Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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The Old Gf-nrt House ot Dsnilas
Ccnuly ,
A Brief bkcluli ot the Utilldlng
A I'tirccl of llomltmccnccs.
" "I
Sltnatsd in a small hollow on the cor-
uor of Sixteenth and Farnam street , sur
rounded by Rprowth of ancient foliage ,
elands the old court house of Douglas
connty. Aged and Infirm , swaying and
croaking before every onslaught of the
instllnR wind , the old house is in the last
stages of dlnBolutlon. Eroded in the
pioneer dayn of Omaha and reaching back
-to the early period of territorial history ,
co replete with the Interesting and amus
ing , the eld courthouse might bo made
the prolific tourco of many an article of
interesting reminiscence. The strnctnro
is sottlin j down to decay , and before
another year shall have passed will boone
ono of the land marks swept nway by the
rapid advance of civilization. The
county ofliccs have for the most part boon
removed to the now and magniGcont
court house ; in a few weeks the other
official quarters will bo changed , and the
old shell will bo loft empty and without
the buitling activity of olliclal business ,
which for more than a quarter of a cen
tury baa characterized ) ho court honso of
Douglas county.
The court house was erected in the
year 1851) ) by the pioneers of the county
who thought that the growing demands
of the city and connty called for some
such ofliolal centre.
In thu spring of 1857 the city council
deeded to the city , "in the considera
tion of the num of § 1,00- \ block then
known as Washington tquaro , bounded
by 1'iftuenth &nd Sixteenth and Farnam
and Douglas streets. All of the lots ,
with the exception of those occupied
by the building , wore Hold. The pro
ceeds wcro applied to the erection ot the
court homo. James E. Bojd secured
the contract for the building. The brlcli
work was done by Armstrong & Bovoy ,
while John Davis did the carpen
ter work. The structure wna finally completed
plotod in 1809 Since that time il
lias boon occupied by the county cflicors
the district court , police authentic ] , etc
It Ins boon repaired many , tinny times
and still * stands , us ono of the old land
marka of pioneer days.
Thii brief sketch could bu supplemented
monted to almost on unlimited extent b ;
the detailing of varied reminiscence
conncc'od with the old houto. But th
inoioriblo Inns of time and apace wil
prevent only the briefest rcforonco to thi
various phaies of reminiscence whict
are connected with the building.
When the city was In its primitive day
of glory , there was of courc , no theatre
oven of the rudest description. Thi
tastes of the people , while they were no
molded in the plaetlc forms of eastern re
( moment , demanded some such rocreatioi
as WOH allbrdcd by an occasional play o
theatrical porforininco. Accordingly thi
old court room , up stairs , ntill ocouplei
by the district judiciary , was rigged uj
as a theatrical hall. The chalra wore re
arranged , while the platform , a vor
small affair , was fitted np with n dro ;
curtain in the shape of bed blanket
sowed together. The scenery was palnto
in tha moat primitive fashion In shoots o !
white cloth bed ohoots , presumably
Ono of the first "stars" that hoi
the boards of this remarkabl
opera house , was little Mia
Fay Toraploten , then a very small child
playing with her father and mother , wh
traveled about the country giving oxhl
bltione , then known as variety porfora
ancoa. Fay was considered a remarkabl
precocbus child , and though she wa
hardly more than a baby ( this was fa
back In the sixties ) her share i
the family acting . was b
no moans to bo ovoi
looked. The Omaha people turned on
vrlth great regularity during the first woo
of the Tompletou troupe's appearance t
the cpara hnuso , and were very outhus
aath over little Fay. Some fifteen c
twenty years later the same mles , semi
what developed , opened the now opoi
One of the piiacipal snb-instltutlor
which have long co-existed with the o ]
court houto , Is what is no TV known as th
cltyjjil , The jail is old and old fasl
ioued , illy constructed , and inadequate ]
proportioned ; a model of what a city jal
suited to present neoda and requirement
should not bo. But long ago it was coi
oldured a perfect gem <
an institution , and was It
deed well patronized by local crlmlna
at the time us being worthy of all po
siblo suppc rv , which , it mutt ba cot
fesioi ) , wa sometimes reluctantly extent
od. In former days , when thu preset
and futurp groaincs * of the city and ata
vrcs but dimly foreelndoirod , It served i
n state penitentiary in place of the 01
now in tuo in Lincoln. The number <
cells wss of couiso sraull , but still the
managed to hold , without great inconv
nisii'-o , the criminals vrho were DO unfo
tnnito as to bo qlvon free lodgings i
this dreary abode. It was roughly fit
ished at this time , and not till Ion
yeara after the upper portion of the cop :
home had boon finished , was the ja
given the final touches.
Ono of the early jailors waa "old me
lisas ? , " who now owns oontidcrablo re
ostnto in Omaha , and at present llvli
in PJIIDSJ h-anta. Marry are the rotrj
nlicauces connected with his admlnistr
tlon. It is laughab'y related by the
who go back to those old times he
licet o used to be bothered by the prlsi
urs breaking from their cells and eludli
his vigilant eye , making a desperate at
generally successful attempt to gain fee
dora. Sometimes Keoio would disco ?
them In the act , and picking nphii trus
rnvolver , would rush out and ehoDt pi
miaoucmly at the forms rapidly rotroi
Ing into ( ho distance. Sometimes 1
aim WAS correct and efft
( nil ; sometimes It watn't. T
ti jodrich mansion , situated exactly opf
alte , Is peppered with bullet holeswhl
boar a'ltmt ' evidence to the fact that jail
Hot-on wits prone to Mining too high ; a :
Trlulu ho was not always sncceutful in i
capturing his prisoners , he nlways su
cecdtd in inspiring In those who were
tnn vicinity , an aweomo respect for 1
wild and daring methods.
Oco of the most exciting scenes ev
wltuoBsed arpund the old court hot
was in tno month of Juno , 1870 , wh
Buiney Dorm wai incarcerated in t
city jail. Doran was the murder of 0 <
itiiblo Jerry HcShnno , no was gui
< f the crime of adultery , end a warner
/or his arrest was placed In McShtn
Tunis. When brocght to b y nnil
dertd to giva himself up for mre
Doran drew out a long knife , and ma
n number of despornto lunges nthis c.
torf. Lawyer The mas Mulcahey i
with HcShaue at the time , and was d
geiomly stabbed in the breut. B
hane , however , waa mora terioualy
jurcoY' He was stabbed in the right
temple by Doran , and shortly
afterword died. Doran was immediately
arrested and placed In the city jail. Dur-
iug the day , and most of the night , the
court honso atd jail was besieged by a
crowd of men determined to lynch the
murderer. All day long the masses of
the angry and excited populace surged
back and forth , in front of the bnilditig ,
devising Jways and .means to effect the
plan of dealing out summary justice to
the offender. By the restless vigilance
of the authorities , however , the schema
was thwarted. Doran was tried and
given ten years in the penitentiary. Ho
had boon but n few months in the peni
tentiary when ho managed to break out ,
and ho has never boon seen since.
The old jail was the scene in earlier
days , of thu lynching ] of Bonvo , ono of
the two men men who broke Into the
house of Airs. Taylor , near the military
bridge , in the spring of' 1801. Bonvo
and his companion Her were arrested in
Omaha , on the day after the outrage , bo *
Ing suspected of the crime. Both were
afterward identified by Mrs , Taylor as
being the culprits. Her , however , she
said had pleaded for her lifo when Bon
vo wanted to commit the double crime of
murder and larceny. Public feeling was
running very high nt the time , in favor
of lynching the lawless desperado ,
Bonve. A mooting of over
five hundred citizens was hold in front
of Pioneer block. A brief preliminary
trial , which convicted the two men , was
hold. A vigilance committee was ap
pointed. The city jail , where the tivo
men were imprisoned , was broken and
the marshal overpowered. They un
locked the door of Bouvo'a cell and hung
him to a beam in the entry hall. It is
said that when ho was strung up the
planks ot the iloor had to bo torn np to
prevent his foot from "touching bottom. "
Bouvo died game , making no confession
of his crime. Ho was said to have killed
several men in Colorado , being a gam
bler and thief by profession , and a reck
less and daring desperado. Her , by
reason of his intercessions for Mrs. Tay
lor's lifo , was roloaeod.
The old court house was formerly the
sccno of much social festivity. In the
old room now occupied by the district
court , the great balls and pnrtles wore
hold. Omaha in early days possessed n
lively and social feeling nnd the clancoa
were always .attended by largo crowds.
The room wonld bo cleared , the fiddlore
would commence their ssraplng , and the
pleasures of the dance , lasting well Intc
the next day , would bo inaugurated.
From this brief and hasty sketch , il
will bo scun to what nn oxtsnt the old
court house figures in the early hlstorj
of Omaba. The ancient structure hai
long lived nnd served , but the "day o
its dissolution" in fast approaching
Erected nt n time when the city was ii
Ita beginning , it is crumbling to decs ;
when the period of her greatness Is bu
just beginning to dawn.
State Treasurer Willard Is at the lllllnrc
1'rtrick Dean is lyincr seriously ill with tj
phcid fever.
Mr. ] Czra Millurd has returned from his trite
to Now York.
Mayor Vaughn , of Council Bluffy waa i
tha city yesterday.
Mr. W. D. Ambler , of Fairmont , registere
at the Millard yesterday ,
E. S. Mnthew , of the 7th cavalry , U. S. A
registered nt the 1'axton yesterday.
Mr. F. II. Gilmot and Mr. 11. L. Downing
of Ksnrnoy , are at the 1'axton hotel.
Dr. Ilnnchett has been appointed secretar ;
of the State Eomopathio .association.
lion. II. M. Teller , secretary of the interic
in President Arthur's cabinet , passed throng
this cltjyesterday , en route to Denver ,
Mr. JmiiOB Kilkenny left for Chicago lat
evening in response to a telegram which at
nounccd that bh sister was dangerously ill.
Captain 11 , G , Mnthey , Bo\enth cavalr ;
stationed at Fort Moans , D. T. , passe
tlirojgh Omaha yesterday on the way to h
western post.
Mr ? . Jnnica McBridc , who has been vim
log for some time past Mrs. George A
O'Brien , returned yesterday to her homo I
Dubuquc , Iowa.
Mrp , Piemiette , of Oinahn , passed throug
the city yesterday on bur return from Davi
City to Omaha , stopping oil between trains I
aeo her cousin , Mrs , Stella Jerome 1'rnger.-
Lincoln Journal.
Mr. J. W. Litbgow , formerly of Clintoi
JOVVA , has lemovcd to this city and has openc
an insurance officu ia Frenzor block. M
LItligow is a pleasing young gentleman at
conies to this city highly recommended.
I * " . J. Showalter , Fremont ; MUs Nett
lU-a\es , Blair ; Martin Wilber , Lincoln ; J. I
Solomon , Milliard ; F. J. Keopsen , Weopii
Water ; John Rhodes , Hastings , Neb. ; J. j
Cole , Kocliport Ne\ , ; Jennie SmithChicag
B. Leonbart , Chillicotlie , Mo. ; nnd C. ]
Mueller , of ICnnaas City , are stopping at tl
Jomo Anderson , who has been ptesa oper
torln the Wettern Union otlicein thin cit
for the put two years , tPiidorded his resign ;
tion yesterday , nnd will leave shortly f
Omaha. Mr , Anderson bns the reputation
furnishing the plainest copy of any man o\
en report , und ha will bo missed greatly 1
the telegraph oditois of this city. St. J
Giizottc ,
Kolllnu "Wealth.
The business of the city treasurer
Btilljboomlng. All delinquent tax-payo
have not yet settled up , bnt ao far an ct
bo judged , the receipts of the year <
i 1884 will bo at least one-third larger thi
iT that of 1883. The December report wi
T be ready about February 1.
y City Treasury Buck has been worki
} * very hard for the past few weeks and 1
Is is at present confined to hh house wl
10 UIKD.
3ib KELSOTTENBAOH-.Tanuary fith. nt 10
ibr in. Phillips JCelicbenbacli , father of M
ibd 1'rtJ. Herzku , ago 70 years ,
I'uneral at 1 p. in. January 8th , from t
ai - S. W. corner of Twelfth and Martha etreo
iin All friends invited.
Is Ton du Lac paperi please copy ,
Seal of North Carolina Smoking '
acco ia the best.
TUB VOLTAIC BELT Co , , of Marshall , Mic
ollor to ( end their celebrated ElECiuo-Vt
trial for thirty days , to men ( young or o
atllirted with nervoui debility , lost of vitali
isr aod manhood , and all kindred troubles , A
r for rheumatUm , neuralgia , panUyils , a
* many other diteuea. Complete restoration
lo health , vigor an * ) manhood guaranteed , . '
loP riik IB Incurred aa thirty days trial U allow
Pas Write tliem at once for Illustrated poznpti
as ftee.
cn - Gamcau's bread is tlio largrat loaf :
n- tlio monoy.
The Change of Dhtri&t & and Conrity
Officers ,
ToilnyVI1I "Wllncsn tlio SucccsRlon
of the Now Men to Olllcc.
In accordance vrith the state statute
which provides that the newly elected
connty , district and ntato ofticors shall
stop into their portions on the Thursday
after the first Tuesday In January , to-day
will witness a "putting ell of the old and
a putting on of the now. "
Among those who retire to make ro-im
for their successors Is Mr.Parko Godwin ,
district attorney. Mr. Godwin has made
n good record for himself as an able and
foarlets oflicor. Ho will bo succeeded by
Lee Estello , of Blair , who comes into the
oflico with pluck and determination to
win. Ho has any amount of work before
him , and will doubtless succeed in hand
ling it to the satisfaction of his constitu
ent ) . ,
The board of county commissioners
will also bo modified by the change.
The complexion of the body will DO
changed by the retirement of Mr. B. P.
Knight , nnd the succession of George E ,
Timmo. Mr. Knight has Ecrrod for
thruo successive terms on the board , and
has performed his duties in a manner
exceptionally woll. Mr. Timmo will corno
Into the board as junior mem
ber and will doubtless ably fill the vacan
cy caused by the retirement of Mr.
Knight. Mr. Richard O'Kecfo will bo
chairman of the board.
The proeont county coroner , Mr. M.
0 , Maul will stop down and out irlth the
knowledge of having "served right well
and faithfully his country. " Mr. John
Uicxol will succeed to the responsible
The list of district and conrt oflkoro
Is as follows :
Judges Eleazar Wakoly , James Ne
Prosecuting Attorney Lee S. Estollo
Clerk of Court for Docglcs County
W. H. I jama.
Commissioners R. A. Koofo , F. W.
Corliss , George E. Timmo.
Sheriff D. N. Miller.
Treasurer John Rush.
Clerk H. T. Lcavitt.
Judge J. n. McCulloch.
Superintendent of Instructions J. B.
Coroner John 0. Droxcl.
Surveyor George Smith.
Attorney J. 0. Cowin.
Physician W. S. Gibba.
Superintendent of Poor Farm J. N ,
The council met yeBterdaQinornuig at !
o'clock pursuant to adjournment. Alem
hers present : Bechcl , J3chm , Ford , Has-
call , Rcdfield , Furay , Woodworth
Thrane , Lecder , Katitrman and Prcsidcn
Rediield moved to take up ordinance
whore council left oil' Tuesday night.
Hascall moved that the city clerk bi
instructed .to add 85,000 to the figures ii
his warrant book to pay grand levy foi
excesses over 00 per cent. Carried.
Oommitteo on gas recommended thi
abandment of certain street lamps.
Curbing and guttering Ninth street
ordinance road first , second and thin
time and put upon its final passage
Levying special tax for paving nm
guttering certain streets. Read first
gocond and third time and pnt upon it
gnal passage. Pasaod.
An ordinance for paying bills duo 01
public works was road. On account of i
certain item in the ordinance severs
members of the council eugtgod In quiti
a spirited debate. The ordinance wa
read first , second and third time am
put upon its final passage. Passed.
The appropriation ordinance for thi
month of December , 1884 , iras road first
Bocond third time and declared passed.
An ordinance in regard to connectlot
with water pipes. The ordlnanco wa
road second and third time and passed.
An ordinance granting to 0. , St. P.
M. & 0. certain streets and alloys
Quito a boated debate took place bo
twecn the different members , but npoi
motion the ordinance was placed upon it
third reading and pacaoa.
An ordinance granting to the Unloi
Pacific the use of a certain alloy , lluloi
luspondod and ordinance read third tim
and pawed.
Mr. Kanffmann said that no steps lia
been taken to remove the small pox nation
from the hospital.
Mr. James Orcighton stated that Di
Lciseniiiig had i of used to remove tli
patient from the hospital , Mr. t ord sui
it would bo murder for one man to undei
take to take the sick man out to the pes
house alone.
Adjourned , nnd the council resolve
itself into a boaid of equalization.
In the district court yesterday n § 500
damage suit was filed against Mithio
Tshadowllz by N. J. Burnhara , Etq. , ai
torney , for Mrs. Franceses Tahudiwit :
The latter Is the Mstor-in-lanr of the ma :
whoso property ia liable to pay for his a
loged slanderous utterances.
The petition alleges tint Mathias , bt
ing jealous of his brother's wife , hr
taken to denouncing her in the most op
probrious epithets of the language.
All of the parties are wealthy and it
iluontlal Bohemians living in sent
Gen , Grant's House at CJmloim.
Special dispatch to thn Globe-Democrat ,
GALENA , (111. ( , January 5. Oonsido
able anxiety is felt huro lest Gen , Grant
residence in this city , presented to hi :
by his Galena fdpnda , be swallowed rj
in the raiolatrom into which his properl
Is likely to bo cast for the benefit of h
creditors. The home , while not the fine
in the city , is , however , a p'rotly on
built of brick , and etinda upon the mo
tightly and beautiful spot in town. . '
overlooks the entire country for mill
around , and can be seen , when tl
leave H are off the trees from almost an
point of observation. The rosidenc
f nrnlnhod handsomely from top to bottoo
waa given to Grant while ho was goner
of the army. It wai occupied from tin
to time by the illustrious owner , durlr
his periodical sojourns in Galena , ar
wra last vacated by him when ho remove
to Now York. It ii now the homo of tl
Rev. Ambrose 0. Smith , psator of Soul
Presbyterian church of Galena , a war
friend of the general , who geta it rti
free , Much cf the original furniture r
mains in the hou&e , also many a
tlclea of belo-a-biBO and curios whii
et were presented to tbo general at
Mrs. Grant before ami during their ti
arourd the world. The principle thin
of va'ua , however , were forwarded
th in at New Ycrk sumo tiwa ago , T
resldoncn Is a great object of interest to ? , hundreds from nil pnrta of the
world uiltintr end insposting it annually.
In this respect it , divides honova equally
with the moro unpretending lllt'.o ' brick
house on the west tide of the tivcr , which
was the general's ' fir t homo in GUletia ,
when ho WAS cloiklng In his fnlhor'a
leather store at $ tO per month.
The reverses which h\vo overtaken
Gon. Grant in Now York because of hi
lack of business tact hnvo not boon sur
prises to his Galons ftlondj , who know
him Intimately. Failure attended his
many financial ventures in Galena.
Though they wcro of an insignlcant na
ture , yet in them ho demonstrated his
Inability to husband his mean ! . Un
bounded sympathy is manifested for him
hero , and should it bo nccoaaary , wonld
bo manifested in n moro substantial man
ner than by words.
T1I13WOUIjO'd PAII ? .
A. .Scarcity ot Fumls "Worrytnjj the
Management ,
Special Dispatch to the GIobo-Domrcrnt.
NEwOr.TEANs , La. , January B. The
World's Exposition has had many drawbacks -
backs , and continues out of luck , to use
a slang phrase. In the first plac ? , the
public opening on Dccamber 1C was premature -
mature , but there is so much that is
worth seeing that the Inchoate condition
would not have made much difference in
results as there is a con-
slant progress in getting the
oxnibits In order , and too
grand spectacle Is improving dally. Un
fortunately , the weather has boon almost
constantly rainy for the past two weeks ,
and the outlying unpaved streets near
the Exposition pa k nro ankle-doop in
mud. The four street car lines , which
are the chiaf dependence for transporta
tion to and from the Exposition , are en
tirely insnfliciont to do the work required
of them , nnd they for several days utter
ly ceased to perform any service , while
the drivers were on a utriko. As n con
sequence of all this , the exchequer of the
Exposition , having become depleted ,
has boon very inadequately replen
ished in the way of gate fooo.
The Institution is suffering greatly
for want of money. The amount of ar
rearages is placed at § 250,000 , Trhich is
due to contractors for material and build
ing , to the special police and other par
ties who have furnished supplies. The
incinnati band of nmsiclanafifty strong ,
Inch here at the opening of the
! vlr to play in the regular concerts , and
.as played up to the present , has not
ieen payed for two weeks , and this ovon-
R the leader announced his intention ,
, nd that of his men , to leave the city on
iVodnosday , having canceled their can-
, ract with the board of managers.
Uout § 15,000 ia duo this band. On the
ther hand , it is said the managers arc
, ro glad to got rid of the bandas the fine
iloxican government band of seventy1
lix piecoa is hero at the expense of it :
government , and will be glad to oarr
something in Iho way of salary. It Ii
now reported that the money ( $20,000 ]
eqnlrod to bridge a gap In the existing
team railway connections has been so
inred , and in twenty days there will bi
team ttatns running between the hoar
jf the city and exposition grounds. I
_ s also expected that the great show wil
bo in perfect order by the mld61e of thi
month , and then.with favorable weather
visitors will be able , in largo numbers
o visit the exposition , and thua fill thi
impty treasury. ,
FIGHTING FOR , $15,000,000.
Protracted Litigations Over Ro *
Estate "What an Old Xrnnlc
Revealed ,
A dispatch dated Williamsport , Pa.
) ecembcr 30 , says : Many persons hen
and in Washington , D. 0. , remombei
Dr. William Cammack , who for noarlj
hirty years before his death waa con
estlng hia right to largo property Intorea
n Philadelphia and other cities in tbi
tatp. Dr. Cammack came to this placi
n 1807. Ho died in 1881 , leaving a powoi
> f attorney to Mr. John Bloon , a resident
if this city , requesting that ho continue
ho fight as long as there was the remot
ist chance of recovering the property ,
? ho story of the claim la as follows : It
.840 an Englishman named Thomai
3111 who was the owner of 121
acres of land In West Philadelphia , 37'
acres at Middleton , Dauphin countyPa
nd 000 acres of valuable bottom lane
long the Delaware river , died intestate
L'ho hoirs-at-law were then living in En
gland. In 1841 Dr. Oimmack visitei
ngland aud became acquainted with tb <
loira. Not being familiar with thi
sountry , and having no desire to com
lere , the heirs made arrangements wit !
Dr. Cammaok to settle up the estate
; ivlng him full power of attorney , am
it the aame time legally signing over t
liim ono-half interest in the ootat
as hia share for settling it up. Dr. Cain
mack immediately came to Amiiric
nnd began operations at once to recovc
the property. Ho employed counsel , an
ifter the necessary delay occasioned tliort
"jy , and at n time when thu property wa
ilraost within his grasp , his l.wyor aban
loncd the case , The d c or aftcnvnr
claimed that his counsel had been bougli
oil' by those hating possession of it at tha
1'ine .Not in the least dauitedliowovoi
; ho fight was continuej , nnd al < hough
wealthy man at that time the doctor die
very poor , hiving spent his entiio fortun
in trying to get possession of tli
[ iiopoity. For the past three yeai
Air. Jobn BInon , who acts with a powt
of attorney for Mrs. Cammack ( the do
tor's widow ) , baa continued the fight wit
considerable success , the only difficult
being during the past year to obtain tb
daeds of the property. A abort time ag
Mrs , Cammack wan looking through tli
contenta of an old trunk belonging to tli
doctor whenaho discovered the deodi
They were Immediately tent to Phllade
pbla to her counsel , who wrote her lai
week , n tut infr that the prnporty , which
estimated to ba worth § 15,000,000 , con !
now bo dUcotoiod without difficulty. ]
is claimed by Mrs. Oanaunck that Judfi
Kelley end Judge Poler tf Phi ndtlphii
luvo boon for ycarj , and are now livin
on * her property. She also soys thi
most of thu property hai been bui
upon , but f-nt all of tha buildings wei
oreotoJ on leased grounds , as ccithi
Judge Kblluy nor Judge Peters cm giv
a till ? . The cioo la to bo pushed In
_ Dr. Cam mack Iml aovon children b
hit fust wife , four of whom are now Ii
ing in Washington , D. 0.
The Michigan Loulslaturo OrgniiUei
LANSING , Mich , , January 7 , The hou
completed its organization by the election
Newcomb Clark ( a republsoiu ) , ai speaker 1
four majority. 1 he ualon aud worktngmet
candidate , Elgin , and orcCJellard tu'i-ct
fiom Ditr it imtha wotkl igti uV ticMit ; i
dor8 d by tin reimbUcauH , ,
jmbiciim atiil jnrfd led
* * \ tha house. Mtutttgea of (
101 c mlog governors will b ) t- ,
Seine RcflDCllntiN on the Unjust Diode
of Taxation In this Stntc.
To the IMIter of The UEK.
As the legislature is now in session il is
time for the citizen * of Nebraska to begin
to think of what they would wish it to tic
this session. 1 would suggest ono very
important matter , thu it-modeling of 6nt
present system of taxation and got it in
such a shape as to cause every man to bo
taxed and every ono to pay his own taxes.
This would i educe the taxes of the farmers
about one-half. The fanner's property ia
all exposed to the view of the assessor and
all his property ia assessed. Not only
that , but if ho only owns one-fomth of
the farm it is all assessed to him , and ho
pays the taxes out of his 15 cent com and
§ 3.50 pork , which is not much above the
cost of raising it , while the party who
ow 113 the other portion of the farm or
property is drawing his ten per cent in
terest and pays no taxes. Should some
honest man loan a little money in the
county in which ho lives and holds notes
for the saitio ho is assessed on the money
that purchased property/or which another
has been assessed and pays taxes for ,
giving a good excuse to these who are
loaning out their tlioitstnds annually but
never think of paying taxes on their notes
to any wo are taxed on our notes and you
cannot expect us to pay on the property.
In reality there is scarcely any taxes paid
that is not paid on the p operty by the
borrower , and what little is paid is double
paid and consequently unjust. Our wisp
pockothcaded men w ill say this taxation
question is a very dillicnU thing to hamllo
and wo cannot better it because most of
the notes that represent property in Nu-
btaska aio in Boston , Now York or some
other far off country and wo cannot reach
the notes , to which I would say , then
take the notes to hades if they want to.
Iho note only shows that ho has trans-
feted some piopeity into the state of Ne
braska. It matters not whether it is
money , a mule , a patent churn or a jack
ass that pronely belongs to the state of
Nebraska nnd thdit every dollar ehouldbo
taxed for the puqioio of keeping up the
state government for Vtho protection of
said p tope it v. And w ho should pay the
taxes on the jackixas ? the man who
owns him or thoinan who
drives him. Hut shylock or his tool
will say if wo make the capitalist pay taxes
on their own money , they v ill got mad
and will not loan any moio money mid
will foiccloso the moitgages and ruin the
country. This could bo answered by the
farmois with just as much reason. We
will not sell you another bushel of corn ,
wheat , oats , potatoes , hogs , beef , or any
farm product unless the money loaning
class will pay our taxes. Which Is the
most absurd < .Money locked np in a vault
is of no moro use than a farm would bo il
it was fonoed all round and no person al
lowed to put a foot upon it. Inteiost or
money is the capitalist's living , and with
out the intetebl ho would starve , as the
farmer would s atvo if his fa-m was no
cultivated , and the p ice of his product i
regulated by what laboring or any busi
ness men of the country can afford to pa ;
out of their earnings. Should f arnica
combine to make them pay 11101 o thai
their income would atlord , they would 1)
tyrants , and as tyrants should bo treated
And so I say if the money lenders continu
to combine as a body to compel the bor
rowing class to pay such a late of intercs
that in going to take nil they csu mak
and have already rcdnced them to pov
erty , I say they would bo tyranta anc
should bo treated as such. Every owno
of property should have the privilege o
giving into the aassessor the amount o
borrowed money on his property , am
that money should ba assessed in pro
tion as the land whether it was ono third
two thirds , or ono half , and the borrowo :
should charge the same to the leaner a'
the time of settlement on interest
Every man should bo sworn to what h (
owned on the first of April , BO as not t :
give a chance of changing property , s <
that the assessor will find untaxabli
lands instead cf money or notes , and the
same lands at several places.
It will take just as much care to roaki
laws to catch the taxshirkor getting awaj
with what ho owes the atate as It is t <
prevent the burglar to get away will
what ycu ewe should you have it locked
np. Some men think others sharp 1
they can boat the assessor , and shirk
their taxee , not thinking that with othcri
they have to make it up , like the nogn
who saw a pick-pocket take hi
wifo'd money and kept still abou
it thinking it waa a good joke on his wife
Of course the money-loaning clats wil
say these thoughts originated in the bnvii
of aoma crank and are not practicable
us 'they said of slavery that it was a bio
on the nation's honor , but it could not bi
gotten rid of. At laot a few boys in blui
showed them all about it. The farmer
and business men of. the state shoulc
meat once n week for the the next fivoo
six weeks to discucs all measures brough
before the legislature , nnd to original
whatever they considered best and in
struct their representatives how to vet
on bills introduced. Corporations are al
ys en the watch with lobbies nni
money , and if the farmers do not lool
out for their interest they may expect t
tat left. Every precinct should send n
least ono representative to the atat
farmers' alliance , to bo held at Llncol
on January 27th , Fares on the Ii. &B1
and U. P. are only ono and ono-fourt
faro fer the round trip to members ont !
tied to ceats In the slate farmer * ' all !
The HcdciMptoriiitP.
ST. JOHN , N. I' . , January -The rodem ;
taristsha\lng finisli'd their niisnoii ; vf BE
Kobertn-n , left for St. Johns beneath Iriun
pbal arches blind thu waving of fUgs and ei
ttmsiaslio cheering by Hpmun C.ithnllo ame ]
hly * at the various stopping places of tha trai
ThU ends the trouble for the present.
The Greatest Medical Triumph of thoAgol
I.onofnppelllc , llo T l co llTc , 1'nlnln
( he head , % f Itli a dull eniatlon In tbo
back part , i'aln ouder tb Bbouliler-
blnde , I'ullncai nftcr cntlng , wltbndlf
Incllnnilon lo exertion of bodr or mind ,
Irrltubllltyofteruper , Io\riplrlt , wllb
a foollntrof Urtvlnz neglected coniodutri
Wearlnen , Ilzzlne > , I'lutterlnn at lha
Hcnrt , Data before the eyei , Ileadacbo
over the right eye , Ile > tle noiivltb
Otful drearai , Highly colored Urine , and
TDTT'S Wt.1.8 ere especially adapted
to luch caaus , ono iloso ofTecta Bucli n
They Iiicrenio tli Ai > pelUeand couie the
bodj to Take au Flculiithun tbo irttem U
noiirliheil.and by thdr Tonic Action on
, iilar Stoolare
the Jllie UveOrKamltr
produced. yrl" 'Jiio. 4 < BTurrny Nt..lV.T.
OIUT HAIH or WHISKEUB ohnngea to o
Otosar ItLxcic by n aliiRlo application of
this I TB. It imparts a natural color. nct
instantaneously , faolil by lniBK'lUi ) ' or
* ont by eiprcsa on receipt of 01.
dfflco,44 Murray St. . How York.
"I Hnvo Suffered ! "
With every disoneo Imaginable for the
laat three yours. Onr
Drngglst , T. J. Andcrsou , rccommcn-
ding " Bittors" * rho
"Hop o ,
I need two bottled I
Am entirely cured , mid heartily recommend
mend llop Bitters to every ono. J , D
Walker , Bucknor , Sfo.
, _
I irrlto thin na jv
Token of the great appreciation I hav
of your Hop
* Hitters. I wan ftlllictoil
Wltli Inllninmntory rheumatism
For nearly
Savon yours , aud uo rncdicino toomcd
to do mo any
Until 1 tried two bottloa of your Hop
Blttora , nnd In my surprise 1 am aa well
to-day aa over I WAS. 1 hope
"You may Invo abundant success"
"In this trent ; and"
Valuable mudlrlno :
Anyonol * * wishing to know moro
about my euro ?
Can loaru by addressing ran , E. M.
Williams,1102 10th street , \Vaahlngton ,
D. 0.
I consider your
Jlomody the beat remedy In existence
1'or InuiRCstiou , kidney
"And ncrvouo doblllty. I hnvo juat"
"From the south in n fruitless search
for health , mid lind Unit your Blttora are
dolug mo moro
Than anything olao ;
A mouth ngo 1 wna oxtromly
"Emaciated,1 ! ! !
And scarcely able to walk. Now I am
Gaining strong th ! and
And hardly n day nnscoa bnt what I nm
* * * * * # * *
complimented on my Improved appear
ance , and it ia nil duo to Hop
Bitters ! J. Wlckllflo Jackson ,
Wilmiitffton , Del.
2TNono Kcnumo without a bunch ot green Hops
on tbo vrhlto label. Shun all the Ulu , poisonous
> tug with "Uo > ' " or "Hops" In their name.
ii btoin-
nch Hitters Is thonr-
tlc'o ' forjmi.Uetlmu
latos tlio foiling en-
( rules , Invigorates
the bed } nnd cbotra
tbo tulnJ. It enables
the nyttom to throw
oil the debilitating
cllcctsct undue fa-
tlguo , gli cs renewed
\ltforto the organs
of dlgcBt'on , aroutca
the ll\cr when Inac
tive , icnonn the jad
ed nppctlto , Mid en
courages liealthtul
rcpoeo. IU Ingredi
ents nro safe , nnd Its
ctcdiiiilalf , which
consist In the hearty
endorsement of persons -
_ _ _ _ sons o ( o\cry class
of society , nro most conducing. For sale by all
Druitclnts and Dcalcra generally
ticrJ ncfll . lii I . . ,
\o a tluJCf ! n Ktie. nil t All lunjm.t JHik. Irft
i"f MinKVli A k jsur rtnrr errtroralilfot
. r\
' \
. w. wiifpsmiw , fot.s ? AaK
York."I 4 HJlOJJtiVJY. JV. J *
mo O K W O &
* vf t t 2 i V *
ICth and Cfipltcl Avonno , troatl all cactt Clip
plod or Eefoimcd aleodleoaasa of It
Nervous System ,
Throat , Lungs and
. Urinary Organs
all 'Mos ol Cnif.turo of thofijune , Crooked fat' '
( joft and Atma , Ulc33en of the Hip , Unco , nm
Auklo Joints. AlJO Chronlo affcctlonn ofthotlvoi
Rhournatlsm , r&rwIjaiB , KIw , Ulcers , Catarrh , Asth
ma fcnd Bronchitis ore all treated by now und DUO
: t39ful incthode. All clieeaecs of tr.o Blood and Utln
iry Organo , Indudlnj ? these resulting from IncUcro
tlon , or oipOHUro , am Bnlclj and ouoccnofully trcMei
Your.p men , tnladlo a ud , aud old men euCciln ;
from V/caWncea tnd Norvoua oxhs.uotlonjirojuclni
indlROtlc > iiralpUntonof ! the Heart , Dtujjomttnc ;
Dliilnen' , Lois of MemoryLack cf Knorgy ami Am
billon , can bo rcstoreu to boalth and \l or , If us
la not too IODH ncfieoted. The Sursoou In cliarj ?
waa president ot the KYjittnvestcrn Huiflcal Inntl
tuto und Buritoon oltho National SurRlcul institute
If atlllclod , cull or ' .vrltulull lineal j'tluu of 3 cur nan
md lEjdl-luo trmy leucnt jell. Consultatlo
. ' , JllocJ
( rpi. ( Addroi'Ctorto * DlEjwnssry Ctoxmso
Omahfi , Noli 0 c h a > ID-IS * . Q..1-C a 7-31
ni SrHUvi .10 a in
/r0"Accomnioditlnn8 / furnished patients rora tl
country fend fur Circular.
"CTnscrnpulous dealers a1
tempt to suliBtituto otho
brands for tlio sake of os
tra profit.
on sale x itli every "Tiridc
nwalro"vlno merclianti :
tlio trade.
KiitMl ldlui ,
Rldei s nr pr
enclheu indiliorlnnncrordlncilolliewrli
isrrr. Kqiulljr well adanteu to ruueli touu
cidi anil ring driven of eltlet. Maniifarlurna i
oUby llllnlradln < ; rrl ZBllulldcrinid U
Hit. Hfiiry Tlmhrn. I'alrnlff. HI. Xx > K
a poiltlio reraed j for th aboTOdlient : bi lu
trtoaAnUl orcaiviot tti woul kluilitiidijl locf
liftTuttcucureil. I ndt < l , Oitrong I iroTfiittt
U lt fflliftTuttcucureil. tend TWO BOT1U.3 UlliK
r. tilT etpriii nd } ' O add : n.
m& 5mecKllwJ l
> 1t > AntlRrRS i < J A U sTJll , MRli TO Tim
Hearthstone Publishing Comu'y , .
Ami jon will tctcno by ntiiro null A
31 Tint HrinttUTOM' , wnMi tavlkorutoxccitlontho
nmr 8itry lVi | > r published.
Tim IIr.\RTii roMt Is nHttetn fajf j > n ; > fr , full
lie elioierfl orifftHal jcnnN , tktMei , ] * < etrt > nhil
nitfcllancotunrtxln , mul It primed on ilno tlnlo.l
The e who tutsctl o iliulrR Iho M\lnUty d j-i
will rocolronnv nnoot ilio fol'in\ln'nttclcs ! :
WOOD'3 I'liSoaUAl'l ! , Uio bjji founUln pone
o > cr o l
NKWl'OilT ,
1IAHNKJ , t'OrUtAl ! 1I18TOUY ,
U Y'S COl.LAUON cl 4PCHj ) nvioHtl-ns Irotn J.'O )
author ; , roiiton lllliutrAtil. .
HOW TO HK\U UIIAUAOIEll ; n > ciy Interesting
A Tiin < rK-riATKi ) CHIUVS SCT ;
A Tllll'MJ 1'T.ATKl ) ItllTTIM KNIFE !
All thcsoilhor ] iUtnl Rnchl ) are nuimutoil tolio
nl ( ho best iUAlItr | Don't In 1 to runil lor n rjxvi *
llfll ClV'VOl TllK IlFAtlTII.TOSH . , Illll 0 IU. > Mltojcm
\lll bo iiutticcil to subscrlbo ntlcr tcAilln ; tbu impsi'
AUdrosiTiiK KVRTiisroMt runusuiMi o.
103 & , 270 S. Ninth St. , Philo. , V& .
HaD Trie I
Phenomenal In Us aim ) licity nnd cflocthoncBj. The
Neatest , ClioMicst , LlghtMt mid Most Unrnblo
T } po Writing Mschlilo In the wcrlil.
Tvpe Changed Almost Instantly
I'rlco J10 : tend fur circular.
C. SI. MILLlin , Atcnt.
1617 Harncy St. , Oiuaha , lub
J SL Wjngnrt dcfcmUnt will Inko nottco tint on
ho 16th dar of Dec , 1831 IMmurd IlnrtloU li < ] . , by
Juitlrotf the 1'onco cf D-nicks oounl.v , Inane I an
rdcr cf nttachuioit lor tha sum ct two iiundred clol-
nrs In nu action t > c"dlngby him wherein Jacob Cohn
lililntlO , mid J it , Wjgnrt Ii dcffnilnuc lhat
jiroccrly oltlo said defendant , ronslatlni ; of stock
of goods , flvturi.guiJthtr psrecnul pr tctty con-
tilnrdln bl4ghoi | , corner of loth nnd Jontn street ,
tins boon attnthrd nndor itvld order. Said causa
\\nscontluuedt3 January Slut nt D o'cl rk , In the
toicnoon. UWIOHT UULI ,
ncc20-low3 nn Att"rnnforlltlnlllT
, < > .ir-yj . . > vX [
- . .1"i >
t , iu ii i .t j I j ii .nm.t tit t , A/JU\ , * . .
i * v 3Tijci i , \\it iuut o ) inco of cus , htua
> ii * . > r j i < l * v ; J i ' ei r i "t , r .11
, \-r' . . , . * . * li * \ .t. t 1.1,1 i n rnrt . 7 oul. 1
, .n . y , jj nr > * - * * '
.n j n -\Ui rl ( rc i 'nplp/tj /
iiujnv ' . < - - ( . " * ' . . .M. tun. a-l th i k'a rx
Doe.\n4. I * " * " i * "Tit i * -iivnlt1 nud i * > - f jiiN
i. . com. b * . r tc n LilAbtj .MI !
Denn'Jful in ? ( oiPtui. j * i nflcmt vwjion 3tj *
ji. I * ' Cm , 1 yijiitwnv Vi i'.c 't I'.iiaoa
3lofpirc Ca s. r.titi the 31 * it Tcno PI Uirl * . OAM
n'l o\V rl 'itiiec i nm _ - , . " * , . . . . -A. ' " wQ
u.1 ) i u-t Jlr.or volrtij. V ) f n * ' " * * - * * .M t.'Lli
HftU UJ-t ? JlUlit3.C/ | t I > t --M.M.M vt tl * 1 * 7 > lf
"ALUSRT l.iAOOVfi. . "
A J4n and Dut.i.t Lire. vlu3ai4ei.i bn.l K inh . < , l -i oiu'T ' " " .n b ? > i -1 .lVlCln JCn-timcnS
uiij ] i.Xew ron Jfo H.t h.\'iMiooi.i\'l.Tnir ' / .n
? itfta XCa hv JioulMvlle.Iic.tirsion.Cltic'iiinfttl
loauin'nl'iiaL'.t J.-.r. ; < .i'e nml u-
illon-.u Ei. 1'oul a Jim. ] nf ill i' ' . ) pi-jiutj.
All IriDu.U J'do.iJLla ( Haiti Oil i'u
' .
Ticl " .3 for cVo . > ! rl ! jirlncijwl T.ekct Oi3cut Li
lha Untltcl tltnUt uld C ( laud.
] Msr ff uh-onni tiiovi.'h * nrt rj < iei of fjrt '
wayp M > lotas coiDji3Ciio.a tbut oner It n AIITUJI-
lor detailed iiijriu UcnJit Uo ilnydaua > 'olu >
* l /o r peirent TicKet O'tjjo. or itdtlrcfii
E. ar. JOXM ,
i i.ij 1 V i r. UmlTVt I'M
fl. B. AT WOOD ,
- , - -
3 > irxB or TiioaouJi xarp AHD B OH fc Jr
iNi > rcRoo on jiicsKr DCDBWIKI
CUTVnnti [ etock for eilo. Onrteepoiuldrre trllrl
* ii > ii.nuu < M'.r
Tjiitui ccnccctlou wllL k
: M coipoiitonarnocfn frci.tro j
L u ccnvu\e * n Idra of J j - fcil , h
FfquLcJ by the lr % ! ( { rr.b-
lie it Short I.ln > O > il k Tin * tko bstt i. i < .s > XBi3C'i
'H tlcr.c-ll o'vl1 iif ,
t-rdbythc rcnltf * mllwtInimci'fr ,
And St. Paul.
Itownc < nsl orovr.i < ,600 mllc-iol
Nirihcin IllinoisiKxunlu / , Ulnnirott , Icra
D ikot j ud aa tan da HUM ) , branrbcg and con
tling rcich til tb k'rcn' juulnuts ccntrn ct
F Wc t , It inttirslly n wc 3
4)oittlou | cf She ILlio , nd Dcet Jlouto
Chicago , IdllwsjKce , St. I'auland MlDiicapcIl * .
Clic ! ollllw , I * CroEBt and Wlnorn.
Chlctgo , Milwaukee , Aboideen aud
Ohlctgo , 1ilwauVeo , Eau Claire tr.d g'Jllw r-
Clilcjgo , Milwaukee , W U8au and Ucrrlll
Olilct0 | [ , Ullvraiikeo , Ica\cr ) llam Mid Oel.kc li.
Cblctgo , ITilwcul.ce , Waukreha and Oconomowot.
Chicago , llllwr.ukoc , Madlton and Fralrlodu ChU .
Ohlogo , Mllwaukrc , Owatonna and KalrtlAuli.
ChlCAgo , lielolt Jsnosvlllo and yiiicrU Point.
Chicago , Kl/ln , nochford anJ Duluque.
CtiloiRO , Clinton , Hock Island and Cedar lUrldi.
( Tilci o , Council Ulufft and Omaha ,
Ohlcagu , Bloux City , Sioux Falloand Ta < klr *
Chkaco , Ullwuukuo , Mltcboil and Chi mrl la
Knrlc laliinil Uubuini * , H > rul n < l A.nrnrrltr ,
Davenpoit "almar , St. Pan ] and Minneapolis
rullman &leeieri and the Flncet Ulnlng Can In
bo w crkl are run on the main lines of the ( UIIL'AUO ,
attention It paid to passengers by oourteouacmplojoi
Ol the Company.
UERRILIi , Oen'l Manager.
A. V H. CAIU'KNTK ! ' . Ofnf'r s . A/ ( .
T. CL.MIH , Uen'iMJix
_ "vrill n FOnP. A' > . 0 > n1 P ' * C
1.1 CUNOUl/U.i >
Eoyal Havana Lottorvl ;
Drawn at Havana. Cuba , Every 12
to 11 Day a
ICKKT3 t ? 00 , * 1IAI.VK3 , 81.W.
Subject tunomailpulatlon , not fliutrnl'od by tbo
parties In Intoictt. It In the ( alien- thing In the
nature of chaiue In txlitcmco.
r'nr in ( rinat on and partloiltrs apply to 8IIIHKY
iCO.Ccier * ! AK UI , 211Jlrncl.aN Y rly.
110LI , & CO ,417 Wtluut .lKet , tit. l.a Is , , Mo. ,
Frank Lahrano , L. U. , V ) Wyaudutlu , U n ,
) y 81-11 tin tl w
OK HUNT. " color.j n lotolc l
uud Tiloi > dor tlirmikffa condition U bnomtl fta4 nu *
fctklllirl bo r ta uUrf to full & & rrol'r proporllon * .
li t , iln ' " , * * ' " " ' . . ( Ollxrixirltoeouil minx
Ur 4 > lei t l > r tlnilUr ITO II ) i. copgr cf It'll l < f
U < | xxk m. 4 lo ii ' 4 f nrilo | for 20 ell. Ad4t ll
p. O , U rcr fSO. IIUI'trAM * . n < *