fc ttr THE DAILY BEE-WEDN ESDAY , JANUARY 14 , 1885. MUSIC GOODS , SHEET MUSIC. VIOLIN STRINGS. A. HOSPE , JR. PLUSH OASES , PINE ENGRAVINGS CHRISTMAS CARDS PICTURE FRAMES. FORTUNES IN BOHEMIA. Famons Votes Tbat Hayc Mate Mine ? for Their Authors , How Writers nml Publishers Score illta and Mlsucs Uookiiiablnj : B a Business The Klcklo Pulillc. New York Star. The scriptures toll us of n certain man noted for patience under afllletionwho expressed the wish Umt his enemy might write a book. It la to bo presumed that wish grew out of the spirit of revenge , and that the man who gave it utterance thought that his enemy waa a pretty bad man , who deserved very severe punish ment. Many books that have bzen writ- en have c&uacd their authors , ai noli as heir readers , great unhapplnesa. On ho other hand , there are famous volumes which have made fortunes and enviable renown for their owners and publishers. A Star reporter had an interesting chat with the head of an old publishing house yesterday. "Kookmaklng is a peculiar business , " he publisher slid , "and in It a great uany fortunes hr.vo boon made and lost. . ' make it my invariable rnlo never to > rnt ! a book unless I think it worth jublishinjf , but there are many houses hich will take hold of any sort of a book f the author will protect them against pecuniary loss. For instance , a young nan baa written u lot of trash which ho s vain enough to think is poetry. He magluGs that if his verses wore printed 10 would bo as famous as any of the ; rcat writers of ancient or modern times. Che publisher says to him : 'If you will deposit sufficient money with na to pay ho expenses of getting out your book we will undertake to put it before the pub ic. ' If the author can raisa the cash the > argain is immediately closed. " The manager of the book department of the American News company was asked to name a few of tin books which lad met with the greatest aucceea during ho past few years , and hta reply was : SOME SUCCESSFUL BOOKS. "I might mention a hundred books hr.t have had largo sales. There is 'Called Back , " by Hugh Conway. It is 'cry popular , and is still selling rapidly. "Peck's Bad Boy , " by the Wisconsin mmorlst , George \V. Pock , has been laving- great run. Jush Billing's writings once sold like hot cakcr , but hey are somewhat slow ef ealo now. " "How about books of verses ? " "Well , there Is a good demand for rhyraea of a certain sort. Will Chrlton's Farm Ballads' seemed to touch the pop ular heart , and the book has boon circu- ated in largo numbers nil over the country. The publishers have certainly made a fortune from this work. The Jrawford books , including 'The Roman Singer. ' 'Mr. Isaacs' and 'The American 'olitlcian , ' have been successful. I may ay the same of Mrs. Olcott's 'LitUe Women , ' E. P. Roe's 'Barriers Burned Away.1 Of Mrs. Alexander's 'Wooing O't' many thousand copies have been old. John Habbprton's 'Helcn'o Babies' made a hit because it appealed to the hearts of all the fathers and mothers in ho land. It oomotimea happens that a uook of which HttlQ is expected proves a great success. I have known Instances rbere manuscripts , declined by ono pub- isher , have boon accepted by another JOUSP , the latter reaping enormous profits rom the venture. " "What do you consider the requisite 'or success in a book ? " "Well , sir , tliat's a pretty broad ques- ion ; but Iwil answer it to the best or my ability. A book must meet a want in the community. It must bo opportune. Jany really excellent books have fallen lead from tbo press because the occasion \as not ripe for their publication. For- unes have been made by 'snap' enterprise u the book line. For instance , when the 3eecher-Tilton unpleasantness was upper- nest in the public mindttwo or three pub- ishers made large suits of money by prin- .iog volumes of trash composed of bio- grapical sketches of the chief actors in the : ri.-xl , histories of the great scandal,1 etc. These books ivoro recognized as mere rub bish , but they sold lika hot cakes. When the first Atlantic cable was an accom { dished fact a small volume on Ocean Telegraphy'the price of which w.is twen- ty-favo cents , reached the enormous edition o'f 75,000 copies within a few weeks. " "DXCLE TOM s CABIN. " "What do you consider the moet pop. ilnr bnnk ever published In the United States 1" "in the novel line , I presume that Mrs. Harriet Beechor Stowo'a 'Uncle Tom's Cabia' attracted more attention than any other work of the kind. The success of her took was a surprise to her and htr friends. Little did eho think when she wrote her novel that it would be translated into h lf a dozen different languages'and circulated in almost ovary part of the civilized world. Among other saccMSful books was Barnutn'a Autobiography. The .showman , who had secured a rich harvest of shekels by humbugging the public with manufac tured mermaids , woolly horses and a what-is-it , know that the people would bo deeply interested in his personal his tory. As a lltarary production his book was trashy ; but it waa a financial success , for the public purchased upward cf 50- COO copies Greeloy's 'What I Know About Farming * had a wide sale throuRh- out the United States. I do not know how many copies of thin work were print ed , but the edition was a largo one. It was a plain practical work , and the pee plo'who bought it got the worth of their money. " "Mr. Allan Piiikerton , the famous dc- tcctivo , wioto several scnsatiojial books which liad a wide circulation. There was no roil merit in thcin but but as they treated of crimes and criminals they supplied a market for such leading. Piukcrton was a very shrewd Scotchman , and his plan was to make his book a means of profit , not only in their silo but as a nie'thod of advertising his detective busi ness. The princiiol characters in liis books were himself and his detectives. Among the llohemians who lias amassed fortunes may bo mentioned Art emus Ward. "Charles F. Brown was not a prolific writer , " said the man of books , " aad he 'doui ' produced more than one or two of his bumoroui articles per mouth. He was so sloir at composition tint it wai aot an uuutual thing for him to work foi whole day or night on a single para < graph. He nude a handsome sum ol noney by bis literary worVa , but he wai ftr from being a miser , acd when he died he was a pcor man. Mr. Bailey , the Danbury News man , never nude aa mud uonoy as some peopla supposed. It li rua. that bis book sold pretty well : bill he fct that the contents had alreacj ippeared in the most of the newspaper * In the country prevented the volumnc from bavin ? as Urge * s&lo as would other tUe have been the ciea. " WHIT 1101IEMI1S8 EAU.V. "What ate the average annual Income ! 0 * Bohemlan J" " .Now , that'a a pretty hard question U answer. The public would bo * urpris d If it know how poorly paid oven popuhr authors are for their work. There are story writers of no mean ability whoso pay Is not moro than that of n hodcmier. A novclUt who cn trako 5,000 per year Is a great exception to the general _ rule. A very few writers have made as high as § 10,000 in twelve months. Because an author was onca popular and successful it does not follow that ha will always remain so. I know of ono man whoso name I will not mention who , twenty yc rs tgo , icselved $70 per column for n serial ate > y printed In Mr. Bonnor'a paper. Xow the eamc man is writing blood-and-thun- der novels for a cheap publlshlcg honso for an average stipend of $5 per week An old Bohemian 'onca told mo that writing stories was like turning a kaleido scope. A collection of incidents , situa tions and descriptions may bo shaken up and changed like bits of colored grass You got many different combinatlonrbut the materials are the same. The wlso man of the Scripture tolls us that there is nothing new under the sun ; and his re mark applies as well to bookmaking ante to other things. It Is wonderful how many times the tame old literary griat can bo ground ever and the public bo mtdo to bcliovo that It is now nnd original. The "Way toMnko Whisky. New York Sun. A Nebraska correspondent wishes to know the process of making whisky. The grain , corn or rye , for instance , is ; tound between a pair of ordinary mill- itoncs. Tha meal thus obtained is mixed , n an Iron tub with barley malt in the proportion of four bushels of meal to two of malr , and seventy-five gallons of water at a temperature of 1-10 degrees Fahrenheit. After washing , aa it is called , for an hour and a half lifty gallons moro of watararo added , at a temperature of 100 degrees. Ttro hours later , the nixturo having settled , two-thirds of the liquor , which is known as beer , is drawn oft' Into shallow vati and fifty gallons of water are poured into the tub at a tem perature of 100 degree ; . In an hour and a naif this is drawn off and eighty gallons of bailing hot water are poured .n. In twenty minutes all the beer in ihe tub is drawn off. , and us thd last lot s very weak It must either bo boiled down to the strength of the beer ob- aincd before , or It may bo used with a irosh lot of meal Instead of wator. The Deer from the shallow vats is cooled down to a temperature of 70 degreesand ono gallon of yeast is added for each 100 gallons of beer. When the mixture has fermented It is ready for distillation , which is done by lolling It in a boiler and condensing the iteam by running it Into coolers , which n former days were long coils of copper ) ipe running through tanks of cold water , rota which arose the narao of the worm of the still. The condensed steam is simply raw whisky. It poisesses the nest disagreeable taste , and will kill at brty roda range , bnt it Is nevertheless diluted and sold in the cheap saloons.- The acrid taste of raw whisky is due , o the presence of certain greasy products of distillation and light alcohols mixed , which are kbown by the name of fusil oil is separated. It m y also bo elimin ated by running the raw whisky through granulated charcoal that lua baen prev- ously heated. WhtsTcy is therefore simply alcohol cf a peculiar Ilivcr due to the substances from which It was derived - rived , and diluted , when honestly made with about 25 per cent of water and some of the products of distillation other than the pure amyllc alcohol. PITiESt PliiES ! FILES ! A SURE CURE FOUND AT uASTI NO ONE NEED 6UFFF.B. A euro cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been disco * ored by Dr. Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr. William's Indian File Ointment , A single box has cured the worst chronic cosoa of 25 or 30 years standing. No ono need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful sooth ing medicine. Lotions , instruments and elec tuaries do more harm than good. William's Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the turners , al lays the intonsa itching , ( particularly at nicht after getting warm in bed , ) acts as a poultice , gives instant relief , and U prepared only for Piles , itching of the private parts , and for nothlno else. Rend what tlio Hon. J. St. OpfEnbs. ry , of Cleveland , says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oointment : "I have used ecorea of Pile Cures , and it affords mo pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Wil liam's Indian Ointment. For'salo by all drug- giEts and mailed on receipt of price. 50c and 91. Sold at retail by Kulm k Co. O. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Agent. "I Intend to tell Juno to bring aFfresh bucket of water , " said the /rife of Prof. Xottloheid , looking up from her sewing. "You doubtless mean o bucket of frech water , " rejoined her husband. "I wish you would pay some little attention to rhetoric , your mistakes are embarassing. " A few momenta later the professor said : "Sly dear , that pictnro would show to better advantage if you were to hang it over the clock. " "Ah ! ' she replied , "yon doubtless moan if I were to hang it above the clock. If I were to hang it over the clock , wo couldn't tell what time it was. I wish you would psy some little attention to rhetoric ; your mistakes are embarats- ing. " Arkansas Traveler. The manager Dlotz Opera House , Mr. A. W. S til well , Oakland , Cal. , says , Having from personal experiment become familiir with the remarkable efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil for rheumatism I cheer fully endorse It. Bob Potson was a great legislator. He did not umlo'stand parliamentary law quite as wo 1 as some people , for once , when called to the cliair , during a wanu discussion ho took oif his coat and joined in the dcba'e. Shortly after his'arrival Potson was appointed a member of the judiciary committee. "Bob , " said tbo chairman of the com mittee , "don't go away to-night. Wo want you to help us fraino a dog law. " ' 'Help fraino it ! Why , luing it , man , I don't need no help. I am as good a car penter as there is in the sta.to and can make a frame that would tickle a presi dent. Wliat kinder wood do you want ? " [ Arkansas Traveler. The American Eagle. See the image of this bird on the stand ard silver dollars. He spreads his wlogs and teems as if about to scream wllh wild delight Such enthusiasm mty well possess the pepplu who have been curi > o cf chronic indigestion by using Brovn * Iron Bitters. Mr. Thomas J. Purcall , yard master of Camden station of thi Baltimore & Ohio Railroad , at Baltimore , writes , ' 'There is nothing as gcod > Brown's Iron Bitters. It cured rne of chronic tudlgettion , from which I suf fered thirteen years. Prince HgUnd Bontparte baa a novel Idea. He propotcs to nave a collection o * the diflerent uncivilized races In Paris We constantly , ho argued , brine together the v&rlotii prodnsta of the globe ; why not bring together the producer * ? POSSUM'S GOOD QUALITIES , The Question Is Urlclly Discussed l > r I our Colored Gentlemen , 1'hiladeliihla Notth-Ameriexn. The MinUter-streot School of Philos ophy was shocked and startled lait night by its moat rebellious member , Juniper Williams , who bsgan to sing : Yo' talk aSout goad Hbbin , Yo' oystslu an' yo' clam ; It yo' want to tea good libbin , ( .lib iloia darkies ham. Had a bomiholl exploded in the room there couid not have been nero conster nation. "flesh , hoab , hole en dar , " shouted President White. "Da nun's drank. " "I ain't drunk ; I'so happy , " said Juni per Williams , "Dis yero ain't no place to bo happy , " sternly retorted Spartacuj White. "DIs jore's a stool o1 filos'fy. But dat song kinder puts mo in mind of a goad subjeo' tar discusr , " ha added with a tender cidonco In his voice. "What kind or moat am do mos' nootrishus ? " A etlllncss no deep reigned ever the room that the dropping of a.forty-ponnd weight might have been hoard. "Hoy ? " asked the president. "Possum , " replied Faraway Johnson , amid a general and suggestive smacking of the lips , "fl'm 'pears ter mo I road a good many lists o' meet an * der noolrlshnsnesf , an * I nebbcr seed "po'eutn mentioned once , " remarked Spartacus Whito.slowly. "Dftt'a 'causo dom lists is alwuz made by white people , an1 white trash don't know nothm"bout 'possum , " siid Arls- tides Jonca. "I don't think wo ought ter decide its question BO sudden , " said the presi dent. "Norr , see heah , "persuasively warbled Faraway Johnson , "ain't possum do bes" meat TO' obber tasted ] " "Y-o-o-s. " - - - . "Did anybody obbor starve on'pos sum ? " "No ! " shouted the rest in grand con- : ert. ert."Dat "Dat settles it ; 'possum's do mos' nootrishns" replied Faraway Johnson , The president , while of the same opin ion aa the rest , felt like contradicting Faraway Johnson on general prlncipleo , but he lacked the nerve , and offidally mnounced that "possum's do moa' lootrishns. " Is There a Guru lor Consumption ? Wo answer unreservedly , yes ! If the natlent commences In ttmo the use of Dr. Piorco'a "Ooldon Medical discovery , " md exercises proper caro. If allowed to run its coureo too long all medicine is powerless to stay It. Dr. Plerco never iecioves a patient by holding out a false aopo for the sake of pecuniary gain. Tbo "Golden Medical Discovery" has cured thousands of patients when nothing eho icerned to avail. Your druggist has it. Send two stamps for Dr. Pierco's com plete treatise on consumption with nu merous testamonials. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association , Buffalo , .I. a. . Gat an Order. Merchant Traveller. "Gottln2 orders now1 asked one ; ravelling man of another , In a dull : own in the south. , "Got one to-day , " was the reply. "Don't believe It. " "I did , all the same. " "What was It ? " "Order from the house to come " How the N. O. Exposition'Vas Inan- CurctctJ. The inauguration of the Exposition at New Orleans , neon , Dec. ICth , was cotemporary with the 175th Monthly and Grand Extraor dinary Drawing or Tha Louisiana Stata Lot tery , when over half a million dollars was scattered by blind Fortune's wheel. Ticket No. 58,282 draw the first capital prize of § 150- COO. It waf.fold in tenths at $1 each , two of which 530,000 was held for collection by the Canal Bsnk , of New Orleans ; another two SSO.OOO-collected through Wells , Forgo & Co.'s Bank San Francisco , Cal. ; another Sl5,000-by Geo. M. Shackelford , collected through Bunk of Commerce , Memphis , Tenn. The. remainder was sold to parties in Cincin nati and elsewhere. No. 98,364 drew the tes- end capital prize of S H'OCO ' and was also sold in tenths. Two of which S10.C03 was paid to the Germani.i National Bank of New Or leans , La. : another S5.0CO to John J. Mueller- No. 493 Hasting st. , Detroit ; Mich. ; another $ o,000 to Mr. Gco.Carpit.a well known news paper carrier of Memphis , Tenn j another-So- lH > 0 to Messrs. A. Goebel & Co. . Detroit , Mich. , ; the remainder was scattered. No. C.C9S drew the third capital prize of § 20,000 , fold to a Now Yorker , whoso name by rf quest is not gi\en The nrjt ( drawing the 177th will occur Tue day , February 10th , of which all information can be had from M. A.Dauph- in , New Orleans , La. The Topsies still exist as veritable children of nature , if one can judte froiu a conversation between a philan thropist and a poor person in Atlanta : "Ever been to school ? " I asked. "Naw , and do' want to1 ho replied. "Can yon read ? " "Naw. " "How old are you ? " "Do1 no' . Maw says I was born In pea time. " Count Spantini , a friend of cremation in Florence , had the ashes of his grand mother preserved in a beautiful marble urn. A thrifty servant helped herself out of it to sprinkle the floor before sweeping up some filth and now the count had less than half of his ancestor's ashes. E CHICAGO AND WESTERN RAILWAY. THE BEST UOUTE AND CITWEE.V Omaha , Counci Bluffs and Chicago , The only line lo Ule for Dei Molne . ii.rthall. covnCdar Jiapidi , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil. wauloo and all points ea U To the people ol Ne- biaika , Colorado , Wyomlcc , Utah , Idaho , Xetadi , Oregon , WuLlngtoa acd Culfornlilt nfftn bup.rior adrac.Ugo . not poetible by any ether Ilnr. Among a few cf the nuicerout poUta ol lu rlor. ity erjo ed by the patrons ol thli road botwecn Imahaand Chicago , arelU twottilci a day ol DAY COAOaEH which reUie net thit human ait and Ingenuity i an create ; 1U PALACE SLEEPING OARS * hlch > ru models ol co-nfort and elegance ; IU I'AK- UOB DKAW c KOOH iiA.118 , un ur ( > MffJ by aoj ; .td ltd widely celebrated IMLVTUL DIMNO CAKb the i qua ] ol wblih cannot beourdeli bere. At Council Bhjb the trains of tbe Union ficlflc \ ) . connect In LTnonUepotwItb tboae fcl the Cblca. ; oi nith e.tJin HjIn Chlrago tbe traiut o { thli Hoc make clone connection u 1th thobe vl all eajUr > llnei. For Detroit , Columbui , IndUnapo'U , fl-cinnitl , 'hgira Filli , Budtln , f ilUbuiv , Torinto , llrntr a ! B'ntm , New Vorr. I'htladelnbU. lial Iraare , W ih- Uitoaat > d > ll | x > lnt < la tbe Ent. atk tbe ticket igect lor tickets tUthn 'NOKTH-WESTEBN , " 'lyouwUbtbe ' l tt accommoditlonl. All , ticket agents sell tickets tU thl line. tf. uuanrrr. it a UAIR , Otneral Manaztr , Cen. P&M. Agiot CHICAGO , OA.P1TATJ PU1ZI3 $75,000 Tlcfcct only $5 , Sh rc In Proportion 135 Louisiana State Lottery Company ttrtlry af tit ruptrrtis tkt t uneemtntt fcr nil tkt UcnMy and Btmi JLnn-it Dteumji vf tkt Lmiititna StattLettcrv C < > m a . . tnd ( npervn ntnetjt nnd tentrcl tkt Drnwr litmtchti , and that iMiatnt are eendueteA u-u \imttfj , faimtn. and in gtcdfaitk touard oJI w.r fMJ.nnd IK autktritt tiit tatnvany lo ut tA < / < w Mfatt.uUhfoc-timUtt of tuf Htmtuttl * * * , ( niliiittttitemtnti , " Commissioners , leorj > oi led In 1EC8 lei 11 yean bj ths luM t i tit sdusittonAl tad chsrlUtla pnrpoett Tllh a e > IUI0131.000,000 lowblha mart * tad ol oil IfCO.CVO hts olnco been added. By ah CTerBhelmlny popuiM rofa Hi trantkiit irit mode a part ol th pronnl itili oosriltallot l > J < > Dt d ! > -rcb r d , A D. IS7J. The only lottery ercr voted on and endorsed by tlcpcofla olanr Btitc. It nccr tcalcs or postpones. lt grand ttuglo number drairlnga t.k > plaoo monthly. A SPLSNDID OPPOUTUNITY TO WIN A FOR. TUNK , SECOND OIUNU UUAWINO. CLASS B. IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. NKAV OKLEANS , TUESDAY , FEUHUAUY 10,1S3J. . 177th 1IOAT1ILY CAPITAL PRIZE , 575,000. 100 000 Tickets at 95 each. Fractions , in Fifths in p oportlon. tlET OF PBIZES. 1 CAPITA ! TRIZS . . .J 7Jr i dodo do 25.C5I do do 10CC < se.oco. . . is.oct 6 do 2X0 10.CCC 10 do 1000 10.CC4 0C8 do SCO 10.KK C8 A3 250 2J.CW 30 ! do 100 30.0K 6M ds W > . . . . _ 25 COC CCC da 2i 25OCt 9 Approximation prlies ol 1763 . 8750 9 do do ECO . 460 9 do da ItO . 2250 987 Fitul amoanUns lo . J265600 Application lor ritas to clubs ehonld ta raads onlj o the oOcs o ! the Company la New Orleans. For Imthcr Information writs clearly giving tal iJdrwi. POSTAL NOTES , Express Money Orders , or Iiw York Exchange In ordinary letter. Currency by Express ( all earns of $5 and upwards at our ex pense ) addreued _ u A. DAtrpHiK , r U. A. DADPH1H , New Orloacc In. M7 Seventh Bt. Washington D. a II ike P. 0. Uoney Ordeig payable and addreis leglstered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK , Now Oilcans La. Phenomenal In Its Elmpllclty and effectiveness. The Neatest , Cheapest , Lighted and Most Durable Type Writing Mao'iine } n the world. Type Changed Almost Instantly Price 310 ; sen' ' , lor circular. a M. MltLEU , Ascnt , 1517 Harnoy St. , Omaha , Ne 5 Etoyal Havana Lbttsrv ! ( A GOVEONilENT If.STITUnON. ) ) rawn at Havana , Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days. ICKETS 82.00 , HALVES , Jl.OO. Subject to no miLlpulatlon , not 6 > ntrolled by the partlej In Interest. It Is the fairest thin ; In the niture of chance In existence. For m'crmatlon and particulars apply to SHISE7 tCO.Geieral Affenta , 212 Broadway , N.Y city. IOLL tCO417 Walnut street , St. Louis. , Mo. , 'rank Labrauo , L. D. , 20 Wy&ndotte , Kui. y Zl-tr& . & w UEPRESESTS : E'hoenlx Insurance Co. , London , Caeh Asset J5,8fl ,000 Wcetchester.N. Y , Capital l.CCO.O'.O TbeMcrchants ol Newark.N. J. , Capital. . . . 1,275,000 OlrardFlre , PhUadelphla.Cailtal 1,200,000 Woman'o Kurd. Cnpltol 1. 39.000 knlognev Also 13 yaluahle and reliable re cipes ( never before published , ) any one of which is worth 1.00 and from that to S25.00 , and a copy of the ' 'Cultivator" sent FitEE to any one that sends 8 stamps to paT postag etc. , 3 comic picture cards will a'so ' be enclosed in the pack age. These recipes are valuable to I he household and any energetic per son knowing the secrets they disclose need never want for money. Please write name and address plainly. Put 3 stamps in a letter and address it to the WESTERN POB. CO. , box Sfl'J , Omaha , Neb. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY CROUNSE'S BLOCK , IBth ud Capitol Arena * , IrciM ill cue * dip- plod er Ddormed lM dlieuci of It Nervous System , Throat , Lungs and Urinary Organs All Man ol Cnrrttaro ol the Bplo * , Crooked feel Ocri and Arms , DUeuet ol the lllp , KDM , ted inkle Jolnta. Alee Cbronlo tflectlooi olthe tlrei lb Din tl m , Pirtljsli , PUe , Dlc ri , GiUitb , Ajth n ted Bionchltli ue ill tretted by new md iuo- waatul methods. All dlMueg ol tb Blood ind Drtn- 117 Orgini , Including the resulting liom Ucltcre- ton or exponie , ire ulelj uid rcoceutaUy truted Young men , mlodlt iged , ind old men toflerin ; from Weikneu nd NerTOOj eibitutloo , producing indigestionFilplUtlonot. the Beiri , Dependency DUdreu , Io i ol UemoryLfcck ol Energy nd Am. bltlon , cnb restored to beilth ind Tlgor , U CMC li not Ir o long neglected. The Burgeon ta ehvge wu president ol the Ncrthweetern Surgical Initi ate and Surgeon olthe Nitlnntl Surgical Institute. 11 aOUttod , all 01 wrtUI nil description ol youi CAM , ind medldne may be aent you. OonrulUtlou lr * . AddieiJOmtha Dlipenaary , Cioanto Clot * , Omaha , Neb. Office bs > un 10-11 a. m.lfc 7-Sp. m Sondart. .10 a m. OTAooovmodaUonj lurcltbed pttlecU 10m th couuUv , Send lor Circular. CHAB. SHEVSRIOK , UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , ELEVATOR TO ALL FI.OOB& | 1803,1SOS n < l H10 Firnara SI. , Om h , Hs & 801.T33 , CE rislilt , TfloJtm Cps , Iron CrMt'.iji ' , MeUttio Stcr-llghts , Ac. TV : , lrcn > td 1 I f < \T5Soi3lMnh Blrwit OraMia NebtMlf. GX80RGUB S 03 . f ' 5 tJ m S r W f4 9 P fcM Kl LQ S § 3 8 & § - S 2 O 1-4. -3 g oa s 3 OtriffiIGS AND 20TE STS OMAHA , KBB 1409 and Ull Dotlse St. { } Omaha Neb I J103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. 8. A. Eetabllnlied 1878 OatMif , BDeafnoai , Lung end Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Onred. Patloits jnr cd st Home. "Writo fez "Tiia M2DiCAJ-MissiowAE.Y , " ( or the Peonle. gOonauHatlon aud Oorrospondenco Gratis. I * . 0. Box 292. Telephone" No. 26 | HON. ED WARD RUSSELL , Postanatcr , Davenport , snye : " Ph7eolau if Ittn. Ability and Marked Saoopss. " CONGRESSMAN MUilPHY , Davonpost j : "AnfionorabloMan. Fine Buscest. Wonderfal Ontea. " Honrn 8 to C. OStli Ducal Brunswick , Lueneburgh , Lottery , Germany. 100,000 TICKETS and 50,000 PHIZES Capital Prize , mark , 500,000 , 300,000 , 200,000. 100,000 80,000 60,000 , 50OQO , 40 000 down to 150. Drawing Commences the ioth end IGtk of January , 1885. WhslTick ets 89. ; Half , 84.50 ; Quarter,2.25. CHAS. F. SCHMIDT & CO. , 62 W. Congress St. . Detroit , Mich. To prevent lo 8it Is urgently requested to cake all remittances by postal note , money order check ls ! In registered letters or be express. BICHAEDfl a ULAlCJUi , VY. A. ULAitKlli , Proprietors. Supericpndf fit U. P. RAILWAY , 7TH & 18TH STEEBIB MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN - H noc SR\SR WATER WHEELS. KOLLEE MILLS , M , and Crain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS 0 * ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Gelobrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Glofcb 8TKAM PUMPS STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE. BEASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS ARCHITECTURAL AND R1DG 1 E O © We ore prepared to furnish plans and estimates , end -will ctntract to erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for chanmnir B W Flouring Mills , from Stona to the Roller Syfctera. Bt2rEspecial attention given to furnishing Po vder Plants for any pa' * ? o e , and estiinntpsmede for some General machinery repairs attende promptly. Address BIOHAKD & CLARKE , OmahaNeb1