Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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' -3ORPLUSNOV 1,1334 . S2,0 >
n.W TATK3 , : A. F. TOHZALIK ,
PtoaUcnJ. Vice PrMtdcnt ;
tot K. Ukjdcn , AOTltUnt ni ) Acting Ctjhlli.
The faon Bank
INTEREST allowed on lima deposit * apon
nvoisblo torma and npon ucoounti of bnniu
pnd bankorn ,
3londi And Oonnty And City soourltici bonghl
and cold.
In ite treatment of customers the meet llby
crftl policy is pursued conaUtsnt with safotd
lad sound lianking , and wo invite corrwponcs
enco or personal inquiry in connootion there
t'f ' f NEW YORK , January 13. Money Market
easy at 1J@2 per cent , closed offered nt
I per cent.
Prime mercantile paper lJ@Gc.
Storting Exchange , Bankers' bills Firm
nt 4 81 } ; demand , 4 83.
Oovornmonla Steady.
* Railway Bonds Generally firm.
Jr Stocks Early in the day irregular , but
cnu after the first call a decline of Jc to Igooc-
iont cutrad. Northwestern , St. Paul nnd coalers
tl wuro the wcakoit shares and were freely sold
r by bears. The selling movement mot with
little opr i "ntil 2 p. in. , when there was
* * * under which
a disposition prices
moved up rapidly. n < > ' Pacific load. The
market left off with best prlcou of the day
generally current. Compared with last night
closing prices are Jc to Jc lower. Northwest-
' -cm , Rock Island , Louisville & Nashville ,
' ' Lake Shore , New York Central , Union
" I'acillo and Western Union which are 4o to go
. higher.
B's 101
41'sOoupons 112S
U.S.4's 121J
Pacific G'a of'35 125
Central paciht , 33J
Chicago & Alton - 1304
do do pfd 145
Chicago , Burlington & Qnincy 118jj
.Delaware , Lackawana & Western. 89 ; }
Denver & Kio Grande 83
Brio 14J
do pfd 28
Illinois Central 121
[ ndianapolls , Bloom. & Woatern 121
Kansas & Texas 1C4
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Cl-J
Louisville & Nashville 25 |
Michigan Central 54
Missouri Pacific - 933
'Northern Pacific 174
do do pW 40J
Northwestern i. . . OO.t
pfd 120
. .Now York Central 881
Oregon Trnns-Continontal 14
Pacific Mail 6f > 8
'Pullman Palace Car Company 110
Rock Island 1073
St. Loula & San Francisco 18
do do pfd 37
'Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 7fi.
do do do pfd. . . . . 100.
St Paul&Omaha 2GJ
t do do pfd 80.
< Texas Pacific 13 ;
Union Pacific 49J
Wabaab , St Louis & Pacific 0
do do do pfd 12
Western Union Telegraph 57 :
U.E. &N 72"
* Asked.
] 8 CHICAGO , January 13. Flour Quiet nnd
It tJii. unchanged.
: " Wheat A shade higher on opening , later
tion , declined rapidly IJc , recovered go , woikened
was Uagain , and closed So under yesterday ; 70 < a
, - > 79Jc for cash ; 791c lor January ; 79g' i 70Jo
for February ; 80c for March ; 8Gc for May ;
No , 2 red , 80o.
Corn ( Juiet and lower ; February closed Jo
lower , May closed about as yesterday ;
3G7c ! for cash ; 30Jo for January ; 3G8a ( )
for February ; 3GJo for March ; 40a ( )
. for Mav.
. vJ ts- Dull and quiet ; near futures (3&a
easier ; May closed steady ! 2GJt@2GJc for cash ;
" 2Gi@2G.Jo for January and February ; EGJo
fj ) for March ; 30o for May.
_ Rye Firm at 6840.
. . Barley Nominal at G3@G"o.
31 > Timothy- et ; prime , 120.
Flax Seed Higher ; No , 1 , 1 47i.
Pork Active and weaker ; D@lflc lower ,
and clortid otuuly at a decline ; 11 85@lt 1)0 )
„ for C.-MIJ ! 11 85@11 87i for January ; 11 921 ®
11 9ri for February : 12 02i@12 05 for March ;
' * 12 30@12 32J for May.
j I ard Quiet nnd a shade lower , closed
tame ; G 77i@G 80 for cash and January ;
G 82i@G 85 for February ; 0 90G S2J for
March ; G 97J@7 00 for April ; 7 074@7 10
for May.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 4907500 ; short
L clear , G 40@G 45 ; abort ribs , 5 95@G 00.
Butter Firm and uncharged ; peed to
' fancy creamery , J9J@32c ; good , 2@a7o ! fair
to tine dairy , 27i@28c.
Choose Unchanged.
llidea Steady and unchanged.
Tallow Steady and uuchauged.
Receipts , Bhlp'ts.
Flour , bbls 17.000 19,000
Wheat , bushels 122,000 29,0f 0
Corn , bmhel 211,000 173.000
Oats , bushels . ' . . . . 130,000 70,000
Rye , bushels K 8,000 1,000
Barley , bushels Q52.000 22.000
ST. LODIS pnonnoK.
ST. Louis , January 13. Flour
Wheat Lower and weak ; 8GJo for
ury93o fur May.
Oorn Steady ; 33J@3lo for January ; 37J
f c/r May. i
Oats Crvsler ; 031o for May ,
Ityo-Dull ; 48o.
Barley Quiet ; SSBJCo
Butter Uncliaiigedj dairy , 18@23o creanv
i-ry , 23@2Gc.
Lead Steady at 230.
Eggg-tjuiet 20@21.
Flaxseed liotler at 1 34.
Conimeal Vina ; 190@2 00.
Whlskv-Steady at 112.
1 ( ay Unchanged ,
Bran Unchanged ; GGJo nt mill.
Provisions Stronger , but prices un
hinged ,
Pork-Steady 11 25 for cash.
] < ard-Quiet ; sales quoted at G 55@S 90 for
Bulk Meati Long clear , 5 GO ; short ribs ,
B 70 ; short clear , 6 91 Bacon Long clear ,
G 50 : njiort rilw , G 02J@G 76 ; short clear ,
CALL BOAIID. Wheat Firm ; SGJofor Janu
ary. SGjjo for February ; 893' tar May.
Corn Higher : 8lo for January and Feb.
niry , > l7(3)37p | ( ) } for May.
Oats Nothing done.
New YonK , January 13 Wheat Sixit
grades Jo lower ; optloui opened we k nd J ©
1 jo lower ; closed showing a rccnvary of l Sc.
receipts , 60,000 ; exports 200,755s No. 2
spring , 02Jc ; ungraded red , 00@97c ! No. 2
red , 9lJ@95icgudfraded | ; white , 8"io ; No. 2
i d January alc , 80.000 at 911@921o ,
closing at 92lc.
Corn Spot lota 4Sjc ( lower : options
steady ; roceipU. 152.000 ; exports 100,000 ; un
graded 491@52Jcj No , 1 , 51@61Jo ; iteamer ,
Gl52c ( ! No. 2 r > 2icj No. 2 January , ClJc@
62c ; closing ftt MZc.
Ontu-Opened ifiiiio Imverj moderately nc
live ; receipts fin.OOO , exxirt | * C0,000 | mUet
western 36W38c ; white wc'torn .18@ lie.
Ecps FrfiMi western Cnncr n * 2re ,
1'orkOuiet but firm.
J , d 1 irm ; western tteam epot , 7 15.
linttrr 1'flir demand and market firm nl
TOLEDO , January 13. Wheat Ouiet
ami weak ; No. 2 red ca < h and January T
Corn Weak. No. il c'MiICto. .
Oati > Dull nad nominal ; nu quotations ,
uvriu'oor. .
LiVKiironL , MBiiuaty l.'l. Broadsttills
Steady with fair tlciMiml , ,
Corn Now western mixed , 5s.
KANiAsCiir , .January 13. Wheat Weak ;
cntli and Fcbninry COoj May CI@Clic ,
Corn Leer ; cwh , 28o ! 1'obruary , USJo
bid. 2H2o naked ; May , SO o. Juno. SOtfc.
Oats Dull nnd nominal ; "jjc inked ,
CINCINNATI , January 13. Wheat Dull and
unchangedjNo , 2 red , 85c ; receipts , 7500.
Oorn No. 2 mixed.U@42c.
Oats Stronger at 32o
Rye Good demand ; No. 2 , GOc.
Barley Firm nnd unchanged.
Pork Dull and iiomln-1 ; Sl&OO.
Lard Fair demand nt SG SO.
Bulk Meats Quiet and unchanged.
Whisky Dull and nominal ntSl11.
BAlTlvonif , January 13. Wheat Western
lower , inactive ; No. 2 winter rod spot , 87J.
Corn Western , lower and active ; western
mixed spot , 48tf © lO c.
Oats Strong ; western white , 3"3Se ; mixed
; 43G.
Rye Finn at GS@73c.
Eggs Higher at 27@ilc. )
Whiskey 118@1 19.
MILWAUKEE , January 13. Whont Firmer ;
No. 2 Milwaukee 78Jc ; January , 78JcJFobru ;
ary , 79 0 ; May , So.o.
Corn Stronir : N < > . 3 , , 37@3S4c.
Oats Qui t ; No. 2 white , i
Rye FirmNo. ; 1 , nojOGO.
Barley Steady nnd n'rm ; No. 2 spring 53J ;
No , 3 spring and extra , 4"J.
NEW OnLK.VN3 , January 12. Corn Slondy ,
with gooddemand _ ; In sacks , yellow , 4ig50c ) ;
choice white , Mo ,
Oats Westerngood dcmandchoico ; at 37@
Corn Meal Fair demand at 2 30.
Rye Steady , quiet at G2ioGlc : ,
Pork Good demand at i K.
Lard Steady ; tierce refined , 725 ; keg ,
Bulk Me.its Good demand ; shoulders
paked. 4 83 ; long clear .indlcloar ribs , C 38.
Whiskey Steady ; western rectified , 1 05
© 125.
L.IV13 al'OOU.
CniOAQO , January 13. Drovers' Journal
reports ;
Cattle Receipts , 8.0CO head ; good grades
scarce , actlvo nnd stronger ; low grades dull ;
exports , G 00@t5 40 ; common to choice ,
4 25@G 25 ; common to good cows , 2 50@ 1 25 ;
stockers , 3 30 ® 100 ; feeders 4 20@4 50.
Hogs Receipts 48.000 head ; slow ; opened
weak , nnd closed 5@10c lower ; rough packing ,
4 20 ® 1 40 ; packing and shipping , 4 4064 70 ;
light. 4 2iffl4 50 ; skipa , 330Q400 ; closed
with 34,000 left unsold.
Sheep Receiptn , G.GOOhead ; active and 10@
20j lower ; common to good , 2 30@3 75 ; choice
4 00@4 CO.
KANSAS CITT , January 13. Cattle Re-
reipts , 1700 head ; good grades steady , but
common weaker ; good to choice shipping 5 00
© 5 40 ; common * to medium , 4 00@ i 90 ;
feeders , 3 50 ® I CO.
Hogs Receipts , 7,000 ; weak.
Sheep Receipts , 340 ; quiet.
ST. Louis , January 13 Cattle Receipts.
700 head ; steady ; exports , SG.OO@G 25 ; good to
chnico shipping , D 2505 85.
Sheep Receipts 1300 ; firm for fair good
grade ; ; common to modiuin , 2 25@3 00.
Hoga Steady ; light , 5120@1.30 : packing ,
S4.25@ 1.40 ; heavy SI E0 4.G5 ; receipts , 0000.
" \Vliolcsnlo Pricop.
Tuesday evening , January 13. )
The following prices are charged retailers
by jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer
chants with the exception of griin , which is
quoted at the prices furnished i > y the elevators
and other local buyers :
Wheat Cash No. 2 , G3ia.
Barley Ca h No. 2 , 51@53.
Rye Cash No. 3 , 44c.
Oorn No. 2 , 21Jc.
Oats No. 2 , 21jjc.
lilvo Stock Market.
Hogs wrfl firm at 3 75@4 00.
The cattle market to-day was quiet and
butchers' stock was quoted at 3 ( ! 0(3)3 ( ) 75.
Bheop wor quoted at 2 50@3 00.
Hides. i
Steady ; green butchers' G green salted , 7Jc ; 5
dry flint 12@llc ; dry salt 10@11 damaged
hides , two thirds prico. .
Grease Prime white , 4ijc.
Sheep Pelts 25@1 OU ,
Flour and MillstufTs. '
Winter Wheat Boat qualityjpatent at 2 80
03 00.
Second quality 2 20 © 2 50.
Spring Wheat Bostquality , patent , 2 81 ®
2.90. 5
Second Quality 215@2 50. 9
Bran G5o per cwt.
Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , 80@90o.
Corn Meal 90c@l 03 per cwt.
Screening G5@75o per 1
General Produce
Apples There nro but few choice apples
left in the market and those are bringing good'
prices ; Bon Davis , S3 50 ; Gentons , § 2 50 ,
Poultry - No marked change to note. A
stronger fooling prevails but prices remain nbont
the same. Chickensibave been in betterdemand
letelv than t thor kinds and are quito scares ,
Chi kens , drejsed , choice per pound , 8@9e ;
chickens dressed , fair to good , "por Ib. G@7 ;
poor , 6c ; turkeys , dressed per Ib , choice ,
10@llcj turkeys , dressed , fair to good , 8@
9c ; poor , c ; geese , d'essed , per Ib ,
cliolco , lie ; fair to gocd , 9@10c ; poor , 7@8c ;
ducks , dressed , per Ib , choice , lie ; fair to
good , lOo.
ICggs Quiet and moving slowly , Sales
worn not made nbove 22c.
Butter Receipts have increased consitlor-
avlj itinco the lajt week and prices
are weaker , especially on elf grades.
Wrap the rolls in thin clean muslin add avoid
mixing different qualities in one package as
much as possible. Creamery 22@V5 ; fair to
good , 1216 , choice dairy , 1B@17 ; inferior
grades , 8@10.
Gamo. Pralrio chickens , per dozen ,
8400 ; quail , 50@75o ; goose , per
dozen , 83.00 8360 ; Jack rabbits , per
tlozon , $250360 ; small rabbits , per
dozen , 25c@50 ; enlpo , per dozen , 50@
75 ; decks , mallard , $2.00@2.60 ; teal and
mixed , 81.60(5)2.00. ( )
Potatoes -Supplies will soon run nut , and
as soon as weather permits shipment ! will be
in order , Wo quote 40@50o per bushel.
Onions 60&GOO per bushel for sound un
frozen stock.
Popcorn Dull and slow sales at Kgljo
Beans Are now In better demand and
stocks clearing up fast. Prices are firmer
and can encourage consignments , Navies ,
per bushel , L40@l.50 ; medium , per bushel.
Honey Comb Choice domestic , 15@lGci
California , 14@l5o. '
Beeswax In good demand , Choice bright
per Ib. 2G@28c ; common to good dark per Ib
Cider "Ohio" per bbl , , 700 ; "York
State" per bbL , 8 00 ; per \ bbl. , 4 7fi ; con-
dented per eal 85o ; crab apple per gal 35c.
Oheeae Full cream , western , 12c ; Wlscon.
tin new 12Jo ; young American , 12 a ISo.
Moplo Sugar I > ure , in bricks , per Ib. 16o ,
Ohio ISo ; imal cakes 12 o ,
Grocorn' List.
OANNKD GOODS. Oyata s ; (8tandard ( ) per
case. 3 01 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case. 3 20 ;
raspberries , 2 Ib. per case , 2 60 | California
pear * per case , 5 80 ; apricots , per case , 5 00 ; c
peaches per case , D 90 ; whilfl cherries po
case , 0 74 ; plums per case , 4 50 ; whortleber
rien , per case , 3 00 ; cire plums , 2 Ib , per case
2 90 ; green gages , 2 Ib. p r case , 2 'JO ; pin
. \ples , 2 Ib , twr case , 3 20@5 60
RopR-SUnl , i inch and larger , 9c , 3 inch
9Jc , 1 inch , lOc ,
CAStt.t8-Boxc9 ) , 40 Ibs , ICs , 12e , 8s , 12 Jo
boxes , 4'lba , 10ozGi 14c.
MATOHK3 Per coddle , 85c ; round ,
2 55 ; square , cases , 1 70 ; Oahkosh , cases gr .1
Sco Ana Powdered , 7jccut ; loaf , 7ican- ; ' .
ulatcd , GJc ; contortlonem' A , sgc ; Standird
extra 0. Go ; extra 0 , 5Jc ; medium yellow , 5Jc
d rk yellow , 5 o.
CorrsES-Ordlnary gradon , 12@1C cfatr. ; 12
( SlSJc ; good , 13Jc ; prime , 14@15c } ; choice
lC@17o ; fancy green and yellow , 10@10ic ; old
government Java , 20@2ftc : Arbuckle'a roasted -
ed , 164c ; McLaughlin's XXXX roasted , 154c
Imitation Java , 16J@18ic ; Clark's Aurora
arntir-Standarrl Com , , S8c , bbla ; Standard
do. 4 gallon kegs , 1 5.
SODA In Ib papers , 3 20 per case ; krg , per
PIOKLKS Medium In barrels , G 00 ; do In
half barrels , 3 60 ; small , in barrel ! ) , 7 00 ; do In
half barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins in barrel ? , 3 00 ,
do in half barrels , 4 50.
TKAB Gunpowder , good , 45@J > 5c ; choice ,
60@7Gc ; good Imperial , 40 ® ISo : choice. COS
G5c ; Young Hyson , good , SG50c ( ; choice , G5
@ 1 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 75c ; Japan choice ,
C0@75c ; Oolonp good , 35@40c : Oolong choice ,
40(455c ; Souchong , good , 30@10o ; choice , 35
@ 16c ,
RICK Louisiana , prime to choice , G7c ;
fair , 6Jc ,
FSH No , 1 mackerel , half bbls. , 7 ; 5fl
Family J bble. , 4 25 ; No. 1 kits. 1 05 ; family
kits , COc : No. 1 whitofith , half bb a. , 6 50 ; No.
1 kits , J)5ct ) family half bbls. , 300 ; family
kits andtpalls , GOo ; No. 1 trout , half bbls. , 5 25.
WooniNWAnE Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; throe
lioon pails , 2 10 , Tub ? , No. f 9 00 ; pioneer
washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 90 ; well
buckets ; 3 85 ,
SoAi-a Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 45 ; Kirk's
satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk'a
White Russian , 4 85 ; Krk's | outoca , 2 15.
POTASH Pennsylvania cana , 1 cana in case ,
; S5Babbitt'a ; ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; An-
cnor ball , 2 doz. in coao , 1 50.
CANDY Mixed , Hal2c ; stick , lOallc ; twist
stick ,
VINKCIAR Now York nnplo , IGc ; Ohio ap
pie. 13c ,
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ash ton ,
in oacks , B 50 ; bbls dairy. GO , 5s , 3 GO.
STAIIOH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Glosa , 8c : Corn
Starch. 8c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn , 7Jc.
SHOES Pepper , 17c ; spice , 14c ; cloves , 20c ;
cassia , 15c.
DKY FRUITS No. 1 , quarter apples , bbls ,
6JcN ; C sliced , boxes , GJc : evaporated , boxes ,
9Jc ; blackberries , boxes , 10Jo ; peaches , J.
boxes , 8Jo ; poaches , evaporated , Me ; rasp
berries , 32c.
Dry Goods ,
BnowN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7Jcj Atlan
tic P , Gc ; Atlantic LL. 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7ioj
Beaver Dam LL , Gc ; Lawrence LL , 6Jcj Pa
cific H , 73c ; Royal Standard , GJo ; Indian
Head A. 7e ; Wauchusott A. 7ic.
FINK BnowN SHKETINOS Argyle , GJc ; Pop-
porell R , 7c ; Salisoury R , GJc.
BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon , 4-4 , GJc ; Bal
lon , 7-8 , SJc ; Cumberland , 4-4 , 8c ; Davoll DD ,
SJc ; Falrmount , 4io ; Fruit of the Loom 4 ,
9c ; Glory of the West , 8Jc : Golden Gate , 8Sc ;
Hill 7-8. 8c ; Hill 4-4. 7Jo ; Lonsdalo , 7Jc ; Now 1
York Mills , HJc ; Wamsutta , lOJo. 1
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljpi Boston -
ton , 10 oz , 14 Jc ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall River
DUCKS ( Gray-West ) Point , 8 oz. , He ; West
Point 10 oz. , 14c ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie.
TioKiNas Amoskeag. 13Jc ; Continental
Fancy , 9Ve ; Cordis lOJc ; Pearl River , 12c ;
York , 12c | Hamloton Awnings , 12Jc.
DENIMS Amoskesg , 14c ; Beaver Creek AA
12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Beaver Creek
CO , lOc ; Haymakora , 80 ; Jaffroy D& T , 12fc ;
Jaffrey XXX , 12Jo ; Pearl River. 13c ; Warren -
ron AX A ( brown ) . 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) ,
lie ; Warren CO ( faro\vn ) , 10a
CAMBRICS Fifth avenue glove finish , 4Jc ;
KeVetono glove finish , Co.
CoBSEr JEANS Amory , 7Jc ; Hancock , 8c ;
Hearsayer 81c ; Rockport , 7c.
PRINTS -Aliens , BJo : American , SJc ; Arn
old's Gc ; Cocheco , Gc ; Harmony , 4Jc ; Indigo ,
file ; Indigo 7-8. lljc : Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc ; Steel
River , SJc ; Charter Oak , 4jc.
PKINTB SHIBTINOS American , 5c ; Oocheco ,
5e ; Gloucester , So ; Southbr'dgo , 4Jc ; Waver-
leys 4Jc ; Rosedale , 4c.
GINOHAMS Amoskeag staple ? , 8Jo : Bates 1
staples. 8c ; Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plnnket 1
plaids 9c ; Hudson checks , 8Jc ; Amoskeag
Persians , 9Je.
DBESS GOODS Atlantic alpacca. 9Ja ; Per
sian cashmere , 23Jo ; Hamloton caahmero , 15Jc ;
Uamletou Fancus , II Jc ; Hamloton brocades ,
15c ; Arlington brocade , ISc.
Heavy Hardware IJst. hi
Iron , rates , 2 30 ; plow steel , special cast , Gc ;
crucible , 7c ; special or German , 5c ; cast too ;
do , 16a20c ; wagon spokes , sot , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs
per set , 125 ; tellccs , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
each , 70aS5c ; tales , each , 75c ; square nuts per
Ib , 7allc ; washers , per Ib , 8al8c ; rivets , per
Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 6al2c ; malleable ,
Bo ; iron wedges , Co ; crowbars , G ; : harrow
teeth , 4c ; spring eteol , 7a8c ; Burden's horseshoes
shoos , 4 40 ; Burden'a muleshoos , 5 70.
BABBED WIRE In car lota. 4 00 per 100.
NAILS Rates , 10 to GO , 2 30.
SHOT Shot , 185 ; buckshot , 2 10 ; oriental @
powder , kegs , 6 40 ; do , half kegs , 3 48 ; do ,
quarter kegs , 1 88 blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse ,
per 100 feet , 50o.
LEAD Bar , 1C5.
COAL-Cumberlandblacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor
ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whitebreast lump ,
00 ; Whitobroast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 ;
Iowa nut , fi 00 : Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra
cial , 11 25all 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 per ton.
Oak sole , 88@42o ; hemlock solo , 28@33c ;
hemlock kip , 80s ; runner G5o to 75c ; hemlock
calf , 85 to 100 : hemlock upper , 22 to 24c ; oak
upper , 21c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 SO ; calf kid ,
32@35c ; Greison kid , 2 50 to 2 75 : oak kip , m
80o to 100 ; oak calf , 120 to 1 SO ; French kip ,
110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 2a to 2 00 ; russetts
50 to 7 SO ; linlngo , G 00 to 8 50 ; toppings ,
00 to 10 CO ; B. L. Morocco , 30 to35c ; obble
O. D Morocco 35c ; simon , 2 60 @ 3 00.
HARNESS No. 1 star oak , 3Gc ; No. 2 , Sic ;
35c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 33c ; No. 1 do , 31o ; No.
Milwaukee 34c ; No. 2 do , 33o.
No. 1 Pitta oak bar , SOc ; No , B Pitta oak
bar , 34c ,
Liquor ? ,
ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol , 2 2G per wlna
gallon extra California spirits ; 188 proof , 118
per proof gallon ; trippla refined spirits , 187
proof , 117 per proof gallon ; redistilled
whiskies , 100 0150 ; fine blended , 1 SO & 2 60.
GINS Imported , 4 50@GOO ; domestic , 140
@ 300.
RUMS Importad , 4 60@G 00New.EHgland ,
199400 ; domestic , 1 503 50.
CHAMPAGNES Imported , per case , 28 00 ®
34 00 ; American , per case , 12 00@10 00 ,
Plug Tobacco-Climax , 47c ; Bullion , 47c ;
Horseshoe , 44c , Star , 4Go ; Rudy , 45oj Her-
soy's , 40c ; Black , S840 ; Spearhead , 4Gc >
Our Rcpe , 48c : Piper Heidsieck. Ola.
Fine Cut Common , SOcj Medium , 4Cc ;
good , 45@GOc ; Hard to Beat , 70o ; Favorite ,
COc ; Diamond Crown , S5c ; Sweet Sixteen ,
Smoking O , S. , 22c ; Meerschaum , SOc ;
Durham , ICooz. Sic ; Durham , 8 oz , , 55c ; Dar-
ham , 4 oz. , 57c ; Durham , 2 oz. , GJc ; Seal of
North Carolina , 1C oz.,41c ; Seal of North Car *
olina , 8 oz. . 43c ; Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. ,
48o ; Seal of North Carolina , 2 oz. , 60o ; 0. S. ,
Durham. 4 oz. , 28c ; O. K. Durham , 2 oz , SOc ;
Undo Ned , i's 25c ; Tom nnd Jerry 23o.
We quote lumber , lath and shingles on car
at Omaha at the following prices ;
JOIST AND BOANTUNO 16 feet and under ,
TIMBERS 10 foot and under , 18 00.
TIUBKB AND JoisT-20 ft. , 19 00 ; 24 ft. ,
FKNCINO No. 1 , 4 and G In. , 20 00 ; No , 2 ,
18 09 ,
SHEATHING No , 1 (2d ( common boards ) ,
18 00 ; No. 2 , 1000.
STOCK BOARDS A , 4500 ; B , 40 00 ; 0 , 35 00.
FLOOtUNa-No. 1 , 35 00 ; No , 2 , SO CO ; No
' 22 00.
'SiDlNa , clear 2500 ; No. 2 , 2260 ; No. 3 ,
CWLINO-1 , SO 00 ; 8. 20 00.
SHINGLES , best-3 60 ; standard , 3 09 ,
LATH 3 00 per M.
LiUE-Per barrel , 1 03 ; bulk per boahel ,
35c ; cement ; bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ;
hair p bus , 50o ; tarred felt , 100 W ;
etraw board 300 ,
Danaa AND OnwiiOAia Add , carbolic , 40cj
acid , Urtaric , SOc ; balsam copaiba , pot Ib , , *
G5c ; bark , nossafras , per Ib , 12c ; calomel , pc
Ib , 90o ; cinchonidla , per oz. , SO 60 ; chloro
form , per Ib , 81 05 ; Dovora powders , per Ib
8125 ; epsom aalUj per Ib , SJc ; clycorlno
pure , per Ib , 25c ; lead acetate , per Ib , 20c ; ol
castor , No. 1 per ffal. . SI 50 ; oil cantor , No.
per gal. , $1 40 ; oil , ohvo , per gal , . SI 40 : oil
origanum , 60c ; opmm , $1 BO ; quinine , P , ft
W. , and R. & S. , per oz. , 7fie ; poUssium
Iodide , per Ib. . $3 50 ; ealicin , per oz. , 40c
sulphate morphine , per oz. , $3 40 ; itilphur
per Ib. , 4o ; strychnine , per oz. , ? ) 35
I'nlntfl Olli nnd Varnlsbnn.
OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , lljc ; 150
headlight , per gallon , 12c ; 175 ° headlight
per gallon , IGc ; 160 ° water white , 15c ; HBO
seed raw , per gallon , 41)c ) ; linseed boiled , nor
gallon , 52c ; Lnrd , winter str'd , twr gallon , 70c
No. 1 , GOe ; No. 2 , 60 ; castor XXX , per gal
Ion , 1 GOc : No. 3 , 1 40 } sweet , per gallon , 1 (10 ;
sperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish W. B. ,
per gallon , C5 : neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c
No. 1 , 75o : lubrisatlng , zero , per gallon , SOc ]
Ktitntncr , IBc ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal
Ion , 35c ; No 2 , 28c ; sperm , siinal , per gallon
line : turpentine , per gallon. 40o ; tiaptha,71 ° ,
per gallon , IGc ,
White lead 89c ; French rine , lOc ; 1'arla
whiting , 2ic ; whiting gildore , IJc ; whiting
com'l , Ijof lampblack , Germantown , 14c
lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 65o
untramarlno , 18c ; Vandyke , bro\vn , 8c ; umber ,
burnt , 4o ; nmbcr , raw , 4c ; sienna , burn 'let ; ;
slenca , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine. 25o
Paris preoncominon.20c ; chrome green , N. Y. ,
20c ; chromo green , K. , 12c ; vmnilllon , Eng ,
75c ; vormilllon , American , 18 : ; Indi..n , rod ,
lOc ; rose pink , 14cVonctian ; , rod , Coofaon's ,
2c ; Venetian , red. American , IJc : red lead ,
rjc ; chromo yellow , genuine , SOc ; chrome yellow -
low , 1C. , 12c : ochrp rochcllo , 3c ; ochre , Frenh
2c ; ochre , American , L'c ; Winter's mineral ,
2jc ; lohigh brown , 2Jc ; Spaniiih brown , 2Joj
Prlnco's mineral , 3c.
VAnNisHES Barrels , per gallon : Furniture ,
extra , 81 10 ; furnituro. No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ex
tra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra ,
$1 75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra , 85c ,
shellac , 83 50 : hard oil finish 81 50.
M PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha , P. P.
" > \a \ ; whlto lead , St. Louis , pure , 5Jc ; Marjoil
lea green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc ;
Jroon seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ,
French , zinc , In varnish asst , , 20c ; French zinc ,
In oil asst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 'b
ns , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; Vandyke
brown , 13c ; rofinrd lampblack , 12c ; coach
black and ivory black , IGc ; drop block , IGc ;
Prussian blue , 40c : ultramarine blue , 18c ;
chrome green , L , M & D , , IGc ; blind and
shutter , green , L. M , & D. , IGc ; Paris green ,
18c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetia red , 9c ; Tus
can rod , 22c ; American vermillion , I , & P.-
: yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , O. & D. O. , 18o ;
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent
iryor , 8c ; Draining colors , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash , 16o
rLOOB- Colorado , 100 Ibs , 1 25@1 55 ; pat
ent , 100 Ib * . , 2 75@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75
@ 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs , 1 60 ; ryn , 1 00 Ibs.
2 25 ; buck-wheat , 100 Ibs , 7 BO ,
GRAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheat 100 Ibs ,
90@95o ; corn in sacks on track,100 lbi,90@l 00 ;
oata , in sacks on track , 100 Ibs , eastern white ,
20(9125 ( ; Colorado white , 1J5@1 30 ; mixed ,
10@1 20 ; barley 100 Ibs , 1 80@1 35 ; bran.
on , on track , 14 00015 00 ; chop , corn , 100
bs , on tra'ck , 1 00@1 05 ; chop mixed. 100 Ibs ,
on track , 1 25@1 35 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs , 1 SO
© 140.
HAT Baled , upland , ton , 13 00@15 00 ;
upland , loose , ton , 8 00@12 00 ; second hot-
om , baled , 11 0012 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton ,
10 00@15 00 ; straw , baled , on track , ton , 7 00
© 9 00.
BOTTER Craamery , fancy Ib , 36@37o
creamery , fine , Ib , 33tt35c ; dairy , choice , Ib
2022c ; dairy , good , Ib , 18@20c ; dairy , fair
b,15@lGc ; cooking , Ib , G@8c.
Eons State , randlod and warranted , doz ,
30B31c ( ; ranch , doz , 33@34c.
CHEESE Full -cream , 15@17c ; half cream ,
b , 10@llc ; skim , Ib , 9c ; Swlsw , domestic ,
b , 22@23c ; S viss , imported , SO@82cLim-
m'ger , 18c.
PooLTRt Live old chickens , doz , 6 00@5 C 0 ;
ive springs , doz , 3 00"fl)4 ( ) 00 ; live ducks , doz ,
5 005 25 ; drosaed turkeys , Ib. , 14 15c.
POTATOES Colorado , 100 Ibs , 115@125 ;
woet , rer Ib , , 4c ,
VEQETABLKS Onions , yellow , 100 Ibs ,
40 ; cabbage , 100 Iba. 1 50 ; beets ,
00 Ibs , 1 10@1 25 ; turnips , 100 Ibs , 1 25.
FRUITS Lemons , per box , Mosslnn , 5 50.
i 00 ; oranges , Louisiana , per 100 , 3 25 ,
apples , fancy bbl , 3 75@4 75 ; apples , medium ,
bbl , 3 60 ; California grapes , box , 1 75@2 00 ;
Molvolso , Peru , Muscat , 200@225.
COBED MEATS Hams , sugar cured , Ib , 12J
® 12Jc ; hams , Bweet pickled , Ib , 12Jc ; bacon ,
breakfast , Ib. 13@13Jc ; dry salt sides , Ib ,
@ 8Jc ; dried beef , Ib , 15c ; lord in palls ,
go : lard In tierces , 8Jo.
FRESH MEATS Dressed beef Colorado , per
b. GfiJGJc ; cnoice veal. Ib , GJ@7Jc ; hogs , Ib ,
@ 7i"c ; mutton , Ib. 5@Cc.
LIVE STOCK Colorado steers , per 100 Ibs ,
00@3 75.
Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , llj@12o ;
No. 2 , Ib , 9@10c ; green steers and branded
alf , Ib , 4@5e ; green , 8@10c ; green kip ,
b , 67c ; sheep skins , dry , 8@10c ; deer ekins ,
ummor , Ib , 15@25c ; door skins , winter , Ib , 12
16c ; antelope skins , Ib , 12@15 ; tallow , Ib ,
WOOL Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , 1415c ;
uck , Ib , 8c ; Mexican , 8c.
FISH Mackerel , No. 1 , 120. kit. mess ,
G0@2 00 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ;
Jollond herring , koer , 1 5001 60j trout , per
THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. ,
Her to send their celebrated ELECTRO-VOL
rial for thirty days , to men ( young or old )
( Hinted with nervous debility , loss of vitality
tnd manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also
or rheumatism , neuralgia , puralyals , _ and
nany other diseases , Complete restoration to
icalth , vigor antf manhood guaranteed. No
ink ts Incurred as thirty days trial is allowed.
Trite them at ones for Illustrated pamphlet
4MoisuHArQUA : mo WITH THE aioQMpHvorHie < * eu *
y the ccn-r l position of Its line , connects ! h' '
ajt and thtvsst by the ahortcat route , and oar
ioj patacjiuera. Mitfiout ohanjca of cart , betwso
lilcago uud Kanns Cltr. Council UHUtj. Lcnven
vnilti , Atohliait , Ulna avolU and St. Paul. 1
cn cde iu Union Dcpoin with ill the prlnrlrn-
mft at road between the Atlantio * ud the FncIfU
VCEnni. Its equipuent II unrivaled and luagnlll *
tut , LvInK compoaed f licit Comforlablo and
Jcai'nful uay Oouheg , Magnincont Ilorton He-
illnlne Chair Cart , i'ullman' Prrttieit 1'alace
il < jcpuil c.'an , and ilia llait tune at DMas Car ,
nlhoworlc1. . ThreaTralut KJ2 CiJOsa aaS
ll ourl Klvrr I'olnts. Tw m-- < - - n Chi , a
AIrw Hud Ulreat Iiloe , vl3encei and Knnki
tee. hatt recently been opened between lllcaniono
ionolk.Hentport Newt , Cnaltaooof a. Atlanta , Au
fua. . ! J/i.livil ) , > Loul vlllo , Lcimalon , Cincinnati
nduntpolli aad Lafayattc , and Omaha , Ulnueap-
ili > ara at. Vaul and Intermodule polnti.
All luiouuh i'utenfera Vnvcl ou l' Jit ExpreM
TiekcM for anl at all principal Ticket Offloe > It
tie United Bute * and Cuuada.
U dca chraiieil IhrouRh and ratca of fare ' .
ay4 AH low m oojapetllorj that olfdr UfcM adpi.o.
Xcr dt-talled information. cettueMapiand Vrli.
I your nearett Ticket Office , or addren
ir t > . TABLR , E. 6T. JOHM ,
ia apurodialao , aroiis-
os activity , i > o ltht > ly
curi iini > otuncy , lost
Ity , all weakncBS ofcentra tlve aysU'in : oltlior BOX.
J , liy moll. J , U.AVuru Vil07btuU , > t.CMc.cs
Dummy Trains leave Omaha at 040,8 00
e co , iu oo , n u m , i oo , s oo , a oo , 4 oo , B oo , o oo.
025pm. On Sundays the 800 anil 10 OOa m auu
' 00 and i 00 p m trains do not run. Arrlro fit trans-
or depot IS minutes later : Broadway depot 20 mln.
ates later ,
Leave Council Bluffs ( Broadway depot ) at 7 20 , 8 80
080,1080,1 am ; ISO , 280 , S SO. 480 , 630 , 085
and 11 05 p in. On tiundays the 8 80 and 10 80 am
and 8 80 and 6 80 p m trains will not run. Arrive at
Transfer 7 minutes later , Omaha 20 minutes later.
TrnnsforTraln S Leave Omaha at B 15 , 8 58
0 05 a m , 1 26 , 0 10 and fl 65 p m , dally.
Arrive at 9 46 and 11 15 a m , 12 25 , 1 85 and 8 15 p
To and from Chicago via the Tripartite Alliance Lines.
| Mil. I H-l. | N-W | N.W | U-l | Ml
Sunday ovonlngand Monday morning tralnsarrlve
In orroBpondlng order. C. B. & Q. trains ran every
Loa\ Union Paclllo depot at
Arrive from Stock. Tarus nt
Mall Time Card ,
Connecting in Union Depots nt Kuncaa { 'lly
Oiimliannd Denver with tli rough trains tor
And all points In thcGicat West.
Union Depot at Chicago
with through trains for
AtPoorla with thioif ftniina lor Inillnnan
oils , Olnclniuitl , ColuniXiB , nnd nil points in
lie Soutli-Knst. At ajTouls wltU throusli
tains lor ull points Scyw i.
IJlcRiint Dny Coaehea , 1'nrlor Oars , with Ito
cllntng Chnlra ( scats iico ) , Smoking Cars wit )
iovolvliiff Chairs , I'lillumn 1'nluco Slucnliu
Jars nnd tlio ruinous V. U. & Q. Dining Car.
nn dally ton ml from Crilcngo and Kansas ( Mtv
HilciiKonnd Council JllnlJs : Ohlcaijo nnU DL-S
Molm-H , Uhlcntro , St. Joseph , Atclilaou rind
TopoUa without chanKo. Only through llm
mini ig tholr own trains between Chicago
.incolii and Denver , and Chicago , luuisiu
Uty nnd Denvor. Tin ouch cai-s between
nulanapolls and Council lilulls , via 1'corla.
Solid Trains ot Klcaai , ' _ ? Coaches nnd
rulhnnn ralncoSleepliiR Cars uro run dally tc
and frpift St. I.ouls ; vlu Hannibal ; Qiilnoy ,
Ccokulc , JlHrllnftou , Cedar Hanids and Albert
J.ratoSt. 1'aul und Minneapolis ; I'urlorCart
vith Iteciinliip Chairs to nnd from 8t. J.oul *
mil 1'eorla. Only one change of care between
it. Louis and Ic Molncs , Iowa , Lincoln , No.
braska , and Denver , Colorado.
It is nl3o the only TlnoughLIno bitwcen
It la known as the ( treat TilHOUOH OAJI
MNK of America , and is universally admit
cil to ho the .
finest Equipped Railroad In the World fa
all classes of Travel.
? * 2ough Tickets via tills line for fialo atni'
.E-cou | > oii ticket onices in the UnitodStntos
Vlu-fnt. & O Minucr Oca
Bld.VM iarJ'p ! ' . " "ywrqirita one P
ion MWltU twoN-aX * * fc ' The b.Pijaci
tnithen nd hort o cfcrilnrlolbewelglillliej
Uqnally well d pteu to routli couutri
iuiir ABBOTT BBBY co.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
It la'llio boat nnd chonpoat food for Block of nny kind. Ono ponnd Is onual to
three 1)00 ; da of corn. Stock fed vrith Ground Oil Gnko In the Fnll nnd Wlnlor
Instead of running down , will increase In weight and bo In good mnrkotnblo condl
tlou in the eprtng. Dnirymon , ns well cs others , who use it , can testify to Its mor
Its. Try it nnd judge for yonraolvcs. IMco § 25.00 per ton. No chnrgo for ssioka
Addrosa WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS , Oranhn , Neb ,
fl. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper , Chicago , Manager of the
Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A fall line of all grades of
the aboio ; also Pipes and Smokers' carried in stock. Prices
and samples famished on application. Open orders
Intrusted to ns shall receive our careful
f attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
C. F.
IS , IV f
1301 AND 13031FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH ,
W. F.f & CO. :
Oilice , Exchange Building Union Stock Yards ,
W A. I'AXIOK , 1'rcst. and TroaB. Union Stock Yds. , Omab ,
SWAN BROS , Cheyenne. Also connected with Oregcry , Oooloy
JOUN A. MC.SHANH. Manager Bay Ptato Cattle Co. Co , Union Stock Yards , Chicago.
} . A. CKKIOUTON , Vlco-Prcst. I'iret Nat'l Bank , Omaha.
tar Address all communlca'lons Union Stock Yards , Omaha , Nebraska. TE1
IIEHHY T. CLAHKE , 1'rcs. ondTicas. A. M. CLARKE , Vice President
JOHN T. CLi.nKF , Socritary.
T AllQESTJobblnu TiruR lioueo between CU'cngo ' and San Francisco , CAPITAL STOCK $200.000 , Wo
JU fha'l leal the bottom cflliorrnrkct at all times Will clujjllcato Ohlogo and St. Loulj price * with
frilght ailOid. Our ipecla'ty will * > e
Ptfi'e JUH'uys , Paints , < Ql7s and FARNAM.'i
Entlmatcaihenoiiplato ( 'Iats. To tlioio abnut to omlurk In the drug Im incs5 will do well to consul
their interest by callliiL' on us or bcud for our price Hat uhlcli will appear about January MM. Mul ordera
solicited , UK 1IAUNEY BTIlKtT.
A. : L. STRANG r.CO. ,
Doub/eiand Single Acting Power and Hand
5 .
Trlinmlnizu , Mining Mnohltery , Bolting , MOBO , Brnaa and Iron Fitting
at wholcsalo and rot&ll. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUBOD
Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
Solo agpnis of United States Electric Lighting Co. , for Stnte of N
Bku.Owi t era ot western patents for Electric Motors , Arc Lamp , Me
gultrgo iu candescent nnd BUI all incandescent electric lumps. Cheaper
than gas. UEST LIGHT KNOWN. Adopted by the United States gov
ernment and all the leading btenmship lines and leading hotels. For
pricea enquire at