THE DAILY BFJfi SATURDAY , JANUARY 3 , 1885. COUHCILJLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS , , CROSS'S CASE , It GOBS Over-Uolil Monday Next , Tlio Grounds on AVnlch A Contlnit. anco la Afikcil. The nnnooncomont that the trial of Dr. Oroes for killing Dr. McKuna woold commcnco ycstordny sftornoon caused a largo gathering in the court room. An predicted in yesterday's BEE , the defense attempted to eccaro a continuance. Among the reasons urged being the absence - sonco of John N. Baldwin , ono of the attorneys for the defense ; the lllnoaa of Mra. Crosr , wife of the defendant , and the inability to get her OB a witness. Judge Hubbard , who ii alao an attorney for the defense , stated that the prepara tion of the CMO had boon mostly in Mr. Baldwin's hands , and , ho being away , Judge Ilubbird did not fool that ho could In justice to the defendant , proceed with the trial of the ease Hla partner at Cedar Rspids tvas also sick , and ho did not fool that ho could remain away from homo just now. The affidavit on which a continuance was asked was by GoorgoT. Wright , stating that Mr. Baldwin had informed him that Mra. Cross would , if ab'o to appear , tea- tisy to certain facts as to Dr. CrcsV appearance - poaranco on returning homo nftcr the en counter with Dr. MoKuno , the tendency bolng that ho had been badly battered and bruised by Dr. McKuno. There waa also aflidavita of two physicians as to Mr > . Oroas * condition , and the aflidavit of Dr. Cross. The court expressed the opinion that the application for a contin uance was faulty In some respects buteaid ho shall allow the application to bo amended. Still , if thus amended ho did not feel like granting a continuance if the prosecution would admit that Mrs. Cross would testify as claimed In the af fidavit. Col. Sapp , on the part of the state , withdrew the objections made to a lack in the application for circumstance , and agreed to admit that Mrs. Cross would testify as stated , this removing to his mind , all ground for continuance. Judge Habbard then aald that ho could eocuro affidavits of physicians to the ef fect that the norrons'straln caused by Dr. Cross may put on trial -with vMrs. Crocs thus HI , would odangor her lifo. Col. Sapp objected to having any such amend ment made to the application , when as objections were raised by the state. The courb at last sot the case for Monday , and when naked by Col. Sapp if ho meant by this that it should bo promtorlly set for trial at that time replied that If any other motions or am endments were offered Monday morning ho would pasa upon that feature of the case then. Judge Loafbourrow opoko of the great costs already accrued by reason of the special venire , etc. , and explained that ho would not have issued the apodal venlro had ho not boon satis fied by consultation with the attorneys on both sides that it would bo satisfac tory , and that they would bo prepared to go ahead with the trial. Now , it ap peared from the affidavits , that Mra. Cross had boon very ill since tbo 12th of December. The pnblio will have there fore , to wait until Monday to loam the next step in the case which interests thorn BO greatly. GiFIS FOIl That "Will Iio Given to Charity. The presents continue to arrive at the executive mansion in Albany for Governor Cleveland , despite his declared unwilling ness to receive them and the labor of rc tnming yifts has bcconiu so great as to ncccssitato a now departu' o in this busi- nost. The govo nor has therefore decided on n now policy. All gifts now on hand niul all that n * rive in the fnturo will be handed over to Albanyjcharitics. Clatcts , wines or liquors of any description will piobably bo sent to the hospitals , while many rare and peculiar articles will deco- r.ito the tables at some church fair during the winter. The cause of religion and the wants of the poor and sickly will thus be ministered to , while the prcsident-olect will bo saved a yood deal of letter writing and the frequent ringing of express drivers at the door. Of course small souvenirs from warm personal friends and sentimental 1" remembrances of prominent events in hia public career cannot bo const tiled by Gov ernor Cleveland as valuable gifts which ho might bo called upon to return. An Uo indiscriminate collection of articles , however - over , como by by the mail and by express. The latest is a case of claiet with the governor s likeness labeled ou each bet tle. As illustrating the extent of the gift mania , the following is taken iroin an 175 Albany paper : The queerest place in the , state is Uov. Clovlaml s bam or store lufc room. Th ( batn is a substantial struct nro , built jtist back of the executive man sion and during the administration oi jnoro wealthy governors it WTXS ifsed foi the carriages and horses of these worth ies. Uov. Cleveland , however , iloesni keep horses and since his election to the presidency the vacant barn has been usci' tor- to btoro the vast collection of miscellaneous ous presents that como pouring in fron every quarter of the union. Formorlj these jiackiiges wuro delivered at ? the oxc cntive chamber on the hill , but as the ; kept constantly incieasing in number am variety , it was found impossible to receive ceivo them there , and BO a kind of unioi depot was opened in the bam. It keep ono man busy receiving , arranging , am shipping back the packages addressed t the president-elect. In spite of the fac d that the greatest care is exercised ii . finding out who sends the stull' , ani his address , many of the packages t email unidentified. The governor s outers ar that all presents Khali bo rotumcd to tli sender at onco. 13ut , as about half of th gifts como anonymously , it is not so eas to carry out the instructions. A cler ! w.u busy marking and Bonding away pack wgcB. ' 1 ho collection of bald eagles , bicj cles , chairs , desks , brushes and other brit n-brtio would have put a junk-shop t blush. Yet there was ono marked di ! forcnco botwcen the stock in th governor's barn and the junk shop her ever/ article was bnml now. The eagl flapped his wings dolefully in his woode cage with an air tliat told plainly it wr the first time that ho had over been mail n show of , and two owls stared in a woi del fully knowing way at the expressma who was taking the things awa } Not a speck of dust dimmed tli brightness of the glittering bicyd tliat was promptly going back to Uostoi and the toil plush of a comfortable an chair bhowod its newness through the thi covering over it. The only th'ng tlu Lo'o traces of wear was a barrel covo'c nth country mud , and with a number of ipenings cut in the staves , through which Iio ml and mellow golden of great Now rork apples showed. A second express- nan wa.1 unloading a half barrel of cider bat had just arrival , when the clerk caught him and told him to wait. A careful examination showed it to have omo from Binghamton , N. Y. , and , without taking it from the wngon , a occipt and bill of lading were made out nil the stuff shipped back. So it rent all day. As fast as ono king was returned another came in o take ita place , and the clerk considered ilmsolf lucky If two articles did not como n place of every ono sent back. It Is iasy to understand how simple country oiks take pleasure In sending llttlo to- tons of affection to the man they honor md respect , and in whoso good fortune hey have had a part. But why those to- cens so often take the form of animals is question that sadly perplexes the poor lork , Ono man in Brooklyn Bonds n og , another In Malno sends two owlv , bird forwards an eagle , a fourth believes bat nothing leas than a Maltose cat will nako the president happy , whllo a fifth lopoa to win favor by the presentation of fawn. The Curiosities of Murder. During the year 1881 there were over 000 murders committed in the United tatcs. The causes leading to murder in many ises have been as trilling and sometimes Imost as grotesque ai those of buicidcand outhful crime has been alarmingly prova- int. A son killed his father in a quarrel a kt chopping wood. A daughter killed icr mother because she would not allow ior to go to a ball. A boy of 10 killed n laymato in a quarrel over marbles , and ho same cause induced a boy of 13 o kill .another. A school boy 0 years 1 ago stabbed another to got possession of kite. Two boys of 10 killed each thcr on account pf jealousy. One boy dllcd another because ho did not litch a balll right. A boy of 17 killed a > oy of 13 bccanao ho persisted in going luntlug with him. A boy of 1C killed a Irl of 15 bocauto ho was jealous of hoc. 'wo ' glrlp , 12 and 13 , respectively , killed icir brother of 5 with sticks because ley did not want him to live any longer. A boy of 14 , out of pure savagery , fired nto a crowd of hia associates and killed wo of thorn. A boy of 10 tried to kill a toy of 13 because ho would not contrl- > nto three cents towards a political ban- ro , and waa killed himself. A boy of 17 was induced to kill another after reading dime novolr A boy of 14 killed his stcr , a baby , by holding her on a > dhot stove. The youngest raur- orers were two children of 5 and , who deliberately killed their brother E 3 , because they were tired E him. More than 100 murders were 10 result of quarrels over cards. Ono nan killed two others because they killed ia dog. Two men quarreled over a nctor's bill and ono killed the other. Tour women quarrelled over the ownor- iip of a chicken and ono of them killed 10 other. In Chicago a workman killed Is employer for a dollar. Two men uarrelcd over the ownership cf fifty onta and ono killed the other , and one man killed an other because ho would lot lend him 25 cents. Ono brother rilled another because the latter's dog dlled h'a aheop. Two women qoar- oiled about the right to BO an nven and ono killed ho other. A father killed his son because 10 would not shoot his. dog. A blind man dllcd a cripple because ho would not di- ido his money with him. A drunken man lan killed his wife by beating her with 10 body of her dead child. Another man n liquor poured kerosene ever his wife ml set her on fire. A physician , fearing wvcrty , killed his four children and him- iclf , and his wife went insane. Ono man liot another because the lattcr's dog bit lis hog. A man and his wife throw coal- 11 over the lattcr's sister and burned her o death. Ono brother , insane from aith-curing , killed another , and a man dlled himself and his daughter because lie compelled him to cat berries. 1'ftttl's Gift to a Crippled Artist. few York Tribune. A crayon portrait of Sig. Brlgnoli , which has an Interesting story , ornaments Hmo. Pattl's parlor In the Windsor hn- el. The portrait was drawn by Miss larion Foster , the crippled artistand raa intended by the touor as u gift to ilino. Pattl , to commemorate the twon- fifth anniversary of the first appearance i opera. Ho dying before the day , .owover , Miss Foster sent the drawing o Mine , Pattl with a note explaining the ircnmstancoa. A few days after Miss Castor received a handsome gold ockot sot with a row of legant pearls down the center , and in- aid with blue enamel. There were bo- ides , two oar-drops ornamented in a imilar manner , with twenty one pearls n each. In the locket was a beautiful minaturo of Mme. Patti , and engraved HI the back were the worda : v Mitrion Footer from Addina 1'attl , 1881. The present waa accompanied with ono mo of Mmo. Pattl's cards : "With very beat wishes for future uccesa In the art In which you already ixcel. ADELIHA PATH. " Didn't Know Him. So many prominent people como here hat the average distinguished citizen Is not as big a man in Albany as on his no- ; lvo heath. This was unconsciously illustrated by Cbl. McOluro'a visit yester day. After calling on the president-elect Iio wont back to hia rooms at the Delavan , wrote a column account for his paper , and sent It to the Western Union office by n special negro servant. The account waa long , was sent "collect , " and the re ceiving clerk looked It over and said : "Who is this McClnre , anyhow ? " "I dunne , " replied the hotel negro ; ho talks as it he owns the whole paper , but I dunne , " "George" called out the clerk to a Now York correspondonr who waa just sending oll'hls matter , "is this fellow McOlure jood for a column to the Philadelphia Times ? " And this is fame 1 Tito Hplnc of tlio west. Brcoklyn Eaglf. It was an Arizona man. With stead ; hand he filled the can , for , as waa uaoa with him , r.o filled the chalice to the brim. Appalled , affrighted and dlamayec to 110 the wholesale liquor raid , the gen tlemau behind the bar , in trembling tonei aiclalmed : "Look byarl Youaroinis taken , pard , I'm thinking. That isn' elder that you're drinking " The strong ar'a face grew dark and aad ; ho looked o ( hough ho had it bad. In tones of griov inf , mild reproach , ho raid with a re jroaohful look : "You're mighty rlghr itranger. Gocd heaven * . 1 wouldn' iriuk that much cidtr for 50. " BK1N DISEASES CUUED , By Dr. Fratler'a Magic Ointmfttit. Cores ai f by magic : Flraple * , Black ileads or Grub , Blotches and Eruptions on the foco , leaving the skin clear and beautiful. Also euros Itch , SMt Uheum , Sore Nipples , Sore Lips r nd old , Obstinate Ulcers Sold by dnigRlsts. or mailed on receipt price. 60 cents. Sola by ( Cuhn & Co. nnd 0. P. Goodman. The Combination oi JiiRrcdlPiitu used n making BpowN's BnoxcmcAt , TROCHES is such as to civo the best possible effect with safety. They are the boatremedy , In use for Coughs , Coliii nnd throat diseases. Triplota should bo baptised In iho Trinitarian faith. STOP THAT COUGH By uslnff Dr. Frazier's Throat nnd Lung Bal sam the only sure euro for Coughs , Colds , Hoarseness and Sere Throat , and nil diseases of the throat nnd lungs. Do not neglect n cough. It may prove fatal , Scores nnd umJrodaof grntoful people ewe their lives to Dr. Frnzier't Thront nnd Lune Balsam , nnd no family will ever be without It after nnca uing it , anil discovering Its marvelous power , It is put up in large family bottles nnd Roltl 'or ' tlio small prlco of 75 conta per bottle. Sold ICubn & Co. nnd O. F , Goodman , PitUbutv Chronicle. There are GOO Masonic lodges In Texas , and 10,000 Masons. Hnrsford's Acid Phosphate. UNANIMOUS AmiOVAIi OF XIEDICAL STAFF. Dr. T. Q. COMSTOCK , Physician at Good Samaritan Hospital , St. Louis , Mo. , iays : "For years wo have used It In this lospital in dyspepsia and nervous diseas es , and as a drink during the doclins , and in the oonvalosenco of lingoringifo- vora. It has the unanimous approval of our medical stair. " For rcglldiug frames that have become ipotted it la quite common to use gold ironzo mlxod with dextrine , but it is often found that the spot reappears. To iroyont this , rub the roglldcd spot , after t is thorougly dry , with molted bees wax applied with a soft brush. 1'ojmlnr ! 1'oimUi ! Of cpnrao. The word comes from ev ery direction. Any political candidate who has done aa much good as Brown's ron Bitters hag , will bo so popular that 10 will bo sure to run in with an im mense majority. Dr. H. L. Battle , of Wadloy , Go. , say , "Brown's Iron Bitters s very popular In this section. " Nobody finds this valuable tonle anything short of crowning success. It cures dyspepsiaIn digestion , weakness , etc. Efforts are being made in London to ind out where the fog comes from , hop ng , If Its source bo once discovered , a omody may bo found to counteract it. Chore fa a grave question Involved , however - over , which Is , whether or not London would bo London without a fog. Iinck in Blue Grass to Bloberly. The happiest man in New Orleans ycster- lay was Air. John M. Mcborloy , Asst. Cashier of the Mercer National liank of Uar- odaburg , Ky. , who was the holder of one- ifth of ticket No. 08,980 , which won the cap- tal prize of 875,000 in the drawing of The jouieiana State Lottery on Tuesday last , vhmi ho nriived nnd preceded to draw § 15- , 00 in money at the hands of M. A. Dauphin , > ciBonally , Hois a nephew of Gov. Jno. ilagoflin , of Kentucky , who made himself amous by his refusal to President Lincoln vhen he called upon tha Stnto of Kentucky or men nnd money. [ Now Orleans ( La. ) Pic- yuno. Nov. 1C. The Campbollira church , the denomi nation to which Mr. Gar field belonged , ma purchased 18,000 acres of land at $1.75 per acre , and taken up 20,000 acroa additional near Redding , Shasta county , Oal. , on which they intend to found a colony. The Campbollites of St. Louis are the prime movers in the enterprise. DUIIKEE'S COLD MEAT SAUCE & SALAD DIIESSIOG ready made , nutritious , econo mical , delicious. Nothing equal to ! I was ever offered and it is invariably popular both at homo and abroad. Hero ia a neat bull perpetrated the other day by the Charleston Nowo and Courier : "In many places there are ; roat rafts of logs , old trees , stumps , ) tc , drifted together anal lodged along ; ho river , so as to make it dangerous oven 'or an ordinary canoe to go through safely. " To break up colds , /overs and inflam matory attacks , use Dr. Plorce'a Com pound Extract of Smart Wood. A now baggage check has been per- ected and been adopted by several western railroads. It consists of a rather argo brass shell , with strap attachment , .he shell holding four coupons folded on each other. The first coupon is to bo illod out to the passenger , the second to ho agent , and the third acts as n way ) ill , and the fourth goes with the obeli , and contains the number of train , time and date received , and the name and ad dress of owner. The coupons are intend ed to take the place of all reports of jaggago forwarded , received and do- Ivered , and excess biggago and storage Dlanktf , thereby reducing expense and economizing labor. A Sere , Tlirout or ConpliJ If suffered to progress often results in on incurable throat or lung trouble. "Jlrown't llroncliial Troches' ; lves instant relief , u Children Drowned. , Mass. Wednesday some chil dren that were playing on tbo ice at blanch- nag , broke through. Two girls named Mitchell Vunzundt nnd a eon of Lev ! Do Bros , aged 9 nud 10 years , were drowned , Irs , HJ , Hilton , H D , . PHYSICIAN & SUEGEON , S22 111JJIe Broadwij- , Council Bluffi. N. SCHTJRZ. Wee of tlie Peace. OFFICE OVER AUKRIOAH BIPRESS J. E. TATE , ATTORNEY AT LAW Pr otlo In State and FedtrU Conrti. Ooiloctloni promptly attended to. Room 10 , Bhugoxt'i Building , COUNCIL BLUFia IOWA Dr , W. H. Shorradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Oonncll Blufb Iowa $20 BE WARD ! REWARD | Ald lor Information of prwen $20 location iialr honti. wazon and batness giKol liv William D Hal ! toTbomM ik'l enton Bay borne > e > en ) can oM , 1/00 f < oun < ] , cir ki bind hf , black horw ulne jeari olJ.i tar la lor * haed ipatln in right hind leg w gen , Cooper make tbre Inch let double hunew , Ulen ( ram I'otUwatt atrio county In AuifUat T n dolluri reward ( o dtiactery olaild Hall. IU11 dticrlbedai about fe t 10ncbei | , landycompleit'on.bildrieul en to brownlih red , itou'l h built , about Oietr llj to Leonard Er'rett , attorney atln iuCt , Jtwa , oO 131 < 1 | f\ \ UP-STAIRS L UP-STAIRS. - MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS. Si "What nro misfits ? A now sensation in Omnlm City Clothing Trade. Having opened a store in this city for the sale of Merchant thousands of merchant tailors in the country , it will be nerceived Tailors' Fine Misfits and uncalled for clothing we will try as brief- that we have a great basis from this tailor and a dozen from ? nether - jy as possible to make plain to the public the advatage of deal other , we get the finest custom work'for much less than the ing with us , Misfits is the title given to all garments which the cloth cost , it ought to be plain then that we can sell fine taiior- tailor has left upon his hands either by the failure io fit or the made garments of superior cloth for much less than others ask. neglect of the customer to produce the cash wherewith to take for cheap factory made. What you get from us we guarantee to them away , Every merchant never meets with less than a dozen be good material and good make. such cases every year , and when it is remembered that there.are OITR JKXCE JH&T AS A Suits. Jants. Overcoats. * SGOOO Custonvrnftdo suits for .N. .53000 S1GOO Custom-inailo IVxuts for $ TOO $11500 Custom-ninth Ot orcoats for 53 "rM 00 - - toco 2500 1200 it 650 WOO itit EOOO 22M ) 1500 2000 1000 it 4SO 4500 Sl'OO ' 4000 1850 700 it 350 1000 1750 1500 itii 3500 3000 12'.0 FOO ii ' . . . _ . 300 4500 115) 1500 ) Open evenings until ! ) 'clock 3000 2500 1000 o'clock. ' " " 1000 2000 ODD Saturday evenings until 10 2500 Latest s tt/les _ andclcf/ant t/annents in siUt and satin Jinedstiits and overcoats. Alsoftltt dress suits fbi sale or Tent at the OJHJGINAZ Mfl&JFJiT C&OTJIING IAJtJLOltS. i 010 1312 Dow/las St. , ( bet. 13th and 14th Sts. , upstairs ) Omaha. Ncl > rasJa. IdlZ ( Up-stai'rs ) . Ziyhtcd lfi/electric lit/Jit. ( Up-statrs. ) I AM TUB WESTERN A3ENT FOR THE " tty " "RICHMQMD SKATE. HO. 8. This' hut some of the skatortiinufaoturors call "Club , "but wo cill it "Out Half Garni C1 < JB. " It his pura spring steel bottoms corrugated iBank. His fu.l t.lckol patsd Tno bottom lishapol to at thu sola u ( the sliooor li o : pcrfcct'y , thcruby-ir.Mni ' , th * foot fro * nd natural action. It k.i to clamp aid light ie Uer laptop or hsel ttrais Tno heel straps are preferable to heel clamp a moitcasc , Mtha8tr > p 8tiy nd strengthen the ankle olten preventing a rlo-is ami palntal tccldenti. I ) tl the flnistlookln * skate In the rairket , and one that Is sure ti pHiao. It his pure Turkey Bum of wheelswlihbraia bushings , they are 2J Inohoi In dune'.i'nnJ every vviuel poro't.r trm ; asch p lr It oasodln a separate box. sizes , 1 to 9. I also oxrry a full line of me skats In fill 'r p wood bottoroi aa afullltneotallextris , andsmillandUrKo bnij lined wlitos. Wrltafor pilaoa Terms Ooo-thlrd oaih accompanying order ; balance lent 0. O.K.1 II. L. UlLCiiKVotta Ajjjut , 10JJ , fourth Are cut Council Bluffs. Iowa. RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKR , Proprietors. Superinfitideni Q. P. RAILWAY , 7TH & 18TH HTREElfi MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN WATER WHEELS. ROLLER MILLS , , and Brain Elevator R/Sachineni / MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDf. INCLUDING THE Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Olotl STEAM PUMPS STBAM WATER AND GAS PJPK. BRASS GOODS AKD FIFE F1TTINGB ARCHITECTURAL AND B1DG o I ! § w 3 3B V/e nre _ prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will ccntract foj erection o Flooring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changinp Flovuincr Mills , from Stona to the Roller Sy&tem. BC * "Especial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for nny pu po e , and estimates made for some General machinery repairs nttende promptly. Address RICHARD & CLARKE , OmahaNob Orange Blossom Flour WHOLESALE BY L. A STEWART & CO , ( ± 013 Jones Street } ASK FOB BED CROSS. ] OMAHA NEB * MAXMEYER&BRO it IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURING JEWELERS and SILVERSMITH : Fine Diamonds , Rich Jewelry , French Clocks , Broiize Statuary , . English Silver Plate , Antique Brass Ware , European Holiday -Novelties , Leatliug Music Dealers in the OAR RY IN STOCK ALL THE . CELEBRATED MAKES . $ ; OF ' Prices and Terms this flfontlL than * * ' ever offered be/ore. A visit to our ivareroonis solicited. _ _ - r- Keep Horaoa and Mnlca constantly on hand wbch | wo will cell in retail or wholesale lota. T-i All Stock Warranted as Renresenteti. Wholotale and retail dealers In Grain and Baled Hay. Prices Bonablo Satisfaction Guaranteed. Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UouncllBlnOij. 1 HALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Endorsed by FRANZ LISZT. EMERSON PIANOS. Unrivalled or Tone or Flnlsbi * * % KIMBALL PIANOS ' 'I 'M Best Modern Price to Buy , f The Kimball OrRf.n , BO lone ; And favorably kmwn In the west , recommends . STEWART. Bole Agent for above llnoa of Goods. Wororooma , 829 Bluifn uncil Correspondence Solicited. Agent * Wanted , NOEENE & LANDSTROM , Winter Goods Ready. Suits Made to Order in Latest Style en Short Notice and at Reasonable Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 205 Main Street , - . . . . Council Bhdfc , t > i AGENTS WANTED. Drs. Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric 310 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ; 725 ELil ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; and FT. IT POSITIVELY CUUK8- Kidney end Llrcr Complaint , IltlK it' DI co o , Ilbeumatlsm , Nouralula DytpepBl * . Ncrvonancss , Wntlng Wcaknr r , I'aralyBla , Hj > ln l Atteotloni. IiidlKeatlan , Heart Dlsoass , Flt IlcaUacn , Mm Hack , Cold Fiut , and all dlioaaea rvijulrln Increanod motive powers. New Improved tcl $3 and | S ; old style 8i och. 3M e > toctlf lOi-oja.a , ; v WHOLESALE DEALERS IN - * * HATS , GAPS BUCK GLOVES , 332 ad 3U Dtoadw y , WOUNOIL BLUFFS IOVPA BMITH * TOLLEIl LKADINQ MEROHAJST TAILORB t nd 9 Mala ntrcet , OOOXOIL BLUF/H , IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. GENUINE SLAUGHTER ' JK TUB PRICES OF , Cooking and Heating Stoves ] The teuon belnif lu far advanced t bare coocJufled to dlnxxt of lay Htorri SIUIRDUM o coir ID nr2tj toc to Itorlor Ibwa until next leaiom. Call tailat I wIlYnot L. uo < * rMld by anyoii" P 825 JJroadway , Coulrcilbluffs. .