1 THE OMAHA'-PAILY BEEffauRSDAY JANUARY 8 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE Office , No. O10 F rnm 8t. { Now York Omco , Uoom 05 Tribune DaUdlng. PuMlthsa evtrr trornlng , eioepl BaadAtt Th llondny mornbg dilly. n id rr Hin On Yeti . 510.00 I Throe Month ! . , | Hi Months. . 6.00 One Month . , . Per Week , SB Coots. tin TITCI.T in , rcBuanio anati . Km Ten . ( -100 I Thrco Month . | " .Ixlfonthg. . . . . 1.00 | ODD Months. . S3 . Oommnnloxtlona routing to Hewi and Editorial pt<cn should bo addressed to the EEITOB or Tni Bm 111 Bnalnesi Letters and Remittances Ihon.d bo tddresttd to Tni nil PCTLISIIIXO CoxrAnr , QMAnA. Dulln , Chookn and PoBtodlco orders lo bo m 3 pay. b ! lo iho ordot ol the company. BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROPS' ' E. IlOS13WATnilIElltor. A. II , Fitch , Mnnncrar Ually.Circulation , P 0. Box , 488 OmnhA , Nob. THE frulia of the legislative onuoua arc now visible to the naked oyo. PHESIDENT Auiuutt proposes to give the WorM's Exposition a boom by visiting tlio Crescent City next week. IK any moro fodder can bo found In the public crib of Nebraska , the legisla ture ought to deal It out to the Zodikor family , GENERAI ? BRISIUN now makes nn op * peal for Gen. Grant , That ought to to- liovo Grant from any farther embarrass ment. ' BIIAD SLAUGHTER failed to catch on this time. The legislature in leaving him out in the cold has done ouo com- mondnblo thin ? nfc last If it never does another. OP course the Om.ilia Republican Con gratulates Mr. Field upon his election as speaker of the house. It should also con gratulate the railroads , the jobbers and Bill Stout. THE city of Lincoln has added to her hotel facilities n first-class honao , the Gorhain , which will be appreciated by the traveling public as well as by the citizens of the capital city. Now that Field has become speaker , Glen Kendall and his associate acnool land thiovcs fool pretty oafo , thank you. The special committees that will invest ! gate the school-laud frauds will do tholr level best not to Investigate. Bill Stout , who Is the Teal speaker of the house of representatives of the present legislature , with Allen Field as' his dummy , goto ready to pre sent his little claims the legislature will promptlyordor the treasurer to cash them. PERHAPS Mr. Nottlaton has discovered by. this time , how much reform ho may expect to achieve within the republican party in the matter of railway regulation , or in purifying the Augean stables which are infested by sharks , jobbers and land- grabbers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WITH Church Howe as president of the sonata and Field aa speaker of the house , the railroads may feel pretty safe from any interference for the next two years , unless an outraged people shall riao in revolt against absolute tyrrany and rob bery. IT might have boon a great deal bettor for Congressman-elect Dorsey to have stayed away from the legislature. Ho has aisnmod a responsibility for Bill Stout'a 'election as speaker which may compel him to make a great man ) ex planations. THE Lincoln Journal Topics man says that Mr. Ilosowater "might bo treated like an artillery horse wo once oaw that had very many of the qualities that em bellish Mr. Rosowator. " Wo would like to know in what service it was that Mr. Topics saw that artillery horeo. Was it in the confederate artillery 1 TiiEim is only ono thing lacking to make the New Orleans world's exposi tion a success financially , and that is money. The shortage already is § 250 , . 000 , but it is hoped now that when thu exhibits are all completed , by the middle of this month , that the attendance will Increase sufficiently to greatly reduce this amount. THE Kookuk city council has by reso lution declared that the Iowa prohibitory law is a failure , and that moral suasion and a rigid llconao law is the only reme dy for the liquor evil. This ought to set tle the whole matter , bat If Governor Sherman does not call a special session ol the legislature to repeal the law It will show that a city council resolution in about ai much of a failure as the prohibi tory l w. Tan Iowa democratio leaders , follow ing the example of the Nobrtma donio crata , Will hold a meeting to-day at Dos , Moines for the main purpose of agreeing If possible , upon some satisfactory plan of distribution of the-federal patronage The secondary object of the assemblage Is fo boom Judge Klnuo for governor his candidacy for a cabinet position hav ing fallen lUt. THE Omalm board of tnule 1ms beoi ro-organi/.cd upon a good basis. It i composed of actual business men and wit ! a capital that will enable it to build r chamber of commerce. The boanl is 1101 in condition to become an importan institution and to do a great deal toward the advancement of the commercial inter ests of Omaha and to make this city r real market. Its now president , Mns cycr , isono of Omalin's most active busi ness men , and ho no doubt will undoavo to direct the affairs of the boanl in th same enterprising spirit in which ho con ducts his own business. RAILROAD LAND FORFEITURES. The passage of the Oregon Centr&l land forfeiture bill is the first evidence that wo have of any intention on the part of the senate the American hciuo ol lords to restore to the public domain millions upon millions of ccrca that wore jlven away with a lavish hand to railroads upon certain conditions , which have never been fulfilled. Although the Ore- gin Central land grant is comparative ! ? small , yet the action of the senate gives the people como hope that the other unearned grants will bo declared for feited at an early day and thrown open to settlement. The forfeiture of those lane grants has baen delayed by the senate , which seems to bo moro or IMS. con trolled by the corporations and monopo lists. On the ether hand the house o roptuientatlvcs has dene its duty qulto thoroughly and promptly. It will bo remembered that at the opening of the Fotty-o'ghth congress the house , In an swer to n general demand ot the prots and people , task action upon the lam fotfelturo question and almott unanl mously pawed acts restoring to thepub lie domain 15,000,000 acres In Now Mexico ice and Arizona which had been granto : to this Texts Pacific , whlcl never earned a single risre the extension of the Southern Pacific eastward preventing the construction o the Texas Pacific within the limota of the grant. The Texas Pacific , however , at tempted to transfer to Hundngton ant his associates , composing the Southern Pacific company , Us giant , but in this effort fort it failed. There is no reason whatever over for any further delay on the part o the senate in declaring forfeited this im- monno grant. The honso of roprosonta tlves , bolero its adjournment lost sum mer , had passed forfeiture acts covering over 30,000,000 acrec , but the nonato die nothing but interpose delays. It will bo remembered that the senate attached to the Atlantic and Pacific bill certain amendments which the house re- : uscd to accept. These amendments pro vided that the lands should not bo opened up for settlement bofora the determina tion of a long litigation , to ascertain the rights of parties claiming under the grant. Senator Morgan , of Alabama , offered amendments , and stated that ho should present similar amendments to all .ho forfeiture bills. True to his promise 10 attempted on Tuesday last to e.iddlo hese amendments upon the Oregon Central bill , bat they wore voted down > y n majority of nearly two to .eno , which ia a very good indication. Senator ) olph maintained that the rights of all parties could bo judicially decided in pito of any act of congress. Now lethe he senate proceed with the other forfeit ure bills and complete the good work bo un by the house. THE SPEAK ERSHIP. If the republican members of the legis- ature had not gene into caucus , aa they were advised not to do , they would not lave the responsibility of placing in tower a man who ia allied with the most angeroua elements of the party who > rey upon our tax-payers. Personally rlr. Field , who haa been selected as poakor of the house , ia a bright young awyer , but ho belongs body and uonl to , ho railroads and to Bill Stout and every ther jobber who hangs around the espi al. Mr. Field's committees will simply dvanco the Interests of the tax caters nd ignore the tax-payers. B elevating ilm to the spoakcrship the republican > arty of Nebraska has loaded upon itself ho straw that will break the camel's > ack. For ten yearn , since the adoption of the now constitution , the people of this tate have through republican misrule icon subjected to xoubcry and plunder , uul have been continually exposed to the nerciless and soulless exactions of corpo- ntions. After the disaster that overtook ho party in its national campaign it was , o bo supposed that prudence and integrity vould have dictated to the party within he state to retrace its steps and make omo amends for the outrages and infamies vhich have been perpetrated in its immo by lishonest and reckless leaders , The BEE , as an exponent of pure republicanism , cannot bo charged with having failed to do ts duty , not only towards the party , but owimls the people in this respect. Mit. WILSON has resigned from the ward of public work a , and a petition has icon presented to the city council for the npuoiutmont of Joseph Barker. Now this man Barker has been the tool , If not a partner , of the Colorado sandstone ring. His chief backer , Woodworth , occupies a very questionable position himself aa a contractor and councilman at the eamo time. The insolence of the corporation henchmen in almost beyond endurance. Wo all know how these petitions are gotten up , Few men have the backbone to refuse tholr signatures to a petition , oven when It shows on its facu that it is not for the public in terest. If these same men who signed the petition could only ballot for Joseph Barker probably not one-tenth of them would vote for him , not because Mr. Barker is not an excellent business man but because his way of do'ng business ia purely selfish and not calculated to sub- servo the public wcliarc. . IN consideration of the hojpital a&sea-j mcnt upon Jits employes the Union Pa- cafio railroad company guarantees to take care of its sick , and it specifically agrees t ( provide for thorn in cases of contagion d'seaseshen ' the immiciiuil authocitic do not take cute of Hitch cases. The vie Urn of small-pox now at St. Joseph's hos pital was visited by the Union Pacili physicians at lis | boarding house , and upoi their order ho was removed to fit. Jo seph's hospital , and placed in a ward witl awe-nil other patients , who wore scattcrct in different parts of the institution. As soon as the fact bccnmo known that the now .patient had the small-pox. 2hcso patients have all been exposed to the disease. The ftliangcat part of the whole affair is that the small-pox patient is still at St. Jo seph's , ft seems to us that under the circumstances the Union Pacific is liable for damages not only to the hospital bill to overj' patient that' may take the disease owing to exposure from the unfortunate railroad employes. At any rale it strikes us that it is very important that the man agement of the road at once remove the small-pox patient and sco that ho is iso lated and otherwise cared for in n way that the public will bo protected. Appeals are now made to the city million ties to tnko charge of this case and to ac1 promptly. While it is a matter of public safety , the mayor and the city physiciai should do all they can to prevent Iho spread of contagious diseases , yet i seems to us that the city in this instance is being grossly imposed upon by the Union Pacific. THE OMAHA BEE haa two kinds of con- tcnU those days. Ono half is tolling the legislature what to do. The ether hal : is calling it a body of knaves , fools auc scoundrel * . Under theae circumstances those Topics will devote n line or two to the legislature : Don't pay any attention to Mr. RoaoTrator. Lincoln Journal , THE BEE ia a double-barreled concern , The contents of cno barrel will bo firec into the scoundrels who are down a < Lincoln to betray their constituents and batter away the interests o ! Nebraska for tholr own personal gain. The contents of the other barrel will bo poured ihto the rotjucp , thieves and cap pers who aru at Lincoln trying to corrupt the legislature with their schemes oi plunder , and endeavoring to proven ! legislation for the protection of the producers and tax-payers. No honest man in or out of office needs to dread THE BEE'S artillery. No honest member of the legislature will lack proper recog nition through this paper for his fidelity and efficiency. Tlio Grander and the Itailroade. St. Louis Ago of Sled. A highly respected contemporary wants to know , on behalf of the railroads , whether wo are to have ' 'any moro gran ger legislation. " For our part wo prefer i little moro granger and a little less mo nopoly legislation. " The bugaboo of the railroads , " ho granger , " is nei her the fool nor the mad- nan ho has so often been represented to jo. His ideas about railroads may bo a ittle crude , and under some circumstances mischievous , but as a rule they arc more nearly in accord with right and strict bus mess honesty than are those of such men is Gould , Huntington and a ? core of other notorious people. For instance , ; ho granger could never bring himself to > elieve that in selling a bushel of corn ho s entitled to collect for four bushels. But v railroad or telegraph company of the nodern type has no hesitancy in asking : ho public to pay dividends on a capital 'our times in excess of the investment in ilant. Of course the granger doesn't enow much about such things , but despite lis ignorance ia able to grasp the idea that his is not fay dealing. To illustrate a single Instance how the public are made to suffer by the rapacity of large corporations , wo need only _ to efor to the caao of the Western Union telegraph company. Hero ia a corpora- Ion capitalized at § 80,000,000 , or four imea what it ought to bo capitalized at. < "pr the quarter ending December 31 It will pay a dividend of 1A per cent , and addedI5GOOOtolts surpluaof § 4,159,000. This is equal to more than C per cent , quarterly on legitimate investment In the iullest of times , and must make the poor porators , whose wages are being re- .nced from $70 to $60 a month , fool that ho Western Union ia a great and good civilizing and humanizing agency. On the whole , wo do not think it likely .hat . those journals friendly to the ratl- oads will make much out of their war on he granger. The granger haa too many rlcnds among the manufacturers , mor- hanta and shippers in the largo .cities , who in common with himself aru plagued with high transportation rates. And yhilo no particular class of interest is ikely to turn against the railroads , hard , imoa and high and unyielding freight atea are liable to jitiinnlato unfriendly oglslativo interest , especially in thu northwest. Insurance Growth. Joston Globe. The growth and cxtens'on of the lifo nsuranco business within the past few . 'ears has been almost phenomenal. Not i great while ago , the man who insured lis lifo was looked upon as' somewhat of in oddity. To-day almost every success- ul business man considers it quite aa iiu- lortant to insure his lifo as his store , his hvolling or his furniture. 'Iho face on the policy in many cases is simply onormous. For instance , John B. Stetson , the Philadelphia hat iniumfac- ; urer , pays premiums on § 720,000 ; ex- President Gowon of the Philadelphia , & Reading rail'oad company , carries § 125- , )00j ) Hamilton Diston , § 510,000 : John Wannamakor , the great clothier250 , - JOO , Members of Uio linn of Mackollor , Smith & Jordan , the typo founder ; , carry almost a quarter of a million among thum , and so ou. Moro than 00 indi viduals ia Philadelphia carry policies of from § 25,000 to § 50,000 Senator Don Cameron , of Pennsylvania has policies aggregating § 100,000 , and \V. L. Scott , of Erin , S58.COO. Among other noted Now Yorkers who have taken precautions to leave aomo thing handsome for their families in caio of emergency ara William H. Vanderbllt , who carries § 020,000 , every policy com prising which has boon taken out within the past fwo years. Jay Gould did not delay aa long , but secured hia first policy twelve years ago , adding a now ono from time to tlmo , until ho now pays promluma on 400,000. Pierre Lorilfnrd haa § 255,000 , Oyrus W. Field , § 2-10.000 ; Rafaa Hatch , S7C.- 000 ; Jodgo Fullertou , § 75,000 , and JI. B. Clafltn , § 125,000. Among the scores of western men insured for large amounts are George M. Pullman , of Pullman car famp , who carries § 100,000 , and J. IT , MoYlckor , the theatrical manager , who haa a policy fur § 50,000 , Hero in Beaten - ton hundreds of our prominent business and professional men ore Insured for large amounts. The fact la , that life insurance , having now been reduced to a science , IB a geed thing for men in nil ruiki and stations. In truth there la nothing whlih can t > lva greater peace of mind to a husband or father or others bavins friends dependent upon thorn than policies of insurance on his Wfl , placed iu ono or moro of the many first-chss coaipanies now doitu ; biulncas In our midst. 11I5Y , HUKE. Auntlletsj'sHepiy to Undo Hntue BuiiutiAiin , Neb. , January 3 To Iho editor : 1 wish to say a few words in re gard to Undo Unfits' ideas ga'ncd ' in his recent western trip. Ho may bo right about our overproduction of machinery but if there is it don't do us any good. Wo have to pay as much for a plow now as wo did when corn was § 1.00 per bushe and the same with , everything. Why Uecaitso wo did not got the § 1.00 , it was the capitalist that got it. It haa been a good many years since the fanner got ai a\crago of moro than ! 35 cents per bushel for his corn. In 188 : there was a short time that com was Of cents per bushel , but wo did not get that herc. _ Wo had to pay that. Undo Rufiis says it costs § 7 per aero to plant and har vest ono ncro of wheat and that if ho gets twelve bushels ho gets his money back , providing ho gets 50 cents per bushel ; ant if ho gets 24 bushels ho doubles his money It seems to mo his slate and pencil nuis have been sadly neglected at school. I strongly apptovo of his idea to have the fanners hold their corn over so as t ( have n supply in case of n shot t crop. ] they were getting 25 cents instead of 1 ( and 15 cents they might possibly do so but they must pay their debts , if thcj keep their corn or not. I think if Unch Unfits had to commence fanning on an 81 of school land and had to go in debt foi every thing ho had , ho would have some now ideas. AUNT BETSY. STATE JOTi'lNGS. Creightonites are pulling together to secure a land oflics The B. & M. depot at Cambridpo was de stroyed by lire last weok. A now congregational church will bo dedi cated at Fairlmry next weok. O'Neill has built ft nuw i il nnd is now de vising ways and incaiis for protection airaiiiit lire. Fatnengcr train No. 2 on the B. & M" . road killed twenty-five head of cuttle at ono RiUincr on the 0th mat. , west of McCoolc. Ono of the coaches waa thrown from the track. AVillirvm Fisher , n , workman in the 15. & M. shops at I'lattsmouth , struck it rich when ha tied to his present wifo. the Uiird ono hooked by him. Shu has fallen heir to § 0,000 by the death of nra aunt in Ihigland. Tlio PJnttfimouth Journal gives currency tea a minor that the 15. & M. prop ins to found a iown at the Oro.polis "Y. " A frog-'ej lunch c unler would do a thriving buiiness there , dishing up the home product. Speculators and squatters ore pouncing on laud all over the woitern nod northwestern portion of the state , mainly under tlio provl - lens of thu timber culture law. The prevalent belief that congress.wiU repeal this law hai caused much activity in the land offices. Over 800 timber claims atd COO homesteads were taken up in Cheycnno county alone this fall , N. H. Toole , the township treasurer of Dor cheater , was robbed of from $2,100 to $3 , .00 in cash , most of it township funds. The crackmnen broke open tbo rear door of Toole's store'and laid siege to the safe , which soon yielded up its wealth. The cash drawer was tound outside some day a after , with n few checks in it , and the ca h gone. The town ship will lose nothing , ai Mr. Toolehaa turned over his property to his bondsmen. The .rob bers escaped. The Gaga county Democrat says ; A gen * tleman iu Boitrice.haods us a circular letter from a man in New York , in which the New York man proposes to sell him a quantity of "paper poods Is , 2s , Ds , 10s and 20s , " in other wordu , "Phillip-Scott , " or "A. Phillips" proposed to "help" ONO cf our business men 'out of any money or business troubles , " by the aid of an unlimited supply of spurious p.iper money. Thorascal makes use of a great imny dcdarative statetccnts , _ frequently swearing "biftro Alui/ghty God in heaven as to thu safety of the venture. Several towns in the ftato are complaining of the Irregularity of the mails from Omaha and Lincoln. The Bloomlngton Guard says 'they aru just as bad as thny can be. If the mails are started from Omaha and Lincoln on No , 1 they chould arrive here the fame day Hut under the present schedule Omaha and Lincoln letters und papers do iiot arrive till the day following. There IB neither sense , roasou nor enterprise in the present mail ar rangements. " Plattsojcnth also complains that Omaha papers frequently reach there twenty- Four hours late and load than thirty mites iway. Woman's Uncomincrn.b'o Paision for Gomrabu.1111 Goods. ' Do'roit Free Press * "Ilicrj'a no use talking , you can't pro- rent women smuggling , " declared a retu-an custom , ollicer to n street-car indiuiico yesterday. "Why not ? Because 'taint in the books. . In thu tnst place women know no law ; really can'c discriminate between their 3 wn cranks and t nil thu right and wtoug of things from a lawful point of view. "Now yon take smngglin' . I could name yeti lota of the most fashionable ladies in Dot'olt who go to Windsor neatly ovoiy week of their lives for thu solo purpose of snuiggliii' something , Not that thuy couldn't iu thu long run save money by invostin' in the markets , but t lero' B uever-dyin1 charm in bcatin' the guv incut. High an'low. rich an' poor , its all the same. "Why , didn't Hugh McCttlloch , when lie was secretary of the treasury some years ago , make nil orjer that eighteen or twenty of his wifos trunks bo passed through the Now York custom houao thout inspection ? That was the time slio came hon u fiom Europe. A11 the boys knowed that she had dead loads of contra band stuft' . lint "what do you think of the highest authority in the trcvmry de partment junipiu' in an" holpuV his own wife to smuggle ? " 'Taint ' so very long ago thaft I caught the wife of ono of tlio richest men iu Detro t in the queerest mess. . I noticed her oil'an'on crossing the reiver a good , deal. Coutsu I knowed she was up to simtggliu' , but to save my lifo I couldn t c t onto her special racket. NOIT , what , do you suppose it was ? "No , you couldn't guess if you was to die a-tryin' . 1 novcr'll forgtt what a stun ner twas to mu when 1 tumbled to it. Brandy I Yes , sir , that \ma my raclasi ; an' the very day wo broke her up she Liul six bottles tied to a btibig. around her waist and hid under her cloths. I uever was so dead beat since I've been ou the dock , "Do with her ? Well , I had ono ot tlio boys walk her up tc the oflico ; the b/nmly was seized and she paid ( I mean Irer hus band when I say she ) whatever was , right , and the thing nuvec got out. { J"You couiun'f , it you waa to try , make a woman understand that emug'ilii.1 ain't a part of her religious duty. It a no dis respect to pioiu tolka , for God knows I have the groatcot likin * for 'ora , but it' the ovorhatin' truth that thexo'd piles an' ' piles of women in Detroit that'll take an active part ia a prayer mcotiii' in thuir church to-night an * thin oyor to AVlndsoi as BO3D as they gee their t icakfaat to * morrow to nmucfila nouitthlu' or oth r. They don't care wh t Ms so long as It's mniqlod. "Yes , I b'poso I ( hull have to admit that while jai look nful ahaip after them harrUt''Wy'.lii' ' French women' * straw ra-'JI \fi apt to have one eye closed , or to ba buny lightln' n cg ! r when some of the high-tonod Dotroi hdies wo know uro gntliti1 oft the boat loaded down to the gunnel's ' with n con traband cargo. Hurnnti nUuro'a the snmo the wor'd ' over , and a cualuma In speclor ain't no leas human than the res of the world , good lookriwell cloths nnc cheek 1) something that catches us as often na anybody clao , maybe " Heal Kstnto Transfers. The following transfers wore filed it the county clerk's oflico Monday aad re ported for Tar. DEE by the Amos' roa cstftto agency January 3 , 1885. William W. Ij3ivo ana wf to George B Cook w d lots 5 and 0 b 1 In Koimtzo& Ruth's artd. , to city of Omaha $ ( ! ,000. Byron Rood toTho Public plat -'Hood's 4th ndd" pt s w j of s w I of sec 10 15 13 e being lot 44 nud n 104 | ft of lot 43. Frank Murphy to the 0. S. W. 11. 11 Co. all of lot 2 block 227 In city of Oma ha n pt 1801 square foot of lot B block 227 n w cor 1771" " " 1 255 w d § 4,500. January 5th. Samuel B. Nollaon to Wm. H. Olart w. d. w i lot 2 in block 1 in Waterloo § 50.J. . J. B. J. Ryim to Mnrtjarot Ryan , par nw i of so | of BOO 17 15 Ifl o , deed $1 , Exrs of iho ootato of G. 0. McConnell deceased , to Wm W. Marah and Wm. A Smith w d lots 7 and 8 in block l)2lt ! ) iu city of Omaha , § 2,700. Hampton L. Story and wife to Jacob Esty ot al undivided A interest in and lo lot 8 block 2 in ' Dollono's add to city o Omaha w d glOO. Samuel H. Fnrnaworth toThotnaa Bar ry w d n i of o A of lot 32 , so \ ot sw } o BOO 1015.13o $033.33. P. 0. Himobaugh and wife to W. A. Dtvyor and P. D. Blazer w d lot 18 in nimobaugh's add $200. Isaac Hacll and wife to John O'Don- ' ahoo w d no | of lot 10 in Oklahoma , § 1.000. W. Shurwood and wife to Frank J. Bessoy w d uw of nw \ of dec 12-10 10 § 400. 400.L. L. D. Bennett and rrlto to Nlch. L. Guchort w d lot 9 block 3 in Plainvloiv add § 350. Samuel E. Rodgera and wife to Stoohon M. Pofl w d , lot 1 block 19 ia S. E. Rogers addition , § 010. John Schaab and wifn to Clm. Koller- man contract doea , nrr } of so } of sw j of section 1-14-11 , $3,100. Geo. A. Kounnrd and wife to L J Iveuinri w d , undi ' of o 30 ft of lot 0 block 135 in city , § 3,500. Mary S. Allts to John G. Schaible nrd wife w d , pt DW ] of nw | of section 15 15 13 boinp ; aub 4 of lot 32 , § 2,150. Aug. Kountzo et al to Isaac S. Hascnl Sanford's Radical Cure ! iha QF > Balsamic Distillation ol Witch Hazel. American Pine , Canadian Fir , Marigold Cloier Blossom Eta , For the Immediate llcllcf und I'creianent Cure of c\ cry foimot Catarrh , from a Simnlo Ucad Cold or Influenza to the Low of unioll , Tast , and ncarina , .vjugh , Bronchitis , and Incipient Consumption. Be- ieflnfiVB > nlnutceinanynndc\ory caso. Nothing Iikoit. Grateful , fracrant , wbolcsram. Cure begins gins from firs application , and Is rapSd , radical , per- mancnt , anil never failing. ODD bottJo Iladical Cure , onp box C tarrhal Sol vent and Sanford's Inhaler , ail In one Package , f jr- ming a complete trcotmcn of all druggists for fl. Aek for Sundford'a lladical Cure. Potter Drug and Shcmlcal Co. , Boston. Collins * Voltnlo Kloctrio 1'lasta instantly affocta the Nervou ! SysUm and banishes Pain. A perfect Electrlo Battery com bined with a Porous Piaster for 25oonts It annihilates I'ftln , vlUlizoa Weak and Worn Out mtlVF Parts , ttrcnsthens Tired Mus- les , 1'revoi.ts Disease , and doua moro in ono half the Imo than any other plaster In the world. Sold every where i Advrrtlsodns absolutely pura com M--fxiic THE TEST : Placs * o&n top down on n. liotstotcimtllh t dtaeB ui.iovo ttt cover ami umoll. A cliemlat will not b n- lulrod to detect the pnuenco or ammonia , DOES NOT CONTAIN AUriWONIA. 13 IIBUTIIIUULSS lUBNEVEJl IIKEH OlESTlOtt In ivmllllon homes for a nunito * of century It tii tovd the consumers * reliable ibsl. THE TESTOFTHE OVEH. _ _ _ PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . HAKEIUI or Dr. Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , IhtttronnttttiDOtt dtlltlouiftvO-t-ftlorrainftTorlnomiiani ] 3r. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems Tor Light , Healthy 1 1 rend , The Rest Dry Hop Y st In tile World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. . ST. LOUIS. COLLARS CUFFS BCADIKa THII UARK AM THE FINEST QOOD3 EVER MADE , BCIND .ill Linen , rum Lln'njs ' AND Exteriors. Ak for them 0AM " - 1JHOS. . AKftnts for Omalu * BTATB OF KEBHABICA , I „ D04U1.U County. J * * At County Court held at the County Conrt lloom Iu anOiar still lounty , D. . 19th , A , o , 1884 ciit. J. lI.McUulioc , C'ounty Judge In the ol the guirdlanehlp of Emo > & A , Hoffman , * . ! ) Oi rtiJlDifinJ filing Ihepolitlan of tteo W.Doane guariJIau ol raid Kmma A. Coffmin , prying for the nflo ance cf bin flutt account khU tiluJ , a * > il for a tland \ complete uttlHimout ot laid Kuardlaaehlii ailal.g. OrdVfd that Jtn. 19th , A.D 18S4 , at 10 o'clock a m. , be assigned fir hearing said petition , uberj nil Pfri'ris intercht'rt In B 1J matter mty appear at a County Court tnlj held , In and for said county. * iut ar.ow causa why the pra\ur of p lltlonor ibou'iinot bt > granted , arjd tb.tnot\C4 \ of tbe pendency cj uld pctltloD , anil lh hearlnH thereof , b > glv n to alt ptrwni int ietd In aa'd matters by puUbhlug a copy of this eider lu Tt > o Oiaaho Dally ' 'uu.a notiipr. . j > tr print rpj In > alil oounty ODCO each * c Xor four tuo cewlve wjtki pilQl to uld day ol hcarlnc. ( A true t > pi , ) J. II , McOULLOOII. County Judj SOCIAL NOTICES 10 IiOilN. Mnnoy. ifONr.Y UHNKD on Ctilttf'd. tVIUern't , Sc IIL curort Note * , or lo ! * > l Kstuto. FltmicUl hx Change lit.1 Fn atn it , MlfebSp MO.VnY to loan on ch.tkU In mmn of $10 ami up. Also on rttvl csrMo. W. II , M ttcr,1404 I'Mmm St. 2C3-JSH 19 MU.Nl.Y M ln n oil chattel ! by 1 , f tlft.Mty , 213 tnuth 14th M. IS'J-jMl 1f 3 o L.UAH iu gums of # 3UJ uo upw iu. MuMM pMto and Co. , Httl Kittle" " Mid I.OMI AfrtmU , l.'OS F rn m St. SJ3 tl OKKY ' loaned on enkttolj , IlAllro rt Ticket M' bought rttnl sold. . Foromtc , SIS H. Itth " \ \rANTK.U-AffOodcoolc btst aiof Riven. Ap t ply crwrlto lo Sirs , Hotaco K\critt , Counci AN lr.1) Worn ou n net of books , fetrnlngc Addrtss F. K. , Bee OfUic. COS f ) \\7ANTED 100 Billcllorn , coed p v to Ilio rlfilit f ? man. Ailclron NVbrntka .Mutual MarrlaKO tun- cllt auoclatloii , Krunonl , Nili. Olllcb C "IITANTW Cnmiiolrnt clrl for tocoml vork ftt N. W Cor Onsj Jt 2USI. tOI-Op W ANTED An oftlcn boy fur 0 weeks. Warren Snltzlcr , 213 S. 14th St. 651- "If ANTED -FlrBtoJass baiters Aliply Jos. Onrnovt. 12th & Jackson St. 02-7p ) \7ANTED . competent girl for fjcnoral I orknt IS30 Jhormau nvo , German i > rolcrrcil. V\7ANTKU-Mlddloaged lady preferred , more fo Vl company to wllo ot n traveling man \\holn a nj most o ! the time. Work light nod wages jmall , bit ( tooil hotr.n to the right person Inquire o\cr W Chambers it Co's. store , taundcrs St. 6 , ' > 0-lf p T\7 ANTIID f Irl for general hotnowoik , at J21 Vl Douglas street , near JflTcrsoii. 665 8p. W/sNTED-Compitcnt second girl ; good refer cnces rcqulrcJ. Jlrs. iloree , . .8V cor. loth and Capitol avo. 6J7-7 /"ANTED J glra ! at L'or.vi Louse , 013 Farnnm. \ T ANTED At the Child's liCBpital , a comctcn | IT rtllabiewoman frgcnoral housework. M3 0 | Olrliat WllkU's paper box f cton IMSUthit. 634-7p TylTANTED Hood girl for general housenork TT apply to 1008arnham St. Qcrnian preferred 614- ' "I"\7ANTKD A good good girl for Rcncra' ' house work at 1023 DoiUo st. BIOSp \ \TANTKU A udddlv acred pereon to MKo are < > T T n baby. 110 South 25111 , nsir Do 'go. 631-"i ANTID A first cliss eon ant glil. Call ot the W Northwest corner of 3rd and Butt , 321 10l TITANIKD An c\pcilencrd bar tinder ( n'.rlctj V V tcraperat' ) Icslrcs a position In first cla s place Cost ot nferentos gl\cn and tatistactlou gnar n tecdaddresjl' ; . O , Bo.85cit. . . 472t ! ANTKD \ good actlvn woman to tnko charge W of diuiur room Lriimlre at 912 Doug'as ' ft. 27 tf \\rAJfTED-A Rood Bicond cook . t th * > hnimot VUouao. . < M > | WAN'lED Lady agoLti fir "Qu on Protooor dalf ? stocking anl Bklrt BU ] > portcr , eliouMcr braces , bustle.btacm forms , U.CES SMeles , eatctj belts , ( Iccvo protcctois , O.U. Kctlrt-ly new device * , unprecedented nrnfltflVnTnftnr.fOnirnnfjJ . in.lMTC SI00 monthly. Address vithttnmph.il Campbell Coi , D South M y M. Chicago. 120-j lu QBAIIUE CHICKENS I want a man m cvfry JL town In the sUto to buv them for cah. No liin't us tu ijoantlty D. B. BBC'iierfcu > or and shiji per cf G me poultry and Egge , SOI , SOS. 806 , and 8u HowaidSc. , Oicabx 423-t ! ( WANTF.D Agents to handle our Electric Ilcit.and appliance' , exc'uMvo territory given. A grand opportunity."Dr the right parties. Inicst'gato by ad dressing tliolMcilesa il'i'g Co. , Kansaa Clty.Mo. 13S-anllp ] WANTED By experienced hotel man , n position as clcrfcor manager. Address F. E. F"oe Office. 665-K > p " \T7"ANTED A eltuUlon byojoung Gerrrnn girl Vl to do general housework or to take care of children. Jbquhe 1110 Jones St. , bet. llth and 12th. WKWp VT7'ANTED-Aposition as an iiprent'ce in a tar VV ware store. Address C. 8. Bargelt , Norlol Neb. m-jan.14 curried mia wtntb muutton n r iok. Aloaug In wholesale rstnbllnlLSiant In Omahu. Address "O. " care Bee. r'V-tf ! WANTED For young couple nd small cilH room and board reasonably cheap A < Mrc "K" care DEI olllciu 663.7p T\rANTED-A fnrtaer. with R\e hundrcil 'dolltrs Tl totikohal Icterest In good , paying bun no H. E , D. , Bee Ollicc. GiO-'p W ANTED--A fe * day boarders , O.S N. 17th Sirs. II.TJ. "iVIliiams. 2 > f TTTTANTIiD 10.UOO familes to try our sell-r ing V ) Pure Buckwncat flour and bclf-Hting Com meal kept by all flikt-a'a's ' grocera. Wo warrant all mcknbcat cold under our brand pure.V. . J WEL- 3UANS & CSt. Manufacturers. 4SM-U WANTED To rent , room , or BUI to rf rooiua , lur- niibed'Oi uufuruisbcd. AddicsnO. U. A , 119 K. ICth St. fS.-Jan3 VOu. id MT Uorin * ) * oiiit FOH'IIEST Furninhcd roomjooiiuiro DruijEtoro , Cor ICthKd Dougla . f.u7lf E OHllE T No842 S 18'h Ht ; nu-v liouso cf 8 rooms , big lot , ta-d atjd soft water ; the..p tntlio Ightman.luiwniat8C7 ] S 20tlut jio-tf IT'OU 11ENT Kurilihfd rnorrscmobloo'c ' north of 1 I'oUuCueN W. Cor 16th at.d Capitol A\c , T7IOB HKNT A house between 14 i.lli.on Chlr < ire JL1 John SKllt. f01-9i ( FOIUIUNT Nl'clj furnlehed front room at 17,7 Doughs , ono block fruiu N , B Falotuiir. 6&7-Op KENT Nice furnlOicJ front rn'mwltb btotu FOU M7 l2th Ht. botuii'li Howaid & Jacllnori. 6)8 Dp llhNT Ilooms 629 U , 2Cth St. 17IOH 1 C5M3p liKNT Tbreo ui.fuiLlshtd rouiu , lfl'5 C i hVIliKNT caeo , WM-Pp F OUP.KNTNite'y fiirr.l < Vcd no T > suitable Inr cneortwogtiit ) . 1000 Farnhurn St. 613-8 F 1 BUNT 3 furulihed rooma with lire , 1318 L' Capital a\o. 3H8p ri' KENT Nice front room , 1SU Farnini b'riot. fo7-10p /iOH KENT Furnlbhcd parlor inJ bol room at L1 1403 Haineyit. 13 8 IlENT Three 6 room houses , Our. OeorgU 371011 L1F Ave and Lea\ciiWoith. II. F. Hainann. 4Di-bi | F Oll KENT IMrnithod room t.nrt boar.l Ji CX p r week. Very hex location , 18)4 Ditvuujioir , .35-1 . 2p I.i Oll UKN'I lloMiiliig biiue 10 rio.i.8. lS-7. 17 Meytr , 023 N. 16th btrrtt , our btoro. " UllNT-1'urnlshed Huoinwitn board 0 S N. FO" 17th. f/'l tl I.10K U > NT With boanl , ecu In ye furnUhed front rooiu ; gi > > d btth ; H VV C r. cf Hill find Jonen , 140) ; a'no a few lihlu boMcvro uanttd. ISHtl TTOIl HENT-Newcottage , flO.OOpcr irontk Oood f furulihed IDOU , W ( X ) puriiiontn. It.C I'.itttr- run , cor. llth ard ri.ri.aT. , ' 2S tf 77 < 0n 1IENT Nuwlt furnlsbrd front ruouii > , ! n lo 4 or ub tuitt , e. W. 17th acd L'as * . to2tf IlENT ICH-i-Jt 11 room houie but and cold FOH ; furnaruallmodern liiii > rjitintiut ; J7npcr nootb. Birker & Ma ) lie , lt ( * | 7 < Olt HKNTFor partlCH , fain , conccrlx , clo , JL' J'retmasons ) I 1I. CipiulmewdBlitcenth Ht. thisbiui thoroughly tquliped with all comeu- tiff * . ApjJy tiWIDiitu J. How ) , at the hill , or ol Jamo < Fomyth , la drux stre U samu bulldlnir. 4840 KEXr liojid MIIJ toorj im j kiidllghilul J70K iiubwub'e inlet > r'gtt jAitUx In jrhatclini- ly. Ad lit si box 0. , lit ) . 481-9 01 ! I'.KNT-Furnlhhed i oma aid brard at l 17 1 1 llo rd SU 3j | ] 0p 1701 ; litNT-rurnUlwi loaau ftt 806 K. 171 li Ht. II s',7.ii. OHIIfNl St3N room. * l'h 1'iuil la'j ; ) ' > . - J 1 ir.ont ; cuUiJJu | nr tukhur K'tpiir ptokluK bcmo , Innulro ol 1'Mllwiu & urariiam HU t > et. )6'.li ) nd Otaatl'.tt' ( J. I'rau , l'M > \\Ci 4538 FOH lliTKT-Fiirnlsheil rooms 1018 California St. Mr * ) . A CaldetnooJ. 4l3-7p F'Olir.ENT-Cottasta roiia ) SVnn'urd aiMltl'-n , $10 ptr inonih. Iniliilro room 4 , OmihaNi. tldfitl lUn.t lliilldlig. Irolt HKNT Ono homo. Jliqulto Jilhoiu & Kite * foil. slf i oii nr.iM mrimhoii room , 1818 Jnckron st. T7 < 0ll HKNr-FurnlshcJ rooms 1810 FJ0.1R6 8t. Jf ? KENT A good furnlthtd room Applr at 1 Atkinson's.Mlllncry Store , 16th St. , omi'tt ot l'05t olllro. 334 tl frOll n NT-Uwclllt.B houic , 181Vcbitcr SI. . I1 nine roomi , wclland clatein. Inquire Jumco llonticr , 4o tt Oll KENT Choice sultn of otlloo rvmn very d . I 1 t-lrablo for A doctor Inquire at tfm. Unahmtni store 47Dtt UENT-A cotUsr c f 3 romni , on SiMh r ct. IfOll ' ncarSt Slarj' a\cnno ; < lX.60jicr couth. War- en Snltzlcr13b llthitroot -13Ht IT Ult HUNT T. rge plontiit tiir'ilshcd rtwmj. In * JL qulro N , W. corner ISthnnd Famim it. 431 tf J7\OU HUNT Hot.no of clRlit rooms , dtutte 1 bo * 1 Uo'ii Um\ontktid I'loaiim Bttoetion llarnoy xtrcct. limiilro cf W. il. Thompson , first National Hank. JJttt FOll HF JT-Rtoro room 1M1 Farnam St , ntth or ulthout Billiard table ? , by Paul-on & ( In. , IMS Farnam hU 431- HKNT One lurnlshcil room with r.oard , lis tno cr thrct tUy boartlcri , 1014 Webster , 435.1 Ij O" I fl.NT IVtirruom hoimn 2 il cii Ir , $10 L1 | or month. lUrl-or 4t M jnc. Olf "Jj OU HKNT Kcatost anil chc iTft turnlthcd roomer f1 InOtnaha. Apply too. II. Anderson , room 14 Anderson UlDCk , north entrance , 10th and Davcn port t 23-jan ? 16 * tOH HKJrtT Toccntlemrn onl.t , a plensant fur * ntahcd room , 8. K. corner Mill and Douulns 418-tf lOIl-HENT Two elcifiHt rooms In Kcdlok'n Meek , 1 Paulson & Co. , IMS I'arnatn. 440 tf IOIl UENT Furnlihod front room for rent 222 N. F 10th fit 418-tf LTOH HKNT Suits of roonrs furniahcd for light V houio Ifeupln ? : , are ocainiotmllv aacaut In Bee. icr'a block , rornor Eth and Howard Sis. 43tf Foil HEN1 Noatcottago S rooms , hall , pvitry closet and collar , $12.60 , ahn other rhoip ten incuts. D. L. Ihotcas. It7-tf rpOll 11KNT-A nine room home ; ilcslrauo JL'thnSIOpor ; month. Darker ASIayno. 4-tf C ' " > U KKNT Stro building 1th resldeuco nl _ $22. per moLtli In prcoj location , D. L. Thomas. FOR SALE. T7UIIISAUJ A stock ot ilrv gondi. . millinery , boots JD and ehocr : hats and oipsond groonlcV.ln ono of the best torn IB In this etatx. ' 1 hietock i < free from old nnd shop unrn goddsnnd ulll invoke fromSOUO > tolo,0D. O\\netcan B ! > cleat reasons for Bnlllng. Will Icaso of fell store bulldln/.wMch Is In a first clnsi local ! nlntlioto n. No { tetter Induccmmtwill bo ollcrcil thao a gooj stpclcnf goods , a flrsto'asschance tocpcnnpajluebutlniB ! . AddroisG. S. JlBKotlioo. ' SALI'Vory cheap , 01 account of health , IT'OH stoii. Kestauratit , 14l4'Ion ) < ! .i S. . 5S-7p ! Fc HAI.K JHISIOAT. JNSTIIUMIINTH A. Hospe oners nro Bo'rdman & Gray Piano nt 3126 ; cno II Iiics Broi flanu at SltiO ; imo J , P. nail I'iano at 8195 ; ono Naion jsi < aiiilln Organ nt S 5 ; one Shcnlnger nrjanat $35 ; ont Wooiibrldgo Organ atSfjOjoue Ectcy Organ atSO ; ono Johnson Organ at9 * forca h or on oisv monthly Installments ! Al o agents for relo'ratod A'iMi'mKrIano and /I'M- Sail Oman , t'merfon tntl llaUit & Davis Pianos. Largf titocklowcstrrlocs.i.ncspe , IMO Dodge stroit. WSfcbO On SALE OltTHADE Good alcamilour'ng ' mill F with two run of buirn and ono feed butr ; all In good repair ami only been used IS month" . S tuatedl unonftof the bet huslncsi lots In Kearney , Neb , Will di o'ot Mot nod mill together or mill aljne ; tt flnolocitlnn ; will fell dngood tcrma , or trade for ether dtsirablo proporty. Addiosa- Lock ll'T 082 ? | { i arney.Nt b 617ftb5 * * : OH tXCIIANGE I'or vicantcr im- proTCcl property , the furni uro ot 20 rooms , ncirlt r/iiv / ; the iircmlfo for lease ; centrally locattd , arlck block , modern Improvements ; also stao and basement for rent in BAino block ; goo- chance for Totclbuslno : , Morse end & Brunucr , . Cor ; 1 fab and' I..num3t. 401-8 OHHALlL t with brick IIOIKO , oontalnlng 10 rnoms , sUblOj nnd Larn , receiniryoutboujcs , ity wntv. % on 10th a reel. InijuirJ No. SuS dith . ISth Strt t. 405-10 j ( FORSALC Clack Uoman Stallion , .weighs 1800 < pourrta. Will sell rliotp. Jos. Kolo\atek , No. S24 S. 10th St , OraaUa , fleb. 318-0 T7OU SALE ISO a-ri-fl of tlio best f.-imi land In P Wanhington Co. Neb , 21 inllos from H'rmui , 8 miles of Blair , f > miles o' Tcktmih Mint sell bccauio need nionty. Wl 1 cell for $100i < casu and the balance- on oafy tcraa ; plenty of timber and wiudr. ( 'all or ddressJUc. Aolovratck , No. 132-t S. Ulli Street , Neb. 6100 I poll SALK Rood Irojh milch cowj nqulre at 1 IHS'Himaid St. 400 7p TjlOKSALKOH TIl .DE Qoml tteoklirm of 00 J acr'BtSU miles fr in Oujahi , one mile fiom Sprliigtl" > d , Neb ; will Iradn for Onn'ni property. Address Woolpy A llnrrUoo , O.uahaor-O. M. Harrl- on , Spriuuficld.Ntb. 377feb2p FOUSAIiK My huidlogand stick , of clothing , bootnar.d fhoos. will trail 3 for Uriulng land. Jco. II Vuti'rson , fcOl South Uthbt. Omaha. f487-lobl _ FOll SALE Chop , horao a Jil buggy , * 10 ? , Cum- ing St. 202 tf FOUS..LK C'llE P-Onoelotfantnjh.mbcrnet.ono reirul't T clock , niu i early new Knabo Piano , Dvo geM ( rimed iilctur s , nno hoisa , l.utnecB ml iliactoii , on llwi ( ate , nuinll sla.1 , ono bcautltul- hituj cofTeosct Inqu'ioNo , 2014 llarnoy Ct. , hot. UthtmlSlfit 231-jau 18 FOR HALF 08x101 fort on Oiiring street 3 blocks- wcs'jot Alllitury bild c. c'l.COu' . > jhu L.McCagua pposlta l'0-t ollla. . 420-tf rjiOIl flAI.K 13 > xl24 feet on corner , south-cast' L' f/ort , house 3 toonif , barn , J blocks west o'.t 'ark ivre. and I.c'iiciiwiittli , taiiy paymrnts , chinp 1,70.1. JuhliL. Mctajua , opposlts Post Olllco. 4t7-tP FOtl SALK llorscn , nuilo'j , huccst and wagona- cu vie or two \ euru time. Ittml ubtato prcurlty J. I * . Thomas. 4 8-tf FOUSALKOK XCIIANQB At 10 pot ocriML or part of tTo t'l'iimii" aarofi uf tlinher UnJ , ortj- mlle nntol K-.umOity , wll oxrhanga for N'iibraJ < ia Hud ot muiouiudlriu. Uudford , S'lin'r ' tl IH 2M 1-c B"ll NUF r rnw for-inpro Omaha dm 11.Vnoll y , Ilocm 20 , klnaha i llvik , Omaha No ! ) . KIMO Wishlmr hc ! | > on sen ants doilrlns. fltu- ati.infl can obtain the same by cilling on Mrs , eorgeat ttfl I'lijiltol avo. 1081' $100 In S2U gcldiplcces , sowed up In a lonif Jslrlji rf tlnth. If thu it idcr xill plc n > - ruturri luibtoHnr. olllro they vldlio doln ; a great Klnil- Mft la tn oMwIddvUdywhloli on ll uhopou'ouail. fill ballberaPy reuardiiit. LCflOp no'l JUIIi ; Itick of irroccrlcs for acriir | porljr 1. adj > liilng Omaha , Cltas 11 Wool ley , i.oom W > m t.a National lian Oruaha , Neb. 627-1 } THO EXOlIANOI'rYaim * lot ttrck of ix rt haudl jo JL Chan. It , Wocl'C ) , Ilocm 20 , Oman * Natlona , ank , Oj-aho , Nib , 62SU5 IJlOUTnADK-Slnokoofirno 8 to had ! Itt land. I1 Chan. II. Wooll/y , llotin 0 , Oniilia Natlmnai Junk , Omaha , Nrb. KS 15 [ Off nn Flirty , b-tweeii Bauridcrs , OtimlnJT \-J \ a"d 10lit ! < . , small brown B til < , colarkrulUbia vwaid will bo pa.d If returned to llirkor tt Stliniul Knrna'ji , [ 7 011 THADK-For m rnhan'lHV-gr < > ceriui pie. I1 ferrod , ihr * * ( S ) - ln li'e lets m J\vlui , Olilo iie | ( > ) l > t iiiKt. J.uul' , Ho ; C40a/riS nf fine land I { anus ; Ona v'0''r n In Onto Th * pr > p il ; Is free f Incurubrtnnu All coinrrui'lcatk > ijH.wlll b I'oitul irlct y cct-JdviilUl. H. II. \ ViiBptnr.1I Cumlnr , t. 387JAW ) ROOMi With board , den ratil * r winter. Ann at til , UiailcullAto ) . J21-1 | > LUSIHIN"fl trai llttlnK-JoWnc.promptly ntttnded L t ,1.3K lltn t. Joint J , UttvaokUKh. Ii'-jl2j ! > Br < Isurtffiaiioiii'To JOUHC. JACOWH UNDERTAKERS \ At the old etuuii MrT I'arnam Ht. OrJ * hy ! ( ! rih | ohato.ituJijrotni | > ' , l tjndcd ! to. lilvrJiuii * No 2i5 , . _ . i. , $ * " , * irHcrlplloa cf t nulr4 i | cUlUi ( u " l n nil it. .I4.it. . .