THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , WEDNESDAY MORNING , JANUARY 7 , 1885. NO. 173. LINCOLN. t r Onr Legislature Coaveoes with All lemlibrs Present , Lienti Qov ; Agoo Wields the Gavel in the Senate , A Field Day for the Bailroad Oappors. Field , the Corporation Candidate } Was Elected Speaker , As Troup Cannot Deliver the Douelas Delegation to Field , lie 1)0 JOB All Hope of UclnR Made Head ol the Juillolnry Coininlttco. THE Special TolfRinin to TUB BKK. LINCOLN , January C. The legislature nisi at noon to-day. The house , with all member : present , was called to order by Secretary ol Statl IJogRon. Lee J. Fnnux WJH chosen temporary speaker , and Xedicker , chief clerk and a cicdontial committee of five will Martin as chairman was appointed. Tin lules of the 18th session was adopted. Ad join tied to four o'clock p. in. to-day. In the Hcnato , Lieutenant Gov. Agoi wielded the gavel. Uurr was chosen temper my chief clerk. The credential committee , with McAllister ai chairman , was aopolntad , Tlio senate adjourned to meet at 2 p , m , The speakership caucus was held this fore noon with 57 republican members ] present Field received forty votes in the firat ballot , Nettloton eight , Stevenson it. The majorlt ; agreed to support Xedicker for chief clerk. A Ronate caucus was held this mornin ) and agreed to elect the following officers Howe , president pro tern ; Burr , clerk ; Soolej first assistant ; Lewis , second ; Mercer , clerl of committee of the whole ; Llmbocker , ner Roont-at nnns ; Lafferty , ajsistact ; Maidin doorkeeper ; 1'urcoll , aBsIstant ; Pierce , chap lain ; Misi Xecdicker , engrossing clerk ; Mrs Del'ugb , enrolling clerk ; Blair , postmaster. [ TUB OUOAKIZATIOX. Special telegram to THE BEE. LINCOLN , January C. Tlio sonata mat thi afternoon at two o'clock. The committee o ; credentials ami members were sworn in b Chiot Justice Cobb. The programme ngroei upon in the caucus was then carried out t tlio lo tter. Church IIowo [ .then ] moved tha tlio rules of the previous session bo adopte with the exception of rule forty which bu n anendui as to place tin appointing power c tuo commiltois in thu handx of tha Lioutei ant governor-elect. McSluno moved to amend that a commltte of fivn ba appointed to make up the commi " teas. * Dclan moved to ameni that a committee o live on the rules bo appointed. DolanV amendment was curried and ho wa made chairman. The sonatu then adjourned. In the house at 4 p. m , the credential con mitteo repoited and the mcmbera then teethe the oath of ollicc. Permanent organuatic was then proceeded with. On the fiinl balli for speaker 1'ield received 55 votes , Nottletc 1C , Stevenson 7 , Wmnpear ID. Field was declared elected and escorted to h seat by hi ) competitors. On the vote fi speaker Troup and McAulle , of Douglas , wl votud against Whitman- speaker pro ten also cast their ballots for Field , the corpori tioa candidate. Of the republican membo of the house n caucus wad held this evenit and it was detti mined to elect the followic remaining ollicers : Fiist assistant clerk , Wi son , of'Cass ; second assistant , llussel , < Valley ; ontrrossing clerk , Miss May Kenned ; Koran of Fremont dooi sorgeant-at-ariiH , , ; keeper , Cudding ; chaplain , VanVlect , i .loirer.son. It was learned from good author ! ) that McArdle will bo appointed chairman . the committee on claim ? . Troup has lost n hope of being made the head of the judicial committee , owing to his inability to dellvi all tlio republican membars of the lougl ( delegation to Field. Further 1'arlloulurB of tlio Death < Mrs , McChcsncy. Special to the lloo. FUI.LEIITON , January t ! . Two weeks aj Jlrj. George JlcChosney , of this place , ft , compiny with Miss Kmma 1'eo , also of th place , and sister-in-law , Kato McChesne startid for the exposition at New ( Mean Mr ? . MoChosney had boon ailing slightly b fora leaving , but it waa thought tlut 11 change would bo banufidal. At St. Lou eho hummoned a physician , who pronounci her ailment neuralgia and gave her morphin After1 reaching New Orleans she was co eidembly worse , In bplto of which she wei \\ithlierfrlenda , on Thnrd y , Darrinbfr 2 n a carriage to the oxpoiiitiou. On Thu bda Becomber t-Ti , she insisted on again accoi - pjnying the puty to the gumml * . Her iff- tlooson thmdiy ware very iijcnhnr and h friends tmdeavoied to keep lit-r hone. : A rived at the exposition the party wislud to ; up Htairw. Mrtf. MoCtieauiy baUl that eha w tired uml would remain ht the fit of the Blairs until thi ! 5- i turned. Thii wai tlui hut her tnm < anil relative * biw her olive. Thu putty i tinned t } wbero Mrs. McCheaney had I * left , Imt tiiipposed she had gone to liar bour ing < phut , where they immediately wet A i rived there they became cri-atly alaiin a her non-apparance , notifivd the polii ftnd inserted uoticea In the papen. Tui efforts were nnavaUInir , and on SnlnriUy they telegraphed George McChesney at this place , who , in comp ny with lion , G. U. Miikle- iohn , started Alor.dny morning for New Or- leans. On Monday she was found at the house ot Mrs. T Inne > , In the mburbs ol the town , where she had boon brought by tome unknown \n\n. Slio was under tbo Intluenco of morphine when brought to thu house , and could give , no account of hertelf , and in spite of thu efforts of Dri. Holiday and Shepartl , died without r * gaining coinciouiiiess. A coroner's inquest was held uml pronounced it death from meningitis George McChi'teey arrived on Tuesday , DcccmlH-r 30 , acd ilcparted with the remains for Pennsylvania , her former home. It Is supposed that she wni taken ill and on * deavored'to reach her boarding p'aco and be came lost. Wliern slid WBH from Friday noon until found on Monday is a profound mjntery which will jirobibly never bu cleared , itnlens the. detectives era succcsslul In their search for the "unknown man. " TUG DECEASED WM a lady " 5 years of age , about medium height and propos 08sing in anFoara'1. She "vcd fotmerly in Pennsylvania , the was mar led and took up her residence in Fullortoti bout thteo months ago. Sha pofwssod many aluablo jowoln , whctber she took them witli cr or not could not bo positively learned , ht , l o iiotsoned sorno money in hoc own name , 'ho \ > 1ow falls with tcrriblo force on her rolu ves and friends hero and In thu east. Tlio Iifttcst Mews Front China. SAN FIUXCISCO , January 0. The Ocoanii .rrived this afternoon with Ilong Kong ad ices of thu 1.1th , and Yokohama of the 23d rumor that the Jardino Matheson compan ; made a loan of 5,000,000 taels to thu Chlnesi ovornmont is confirmed. Two hundret liousand have been paid on account , Th > an Is mode with the a\owod purpose o iiitlding n railroad to the immense coal de os-its west of Peking , which are the riches a the world. The work will bo pushed for- , vard as rapidly ns possible. I 3 reported that the youcg emporo s engaged , and will soon marr ; ho daughter of the Duke Chan , brother of th .mprcss dowager. Iho North hina Bail ; ews Bays that United States Minntor Youn | md Vincent Smith visited Viceroy Lo Huiij Chang and propound to him that the Chlnui fovernmenteivo them the contract of collect ng the revenues In all the provinces , as wel , s a monopoly of all the government par ihascs , tha government to pay them vo per icnt on the total amoun f the transactions. The proposltioi was declined. Tien Tsin ndvlcra stale tha hfl losses of the French troops at Formos 'rom fuvor and dysentery aru cnormoui .hat . , as a con < nriuence , Admiral Courbet' ' ihlps are seilously undermined. Germany Is making an effort _ to obtai control of the railroads constructed in Chin:1 : Through its representative , Mr. Dotrlg , I ifers to provide all the material and the er , ine , guaranteeing all the cash necessary fc ta construction. Several sharp shocks of earthquake hav been felt in the Mbukden province , Chipa. Corea is threatened with a famine. A tflegragh cable has bsen laid between tl main land of Japan and the JUnkln island K&IMIOAD"RACKET. . TOLEDO , Ohio. January C. In view of th recent order from thu United States conrt fo bidding the Michigan Cential railroad to di criminate ; against the Toledo Central & S Louis narrow guage in refusing to recei\ freight from that line at this pilnt , notic was to-day served upon the narrow Ruogo I tli9 Michigan l to effect that the lattt would not after midnight to-morrow recie\ nnv freight from either tl Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific c Toledo Central & St. Louis or fror anv road that drains the eamo territory OK tl latter , 't'ho rfsultof this order will doubtlei ba that the Wabash will send their throut freight \ia the Butler branch to Detroit , who the Michigan Central will receive if. Tl Narrow _ Guage has refused to receive at more freight at St. Louis and is making i effort to have all the trains now oil thn true between hero and that point armo here tlmo make the transfer to the Michigan Co tral before the order gous into effect to-nio row. INDIANAPOLIS , January ( I. CoinmiFsmn Doherty , of the Indl > napolis eastbound po to-day sent to the trunk liuea the ox cuti commission papers , alleged to bo the proof cutting ratis by the Ciue'nnati , llamilton Dayton raihiivl by local hilling. The penal for'thlsis a forfeit of 330,000. THE OHIO LiEuISIjTURE. . ALL < 1DIET IN THE HOCKINC ! VALLEV. COLUMUUS , Ohio , January C.-Tho Oil legislatuio icaesambled and adjourned t Mon this afternoon and the annual mcssa if Governor Hoadley was lead. Informatii from the .Mocking valley is that all is riul among tbo striking miners. Delegates ba been selected tn attend the etato conventii to convene in this city to-morrow and or delegates will bo instructed to fctaml for t' feyenty-cent rate of mining , and not to a niit of defeat , Death lloll. Sioux CITV , January 5. News has be received which is thought to bo reliable * th the bodies of fourteen men weru found fron : point twenty-iiino mile ] west of Valentino ( Jordan City , in northwestern Nebrasl The bodies were foundalong and near tha in railroad grade , The dead men were vlctli of the recent toniblo blizzard , and are MI posed to 1)9 He-tilers in suirch of supplies ni were on their way from their claims , th have beim loctting near the line of the m road to bo built next season. A previous i port htatec ! seven I odie.s nad been found , ai the last remit is generally behoved to bn tri It is hoped it mny bo greatly exaggerated. Now York Dry Goods Market , NEW YOKK , .limitary ( ! . Dry goods : irn uliir demand In the hamo propoi ticn have be made , but whi'o staple cottons ard tickin have iteoaury moderate of teusonab'o peci tien , such ai print * , gmglunn. dresj g.toi . etc. ; th < ; r has been a oood businesn.V < goods continuo to bo very dull. The exp < of donieitic tiittonv fort'io week is 5 , 111 I puc ages , nc more than double the quantity ot t conosponding week , The HIKIIV lllcclcade , POETLAND , Oregon Januiiry C. The snc blcekniU on th O , U. & N. HUB bttwe Wallnlu and Puthuid will ba cloed to-nift and conunenc'iu to morrow thn Northern I' ellio tni'.iu will po lliroiiRli without doay. ! Short \Vhoit unii O | H. MEW YOIIK , January flulshlzcr&15u < man have just been posted at the i reduce i change ai unable to meet their obllgatioi They are sild to be short of wheat and oats , VOUEIQNBSEWS. HOUND I'On ZANZinAH ON A Rl'KCIAI. MIS SION. LONDON , January 0. AdvicM from Dur ban , South Africa , state that the British protectorate has been proclaimed over the whole of Pondolwd. The German corvette ) Greizoan , with thu German consul general on board , ha been ordered to proceed toaim - bar on a special mission. noni : FRINCII THOOPS ron TONQCIN. PAIUH , January n. At tha council oi min is toi to-day Gen. Lewj ] , minister of war , un folded his plant for the Tonqnln campaign , in order to and the campaign before the rainy scapon. Sir thousand troops will leave Al geria for Tonrniln next week and (1,000 ( more In February. Gen , Negriet it following up bis successes , and hopes to reach Ling Son by the end of the week. Kolnrns regarding the health of the troops show that f)2 ( ) toldier.s wera admitted to thu hospitals of Tommln in October und thaf 36 "ou. TUP. SIKX1CAN mKIOIlT TA11IFP8. JtKXico. VIA GALVKSTON , January ( ! . The irovistnnal freight tat iff of ( ho Mexican Gen- tal railroad , \\hich oxnired the 1st of January as been extended to Maichh 1. The iner- U are making the Htrongest efforts for the bolishmeot of dillerontial rates. They claim hat the railroad company make cheap ratei 'rom Ipoints in the United States crMexico for the purpose of developing \merican exports to the disadvantage of ilexlcan inteinal commerce , All influences loisiblo are being brought to bear on the ecretary of public woiks to comnol the rail- ray company to accept thu arbitrary rates lased on distance. A a recent mooting of the iigrcantllo confederation resolutions \\erc dopted declaring that the commerce f the country would bo killed tin. ess _ the differential rates of the tloxican Central railway were abolished , pecial rates prohibited and all goods ordered llspatched at thu frontier custom houses in totkd of bslug permitted to coma in bond tt texico , The movement ij prompted in i real meaeuro by the jealou y of ] uroieat ; lerchanta toward the increasing America ! : rade. Ohsccno flatter Through th < pecial Telegram to THE BEE. DES MOINJS , Iowa , January 0. Unitei States Commissioner Jordan to-day heard i case of some interest. Thomas II , Brooks , o 'ouncil ' Bluffo , was arrested fur handing ob -cono literature through the mails , on com ilamt of his wife , who had left him and ( lei to her parents In thi * city. The letter beinj .ddressed to her , Brooks' counsel raised th toint that the wife was not eligible to testlf ; against her husband , and that letters fror husband and wlfo could not bu used as evi donee against each other , The distrlct attor ney said that such n construction of the lai > vould not prsvent a husband and wife fro i traflicing in obscene literatuio und using tl ; mails as a means of transportation of the ! joods , thus making the bond of marriage .afeguard . against thu government's interfei nces , until a flutter was created byraiain the question of the real relationship existin ; between the defendant and his alleged wife The letter's brother was upon the stand a thu time and she excitedly called out nn gesticulated , equustinjt hiai not tjimswei The commissioner decided that the questio leed not bo answered enl deferred an opinio m the guilt of the accn'ed until to-morrow. A French Victory in China. PARIS , January C. A dispatch from Ham says : Af tar the defeat of 0,000 Chinese ner Chu by Gen. Negrier , 12,000 Chinese leturns and resumed hostilities. Gen. Negiier a tacked them , penetrated their positions , d fended by forts and tiera of batteries anil r pulsed and routed the Chinese , who after n active MKistanca abandonol their position The Chinesn lost 000 killed and a largo nun ber of wounded. French captured two ba teries of Kiuiipgunx _ , a quantity of ammuii tion and provisions nnd some Chlneno stani arde. The Fiench losses In both battles we 30 oflice.ra wounded , 19 men killed and sixt ; live wounded. The Victim * of the Blizzard SIODX ( Jiir , Iowa , January 6. Nothli further can learned hero regarding tha rupor of the settlers freezing to death in Nebrask Kvery efFort is being made to gat at the tru of the matter. The locality is distant fro telecraph and but little travel , no wagi roads having yat been laid out. The railro : grade wai hastily complete , ! through that se tion late in the full and there Is nothing the now to draw travel. A number of persoi went in uarly to secure the government land a few to remain all winter , and theeo paiti supposed to bo tha victims of tha bli/.zn mentioned' mentioned'A A Promising Outlook , CHICAOO , January ( ! . An interview with largo number of business men in this city i veal the fact that there ore real evidences i every hand of a good business revival. Tl opinion prevails alxo among manufacture ! There Is an demand for all kindt > merchandise aud money collections are mo prompt , Steamboat Sunk. NKW OIILKANS , January ( i. ATime Democrat special reports that the steam Belle Shreveport. Mink about sixty mil above Arkansas City , Two lives were los the other passengers being rescued by tl steamer Kato Adoans. Hhortnco of a County Treasurer. Siocx CUT , Iowa , January G.-Geor , Stickney , county treasurer of Union count Dakota , is short In his accounts § ( ' , ,000 more. Ilia affairs uro in a bid shape , but i ) thought thu amount of the hliorlage will undo good. The ClfRpinfj Houses , BOSTON , January 5. The leading clearli house * of the Unitid States report the tot clearances for the week ended January 8780 , ! > : i3lM I , a decrease of1 1 ,3 n * compari with the cjrruspondlng week a year ego. ColllcrH btrllcc. MT. CABMKL , P.v. , January 5. Six hundr men end boyn struck at tha Belmont collie this morning ngilnst a reduction of 10 p cent , in wagiis , The colliery was oparai by S. S. Bichlo & Co. Dairy Mnrkat. Ciiuuno , January -The Inter-Oceai Klfiin , III , special says : Butter firm ; higher than a vsuak ago. Kepitlar BalM 1-1 Ibi at SlUff Hc. Cheese dull and nomini Privateuitleaot 1ICO ! hoxej cheese , fiO.OhO 1 butter. Total MUJ , § 2Uli81. WASHINGTON NEWS. onsifleralion of the Railroad Laud Grant Bills. Jills Passed Forfeiting Lands of the Oregon Oontral , They Are Open to Settlers at $1,25 Per Acre- Annual Eeport of the Mississippi Biver Commission , Appropriations Asked For to Con tinue the Work , President Arthur to Attend the Opening of the Cotton Expo sition at New Orleans , SENATE. WASHINGTON , Jmmaty 0. A bill was fa orably repotted authorizing the First Na tonal bank of Lamed , Kama" , to increase it : apltal Block not to exceed 5250,000. Bills introduced and referred : By Hawley o etUbliHh an international copyright. ] iy Mnnderson , granting the right of wai .ver the Fort lloblnson military reaervatioi n Nebraska to th * Fremont , Elkhorn & Mia ouri Valley railroad. Ingalls stated that on December 4,1882 , hi ntroduced a bill which was referied to thi committee on pensions to amend the atrenr of the pension act ) of January and March .883. Ibis bill bus been now thirteen month n possession of the committee , and ho sup losed that a sufficient length of timtj for it i nake up its mind as to the propriety of th lassage or the rejection of the. bill for the put > ese oE testing thu sense of the ccoate as i .ho bill , ho moved to discharge from the coin mttteo its further consideration. Mitchell , chairman of the pension commit X0 , said that the subject covered by the bil rbferred to had been gone over last set-s on 1 ; connection with the Mexican pension bill am action taken on it , Ingalls' motion went over to Monday. On motion of Slater the .consideration u ; ho Oregon Central land forfeiture bill wa 3egun and Morgan spoke In opp xitlon to il The consideration of the Oregon Centra and forfeiture was resumed. Morgan spoke In opposition tn the bill. H moved to Amend by adding to the bill the tml itanco of the provisions which on his motio iul been added to tha Atlantic & Pacific foi feltnro bills providing a method for judicit Drocetiuro for the ascertainment of the right if and patties claiming undo the grant. Th tiour of two o'clock arriving the contidcratio jf the inter-state commerce bill was about t be resumed , but on motion of Slater , the set ate by a vote of 23 yeas to 22 nayn , decided t lay that bill aside till to-morrow , In order t continue the consideration of the Oregon Cei tral bill. Morgan spoke at considerable length in at vocacy of his proposed amendment , Tb bonds , which were a lien on.tnc toad , he sal were outstanding in thiv hands of iunocei pai ties , and whatever rights Inhered -toitt holders of tneso bonds wate ' rights that t- coutt could best invcatiqato and decide npor "In God's name , " said/he / , "what sort of government have wo got if the judicial depar inent cannot bo trusted to'pans upon a till When did congress gut its reputation for in maculate purity to such an extent ai that rose above thr reputation of tha judgjs ? " Slater replied to Morgan and mniutu'.m i\Jorgan'aamendment _ was unnecesiary , bcm holder's right i weru shown'by Ihe grant , tin hid such rights aw the granting act gave the : and could have no more. Nicholas Dolj said that the condition on which the grai had besn made was nut fulfilled and not beir fulfillid thu grant should be made. void. I added that the rights of. all could be d set ted in court In spits of any act congress. After a further argument Me Kan's amendment wan rejected ; yeas , IS ; na 28. Tha bill was then read a third timeai passed without a division , Morgan gave it mediate noticu of a motion to recomidt The following henatora'Votid yea oa Morgai amendment : Allison , Blair , Cameron , Co ger , Dawfs , Hawley , 'Lapham , McMilla Miller , Mitchell , Piku , Sawyer , Sheffield ai Wilson. After an e.xecutive session the Irghlatu njjounied.IS HOU.SE. WASHINGTON , January p. Klhs , of t ! committee on appropriation ? , reported joint rc.iolution appropriating SoO.OlO for t ! mppott of the destitute.Indians , in Montan 1'flHjed. The house then went into a con inittee on the whole , Roger ? , of Arkansas , the cbiir , on tto pensioa appropriation. Adjourned \intil Tuesday , Jaminry 13. Hancock expliiued the provisions of tl bill which appropriates ? 59.f)7GOCO ) , or 21,0 lois than thu cotimates.MVsrner. . of Ohio , 1 veighcd against the abuies which existed ui der the present pension law in the matter compensation allowed'to"claim agents , and d clartd that the piracy of tha middle ages w an honest calling coniparedwith thuoperatic of the claim agents in tlio city of WaKhingto Ho had prepared aa Qamendniont whi would , iif enacted into a law , roniei the evils of the present syjlcm , and it was limit the feej ot the agentH to $10 , paynl only when the claim wan allowed , but to nlli the special Avritton contracts for ? 25 to entered mto between 11)0 ) , claimant and t agent residing In the same eUto and count with him. The bill having been read for amendmon ICverliait offeicd a proviso that nil appllcai. for pensiona thall ba piosumed to have ; disability at thotimo of enlistment , but BU pn-aumptlonmayl > orebutted ; adopted Hog. Ark. , otfeiedan amendmuat providing th no ogcnt snail reci-ivo any fee for his hen cea in the pension eaten until the nllowaiu cluiin tlut ull fees hhall.lio paid by the pe elon agents und that mcti fees tlull ba S oxci-pt In ctHea of special written contract fil In the pension office , vifn ] the feoof 82,1 mi l n contracted for. A violation of this proi slon Is mmlBlmblo by a fine and [ imprito meet , Warner offend nn amendmf nt to t ! amendment , limiting ftpccinl continctn. to claimaatH and clann ug ntj roaldlog In tl canui state , agreed to. The llogen amen moiit in amt'iulai WSH adopted. On motii of O llata the amendment was adopted pi viding tlut mode und manner provided for t regulation for the payment of whltopennioni shall apply to all pensioncrx. Matron olft-r an ameudment increa ing the rate of to widows and minor children to S12pcr _ month. Killed out on a point of order. The committee Uuo and the bill pnised. Ad > jounied. WASHINGTON NEWS , ANOTHKH rENBlON 1II1.L. WASHISOTOX , January 0. The Voorhec bill amending the Jienslon laws providea tha < all pensions which have been or may IK granted in consequence of military ( service rendered since. March 4,1801 , nhall commence from the date of death or disability , became of which petition Is asked , and in coniiiem tlon of pension cases the soldier or sailor shall be presumed to have boon sound physical ! } t the time of enlistment , TItfc riUOE OP A CANAL. The fiecrotary of war hat transmitted to tin nalo the engineer's repot t advising the pur aeo by the government of the L'ortnga Lake ml Lake Suparior canal for $350,000. Representatives Randall and McAdoo re- , urncd to Washington yesterday. THE PACIFIC RAtLItOAI ) CASKS , It is probable the couttof claims will ren er a decision in tli9 Pacific railroad ca ci text Monday. TUB rnraiDKNT's TIUP TO NEW oni KAXS. Tlio president will leave Washington abou .ho 15th instant for New Orleans to visit tin xpopition , unless the condition of public af airs at that time should make it necotsaty ti : hango the present plans. Ho will bo accom tanicd by eomo member of the cabinet am xpects to return to Washingon In about to : 'ays. tKASINO INDIAN LANDS. Secretary Teller has written a long letter t he chainnau of the sonata comndtteo on In ion atfairs , upon the subject of leases of In Ian lands. He says in part that the interio lepartmont has for years recognized the righ if Indiana toii-oceive compensationfor the par turngo of stock on the wservations and tha inch right has also been recognized by th : ourts end the senate Committee. The prlvi ego tn pasture cattle is only a license and no > lease and conveys no Interest in the land iccuplcd. Tbo Indians , the secretary eavt 'Id attempt to make the lease . ut the department refused to roc } gnizo them beyond treating ther , liem as a license rovokablo by the Indian it will. No one can question their right t nako HUch disposition of grans growing \ipoi _ .heir lands as they have made. Conccrninj , ho pecuniary gain , which the Indians no\ derive from licenses to use. the products c ' .heir land grants , which they giant the white F ho secretary says they ara now receiving 55 'or every dollar received under tlio oldeystair With respect to allowing the Indians to cor trol large and valuable tracts suitable for ag ricultural purposes , tha tecretary conclude ! * , hey should not be permitted to own BUC rocts to the exclusion of settlera when sue ands are not needed by the Indians , and the t is a misfortune to any country to have il nds held In largo quan'ities ' by n few owi : . the more BO if held by a few owners wh leithor make Dso of it themselves nor allo thers to do so , qflAH31 $ NOMINATIONS. WASHINGTON , January 0. ] 'ostmastcr Alike H. Vierson , Pella Iowa ; Clarence 1 Snively , Canton , 111. ; Hunrv C. llobinsoi Grand Crossing. Ill : Itobert T. Kloke , We Point , Neb. ; John W. GordonMinden , Nel John M. Fitzpatrlck , Hebron , Neb. CONKIltUATIONS. ' 1'osbnosters : llebecca Snape , Petersbur 111. ; John A. Childe , Kyanston , 111 , CINCINNATI , January.C. Lot Wright w urther examined but nothing of important was developed. After requesting the witne to preducs a number of papers that bad bei referied to , Mr. Follett announced the e.xai i nation was ended. Judge Foraker began tl croaf-'oinr jaiion by , , asking witness if ho hi knowledge of any democrat hindered or pi vented from casting a legal vote In the Oct tobor election by reason of the deputy nu shals. Witness said ho had not heard of a si gla case ; on the contrary on election day considerable number of republican voterscar to his ofllce bleeding and suffering from vi knee at the hands of the democrats. A journod until to morrow , , . uaiDENr AUTHOR WILL , ATTKND TJIE EXPOI TION. WASHINGTON. January I ! . President \ thur will attend the opening of the cott convention at the grand hall at the worlc exposition at Now Orleans on February 1 President Garrett , of the B. & O. , has te derod hia private car for the trip. The bill ha ? just pissed the senate forfeit ! : the lands of the Oregon Central Kailroad O applies to such poitions only of the. lands lie adjacent to and co-terminus with the u completed portion of the. After decla ing such lands forfeited it piovidcs that p eons already actually settled thereon Bh have the preference of the right of rnt thereto under the homestead law , such ent ta bo considered the date of actual sett ment. The price of the even number sectia of forfeited lands is reduced to 91.25 per ac Annual Report of the Mlselsslp Illvcr Commission , WASUIFOTON , January C. The annual port of the Mississippi river commission v to-day transmitted to congrei-s. In spe.lki of the construction works and referring to < flood which occurred in the latter part of 1 February , the commissioner sava that the i er remained high for a long period , and I little could bo done before the first of Ju The damage to the work was on the wh ICHJ than might bo anticipated. The dyl sustained inucli lees injury than has been t case in former yearn , duo no doubt to improv methods ot construction which have be adopted , but the revetment work , much which had been left in an incompli state suffered severely , During t present BOMOU all the damn lias been repaired. The fund available w bo exhausted by Jonuay 1 , 1885 , nnd thou it IB hoped and vI'Cted that by that tiino t season's wotk will ho loft in a much bott ehapo than heretofore , Yet , much inoro ti isfactory reeults might bsen secured had t apprjjH mtlou for that purpose been gieate Tlia caving cf banks within the reaches , u der tlio improvement , are very ox tonal vo ai the means at tbo disposal of the comink-ii liavo not hitherto been suilicleut to compli their protection. Tlio caviug of theao ban has given serious trouble , ncMbSitating ma change * in thu plan and in many iustaiu havu jeopardized tha whole system , a contm tion of the works iii put them into control ai deepen the navlgati n channel , This dant wUJ continuo until tli'K * bmka are xecuri which will reijuiro a considerAl expeaditura and should ba completed in o wuon if practicable. During the low wet ( uiKoa i'f ' 188't no ir.oio than NIX feet of wal was found through the New Madrid a : Mfinuhia roadies. Too casu this year Vi but little better. It would seem advjxiblo extend the work to theie roaches aa BOOH pjseililo as sucha courne would open to li p/o\u th ( navigation of about 250 miles of t ti | river fiom Cairo down , or about tne-foui the distance to Now Otlc n , and nearly one- liklf of the total distance which require * ex tensive improvement * . The commission has prepared plans for beginning the work on the < a reaches and will Uko them in hand , as teen as funds are placed At their disposal uill justify such action. U is Mio deemed e tenti l to the work already dona and a neceriary part of the pi MI of improvements is that the revet ment banks which nro caving in with such rapidity as to interfere with and embarrass navngfttton ihonld bo nt once undertaken and carried forward cystematically beginning with Cairo and ptoKrdsaing down the ctroain , pre cedence and t'mo ' being given to those places whcro the caving li moit rapid and injurious. Through that portion of tlio liver lylnz between the reacheB of bad navigation are found in many long stretches where navigation is now good and which only requires work of this charac ter to kc > cp it so , while at nthor places phoals exist , which would probably disappear or become - come lots troublcioma if the banks wcto held and the river allowed to contract and doipen by natural agencies. By the tetms of the last tivor and harbor act , the CominiBPlon Was dl- r < ctod to taku charge of the Improvement of the Misstfslppi river between the nioulli of the Ohio and les Molncs rapids on which the work has boon for many years in progress un der the engineer department. The names of a largo number of harbnrc wcro also Inserted in tlio river and harbor bil ! with a view to their improvement , but tis the amount appropriated was for a short estimate that the commitsion did not feel justified In taking up this work except at Memphis when the act specified the amount to bo expended , and at Vicksburg , where the repairs wer < needed to the work already done. The con ; mission ha , however , prepared separate estimates mates for such work at those places to accom plish the object proposed as teen as doonici necessary. It is the dcsiro of the commisslor that if congress decides any or nil these worki to bo undertaken it shall specify the localitiei and the amounts to bo expended on each. The general plan on which the work ba twcon the Dea Moines rapids and the moutl of tno Illinois river is In progress consists ii closing all the side channels by low dome , ns ually of brush and stone , in contracting tbi width of the river by ttar dykes of mnila construction , and by protecting by brnsl mattresses covorud with stone , such banks o aio subject to erosion , The object Bought i to contract the low water channel to a uni form width and thereby increase its depth ti about five feet nt low water. This work ba bean in progress several years and the result have been goqd. The work will bo resnmoi in the spring and "prosecuted tojthe extent < i the available funds. nEFERItlNO TOTIIELKVEK3 The report . assumes that no arcument 1 needed to attest the practicability of thu love system. It is thoroughly established b largo experience that faithfully construe ! ed loveesj 'of sufficient proportions an ago to have settled and sod-covere would resist any pres'ure. Of the 140 bread In the Yazoo front in 1882.147 wcro caused b water running over the leveca and evading th rear tlopo , covering the banks and destroyin far more than all other causoa combined , bi such losses may bo reduced ai coving is pri vented and the permanency of the banks wi make the maintananco of thu loyeu an iccoi siderablo cast. The commission _ recormnent the construction of new and raising thu exis ing le % eei along all parts of the river , wlici the high lands ara too remote I check tbOv passage of largo volumes i flood water outside tbu boa of the river < or , in other words , on the entire right , an also on the left bank , below Baton lloguo an from the Yazoo rher to Horn lake , belo Memphi ? . This opinion of the commisMi that thu building of levees for the improv ment of navigation In the obstructed portioi of the river cannot proceed indefinitely wit out involving a damage to the propnetoric interests balow and if this portion i f the it ' - vision muit also bo inadc strengthen ! ) and raising the levees In the lower portion the river , where navigation is now good. Tl following order of work is believed to be jui CIOUH ; t ? in completion of the lev system : It iliould begin at t lower end in each bottom of Mansha La Fourch and Atchafalaya , constituting tl lower Louisiana , The Tenoas , Yazoo , Whi and St. Franci.4 should be enclcbed in t order named from below uriwardn. In eai bottom , tri it is reached in the fqregoli order , the most important levees , as restrai ing the greatest escape of water , should first constructed. The commission reno' the recommendation heretofore made tb provision should bo made by law for on n propnation by tuo United States tlnoni proceedings in the federal courts , of Ian and material needed in the .work. The coi missioners makes the following ESTIMATES FOR THE K1BOAI , TEAR ending Juno 30 , 18Si ( , for surveys. § 100,01 salaries and expenses of the commission a : assistant engineers § 100,000. for thiriver fr < Des Molnusto the Illinois river SOUO.OCO , fri the river to C'airo SI 000,000 , between Cai and the head parses , including the Hod Hiv nt and below Atchafalayo , § 7,000 OCO , for t harbor of Columbus , KentuckyS8P.OlO ; Hit man , Kentucky , § 270.000 ; Memphis , ? 75C ( Greenville , Mississippi. S18l,000.VIcksbui ! § 20,000 ; Natchez , 5700,0 ! 0 ; New Orleai SOSG.OOO. The report of the jiissoum IUVEK COMMISSION will bo. submitted to the. house to-moiro It recommends an appropriation of 31,000 , ( for the Missouri livnr between its mouth a Sioux City , $1U,000 ) between Sioux City a Fort Benton. anil S1CO OOP for surveyg. ScrduU Isppoj , Vvf/ mon general than ni other disease. 11 b Insidious In charade and manifests itself In running sores , pustuli eruptions , bolls , swellings , enlarged joint abscesses , sere eyes , etc. Hood's Sarsaparll expels all trace of scrofula from the bloo leaving It pure , enriched , and healthy. "I was severely afflicted with scroful anil for over a year Uad two running son on my neck. Took ftvo bottles ol Hood Sarsaparllla , and consider myself cured C. K. LOVCJOY , Lowell , Mass. C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me. , had scrofuloi sores for seven years , spring and fall , Hood Sarsaparllla cured him. Salt Rheum William Spies , Klyrla , O. , Buffered great from erysipelas and salt rheum , caused t handling tobacco. At times his hands won crack open and bleed. Ho tried various prc aratlons without aid ; finally took Hood's Ba Baparllla , and now says : "lam entirely well "My son had salt rheum on his hands an on the calves of his legs. Ho look Hood Sarsaparllla anil Is entirely cured. " J. 1 SIAUTON , Mt. Vcrnon , Ohio. < ' Hood's eSarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. ? t j six for 5. Mad only by C. I. HOOD It CO. , Ixiwell , Mass. IOO Dosos.Ono n Mlar. 7HE MARKETS. Great Scarcity of Gojd to Cboiec Native steers , Prices Fully aa High as Last Week , Hog Market Unsettlo'd and Prices Inclined to Drop. Considerable of a Fluctuation in Whoat--A Slight Advance. Oorn Presented Few Features of Interest and Banged Steady , Outs Continue Blow Hyo Steady Provisions Unchanged 1'orlc Pinner liixnl Unchanged. CHICAGO MiYUKETS. Special telegram to THE BKB. CATTLE. CliioAao , January C ; So for the receipts are not greater than this time last week , bnt the number of good cattle are considorablyibo- low the corresponding period last week. For the post three or four days a largo per cent ot the stock arriving were of low Rrado native steers , cowx , and common butchers' stock , and ! these soils commenced to weaken last Satur day , gradually gutting lower from day to day , and ara now 15@25o lower than last week , On the other hand good to choice native steers , , , such as will fill orders for shipping or dressed beef stock are rather scarce and fully aa Irish as last week. The stocker and feeder trade remains quiet , the wcathar being we.t and un favorable but few country buyers are prcccnt , and the supply of suitable stock is rather lim ited , yet prices may bo quoted firm as com pared with last week Best native ttooiK , av eraging 1-150 to 1500 Ibs.i mav bu quoted at S5.75@0.15 or thereabouts. These are outside prices , and there are but few arrivingjHbta , week that arcgood enough to make quotation. Fair to good , averaging 12CO to 1300lb9-i and thereabouts , may bo quoted at § 3.00 ® fi.23 , and common to mediumSMO ( < * 1.80. Good fat cows and bulls are makipg ali itt aa much money for the collfatry xhipper as anything else jiibt now , but low grades must bo bought at extremely low figures In tlio country to make any money f lioro at present ; good to choice. I300@l-I001bs. , 55 2T5 00 ; 120l@1330 Hi' . , 55 00@5fiOj com mon to fair , lOc lower 84 20@4 85 ; inferior to fair cows , $2 25@2 76 ; medinm to good. $3 00 @ 3 SO ; stackers , 53 00s3 ! )5j ) feoderH , § 400 © 150. ' lions , , This market waH unnottlcd and pricesdipp-if , , pedGglOo from the highest of yesterday , yet * ' tbo average was about ilia same aa at thu opeii- ' - ! . * ing yesterday ; receipts were heavy and prem ised to fully equal the highest ostimat s j the weather was against anactlvo packing d < mand , and the provision market ruled easier but prices are 15@20o higher than last Tuesday ; common , ami rough packers may Do < vieted- around abouT'SO 00@IJ.Oj fair to good packers. " > SI 154 So , and best § 1 8B3 40 , with f noy assorted heavy at S150 ( 4 CO ; light Borti maybe bo quoted atSl-10@445 for closely asi ortecl. . averaging 180 and upwards ; fair to ftooA * ' Yorkuiu , S4 3/i@4 / 50 ' ; packing and thip ? ping , 240@3SO Ibs.81 , 35sl4" ( 50 ; light , 100 to 210 pounds , 4 20@4 45. After thu intense excitement of yeiterday , a\tond- ant upon thu double barreled attr.ictioa"bf. a boom in wheat and a boom in board of trade politics , thu bojs seemed somewhat ' .disin clined tn exert themselves this morning. ' Busi ness on 'Change was by no means at a fttand * still , but it was not accompanied by one-half the whooping and howling which has repderocV * thu scone there BO impressive for Bema days past. At the opening tin markets were weak and lower. This was undoubtedly one cause ? for a milder attitude of tlio PyroteChlcagoln ; dividnals who makuuptho scalping clement. They had been selling homo for a day or two , but seemed to regard the first indication ! of a possible broil ; too doubtful to risk-/much / money on , in other words , while tlio E alpeb } have been bo'd enough to do some Billing onta ? strong matket , they are yet ICRH willing to risk much on a weak one as sellers than on iijatrong , onu as buyers , ' , WHEAT ( opened easier and lower , with a generardia- ; position to hell , thu first couple of hourH wore ansottled values alternately falling' > anil ad vancing within oce cent but later it settled down quite weak and declines becamq stead ier though In every option there was a frac tion of advance from the lowest point No , 2 spring was quoted nominal at 7'i80J. ' ) COHN presented few features of interest and ranged i $ ulong quite steady "nd about with wheat-cash being ( [ noted at : < l37 ! , Fluctuations in ] op tions were confined to all closing quiet and easy at the decline , OAT8 continued slow , qu'et and about steady with speculative trading con lined to seller May , HVE steady and linn with Nn2 cahh quoted J February 55 , March 55J , and May hold at ItO. J'JIOVIHIONB were fairly traded In at not greatly alteiod figured. Pork nhow.s a little ( inner fceJing and consequently higher prices , while laid wan a shade easier and lower. Local trading Is about the average , , with options cloning steady on morning bessio.n. All through thn lait cafh pork wax nominally $11 80 and lard SO 85. Call wheat easier ; 7ts for January ; 70io for Fobuiary ; 70jo for March ; 85Sp for May. Coin quiet and lower ; 35Ze for Janu ary ; HGjic for February ; SOJofor March ! 8i6o ( for April ; Sllja for May. OalH quiets 2BJC for January ; 2ie ( for Febinary ; 29fio for May. Pork eaHier and lower ; $11 li-i for January ; § 11 074 for February ; 811 80 fop March ; 312 10 for May. * Laid unchanged. " * * " " " * TJio IjOHt Found , CHICAGO , January ( ! . Pinkotlon'a detectvo ! agency to-day effected nn an eat of David E , I Swan , at Sutton'tf Bay , Mich./ where ho way living under tbo alias of D. T , Udlngton and Iiad only lecently been clectrd prosecuting at- tornor , Swan was formerly local cashier of the Northern I'acifio railroad nt St. Paul , and by foigrry nuc eeded in oinbiuzHni ; 851,000 of tlio eonipany'a fuiidn , which W.IH loht in upec- ulation , Ho disappeaicd last July , recognizeel Smoking