment ho Ft ppcd
duwn , he wns knocked down. He got up ai.d
ran nw y. Did not dnro to gii bick Later
while ou tniino > 8 fur tha banle , ho waspassicg
within a square or two of the pulls \\hon ho
saw a mob ulttr Anderson bennett , ( colotud. )
The mob turned on him. He showed two BCHIS
( iithetou of his head nnd .one on his lip
ciustd by wounds then received. Ho wiw
put in a patrol wrgun and had a chance to sto
the mob liylog to kill Dennett in the nousu
of Pieachor Webb where he took refuge ,
Bomiott W.IB finally put In the patrol wag < > n
ai.cj the mob thtow bouldura at him in the
wagon. "
Failure of John J. Cisco & Son.
NEW YOHK , January 15. It wai oQiclally
announced shortly after the close of business
that the old banking linn cf Jno. .T. Cisco & ,
Son hid made nn assignment to Louis May ,
formerly of the linn of May & King , bankers ,
who Is also the assignee of Halstead , Halnea
& Co , , which concern suspended some months
ago. The firm was intimately connected
financially for many years with the Louis
vlllo & Nnshvillo , and Houston & Texas Cen
tral Railroad companies ; owing to _ the
shiinkago of values of thp above securities
raports wore started eoveral days ago tliat the
tirm waa ombarraescd. Although the
roporlK afferting the credit were
denied at the time , they led to n
steady nod increasing run by depositors nnd
it was deemed boit for the benefit of all the
creditors to make an assignment without pref
erences , for the purpose of a gradual liquida
tion and as generally believed this afternoon ,
the matter is rather In iho nature of liquida
tion than a failure , ns it is stated that all de-
poaltpiB will bo paid in full as BOOH ns the se
curities can bo realized upon. No statement
has yet been mada up. The present partners
are John A. Cisco , eon of John J. Ciuo , and
1A , Footp. The late John J. _ Cipco was
for n long time treasurer of the United States
at Now York. All monies deposited with the
tirm to-day will be returned to-morrow.
Vrotentiuit MonlrH ,
NEW Yous , January 15. The correspon1
donco between Bishop Leo , of \ \ llmington
Del. , aud Dr. P < ) ttcrlin.r ffarLtai ii 4.
sion of Mr Huntiugton to the Older of the
Holy Cross , has been made pubho. Bishop
Lee condema Potter'a aclion in the mattsr
strongly , characterizing the influence of the
order as evil anil pernicious. Ho entreats Pot
ter not to rcpf at the act , \t ishing the prepont
act might bo und no. In reply Bishop Pot
ter says the ceremony did not commend Jttulf
wholly to his taste or judgment. The young
man hid token practically the came
vow taken by a woman who joins
the sisterhood. What IB the objection to a
brolhfihocd if there wcs none to a sisterhood ?
Uo lainii the course pursued by Huntingdon
to bo a necojtity In order to perform n mietion
of peed among these whom he intends to
work. Potter then enters into the question
of the effect of his action upon the church and
fays if the Episcopate decide to did wrong ho
will rolenso Hunliogton from the obligations
without however , purrenderins his own judg
ment as to expediency and propriety of his
action ,
A. Bull In the Neck.
PANAMA , January G. The most ularmlticr
condition of affairs prevails throughout the
republic. A general conflict is imminent. A
civil war is under way In Cundinamaraca ,
B./yac3 , Santander , Magdalen * and teems
about to break out In the important utato of
Cauca. Hera in Panama more trouble may
occur , but there will b ] little blo.dthed.
Heavy fighting has already taken
iiUce in thu interior. The radical party
1ms joined a faction of the conservatives.
They ate endeavoring t > _ turn out
the liberal governments in different statoB ,
which ara ttrpngly supported by the govern
ment of President Nunez. Then , if they are
Buccostful they will nnito the staoes thay hold ,
and make an attempt to overthrow thogcneral
government. Severe skirmiahoi oecnrred in
Santander and P oyaca. A cable tb's ' morn
ing Bays n battle has taken place atTunjiv in
Boyaca , in which the federal forcss were de
lUi l VU. The commander in chief , Gen , Mem-
tifar aud another general were killed ,
11 Bandits' Vinrk in Mexico.
BAN I-'KANCISCO , January 15. The Chroni
cle's San Diego special given the following
particulars of tha outbreak at Knscada ,
Mexico : At midnight Saturday the sargount
of the guard was bayoncttod by a sentry in
the back while Fitting in his tent. The house
of Captain Rico was broken Into nnd
iho captain shot dead in , bed. Hi-
wlfo was eeizcd and the money in
the house demanded. She said there wan
none , She was clubbed to death with muskets -
kets and the house pillaged , Ono thousand
dollars and other valuables wcro taken. All
horses in Iho vllluxo wera collected by thu
mutineers who departed , The'lleutcnantwhu
was talted with them ashort dUtanca v/as
clubbol and loft for dead. Ho afterword re
covered &nd returned to thu vilaagc. It it
thought his injuries aru not fatal. The noted
bandit. 1'ancho Lope/ planned the revolt and
leads the party which U camped at Jacuuibo.
Tlio Clncliinntl Whisky niartcct.
CIKCINNATI , January 15.--Tho whieky mar
ket which wta unsettled for the past few
days by reason of the largo quantity thrown
on thin market ci ntraiy to the usual manner
of disposing of the production at that point ,
resumed a normal condition to-day. The
nurpluH from nbr ad wan bought by twi.
housflB , and it is said measures will be taken
to prevent a recurrence of the
Haired Bcaim tor Grliuicll ,
Q BOSTOJT , January 15-Ilev , Charles F.
d Timing , pastor of the North avenue Congro.
io gitional chinch , Cambridge , bai received Tan
1.k invitation to become the successor < f tha Rev ,
k Dr. Magoon , as president of the Iowa college
at Grlnnoll , luwa.
itK itn Cremated ,
k ) LANCASTER , January ID , The fourth ere
in mation took place at Lancaster at the crema
Lz oiy to-day noon whan the body of Majoi
Int Chai. D. lirady , of St. LcuU , who commitlud
t . nulcida at hl home la that city on Frida ;
- night , wa ii * ( * ia * > nf a/1
GalllO LUWfiPBDll HO iBlprOYCBIBDt ill-
Bscoiplo are Averngitifi About
8,000 , For Day ,
HogaHav ) Advanced Ton Qonts
tvnd Oloeod Firuij
Wheat Fluctuated and Closed n
Trifle Weak ,
Corn. Continues to Enlo Steady
and Fi
atn In Good llomnnd Ityo Klrm
1'roviflonn Generally Higher
nnd Firm.
ipeclal Teleginm to Tin : BKE.
ClllOAao , January 15. Cattle nro lower
.nd the outlook at prpsont Is that there will
0 no improvement tot the fcmalndcr of the
cek , at least the receipts are averaging 8-
1.0 per day and are considerably ahead of
.his time last week. The decline Includes
ll Berts , but is'moro noticeable on medium
nd common stoors. The spiuul is wldo juat
uw bet\wcu f.\t and half fat steers , fully
1 00@1 2G , The dornaud for cows nnd mixed
ock remains atoidy ; canning' stock Jlmi been
thur too plentiful for a day or two , and is
ow , aud prlcoi on the same rither weak.
'hero ' Is moro active business in etockera and
seders and prices are quoted stronger than
n Monday and considerably higher than
cek ago. The cold weather has almost shut
ff trading in milkers and only fancy animals
: an bo dltposod of at niiytliinjf llko a fair
rice. Speculators and jobbers , who deal In
: io common kinds , are out of the market at
resent. Good to choice shipping , 1,330 and
COO pounds , $5 40 @S5 00 ; 1,200 andfj 1.3CO
> ouud ? , S3 S3 CO ; common to fair , SI CO
15 0 , ) ; inferior to fair butchering stock , 82 40
! 3 2D ; medium to choic , ? 3 25 81 25 ; alotk-
rs , S3 30 ® 1 00 ; feeders , SI 00@4 G ) .
In this market business wai active nnd
irices Rlrongnnd Htcn cents higher , rcoov-
iring tha doUiua of yesterdny , selling fully as
ligh as on Moiul.\y. Sales : Common and packers around about 4 1C © 1 25 , fair to
ihoico 4 35 © 145 , and boat 4 fcU@l GO with
: hoico assorted ho vy ut 4 ( J5@t 75 , Closely
assorted light at 4 4U © 1 GO ; common light
20@4 30 and pigs 4 10@4 15. Pucking and
hippintt 540ff4i.O ! . Ibs. , 4 C0@4 75. Light
.GU@2l01bs. , 4 20@4150. Values on 'change
to-day were moro or less uatuttlcd beicg suli-
'ect to alternate spurts of strength and weak-
iess , the optning was a few points lovfer oil
round but steady buyiug until well toward
loon raised it 14 contr. At figures then
urreut there was an active realizing and a
decline , of ? * " " ° " " ' " " ' " " ' ° ' "
' " , 1" " / 1'J"y"1'\v ; "rivirJi ;
'El5atly."Triie wliolo provision hstfwas eisy
ind r/enorally a ehado lower.
, vas from | o to | c lower at the opening a
ornpared with Wednesday's closing fignres.
Until about noon the tot-ling was steady and
rm with n tenrloncy upward , a largo number
if represenlativo houses covering in their
horts and going long on stuff on its merits.
Jater there was : v free roiluiof ; and a paitial
oes of the pr vious advance without the inar-
: et being quotably weak. At thp close of the
norning suHj'on the market was 'firm. No -
priiig was quoted eaily atBlje and nominally
, t 80go later.
lontinnes to nile steady without attracting
aiticular attention. To-day it.was relatively
itrongor than wheat though far moru quiet.
Ho. 2 cash sold at 3Sc.
wire in good demand fur thp favorite Hptcula-
live option. Notwithstanding the unusually
heavy receipts fluctuations were within Js and
at the close of the morning &ueiou steady.
uled generally firmer and was in | fair de
mand with offerings somewhat below tin nv-
ge. No , 2 tnsh was called for at GOc ,
while GGJo wan bid for May. Track stuff
ranged from f)2o to G2Jo for No , 3 to No. 2 ,
; onorally shouocl a hi her range of prices and
nore firmneeu at tha opening , owing to the
light estimated hog receipts and considerable
uncertainty as to what they would actually
be , all trains being lato. The early
strength and upward tendency In wheat and
otlur grains added to the better feeling and
ho'pcd the market up 74 , but at the advance
moro stuff was brought out thnn the mtrket
could absorb and tbu subsequent down turn
aggregated 15 , Lard and ribs were both
steadier with fluctuations within moderate
limits. Cash stuff was a little bolter than
nominal at tha following quotations : Pork ,
S12 25 ; lard , $ C 85i ( 00 ; rib ? , $ G 10@G 15 ,
Close of the morninrxosMon wan linn ,
The Now York Bond Miirlcct.
Special Telegram to Tin : UUE.
Ntw YOIIK. January 11. A. wo k apot In
the bond market was the default by the Cen
tral Iowa on § 3,750,000 first mortgage bands.
This is u Itusstill Sage road and the vennrablu
vlce-prctldont Is out with an explanation thix
afternoon. Ho says the coupons ara being
pu cbttHed by the Mercantile Trust company
to-day , and will bo repaid out of the lint
enrimiBB of the road The directors ara ai-
ranglng a plan for psylog In cash one-half of
the four per cent coupons on tha divisional
bonds , the other half to bo converted with
the consolidated bonda. Thla ii expected to
free the. company of its Iloallng ( loot and
etmblo it to complete the bridge ncroxa thu
Missifflippi at Keithsbur , The deficiency IH
attributed to the IG < H of earnings because of crops in the past two yearn , 1
TV m. Ncsl JMiut
LOUIHVH.I.IT , January 15 The court of appeals
having aflirmeid thu decision of ttio court below -
low and refused to reopen the cato of Win.
Neal , convicted of murder , Gov , Knntt to
day sittnod tha death warrant , and fixed Fri
day , February H7th , for the execution , Neal
ia the last of the a ful perpetrators of tbu
Ashland murder , when ttio Gibbon family
was killed after two young girls wcro cut-
A Sliort CiiHliior Mlaslnjr.
liALTluonE , Jonuary 15 , Thomas Graham
cashier of tha liultiinoro & Ohio Workr , ot
M ount Clair , h misttnu. IIo 1 ] short over '
810.0CO. The company is protected by
bondsruun ,
Upturned ,
WABIIIKCSTO.V , January ll.-Chargca pm-
f erred against General McKuovor ly General
Ha on have been rotu mod by the latter oflij
cor. No official uot'ce can be taken of them.
Iho Hooltliif ; Valley ,
CoLUiincs , Ohio , Junuory 14. Keports
from the HockiiigValloy this evening aru that
twfrything li ( juiet , though the geneial feeling
Ii of feur tliat trouble may occur at uny