Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1885, Image 7

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    Of Conrso ) ao Can't.
How can A msn on dnl'ar dny
r.hirter ft * cnat . p > puUr pl y ,
And purchase cigais ami tooacuo , pray ?
He c. n't.
How can ho nupport an ol'gant tile ,
Auk hit d nr fricniN t "tep out for n "smila"
And nUble a 2 ; 0 n mile ?
line , n't.
Ifow can ho fro'io with bolter fa J friendi
\VhonIn col. 1 pur pirtiou Iiu'd at hii wit's
If hU hwh-woroon nftor her Inlf dollar send * ?
He cjn't ,
H w ho hour lo ho called ft "p1" * cod , "
How can lie dmw in ft big , f. ncy pi ld , .
Hii credit won't k cpit IB "fr < gmntly" bad ?
How buy porfiimerjr. haiidkerchiffs , too ,
The ocJgm nil ularri' ' t-il with n rod knngftroo ,
And clungfl linen culh evflry Sundny or two ?
HJ can't.
How on ho g-o out to rldo with hU "mash"
When ho hain't the requisite coU-blooucd
Why , that is his re uon frr not belngraih
Ho '
Hnw can In claim hu dfarpirl'u ( lender Imnd ,
And circle her fingir wi h glittering band .
Whsu lil chock book's HO weak it icarccly
can atnnd ?
Ho can't.
Ffow can In marry and furnish n wlfo
With the many mnall couilorts that swocton
thin lilt ?
Wo mint stnto the cold truth , tho' It cuts like
n knife -
Ho can't.
[ CttDK , in Life.
.Author of "Gimnn , " "Tales fiom Two Hem's
phoicfl , " "Idyln of Norway , " Ktc.
[ Copyrighted , 1881 , by Uio Author , All
rights Reserved.
Cnllioiino practised submission for a
month , at the end of which thnu alio con
cluded that submission did not zigroo with
her. Mr. llo'inilly's company , wliicli was
liberally bestowed , did not seem an ado
quatu compensation for the loss of Mr
GreifciiHtctt s. Mr. llomilly , who , during
the G rk ifenstett period , had found her re
mote , but animat d and ndurablo , found
her remote still , but with the accompany
ing nttiibutca less radiantly predominant.
The young man was not given to abstruse
reasoning , or it would have occurred to
liiiu that it was perhaps the zest of compe
tition which had made her so supremely
desirable. It was the stimulus of the
composer's stirring companionship which
gave that strange aflla us to her spcccli
which made it ling thiough the depths of
oven a shallow soul. Now it lung no more ,
and Mr. Komilly , though ho did not dis
continue his visits , found his old patron
being fueling returning ; and ho oven ab
stractly contemplated the proposition
who her a man with his advantages , social
and intellectual , could not do better.
Catherine would p-obably have admitted
that ho could. Jn her empty life his ihin
voice gave a most distressing resonance ,
and only made her aware how great
was the emptiness. She had never
looked upon herself as a ro-
juantio girl , far less ono given
to fautoatio apcculatlon. But the idea
occurred to her that , that her situation
was lllco that of Lazarus , after he had
got a glimpse of the glory of eternity.
How miserably tame and dreary this
earthly lifo xnnat have seemed to him
after ho had faced the radiance and the
terror of the Infinite. She tco , had
caught glimpses of a realm of glorious
thought which lay infmitjly above the
frivolous ophuro m which her lot waa
cast. She began to ponder the problem
whether her father had the right to cripple -
plo her spirit by hia arbitrary dictum ,
and whether aho would not bo justified
in rebelling against hia authority. She
waa 21 years old , and the law declared
her to bo her own master. She felt a
auddua pang of pity fur herself aa oho
atood dubating those questiona before the
mirror iii her dreosing room. She waa
scarcely aware how much her face had
changed. There was a now eoriousnoss
in it , which aoomod out of accord with
ita former auft blonde lovolinoaa. A
breath of the spirit had subtly altered
the linoa of her features and made thorn
beautifully significant. Their modelling
waa aomohoiv onnoblnd with a kind of
plastic purity , which ono sees more rarely
in American than in Euglieh women in
the lisight of their bloom. .
A new idea began to kindle in Catha
rino's mind as she stood there gazing into
the looking-glass without seeing the love
ly .sight which it reflected. Was conceal
ment deception ? bud not a creature who
' wan legally ; independent the right to con
ceal ita actions from whosoever it chose ?
Weiu .parents meant to bo po potural
keeper ot their children's consc euces ? She
bad made a bold launch into that turbu
lent silence , logi , and there was know
ing to what unknown shores its tides and
curren s might cany ho- . Preliminarily
they on neither only along the familiar
routi to Fifth avenue , wlio.o in her tagor
intentneas upon her plan the Co-got to
lecognb.o Mr. itojiilly , who met her by
nciident at three street s. Bo could
not uscapo ths conclusion that she wished
to hiiub him , but sbo scemod by very
intention t j have scaled the uiut binablo
height upon whioh slip again looked rae
anil tantali/.ingly dotirablo.
Calluriuo entered a fine mansion be
longing to the parents of a young lady
who rejoiced In her friendship and the
jiamoof Pussy Kemp. She was nn old
visitor in the homo and made her way
without ceremony into the back parlor ,
where she sat down , picked up a book ,
and declared to the butler her intention
to wait for Mis > Puesy , Miaa Pueay , it
appeared , waa at the present moment enjoying -
joying tli9 blisj which wai denied her
fmnd. She was having a musical tote-
; i utj with Mr. Grolferutctt. Tbo state-
Iniurch tf Beethoven's splendid chorda
win houcl in tbo next room , which wa
separated from the back parlor by closed
foldin ? doors. Of c isionally a loud out
cry aa if aomeono wjsahot ; then a tear
ing around the rojm , a crackling of wild
GtTmtin interjections despairing appeals
tj haavon and a storm of annihilating
objurgations. Cathiiiae knew so wo
ilnaa eoene j she know just how much
they meant. But for all that she felt a
pang of envy thai Mr. Grelfenatett
should design to enact them with any
body but herself. Slip hid a very tender
fueling for him at that moment.
Ilia wild ways and hia hyperbolic *
language seemed charming to her , bo
( ante they expressed suoh mighty con
cern about thingi which in hsr Philistine
world were supposed to bo of no coiuo
quenco. Then hu new his touch a
once ho dashed off into a scherzo , whlol
in spite of its rapid movement , aeemci
llko n lutile , over-renewed attempt to
nlgn reckless joy nmd ! hopalesa sorrow.
There was a subtle melancholy c dcnce
n It which touched her. Ho scorned to
10 ploying upon her very heart-strings.
ler pyes fell accidentally upon the bjok
whi.h aho was holding in her hand it
was Urnnning's 'Men and Women"
ind she read wouderlnRly :
'Brwo , Galuppll That waa music ! Good
nllko aigr.ivoar.d Rftyl
! can ( ilwivn leave off talking when I hoar a
master play. '
Yes , a master indoedl Vhon ho
danced away over the most insuperable
, ochnlcal d.flicultlos as if they were moro
child's plaj when ho breathed the
sweet Dfllatus of tonderestj emotion , or
; hu pajaion of a fiercely wrestling ooui ,
nto the strangely intricate , itallty pul
sating texture of Bound which ho con-
urod Into momentary existence it _ waa
mposalblo not to BCD and fool and listen
with a breathless , sympathetic trium
phant interest. lie Invested Ufa with a
loblor , loftier , moaning. Ho summoned
all the Rontlo spirits that hovar over the
outskirts of our lives , and by most lives
are not even suspected , to come and
dwell in secure and familiar communion
with our souls. Catharine arose in Irre
pressible agitation und walked out into
the adjoining conservatory. _ She
clenched her fist moro in excitement
than In wrath and hurried on with a ruthless -
loss disregard of tno gorgeous fl > wora. At
the fountain aho came to a standstill , bo-
ciUBo she could go no farther .13 or
thoughts welled up with indignant sweep
and foivor. Who was her father that ho
should presume to debar her from all
that made lifo worthy and beautiful.
Ho who burrowed contentedly like a
great financial mole among groonbacko
ind pocurltlos , being at times annoyed ,
no doubt , by the moisture of watered
et-jck , but easily comforted by a draught
of the "water" ho to whom there was
no beauty like that of a first mortgage
: tust deed should aho permit htm to
circumscribe her lifo as ho had circum-
icribed his own , and to ohut her down in
: iis narrow and unwholesome world ?
The music broke off abruptly , as if
lomothing had snapped , and her thoughts ,
which had grown bold under the shelter
of the sound , shrank back as it'at a sud
den exposure. They scorned to grow
, oud in the unexpected stlllnota.
"Walt a moment , " she heard Misa
Kemp cry ; "wait a moment , Mr. Groifon-
stett. In return for all the complimen
tary things you bavo said to mo I am
; oing to give you a buttonhole bouquet. "
A nervous little laugh followed this
speech , and Catharine wanted to rash
forward and make her presence known.
But she teamed to bo rlvitod to the spot.
She saw between the palm leaves Groi-
fomtott's dishevelled head and hia hut
blushinz face. Ho never pcsioeoed the
conversational lightness which deftly
parties a sarcasm. Ho only locked red
and holplcjg. Mi > s Pnssoy waa half
dragging him after her , and ho was re
luctantly following. The gravel was
already crunching under their feet when
Catharine , with an effort , roused herself
and took two aimless stops only as a sig
nal of her presence. As it happened she
found herself euddonly face to face with
Pussy at the corner when the tall ,
densely-blooming oleander cat off the
vlow on either side.
"Oh , you horrid thing 1" cried Miss
K > mp , with her hysterical laugh ; "how
you did frighten mol I was just having
i romantic llttlo episode with Mr. Grci-
'ocatett , and I was going try to coax him
to say that I play well. And now you
come and spoil every thing , "
She fell upon Catharine's nock and
ilaaed her , while Griofenatatt on
awkwardly , and blushed llko an embar
rassed tarkoy cock. "I vpnld noffer Lmf
told dot you play veil , Miss Kemp , " ho
aaid , with engaging candor ; so it vaa roll
dot Miss Van Tassell came now and
saved you do trouble. "
Just then the door boll rang and the
sutler presented the card of Mr. Archi-
} &ld Komilly. "Say I am out , " said
Pasty , "or , rather , wait a minute. I
lupposo I had better aoe him , poor thingl
[ n the meanwhile you , Mr. Greifenstott ,
vill entertain Miss Van Taiaell until Mr.
[ lomllly releases mo. Yea may pick al *
the flowers you want. "
She kissed her finger-tips to Catharine
ind hurr ed away over the g'avel like a
vivacious fairy , Catharine presently be
came absorbed in BIX oleander blossom ,
which possibly exhibited deviations from
, ho common tpe. Max sto d with inon-
imental patience and regarded without a
, hrob of perturbation her curling hack
lair and her oxqu'sito neck.
"You were to entertain mo , I bo-
iove , " she said , with a fa nt approach at
"flow can I cnteatain you , Miss Van
Ta'Bell ? " ho amwercd , wa nily , "without
1 pleno ? You talk BJ much better than I
lo with your mouth. I can only talk with
ay lingers. "
She fell again tn examining the clean-
ler , which Wafted itj vagtii purfiimo to
: ior nostrils. "You iindorstnnd your
: iowers , ' ' she said to the oleander. "I
liavo neVer heard anyone in all my li'o
vthohas been bettor wotth listening to
than you are. "
'Iho oleander assumed a deepar tinge of
crim on on hearing this , but madu no
" 1 came hero ti ask you something , "
she went on , "but I scare y know how to
say it , Mr. Grcifenstett.1' She wheeled
suddenly about and fixed her fine blue
eyes upon him ; "I want you to resume
your Ksum with inc. "
"But bnt your father has reqaealoi
nao to discontinue dem , " Groifenatott ob
jected , thrusting both hands into the
depths of his pockets.
'But I am of ago and have the right
to folldw my own judgment , " she re
sponded gravely.
A spider hero dotconded from ono of
the palms overhead and hang by one
shining thread in front of Max's eyes ; it
finally took refuge in his board , from
whencolt had to bo ejected.
"Mlsa Van Taasoll , " ho began , when
ho had dispatched the intruder , "I vill
do aa you say. Bat I vill bo frank with
you. I QO it on my own account , not on
yourr. "
"Ah , " she exclaimed , coloring a trifle
in spite of heraelf ; "that is very gratify
ing to hear from a man who ia so little
given to flattery. "
" 1 hif a great work on hand , " ho cjac-
ulattd , while something like an Illumina
tion broke over his countenance. It li
all I lif for in dls world , Miss Van Tas-
ell. If it dioa , I die ; it it lives , I lif
ttlvays. "
It was wonderful how handsome he
suddenly grow ; how his eyes kindled
with a strange light ; how his frime grow
erect and commanding. She felt a delio
lout frethnoes of sentiment within her ,
and she felt too vaguely and remotely
that it might , perhaps , some day all be
hit , for the mure asking , It was the first
tlmo in her life that she was contclous of
this tender pattarbatlon , and bur only
fear waa lest she should in any way be
tray it. It seemed BO strange , so
"What la your proat work , Mr. Grei-
fonatottl" aho asked with half-averted
faoo. 'jl ahould like so much to hour
about it. "
"It ia A symphony , " he a&ld
' 'chlcily becinso ills noth
Ing olto tbat I c u think of. I just called
it 'creation , ' then I called It' , ' then
The Riddle of Life , ' and at last 'The
tllddlo of Death. ' Now I haf no mete
\nynamo for it. It is the thepekt I
know and feel , and in brief , swift
glimpses eometircus BOO. For loino
iirango reason vhcn I gat you leisona my
brain waa throngucl with melodious
thoughts , aid I luntd sweet marvoloua
strains pursuing mo and clamoring lo to
embodied. I rushed homo fall cf wild
bliss at the great powers thaH dwelt in
mo , , and 1 compojeil morning , * inou and
night. Slnco ycur fa < tar's visit 1 haf
Been as ono doid ; and this grott woik
this great work" ho lifted hia hand In
tuMimo agitation ' 'it is a v.Id freak of
; a'.e , Miis Van T < uaoll but 1 cannot
complete it vithout yon. "
Catherine gazed at him for a moment in
admi ing silence She could not help
smiling at hia ardor , but it was n sweet ,
tympathctic smiie.
"iMr. Grcifenstett , " she said , reaching
lim her hand , "you ilatlo'mo greatly.
July if the g eat work depends upon me ,
[ must have the piivilego to hcj\r it. Let
us ask Miss Kemp if she will kindly give
us the use of her piano for ono hour daily
say , immediately after hot own lesson.
They I w 11 como hero and you will initi
ate mo into the cosmic riddles. " *
"It shall bo so , Miss Catharine : it shall
bo so , " ho c ied , p-essing her hand entlm
siastically ; " 1 vill make you my fellow-
conjurer. Vu vill summon the voices of
the heights and of the depths. Vo vill
listen to do songs of infinities toceddcr. "
A clandestine music lesson la a thlogt
unhotrd of in poetry and romance. Ono
might as well expect to hoar of clandes
tine norraono. Novortholeso , it is not
unlikely that If sermons could in any wise
bo classed among forbidden pleasures ,
they would acquire a now and potent at
traction. As for the dentist's chair , I
dare not speak with coitdnty. But ao
regards music lessons , 1 venture to as
sert that they would become Immensely
popular , if they could bo stealthily in
dulged in , under circumstaccea necessi
tating rlak and danger and Ingenious
deceptions. Of course , Catharine Vim
Taeaell would never have admitted the
correctness of this theory ; and oho would
have indignantly scouted the idea that
her own pleaauro was heightened by the
delightful furttveuces arid romantic no-
crccy of her musical communlngs with
Mr. Groifonstott. And yet she came on
tiptoe , though there was no earthly no-
coaeity for it ; aho spoke in whispers , as
they do when plotting murders on the
stage , and she touched the piano ,
is oho sat down , DOftly , carets-
ingly , and made brief pianissimo runs ,
like little bursts of repressed but irrepres
sible lollclty. Everything she did and
said expressed a keen relish of the situa
tion. Grolfenstott , in the moiu while ,
who only saw through his oars , sat calmly
Intent upon her performance and calmly
oblivious of herself. If he had boon a
nusical automaton , wound up with a
ho could not have been more beau
tifully unconscious of the fact that Miss
Van Tassel was in loyo with him. Ho
praised her now occasionally and clapped
tils hands softly , when she rendered a
dillisult patsago with precision and feel
ing. Bat ho did not observe that she
blushed even to the tips of her pretty
ears whenever she had earned his appro
val. He stooped over her and struck
with splendid security a complex chord ,
which she had missed. His beard , for a
moment , almost grazed her cheek , her
breath seemed too narrow for the sigh
that strove to escape , but he raised him
self again without the faintest accelera
tion of his Teutonic pnlsas , and returned
tils measured promenade on the floor.
"Now , Mr. Grolfenstott , " she said ,
wheeling about on the piano stool , as
the hour was at an end , "I insist upon
your keeping your promise. I want
to hear some portions of your sym
phony. "
Ho paused in front of her , and gazed
at her with strange intentness.
"Do you moan dat ? ' ho said , solemnly.
' 'Yes , cf conrae I mean it. "
"Bat you muit not bo astonished if
fou don't understand. '
"You must remember I am an Amer
ican. There is nothing I cannot under
stand. "
"Wo shall BOO. "
Ho seated himself on the piano stool ,
at hia long white fingers , pushed
jack his cuifa , and struck a few tentative
"I am in tune , " ho said , sending her
another searching gaza. "So ia the piano
and to , I believe , are you. Have you
over tried to realize in thought the idea
of infinite space ? " ho went on , letting his
: iands root upon his knees. "It la a
shuddering , a sublime , a terrific idea.
These boundless realms of uninhabited
space through which the great globeo roll
In long luminous spheres but silently ,
silently , or with euch faint resonance as
the thiu other is able to carry. This is
what I have endeavored to express in the
opening allegro. "
Ho broke into a swift , strange piano
movement the theme of which , recurring
with a solemn monotony , suggested
realms opening bovond realm ? , shudder
ing voids , disclosing shuddering voide ,
vaster and moro terrible. Then there
tolo an Icy suggestion as of mildness
into the the wild , whirling monotony.
The spirit , aspiring to comprehend the
incomprehensible , gradually lost its
; rasp , all d.efinltnuos of conception ceased
ind the vast empty chasms of insanity
pawned oeforo the procurations soul. A
vague confajiod of imagery , dying away
gradually Into a sort of faint coetnia wall
closed the performance. For a long
while not a word wasuttorcd. Catharine
sat with half-closed oyoa ; now and then
a shudder ran thrgugh her framo. Max
was scribbling away with a great raoiditj
on the back of a mualoshootj _ ho had got
an Idea which ho was jotting down while
It was yet throbbing with warm vitality
"Tho allegro is the univo sal void , " ho
said , flinging the sheet triumphantly on
the pano. " 1 think I shall call it 'De
Concourse of do Infinities , ' Now comes
do andante , 'Do Song of Newborn Plan
ets. ' lieio is n limy nebula , flung forth
from the sun , straying yet in erratic
ellipses through space. 1 hen comes do
slow cooling and do birth of land and
water ami air. Den I haf bor owed f om
do Bible do spi < it of God hovo'ir ' g overdo
waters. For of course do spirit of God
was dcro , and has been dero uver since.
And as a musical motif , h < w glo'ious ' is
datpint of God.1 Ah ! it is sublime
do spi it of God hovering over do steam
ing now-born waters. "
Ho flung back his head with Impulsive
enihutiatm , gazed towa d the calling with
devout rapture , struck two great elemental
mental chords which vibrated through
tbo room like organ tones. There was a
sublime srrenlty and peace in the giavi
movement that followed an exhaustion
energy slowly unfolding itself In chords ,
solemnly dlisolved , and Its elements recombining -
combining with greater complexity lnt <
more elaboaato harmonies , This funda
moutal thought of creative evolution WBI
moat nobly repeated and varied by thi
srno device , through changing keys anr1
bold transitions. There war , amid thi
peact fal solemnity , a lovely smiling re-
pnse , oxprcssirjR the low organic unfold-
mp ot tiotnenduu forces.
Ho plnjcd cu for a good while , like
Lowell's "musing organist , " "that builds
a bridge from dreamland for his lay. "
His fno expressed a complete abandon
ment to the creative delight , lie rocked
to and fro , occasionally , shook his head
In repressed ectticy , chuckled , gave vent
to expressive Gorman intorjcctlMin , and
heaved great elsh * , as if taking deep
draughts of happiness. Then suddenly
ho sprang up , looked at his watch , and
made a dcsh for the door. It was not
exactly what Catharine had expected ,
but she h.v ! como to learn that with him
the untxpcctf d was what was most likely
to happen. She went to the window to
got a laat gllmpio of him ; her heart was
strolling u itil it seemed too big for her
broaat. She drew the curtain aside , and
saw to her astonishment Mr. llomilly
ascending the front ttjpa just as Mr ,
Grelfenstett was descending. Some
words were exrhango'd apparently , bat
she could not hoar them. Then , swift
as a II sh , llomilly raised his hand nnd
gave Groifonstott a Bounding box on the
ear The Inttor , with the utmost cool
ness nclzod hia assailant by the collar
and proceeded to belabor hia
back with his cane. Ilorailly
kicked , fought and struggled , but ho was
no match for a trained fencer and athlete
like Max. Ho wriggled and twisted des
perately , but ho was held with a grip as
of iron , whioiho blows kept descending
upon his back with slow and cflcctivo reg
ularity. Tto pain made him nearly fian-
tie and ho led "Policol"
yo with all the
power of his lungs. As it happened two
i f those useftf futictiia ics were standing
in pleasant convcr ation with a servant
maid in a basement , just nrotind the cor
ner and they hastened wi h raised clubs
to the rescue. Ono of the ofli crs
endeavored to throw Max down , while
i ho other met with moro success in hii ef-
for's ' to club h'in. Mr. llomilly , aftoc
liaviug hastily adjusted hisgatnieii's , pre
ferred h s complaint , and the policeman ,
i nor > ng tvaxs version of the incident ,
seized the "Dutchman"- ! both shou dors ,
and , being prepared lor resistance , pulled
ind dragged him down the nvcnuo , fol
lowed by a gaping crowd. 3 hey were
convino.d that they had captured n des
perate criminal. Catha ine , in Ler
excitement , hero opened the window
and gazed aghast at the retreating proces
"Look hero , gen'Icaion. ' " she heard
Max reniDuitralui ; "there ia no need of
violence on your part. I vill follow you
of my own free vill. "
But the policemen would not bo per
suaded that a man of such dangerous ap
pearance could bo trusted iu hts parole ;
mo they handled him moro roughly the
further they progressed. Mr. llomilly
in the meanwhile waa hobbling along on
the other side of the street , only stopping
now nnd then to attend to hia disordered
toilet , or to rub some aching spot. At
the pc Itca court on Fifty-seventh street
which was reached after a humiliating
mnrch of fifteen minutoj , the depositions
} f both parties were taken. And Max ,
for the want ot $500 bail , was locked up
on the charge of assault and battery. It
waa a clear and plausible table that Homily
ily narrated , and as it was confirmed in
many particular ! by the policemen , the
judge hod scarcely any choice but to
punish the turbulent foreigner. That
10 denied the plaintiff's story , and
claimoi to bj the attacked party , could
of conrto , have no weight , as denial was
the common resort with disrepute char
The piny ia done the curtain drops
Slowly falling to tha promptor'n bell ,
A monmnt yet the actor stop" ,
And looks around , to say lurawell.
ft Is an irksome weld aacl task ;
And , when ho'e laughed and said his say ,
o hliDwe. a ) ho removes the mask ,
A lace that's Anything but gay.
Good niftht I'd say the g-iefa , tha joys
Jut hinted In tbo mimic pi go ,
The tniiripeta and defeats of boyi ,
Are but repeated in our age ;
I'd lay your wuea were not leea keen ,
Your hopes moro vain , than thosa o men-
Your panga or pleasures rf fifteen
At Jorty-five p'ayed ' o'er again.
API ! in the Tjorld , as in tha hchool ,
I'd say how fate my chanca and shift
Tim pri/ . Lie HDinatimea with tha foul ,
Tha race not ulwayi to the swift ;
Tin itroriff may yield , the good may fall ,
The mi n be a vulgar clown ,
Tim kuavo be lifted over hit ,
The kind cast pitilessly down.
Come wealth or want , come good or ill ,
Let young and old accept their part ,
And bow buloro the awful will ,
Anil bear it with an hunoat heart ,
Who rnisies , or who wins iho prize-
On , loio or conquer us you can ;
But it you fail , or If you rise ,
lie each , pray God , a gentleman.
Kopn C'Rhlunia to star next nnoon inn
lew Kngiinh play by Herman Meiivalo.
Clara Loiiue Kellogg is Huaing in concortH
under the management of Maitttrakcsch.
tosni ia in appear boon nt the KesM z the-
itre , 1 ! rlia , iu JCoau , Othello , King Lear ami
The new Standard theatre , New York , has
3 eu opened , nnd "A Tiip to Africi" is the
( irnu have denoslted 1,000 in
Paris ; n guarintto to Mile. Judiu tor her
American tour ,
ly published n card In Chicigo
contrail ! ting the reports that the had elan-
deml Modjuaka ,
Mile. Nevada nnd Mils Dakota _ already
; race the Amciicti'i etiga calendar , with moiu
terrltoriCR to hear from.
Herr Arlulph Sonntinthil , of thaTnipnrinl
Ring tne.itro , Vienna , will btar in Naw York
city as Hamlet March U.
Mr. Lawrence liarrett h'H opened a hcaeon
nt thu Star theatre , New York , ia "Fraicesca
dn Knnlni , " embellished with Mndriga boju.
Ml 8 Kate Kolia , aa American binger. de-
butxl at thuTeatro Circano , Milan , Iu "Lin-
clj , " on Now Year's night , with great anccosn.
Mr. ' nnd Mrs. George S Knight havu p'o-
'iicd' their latent comedy , "Over tbit Garden
NVull , " at Toney I'.stur's theatre , New York.
Mary Anihrton li to make a tour of
America a year from thin winter. Con
tracts with the theatris nro cow bc-ing intde ,
L jtta Pinner , a young Now York nlrl now
dinging at the Itoyal opera hodso , Berlin , is
promiucced by the local pres ? to lurpiua Gcr *
tor in a vocalist.
Mr. Henry Ir > ing and MB ! Terry have
conxpnted tosppmmt the annual benefit of
thu Chicago Theatrical Mechanic' astoclntion
t'j taVn place at MoVickerV , Thursday , Janu <
ary i'Jth.
Georgia Cayvarj , who plays the title role
In "Muy lilosiom , " has appeared in Chicago
1 1 ' 'Hazel Klrke" and onu or two of Hartley
Carnpb ll'i drnmaa , Her sitter , who travels
with her , in known s Agned Carter.
Itankin'a Third Avenue theatre , Now York ,
Is now the Appola nntl given up to German
theatricals. Leittr WnUak prtpoieH ti Kite
Mr. and Mrs. Uuuliln a benefit to ease up
their Lad luck ,
Mlsa Nettie Carps liter , the young American
violinist , who haii tnVcm a prize at Ihs 1'ttiii
Conservatoire , bun joined concert forces and
ttrictjunu with SIIUB Heaves , and the two in-
end Ui nialu ail extended tour of the Kufjlbh
l > ru > iactH.
A TurkUh comln opi-r * , called "Ch rgut , "
> y his Bicelletoy Alirufa MldtutKffi'ndl , waa
a. y prodnctd with great urces at thu new
huttiru at Conntintiuople. Thu prlnm donna
a * un Armenian Udy , It ) the nret atteuipl
to inttoducu Tuiklih haimoniea ion theatrical
"S mlratr ids , " with V tH nnd Se l hi In
ilia Iciding tolo. was given in 1lo ton Ffidny
night bcfoio tto latent nulieuco over known
rtunng nn opertca ( n in that city , It !
ottimatcd that from S10.00J to $12,100 v\a
taken nt the Lox-bltlcc.
Clara Loui o Ki-llrgg toitiCes In cou-t thot
toinofingfrsinn stni ; after tatniR nnd fonio
cnn't. 'oroof troin lind it dilliciiH to oil
fomnthin ? after rl "gliiR , ThU dlf > po i M of the
p > pul r bnlitf that lng r requlro imthlncr
moro ubt utlnl than the air. [ Whet'liig
A Inte Caledonia , N , Y , oxchnnpo furnishes -
os the fol'onini ' ; { ilrn < .itit mention of n tinvcl
Ing concert trou ) r : "Tho Tcnnrt o nug nio
in thic , cctiou ng in Wo wi h Mii 1'Jnkeyo
.lolinsin nnd lur dusky whonperapg would
liawl this way ) nst long enough to | uy us a
prln Ing bill ot thrto yean' standing , "
Kdwhi Uonth boginta fntit weeks' engtga-
men nt tbo Kifth A\eimo Th'n'ra mi January
18 , Ho will bo tnppirted by tin lloston
Museum company. ThUxvlUbo Mr , Booth's
only riisncf mtnt in Nnw York this Rto'on
nnrt it is tbo first time that the Museum com
pnny has evar nppi-arod hero. A featum of
this enf ( ( ! enicnt will bo reviva's ' of "Tho Iron
Cheat , " "Tho Apoitato , " "Uuy Wax , " nnJ
"Don Crcsar do Unzan , "
Lately nt n holiday concert iu Allezheny
City. 1'n. , n number of the musicians failed to
nnive , BO three of the lolottls privntoly agreed
tocntertnin't'io nitdlcnca by slmultnnoously
playing thrro different tunes. An announce
ment wns then made In front of the curtain
that Wagner's Into t and most complicated
trio would bo performed , nnd at its close Iho
l rgo teutonic assembly wildly npplnuded
what It regarded aj a great musical master
li'rouud's Wcolclv , pultliskcd in Now Yorlf ,
sas : "Colonel Mnpleeon ID about to end Inn
eoason hero nnd hopes for a good success iu
tlin tour of tha , nnd especially ou the
California coast. A good ninny of ttui rni. '
understandings that hnvo oc.urred with hu
directors could hnvo been nvoidtd on both
tides , mid it is decidedly to tin Colonel's
credit that ho hai hung on po br voly nnd ha
complelod his Benson in perfect harmonious
mnun&r. Mine 1'ntti bns donu not n llttlo to
help toward such n 'deslrnblo consumtnntion'
by being exceedingly reasonable. This is
proatly to her credit , in order that no finsco
should die-trace her last season in Atnericn.
f 1111 on the Ice1.
See tha merry sk tors qllde--
Hump bump !
Freely , fairly they shdo
Hump !
Airy they are trending
It is flyinir , swimming , threading !
Bump , bump !
It Is MTJT , very spreading
- [ dnu Francisco Wesp.
M'r. JVfcodv's Intention , in rorortfld , lo
Enund .1 IMunibsrs * Chrlttahi At-Hocintinn in
DhlciRo indicttus that much kiiccocs IUH
turned the evaiiJjoHst'd hoad.
A wittv deacon puts it thus : "Now , breth
ren , let s got up a nipper nnd eat ounclvts
rich. IJuy your food ; and then give it to the
church ; then go and buy it bnck again ; than
eat it up and your church debt is pud. "
A San Franciscan who attended a recent
seanco of Mrs. Souther , the alleged spiritual
Tiedium , caught the ghost nnd proved
! iim , before tha whola comi > any , to be a
: ertuin Mr. Jackson , whom nearly all present
The Methodist church , nt CJpper Gny. Now
York , is in a bid way on account of on organ.
The instrument was purchased , but n cer
tain element objected to mcciiino praise ,
ind so ono Sundiy morning recently the
Jellowa were found to bo cut. Everybody
s road.
When Mark Twain was nerving na privatn
tccretary to Senator Jim Nye of Navnd * , he
replied to n letter from coma of the tcnator'n
: ortBtitu ° nt3 asking for a mibpcripticn to aid
n building a church : "What vou want ia
nnt n church , but n nice , new , larg ? , strong ,
now jail.
Some fellow who made the cour.t saya
"music" ia mentioned 1C5 times in the Old
Testament. IIo may starch the Scriptures
Troin Gcnes's to Revelations a ad full to find
nny mention made of n young man learning
to piny tha accordeon or a vounp lady jirac-
dicing on a p iano at 5 o'clock in tha morning
Tha Salvation Army report for 1881 shows
this organization to ba nt least to bo on acred-
itablu military footing. It number ! ) 010 corps
distributed over thu United Kingdom , France ,
Switzerland , tha United States. Canada , In
dia , Sweden and Australia. The total lint of
ofiicors includes 2,332 name ? , besides 188 ca
dets in barracks undergoing n course of train
ing , The result of their "villsga warfare" in
England has left them In regular possotKion of
303 villages. An important contribution to
their lnome _ of nearly $375,000 seems to bo
the income derived from mercantile transac
tions. They have n goodly income from the
uai of "musiral instrnmuntH , watctioi ppocinl-
ly designed to remind tha Foldlnr of hia God
ai d his duty , mottoes end other articles for
homo use ; nil contrived with thu uamo end in
view ; and now last of nil , teaund other things
which cannot , except by rorera and mark ? ,
have eo direct n bennng on the propagation of
the truth. " Yet for nil this the treasury is
empty and thamartial _ spirit of the soldierly
Malvat onhtn will now apparently depend upon
the appeal of their commander for fund * .
, Never Grow OU1 lo Mo.
I looked nt the tell-tale mil ror ,
And saw the mark of care ,
The crow's fe t end iho wrinkles ,
And the gray in the dark-brown hair ;
Mv wife lookiU ovt r my shoulder
Mo t lieautlfnl was KIIO
"Tliouwilt never grow old to me , " aho eaid ,
"Neergniw old to mo ,
" ] ' 'or nco is the chilling of henrt ,
And thine , an mine can tell ,
In ns young nnd warm ns when first wo hoird
The gie/tt Hi'.ind cf our bridal bell ! "
f turnu I nnd kis id her ripe red lips ,
"Lot Tinia do his work on mo ,
[ f In my s ml mv love , my faith ,
J ever neiin ! old to theel"
[ New York Star.
Cillnton Smith , ulnt'Jori yivirn old has be in
rrr Bted for the murder of his fnthor Ira
( ! ov , I'attlKi n of 1'ecnsylvanin lies Issued a
warrant fir the honping of Dr. Albert ( , ! '
'ioesaen , the wife poisocvr , Thursday , Mnrch
) ' .
Thn smollppt Lutheran pirislt in the world
jsfnid to bo in tbo Island of Grunnoo , n little
island which lies north of Iceland , The
winter in Grunsoo laits for alx months.
St. Andrew's church , Kdinburg , thp church
that witneisod the fiery contcwtB which pre-
caaded the famous disruption of 1813 , hns junt
been celobrntincr the centenary of its opening ,
Tha L'nmpbellite church , the denomination
to which Mr , Garfield belonged has purchased
18,000 nsrei of land nt ? 1 7fi l > er ucre , nnd
taken up 20,000 uc-es nddiliunal near MudioK ,
Shastn county , Cal. on which they intend to
found a 'colony. The Cuinpbnllitei of St
Louis are the puma movers m tha enterprise.
The Mexican papers announce that a son ol
Brighum Voung , who bars his father's niiiue
hns comedown from I'tah ' with t tnty com
pinione , Into the Mexloin ntnta of Bonora , for
the avowed purpose of spying Ihelnnd with
thu deegn ] of founding a large Mormon aettlo
mt'iit thtra , to be recruited both from Europe
and fium the Uultod States ,
Thu MetluidiftH promise to win a PUCCOPB in
Au tralla similar to that which they have won
in th so United Stut p. In Sydney they have
had n grand children's demonstration m tb
old exhibition building. The Sydney dUtrict
alonn reports fi'2 minletero , 1311 cal prmchtrs
140 class leaderr , 3iKl4 church members , 20.
570 wordiippern , ! )3 ) Sunday schools , with
1,082 tnacherii and 10,03 } scholars , A move
ment is on foot for a general uniim en tin
part of the Primitives , Wesleyana and Dibit
Christiana ,
Iluofrary boasts of a Unit Thin church or
panunion , According to u lately publihnec
report the memberehii ) amounts to from lift )
lo olxty thousand. They have n theolojicu
{ cutty , nt Koglovar , with thirty student
The li.dy generally neeini to be making pro
gress. Durlrg the year two i ew ihnreho
nava txjen built , mid three niiiiia' < ; rH bavo beer
ordained , of whom tvtohrvl tluilitd Iu Kng
'and. ' One of ilia new ulmrcbei It In Trans '
vanln ; and thu report m km i-pociul m i lie
of the kimhicBu ui d n co u oi'ni ng up r
shown by thu Liltbuu s litla thu
Wrre wiihuut n churctj of thuir owu.
1-AS3KNC1KU KtEVATOIt TO ALL FLOCKS. | 1108 , 1203 i tu1S10 F rn m St. , Om.hi , No
ft BOLTS ,
rtat t , Window C j , lion Cmltaip , McJMllo Sty-llghtl , Ae. Vlr , Iron'tad Bit
> XlOBnnl ! ) 1SIV nr * t Omthi NnhiitiVi.
OTO t < 3
, H B P" i m M 6
OU ii P H O O M
g S K O re 3
o g M
1409 and 1411 DodseSt , { Catr&Shta } Omaha Neb
> r ,
)3 ) BJIADY ST. , DAVENPOKT , IOWA , U. 8. A. lUtabltohcd 108 OatzuTh ,
iDoafneo ? , Lang and Norvotw Dleccaus Bpnedlly and Foriunuently Oared. Pr.tleutj [
jar cd nt Homo. Write for "TnB MBWIOAL-MIBSIOHAKY , " foe the I'ooplo.
jnonBultatlon and Oorreepondonco Gratis. P. O. Box 298. Telephone No. 88.
HON. EDSVA11D RUSSRLL , Poatmsstcr , Bavuuport , eavs : " Phyudon of !
, & * AWlhy and aisrkod Bncoees. " CONGRESSMAN KT311PHT , Dovenpcrt , |
j crtos ( : "Aa itonorahlo ySfn. Flno Success. Wonderful Oureei. " Hourn 8 to D.
98fcli Ducal Brunswick , Ltieneburgh , Lottery , Gf rmnrjy.
100,000 TICKETS and 50,000 PEIZES
Capital Prize , mark , 500.000 , 300,000 , 200,000. 100,000 80,000
(30,000 ( , 50.0J 0 , 40 000 down io 150
Drawing Commences the loth onrt lOtti of Jnnuarv. 1885. Whsl Tick
ets 69. ; E l , 8i.60 ; Quarter , 2.25.
G2 W. Congress St. , Detroit , Mich.
To prevent lo'B It la urgently rcqnostsd to make all remlttincoa by poatil note , money order , check
t Ha In registered lettern or be express.
Proprietors. Superu
. . . .
saLr-taj- " " " ' * k. ' * * < 'Cjpi. xc.Jig j < i = " 1
5Via5"t \ / ! % tifi 7s / ? R
Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Olotb
We unprepared to furnish plnnn and estimates , end will contract for
erection o Flouring Millfl nnd Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , from Stona to the Roller System.
BC2Tlil8pocialattenton givouto furnishing I'ov/der Plants for nny pu.
, > o e , .tiid estimates m do fpr Borne General ruaclunory reiiiiira attendo
promptly. Andruw