Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1885, Image 2

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-THE : j
medicine , combining Iron with r > ur
J f-Ki-table tonici , nuipkly ami rompli tci.f
C iirrs Ij-ipciiln | , - mllKi llnn , Wrnluiriifs
) .
knit NrurnlRln.
Ills an unfnlllnu remedy for Diseases oflht
lilnr } * nml I.lscr.
H In invalimblo for DI ARCS peculiar t :
tVunnti , and nil who lend scJcntnry llvca
II rloci not Injure the trclli , cause hcnelnciie , "
priKliicq constipation O/IT Iron mctllclixs < : i
. -tcnrlchcsand purlfici tlin blood , stlmulntce
umnprieUto.nlda the a lmllntlon of foodit <
itev as Hcnrtbiirn and llclcblnj ; , und ctreyti >
ins the muscl ; nml norsci
Joe Intermittent 1'cvcrs , AMltuelo. LacVo *
rncrgy. Ac. , It has no equal.
eThei Konulnc Jms nboso Umlo HIM k ni
c'l red lines ou ssrejipcr. Takr n > o'bcr
-.4 , .1,1 , , HIM l ifii > r
UUDnJlspntei In tie BROAD GLAIft
Kveroffcrca to tliODUbllc.
The iteamshlps ol this well-known line are bulll ol
Iron , In watertight compartments , and are tarnish-
d with every requisite to make the passage both
late and agrcoabla. They carry the United States
and European malls , and leave Now York Thurs
days and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher-
bonrg , ( PARIS ) and HAUBURO.
Raios : Steerage from Europe 'only IIS. First
Cabin , J55 , OB and 976. Steerage , 20.
Henry Pundt , Mark Hanson , F . Moorca.M. Tolt ,
contain Omaha , Qronowez & Sohoentgon , agents In
Council Bluffs. 0. B : RI01IAHD * CO. , Qen. Paas
Agts. , 01 Broadway , N. T. Cbaa. Eozmlnskl It Co-
"V General Western Agents , 170 Washington St. , Ohloa
Manhood Restored
. Avlctlmof youthfnlimprudonce
uro Decay , NervousUobillty , Lost
, . , lmvliiB tried In viln over ; known
remody.hccdiscovered _ , . . . . _ n nimplo mo > nnot eelf-oure.
which bo will end KREI3 to his/ellow-BUfferere !
Addreec. J. .i3 CbathamSt..Now Yc.i.
* -
c'n'ckt ' ' > * rm'n"lt"r - Boo fr .
cnui Anncr.wo r mton su , H.T ,
Health is Wealth !
guaranteed spooiflo for Hysteria , Dltxlness , Convnl-
lions , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous
Prostration caused by the use of aloohol or tobbacoo ,
Wakelulnoss , Mental depression. Softening ol the
brain , lesultlng in Insanity and leaping to misery ,
decay and death , Premature Old age , Baroness , loss
otpowcr In either eox , Involuntary Losses and Bper-
atorboracaused by over exertlontof the brain , sell * ,
abuse or over Indulgence. Each box , contains one
month's treatment. gl.OOaboi.or six bottlei ot
11,00 , cent by mall prepaid on receipt ol price.
To mire any case With eaoh order received by ns
lei six bottles , accomplished with (6.00 , we will send
he purchaser onr written guarantee to retnnd the
money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar
antees Issued only by JOHN 0 : WEST It CO. ,
BJy SU.raio.ry. H < " &J3 Madison St. . Chicago , III.
James Meal Institute
J * Chartered by theStateoflli' *
Wnols for the express purpose
? of civincimmcdlate rclietlG
nail chronicurinary ana prl-
Jivate discosEf "onorrlxsn ,
JjGlect andSyphills In all their
' complicated forma , also all
diseases of the Skin and
JJIood promptly relieved and
permanentlycured by reme-
L diestestrdlnoFor ! ar
* * K3j.jy.y < rtKj Z , > ttjieclal I'ractlce. Seminal
Weaknesn. Nirht Lossu. by Dreams , Pimples on
the PaceLost ManhoodjjO3lUpf//f | nr * < i Tritr6
, i-tttoexpftttifiititifl The appropriate r . .euy
lantonce used In each CMC. Consultations.cer-
onal or by letter , sacredly confidential , Med.
idees cent by Mall and Express. No marks on
picuaes to Indicate content * or sen4er. Addres *
Ujt.IAMES.No. ZOIWaihinglon Sl Chlcago. ! !
Imported Beer
Uavaria ,
Erlangor , - - - - - -
Culmbaoher , . . . . - . - . . . .Bavaria
Pilsner t. . . . . * . . . - . . Bohemian.
TTaiaer. . . < . . . - -v . .DTflinen.
BuJweiaer St , lonis.
Anhauser. . . . 'St. Louis.
Best's. . . . Milwaukee.
Bclilitz-Pjlaner Milwaukee ,
Krufifs Omaha ,
Ale , Potter , Domestic and Rhine
Wine LlprDMATJRER. .
1213 Farnam Sfc
With eash number ot DOilOUESrS
> HQA7.INEwlU be given full elio fasblonablo 1'at
cr not any size ol styles seltcted. making t eh e paler
er idurlng thoycars or < aluo ol over thiee ocular *
besides the moet topular , entcrlalnir and uie u
tnag ilng. Simple ooplei 2to .jearly , 2. Addrci
W. Jennings , Dtmorent , llEast l th bt , New \orl
On Blood roleonlng Is of Interest loall classes.
A e'rl ' In my employ has been : ured of hat I b
wai constitutional Scrofula b > the use ol Swill
pcclnc. J. ° . McUiMtt.
1 AUatooua , Q . , J nly M , 1831.
I bare prescribed Swllt's Specific In many cases <
Blood Poison and as a general tonic , and U has mai
euros alter all other remedies hid fallal.
f , da , , Julj 23 , IS81.
Anegroonmy farm hts keen cured of a fearf
cue of Blood foltoa by the uss of three bottles
8m'd Sj > ciflo. * > > 0"v J- 1ow * 'jMi
Foriyth , Qi. , Aux. MSSL
Dnbine Grain Shipers Spal and Se
cure a Refine OD.
Kansas Eailway Managers
Spouting With a Poor Mouth.
The Democrats Said to Have
Oaptured an Illinois Senator
Logan Summoned to Springfield
to Tichten the Tie ,
A Varlclyof Uonornl Vows , The La
test AInrkclH , Etc.
Grain , llntcs from Dubuiinc.
UonuqUK , In. , January 0. The Illinois
Central mil rood announced yesterday tlmt
heircnltor rales on grain from Dubuque to
Chicago will bo reduced from ono to three
cents per hundred weight. The rate on oats
from Dubuque to Nuw Orleans has been re
duced from one to ttireo cunts per hundred
pounds. The rate on oats from Dubuque to
New Orleans has been reduced to S3 cents and
from points between Ft , Dodge and Lo Man
to Now Orleans to 15 cents , with the privilege
ot stopping hero to bo sacked free.1. The gram
operators In this city fcclinjustica has boon done
them , lu the fact that \vliilo the reduction liae
boon made on thu rate of grnln from all points
west of hero to Chicago , no reduction has boon
made In grain shipped from thuso points to
this city.
Kansas Railroads.
TOPKKA , January G. lleprcscntiithcs of
the trnlHc department of all Kanaai railroads
met hero yesterday with meinbuis of llio state
board of railroad commissioners for confer-
cnco In legnrd to freight rates on wheat. The
traffic rnnuagem prciunted a long answer to
the request for a reduction , stating present
latcs were established by the state's commis
sioner during last Hummer and woru conceded
to bo fair and just to all parts of the stato.
Statistics were offered showing the prosper
ous condition of Kansas wheat Rrouora and
the unprofitable condition of smaller railroads
operating in the stato. In the judgment of
the trallic managers a reduction at this time
would not ba of * ny special advantage to
Kansas farmers for the reason that the
market price of wheat is controlled by
transportation charges , and if it cost less to
ship , a mnaller price would bo realized. It
was further agreed that n reduction of freight
rates would necessitate a corresponding re
duction In operating expenses of the Kansas
railroad * ! , and would greatly weaken some of
them. An informal discussion as to the re
ported distress among farmeis and grain
growers and the measures necessary to betaken
taken to afford them relief followed. The re
sult of the conference is an expression on the
part of the railroads against the proposition
for reduction. The commisoionors have not
algiified what further action they will take.
ALIJANT , N. Y , January 0. Lieutenant-
Governor Hill called the senate to order at
noon and after prayer a leccss was taken
until the assembly organized. On roassomb'
ling a message from Cleveland announcing his
resignation was road and the regular message
from tbo incoming Governor Hill fol-
lowod. Cleveland iilei several pardcns.among
them that of Marv Hoey connected with the
Mandelbanm , ( N. Y.Jfonca.
AM ANT , January G. Governor Cleveland
sent the following to the legislature shortly
after noon :
t ALBANY , January Dtn , 1833. j
To tbo .Legislature :
"I hereby resign tHb office of governor of
the state ot New York. "
( Signed. ) GnovKR CLEVELAND.
'A committee was appointed to notify. Lieu
tenant Governor Hill of Governor ClovSland'a
resignation and inform him the legislature was
ready for business.
A Squeeze in Philadelphia.
PHILADELPHIA , January G. The old firm ot
Henry Crosky & Co. , lumber merchants , who-
failed yesterday with liabilities at S-150,000 ,
was always considered ono of the ataunchest
on the etrect. The minor ot its embarrass-
inent is hardly credited. Crosky says no cre
ditor IOEO anything as the assets are fully
8700,000 , The cause of the fallura wan the ac
ceptance of drafts from the Keystone Lumber
and Salt Manufacturing company. Tha drafts
amounted to 8379,000 and on the Koyetone
company could not supply them with money
they weie forced to let the notes go to protect.
Crosky sa'd further that the Keystone com
pany were good for that amount as its proper
ty in Michigan is worth twice as much , The
plants of its works at "Wi-ht Bay City , where it
( tad four salt wells , cost § 390,0JO and the com
pany owns 18,000 OCUB of timber land. The
company in indebted to no one but Henry
Crosky & Co. , and will give them judgment
for the amount.
Lens In r * Indian lj nel.
WASHINGTON , January C. The in'veatiga-
on of the Adams land case was begun bye
o icnata committee an Indian affairs to-day.
' . II , Scott , agent for several tribes in Indian
, eultory called all tribes under his charge.
Ho said he had leased portions of their lands.
The Poncas had leassd G0,000 ocrec , or one
alf of tbeir possessions for 817,000 per
, nmim. The land was not tublet , but occu-
led by tli9 lessee , for grazing purposes. The
roit'iit policy of leasing the witness consld-
ired the boat , lie was asked if the price paid
y Shuiburne wai a fair ono , hut was not pro-
iared to exp/ses an opinion on this point. Ho
bought , howe\er. it would bring moro if open
a comix-tUton. The Ne1'erces leased a por-
lon of their lands for § 3,000. The Pawneus
eased 127,000 owe < at 3 cents an aero for a
erm of ten years , 'Witness was present and
idvised the Indians in making nomoof theie
eases , Slnco public attention hts been nt
vidoly calkd to this matter , witness thought
, hat the lands might now bo leased for a
lilgher ptico.
.Tno. Q , Tv4tn , agent for the clvi izod tribes ,
iestified : Tba Cherokee atrip , 2uO nilloi long
and CO miles wide , wai leased to an associa
tion for 8100,000 a year. The land would
now probably rent for 850,000 moru , Witness
beird rumorn of iriegular payments of mondy
to BOCUIB tha lease , but could not trace them
to a reliable hourco , Recess until evening.
Buxinces BrielitoniiiB in I'itCalmrc ,
I'lTTSBDlto , December G. Amarkod change
has come overthe opinions of I'ittsburg busi
ness mui within the pist month. A few
weeks ago they looked only at the dark Bids o
the picture and could suejlittle , if any , hope
for the future. Now they think they have
teen the wont and that ft urn now onward 1885
will show n gradual improvement until the
volume of busine.-s reatoies its full proper
tlons ,
The indications now aio that thu iron mill
nod fuinacM ef the city will not be allowed ti
lie idle much longer , BS orders are coming ii
motu freely and tbo stock in the mills urn
warehouse's are \erylow. _ The Ama'gamatsi
association men having accepted a reduction
at thu Homestead lifHsnnen work * , it i
thought there ulllboa cut of wagea at al
steel mill * of the country. The Honu > stea <
works lebuoui all iloj artmenU to day. Among
tha tinus rotumiiift aia the following : Went
loghotibe MacKiueCo.,60 , Xug & Co ,200 men
Camborm lion works , .Tohubton , 6 000 mm
mill , SOO men.
Toe millera of western Pennsylvania are 11
stolen lieia for the purpose of forming' an as
soc-lation to regulate the price of Hour , Th
eighteen inch department of C&rnegtea unto
railla started up to-day. Work will probably b
resumed In all other departments in a fov
nyg. The Star iron works of Clark k Co.
vill start up to-morrow in all denartmtnto.
OP 1113 Mf KDEUKR.
Special Telegram to TIIK HER.
WASiiiNOToxJ nutry 0. A gentleman who
pent some time at Mentor just after the elco-
Ion of 1880 , was hero n day or two ago , find
ulh of Garfield's first knowledge of the man
t whose hands he afterwards met hit death
'I was sitting with Gatfield ono day , " ho said ,
'when one of his secretaries who were engaged -
gaged In opening and arranging the very heavy
mail tint was coming to him , banded him n
otter. The general raad It and smlleil , and ,
urnlng to Marshall Jowell , who chanced to bo
iresont , asked him if ho knew the author ol
he communication , handing the letter to him
or inspection. ' 'Yes , " Jowell answered ,
'that * fellow Guiteau Is n worthless cuss who
tas been hanging round our committed rooms
n Now York , trying to get eomo campaign
vork to do. He tells ft wild story , as lie does
n this loiter , about n promised matrimonial
alliance uith a very wealthy family. Ho Is a
crank , apparently , and no good , "
My curiosity was somewhat aroused , and I
was permitted to read the letter. It wai
vritton on a Fifth Avenue ) Hotel letter-head ,
and ran something like this :
"MY DEAII GHSKHAIAs I am nlwut to
marry n lady of great wealth and as I hiuu
wen a staunch friend and supporter of you
and the republican party generally , wo have
concluded that it would bo ngroeablo to us if I
could leprosent the United States during n
tay of several years abroad , which wo con-
emplate. Upon the principle ) of Tint como
first served , ' I take the early opportunity of
nailing application for n appointment ns
United Statoj minister to Austria. Sincerely
( Signed ) CHAIU.EH J. GUITKAU. "
That was Gaifield'a .first knowledge of the
nan uho finally took his life "
The Oklahoma Hnlilcre.
CALIWELL , Kansas , Jamiaiy G. Two
roops of cava'ry has a arihed from Port
lays , * Capt. Duncan in command. The
troops will leave Thursday for tlw Boomer
camp on the Stlllwater , Indian Territory ,
where Capt. Uouch's colony of 300 men are
ocated. This section will bo joined by the
, hreo troops from l''ort Sill and two from
leno. Gen. Hatch will command the regi-
nont. A colonist direct from Crouch's camp
tates they obey Cant. Ciouch'tj ordois im-
ilicltly and will resist the soldiers when he
; ives the word. They ara all well armed nnd
irepared for a fight. They will not bo re-
aoxed except by superior numbers and force ,
'hey denounce ) Arthur , congiess. the cattle-
nen and the war department in unmeasured
erms and threaten If removed to burn out
very ranch on Oklahoma and the Cherokee
The British-American Imposition.
WASHINGTON , January G. The Star says :
The governors of twenty btatcs have written
; o express a desiio to co-operato in making the
.merican exhibition to bo held in London in
8SG , a faithful and thorough exposit'on of
tit , m.mufactuiea and products of the United
tatop. J. Gilmer Speed , agent here , has re-
ei\ed very general assurances from public
nen of their hearty support of the resolution
ow before congress , presiding for official par-
cipation in the exhibition by the govern
ChicaRo'8 KolliiiK MilisT
CHICAGO , January G. The president of the
Forth Chicago Rolling Mills company , states
mt the mills in ihii city will resume opera-
lions in about three weeks. The mills employ
bout 2,000 men. Too statement heretofore
mdo by the Associated press that tha owners
: the mills bad negotiated with the employes
iroct , without treating with thu Amalgamat-
d association a ? to tbo rate of wages is veri-
odes applying to mills in this city.
A Prospective Traitor.
CHICAGO , December G. The Daily News
> rints a Springfield , 111 , [ special , which Inti-
natcs that Senator Hugh , classed as a repub-
icnn , will act with the democrats , , nnd that he
imsat the presidency of tun senate. The
i.-vtemont Is also made that General Logan
las b en asked to go to Springfiubdi and that
10 will reach there next Thuuday.
Tbo Supply of Grain , la Chicago.
CAICACO , January \ G. The Svistble supply
i grain January 3d , as reported by the secrc-
ary of the Chicago board of trade was :
Vheat , 47,002,000 bushels ; corni 40,240,000 ;
ye , 435,000 : barley , 1.787,005 ; erain in store
b Chicago January "id , wheat 13G5jOOcorn ( ;
,425,000 : oats , 487,000 ; rye , 101,000 } barlay ,
A Mortgaged University.
CHICAGO , Jammry G.- Judge IModgett , in
le United States coutt this morning , , decided
10 foreclosure of the mortgage held by the
Jnion Mutual Insurance company , of Con-
ecticnt , against the Chicago University for
150,000 , with accrued intc > est and attorneys'
eos , amounting in all to 8310,000.
( Franco ana Egypt.
PABIS , December G It Is learned on BCIIII-
iticial authority tbat Franca has not submit-
, ed to the authorities counter preposals con-
urhicg Egypt. Negotiations in regard to
10 matter will continue. Franco neither
made overtures to any powers noir received
irh from any looking to the summoning of u
lew Bgyptian conference.
Ocrniany and Spain *
HKKUN , January G , The North German
Gazette says the German government is desir-
us of maintaining tha molt cordial relations
with Spain , In proof of this itluia pnf > tponod
lie proposal to ralsu the German legation at
-lu'Jrld to the rank of ombasnodor for fear the
oiBchxtag would reject the measure.
The i'aris finulois reports that Lefalrro ,
'rench consul general to N w York , will re-
ilace Ilauston as inlnisterat Washington , and
Unstou. will 1)3 sent to Copenhagen.
Indiana , Bloomlneton & Western passenger
.rain , west bound , derailed near Libby , 111 , ,
Monday nio'iiing , Three coacho * were over-
uinod , Jacob I1. Pinith , a Uloomingtou
rummer , was fatally injured.
The late lynching at Clayton , N. C. , of two
egroes , who were alao rhpc and thrown into
lie river , receives tentatiocal interest by thu
llfgcj reappearance of orm of the negroes ,
Icnry Davis , In a ueighboiing county.
Juliua D. Pet ch , who died at Cliarlfbton ,
S , 0 , , Sunday , aged 78 , was the Cut railroad
ogineer in the Unitol States , and in 1830
liove thu ' 'Uest rriood , " the iirtt locomotive
milt in this the South Carolina
railway , tbe tliua longest nillro.d in the
world. "i
The Kantas City , ( Mo. ) , city council has
lasted uu oidlnanio for thu construction of an
elevated railway between that city and Wyao-
dntte , Km. The ordinance has alieady been
idoptel by tbo Kansas City ( Kaa. ) council ,
inditia stated the work of construction will
begin at an early day.
A Halves ton dispatch reports the finding of
tha bodies of two well-to-do aheep men named
Henry Kuhlcnmn anil Joseph Stein , on their
r.iach near thu Mclvinney county line , both
being dead dftvn , and ovidoatly
murdt'redthilu tltt'piog. They weiocltoppej
uithan axe , and thu camp robbed. Certain
clues point to Mexicans as the muiderere.
The prize fight betwnen Williamf'.of Urldge-
port , Conn , , and Sutton , of Norwalk , for $500
a tide and gate money , occurred last night ,
Tbu contest wai a fight to finish , barn knuck
les , and lasted one and a half minutes. Button
was knocked down twice and declared whip
ped. Attendance- . The police made a
ilebcrnt upon thu crowd , but thu principals es
The liberty bell , at Philadelphia , will be
blurted for New Orleans the 2AJ. .From In
dependence hall to the depot itwillbe cscortec
by COO policemen nnd the cottQclImen commit
tee. At thu depot It > v III be p'uced m a hand
Home car const metal especially by the Pfnu-
lylvaaia ratlioad company. The car will be
run on to the exposition ground and tbtt bel
w 11 not be disturbed until iu return to 1'biU
delphia. The train will nuke thirteen atupt
an symbolical of the tliiiie'u original ttate *
Hurmcr the trip bvtwftiiFhitadolpula and New
Mcdor * coM Is said to bo the best tliscoveroil
in < the tmitrry.
The Honipotako miniproducsd S97.00D the
first half of December.
Thira art- seven loller mills in ncti\o opera
tion on the Chryenno river ,
A coal depo lt Ins bsen ( truck In Day
county sixty feet below the siitfaco.
A convention of thq Oddfellown of south
Dakota \\ill occur at Huron next April.
Miss May lioblnson a pioneer settler of
Douglas county , has sold her claim near 1'Ialn-
View for 31,300. ,
There are six pianos In Sturgls City , and a
new girl baby that weighed fourteen pounds
and n half at Its birth ,
The Hock Island railroad is saMlo lm\o
engineers in the field looking for line from
Watortown to Blenmtck.
A Mr. Malloy dird at Montrose at tbo * ago
of eighty-soscn. His funeral was attended by
five of his great grand children ,
The Wack Hills ill send 8,000 pounds of
ore comprising fifteen dllferent varieties of
minerals to the Now Orleans exposition ,
Volley City claims to bo the largest primary
wheat market in the territory ; 035,000 bushels
of this ceanon'a crop will bo marketed there.
A Rapid City gnl , while out tiding with n
young man , deliberately got out of the buggy
to kill herself because the young man persist
ed in driving with both hands.
Jamestown wants an assay olllco for the ex
amination of specimens of Iron ore , barata ,
magnesia and other Bboclmons that are found
in great numbers in tlmt vicinity. '
Cantors illu people think they need a butter
and egg warehouse , a brickyard and tllo
factory , an oat meal mill , a tow mill , a flour
ing mill and a plow factoiy.
| ( Dakota's legislature willconvcnooli the 1,1th
ol Jouuary , _ the second Tuesday in that
month , nnd will remain In session until the
13th of March , unless it is woru out before that
Dakota lies 875 postollicaa , classified ns fol
lows : Offices of the second cles > , G ; ollices ol
the third clasp , 35 ; preiidentia' ollices , II ;
oiljces of the fourth class , 831 ; money order
offices. 105 ,
The board of education of Jamestown rm\o
begun suit against the bnndsmen of the city
treasurer , to recover the tchool fund lost by
the failure of thu 1'iut National bank last
August ,
A huge panther or mountain Hen has been
neen several times in the timber xouth of l < lk
Point. A number of hunteis Imo been out
after the varmint , but have not yet nuccecded
in running him in.
Sandager liros. , general merchsnts at Grafton -
ton , have assigned. They have branch stores
at Mlnto and Park Kivtr. The asiignmeut
s only temporary , a ? tha assets exceed the
liabilities by § 30,000.
Dakota ppeotG 10,000 for schoolhousts lait
year , and would like to compaio figures on
any point , except the manufacture and con
sumption of svhiskyilli the ttato which
sends Vests to the benate ,
Dakota's bonded indebtednesi amounts to
83)2,0"l ! ) , incurred in the construction of the
following public buildinge. Imano asylum at
YaukUin . ' 3117,500 ; deaf mute school at Sioux
Fall ? , SI2uOO ; university at Vurmillion , § 30-
000 ; university at Grand Fork * , SI,000 ) ; pen
itentiary at Sioux Falls , 881,000 , penitentiary
atJUIsmatck , S50.000 ; agricultural college at
Brooklings , 822 , ( > 00 ; msano asylum at .lames-
town , § 50,000. Of this indeotedness 899,000
bears 5 per cent interest , and the balance G
per cent.
The Kapid City Times Says : Tbo Iron
Hill Is preparing to ship 200 tuns of 200 ounces
of oie to Omaha. A ruck crusher brought in
by Col. Davey , nosv in the northwestern yard
bos been purchased , to be operated by an en
gine formerly In use at the _ Hoineitake saw
mill. The expense of shipping to Omaha is
only a little in excess of that entailed by
smelting at the Hattanbach ss'orki. The
Omalm compaoy charges 818 a ton snd re
turns 1)5 per cantsilver and all lead less a
Binnll amount.
Crook county h.w been regularly organized
and officers elected.
The commission lira of Latamlo county have
cancelled $05,100 la warrants. .
A mile of steel rails has been laid on the
Denver Pacific road from Cheyenne.
Cheyenne furnishes an instance cf a bride
groom of two daya- applying for x divorce ,
a The colored KnightsTemplar , of Cheyenne ,
recently indu'g A in a "possumi banquet. It
was an eclipse of previous tlfoita.
The directors of. the Stock Growera1 bank
at Cheyenne have Increased ita capital stock
to § 100,000 and Ita-surplus to § 44,000.
A Rick Springs- burglar who cracked a eafo
ind captured SiiO , wai iadiiced to confess hi *
crime with a ropa around bis.DKCk and a tele-
; raph polo in night. The booty was re
At Granger , the Union Pacific transfers
daily to the Oregon Short Linn about 10,000
> ounda of express matter and 5,000 pounds of
mail. Mails for Oregon , Idatioy Washington
and part of Montana go via this route.
Col. Ma'on , commando * of , the Ninth in-
amry at Port Itussell 'unnomuf * the death
f 1'irat Seryeant Stephen Molloy. corrpony
X who the regiment un the 10th
of April. 1856 , and Bervod in it nearly thirty
eara. Tne order announcing his death eays
, o was faithful iu all .things , and died m
larness. ,
George L. Htitton has pur chafed of the
Jnion Patific railroad , company 11,000 acres
f land on thu boundary line of Wyoming and
Colorado. It is eaid to be extra fine raugo
and. The tract is watered by a. great num-
lerof neverfoiling mountain springs and by
, be numerous tributaries of Big Sand cieek.
Clio price Is not given.
Information recelsed in GheyuDinupto the
th iiiBt from cattle ranges within a rudius of
fifty miles , was to thu effect that the MIOW
vas ten inches deep in many places , and had
crusted , making it difficult for the cattle ta
obtain food. SomoaiQ dying and many are
uttering. Keporta from.points fuithar north
wpro ot an equally unplexsMit character.
Diero i.Hno snow ti obatiuct the ranee in
Carbon county , or within 100 miles of Haw-
ins , as a central point Tllfl Swoetwater val-
ey is comparatively clear of mow. No stock
s dying , nxcept thu usual UMS among the trail
attlo. llio snow is rerorted to bo deep In
he northern portion of Johnson countv. The
now is from four tn six feet deep in Fremont
oiinty , from Dig Wind river as far north ai
.leotootje. Tno stockmen in this section
onsldor tbe pie.sent outlook ai bright.
A Fiit Morgan company is sinking for
oal ,
Iba mica mina is still the talk of Larimer
SuperiDtondent Warlield of the mail eta-vice
> in Colorado lu maku Letter arrangement !
or the mail eorvice of the etate.
That Fort Collins mica mine is proving to
.ie H teal bonanza , and tuveial eastern capital.
sts aie lookiogdvor the fronnd preparatory
lo making a bid.
It Is laid that George W. Thompson , of
Trinidad , who figures BO promiccatty in the
Crow reservation lease echume , lately sold one.
of his herds and ranches in Colorado for
It ii ( aid that there are a hundrtd hot
springs svillun a half mile of the thu town of
Glvnwood , Gariield county. Ono of them
fi'i ins a pool bBveral hundrtd feet lung , which
for hathln ,
Police Judge Mullahey stands charged \\ith
drunkeimeas. Uu put lidy discharged' the
clerk of the police Cuiirr , without vppareLt
cause , and was subsequently taken home ditiok
by a pjlice oflicer In Denver.
The ranges in northern Colorado aio com
paratively clojrof anew , which this aaaaou ii
only boss y in belts fora short distance , and
dcea nut etfect tbe raiiije M a , wlulo.
llelle Warden. Motlia Lemrnon , Berry
. ! aU aad Charley Smith , the four pcuons ,
accused of the wuvdtr of Jnhn H. Fitzgerald ,
ia Denver , svero each beatenced to ten years
ia the penitentiary at hard labor. They again
proclaimed Ihtlr innocence.
HThn investigation of Oie cause of thed"atl
of the tsv babies at the " rabfrnacle of ( ! od
continues liefore coroner's jury In Denver.
Several wine nea were examined , lla male
members of tin found ing'a homo all Ustify ta
their belief in "faith euro , " and to their dis
belief In medicinu.
The Grand Lake Pr-sri-otorU camping 01
the ( rail < f Dava Deljorg , a"bad man"dJ tha
mint leave or join
Texas Chancy. DeLoog ssas fntmorly poit-
master of Lulu and deputy county troasuti r.
The Fort Collins Couiitr sys that in Lari
mer county there \\iil bo 3001) hops fiillimu !
nil sUughtorsd before opting. That county
Is the only ouo in the state \sliich raises pork
enough forhome , consumption nnd rriwts
coin , oats and barley in addition to largi
quantities ofhe.t. .
Antlira ite coal sells in Helena at 8-3 per
ton , and liozeinrm toft coal atS.
Jaino ! ( icorgo hasstnick an S18.0DO lo the
ton gold mine In ISearguleh , Gallatin county ,
Tha coldest \sfatlu-r in Montana thus far
was at Itenton , on the 2'Jnd lost 17 dcgteos
below 7i'i-o.
I Montana ranks fifth in llio list o ! contribu
tors to the Garfield monument at Cleveland ,
the amount being § 1,0 2.
The Northern Pacific has quit ti'iiif ? 15oe
man coal on the Hocky Mountain division , 01
account of its lack of Intlaminahlo propertied.
John McOliecn , omplojtd at the Mapna
Chaita mine , near liiuto , lull down amanwa >
mid received injuries from \\liich ho died with
in lets than an hour.
It Is osllmatod tbat llio debt of Cm tor conn
ty will soon approximate ) a half million dollars.
Debt contracting seem to ba ouo of the chic
Industries of tlmt county.
The Holcnt churches have appointed com
mittees to buttouholo.tlio members of the leg
islaturo this \s inter nnd try to git a law passei
for the euppiossion of gambling.
Bin the past season Montana haishipped oas
7iiGr > 0 liuail of beef eattlei,010 : dressed beosen
10,000 ! slioep , and 100 liorne-s and miller. There
were in the eaino period ! ) SUlO cattto phippei
into Montana.
The number of postmasters in Montana
who may bo appointed under the nosv nd
ministration without encounteiing the ordea
of confirmation by the senate is eighty-one
Many of these hasolong been , nnd ate still
in the undisputed posu-ssiou of democrats ,
Thn nosv rcBersatlon recently sot aside for
the Chcye-nno Indians in Eastern Montana
is about thlity-fivo miles long by twenty svldo
and contains a little over COO squire mile' , or
about 385.000 acres of land. There are ex
actly G10 Indians to preside for , which will
yiie just ono square milo to each buck , equasv
and nnpooM * . Tlioio are about fifteen settlers
or rancliinen on the reservation whowcio
bona fide Hettlcrs _ prior lo October 31 , 1881 ,
nnd tliey svill bo allossoil to r maln and retain
100 acres of land t-ach , provided they will
keep themsclse' , their holds and their ilocks
within their ICO acres ,
A po-ttoffico has bsen 0't.iblMied at Shoshone
shone Falls.
Pieparations nro beng ! made to build :
'riat mill nt 1'aplo licck.
About 870,000 have boon oxpendo J in nosv
imildings In Ciildwoll last year.
] 5ellovuo Is ambitious to hive a Ixiaul of
, rnde. A moveuvnt In that direction svill be
naui'iirateel immediately afte- the holidays.
Such of Montana's lioreo tbi es as haso
encaped the halter or the penitentiary are
jvo pcctiug ' " Idaho Fitty horses sveio
itolou ii'contly from Morgan's lanch , Bear
The rescent tnow storm In Boise valley , Id.v-
lie , was the heusiest svithin the recollection of
, ho oliliiit inhab tan's. It comuiencoj on
jiindiiy svook anel on Wednesday moiuing llio
enosv me-asmriSd Ihreo feet.
Chinese funeral piocossions in Idubo nro
limplu anel touching. On til' ) 20th u coloitial
was bunud at Kttdium , tbo coifin containing
, ho eoipso. being hauleel to the grave on a hand
sled by IIH-AQS of a rope attached to the horn
of asoddlu sincbed on a caymo
Judge Dpniphnn mid his wife leftlJellavuev ,
[ daho , during the fctorm Sunday afternoon
'or the Camns No. 2 mine. The team gave
out otter elaik , and the judge and bis wile
wanel ered about for several liouia in thu blind
ing storm looking for the mine boarding house.
Finally , when completely exhausted nnd about
to give up the httugglp , the light from the
house was ( sen only a fosv feet asvay. They
lad been svithm 100 yares of it for oser twe >
The Indians of the Duck Kis-cr reservation ,
mse rjisud. wheat enough to last them two
Two poker games anel five fights relieved
, he monotony of life at Bishop Creek one day
HallecU.station , 22 miles east of Elko , is
cnn-idered the coldest place on the line of thu
Central Paoilie.
The pay rolls of the various mines of the
Comatock , for the month of November , , foot
up over -120ibOO.
The Cf ntrol Pacific is assessed m Nevada at
§ 0,5 1,1518.90. and It pays annually 908,964.57
is its proportion to tha atato
To becuro water supply for next summer ,
miners near I'inchp , a-e piling too snow in.
'reat heaps , buh ; up in the mountains , and.
covering ic with brush.
AbouMhirty bead of cattlehase been.tilled
iy beard iu tlia vicinity of Mountain City ,
KIko county , -within the past few weeks.
Hunters have killed six of tbe marauders.
Chinamen are beginning to monopolize a
arge share ot the business of furniehlng wood
for thu Central Pacific railroad , sshich has
constituted aa iinpoitaut Industry of the
Trnckeu b.itiiu
\Vhito Pine county is burdened ssitli an in-
lebteduin.H ot § 150,000 , and the local pre i.
lays that if something Is not elono by the h'g-
sluture to stirau ute its fast decreasing seem .
ties tliocoiuity ssill huteiy bu ssvamped in
Nevada is aJfllctsd with sweated ( ? old coin ,
Thu Chinese ) nie > lightening Iho dollar Rold
pieces by Mwe-itinp ih in. Ono of thuie cnini
\i'as tesu.d. Vy a Jhueka merchant the nthuc
day on delicate ucules nml it woa found to
have lost just one-nfih ( > 1) ) of its original
The Uniru Pacific Coat Land bureau h.u
recently itTucte'd the tale of u larpo tract of
railcoud mud in the ) neighborhood of Klko , to
Scotch BJ ndicate , Thupriejito be paid is
31 , UO,0 0. 'J ho Kiln einorucea auiiuea nf GOV
OOooccss with 25COO bead of. utUla thereon ,
Nevada City is fluodtel with cautiterfeit dollars
lars and halvea , '
Konnd Valle-y , isre-ndoclno county , liai
raised , a hog that ue'ghs ' 1,07'i ' pounds.
Ukiali Ix ( .ending tn tbo New Orleans eixpo-
aitlnn u IIOK f JUr fcitt InKh , eight fectloog , aud
wv-Ighiiig l,07i ( pounds.
The honey crop in the vicinity of Lomr > x ) ,
K.uita county , H repurud very large
tliUyeat , It is ustiin.iteid ut , ICO tone.
The 1'uri ern' csiial , which ia in COUIMI
> f in Meru < d county , will irri-
LMte aiO.IKIO iicrtn of land. It will c > fit about
Geoige Connor and thro ) companions worU
ing in gypauni quarry iu' r Snuta Jiliulii ,
juut.1 Hurtari county , Tlmrcelay , dUcuvercd
two patrified bodies , uvide-ntly the rtnuuiH
> f n man and wom n. They \\fie
i nought to Honta Maim nnd plaeul ou oihlbi
An emigrant from Kansas airlvccl in I/on
ngehi' , 1 ht Thursday , ha\iog traveled the
entire ) distance wiUi Ilia lainily in a two-lmrHo
wagon. Hi ) > ald ho htartexi with 97M ) and has
brought the entire Mini with biro , und lux hi *
team to htmt a home ncai .Santa Ana. Ho
\\ai fojr month eai the road.
I'LOATf llfl.
Altunuerquo , N , M. , Ia rapldlygrosviaglnto
a solid town.
The coal demand in New Mexico iucre.nea
10 per cent per annum ,
A utUen who has resided in Santa Fe leas
than four ye < ars claims to haso paid 57,100 for
house rent In that time.
The total wliiful ! at Walla Walla dm ing thv
autumn month ! ) svas 4.G5 Incbt-j , against li.5
f/r the cune pending peiitul of last year.
Wellington Territory hi b < en led to be
Hove that tit. Jolm'ii to bo sppolntod its gov
t'Mior as H ressard tor tlw part which he and
h s upholderi took in lilainu's defeat.
WhenMiln playing Hamlet in lied
( iulch , Arizona , an aimiMDg incident took
place , accordlnx to the HuJ Uulcb Chreniclo.
\Vn do uot bfllese It U tiue , but It ma ;
pkase the little ones , A do ? fight began and
tbucorabatise canines juinpol on tlio etago
just as Hamlet n'n soliloquizing on suicide.
"One of them , " saya the Chronicle , "fastened
his teeth iu Mr , Midi's le-g , causing n ghuttly
wound from Inch theuawdiuit poured ntxia
the Btoge. It svasa painful tight to see Mr.
Mllnsuilnkipg from liU svonted plumpnois to
ade-rideii lankDi < > . Thu eisvdutt wan co ! >
l itd and fuucd to h'l ' a busliul ImkH ,
* rif Autu * of Cnn ii Nltt i
i 1 Hlf rtO llT it iitlMn ir x l'h } kUfi In fit
U lly t1 * ! f l l w * ' In 1 < > 'J * M n1.1l u
Nervous ° iostr.lllftfi. Ochlilly , Menial itn > <
"hislcal Weakness , Mercurial and other Atte
lions ol , Skin or Rones , niond Poljon'nj ,
Met Snrcs and Ulcers tta > vi n > ii i
nPT ltn tt- * lt ntlti ; | flnclr. * - * 'rlt rrlTfcli'J ,
Diseases Arising Irum Indiscretion , Cxcpr ? ,
iposii-o or Ineluljcncc M-h iro.nrJP.I ( of tM
lol nulm IM'l > Uttxtiu I J Mill An MoflUhl
> JJffffUm m. m'tt , mt i ra ib ( > w ! . > , / < < ' > ' ' )
Hfr lntoit , > tri > i ; rtrm > li onTu lo orlJnHe. . ,
Improper or .
e rmubftUTeuri J. rftmih.t SA inctOfiMbtt tlxnt lM
'i ' i ir < l tcrcloio fi.ctn n j1r'Cuniullttl nll f
! or 1.7 Tinllrrro , a llntl' , ' Htlii fur lutitloni.
A Positive \Vriiren Guaranten
Kttn In ll etii li ! f if , X'rdlrln < ncnl ftnynSira.
J'umphlct * . Enpllnh or Ucrm n , 04 p er , rt
l3rlDlnznbovoclie ! .os Inmnloor romaU.l'ilEU
Iti tioih MI trill Mtile
k-o , money r vi t f * IRUI
KDtAlPi all tbe eurl ui , dotili fui or
krow. 1 \ > n\ nt tiMi | nl > ut ti > IL LullU P >
l.j br ' '
Will purlfv Ilin DLOOD.'rcpi *
htii tlic LlVCTJnnd KIDNEYS.
nnd V1OOH of YOtJTH. lf"
u'pslaantnrApiiulltc , jn-
Oljreitlon , I.ick ill hlronelli ,
onirjlr"inKi ! > liM > liilcly
cured , lioucu , muscles ami
ni'rC31 ccclvu IILW turco.
1:1 : Itxutis Ilia iiiliul nml
piipnllrn H nil n 1'owcr.
SIIK ! rlii li-onn'onipl.ilnt
poiLllarto their aevl.l
na inDit.ri'i IKON a'ONIO n M ( vnnd
tppcUy euro. illUrn a item' , lioaitliy complexion.
1'rciiueiit f.ricniptB at " " ' "ir'-'tlnp oiil > ailU
lo llio popularity oftliuorlKltml , D
me'llt Kl'ttllO OlIllllNAI , ANHIIKST
SomlTOurii'liIrnsto'JIinDr. ' IlnrtorMBrt Oo.
Mo , for our "DIUM 11OOK. "
rnnv * . nnn n Hrtil lurnrtnokioo. 1n * * .
. . . . , . . . - . crvonnIJIarrurofl.
41nlpLc , Nur Curm. CO".ft
trr f/ctt yriantitfro 0lt * ta
Ru-SciuUvvoBtniuiiaforCcletiratcdBIcdlcMWortis ,
Address , F. I ) . VIjAItIi.1 : . la. U.,181
Clark Street. CHICAGO , ILL.
Oenert De l" n
E vo foi t lo TOO.OOO cic unotoIlT aalected l ndi
EMtain KobiMkt , t low piles and on c-sy term *
Improved itrma tor Erie In DongUs , Dodjte , GolUx
ntllt , Burt , Dumlng , Sury , WHhlnetaD , Bfarlak
uiiden , tnd lintler oonuclco.
TEICB paid In nil purls ol Ibo 8liU
Uoney loaned on reproved Ikimi.
Kourv Pnblloolw v In offlc * Correspond
Physician & Surgeon
Retlld nee No. 1407 Jon03 St. Offlco , No. ItOS Far
rum Etroot. Olllco boura,12 m to I p. m. nd liom
to B p. m. Telepbone , tor olllco 07rcaldonoa 115 ,
Will cut Nervou neB . Lumbniro , r.heumatlim r
Neurihl K , Hcliitlcii. Kidney , fcplno nnJ lUrr illhui
Uout , Aslhmu. IleArtdUenuR , Dl poimlit , I onHtltAtlnli | ,
lpelil , Ctitftrrh , I'llea , l-pllepsT , lnipulencIMinib Aitu ,
Hrolnpuni Uteri , etc einly Hileiitlilc 1 irctrlc lli'lt hi Atuer
lea th l lend ! the Klectrklly nnJ inn.-mnuin tlinmcli : lit
botly , and cau bo recbaruod la ua lustanl by lht > jmtlout.
Winter Is coming , tbe season ol tbe y eai fort atfao *
and palni. In view ol this fact wo say bny out ol
Dr. llorno's Eloctrlo Belts. By BO doing yea will
avoid Ilheumatlam , Kidney Troubles and other Ilia
bnatflethls ho'rto. Do net doUy , but o il' ' t onr
oOlea and examine belts , No. H2S Douglas street , or
C. F Goodman's , 1110 Farnam SI.Omaha , Neb. Or.
Jura01odd. ! O. D
2/5 S , 13th St. Omaha , Neb.
Fourteen Years' 1'ractlco In Iowa and Colorado.
IOWA Hon. J , Itced , Associate Justice Supreme
Joiirl , residence , fioiincil UluHi ; ; lion O , II. Lewis ,
Jlfltrlct Judge , residence , Cherokee : itrst Nallonal
Jank ann Olllccr A. 1'u cy. Bankers , Council JlluITs ;
Qar\ey & I'ord , Hankers , Logan , H&rrUen Co. , Ia.
COLORADO IIon. J. O , Helm , Auuclato Justice ,
Supreme Cnurt , rcslJeucu , Denvir ; lion. AVni. liar
rleon. District Junge , io < Iiluni , Bum a ViBtaIIath- ;
iwa/B Bank , Faliplay , 1'ark Co dcclS-lrn
Science of Life Only $100
Kxhanated Vitality , Nervous and Phrslcal Deblllt ;
Premature Decline In Man , Errors ol Youth , and th
antold miseries resulting from Indiscretions or ei.
oeMes. A book lor every man , yountf , middle agfd
and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all aenl
ind cbronlo disease * eaoh one ol Which Is Invaluable
So found by the Author , whose experience lor 17
years Is such as probably never oetore fell to the lot
ol any physlciu. 800 pKc'i hound In boautllul
French mudln empoesed covers , full , gilt guaranteed
to btaflnerwork In every sense , maobaulcal , lit-
srary and protcceloral , than any otbor work Bold In
khli country lor V2.60 , or the money will bo refunded
In every tnstanc * . Price only 91.00 by mall , post
paid. Illustrative sample Scents. Send now , Qold
medal auardud the author by tbe National iledloal
Issoclatlon , to tbe officers or which he refers.
The Science ot IJIe should be trad by ths yonnt
lor Instruction , and by the afflicted lor rollef. II will
benefit all. London Lancet ,
There Is no member ol society to whom The Sol.
enoe ol LHa will not be useful , whether youth , pai
snt , guardian , Instructor or clergymaa.ArgODant.
Address the 1'eabodylledlcal InUtute , or Dr. W ,
d , Parker , No. i Uulflnch Street , Hoeton.Miwi. , who
may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and
experience. Chronlo and obitlnatediseases that havi
baiH d the skill ol all other pbjB.llPi I olani.
upaclaliyi Such treated incoMS-HtAL fully
rlthenit an Jnitaacc ol ( allure. TUVCCI P
D. 0. BEYA.KT , M. D.
1224 Farnam Street ,
Corner ISth Bti Offioe hour ) 9 to H a. m. , 3 to 4 p
n Ten j can experience. Ou spe V Oerraan.
The remarkable Growth of Oniah *
during the lost fosv years IB A matter of
great iwtonlshmout to thono who pay nn
occaalonal visit to this growing city. The
dovolonruont of the Stopr yards the
nooonslty of the Bolt Line Road the
finely pnvod utrootn the hundreds of now
roslelcnooD nnd costly basilicas blocks ,
with the populatlein of onr city moro than
doubled In the lust fire years. All thin
la a great nurprlaa to vlaltora and is the >
admiration of oar cltleous. This rapid
grovfth , the basmosa activity , nnd the
many substantial Improvomonta uiadn
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every Investor has made n handsome
Since the Wall Street panto May ,
with the subsoauont cry of hard times ,
there haa boon loga demand from specula
tors , bat a fair demand from Investors
oooklng homos. This lutter class nro
taking advantage of low prices lu build
ing material and are coca ring their homos
at much lose cost than will bo possible
year honco. Speculators , too. can buy
roaloBta' ' a cheaper HOST and ought to take
ndvant. o of pronont prlooa for fututo
pro ts.
The next fov years promises grentoi
divolopnients In Omaha than the past
ti v i years , which have been aa good aa
wo could reasonably desire. Now man
ufacturing establishments and largo job
bing housoa ara added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and through-
but the Stato. who have their money In
the banks drawing a nominal rate of
torost , which , if judiciously Invested in
Omaha real ebtate , would bring them
much greater returns. We have many
bargains which we are confident will
bring the purchaser large profita In the
near future.
We have for wale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North \ve have fine lots nt reason
able prices on Sherman nvenue,17th ,
18th , 10th and 20th streets.
West on Farnam. Davenport ,
Cumins , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible Eomo of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnnm , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
will increase in valnn
We also havu the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
the price in a short time.
We also have some line business
lots and some elegant inside resi
dences for Halo ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
some good bargains by calling
213 South 14th St.
Bet -ef > n tfarnhnm nnd
P. S. We ask those who have
property for sale at a bargain to give
us a callWe want only bargains
Wo will positively not handle prop
erty at more than ita real value.