Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1885, Image 7
THE DAIL1 BEE-TUESDAY JANUARY 13 , 1885. I'KINCK 1U9MAUOK | Characteristics of tlio Man wlioIlnlcB tlioGcrnmu Empire , Oorrcspondcnco Londcn Times. The chancellor Is not nvoticlous , but ho Is a Prussian , and the Pantheon des tined for gonorotts Prusslnua is known to bo still watting for Its first guott With , out being nvoricious , ho is ns fond of or. dor , ccsuomy and regularity BB the Great Frederick , and enters iulo details of housekeeping to which ono would natur ally BUpposo him a stranger. I have heard him relnto , with Ute broad huraof clmractorintlo of him , that ono ot his for mer valctehad begged him for a lonso of an inn on his properly nt Varzln. "As BOOH RS ho bscamo the tenant , " mid Jilsmarok "of the inn , which used to vfold1 2,000 markK , ho betook htmaolf , in hla capacity of my ex-valet , to the study of politics , Ho eubicribed to all kinds of news- pipers.and on them passed his time. When gucatA arrived ho treated thorn Insolently for distnrbing him. IIo soon foil into disrepute na a surly laadloid , and travelers took cue not to enter the inn. Ho now earns scarcely enough to pay for his nowepwora. As to myself I shall have to evict him , for ho has long ceased to pay his rent. " And you could ace that the lots of the rent affected him. " ot the tone WM not that of a minor , but that of discontent at having his calcula tions deranged. Pfinca Bismarck leads n very methodi cal life , nnd in the count'y , as in the town , no event is allowed to interfere with its regularity. His grand dinners ate abundant , with mathematical sufficiency , without stint or waste. Uh daily meals are those of n good family burgher , and the servants are methodical , attentive and Bilcnt. None of his household over com- niita the mistake of fpcaking at the table before the master of the house has , so to apeak , tacitly given him leave. All wait to BCO whether the prince is in a conver sational mood , and when ho is pleased to npcak , all are hushed , not to lojo ono of his words. To this , in part , is duo the largo number of words , anecdotes and di alogues attributed to him , for it has al ready long been customaty for his listen ers to treasure up every word ho uttois. Ono of the piiaco'o chaiacteristics is his lovd for sotno largo dog , which ho makoa his constant companion and fcoda himself a dog , for instance , like the ono that so terrified Prlnco Gortscbakott" . The dog follows the prince into hio dining room and atrotchoa itoelf on the carpet. In the course of the meal the butler bringu a largo piece of boiled beef on ono plate , and bits of soaked broad on an other. The prince in person cuts up the bef and prepares the food for the dog , which stands by , grave and attentive , pending the solemn preparation ot its food. The princo'a dog is never fed in ny other way. There is something note worthy in the habits of this man , who poraoniGoa the Prussian race in its most elevated character. If Bismarck is not close , ho is not gen erous ei'hcr. Ho docs what he deems right , and expects everyone to do also what is right by him. Generosity , in the ordinary sense of the term , is too mild , nnreflccting , effeminate a qual ty to enter into this collossnl , rdigh-hown nature. Ho treats men too much like figmcs , tel l > o added , multiplied and divided at will , to entertain any tender feuliug lu anl them. Ho aspires less to rule them by gentleness than by the vigorous ascen dency of his genius , and ho would not bo greatly ( lattcred by an affection unmixed with dread and admiration. Even on rare occasions where , in other men , what is called the heart comes into play , in him the master nay , almost the tyrant is to bo found. His very cifcction bears the character of oppression , and no glove is thick enough to conceal the iron hand beneath it. Yet , such as ho is , this man is the most prominent , most striking figure of the age , and this is HO true that amid all the exe cration ho excites , it is hero considered mean by his very enemies to treat as the reichstag has dune one of the monuments of the century. I'ronchmi'ii can properly ba called "the KuichU ol the table. " Thcr nrq good judges in nil its rofiiioiuents and dulicaciea. In order to stimulate tha apctito nnd licop the digestive organs In good order they give preominuicu to Anuostiira HUterr. whim yiiu trv them bo euro it in the genuine article , manufactured by lr. ) J. G. B. Siegert & Sons. A BEIIMON ON 91OSSBA.GKS. Tlio Great IMcHSlnj : "Which u Few Funerals Would Confer. Fremont Journal. In the inscrutable wisdom of Provi dence there exists a class of beings known "mossbacks. " among men as Why they should bo permitted to cum ber the ground is something beyond mor tal ken. a'o they good for ? AYliat are barnacles good for ? A mossback dilfors from a vagrant or an ordinary crank in that the mossback pos sesses property. A mossback knows just enough to sit btill and hang on to iv little piece of the territory adjacent to his hab itation until his enterprising neighbors work out the development of Ins section of country. Ho never engages in any of the bchemes which have no immediate and positive promise of remuneration to him His little selfish noul can't comprehend the desirability of taking part in any enterprise looking to ward the public wolfatc. Public spirited is a term as applicable to him as is charity to tvn alligator , But ho has a keen appreciation ciation of the enhanced value of his pos sessions resulting from the liberal policy of public spirit exercised by his neighbors , 'i'ho uossback is the constitutional kicker of his community. Although ho never contributes materially towards subscrip tions for advancing the general prosperity of his town , ho always feels himself in- Biiltcd in that the distribution the funds is not made in exactly the manner that ho desired. " He cannot be pleased. Ho respects only those who ignore him and ho abates everybody. If a projected railroad ia approaching a town inhabited by a colony of inoasbacks , the chances are that tlio depot will bo located four miles from the vlllapo because tha mossbacks - backs of the south side would rather lot it go there than tnat thoio mean north alders should get it. If Robinson dies and bequeaths a plot of ground to the town to be used es a city park , the Jones faction , having control of the govern ment , refuses to accept the legacy bo- canto the late lamented Robinson had been a loader of the Smith party , their mortal enemies. A chair factory or a canned goods ea- Ublishment looks over the town with a vioir to putting in work * . The scheme Is well worked up and almost the required bonus is raised , bat Hog & Oiharninj ; that the site sjlootod ia in the pait of town most removed from their intereaU , they throw their powerful Influence into the scale to defeat the ontorptUo and thr mossbsoks conquer. ' What a bleulng a fo r hlgh.tnnprl funer all would be to eomo communities ! Bu then if certain of our lorehoad friend. should shcfflB off and scar away to St. Peter thty would ptotably kick on hav ing to register on the tame book th t Robinson used , and heaven , to bo congenial - genial to them , would bo anything but eternal peace to wn y aonle. An Essay on liuttcr-SInkhiR , Hill Nye. Butter ii the mature fruit of the full blown caw. It ia the greatest effort of her life. The cow tolls not , neither does she spin , yet I nay unto you that Solo mon In all hia glory could not boat her on hand-made , or rather mllk-maM butter. This subtle joke I have repaired and newly upholstered for use during the winter. ' Butter comes from the cow in a liquid state. It is qulto . * trick to win her con fidence so that aha will yield It up to n total stranger. I once sought to TTOO the lacteal fluid from the milk-retort of a largo speckled cow to whom I was a comparative stranger. She wasn't ono of thoBO blooded cows that look as though they havoboon [ cut out of a shoot of paper with n pair of eclanoro. She was n low cow , with coarse instlnctr , born in ob scurity. Her brow was low , but nho wore her tail high , nnd she was haughty 0 , to haughty. The young man who had hitherto acquired the milk from this cow desired ono evening to hio him away to n neighboring village , where ho might trip the light bombastic too till the woo sma1 houra anent the twa' . ( Quotation from a pool vrho was a poor spoiler. ) He want ed mo to milk his large , speckled , plobl- an cow ; and 1 said I would. The move ment was certainly ill advloed. I under took to do as I had agreed , but failed. From the moment I entered her stall and made n commonplace remark to her I know our acquaintance would not load tea a warm attachment. Somehow I felt constrained and uuoesy in her society from the moment wo mot until loving friends pulled mo out through the stable- window and brought mo back to con- clouoncaa. I shall never undertake to milk a strange cow again until the atgn is right. So far the elgn has not boon right. I might bo sent on a polar expedition and get stranded on an iceberg , with no ether alternative bat to milk a cow or oat un old friend ; but should hate to tackle the cow unices the friend woo a very old frlond indeed. lluttor is produced by expunging the juice from a rare and costly chemical , known as cream. Cream is the bend on the milk. Milk is known aa dry and ex tra dry. A good milkman will always ask you if you want your milk wet or otherwise. An old well-digger named Grady told mo about going over into Southern In diana at ono time to dig a well for n man named 'Wlthilm. Wl'hum was said to bo very cloao. Ho wao the most contiguous man in Indiana. Hia wife used to slum the milk on one aide , and then turn it ever and skim the bubbles off It vraa a constant strng lo between Withtnu and hia wlfo to BOO which would ba the mean er. er.Tho first day that Grady was there they had a round ball of butter as big as a lemon and as hard as Pharaoh's heart. The butter-knife had a handle that would turn every time any ono tried to get a lick at tbo butter , and the little round ball would flop over on the other side nnd smilo. Unwind then a hired man would reach over with his own knife and make a slash at it , but the butter , confident of its own strength , would tip ever with a dull thud , and the man would heave a sigh nnd give it up. Thqn another farm hand would make a wild dash at it , but burst into tears and quit. Finnlly Grady , who had watched this performance several days , jabbed his fork down into the middle - dlo of the yellow chunk and successfully cut it in two. In the center was a small , solid wooden top. "There , " says Grady , "I've found out what the blamed thing is wound on , anyhow. " Pro 1'atrla. Atlanta ( Go. ) Journal. A group of lawyers were discussing the late war : "I was at Sliiloh , " said one ; "andwhile htanding under a smoky sky in a storm of leaden hail , beheld the noble Albert Sid- no , ) ' Johnston fight and fall upon the blood red altar of his country. " "And I , " said another , "was at the Wilderness when the very air was red with the fire of battle , and tha myriad mini < s sang their death song in the ears of the bravo. I , too , fought , bled and died for my country. " . "And I , " said a third , "stood in the fire's front at Gettysburg , when the wild rebel yell mingled st augely with the ehriek of the deadly shell that plowed the patriot ranks. J , too , fought , bled and died for my country. " " 'And I , gentleman , " said alanksccay , solemniimn , with a faded umbrella under his arm "I was at Joncsboro when shot and shell sped swiftly by , and tbo wagon train and all seenml lost. But I , toowas a patriot , and. while I neither fought nor died , I bled for my country I bled the army mulesl Gentlemen , I am a horse doctor. Are there any jackasses in this cromll" Contented GunrcBRl < > uiil Scats. Chicago Herald. Passing through tlio city yesterday fore noon was a gentleman who Kin for cong - g ess last fall in one of the Iowa districts. lie was en route to Washington , "I'm going down to gets some points on contested sea's. It may bo that I'll make a break for that teat J'otj" ho said. "What was the majority against you ? " asked the po son addressed. "Oh , tha other feller had three thou sand odd. Ho carried every county. " "you will have a tough time contesting that beat , then , " said the stranger. "I ( liinno , 1 dunno. I can prove that ho had women at every polling place in the district working for him and agin mo , and if that ain't intimidation and fraud and violence I've read the history of my couutiy in vain. I've got two men ready to swear that their wives made them veto the republican ticket , und that's enough to begin on. " Farm Hands W.uitcil. Chicago Herald. "Farm hands is going to bo mighty skcrso In Nebraska next summer , and I'm down hero to make n contract with about a dozen early. " The speaker was-a comfo1 table looking man of 50 , snugly done up in a big buffalo robe coat , and the person addressed ViHa n dapper elurk in iv Chicago , employment agency. " W hat's the trouble with farm hands in Nebraska ? ! thought you were over stocked with labor out thfro , " replied the young man. I'Well ' , wo was last year , but tho-o's goin' to bo a big shrinkage in population this year. The democrats arc all going to Washington for offices , and they won't get back till after the harvest Can you book mo for ten or twelve good men to leave hero say July I1 The clerk hcmmol once or twice and then said : "The fact is , boss , I'm a democrat - ocrat , too , nnd I don't expect to bo here after tlio Ibt cf March. " IDENTIFIED BY A rilOIOGllAPH , It IV < ii His SwcotlioartMniul He Car ried It InlllH Vest rocket. Chicago New * , Jan. 8tb. A young man , supposed to bo in the omploy'of n railroad company , from the fact tnat n brakoman's badge was found on his clothing , died suddenly nt Kansas Ofty about five weeks ago. The only ether article in hia possession was the photograph of A young lady. The pictnro nns found in the insldo pocket of his vest. His death was auppoaed to have boon a coao of sufcido , although tha core ner's inquest failed to establish the fact. No evidence was adduced touching the identity of the man , who was described in the report as "to * ho jury unknown. " His body was nmbalmod and hold nt an undertaking establishment for Identifica tion. tion.J. . D. King , a poatoflico Inspector of Chicago , was nt Kansas city during the present wook. Ho happened to visit the undertaker's establishment rrhcro the unknown body was hold , and while there saw the photograph found oil the corpse. Ho recognizsd it as the picture of a young lady resident of a nmall town ia Wisconsin , the affianced wife of Frank G. Martin the absconding assistant post master at Pierre , D. T. The body was identified as that of Martin , who had dis appeared from Pierre in January , 1884 , nnd had taken with him § 1,800 of the oflico money , No trace of him was ever discovorod. It ia supposed that after securing the money ho traveled until hla funds were exhausted and then secured work on a railroad running into Kansas City.Martin Martin was the son of theIlov. . John Martin , of Helena , Neb , nnd wao for merly employed in the Flrat national bank at Bo vor Dam , Wis. After securing a position in the Pierre postofllco ho bo- cam o addicted to drink and likewise in- dulped in numerous gambling games for high stakes. His losses at the gaming tublo Induced him to appropriate the oflico funds to his own use , and fearing detection ho took to flight. LITERARY NOTHS. "Within the Shadow. By Dorothy Holroyd , 12mo , S1.25 Thla volume ia the latest edition to the famous "V. I. F. " aeries , and in a story of auch brilli ancy and power aa to at once entitle Its author to recognition ns a writer of high ability. The plot la ingenious , and yet rist complicated or Improbable , and the events happen so naturally that the reader - or is never called upon to exorcise his imagination or to manufacture reasons for the action ol the narativo. The hero ine ia Cecil Chester , n young girl who has been tenderly and carefully nutnrod , and whoao unusually natural gifts have been developed by judicious culture. By the drath of both her parents eho is suddenly loft alone in the world without relatives nnd irlthout moiicy. Of on independent spirit &ho rejects all oflora for help from friends , choosing avail horaolf of her accomplishments to support herself. She cntcro the homo of a wealthy widow as a companion , and while there by an extraordinary combination of- circum stances , is made toappoar aa having com mitted a criminal offence , for which she ia arrested and brought to trial. The atory of her Bufferings ia vividly toldand the cBapter In which ttho climax is reached la ctrongly dramatic. The book cannot help making a sonaation. Bos ton , D. Lothrop & Co. , Publishers. The New Year's number of Wide Awake supplements the beautiful Christ- maa issue in a delightful fashion , filled an it is with holiday stories , pictures and pooiDB. The frontspieco , by Lungren , represents ono of Boston's merriest scones evening skating in the public garden ; the drawing is accompanied by a charm ing poem by Margaret Sidney. A crisp and merry winter story follow * , "Snowy Peter , " from the pen of Susan Coolidge , a finished piece of literary work. * An other atory , fine in ita literary finish , is from the pen of Edward Abbotv , the oditorof the Literary World ; it ia en titled "Light on the Hills. " The first of the promised group of true western stories la in thla number ; "Wagon-Tiro Camp' " by Kato Footo , .record ing the first discovery of gold in the wast , and illustrated by Mary Hallock Footo. David Kcr also has a bright traveling sketch , "A School in the Faroe Islands , " and Yan Pliou Leo , in his curious scries , "When 1 was a Boy in China , " describes a Chinese house. The serials move onjcntortaihingly ; the Tennessee story , "Down the Ravine , " by Charles Egbert Craddook , tlio bistort * ical story "In Leisler's Times , " by K. S. Brooks , and the wonder story , "Iho Bub bling Teapot , " by Mrs. Lix/.io W. Champ- noy. The poems and their illustrations are notably line. "Iho Dream Peddler , " with its full-page fanciful drawing by E W. Garrett , "Dorothy's Dream , " by Miss Wilkins , "January , " by M. 13. B. , and the story of Chaucer's Griselda , with a full-pago drawing by Lungren. The Chautauqua readings cover a largo range of literature , 'history , science and ait. Only Sit.00 a year. D. Lothrop & Co. , publishers , Boston , Mass. The first number of Volume HI , of "Literary Life , " for February , issued January IBth , will contain in its now de partment f'Jhs Reading Room , " among a "host of good things , " a full page portrait of Eliram Powers , the famous American sculptor , with a full autograph poem in scribed to him by John Quincy Adams , when president of the United States. "A Texas Excursion ; or , the Great South west , " by K. A. Couont niulW. S. Abbot , containing twelve beautiful illustrations , "George and the Stranger , " by Jane Grey Swisshulm. "Tho Analyst's Mistake , " a poem , by Carlotta Perry. "The Human Face , " a poem , by Ella Wheeler. "Wit and uiuiior , " by Robert J. Burdettc. The subscription price of Literary Life has lately been reduced to § 1.00 per year. Elder Publishing Company , Chicago. General Grant , in his article on "The Battle of Shiloh , " in the forthcoming number of The Century relates how sen timents regarding General Buoll were at tributed to him which were never ex pressed , and how ho tried to correct the misunderstanding which grow up between him and Buell after the battle. All Bosh. Chicago Herald , A richly dressed man looked up from his newspaper at the Grand Pacific yes terday and exclaimed to a port on sitting near him : "This talk about hard times is all bosh. I never s w better times In my life , and [ never made more money in a year than I did in 1881. " "In that 10 ? What is your business ? " "I'm running a ealoon in the prohibi tion atato of Iowa. " The Only Volley to Chicigo Herald. A commercial traveler just In from Kantaa said he heard t/fo retail mer converging on the cars about the defeat of the national bankruptcy bill. They felt voiy aero ever it. After many denunciations of the house of represen tatives ono of them raid : "Well , there's only ono policy to pur- " ' auo now. "What's that ? " asked the othor. The fire Insurance policy , " was the reply. reply."I "I Jlnvo Buffered t" With every dlioaso Imaginable for the ast three years. Our Druggist , T. J. Anderson , recommen ding ' Hop Bittora" to mo , I naod twobottloa ! Am entirely cured , and hoirtlly recommend mend Hop Bittora to every ono. J. D Walker , Bucknor , Mo. I wrlto this as a Token of the great appreciation I hav of your Hop * * Hitters. I wo afflicted With Inflammatory rheumatism For nearly Seven years , and no mcdicino Boomed to do mo any Goodlll Until I tried two bottloa of your Hop Bitters , and in my surprise I am aa well to/dny aa over I waa. I hope "You may have abundant auccesa" "In thia qroat and" Valuable medic Ino : Any ono I * * wlahlng to know more about my euro ? Can learn by addressing mo , E. M. WilHani3,1102 ICth Btroot , Washington , D. 0. 1 consider your Kemcdy the best remedy In existence Tor Indigestion , kidney Complaint "And uorvoua debility. I have just" Returned "From the south In a fruitless search for health , and find that your Blttors are doing mo more Goodl Than any thing else A month ngo 1 was oxiromly "Emaciated III , ' And scarcely able to walk. Now I am Gaining atrongthl and "Fleshl" And hardly a day passes but what I am * * * # # * * # complimented on my Improved appearance - anco , and it la all duo to Hop Bittoral J. Wickllffo Jackson , Wilmington , Del. fVNono genuine without a bunch of grccm Hops on the whlto label. Blmn all the vllu , polaonoua stun with "Hop" or "Hops" In tholr name. _ . ill. rur * * li/it- | > i , Clurbtcft. lint udri . mJ til crtha ln - UTI Oriini. A t.w dropt Impirt ft dellcicm tUYST fc3 Cll ff ChMltfc ? : . .Ql t kll IJWmtrr JflLkf ItJ titir. Icounta.hiu. Alic Tour rro < tr orcrvrrirlfar Uil W JMkliurACUIoib/lK./ U.B bILOFRT&bOMi. a. w. vOTpEsaiim , COLS AQE . y. jr. Hosteller's Stonv aoh Hitters ia the ar tide for j oult sttmu latos the falling en ergies , Imlgorates tbo body and cheers tbo mind. It enables the system to throw oI ( the debilitating _ effects of undue fa- BHEr tlguo , plvcs renewed vigor to the organs ot digestion , arouses the liver when Inac tive , icnons the jad ed appetite , and en courages healthful repose. Its Ingredi ents are safe , audits credentials , which consist In the hearty endorsement of per sons ol every class society , are most convincing for saloby all Drug gists and Dealers generally . CHICAGO RAILWAY. THE DKST ROUTE AND Omaha , Council Bluffs and Chicago. The only line to take for Dta Molnoe , MorsliMI town , Cedar llaplds , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil- waulcm and all points cast. To the people of No- bja ka , Colorado , Wjomlnir , Utah , Idaho , Ne > ada , Oregon , Washington and California It ofjora superior advantages not possible by any other lino. Among a few uf the numerous points ol fuptrlor- Ity enjoicd by tbo patrons of this road between Omaha and Chicago , are Its Iwolrilou a day of DAY COACilKS which are thoflncst that human ait and Ingenuity tan create ; IU 1'ALACK SI.KKI'INO OAKS which ire models of comfort and elegance ; IU I'AH- LOU DUAWINU r.OOlt ( MRS , unsurpasetd by any ; and Its widely celebrated I'AI.VTIAL UININQ CAKb the equal of which cannot bo fourd clmwhere. At Council Uluffs tbo Iralnu of tbo Union Ficlflo 11 } . connect In Union Depot with those cf the Chlca- L'O&Northfteitsrn Hy In Chicago the traina of this line make close connection with those of all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbus , Imllanapo'Is , Cl-clnn&tl , Nligara Pall ) , Buffalo , 1'iltiburtf , Toronto , Montnal lloston , New York , Philadelphia , Dalllmire , Wain- ui ton and all points In Iho East , aik tbo ticket agent for tickets vU the WOUTU.WKSTEBN , " If you wish tbo boit accommodations. All ticket agents sell tickets Ala this line , IT. HUaUITT. 11.S.HA1II , aeneralMaoager. Gin rasa. Agent _ CHICAGO. _ CHICAGO , & St. Paul The SHORT LINE. ' And BEST ROUTE , FJIOU OMAHA TO THE EAST. TWO THAIN8 DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA AND Chicago , Miimenpol'g ' , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Cedar Rapids , Davenport Clinton , Duburiui' , KockforJ , Kock leland , 1'reeport , .TaneBvllle , KlfFJii , MadUDD. l a Cross * * , Heloit , Winoua , And all other Important points 1'ast , North east and Southeabt , Ticket oflloa at 1401 K rnam itect ( In 1'axton Ho tel ) . iid at Uolon 1'aciHo Depot. I'CLUHX Br-EirrRH and the FINEST Dixito Otniis Tlir. WORLU are run on the main ( lues tit the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y and crery aitemljn lip ld to ptHcnyeri by courMova eruployeiof the xinpioy. f H. a. MtUBlM , , A. y. IJ. CABI'ENTEB , G " 'll ' t > jer , Qen'l I'asje-'Ker Awnt. R.UIUKU , OEO. F. B F 0 I ) , Ai 't Cen'l JUntser. Aat.t Oen'l I'ati Agent. J. T. CLAUK , Oeri'l Supcrintcodent. MUSIC GOODS. SHEET MUSIC. VIOLIN STRINGS. A. HOSPE , JR. PLUSH CASES. FINE ENGRAVINGS CHRISTMAS CARDS PICTURE FRAMES. CMAS SHXVSRXCK , , . * V UPUOLSTBRY AND DRAPERIES , I'ASSENGKR KLEVATOn TO AM. FLOORS. | KM. KM * nJ 1S10 F rnMnSI. , Omuhl , He BOLTS , UANUFAOIOURI13 Of- i rtnUti , Window C psItan CmllnjfS , UelxUlo Sky-llghti , fce. Tin , Iionluid IU HI UOBonlbUih &ttttl Oniih * Hcbmli , ca o M SJ OUMINGS AND 20TH 8TS OMAHA , NEB 1409 and 1411 DodseSt. I } Omaha Neb 403 BEADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. 8. A. Established 1878 Catarrh , | Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily nnd Permanently Onrod. Patlontt lur od at Homo. Wrlto for "Tm MEDIOAI-MISUIOKARY , " for the People. nOoncultatlon and Correspondence Gratis. P. O. Box 292. Telephone No. C. HON. ED WARD RDSSBLL , Postmaster , Davenport , sap : "Phyaclanof oji Ability and Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , rltea : "An Jionorabla Man. Flno Snccess. Wonderful Cures. " Hours 8 to 6. OStli Ducal Brunswick , Luouoburgh , Lottery , Germany. 100,000 TICKETS and 50,000 PRIZES Capital Prize , mark , 500,000 , 300,000 , 200,000.100,000 80,000 (50,000 ( , 50,000 , 10.000 down to 150. Drawing Commences the 15th'ond IGfch of January , 1885. Whsl Tick ets 89. ; Ealf , $4.50 ; Quarter , 2.25. CHAS. P. SCHMIPT & CO. , G2 W. Congress St. , Detroit , Midi. ToprcienUosBlt Is urgently requested to inako all remittances by postal note , money order chock Ha In registered letters or bo express. & ULAKK1S , W. A. U Proprietors. Superinfltiden4 Omaha U. P. RAILWAY , 7TH & 18TH STREETS I MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN m WATER WHEELS. ROLLER MILLS , MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Olotb STEAM PUMPS STEAM WATER AND GAB PIPE. I ARCHITECTURAL AND RIDQ o ilO _ \Vo we prepared to furnish plans nnd estimates , nnd will contract fct erection o Flouring Mills nnd Grain Elevators , or for chaDgmir Flouring Mills , from Btona to tlio Roller Syttem. B53 ? E8pecial attention giveuto furnishing Powder Plants for any pu. po eond estimates made for some General machinery repairs attc-nde promptly. Address EIUEAED & CLARKE ,