Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1885, Image 1

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The Passage of ibc flaial Appropri
ation Bill ,
The Congressional Forecast for
tho. Week's ' Business ;
A Threatening "Orank" Letter
to President Arthur
Iiivestication of the Indian Land
Bartholdi's ' Statue of Liberty En
lightening the World-
Gen. Sherman's Ofllclnl Charges
AjinliiHt .left Dnvlt * Through the
Wnr Department.
WASHINGTON , January 10. Immediately
after the reading of tno journal , Mr. Hnndoll
moved ta dl-ptmo with the morning hour for
tlia piirposo of pros ing thn navy appropria
tion bill to a piHs.tgn. This waa strongly op
posed by Stockil.iier , who maintained tint
tlis house should proceed to the considoratton
of the special order in reference to public
b-illdingH. Handall pointed out the Import
ance of passing the appropriation bill speedi
ly. Not to do so would In to risk an extra
session , which would bo of little good ba thu
country , and still loss to the party to which
ho belonged ,
Stockslagcr replied , with some warmth ,
that ho was performing what ho considord Ins
duty.A .
A brisk and personal colloquy then sprang
up between lUndall and Stockslngor , but the
confusion in the hall was so great ns to ren
der tno remarks inaudible.
Stockslager domandol the yeas and nays on
llandoll's motion , which was lost yeas 135 ,
nays 83 the necessary two thirds not voting
in the nfTmnativo ,
Stockulogerthen moved that the house go
into committee on the whole for the consider
ation of public building measures , and asked
consent to niako n statement.
Hutcliliis objactcd. Ho said the navy du
partment waa without appropriations , and it
was time the house should proceed to bus !
Stockslagor's motion was lost , yeas 72 , nays
The speaker then proceeded to call the com
mittee for reports.
Clardy , from the committee on commerce ,
reported a bill authorizing experiments as to
the practicability of lighting the navigable
waters of the United States by electricity.
Ileferred to commlttoo of the whole.
A bill was reported from the committee on
publllc building * increasing to § 180 000 the
limit or the appropriation for a public build
ing at Marquette , Michigan.
Tha House then went into committee of the
whole on thu naval appropriation bills for thn
remainder of the current year.
The honsa then w nt into executive com -
mittea of the whole , Wilson ; of lo < a , in the
chair , on tnu consular and diplomatic bill.
Townsend , in a few brief remarks upon the
consular xervice ; attributed thu present busi
ness depression to over production and favor
ed tha-opening up of the mnrketi in southern
nations to surplus production in thU country.
The markets could bo secured by thfl forma
tion of commercial alliances with these na
lions , which would give the manufacturers of
the United States an advantage over the man
nfactiirererji of Kuropu. Prom the similarity
of these Institutions to thoio of the United
Statin , If tiny could 1)3 dltubu'ed of
thu idea thu Unite I States wanted to conquer
their political soverolgnitiea , tao countries
Central and South America , would join ii :
with ui in seeking to build up the weltaru _ o
thu Amoiican continent and devu'op it :
resources ,
Hobinson , of Now Y'-rk , sa'd ' he wai opposcc
to the appropriation of money to jumper a lo
of incurable snobs. Ho did nut want Un
democratic snob to succeed the republican
enob ( Lowell. ) '
llolman raised a point of order against the
item providing fo a e 'UHiil general at Madrid.
The point wai sustained , and thu item struck
out. The committi'u rose , and the hutiso ad
WAHHINOTON , J ami try 10. - Tha house
passed the navy appropriation bill.
A conference of democratic- senators wai
call ad thi * afternoon to consider a policy to bo
' rpepust to the triutips. There was
( fas tlun a quorum present and no linn of ac
tion wai decided upon or proposed , Thu pro
ceedings were gossipy und Informal. Thu
greater part of tno houis wa devoted to a
compirison of views concerning the policy of
the new administration , espoci.illy with regard
to removals and appointments ,
WHlllNaroN , January 10. rho sacrotary of
war has decided riot to order a court martial
for tSo triul of Lieuteii'tnt Garllngton cm the
charges preferred by General Hazen ,
K&proientativo Nutting , from the commit-
tcu on library , to day presented for printing
and recommittal n favonihlo report on tlu
joint resolution intnrlueed by Cox , of Now
York , appropriating 8100,000 to ai'l the coin-
ptetlou ot thu paduiCal for tha statue of "Lib
erty Knlighti'iilug the World. " The report
jays : ' The stntua wai a magnificent gift
from tlis p"ople of Franco to our whole pao-
] > le , and not to the people of Now Yoik , and
it belong ] to the pounlo in a notion , It
would bo arrogsnco for the etatu of Now York
to pay for the podestil and claim the status
as its own. Tno statue is a national pymbol ;
It is national property , and controls should what has been BO well begun. "
Before thu cammltteo investigating the In
dian lauds , Augustus C. Ivy testified that be
was a member of thn Cherokee nation. A
iiumlkT of men had told him that money hid
been olfttrod to aecuru thu passage by the coun
cil of a leaiu bill. Among ihotu mentioned us
Imvimr been ntfVml pay wera John Stndors
and Samuel 11 INney. Sanders told the wit-
npaa that hu wai otfoied 9-hO t vote for the
bill , Hu lic.ird that Major Drum , attorney
for the Cherokee Strip Li\o < tock asscclation
naiiUlutlt cost piuity hl h tn gvt a loose
through : that It was a great benefit and of
course they had to pay for it , Drum also re-
inarkrd ; "Your fellows g t as high a prlca as
the Kansas fullouv. " Kumor fixed tha amount
nt getting the bill throuini at S.'iO.CHJO , Kan-
ney , u.iw deceive/ ] , told the witness that he
had been paid for voting for the bill. Wltnesj
frequently heard penons siy : "So and so
much , " After couu'derabloiiressingni to who
"So and So" were , thu witness mentioned Ma-
jar Scales , chief of the supreme court of tha
Cherokee nation , as onu of them. The wit-
ne s had conversed with Uuihyhead , the
chief , about tin leiaes , llushvhuad talked as
if the iuveatigatloti would hurt tin nation
and Midi "Gus , you ara an aspiring man ;
you want to run for the senate ncd you better
not do anything that will hurt you. " liushy-
ho d Slid tint the lev < e was thu best that
ctudd IKJ d"iia nudT thu circumstances. Many
hought liiuhyhaad would veto th bill , as in-
erior lmid < wera rsntlng at I to Ii contu per
crv , whild the Chsrokivj received but Ii
nt > . 11 ishyheMl aaid it wai bolter to gat
i centi from th'jte thay know than rent to
aogt'iK , The wituuts Iwlinvod the lease
uuld int ii'ceive W)0 ) yo-ea out of ! r > ,000 | if
o question wai , tubmittud to thu people. _ . ,
TIIK rnGi.ii'Mxn couurrm : .
Bp cul Megram to tliu BKK ,
WABHISOIO.V , January 11 , ThepublioUnt
commlttjc of the home liai uot baa ft quorum
IT the consideration r.f tbe land foiftltun
Ilia elnco ilia holiday adjournment Infnc ;
lore B5f mi to b ) very llt'.lo dispo-dtion on the
artof Ihi' momhers to tuinbla over each other
a their haste to patn theaa hill . There is a
roipcct of n quorum in the committee Tnev
ny , when the bill which Senator S.\wyor , tf
VlBconsiu , has introduced on the senate side
> confirm the title of llio cash entries on the
andi granted to the railroads withdrawn from
10 public domain , and afterwud wlthoutauy
ortual action by ths intoiior department
lacing them In the public domain , A
lintlar hill will ho Introduced In thn
ouso on Mondiy and hastened to passage if
oislnlo , under the enspansion of the rules ,
. 'ho measure i * of great importance , It is raid ,
0 largo numbers of farmers in Michigan ,
Vioconsin and frnunrsota. The lands moit
irectly nirectcd In Michigan and Isconnni
re thohu In the Ontonagon railroad grant ,
'liomr.nds of entries luvo been undo by set-
lorn wid lutnbtrmon , supposin ? they hid a
nil right to do so. Stcn-taryTdltr , however ,
lolds that under the ruling of the supreme
ourt thoio lands once forfeited by the rall-
oada can not bo taken up until they are d < -
Inred restored to the public domain and of-
Pied for solo. Senators and uiembsM frjtn
ho states interoitcd have agree ] to combine
n its Bitpp-jit.
Special tolrcram to Till : Bin : .
WASHINOTON , January 11 , General Sher
man has made good Ilia word that ho would
cply through tin war department 'in hia ce/u- /
rovery with Jeff ] ) uvi ? . The point at Iwuu
s Shoiiuau's aifcrtloii that Davis went back
n Mi state sovereignty principles when ho
iQcamu president of the confederacy , and was
reparort to cocrcs any of the nonfoderato
tales which desired to rccodo from the con-
ederaey. Utuoral Shennau'd lettsr is ad-
ressou to the secretary of war under the data
f January ( i. After reciting the lusts of tuo
onspiracyto secede , and Baying that ho him-
elf had l)3cn approached on tha
ubject by a kmgut of the Go'.dou.
ircle , ( Jcneral Shenir.n tells about
is capture of a box of Jell" Davis' private
> aperd in the summer of ' ( Wat Jackson , Miss. ,
lut ho sent these pipars to Washington and
! iey had tinea beau leutrneJ to Davle. Sher-
ittu continues : "Again , in l&lil , when wu
vere in possession 01 Atlanta , Ga. , I saw fa-
nlliarly a great number of gentleman of that
tate , with whom I conversed freely. They
poke openly and unreservedly of the tyranny
t' the conlederata authorities in Hichmoml
and of Davis particularly. " * * * *
5en. Sherman inserts tde latter of Alex ,
itephons. In the letter Stephens doubted
Fell Davis1 good intentions , and tmapectod
lim of inclining towards tha dictatorship. Ho
ihows that In ISO I Davis suspected Stephens
ind 13rown of disloyalty to him , and that the
confederacy had ceasedtobetho confederacy
of the sovereign etatea. He produces an odi-
; orial from a paper published as the organ of
7elT Davlf , entitled "State sovereignty
ilaycd out. " lie cites numerous Instances to
how that Davis was establishing a despotism.
Speaking of the Appomotax ho says he re-
: eived a loiter from Uovernur Voncu by the
ame commissioners and cpntinuea : 'The commie -
mie ioners Bald ta mo without rcssrve that
vhen Governor Vance dispatched them from
laleigh to my camp at Uulley'g ho wanted to
nako terms witli the state , und afterwards
bat he was afraid of Jclf Davis. At Knlulgh ,
hough a mass ot public records had been car-
ied elf , yet a number wcru left behind at the
tate huiue , and at tliu governor' * ) mansion ,
jalltd the 'palace , ' in JCalcigh , was a
clerk's or uecretrtry's 'copy book' outlining
ooso aheets and letter ? , among which was tha
particular letter of Davis" to which I referred
n my St. Louis 'speech ' I gave. It little at-
.ention . at tha time because Davis was then
limself n fugitive , and i-is opinions had little
or no importance ; but it exolalned to uiy
mind why Goveinor Vance , after sending tone
no tliu commissioners to treat for his hUte
icparatoly , had not awaited my answer. It
vns the tubject of common talk about my
leadqunrters ; or , as stated by Colonel Day-
on In recent letter to mo from Cincinnati ,
1 am sure we generally thonght ; it wai the
desiio of Governor Vance and the state odi
ilala to take North Carolina out of the con
ederaey as I had stated , but they were afraid
> f JeifoiBoa Davis and wanted protertion ' "
General Shetmanthensayshewi'snever per-
Bouallv acxuainted with Davis , and reviews
.he lattor's tecord as the cause for hia ( Slier-
inu'j ) prejudicecgainst him. Sherman closes
as fellows : Vet he did contpire , with others ,
as early as January , 18IJI , after Mr. Lincoln
was fairly and constitutionally elected presi
dent of the United States , to destroy tno
very government which ha had sworn to de
fend , and ho did set up another government
necessarily hostile to it of which ho became
the head and did , whilst president of the
southern confederacy , change hia state right !
principles , the very doctrine by which he had
justified utceision from the United States and
then opposed to htito sovereignty. Tlieso nro
plain , palpable facto , not likely to be forgot'
tea by tha present generation or the next , II
ever. I say , thersforo , with the full knowl
edge of thoconscqusncua ho enrolled his name
with thojo of Arnold and 13mr Instead of , ai
ho might have done , with Washington am
Lincoln "
C WASHINGTON' , January 11. Under the rulci
of thn houBo the committee on thn District o
Co.umbia will ho entitled to the floor tomorrow
row , Mid it will endeavor to pass a number o
bills of only interest. It is uncertain
what buiine'S will be given precedence by the
homo during the remainder of the week
Tuesday nr.s been net apart for such business
OH may be projonted by the commlttoo on ju
die ary , Wednesday for business presented by
committop on foreign alFalrsoud Thursday fir
the consideration of the Mcl'herson senate
bill , providing for the isauo of circulating
notes to national bulking associations and tin
( DIngley ) homo bill authorizing the secre
tary of the tieaaury to invest the luwfu
money deposited la the treasury in trust by
national banking assoiations for thn re <
tirt'ineut of their circulating notes. ThetiO
special orders , however , are not to interfere
with the consideration of the general appro
pri.ition bills. When thn'houeo adjourned or
Saturday thn ducusilon of the cotinular and
diplomatic hill was not completed. That
measure will ha called up on Tuesday or pos
stbly to-morrow , . If the entire day should
not be occupied by the committee on the Dis
trict of Columbia. The committee on appro ,
priattons iiitenda reporting the Indian bill on
Tuesday , and an elfort will ho nufio to pass il
as soon us the consular and diplomatic hi )
la denoted of. If possible the ilvei
and harbor upnropriation bill wil
ba reported PII Wednetday or Thumliy.
As Boon tliflrealter aa an opportunity is o'f
fered an olfort will bo made to pass it. Theru
promiMH to ba a strenuous attempt duritii
the week between the friends of tin epecla
orders and the advocatoi of proriccnt : meas
ures which havn been before the housH for
eomotima. Singleton will undotvor to ee
cure the p sjazo of _ the hill authorizing tin
tv.m'itructiou of a building foi the nccumuio
dation of thd congivsaiDonl library , Townsenc
the Mexican pooniou bill , and Willis the cdu
catfoual hill. Stnck'nhigiT , chiiiman of the
house committee on public buildings nnc
ground i , Bays It id his purpoitttocalluptlmhll
providing appropriations for public buildings
throughout the country , at every opportunity
offered during the remainder of tbe session
When the house decldoa to dli-cum the bill
for the public building ? , he continue * , I wil
not oak It to pass the bills which have beoi
favorably reported and lump , but will nlfe
each bill t-oparately to be paraod or defeate :
on ita merits , Theru are fifty eight hills fi
public buildings ag regrating SlVJSU.L'tR
which have been reported to the home of th
present concrea ; , and which ore now pending
Two bill * , one providing for the public bullu
ing atVMO , Texas , the other f r the building
at Carson City , Nevada 01 etch tn appio
priatiou of 9100,000 , hava been paisod.
In thn t-enata th ? naval apimimirtion i
hlely to bo retried from the nppropria
tfon commUtee and reachel for di cuublpimiH
passage early in the week. The dlscuiiou o
th intcr-tittto commerce lull and the Nioari
gua treaty will proliably 'occupy the remain
der of the week. Ilia diicctor of th
mint undo hii annual btateuient Th
coinage , Itws ra-mlnage , has been gold $23 ,
71'O.ML'j lUver , jL'8,72f'WImpoiti of th
United Statea of coin gold , SI..W.I.STfi : ailver
5725,150 , a total gain of 957.4M.G4S.
nt St. .jolin.
pecial Telegram to TUB BKK.
LBAVKNWOHTH. Kan. , January 11. James
' . Legato of this city , St. John's light bower ,
vho is charged with hiving offered to secure
t. John's withdrawal from the presidential
Banvass for $25,000 , hotly denies the charges
ud says that he never haJ authority from St.
ohn to make overtures of thitktnd nml never
mdo them. Legato U generally understood
0 be the friend of St. John mentioned In
Uarkaon's latter ai the person willing to
vithd raw the prohibition candidate n
onolderfttinn , Lojtuto nude lilaiuo npepchrs
n Ohio and then vIMtod Klkins In New York ,
t in charged that upon that via ! ' Lng.ito
nade the otfer to secure St John's
1 , and is reported that Klldm told Leeato
liat the rcpu1 licsns had carried Ohio by a
amlsoinu majority and t ; > ey did not care
vhcther St. John withdrew or not as Bluiuo
vould bo elected nnyliow. B. I- . North , the
onfidcntial friend of St John , siys St. John
enies hu was ever approached by the demo-
rat * , but asssrti ho ws waited upon bj- the
opubiicau coiumittep , who olFored him all the
nonoy hu wanted for the r st of his days If
in would withdraw.
"Yea , I know Jam s F. Legato well , " aaid
western congressman , "If his statement
about the St John nutter means anything , It
1 thttt ho and Sr , .lolui have agreed upon the
toiy about the attempt to cell out to the re-
mblicin national commlttoo , and that Legato
f toinako himself Ilia Vcnpogoat' for the hon-
fit of St. John. I could not bo mido to be-
ievn tbnt any proposition to pell out wai
nado by Legato without St , John knowing nil
bout It. "
The Chicago Tribune's Washington fpccial
aya : It is asserted by a prominent republi
can , well informed in regard to the attempts
if St. John to find n market for his candidacy ,
hat when tbo bargain w s finally cloaod with
ho democratic national committee it * con-
ained the provision whlchrequiras that during
ha next four 'years St. John ahull devote his
line and energies to the continuance of the
igitatipn in favor of prohibition in the close
epuulicuu states. In other words , he is to
erve the democratic pat ty until after the next
ircsldential election for a consideration.
Important Mormon Movement.
SALT LAKE , January 10. Several proml
nent Mormons returned recently from Mexi
co , and it is now learned that tnoy penetrated
.ho strong hold of the untamable Ynqui Indi-
ins and mada a conditional treaty with them.
iVIthin a few days John Taylor , head of the
Mormon church , left hero accompanied by
3hief Counsellor Smith , Bishop Sharp and
thera. It is known that they are en route to
ilexico ind it is believed that they have gone
, o the capital to treat with the Mexican gov
ernment for lands and a chaiter like the Nau-
. oo charter , that plan to iiiake a rendezvous
or the mormons liable to prosecuti .11 under
he Edmunds law , alto to form the nucleus of
\ future empire. The Yflqui'd are terrible
Indiana and hav.o never been subdued. The
> eople of northern Mexico fear them oxceed-
ngly. 1'olygamy , It is stat d , in to bo fixed
> y the charter for the first time on the Ameil
an continent U
New OrlatmtiSiindny Pnstlmoa.
NEW OULKA S , January 11. A prize fight
with hard glovoi between Jerry Murphy , of
New York , and Bob Steele , tin light weight
hampion of New England , for § 230 a tide ,
came elf &t the bass ball park this afternoon ,
klurphy was in line trim but Stoela appaared
overtrained or weak. The men fought eight
rounds each of which lasted from
ono to two ininutoa and each ended
witli Steele being kuochtd down ,
[ n the first round Steslo waa knocked down
, wice and in tliB seventh once , and was car
ried to his corner by his eeond. In the
lighth round the mo i hid spar ul half a mln-
ite when the ahciiff and polica interfer.d ,
lulling a stop to the contest. The referee
lecided th * fight a draw. No h'oodshed.
Thousands of spectators were present ,
A Threatened liaok Out.
TnKNTON. N. J , , January 11. Operative
xittcrs talked all day of the latest proposition
jy the manufacture n , namely , to accept 1'ng-
ish wages plus the protective tariff of C5 per
cent , The unanimous sentiment was against
.ho propcsition unleae tha manufacturers
would add to ( ha tariff , consul fees , brokerage
ago , custom house dntto' , insurance , etc. ,
which the Knglis h importers have to pay in
addition to the tariff. The operatives de
mand the appointment of a board of arbitra
tion to Investigate whether reduction is neces
sary to the welfare of the manufacturers.
Should the appointment of a board bo uot
agreed to by the manufacturer * within the
next four days tha operatives will declare :
lock-out and begin drawing upon the funds ol
the Knights of Labor.
A "Cranky" Letter to the i'resldenf.
Januarylll. A few days ago
ono of the local letter carriers found in ono o
the lamp-post boxes an open letter addresser
to thn president , supposed to ha written by a
crank , The writer stated that "Mr. Artlm
had bettor prepsro _ to meet his God , n ho wil
come loan untimely end on thoKtthof January
next. " The letter was turned over to the au
thorities The clerks nt the white housu pay
that Ptesident Arthur's mail frequently con
tains eccentric letters ; in many rases they are
destroyed without reaching the President ,
" \Vholosnlo i'olsonlnfr. " *
PITTFWUUO , January 10. An Best Liver
pee ] , Ohio , Kpecial says : Thcro are no more
deaths from the Yan Foesen poisoning. Th
victims are still very ill and it is now boliovei
all will recover , Annie Van FosseD , Buapcct
ed of perpetrating the crime , hai not yet beoi
arrested , mid ii confined to her hud anc
strongly nssurti her innocence , Her heoltl
has been bad for Bomti time and withiu tw <
veara she 1ms made thro9 attempts upon her
life. A preliminary hearing will bo given her
this afternoon.
American Irish I'arllMinentiiry Kuml.
CINCINNATI , January 11. - Major John
Byrne , who hai hen asked by the Hou. J , 1' ,
Carbcrry to institute an American Irish
parliamentary fund to yield 8100,000 yearly ,
not wiihlng to asiumo the responsibility
Mono in such an impjttsnt movement h > u >
called a inutting of nuch citizens of Cincinnati
and vicinity as fed an intereit in the matter ,
to bo hold ut.tho Hurnet house , January 21 , tote
to tuke st ps to form the proposed za >
fiil > IIlHtio Kiicoontuion the Tapis.
Cnu'AfiO , January 11. James IL Dalton ,
to-day , placed 8100 forfeit wonoy in the
hands of the proprietor of the Chicago
Theatrical and Sporting Jomntl accompany
ing a challenge to light Domiuick McCarthy
of rittsburg , withhnraknufkloii , London'prlze
rine rules , within twenty miles of LuuUvlllo
or New Orleans ,
Grain Elevator Hurnotl ,
WALOOLL , Dak. , January 10. Tha Mnnito.
ba depot with the elevator , containing 15,000 ,
bushels of grain , was burned ! last night. A
uectlon hand wl | j wai hlaeplnff ia the elevator
was creuutul.
A J 0,000 Oliui-lliklilo Gift ,
CiNris.NATi , January 10. The will of the
late Andrew Krkeubeckermalioj a bequest of
810,003 to the German I'rateUint orphan asy
lum at Mt , Auburn In this city. Ttiu estate
is estimated at $100,0,0.
Death of Oftpt , uhurlcrf ,
GrriKVA , N. Y. , January 11Oapt. . Cbarlei
W. Folgur , the only ion of tbe Uta secretary
of thu trebury , died of consumption In this
city tbti morning , aed10 yean ) .
Prospccls of a PeaccM SetlleineDt of
the EgyDllan
Letters From Gordon Saying
, -j. . Khartoum is All Eight ,
Counterfeit Notes of the Bank of
England in Circulation ,
Arrival of More French Troops
in China.
'King ' Fovci" Helping the Chi
nese by Decimating the Froh'oh ,
Mr. ; GlrulBtotio'H Retirement Earth-
qiinko Klddcu Spain KaoHon ntul
it ml the Confjo Conference.
Special Tolog/nm to TnnllKE.
LONDON , January 11. As for the cabinet
minors no smaller game than tha premier him
self Is hurt now. Hia BOII'S epepch to hia
ieuants about hia father's approaching retire
ment gives the point to the stoiies , darkly
whimpered before , about intrigues going on to
[ > ut Lord HaHingtou in thn premiership and
: ho reorganization of the cabinet on u
semi-jingo I > > HIB by thu retiiemeut of Glad
stone , Lord Granville , Loid Derby and
Chamberlain. It seems certain that thu thing
could not ha done and that the mongrel
ministry would not survive the fust week of
tao session if it was done hut all the as ma the
story haa an army of believers. It U known
that Gladstone is in the moat depressed
Rtata of mind about ICgypt , not as
to the success of Lord Wo'soley s operations ,
but as to the continental combination at
Cairo , It is a Nemesis of wanton invasion
and butchery of the trembling Fellaheen , of
bungling palace intrigues , of scandaloui misadministration -
administration and of bloodshed in the nixmo
of the bondholder * _ which leads to insomnia
at llawardun and dictates the almost piteous
declaration through hia son of the right of old
Kgo to rest. Like nn ad vane 3 _ on the quick-
sanda every step nines the oiiginal criinu of
the bombardment has mido England's prob
lem In Kgypt more hojislcealy complex , until
now , when Europe is disposed to demand the
solution , Gladstone is absolutely at a loss to
know what to do.
Special telegram to the Bet > .
LONDON , January 117 The opinion is rap
idly growing that n formal declaration of war
by Prance against China Is imminent. It ia
al'o certain that the Chinese are deliberately
following the advlco given to them by "Chi
ne 10" Gordon many yoari ago. The general's
advice was to avoid pitchtd battles , but to
maintain a vigorous guyrllla warfare , leaving
the rest tn ' 'King 1'ver. . " Lattcrs from pri-
vata soldiers of trie Freiicirarniy in Tonfjum
and Formosa to their fiicnds in France indi
cate that the fever king la proving the must
effective ally of the Chinese. Letters report
aun'armiog ' aniount'ofAaitkneeH with nn ap
palling rnto of ntoitiflity among the unac
climated troops , . iSf ,
Special telegram to THE HER.
PAHIS , January 11 The icply of M. 1'erry
to Lord Grauvillo concerning Kgypt is very
contradictory. It is firmly believed here tint
it will lead to now projiisitiuns from the Eng
lish cubinet-upoii whicn'will bo based pacific
and permanent settloirfent of the Egyptian
Question. There has be'en ' in consequonca a
general tise on the Hoarse.
LONDON , January 10. The police have re
ceived information thatsimultanoous attempts
are about to be madu by dynamiters to blow
up the Holburn viaduct cud Alauei'in house
railway stations. Expresl precautions are
beingtaken at both ootnts , and all luggage is
scrutinized with extreme care.
General Stewurt will start from G nkdul
Monday with 2,000 men to march to Metem
neh on the Nile , near Shendv. The Ameer of
Sangara , Mahdi's lloutenarifj-cpposed to General
oral .Stewart , has hern reinforced by Mboi
sent by Osmn Digna from the eastern Soudan.
Th ° BB reinforcomcnts raise his number to
8COO men. The odds thus presented nra not
considered more formidable than existed at
thu battle of Teb and Tammeib a little less
than ono year ago.
A telegram from Tangier enys a crowd of
Jewish refugees from Dcmnat has been driven
from thmr houses and have arrived there and
presented to foreign consul a memorial in
which they state that the governi r instigated
the policu to rob their warehouses and bhop ,
then bastinadoed and imprisoned them in
fmtld dungeons , and afterward taking a ran-
pom for their liberation. It is alleged the
Moors murder the Jmvs nt pleasure. Math"
uws , American minister nt Tangier , sent ; t
letter to the Sultan of Morocco , asking the
governor to bo removed. Thu grand vizier
seplled , charging thu 'Jews with fomeiitinp
rebellion , and stated a popular outbreak and
massacre of the Jews was threatened. Karl
Uranyillu has ordered thu ISritisn minister
Tangier to remonstrate with the sultan.
The second batallian of thu Sus ex regiment
has been ordered to proceed from Malta.
At the approaching convention of the Irish
bishops at Itome , the. question as to whether
the luthops of Ireland are to obey Archoisho )
McCabe , and keep entirely aloof from politics
or follow the lead of Archbishop Croku nnc
I'arnell , will bo determined ,
TIIK HAGUE , January 10. Dr. Schaefer-
innnn , thu political leader of the Catholics in
the Netherlands , lias issued n declaration In
favor of absolute liberty In education. He
would have the state exercise no control be
yond tha examination of teacbeis ,
SHANOIIAI , January 10. The Japanese gov
eminent appears toiender the settlement ol
peace in Core a and has protested against the
conveyance of ths captured king to Slnug-
liai , '
8 AHA mjlNUAKlT. : )
I'AHIH , January 10. Saraliornhardt wil
sell her present residence and furniture by
auction acd go intp a smaller house , She ha >
settled n part of her income en her creditors
librnlmrdt has enteredjnt a contract to writ )
the 1'uris correppondenoa for several foreign
newipt-pera. J ,
PARIS , January IflC L Dues , editor of the
( tri Ui I'ieuple , who WM attacked by the Bal
lerch brothers ths othep night , and who dan
Kerously wounded tlfein , tias been rfileated
from arrest.
MADIIID , January .10. Several earthquaki
shocks were felt yeetfrday at Torrox , twenty
live miles east of Muhga. Pioiurcs were
made In llio earth by the shock.
Kartbiuuke hotka were felt again to-day a' '
The village of Grevcjir has been remove.i
Jwdily sixty feet from ju formtr locatirn nm
Is within u seini-drcularcreaie sixty feetdtep.
The hauMii in the village are thought to l > e
greatly damaged , but Lave not fallen. The
governor of GibralUr has scut 2,000 teats t
the placn.
King Alfonso and utto started on a tour to
Loja , Am too , Gran&Ua and Malaga , thence
along the coatt , visiting thu tn\yn which suf
fered most eeyeu-Iy from tlio earthquake.
The royal party received an oration upon
etaitirg from the capital. The exK-nte of r
building Allinira will bo defrayed by a votoof
thu corle . The king took with him $18,200 ,
rained in London , to distribute in the villaga
if Grevojarand for those houseless in Anda
lusia ,
LONDON , January 11 The ndmtrality hat
invited tenders to tlio ship builders of llclfast
tor the immediate construction of six crutscts.
LONDON , January 11 , The Hank of Kng *
lacd notilitd the various banking home )
.hroutjliout the country Hut there are In cir
culation perfect Imitations of ita notes in de
nominations of from five to five hundred
pounds' A number of fifty pound notoj are '
n circuHtion on the continent ami in Ameri-
; . The bjgu < notes are supposed to be the
work of American countortiitcrF.
LONDON , Jnnurry 11. It is officially stated
.hat n mcssougtir arrived at Khnriaum on the
27th ult. , bearing a letter from General
\Voltcly to General Gordon. The mosseugci
oft Khartoum ou the 2Sth , but was captured
tnd beaten. All the papers entrusted to him
.iy Goteral Gordon were tnkon , with the ex-
: eption of a small note , which was sown iu
lis clothes , and which said that all was well
> t Khartoum. The messenger says lie saw
ivo steaiiers with troops. They were enRaged -
Raged In seizing supplies for the Khartoum
parrisoii. 'Ilia messenger returned to Korti
on foot by way of bayuda ,
J'AIUM , January 11. General Uricre do
r/islo / telegraphs from Tonquln ID General
" .ewal , nnniiuuciiig the arrival of ! l,200 rein *
'orcomonts , in the best of health and ppiiits ,
" nut states that they would match upon
lAllgHOll. *
ROME , Januaty 11. The state has adopted
jy a vote of Ifi to 21 a bill forthusanitary im-
irovcmi'iit of Naples. A million of francs
vill bo expended duting the next ten week *
, nd the government will superintend the work
nd guarantees the new city loan ,
Minister ! Hasson nmltho Con o Con-
Special telegram to THE BEK.
UKIILIN , January 10. Minister Kassou in'an
ntcrview gave the following poiutu regarding
lis participation in tha Congo conference as
.ho . American representative , which has led to
so much criticism : "The recent comments of
f the Now Yosk press on the participation of
.ho . United States in the African conference
and respecting the conference has caused aomo
amazement among those familiar with the
: nct9. One New x"ork journalist , George
William Curtis , in Harper s Weekly , speaks
of a congrest to regulate the interior dlapoai-
tion of another continent ; also of a proposi
tion to guarantee | the inviolability the for
eign territory. " Whan Kasson's attention
was called to those articles hi ; eald
they wera void of all foundation ;
in fact , no such propositions
liavo been mads or even suggested in the con
ference. The United States plenipotentiary
could never consent to such proceeding , and a
single government could defeat It if offered.
It is , In fact , outside of the sphere of the conference
ferenco and its action. Not a soldier , or
sailor , or a dollar of the United States is or
can be pledged directly or indirectly for use in
Africa. Not a boundary , or a post , or an aero
of tha territory is or can ba Disposed of in
Africa by the conference. It is not oven in
discussion that a guaranty by the United
States in any form or any subject exists or
will bo permitted to eiiat. It is simply a
question of equal tights of commerce and
civilization to bj conceded by the possessory
powers to the non-possessory powers and people
ple in the interest of the future peace and de
velopment of the country. It is not a congress ,
but a conference , having no final authority ,
and whoae action no force until approved
by the homego ] vernmenta , and its action so faris
especially in the interest of the non-poaseoaory
and cojntrles. Each
non-colonizing govern
ment pledges only itself to respect the princi
ples adopted , not to rnako.otbcrsrcspectthem.
It willbeconclusively plainsays K8S3onwhen
the correspondence shall bo published , that
the American policy , instead of having been
mnb rrasied , has been strengthened by the
American participation in the settlement of
questions of common interest for all. There
is nu pretense of binding anybody except the
governmnnts which Blull voluntarily uccept
the declaration ol the conference. The conference -
ferenco Is ashnriniesi to the American tradi
tional policy as " was the Helgian conference
upon the Scheldt navigation , that of Paris
upon tbo international policy , or that cf
Washington upon the prime meridian ; in all
which the United States took a part and two
of which were aisembled at their request.
A New Irish Movement ,
CINCINNATI , January 10. A new movement
in Irish affaira will be inaugurated to-m ji row
by the publication of two lettii1. ! ou the Irish
question , ono from Hon. J. P. Carbery , n
prominent merchant , to Major John liyrne , a
well-known railroad man , and late vice presi
dent of the Irish National League of America ,
asking Major Byrne to institute a fund for the
payment of the Irish momhers of parliament ,
Tha other is Major Byrne's reply , proposing
the organization of an "American Irith Par
liamentary club , " by which twenty thousand
persons in Ameilra will pay § 5 per annum
each toward paying the Irish members in par
liament so long as the constitutional metltoils
nx conducted by Parnell are maintained.
Maj Byrne , In a forcible manner , asks the
Americans and the moro Influential class ol
the Irish race in America to interest them-
eelves in the movement , which ho thinks wil
lift the Irish question to a higher piano and
place it beyond personal or political use ir
this country. These gentlemen , because ol
the alleged control uf the nntioual league by
secret , oath-bound organizations , have with
drawn from that body. Kuguno Kelly , u
banker of Now York , will have custody of the
funds , The prominence and standing c f these
gentlemen has given significance to the jnove-
inent , Everything of an illicit character is
condemned and fidelity to American citizen
shin and the moral law is advocated. It i1
said that many prominent Americans am
leading men of Irish blood in this country are
encouraging the movement , bolievinp that ir
lifewyearj the parliamentary struggle wil'
give bolf-govcrnment to Ireland ,
Carry I ut : the War into Africa.
BEIILIN , January 10 Commander Knorr ,
of the German tqundron on tbo west coast o !
Africa , telegraphs that the corvettes OJga
and ISismarck arrived at Cameroons Decem
ber 18 , and landed 330 men , and four guns because
cause the natives of Hlckorv town and IMJBK
townhad expelled King Boll and threatens )
the inn-chants that tliuy were going to
burn Hickory town , Thu troop ) met witl
little resixtanco and then attacket
Bt-lltown to rescue thu German agent
11 err Pantarius , The troops landei
at this point under a lieavj
iiro and immediately stormed the hill. Ono
waa killed and wounded , Sixty men
held the plateau two hours against -100 mor
firing from bush. When tha supports nrrlvei
they utormed and burned Foaatown , Meanwhile
while the imtiveB murdered Hcrr Pantarius
SiiU'equent to thesu engaftomonts , the cruUerx
bombarded Hickory town. No further outbreak -
break occurred.
Tuc Explosion nnrt Two Men Killed
PmsiiDim , January 11. The Dispatch's
Ivllz&betli , Pa. , special eayo ; liy the uxplo
uion of her lioiler the steam tug Mike
Dougherty was completely demolished near
hero at ten o'clock to-day. Two of the crew
were killed and six others were badly hurt.
Thu boat had put ashore near Bellevue land
ing to make repairs to soina part of the
machinery that had broken down and the
explosion occurred while eho lay thero. The
force of the explosion mult have been terrific.
The hull lies in thallow water near thn shore
half exposed uid one hide blown iff. The
entiio upper works nro blown olT.
Fragments of the machinery and fixture *
lay scattotcd all n'ouud on the rround and
many of thorn hr.d blown far Into the river ,
j n hero they either stnk or floated elf. Iho
I boiler which burst lifs a iliatterod and bat *
tcrrd wreck fifty yards up along the hor. .
Tin- other , but llttlo inline I , was blown for
up the bank wh-ro it rolled backward Into the
river , rind 2CO yards down the ihotes lie * the
pilot wheel and n section of the hurricane
drck , while up the hill side and far back from
the river lies the pilot house stovi1. The
smoke stack waa blown entirely over the hill ,
at leait'JOO feet high and lies in the hollow
half a inilo away , The engineer had n nar
row escape from bleeding to death from an
nrlery eoverod In his neck , otherwise ho was
not hurt , but Is in great mental anguish. The
wrecked steamer was a tug boat t f the f crow
propcllf r order , "I foot 1 up , 17 feet wldo and
drawing six feet four inch ° n. She was owned
by the lltown coal firm ol Pittsburg , was three
yoara old ; her equipment was the very best in
every particular , and well posted river men
put her value nt 810,000. Sha it a complete
Bnturday's Flrcn ,
Sionx CITV , January 10. Tha lots l > y last
light's fire , to Dr. Hodcrlck on building S10-
000 , insurance , . ? ; ! ,000 ; to Schulclu Bros. , on
toro SS.OOO , Insurance $5,000 ; to Chailcs
Broun SS.OOO ; insurance 81,000. The total
oss Is SfiO.OOO , insurance , 531,000. The loss Is
, bout equally divided bctweon tha other
inns ,
BALHWINSVIU.K Muss , , January 10. A110-
aot , four-story building , occupied as a chair
aclory by Smith , Day & Co. , and by George
:5rcoks : , was burned to the ground at ! o'clock
his morning , with its contents. Loss , $30.-
) IH' ' ; insurance , 612,000. fifty workmen nro
' .hrown out of work.
CINCINNATI , January 10 : A fire this morn-
n thu building of Martin , between Main and
Twcfth streets , and did gn > t damage to the
structure end contents. Loss , S-UOCO. In
sured ,
CHICAGO , January 11. The Dally NOWB ,
aloua , Illinois : J. 1' . SchmohPs wholesale
Iry goods store was burned laet night. Lessen
on the stock SSS.COO , on the building 510,000
Insurance about 823,000.
The Earthquake lUiliiH ,
MADBIU , January 10. King Alfonso and
suite started on a tour to Lajo , Albania ,
jrannda , and Malaga , thence along the coast ,
visiting the towns which suffered moat severe
ly from the earthquake. The royal party re
ceived an ovation upon starting from the cap
ital. The cxpensu of re-building Alhama will
bo defrayed by a vote of the cortes. The
kind took with him S1S.2GO raised in London ,
to distribute in the village of ( ! neve jar and for
these who nro houseless in Analusia.
The village of Guovojar has been moved
bodily sixty feet from its former location and
is within a semi-circular crevasse sixty feet
deep. The houses in the village , though
greatly damaged , have not fallen , The gov
ernor of Gibraltar has sent them two thousand
The California LiORislatnrc.
SACRAMENTO , Col. , January 10 , The dead'
lock which exists in the state sonata will
probably be broken when the scnato recon
venes on Monday , by the republicans voting
with the "read-outs" for Knight. The senate
consists of twenty democrats and twenty re
publicans. Pivo senators who word road-out
of the democratic party at the Into demo
cratic convention . .Insist that .Knight , ono ol
their number , ho elected'speaker pro tern.
The ether democratic members , known ni
"straight-outs , " refuse to vote for them ,
which causes the'doad-lock. On a party tie
the ballot of the chairman would cast the deciding
ciding- vote for tliu democrats.
"Will It CH n inc.
PlTTsncRO , Jtnuary 10. Carnegie Bros , to
Co , will resume in all departments , giving em
ployment to several hundred men.
McKrusroRT , Pa. , January 10. The No
tional Tuba Works will resume operations on
Monday. There will bu n general reduction
of 10 per cent in all departments of the workf ,
which employ 2,530 men.
. , January 10. The Farmers
bank , of Klizabethtown , this county , closet
its doors to-day.
ST. Long , January 10. The Scarrett carpet
pot company's stock waa levied upon to-day
under an execution on a confessed judgemenl
of Sli./JOO. /
A Dynamite Scare ,
LONDON , January 10. The police receive !
information that simultaneous attempts are
about to bo made by the dynamiters to blow
up Holburn viaduct and the Mansion House
railway stations. Extra precautions are being
taken at both points. All luggagu is scrutin
iml with extreme care ,
Another Urokoii Uanlr.
LANCASTER , Pa , , January 10. The Farm
er's bank of Klizabethtown , this county
closed its doors to-day , owing tn a run upsi
it. Tiie bank is owned by Kady , who yester
day confessed "judgment to the amount ol
520,000. Liabilities 880,001) , assets un
known , but the depositors will probably lese
Favoring the Spanish Treaty.
NllwYoitK , January 10.--A petition it
favor of the Spanish treaty addreescd to thu
committed on foreign reflations of the sonalo
is being circulated among tbu merchants am
manufacturers of this city. Already it has
received a great number of eigoature-i from
prominent tirrrs and representative housoa in
all branches of trado.
Tnlio Wurlc Itcfliimc ,
McKEKsroRT , Pa. , January 10.Tho Na
tional tulio works will resume operation Mon
day. There will bo a general reduction of 1C
per con t in all derailments. Tha , works cm
ploy 2,030 hands.
Wo doubt If there h , or can ho , a spcclfi ,
remedy for rheumatism ; hut thousands who
liavo suffered Its pains h.ivo been greatly hen-
rflt'cd by Hood's Barsaparllhi. If you have
failed to find relief , try this great remedy.
"I was allllclcd with rheumatism twenty
years. 1'rcvlous to 18831 found no relief , hut
grew worse , and at ono time was almost JicljH
less Hood's Barsapiu-illn did mo more good
than all the cither mcdlclno I ever had. "
H. T. HAI.COM , Shirley Village , Mass.
"I had rheumatism thrco yearn , and got no
relict till Itook , Hood's Karsaparllla. It has
done great things for mo. I recommend It to
others. " LKWIS IluitiiANK , lllildcford , lie.
Hood's Barsaparllla is 1 }
three peculiarities : 1st , the combination ot
leiiivdlul agents ; 2d , the proportion ! 3d , tlif
firGcc.ii of securing tbo active medicine
( jualltlc.H. The result Is a mcdlclno of unusuj
strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown
Send for book containing additional evidence ,
"Hood's Knrsaiiarilla toncn up my cystcm ,
[ iilillic.s my blood , ( tharpDiismyanpftlfu , iuio
w-eiiis to inaku mu over. " J. ] . TjlOMl-aoN ,
Itcglster ol Uceds , Lowell , Mass.
"Hood's Harsajiarllla lioats all others , and
worth Its weight In gold. " I. IIAUKINOTO.V ,
IM Hauls Ktruct , Hew York City.
Hood's SarsaparHIa
Hold by all druggists. H ; six for 45.
cnly by 0.1. HOOD Si CO. , Lowell , Mass.
> IOODo8osQno
The DyDamitors Fail Upon Each fliter
\Vith \ Koivcs and Blinlgcons , .
? ho Career of. Pholan and His
Would-Bo Assassin ,
Positive That lie Waa the Vic
tim of n Conspiracy ,
His Trip to Europe In Behalf of
F , J , Sheridan ,
What the Results of That Trip
Were ,
'onnoclloii AVI th Irish | DynnmlturH In
Tliolr Attempts to Dcstrpy
Proper i y.
NKW YoilK , January 10. Hichard Short ,
vho ntahbud Capt. I'holan yottcrday in
O'Douovan KOEH.I'S ollico , was arraigned in
court to-day. Ho appeared calm and collcc-
ed. Ho was remanded to await the result < if
Phelan's injuries. At the hospital the physi
cians said 1'holan'a condition5 had improved
inco midnight , and it was barely possible
13 might recover.
There were very few now dovclopoments
nado to-day. O'Donnovan Hasan la reticent
when approached on the mibjoct. Mayor T.
B. liullono , of Kansas City , a friend HiclnnV ,
called on him to-day. The condition of C *
; ain 1'helnn continued to Improve. John T.
Kuilly had a conversation with him. 1'helan
said to him , hu came here to explain cer
tain matters to Hossa about an inter
view In llio Kanaas City Journal , lie now
aoliovos hu was deliberately entrapped into
' bo murdered. "Tom "
lloafa'a office to , aald
llcilly , "when I saw yoivin Kansas you were
always too quick with your pee to bo caught
on a snap ; why did you let them catch yon
this way ? " ' 'I didn't get time , " returned
1'helnn , "and besides , tno room was eo small
and the attack ao Budden that I couldn't get
my pistol out. " lleilly said to a reporter that
lioknew Pholan well in Kansas City in 1872 ,
wlum ho once prevented him from lighting
duel with a man named McCaffrey lie said
that , while I'holan was a man of spirit and
quic to act if aroused , yet ho would tnko n
at deal of abuao before getting angry.
IVANSAS CITT , January 10. The wife of
Captain Phelan left this morning for Now
York , to join her husband. Shu boars the
trial with great fortitude , I'liolan Ia described
as a man of remarkable courage , quick tem-
ucr and fond of notoriety , At ono time ha
traveled about the country giving exhibitions
of bis skill as a marksman. His visit to New
York was the result of a recent interview ,
published hero , but opinions differ aa towhoth- ,
er ho wont in rosponuo to summon ; , or for
purposes of his own. It la generally nuppoieil ,
however , thatthcro was somo.misunderatand-
intc regarding the interview , ho desired to
clear up.
The interview with Cniitain 1'holan pub
lished in the Journal of this city , December
21 , ia devoted chiefly to the relation of a plot
to blow up a steamer and a description of the
manner of manipulating n dynamite machine ; .
The story told by Thclon is substantially as
follows : "In June , 1883 , ho made a voyage
to Europe to secure information which would
prevent the extradition of P. J. Sheridan , the
Irish agitator , and hia removal to Kpgland.
IIo visited Paria and accomplished 1m mis
sion. Meanwhile , however , the llrititli gov
ernment abandoned the elicit to extradita
Sheridan and the matter wai dropped. Con
tinuing the story Phcian said , before leaving
Now York he mot a number of Irlstt agitators ,
among them John P. Kearney , who blew up
the Caledonian railway station nt Glascow ,
and afterwards escaped to America.
1'hclan eailod to Belgravia and Kearney
was to follow three days later in the Queen ,
and thov were to meet in Kdinlmrg. I'helan
asked Kearney why ho had not carried out
the plot. The latter replied that ho had
placed a sullicleiit quantity of dynamite to
blow up the pyramids in the vessel'ti hold , but
when she got to Liverpool she anchored in
the dtream , the pneBCiigore were taken elF in a
tender. Kearney was not permitted to go into
the hold , to came away leaving In the vessel
fifteen pounds of dynamite , which would prob
ably explode two weeks Inter and imperil hun
dreds oflivoj. Phelan then determined to go
to Liverpool and warn the officora nd learned
they had received a cable message from Now
York fifteen rnlnutea after the
vessel landed describing the plot.
which led to the dlncovery of the
explosive and saving the vessel. Pliolan re
mained n day or two iu Liverpool aware that
lie was being constantly shadowed by duteo-
tivoa. Ho w B approached by Inspector
Mash of Liverpool , Head Constable Murphy
of Ireland , and also Mr. Jenkinum , who had
charge of the criminal ( prosecutions in Ire
land , all of whom tiied to get him into thu
service of the government. They told him
the names of Hevoral pretended patriots who
\vcru working for the government and ho began -
gan to HOO how the authoritioa secured Bomu
of their information. Hu could no conjoc-
tnro how they discovered thu Queen plot , an
Kearcey said it was known only to Kosea ,
Kearney and hiuifaelf. Hi' supposed eom i ono
droppeU upon Kearney's pinna In Now
York , Concluding his narrative , Phelan
said ho was finally permitted to leave
Liverpool. When 1m arrived at Glasgow ho
found his valise had been broken open and
Kuarchi-d , done , ho thought , by a man who in
troduced himself in Edinburgh aa Jamea Pow
ers , and whom Phelnn bolloved waa a liritieh
detective , whs had shadowed him from New
York and endeavored to get into his confi
dence , Kearney had to lay very low , but
Phelan finally succeeded in getting him out of
Kngland by < liFgul iiig hiin elf as Kearney
und throwing the oll'icei * elf the track , Tha
captain also described the mechanism of
the deadly battery. The machine in
simple , but works with fat l precision , It
consists of a reservoir of acid which
drop upon a tuba enveloped in
sheets of tisaua paper. It takes a inln-
nto for the acid to oat through each
hheet of paper. When the lat > t sheet is eaten
through the acid inns down the tulmand upon
the percueaion cap beneath , and then thu ex
plosion follows. The machine is noiseless ami
almost infallible is its working a terrible in
jury. Speaking of himself , thu captain aaid1 ,
ho was a dynamiter , out-and-out , belonged to
tholiinh national eociety mid WAS obedient
to their call , having1 participated In many of
their plots for terrorizing the Ktiglioh govern
ment. Hu determined to return to Liverpool
and save thu "Queen , * ' In order to protect thu
lives < jf hundreds of people , who would fail
en the next voyage , many of these his own
race of men , women and children , going to
join friends in America
WASHINGTON , Januajy 10. Capt. Phelan ,
of Kansas City , stabbed yesterday in O'Don-
evan Jtoesa's office , was lieutenant of thu cap-
I to ! police hero during the -IGth coi green. 1 1 o
held the position two or three years , but when
the Kansas City district became republic * ! ! ho
lost his position and returned to Kanioa City.
Siuco hu left Washington rumors reached
here of his connection with the dyna
miters. It was at cue time taid ho had gene
to England on a dynauilto expedition , and
thlsiH thu trip refeirod to in hia interview
published in the Kansas City Times ,
NcwYOitK , January 11. Cupt , Thomas
Phelan continues to improve , but wtx unablti
to attend court to day.