Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Thursday Morning , Jan ,
By Carilei . - - . - cent * poi week
Ey Hall - - - $10.00 poi year
Mo. 1 PoVrl Street , Koar Broaaw y.
The Streotsvillo school ha ? boon closed
for the present.
Justice Fralnoy has opened up In the
mayor's old oflico.
0. McAtoo opens a sample room at
1000 Main street on Monday noxt.
The clerk of tho'courts baa had his
bonds increased from § 10,000 to $20,000.
The county board were yoatordoy busy
checking up the county treasurer's report.
The holiday demand for morriago
license ? is over , and none have been
called for Rinco Monday.
The city council moots this afternoon
to consider Mayor Vaughn'o bill for sell
ing the paving bonds.
The board of trade seems unable to
got enough members present to elect ofli-
corn. There should bo a revival.
Tno divorce cases were filed in the cir
cuit court yesterday , N. F. Waohbnrno
vs. 0. n. Washburno ; M. A. Hiatt vs. S.
0. Hiatt.
Great proportions are being made for
the "Old Hickory" ball to-night. A largo
number of prominent democrats from
elsewhere ore expected.
Harry Wostlako , who has been there
b afore , was yesterday sentenced to ton
days In j ill for stealing some champagne
at John Nicholson's saloon.
The opera house programmes as pub
lished by Brown & Hunter , are a de
cided Improvement over the old ones.
They look neater and moro attractive
and will doubtless satisfy the audiences
Some sliok-fingorod follow "touched"
Whlttlosoy , of the Globe , the other day
Irr the district court room , and got away
with his keys , and some other trinket ]
from his pocket , but failed to find Whit's
roll of wealth.
As two gents and their lady friends
were enjoying a slolgh ride Tuesday night
ilioy npset the sleigh on Broadway ,
Strcelsville , the team running off , dam
aging iho turnout to the extent of $30 ,
wliich they willingly paid to the livery
man owner yesterday morning.
The "Lights o' London" nba presented
at the Opera house last evening. It Is a
favorite hero and justly so. Messrs ,
Shook & Collier have a special car bull )
for the transportation of the scenery ant
no play on the road better sot ; than II
is. It is a strong play , and its spectacular
lar feature ! ) are especially fine. The same
will bo presented again this evening.
Ex-Sheriff Dougherty , father-in-law o ;
L. 0. Brookott , died at about 4 o'clock
yesterday morning. Tho'death was noi
unexpected , as ho has been ar
invalid for some time , ant
very seriously 111 for thi
past three weeks. Ha waa aged G8 yoari
and the cause of death tras paralysis
The fnnoral will bo held at the resldonci
of Mr. Brackott , No. 120 Glen avenno
Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
P. Y. Grlggs , chief clerk of the 0. B
& Q. , has been appointed agent of the
company at Clinton. The employes hen
have presented him with an olog ant golc
watch and chain , and the resolutloni
adopted on the occasion are being on
gro-sod by H. R. Stewart , the artist ,
Mr. Grujss has , bean here three yoara
and in the employ of the company tei
years , and has certainly made a aplondii
record. Ho loaves with his family nox
Saturday for their future homo in Clinton
H. A. Collins , late of Toronto , ha
opened an art studio In the rooms o
Bsrko's gallery , 100 Main otreot , and I
prepared to supply portraits In oils am
crayon in the latest stylo. Satifactiou
guaranteed and inspection invited *
Mrs. K. T. Bryant is ill witumauvrialfovei
Miss Ilattio Devol haa returned from a tw
-weeks' visit to Keokuk.
K ! J. L' Miller , of Norton , Kansas , IB in tL
/ < i city , vihlting IL L , Miller.
A. F. riiukingor started out on tbo Q
Vj yesterday on legal business.
N. 0. Calef , of Taylor & Calof , isquito tlcl
malarial fever being the cause.
J. N. Brown , of Burnbnm , Tulleya & , Co
lias Rene eaut on a business trip.
fi. MM. Arthur Cowles and her mother hav
rotuuiad from thuir vlalt to Sioux City.
II , L. Miller loft last evening for vult I
the Goortjo 1C. Oyler company , St. Louis , <
which ho U tha western rejircsuntatlvo ,
Dr. 0. 0. Hntion , Dentist , 100 Mains
O. K. of A.I
The following cflioora were Installed t
' the regular meeting last night for tno or
oulug year : Spiritual Director , Re ;
Father Peter Healy ; President , Pole
Wen ; Vico-President , M. J. O'Oonnoi
[ Recording Secretary , P. J. Emlg , Final
olal Secretary , S. T. MoAtee ; Treasure !
Rudolph Toiler ; Sorgflimt-at-nrina , Job
Toleij | Simtinel , John Fit5 ! < orald ; trmte
to nerve three years , Peter Heck. Al
otlkora are requested 1o meet at theC
K. A In 1 next Sunday afternoon n
IMcAd'iil Guilty.
John Phillips has pleaded guilty In th
district court to the charge of roping on
of the girls jn attendance at the echoc
In Tlazol Dell towaehip , of which ho w
tlio teacher. Sentence is to be pnuod 01
lilm to-day.
The treasurer of Otoa comity , Mr. Sainr.
so- ! , his i-nteiwl suit ffOJ ( it ! HradHreet con
lavclal aueucy , ciniwhiJauingri ) for 810OOC
l > cuifo tlipy hid niii'lc thi jeport that ho lift ,
iallefl , owirh' ovrr f-t'.CCX1 ' ,
the Pollec and Marshal's ' For
ces Are at War.
The Fabllo Will Now Get nt the
The document filed the otho : night
with the oily council by Olty Marshal
Gndnclla , lias caused no Httlo stir. It
lias boon evident for BOIUO time that the
inarsbnl'a oflico and Uiopoltco department
were eyeing each ether with jealousy ,
and the feeling haa boon ripening until
the fruit begins to appear.
The nnrahal's ' sldo of the story lias
boon ptetly well aired. It Is to the cfloct
that ( ho prisoners are being brought first
to pollco hcadqutxTtors , instead of to the
jail ; that they are searched at police
hoadqniutors , and the valuables kept
thcto , whereas an ordinance of the coun
cil makes Ilia marshal a cuttodtan , and a
ifo for this purpose has been provided in
hu jail building ; still more , that
irisonors complain that pollcoinnn have
intorod the jail , and kicked and other-
riao abused them , during the tomp'orary
bseuco of the marshal or his deputies.
The police force liavo a nldo to tell too.
'ho ' claim that the building in rrhlsh the
irisonors are kept was built for the dou-
ilo pnrposo of being a jail and police
oadquartors , and that the marshal only
ad charga of the jail department. It Is
[ aimed by them that the police were giv-
n no show there ; that loafers and loun-
era were hanging about the room where
ho desks were , and that the chief could
ave no opportunity of privately talking
rith his men , except by going olsowhoro.
Attempts were made at times to clear the
ooni of outsiders , but when ordered to
; o , the marshal prouo of hisdoputies would
interfere. It is claimed that by such
llscourtoous treatment the police were
breed to vacate the building entirely ,
, nd that they then took the room in the
oar of the city auditor's office in the city
The police claim that they hnvo diffi-
nlty in finding any ono at the jail when
yantod , and deny that they hnvo over
.bused prisoners. It Is admitted by ofli-
or Oasick that ho thumped ono man
araod Phillips , bilt ho only did so after
'hillips had called him every nasty epl-
hot ho could devise , and had made two
r three dashes at him to strike him.
hen Guslck struck him once , and if Cu-
Ick's statomontis correct Phillips merited
ivon more severe punishment. Aside from
ibis there appears a complete denial of
; ho charge of cruelty.
As to searching prisoners , it appears
: hat the chief of police has issued the
irdors named , but ho claims that the
ales laid down for the guidance of the
polioo , and defining the duties of the
: hlof make this imperative. As to
carolling prisoners on the streets , this la
denied , except that whoii a tough charac-
or is arrested at night , a casual search IB
lomotimes made to see if the prisoner
has a revolver or weapon , the officers not
caring to take the risk of being slugged
or shot.
There have boon many complaints bj
prisoners at sundry times about the dis'
appearance of valuables and money ,
Often the matter has boon dropped W
cause It did not appear very clear bul
what the prisoner lost or spent the
money before being arrested. It Is
claimed that neither the marshal nor th (
police have the right to go through the
pockets of a drunken man. It is sale
that if they did not take their money foi
safe keeping the other prisoners wonlc
rob them after being put inaido. II
would , however , bo very satisfactory t (
have the experiment tried , and BOO if thi
prisoners who wake up with sere headi
the morning after a spree , would havi
any rnoro money than under the presen
syatein. They find little enough now
and It could not bo worao. Ono thing 1
is hoped will result from the prison
agitation , and that is , a sifting out of thi
falsa from the true , and a clear sottlni
before the public of whatever abuse
may exist in either or both departments
They Try to Dccido AVhcro Doctor
The beard of health is1 supposed t
moot at the ranyor'o ofiico every attornoo :
at 3 o'clock to consider business and hen
complaints. At the aosslon ycotorda ;
aftorn < iDn , the city physician , Dr. Soj
bert , who haa n opecial contract for looL
ing after all small-pox cases , roporto
that the county physician , Dr. Bellinger
insisted on attending the case In Sticetc
villa. The board pusaod a resolution in
alructlnc ; the city marshal not at alloi
any physician to pass the quarantin
guirda without a permit from the board
and notifying Dr. Bolllngnr that Di
Sojbart was in cbnrgoof all such caeca a
were in the central part of the city.
Complaint waa made that nurses an
attondcnta wore allowed to go In am
out , and it bolng deemed dangerous , tb
board ordered the guards to allow non
to leave o qnarrantlnod place wit lion
permit , and any nut si so doing shall foi
felt their compensation.
Crnniua from Crawford.
DonibOn llaviow.
Circuit court and the session of the at
porvisora will enliven the town this woel
The West Sldo bank closed Its dooi
last week on account of einbarraearnonl
under which It has labored for Bom
time * .
'Messrs , Shorrard & Bainford'a celln
was entered Wednesday night , but th
burglars wore unable to effect uu outranc
into thu store ,
Last Wodnosduy nlfiht Mr. Oosmaa"
etoro was burglarized and $120 worth c
goodi taken. Tins IB the eocond burglar
he has suffered and ho la very natural !
getting tired of such work.
Daring the first half of Dccembo
000,000 pounds of hogs were weighed 01
the city scales. The parkeru arerogei
318 ? pounds , and comminded the nloi
little hum of § 31,810.-10. Great lie ,
country this ,
Mr. leaaa Barrier , residing near th
aite of the Cornell mill , froze his foe
Now Ytar'rf day , and It may be necesear ;
to auiputito his toes lie is In a deplorable
able condition end his family art ) li
straightened circumstances. The Dis
trlbutliiK Society have taken thu matte
In hand.
The wife of Mr. Thoa , Rynn , of Vail
departed this H'o at 9 o'clock Gunda ;
evening , January -1th , 188Q She leave
ntuo children , the youcgeet bnt tei
wcukfl old. Funeral cervices waa held li
Vtul at 3 o'clock 9. m. ycetorday am
wire attended by many sympathizln
friendi , Mr , RJRH U ono of the prom
Inont citltlzona of Vail and his grief will I
bo shared by all ,
Tiie Trial of ( M Johnson Com
menced in the District Cowl ,
The Dying Man's Declaration.
Yesterday the trial of "Gun" Johnson ,
whoso real natno is James Johnson , for
the murder of Win. McGoniglc , wai commenced -
moncod in the district court. The fact
of the prisoner being a colored man caused
a dark sprinkling of the African race In
the audlonco. The prosecution waa in
the hanili of District Attorney Thorwell
, nd Mr. Jacob Sim ? , while Col. Dally
, nd John Llndt looked after the defond-
int's interests.
The following composed the jury : Al
ii Smith , J. F. Grove , W. M. Maxwell ,
. T. Thralkill , J. G. Carter , E. Jenkins ,
ohn Darys , W. Al. Crouch , John Knot ,
. E. Licy , M. G. Griffin and L.
The evidence on the part of the state
an circumstantial wholly. McGonlglo
us found at an early hour of the morn-
ig of October 3 , In on outhoueo in the
oar of the Western honse , with a , wound
n his head and bruises on his shoulder
: id arm. Officer Towns took him to the
atlon , where ho remained in a stupor ,
nablo to talk. Ills wounds wcrodrosscd ,
, nd in a day or two ho was taken to his
omo in Woodblno where ho died on the
Mrs. McGoniglo testified that when heft
ft homo ho had about $300 with him ,
looldos a gold watch and chain. When
bund there was no money or valuables
pen him. After being brought back
; omo ho revived sufficient to say , "Tharo
were two of them , Saunders and John-
ion , arrest them. " Ho was scarcely able
o talk , and could give no moro luforma-
ion about what had befallen him.
McGonlglo was soon the night before
! n company trlth two negroes , and It was
urthor shown that Johnson , at a dance ,
ihowod a watch and chain , which it was
nppoecd was McGoniglo's. Some ad-
nitslons of Johnson were nho shown'to
ho effect that ho had slugged a man , who
liad about § 50 In his pocket. On the
Dart o ! the defense Johnson explained
, hat the watch ho had was ono ho bought
it n second-hand store , and the chain ho
got from another party. Ho denied that
ho know anything about the McGonlglo
iffalr. Ho admitted being about town
, hat right , but sought to establish his
ivhoreabouts , In denial of having boon
ivlth McGonlgal , the theory of the do-
icnso being that It must have boon some
other colored man who did the slugging.
A conplo of Knoxvlllo lawyers , the
Hayes boys , have been sued for § 100,000
The fifth annual state prohibitory con
vention Is called to' moot at DosMoines
on Thursday , January 22d.
The now railroad from Fontanello
Adair county , to Council Bluffs , will b
completed early in the spring. Nc\
towns arc already springing up along th
A teacher in the Knoxville schools gav
a student a cruel whipping , for which h
was arrested. Ho was fined 875 and cost
and forced to resign his position In th
Mrs. Ralmers , of Fort Dodge , died auc
denly a few days ago , and an investiga
tion by the coroner's jury disclosed tna
she was poisoned. Her husband boa bee
A young man in DCS Moiner , to whoi
the clerk liad issued a marriage license
returned the document last week an
pleaded pitifull for the restoiation of th
fee ho had paid to have the license issuec
The money was not returned. His gir
had gone back on him.
William Phillips , father of the unfortunate
nato fireman Phillip * , who was killed i
accident in the packing house yards a
Cedar Rapids on the 20th of November
has brought suit against the Burlingtoi
Cedar Kapids& Northern railway compan
for § 20,000. The plaintiff claims that th
death of his son was the result of care
lehsness on the defendant's part , and h
will endeavor to establish it before th
Egyptian Obelisks.
Gentleman's Magazine.
It may Interest some of our readers t
know that there are in existence radio
moro than forty Egyptian obelisks. 0
thcso England pouseauea seven , Americ
one , Germany one , France two , Italy ( in
eluding Rome , which has twelve ) seven
teen , and Constantinople two. The re
malnder , many of which are fallen o
broken , nre still In Egypt. Widely di
ferent are the dimensions of these. Th
smalloatjs the Lopslus obelisk , In th
royal museum at Berlin , which Is tw
fuet ono and and a half inches high , an
wnlghs two hundred pounds ; the largos' '
the nnfiniehed obelisk of Assouan , stl
in the quarries at Sycno , the estimate
weight of which is rather nior
than ono and a half million pounds , On
million and twenty thousand pounds i
the weight of the largest obelisk nov
standing. This is known as the Vatlca
obelisk , and was removed by order o
Sixtna V. 1585 C from the circus o
Nero to the eito of the Square of S
Peter it now occupies ; ono of the tw
obelisks of Luxor , that which hcs boo
removt d ( o Parii , comoa seventh , wit
198,000 pounds -weight ; the Now Yor
obelisk stands ninth , with -118,000 , an
the : Thames embankment oboliak tenth
with 418,000 pounds. Smaller Engile
obelisks are , ono at Oorto castle , weigh
ing 12,000 pounds ; a second at Ainwlck
weighing GOG pound ? , and ono at Zlo
house , concerning which nothing !
known. A physician is in existence a
WnnstoBc , and in the British muecun
aru some fragments of obuliske.
Angostura Hitlers , ( he world renowne
appetizer and Invigorntor. Ueod now ovnr th
whole civilized world. Try It , but beware c
imitatiiius. Aik your grocer or druggist fo
the Pennine nrticlc.manulnctunxl by Dr. J , C
i ! . Siegert & Hone.
Gallic Cuttlnsr ,
LONDON , January 7. The Anglo-America
Cabla company Hh.rfB were flat to-day , be
camoof the ruuiorstf n further reduction o
BrsHJHlltOJiH D , ,
K3 idlddlo DrOiJway , Council Blufli.
JOUNCIL BLI7FF3. 10 tf d ,
Y"ou Will Find 'that You can S5uv for Less
than Anvwhere Else.
NOTICE. Special a vortlsomonte , BHO 3 tool ,
Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wanta , Ucaid-
Ing , eta. , trill bo Insetted in this column at tha low
tate oi TEN CENTS I'KR UNE for the fliat Insertion
uid FIVE OENT3 PEH LINK for e&oa gubaoqncnj n-
ortlon. tioaro advortlsemonta at ocr o Soc , Ko.
Pearl 8'roel. near Broadwiv
Fil"irCi ; Ono 16 borea portable bollor and
engine Debt ol r.rdcr. Also one eight horse
engine and boiler , on wheels. Lewis tt Cilboit , 521
Main etrcet , Council li uds.
SALE Two horses , buggj , and light eln lo
FOIl . 0. II. Robertson 01 Broadvay.
Oood girl at8H third nvomu work
WANTED two let Umlly. C. C.Troxol.
A Kcnta In every county In western
WANTED to Bill the "Champion Bosom Stretcher
and Ironing Board" , Every lady pronounces It on
sih'ht to be juet what 8ti3 aritj , cither for hoisclf
or hlrcO 1 flp. Big Inducements to agents , llctalls
for $1 , Address O. B. 8. anil I Beard , Bco
Council BluCf * , Iowa.
/ANTED A good horecshoor. Apply to 0
Grcgery , soUh Jlaln etrcet , Council Bluffs.
SAIilF Or exclianjo for land In Kansas or
FOR , a job olllaj and newspaper outfit. Ad-
Ureas , W. B. Majes , 102 Main itrcet , Council Bluda.
, iOK HALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. J.
Itepl enson , 603 First avenue.
A top-liUKk'l'i Hrbt-cliBi make and
In excellent condition. Or will trade for cheap
lot. Address f. M. Bee oflico , Council 1)1 ) u7s.
GOAL AMU YOOD-GuoiKO Heaton , 028 Bro.d.
way. sells coal and wood at reasonable prices ,
elves 2,000 Ibu. for a ton , and 123 cubic for a cord ,
Try him.
Kvery Duuy m Council llluna to into
WANTUD . Dollvorcd by carrier at only twenty
: ents week.
f \LD PAPKK3 JTor mlu at Bm offloe , cA K cents
\J t. hundre/1
No. 607 Broadway Council Bluffs.
Railway Time Table ,
Corrected to January 7,1S85.
The following are the timed of the arrival and rte >
rnrture ol trains by contra ! standird time , at the
local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton nile
utoa carII and arrive ten mlnuton later.
5BS : p m Chicago Kiprrsi 5:00 am
6:40 : m Fast iUU. 1:00 : prr
7:10a : u I'Uall and Kiprosa ,
12:20 : f m Acoommodatlon. SM ; p m
At local depot only ,
10:05 : m Mall and Krprras , 0.25 p ru
9:15 : pm I'nclfloKiprcaa , 5:45 : am
C:25 : n m Kxpren , 9:09 : a m
9:25 : a m Kxproes , 0C6 : p tn
} -5 p la AtUutlQ I'.ipteaS , 0:05 : a m
j'C6 a ro Ijy Ksprttaa 8:5-1 : p m
70 : m 'Doe Molnei Accommodation , 5:15 : p a
At local depot only ,
6:10 : pra Aoeommodat.oa
1:50 : nm Louis Ktprcsa 8:45 : p m
1:50 : p m Chicago KxprcBD 10W : a m
Al Transfer only
twaAoo and uonrnwunac.
H5) p n Kxprees , t'M p ci
Jf a m r dnoKrirei 9C6 ; a m
woox CITT AND rAnn" ,
MO pro Et. 1'aul Eiprcui , O'PO a m
TllO k c 7:00 p m
8-00 P ta Western Kxprew , 8:80 : a m
ll'-W a m Paciaa 4to : p m
HUB a ta Llnooln 1:12 : pm
JiSl pl KSr-
fur * I earing time.
I w
HT 3 ? *
09 Upper Broadway , opaln to the Front.
Btudj , reflect and coma and Kxamiuo , and see fo
yourselves what 5 ou can buy f or Caib at my place
quote 3ou &t follows :
13 Ibs granulated sugar for $1 ( X
lOlhal ) Bugar for - 10
ISlbsWhllo exCBuprarfor 1 C
20 bars Kirk's mhlto Hu-lun uoapfor 1 0
22 bara I'alma , equal to Kirk's Hasbian eoap for. 1 C
20 bars Klrk'a blue India soip lor 1 0
Uupont's beet pen cler per Ib 2'
18 boxes of matches for 25
French mixed candy per Ib 12io.
.Sirup California honey drips , pcrgal 6
Sjrup , waranted strictly pure Vermont maple
pcrgal 1 0
Ser bam per gal 60
A No. 1 English currants 14Ib ) for 1 00
tenla'Iiye , genulno 10 boxes for 1W
Canned blackberries , preserved , E cans tor . . . 1 Cl
Canned 3 Ib yellow peaches In white sirup D for. 1 CO
Canned 31h Irtquality Tomatoes 10for. , 1 CO
ANo. Iwhltofleh , pcrklt 70
Pure Mixed Candy , per pound 12jo
T. T. T. I can sell you according to qualityfrom
15cto TOopcrlb.
Flour Wo sell the celebrated Patent Fancy per
cwt. $2 7C.
Wo keep everything nsuallr kept In a First Glass
Grocery , and warrant oicrj thing wo belt. Goods do
llvorcd free In any part ol the city. I also handle
Gloves and Mlttcne , Dry goods and Notions , Boots
nd Shoos , and a good assortment of Tinware. Ho
member ; I will not only bo not undersold on any
gaods , but will sell 20 per cant below any Competition
In the city. Wo are now rctclvii'g nu Involca of Dull
In which wo can glvotho greatest bargalnseveroflerei
In the city. My expenses are very light , with no
Uents to pay. I am enabled and will Sell che.ip far
CASH. Call when you want the bo of Bargains In
my Une ,
209 Upper Uroadway , ouncll Bluffs
All the Latest Improved
All Work First Glass.
Orders by Mail Solicited
Express Paid on all Or
ders over $2.60 ,
Collars and Cuffs a
Specially ,
Established 1882.
H. E. EEMER , Manager
111 Broad way , COUNCIL BLUM'S , IA.
To purchase
lit !
A.t Bottom Prices , is
Clrina Store ,
28 Main Street , Council Bluff
O , S. Thli'n wlidf vnniorf the t ito imnur\cttir ri oill "CluS , Mmt wo cill it " r llxlf Cli p
; iu . " It hti pur irltu stioUmttinu oirui ic I lAiiit. It d ( u I ntrl.ul put , l 'I'no iiuttum tsih fOl
( H tliu oo iiftho h " or li . > ( Utf'tt j , ta. roiiy | Mii { tli- ( out ftui vi.l imturO oi-iluii It kia
clampArillliihtIcattor InXnorliwl > ir\ Too litd i.trt)9Kro ) prcfamhlo in heel damp n
moitosct , ailhcntr | tiy AtiiistrciKtlien thOHnlaeolton | itounilnf rlon iil | > amf il IJ nU. U
I Ihodiicftlo Jkltusluto In the market , atulono Until iiiro to ( ilmso. It hu ) iuro ruraf.v Hit./to of.
winds w lili brws bmhlnw , tiny ftMSJInohei In ilUmtM'mil avery wn cl perls it.t tru , " un ii'lf 'ft
oa einn p | > amtelio * . tilt * ItiJ. I * ) ryn lull Nimof riino > kikto.ln till s'r p vooA O.ittomj MM
( u Illlne ct allcxtr5j , nil smxll anil lirgo bri llnoJ \ li'u . \Vtli tor jiiboi TO IH- < i.ilhlrd oub
Kjconi.Milnt | ( orJcr , D l ncoignt0. 0.1) . ' II. L. UlLLEltVost rn Aijiit , 10jJ , fourth Are nut
Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand whloh
wo will sell In retail or wholesale lots.
All Stock Warranted as Reoresented.
Wholesale and retail dealers In Grain unit Haled Hay. Prices
eonablo ( Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UounoilBluffs.
Endorsed by FRANC LISZT.
Unrivalled or Tone or Flnlthi
Host Modern frlcotoBuy.
The Kirabnll OrRnn , BO long and favorably known In the west , rncommonda
STEWART , Solo Agent for nbovo lines of Gooda. Warerooms , 339
Bluffs uncil Oorroopouilonco Solicited. Agoata Wnntotl.
. :
Wiuter Goods Ready. Suits Mnde to Order iu Latest Style
en Short Notice and nt Reasonable Prices.
805 Main Street , . . . . . . Council BltuTe *
Drs. Judd & Smith's Ne-w Improved Electric Belt.
IT POSITIVELY CURES Klilncy ind Liter Complaint , Brlglit's Dlaca'o , nhcumntlsm , Ncuralsla
Dyspefsla , Ncrvonsncsa , Wetlng WcnkntPEi , 1'aralyeU , Bplntl Allrctlona , Indlgcstlou , Ilcait Uiaoas ) , Fits
Dcadach , I/ime Back , Co'd Fcot , unil all dljoasoa requiring Increase j motive Duwcra. New fmnrorcU bol
83 and 5 ; old style ? 2 each.
332 and 311 Broadway , ttODNOIL BLUETS IO\VA
7 end 9 Mala street ,
Ootmoit Bunrjra , - . - IOWA.
A Complete Line of Hew Goods to Select From.
IN THE riilCES or
The eeaeon kclng PIJ tar edi anod I h& < " c ricludeil to dlspogg of tny stoves REQARDLKsa or cos * ta | > i .
erence to staling them until next scaocu. Call early a * I will not bo undersold by nn > o'uo.
A. J. Mandel ,
25 Broadway , Hluff1 ? .
NOB. 21 7 and 319 S. Main St. . COUNCIL BLUFFS
Cobs , Coal § Wood
2E3. 0 , a"O3XT3HI © ,
P. Oi dJrc33 , Look Box 1497 , Conncll BluHi.
iuo3. omciDi TT. n , u. rcssi
Council Bluffs , . . laj
Established - - 1856
Dealer ) In Foreign and Pomeetla Exchange and
Home BccurltltUi . .
, 'fACOJi SIMS ,
Offlcc , Main Street , Room 8 , fihugart and Bono
block. Will practice In Hi ate and 1'edeial courtu.
J. B. TATE ,
PrMtlOfl In State and Federal Courts.
Collection ! promptly 'attended to.
Room 10 , Bhugart'a Building ,
, W. H. Shorradoa
Masonic Temple ,
OonnollBlafia : low * .
KEWUUt paid for Information of pri ent
loratlcn pair boi cs , wazon ana harness ,
mrKiRoillw WllliauiD Hall toThomw a'Jxinton
B ay horde boon y ar old. l.COO fiounds , sair lelt
hind , lej , black home nine jearn oldi tarlu fore-
taed pi\lu In rlit'lt hind \vf. \ w BOnCoorennaVe ,
thro Inch U double hiruew , Ulcn from rottawatt.
an'lo county In Huguet T n dollar * reward for
d'inovcry ' of said Hall , Hall dctcrltudav about fi
leet 10ncht | , ( andvoomplex'on ' , bildhea'l rn ton
n brovsnUU red , utoull.b built , about tOjtari
< prlj to Leonard Ev iett , Mtorney at law
, Iowa ,
E. Eice
° ' 6thor tnmorg lemored without the
bnUo or drtnlug cl blood.
Over thirty j-eirs [ < rr.ctlcAl otpirlwiM OH t Xo.
f , Pcurl Btrdnt , Council lllcOfc
< XrConiulta/lon fro.
ADiHSSlON-Osnta -Udlei lOo.
BEATES-donta 159. Ladlei 100.
Admlulon Free to ladlta eub cnomlnK and TQM-
day and Thursday UUrnooni. Ueo ol Skitei U !
A. r. ECDANC7K , n. n , ITAETKHS ,
cannon ,
Whoat-No. 1 07 ; No. 2 , M ;
No. B11. .
Corn Now , 2Io.
Ofttii lfor locnl purioooH , 23o ,
3uy-ei tO@JOO ( portou ; baled , & 0@GO.
Jlyo 35c.
Corn Mual 1 SO per 100 poundn.
Wood Good Bumily ; prlooa ut , yards , 6 00 ®
0 M.
Goal Delivered , hard , 9 50 per ton ; BO It
4 KO per ton
Lord Fulrbank'a. wholeeallnK at OVc ,
ITlour-Oity Hour , 1 B0@2 00 ,
Brooms 2 9C@3 00 per ilot ,
ttTK niOCK.
Catllo lintcher oowa 3 253 75 , Bntchor
utoora , 3 75vl 00.
Bhoop-2 60@3 00.
HDR8-4 00@-i 25.
vconi'OE AND rnciTS.
Poultry Live old hon . i ! WljHirdozjdrosaod
cliickoDB , Bcjdrfwaed turkeya , 12Jc ; dieuioA
duckH , ( l@LL'c ' ; d reused goeao , 10@12c ; " 1'rinfj '
clilckc-na , per doz. 2 25.
Butter Oreamory. 25@28c ; choioo country
B 22 per dozen.
egeUblosPoUto 8 , per btuhol ;
onions , ( JOe jH'ir bu : apple * ) , dioico cooking or
eating , 2 60(23 ( CO ; beans , 1 ( X@l ) CO per
buJihol ; Sweet uotatooa , 2a ver Ib ,
Ciilor 82 gallon bbl , .
Oraugoa < i W ) i > er bbl.