THE BEST TONIC , medicine , combining Iron with pur4 blo tonics , nuickly anil ror Uurr * INiepnln | , ISnillKmtlnn , XVc Jinniiro Illnnil , DIalortniilllii nnd I'cTcrti unit Nrnriilpla. ItUan unfailing remedy for Bhcdscsof th nml l.lvrr. It Is Invaluable for Dlscarci peculiar t SV'ornon , nnd nil who lend Feclcntnry llvoa. It ilocs not Injure tlic teeth , cn so Iicmlache.oi prmluco constipation oAT ( Jron mcilMncza- ) U enriches anil purines the blood , stimulate the nppctlte , nlih tbo Assimilation of food , ri tifvcs Heartburn and lielchlng , and ctwnftb ni the muscl ci and ncrvci For Intermittent Fevers , i > awltiidc , Lack ol Xncriry , Ac. , It has no equal. * r Tlio Rpnulnt has alxn o trndo nnrk un crossed red lines ou wrapper. Take no olhut > < U llir rmoiTlMllt.llCil. 10. , IUI.Ttir.ur - iM Undisputed mine BROAD CLA IN > TEBY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AN ] Kver offered to the Dubllc. EAMBTJBG-AMERIOAE DIEECI LINK rOU ENGLAND , ntAZTOE An GERMANY. ; The tteamthlpB ol thia well-known line are built i and European malls , and leave Now York Thnr days and baturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ! Obe bonrg , ( PARIS ) and HAMBURG. Bates : Steerage from Europe only ( IB. Fir Cabin , 56. $85 and 170. Steerage , 0. Henry Fund t , Marie Hanson , F JC. Moores.M. Tel teentalo Omaha , Gronewci ? & Sohoentcen , agentsl Council Blurts. O. B : RICHARD ft CO. , Gen. Pal Affts. , 81 Broadway , N. T. Cbu. Kozmlnskl fe C < General Western Aginta , 170 Washington St. , Chic lVlanliood Restored HKlliaiYl'liEE. AvIctlmofyoutUfullmrrudenCB caosing Prtmatnro Decay. Nervous Debilltr. last Jilanlioou , af.hninir tried in Tain every known romody.ncrJisooiercil nBlraplomcnnsofBolf-oure. which ho will Bend Prtni ! to bis fellow-iufferera ! Address. J.U-lUKVi3. Chath <'ewYoik. for lien. Quick , tan , tat * . Book tn VBGOR OlTl&lo Aiencr , 160 Fulton S k , N w Tor Health is Wealth Da. E. 0. WIST'B NBUTM AHD BRAIN TBIASHKIT , H r ntoed BpoclDo for Hysteria , DliilnoM , Convn lions , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nerrot Pioatrntloa caused by tbe use ol alcohol or tobbacoi WttkcfalncM , Mental depression , Soltanlng of tt brain , resulting In InsinUy nd loapln ? to mlier ; decay and death , Premature Old ago , Baroness , lei ofpower In either B9i , Involuntary Loesee and Spe ' torhor oansod by over oiortlontof the brain , gel bnse or over Indulgence. Each box , oontolni ot month's treatment 1.00aboxor sir bottle ! c 15.00 , lent by mall prepaid on reoelpt ol price. WE GUARANTEE BIX BOXES Xo cute any cue With each order received by t lot glz bottles , accompllihed with 96.00 , we will Ben he purchaser onr written guarantee to refund tt money U the treatment does not effect a cute. Qua antooa laanod only by JOHN 0 : WEST & 00. , Qv | ! 3-mio-rr.J-H 881 Uadlson St. , Chicago , 111. fames Itedis&lbstU1 J Chartered by thcStateorillt , rfnois forthcexpresspurpos fyof eivlnBlmmedlate rellclli ' ' Sull chronic , urinary ana pri Svate dlsccss * < \ > Daertxz < .jGlectnndSyphillB In all the ! ' complicated forms , also n ( diseases of the Skin an Hlood promptly relieved amt . , . . . . . . . . . < t nal4i''yfc * "M ! nf .fct. * t B W.MB Weakliest. HiKiit Losst-by Dreams , Pimples 01 the Knee. Lost Manhood , voaltii'ttjictirtd nicr 4'.iiutxpri-inirnHti < i , The appropriate 3 at once used In eachcuce. Consultations , per e.nal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med Iclnes sent bv Mall nnd Expresi. No marks oi scKnce to indicate contents or sender. Addres Vn.JAMES.No. 204WashlnQtonS > . , Chcago.n ! BOTTLES. Er longer , . - . * - - < .Uavarii Cnlmbacher , t - . . . . . .Bovarli Pilsner . % . , * Bohoiniaj Kfli0er. . . . * - . - .Brflmoi DOMESTIC. Bud wowser . St , loui Anhausor. . . . - . - -St. Loui Best's. . . . _ . .Milwauke SohlitzPilsner.Milwauke Kru s . Omah Ale , Potter , Domestic and Ehir Wine. > D. MAUBKR , 1213 Farnam S With 'eash number ol DOMOUESrS MONTIH tlaCIAZINEwlll be'given a lull ilzo lashlonable P selected , making tvt elt a per i er n ot any site of at } les or ( duringtheytarsoraluoclover thiee dolll * besides the most ropular. cnterlalni ? and u e magazlng. Simple ooplei iilo , yearly , $2. Addr W. Jennings , Dtmoreist , 17E > st llth Bt , New Yo . . . . addreM to Rvrlft Specific Co. Drawe .your vHHl&oa * v * a.m a * * * rw * * v u t * v < , _ Atlanta , Ga. , for an intrrutln trratlso Dioodand Bklu Diseases , whlcb tbcy wfll toail fi Inflammatorv Rheumatism , I was attacked lartwlnter with Inflammatory rh flnt serious lllacw at : ma m ol fincro type my Ihad riousKlnds of treatment with o 1S76 : .eroi > orary relief. After so\onMceksI vasredui lu weight35 pounds , had no strength nor apre ! and was growing weaker e\ery day In this oondlt I began Swift's Speclflo , and In three dajs began tmiiro\e , and In thrt-o weeks I uas Ireo IromdUe uud up attending to my rrgular biulncH , My > p tltc returnixl and I rapidly gained my flesh. I n waited this long to be certain that my cure wu j uiaueut. 0. P. GOODTBIR. Attorney at Lav , Brunswick , Ga , , Juno 25,1SS A GOD SENDM I have bad rheumatlim 'nfortyjean , and h tMuurcUotedvilthalr wnlei ol S. 8. S. loonji It a God-send to tbe D Dieted. i. UWAUM , Tfaompi Oa. , A.UZI 18 , ' * ) > < > \jv" Wl "LET US HAVE PEACE , " G&neral & Hawley's ' Aflyico ! o Eflitoria and Offlcc-noldiDE Soreheads , 'rosidont Arthur's ' Support o Elaine Proven , Nnilonnl Comtnlttco mul Los Opportunities Other KvcntH , . 'rculdcnt Arthur nnd tlio Cainp.tli WASHINOTON , December D. Sonntor llav oy hns tuniiahcd for publication'tho follo\vin tatcmont : "I ha\o been sovcrnl limns intorviewot specially nlthin the day , concctning ctnti ncnti and discussions in th * newspaper ) n ntlii7 to the management ot ol Iho llepubl : an National committee , and v rioin refc inces to the attitude of President Arthur da ng the latocMnpaign , acd au editorial in tl National llcpublican January 3rd , particulai y calls upon mo concerning certain interviov with liiui. I do so cheerfully , ns ho has. ce lainly been [ misunderstood. At the heai quarters of the Ifapublican National eon mitteo in New York early in August last , lave no means of fixing tlio precise day ) du nifn couvoraation between certain munibe of the committee and myu-lf , tnmuthitjg wi said about the position of President Arthu ind tha dosh ability of obtaining sumo add tlnnal manifestations df 85 mpntliy nnd co-ope ation from him , both forthe xakooflU ire eral effect and IT3 LOCAL INFLTJKNOK UIK > II tlio presidetifH ptrsonnl friends and ol lolitical ansoclntcs in Now York In ruaponi to a suggeatlon I said I was ipilto willtnc i ipcalc to him about it at tlio first opportnnit ind 1 did BO teen afterward at Plfth aveni lotol , where Lo was thin staying. Ho tv swered fa\brably and cordially , oxptesslng li continued support of IVaiuo from thu momei ) [ Ills nomination , The only doubtful poll with tlio president was whether It would be i so to again publicly state hln position afti ih telegram to Blnino. To obviuto any cbjc ion to the president making a statement i ils own behalf , llawley prepared AN " 1NTEUVIKW" : or the press In accordance with the precedtr conversation , Arthur pronounced the deci ment entirely satisfactory , to be circulated I ) ublto or private , then or at a later day lowley then discussed the matter with Chnii man Jones , and either Elkins or Chnffee. an an agreement was * reached that the subjoi might as well bo left temporarily aa It was ind that in a fortnight there might bo mor raluo In something of the kind. Hawloys eportcd to Arthur , and so far as the forme was concerned nothing further was douo I ho matter.1' Hawley concludes ns follows : "Tho cam aign is over. Republicans nto defeated , espoctfully submit that criticisms androcrmi nations AnH NOT PItOFITABLE. The republican national committee workei pith the moat admirable zeal and energy , am doubt not is fully conscious that It had i eeply earnest desire to do exactly the righ ling , always considering the difficulties ttia evoloped themaelvos. The result was i plendld demonstration of the vitality of th publican party. Soon after General Arthu ucceodod to the presidency , referring to soon owspnper apeculations about his purpose , hi aid : 'One thing I do moan to do I meai o make it possible for the republican part' 0 carry the presidential election In 1884. ' ! hink he did that. 'Lot us have peace. ' " ANARCHISTIC IDIOOST. INCKNUIAHV SOCIALIST MKCTINO IN CHICAGO. CHICAGO , January 5. The regular Sunday meeting of the working people's Internationa siociation attracted the usual large crowd t ( 4 West Lake street Sunday afternoon , Tin athering , which included a few women , com letely filled the hall , The Times report says Dynamite" Busing brought the cliatterin ) nmd to order \igorously thumping witl is fist on the table. 0. S. Griffin , 'the firs rater , stated this world bad been created fo 11 jieople alike , and that the capitalists inns iku the lion-capitalists into co-partnership ese se with the assistance of dynamite Ic.ivo tin orld. A Mr. E. Parsons read a length ; whereas" referring to the lock' uts in Pennsylvania and nsscrtin ) iat the bread of the wage workers is owuei y thu privileged clans. The resolutions ap ended were adopted with a whoop. " "Re olved tbat the despotic peer which th < riviloged olaeH ppsie.ssera is de tiucti\oof life berty and happiness aud should l > o nboiiahoi y any and all meuns , " "Unsolved , that the working class tnus ontrol their broad and the ineana by which ti jtain it before they can in any tense bo free men. " Ivlr. I'nrsons said that thu chief pur | * > so o icialiriin was not to depri\u the man win wned a corner Jot , of his pioperty but ti .nako it his forever ; to put all men m pal act' nd on their table the bounties of th iitli. When socialism pievaik-d t-verymai nnld bo a joint ntock holder of the earth am each thtir Vanderbilt. 200'OQO men wer ut of employment and destitute'in thi ountry , they repuxanted ten million people ocinlism hadbscomo a noctMity and , sail > , irsons"one must accept them diparish. . " August Spies advocated murder l > ecause b ; ; murder could Iw itrexenteil. He wbo urJ eld tlu pit ent oi'der of society was a mur erer. The miKsion of oil governments was t nnintaln thu robbsry of the people. Ifo ol ered a i evolution andorning tha action of th rocking Valley miners , deploying th pro rrty ot the syndicate , and It was adopted ohn .Sural , an old man , said ho l > elieved i : Inughtering a few thousand capitalists. Mir .00 declared herrelf ready to ahoulder a inus et to kill n "mean , dirty , awful capita'lst. > Ii- ! * . Parsons hiroud In with her predecessors 1 ho thought elm would look charming in th oed clouts and diamonds now worn by tb rife of s-.iue capitalist. She asserted hersnl bio to throw dynamlto bombs ui elfoctuill : s her husband and closed with an cxprtBsei chiio that the ministers In future , would tel heir starving paruh'oners ' to "trust in dyne lito" instead uf "tmtUn God. " Tbo Earthquake Ruins. , January 5. Albania is ttriibl ; billeted by the i-artliqn.iko. Tha upper pur ion of the town was built upon a bill nnd th cm or portion in the volley. Bodies ofo > e hroa hundred victims ha\o already been n i > \ercil. Ten thousand ratlin were killed A.1I public buildings wtra do-roliiihed. Save houiand persona are camped in the field ] an mid religious ser\ Ices in the open air. Tt jngineeM report the remaining huiiDes _ at Al munelus ia a dangeroui cond tion and it wi in iieces.-aiy to blow them up to Itisura [ mbli ii/ety. A meetiOK was held by the military an iterary societies and clubs autl journalists < Slitdrid at which it was decided to ralsa relief fund for thu bjiiffit of the sufferers. During thu eaithquaka the Nllence was bn ken by thowers of stones. Despite tha lie iiundred of persona remained nmcng the ruii tearchlcg for property. P.ircnts stood wee ] ing over the placei wliera their children we : burled , Imploring tne olduw to dit ; fi > r nn recover the bodies. Numbers of tli9 injure are lying on straw and many of them are d lirious. Thu govrrcnr his barn nna tour i inspection through the ruined diitricts and h distribute ! rellet to tha eufTererii. Wealtl inliibitauts lied. Tha poorer dames seem n ilgoed to their fata and pay no attention ' re.urring shocks , Unle > n generoas and > pe relitf is afforded irucht > ickiietfi < is sure to fc low , ottirg to theinclemency of tbe weathc Grenada is I BS injured. Alhambra la on slightly damaged. It was not cod In the \ clnityof Giaiudathat many rf tliu sulph springs ceased tn How when thu first fclioc were ( pit , but burst forth ig ln tha followii day with loud ) explorions ai emitted volume * of hot > apor. Tliey ba since Hotted as Ixifore , Iloclprocliy AVitti tlio"\Vest Indies. LONDON , January 5 One section of t cabinet oppowB the advances of Karl Deri ojlon'iil secit-Ury , to accept the offer America to admit raw sugar from tlu Uiiti West Indies on condition that different ! * Intin of 6J per cent bo allowed In fiuor < \mcr1cnn poods imported Into Uio lintlt WcU Indie ? . The cointni'rclal department < , ho foreign ofGco was ottloroJ to prepare : cprrtnnttin results to Uio customs rcvemi ot the West Indies likely lo nrlso from n n luctloii of duties tipon American goo < ls. V Kotnalo Tr lu "Wrecker Arrcatcil OHAFTOX , W. Va. January 5. HaUImore , Ohio officers arrested Mary licck on thocharg ot being the person who wrecked Uio St. Lou : express near this plnco last Wednesday , wit t loss of two lire * and much destruction t property. The womnn admitted her guil Two Weeks IXBO her husband was arrested b the officers ot the road for robl > infr < frelRht en : nnd siuco then Mrs. Heck' has been going nbot n nmlo attlro icoklrc rovougo on the compan or the ntrest * On Wednesday she decide to wreck A train nnd with that objtct si ilaced n bar of iron in the switch frog. The Hooking A'nlloy Troubles. CoLUMncs Ohio , January 5. Striklr nlnera had control of n wire in HcSfcklng V ey Saturday nnd issued n fn'so order for rui it special train from ' Uuchtcl to Staitsvill which , if it had not been discovered , inigl : mvo resulted in great damngo and probab loss of life , ns n collision would have occurn with other trains if it hud nm ns ordered.T1 reports last night were that tha wire was b iiijr tnniperod with ng.iln. lirlatol tunnel still on tire , ( xnd , it is thought the destructii will bo complete , nmlso\eral months will 1 required bufotu trnutportntioh' can bo r opened. I'robnblo Extension to Milwaukee i the M , u. 11. R. CHICAGO , December 5. The Inter-Oceat Milw.iulcco ( pccial Hays : General Mating Brown , of the Michigan Centinl railway , wl recently stopped io\crul days in this cit quietly convnoicd the leading hubinessmen r Carding a proposed extension of the Michipi Cfii'ial ' from Chicago to Milwaukee. 13 conclusion h unknown. Archbishop llynn Invested. FiiiLADELriiiA , January 5. The imposii ceremony of investing Archbishop Ryan wil the pallium , took plnco in the cathedral ye terday. Over 5,000 people wcro in the buil ing nnd 2,000 inoru in the aticct for so\ot liours dunng _ tlio ceremony , trying to get Spopnt the imprasslvo proceedings. Mar istinguished prelates woto present. Tl : orumonics were grandly impiessho , : ir asted f&ur hour * . A Drunken Brawl and Dentil. CHICAGO , January 5. Michael Kenne.whi drunk last night , assaulted his old father aboi 11.30 o'clock. John McNaraea interfered an vas holding the dour shut ngainst youii Jenno , when the latter diew n revolver an irtd through the panel. The bullet struc tfcNamea In thu mouth , killing him instantl ; The slayer was captured after n lengthy cha" luring which ho shot at the officers twlci Cenno and his victim were both railroad If The Blockade In Oregon. POUTI\NI > , Ore , January 6. There uti amain s two miles of packed snow and Ice t omovo with pick and shovel before passongc ; rnfllo can bo leaumed between Portland mi ho Djlles. The warm rain of the pasttwcnts our honi-s will probably break up the ice i bo Columbia river and cotnmunlcatiou estal shod with the Dalles by boats before th ailroad ia cleared. A Fignt lor Salvation. DAYTON , Ohio , January 5. A mob of fiv mndrud attacked the Salvation army meetin lust night , nnd battered the doora down. ] was finally driven off by the police. Thet was n disturbances also in the hall. The wt men appealed to the captain of the police ft he arrest of tlia ringleodora but ho refused t nterfero inside the show. Preparations Tor "War. December 6. Letters froi 3hinn state active preparations for war ai > eng | carried on nnd munitions of war ai > eiog sent to Formosa and elsewhere. En istmonta continue everywhere. The Chinee lUthorlties nro offering 31,000 n month t oreign officers for service- their fleet. Another French Victory. PAHTS , January 5i An official dispute frein Hanoi says that General Nogrier defeat 6,000 troops at n distance of one day journey est ; of theto. The details of the figl : are not given. Transports Chnndernagoc and Cherfdon withKeiichiraofotcementa ai lived at Haiphong Dcntli ola Speculator. CHICAGO , Jammiy 6. Tint- Inter Ocean > ubuqut > , Iowa , special says Geo. ] J. Hami on , one of the most extensivs'grain dealers i liu west , died yesterday. Ha had never n overed from a recent lei * oft 3150,000 in on peculation. _ Mhot In a Quarrel. JACKSON , Ohio , January 5. Robert Max well , express messenger on the Ohio Souther : ailroad was shot last night by Wm Htinsoi olcrud , with whom ho bad a quancl. The Coiifjo Conctst. LONDON , Januiry 5. Tha Berlin ccrre- > ondant of the Standard soys : The Germa ixpedition to the Congo country under Schull i&a been abandoned temporarily , An Innocent Man Kclensert. INDIANAPOLIS , January 3. The 53 80 nouey pack go lost Tuesday night was foun his uiotnlng and Johnp'Hara , nrre edfii tn theft , \\as relcasud. For the Lad Ice. Daughter is the poor man's plaster , Making every birdon light ; 'nrninc sadness into gladnesf , Darkest hour to May dawn bright. i Tis the deepest and the cheapnst , Cure for ills of this description , lut. for thona that woman'n heir to Use Dr. 1'ierce's "Kavorite 1'rescritptiou Jurcs all weaknesses and Lrregiilaritiui "bearing down" sensations "uiteniii fuver , " bloating , dispJacoiiuiutj , inflainin.i tion , morning , sickness and tendency t cancerous disease. Price tctlucod to on lollar. By druggists. Latt month , In Madtid , wai aold fc iigh prices a remarkable colloctlcn c " ( ins. One of ivory , painted by Wattoai and which formerly brliiged to the Prii : cesi Adelaide , of Savoy , ft-tjhed $7GO Another , which was painted byBoiiohoi srld for $ S)30 ) , and another , which Lobru [ minted for the duchess of Mediai-Ccl went for $450. The pain and misery suffered by thoi who are oflllcted with dyspepsia are it doacrlbablo. The distress of the body equalled or surpassed by the coofaslc and tortures cf the mind , thus making i victim Buffer doable aflKction. The relli tha1 ; ia given by Hood's Sarsnparilla hi cauaod thousands to bo thankful for th great medicine. It dlapola the cauaea i dyspepsia , and tones up the digostii organs. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Nevada hopes to save her agrioaltur reputation by exhibiting at Now Orleai a consignmout of veiy big potatoes. Hi other display , consisting of mineral ores and mining views , is prononnct most creditable. A CARD , To ill who u * $ & * $ * * , nd lndlao * tlon et roolh. uajvop * Ucr , IOM | DMbood , ta , I U1 h t Uloonyoa < rauorCff&BOK , VUiirt icm dr wu ( JliooTertd by % tcl l MrT la Sci Amert . Bexl Oto < Urt > l JT " U ' -S ! * J ura * . Iota. THE.LODGE OF SORROW , Masonic CeremoDits in tti AcaflPiny of Mnsic in New M , Novel mid Interesting Kxorclscs It Memory of tlio Dead Members of tlto Fraternity In NswYonK , Dccombor 21) ) The Gram odfjo of Sorrow , Ancient and Accoplei Scottish lllto of Free Masonry , was holi [ n the academy of rruulo this evening The auditorium wan well filled , noarl ; ov oty prominent Free Mason in the clt ; being present. Tha lodpo hold fnnera services in memory of motnbors rnnfjln , from the fourteenth to the thirty-thin dogrco of Masonry who bavo died withli the last six years , The corouiony ma ; not inappropriately bo termed a gram Masonic requiem mass for the ropoio o the Bouls of Sidney P. Nichols , Hugl Gardner , Charles Blackio , George W Roomo , James W. Morton , Gustavus A Fuller and sixty-two other lamented clti zons who have died rich in Masonl honors. The services opened with a ful ledge in uoBslou on the Btngo. Its members bors were rich rogalia. In sot Masoni terms the ledge of sorrow was opened the vonnrablo master saying that the had mot to honor the dead and sympn thizo with friends and relatives in thol ollliction. A candlestick , with sovoi burning eindles , stood near the promp tor's box. It was flanked by tall candt labra and Masonic bannerols and gen falons. Those emblems remained in th foreground during the entire ceremony and oven vhon the curtain was lowered The second part of the pageant \vns devoted voted to the funeral services in honor o the dead. A catafalque surmounted by biur nnd a coflin , nil covered in with blacl [ Mill , stood in the center of the stage. 1 [ ledestlo , topped with n Wax. ng pan of fir stood at each comer oE the funeral pile The stage was sot in scene from "Aida , which gave the rite an Egyptian coloring The Rccncry represented the interior of : : cmplo on the Nile. The solemn strain of Mendelssohn's "Song Without Words' ' iroso from the orchestra , as an army o icophytes in black gowns , with ttiaiigu- ar aprons of n violet hno and calmlistl caps issued from the wings of the stage They marched nnd countermarched nrotnu the catafalque , and were finally jangcd ii solid columns on the right and left. J. chorus of forty male voices with an orgiu accompaniement , then intoned the "Jnto ; er "Vitio , " and nineteen tiny girh drcssc ( n wliito , with silvcied sashes and bcniin ( > askots of n'owers , moved around the lifer scattering roses at its base. A llaxei laired little one , as beautiful as an angel , ook her place in fiont of the catafalque vliilo her sisters ranged themselves at it : side. When the baskets wcro emptied UK ittlo ones melted within the wings , am he orchestra played Beethoven's funera unrch. A file of acolytes- clothed in hoodec vhito gowns entered fioiu ho left of th < stage and another file arrayed in hoodct ) lack gowns came in from the right. Botl iles vole trianglcr aprons , red. in color , Choir" brows were bound with filets o ! silver. They marched and countarmarch ed around the catafalque , keeping step tt the mournful strains o a dirge and drew tp in line in front of the JNeophytes , tht white gowns on the left and the blacl ones on the right. Then General J. H. Hobart Ward , resplendent in the robes 01 a J owish high priest , descended from iLitform at the back of tile stage. Waltei ii. Fleming and John S. Collins the as sistant priests , accompanied him. Flem ug's feet1 were bate. "Both ho and Col- ins were rich robes and might have beer aajily mistaken , ! ] ! view of , tlioir surround- iigs , for priests of Isisand Osiris. Iho thrc ( ) iieats mounted a diaa overlooking the ; atafalquo. Seven man clad in blacl [ own * , with white surplice ? , bearing : jroad , red crosses on the breast one Jiwk , then stopped to the front ) and halt ed near the stivon-cornorod candlestick , The first uttered an aphorism on life and death , and said in a solemn tone ol voice ; "To the memory of Charles S. Arthur , Charles Blackie , Gustavus A , Puller , Gregory Satterloe , Sidney P. Nichols , Hugh Gardner , laaooHi.Brown , and Lewis F. Koppel. " Ho fchonstoppoc to the brazen candlestick and turned oul oce of the seven lights. Then one oi lis companions uttered anothorophorism , named seven more of the daad anc urnod out another of the seven lights This was continued until a similar honoi iad boon paid to all the dead and the ights of the brazen seven-armed candle stick had boon totally extinguished. The seven Kn'ghts of the Cross ahci retired to the stage and Miss Jonuio Fish ? redorick Harvuy nnd Cutl BoiyftoiJ lOHscd around the cutnfalquo and Ri\wf ilossni's priyer from , "Moses. ' * 1 he higl iriest then delivered a , short invociition , ind the acolytes raised their torches anc ; again marched around the funeral pile , After another chotus the marching am countornmrching was resinned , A black' robed figure alternated with a wliite-robei' iguro , and in thia octler the file stood 01 lie light and left of the catafalque. Mist Jhiistino Roswog sang the solo , "I Wil ! 3xtol Theo , " in a pure tone of vctca , aftei vh'ch Priest Collins , Priest Fleuuniiii { and Eigh Priest Ward delivMcd shorl 'iinoral onition-s. The pans of fire at tin coniois of the catafalque burned out dur- ng thuHO funeral addresses. Of thu tlnut sjiuuches , Mr. Fleming's was the best Ir lie language of an intelligpnt Mason , ? leming "was. the Mare Anthony of tin occasion. " After the addresses and np- iropriatii music the cnrtaiiii full. In the third part of the funeral ceremonies monies the scenery had been changed , [ t'apparently roproaonted a crypt undo ! aomo old Egyptain tomplo. The stage was dtrkonod ani the black and white jgurea reappeared with dimmed torches , whlth throw a lurid light on their eilvci filletr. They marched and counter marched , forming trlanglop , aqnaros and crosses and various other Masonic em bloras. When the oombre-draped fienrei were again ranged on each wing of thi stage , the blor and the coiliu with i lioavy pall were brought in , tbo red orocBod figures acting as pall-bearors Chopin'a funeral march way played , aftoi which there were more aphorism on life and death , and the coffin was raised anc born to an imaginary tomb id the wing o the Btago. A benediction was next pronounced nouncod , and the curtain veil. In the last scene the ledge was again i session. Jcromu Buck made the jierorr tion , niu\ the lodgu Wiis closed in duo am ano cnt fonn , the whole ' cuiuniony undin with a hallelujah'chorus. It was Ion after midnight before the Ledge of Korroi clofiud , Whilu iniprusbive , Uio curemon could hardly bo called instructive to an oscept Koyul Arch Masons. But fur th sci ipturul allusions and quotations , tlios who were not Mason * , nnd even moa be ) of the blno lo < l { ; < s , i ljht luivo taken i for soiuo i > ag.ui rituof Uio thnuof Ptolcni rather than a funeral ceremony of the nineteenth century. Frightful HollKlims lllotp. Sr. JOHNS , N. V. , December B. At ll \ KoboiU there WAI Another fiuiotu orange oul brotk. The New York llsdcmjihoris fixlhc-rs who nra lioldlnp mitsion in thi t place wcti l > e ciKoil nnd linpritoni'il in the dwoliog , The arch near the Cntholio church was tun down nnd hundreds of armed nranfja men par ndod the ttiotts , When the intolllgtnet reached St. John Iho 1'iiitcil ' SUtoi consul decided And dotnnuded irom Qov. Glo\o thr prelection of the li\os nnd liboity of the United Stnto'u citizen * . An extraowllnarj mcclin ? of the c\vcutivA council 1ms beer tiimtnoiiec ) , The llrit'sh ' corovotto tonchoes hai bean ordered to lay ? llolwtU , and ft Urge body of police under Jtiipector Cnrty has been despatched by a special train to the cceno ol the trouble. Sniclilo or n Murderer. SruiN'QFiKM ) , 0. , January 5. Dr. John Maxwell hung liumclf In the county jull jt-s terday with a towel. Ho wns found dead when btoikfnst wni brought him. November 20 last Maxwell murdered hin Ihrco children bv poUouing and nUempted snlcido nt the time , but recovered ami W H lodtcilln Jail. His act'.ons since mrcst have induced the belief that ho W.M insnii" . Mrs. Maxwell IB prostrated by the nwful thock. Bnloltlo ol a Forcer. UAiuiKNSiiDua , Ind. , December 5. Jncol Micliaoli > , a ( n-oiiilncut church member , hiuicf Wen difcovered in forcing rtn order by whicl ho ( jot SI00 , shot himself dead in thu presence of the constable sent to arrest him. YOUNG M13NI KKTlltB. ( . TUB VOLTAIC UELT Co , of Marahnll , Mich , offer to send their celebrated KLKcrrno-Voi , TAIO BELT and other Ki.Kcrrnio Ari'LiANCKS or trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old , alllieted with nervous debility , loss of vitnlitj and manhood , and all kindred troubles. Alee for rheumatism , nouralgin , puralyels , anil many other diseases. Complete restoration tc health , vigor and manhood guaranteed. Nc risk is Incurred as thirty dnvs trial is allowad. Write them at onca for Illustrated pamphlet froo. They laid out a now town in Dnknta lost fall nnd called it Golden City. A Chicago ( peculator who was out there took 000 lota at $5 , ana in thirty dayo the prloo of the city lota had gouo to $25 oath. Homo ono built nnd opened a sa loon , and the figures jumped to $50. A second siloon went up , aud the city lots changed hands at $75 aploco. The Chicago cage man was advised to sell , but ho con cluded to hang an for a few moro saloons. The enow came and it was with difficulty the Chicago man's agent could got through the drifts to find the place uo- sorted by human bolngn , but on a tree was a sign reading : "Sell you the whole city for § 10. " DTJUKEE'S COLI > MEAT SAUCE & SALAD DIIBSSIOO ready mode , nutritions , econo mical , delicious. Nothing equal to t was ever offered and it is invariably popular both at homo and abroad. A familiar figure has diiappoard from the reporter's gallery in the Biitish par liament by the death , a few wcaka ago , of Mr. Onarles Upas. Mr. HOBS was 84 years old , and retired from the active dis charge of his duties as chief of the Lon don Times' parliamentary staff , only at the end of last year. Ho entered the re porter's gallery on the day of the- death jf George III , in 1820. His father had been employed on the Times btLru him. A Sere , Throat or Conch , | If suffered to progress often results In an incurable throat or luug trouble , "llrown'a JSroneitiaC Tisxhti' gives instant relief. Thirty thonsaod roller skating rinks have boon built in tbo Unitok States wlthla the pact two yoari. The number of broken heads is not recorded. If your complaint is want of appetite , try ialf a wine glass of Angostura Hitters half an hour before dinner. Beware ol coun terfeits , Ask your grocer or druggist for ; ho genuine article , manufactured by Dr. J. G. B. Siegert & Sons. An immense chain has just boon made at Newbnryport , Moss. It is 200 foot long and whoigho 7200 pounds. It is made of tro and ono-third-incbiron , and each link weighs twenty-five pounds , HKIN UI8BA.MKS CURED. By Dr. Frazlor'a Mogio Ointment. Curoa f by magic : Pimples , Black Heads or Grubs , Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving ; he skin clear and beautiful. Also euros Itch , Salt Rheum- Sere Nipples , Sore Lips and old , Obstinate. Ulcers Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt price. 50 cents. Sold by fCuhn & Co. nnd 0. R Goodman. Th Combination ot Inirclinntn used n making BUOWN'S BUONOHIOAI , TnocMEa IR such its to give the host possible effect with a/e.ty. They ore the best remedy In use for Coughs , Colds and throat diseases. A desirable feature in a newspaper ; man : s the ability to write with the left hand , [ t happens almost daily that it Is neces sary to give Borao one a Itfc-handod com- pllmont. STOP THAT COUGH By using Dr. Franor'a Throat and Lung Bal sam the only sure euro for Cough/ ) , Colds , Hoarseness and Sere Throat , and all disease ? of the throat and lungs. Do not neglect a cough. It may prove fatal. Scores and hundreds of irratoful people ewe their HTOS to Dr. Frazier't Throat nnd Lunp Balsam , nnd no family will ever be without It after nnoo using it , and disaovorincr its marvelous power. It is put up in largo family bottlea and sold for tbo Email price of 75 cents per bottle. Sold Kub & Co. and 0. F. Goodman. Pittsbur ? Chronicle. A K\r\ \ having a "musically modulated note" is the latest "symphonic" twaddle. This important feature ia shaped like a ; ruiupot flower and has on English blow. Horafard's Aclil Phosphate. UNANIMOUS -iVrnoVAL OF MKUICAI. 8TAF1' . Dr. T. O. COMHTOCK , Physician at Good Samaritan Hospital , St. Louis , Mo. , lays : "For years wo have used it In this loapltal in dyspepsia and nervous diseas es , and as a drink during the declins , and in the convalesence of lingering fo- vera. It has tha unanimous approval of our medical staff. " Ove 100,000 women and girls mike a ivlng as licensed vendors on the atioeU of Paris. Flvo thousand of them are under thirteen yearn of ago. Portal CardH Will bo Made no L That ia because they are just long enough now , being exactly five Inchoa long , Brown's Iron Bitters will not bo made in any respect different from what it now is. Because experience has shown that it is exactly suited to the needs of sick people , and that It conquers dyapop- ela and a whole lot of other troublesome complaint * . Dr. N. S. Ilugglee , Marion , Maaa. . sayv , "I reoomtnond Brown's Iron Bittora oa a valued tonic tor enrich ing the blood and removing all dynpopslo lymytoma , "Kamo clause In our national consti tution , " eaid a teacher ju t before ChrUl mas. "Santa Claus t" ihoatod a happy , eyed urchin , What this great country neodi t pre . > f ut fa a roller nkate with an lr uralcc itUohment. . 017 SI. Chnrli'S S . , Sf. I.otiN , Mo. t'ntr < riiitit' ori * Jf iiMlCciipwhiil - , n oef , tictitr < lln ill * ir f. lrouui atorCtiMo i' Nitiovi. B ' nl ntcwD J > ini. < ihin 11 , u ) r 1'l.jnua la tt , l * ji u Mtf ( > fc'frilihpiriinrt | lout Mtt'ntt kit w. Nervous "lustration Dcblilly. Mtnlal * ni Physical Weakness , Me retrial end ether Atlec lions ol Throat. Skin or Doncs , Blood PoUnnlng 3ld Sores nnd Ulcers , tu i < - < - tri iii OT [ : UI NfrK.onlMriti-lintinipnnrlf , > , ! at rrlr l.l/ . Diseases Arlslnq frum Indiscretion , Execs * Exposure or Indulgence , M I > r/r ° < i c -v tt tt > > no iMi o t tr'.Mni.i. . , , JMIIT , dm M < > r lri > Jdfr tlt * nifm y , t > lmnii < > a the r r . | l > Jm ] > T > r > lcntalh > IMIHJ or ( < -HM. ! worn l < rMnue < . rrntlerlnc MarrUttn Improper or - > nli ppy , MrnnnmlyrarrJ , r.mphln vi | KI IMI tfio hoif , , rv ( I IM nril pe , froolo n nlflrf.i. C oitHMloo t .1 > orli/tnllfi ! , ijllntll > > d Hrltn for looillonl. PosiiivoWritren Guarantee rlrrli > ll r > lliiiv < ( t. Mc.llclne.ont T < Tj bira ' rimphlctt , Enaluri or Uerrann. 04 pucri , rt icribluiabovatllo a > laniftinor foroale.l'JlKU CARRIAGE CU5DE ! W3r f , f'l-f M ' ' . lllnittKC' ) | 3 Ilolhtnd | llt tit tlct fc .inontj.rromcfi MIL. , | , r r eoveri. i > . Thli tij toMtlri ll Ibc fi.tlou . , , ilonlnrul < TT lnctMlItt vut M Ho . A Hxtlernt ln ( < jMl t nil , UiilA. Cjtnlj late tlm LIVER mul KIDNEYS. mid KKSTOIIJ : TIIK HKAI.Tll nnd V1OOU of VOUT1L UJT. pepsin , \Vnnt of Al'liclltc , in. illgrsllnn , I.ick ol Strength , k ouil 'I Ire1' ' ' " " 'Inx absolutely enrol. Ho n CD , iniKclcsnnu HTVOS receive IILW force. Et livens tlio niliul mul supplies llratn 1'onvr. SiilTcrliiniroiii complaints . . 'jioeallarto lliclrsex w : J - - nfnfn and find InDIi-El--DIER-amON TONIO ! r > cdy cure , ifllvcs a clem , JieaiHiy complexion , Krc'tncnt aticmpta t c ° " * rtfl < 1tliiB onlynOU to thopoimlarltyuf Ihn orlRlml , Uo iiotexpt'rl > lit ( tcttlli ; OlMUl.VAI , ANDllKST. / rK > ndTournddresstoTbnlr. HnrtnrMnd Oo. > y ISUJLool * . Mo. , for our "BllEAM UOOK.J | , * Fnllo * Btmnnerind vjnoful Inlormauou.Irpfi.JB' < \ Cll ot lc t fcrTon Ill p. < VI fl < tuleU. anro Vurra. ISJJ-jt rr * " ' aunrantea fflfru fI tabU iiplloai | n rvrrvraao tinilertiittrn BurScndtwootamiwforCelebrntcdllcdlcnlWotko Address , F. . CI.AlUtlJ , ffl. i . , j8G So lU Clatk Street. CmcAco. ILL. a a a 8UOOE.SSOR TO D&7UI RHTIUK. ) Qcn t Btila ifl OIIAHA. H v let tM8 M3C03 aovis cirornlly B Rialern Ifobrnia , nt low pilca and < m e y lorou Improved larma lor rf.lo In DongUs , Dc < Is , Oolf ; ? l > .te , Bart , Dnmlng , Soipy , Withlaflco , ktttlal anndere , and Butior Oovmtles. Tsica paid In all parts ot the B' U. . Uonoy loaned on mproved ( aims. JAS. H. PEABODY , M , D. Physician fa Surgeon Betlldenoo No. HOT Jones SI. Offlco , No. 1609 Fa lamstroot. Offloo hours , lira to I p.m. and fiom lo 8 p. m. Telephone , top oillcb 97toaldenco in , ( Till care ZfervongneBu , LumbuRo , Hheumatlnra Neuralgia , Sciatica , Kidney , Spine mul Llinr 3out , Asthmu , llpnrttlliieuiiu , Dlfpppiilii , ConHtliiatlim , hrj ilpfllHS , Catarrh , 1'llflB , KpllepH ; . Iinpntciicy , Dninb Au'U Prol p u § uteri , etc. Only clentlllc hlrctrlc B < > lt In Ainoi lea that * And the Klectrlitty and ntfiRitetlitm through tli ) dj , and cau be rocbanred la fta InBtunt bj tbe pAileuu Winter la Doming , tbe season orthe year lor ache ind paint. In view ol thli fact we Bay bay ono o 3r. Homo's Electric Belts. By BO doing you wll uoid RhonmatUm , Kidney Troubles and other III ifatfleehlahe'rto. Do n t delay , but cull tt ou > tHc and examine belts , No. H2H Douglas Btreet , o 7. F Goodman's , 1110 Farnam 81..Omaha , Nob. Oi lera fl d 0 O q Science of Life Only $100 BY MAIL POSTPAID , mm THYSELF , , A. GREAT MEDICATj WOUK Exhanated Vitality , Nervous and Physical DoWllt ; Premature Decline In Man , Errors of Youth , and thi intold miseries remitting Irom Indiscretions or ox ano9. A book lor every man , younf , middle agfc ind old. It contains 125 proacrlptlons lor all aon mil chronic dlacaneo each oneofwhloh Is Invaluable 10 lound by tbe Author , whose experience for 1' rears la such as probably never oelore loll to the lei 11 any physician. 800 pagoa , bound In beautlra 'renoh muslin emnoBsod covers , loll , Rllb guaranteed o be a finer work In every eoiieo , moehanloal , lit irary and professional , thou any other work ooldlc hla country for 02.60 , or tbo money will bo rolundal n every Instance. Price only 81.00 by mall , post laid. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Send now. Gold ucdal awarded the author by th National Medical Lusoclatlon , to the officers of which ho refers. Tbe Science ol Life should ba read by theyonns tt Instruction , and by the afflloted for relief. It will enoflt all. Handon Lancet. Tncro Is no member of society to whom The Sol. noeof Lfe will not beusolnl , whether youth , par- nt , guardian , Inatructor or clergyman. Argonaut. Address th Peabody Medical InwJtute , or Dr. W I. Parker , No. t BulQnoh Street , Boston , Mass. , who lay be consulted on all diseases requiring skill an0 iperlenoe. Chronic and obstinate diMoses that have affled the iklll of all other phyUCAI cl n'i rpoclaltyi Bach treated Bnooess-n.HL lolly flthont an Instance ol failure. TUVCCI C D. O.BEYA.KT.M. D. 1224 Farnam Street , lorner ISth fit. tOffloo hours 0 to 12 a. m. , 2 to i p i Ten years experience. Can speak Germin. A FINE LXNE 0 P THE ONLYIEXOLDbWl ! IN OMAHA ; NKB. NOTICE. The annual meetlnrel the itock i.cUer ol th Wintern llor eand Cattls Insurance Co. , will be net at the off cool tbe company to Omaha , on Monday Jauuirv'.nli , 1886. 1U.MU 1'OKOT , I'im't. CHA-J. K. BuwiiuTSR'ert Seo'y. A CITY The romarknblo gronth of Omaha during the lost fovr yoara ia a matter ol great astonishment to these who pay an occasional vlolt to this crowIno city. The development of the HtorV Yards the necessity of the Bolt Line Jtload the Gtfoly paved otrootn the hundrodaof now rcslaoncon and coolly bnolnoss blooks , with the population of our city more than donblod In the last five yoarn. All thli is a great surprise to vloltors and U the admiration of onr citizens. Thia rapid growth , the business activity , and the many substantial Improvements madn a lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every invoator hoi made t , handaomo profit. Slnso the Wall Street panic May , with the unbuoquont cry of hard times , there has boon lose demand from cpocala- torn , but a fair demand from Investor * Booking homes. This latter class nro taking advantage of low prlcoa In bqlld- Ing material and are oocnrlng tlioir homos at much Icsa coat than will bo poaalblo o year henco. Spooulaton , too. can boy real osta' D cheaper now and ought to tnko odvant o of present prices for future pro to. The nest few ye nro promises groatoi d ivol opmouta In Omaha than the paai fiv i years , which have boon aa good oo wo could reasonably desire. Now man ufacturing oatablhhmonta and largo job bing honaeaare added almost weekly , and all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many In Omaha and throngh- bnt the State , who have their money la the banks drawing a nominal rate of torost , which , If judiciously Invested ia Omaha real obtato , would bring them much greater returns. Wo have many barg&lnn which wo are confident will bring the pnrchaaor largo profits In tha near future. We have for sale the finest resi dence property in the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lota at reason able prices on Sherman avenue , 17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam. Davenport , Gaming , and all the leading streets in that direction. fl The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty in the western part of the city will increase in valnp We else hove the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this section by the Stock Yardu Company and the railroads will certainly double the pnce in a short time. We also have some line business lots and some elegant inside resi dence ? for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some good bargains by calling 213 South Kth Bet ve < * n Itarnham and Douglas. P. S. We aak those who have property for sale at a bargain to g ivo us a callWe want omy baygainH We will positively not handle prop erty at more than its ? eal valua.