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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE-TUESDAY , JANUARY 13 , 1885. 5 ill ! bill OF m IMMENSE STOCK. TPF TIN THE WEST ti$200OOO WORTH OF Jcivclry , IVatclics , Diamonds , Silverivaref Will be sold at great reductionat cost and below cost to facilitate my retirement from business. Silverware , Roger's spoons and forks , Clocks , spectacles , Bilver Thimbles , and thousands of pieces of Jewelry will be sold at half price. All articles marked in plain figures with former reg ular and reduced prices. 1 request all my friends to honor se with a visit and see for themselves that the above statement is really carried out , Cor. 13tn tiiid J&ouglas Sts. Thirteenth and Fanraam Streets- Houses Rented and Rents Collected Promptly and at Reasonable Rates. Houses and Lots , Business Blocks and Sites , and vacant lots for sale in all parks of the city. Any one having properly to sell for what it is worth , we would be pleased to handle it : Any- ione wanting bargains can always find them by calling on us. Lots in our additions are sold lower and on bet ter terms than can be had at any other agency In West Omaha , is a beautiful additon of 9G lots , 34 ofwhich are still unsold. We are offering these lots at § 160 to $225 each on small monthly payments. We platted and put on the market three iconths ago as. .n advertise ment , at the nominal price of 800 per acre lot , out of 160 acre lotawe have but 18 left , which we will cloae oub at the same price on monthly payments. The prettiest outside addition to Omaha , on West Cumiug street ; 2 } acre lots for 8250 , monthly pavmonts. Barker & layne's ' Sub-division. On South 13th Sreot , only 4 blocks fro mead oE stroat car line $225 to 8275 each , monthly payments. We have a few beautiful lota loft in Hawe's ' addition , near Saunders stieotjwhich wo will close out at 8350 each. Lota in Hanacom Place , 8550 to 8750 each , easy terms. Wo have lots in every part of the city for sale at reasonable prices and on easy terms. Call and see ua boforo'.buymg. Barker Mayne. Telephone No. 534. Orange Blossom Flour WHOLESALE BY L. A STEWART & CO , 1013 Jones Street \ * * WB BED CROSS , \ OMAHA NE DE. BWETNAM , 15th street , urat door north o Farnam in Boyd's opera house. Leave orders at oflico or Saxo'i drag store. Residence No. 1G12 Farnam Bt. Residence Telephone , 579. Office Telephone , 150. Dr. . Amelia Burroifiis , OFE10E AND JIEBIDENOE 617 Dodge St Omaha TKLKPIIONK NO. HI. THE SWEDISH DRUG STORE Cor. Fifteenth St. and Capitol aye. , Has beec re-oponrd , fully supplied with Drugi and Medicines. Careful attention cepoclally gl\en to distort' iireicriptiona by ao eiperlenwJ Swedish ptmrmadat. fir A lull line ol OUiionery , 1'crfumei ( Lundburgh'lChrUtmaij card * and other holiday ap Udc > , ' MRS. KHIO WRKTMND , NEW 8IORKI NEW GOODS A KALISH. Merchant Tailor > :2 8.10th street.ibcUeca F rn m and IlarniyI Low prlc i and good Goods a ( peeklly. All clothe * ! I made unl u rood t > ! o and on abort Dotlc * . Call and I ' liaacmtvr Ui place , 8 B. J b Bt. ' THE MYSTERY SOLVED , Tie UiiKnown Floater Fonnfl in the Biyer Last Year Proves to bo James 13. HOKCII Ear- inarKs of Evidence. Yesterday wan presented ono of the final phases In the myatcrp of the disap pearance of Jamca E. Uagen , of Lincoln. So f * r 88 the question of the identity of the body of the mysterious iloater found In the itvor lait Juno , with that of Hn- n , la concerned , the last vestige of doubt ia removed. All circumstances , eo far brought to the surface , point to this conclusion ; and it bat romaina for some student of the mysterious to evolve and prove a theory which which will aatia- factorily explain tbo circumstances con nected with the dark tragedy. Yesterday nftornoon Mr. John Morri- con , the father-in-law of Ungon , came down from Lincoln , for the purpose ol disinterring the body of the floater , and famishing , if possible , the final links of identification. Jn company with ox-Cor- onor Maul ho drove out to the poor farm where the boJy was disinterred and brought to view. The corpse waaattstly putrid , the bones awaiting but t few linal touches of time to drop to pieces while every feature of the countenance had boon swept away by decay. Mr. Morrison , however , did not fail to detect certain peculiarities in the skull of the iloater which , enabled him say positively that the dead body waa that of his son- in-law , James E. Ilagcn. A strange formation of the jaw which with certain peculiarities of the tooth , were eaiily recognizable , told Mr. Mor risen too plainly that there waa no mis taking the fatal identity. That gentle man furthermore explained that the gold ring which had been found in the iloat- or's poeaossion had boon identified posi tively by hia daughter , Mrs. Haqon , ns having been In the possession of her hus band ; a leather pouch also found on the dead body , had been identified In the same way as Laving been the case in which Uagon kept his gold watch ; while so far as the keys are concerned an nn- fortunate combination of circumstances prevented the basing of a clew upon them. The safe had been tiken away from the store , the toy bank had been broken , whi'o rust prevented the action of the stable key in the proper lock. Mr. Mor risen explains , however , tint ho had in his possession a perfect duplicate of the koy. which fitted satisfactorily the stable door. So far , then , as every possible inoana of identification can ba used , the student of this mystery must bo bornojlr- rostably to the conclusion that Hagen was drowned in the Missouri riverAs to the circumstances leading up to the drowning of the man , there is mystery still , which nothing but a combination of miraculous circumstances can clear away. The fact that the dead man had in pos session when ha left Lincoln valuables of no small worth , with considerable money , colors favorably the theory of foul play. There is another point which is deci dedly strange. Hagen , it is argued , left his homo and family at Lincoln in the month pf March , while the floater was not found until June , This circumstance Gin only bo explained by the supposition that tlio body1 was held in a. current of cold water for a period of time which is not incompatible with the theory. In this manner , the eeanntial points of iden tification , such ns the hair andmbustacho , might have easily been preserved. But , until the Investigation is further pushed , i all theory must bo based on a conjecture of the blindest sort. To attempt to eolvo the mystery by the ad vance of useless hypothesis is folly. The main point atissue , however , the identity of Hagjn with the drowned man , is ono which can no longer be regarded aa af fording a basis for reasonable doubt. THE PEIOE OF A NAME , Five Thousand Dollar Suit for Slander. A nuit will bo filed to-day which has , cmbodiad in its legal depths , several poin'a of no small inteiost. It is a dnmngo suit for Blunder , and present foa tares olmojt cxaotly-Blmilar to the Eomo- vrliat colobr&tad Tahadouitz case , already detailed in theao columns. The Buit ia brought by Eliza through her attorney , Henry nyiinat Gottlieb Hack. It appears that Mrs. Yogtman fa an honoat and honor able lady of German lineage , living with her husband , Frederick Yogtman , on South Fourteenth atreot. Tlio petition of the plaintiff nllozjes that oho has boon m&rncd to her husband for many years , and has been living the honorable life of a wedded woman. It seems , however , that prior to her mar riage ono of her admirers was William Mack , now quite wealthy and in good clrcametuucee. The admiration , however - over , never lead to the hymeneal climax , and the fair maiden became Mrs. Yogt man , Mr. Mack also marrying the lady of another choice. Mrs. Yogtman , it io alleged , a few weeks ago , in conversa tion with Mrs. Mack , hinted at the fact of Mr. M.'a former weakness for her , and probably hinted a littlu too broadly , that had her taatea dictated the moaaure , she could have easily maniod him. This caused aa animated discaaeion , which threatened diaaater. The matter com ing to the , oum of Gottlieb Mack , brothnr-ln-law cf Mrs. Mack , it ia al leged tint ho went to Mrs. Yogtman , and heaped upon her n mass of vile con tumely , abusing her , and calling her the vilest of names. Furthermore , It Ia alleged In the petition , the defendant has persistently traduced the character of Mrs. Vogtman , spreading about reports of the most scandalous nature , contain ing insinuations against her virtue and character. For thcso reasons as alleged in the petition , Mrr. Vogtmaii files agate t Mack two suits , ono for $2,000 for entering her house and slandering her to her face , and on * for $3,000 for tra ducing her name in public. Vampires of tbo To tha editor of the B K. BKATHICE , January 11 , I read an ar ticle In your paper to-day about the gang of lobbyists at Lincoln. I Ilka to sea you go for thoeo disreputable fellows. And I am told by a respectable man that there is a human vampire at Blue Springs who was in attendance on the legislature two ytars ago in the pay of the railroads , and he made hit boast tha1 his modni operand ! was to entice legislators Into bouici of ill-feme , and ihon he laid he had A halter around their necks , and would compel them to vote fcr the rail , roads nnd against the people by threat ening oxpoauro to their wives and others. This nlco fpocimen of humanity is atLin- colu this winter , ready to ply his voca tion. Legislators ought to ba cautioned against this creature. . A HEADER ov Tun BEE. BOAED OF TEADE , A ItCRulnr "Weekly McetliiR of tlmt Body A regular mooting of the bontd of Irrdo waa hold in the rooms , of the or ganization last evening. President elect Mar Meyer officiated as chairman. N. B. Falconer , : otiring president , made a brief i.tldrcsa. Thomas Oitson , secretary , presented hta annual report , showing the business accomplished by the board duting the paat year. On motion of U. G. Clark a resolution of thinks was voted to the president and secretary for the efficiency of services rendered. A letter was read from E , K , Valentino tine stating hia willingness to use Ida best efforts In inducing congress to pass the bill making Omaha a port of entry. A letter was read from the editor of the American Grocer , asking the board to express the sentiments of sanctioning the Spanish American treaty. Mr. Evans moved that the document bo sent to Nebraska representatives In con- grcd ? , with an expression ot confidence on their ability to act wisely in the mat- tor. Carried. The following committees wore ap" point ed by the brard of directors : Ways and means John A. Wake field , 0. F. Goodman nnd M. Hollm Auditing committee Gco. H. G. Clark and John Evans. Membership Max Meyer , J. A. Wakefleld , P. E. Her. Transportation 0. F. Goodman , W. J. Broatch , W. H. McCord , Goo. Towlo , Frank Oolpotzer. Manufacturers H. G. Clark , Clatk Woodman , F. E. Bailey. Memorials John Evana , J. 0. Oowin , E. Rosewater , G L. Miller , Fred Nyo. Arbitration M. Hollraan , M. Rogers , N. Morrlam , N. B. Falconer , 0. F. Drincoll. Live Stock P. E. Her , J. E. Boyd , J. A. McShano , Jas. F. Shoely. MotereoloRy Thomas Gibson , Andrew Rosowatcr , P. Windhoim , F. 0. Fest- nor , George W. Amos. County Commissioners. SATOIIDAY , January 10. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. The following appointments vrero made : L. F. Msglm , justice of the peace , Omaha precinct , No. 0. David Smith , justice of the peace , Uhlcago pro- clnct. The clerk submitted a letter to the board in relation to the lay- requiring as sessors to take a census foe the year 1385. Referred to Gen. Oowln , county attorney. The following resolution was adopted : "That the county clerk o and hereby is directed to make copies of proceedings of the board of county commissioners with as much dispatch as possible , for such nowapapors as demand them , pro vided that no expense u charge ! in pub- llaning them. " A resolution waa adopted to the effect that for the purpose of avoiding further litigation with Thom s Swift over t ho locktionjpf ; read SCO B , ho bo allowed the sum of $275 nnd In- tarust , according to allowed judgment. A resolution was adopted Instructing county surveyor to complete and file on or before Fobrnaiy 13 the revised lot record plats of Douglas county. The contract of 0. AFinn , construct ing a GO-foot bridge and removing the iron bridge at Waterloo , having been loft unsigned , was revoked. Anew ono Svas awarded to Stephen Robinson for § 1,263. Sundry bills tvaro allowed. Adjourned to 12th Inat. H. T. LEAVITT , County Clerk. Army Gossip , Maj. A. T. Smith , Instructor of rlflo practice , has returned from a three weeks' ttip to relatives in the oast. The many friends of Dr. Summers , who hui long been connected with the local headquarters aa chief medical dir ector of the department of the Platte , will rejoice to learn that that gentleman has just received the news of his appoint ment to a col inolcy. Assistant Surgeon Shannon reported on Sunday as assistant medical director of the department of the Platte , Ho will bo stationed In this city. Dr. Shan non was formerly ititloncel at Fort Bridger. Tha decision of the court martial , va- contly eitting in trial on the case of Dr. StephoiiBcn , has been ] made public. The verdict la in favor 'of Dr. Stephonuon , and completely exonerates him from charges of guilt preferred against him. Vollco Points. In the police conrt yesterday afternoon the ease of John WIrlh , tha reataurant keeper , charged with obstructing the sewer in front of his property was taken up. Parko Godwin , attorney for defend ant , on behalf of his client , asked a jury trial which was granted , the case being sot for January 21. E. W. Slmeral will represent the city. > Julius Troitsoho. Abraham Martin , John Murphy and Frederick Wirth , were adjudged guilty of throwing slops and ashes in front of their property. Sentence - tence was reserved and will bo condi tional on the immediate removal of the nuisance. Van Ness , the hungry boy , charged with stealing two fish of the value of fifteen cents , from a S'xiosnth ' street grocer , was discharged from custody. Patilck McNally , the 0'Neil pugilist , ar rived in Omaha last night and was met at the depot by a delegation of hia friends. Ills coming is supposed to have as an object the arranging of tha fight with Miller. TELEGIIAIMI NOTES , Three convicts wcapid from tha Winconaln penitentiary last S turd y. by the use of skel eton keys , but wcro recaptured after a hot l base , The Salvation Army made a sortie at Day ton , Ohio , under the cover of darkness Satur daynight , but the police after n brisk pku- uiisb captured tbo entire ontBt and lodged thsm in jail , The army brigadieu are dtiter- niincd to work for the Lord or gJ to the work- home. Mine No. B , in the Hocking v lley district , * aid to be the largest in the country , bai bum hred by inceudiarifs. CLARKE-WHITNEY , Celebration or the Brilliant Nuptials Yesterday Afternoon. Yesterday afternoon Walter D. Clurko was married Ute Miss Miunio Wh ney , the ceremony taking pl&co at half past three in the Unity church. The solemn And impressive ceremony was conducted by Rev. W. E , Oopolnnd , pastor of the Unitarian church. A largo and brilliant aasomblago 'of friends and relatives of the contracting putties githorcd on the oc casion , Mr. and Mrs.Olarko immediately after the ceremony started for Now Or- loausnnd trill spend the honey-moon in the Sunny South , visiting the exposition nnd other points of interest. They \\i\l \ then return to thlo city and settle down to married Ufa among their friends. A largo number of elegant presents were ahoworotl upon the newly-wedded couplo. Mr. 01 ark is well known in Onnha society , being connected with the United States National bank. His fnUior is Uio Hou , 11. G. Clark , recently elected to the slate legislature. Mien "Whitney is n beautiful nnd cul tured girl , the dnuphlor of Onmlii s well known citizen , Mr. David Whitney. Shooting Affray at Now Urlcuns NK\V ORLEANS , .Tniiuaty 12. A rnpiJ o.v change of pistol .shots occurruJ in thy Mascot ollicu to-dny betueen .T. D. Houston , state tax collector , and George Osmond , editor of the Mascot. It is Raid that Hubert Drowsier , the state rcpiator of voters , accompanied Hous ton , and participated In the encounter. The trouble \v.iJ caused by an article In Satui day's Maacot reflecting severely upon .Tudto ; llous ; on. Oatnond says ; "I wns sitting at my 'csk ' In thu oflico whun tlio two men came up. One of them was J. D , Houston , and lions ton asked mo if my name was Osmond. I answered yes , and ho struck me o\or the licad with a club and then pulled his pistol and stalled shooting. I was lilt In the right hand , 'lime was over tin shots fired , I lir- cd two and shot Houston. The man who was with Houston kept shooting at Mi. Fonnick , who wts throwing things at him. Adolph Kcnnlck , who is ouo of the proprietors oE the Mascot , says : "I was in the oflico when Houston and Brawster came In. " Fennlck then corroborated 0 mond's statements as to what had occurtod , and say ; : "UrewatiT fired at me. Haung no gun I threw the top of the stove at him. Houston , after firing tuo phots at Osmond walked away and I followed him to the staircase , whcro ho fired once at mo. The other follow , Browster , was desperate and kept flung at mo continually , but did not make a hit. Houston eays ho called at the Mascot ollico to punish Osmond for an article published on .Saturday. He used a stick and and only pulled his pistol of tor Osmonajdrew his. lo was shot in tho'right hand , dropped his pistol nnd picked it up with his left hand but aiserts ha did not shoot again. _ Bi awstcr , who accompanied Houston received four bullets one In the Iclt breast , two in the left arm above the elbow , and ono in the thigh. Ho is much prostrated , weak and sinking. No one ; is permitted to speak to him , and there are but slight hopes of his rec < ncry. Houston's right hand is chattered nnd will probably be amputated. Osmond is less sen- ouslyhuit , nnd after the wound was dressed was locked un in the Central station. Terrible Cyclone in Alabama. SELMA , Ala. , January 12. SpoiaU to-night report cyclona passing through Halo , Per ry , Bibb nnd Jones counties , this state , and Baldwin county , Georgia , last night , in the direction from the southeast to the noitheast. Great damage was done houses fences and timber in its path , which WOK about a milo wide. In Bibb county , near Contreville , a man name unknown , was killed. Mrs. Mason , sustained serious injuries , several mills were wrecked. Strong houses at Randolph , a milo away from the path , shook BO that the in mates thought an earthquake had come this way. The damage to houses and propeity will leach thousands of dollars. Forests suf fered fearfully , nearly a thousand trees were counted uithin u distance of ouo mile , stretched across the road in the vicinity of Randolph- In Jones county , the cyclone swept every * thing in its track. Largo oaks wcie twisted like straws. No rails of the fences remain. George Pciduo's fine place is entirely destroyed and all the fodder has disappeared. Through Baldwin county the dwellings , gin houses , bains , fences , horses nnd mules were blown along. Several per sons were injured but no lives lost. The roar of the cyclone was heard distinctly a milo away. Later isrorts s y in Macon county , forty miles east of Montgomery , three men were killed , Ilio Mormon MiHslonarics * Object. SU.TLAKK , January 1'J. The following is official from tin leaders of the Mormon church : "Tho recjnt visit of piominent Mormons to Sonora , was for missionary pin- poses only , the object being to introduce to the Yuqui Indians the book of Mormon which has recently bson translated into the Spanish language. The visit was also for the purpose of tending missionaries who would imtruct the Yarjui'ti in the arts of peace and civilization as has been successfully done olnowhero by the Mpimnn nilsaionnriiH. The Mexican authorities on the boundary line had full cognizance of the pur pose of tho. Mormui missiunaiic ? and were anxious to have them carry out their inten tions from their previously known success in that dircct'on , givincr full support thereto. Thu Mormon's claim to be Katiifted with Utah and only leave it as forced by the lack of room to settle in the states and tenitotioa adjoining. The miseinnaries did not see Chisf Cajemo and the whole story of a tieaty , defensive and offensho or cf a colonisation project , is entirely fa'se ' , " AVorkKcHumed , CHICAGO. January 12. The Inter-Ocean'o Angus , Iowa , special HIJB : The strike among the coal miners has encJoJ. Work has re sumed at an advanoo of one quarter cent per bushel. Four of the strikers are utill under airest for participation ia tbo recent riot. Tlio New Chamber ot Commerce. CHICAGO , January 12. At t ha annual meet ing of the Inard of trade to-day the usual ra- ports , except that of the secietary , weio sub mitted , and the building commlttut an nounced that the now clumber of commerce would bo ready for occupancy by May the first. Dairy Market. CHICAOO , January 12.The Inter-Ocean's Elgin , Illluoig , special says : Cheeto quiet : regular sale * , 300 boxes ; p.irt Bkims , at 41(5 ( 5ci butter active ; regular sale * , Sn.OO1) ) jioundn nt Private Baku. ' . ' ,210 b xea of cbeeto nnd 105,100 pounds of butter , The Now Voric LeKlnUturo , AIDANT , Januarp 12. The legislature rens- semblea to-morrow. The contest for United States nemitor ha ? been resumed , and prom- isss to be ot white heat before the end of the week , Thrco CollicrltH Shut Down , PirrsBiwo , Pa. . January 12. Throe of the largest eollierieh of the Lahigh real comauy ebut down to-day. jight : hundred employes are thrown out of work. Buy your bread of the rol'nblo ' firm of Uilau & Schwanb , 110 ! ) Douglas street , The cheapest bread and tlio l igest loaf for the money , BR1XEL ft MAUL , ( BUOCKS30KS TO JOHN O , JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS I At tl old stand HIT Fiirnam Bt. Crier * by tl Stntn BJliciwdauJ j/rump'.l ttttuJuJlo , TUipbjci Ho 2 6 * THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BIT ! r .83 One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United Stat to Select .From. ' NO STAIRS TO CLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR -AI- Factory Prices -AND EASY TERMS. Send forpurcatalogue and price list before pur chasing elsewhere. MAX MEYER & BBO. And Solo Importers of Fine Diamonds , WatcKks , Silver ware , Rich Jewelry , Wholesale and Eetail. Cor. lllh and Farnam Ste. SOLE IMPORTERS 01' Meerschaum Goods , JTJV OMAHA. Wlioles.ilo nnd Ilutail Dealers in , A in in tin it ion , . Notions and Smokers1 Articles. Stationery , Cutlery , j ' ' ' Druggists' Sundries And Fancy G icas. Full and complete line and BOTTOM PRICES Max Meyer & ; Co. 1020 to 1024 Farnam Sts. , Omaha Milwaukee. Wis. GUNTHEE & CO , , Sole Bottlers , N 1311 FARNAM STREET. IF/II offer iintil sold Jtis entire stoclt of WiHTErfUfjDEBWEAR : HOSIERY & CLOVES At Actual New York Cost Price. TMs is an opportunity seldom , offered to supply vourselves with , the necessary arti cles at so great a bargain. Have just received a la rye invoice of If rated ' V 6URT & MEARS' c , , SEE OUR PEICfeS. 1130 , FAENAM ' 'BTKEET ' / * A. L. FITCH & CO , DEALERS IN GeoeralHooseFiirnisliingGoods / CONSISTING OP ' / TFfl'l'l " "i < - ' " I KJKT K.A.J , . TTl _ M _ i _ > _ _ V tt = * ! M fOVES , CKOCKEKY , LAMPS , CUTLlllV , BABY OAHIIIAQEB , ETC , 1209 ISth Street , bet. Fnrnara und Dousia ? , Opposite Nebraska ' National Bauk.Omulm * I