OMAHA DAILY BEE THUHSDAY. JANUARY 1 , 1885 , i'KE Phursday Mornine , Jan , 1 , LOOAL BREVITIES , U Subscribers who want extrA copies o ! th ( Annual Rovlow muit order thorn from this of f fico. After Jamury 1st , Ihe millinery csttib- iibments will close at 0:30 : openings , except- inir on Saturday evenings , wh n they will b < kept open lator. The local freight officers of the Unior Pacific , U. & M. and 0. , St. P. , M. & O roods will bo closed to-day on accownt o holiday. _ _ Sunday hours will will govern the delivering - ; livoring and receipt of mail at the poatofficc to-day. A delivery will take place f torn 12 to 1 ; and the catricn will make ono trip in the morning , John O'Brien , of I'ontanello , lown , ar rived in the city Tuesday morning , with both hands frozen , llo waa taken to St. Josoph't hospital for medical attention. Dr , Galbraitl : aaya that n part of ono of hia hands may have to bo amputated , Last night nt 12 o'clock Coroner Maul stepcm dawnond outctollico nod the lion. J , C. Drexel "our noble standard bearer' arbixlhimielf in hisolficinl robe and stoped uj and took hia ecnt on the throne to sit nnd ncl on suicides and accidental deaths during the year 1885. There will bo no New Year's carrier nd- dross issued from the BEE office to-day , as the Illustrated llov low will probably suit the subscribers far botter. The publishers ol this paper have made arrangements to give t each carrier boy iv Now Years'preaont , hence the naual address is not necessary , The many friends of Mr. Tom Pioronet will rejoice to learn that ho has been appoint- d and confirmed as a member of the Omaha police force , There Is no two ways about it , Tom will make a gallant and efficient officer and will bo an honor to the city and reflect credit upon the mayor for making so worthy on appointment. An alarm waa turned In last night from Sixteenth nnd Webster streets , which was promptly responded to by the fire department. The blaze turned out to bo a trilling affair. Mrs. Hammond , Sixteenth nnd Burt , waa drying some clothed , when they accidentally caught firo. The blaze was extinguished easily with the atslstnncD of neighbors. People ever almost the entire city are complaining of the dimly burning gas. This circumstance la duo to the fast that the gaa Is tall of impurities , especially of a'watery na ture. The Intense cold , together with the mow , has , so to speak , trusted thu gas anU C.V1803 it to emit but a feeble light. Seal of North Carolina Smoking To occo lathe best. Signal Oflloo Points. The following will show the lowest temperature for every day in the month of December : The figures are taken from the signal records for the month , The signal observation after the first of the year will bo taken according to fifth meridian time , instead of local or Wash ington timo. The signal office has been refitted with a now sot of mecurlal Instruments. Lewis Duane , the now signal officer is expected to arrive from 'Washington to day. Ogden Sleeper Discontinued. A few months ago a through sleeper waa put on from Chicago to Ogden. It 1ms been found after n thorough trial tliat the running of this sleeper is not a paying scheme anil consequently it will not bo run after to-day. Passengers from the cast to Ogden will have to change sleeping cars at the transfer as before the Ogdcn deeper was put on. This will bo con siderable trouble to the passengers , but tliu Pullman company saya there is not money enough in the business to warrant them in running a through car. Bn n Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobac co. North "Western Legion of Honor. At the adjourned mooting of the North Western Legion of Honor , Goto Olty Council , No. 4 , hold December 30th , 1881 , the following named officers were elected : * Sol Prince , Commander. 0. A. Thelmau , Vice Commander. G. A. Wilcox , Secretary. E. H. Lucas , Collector. Willis Yates , Treasurer. H. Kalish , Guide. John Spoorl , Warden. . Muldoon , Sentry. Oolomoyor , Trustee. Frank Burdlck , Trustee , Jacob Schrlvor , Trustee. To servo for the term of ono year. There are many cheap cosmetics offered for sale , which claim to contain nothing injurious to the skin. This is all bosh , all , or very nearly all are compounded from the most deleterious and polslonous drugs In the ui&toria modica. They do- troy the vitality of the skin , miking the consumer prematurely withered and old. J. A. Pozzoiii gusrantoes hia medicated complexion ponder entirely free from all Injurious mutter , Use none other and you will never regret. Price CO cents and § 1 per box. Sold by all druggists and perfuToru. For OIiiuliltH1 Sake. The executive committee having in charge the charily ball , mot yesterday morning and organized by electing -Jamea E. Boyd , chairman , and Frank Murphy , secretary and treasurer. A. enb-committeo conslstlnc of 0. P. Wood. worth , chairman ; J. M. Ross. Joseph Garneau , Jr. , Gdorga Patterson and Dr. Sixo WCH appointed to take charge all tbo details , The latter commit too met ahortlyafter- wards and determined on Wednotday , January M , as the date , and Boyd's opera house as the place for holding the ball , A number of largo subscriptions have already bsen made to the fund and everything points to a grand euccctr , THE EVE OF NEW YEAR , CcleliratoryFestinllBAttenillDglhBOl Year's ' 4)epaitnic. ) Various KvcnlH ThronRliout thoClty- ricastiro Blnrlcs the Ad vent of 1885. Now Years day dawned upon the citj of Omaha quietly and uneventfully. A the strlko of 12 , midnight , the now yoai was ushered In , the old ono ushered out The year of 1884 , rrlth all Its Borrows ltd joys , Its heart-aches , Its gladness ; t yoir which has brought to some the deep oat of grlof , and to others has boon , per chance , the opltomo of pleasure ; jju " " * " year which""haa "brought about so man ; changes in the lifo of every Omahan aomo changes which are quiet and al but Imperceptible , othora of the mos startling and radical character the year which has wltnossoi BO may sad transitions from death , to life o may joyous once from lifo to death the old year which to many has boon one of blasted hopes and promises ; ha passed away , and has boon mot on the throshhold by the now year 1885. Throughout the city the night was ono of general pleasure. " At St. I'liilomena's hall the operatic "Dress Rehearsal" wan given. The saris were are wall sustained one svincod the most careful drill and pro paratlon. The following was the cast oi characters : Miss Jones , principal of Grover hotisa ncade tny , . Nellie Thompson Mdlo. Eplnard , Gronch govoroosa Rosa O'Connor. Amy Nlbbj , ( afterward Cinderella ) Kate Croft. Inra Williams , ( afterward the prince ) Delia Casey. Surah Armthe greedy girl..Cdia Hunting , iophroiiin Splvin0 , tbo romantic girl N ellie Heolnn , tfartha Higging and Carry Johnson , ( after ward the spiteful sisters ) linsp Ford unu Julia Mnhonoy. lira. Jatvoy , n retired actress. . . .Alice Croft. Hiss Prudence Pinchbacb , a visitor Mary Dowitt. lose Jennings , ( afterward fairy godmother ) . . Busoanna Bradley , lumpio , Mary Hogan , Jnno , a servant Maggie Ileolan. At Crounao's hall Overland lodge , Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers , ; ave their second annutl ball. About ovonty-fivo knights of the smokestack , ? lth tholr lady frlondp , were present. Dancing was Indulged in until a Into lour. Among the various features of occasion was the presentation to the edge of a beautiful banner , elegantly wrought In silk and velvet , with aracono minting. The banner , a gift from the ady frlouda of the members of the lodge , was presented in a noatand tolling speech by Jndgo Hull. The following was the committee on arrange ments : F. M. Call , G. 0. Fair , M. tfurphy , J. 0. Sheehy , T. D. Kluney , 1. J. Gentleman , P. W. Porklns , W. H. Jay , G. T. Anderson. At Masonic hall a private masquerade ) arty was the event of the ovoning. The tail which was under the direction of lesars. Stornadorf and Oook , was in ev- iry way a pleasurable success , borne if ty couples , dressed in all kinds of fancy lasqnorado , were on band and "In- .nlgod" to the strains of the Musical Jnion orchestra. Some of the costumes f the occasion were really very fine , and detailed mention of them is only pre luded by the Inexorable laws of "time nd opaco. " Following Is the committee f arrangements : H. E. Gray , T. E. Jones , "W. J. Ward , W. 0. Kolloy.- An exceedingly largo crowd gathered t the roller skating rink last night , and onaidorablo excitement was created by drawing for several valu.blo prizes which hove been displayed for the lost ow weeks. The outfit consisted of a water sot , castor , caka basket , clock , nlckol-platod club roller skates , rink katos , and a doll , and were won by num bers 928 , G72 , 2880 , 2GG , 1347 , 265 and 2740 respectively. Mr. M. S. Atkinson , wldor of 1347 , and S. W. F. Daley , lolder of 205 , were the only ones among , ho winners who were present. The largo crowd of young people In at- ondanco hold on very faithfully until lalf-past twelve , and wished each other 'a happy Now Year" before they left the InkThere There were a number of private watch- ng parties throughout the city with all of which Now Yeara eve was the occasion of appropriate festivities. Map of Nebraska , Just loaned , In colors , showing cities , owns , railroads and counties. Mailed or 15c , J. M. Wolfe , 120 S. 14th st. , Omaha , Nob. d5-2w Xlio Knro Bport \Vatobing tlio Downfalls of Pedestrians. At the corner of Sixteenth and Webster streets is an apron leading lown to a street crossing , which has caused moro sinning , ( if profanity In caao of a fall may ba called alnning ) , than all the other aprons in the city. For the past two days about one-fifth of the persons who passed ever this place javo either fallen or else made a terrible - riblo fltEggor , which Is almost as humiliating * ating as a fall itself. A BEE reporter has apartments where ho can watch the dis comfiture of the unfortunate pedestrians. During Tuesday night's storm that apron waa a regular circus ground and almo3t every ono who passed ever H ap- loarecl like a clown. Big men , little nicnmediiim , sized men , oung men , middle aged men , and oven vpmcn wore made to feel that there are lippcry places in life. It was amusing to ice ( i man's heels fly up in the air while us back would land whcro his feet should 10. And then before getting up ho voulil almost invariably look around to eo the cause of his sudden eel down. Strips of wood tlumltl bo nailed upon ill of the aprons uiul this would save "any falls and also piweut the small boy from using them for sliding places. A BKO-mEH'S ' EEVEN&E , A CuiioiiH und Complicated T lo of Jealousy anil The ca of Maihow Thadonilch against John KaraKoV , waa onirlal this morn- n In tto police court. The cano is omewhnt curious , and Is worthy of moro ban passing Intercut. * It nppeari lhat In South Omaha , be. end the city limits there lire t brothers , Mathowand Joseph Thadonitch , Mfttbow is the eldest of tbo two and abundantly blesaod with tbo world' * goods. Joseph la not BO burdened with oillnonco , but has aa the major portion ol hia world's wealth , n young and exceed ln ly " pretty wlfo. Matthew , II la alleged Is not so blosaod , and haa at vnrlour times manifest' extreme jealousy of hia brother Josoph'i pretty "article do virtue. " This feeling at length culminated , and Mathew begac to abuBO Mrs , Thadonttch , and circulate foul stories affecting her name and character. This angered Joseph , end tc secure revenge ho hlos hltnaolf to Bympa < thlzlng Judge Benoko , and pours ink hia oara'tho tale of woo. A warrant it sworn out Against the alandoroua brother , on the ground of using foul language , At this juncture , a third party comet upon the acono In the person of John Karasock , who la intrusted with the warrant , and told to place it In the hands of a constable for immediate service. Instead - stead , however , of securing the immed iate arroat , ho goea to the Thadonltch mansion. There ho finds the two broth ers and the wlfo trying to elloct a recon ciliation , Finally Karaaock oxplalne matters , and ia partly instrumental in bringing about a settlement , whorobj Mathew , aa a solace for tbo Insulted f oollngs of his brother and wife , was to pay the sum of $25. The monny waa turned ever and the bargain consummated. Shortly afterwards , howoyor , Matthew becomes uneasy and wants to revoke hie bargain. Accordingly , about ton daya ago , ho wont to the police court , and al leging that Karaaock had Impersonated a court officer and detained him , though in what way does not appear , aworo out a complaint against Karasock. The trial baaed on the complaint resulted in Kar- aaeck'a dismissal , Judge Boneko deciding that thcro waa no truth In the chnrgec preferred. Thus cloaod ono phase of the carious affair. OEYSTAL "WEDDING , A Joyous Time nt tlio Residence ol Mr , and Sirs. Ilcnbon Forbes. Quito a nlco little affair and congrega tion of frlonda took place at the residence of Mr. nnd Mra. Reuben Forbes , south west corner of Ninth and Pacific streets , Monday oronlng , the 20th Inst , In the celebration of the fifteenth anniversary of their married lifo. Numerous friends wended tholr way ; hrough the cold and snow to the homo of this happy couple , and by 8:30 : p. m. tholr residence was flllo'd to its utmost capacity. At 9 p. m. crystal wedding ceremonies were duly performed by tbo officiating dignitary , with pleasant and appropriate remarks by Messra. Jno. K. Wostborg , Michael Parr and Wm. T. Dalby. The torpsichorio festivities were under ho auspices of Mr. L , J. Kinney , hrough whoso genial and untiring dispo sition the dancing department was kept may with merry feet until the small lours of the morn bed boon reached. Numerous presentations were made , consisting of everything imaginable in the crystal lino. At 12 o'clock supper was served and the dainties of the market vcro freely indulged in. Numerous , oasts were offered , and at 3 a. m. the ; ucsts took their departure for home , iftcr having spent a joyous , luippy o'1 ileasant evening , and unanimously e , ending to their host and hostess t" icartfelt wishes that they , ender cares and guidance of Pro > o wafted over these tenipestuo ifo to reach and enjoy a goi go , and finally after a well 1' ' conducted to and . afely , .r i larbor of gladness and 5 'Z : ho wicked case from1 , -1 ? veary aio at rest. Amoift.n.n'oso present vero : Mr , and Mrfi. MoyGrs Mr.iand Mrs. Parr , rlr. and Mrs. Coulder , Mr ; and 'Mis. Lonas , ilr. and Mrs. Ijittlefield : Mr. and Mrs. Balcb , ilr. and Mra. Wonick , Mr. and Mrs. Atkins , ilr. nnd Mrs. Her , Mr. and Mrs. Eay , Mr. nd Mrs. Guild ; Misses Lola Doane , Abbey /yphera , Pansey Smith , Josey Smith , Kitty Villmot , Mary Fleming , Magcio Phagan , lary Brutv and sister ; Messrs. John \V. WestberK.IPetor Wiig , L. J. Kinney , Wm. ' . Dnlby , Harry Dawson , Wm. Mack , J. Ihapman , Wm. Wilkins , John Hesoon , Geo. ifcQuade , Geo. Monde , W. Wallace , John and many others , WANTED To exchange wild or improv ed lands In Nebraska or Iowa for Hard ware , or stock of general merchandise. Address J. Lindorholm , Genoa , Nance county , cbr. _ m-lin OPEN HOUSES , AVlio "Will Receive Callers To-day , The practice of calling and receiving alls will not bo indulged in to-day as argely as usual. A list of ladies who vill receive calls tc day will bo found jolow : At 1510 North Nineteenth street , from . p. m. to 9p. m. , Misi Hattie Bailey vill receive , assisted by Inez Haakell , ilinniu Collett , Lulu Rookciifield , Myrtle Baker , Bell Hambright , fcnnio Shcrb , Mrs. H. Conns- man , Sirs. F. B. Bailey , Aggie Livsoy , Mr. J. M. Thuruton and nor mother , tlrs. L. Poland , will receive on New fear'a day , after 1 o'clock , at their real- lonco , No , 2308 Farnam street , assisted by Mr. J. 0 , Cowln , Mrs. E. Wakoley , MrsG. . E. Prltchott , Mre. R. 8. Hall. Mrs. T. M. Orr , MM. H. D. Estabrook , rlrs. 0. E , Squires , Miss Georgia Lyons , illss Eliza Tompkins , Omaha , and Mrs. ) . Newman and Miss Fannie Newman , of Lincoln. All young men , especially these where ro strangers in the city , are Invited to all at the gY. M. 0. A , rooms ( to-day totweon 12 m. and 10 p , m. The ladies will eorvo refreshments In the evening , hero will be music , etc. Mrs. J. W , Harris , and tbo young adios connected with the Baptist church nd congregation will receive on Now Year's day after 1 o'clock p. m , , at the mstor'a residence , No. 1707 Cass street , 'ho pastor and bis wlfo cordially invlto he member ) of tbo church and congro- atlon to spend Now Year's evening with hem socially. Mrs. F. T. Wor drew , of Omaha , end illta Lola Duke ? , of PJeasant Lake , Ind , vill receive callers with the Mhoea Mo- Jabo.'room 4 , Orouneo block , Mrs.V111 Lawrence will receive at her esidence , corner of Twenty-third and 'opplotou avenue ( Shull's addition ) , as- Isted by her nicer , Unlliu Jones. At 315 , north Sixteenthatrent , the fol- nwlng ladies will receive callers Now Yoar'o dey , between the hours of 2 and 4 > , m , : Miss Ettlo Allen , Miss Maud larrett and Miss Jennie Glassgovr. aa- Isted by Mrs. Jno. McGuire aud'Mra. 1. Cowdory , of Davenport , Iowa , Julius Festner will rcccivehis friends at lis now music rooms , 1108 Farnam , all afternoon and evening , FROZEN FINGERS. A Man Picieil Uu in a Frozen Condi Him Tyfla ? Night. llio Work ot Cleaning tlio AV lks- Storm Notes About the Clty < Tuoadnynlghtwas ono of jtho worst one for pedestrians which baa been known in tlila country for years. The anew foil ! largo qunntltloa and was blown httho and thither by a strong wind which con tlnuod during the night. Many oars nnc noaca were touched by the froat. ThoBo who were unfortunate , or fool lah enough to fill up with liquor had hard time in making tholr wny to place of shelter. Ono in particular narrowly escaped doa h hy b xposod to ] th merciless elements. About 1:30 : yesterday morning Office Nations was attracted to n vacant lot 01 Ninth street between Douglas am Dodge atroots , where ho found n ma lying 11 at upon his back and about hal covered over with snow which had drifted od about Ida person. The man was it an unconscious condition , and the oillce at once summoned help and took th sufi'oror to the city jail. Upon arriving at the station house 1 was discovered that the man was J. C Notvton , a gambler. When taken int the jail his hands were found to bo bad ! frozen. lie hold thorn up above hi head , and as they were whtto with f ros nnd badly swollen , they resembled door's antlers. Jailer [ Gorman and hi assistants at once act to work to thaw on the man's aanda and make him as comfortable fortablo aa possible. Snow was applied and after this came a soaking In cold wa tor. The hands were then rubbed nnti the blood began to circulate , after whia sweet oil was applied in liberal quanti ties. After the frost was gotten out o hts hands Newton auflored greatly. Yesterday the frozen members wcra bably swollen ami largo water blisters coveted the surface. Newton was re moved to St. Joseph's hospital and prob ably will have n severe time before he gets through Ho was unable to tell how ho came to bo in the vacant lot. He acknowledge ! that ho had been drunk and mid that ho remembered falling down in the snow bu that was the last thing ho roinciiibcrci until he found himself in the city jail. When found ho had no overcoat on am had ho been allowed to remain exposed to the storm for a few minutes longer ho would have awakened in another world. TOHM NOTES. The snow drifted over the street car track in such quantities Tuesday night tha , the cars were compelled to stop running quite early in the evening. 'i'lio snow [ > low8 were out bright and early jost6rday morning but it was half past nine o'clock jeforo the first car was able to get to the. comer of Fifteenth and Farnam streets. The park cars did not begin running until icarly noon. Mr. James Crcighton , chairman of the > oard of public works , was around bright ind r > arly yesterday ordering person ipou xho business streets to clean the snow- oil' tl Jidewalks , so that the street gang el it out of the gutters. Arsons who live out in the sub- ' city , and who were detained Vast evening , did not attempt | r homes , but bunked in at n 2 on the Union Pacific road i two seolionstopdiiy. . The first one fn.m Dohver , arrived hero 15 , an hour'anil n. half late , while the v/gdcn'part of the train did not reach hero until 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The dclayawas caused by the storm. I Work in the yards of the Union Pacific and B.tfc M. was greatly impeded yester day by the snow , ' which has been piled up in heaps upon the sidetracks and gangs of shovclers have been kept at work in or der to keep the crossings clean. Heal Estate Transfers. The following transfers were filed in the county clerk's office .Monday and re ported for THE BEE by the Ames' real estate agency December 30,188-1. F Drcxcl and wife to F. J. Bcssey , w d , parcel sec 12 , 1C , 10-800. J. Darst et al to U P R R Co , q c d , lot 8 , blk GO , lot 1 , blk 09 , lots 2 and 3 , blk 100 , lots 7 and 8 , blk 1130 S2)00. : ) D L Thomas to T P R R Co , q c d , lot 8 , blk 130-815. A French to H D Estabrook , q c d , lot 0 , blk 130 § ( iO. Joseph Lies et al to J Bicrbanm et al , w d , lot 10 , Lies Place. P Barrett and wife to J H Hill w d , lot 1 , blk 8 , Kov itzo & Rtith s addition § 2,050. H H Kinno to N 0 Davis , w d , parcel BCC 9 , 15 , 13 § 2,000. Kctiirn ot the ComnilsslonorH , County Commiaaionor Corliss returned from tbo east yesterday and Commis sioners Knight and O'Keoffo will nrrlvo this evening. Mr. Corliea said that the plans for building the retaining wall around the court house grounds have have been changed so that the bank will remain as it is now , and the wall bo built around it. The chandeliers and other fittings have boon purchased , so that all that remains to bo bought to make the finishing ot the now courthouse complete is the buying of the carpets and a few chairs. , ARC no us WINGTOHOLDDOfttt EARLDAK1KOPOWDC. . . st/ PURE CREAM TARTAR. S1OOO. Given- [ ra1nrnoriuylnjurloussul > ! > tancesca ! > bo found In Andrews' Pearl Baking 1'owdr , Is po - IvclyPURE. DoingcmlorMHl , nnu t - Imonlala received Irow such chemists asH. lftna Jnys , Bos. ionM. . DelaloiValiio , of Chicago ; and QustarJS UoJe , Milwaukee. . \ "pll in bulk. Absolutely Pure , , This powder nocr vmles A msrtcl ot purely , strength anil usho'oiamcncss. Moic economical than the ordinary kindsar < l cannot be sold In compctl < lion with the multitude of low tot , short weight turn of ) > h > npirto ) po dern. Sold only In cans. IlOYAIi BAKING POWDEIl CO. , 108 Wall StJ N. Y. LEGAL NOTICE. J. M Wyngart defending mil tfiko notice that on the 16th lUv of Dee , 1831 IMmund UartloU Esq. , by 0 Juitlcoct the I'oaco of Doiulas county , Isjtioi nn 1 rdcr of attachment for the sum of two hundred del ars In nu action poidlne by him wherein Jacob Colin Isplalntlff , andJ. JI. WjRort ll defendant That property of the ealj defendant , consisting of etock of goods , fKUircsanJ other person l iir'jcity con- tilned In hia shop , corner of loth and Jones street , his been attached tinder mid order. Said causa was continued to January 31st at 9 o'cl rk. In the forenoon. DW1Q1IT HULL acc2Mow3wmo ( Attorney for rialntlff ittr , , Measure , weigher , I ) redi | r , K i c Wither , Tomato , Pumpkin , Starch , V/ln and Fniii Strainer. Tw lr arliclei In on . Ti Oteitett Cealt * utlta Zsm. Mora letd thin alt tther Sieve * and Stften c nblncdt Evenbod * likes them I W. roiki Urjt Slfurs and lllxen 1st htnd aad powcc. Writ * for The Iltmttt Slftir Mf C * . . ClQClnnlti. O. . * Cull St. . N < V k. _ _ , Arint * want 4 for Mr * P KllctilB Br d lU l ( - INSTITUTE. Z3L1S Howard Street. ( K. E. Corner 12th and Howard Streets , ) ( For the Treatment ot all Chronic and Surgical Diseases Diseases of Females , ft the Nervous System , Prl vate Dheascs ot the Urinary and Sexual Organs , and UitcjBcs ot the Head , Throat and Lungs , Specialties. OUIl OFFICE TREATMENT OF CATAKUH. OUR tome 1 Head tag Treatment DISEASES. roil 3atarrh , Bronchitis , And nil other diseases ot the 1 hroat and I.unps trcjt od by Medical Vapors. ( Send ( or Inhaler or circular on Inhalation. ) ) Uca9B treated by an experienced specialist , alee leeaseB of tha Hfatt. Liver , Stomach , Kidney * , Uaddcr ! , NeuralgU , Hhcumattetn , I'lks , Cancer , etc. Our olllco and consultation rooms are furnished with the finest and mcsi valuable collection of Mccl- colSurgical and Anatomical apparatus to be fcusj n any hcspltal , Infltmary , or Medical Institute in ha country. CONSULTATION And Examination Free. SLECTEICITY ! Applied In the most ficlcntldo manner. Wo have tha most complete electrical apparatus invented Call 01 write for circulars on chronla dl-casCH and dcfortnl leo , Diseases of Females , I'rhato Diseases of th < Urlnarr and Sexual orcans , Seminal Weakness , Ncr vous Debility or ExhauatUn.ctc. , etc. , and our new cstorattvo treatment. All letters and consultations Strictly Confidential Medicines sent to all parts of tbo country l\v ox ircss , securely packed from observation , If full do crintlon of case la given. Ono ( ersoual latcivlow ire/erred / if convenient. Open at all Hours , DA ? AND NiailT. Address all letters to Omuha Medical & Surgical Institute 1118 Howard St. , Omaha , Nob. MEDICAL AND SURGICAIi DISPENSARY CROUHSK'S BLOCK , IBth tn cl Ctpltol Avtnne , troati all oagei Crip pled or Deformed nlBOdl aca ct It Bystom , Throat , Lungf and Urinary Organs All etteaof Rarvtturaof thoKplnn , CiookcJ Fuel jcpi and Area , DlK'iaori of tin illp , Knee , and Inkle Joints. Al o Chronlo auctions ol tlio Liver ilheuroatiara , I'aralj els , f lies , Ulcer ) , Gittrrh , Aoth ria and llconchltla aie all triutod by now and sac- MS3ful method ! . All dlacatea of tco lilood and Urln- iry Orgtne , IndudluK thoss resulting from tncltcre- ilon , or expovure , are safolj aud aucocistully treated Young man , middle aged , and old men wSttlns rom Wcakncm and Kervoui eihiuatlon , produdui , nJlKoatlcn , Palpitation of the Heart , Despondency -Mzztnceu , last of MemoryJ ck of Knorgy and Am- iltlou , can bo restored to health tnd vigor , U oasa s not too lonf ue/ioctod. The SurgeoD In charge taa president ol the Kottbweitcrn Huiglcal InttU ute and Surgeon otthe Nitlnnal Rurgical Inctltute. 1 afflirtcd , call or write ! nil description of your CAM , ind wodhlna may ta teat you. Consultation IPO. Addics'Omxba Diepenatry , Crocaia Diode , ) maha , Jleb. Ottloebeam 10-12 a. m.l-S ttd 7-8 p. in SculaT * . .10 a m { JTAKommodtUong furnished pitlcnta rom th auntry , ind for'4CItcular. > Hsmebaugh &Taylorf -LARGEST STOCK OF JlDOL 'ttt © Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraasfe ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for ttio Indian Department given for BufJMo Scnles or- clusivoly. Scale 1405 Douglas Street. OMAHA. NEBRASKA Suite jormerJy tflO.OOnow $7.SO. Suite formerly $ JL2.OOnow $9. < OO. Suitejormerly $ JL6.OO now $12.OO. Suite formerly $2 .O ® now $1S.OO. Over Coats formerly $ S.OO now $ G.OO. Over Coats formerly ffiJLO.OO now $ 7 .SO. Over Coats formerly $16.OO now $ ] L2. < W. Over Coafs formerly $ JLS.OO now $13.SO. OveAjDotite formerly $24.OQ now And every other article in proportioD. Call and see our prices. OMAHA , STJESXtASKA. 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