Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1885, Image 6

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    SJjffi * . + & f
Tuesday Morning , Jan , 13 ,
tty Carrlei . . . . . . .so cento week
By mil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.00 fti per year
o , 7 Pe&rl Btrost. Ho&r Broadway.
The county board is to moot again to *
About 81,000 waa taken ia at the
"Old Hickory" ball.
* Go .to Bliss1 and got a nlco crazy
qnilt package for ton cents.
The Danobo society of this city -will
give a ball on the 31st of this month.
The board of health will hereafter moot
every day nt a o'clock p. m , Instead of 4
The thorroomotor Rot down below zaro
again , but nt noon cllrhbod up to 12 dc-
grooa abovo. .
Indies , you can got n Cno dross hat "or
bonnet nt Bliss' now at prices lower
than any where on enrth.
" The only ' 'temperanco" aaloon in the
city has yloldod to the pressure , and now
- aolls boor as TToil as buttermilk.
The district court has adjourned until
Friday , when the motion for n now trial
will bo heard in the Cuff-Johnson caso.
The county beard dooa notjjcom to bo
doing anything with iho Street matter ,
and the ox-clerk has not yet filed the re
port required.
The Coliseum run its variety
ohow Sunday nigh.ti.but- mayor shut
it up. The townnjgiiVnot suffer greatly -
ly if ItiraaBhut.fpon wook-day nights
ii0 .u : ' viV ' .
, $ ) # Ca ' woll.yi'5punlap , brother to
lawyer E. ; P.T Oadwel'l of this city , and
. 3Ir.-Ey.Qi.Smith o'f.Onawawill shortly
v.flntbr'jnto ' the insurance business In this
v'4jlty.aa partnora.
* / / '
/ „ - . Hov. Mr. Crofts , of Sandwich , 111 , , has
A' ' * .not decided-whether 'to ' accept the call
' 'i to the pastoraio of the Congregational
' ' v ohurcli 'heris , or not. The question of
luftlttl aooma to bo the perplexing feature
* " . of'tho matter.
The mayor was pretty well satlshod
.yesterday with the result of his order
ipubllahod in yesterday's BEE , ordering
the closing of oil unlicensed saloons. a
About $550 was pnid in the fund and the
others promise to pay within twenty-four
hours. ' '
A petition has boon prepared .asking
the icouflty board to build , a' ' bridge at
Eleventh/street to take the place * of the
ono awopt away by the flood. That street
Is a long and important ono , and It scorns
n pressing uoed for many citizens to
have a brldpo thcrq , as they are subjected
to great inco'nvonlonco by the lack of
A case of destitution IB reported to the
BEE as existing on upper Broadway oppo-
alto Swan'fc packing houad.rhoioartf }
there fA ojn nAtfdloVe'n'chtlcffen , while
' " i" * < ' " " " " "tlio husband is sick in bed , nnd there are
r , -"no provisions in the house , and no source
of income. The poor woman'a story'as
told by horaelf ia n pltiablb one , and the
case should bo looked after.
i Ex-Constable John Fox has been ap
pointed deputy sheriff. This has caused
a little ripple among the democratic con'
atibloo , who fool tliat their business is
thus to bo out into by Gapt. Fox serving
papers which otherwise might fall Into
their hands. An attempt Is to bo made
to got the democratic board of supervis
ors to refuse to approve the bond so as to
roako the captain's appointment void.
The trustees pf the public library hold
tholr annual mooting yesterday afternoon
and organized by the election of the fol
lowing oflicers : president , Iloriico Ever
ett , secretary , D. 0. Bloomnr ; treasurer ,
A. W. Street ; librarian , Mrs. M. F. Da.
vonport.r The December report showed
the total number of visitors during the
month to bo 2,301 , and the total number
of books taken out ; 1,790.
The board of health , city physician
and city niarar-al clear themselves of
blame in the Strcotavillo small pox case
by the claim that up to a day or two before
fore the man died the \\liolo matter was
in charge of the county. The result Is
thp same , no matter wbo is at fault. The
man was neglected , shamefully 40 , and
his death Is a blot on the record of a com
munity claiming to bo civilized and chris
These who lately acceded from the
city taking tholr lands with them claim
ing that It was simply agricultural land
and not city property , now want to
aooodo from the township , nnd bo joined
_ to Garner or Lewia township. The
council is to appear before the board of
supervisors thls morning and protest
against letting thorn go , and to insist
that if they do g ? , they should bo
charged up with their eharo of the town
ship indebtedness.
Heal Katnto Transfers.
The following ia a liat of wal estate
transfers filed yesterday In the recorder's
office of Pottawattomlo county , Iowa , as
furnished by A. J. Stephenson , abitrao.
tor , real estate and loan agent , Council
Bluffs , Iowa , January 12 , 1885 :
Emma J. Lovell to Thorrai RLshton ,
Out lot 4 , Neola , § 000.
Michael MiDarmott to James Coylo. a o
i , 5 w 115 , 74 , 44 , § 225.
Eraiho Blumor ot. 1 to James Ccylo ,
no j , BW j.15,74 , 44 , § 300.
Samuel R. Brown to Janiuj Coylo ,
part w A , s o I , 22 , 74 , 44 , $500.
Thomas Douahoy to James Coylo , put
s J " no | , 14 , 74 , 44 , § 1,800.
"Fnnnlo Orote ot. al. to James Coyle ,
n o i , a w ] , 15 , 74. 44 , S .
Tutal teles , ? : i,425.
Sme ) strange Revelations About Its
HanaEGmcDt anil Workings ,
A Complicated Pince of Machinery
Which Needs Overhauling ,
Quarrcllngs and NcRlccl ,
The Ilomo of the Friendless is an in
stltutlon which is , perhaps , as well
known by name at least , as any in the
west , nud yet about which in fact there
seems to bo little known. Notwithstand
ing the amount of pno devoted to it by
the newspapers , the generous frco ad
vertising that it has had , and the support
that it has received from here and else *
whore , with the implied endorsement of
the subictibors , there seems to bo little
of the details known , and little ml en
dorsement given to the management.
THE BUG , starling out on n little tour
of investigation , finds n queer condition
of affairs. It is learned that Rev. Mr.
Boroll , who has bom in chorgo of Iho
Homo academy , and who has been as
siUant manigcr , has severed his lolations
with the institution , and that Mrs.
Oompton , who has been the matron ,
and who baa had the confidence of the
management and of the public , has alsj
eoverad bor , relations. Many roporla of
financial mismanagement , and of other
troubles are afloat , and it scorns
now that matters have reached
a point where nothing but n full and sat
isfactory investigation will satisfy. The
institution appeals to the public for sup
port and endorsement and the public is
surely entitled to the facts. There is
need for a homo of the frlondlossand the
work , if rightly handled , should and
would rocolvo cordial support , but as af
fairs now stand there should bo some rad
ical changes before any further support ij
given it.
TUB BEE man , in talking about the
matter with Rov. Mr. Lemon , learned
that that gentleman cared little about
the reports afloat. Ho hold the position
that ho and his work were so well known
that oven if the newspapers printed col
umn after column about it , it would not
affect matters any , for , knowing ho was
right and having the confidence of the
people , ho would go ahead. Ho laid
most of the trouble to Rov. Mr. Bovell
and Mrs. ompton , and ho thought the
charges beneath his notice , aa they came
from "discharged employees" as ho
termed them , and any business man know
what discharged' employes woro. The
whole trouble arose from the fact that
Mr. Boroll and Mrs. Compton could not
agree , and that ho bad got tired of being
poacq-makor , ' and that ho had dis
charged -thom'.both. Now they have be
come ' friends , and were attacking him.
Ever since Mrs. Compton had been noti
fied that she was no longer needed , she
had been hanging on , and almost had to
drive her out , and had to pay' her § 75
moro than was really due her to got rid
of her. In the meantime she had ne
glected her work , and lot matters at the
homo got in very bad shape , the children
dirty and louiy , and he was away from
hero much of the tlmo in the interests of
the homo. .
Jlav. Mr. Borell aeomed very rotrlcent
about saying much about matters when
questioned by the BEE man. Ho denied
Indignantly that he had boon discharged.
Htf'had \ , resigned two weeks
b'fjforo' ' Christmas , because ho
conld not conscientiously stand
by and endorse the institution as it was
being managed. Ho did not find matters -
tors was represented to him that ho
would find them , and the financial side
of it was by no moans satisfactory , and
for other and moro important reasons ho
doomed it best to withdraw. He had ac-
ordlngly handed In his resignation with
, ho offer that he would continue the
chool until Christmas , which would thus
; ivo Mr. Lemon an opportunity to got
emu ono oho. Mr. Loraon urged him
o romaln , but finding that ho would not ,
Abruptly told him that ho would accept
ho resignation at once. Afterwards ho
rged him again to continue In the work
nt Mr. Boroll would not consent.
Mr. Boroll is a man who haa an excel-
ont record as a pastor and as a man , and
when ho endorsed the ' woik by putting
is whole time and 'powera into it , It
, ave strength to public confidence ,
flow that he has resigned becausa as ho
ays. ho cannot longer conscientiously
Und by it , It naturally weakens public
Mrs. Compton , the matron , denies also
, hat she was discharged , She had her
resignation In Mr. Lemon's hands for
weeks , and it was clearly understood that
iho was staying simply to give him ' op
portunity to got another matron. She
kept urging its acceptance , and finally , as
she says , Mr. Lemon became very anqry
over some little matters of homo man-
igomont , and living into a rage , ordered
: ior out of the house , She said she
would go at once If ho would pay her.
but it was sometime alter before Bho
could get a settlement , and then it was
by no means a satisfactory ono.
As nearly M can bo learned from al !
ources of Information the institution ,
which is so widely hearalded , Is virtually
owned'and controlled by Rev. J. G.
Lemon , and ho is absolutely manager and
his word is law. There is talk abou'
there being an incorporated association ,
and the impression is abroad that thi
great association meets , elects a board o :
directors , and they select a manager , whc
is subject to their general direction , and
whoso actions end accounts are chocked
over and endorsed by them , and whi
vodch to the public for the wisdom o ;
the management and its carefulness , bu
there scorns to bo no such practical work
Ings. All centers in Mr. Lemon am'
emanates from him. The BEE haa beoi
unable to learn of any mooting ; of th
association being hold for months , and j
can find no body of persona outside th
management who bavo any control eve
affairs. There have been financial re
ports printed signed by an executive
committee , which gives it the appearance
on panpr of being very buslnoss-llko and
correct. Til's ' executive committee con *
Mat of Rov. Mr. Lomen , Rev. Mr. Ruby ,
of Mai vein , Mr , Gorman. Mr. Boroll
and Mr. Loucks , but Mr. Lemon seems
the only active member of the board ,
Mr. Goraian simply follows his direc
tions. Mr. Borell denies that he has had
any voice in affairs , Mr , Roby lives at
Mtlveru , and eimply odlts the paper pub-
liahed at the home , knowing little of the
details of the work , Mr. Loucks , an cs-
tlmablo young man in this city , it is eaid
denies ll kcoirludgo of the facts to the
approval of which bis name was used.
It tppears that while there is a gener
al impression that many poor orphans and
destitute- children are being cared foe at
the Homo , the fact is th&t the family has
consisted , outside of the matron's family'
of only about 22 , and of these , two woio
women , stopping there temporarily ,
eight were children for whom friends
were paying board , two were boys who
were given a chance to support thorn-
solves by working half the tlmo in the
printing ornco , so that there
ore only eight or ton really
destitute children , The machin
ery necessary to care for thp little band
seems quito complicated. There is the
manager , there is Mr. Gorman , Rov. M
Koroll , Mrs. Compton , all Riving their
ontlro tlmo , while H
ll by gives part of h
All with the exception of Mr. Roby have
to got their entire support for themselves
and of this work , directly or indirectly.
Ooun ing up those children whoio friends
are p&yiug their board , and it appeals
that there are actually moro persons liv
ing off tholnstituto than there are charity
cases being cared for by it.
From this it seems that the first stop
toward reform shall bo the almplo hiring
of a matron to Eorvo under a board of
directors of citizens , who would serve
without expense.
It appears that besides having a print
ing and newspaper ofllcc , an Industrial
school , a kindergarten , ah academy , etc. ,
etc , there is an insurance company or *
ganlzed in connection with the other
schemes. By this those who pay certain
amounts monthly to the Homo may se
cure benefits , if sick , or in case of death ,
the amount to bo raised by assessments
on the ether members. What other
great enterprises are connected with this
complicated machinery for caring for
less than a dozen destitute children dooa
not yet appear.
It seems admitted by all concerned
that there hai boon anything but a
"Christian" eplrit inside this so-called
"Chtistiau" home. There on numerous
instances cited of quairolt , angry al'cica- '
tiou" , and biusti cf temper. ( Jbiistmas
day itself was characterized by a scene
which was a disgrace to the institution , ,
and , it is claimed , in an effort to dlscr-
plino ono of the children , the girl wts so
roughly handled that she bore marks of
violence and bruises. Children have
been allowed not merely to go dirty , but
have become nflllctod with Terrain.
It is said that as regards food and clothIng -
Ing , there lias been plenty , but as to
cleanliness and decency there has boon a
sad lack , while for moral and religons
training , although prayers cro held dally ,
yet these mutt have boon counteracted by
the quarreling and strife which have
appeared among these by whom the chil
dren are most greatly Influenced. It is
said in the matron's behalf that there has
boon moro work thaa she could attend to
with the facilities which she had , but tha't
there has boon gross mismanagement
somewhere seems quite evident.
The church over which Mr. Lemon
has been pastor got into quarrels and
divisions , and has virtually boon wrecked.
Now the homo acorns following the same
course. It is barely possible that Mr.
Lemon makes no mistakes and counts no ,
wrongs , but if so bo seems strangely un
fortunate in getting entangled with these
who do make trouble. It this institu
tion is really controlled by an oaioclation
that association through its board of di
rectors shall investigate , become satis
fied that all is well , before appealing
further to the public. It is practically a
private institution controlled wholly by
Rov. J. G. Lomen , and run simply as ho
thinks best , it shall go before the public
in that form and not under a mask.
J. C. Reagan is now in Chicago.
T. J. Evans ia reported as quite seriously
E , P. Caldwell has returned from hh Chi-
caco trip.
Johu N. Baldwin haa returned from hia
eastern trip.
J. C. Morgan , formerly of the Globe , wai
in the city yesterday.
John Schmid , of tlio firm of Face $ Schmid ,
left last ovoniug for Michigan , and when he
turns it is said it will ba with a brido.
Her. Cyrus IJumlin , lately pastor of the church hero , bai concluded to
.ccept . the call to Beloit , Wig. , rather than
10 call to Massachusetts.
Col. Henry Nutt anJJwife and son Harry ,
.riived . yesterday from Boston , and are the
uoutsof Mr. and Mrs. Horace Everett. Col ,
'utt expects to start for California to-day ,
iut Mis , Nutt will remain hero for a time.
Scott Williams , of Los Angeles , is in the
ty visiting his family with the intention of
.iking them to California to reside , where
Ir , Williams has resided for the past four
ears , previous to which ho resided in this
ty for fifteen ycara.
The President Slcsigns.
To the Yico President and members of
ho Harmony Mission Society ladies :
Circumstances ore such as to prevent mo
rom longer acting as president of said
ociety and therefore hereby tender my
csignation of said office.
I return my sincere thanks to the mem
ors of said society for the honor con
'erred upon mo by choosing mo as their
residing officer , and hope that said so
: lety will continue to prosper in futur
, s it has in times past. I remain ao ever ,
friend to said society.
COUNCIL DLorrs MAniarr ,
Whoat-No. 1 milling , 57 } No. 2 , C5
No. 3 , 45.
Corn New , 21c.
Oats For local purposes , 23o ,
Hay ? ) 50@6 00 per ton ; baled , 50@60.
Rye S5o.
Corn Meal 130 per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00 ©
Coal Delivered , hard , 0 50 per ton ; eof
4 60 per ton
Lord Falrbank'a , wholesaling at 9jc ? ,
Flour City flour , 1 50@2 90 ,
Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz ,
Cattle Butcher oowa 3 25@3 75 , Butcher
itoora , 3 15& \ 00.
Sheep 2 50@3 00.
IIogn-4 00@4 25.
Poultry Live old hens , 250pordozdroaBec ;
chickens , Be ; dressed turkeys , 12c ; dressec
duckg , 9@lOc ; dressed geese , 10@12c ; aprln
chickens , per doz. 2 25.
Butter Creamery , 25@28o ; choice country
Egga 22 pe * dozen.
Vegetables Potatoes , S0@40o per bushel
onions. OOc per bu : apples , choice cooking c
eating , 2 50@3 00 ; beam , 1 00@1 60 pe :
bushel ; Sweet DoUtoos , 2o wr Ib.
Cider 32 gallon bbl , . $0.50 ,
Oranges tl 50 per bbl.
Dr. 0. C. Hazen , Dentist , 100 Main at. .
lice of Die tee.
- - - -
OR the purpose of reducing stock and ? j
making way for spring purchases , we
shall , January 6ih , offer our entire stock
of Dry Goods , Carpets , Cloaks , Gurtains ,
Etc. , fo he sold without regard to cost.
This stoc comprises ine line of
choice Dress Goods , Silks , Flannels ,
Ginghams , Prints , Etc , A choice stock
of Newmarkets Brocade Velvet and
Sea ! Plush Cloaks.
Ladies' and Childrens' White and Scar
let Underwear and Hosiery , Lace , Lace
Ties , fichu es Emhroideries ; also a
lot of homemade Comforts , Blankets ,
and Table Linen ,
Our -Cnrpet stock is complete and
offers s ecia I Inducements for select
ion from choice variety of patterns. It
includes Exminster , Monuettes , Body
Brussels , Tapestry Brussels , Three Ply
Ingrains , Hemp , Rattan Matting , Napier
Matting , Etc. , Etc.
Fine Lace Curtains , Tambour , Turco
man , Curtain Goods and Curtain Shades
in Variet a eauty of design.
Sae Begins January
Customers will secure
* MnLi
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , ,
Odd Fellows' Installation.
The I. O. of O. F. will hold a public
installation at Bono's hall , Thursday
evening January 15 , at 7:30 : o'clock , at
which time and place the oflicers of the
three subordinate lodges of the city-n 111
bo Installed. A cordial invitation ia oa-
tondcd to all. Committee of arrange
ments. '
A lady in Connecticut has a harp 3CC
years old , and Johnson eayo ho wants her
to corno to his boarding-house and match
it against a piano he hears there every
day. Cincinnati Merchant Traveller ,
For sale My book and stationery IMS-
ness 341 Broadway. H. E. Seaman.
Atlanta Is a great mart for the aala. of
mules and horses , furnishing these ani
mals for a large section of the oontli.
This is the oeason for the trade , , and
over 3,000 mules and hprses have liflon
received thuo far , which is a larger nu ;
ber than in any former year , and <
business ia steadily increasing. T !
trade is at its best in January and
February , and generally winds ap in
April. _ _
"There's 0 man who la rolling in
wealth , " remarked Blobson to Popmjty
the other day as they were walking down
the street.
"Where ? " asked Popinjay , gazing
wildly around.
"Thoro 1" reiterates Blobnon , pointing
to a stalwart individual who was hurriedly
trundling beer kegs into on alley collar.
Skating-rink floors are now made ot
paper by patting and pressing straw
boards together nnder a powaclnl hydraul
ic press , the uamo way paper car-whoelb
are made. When thesa blocks nro per
fectly seasoned and dried they are sawed
into flooring boards with the edge of 'jho
paper forming the surface ol the floor.
The average duration of life
well-to-do people ia 45 years ; among , the
middle class it Is 2C years ; among tbo la
boring class it is 20 years. Among a
hundred people the wealthy would * not
number moro than D , the middle class no
moro than 15 , . and the working claas 80 ;
Seventy-five years ago the Jrat to
matoes grown in this country were culti
vated as a strange and showy horticultural
curiosity in a garden in Salem , Mass.
Forty-fivo years ago , or a llMlo more ,
they began to bo used aa a
the seaton.
pardon t" exclaimed a'young m&a
at a fashionable party , whc. hud trodden
on the trailing drees of a beauty jast
going up stairs for her wraps. "Beg
pud on , bat I am BO accustomed to UVing
tbe first train for hoina that I e lly for-
jot myself. "
' Aa a young lady of Slverlyvillo was
singing "My floart'i In the Highlands"
a few evenings ago. her brother romarkrXl
that there would bo moro peace in ' . .he
family If her voko were there also.
To add swootneta to the harmony of n
piano , just cover the keys with molasses
before the performer corn-nonces to
fondle thorn ,
rota. OTTICZBI vr. n. at rrixt
Consstl Bluffs , . . . 1st
Established - - 185B
Dcilcra In Foreign uid Uraic-stlo EiclAngo and
Homo Sccuiitlca.
Office. Jloln Street ) llocm 8 , Shugar ) < and EIBO
block. Will pr act too-In Sale and 1'cdcr I courts.
Prnotloo In SUto ud ? eJcnl Courtl.
Colkciloni promptly attended to.
Room 10 , ShuRart'a Building ,
3Dr , W. 2L Slierraden
, Council Binds - Iowa.
$20 EEWAED !
- EKWAUO paid lor li'orronthc ol prciont
Sr-A loratkm pair homer , waxen and Liincss ,
morlu'CpJlitr William D Hell tolhouua a JJenton
Day bornaeottnjtarsold , If DO pounds , soar loft
hind log , lilntk horse nlno 7C ra ol , i Urln tore-
1 icd btuUn In right hind l g , wigfd , Coor rmaVc ,
th'O. Inch eoV double hirnua , taken from 1'uttawatt-
nir.lo count ? In August Ten. doUwa reward ( or
< ll8o\cry oliwld Hall. I1 > J1 dcec it > odt& About U
tcet lOinohti , iandy complexionbtldliot'l on to , >
wiUeors toowaleli red , u'Dutlsh built , abtut 40vti.-8
! prl } to Leonard varotj | atfccouuy atlir.v
lauifu , Iowa ,
All the Latest Improved
All Work First Glass.
Orders by Mail Solicited
Ejrjress Paid on all Or
ders over $2.60.
Collars and Cuffs a
Specialty ,
Established 1882.
H. E , EEMEE , Manager
111 Broadway , COUNCIL BUJIMfa , IA ,
n&nin TOLT.KU AK I. ,
' 7 and 0 Main nt-ront ,
Complete Line of Nev7 Goods to Selec't From.
Keep Horses nnd Mules constantly on Imml which
wo nil ) soil In retail or wholcenlo Iota.
All Stock Warranted as Represented ,
Wholrcalo nndrctnll draicrg In drain utid tinted ll'vr.
eunaWo KRtl t.J > ctioii Oiitrititro.l
- - r- pornor Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. OowicllBluffs.
Winter Goods Ready. Suits Mndo to Order in Lnleat Style
on Short Notice nud nt Ivcnson bl < > Pricos.
SOD Alain atrcot , . . . . . . Council Blafii ,
Drs. Judd & Smith's Now Improved Electric Bel't.
IT I OSniVHiY CUHE8 KMncy nn > l t.lrcr ComplMnt , nrlRht'j tl ci\- * , Khcttiikth-n , Nourltlt
PyRperBla , Ncnonsicsi WifitlnR Wcakmx , Paraljsln , Splntl Atl ctlom , InltRaillon , llonit Uhoa * * , fits
IIondichL'mo Il\ck , Ca'd FcotaudalliUea38rc < iulrlnK lanrca oi motl\u pjwers. Now fmproTvd ho
13 and tC ; old ftjIoSl each.
Tlio EtasontcltiR polar ndtanccd I tiav cjacludcd todlcpoaoot uij ntnvrRKruAttpirsaorcuoriu
eienco to stoilnj them until next rtucu. Call early at I will not bo undmold M nnjoiic.
A. J. Mandol.
liro-idway , ( Joiuunl
NOTICE. Special a v crtlsemonts , B O as Loet ,
Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wanto , Hoard
ing , cto. , will IM > Inserted In this column at Iho low
tate ol TI-N CKIITS I'KR LINK far the Orei Insertion
and FIVE CKNIS PI'R LINK ( or each subsequent n-
erilon. Txiivo itdvortlsomonti at ourofflco , No.
Feail Street near Broadway
FOH SALE ShoMnir , counters , tables desk' , pas
flxturoa cto. Kcqulroodl.n. Seaman , paper ,
books and stationery , 341Iroadway.
SALK A second-band sale. No. 217 liroad-
Councll Illuffs-
FOll 3 > I.i-One 16 horse portable boiler nnd
cnglnn Best ot order , Also one o'sht ' horeo
engine and bol'cr , on nlucls. Lunls & Gil to t , 621
ll.iln street , Council D uffs.
F OH HAtE Twphoiscs bnKir } , and light
hanicso. U. H. HolcitMn EOl Broaar ny
WANTED A peed girl or wonun fJr Reno a
houseuort , one suitable will pa'd t'ood wigos
Enquire at 1203 Si\te ! r et oppdtlte schuol house.
WANTED Agents in cicry county In wtatrrn
Io a to sill the "Champion Bosom Stretcher
and Ironirsf Ilnnnl" , E > oiy lady pionounces It on
eight to b Ju6t7wh tifoj ant < , either ( or hotwlf
01 hlrcc' help Big InJuccmcnb-in oRpnts KubulM
for SI. Address O. n. S. and 1 Bonrd , Bee OILCU
Council It.aff" , Iowa.
j < Ult HALU llousej. Lots and Land. A. J.
I'tcpi'a'i'cn , t(3 I > lr8t R\CHUO.
IjlOU BrtLh A tup-bugKy , tlratI'm inabo nnd
JC in ox client condKAi n Or "ill trade for cheep
lot. Adriro'H t : til Ucuclllcc , Council Hlu7n.
COAL MJ v % OOU-auuiKC iii.ntui7 , oS 15r3Iil
way. coll3 coal nmlwood nt reasonable
eUcfl 2.0C01'Ja. for atou.and 128 cubic for a
Try him.
Every ooay in Uotuicll UluDa to canu
TuoBuu. Delivered by carrier t only twenty
oents a week.
f \LD PAPIlltS For Bale at Dirj office , at Z5 couts
\J hundred
No. GOT" Broadway Council BluCo.
Eailway Time Tablo.
Cbncoted , io JartuarJ 7 , 1SS5.
The folloving > r thi-ttaos ol the nrrlvnl red departure -
parturo of tiakis by asntral stiailard tlmo , at the
local d uixi to. Tfnlna } ve troaa/ar depot tua MUD
utoB earlier lad arrive tea mlnutas later.
Liivn. ittktvt.
i.SSpm K'oKip > M8 3.00am
0W : a m Kf t SftU. 7W : p IT
12.20 p in / commoJi < ion. ! 109pm
At local depct only.
1C 05 a ru tMI ! and Hsjrcso , fl 25 p m
8:16 : pm 1'ftcinc Ksi reiw , O'tSpru
5:25 : p m Cxpruu , 9.05 a m
4:25 : a m Rxpreo * , 9'M p ci
caoiao , noes ISUOID AND FACIFII.
6:25 : p m Atlantic KlprofH , 0:06 : a t\
3.25 a ri Uay r.tyivsa B.M p a >
7:20 R lu * Doa Moltica Aacatnmodatlon , 0:16 : p m
"At local cbpot only.
* viuaii , BT. wain inn ricinc.
5:10 : p in Acoomn-oUt.ou D'OO a ta
1CO ; p 13 Loulo I'.jprcaa S:45 : f m
1:60 : p 01 , Ohluv.a Expresa
* At Transfer only
cucaao and roaTiiwas.
5'B3 ij m KspresB , oC.9 : p m
( US am r oJo ! Express 0C6am :
1:40 : T ) in fat. Paul Exprosa , 0i : > 0 a m
' 110 Jt-m DiKxproaa 7U p m
E:01 : p m Wuotcrn Exprooa , 0:80 : m
Il(0 : m Poililo Expruw , ilO : p m
lllilO a u Llaocln Kxprcos , p m
At Transfer onljj
Leave T:30-8SO-3SO-10.SO-niOo. : : : : in. 1SO-5S : :
; is < M : 0J.W:38ll:06 ! : : p. m Sundv 7:20'-
g. 0-UM a. m. l:303.SO.6Sfi:30llt5 : : : ; p. u.
rilvn 10 ralnuSea befure leaving time.
Promtntntor only
A. e. HOWE'S
Corn Meal ,
. Graham FJour ,
Ground Fresh , Every Day I
Ground Feed Ahvnys on Hand.
Mill , corner of Narbh Sixth and 31111 fjtre , ta ,
To purchut
A.t Bottom Prices , is
China Store ,
2S Mnin Slrco , Council Blu
lrHJEUtOHH ! , D , ,
m Ulddle DroidKij- , Council Bu3 ! * .
E. Bice M. D.
° ' ° 'her tumors tcmovrd without th <
knit * or drawloir cf blood.
Over tilrty years practical eipnilwioi OCM ho.
( , Pearl elri > ( t , Council BlDCg.
MTConiulta/lon frt .
ADMI3310N-a nta Ifo-ladlM 10a
SKATES Cents 15a. Ladlca ICto ,
A&toisnton Free to Ladles each morning and Tnc
d y and Thursday aftcrnooiu. Via of Slulet U
7. ECHANCK. n. n ,
it&uacor. Froprletoi
Gobs , Goal I Wood
3-3. JB8 , 3"OHJE3f3 ,
P ; Oi address , Look Box , 1403. Council Bli3 .
Hearthstone Publishing Comn'y. .
1'IIIt.AIIEl.rilIA , PA ,
And you w 111 rocelvu li ? return mall a
01 Tilt UK IRTIISTOMS wntch lowitnout exception the
l KMT Sicry Paper published.
7 HriBTllsTosrv la a siztecn fane J'f-fW. 'ull
tla choicctt ongmil terrain , Uctchca , jattnj and ,
H Jsullanjout articles , and la prln led on Hue tlntod
Thosu vl.o Bubncrllo dining the nrrt sixty days
ill receive any on n [ the ( cJloulu articles :
WOODS I'liN'O'Jl'.APlI , tbo licsi fountain pen
t/rer used.
BAY'3 COLLACON of 4U.OOJ quotations from 2:00
authors , copluusl illliutral il.
HO\V TO 1U\D : CHAIMOTER ; a vary Intorrstlua.
ATRiprE-pr viiD : CHILD'S BCT ;
or six Titipxii i > r.Aav. DK-tiuir SPOONS ;
Or fllT Il'tB 1'IlATBU I-OKK&v
All thceuBiltur | il lul good * ) are iiuaiantoedito ba
of the bo8tlialltv ] Don't fa 1 t-jejud for a tprei-
jicntt/y ) of lniillKViriiSTONK , nrul uare surojou ,
will ku Induced to Hiilwcrllju after roadln ; the paper *
3 i : 70 S. Sr. , Phlla. , I'o ,
St. Charles HoteL
O.STKEKVHKT.TlhandStti. - - LINCOLN , H3I.
Mrs. Kato Coaklyfiprlotore .
X57MJc ] y nn'i slcpantly ItmljlicJ. Good KwnpU
oim oa first ibor.
-91.50 to 2 per ( lay. Speelal raloftEl'en
"IB lil ( laturn. aovlO Im-me
The motoxtana'.Te maaulactaiori
John Ilock8 > ii03c CUinaral Ak'tnt or Noiauita. aa
Woitcrn Iowa ,
50 B. Tenth Street . . . . OMAHA , NKB.
aradailou Billiard and Pool Tabli and materU
215 S , 13th St. Omaha , Neb ,
Fourteen Yearn' I'ractlco In Iowa and ColMado ,
IOWA-Hon. J Itot-d , Awoclate Juitlca Sucremo
Court , reeldenoo , Oouocil UluIN ; lion C , H. lxjwl .
District Juilfro , leildrurv , Cherokee : Jirbt NallonU
L'ank an Olllccr \ . I'u oy , Ilankera , Council Uluffa
Harvey & Kurd , liaukeM , Ix > ian , IlnrUxu Co. , la.
Oou > 4I)0-Ilon. J , U , Helm , AniotUta Juntloc ,
Supt me C urt , residence. Dcns r : Hon.Vm. . ilar
rl'.cn , UUtrlct . 'rniue , TO Idenw , U .c.o YI UHattu ;
t w-'s Utolf. FaHpUy. rark JJ ; declB-lu