THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS WEDNESDAY JANUARY 7 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE , BHTBTS , Wednesday Morning , Jan , ? BBBSOBltTION RATES. . . . cants week By Omtet - - - - pet By Hall - - - . J10.PO per yew no. 7 Paart Streot. Near Brof. < urMr. MINOR MENTION , ' bnckwhoa t Try MoOlurg'a Bolt-raising Bbawln and clonks at Oooko& Morgan's. The carpentotB1 union have a ball nt Bono's lull January 8. Endless variety of handkerchiefs nt Oooko & Morgnn'n , H47 Broadway. Thomaa N. Bray , of Atlantic , is In the city paying n vloit to hla aioro here. The county board wni busy yeatorday -rrlth road taatlora nnd the school fund. The oflloorn of the Knights nncl ladles of Honor nro to bo installed this even ing. ing.Tho The public installation of the Odd Fol low a will take place in Bono'a hall Friday evening. Twontytwohouiolens wanderers lodged ono night in the city jail makes about n houoo full. Tlcketu for the "Lights o' London" nro going. lively * There will bo good houses "Wednesday and Thuradoy oven- Inga. Inga.Tho The Oongregatlonalista.and Proabyto- rians are holding union services in the Congregational church every evening thia week. The board of health took n trip to Stewart's packing house to smell the small , J.of which complaint haa been mado. Council Bluffa has lately proved n very good trap lor catching deserters. An other ono has boon added to the liat , he calling himself Smith. The consideration of the mayor's selling r ing bonds la to bo considered at a meet ing of the city council to bo hold tomorrow row afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. G. Kiel , of Under & Kiel , Slou * Folia , la In the city. It ia undoratood < i that the firm ia about to dissolve , Mr. Llndor remaining hero , and Mr. Kiel re turning to business at Sioux Fnlla. The war between the city marshal and the pollco promiaoa to dovolpo aomo in teresting facts aa to how prlaoners arc handled , nnd city affairs attended toi Let the investigators go to the bottom. T. D. King & Co. , have fust recolvoo a freah aupply of "May Queen , " which ii becoming the popular fine cut , and ol "Floating Cloud" and "Buck , " wltf i which every amokor who trloa them fall in love at the first puff. Last evening at the residence of D. W Keller , on Avenue E , Mr. Thomai ? ! Rogers was marri6d to Miss Elccta Sel- Inrd , sistar of Miss Keller. The nowl ; wedded outa leave at ones for their homi 'iuBolvlOero ' , 111. Iho board of health yesterday rocoivoi bide from several physicians for takln ; charge of small-pox patients. It was de elded to employ Dr. Solbert , and pa ; him S100 a case. It la to bo hoped noi that there will boloaa cause for complalni and loon dispute between county and citj Ono of the carrier boys of the Nonpai oil , named Hunt , while waiting for hi papers yesterday morning , excited the It of the proaaman , Devoro , nnd it is aai the latter BO far forgot hlmaolf aa to h : the boy with n wrench , -inflicting qnito painful wound. "Prido of Colorado" la the brand of * . superior article of Colorado flour , nold 1i ? Bond & Olraatoad , whoao office la und < i- the Citizens' bank on Main street. . - number of THE BEE family have bee using It , and can vouch for Its being very Cno article. It rotalla at 82.50 pt hundred pounds. , The Danobo aocioty has re-clccte Theo. Lund for the third time as presi < lant of the society , and H. Larson i secretary , presented to Mr. Lund , In neat Jittlo speech , a fine photogrnp album and n gold pin , in behalf of tli society , and as ft slight expression oE itt societyo ! esteem for him who has HO we and faithfully survcd them. The project .of . establishing a cil hospital ia.ngain being urged. It ougl to bo carried into practical elFeot. Supe visor Graham , who has had 'person knowledge in caring for the sick , favo the building of n joint hospital by tl city and county. With his enterprl and experience ho can do much towa : getting sarao good sort of a hosplt achomo under way , and there Is euro need for .ontorpriso. "Tho Two Johns" appeared at tl opera house laet evening , and certain ] merited A Urger.audionoo. They are ic mbnaely funny , .and for heavy woigl comedians have no auperloro and fo oQuala. Now that the public hero knov what tort of a treat they present , the ; will be no trouble hereafter in getting i crowded houses in Council Bluffs as the nlntys draw in the eastern cities. Now that the city haa provided Itae with a StiOO patrol wagon , the pnzzlo whatia tobodono. with it ? The toti expense for jllio neceosary cartngo i priioiiica docs not amount to an areraj of $2 a month , wh.Ho the expense of driver , c team , etc. , will amount to man tlraea that Mr. Hattonhaaer , who Lai the wagon , haa raado ono of the host an handsomest over seen in any city , an the wagon is certainly a credit to hltr and Ut iho price ia doubtless very reai enable , bui wbjr the city should ordo any such vehicle U o mystery. Ordinari Jy the city dcoj not ; ioed U any mor than a oak necda two till * . As Omaha I talking rf investing Council Bluffs mitt cell It at B profit to that ci'y. MOVED TO MILLS , DP , Cress dels a Mange of Venne After a Hart Too Much FcolltiK Against Him Here. Most of the time in the district court yesterday was spent In sparring about .ho case of Dr. Cross for the killing of r. McKnno. The attorneys for the de nse presented a motion for n change of onuo , based on the claim that thora wna o much prejudice against Dr. Crocs in bis county for him tojoccuro a fair trial ore. All claim of prejudice on the art of the judge was withdrawn , the aim being against the people only. In upport of this were the affidavits of the ttornoys , alsa of the defendant and of bout eight citlzeno. Thcao nffidavlta ot forth the reasons of their belief that -hero - was too much prejudice hern. On ho other hand the state disputed this him nnd presented the affidavits of bout a hundred citizens , claiming that o such prejudice existed hero. In the afternoon Judge Loofbourow aa to give hia decision and a largo xowd gathered to ho'hr ' it. The defense ilod another affidavit claiming that oven or eight of these who had signed .ffidavlta . for the prosecution had said .hat they were anxious to have Dr. Cross .riot ) hero , and If they could get on the ury they would convict him. The proa- tcutton wanted to have the defense file n more specific affidavit , naming the per * ions referred to , DO that they could rebut ho charge , but the judge declared that o would not compel them to do au. In regard to the motion for a change of enno the judge decided to grant it , and irderod the case sent to Mills county. Iho term there opens seven weeks from oiv , so that the defense practically gota ta coutinuanco and change of venue oth. oth.Mr. Mr. Haldeno , who haa appeared for the of on 30 in the absence of the other conn- ol , has showed inoro than' ordinary skill , nd shrewdness in the legal sparring rhlch hns occupied the past few days , , nd many worda of pralao wo'vo hoard 'rom members of the bar and lookers on , von among thoao who are not specially n favor of Dr. Cross. The atato waa rep- 'oaontcd by a formidable array , Col. Sapp , ST. M. Pusey and Col. Dally , being aa trong n trio as could well bo selected. McClnrg'a rolf-rlsing buckwheat flour [ a the beat. Try It. THE BAPTIST OHUROH , t Seeks Holier From Its Troubles by Disbanding , The Baptlat church aocioty has been in much , trouble for n year or moro paat , mainly on account of dissensions cauacd aome desiring Rev. Mr. Lemon to re main aa Its pastor nnd othora desiring him to go. The management of affairs haa been evidently very bad , judging irom the result , for the church finds it- lolf in n deplorable coudltlon now. As a . ellof from ita tronblea the church hau decided to diaband ita organization , and " ; urn over its property to the Home Mia- lion society of Now York , who will pay ) fT the liabilities amounting to be- iwoon § 200 and § 300 , and take the property , with the understanding that when a now Babtlsl fhurchi's organized the mission aoclotj will deed the property to the now organ , ization on payment of the money ad vanced , with Interest. Rev. Mr. Propel of Dos Moines , ia hero and will hold eve nlng payer meetings , and preaching eer vices next Sunday , and sop if somethlnj cannot bo done to harmonize the varion interests , and strengthen the causo. I ia to bo hoped that from out the wrecl may be built a strong church yet. H. A. Collins , late of Toronto , ha opened an art studio in the rooms o Barke's gallery , 100 Main street , and 1 prnparod to supply portraita in olla am crayon irf the latest stylo. Satifactlou guaranteed and inspection invited * THE DRIVING PAEK ; Annual Election of Ofllccrs and Prc paratlons for Another Benson , The Council lilufla Fair nnd Drlvin ; Park acsociation held Its annual mootln yoatorday at the city building. The fol lowing were elected ofllicora for the oa suing year : J. W. Poregoy , proaidont E. L. Shugart , vlco president ; Hcnr Elecman , troaauror ; George F. Wright solicitor ; W. S. Pettibone , W. F. Sapp P. Lacy , D. F. Elohor , dlroctorajThoma Bowman , accrotary. It wa decided to make the ncccaear arrangomonta for having races at the par ! thla aeaeon , and stops were taken to koe the nssoclatlon connected with other at aoclationa in a circuit. It is hoped tha weather and wind nlll provo moro fayoi able to the enterprise than hi proviou aousons. The asBOciation la plucky , fo it haa had much to contend with , bai weather eopeclally catting down gate re ceipts when the most costly attraction had been eecurod to draw the crowd Then the lots of the iloral hall by th windstorm waa a heavy ono. Brighte tlmea may bo ahead. Bo euro you get McClurg's solf-rlsln buckwheat flour. The Y. r , O , A. Lsat evening another untcrtninmcii wai given by the Y. M. O. A. , the fo ] lowing beicg the programme arranged : Music. Recitation Irr lillss Kva linrnnnl. Duet by Itliaa Cau-iu Htmtlngtou ncd C. I TwIiLell. "HojiiinUcencea of tha Cough Lecture , " b ; thnlo8. Heading by Mtsa Jfinnle Miller. ry WillW Wallace jtnil Frank Stacj Great ifnn of the Kariy liOth Century , by Joe Hiijtli. Songs by Mr . Gaylord find Miss E Miller. lln _ j arri Ask your grocer for McOlurg'a eoll buckwheat. Try It. Kutftto Transfers. The following ia a liat of rjal eeUt transfers filed yesterday la the recorder' oflioo of Pottawattomla Bounty , Iowa , n f aruisbod by A. J. Stephe'oson , abstrao tor , real estate and loan a ent , Counci Bluffs , Iowa , January C , 1885 : W. F. Rammington to n. J. Sober brock , lot 8 , block 10 , Neola ; $90 , H. J. ShorbroMc to Will McDonald , ot 8 , block 10 , Noola ; $100. Henry Kalhorn to llonry Sludo , n wj 7-77-40 ; S8.C40. N. P. Dodto ? , trustos , to Fnncber Stlmpson , lot 4 , block 4 , Parknild : $700. Fridolln GoiRor to Peter Gclgor , e * a wl 23-77-41 ; $2,400. Total aales ; $11.030. Dr. 0. 0. Hazen , Dantlat , 100 Malnnt. Fremont Benjamin , of Avnin , was in the Hy yesterday. Ocn , O. M. Doilgo nrrived from New York londay evening. Misa Lu Ilolcoinb has returned to her Indies at ths sisters' college at Davenport. 0. II. IfolmcH , ono ot tha loading merchants f Magnolia , Iowa , was at tha 1'oclflc jester- jy. Undo John Keller to ay goes to Di\ loincs in the interests if the Mexican voter- us , representing tha only four survivisora in Council Blurts. Georffo 11 , Mann , the St. Louis architect as in attendance nt the county bonrJ moet- ig yestei-day and presented plans Tor a now ourt house here. , Miss Clara Bcbbinglon , after opending her acatlon at home , has gone back to her col- ego studies at Knoxville , 111. , accompanied by iliss Stone , of Omaha , McClurg'a Bolf-rleing buckwheat flour Iwayo ready for use. Try it. GOBintKROlAIj , OODNOIL cr.urra MABKGT. Wheat No. 1 milling , 67 ; No. 2 , 55 ; No. 8 , 45. Corn Now , 21c. Data For lochl purposes , 23c. Hay 54 CO@C 00 per ton ; baled , oO@GO , Kyo 35c. Corn Meal 1 30 per 100 pounds , Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00 ® G 50 , Coal Delivered , hard , 0 CO pot ton ; not t : 50 per ton Lard Falrbank's , wholesaling at OJc. Flour City flour , 1 50@2 90. Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz , LIVE BTOOS. Cattle Butcher cows 3 25@3 75 , Butcher steers , 3 75(94 00. Sheep 2 50@3 00. Hogs 4 00@4 25. pnoDCOE AND rnniTS. Poultry Live old hons. 2 50 per doz ; dressed chickens , 8c ; dressed turkeys , 12Jc ; dressed duclu , 010c ; dressed geese , 10@12c ; spring chickens , per doz. 2 25. Butter Creamery , 25@28o ; choice country lC@18c. Egga 22 pot dozen. Vegetables Potatoes , S0@40o per bushel ; interns , GOo per bu ; apples , choice cooking or eating , 2 50@3 00 ; beans , 1 00@1 50 per bushel ; Sweet potatoes , 2c t > er Ib , Older 32 gallon bbl. , SG.50. Oranges G 50 per bbl. Advlco to YOUIIB Men. Every young man should think twice > oforo ho drinks once. Young men are often advised to embrace - brace the opportunity , They always do , when the opportunity offers in the shape if a fair young lady. Keep o ay from the pawnbiokora , roung man. The wlae man said. "Go to ho ant , thou aluggard. " Ho didn't say. Go to tholunclo. " A good many young men often say they are going to marry nnd settle. It a butter to BOttle first and marry after wards , though marriage is frequently a settler. Some young men rlaa very rapidly in Ifo. The Emost rapid riser we ovei saw waa a young , man who wac standing by a tree and talking with hla irl when her father lot the dog loose. There is an old adage that "ft man ma ; not marry his grandmother. " Wo apoal of this now-aa a caution to young mor who are In the habit of allowing them selves to become Infatuated with ballet dancers. The Harvard students continue a vlg orons agitation against compulsory at tendance nt morning prayers. A youn man with three or four fingers and hal a dozen ribs broken at a garao of footbal is , next morning , In no need for pray Ing. Young 'men would not bo so fresh probably , If they were to take time to ro fleet that cigarette smoking , profanity whisky drinking , etc. , and BO fortb wore known and practiced over and eve so long before they ( the young men ) wer born. born.A A young man writes asking when Is th beat tlmo to marry. We dlsliko to glv advice upon what is so much a mater o taste ; but wo should recommend ou young friend to bo sure ho has mono ; enough at tno time to at least pay for th ( marriage licenao and the clorgyman'e fee. All Ho Needed. "Why don't you call me s donkey am bo done wUh It ? You have hinted at i long enough. " ho snarled out. ' It wouldn't bo quito true , " she ro plied. "I snppoao not. I suppose I haven' oars enough for that animal , " ho rotorto sarcastically. ' 'Oh , yea , you have , " she returned sweetly."You don't need any mor oars. " "What do I need , then ? " "Moreloga. " AU in n Quiet Wny. Boston Courier. "I wonder the English allow thpmaelvo to ba governed by a woman , " said a oltl zen the other day. "Why not ? " said another. "Araorlct ia governed by women. " "Governed by women ? How do yo make that out ? " "Why dou't you see , this Is a government mont of the pnople. " "Yes ; but the women have no hanc in It. The country is governed by th men. " "Certainly ; and ibe men are governei by the women. " When a hen retires for 'tho night It i quite proper to speak of her as a rooster 1 Unil A Dreadful Gougli , and raised a considerable amount of blooc and matter ; besides , 1 was very thin , am BO weak I could scarcely go about th house. This was thu case of a man wit ! consumption arising from liver complaint Ho recovered his health completely bj the HBO o ! L r. Pierco's "Ooldun Medica Discovery. " Thousands of others boa similar testimony. Trip Postponed , ] 5EULIK.J.iiwary _ G. HUmnrck lion doued his intention toi it southern Kuiope. N. 80HT7BZ. of tie Peace , OTEH AMEHJpAJi COUNCIL BLUFFS , JO W A. . OR the purpose of reducing stock and making way for spring purchases , we shall , January Bin , offer our entire stock of Dry Goods , Carpets , Cloaks , Curtains , Etc. , for cash without regard to cost This stock comprises a fine line of choice Dress Goods , Silks , Flannels , Ginghams , Prints , Etc. A choice stock of Newmarkets , Brocade .Velvet and Seal Plush Cloaks. Ladies' and Childrens' White and Scar let Underwear and Hosiery , Lace , Lace Ties , Ficimes and Embroideries ; also a lot of homemade Comforts , Blankets , and Table Linen. Our Cnrpet stock is complete and offers special inducements for select ion from choice variety of patterns. It includes Exminster , Moquettes , Body Brussels , Tapestry Brussels , Three Ply Ingrains , Hemp , Rattan Matting , Napier Matting , Etc. , Etc , Fine Lace Curtains , Tambour , Turco man , Curtain Goods and Curtain Shades in Variety and beauty of design , Januaif Gtli , Customers will secure BEST BARGAINS , Jjl --A7-- - - - - 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special a vertleomonte , BUO aa Log ) , found , To Loan , For Bale , To Rent , Wants , Board ing , eta , will be Inserted In thla column at the low rate ol TEN OKNTB PER LINE lor the Brat Insertion nd FIVE CENTS PER LINE lor each subsequent n- ertlon. Irfavo odrortlsomcntg at out offioo , No. Pearl Street , near Broadway WANTS. SAJiE Two horses , buggy , and light single FOll . 0. II. Bobcitson 601 Broad * ay. I OR RENT Two ilcely lurnUhod rooms. MH. F A. A. Smith , 123 8. Firet St. WANTED-OoodglrlatSJl third nvonue ; work light , Uo In l.mlly. C. C , Troxcl. WANTED Apents in every county In western Iowa to sell the "Champion Bosom Stretcher and Ironing Board" , E\ory lady pronounces It on sight to ho Just what shj wants , either' lor hoiecll or hlrec' help. Big Inducements to agents. HctalU lor SI , Addrces 0. B. S. and I Beard , lice ollico Council Bluffs , Iowa. 'ANTED A good horeeslioer. Apply to 0 W Gregory , eouth Main street , Council Bluffs. [ \ OR SALE Or exchange for Ian J In Kansas or IOR ' Nebraska , a job olllco snJ newspaper outllc. Ad dress , W. B. Mayes , 102 Main ttrcet , Council Uluffs. jiOK SALK tlouses. Lots and Land. A. J. _ fitcptcnson , 603 First avenue. IJtOH SALK A top-buggy , llrst-tliaj make and JD In excellent condition , Or will trade for cheap lot. Addrcua r. M. Dee olllcc , Council BluTa. COAti \VOOD-GeorcelIcaton , 623 Broad' way. Bella coal and wood at reasonable prices , elves 2,000 Ibg. ( or a ton , and 123 cublo. for a cord , Try him. TTTANTED Kvery boar in Council Bluffs to take VV Tu 13 a. Delivered by carrier fct only twenty cents a weak. f \LD PAPERS For gala it B office , at K ccnU \J a hundred hundredJ. J. L. DcBEVOlSE. No. CO ? Broadway Council Bluffs. Railway Time Table. Concctcd to January 7 , 1E85. COUNCIL BLUM'S. The followtnK are tbo times of the arrival and do- ctrture of tralni by central standard time , at the local depoU. Trains leave transfer depot tin rnln atw earner and arrive tea mluutea Uter , coioxoa , BDKUuaroa AMD QCIKOY , ITH.T * . AE1ITS. 6:8fipm : Chicago KinrtM Sooam : 9 : to a m Fast Mail. 7:00 : p m TIO& : m I'UaU and Kipitsj , IV J p m l0pm ; Accommndatlon. SliOpm At local depot only , tissAU arr , BT. JOK AND COUNCIL uvm 10:05 : a m Mall and Cxpreet , 0.25 p m B:15 : p m Pacifle Express , tM a m OinOAOO , lULWAUHII AHD BT. FATA. t5 : p m Kxprosi , 6:0i : a m 9 ; i a m Express , 0:56 : p m ( DIOAOO , MCB ISLiMB ItTD ' 6:25 : p m 'Atlantic Kxprow , 5:05 : a m 0:25 : ft m IJay Kspreso 8:61 : p ta f20m ' 0eiMolnc Accommodation , 0:16 : p ci At local depot only. W4BU11 , 8T , UIU1B AMD PAClflO 5:10 : pra Aocominodat.oi 8:00 : am 1:80 : p m Louis ExprtM 8:45 : p m IKOpm Chluiso Kiprcss 10'M a ru ' * AI TraDKlorrnly tiuoiooand KOBTinrxsniBf , t'.M f m Kiprofcs , BtXI : p m } : SJ ra PaolQoKxpreH 6:05 : a m IIODZ cirr AXO mine , 1:10 : p m St. faol Kiprvw , B.fO a m I(10 ( m Day Kipreua 7:09 : p m tjsioa Moino. 8:00 : p m Wcatoru KsproM , 8tO : a m 11:00 : ru radflo Kspreu , : < 0 p m 11(10 ( a 10 IJaooln RxprcM , 1:18 : p m At Tranifer duly. DUMMY TRlplB TO OMAILt. Leave 7:20-8:30-8 : 0-10:30-11:10 : : ft. n > . ltfl-S : E:804:8t6rfO : : - : SO-ll )8 ) p. m Sunday 7:20 : * - gc-nU : a. m. iso-sSO-e:80-8-Jto-nC : : : : p. m. rilve 10 minute * lelur * leaving time. or 209 Upper Broadway , ajraln to the Front. Study , reflect and come and Examine , nnd eco fo yourselves what jou can buy forCaih at my place quota jou as follows : 131bs granulated sugar for 81 0 ( 10 Iba 11 sugar for I Oi in Ibs While ur C supar for 1 CO 20 bars Klrk'a white Husslan soap for 1 00 22 bars I'altrm , equal to Kirk's Russian soap far. 1 Oi 20 bars Kirk's blue India soap for 1 0 Uupont's beat pen der per Jb 21 18 boAis of matches for , 25 French mixed candy per Ib 12Jo. Sj nip California honey drips , pergal CO Syrup , waranted etrlctly pure Vermont maple pcrftal 1 ( X Sorghamper ptal DO A o. 1 English currants 14Ibi for 1 00 Lewis'Lye , genuine 10 boxes for s 100 ' " bla 1'uroMlxoil Candy.per pound 12jo T. T. T , I can sell you according to qualityfrom lEctoTOo per Ib. Flour Wo sell the celebrated Patent Fancy per cwt , 82 75. Wo keep everything usually icpt In n First Class Grocery , and warrant everything wo tell. Goods dc llvercd frco In any part of the city. I also bandlo ahnoa and Mittens , Dry goods and Notions , Boots ind Shoes , and a good assortment of Tinware. Re memlor ; I will not only bo not undersold on any gaods , but will sell 20 per cent below any Competition In the city. Wo are now rccelvln fr an Invoice of Dolls In which u c.can give the greatest bargains ever offeree In the city. My expenses are very light , with no Ron ta to pay. I am enabled and will Soil cheap far CASH. Call when you want the bo of Bargains In my line , J. P. FILBERT , 20D Upper liroadway , ouncll Bluffa EVERYTHING NEW , All the Latest Improved Machinery. All Work First Class. Orders by Mail Solicited Express Paid on all Or ders over $2,60. Collars and Cuffs a Specialty , Established I882. H. E. EEMEB , Manager ill Broadway , COUKOIIi BLUFJfS , IA , THE PLACE To purchase rn A.t Bottom Prices , is HOMER & GO'S China Store , 23 Main Street , Council Bluffs 1 AM THE WRSTEIIN A-JKNT TOR TUB 4 * > Vk TM P9 "RIC S N0.3. This ' \Untsomcof the t\\lmimitoctilrfti calU "Club , 'but no cill it " < ur ) t.\ll Oii ip OliiV. " It h s pnr surlnic steel bottoms cornicle. ! stunk. It U ( ml nickel | i nt d Tno bottom li shape 1 to til the see of tliunhicor li o. , .ctf , ay , ttutuuy r > . 'it tin f.wt fro * till i tnrU ncll n It ie to * clmnpnnl light leattor Instori or lifd tr.Ms Tno becl sirups ro prcforr ble In het-i clamp moitc 8Mth 8tr justiy ami BlroJutbtn Ilia nkle olten preventing rlon anj paint U xl < lenti. ij lliheflni'StlooMn * k.itolnthom rket , undone thAtU mire to pl < usu. It ln pure Ttirknv Ujxifooej Council Bluff * . Iowa. KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses nnd Mulea constantly on hand which wo will aoll In retail or wholesale lota. All Stock Warranted as Renresented. WliolotMo and retail dealers In Grntn Hay. 1'ilwa eonr.blo yotlstnction Guaranteed , Corner Fifth Avo. it Fourth St. ComicllBlnfls. f HALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Endorsed by FRANI tiur. EMERSON PIANOS. Unrlrallod or Tone or Finish i KIMBALL PIANOS Bcet'Modcrn Filco to Buy. The Kirabnll Orpixn , DO long nnd favorably kn jwn in the wont , recommends STEWART. Solo Apent for nbovo lines of Goods. Wnrorooms , 329 Bluffs uncil Correspondence Solicited. Agents Wanted , Whiter Goods Ready. Suits Made to Order in Latest Style o.n Short Notice and nt Rensonablw Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 305 Mam Street , . . . . . . Council Bloffir. AGENTS WANTEB. Brs. Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt. 310 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ; 725 ELM ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; and IT. WAYNE , IND IT POSITIVELY CUKKS Kidney and Liver Complaint , Brlght'4 Dlsoa-o , IlbcumHIsm , Neuralgia Dyspepsia , Ncr\onsncs3 , Wasting Weakness , Paralysis , Bplnal Allcctlons , InJI'catlon , lleatt Disoiaj , Fits Ilcadacb , Lame Back , Cold Feet , and all diseases requiring increased motive powers. Now improved bcl $3 and D ; old stjle 82 cacti. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 332 and. 344 Broadway , OUNOIL BLUFFS IO"WA DMITH fa TOMjER Affte. , LKADlNG MEROHAl T TAILORS 7 and 9 Mala ntroot , OOUMCII BLUFTO , IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. GENUINE SLAUGHTER IK THE rnicE3 or Stoves § The season being so ( ar adraneui I tiav concluded to cllcpoge ol toy mores KP.OARDi.FS3 or ccwfn urw erenca to tiorlug th m until neit eeieoa. Call early u I will not be undersold by ntiyono. A. J. Mandel. 325 broadway. Uouncjl EVEHTTinNO f 1RSTCLASS. Nos. 217 and 219 S. Main St. , - COUNCIL BLUFFS ORDER TOUR Cobs , Coal i Wood OF F. Oi address. Leak Box H99 , Council BluOf. inos. OFFICKBI vr. n. u. resit Council EluHu , . . . lai Established - - 1856 Dealers in Foreign and Domcetlo Exchange and nome SccurltUs , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JTACOJft SIMS , Attorney - at-Law , COUNCIIi BLUF18 , IOWA. Office , Main Street , lloom 8 , Shugart and Heno block. Will practice In Hiatu and Federal courts. 0" . Practice la State and Federal Conrtt , Collection * promptly attended to , lloom 1G , Bhugart's ' OOUNOITj BLPygfl IOWA Dr , W. H. Sliorradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council Blnfla : low * . $20 EEWAED ! REWAHD paid lot Information of prwwnt location pair homes , waitori and hurnesa , inerK ( Kcd by William D. Hall to Thomas 'I uton Hay homoemcuymiiold , l.COO poundK , soar left bind , leg , Hack horeoulno } ar oldi tarlo fore- haed ip * ln In rltrtt hind leg. wiKon.Cooprinake , tbro Inch let double hiinim , taVen from 1'ottawatt. aiLlo county In Auiruut Ton dollars reward lot dlsooterycf said Hall. Hall Uncrlbedaa about D feet l ° mch , tandycouiplilonbild heart en top n brownish red , ttoutl.b built , about 40je r8 < rrlj to Loouard Ev ° tett , attorney tlaw tllull > , Iowa , or oth r tnmors lemored nlthout Ifal knllt or drawlnf cf blood. CHRONIC DISEASES0"1 Orer thirty year ) practical eip.iteoc * OfiM Ko. t , Pearl sired , Council Ulnffg. < arCoiuulta/lon ( rto. = AMUSEMENTS. = DOHANY'S OPERA HOUSE. One Nlfht Only , Tuesday Jaomry Oth. Coiitpaiiy. The fumilcit performance jet. Ily the well known Two Johns Coucdj Coiupany. 1'lrot tlmu nest ot ROUTE. Hasting * ) , Neb. , . Friday Jan'y. 2 , Lincoln " . Satmiliiy " ! 1. I'lattimimlli Neb. , . M nudity " 0. Council lIliilfH , Jnwu . Tuemlay " IJ. Atlantic , " . Wrd'dny " 7. IMi Moinct , " . IKilday " K , JKutiniluy " ! > , AlinS310N-C ntalS IMlM too. BKATE3 OeaU Ifio , LaJln 100 , Admlejlon Kreo toLxdloi each aiornlnj and To * day and Thurtlaafterooona. . U > of BIcatM It cenU. A. r. BCHAN01I. II , 1IARTEN3 , 1'ioprlotor Hilton H D rsflJ , , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , m Ulddli Droadwar , Council Dluaa.