THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , JANUARY 12 , 1885. COUNqiLJLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS , Tlio Great Brntliornniul. Yesterday morning Ilav. D. D. Proper , the stale missionary of thn Baptistchntch , preached In the church hero from the text : "llo is not ashamed to call thorn brethren " llo spoke as follows : It is enid that iho chemical analysis of the crlmeon ( laid frora the brain of nn American , Mongolian , Arabian , or any other typo of raca of mankind roronls certain canontlol chAractoriUtcii that nro aimllnr , thus corroborating the statement of the scripture that wo are made of ono blood , and proves that the whole human rftco are of a blood relation. IIad this boon known unlvoraally rnun would not have oold hla fellow's blood for so many ounces of gold , and there would hnvo been less of strife and discord , and moro of pcaco and happiness. When wo look out into this world and view its Bconos of conlllot and carnage , and wit ness man wrecking ono another's ' for tunes and cstatoB , and observe revenge ful man arrayed against his fellow man , wo mlgnt almost suppose thorn to have dotcondod from ancestors of an entirely dlHoront blood , but that the fact Is too well oatabllshod to bo doubted that wo are all of ono blood. In the Amidst of this discord , wo BOO many nyrapathoUtal relations calculated to help man to a bettor plane of existence. There are many evidences of spirits will- lug to resort u > untiring efforts for the purpose of exalting humanity. Those moral associations seeking to draw men from Btrifo and uplift and bring them to gether have done good. To make the world bettor wo must unity our intorcsts , and share ono anothor'a joys and sorrow * . Whatever does this helps humanity. The Bible says , "Bear ye ono anothor'a bur dens. " The aclontlQo world says , lot the fittest Burvivo , and lot tha poor and week f do away. But the Blblo says to lot the atroug boar the burdens for the weak. . Of all the evil spirits that can bo con jured up from the Infernal regions that of selfishness is the worst. Some say what will asolfishmondol Iwouldliko to know what BolOshneaa will not do. It will op press the wldowa and orphans , take the hard earnings of the mechanic , seize up on that which it has no right to take , and run away with it to live in luxury in for- cign lands. There has been a great demand for a principle broad enough in Its pratical workings to roach out beyond the social caste , and taking the whole rnco and making them ono great family one brotherhood. Such a relationship as thle , Christ caraa to establish. This is the brother hood taught in the text , and oocondly that ho is not ashamed of it. Ho became a brother in the physical or earthly sense of the word , and made all men equal to htm , but it is not all those who oi joy his brotherhood in the higher sense of the word , in the spiritual sense. Christ was the son of God , and wo must beccmo the sons of God by regonorbtlon ere MO cau on joy the brothernood of Christ in the spiritual senpc. Did you ever BOO an adopted child token into the boiom of a wealthy fami ly V Taken from a poor house , where they had boon living in poverty and neg- ice1' , their tattered garments thrown aside , and clothed in comfortable in olo' gant raiment , and received as heir in in heritauce ? How this exalts their condi tion. Then how it exalts our condition to bo brought np out of the degradation of sinfulnees and received into the fam ily of God as joint heirs with Uhristt Then wo must bo brothers of ono an other. We must not bo ashamed of ono another. It is said of the calebrated Gladstone that he visited a poor street- sweeper who was sick. A Christian friend coming In to BOO the little follow said , "I suppose no ono has been in to BOO you. " "Yes , " ho replied , "Mr. Gladutono has been in to BOO mo. " No wonder that man has boon loved and honored. In this same manner Christ reaches down to lift us up. Is it not a wonder that ho Is not ashamed of us. lint this fact is certain ho was not ashamed of it while ho was upon the earth. Ho associated not with the rich , and the noble , but with the poor and Ignorant and weak. Ho was not ashamed of Peter in his backsliding nor .of the doubting Thomas. Ho was not ashamed when ho rpso from the dead to speak to Mary and toll where to toll his disciples to come and moot him , nml call them his brethren. Christ Is never making now discoveries. Hi .knew all about us before ho undertook this work. Then again he is not ashamed of the weaknesses and susceptibilities of our natures. Those natures are to bo always in existence , and always auseptibli ti development. Ho know. ] that there 1 that within us that Is cf higher value. 1 sculptor once looked upon a rough hewn block of marble. Some one asked him what ho ] was thinking , and ho said , was thinking of the beautiful angel tha1 ii impriioned in that block , and I shal soon snt it at libor'y. Forthw 1th ho won to work with child and hammer , and of. ter a tiino there appeared the form and features of the angel which lie had soon in his thoughts. Wo are sometimes led to look oven np on ourselves as bains so degraded thai there la nothing good to bo expected 01 ue. It Is in this claaa of people thai Christ perceives scarcly notlcable the lit tie germs of good , that only requires tht devolopoment that can bo produced by his loving kindness , as the skill of the culptor brought out the form of the an gel from the rough block , Lot us learn not to bo ashamed of Tllm. That is ono great trouble. I am afraid that there are some who would rather bo called almost anything else than a Chris tian. They wouldi rather bo soon al moat anywhere olio than in a church. I do not find that Jesus Bays ho will bo aahamod of any except those who are anhnmod of him , but hedges say , "Who soever shall bo ashamed'mo of him a Ahull the Son of Man bo aahamod. " I have roudjof a youn lady who when a child WAS saved from being destroyed by tire by her mother who plunged into the tlames and saved her darling at the risk of her own life , arid-had her face and bauds horribly brnod and disfigured In tho-ellbrt. She had done this to save her daughter , the pride of her heart and the joy of her life , as she supposed she would necoino. When this daughter became a young lady she was very beautiful and charming the idol of that mother's heart. In the fullness of her love , the mother made a party for 'her daughter When the party assembled she did not dare to come into the room with such a ditllgured face , but she oamo to ono cor ner of the room to look in upon the scene and partake in that poor w y of her daughter's enjoyment which so ploaiod her. The daughter was cresting the lloor In the company of a young man , who sail , when he saw the disfigured f ce , "Why , who Is that ] " The daughter , well knowing It to bo her own mother , to whom sbo owed her llfo and all her pleasures , answered , "I do not know. " She denied that mother. Who can imag ino anch baio ingratitude , and yet snmn times thcfto things are true Would ydu do it ? Th < Lord Joaui Christ catnodown here and suffered pMitisand reproach and persecution and crucifixion fur our Eako , yet there are these among us who dunj him. Are you aslnmed to confess thai you are a mombirof the churahl Art you ashamed to bo recognized a a Chiii- tlau ? If you nro 1 would not give much for your hope of hem-mi. low i ITUUS , Cedar Ilaplds la assessed at $3,000,000. The Mothodiata are planning to build a church. Burdotlo is billed for a aoritaof Icctnrca n the stato. Slonx City's Improvement Hat for 1881 foots up to $980,395. What Cheer keeps up its conrago with fifteen licensed saloons. Algona got there lost year with im provements to the amount of $92,000. The Angus strike has lasted three months , and there is no prospect of a Bit- tlomont. The city council of Dos Moines has ap propriated $2,500 to keeping the public library open. Two horses wore stolen from the priory - St. Malachl'a church in Creston , Vodnesday night. The Internal revenue collections in the ! ocond district for the month of Decom- ior aggregated $185,8)5.80. ! ) The limo manufacturers of that part of lie state met at Davenport last Friday , md organized a limo association. Pupils to the number of 1,078 greeted .ho teachers of the Creston schools the morning after the holiday vacation. The amount of cash handled by State . 'reaanror Conger during thn four years if his Incumbency is $10,210,735 51. The Rock Island road has obtained - om congress a charter to bridge the ilississippi between Davenport and Rock Bland. The council of Burlington is consider- ng the propriety of licenseing saloons at ? L'o a month , under the lemonade and oda water dodge. The big fire at Sioux City Friday night eatroyod the lledorick and the Bruon- chuloin blockf , causing a loss of $00,000 ; nsured for $35,000 , JohnMoonan , sheriU'of Monroe county , oft -Vlbla very suddenly , and ho is now opnrtod to bo a defaulter to the extent if $3,000 or $4,000. The eighteenth annual mooting of the 'owa Horticultural society will bo hold at Atlantic commencing Tuesday , January , 1885 and continuing four daya. A Grnndy Center moat man advertises do family butchering with neatness , nd dispatch. The interesting question s does ho do it without plnbllcity. The hog disease in Ida county is report' ' d as becoming contagious to humans , nd several people in the vicinity of Ida Grove have become allitcted with it. The assoascd valuation of Montgomery ounlyls $4,902,583. This will yield 5140.427 12. The valuation of Red Oik Is $091,279. Villisca , $250,080 and the own of Elliott , $47,050. Samuel R. Scattaboo , of Spirit Like , ias ccmmonced suit against the Chicago , lilwoukoo & St. Paul railroad company 'or damages in the cum of $0,000 for In- urles to his son , Lotvis , who was run > ver by a handcar and badly injured last 'all. 'all.Tho The mayor of Dacorah determined to enforce decorum in the streets of his ; o\vn at night , and to that end dressed himself in the apparel of a girl , so as to jntrap the bad man who had habitually .nsulted these maidens who ventured oul after dark. The city council of Des Moines reject id the proposition of the water gas cam pany to build works and furnish gas to the city at $1 25 , and Instead passed an ordinance contracting with the old com pany for ten years at $ 2 50. A Mr. Hascall , secretary of the Loan , nd Building association of Des Moinea , has became a defaulter for $27,800. Ho has been arrested and hold In a bond of $5,000. Ho has turned over to the asso ciation $10,800 in boots and shoos , and between $4,000 and $5,000 in notes. Ho used funds of the association in the effort to build np a jobbing trade. A bright , smart-looking , black-eyed , black-headed boy baby about six or eight weeks old was left on the front door step of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Hewitt , of Fort Dodge at about 7 o'clock Tuesday even Ing. The Hewitt's came to the conclu sion that the child should have a homo in the future , and that his name should bo Howitt. Dr. W. W. Ordiray TVH : shot at his residence near Castana , Saturday. Tire middle-aged men came with proioueo ol getting medicine , and while it was being prepared , one shot him with a breech- loading shot-gun , taking away part ol bis upper jaw. In the scuttle which fallowed , the doitor ciptnreil the gun and a cap. A trunk containing notes , deeds , mortages etc , , was taken. A ro wan ! of $250 for the capture of ono or $500 for both the thieves is offered. Capt McDanlol , of the night police ol Cedar Rapids , was killed Tuesday mornIng - Ing near Solon station , south of Cedar Rapldr , by a passenger train on the Bur llng'oa , Cedar Rapids & Northern rail road. A murder had boon committed al a Bohemian dance in Cedar Rapids the night before , and McDaniol and his men had scattered in search of the murderers McDaniol and Policeman. Healy had como south on a freight train , got off near Solon and continued the search on foot. Aa they were crossing a railroad bridge they saw'traln No. 4 coming , and Healy aatd they would not have time to cross. MoDanlol thought they would , and started to crots ; but Healy ran of the bridge. MoDanlol either jumped from the bridge and was killed , or was struck by the engine , probably the latter. The Sioux City Tribune says : Midway botuoon Onawa and Maploton lives Dr. Ordwtiy. For year * the doctor has boon engaged in the practice of loaning money to his poor neighbors. He is grasping and is commonly called the "Sbylock o : Maple. " His mortgages number among the hundred ; , and his wealth Is enormous Friday night , about 11:30 : o'clock , bo was awakened by the ringing of his door-bull , Ho cljmbod out of bed , am upon opening the door was met by a young man named Bella , who said tha' his father was sick and wanted him ( tin doctor ) to como at once. As Ordwa ; turned to go to his room to dross , ho wa Gred upon by some one from without , the shot striking him In tbo face , makin ; a terrible wound. Ho ut once saw th "game , " and a tuselo ensued between bin nd Belle , Inthemoantlmo ahlredmin ( Dr. Ordway's heating the shot , had ran down atalrs , and upon appearing on tb tcono was told by the doctor to "knok thorn down. " At thii juncture the man from without was told by his companloi to finish I ha doctor , and the demand wt bcyod , but the she * was without t flfiot. n tbo excitement iho hired nun strn-Ji 10 d c r upon the head , rrriclcrinc h rn tn-eKfc. 'i'ho Kssusslns lied and aid va t oiicosnmmonul. STOIlY Or A TIOEP.'S LVY , The Sioux City Journal rtjhtrn Hi ollotving : The ciso tinw befuro tin Inrrisou county grind jury which tx lies the moat inter'at Is that in which ho utato accuses efihorlock & Dakota , aloonlats of Missouri Valley , of varioot hings. The trouble tttrttd this wny : 'he siloonistn mentioned keep the 1 > > i < on bar iti the town , and have ambling rooms attached. A spoiled hlld , ono James lltrker , tun of u rominont and lately wealthy cltl- on , was fitted out by his father ns a live tock do.ilor , and given a credit at the iftnk. Instead of purchasing awino he iot on a pair of queens and an nco at Ihorlock & Dakota's. Then , with uritf t his loss , ho started with some $3 000 n cash for Sioux City. His luck did not hango here , nor at La Mars , where thu rodigal was found , dead broke , by his other. Ho was taken back to Harrison ounty and sent out on ono of his father's arms. Ho soon returned to Missouri Valley with his young wife , and again ought recreation In otud poker , and bat led with the hosts of faro. When bis money had again passed into the pusses- ton of the gentlemen behind the green oard ho wont to the proprietors and told hem that they must stake him so as to oop his credit good with the old man , or 10 could got no moro money. They 10 used , and he entered complaint against horn for keeping a gambling house in hort , ho squealed. But ho could not lay away , and coming into the saloon me evening , they put It onto him. His tries of "Help" and "Murder" brought n Conductor O'Noil , of the Sioux City I ; Pacific passenger train , who waa pass- ng the door. In trying to save the rcan , who was being badly pounded , the con ductor received several hurts about th- head. Barker got out with his unneces- ary life , and the father , to whom he lad brought BO much trouble and lost ? , ook up the cage. Complaints wcru iitercd against Sherlock & Dakota 'or assault with intent to do .treat bodily harm. The case strolled on the change of venue pith through the rural townships , from one country justice to another , according to ho usigo of the bandaged eyed goddess of the steelyard and checsaknifo in this sovereign state of Iowa. As usual in such cants where defendants have finan ces there was no punishment at the time. Then in the usual course of buaincea the aw and order league of the town talked ibout having the place closed , and , as s customary , lot the thing end in talk , io it la that the eyes of Missouri Yal- oyans are turned to-day toward Logan , , lie county scat , and their talk is of rand jury , indictment and Sherlock & Jakota. NEBEASKA. OITT , Business , "Hitching , " Now Bridge , Vo Kcll | > iouB , society , 1'or- rtonnl , 'Spiritual ana Other Things. 'orre ' pondonco of TIio IEK. ! NEBRASKA CITY , January 8. Notwith standing your correspondent's lengthy si- once , the extreme cold weather and the Seventh Day Adventists' prophecy of the end of the world , vo still live and move. tfehraska City , though not making any ; reat splurge in business and manufactu ring circles still continues to make slow jut sure progress toward the higher plane of a city. Business of all kinds is quici at present , only ono kind THAT OF "lIITCniKO. " jcing anything like lively , the county iudgo and his clerical force being kepi jusy issuing licenses to those -who wish to : aku the impoitant step in life. Rejoicing has filled the hearts of our ncichants the past few days on account of the now bridge across the Missouri at : his point. Jt , however , does not reflect uiy credit on the enterprise of our citi zens , it being a bridge hesigned and con structed by nature's all powerful hand. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAll'S were unusually quite this season. With the exception of the usual quota of Sunday school entertainments , a party or ttvo ant" ono "open house" our city was a la grave yard quiet and well behaved. HELIQIOUS CHICLES are booming at preannt , the Christian [ oiks recently dedicated their new brick church , corner ! Hand Nebraska streets , and are now holding protracted meeting ! of much power and intsrott , ditto the fll. E. 'brethern. Rev. Whitthtad , of Groshon , Indiana la the nerr pastor of the Flrat Baptist church. Mr W. delivered tila first eormon last Sunday , whih was well received. The Young Mon'a Christian atsclatum hold their first au- ntvosary meeting on the evening of De cember 21at. It was largely attended and a very encouraging progress waa re ported for the pant year. wo boom also. The dhtlllary ia run ning nieot and day , making toox \ lie splntr , & c. , that tha third presidential candidate strove so hard to put down Our barb wire factory has not started up yet , owing to Homo little mieundor standing of some sort although ovury. thing ia in readiness to begin. In the SOl'IAL LINK , two or three marrlagoa comprise the atir In that department during the tait two weeks. 0. C. Bioko ) , our well known contractor being joined In mar rlago to Mlas Mollie Haukc , the daughter jf ono of our wealthy farmers. Also Mr. Ed. Gundolfinger , manager of the Oon aolidatod Tank Line Co. , at thla place , to Miss Mollie Allen , ono of our Kollknown young ladlen. Mr. W. D. Bain , another ot our moat popular young men com menced the now year aright with lilts Kittio Austin as companion. Many of our citi/.ens no already view ing the eights in and about the exposition at New Orleans. It is picsumed tint about half our eiti/.ens will go down as soon as the walking is good. The pi' king housi h now running fill time and ia killing about 1,000poiktrspoi day on an average. Messrs. Close and Taylor , of Kansas City are wurki < g on : v now drop curtail for our op ra house' . The Grand Central has been re-opened by J. A. Dimmett , late of the 1'hten x. house. The Maxtor houao ia the now cog nomen tbo Pha-nix sails under , and IB now managed in a creditable manner by Mrs. H. Baxter. Jacob Wultcrs.ono of our oldest citizens and piopr etor of the largest baker } ' in the city , died Sunday morn after a lingering illness A. H. Brown , late of the Nebraska PKBS , well and favorable known in news paper circles as ia in the city on his way from Chicago hero ho has hull s nco P\cnng Jus con- eitnn with tlu > I'rcbS , to Uulto < ity , M. , whi'C ' ho flill make his luailquailci-s traveling passeiig r ngent of tha C. li. f Q. U. H. 1 ho five per cent penalty f n taxes afte ic 1st piov. d a Inistl r to the fa incrs , nd in fait verjbcxlv else , and fo the vo or th' c da s preceding New Years 10 treasurers ofllco was filled , like a ? a ox of sardines , with people eager to pay icir taxes not exactly eager to pay .tcin , bn to escape the penalty. I lit. cw law has also created much bad feel- ig among our farmers , coming into force s it docs , with the farmers hogs all dying m their farm products com and wheat ia dly being woith the hauling. It is 'loiight that many of the fn lifers who ere not able to pay their taxes \\ill con es the matter in the con ts. Elias Overtoil h s been appointed store- coper at the distillery. I ho OAAOER F10UT s still interesting. Messrs. W.V , ' > rowu and F. M. Turner uoem to bo on op , however , but it _ is very hard to tell hero the fighting will strike. THE roSTMASTEH yUESTlON i the all absorbing topic among the rmocratlo loaders Undo Nato Simpson , ' 104" Stioghorr , Dr Bronkor , Dick and im Miller and 139 otbcrs * tgplraits : re all that are In the field al present , nd Paul Solimmko snya "I dinka L keep ot blaco mysolt. " The three IIrat men loncd , Simpson , Stoinhart and Brinker corn to bo in the load however. One ow oaloon started up the first of the car , wo suppose , to counteract the good rhlch will bo done by our novr church. THU 110WOATE MATTER ias givpn our town moro free advertising 11 a short space of time than anything re have had for years. It is the c urrcnt pinion , pretty generally believed that ( owgato was in the city several weeks go and is now not more than ten llioiis- nd miles from our city. It is strange nat the ยง 0,000 reward offered by the ovennn nl has not been scooped in by omo of those who acres who pretend to mow so much of the whereabouts of lowgate. The Alexander boys who have been mining n small ba bor shop in the c ty ho past few months skipped out between wo days lo.ving sundry creditors to iionni their hu ricd depaituie. A number of the "boys" of this c'ty literal into a compact Now Years eve , iul duly icgistoml it , "Not to drink , moko , chow , play billiard or shako dice or ono year " It lomains to bo seen how eng the compact will hold. Thcro is an unusual dearth in the imuscment line th's winter , our city laviiin seen only or two good companies bus far. However , an Undo Tom's Cabin is writing for dates this month and vo look forwaitl to it with cagtr antic pateon. ( i ) "Evu SEE. " List of letters remaining in the Omaha poatollico January Otb , 1885. LIST' I ! Abbott KP Anderson links I ) Albiglit N K JuigmanNjJA \iusworth W U Johnson W T AmUlon II A Jonin G AinurUou II G Johnson 1 ? ( Vdams M L Kollog * 0 W i.lDIlbH II J Kuhl N [ 3 echnn J Keya J W Bryant F G 2 Kelly JJ ] Ball A Keltic AD i3ro\\n C CurckA joderaot J Knight J P BruhlJ Kern A Urode C Kero 1' M Burus U Klebery ! aroDS\illo L Kabl A Baker 1' W Kelley W BalishL l.uclnnan L H Bess N Bahell C Long 1 * Uarbuholy P Lawaon T liouck L Lanplsy Y Booth O I ) Lynch T Bell N L Luwla W B Biuder C Langhnoy W Byera C looker W A Soweo T W Larson N J Imor T Buckingham Mr Jjfgranglc J J tieuiiu II Lockwood A Bullock W W LeniogH A Boyle H Lofera II Brooks II LindelG A Blavina G W Lastwice V Bently & Co Loyd K Burdett H Miller WJ Uontly G. McGibney D ' Mathcnder P G Baits U'II McGilleK Uurleigli J McIYiin C Billy YJi MoirieonP Uowon P JI Mulligan P Blair O Mayfield P Bnkca J Moyhan I ) Brooks GW 'rounso ' G Morrow I/ irouneo MoUell W labn Ji Maycuck W K lee NV Muiphy lomptou O K ireauier C Ii Miller G L luml C II MoiIarityDW I/'clasmon TJ Manin i\Ji urtRin Jl W McKciiziL- iuunora 1' .Meohan .1 1C 'diupbeil ' J A .1 P 2 Jolulna II MutliswsJII Cliribtiansnn J 0 Mllner II McCoy J Jooper G Matthews J Lhurch C ! W Mlihel L Mdilone J Jolull 6 1C WcOliotookJ C Campbell U Mtirpby.l Collln M Marshall J CorleyV Tilprraa J M hidtBter WM .May T Joppein T II MOIKQ n : .viullPJ2 nadwick W II Maljor U 3iinlon 1 * Milliken ] Jojk i ; B ) arliaton Mr M uyei K May P Clullouch AK NIUH n 11 iradenllA Xuemi li J A jraminUan J Xail U W Uolan M. F 2 Xilson J V ) UD11 II Xinlaon N ) ellono L J 2 O'Nelson O Uuultir P G Olson II iovitt .T O'Oonnal T . Jean II O'Ueiley P ) owner 0 T O'lt.illoy K Poytou A ) yer J Hickey Penney \V U ) ickoy W O Pollard H ) allman W Palmer T Jrury J B Paine J W Jonaliiio " Piliu L Pierce W W Jbnee J Phelps W I 1:11 PcckWP ilk PoUsky ( J UlkmsT Patnek C K ICllln J I Pangfurn 0 Quinlau ,1 \ y\l3 Kovney INI A l''aneU N II Hops L Vumey T Koberteon It II Koiiihey J Koeso W i : Knrrnau II Hobo W It Kitcli 0 W Kcndingfer J Bath W A Kitzfe'erald J Kyau W 11 Pay J 0 Hick J 1'arren J Sisaely A liardmrCP Sudan A ' Green O Steond M GlonlyCT SibberB Grant L Hmlth N H Gackal W Slrnk nn P W -Ibj'rt A Sclmell P Craxu I' Sat aae Mr CettyPW Starbuck A G Gellag C SchoentKan ( i Goodrich Q D Speller P J Cillmau O A Stinmin W A Gtnty W A 8 A Gru-n P ( iaekil 2 Gnral K .Sclilekuu II GrubeG 2 Sobarnweber 0 Heigrg C hicbkcn G Healy At u U M II vi B Slinpsnn Ii lUrlorMr StiphensJD HiilnenOO bur ing. I F llonn.l li II ii3in 1-C Smith 1,0 II ITitiAii J SmytliB.J 0 IMHdy.IJ SclmltzV II illnnil J Sbrevo It W liolii > ! i A C Bniitlisoii N A Mnrvov I1 Ml ) tni " -llT HeiryTO TijlU-y N HotchMftat TorreyT Kl , TuckcrtK Maim u II T TnbanJ Hoihol.l Tubhlt Thomas Mr TcHnun.lW IMn-nAL Ulhtick F HmlrA Vntmoinim J Mai onO Willinn K ll-.uty . G Wlnchcll U M lIMcr G Wctin K U Holtnan G Wcrth Mr H r G Unmix F Wflirer W HnvJ NV WiltunW Hilton II Wood W M Halley W 1) 2 Wiltlmaii G M d ,1 W -\Vnlker C A .oilgeW alnni. W H Wight I , M Ic.wellW Warner AIi uiiueei-V W Warner S L tali F Wood J W ollinan J W Wyman J BiijliansenllC WilkiT B F X-rrm .1 V'lioclor S ecponbothan J L Woldinan G : eLion J J Walker B Inwtturn J A anoy J II iondry J A nmpton J W Vlison Mrs i ; A Tirlforty Miss I , F yhii Mrs N A Lirson Miss AO ronau Mn M Ijiinil MM 0 X owkcr Mlsi fll Jiixtta B G intler Mrs W K Liliroeqno M rs II ruubtclier MM Ij LUii gJton Mrs It ojcr Mra M tCarthio A .urdick . M rs Ii M Majors MM A Mclntyo K nrlln Mis N McOowall Mrs RI hristian Mtfs K Morse Mrs 12 ImliH Misi > Mnrguetto Mils M : avifB MIH K 0 May MrH U ) orn Mrs I. Morgan N ) llin Miss Millur Miss K ) ohock h Mlili-r M rs S A : nrlo K M Nerierahtoh Miss M JakiiiiMrsA MnrrlsMrsA MM A O'Kellloy ' Mrs M 'loliln Mrs K Porrinh Mi a G Pnrchen Mi a 1) JJorman Miss N I'utnau Mlsa G Ilogcrs Mra A B toward Mlsa B Heed A A laity Mrs M ! Scott Mra S loyt Miss A li Hhapatt N 2 latchison MisaB Shall A ligRinaMisa AU Svoiuon Miss A 2 loumn MraM Touera Mr * A nnsou Mlsa A Thompson Miss F ohneon P A ones Miss J A'onhnrn MISB ! N ODEOU Benson William Mis 32 onson Mra J Wiloa M ra W uoobbon Al Wingart M ra K Carlson Sirs Woodward M Cuhl Mra 0 B Woods Miss G Woolworth Misj tt CronoMmM Watson M Crosilick M _ Wood Mra U G .andatren Miva J Winters Miss li .of-sdou Mra M ! K Walker Mra J W jaiaori MisaM" WainstoffMlsa M , onk Mrs S Xellng Mrs Al ord Misa U I OUllTH CtASS MATTKU. Mrs L A Fiahor J C Kelca Miss G Kodingir O T Downer II J Davia M rs T E Terry Duan H A Lucas , J W Phelps Mra J O I.acoy Miss G Shepliard C. K. CoUTANT , postmaBtgr , Word comes from Odosaa , Russia , that .t Is estimated the Bskar Springs will yield 250,000,000 gnllona of petroleum' innually. The supply of the Russian oil wells acorn well nigh iuoxanatlvo. A Dakcti judge at Jamestown the other day left the bench .and knocked down a lawyer who Intimated that ono of hia statements on a ruling waa a lie. DE. SWETNAM , Office 15th street , brat door north o main In Boyd's opera bouoo. Leaye orders at office or Saxo'a ' drug otoro. Raaidonce No. 1612 Farnam St. Residence Telephone , 579. Office Telephone , 150. Or , Amelia iurrougds OFFIOB AND JIESIDENOK 1017 Dodge St. , - Omaha TELEPHONE NO. Finest Millinery And Hot Goods la the City , .19 N. Sixteenth street , sells lions cheap er than any other store in Omaha. ' " WASIII1U11N SUI'EIILA UNION I'ACIFC , 13 ; 1'fIVB , S2.SO ; " 1'\VOK1TK OK uMAHA , " a.40. All other brands at equally low rates. Satisfaction given or money refunded. Remember , 710 , UET. WKiiyruu & BU'IIT. ' NURSERY STOCK Those drairing Fruit or Ornamental Tree ? , ViiK-s , Sluubs and Planti , will consult tbeir > wn interest by calling at thci loal rittato oiflco ) f K. L. Bmury , 1SOO llnrnuy St. , or 2200 farnain St Oidvn ) for spring planting must > u gUcii MKIII. REPRESENTS ; 'homlx ' Iniunnco Co. , London , Cash Assets ? 5,8 ( .000 Westchesrcr.N. Y , Capital lunOU ) > ThoMurcUnteof NenarkN J.Cailtal. ] . . . 175,000 Oliard Fire , I'btlodolnlila.CaDllal 1.200,000 Woman's Fund. Capital l.mooo NEW SrOUEl NEW GOODS A. tCAUSH. Merchant Tailor 822 B , 10th Btrootibutw , < ieu Firnira auj Uainey Low price ) tnd good Goods a specialty All dothei made uiil n good et > lo and on abort uotico. Call am be convinced. Hememlier li ) clane. S22B. 10th 81. DR. 13YSAK.T , Office and residence , N. W. Cor. 12th and Howard streets. , ISzTColla answered promptly night and rlay. I3"Spoclal attention Riven to the dl- eoasos of women and children. THE SWEDISH DRUG STORE , Cor. rilU nth St. end Capitol avc. , Haibeec re-ononfd , fully luppllcd with Drug ; * and Medicines , t'are'ul ' aitcntion u'foclally ylien ted d dor. ' preicrlptlonii by au exj > er < eni d HwcJIsb pharmacist. / A lull line ot Stationer } , 1'erlumoi ( I.undburitU'i Christinas c rd and other holUUj at- Ucici , JIIUJ , KRIO WKKTLIND , CHAS. SHIVEEICK , UPHOLSTEUY AND DUAI'EUIES , I'ASSKNOnn KI.EVATOn TO Atti FLOOIta | 120fl , ICW ml I5in F tn\in 81. , Oui h , He & BOLTE , MAUUFA070RRR3OT- TIL Oil 01 COB JTM | I , WlnJnw 0 r.Ilon Crtiilnxt , UflMllo Str-lkhU , Ac. Tin , IrootuiJ S ! t S14 son IB mh Bltrot Om h N hiMk . GJEWJSGJE IVY ATT. mO g ? . B M" a M g ff ) g 3 g 3 | C * S f j n W D J r p ( X , o k- < M CO OITMINGS AND 20TH STS OMAHA , HEB . IBB M > Bknuatt r U U U Xt VJVJJ K * n BP.H Mf Wl am H K tt 'W H w u B 4&9 and 1411 Dodge St. { MTsm $3SuA } Omaha Neb aitoa BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA.U. S. A. Established 1678 Catarrh , Deafness , Lnngnnd Nervous Diioxzca Speedily and Permanently Cured. PallcnU UP od at Home. Write for "Tna MJSHIOAI.-MIKSIOHABT , " for the People. Consultation and Corrcupondcnco Gratis. P. O. Box 81 > 2. Telephone No. S6. HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Fostmaater , Davenport , says : ' Physclan of Ko * . Ability and Markud Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davcmpozt , krlteo : "An Jtionnrablo IVIaii. Finn Success. Wonderful Cures. " Honre 8 to 6. 98th Ducnl Brunswick , Lueneburgh , Lottery , Germany. , 100,000 TICKETS and 50,000 PRIZES lanital Prize , mark , 500,000 , 300,000 , 200,000. 100,000 80,000 tiO,000 , 50.00010 000 down to 150 Drawing Commences the 15th on < l iGbb of January. 1885. Whsl Tick ets $9. ; Half , $1-50 ; Quarter , 2.25. OHAS. F. SCHM1PT & CO. , G2 W. Congress St. , Detroit , Mich. To protcnt 'o s It Isurptently requosUd to malic all romlttincoa by postxl note , money 'order , check ls ! In registered letters or La cauresg. a UJjAJLtiV.b , VA. . Proprietors. Q. P. RAILWAY , 7TH & 18TH STREETS MANUFACTURERS OP AND DEALERS IK a WATER WHEELS. ROLLER MILLS , MILL FQRNISH1NGS Oi < - ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Olotb STEAM PUMPS STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPK. ARCHITECTURAL AND R1DQ O m W a 1 o p.1 p.1I We are prepared to furnish plans and ostunQtes , nnd will ccntract for eroation of Flouring Mills end Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , from Stona to tbo Roller Svotera. KJSrfispecial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for arty pu. po e , and efitimates mt do for some General machinery repairs attende promptly. Address RIOHABD Ss OLAEKE , OmahaNob.