Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1885, Image 1

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It Has Made Its Anpearance In Am
The Shook is Felt in South Wash
And in the Southern Part of f red-
eiiok County , Md. ,
And Little New Hampshire Also
Feels the Skook ,
No Particular Damage Has Been
Dona Thus Fari
. Tlio Prospect Is Rather AScrlouN and
Unplaftsant Ono to Con-
lUwiMoiiF.Md , J nuaty3. Iho Frederick ,
Maryland , apodal sayp , in the southern sec
tion of Frederick county last 'night nt 0:10 o'
clock a shock wns felt , supposed to bo an
earthquake , and caused great comtcrnatton
among the ueople. At fcuekeyestown , Llmo
Kilu Switch , llickaville , Adamstown. Green
field Mills aid i ther points the Bhnck WBH no
perccoiblo that the rondents rtn from their
homes terribly alarmed.
LACONIA , January . ' ! . -Tho ihock of an
earthquake , lasting half a mimiti wis felt at
liacoma Friday night. It pas'ed from ninth to
Bouth and was accompai Died by n rumbling
Hound. _ „
r * " " Till ! HHOCK 13 FELT AT WA8HINGTO.V.
'WASHINGTON , January 3. Rei > orts me
beginning to come in of au ea'thquiko shock
in thin vicinity last night. At Urighbv ocvl ,
glasses were tipped fiom the table and child
ren awakened froin Bleep in fright. The tre
mor was accompanied by a , noisa slmilnV to
that mndo by n W.IKCII dra\ni close to the
liouso. In Bouth Washington the shock was
nlso felt , and it wan at first thought to have
been from a hea y railroad tram passing.
Farmers from the n iijhboring counties in
Maryland , Htato that the shock was quito
sovere. In the neuhborhoad of Silver Spring
tlicro was n ruinbling loimd ntd a perceptible
tremor in the homes. In the -vicinity of
Langloy. Vo. , the tiembliDg earth wns plainly
felt , at Warn ntui , the motion was from east
to west accompanied by a dull , heavy sound
nnd thu shaking windows violently.
LONDON , January 'i. Iho report published
in the Pans Gaubls taja that Bismai-ck had
sent n note to Eirl Gwnville , seciotary of the
state , for foreign affairs , charging England
with the solo responsibility for the Egyptian
troubles nnd recommending on ten to with
France ai the rcadifstw.iy of scouring ncooid
with ISurouiun power * , it not crudiled held.
The question of sumiLoamgn fresh confotencu
of powrrs for the purpose of diseasing Eg p-
ttan mattars is , however , nsumiinf , ' important
proportion * , and it It intimated tlmt England
will refuse to nccude to the holding of the
Egyptian conference at Paris or Berlin with
out a guaruntui legarding the scope of its de
LONDON , January 3. It is learned that
Ferry is opposed to Belgium having the ex
clusive , suzerainty over the Congo stata and Is
demanding that France have a share.
BitKMKN , January 3. Brenun and llam
burg firms .asstrt that a corps of Ifmsais
under Eugli-h officers is ra dinf near the
German pubts iu Africa and preventing the
natives from trading tlioie.
MILAN , .Jamiiry 3 The laud owners and
farmers of uortho n Italy are agitating for
their own protection .iud to diy resolved to
form nmtional Uagu . A meeting uf delegate -
gate ? from the .izriculutril distii.tH of Italy
in called nt P.ivln , January 12 , to protest
against tin existing taiitfs en furm produce.
Loviwx , January ! ! . The cabinet has post
poned the decision regarding the lequistof
E l Spencer , the lord lluitenaut of IreUnd ,
for the mnnwal of the Crimea act. Both Glad-
atone and Chamberlain are opposed to the re
newal. Campb'll lianuennan , chinf seciotary
for Irolanil , was in trueted ta in.ike a further
report on the condition of the country. Strong
dissatisfaction the present land laws in
felt in Wales , and u vigorous agitation will bo
inaugurated there with thohopa of ubtalnii ga
land ast similar to tlus now in foice in Ire-
loud. Largo numbtrj of farmers are Joining
the Kngliih farmers alliance , and the Welsh
lingua is uow In process of formation. I'arnoll
promises tosuppoit this pgititiun. lie has
written n letter in which ho say * , "Tho farm
orsof England , Walea and Scotland will uc
cept nothing lets than the Irish act , with the
additional provision that the riyitsehall not bo
chnrgoubla on Improvtm > ) utainadoby tenants. "
MoNTJiK.a , January 3. Vicii Consul Per-
rault , states Iio is in receipt of numerous
letter * from Franco H-quoiting conhcrlpts to
join their legiliuintp. U'ticsa liavo bson forwarded -
warded to nil consul * and if nconscupt or
soldier , after being uot'fiad falls to ro < pond ho
iti rrMitl ( ln aduxfrturanil llablo to iiri-e t.
I't'rnuiU tnuh that u uumbrr who tettled
dowu heie aio pnwpning and decline emphat
ically to go holdicriug rgiin , TJio want of
troops for Tonqiiin id thought has brought
watteiH to I his pa * ; .
Special telegram to Tun UEE.
1/5NDON , January 4 , ThoiuaBoiiin London
is picking up , and the theatre * , as u rule , are
doing a goui business , A cuiiouu light in
tbro vn on the Iniano craving for nbw found of
uicltsmont in the fact that sovtrjl arittocrats
of _ ancient linragd aud great woilth havn
built private circintH for thp uxhibltini of
their owu feats nnd the amusement < i [ their
friend * . A well.known ina'chlnnt'is rrcntlv
di'llghti'd a wtaoli ) bavy of bmuty und lank
with her fKill with the duiib luHj and by the
agility with which vhe jumped throngli thu
huaps , while the duke do II chefouoiula haa
uBtabllshed a great reputation in a purformer
on the trjpD/.a. Tholiut person who haa do-
vctoped the clrcuii craze is the hdr of M.
Menirr , who made all his monny in chocolate.
Another novel Jinuaemcnt In the ncnr future
will bi ; rAces with balloons when tha many
machines that profess to pilot aerial navlg -
tion will be put to public test.
acrosi the dciert U now first dUcloxed Mid
awakens the liveliest intetcat , but there is
much anxiety among military critics. Cor-
rocpondent ! aio beginning to eend home for
the firtt time long accounts of the proceedings.
Gen. Gordon's message that Khartoum WM
all right on Dec'mhsr 11 , reassures the public ,
but not the soldier" , who say that It Is evi
dent that Khartoum is completely invented.
There seems to be DO doubt in the minds of
Englishmen that the
in the underground railway is n fresh evidence
of the Fenian notion of piomotlngtho welfare
of Ireland , There is rciwon to believe that
than the published accounts tidmil. Ills
friends h&Vo known for some days that ho wa *
Indltposed and have doubted thu prudence of
the journry to London which Mr. Gladstone
dneined Imperative. Sir Andrew Clarke ,
whost bulletins are always caution' , admits
that ho is luffcring from sleeplessness always
a grave sign with him -nnd considers his ill-
no s identical with that of two years ago , and
[ mists upon ropon ? , and already.tnlkn of a trip
to South Europe.
to 3'rinco Henry , of Battmiberg , elicits the
.tsnal oulburot of clumsy bvt sincere congratu-
atluiu couched , says the spectator , in lan
guage of abject sycophancy. Nobody pre
tends to RUCH uuder wnot 'ntluenco the queen
: iaa rclaxu.l her known resolve to refuse ber
content to havn the Princess Beatrice marry
on January 1st , passed with only a brief para
graph , the Times it elf remarking that it pro
posed to continue as before , independent of
{ ernnmnts and pn ties.
The Nineteenth Century publishes nil inter
esting account by Mr. Fiazer , llae , mostly
dflvotel to commercial nnd mechanical details
of the Times history. Othtr piper A are mlcnt ,
attempting as uiual to Ignoie the eiistenco of
a journal that Is stilt far in advance of all
rivals ,
LONDON , January . Gen. Wolseley tle-
graphs that the Staffordshire regiment has
been rowed over the Gerendld eataniet and
3ncamed ] ) atllamdab. Iio willsoouha\oa
Terse at that point ready for the advance on
the Moimsir country , lie says everything is
; olng well.
PARIS , January 3. Government announces
that General Campenon In.s resigned the port
folio of minister ot war , because Ferry
iemanded mpio reiaforcementa to
DO tent to Tonquin. Campenon refused t ac
cede , assigning as a reason that xuch action
would compromise the mobilization of the
army. General Sowall will probably succeed
MADRID , January 4. The oIHcial ( .tatistics
show 073 orrpim recovered from thu rums
caused by the terrible earthquake In the pro
vince of Gr.ira'Ja and 260 in Alhama. At
Aihunnula 1,4CO hnu'CH wciu destioyed , 100
persons killed and 10 ( ! injuied. At Arenas
del Key there were 133 killed.
HAVANA , January ! . A committee of 100
waited upon tha governor general yesterday ,
asking parmissioa to convoke all iiit ° rested in
the tooacco and cigar trade for the purpo.-a of
protesting ugainst the actions ef jierions en-
< agej In the effort to induce the. goveinment
; o modify the cluuso iu tlnSptnisn-Ameiican
treaty , ilecluring the free introduction of leaf
i'lbacco into the United States and reducing
the duties on cigars to 25 instead of CO per
cent. '
MAI inn , January { . Uorreipendencia Es-
pana Elduayen says the powers ha\o been in-
'ornied by a circular from Spain of annexed
.jrritory on the west coad of Africa , between
the capes ftlorejon and Oeste.
MADRID. January 4. Additional shocks of
earthquake occurred in vaiious parts of the
Kouthern provinces' . At Loja , Alliamn , Jaen ,
Vele/ and Malaga fissures in the luith np.
pearod. A gro t pinic prevails nmoiu the
iihfiliitintH owing to tha conttuuanco
of the shocks. Tlie people throughout i'o-
rita , Grenada and Malaga sleep In
railway trains or < ccupy tents. At night
theycoiu 10into aSout lingo bonfires. Kel-
JIKIIS i recessions ara frequent. In tfino vil-
.iges the inhabitants aio sulfering fiom fam-
iif. Bodien of the unbuiit-d victims are be
ginning to decompose. Thu ruins of Albania
ut present ijaa nwful iinpr s ive spectacle.
Ilnnloy AVnnts S mutlitnfj to Say. '
Special telegram to THE BEE.
WASHINQTON , January 4 Representative
Henley , with his wife , made a quiet trip up
to Alb.iny last week. While there ha had a
pleasant talk with Gov. Cleveland- is
understood that while but little was eaid in
regard to the distribution of f deral patronage
on the Pacific coast , Henley gave Cleveland
to understand that ax ha was only iu the next
congress from the Pacific coast ho wanted to
have enmtttiing to Ray in connection with
some of the upiniutmenta. The president
elect told Him lie would be pleased to ha e
bis BUggiutions In many matters atTuitiiig that
section of the country and at theprpptr | | time
would usk him to furnish the same. Hen
ley feuk ai if he had tcorod a
victory over Field and his fol
lowers who hid be.jan to think
that they would bo al owed unchal
lenged to oictitu the federal appolntmentc.
Mis _ Heuloy gays Cleveland H a much better
looking man than bis photographs represent
him to ho.
The story Is renewed that
from tno Unitfd StitfH suprjmo court Presi
dent Arthur will provide a plan for Secretuiy
Frellnghuj tea by appointing him to fill the
vacancy , and that plforta tire now l > emg made
tii get Bradley to hurry up with his resigna
tion , Frulingnuyten his an ambition tu dia
In the otliciul harness. Ho 011101 from au
otlici holding family. His grandfather held a
federal oliice , as did his father , who was for
mikuy years senator from New Jersey. Sec
retary Krolinghuyson was yearn afterwards
henntor from tbii sumo Hta'.e. A euproice
oswit judgildp pays SH,00. ) per year. After
t"ii yoirb'service lie could retir and rdcel > o
the uamo Balaiy as long 09 ha lives.
Two M.'n. Hilled In a Mine.
Bum : , Montana , January } . While JH-
ccirling Miignju Charter mien nt Wolkcrvi le
yoitu ay two men lumed Julius Tippeit and
il.'Briiy U'caTie di/.zy und fell fiom the ca'ge.
a dihtaucjoti)5 ( ) ftet , and \\erokillcd. Icis
thought the fumes of th'i bUutintr tovder
whicn they had bten using cauied the dir/i-
noaa' uhlch.causoU their death , '
President Arthur fill Hayc Something
The Extension of the Bonded Pe
riod on Whiskey ,
The Senate Will Do Nothing With
Land Grant Forfeitures !
Secretary Chandler's ' Letter on
the Naval Appropriations ,
The Congressional Forecast For a
Week's ' Business ,
Ono of Iho Pending Treaties Is Ex
pected to Bo Favorably
Reported ,
Special telegram to TUB BEE.
WASHINGTON- , January . Most unexpect
edly to all parties concerned , the president
has decided to have loinething to cay about
the extension of the bonded period on whisky
by the departmental order. Iio haa Intimat
ed to the secretary ot the treasury and tha at
torney general that ho doej nr-t wish any regu
lations te give elfect to the attorney general' *
late opinion promulgatsd until the cabinet has
had a chance to consider the matter. The
president does not want the treasury to nmlco
a bad Bhowini ; for tha last year of bis admin
istration. The expenses of the Government
have exceeded tha receipts for the past two
months and silica tha beginning of the
year the public debt hag been reduced only
&SI,500.000. , Between January the sixth nnd
March the sixth the taxes will mature ou
eight million gallons of whisky and between
March Uth and July b'th the date noaro t to
the closp of the fiscal year , the
taxes will mature on twelve million
gallons more. If the collection
of these taxes is postponed six or eight months
an proposed , the reduction of the public debt
for the next hlx months \\l\l \ bo small and the
total for the fiscal yoarwill compare unfavor
ably with the loduction of the pievioUs years.
The president says the people most interested
In postponing the collection of the whiskey
tax are democrats. They have applied fonclief
to tha housa of representatives controlled by
their own party nod have boon refused ID
view of this fact there is no particular roiRon
why the lepnblican administration ehoulJ
strain the law in their behtlf , nud ho ia itot
favorably disposed to the idea of suspending
the redemption of the debt aua saving of In
terest iu order to ulFord relief to Kentucky ,
which the democratic house has refused. Ho
may propose to haa the new regulations go
into effect after March .
Tbo Land Grant Forcitato Billo ,
Special telegram to TUB BEE.
WASHINGTON , January 4. Mr. Cobb , chair
man of the hou o committee on public lands ,
saya that there can bo no agreement of thu
conference comimttco ton Inch the bill for
feiting the Atlantic and Paeifio laud prnnt
was referred. The hontG bill declaring the
land forfeited but the senate [ amended it so as
to refer the question to the courts for judicial
inquiry und determination. The acnato con-
fcree.s &tand to tint amendment and the houto
confeiees will not yield , en that n disagree
ment will l > o teportcd. Cobb says this dem
onstrates that the senate \\ill not do anything
with the land grant foifeituro bills. He also
paid : "There were too many friends of the
railroad * in the senate to get any legislation
they opposed through that body. Morgan has
8atd that ho means to offer nn amendment to
refer to the court * every forfeiture bill that
comes uj ) . In oilier woids , ho wants to em
power the courts to do something which be
long. ! solely to the legislative power of tha
government. "
Judge Payson. speaking on the eamo subject
eaid : the "benate will probably iueist upon its
oni iidineat. Thin means that there will be
DO legislation on lliemibjoct , as the house will
never recede from its position. Tha house
holcJn that they ba\o no right to turn mattar
purely legislative over to the courts and have
one man Bay whether or nit a large tract of
public lands chill bo given away to some rjil-
reid corporation that the courts have no right
to legislate. "
The amendment of Morgan gives jurisdic
tion to the United States court ti determine
allcontro\eray conceiniug the rightjin the
laud * , whether claimed by the United States
or by any parson or corporation and to enforce
aoy judgment it may reader witn icspect to
the lands. Itiiiakes _ the duty of the distiict
attorney t 1 iin < the proper suit to determine
the title ; it authorizes any parson or corpora
tion not male a party defeudaut but claiming
interojts Iu the lands to picsent their claims
ia a petition uader oath and givej the couit
juriKdlction to consider tli3 case presented by
tuithpetition. In case u decree ahall bo in force
of Ditch pftition , it may ba executsd the same
as i ( th < p Hitionttrliad been party defendant.
Ono provision of the amendment provides for
u division of thu coast between thn Uuitud
Stuteh and the pnrtins defendant. Provision
IH mudj for au nppsal-to the United States mi-
p emo _ coutt. To effect un amendment of
eouiko in to diviutcongroPB of its powei to for
feit the Una gran a und to delegate ) such
power to thu ronrt ? , If the sonata Khali adopt
Hiich un amendment to .ill thy laud grant for
foit'ire ' bills , tbo effect will bo to prevent leg *
It is quite | job.iblo that thn sub-committee
of tin ju Jlciiiry committee of tbu nenato , to
who jn wasrefene.l tha subject of legislation
providing for the inymuut "f the debt of the
I'acilic railriiudi to tha United Btutcx , will
submit their report to the full commtttu uoxt
week. .Soiiatjrn KdmuudB and Gar.'and , who
litve really had thu matter in band , have been
working u-i It during thn racoss. The lull's nf
the bill to ba lepotLed will very likely bo thy
tixty year three per eent bond arrangement.
Them appeara t < > bu n deposition
to hurry tins legislation up and therefore tha
committee rnuy take action andmako their re
port ntxt week The committee maintains a ?
great secieey over its poseudlogs as if the
proposed bill were a triuty ,
In view of a radical illlFtrenceof opittion between -
tween the two hounts on the subjtct , of the
U'rfeituro of tbo land gr.inta and a very strong
probability that none of the pending bllli will
liocoiiie lawf. Mr. Payson , of Illinois has pro-
poted new plans Mondty when motions will
bein mdor , by Individualmemb rate Mispend
the rules and piss tills and resolution * , ho
will try to obtain the floor to move the pas-
ago of the measure to restore to the public
domain all the "Indemnify land * , " lands
withheld from the markets within certain
limlti under the provisions of the various rail
road grants to enable the company to make
selections t.o indemnify thorn from the lands
within the granted limits which had been solder
or otherwise disposed of by the United States.
1'flyton estimates tint if his proposition becomes -
comes n law it will restore to the public do
main and throw open to settlement n'arly
100,000,000 ncres , and ho is said to bn confi
dent of the success of his measure in the house
if ho can bring it to vote.
WASHtSfOTOS , J nnary 4. After the usual
Monday call of the slates and territories for
the introduction of bills In the hou o to-morl
row individual motions to suspend the mica
will bo in order , and a number of members
will endeavor by this means to obtain the immediate -
mediate passage of specified measures , or the
assignment of future dates for their considera
tion. Collins intends to nsk the house to fix
a day for tbo consideration of the bankruptcy
bill ; Matson will ask for the passage of the
bill reported from the committee on invalid
psnslons , providing mi increase of the pan-
eions of widows from eight to twelve dollars
lars per month ; Payeon , for the
ssage of n bill restoring to the public
entry the lands held with indemnity limits
for the benefit of the railroads and wagon
companies nud Cnssldy for the passage of the
bill providing for the erection ot public
bui'diogs ' ia Carson City , Nevada. A two-
thmh vote will bo necessary In each instance
to secure a favorable action. Tuesday bn <
been set apart for the consideration hf the bill
reported from committee on military affnirs
with the understanding , however , that the ap
propriation billa shall have preferene. : The
pension appropriation bill was reported to
the house. lYior to the holiday receai , will , in
all probability , be called up for consideration
ou thatday , tne counselor and diplomatic
appropriation bill it ia _ expected will be
reported from the appropriation committee the
same day nnd called up for discussion on
Wednesday. The Indian anil District of
Columbia bills will probably be repotted to the
liouso during the week. At the first opportun
ity nnd when its discussion will not interfere
with the appropriation bills , Keagan will ask
that the consideration of the intor-stato com
merce bill be resumed. If that measure is
disposed of before the end of the week.
Welles will endeavor to secure tbo considera
tion of the educational bill. It Is his purpose
to call up his own bill , nnd moyo the Blair
bill which piBsod tha senate beaubatituted for
it. InthoEcnnte the interstate .commerce
bill has the first right to consideration and its
supporters express the opinion that it
will not be set aside for anything but the ap
propriation bills. Its contideratiou is likely
10 consume n part and possibly nil the
week. The bill to declare the forfeiture of the
Qiejion Central land grant will probably bo
Drought up during ths morning hour and
passed. At least ono of the pending treaties
are expected to bo lepoi ted from the foreign
relations committee , and a considerable por-
li'ii of the time of the senate may bo spent in
executive session. , ,
to n letter from Uaudall , chairman" the
louse committee on appropriations , concerning
the amounts necefcsiry to properly maintain
the naval establishment , nays in jmt : "I v > n-
tuto to oxpre&smy regr ts that with Uireo bills
conveniently awaiting tha o ncurreiit action
of the two houses it was found impossible" to
pass any one of them before Jaifuey. 1885 ;
tud that thoieforo serious embai * smonta
Imo arisen in administrating the nival Catab-
[ Uhmtnt. May I no-ask the earnest atten
tion of your committal to thaImportance of
speedily terminating the nnomolous condition
of aff-iirs , vhichmako It necessaryJto m in-
tiin the naval Ecrvicu without thu assistance
of soinu uiual appropilationi therefbr. The
sniato b/vvini diopped all propositions
for appropriations for additional
eiuiaera nnd completing the monitors , and the
piesent question in controversy eeems to be
only this : On one Ride , whether the appro
priation LIU for the balance of the fiscal year
shall ba fraimd after the cot sUeration in do-
tad of the estimates which the law requires to
be Bubmittpd to congress for the special needs
of the auvice for the year , and whether the
specific amount to bo app icable to each ob
ject of the appropriation shall bo dlbtinctly
named in the bill ; or , on the other tide ,
whether , without such a consideration , there
shall bo nppropiiated in general terms CO per
cent , nf the amounts gr.inted in the lastyenr's
bill for the various objects Bpesiticilly
named in that bill. Suiely this Question
Is not a vital one The first method is
imdoubt * dly the wisest and safest , conform
ing to the practice which ha ? never been , and
never should bo departed from , e..cept in
emergency , The second is loose , inegular and
dangeious. taking from the treasury millions
of dollars with no indications on its face an
act of Mjocifiouso to whica nny dollar is toljj
applied. But that ia certain which maybe
imulo certain , and it is better to inaka the ap
propriations tiy the statute giving the general
authority to the department to spend us much
as it spent last year , than to place it
in n position where it ia compelled to
struggle along witlfbut any appropriation ,
The appropriation by the vicionK method ia
better no appropriation at all wheie tbo
iinpoitantRovernmcut'iI function ? may come
to lie suspended by reason nf tbo now action
by congress. " ( Secretary Chandler gives a.
tabulated statement showing tha estimated
appropriations in tha bllli as intuflicient ex
cept in case the amounts proposed are for re
pairs uf wooden vessels and concludes us
follows. "While the question of the amounts
needed for tha routine work o construction
andiepair. Steam engineering In the navy
yards depends upon the national policy con-
ceining the repairs ' f old wooden shipi. It is
the du y of the department to apportion
throughout the whole year whatever appro
priations may bo made for the general service
and thin mikn the work continuous while
preventing deficiencies and this course v > ill
bn pursued for the coming1 half year.
There _ were last y.ear , _ and have
been this year , no deficiencies which coulc
well have besn forseou or avoided ; there were
in fact , none of any notirable amount except
last year for repaitH iu the hulls of vessels.
Such repairs cannot always bu distributed
equally through nil the months of the year be
ciuso the work can ba most profitably donu
during the longer days , and , furthermore ,
when the repairs are in progress it Is always
rlprirabl i to hasten them to conclusion in order
dor that tha chips may bo promptly u cd. "
Arrested for AVJfo Murder.
CHICAGO , January 4. Samuel Daniels , a
marble cutter , accused of beating his wife to
death , was anested to-day ; ths woman diet
yesteiday , Daniels Kays her demise was the
result of a diuukon fall.
Bismarck the Central Fignre of Eon
CalcQlatiODs ,
Evarts Oan Make a Speech as
Long as the Decalogue *
A Common Sense View of the
Spanish Treaty ,
Gathering of tha State legislature
at Lincohii
The Health of General Grant
Muoh Improved ,
An Expert on Insanity Insane May
nil December Wedded Ex
position Notes.
Special Telegram to THE BKE.
Nuw YonK , Sunday , January . The Sun
cablegram says : Bismarck continues to be the
central figure of the Kuropean calculations.
[ few of the liberal papeu adopt the theory of
, he Daily News that ono object of thoGerman
Chancellor Is to procure the downfall of Kng-
Ish prime minister , Biaraarek'c own country
men are delighted with the results of his di-
ilomacy and rejoice over It in a manner that
las proved very trying to English self CHteem ,
tt is declared that his resolve W inalco the fu
ture for Germany as a colonial " power dates
'rom a conhlderablo period liack ; the hostility
of England was the chief stumbling block
, o such a policy and Bismarck accordingly
determined his first necessity was
; o isolate that country and so render it power-
ess for mischief. Gorman journalistspolnt to
hs hostility of France toward England , the
growing distrust of Russia , the apathy of
, taly-and above all the latnu attempts to Kcnp
icrmany outof Africa , as complete proofs of
ho immense success of Bismarck's policy ,
also bru held to bo in a critical position. The
approach of the time when the unfavorable
lecroo will bo confirmed pgainst thp officials
vho carried out Lord Northbrook's suggestion
n suspending the law of liquidation has ron-
tercd a further postponement of action pos-
As Iione as the Decalogue.
ALDANV , N. Y. , January 4. The Evpresa
to-morrow will ray its choice was Arthur , but
as ho has notified his friends ho is not a candi
date , and that ends the business It then
says ; "William M. Evarts can make a speech
as long as the decalogue but we want some
thing tnora than this. Evfrls lacks the re
quirements of polics. The E\pre s cm Dis
cover no man so well adapted to the position
as Honorable Chauncy E. Depew , also a re
mbllcan , and always n republican with a
rcioe and with a heart mid with a tongue
which gave no uncertain sound. _ Dopew
would be our very strongest candidate.1
A. Common Sense View of the Spanish
SPRINGFIELD , Mass. , January 4. The Ko-
inblican to-moriow will contain summary ro-
> orts from different tobbacco sections gf the
3onneticut valley which indicates a good crop ,
well cured , but almost no sales. Wholesalers
and manufacturers here sent their buyers as
U'ual at this seanon of the year , but as tno
'anw r Insist on last year's pticei and buyers
oifcr only about two-thirds an much the market
s at a standstill. Leading growers atiiim that
few sales will be made until it is known what
effect the present congress may have on the
; obacco interest. Springfield manufacturers
do not favor the Spanislv. tiaaty or the re
moval of the roverjue tax , while those in
lorthern Connecticut are forgoing away with
lie tax and only mildly protest against the
, reaty. 'lliey do not think it could hurt them
or any lengtli of time , and say that if purely
reciprocal the trety should pass they could ex-
> oi t their own leaf tobacco to Cuba for wrap-
icrs and bring in Havana for fillet ? .
The Gathering of the Olaiis.
Special Telegram to THE BEK.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Januaiy 4 Although but
one-third of the & legislature , is yet on
ibc ground , the contest for the speakership
nnd cloikship of both houses has begun in
dead earnest. The lobby for Field , the rail
road and ring candidate for speaker is very
cggreetivo , His local workers are button-
loliiif ; membsis iu the hotel corridors and tha
advanced guard of trained cappers imported
'rom all parts of the state ate ou the fskirmibh
lino. Notable among this gun ? is the genteel
but sly and slippery Captain Palmer , v > ho al
ways lias his pockets full of railroad passea
and makes himself useful to tbo dosses
as a wire [ fuller among Masonic mem
bers and Grand Aimy commanders
the very first question Palmer askcdpn landing
at Lincoln to-night was , where is Field , 1
must bee dim early to-moriow morning if I
can't find him to-night. Here conspicuous
endless genteel than Palmer is that copper-
distilled { .oyster , Frnnl : Walters , who makes
biibory a ait and hou for years acted the
part of procurer and pimp for John M.
Thuritin nud Bill Stout In roping into tbo
railroad nnd drainet , political strumpotR that
como to Lincoln every two years to bartei
iwny their manhood atd honor for money and
prqmis s of spoils. 'It would be very inter
esting to know why huch notorious and dis
reputable character ) , like Frank Walters como
to Lincoln on an annual pass from the Bur-
Ho tonrailroadofllciaU , , Perhaps they can ex
plain what icrvlco he is employed iu for
that company and how tiny ara tc
get icturort for euch a market
luvcr. Other lobbyists of lesser notor
loty , but almobt , equally disreputable mo uUo
on the ground working for BlttiighUr , Field &
Co , with might and mull ) . Field's formidable
opponent itNcttU.t n , of Clay , but neither be
nor Mr , Stevenson , the third candidate of
Otr , haviiai yet developed sufficiently to
indicate their fctrength , Sherwood Burr is
likely to floor Slaughter for the eecictaryshli
of thosenatounltM Slaughter gets up a coin
blnatlon witli Walter Heelfcy , who is really a
xn ro tender for Slaughter and Mercer who
may haui to bo traded oil by Chinch Howe
for the plnco Howe aspires ti act as pi undent
pro. tent , of the seimtp. The clerkdi'p ' of the
nouso will IHJ contested by Xedikrr , of FianV-
tin , and WlUon , of Cass , their strength has
nst yet materialized. Ihn Snovilablo Pat
Hftwts ia on il ck again with his Indian claims
iml his efforts for the present \\ill bo to KJiout
ton the winning dog ,
dcnornl Ornnt's llonlth Improving
Siwcial telegram ti > THE BKE.
Nsw YOHK , January 4. Gen , Grant ox-
pruisod himself to-day as feeling better than
he had before in tbo last two months. Ho
enjoyed bis meats during the day-and wai lit
tle troubled in the use of bis throat cither in
eating or tpeabing , In the afternoon ho took
a ride In thu park and WAS ditvon down to his
physician's residence. Although ttill feeling
ronio weakness from the effect of his Illness ,
Gen. Grant Is growing stronger each day and
improving rapidly.
In his article on the battle ( if Shiloh , which
will appnar in the February number
of tha century. Gon. Grant scouts the theory
that at the close of the first day of the battle
bis army found itself in a defentelof s position.
Ucforo Buell's troops had taken their position
lie had given orders , ho eayc , to his division
commanders to attack at daybreak tbo second
day. "Gen , Low Wallace , ho says , speaking
of the close of the first day , "arrived after
the firing had ceased and was placed on the
right. Thup , when night came , Wallace also
came , and the advance of Nelcon's division
came , but none except in the night-ln time
to bo of material service to the gallant men
who saved Shiloh on that first day against
largo odds. " The time of the capture of Gon.
I'rent'ss ho fixes aa certainly later than 4:30 : in
the afternoon. At that hour ho was with
Pivntiss. "His diuBton , " Giant Bay * , "wa
standing up firmly , and the general wa aa
cool as if he had been expecting victory ,
An Export on Insanity Insane ,
NEW YoitK , January 4. The occupants of
Ashton flats , Lexington a\enue , wcro startled
early this morning by two pistol shots , Mrs.
Tauszky rushed from her room with bliod
lowing from a wound in her head. "Ho has
thot me and killed himself , " the lady cried.
A gontleniau entered the apartment and found
on the floor in a pool of blood Dr. Tauszky.
a veiy well known physician ot
this city. The lady's wound Is
Dot dangerous , but eho was prostrated by tha <
shock. Dr. TauBzky was removed to the
Presbyterian hospital. When ho returned to
consciousness ho asked tti bu taken home ,
which bejng refused ho jumped out of bed and
made a tush for tha window. Ho euncod
other signs of insanity. It Is thought that
doctor would soon recover. No cause except
insanity can bo suggested for the act. Dr.
Tauhzky i ) well known as an expert In insani-
, v and recently read an exhaustive etsay on
"Lunacy nnd its crimes , " before the medico
legal society ,
May and. Decent bur AVcddcd ,
NEW "YoitK , January 4. WidowJGeorgo
F , Chambers and Htopben Harold Cbambeis
were married nt the hrido'a resldenca on Thir
teenth street. Harold la now 21 and his bride
15. Harold is her third huuband. TIIC
mother , mother-in-law and brldo are woith a
million. _
Exposition Notes.
NEW ORLEANS , January 4. At a meeting
of the excctitiue committee of the exhibitors
association and the United States commission-
ersvith Director General Burke , it wns de
cided in case of exhibits not placed at the
World's exposition or satisfactory evidence of
shipment presented by the ovonirjc ; of January
Oth , the allottments of space will bo cancelled
nnd the epaco forfeited by the management
FOIK hundred applicants have heretofore bo'n
uuablo to Fccuro space , and the vacant IOCJL-
tions will bo promptly filled. All shipments
delayed by freight blockade in the city have
been forwarded to the exposition grounds
pve. 5,000 catlcads have been placed in posi
tion , and only about 100 arliadt , lecelved
yesterday and to-day , remain to bo installed ,
ft is pietty generally understood tha" the in
stallation of goad i will bs completed by the
15th of January.
Removing a Corn Causes Death ,
NEW YORK , January ,4. The Rev. Dr.
oah Hunt Schenk , pastor of St. Ann's on
; bo Heights Episcopal church , Brooklyn , died
at his homo in that city early this morning
'iom blood poisoning. About threa weeks ago
Dr. Sell nk , who wai then robust and healthy ,
lad a corn removed from IUH too by a chirop
odist. Shortly afterward ho complained of
; ho too being painful , A phyeic'au ' wai
: alled and found that gangrene had set In.
The medical attendants amputated the too.
but the poison hail before sjvoad through the
Bystem. For throe ] days bi foio his death the
doctor was iu a-comatose ttato.
A Supposed Murder.
NEW YOHK , January 4. A month ago or
moro a body entirely nude waH found hanging
to a tree in the woods near Kensico , West
Chester county. It is now stated the case was
murder. It is claimed that the man was rob
bed , murdered nnd carried to the place wheto
it was found and then btruug nn. Wagnn
tracks ara repoited fotmd leading thiough the
woods to the spot where the body was found.
No Time 10 Investigate.
CHICAGO , Januaiy . ' ! The county ginnd
jury reported this morning that owing to a
lack of time they wore nnablo to inakoa report
upon the alleged election frauds In the
ICighteenth ward.
Sentenced for Obstructing Voters.
CiNOiNNATr , January . ' ) . Poltco Lieutenant
Muller was sentenced fn the United States
court to twclvo monllm's impii oiiuient for
Impiisoningja number of voters and prevent-
log them from voting.
Kecomniciidca Tor Public Printer.
CHICAGO , January 3. Tbo Chicago Typo
graphical Union and Chicago Pressmen's Un
Ion , ta-night , adopted resolutions recommend
Ing Jeremiah S. Thompson for the position o
public printer at Washington.
Cut AVageH at Fall lUvcr ,
FAU. KIVEII , Mass. , January 3. It Its un-
dorbtocd that the boat d of trade has decide ;
to cut wages 10 par cent. The'merino mil
has made a reduction of 15 per cent , in the
wages of tha operatives ,
* u ja _
Child Abandondod In the FIniiiPH.
OTTAWA , January 3. A hoitfce occupied by
Ovido Locleie , at Hull , burned this morning
The occupants in their hurry to escape , aban
doned a 3-year-old child which peiiehed in
the flumeH.
Fiireatencii Imbroglio Between Enropo
Franco Has Taknn a Qnrions Dis * ' 8
like to America' '
Germany is Looking For Soafe
Eioh Nation
On WJiioh to Eovy Another InH
domnity , out ]
It ia Believed She Has Selected
America !
Blstuarolc Asks What Spain Meant *
By Granting America Facilities
nnd Not Germany Alno ,
Special tologrnin to THE BEE
WAStUNfTON ! , Jnnuary 4. In the courBO
conversation to-day regarding foreign nffolr
republican of prominence wlio wns formery
n thu diplomatic service , said : "Lot ma rea
ou a part of n letter rocmxl a day or two-'ago
im Vienna , written by ono of the best in-
ormcd diplomatists at Francis : Joseph's court.
I do not BOO. " eaid Iho writer , "how Ameri
ca can keep out of a difficulty of eomo eoit
with some European nation much longer , 1111-
( HS Undo Sam means to take a kicking with-
lut roaoutinpr it ,
nnd will protect , meaninir ta establish n pro-
ectorato over Panama an sure as the now
yoir cornea In. A curious dislike tn America
is i taken possession of nil Franco , not un- _
ninglod with contempt , I am corry to Kay. '
They abuse us for our vulgarity mid for our
iches , The plays ( like these of Sardou ) which
irntnllv insult our women , ara the most ponu-
arin Paris , and every American who haa
> cen much in Franco and is nblo to under
lain ! what is being said around him , has felt
lis blood boil at the snccia nnd often really
nsulting language used about his nation and
on which to levy another Indemnity nnd I really -
ally beliqvo she has selected America. Bis-
nnrck tried to get up n row over Sargents re
ported conduct wnosercnl offeuso wna that ho
vrote n friendly and perhaps rather foolish
etter to a German socialist club in n Califor
nia town which made its way back to the for-
iign office at Beilm. I know that Bismarck
'ins inquired uf Spain what she means by giv
ing Americans facilities for commerce that are
lotto be granted to Gcimany uleo. Germany
ias menacingly protested against the Spanish
American treaty. It stood nn excellent
chance for defeat before that Now with that
omo modifications of it may bu contiimod.
[ ho most dating thing since the times of the
irst Nnpolaon happened the other day. It
was the
vhen the greater pn t is now occupied by
iiixhrficolonist ? , What Germany's ultimata
nteutious aru csunotthp ( foretold.v'-jG/lun.itig
eem to bo on the ova' ' of Beiziog tiie.'Sdolot )
'slands and Borcno , on toth pf which Spain
mid England each havn llonrishirg colonies.
Slow you can see why England is to anxious
ubout the ship canal , for with ono across the
ithmus her ships would save twi nty-four
l ys from Liverpool to my of T.ismnnla , Now
< 5ealanrt nt Australian colonies , liid voti no1 ,
ica In the cable dispatches tlmt the London
Standml recommends a close combination of
England , the United States , Spain and Italy
gainst Germany and France , and all the con-
enative proes of England agrees.
A $100,000 Fire.
PLYMOUTH , Mass. , Jnnuary 3. The fire
vhich stnitcd in the picker room of the
works of the Plymouth Cordage company
his afternoon proved a most disastrous con
flagration. It destioytd the Picker room
juilding nn d two largo mnnufnctorioH fijled
with \uhnbhi machinery nnd combustible
material. The third factory was saved by the
itmost exeit ou of the firemen , The opera-
ives haidly had time to- save their lives.
Treman Joyce , a crlpplo in the picker loom ,
was lescueu bjdly burned and probably will
notiecovcr. Thotvvo Iaige buildingn bnined
vere of brick , five stories high and about ICO
> y 80 feet. LOJH to the company is about
100,000 ; insured for § 350,000.
TlicJBank htatcmcnr.
NEwYoBK , January it. The bunk btalo
nont show * a decrease of 81)21,000 ) , The Lanks
now hold 550,000,000 in excess of the legal re
Causes Its victims to bo miserable , hopeless ,
confused , and depressed In mind , very irrita
ble , languid , and drowsy. It is a dlscaso
which does not get well of Itself. It requires
careful , persistent attention , and a remedy to .
throw oft the causes and teno up the dlges-
tlvo organs till they perform their duties i
willingly. Hood's Sarsaparllla haa proven ,
Just the required remedy In hundreds of cases.
" I have taken Hood's ' Barsaparilla for dys
pepsia , from which I have suffered two years.
1 tried many other medicines , but nouo proved >
to satisfactory as Hood's Sarsnparllla. "
TJIOJIAB COOK , Brush Electric Light Co. ,
New York City. . -
Sick Headache
" For the past two years I have been ,
aflllcted with severe headaches ami dyspep
sia , I was induced to try Hood's Harsajia-
rllla , and have found great relief. I cheer
fully recommend it to all. " MKS. K , IV
ANNAIILU , J cw Haven , Conu. & * - * ( jf
i Mrs. Mary C. Smith , Cambrldgeport , Biass.'t
was a burterer from dyspepsia and sick head
ache. Kho took Hood's BarsaparllU and
found It the best remedy she ever used.
Bold ! > y nil druRRlsts. $1 ; six for $5.
ply by 0. 1. HOOP & CO. , Lowell , Mass. /
I -iQoyposGslOno.Dolfarl
/ , a
cofiere recognize ! * - ,
5eeaP ) er
Smoking Tobacco