THE OMAHA . , . FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA NEB. HAIL TO THE CHIEF. President Arlhnr's ' Last ReceDtiou at the White Honse Was Folly ns Largo as that of Any Previous Tear , 'Tlio Floral Decorations wore Very Elaborate and Handsome. 'Tho White House Transfoimed Into an Eden of Flowers , The Ladies were Handsome and Eiohly Drossod. Daring the Kcceptlcm the President wns Gnllcd Ou by All Glasses of Society. TDK KKORPTION , WASHINGTON , January 1. Now Year's dny has been generally observed here. The weather ha ) been almovt as disagreeable an n your ago , when it rained throughout the day. At 12 o'clock a cold wind was blowing nnd nnow falling , and bcfortfnlpht the atmosphere was thatof midwinter inclemency. However , it did not interfere with calling. The rccep- ' tion at the white house , the laU under 1'roti- pent Arthur's administration , was as largo as that of any previous year. The president waa assisted by a number of ladies prominent in society , who stood with him iu the blue parlor. The calleri entered the red parlor and1 paeecd through the blue parlors , thence thronph tltORrzou parlor into the east room , from vblch they made their ex it. The floral decorations In corridor and par lors were as usual very elaborate and hand some. In the long corridor and the red parlor thcro wcro tropical pUnta and torn ? . All the cnanfollorn and mirrors were twined with emilat. The mantle in the blue room was en tirely covered with cut flowers and blooming plant * . In the windows there were palms and fern ? , croton nnd other foliage plants. In the green rooom ihere wore flowering plants on the mantle nnd tropical plants iu the recess window. The four mantels in the east room were decorated with pots of blooming primroses and a choice variety of of other tlowere. The Indies who assisted the president gathered in the .library of the White House a few moment * before the reception be gan , where the New Year's greeting were exchanged - changed with the president and hia sister , Miss McElroy. At 11 o'clock thu marine band , stationm ! iu the yestlbyle , played "Hail ta the Chief , " and the receiving party entered tha blun parlor. Mis. Freliug- nuyeon nccompanind tlia proiidcnt in the blue parlor. Mrs. McElroy moid next to him , then Mrs. Senator Edmunds , Mrs. Frcling- huyaon , Mr ? . McCul ) > cli , Mrs. Chandler , Mis. Ilrewstor , Mr . llntton , MJB. Teller , and the wiv n of somoof the justices of the snproroo court. The other lidica of the re ceiving party paased.on into the graen parlor. The dresses nt the Indies were licti and hand- flame. All the ladies who ware invited to rcoalvo were In evening dross , while hose who calloi to pay their respects were in \isltingdress that is thort skirts and bon- ntta. Tha colors were dork nnd subdued. Mrp. Carlisle , who was published us among the ladles who would tails ; the proiidcnt , win not iu tlio city. After tin Informal reception by the members of the cabinet , the deere were opened and the diplomatic cnrp received. In the nb'cncj if Mr. Preston , minister from Ifayti. who is dein of the f' . corps , Viscount D < is Noqu iras , rainlttar frorc Poitugal , headed the dip'omitic procession , Tli9 Recrctiry of state stood on the left of tht president , and preiuuted tha roproseutitivei of the foreign powert. 'Iliuro lnvo been manj clungiH among the diplomats within three yoara , none of these now hero having BHIVBC longer than six years. The mcmbeiH of thi coips were In aourt unifoun. 'llu Britl-h le gallon waa represent ! ! 1 by initiHtor the lion Xiionol Sackvillo Wtst his old at daughter hia second daughter ( who ia a dibutanta ) < uu I Misi Hoard , tluir guest , and Mr. Allo-i John Btouoand Mr. Hulyor , iccretary of the luga tion and Mis llulyar. Tbo Chinese miuMr Is abfoat ami the location was roprrsoaled Ii' Mr. Tsai KiwokChing , Dr. D.V. . I'.irtlott Americiin aecretary of tlia legation , and uov- cral Chinese attaches. The n iuiAter from Aim trla-IIungary , Baron IfinatSchclfor vraj accompanied by liaron Uaumgertner act acting sacretiry of tuo leg uion. Mr Romero , the Mexioin miuiter , is : > b-iont , BO that lega tion was represented by the first and secom secretar'cs. They wo'o a-compaided by th ladies i their f milieu. Mr. Charloa DqStru vu , minister from Riueia , wua accompanied b ; his wife and secretary , Mr GrgHr. . Krnc waa reptoifiitoa by Air Thedora Rotigtan.tli minister , Mr , J.o ( Joinnto Maurice Sola thu lirat ttcntnty i f tha legation ajcompaniol lh ) minister as did Mr. Pat Lcfalvro , third fosrotcry and chmcollor , Mi Ituballior Den I-loi ami his ttifo. The Gei man minutir , Mr. 11. Yon .Alvtmelcban , wn pro out , as WQIO a'l ' thu foreign ii'pimouU tlvoj who a o in the city The ju ticoa o the _ United States Hupremo court , ascou : panicd by the Udioa ot their househ ) ld * , war next received. Iu tin absciru of Cbiet Jiu tics Waite , who is ill , Jiiitko Miller wa first rorcived , followid by the ( .tlnr jui tlcoH , Chief Juetice anJ .lubti o MaUluw ware thu only iibionUojSen.t rs and iepr ( senUtivea in coufjr ss , of whom there was a1 unusu illy largo attendance , carne nt'Xt. The wore followed by the representatives of th nnnv and navy , nearly every ollicer on dut or visiting the city being In line. The arm delegation wai headed by Liutitonant-Goaai , nl Sheridan , and the "naval ollicialu by Ac mlnil Portor. Next came the tliiifs of tb various departments ; district otlicbh ; ei wooibera of the cabinet now in the city , au the civic associations. Tha grand arm of tha republic had n uutaoly larj ( representation of both whlto and colortit many bolng in uniform. At one o'clock tl citiznna' inception beg n , and tliii contluut until -:15 : p. m. Du ing thu entire time u lotted for tlio citizens to par their ro > pcct * I I'roUdo it Arthur , reprojentativoti of almostn graduj of society patsoj ihioiif < h thu varioi parlors. Tha employes of the executive ma aion were the last to exlcnda the New Ye greeting to tbo chief exicutive. When tl poapla lm-1 all departed , the president calli for hia horse and took ubort lido. Ho returned the White House and dined with the inemb of his family. Secretary Frellnghtiyiipn en- I'rUlnod the diplomatic corps nt breakfast at 12 m. TUrVI > lTuNIONS , TIIK STim.'QTll OF TIIK OtlOANIZATIO.VS IN TIIK UNITED BTATBS. Mr. Richard J. Ilinton gives in tlio Janu ary uumbor of the Norjh American Rovlow au estimate of tha trades and labor rrgani/a- lions in Ilia United State. , with the following r.'tult : INTinNATIONAI. IIOniES. IIOniES.Membership. . In n and Jttcl workers -12 00 ( ' Ktiulm era ( Hritish ) 5,000 ( e Car0iuor { ( l5rili h ) 7000 i- Typographical union 11'J.IO o Sfnimms'union 7,010 e' ' Cigarmakm1 uoion 14000 o , Co > par * ' tiui n 7,0,0 le litivklajtrj ntd masons 12000 ( u Grani'o cutteiH ( i(0i ( U > Gla.s woik r 7,0')0 ) e ) Xnriiiiuio woiko n ! l,000 ( o' Locomotive engineers li,000 ! o Locoinotho firemen 12,200 ( o Railioad conductors 7,000 jo Railroad brakemen and employed. . 18,100 ( e Knights of Lubor ( federation ) 150,010 ( e International worklngmon'tj asiacia- tlou 20,000 ( c ) NATIONAL HOWLS. Iron moldcrs 1-1,000 ( c ) Brotlicihood of carpenters and join ers 7,000 ( o 1'aUornu 7,000 Plumber * 3 000 ie 'linfiniths . - 3,000 Labo-i'ii ( chiefly building tradta ) . . 20,000 Hor-eshoeri ( include blacksmiths ) . IU 000 I oilermnkeri and Irouihlpbiiilduis , 17,000 Stationary engineers 1,700 Metal workers 8,000 Miip carpontcra 2,000 German typographical union 3,000 Telegraphers , operators and line man 10,000 Coal miners , state and national. , . . OO.roO Progressh o tigannakor ? ! ) ,000 Mule tplnners ( cotton factories ) . . . . 5,000 Cotton weavers ( cotton fuctoiies ) . . 5,000 Silk weavers 1,200 Tailor ? , N. U. 18,000 e Uphohtoreis 3,500 , Huraospimikers 1,500 Pap'r hanger * 3,500 i Houbo piinto's 10,000 Shoemakers , lasters , tt3 12,000 Bakers 2,500 Brewers 2,000 Thciu are small trade' , locally or ganized , chiellyin thalarga cities , whoie number ladidicuit t'o ascer tain , and many of whom nro fail- eratod with tnftlea gsscmblios and central labor unions. They may bo understated nt 75,000 ( c ) The Socialistic L abor party ( Ameri can ) andtlieScciullstis Democrats may bo < Btimatod at 25.000 ( o ) Total estimate 011.5EO ( o ) Olliclal. ( e ) Estimate. A few of these figures aio from ollicial source ? , but most of them ara ustinutes. The lumping of 100,003 men in the last two items for instance , doss not betoken much inclina tion to statistical accuracy From the federal ceii'iis of 18SO Mr. Ilinton makes up _ n list of 2,93 ,785 persona who nro in what called "industrial" engaged are pur suits , leaving out of the count the agricultural luboiers , and also the laboring force employed in commerce , stores and trading generally , the domestic help and other miscellaneous wage-worker ? , nnd ha concludes that fully one In live o the skilled wage-workers in the branches of industry covered by th foregoing table are connected with the trades unions. 0 DISASTER. A SCENE OK TIIK WILDEST COMMOTION AT A 1'KENOM TlIlwVTKll LAST NIQIIT. Special to the Chicago Daily News , LONDON , December 31. Last night at Choi- let , In the department of Maine et Loire , on the Maine river , a large audience was gath ered in the theater , when a part of the root fell in. A tcono of indescribable confusion followed. Kvory light was extinguished and grosns and sbrieka rent the air. Per sona who were uninjured made n mad rush for the ttreet ( trampling persona down in their hurry and fright. Women fainted and children tcreamed. At first it waj thought hundreds had bsen lulled , hut when the the atre had been cleared it wai learned that but few were fatally hurt. Over a hundred wore injured by the falling debiia and in the ranic which ensued , but no one was killed outright. Sovernl persona received Injuries which it ii feared will pp vo fatal , but they wore at onct tendor'y cand for. Tha building was only n temporary alfair , and had been damagei greatly by recent heavy storms. Goal Mining Affaire. PHILADELPHIA , January 1. Respecting tin coal meeting held in New.York recently , it i Hlatod to-day by a prominent Pouu ylvani : railroad ollicial , that his cnmpmiy had no agreed to the par cenl aze allotted In Novcm b-r , ror to the proposition presented fur a re striction in mininp. In fac' , they have no agreed to any proposition olfar.iii. The KajiliiK SuBiiuoIiuniin. WlLKE.snAlini : , Pa , , January 1.The ic gorge in tin Suequehanni liver broke thi morning near Mantlcok * ) . The water ha risen twelve feet above the low water mark covering th u lowlands on the west tide. Com miiuication with Kingston and uoints aloti the Delaware , Lackawanna k Western rail road ara cut elf for the present , ApgriiYAtlrij ; Jl'rc'cedciir. Chicago News One "Algernon L. Geor p , London , Ung. , was registered nt the Hoffman house , Nc\ York , lust Sunday. This sort of thing ma ; pass in New York , but what positive IIE.SUI auco have wo that thia uaino peibtm wca no Dr. Gemgo L. Miller , of Omaba , travelm iucoiirito. Wo.regrot to say Dr. Miller ba , established a very aggravating precedent , 3 Tlio KIcctrlo Kullwny. NEW YOKK , January 1. Articles of Incor piration of the electric railroad to run fror Kar Rockaway to Long falnnJ railroad , hav been tiled. Capital , $200,1100. A Dark Colored Murder , > ' RALEIGH , N. 0. , January 1. Alex Blacl 0 coloreJ _ , near Dovfr , phot nnd killed hia wil and Mark McClease , Toe cau-o of the crim 9d ia unknown , The murderer escaped. l- lo Tlio Wcntlior. IIIS WASUINQTON , Januiry 1 , For the uppf IS Miajlssippt valley ; Warmer and fair weathe ir proecjuil In tha southern portion by a eligl 10 fall in thu temperature ; variable winds ; fal 10d d ing barometer. a For the Missouri valley : Warmer nnd fa > o weather ; winds shifting eoutheasterly ; fallii IS barometer. GENERAL KEWS. A Very interesllBU Bnflsel of Wash- iflPtOfl NGrTS , Grand Preparations for the Com- inc ; Inaugural BalL Representative LdrillgMeBtB with a Serious Acoidenti Fatal Dusl with Shot Guns in Tonneaseoi The New York Municipal Muddle Still Oontinuosi Picked Up nt Sen Wreck oi tlio German Baric Ltlc TIIJJ Explosion. TUE INAUOUH vTj WAHIUNOION , January 1 , The inaugura tion committee desire that vll oigicizitioiis Intending to visit Washington on the -Ith of March should ccmmunicata to the committee 10 number of persons included iu tha organ- ! lion and their intended stopping places and .her particul.UH , so that a position in the line ' procession may be reserved for them , end .her nccesjary arrangamfnt made. The Al- uny Jnckton corj.s , numbering 70 men mid a nnd of 25 musicians signified thtir intuition o attend the inauguration and applied 4for ilaces In the line. The commandant wiites liat the corps have tendered to escort from Vlbany to Washington to the president-elect ? ho is n lifo member of the organization , nit no reply has yet bean received. The ommitteo on public order oxprtHj a do- crminatlon to have Pennsylvania avenue rom the capitol to tha White HOUEO cleared if nil vehicles .and obstructions on thuItti , othat the procession nay not bo thrown nto disorder. Tha cotnmitteo state that tha naugural ball will bo made u prominent fea- uro of the occasion , And it is oxpactud t ) urpiSB anything of tha kind over aitcmpted u this country , and the work is progressing apidly in the pension building , nnd the Irand ball room undoubtedly will a completed in season. The coutt f the building , which will bn roofed vor to form the ball room , la 31(1 ( feet in czgth by 114 feet in width , sdrrouudod by ; hrdovicrs of corridors 22 feet in width. The magnificent structure atforda ample oppottu- ilty for decoration of a most striking and ilaborato description , which the committee guarantee shall bo provided. It is estimated o.OlliJ guests can be accommodated , but the mmber of tickets will he limited to 111,000. } uite a lively contest is in progress between , no musiol organizations cf the country for thehunorof furnishiug the mutio for the ball. Dodworth'a band , of Now York ; the Gerrati- da orchoitra , of Philadelphia , and the Maine < ino bant ) , of this city , f re the most prominent lotnputitorj. Tbo committee has practical ! } lecidoj to have three bands , ono statioLOJ in ho center of thu hull for d.uicc musis and the thers ior rrjicoiiade music. WASHINGTON NEWS. ANTAGONISM OF THE HOCSI ! AND SENATE. WASIIIXQIO.N , January 1 The Star uayi , he feeling of antagonism , for it amounts tc -hat between the house uud tha nonute , seerm ; o increnso rather than to diminish. It hap cached a point in which party ceiitimout and initiation am sunk In tbu opposition of one : iomp to the other. The democrats and re publicans of tte hcusa join in condemning ha senate for what they term despotisua to laurp tbo entlrolegislative functions of con gress. Uolman said tc-day that under iho encroachments of tha senate bo constitntional method of leghlatior wai being gradually rovertoil , said he , "hall , hu revenue bills now come fiom tbe senate ivhereas all of them should originate in tht luuae. Among toe H > natois the opiniu leems to bo unanimous that the house it it bit rating Ind dictatorial und nnloji tht Btnitto aliull stand tirm in the assertion < f it ! iflUts it mipht aa well bo content to sit hen md pas3 only euili bills as the hous : chooses to Ei-ntl over. An ugly feeling seenii to be arising over _ thu intei-statu commorci bill. A democratic member ( aid to n Star re porter to-day , "f hero ard a good many wh < dou'c want an ? legislation for the re ulatior if railway tralli : . Theio nro perhaps mon non in fitlnr diiectly or indiiosllj luterestud in the inilroads than ia general ! } uippoi d abd nil that class l.s vii'louUj opposed to any such bgieUt on. I hdveheari come pretty htrong tall : upon the subject aiu I.predii t now that congress will not do any thing thU uep loit beyund pass ng appioprm tion Bills. " Tha Kama paper hia iho follow ing : "Blond , chiitman uf thi houeo com miltee on cohugp , welfihtaaiidinuisureB , nayj tint he iioea not th'nk ' the e mmuttte will rj port liuclxiur's bl * ) for the Buspon ion of tin conagu of silver dollars favorably 'Iho commlt'03 vill meet mix Wednesday to cocMder the subjec and Bland will oppose tha bill. Ho Day whenever there shall ba any stiver lojlslatioi it miut ba the unlimittdcoinage cf uilvcr , bu tin queatlon thould bs let nlono at ttis sea ( ion. liopretentatlvo McMillan said to i reporter ho does not luliova ( her isthe leaitjurolnbility cf the passing of an ; act restrdmgg silver coinage at this fu.'Mon Ho says eo far at tbo house In concerned , ovei if tha Buckuor bill should ba reported fror tbo coinagu ciimnnttct' , it would not pass. II thinks there would ho u two-thirds vote of th homo against it , and McMillan does not be lieve such n bill would pain the senate. Th house committee on colnapn stood tive to fiy on the Bnckner bill until the of CLiaii man Bland. His presence males thu commit tee stand (905 ( against the bi 1 , to Ultra is very little prmpjct cf its getting out of th committee. Iu Ilia senate the fiiianoa con mi'.lcu have agreed to d > fcr the cojieiilerHio of the silver nueftioti until the arrival af Sei ator Jones , rtNow York , wloiatxpect teen after tha assembling of congress. Tlio Mow Yorlc , Alleriuanic Mmlilli Niw : YonK , January 1. Jndga Truai : h : not given hla decision in the matter of diaiol' ' ing the injunction restraining the board of a dormort foom doiii ? any otlichl act. Tt board remains in office until January fith , Mayor Kirk arrived at the city hall at 11 : ! this a. HI , , and appointed Colonel A. T. Woe corporation counsel. Col. Wood it tha brntl of KJgon and leu'Jii er-in-law ex-Mayor a member ot Tammany hull , yor Kirk ra- mtlncd in the may < it' offlco rnctlving thn con gratulations of friends until'noon. Mayor G.nco ma Jo hla nppoaranca At thit hour , NEW YonK , .kiminty l.-lho fooling about tlio city hill to-day Is by no moan * ai Intnnso at on yesterday and last night. The princi pal nvents of uio luntliing were Iho appoint- tiitintB cf made by Ktrk , win has been sworn In ai mayor. At inidnliht hofnppointed Col. 1C. T. Wood , Major J'MBon'rtbrother-ln-Uw , and Tao.Jii ; iy lender , In thnylth aucmbly district as c rporatloii cbuntel. nnd .Tnnvs M. lA-ddv , anuthi-r Tflinmatiy man , ai bis own chief clerk. Doth gentlemen qual- ifitd numediatelv , Col. Wong thonwent cvrr to thootliicaof Corporation Ctnibucl Lieombo and > n irtu a formal rtoinaod for pofpfKiiou of the i lfice. Jjacombo declliiea to Minon-Jn nd Wood n'tltcd. ' At 12:302'clock : Mavor eluct-Qrtce tjiitornd the mayqrje otllro which was crowded'ilh Grace's friecdi. The IIPW mayor made a brief addrefd , ? .f thanks for htn otupti'm aud assumed his now tint ! * * cf tha layorallly , and after a nhirt timu thu pohtl * ' and began to lo.ivo the bull'ding. Htibcrt Thompson eava ho will mnkit no oppoiitlon Air. Sijulro wlicn the new comuiUsioner of nblio worl.s comes to take possession nf the . pnrtinont , . Corporation Counsel Lacombe notlficd'Afayor ' 'race of Col , Wood' demand upon him , und > ked for protection. 'Ihorriipon the mayor irdorcd a "detail of police of-sufflclent force to .sure the corporation COUDBC ! In a pc.icpable id undisturbfd pn > s ° 88loti of his ( ili'icf , nnd preserve the property and the recoiih of city from interference ) ) y any person. " 'ho. police i amain on guard all night. An- her complicatiin haa arisen by the election . ' Alderman Waita 4to tha presidency of the oard in nbsfiico rf Alderban Kirk nnd VniU claims that Kirk cannot be chUnuan nd mayor at the same time. J , - 1 - jf hot'liuu rractlco llovlvcd in Ten- IICS8CH. HocKwoon , Toun. , January 1. W. 1' . erosact and Daniel I'ass engaged In a street uel yesterday. They had b dilliculty the lay proviou ; , and each tmiro vengeance. 'hey ' mot on the street l J-day and began ring nt each other with shotrgunf. leros pt oceu-od a load ia the face ) another in thu , rm , and I'as waa shot in the neck and fore- iead. Both of the men't nro moitAlIy oundod. . Plclcert Up At Sen. NEW YOUK , Januaiy 1. iriio Norwegian ark "Onward " which aniv&l , to-day , reports tiling in with a raft on which wi-ro the cap- aln and four of the crow of the achoonor "Ks- elle. " C.iptaln Day , of the I'E&telle. " states liat lie left Charleston on December 10th for 'hiladulphla. ' When off Carjy Lookouton the 8th , the vejsel went to p'ecos in a heavy eea. 'ho rafc was constructed all iafoly on baard , nit th > be\s washed over tliem continually. ha mate , Curling , lost his llold on the raft nd wai swept away and drowned. _ On the let thu raft was picked up and tha pas ongern roiiRht hjro. Tha "Kstsllo1' was valued at IO.OJO. The OIHcn o Tuir Explosion. CHICAGO , January 1. Tha corpse of Cap- , am Green , of the tug Admiral , blown to ileces on tha river last night , was found to- lay in the Jtimbor yard near the scene of the 'xplosion. ' Tha body WAS thrown two hun- 'red feet and oivented of clothing , the left leg roken and the head noirly tcvored from the iody. Theremiina of Bugjneor Hogan are till missing and up to a late hour no traces lave been discovered of thn two men who esidas the crew of. three ware stated lait lirht to bo abcard the vug. Inquiry to-day .f.i\es but little doubt there tvere five victims. The identity of the pair ofJj&rmiRnra , tow- -ver , is not yet definitely aKWrtauiud. ' UAOKBT. DBS MOINKS , IOWA , January 1. The elec- ion of the directors of the DCS Moiiica & St , jouis railroad here to-day resulted as follows : nines F. How , W. II. Bl 'gett ' , A. A. Tal- nadge , A. L. Hopkins , D. S. H. Smith , Si T. ,1'olk , J. S. Runnels , F. M. Hubball. The Des Moincs & Notthwestern elected , A. L. opkini , A. A. Talrnadge , J. P. How , J. S. tunnel ? , V. M. Hub. . ell , J , S Polk and lohn S. Polk. The St. Louis , Des Moinei & \orthern elec'ed , G. M. Dodtre , C. F. Meek. K. M. Hubhcll , ,1. S. Polk and J. T. Granger. The Dos Moinm Union railroad company sleeted. M. Dodge , F. Meek' J. S. Runnel ? , ( V. Aopkino , A. A. TalmaiJge , F. M. Hub- bll , J. S. Polk and J. F. How. KANSAS Cmr , January 1. Tin Jcuriial't Rich Hill , Mo. , special .says : The Missouri L'acific passenger trains wore delayed several hiurs to-day by the freight wreck ni-ai Butler. ' A wreck alsi occurred c.n the bt , xiuia & San Francisco road near Hthtead m which the postal car was burned and consider able. other damaeo dorc. More From liockwoocl'B Diary. WASHINQTON , Jonuary 1 , The National lepubluan thia morning contained furthei ixtracti from the Diary of Lieutenant Lock wood , of the Greely Arctic colony , coverlrif he holiday woolc and Now Year's day sponl it Capo Sahino. These ektracti give a con- inuation of tbo etory of the starvation of th ( iiarty and tell of various dovlcea resorted to b } thorn to overcomi the pinga of hunger and tc while away tha tedium of tbeir nxistoiicn. Ba ( Inning \vlth December Mtli , the diy aftei Christmas , when they breakfasted "late" or soup made of ceal blubber and supped or "Euplisb moat , " the record is carried down tt January 1. In the entry for December 2G , Lieutenanl Lockwood nays that in addition to the moa above mentioned lie had "a few braid crnmbi and some salt water and gunpowder , " whicl Longjj warmed for him over a lamp. Ho says "Wo tpent a good deal of talk to-day on thi pr < .spacta of getting across the straits in thi s tiring and of Hico's preliminary trip and th chances of finding food there , etc. Wo coun on 240 rations as certain at Littleton inland. lle'/semop Mills lloilnco iTianuiiR , January ] . TliaPittsbuig Bef earner Steel works , at Homestead , have poUe , n notice that ( in Wednesday next thsyvi rorluco thu wage * of thoemidojoi io tticir ra mill ! < 3 per cent , tho.-o in ibo converting mi " 0 psr cent , and laborers IU per cent. 'Ill works employ about 1,000 men , TO.VUH Onttlo 1'criHli by Cold Wcntlu ; ; ST. Loci3 , January 1.Ad vices from e : trcmo H9uthwcH era Texas htato that the ri cent cold weather waa quite deatructivo i live stock hi that unction , large numbers < poor cattle and sheep having perished. Dentil of Col. John M. Fryp. d LEWISTON , Me , Janu.iry 1. Col. John 1 i1 Frye , father ef United Mates Senator Frj g f dlad this mom log aged 812 yean , THE LATEST NEWS. Protest Against German Amscxallflii of New Guinea. Khartoum All Eicht News From 3eu , Gordon , Gladstone's ' Policy of Little Ooii- oerii to Germany , Death of the Son of Moj , Gen , HaL'cook. ' Terrible Disaster at the Burning of aFronoh Thoatrd Siilllvan'H Ijiist Drunk AH Ajrgra- Precedent OIicup KIUCH. FOREIGN NEWS. HAILWAT COLLISION IN EXQLANI > . LONDON , January 1. A collision occurred to day at Baincsloy .1 unction between the Shelheld oxcureioo tr.iu and n coal train. Four persons were killsd aud thlrly injured. I'ROTXST AGAINST GURMAN ANNEXATION OP NEW GUINEA MKLuoonNir , January 1. The government of Victoria baa iustructed ita London aRcnt to protest against the annexation of New "umea by Gu-niany. Itxays if the territory not reclaimed and the Annexation of the 'ow Hebrides by franco bo permitted the itrangomcnt from tha mother country of the jLnies will be jncreased. ANOTHER llYNAMITi : HOAX. LONDON , January -Another djnamlto oax hai been perpetrated on the public. A ig containing tno pouuds of iron tilings with fusil attached was found under the arch at 10 Waterloo depot. KWS KUOM GOIIDON . KHAKTOUU AWi lUCinT. CAIUO , January 1. General Wolseley re- eived a small piece of paper \vith General Sordon'ii eenuino neal on the back , dated le- Sinbor 11 , Baying Khartoum is all right. A lispatch lias been received from Mudlr &tat- ng that the Aiab from tin Mahdi'n ( amp oachcd Uongolo. Ho afQims that the Mali- i's followera are gathered in foice , t Mizinelnck , twelve hours' march outh of Omdormau. They rcpealedly Stacked Omderman , but have been lepuleed Mth a heavy loss and compelled to retreat to li/.iupluek. Gordon upon learning that tilt iorlouin Arabs raino to the Wells during tin ight cent anneJ boats to guard the well ? , .uising great aulferirg among the rebels , many of whom dial of unall pox and dyscn 'cry , the Malidi therefore withdtow his army o jabbjro , two duyj from Gmderman , > < ive < al tribes Subsequently dejoited 'ho Mahdi told hia principal ch'ef' jo intended to march against Mudii Joiu la. The fcliiefs professed a rondinfa : o follow if the Muhdi would charm elf tin nil tit * of thw enemy by lejdina ; , iiutead o : ulliiwlnsf liis troops. Next day tha Mahd , old tht cliiofs'that Mudir was n saint ngulns .vliotu it was useleai to tigt. This statement : &n < od great alarm in thu MnlidiV.cann > . _ WSMAUOK JJON'TCAKE roil aLAnaTONi ? . Sl'liLlN , J nuaiy 1. ' Bismarck , " iiPn "con eriation with n notvKparcr correspondent to day , denied that ho had any personal eiimilj against Gladstone. Hu said Ii9 viowul will quanliri'y the ptrty wtrugglej in England io could luvd relied upon Lord Boncoustielc o keep Dngland in accord with the rust o lOuroj-e , but what-jvor Glsdstone's pulicj > a matter cf little concern ti " _ v { 01 ) ' * ' f nicocVa hicao [ TiiuoS * kJcial. NEW YOHK , IJccember 31 Russell Ilan ; ock , son of Maj.-Gon. Hancock , died 01 Tuesday at hi ) cotton plantation near Claries lale , Miss. The telegram announcing his doith roache < Jen. and Mrs. Hancock to-day. It v j no veil known that ho was Kick , and his wifi , nd three children started on Tuesday even- eg HO join him at his p'antation. The ; will bo stopjied by t lvgruin at St. Louis ivhere the lunoral will take place. Gee Hancock and Mr. Gwynn started f > St. Ljuls this evening. M > H. Hancock wat oinpletely proatratjcl by I hu chock , nnd u iunbnud tj her Led. Kussoll llnucock wa : Ixiru iu St. Louis tivcnsy-fotir years ago , i n ( , V H an only son. Ho was rducatol iu Nov .Ia\en , aud married a daughter of Nlchola Iwymi , formerly of LouiHville , and now ii his city. Tnn remains will ba buiied in tli- 'an It of the JtiisfL'll family in Bclofonttlni cemetery , St. Louis , Thu joung inan'n duatl Ifliuos Gen , Hancock uhitdles ! , his oil ; daughter having died In this city in 1875 , SuUlvun't ) IJust Uriiulc , yhicajo Times' Sceslal. Bosiox , D cvml'u ' 30. Tha friends o John 1 1. Sullivan have bu3ii doing their utmc c. ' a day or twj to heap quiet a most ingle i escapade of which the champion wa guilty on Sunday. It U gecorally know hat ho v < aa very drunk on that day , and tha 19 was dragged through the street * by a rut away team in a way that would have killu an ordinary man , but the full extent of hi caroming und its effects 1ms not been mad public. Sullivan li.ti busn in u ba way for two weeks or more. Hla conduc hccair.o tuicli that finally his wife 1(1 him , taking with ber their infant Ron , an going t' > 1'rovidence. Tim cha'nplou'ii Iioine at No. 4 l.uverlng place , Jus been brokim ii | and all of his belongings Imct luen removcc SullUan'ri uprou seemti to have culminate Sunday night in a great drunk , In whic friends joined him. John hired a span t horse H and a double sleigh , uud the first hair of thorn was at Ytuittm'ri saloon , No. EC Washington utrest , where the paity went fc supper at about fi:3J : o'clock. Sulli' an wi very ugly , and insulted a waiter-girl , vili gave him a eharp retort , 'iberttipo ' tbo champion slugger ttrn'k tha gi a blow in tha face. Accumt * dilf ar t to the ; xtcnt of the girl's inj' ' rlo ? . The police claim that xha WAI not BH ' oiifly hurt , buUiinoro common repoit'Is tb she WAI Itnockii'l iiueniible to the lluur , nr that riulllvan kicked her an hlis lay prostrtt It Is further nlbgod that the | mity hft tl girl whom fche full , finished thtir > upper i lift tha phce. On roathing tha eldo' . alk Bi livati ttiuck mo of li's ' linrpoansleik-f.-l b ow on 'hi lido of the h > ad with li'i ' flit and began nickirg thdauuml feroeiouRly. A po- licomnn ciin ' tijinni oiderid him to d'ttut , whorruuon lhi ch.impion threaleinMl to IhftiflLertn tlKiintnonrnylf hoint-ifc cd. Tha ollictr Mates that If Sullivan had been aloi.o ho would have arrested h'm. ' Hut ho waa no match fordm } and hin friend' , who were nli shiKgA's. John next j'imped Into the tlelsh r ud * t'enipUd ' to drive down Oak 'reot. The hornet wore frantic , niul thu driver too drunk tooMilrol'Uiem. The team , iiiKtexd t tain- ing the collier , ewemtlupVnfhlnRton etrett , ovorttirot. p the flalph completely. KulUvan clung with drunken Btubboinnetn to the loins nril wi.s Oncrgoil at a break. ii'cTt pace for sK hundred feet thiMiigh the mud nnd Hu < h , with the sleigh on top. Thn loam wai slopped and the bodrngglnd priiu lighter WAR pulltd out. llo was a viln-looklngobj c' , buc npiurdi'ly uii' iojiired , aud as full ol fight an ? ov < r. 'Jho gM Vvtiom ho hiitnultod r fu i > d to mali' : : i i- pl.Uut ngainst him , ni.d ns a sesond ic'outcn a movement U on foot to ) > r stcuto t-u'llvnii ' for cruelty to the hordi1 ? . The ehamplon has alnce sobsnd up , niitla3prsunt lo-nlglit at two aot'to ? between Tug Oollins and O'Nril' ' , 'f ' 1'i-ovidence , mul Smith nnd Uurna , of licuton. Hu left at 10:3J : u'cluck for New York , to fulfil au engagement on Brooklyn stage KntCP. NEW YOUK , January 1.Tho minoucco- of lower rates on the Baltimore it Ohio telegraph line ) nttrto'.ed muih a'.tentlon ' among the telegraph men and provoked com- meuUi on that class of business Tlu > Mutual Union comi ) > ny now announces rodiuth n in rates from Now York , as follows ; To Chi- c.ijo , H ) cunts ; to St Ij'iub , Cincitioatl end intorinedinto point' , iO cents ; to nil olliccs In MaKsaihusottii , Kliodo Island , Connecticut , anU ID 1'liiUdelphlu , 13altunoro aud ton , GUtXrtD ISlj vNI > iTE319. To the Bditcr of The BEE. GIIAND ISLAND , December 2'J. Grand Is land is mantled by snow and has had a frozen christmns. llrallroad men are complaining 'of the threatened reduction of wages. Great num- bara are soflking employment of any sort nnd see want staring them In the face. Money Is sorrothing to bo remembered , not seen , now. Our people will have the oloctrlo light ii : about twenty day ? , The movement for th < state tuir will fail most probably. Not enougl hotel room and too expensive to build for tliii purpose. The ice crop ia splendid , aud GUI Kochler'a lake supplies cuoueh for tha vntin city and country. Buslnosa very dull , chiefly closing mort gages on thia one and taking mortgage ! from lint one. Where will it end ? In tin tilling of the usurer's pocket and emptying thi poor man's homo. our legislators elect will go'to Lincoln ot time. They y rofets ruadinops to stand by thi people as against the railroad monopoly. ' 1 iuv will toll. The Arch Chapter Installed their nov cfllcers last Saturday evening. Tlio occasioi was most interesting , and Johnny Moore , U P. agent , made n little ( speech when he ijre si > iitjj a cane to the out going High Pius ( Howard ) that waa worthy to he ranked will Proctor ICnott'a Dulutb , or Mark Twain" talk at tha banquet given Grant in Chicago ii 1879. Society is on tiptoa , strainintj oar and eye to Citch the tidings that arn floatD' ! ' in tlv air about mairiagps and divorce , love ant scandal. Of the ona many ara on the tapit of the other the ' 'woods are full of 'em. " Uu Onaha has had quite a Hurfeit of "study sensations lately , an let ui Hinother our sin and "wou the angel virtue in the fuiuro" 1 we can. m A.-l > r0mtnB4ti < ul entato mtva. is rnournini over the cohduct of a companion , to eav whom from jast punishment ha walla d up t tha captain's oilica and paid for him , corucc beef , and otbrr article * stolen. Tha Baddes part of it ia 111 it the friend had no need fr Bteal and did ft ) solely liy reason of uativ cuisadnoss a doggish kelptoinauia. The demociata have about decided to ordr a change in tbo postolficu hero. They wil recommend a young republican. His coin mission would malco a cica wedding gift They give as n reason for this reommendA titu , the belief that ho would diitributo th mail when not more than an hour lato. Slnre the "Ouster County Trugody" wa published , one of our newspaper men ha learned not to "Hy his kite BJ higli" a mucl needed lesson , by the way. A revolting crime against nature has JUG been discovered here ; the particulars ore a thia time withheld for prudential reason * Lightning sometimes strikes In high as well a low places and thin time its lance wai niinci we 1 up. A well-known steckmau , J. JCSIH by name late of Wyomlne , returned yesterday from : trip West. J. JfHiH1 friendj will rejoice t know that hn will keep open house for a wee ! now that/his bride has consented toresido her permanently. With tha nsjtiraucs that our merchants an other bminots men will pafely bear the no\ year's pressure , and rldathocommercial Htorm wave , wn wUh TIIK ft happy New Yeai and bid it "good-bye. " Soio. NotcH. There was to have been a grand eparrin mith : at New Brighton , Pa , on Clni-tuiai iihnur Grant and John Joyce , the latter c Lcet nil , O. , bvingadvt ) ti > ii 1 as the prlnc ial attractioiM .The . aifur did not take plnct jinwevcr , a ) ( iraat auil his fiionds , who Wfr willing tn ta'co ' part in a .match , dirfcovere that Joyce intended to fight for "keep ] . Grant , therefore , icfusod to light. Dominick McCaffrey Pa't-cy Card ! nr now partni-ra In a reti'iit intorv w n 1'it'Bburg McCalficy eald : "lam willing t fight any man in tin world , and my fritiit Jatsy : fi rdilf bore will accept a ehalli'iij : from uny one oxcapt Sullivan. We' tro tm on our w y to New Orleaim tti melt Pr Stioedy , of Chicago Sullivan's manager , t to if wo cau'c nr < ivA at nn ngrromcnc. 1 01 ready for n niatch with Sullivan tt any timi if lied sati li > d to meet mo , cither in Nu York or New Orleans I won't consent t I'ubt niiwliero eho , They didii't treat n well in lloston , M ) I wonV go theiti ; and Pitt bu g why , I wouldn't lliitin. of it , I JoHt WOBII'H cngABi'meiit to fomo h-rrt to Bpar at beiiulit fur the ttik ng Hocking Valley mine : and thu mayor woulon't gsvo mo a licenei1. " The ICniidnll nouilif-ru Tour. BiuiiiNniiAM , Ala. , January 1 , r and party arrive 1 here on a epccinl train fro NaOiville at fisM o'clock this morning. Tin vUitetl the Pratt mliUH and ether placi'a Intertkt. 'trainVrecltii | , ' . WIIEF.LINO , January 1. TBU express trn on the Daltimora & Ohio road dua at Graft at 10 ; 15 was thrown from the track by t placing of u bur of iron in a frog by an u known peiKOII. Tha rngmeer and fhem wore UlioJ. POLIOAl esltont-Eitcl Gitvelacil at Alb3i > y , His Policy is of the Double Dia- , tilled Jaoksoiiian. An'ania ? Galls it a Bead Opsu and * ' Shut , Ho Will Walk Through Philadel phia And Inopeot Sam Randall's ' Cele brated Truck Fatoh , A. Siicolnl CorrcMUHitlont Captures tlio Bun The Inaugural l-'orcBlmtloivctli T1IF IM'KHVIRU' . Special Dispatch to the 1 hiladolphia Kvouinjj Oat ) . AI.IIANV , N. Y. , December 2" . I have jnit had : \ \ cry Fiititf actor y interview with Cleve land. I found him nt hla ollicial desk , piled head high with Ictlors of ndvlco nnd t ugges- tions fur hla inaugural. AH I entered the room ho had just fiuishod for the New York Tiihunn n thousind-lltm editorial on the "Mineries of Being Left " "Well , who are you ? " ho allied , -is I seated myself at his elbow , with all the cordiality of n great newspaper oil i tor. "Havo you , too , conm with ft vnllto full of advice ? " "No ; I nni a newspaper dptcc'.ivn , nnd have linen commissioned to liud out your policy. " Ho smiled. It was a Tlldeii-Ilonrlriclcs- Latnar smile , with a touch in tt of Butler guile and Dr. Mary Walker awrt'tnow. It was the smile of opaque innocence. But I . " \Vhern nro you from ? " lip rmkoj , with a confidential whisper that jarred my note book. "From Philadelphia , " . I replied , with a * W . , look of centsnnlnl exposition puJc. " ' ? ' Lot I've heard 'Phil-a-del-phla mo see ; of that place boforn. O , yen ; I IJJIBS through that villaco on my way to Washington , don't I ? Sam RindallV truck patch ia near them , isn't it ? " " Ye , " I murmured , with the f * intne s of a , Xionguo I'land appropriation. "But wa ha\o tt.o Liberty boll , tha tallest tower iutlio world and H ferry to Camdon. " "I will atop and look nt thorn as I walk to my inauguration , I love rural sights , Bo you want to know my pahcyl" "Yos , iudet'd , " and 1 opened my note-book as wide as Burchard'n mouth. v "Now write it down carefully. Yon re- * pcrtjra never quote mo correctly. My policy IK double distilled Jacksonim , Watter on , I'ulitzor , Bavard mixture , with ndnth of Con- Htltutlonal bittern stirred with an old demo cratic spoon not the Butler pattsru tjpths Jeif Davii variety. " "And your cabinet1 1 ventured to auk , with ? the link of a fur-away angel. ' "I have no objections to maKlng it public and allaying the anxiety of thopeop'u ( jiiopyo JfranciS Train , Dr. Mary Walker , Sergeant B tcc , O'DonoVan Rossi , John Swioton and St John will bo my cabinet , unless I can so- care , better cranbH. " "How about the tariff ? " "I nm studying that nubject during my\ lunch hour. Thus far I have arrived at the * * conclusion that high taiilf low torlll nnd no tariil can bo BO adjusted by the rule of three as < to lighten the taxation by decreasing tha mid tiform houi-3 of labor nnd materially adding to the profits of taxed capital and thu fluituaung' wages of the working man , and tb , too , without disturbing the national banks or in- terffinng with silver coinage " "What shall I euy In regard to jour views tin civil corvice refrain1' i ( iii'stioned , with a vo'ca trembling with ndmirution at hla per- sp'cnity. ' ' Hepeat whit I hava BO of en said : Publio nllicoia a public tuift. Tha public trust to get the ollices1 , und the nllicoi will bo givu in trust to trustworthy Betvautil who have no tin t hiiyond tha truH they get In oflico , " and liure the prfHi unt-i'lect yawned ti > visibly , and toyed so with liin _ right boot , that your corrAsnnnnciit hhook him tapidly by thu hand * ii 1 h ittoiind to iho tolf gr.M h oflicH with thin impoitaiit dispatch. Vtttei double-land it. It tbo deck. ANANIAS. to JtcpresonfnttYO Laird. WASHINOION , January 1. Representative Laird , of Nebraska , mot wi'h a jcveia ncei- ilunt while out riding to-day. HU horm'sllp- ] * d on the pivemeiit nnd fell , throwing him to iho ground and Fulling ni.on Win , bloating his right leg above the ankle. Thu pin Hieiantr eny that hi has BUilataod a fracturu of the limb. Tfiuay bo of iutcriht to-local ilrumhu-iH to Know that commencing with to-day the C. , B. & Q. , the 0. , M. & fat. P , und 0 , & W. will adopt n now Hystrm of. uisuiug tickets to traveling men , The plan to bo adopt ul Is OK folloHs : The general freight department of i-.ish cf the roadi will issue , on written request of n mercautilo lirav to cash of I'M traveling men ( rtu individual mtmbor of the Qrrn' ' having occi-don tu tiavel iu HH interest ) , vbi h will entitle tha Ifgitimato holdcc thorct ) to piirchat oormnurciiil trip tickets from station to Eta tiim , at regular tariff rahu. I'ach tiip ticket BO sold is providtdi with rvttub which will bo detached nnd retalnud by Un > puichaccr ufi uvidenco of faro paid , When a Bufliciimt number of tlu-eo have- been purchase fttitl * used by the ydson holding n permitand coveiing a distanc of une thousand miles or more , the detached ( tub ? , together with the pnimit , can bo surrendered to the railway company by the tirw in whoso interests : the traveler iiaeu the llckt'la , and the dlnVicnco betwixm the regidar faro paid , and the fare of two (2) ( ) ccntH jver luilo njll bo refunded with out dcluy to , the firm prciunting the rebate. J By thin plan the Illegitimate sola cf and Irani- * fer of tluj mllenxo tickets heretofore ustdjwlU be pravented. Jf ft ' * '