THE OMAHA DAILY BEE-SATUIIDAY JANUARY 10 , 1885 , THE DAILY BEE Omaha Oflloo , No. O10 F rn iu Now York Ofllco , lloom OB Ttlbnno trornlnjf , , Th Hondij morning tally. IT Mill. OBI Jts.1 . 10.00 I Threa Xo&thi . I GUUocMI . ROO One Month . Per Week , 25 Coots. rai winfcT m , rvtuinio JTIKT ; 0c Te t. . . . . tJ-OO I Three Konlhl . 9 CO glx Months. . 1.00 I One Month . S3 ' ' CorcraaaV ! ( tlon rel UnitoN8wlftndKdIiotl l nitttn ihould ba ftddroxcd to tht RDITOB or THI Bn. | L teer9 "unit Ilfmltc nc j ihon.d bo tddteiieoJ to Tin Dm PtniusniMi OOMPANI , QHini. Dr Ilt , ( ThecVs and 1'ostoUlco orders to b made pay- bl to tht order ot the oompiny. IHE BEE PUBLISHINQ CO , , PROPS' ' E. UOSEWATKK , Keillor. A. II. Fitch , Manager Dally.Circalfttion/P 0. Box , 488 Omnha , Nob. Now that tfio streola of Omaha are being - ing cleared by contract BOIIIO provision ought to bo made for the proper disposal of the carcases of dead animals. This can bo done by making a contract with some responsible party , A TABLE of vlUl statistics of Massachu setts for the laat eight yours has just boon published , showing the causes of death In eight years among the males between the ages of 20 and 80 years. The total nnmbor of deaths \via 50,012. Nearly 10,000 were duo to consumption , or more than one-fourth of the wholo. Pneu monia carried oil nearly pno-thlrd aa many , or 4,850. Heart disease proved fatal to 4,277 , typhoid fever 2,804 , paralyaia 2,671 , old ago 1,758 , apoplexy 1,755 , dropsy 1,230 , casualties 1,875 , Brlght's dlsoTBe 1,204 , cancer 1,054 , uicido 789 , and si on. Unknown causes are assigned for 908 and railroad accidents C87. The first live caus3s named are re sponsible for moro than 50 per cent of the whole number of deaths. TUB Nebraska deaf mute asylum la very poorly protected from fire , a fact that the legislature should take notice of. It can easily bo supplied with irator at an expense not to exceed $8,000 or $9,000. The asylum is located about a mlle and a quarter from the Omaha water works reservoir , and the water works engineer has ascertained that water from the reservoir will flood the eaves of the building. The asylum is supplied with water tanko , Lose , and a steam pump , but has no water. What the leg islature should do is to make an appro priation for the laying of a water pipe from the reservoir to the asylum , and in addition to this it should provide for at least two stand pipes and fire escapes , not only for the protection of the build ing , but for the inmates whoso safety la. moro to bo conaldorcd than anything else. EX-MINISTER SAiiOENThaving acquired Boino littlo. notoriety on account of hia tilt with Prince Bismarck , now proposes tc ride into the United States senate on the Lack of the .American porker , all the way from California. Sargent has a great affection for the hog. It will bo remem bered that when ho uas in the senate ho was a little too hoggish oven for the Cen tral Pacific , and wo were not much sur prised when Huntington , in his famous correspondence , called him a hog. The San Francisco Chronicle ( republican ) in dulges in this plain talk on the senatorial question in that state : The legislature will meet next Monday , and the first thing in order after the or * ganization will lie the caucuses for the nomination of a United States senator. Friends of Mr. Sargent do not affect to conceal their belief that the choice of the republican caucus will fall upon him not that ho is the choice of any substant'al ' portion of the party , but lhat railway in- llucnco and railway money will seciuo his momination. Republican members of the legisla'uro may just as well realize at once that if this expectation is fulfilled the party in this state will bo disrupted , and in 1880 the democrats will come into control - trol of the sta'o government and the leg islature , and will oluct a democratic suc cessor to General Millur. The people will not stand Sargent ; no conscientious news , proper will stand him People will put ur , with much for the sake of their party , but they will not put up w ith the election ol nil o'd politician hack like Sargent , who is chiefly known by an unsavory politica. record , to the hiah oftlco of United Status Bonator from California. TIIK caao againat the Omaha wholesali liquor dealers , which woa brought In thi shape of a mandamus against Maisha < 3uthrio to compel them to take out i llconao of § 1,000 each , the sarao as thi retailers , haa boon thrown out of the an premo court' bocauoa Guthrlo ia outo oflioo. Although another mandamu may bo brought , the only liability tha the wholesalers have incurred is the pen allies for selling without license. Moan tlmo the Omaha school fond has loa about § 10,000 , owing to the delay am negligence of the proper authorities 1 enforcing the collection of this license It remains to bo aeon whether they prc pose to allow the wholesalers to contlnu without paying the license. The law In tends that all persons selling liquoi whether at wholesale or retail shall r 7 license of § 1,000 , and i oucM to to enforced. If the retailers tailors can pay § 1,000 the wholeaaloi ought not to objeob to paying It , as the are much moro able to do a 7. Former ! the wholesalers paid § 100 a year , bu now they p y uo'hipg. ' It h\s beei maintained that If the whoWora pal $1,000 In Omaha , they could ba inado t p y a license in every town in Nobrask where they sold any liquor. Wo do no bfllovo the law can bo so construed , bu to make it satisfactory to everybody w would suggest that the law bo amendei 80 that § 1,000 wholesale license , paid o the place of doing bualcoia , will cove the whole state , and also that the drum mera of foreign liquor houses bo compel ! od to pay the tame license as our loot wholesale dealers. THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE.'gg Iho annual message of Gov. Dawes is a plain matter of fact document contain ing some very excellent recommendations but lacking in many essentials the moral force and Intellectual breadth which a chief oxecntivo of n great commonwealth should exhibit in his atato pipers. In the main the moss.igo i.i a fair n Ilex of the author. Gov. Dawoa has sumo good quali ties OB n citizen , and perhaps dcatrcs to do what is right in regard to the public welfare- , but ho lacks the stamina , the norgy and the poaitlvo ideas which ought o charactoriza a man who wields the ovrcr vested in our governor. Wo have neither the tlmo nor space to nalyzo the financial exhibit , which is ot very flittering for a atato thai pays tiroo-fourths of ono per cent , ia fitato axes , and has an endowment of mi' ' * ions of acres of school lands to support ks educational institutions. The gover or'arocommondation for the repeal of the resent tax laws is sound and timely , but wo question whether the Ohio and Indl- no Idea will bo found moro advantage * us than the tax laws of other states whore the taxpayer la offered a premium or mooting his taxes before they become [ clinquunt. The numerous boards which ho governor desires to create may in time )0 essential for the proper conduct of onr government , bnt in thoao hard times the iolcy ! of creating needless state officials and tax-eaters is questionable. The gov ernor's concluaions concerning the desir ability of cancelling the so-called con- ractc of Thomas F. Konnard and Pat ) . Hawes , who have boon acting as state ilaim ngom , are pertinent and proper. [ 'ho ' governor should have given the leg- slaturo the true history of these so-called ontractc , which were corruptly entered nto and never had any validity except as each legislature has soon fit to make illotrances for the claimants. The governor dwells at nome length upon our reformatory institutions , butho alh to call attention to the glaring via- atlons of the contracts and the abuses which have been Incident to the present costly system of keeping our convicts in i penitentiary. No other state in the unionjhas been taxed so outrageously for ho maintenance of Its convicts as No- iraeka has boon for years , and the blame rests almost entirely with the executive lopartnunt , which has laokod the cour- igo to devise proper remedies and 1m- iress upon tno leglelituro the necessity > f making the penitentiary sclf-suatain- Governor Diwes not only commits nn unpardonable blunder in bestowing ful- omo praise upon that notorious rogue and land shark , Glenn Kendall , but 10 absolutely insults the intelll- once of the people of this state by singling out Kendall among nil the other state officers for his commendations. This man Kendall h.ii done moro to deserve impeachment and ndictmont than ever David Butler did when ho robbed the school fnnd , and if an honest invoiiigatlon can bo had by Us legislature Governor Dawes will ilmsolf be compelled to admit that Ken dall was the most dangerous and most corrupt man who ever held a otato'office n Nebraska. On the railroad paestlqp tit ? governor 'wabbles" sadly. He rocomm-zads the inactmont of a throe-cent passenger bill , mt intimates that some of the railroads will not bo able to afford .a reduction 'romtrio present r.ttea. Everywellin - ormed person knows that there- are vlr- nally only three railroads in tub' state ho Chicago & Northwesterntho Chicago , Burlington& Qulncy and the Union * Pad- ic. All the roads in Nebraska , belong to hese three systems , , and' it is propoater * ua to suggest that a reduction , to three cents may be premature for any oF them. t is notorious that the branch /incB , which form parts of these systems , wore milt mainly from subsidies- bonds , and that they are operated with a. reek- ess disregard to public convenience and comfort. Passengers are convoyed in uncomfortable cars at the rate of ton to twelve miles an hour , along with cattle , logs , grain and merchandise. It seems to na that three cents a mile for such accommodations and such speed io-really moro than the people ought to bo taxed. On the question of freights Govornoi Davis straddles the foneo. Ho admite that the rates onght to bo materially reduced duced , but ho cannot sea how the legislature laturo can well regulate the rates. He admits aomo states have lawa to legnlaU freight rates , but Lo rayo thai In some of thwn these regn latlons have worked unsatia- torily and that the people have demand ed their repeal. We would like to havi the governor tell us what people ho re fora to the people who patronize thi roads or the railroad managers and the ! pots who enjoy rebatss and special rates The governor would like to have , i railroad commission o arbitrate matters bnt if that cannot be done under the con stitutlon ho prefora to allow the railroad to have their own way. In this ho is li perfect accord with the railroad manag era. _ AcconniNo to the Lincoln Jovrna Maj. T. S. Clatkeon Is a candldat for commander ol the Grand Army o the Republic for the department of No braska. If wo remember , Olarkson i the valiant hero who offered these resslu tlons at the Hastings reunion censur ing Postmaster General Gresham fo summarily removing Vandorvont fron his position in the railway B9ivice which he disgraced afd nttcrj ! neglected. Perhapi Mr. CUrkson 5 the proper line of succowlon to such i blatherskite as Vandervoort. By Ito while commander ii w y , Vandervoort , chief of the Grand Army , charged up t that organization hli entlro mileage fo traveling all over the country on rallro < pasioi , and also presented BU account o i 1,500 for printing , certified to by 0. E. 'oat , of the Omaha Republican. Wlmt Hilling Vandcrvoort had duuq , outjido f blinlct , letter heads and envelopes , oindy IKII yet disovert il. TD1 ] ST. JOHN BRIBERY. There la altogether lee much wild talk boat St. John selling out. Wo do not rodlt the charge , and regard the efforts f Mr. Olarkson , of Des Moincs , to un- oad the responsibility for the incompo- out management of the national ropubli- MI committee upon the shoulders of St. John aa utterly eontomptiblo. When St. ohn assumed the leadership of the pro- libitlonists ho naturally severed his : onncction with the republican party. This ho had aa much right to do as Doollttlo , Trumbull , TIpton and scores f others who have gene over to the do- mocracy. Nobody is moro to blame for the prohibition craze than Mr. Clarkson ilmuelf , who engineered the prohibition movement in Iowa , for his own selfish ondt , and now is Tory sick over his own medicine. The trao inwardness of the St. John bribery buslnotsiaalmply this : Dr. George j. Miller , editor of the Omaha Herald , who is an intense partisan , conceived it would bo a flno atroko to enlist John B. ? inch , who is also a democrat although a prohibition agitator , in behalf of Clovo- and. It Is reported , on what wo regard aa creditable authority , that a largo sum cf money , sitd to bo over § 30,000 , was paid to John B Finch by the democratic national committee at the instance of Dr. Miller for the purpose cf working up , ho St. John movement. Finch undoubt edly spent a portion of this money in the St. John campaign , just aa our own Church Ho 70 spent a portion of tha $25,000 , which ho carried tc Tennessee to use in the republican cam paign in that state. What became of the roator portion of the fund placed into the hands of Finch haa not yet been as certained. It is jnat as plaualblo to bo- iovo that Church Howe divided with Blalno the surplus of that $25,000 , aa that Finch divided with St. John. These ncidontal exposures of the dirty work of a campaign generally prove a Boomerang to those who indulge in them. Suflico it to say that 'tho defeat of Blaine could bo charged to twenty or thirty different causes just ai readily as It can bo to Sr. John. The republican party las nothing to gain by widening the Breach between those who were faithful and the element that supported St. John. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OTHER LA.NDS THAN OURS. The retirement of Gladstone from the British cabinet and perhaps from public ifo after ho haa secured the' iorma which are now pending In parlia ment is regarded as almost a foregone conclusion. Gladstone has reached that advanced ago In which moot public men prefer to-whhdraw into private life and at this juncture , when the British preae a malting lifo a burden to him he will embrace the opportunity with hia lighoat ambition gratified and hia fame untarnished. The rcoat disagreeable ) roblom for the British ministry just now Is the Egyptian question. The raal offense of the government , in the eyes of Ita harahost critics , is that it hesi'atea , o"tako the bull by the horns , and either annex Egypt outright , or proclaim a irotootonUo , which would * amount to ho same thing in Jiho > on < ] For this icaitatipn tharo it no doubt Gladstone ia responsible. Ho can consistently enforce a policy which he is so vigorously con demned In BeaconaGeld. fl i does not 'aAor either protection or Annexation , and would , if'llu couldlet Egypt severe- y alone. Ho thinks England haa her lands full already , , at homo no well aa nbroad ; and that any. further ex tension of her unwloldly em- ) Ire should by all means , bo ivoidod. Whether matters in Egypt invo not gone so far aa to render English withdrawal impossible and English own ership imperative , ia a question wo need not now discuss ; liut that Gladstone ia dying to escape sncb consummation is plain enough , and that he is consistent In no trying can not b& denied. Mean while , should ho vacate the premiership , who conld take it with any be Her pros pects of popular approval ? Of course , Lord Salisbury , aa recognized loader ol opposition , would be caliod upon to frame the now administration but in the present attitude of En glish politics , a ocmaervatlye administra tion led by auoh a reaotloni&t aa Sal sburj wonld not last throe woeka. Aa for a co alltion cabinet , that experiment hut failed too often and too Ignominioualy tc bo tiled again. The Lincoln motto "Don't swap honoa In crossing a river , has sharp duplication to England jus1 now. It will bo time enough to < xchang : Gladstone for somebody olao when tu ) difficulties and dangers of onlaigod frau ohieo and rearrangement r > f parliament ury representation have been mot anc conquered. Iho situation , in , Egypt is certainly In no worse'shapo man when parliamentad journed. Ita fact , it ia in bettor shape for Gordon is- now known to bo In reason ably good condition in Khartoum , anc the relief expedition under Gen. Wolso ley is roaoBiiably euro to rench him bo fcro ho is reduced to extremities. Every thing pouiblo la being done to gat Gor don out of the trap into which ha ahoulc never hive been Bent , and though thi government la clearly responsible fo : sending him there , and for tha delay o the attempt to release him , that respon aibllity is no heavier and n moro ox cuiablo to-day llunlt was thioo month ; ago. If a conflict should break out botwoi the African association and the French h tk ) Congo country it will probably not bi vary dillicult to fix the reaponsib'lity ' It appear J from the u ager dispatch re ceived by telegraph that an expedition o the aeaoclation sent out to crotcet thi Gorman and Dutch commercial agenole ( g tlnat attack ) of. 110 warlike natives w - Hopped by tl a F.-onoh commander it tb - rjgion. Ike Dutch agent was ar rested for violaJLion of French terrltoria rights , and tko surrender oi the com mander of the expedition w s dem nde < by the Frocoli. This wu refuted , and , conflict 1 impending between the Fre-jcl and tha forcra of the African usoclr.Uon There has b'en for some time .a evi dispoiiti m'on the part of 1h French to imko the moat of their shad owy claims en the Congo country. Al though Franco united with Germany to propose the Berlin conference , her , rep resentatives have been Instructed by Min ister Ferry not to recognize the AftScan Association and to protest against nou- rallzing the Congo territory , If the trench cannot bo constrained from mrtk. tig euch demonstrations in Congo as that irlcfly reported by telegraph , what may > o expected of them it the conference Ijourn without a definlto sottlunsnt of 10 imjnrtant questions now undur con- ideratlon ? Unlosa taken under the pro- sctlon of the government of Kuropo and 10 United States , the African Assccln- on wonld bo [ treated with contempt , nd Franco will hy claim nearly the whole Congo re- Ion on the strength of Do Brazza'a ox- orations. There ia little doubt that the Drench commander on the Congo coast IBS acted in obedience to the Instructions f his government. It does not take longer or a steamer to reach Loando , and It ia cry likely that one was sent to convoy ho orders tnado necessary by the change tint has recently taken place in French lonncils hi regard to the Congo country. There is no danger , however , that the ithor governments of Europe will yield o the claims of Franco. But this little peck of war in Congo may grow to aomo iza before it is extinguished. The mill * ary contingents , foreign and native , that nay bo recruited on the Congo coait by ho bollgorpnts are of such a character is to promiaa a very lively war should loatihtioa bo opened , Ono of the Gorman newspapers points ut the true policy for Prince Bismarck. Jo must make friends with the centre or Mhollc party In the Reichstag by put- , lng an end to the Kullar Kampf. Apart rom the Catholics there nro not enough conservatives in Germany to control the Reichstag. It was a gross blunder for Jinmarck to have allowed the national iborals to drag him into a war with these natural allies of his tory friends. Many of the torloa protested ngninat ) it , but wore outborno. Since ho broke with the iberala ho has made potty concessions to ho Catholicsbathohsisgivcn no brondro- movul of their real grievances. Ho has clurg to the Falk Laws , while asking the upuort of these to whom those iawo were > oth outrage and Insult. For n time ho ot their support. They now find he will So no farther , and have gene ever to ho oppoaition. It will humble the chart- collor'a pride to have to admit the great est of his blunders aa a rulor. Bub the admission muat come * , for the logic of oventa ia forcing it on him. In a short imo wo shall see "tho solidarity of the conservative Interests" recognized in jorrnanyr as altsr the troubles of 1048. Tonquin ia clearly in a critical condi- ion. The troops are to bo wlthdroirn Tom Kalung , In Formosa , in order to make sure of the prize on the mainland. once won but now again imperilled. At ; ho same time moro troops are to ba sent "rom France , and a quarrel in the Bdria cabinet has compelled General Campo- non , the minister of war , to resign his post. Au-ho has insisted that the array it homo should not bo demoralized for ho sake of' colonial wars , his retirement moans that tha pressure to save Tonquin a so great that his scrupleo can no longer )0 regarded. As a sop he is given the cross of the Legion of Honor. If General Wolaoley ia correctly ? e- lortod B3 aajiog that no attempt can bo nado to relieve Khartoum and Genaial Gordon before the middle of February , ; here would seem to be some roaaon for , he complaints which are daily directed against the conduct of hia campaign. Pos sibly he never made this extraordinary statement. Biaaibly he made it with the intention of making a anddoa novo across the desert , which is quite ) robable. Or , he may bo in communica- ion wtih Gordon , and have excellent reasons foe not forcing a battle with an enemy , wktch lie Is informed , Is already roating for peacn. Gen. Wolsoloj has won his battles too many times to lx > considered either cowardly or stspld until proved so 3 > avond question. 3his joint hai nutiyot been reached. It cannot bo denied that if Franoe- > ermittod'to annex the Now Hebrides , and Germany to maintain its claim tcwtho reatern half-of * New Guinea , the ties > etween Greati Britain and its Aitstra- aaian colonies will be subjected to a severe - voro strain. Under similar circumstance * Amer cms would take matters into llijir own hands and drive French and Germans ut of the coyotod ialandf. Ono roault a quite certain to follow from the Irritiv ion in. the colonies : They will work ) with renewed energy for federation and1 in creased control in territorial matters * lloumanla io progressive and growing , is population ia 4,000,000 , and Bucha- rosttno capital , ban a population of S25- 100. Amcr.ciu intoroita are multiplying ; bro. A Boston company ia engaged in coring wellsfrom , which lubrlcQl'.ng oil of great density is taken. Large qnan- 'jea of agricultural implimento are sent ; o Roumanla from this country. The { ovorniuoat is something liko- that ol eat Britain , and was modeled nftor it. The king ia very popular , and haa proved to be a ] uerwiao , and conservative rulur. The American plan of frooachoola. is tc ba the mcdel fur the educatisnall Raportn.that Franco is fcttoinpting to secure blanda off the coast of lit * United States oft Columbia for coaling ; ntationa will ba-moro likely to iniu&noo English opinlpBithan to disturb Americana. The position * of- this government ou any ques tion oh acquisition of to/ritory by France In America ia perfectly troll understood lu Paris. In England the effect of thir rumor may possibly be to Increase tht popular desire to see the Ifnited titatrx leetroy the value of" illoi Panama cani ] by cutting a bettor onu through Nicnr , It appears from an. aocsont of Vion , oese bociety now publishing in Pirls , thuit there are no less thoa seventy Arch , dukoa and Archduchesses belonging , tc iho house of Hamburg , who all marrj Into iho royal crate , fjsim a clan AUIOUJ thomaolves , and do noi. aasociato on inti mate terms ovca.with iho highoatnoblE. ty. The London Spsctator asks * . "Whc maintains all those princes andi prin < cesses ? 1'hcy , hav ? , wo presume , at claims npoa/llie r'atrlmonlolt c batc of the HOUM of Hapjburg , anit tha es tate la larfjOn but tha subdivision ia be' coming extreme. If the numVar ol claimantftahouldin fifty yoawbe doablod , as It vcrj well may bo , the family will be compeliid elthw to give up its , proten < tlous tOiBolliudo and mata with million aires , ot to pau a rule , llio tint rf tome DutcA families , that only a certain num < ber 9tall ( marry ; or to itwtato the exam < plijof the Delhi princes , who all Hrcc tiyjfethor in the great palace , some t. ibom upon aliowaniiy barely sufficient ic uaUin life. " Karl Granvlllo decliuoa to glvo bli can sent to the proposal to bold a formal coc ference on. th E , < ytlaD question at " Ii ? proposes Instead thatfcnmal meolingo be 'Jtld at the Englfnh Kmbansy atParlf , to be presided ever by Lird Lyour , the Hritinh ombassixlor , t which the other ambassadors accredited to Franco shall have tlio privilege of taking part in the dlscu-siou , but nr.l of voting. It is re ported thatPtomier Ferry , besides agree ing to Eirl Granvillo'a proposals , offers terms for an arrangement which is Hhcly to lead to mi entente with England and H general acceptance by the other powen. Mr. Stooilv IB h-iving n HOTP ! mpTionco'lt * ichmtiid , va. , ttl. ro lie iirnvpil SAttndixy to gin anerius of reliijioiH mrctirgg , A your nRo ° ,0 OP IBOIIS , tncliullnt nil tlio mmlMcri , nviud lilin ta ciimii , tint uithln nu k or .wo n coYiMilerablo populnr pxcilcinont lins , oen arounxl ngnlnit him by the clitreo that right yuarn npo in Xew York In compnrcd Irani to the S.uioitr nnJ Leo nnd Jackson to , lie devil , Intanta born on unlucky daya auiotg the tribes of Madagascar have p'osea ot cloths tied ever their moutha and are then buried alivo. Itching Diseases ECZEMA , or baft llhcum , with It * agonizing Itch- In tr , and Inirnini ; . Instantly iella > cd by a warm bath with CutlcuraSotp , and a clnRlo apv 'i&tlon ol Cutlcora , I ho croat Skin Curo. This repeated dally , with two or three dosoi ol Cutlcuit llcsohcnt , the New lllooil 1'urlflcr , to keep the blood cool , the per- splratlon pure and unlrrltatlnR , the honcla oren , the liver and kulntjancthe , will uptoilllv euro Kcronifi , Tcltnr Klnsnorni , Psoriasis , Lichen I'lUrltun , bcallcd llenJ , Daiidrufl , and otcrr epcclea ot Itchlni ; . Uoaiy and I'lmply Humors ol the bcalp nnd Skin , when the best physicians and all kncun remedies ( all. H0215MA TWKNTY YKAllS. My Rrfttitude to Cod ts unbounded ( or the relief hatcolitalmd from tlicusoof the Ciitlcum Itcmcdlna I ha\o Ijocn troubled \\Itli Kc7enm on inj Iczt fo twenty jears I hail not n comfortable night ( o 1 cars the hum Ing and Itchlni ; were no Intense Xo\v I am hippy to ear , 1 ha\o no trouble. Onl > the Ihor colored patches on my limbs romtln as n token ot mj ( ormcr mlsury. IIRNUY L. S1I1TH. 1SS West Avenue , llochester , N. V. ECZEMA ON A CHILI ) . Your most lalunble Ctillcnrn llcmcdica have done my child so much good that I ( eel like fuln this for the bcncflt ottl\oj who are troubled with skin dcscaso. Hy littloplrl was troubled with Kc/enia and 1 tried ftneral doctoisaud medicines , but did not do her any gooduntll I used the Cutlcura Itcmedlus , which ppicuily cured lior , ( or wliich I ouo you many thanks nnd iiinnv nlclit'n of rest. ANTON IJOSSMIKIl , Union Bakery. Ijllnbnrgl ) , 1ml. TETTUIt OF TIIK SCALl' I was almost perfectly bald , caiwetl by tetter ot the topottho Hcali. | 1 uwd jour C'uticura Itcmcdlus about nix weeks , and they cured my scilppirfoctly , and non im hair Is coin lie back a * thick , as lte\cr was. J. 1' . CHOICE. Whltcsboro' , Totas. COVJ3UKD WITH BLOTCHKS. I want to tall j on that jour Cutijura Hcsohont Is mavnincent. About three monthu ago my ( ace as covered with hi itches , nnd attor u ag three bottles of KcsoUent I was ivoroctlyeiircili . FHKDKHir'K MAITIUX 23 St. Charles Street , Non-Oilcans , la. . IVY 1'OISONING. For u'l cases of poisoning byy \ 05 dogwood , I can warrant CutUura to euroc\cry ttniu. 1 Imo sold It for fuo > carsandttim > xrfai4. ! U in MOR3E , DruijBlat. Holllston , JIass. Sold overj where. Price Cut'curn , 50. Cull- cura boar , 55o. Cutioara lie'o.vcnt , 01. Hotter Druirami OhfinlCilCo..Bnston. Braniis ndrcrtliod as absolutely pure THE TEST : Plac a cun top down on a liot f tov r.ntll hcntPd.tnen remot e the color ami smell. A chemist , will uot t I * lulrod to detect the presence or ammonia. DOES NOT CONTAINnAMMONIA. ITS IIEALTIiriUlG33 1113 NEVER'UXK ! ! In a million honAs toe fi quarter oficenlnir7 It hat itood the consunivn * rollablo test , THE 7ESTJJFJ1E PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , IUKERS or Dr , Frice'sjSpccial ' Flayarin&Macts , Dr. Price's Lupulin Yoasi Gems For Utrht.iUenlthy llrrait , 7S Bait Vrj Hop Yeast in the Vforlil. FOR 'SALE BY QROCCRS. CHICAGO. . - ST. LOUIS- COLLARS CUFFS \a \ IURK AR8 THI FINEST GOODS EVER MADE , ulna AUZlnen : , BOTH , N Exteriors. AnVL-fj them 0AM > RUOS. , . Agent. * for OmiiliB ( SDOOESHORB TO JOHN O. JACOBS ) liWDERTAKERS I 4 Atith old stand USflFarnaraiSi. Orders by te'a- C'raphuailcltedandp.iinip'.l ttoadod to. Telepflont - M , . ATWOOD , Plattamouth Nebraska , - ' - EKlADIBOr TaOkOOdlllllB AHD BIOQ SkiU mmn m mm A3DD7XDOOR J U1T BID BW1H1 jgplean , stocA for silev OorreipondentM SPECIAL NOTICES. IO I OAN. J lonoy. rriU IUAN-t72ri , Wist real ratato ciciiilty , % ) oan , _ L 10 per tent. AIBM , 1W7 Faicaji tt , Ul 13 MONKY I.OANHD on Cluttc-Ij , Co'littMls , He- curoil Notts , or Ileil Kstat > . Klrwnsial hx- chinge 16C3 Fan 'n et 641l b&p * " ta levi on cbittcli -.0100.01810 and MON"rt l-n. Al uonrcalc-rAte. W. II. Hotter , 1404 ftriunxBt. lea-Jin 13 to Inan on chattlis by J. 1. Ii atty , 213 M south , 1 lth t-t. IM.jau 18 8 lu buAM lu uuiisot * iw ua upward. M O. F. Davl and Co. , IUal KUt and Loan , UM Farnatu St. 833 tl ON Y leaned on Cflittok. Uillroaa Ticket M bought and Hid , , Forvman , SIB a. 18th III ) tl Firit c'aw Are Insuranru eolli jtor lor WANTKD vlcJnlt ) ; addrcw J , ll,0ivuhicaro Ucc clllcs. (15-lZp 'ANTED'Flrit clvi roan waiter ; none other ta-ia \ \ 'AM'ii-li : l forpereralbouMworV ; one who II ) i Kood ponk , at John U < UQ'H club houM l 12p l tbfr ; C. K llartfor. ' , Stu.ton , Nch. fl 8-13p \ 'AN1KDARcntu to ie'l ' ( lately'n Hi Ittnal BJn- rat-rjcn Amnt'lv pajinmt . / > du'UM > r rail ' . 1 > . P IxmQ , r tm S , 119 N 10th st , Oinah . A ' - . nvt elaM dlnl-iK roam i-irft nt the Metropolitanhotel ; no othtri netI Gil IS YVANTKD A Kill for jcner > ! hoti-exoik , tmixll' I i lanilU , KOO < ! " sCill t rc ijfmoot Ktnl Njc. S , W. tor fit JUr/n Aictnuo tc 2" h , third hutiw. 1117-16 VVMNTKD A pirl loilnptiirrnl horvcwnrk , Oer- Vi iDtnincfmcd , at SCO S UNiM , N'KD ' ' coimloot ttroiiR women for Mtclmn \\oik , nt ration hotel. B..51 Jp > -Young nun to RO to Idaho In mills r ) cnnu m's tin-c ; cash siciirlty icqitlrcil ; il Jros.lam , Am tha Ute Cf t > ] i WNTKll -Alton ! coo * b' t uaiol icKfiii. A | > - ( ily IT write lo JJtii , Hortco Ktirttt , Council Illuft.- ' tl YX/AMhl ; A jonni ; mmn cul to g wviir'to do Tl conorMliunseHOrk. AJilrcps W. 7 , lira oMTP. 679-ICp 'l fAlM'KI ) A ! ! to ilo ccccral liontrwork In Vt snu'l ' lauilly. Apj > ly Cumliig 4. Co , Hth uml 678-0 ANTED-LKaidcnnt 1212 Capitol n\r. W nr.STJfebTp \T ANfED-Oood rcswill bo pa IT pcrlenocd k'lrl to' tlo cneial houtie orkoUI ; at 2400 Uaiffi kttcct. ISitI' 100 H'llcllon , ( rood pay to ho right man. Address NtUraslia Mutual Marrla o I en- cflt a 830latlon , rrtmont , Ntl > . " \\7'AN'"rP - Compolont srttl lor fcoond work at > V N. W. Cor CMs .t SlSb , 6 < Hn \-\7ANTED A f w day lloatdcrd , 003 N. 17th. \V 622.f WANTED-lllddlnaRCd laiiypreferrol , more fir oampmiy to wlfo ol ntrnvo'lnp ' tntnnhols ax&y most ol the time. Work-llKht ftuilwinf Jtnall , hut Toinl hoinn to tlo rltfht person IniUiro ) en or W. Chambers & Co't. store , aundc U E.'iO-l p I/"ANTED 2 glrta at L'ornn house , 013 rtmmn > 61 St VV 7ANTEI ) A flistclani double cylinder fuMcr ; ' nppl > at thn Ueo cilice , tout 'ED A first chei servant ( rlrl. Call t Iho Nortlnvoitcjrncr of'iSra ' anil Butt , 32I-10p T17"AN1KI-An cxpoilcnc'd bar t ndor ( Htrlcty \ T tcinticritflcslrcs ) n pcjitlen In flrst class place lc ! l ! refereicoi ( ; i\en nnd catbtactlon Rin tbtdiaddrcsU' . O. Uo\48cli ) . 472tf ' \T7ANTBD A good nctUowonnn to take charge V < of dlalnit room. Knqulro at D12 louula ) t. 270 tf \\7'AN'lKt ) Lady n uut < fjr "Queon I'rotujor T * dal > } stcckliu nil t sVIrt supnorterj , shoulder hraocs , buitle11 m forms , dices Snitlcs , safety belts , flce\o prnUrtois , & .C. in/.trolv non devlco * , iinprecedcn'id profits \\'o ha > o t/'Oneunt-i maklLi ; S100 monthlv. Address with bt.nnp h. } [ Campbell li Co. , 0 South M y &t , . Chlcigo. liO J lu CUIiKKNS 1 want n man 111 cry PhAUUE the sutu co bm them for ca > h. No dm'tns Kijtniitlty U. 1) . IlEomcr.'lujor ati'l ship pcrof Omnu p ii'try and Eggt , SOI , 03 , faC6 , and 8o7 llowaul St. , Omaha. 43-tl WAN ! ED Agents to haudlo our Klcctrlo app'liuico' ' , cxc uvlvo tcriltory 3 1 an. A grand opportunityfor the light parties. ImciUgatp by nd dressing the i'cerloas il'i'g Co. , Kansiu utv.Me. Situation by a jouni ? own of oduca- WANTKD tcrcpt Bitall Balar"unti > business lmpro\03addrcfs ; "II. Q."Bcoolllco 304 9p TT/ANTED-Sltuatlon 6y a joung lady as copjist , VI sterr raphor and typo-wilter. Addroes A. B. C. , care Ece office. M2-lOp To rent by Fob. 1 , a t-o otorv house WANTED a block preferred , bet. 18th and Hth Sts. C.ll on or address 05 South 17th St. 676 Op "TTTANTED By a competent woman- , position ns VT tlrrt or fccjnd cook. Addicsa U. K , this olllcc. r.S2-ICfi. WANTED experienced hotel ztan , a. position .13 clerX or manager. Addrosa 5U E. F , . Hco OfDco. B55-10p ' > A position as ni apprcuifco lu a har w are store. Address C. S. Bargclt , Norfol Nob. 171 jam ; miLfnuU man wants Rliu&uon aa Dook * AYouaj , In wbolosjUa agtabllibmsDl In Omaha. Address " 0. " care Boo. 690-tf MISCELLABHOUB V757"ANTO rent a cottajo nt B orrtrcems , In a. VV do irabonflghboiIiiO(1 ! , ith stable pru'orred. Would liripOB ! > csalon l > v 15th to SOth ol Jaunarj ; ad * ilruja ' M II. C. ' Boo cilice. COa 12p . _ . .gentleman who applied for board at 14 9 Joues street , pleoso call again. OOU-Bp Plasterer to rent home and stable , WANTED 27th and Howard ; rent to bpIJlln work Wm t > . Monroe , 6th and Douglas sis. 65'Up WANTED laOOO famllcs to try our eolf-riMng Pure Buckwheat flour nod 8elf bUag Corn meal kept by all flret-c'a's grocers. We warrant all buckwheat sold under our brand pure. W. J WKL- SHAN8 & CO. . Manufacturers. 424-tt fi\ ' FOH F.ENT Nort cott ifo 8 rooms , hull , pantry cIcBBt and cellar , 812 60 , alaotber ohe p ten monts. D. L. Thomas. -H7-tf TT'O" BENT F urroom houin ESuCDj' J/ar.l ; ? 10 JL1 pcfmonth. Barker & Ma ) ne. 430f W 'ANlED Work on a set ot btoka , ctonlngs. Addrrsi F. II , Ueo Otllco 00Up UKNT llooms 028 S. 2tith Si. FDH B510p OOIl T.'tKT 7 room cottaRn ono .block from I'ar' < J1 a/ouuu caisj 820. C room nrtt'sii ono block from Park nieuuo airs ; $16. Ainsi , 1H ? > arnam bt. M9H TniOIl I'.KST A > cry rice front room with dro and I1 go3j tiiard , In p'ltate ( milj ; u.o.t rons 'liable tirms , ca.l a.t313 N > 2J tt MS-10.J FOll UKNT Eight room hou3 ; ilre. f. lloddis , ' 314-X i.Slhbt. 000-15p - UKNT ' 'art of double house , , ! rii'irs.Mil i a HiO-t r.UHIon ; $10 per montb ; , rooui2t Omahi Nn. . Ouzel 7IOU RENT Ilous3 on Jonoilrret , let. . and i'lUh Iniioiie ho. 1710 Capitol ave. 631-1 * JiOll I.KNT Mcu lurnlshjj front loom Iflfi Cnss io , i87-10 lQ'l ' HUNTTurnUbed Room board , 00.1 N. I7tli. 624-11 , J ,10U UKNT- elouantly lurniijud rooms , with 'r JL1 witaout Hre. 17HCauil.gA ! . _ 6tO Up _ ' 17011 KKNT Fuuilsbwl hnuis.a ; ( urnUliol cnttazo JT aorasmall ( * mll > , H17 llavaapurtSl , fiS.VIOp 7\Olt HKNT Anlco Iwiida miltablo for nsmall fain- | ' llv , rent 112 | or month ; inquue at Kdhcl'n L Hrickson'e , opp Pistoa'ce. 674-12 T7 ull UKNT New nlro rno h'u o. wfth city JC watir , on houth 17lh Bt. neir rallr od Iraclt fjltiblo fobrard rx- home , rent (30 , lo'iulio at Ouul.a foundry or cf-T. W. 1. Klcbarup. & 7rtf , I OItUKNT-VurilihrdimimsonabloeV noith oii 1' Punctilio K IV. Cor UJi ar.d Capitol Ate. T7 > OH KENT -A house butwecn 11 i : IS on Clumro I1 John S .lft. i31 Dp IIRNI' Hcium * l J.roo a , Oili and 1 bn Bt . FOll . Hlckpryta per nionth ; ayplf ou premlsis. K. McDonald. r No&lZ a 18'h St ; new houtio of. H rooms , . bin lot , I vdiuid noli water ; ciovp lo hu a lii'ii ' ] rofU-btT b'Jutlut. ( { O-tii " - turnlsbod ( rent room tt. W7 DotXilis , ono block IrJuiii , It Falconer. Ct7-0p UKNT Nlca iurnl'hed trent ri'inwith fctmo FOR lilh ht. bstwitn IloKaul i .Trtfh n. 4 a Op R ihed room , 1H6 Col- i o , f 0 Dp FJir Nlco front room , ICOi Fuaani Htreet. ITVOIt UKNT Furnitlicd room uu Wjurd W ( X ) pti L' wetk. V ry best locution , 1UU Datcnpnr 635-12p ( til KKNT Iliircllni. luiusa. to riomi. M F , 823 N. loth HiK t , o u ktori(22 \ ) 1UNT wi'li lioaiJ , 03v la-ge lurnltred tr\lt ' r > om ; gaaund i > ttii ; H * V. Cor. ol Hti. and , 1407 ; alto a lew Ublo VAidcru wanted. 404tl TTOSl RENT N * > cottage , 110.0)peinvi&lh Good J1 furol-hid ro ntii Wjonuoiitti , UUU I'atUr. on , cir Hlh iJ furuMD. ( A5tl 170U KEMr-ll g nt 11 room liwr * hot and cold I * watei ! Iaru cuall ; modem lin | ( VC9A-1 > ; t"11 tt mottiHtVw iUijue , tUtl 7 > OIl HI NT KewH fiirnlnhcil front room * , T or en itiitc , SV. . 17th nnd CMI. 49itl T70R HKMT- For p rilr , fniM , oonrcr' , tlr , Freemason * 11M , Capltcl in i ' * Sltt nthSt Ithtsbtoa ihoTAWhiy Miilfiii | il wlih U comtn linrtn.ppb tr > vliinm.l. Mnntt , nttlmliill , or ot Jitmc KoiMlh , Jwilru ? In 9iiro brtl lire. 4M-9 _ UKNTHoinl nnd room winneland l hlf ITIQII oiub'c iMolT'Ktt r"ttlis Intrhntefum * lly. Aijltttjbox Oi , titj. 4fl-9 TTOKliKNT-FiltnlsloIrPOini * ad board t 1IU J1 llowird St. J8 < lOp 1 ,1011 1 KilJil'-FurnlfhoJ tt msal TOS N. 17lh St. I/O * UF VT-Pne houjo. lnMiltd Kilho'm k Kilo- I1 tfti. _ _ 2J11L ? oTl RENT ynrnlthoil room , IBIS Ja keen ? T poll HKNr-Kural hovl rooms 1WO DodpsSt J _ t4tt \ 11KNT A yitxt fnrnl'bed room Ayplv at Ir\0ll 1 Alklnso.t'sMldfnery- ' , 16tlr St , cmi'h PI Post olllco. C04-tt J7011 llKNT-Dwclllrp ; boii e , 1317 Wcb't r at. , U nlno roouj ; well amf clttuin , ijiraiioJamrfl Conner. _ 4M'tf poll UKNT-Chofco trtUi ol offlcxi r"oiui > very JB' I 1 ( Irnbloforndbctor. InirnlroatWui. 31tnihinan store 4tDtf ITOR 11KNT A cxttlLRB or > rouin , on 20th1 reot , X" ncarSt Marj's TCIIUO ; U.tO per month. * r - en Bnltil rS13B K'.hBlrert. 43HI 011 HKNT Iloiue of olgS't rooms , ulluitolbo- 3 1 tno n Oiinontrinil Plcannk ntroeta , on llarnoy slrce * . Iniiuirouf . 31. ' Thompson , First National Dank. p Ono lur idrd room w th bon 1 Sire or three day hoarder ! , VM4Vobit < > r. r.4SJ.t T7 < 0lt HKIfT Nc U t anj cheapest furnUhcd reams * I1 In Omaha. Apply to O. II. Anderson , room H1 Aiulcrsin JUlock , north onlfanoc , 16th nnd Ilavan { tott 3t 273-jan lr > OH HFNT To ecntlcmcn onlyi a ploaiuiut lur' F oldhed room , S. K. corncOtn aud Douelas. 418-U FOll HEMT T\vo dopant rooira In Iledlok's block , * I'Aulron A Co. , 1613 Farnanu UO-tf I OR IIBNT FurnUlioil front room fbr font 222 N. F jBthSt 418 tt FFOll FOll UKNT-fltoro room Kill Farnim St , with ol without ! Billiard tables , by I'&ul&n k d > . , 15IS Farnam tt. 431. i Oil 1WNT Suits of rooms furnlafccd lor Hsht ] 1 IIOUHQ kcon4n , are oco'Kircalh' aicnnt in Ilee. incr'i ) LlocK , corner Etli atd Ilo ard EtS ( 43Stf UKNT A nlno room hou o ; rtMirano loca- FOll ; f 0 per month. Barker .t Ma/nu. 495-tf TjM'll IlKNT-Storobulldlnsr with rrcMtnoo nl -T f22. rx-rmobth lu Rood location. D. L Thomas. FOR SAIE. NMjH A ch ioj t'n ' b"r cUlm , chop for FOll . suiU lUiinliiRwatrr ; nrar unod rall- roaltowu , frhoola.ohoirhei'etc. For lull'pirtlcu- lara addroea llbx lit ; rtirsmt , N.b. uJS lip . THKUE Good etock Urm of 00 IflOHSAr.nOK ' I. PI frvin On aha , ono mile fioin SprltiBllo'd ' , N bwlI ( trade for Onrlu iiroporty. Addresi Wooloj & Harrison , O.naha.c r O. M. Hard- ton , SprinsflcllNtb. , 377feb''p K CUKAll-Onocloiant cli'inborcot , one F rearulit ir clok , onu ucirly now Knabo 1'iano. Qvo cold friraMl nlctur 8 , ono borso , harnost nd phavtcn , ono IH1U 8fenmall size , ono beautiful china soffeoMt. Inquire No. 20U llarocy M , , bet. 2jth and 21st 231-jan IS 3ALK Cd l test on Cumtne street 3 blocks FOIt ot Mlllt r > lilidjjo l.OOj. John L. Mc OfipOBlto I'o4 olllte. B\LE 13 :124- feel on corner , eouth-oast FOll front , houses 'rooms , barn , 3 blocks went of Park avo. nnd Lowenwortlt , easy payments , cheap $1,709. John L. JWCasuo , ovposlto I'oat Office. 4i7-t FOK SALK Ilorspn , muils , harocs.1 and wagong on ono or two ysarB time , lloal cutato pocurlty t ) . L. Thomaa. 428-tf FORS LK My buldioQand stick of clothing , bootnand hre , will trails for firming land. Qco. II Peterson , $01 SAoth Xth St. , Omaha. M. ' 4S7.lcb 1 _ TT'OllSM.K ' Cheip , her -aad buggy , ilOS , Cum- J ? IUB St. 232 tf IT OH BALE A atock of < l > v KOI < | * . millinery , boots X1 and shoe * : hats and aid oao of the beat towns In this state. ' 111 ! , stook l < frco from old and shop warn goods and will linolco fromfS.OOO tn SIO.'XC. Ouncr can gl > e bout roasjns for selling. Will lease o ( sell store bnlldlnrwMch Is In a first class > local ! n In the town. No better Inducement will bo ottered tha'j a geol strcknj p > odH.a llrstc'aisrhanca to cpcn a pn > Iu I > uslaiB . Address O. S. BUR ollloo. aucdstcam tlour'DR mill 1 with two ran of burrs and ono feed burr ; all in peed ; repair and nnlv bren tiead IR monthp. Situated un ono of the l < o t bnsinesi lUs in Kinoy , Ntb , Will dlspopo i ' tot and mill "jocethor mill oljne ; flno looitirn vlil roll onpo" ! terms , or trade for other dtfiirablo propeity. Addicts Lick D x 002 KfnrncyNtb ( J17ftb5 9ALKLot with brail lioiife , rontalnliiDT 10 FOll , cUblo and Larn , rccc.'snrj outboiucs , ity wattr , un 30th s rcot. ln < iiilro No. 3.8 d uth 15th Strict 495-10 OU SALE , nlack llaiKja Stalllo" , welph" 1800 F pouids Will enll d.oip. Jos. Kolovatck , No. 1324 S. 1311) St , Oil ) iba , Neb 318-0 SALE I'D acres of tha best farm land In FOH Wa hli"on Co. Ntb , Limited from Hrrman , 8 inllcs of Klrelr , H mllcB o Itkniauh Jlliit fell bccjmo need money Wl 1 sell for HUM CSH j and the laltnoa on easy t > raa ; plenty ol t-ml-or B'-d w tur. Tail or iddresiiJoi' . nolotratck , Ho. 1321 H. laih Street , Neb. 10 9 Oil SACK Oil XCIIA-UOn AtUlU per aero , all or para of two thounan I nores > f tlmhcr land , forty mlle east of Kansai City , wll oxcbanio for Nebraska hmd or merohandlsu. ISodford , Soner M oils 42211 HAU'-JIUSIo'Ab INSTRUMKNTS A. FOH ITospr oners ju llounJmin li Cirar Piano at . $ 15 CO * "no U.IIHB U 01 Piano at i . ISO 00 OnoJ.l' . Hall Piano nil . 19.1 OO One Mas > i & itamlln Qigin at . . ' Oft-i nne > hi lnKcr Ort'nnr - . 3100 On NfbnrlbrldRa Organat' . f > 0 03 Ono K ej Orcan nt . Ho 00 One JabUHCii Organ atj . 4500' For nwh or on aisy , monthly installmcnts.- Al o aeents forccle ratou KUnlmll I'lano uncl A'ttin ball , V.'i/icr/.n.tim llallet li Darin Hanoi Lament ttoukIowcmrprloa. t , . uospe , IMfl Dodge Bticet , MDfcbO F On H \ LiCTo lho wibMnit to purchasi No. li milch uows , I bi o Jil-t united viith a frim Ca'lat mv yards 27tU ami Kurt streets. J , W. I'tn Jl&ll MIDUBLLAHEOns. STRAYKD Oil 8TOLKN- List n'eht i-mr.on . t'Hbi-r tolu a hnrtu from the stiblu of Jem H n- Ben , or o'l-otho ' a.iltnnl strMi-il aw j jt In a tiny tuaru urt ) mano..vid while tall , oiKhtjoira oU riBcl > lKha about 1ClO. | > nuiid . Iho anlmil ai taken from the utaUo nn NUiett in'li ' street , butwucn Clark Vil ( Jrocli Hiri'o'.f. * liberal ruward will lie paid , for Ua return to 521 H 13th St. TriOirK.\Olf//JOF.-On of the best farms In A' Nanco Co , o ( 481 Hens , seven rnilta ( mm , county 'oat. * 00ncrej under plough , homo , 3 table , jrlbH , etc Plenty o' running uator , nod tlmb r. For u M'i 1 f to iik rfdrv tioiN hatduare or U'focwlis that Mill Involoe $ lDOa or I12.O ( ' , ir lem. ( Icoo'rltn ] > re' rcd. AJdiesn.U II. Mutter. 140J I'ilimn HI. 'I'O HUM ! i.'fflK-l'aiiin for ln > | rova I property la L Oinatit. hai 11. Woulley , Itoom C1 , tmabk N.tlonil lUnfc , Om ha Neb , AUTIKAWliblr.8help . or ser > ant atiinnoan iibt > lniibe aanio \ oil IIIR un Mm , OCfl Capitulate. IPSTo'OO in tf ) gold plern , row l up In lonif n'rl.r/-l | < ith. If the fhder | ! > pltiKO rvtuni air.o tollBKofllcotlisy u HI be dolnj a. ' " kind. rcsi to. in old wldj * lad J which was ll BIKIIKKI uiud , W.ll u liberal'y ' row.rd , il. riV6 llHADK Sf > ck ot itrocerleftfnr I uJj Inlnif ( Auaha. Chan II Woolloy , tioom SO ( lin bi.VnUoiifJ Honk , Omaha , Nib. f/J7-(5 1 > 1 KXCIIANnKarnii fnrelfi-k rf iMnh mllsa . than. ) ( . Wool ey , Hooiik 23 , Ouan * Natlonn , U nk , Oa.-.ha.Nib , (28(6 . - - sto tiade f"r land. 1 Una * . . Wwlloy , Hocni , VO , ton lia Matloru Biiili , Otnaha , Neb. 62ti(6 1 011 THADH For merchandise -ifrocerlei n'e- ' ( urr d , lhr > e(3)valniho ( ) : IcU lu Diylon , Ohio One j ) l'it In HI. Ioul , M ; C4B acrea of floeLai.d I Kan ; Onolr > MilnOliin , lti ) < pronoity b ( reo of iirnuibi ) nee All cc unu"lc tlotii will bet > eitc < V H'rktyconfldeotlal. S. M , Wm | < oir , 2) ' < Cumlnt. HiT T ) OOM8 With board , den rablt or wider. Ape liat tit. Chaile * Bete ) . 4il- TI.UlIIINQ ! irai Dttlnir.Jobblne ptMiptly atteo < l d 1 to.liSN. lOtO't Johu J. CavuaUKh. USJIZp rpjK K Ul'-A imill r < d oov aui ) oil1 at iildtni I. ot I'fv.A ti. wuitiK , ztw tunx y at 6W-i