'UB DAILY BEE OiTloo , No. ( UO Farnnm York OfTlco , Iloom 05 Trlbnno nR. rrornlng , zo pl Th , Monday morning dally. tit rT MJin. One t.ir . , . { 10.03 I Three Kcnlhi . I ( IxUori ri9 , . 6.00 I Onn Uoalh . Tor Week , 25 Cents. nun rcsrriiD. j aJ" * " . S2.00 1 Thre Months . 9 llxKcntha. , . . . 1.CO I One Months . M ' 'OCRBUrOKDUOI , A I OonrnTinlcatlons reUtlnft to Hewj ndKdllotl l t tB eheuld b * 4lrentd to th Esrro * or Tni irnintiM Lrrna' . . AUBnitoeu rotten and nemlteanooa ihon.dbo marcKXNd lo Tn BII rtmusutHa OoHrurr , nuAnl. Dfatio , Oliecki and Poetoffloe orders to b made pay * kbit to the order of the company. ? HE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROPS' ' E. IlOSEWATEHSEtlltor. A. n. Fitch , Manftffor Dally Oircnlntton , P O. Bo , 488 Omaha. Nob. _ GOOD-BYE 188-1. Tnn time has arrived to turn over now leaf. TUB BEE will bo n woloomo Now Year's oallor to-day. THE aldowolka in many placcn are in a very ollppory and dangerous condition , and aahcs ohould bo aprlnklod upon thorn. A NEW YOHK aldormin's aalary is § 5- , 000 , but it la n mighty poor nldorman that doosn't make three tlmoa hla salary la that oily. TAE Bni : would like to know if Mr. G. E , Fritchott , candidate for United States district attorney , has filed hla applica tion with Secretary May , of the demo cratic ntato committee ? SAM RANDALL has already gained some thing by hla muthorn tour. Ho has boon given the tltlo of colonol. Thia ought to bo considered oudiolcnt com- ponoattou for hla trip ; IF the world comes to nn end on Sun day next VTO hope the weather will warm np a little BO that the audience can have Borne little pleasure in witnonalug the grand transformation scene. TUB fact that the Nebraska legislature begins Ita session next week cauaoa the Lincoln landlords to smile a omllo , which in those days of general depres sion , reminds ono of an oasis ID a dos' THE absurdity of the woman theory of Hamlet , writes a correspondent , did not originate on the other side of the water. In 1881 , E. Yining published at Omaha a small volume in support of his "Theory of Hsmlo' ; a woman. " THE yot.r 1881 proved rather disastrous to the theatrical profession. Many a com pany that Ltartod out with great expecta tions in D palaca cir returned witt crushed hopeo , an empty pocket-book , and in a second-class car or on foot. , , - , . . . SECRETARY MAY , of the democratic ntuto committee , ia already overwhelmed with formal applications for office. There will be an immense amount of bustneai to bo transacted at the next mooting oi the committee on March 33. Tnff Advontlsta assort that the world will como to an end on next Sunday , This is really too bad as it will Interfere with the Bosslon of the Nebraska legitla tare , which is to moot on Tuesday next However , a quorum will no doubt moo and transact business in a warmer plac < than Lincoln. JIIDUINO from the number of person who have applied to the BEG to act as it corroapondont at N ow Orleans , rroahouli think that nine-tenths of the people noi visiting the World's exposition in th Crescent City are alleged newspaper corrc epondonts. Mil. CLEVELAND'S most frequent visi tors just now are newspaper cdltort - But anybody is at liberty to call npo I-- . . the prealdont-olect , and they morolydro in to pass the compliments of the da and toll him how to run a nowspapor.- CMcago Times. It ia suspected that Morton J. Storlln "put that in" aa a hit at Dr. M. I Goorg * , editor of the Omaha Herald. THREE of the judges of the stipvon court of the District of Columbia wi l > 0j eligible for retirement during tl no t two months. This fact has brougl to the front several applicants fi the positions , in case the prosei incumbents retire. Tlicso candidal are recommended on account of fait ] ful political work , and not because < their great learning in the law scrvic The president luia not , as yet , received n intimation that any of the judges propo ; to avail themselves of the right to go t the retired list , and consequently lias nt looked at , much less onturtained , any i the applications. Tin : organisation of the pnoumat postal service throughout Paris , whlc hai lately been completed , has coat moi than a million francs , and the length i the pipes is over 34 miloa. This elabo ate work was begun by M. do Couch ; who was director of French telegrapl under the empire 17 years ago. Tl charge for transmitting a letter to ns place within the fortification has bee fixed at six sous , The eorvlco coven e : Iremo points about seven miles apar Under the most unfavorable circuraitai oee , a letter , will bo delivered to the n motoet place , Including ita conveyant from the nearest station , within or Lour. Tha saving of time and labor b the pneumatic postal service is oxpeote to result in ita adoption in other Eun poau capita ) * , and It will , of course , fie Ita wny into the large American cities. TIIK 1'EA.K , 1884 IN OMAHA. TUG BBK'B illustrated edition of to-day makes a very acceptable gift to the city of Omaha , nnd hrr citizens will no doubt appreciate it. Thia review with Ita Illus trations will equal anything of the kind over published in any city of the United States. The magnificent exhibit that is made by the city cf Omaha in every branch Of commerce , induitry , and pub- Ho Improvements must certainly bo grati fying to her citizens , and cannot fall to materially aid the city in growth and Im provement , and to induce the In vestment of outalao capital. During the year which has been fraught with disaster and ruin to many comtnen- clal enterprises , and while the manu facturing industries in other states have been puraljr.&d , Omaha has gene steadily on. Not a single bank failure has oc cur rod , nor has any prominent business house closed its doors or become embar rassed. Our merchants have hold their own , notwithstanding the heavy strain cauaod by the low prices of the products of this section. Our factories are oil running , and qulto a number of important manufacturing enterprises have boon begun during tno year and are now in a flourishing condition , while in the east factories of all kinds have been sorlously affected , and have boon compelled to either shut down onttroly or run on reduced time and re duced wages. It la true that there are somoidlo people in Omaha at the present time , but they are comparatively few in number , and are included among those who always lay off during the winter , no matter whether the times are flush or poor. There was a time when the throat of a removal of the Union Pacific shops would throw the people of this city Into paroxysms of fear , but that stereotyped bug-bear can no longer frighten our citi zens. Omaha has reached that point when the removal or failure of any ono industrial establishment cannot seriously cripple her. The force at the railroad shops has been gradually cut down more than one- half , but Omaha continues to grow. The shops are still hero , and when necessity requires the force of coureo will bo in creased. The facts and figures presented in our review speak for themselves , nnd they are well worth the study of any ono who is at ull interested in Omaha. That this review will prove the best advertisement Omaha has over had there can bo no doubt. While It will nurprlao many of of citizen ? , it will ndvortiao the city abroad and draw the attention of everyone ono Into whoso hands it may fall. Omaha wllljindeod appear to many strangers a wonderful city wonderful because she has had such remarkable growth and prosperity during a period of general de pression , and when nearly every other city in the land ia at a standstill. That she will continue to grow and prosper during the year 1885 we have every rea son to beliovo. CABLE RiTES. The Now York Hcmld , which has always maintained the lead in foreign news , has recently increased its facilities in that direction , owing to the fact that the now Bennett-Mackoy cable , in which the proprietor of the Herald is ono of the chief ownoro , affords reason able rates , and has compelled a reduction on the other lines. Although the Herald proprietor io Interested in the new cable , other papers are on an equal foot ing with that iournal , no advantage being taken by Mr. Bennett , who haa certainly rendered a great service to both America and Enropo for the part ho has taken in the construction of new cable lines and the breaking down of monopoly in trans-Atlantic communication. In thlc connection the following table , ahowlnc the gradual reduction of cable rate ! since the opening of the first Atlantic cable , may prove interesting : 1806S100 for 20 words or leas. From November 1 , 1867 , § 50 for 2 ( words or less. From December 1 , 1807 , § 25 for K words or less. From September 1 , 18G8 , $10.85 for 1C words or less. From Juno 1,1809 , § 10 for 10 wordf or loss. From August 10 , 1800 , $7.50 for K words or less. From December 12 , 1870 , § 15 for K words or less. From July 1 , 1871 , § 10 for 10 word or loss. From May 1,1872 , § 1 per word. From May 1 , 1875 , GO cents per word FromDacembor 24 , 1884 , 40 cents pe word. TUB effort at reform in primary eloc tiona in Colorado has received a blaa eye. It will bo remembered 'that th legislature a year ago passed a prltnar election law which should bo bindln upon any political party agreeing to hoi its primary election in accordance witl ita provisions. The law provided for cot tain penalties for any violation of it. LIB fall the republicans of Denver hold thol primary election under thia law. Seventeen ontoon men wore afterwards indicted fo bribery at this election , and it was sup peaed that they would bo convicted am punished , but the indictments have boei quashed , on the ground that the primar ol cton ! law is unconstitutional. Otho courts in eastern etttos , however , hav decided differently , holding that such law is constitutional. Mn. . EMMA F. WALLACB , hailing fror Chicago , has brought suit in New Yorl to recover one-thirtieth ot the real ee tate hold by Trinity church. She claim to bo one of the Anneko Jans heira , nn this is the eleventh suit of this kind tha has been brought against Trinity church none of them ever having amounted t anything for the plaintiffs. Mrs. Wai lace claims that the amount duo fret Trinity to the Anneko Jans heirs I $000,000,000 , and she alao chvimn the that there is a'.ao § 250,000,000 waltln A for thorn in Holland , whiho will b turned over lo them whenever the United States cflhially desig nates who the hMra nro. Mrs. Wallace offers to eottlo her claim against Trinity for Iho modest sum of $4,000,000. It ia not likely , however , that coldhearted od Trinity will open ita treasury for the benefit of Mrs. Wallace to the extent ot oven four cents. Her father , Cornelius D. Thorpe , spent $00,000 in similar liti gation and got no returns for his invest ment. Ir Dakota is not admitted aa a state , the bold throat la made that she wilt so- ccdo and invite Manitoba to join with her nd form a northwestern republic. Thia ilan haa actually been endorsed by aomo f the territorial papers , and a correspon- ent of the St. Panl Pioneer .Press , riling from Fargo , says : It ii safe to say that if there was as tmch prospect of enccess now for soccca- Ion in Dakota ns there was in I860 for .outh Carolina , this country wonld bo rcated to the epcctaclo of another civil rar , and ono that in consideration of the urroundlngs , would bo entirely jastifi- , ble. The question is ono that may anne dissension before it is determined , nd there la no doubt that a continued efusal on the part of the United States o make aomo recognition of the vaot growth and population of the territory will have the effect of causing trouble , ho amount nf which will bo a surprise to ho senators who , by their lack of coiuid- ration for the interests of the northwest , ave pretended to believe that Dakota orrltory waa peopled by wild bands of : owboya and marauding redskins. GROVER CLEVELAND no doubt inlondi to make an honest effort to observe the Ivll service rules , but while ho regards imsolf pledged to practical reform , ho oubta whether frionda of the cause will land firmly by it if they find it is an ob- truction in their way to patronage. The robabilltyia [ that Cleveland will not bo to withstand the prcsturo of hungry oliticians. Furthermore , the dorao- ratlc loaders propoao to otrongthon the arty by putting democrats in the place < f republican cflico-holdera. It is but nat- ral , that they should do so , and it soema wi to of time on the part of Cleveland > attempt to convince anyone that ho ill and can carry out the civil service ules. The democrats intend to do just aa the republicans have done toke ad- antago of every available position. A OONFEUENCE of the Iowa atato dom- cratlo central committee has boon called o meet at Des Moinoa. It ia suspected hat the committee has adapted the plan f the Nebraska democrats , and propose o arrange some system for distributing he federal patronage. The Iowa Leader , owcvor , aaya that there need bo no bars of thia kind , as the object of the meeting Is to talk over the campaign of 885 and the question of a lata or early onvontlon ia to bo decided. This is a ittlo too thin. It la not likely that any mooting would bo hold for any such pur- iose at this early date. When the com- miteo meets it will bo found that it has , saemblod for no other purpoao than to discuss and agree upon seine satisfactory 'Ian ' of parceling out the federal offices. TUB Chicago Keivs rushes to the de- 'enso ' of Church Howe. It says : "Re- lublican newspapers are relating with uohincholy zest how the Hon. Church Howe , of Nebraska , went down to Tcn- ies8co for the national. republican com- litteo last fall and spent § 25,000 without accomplishing any good. It strikes us hat thia is looking at the affair in a wrong light. Is the Hon. Church Howe's oxpcrienco to bo counted as nothing ? As ire are informed , Mr. Howe came back ionic , after expending his § 25,000 , fully satisfied that there was no business in the world better adapted to his talents than that of running a threshing machine on the lolling prairies of Nebraska. " WESTERN NEWS. CAMFOBNIA. A date palm 20 feet high baa been sent tc the cotton exposition. The bridge acroes the Feather river at ridley haa been thrown open to thepubllc. The Central 1'acific IIOH Bold 18,000 acres oi land to a religious sect called "Chriat'ana ' , " at § 1 75 per acre. George Taafo Ljnch , tried in tha Oak < land superior court for murder , has been ac quitted. ( The Lick observatory on Mount Hamlltor will bo finUhed in 18 G. When completed it will bo tin moat fully equipped in tin world , A thirty-six inch glass will brln ; th < moon within 'M miles of the earth , whereat 80 miles la the limit of oxistictf telescopes. C01OBAI10. The strike of the coal miners lias oudo J. Denver has organized a Liw and Orde : League. Tha public echooU of Lake county h&vi cloaed fur wunt of funda. It fa rumored that the gambling Blouses o Denver cloaed a abort time ago will reaper BOOH. BOOH.The The notorious "Doo" Baggs now languishe in Texas jail under the charge of buukoiiij a man out of 31,000. Colorado baa sent two thousand specimen of apples to tha World's Fair at Now Orleans loans aa evidence of hsr agricultural ro sources. A division of Weld county is now undo consideration. The part dhidodoff will b called Iliff county , and Sterling will ha it capital. The mineral output tbis year IR not BO grea ai in 1883 , but tha Centennial state still lend all stiles and teriitoriea , with California i good second , An Investigation of the county records b ; the Iinko couuty cominUeionero ditclosea i fraudulent indebtedness of 5208,000 , § 108,00 of which baa already been paid. W. G. Ileddy , the confidential clerk of Ei I1. Ilolden , a Leadvllle mining man , was ar rested in Cincinnati , Ohio , on the charira o forging hla emil | < .yer' name to two note amounting to 9725 , MONTAVA. Montana shipped tha past season 1,258,03 , pounds of wool. A railroad between Milan City and Dead wood ia etill talked of. Tiie Indian reservation in northern Montan consists of 83,700,000 acres. The only porno a ever legally executed ii MitsouU county w&i a Chinaman. In Bitter Uoot Valley recently.l.OOO bushel of wheat sold for It ) cents a bushel. Tha thermometer at White Sulphc Springs registered 40 degrees below zero o the 20th. Alfred Dover for themiirdsr of hU wife no r Deer Lodge has been found Ruilly of i&urder In the fititdogieo. Jotcph Youlten , a laborer nt the lloh Island mine lell down the shaft , n distance of 175 feet and WAS killed Instantly. The comnil * ioners of Ouster county have accepted ? 10CS8 us pnvmtnt in full for the taxes of 1S81 from tbo Northern Pacific road. John V. Tierce the discoverer of the fnmon < Cable mine ha * found Rfld lead on Qimttz Creek which ho thinkd will rival the I'hUllps- burgbouan7..t. The Megan Indians arc rnllirR in wealth and the bucks are trading llonr for cartridges to lltfit the Crows. At their agency are 2,100 horses fnid to have boon itolon Irom the Crows and the white settlers , U. I'latt Carpenter , Montana' * now gover nor is a lawyer and a nntivo of I'oughkof pste , N.Y , Ua Is n St l rt and ran for llouten * nnt governor of the empire state when 1'ulgcr hcnded the ticket M The new Chojonne Indian rcseivation In astern Montana is SO miles wide , 33 .ong nnd ma in It 3S5.00U acron. It will be occupied by he Cheyenne trlbo 010 in number , as soon an 'io cold weather subsides. DAKOTA , Huron Is infested with a gnnf ; of burglars. The population of Dakota is estimated at 32,290. Wolves are committing many depredations n the vicinity of Vilac , The military expedition from Fargo to pink county will cost 33,103. Hurley hippors complain of their treatment om the Chicago & Northwestern. Id the district court of Ynnkton Hugh IncDonald has brought suit against the Mll- raukoe railway to recover $25,000 for Iho loss f n leg. WYOMlNd. It is estimated that the population of Ltua lie was doubled in the last two ye AIR. Wjomlug cattlemen have begun Iho.work f removing their fehcoa from the public do- inln , "Calamity Janr , " the noted and notorloup , jndo famous by ftod Buntline in his border ovelf , is in Itawlins. The people of Wyoming contributed $273.41 i the Gnrlleld monument fund , 20 cents more .ban the atato ot Minnesota. Aqu.rtor section of coal land near llart- ille , lini been sold for S5.000 , and the work f utilizing these mining Inuda will begin at nco. The Whltchend Ditch company of Cheyenne a filed its articles of incorporation , The ithorlzed capital Is S28,00t > , and its object la build nn irrigating ailchiuLarsmlocuuuty , Gov. Ilalo has commuted the sentence of f Itichnrd DnBoiee , colored , from Hfo imprls- tnmout to fifteen jtura in the Nebriuka pent- .entiary . , nnd hai pvrdoned Bartholomew tJhm , who waieervlng out n § 230 fine for mult nnd battery. Governor Halo's constables Imvenrroatod R. . . . Cutler , WinBeld Scott nndGoorge Jackson or attempting to settle in the National 'nrk ' , in dotiauce nf the ordar of the secretary f the interior. After their remotnl from the iark their hoosea and property were burned. UTAH , It is saitl that 47 Mormons were recently hipped to Utah from Minnesota , Fifty-fivo cara of lead and fifty-seven of bul- on were the shipments from tha territory laet eek. The output of Horn Silver for last wrek was > G7G03making the total for the year $2,717- 00. _ AIUZOXA. The Vekol mina south of Casn Granda has icen sold for $300,000. C. F. Crocker has been elected president of ; he Southern Pacific railway in Arizona. An Automatic Can. A gun which is capable of firing COO oundsa minute , and which when once : artcd keeps up this terrific fito without io intciferenco of any human agency , is learly ono of the most effective and ' .eadly weapons of war which modern in- ; enuity lias devised. Such a gun is the ifnxini self-noting , machine gun , the in- ention of Hirmu S. M.-mm , nn English- lan. In the working of this gun every onnd after the ll'st is fiiud by the recoil f the previous explosion. The cattriclges ro can ied in n belt composed of any limber of lengths , wliicli are connected ogother as the cartridges are usud. Ono : iid of this cartridge-belt is placed in the ; un mechanism on one side ; the cartridges i e picked out of it by the automatic action of the gun , and the belt and the nrtridge-sliells are ejected after filing , ry recoil of the gun brings thu next 3jirtridge into position , fotees it into the latrel , cocks the hammer , pulls thu .rigger , extracts the empty ca t idge-casu ml ejects it from the gun , all thesu irocesses going on with the almost incon ceivable lapidity icpresuntud by the finng f GOO rounds a minute. At thu moment if firing the mcoil driven the ban el back , bout three-quarters of an inch , and it is his recoil which directs the muchmi sin of .ho gun and makes its Iho continuous. The gun can bo turned in any direction " : > y turning a crank , and the rate of dis- : lia go can be accurately regulated by of " chamber " in- neans a "controlling , - eniously contdved so that the gun may : > o fired rapidly or slowly , as ( leaned. This belt-system of automatic firing h e : ) eun applied by thu inventor , not only tc uachino guns , but to thu Winchester , Martini-1cnry and other rifles fi't-d ' from ; ho shoulder. Its int-oditctipn in p acti- l military operations is likely to in- ease the already turiiblu deadlines * ol nodu n warfare. Another Gcrryiimnili r Tiilkca OI. Indianapolis Journal , December 25 ; A .cading democratic politician , who liadn land in the management of the recunf campaign in Indiana , drops thu iiifonna. tion that the statu will bo gerrymanderec jy thu next legislature , and hy gives ai intimation that the changes will bo madt in thu Second , Eighth , Third , Fourth ; Ninth and Eleventh districts. ] t is ru : gardcd ns a political necessity _ thnt then should bo a gerrymander and itill bo ii the power of .the democrats , with an over whelming majority in the legislature , t < arrangu the matter arbitrarily. Tlu Eighth district will bo madu solid demo cratie by throwing Clay county into tin b'ucond , which will , as it is very iittinfilj observed bo , "liko dropping a plummet into the ocean , " and Sullivan comity ad ded to the Eighth district , will make i' ' strongly democratic , insuring the uluctior of a congressman from Senator Vourhees homo. Jennings county will probably bt taken from the Third and added to tin Fourth district , which will make no difFur mice in thu political complexion of tin two districts , both being democratic , bu it will moro nearly equalize thu vote. Tin Eleventh district is said to bo thu largus in tliu I niti-d State-i , and , being close pt > liticnlly , it is intimated that it will bi made solidly democratic by droppiii | Howard county into the boundaries of tin Ninth district. 1 heso changes will maki thu Eighth and Eleventh districts over whelmiiigly democratic and will make th Ninth a republican district , which wil give thu democrats a gain of unu con gressniaii , Imagination , Hartford ( Conn. ) Tirnns. A good joku has leaked out about th baggage master on Conductor Benedict' ' train of the Naugatuck Read. The othc day ho mournfully took on at Bridgepoi a heavy catket box , md all the trai hands auppotod that they had a corpi for a passenger. Some remark was mad that the box wat rather llcht , and th muter declared that he bi ovod that the Kidy was n resurrected no. Soon after leaving Bridc-epnrt this mtight prtyed up.n him , and immedi ately his olfactory nerrea wera c tended n confirmati > n of hia theory. Forth- ith ho opened all the doors of the bnp- ; ago c.rr , and at length betook himRclf or refuge to the smoker , deolarlfcp that in could endure it no loiiRor. Occu unta of tbo mail and express compArt- icnt of the ctr also complained of the dor. When the train reached Winatod i undertaker called for the box , and tked permission of the utatton bsggngo master to leave it in the bagg go room. A mild but firm protest ngrtinnt hopping a orpio in his room over night was tnado. . similar appeal to the express author- lea mot with a prompt refusal. The ndertaker amilod a rccular business- ylo amllo , unscrewed Iho box , and lowed n now , empty casket. Old-Fashonod ( llAlirondlnir. Gath" in Now York Tribune. How few persons know when the rail- oads around us began , although before io day of railroads therp must have been cry serious differences in the institution f sociot3' . The Pennsylvania railroad I in remember when it reached only from 'hiladolphia to Susqiiclmnna , and at the irther end , Thomas A. Scott , the subse- ucnt president' , was n collector of tolls , went over it when a boy of six years rith my father , and wo were lot down an icliiictl piano of about 2,800 feet long to et to the Schuylkill river , and when wo eft Columbia , at thu other mid , wo were lulled up nil inclined plane by a wire ca- It. something HkolM)0 ! feot. Ono train ait to , pass up while the other was oing down , like the weights in lie elevators wo now see in buildings , ho English iron used for the eld I'ortago oad over the Alleghfiiics , which was liirly-sovcn miles long , cost S-18.50 per pa and it lias been just about fifty years inco that road was opened. The Penn- ylvania railroad is a younger corporation linn the Reading railroad and the Head- ig was originally the boss of Pcnnsylva- ia. 'Jho JNow Jursey Central , which Jommodoro Vanderbilt thought would bo 10 great lion of the west , and therefore ivcstcd in it before going clsowhcru , was uilt out to Somcrviilo from Elizabcth- ort in 1842 with strap rail , and in 1840 ; had to bo sold out. ] t was opened to Jaston in 1852 , but not , eastward to Jersey iity till the beginning of the civil war. 1y 18f > 8tho Pennsylvania railroad was ex- Milled to Allentown , and for sometime lie Pennsylvania passengers went over lie Central road , or until the Now Jersey lies were acquired. * How Celluloid In Made. oston Journal of Commerce. A roll of paper is slowly unwound , and t the same time saturated with a mixture f live parts of sulphuric acid and two of itric , which falls on thu paper in a nicu [ > ray. This changes the cellulose of the aper into a fiiio pyroxylino ( gun cotton ) , 'ho ' excess of acid having been expelled by russtire , thu paper is washed with plenty f water , until all traces of acid have been emoved ; it is then reduced to pulp , and osscd on to the bleaching trough. Most f the water having been got rid of by icans of a stniiiier , the pulp is mixwl ith from 20 to 40 per cent of its weight f camphor , and the mixture thoroughly rititratwl under millstones. The neces- iry coloring matter having been added in 10 form of powder , a second mixture and rinding follows. The finely divided pulp then spread out in thin layers on slabs , nd from twenty to twenty live of thcso .ycrs are placed iu a hydraulic press , sop- rated from ono another by sheets of blot- ng paper , and are subjected to a pressure F140 atmospheres , until all traces of loisture have been got rid of. 5 ho plates nts obtained are broken up and soaked or twenty-four hours in alcohol. 'Iho latter is then passed between rollers cated 140 ° to 1GO ° Fahrenheit , whence it isnes in the- form of elastic sheets. The QuofuVi Oatclr. 'rom ' the London. Daily News , The Queen's Christmas fat stock was- ecently sold at the prince consort's Shaw arm , Windsor , under the hammer of loenra. Buckland & Son's. Tha stock , which Trns all of a superior quality , con- iated of 50 Hereford and Devon bnl- ock's , 500wether Down and Cheviot hoop , nnd 100 bacon hogs and porkers. . ? he Duke of Connanght had 11 fine leasts included in the sale. There was a largo company present from all parts of ho kingdom , but the prices were not so ilgh _ as m former years. The Queen and " rincoss Beatrice drove from the ca.ito ! isited tha stock previous to the sale. Fho royal baron of beef which will grace ler majesty's table on Christmas day wi'L bo cut trom a prime shorthorn bred and ed by her majesty at the prince consort's Shaw farm , Windsor. The joint , will weigh upwards of . ' 100 pound ? , and will be 'ousted at the castle and forwarded to Oaboino. To lie Utin * ; for Murder. CIIICARO , DwcctnlKjr 31. Ths Inter Occun's DharlestOD , 111 * , spetial cays Thos. .T. Chap , nan wa * to-d.iy sent need to h.-uif * January 23 I ( ii the mui-Ji'i- JNicbo'a * lluolurd. until jour lle.nl Bccms nady to 11 } ull ; until your ia o am eyed iltaclmrpeoxreKht ) quiniltlea et thin , lr. rltatlcK , uatery liuld U'til your head acbes mouth a"d ttuoai parched , and blooa ai fcwrho-U. Thin la an Acute ( atarrb , ami la Instantly relieved by a elogle doa , a-jd puma- ceutlj cured by ODObot tie o Sanford'a Radical Cure lor Catarrh. Complete Treatment with Irthnter $1 One bottle KadlcM Cure , ono box Catarrlrvl Sal vent , and onu Improved Inhaler , In un j : kate may i > oiv be had cl all ilrustfisti fur 91.00. ABIC ( o Banford'n Ilodlcal Cure "Iheonly absolute BpeclBo we know ct.M MeJ Times. "T e beat wo have fouurt In a Iitetlma o Buffoilng. " II v. I ) . WU'Kin. Uoaton. "Alter a lon ( , struggle with Catairh , tbo ilaltcal Cure haa con imed' ) < er. B. W. Monroe , Lewtaburgh , Pa I bavenot loiiud acasathatlt did not relieve a once. " Andrew Lee , .Manchester , Mies. Potter Drug and ChomCcal Co. , UOblO.x. Kot the relief and prevention the Instant U Is applied , ol Uheu matlum , NeurulgU , Solatloa Ujugus. Colds , Weak Back , Stem nor , and Bowelt , Shooting Fains , NumbntAS , Ilreterla , Fe male 1'aln * , I'ilnitation , DyBrep Pla , Uvcr Complaint , Illll-ut Feveri Malsrb , and Kpldemlos u' ° Co'.lln'g I'U tere ( an ElectiW B ttery oomblnwl with a I'urovu I'laiter ) ana laugh at pain Ut COLLARS CUFFS tABINO THJ1 UAM ASI THI , FINE6T QOODQ EVER MADE , ejma ill Linen , BOTH Uo'igs ' AND Exteriors. A k for them BROS , , Agents for Oraalu SVECI7.L NOTICES. IO IjOAN. Money. MONY o loan on clnlMj n rums of * | 0 anil up Aliotn rtM wrUd. > V , II , Mr tlcrliC4 ttutn St. 5M-J n 19 MONKY t/oancilon p r on t 'iri-jxrty , ch-tt l or roll tern * . OmaLa Klnaiulal M > o > arK . 503 Fan am street. f41.-Jiilii . ll ti M > ill on ChaUcIs bf , . U ninth 141h t. _ ! RJ.J ii 15 S In films Ol DS"0 ru . 0. P , Davla and Co. , Rial KjUtJ and Loan Rents , 1605 XarrntnSt IONKY loaned on chalteli. IMIroad Tlokol L bought and fold. . Foreman , SIS K. llth 7 < fl-t' caw l\T NTF.l > Agltltotlo toner l bonienrrk In a It email famllj : [ foul wages will bo paid to it eat , competent terton. Apply at once at 1003 CMS t. S0.V1 il7"ASTKl-ltl ( ] for general homework. Mr * . 3 > > il. Mo\lvlnH. W Cor. ll m Hon and I'lcrca t . 401-5 ? WANTKI ) - \ flrt class woman , rcgehn o rook at the 1. oi tons Homo. S071I lAfANlKD A competent * a1o min who I ) ( veil ncqu Int d with til-Clotbloir , Mrrehtnt Ta | . otliiE nnJ Dry Gooili tt.vlo , In Hue ntlio ehittio ul ifitttto ot Nelin V.AddioM with rctrrcnccA , VHITI'.it OUKIU'KLDKK.SOJ Canal St , N. Ti \ . dcc31&Jat > 3 W ANTM ) .Ltundrj glrtftt the Ouiahl hntuaon Harney , bet 12th ana Uth. 4GC lp l"TANrElTnfrl ( | ; ono to do cooUnjr and ono IT to do laundry work , nt northwojt corner 18th nil Dodge. 381-Sp llTANtKD- Hood merit cook at JcU ) ' restaurant > > 1D09 t'atnam St. 300 2p I\7ANTKP District in n Rer ho tmloritatiils the. I ? book Installment pUu ami attending to itato gcncy. Appl ) to I' . F. Collier , W Darker Block. 870-lp Law ilrew at the CullfornU House , WANTED DOUKI.IS. 30.V3lp WANTKD A filrl ( or general housework , 2110 Chicago St 171-Sp iTTASTKH-A Kill to lU general housework V > 1S14 Chicago St. 370-Rlp niTANThl ) A lUo c ti99 r to lull Roods , can umko15o cck. Apply at lliutlu'a Insta'l. ircnt More. 354.If To-morrow , 'wo persons to Uarn look WANTED , situations. J. U. Smith , 1610 Douglas t. 205 Sip ' A b i her , 700 bouth Kth S t. Dolor 320-2 p nrrANTHD A compel o t cook and laundress to > V ilo the Lou40.vorK tor a Umtltol three at 80) 'aikA\cnuo. 317-ln : ANTKD V good active womsa to take ctnrRO W of dlnln ? room. iliiiiuiro at (12 Domilai i-t. S70 if " ( I'roteoor WANlED-Lady agooti for Juicn Oilpy Blocking anl sVIrt supporters , shou'der ' traces , hustleh.Biin tormn , d oesSnlolos , sattty tells , elcuro protectors , ftc. Katit'lv now ilovlco' , tiprccodented profits. We h vo r > OtvcnU luo monthly. Address with stamp h. It. ( tiCo. , 0 South May bt. Ch'.ciijo. ' 120-J lu WANTED 1(0 ( Bi'lictors , zooJ rav to the right mm Address Nebraska Mutiul Miuilage Benefit association , Fremont , Nehv Oil J n 6 CHI.KKNS I want a man In oviry PBAI1UK the stttu co buv thorn for cash. No ! tin't s tj quintlty D. B. Beoracrbuyor ami ship > ernf Game p u.try and h'R'f , 801 , tC3,805 , and 8u7 lowaulHt , Omaha 2tO-t ( WANTED Agents to handle our Electric Beit.and appliance ? , cxc'uttro teriltory grven , A tfraiid pportunltyfor the ils'ht parties. Iiucsl'Rito ' by ad rcs6inK tne fcerlcaa M'lV Co. , Kaneaa Ulty.Me. 138-Janllp WAN1 ED By thoNebraska F1ro and Watorproo Taint and Kcoflnn Co. , reliable men In every ounty in the state to organlia companies lor wor keg og our paint. There's bif ? money In It. For tar- culapj &c. , addroea UK. . Mnyno , SocrcUty aid lanaucr , Omaha. & 10-jiii 1 QITtlAVIOHQ , T7"ANCKI-Situation ts BbihpInK or order clerk , IT or can ta' o charge. Address"K pcrlcn , ( . O. Bon 27S , Onnha. 373-lp WANTED-A situation a. warohman and j initor , by a married man whi can tiVo the b ji of citv eforences. Address H L. BBO'OUtco. 339-3p a thoroughly competent VV salesman In elthnr a dry gcodf , booto and phoo r Rioiery house. Applicant is well acquainted i alii. . Addrets JlcUguo Brcs.ilcOaguo'a bank. "TTTANrED A position aa aa appronUca fa a hard- VV aret > toro. Address C. S. Bitgolt , Norfolk , -ob. 171-jan-14 A 1 oung married man wants situation u o k- J\ . keeper , In wholesale eatabUihtnen ) In Omatk. Addrose "C. " care Bco. SSfl-lf WANTED Temporary hem for a strong domes- UcaUd girt , egiid 16 , In ncJgnborhnod of lla- onport St. , wheresne can bavo her hriuJ and at- ODd high chrol In return 'or n'slstlnKln household atlcs. Addresd 1' . O. Box 810Omaha. ( ' 405-Slp - \ ? 100D I would like to WANTED-Iha\e500to huslnrs3 < in Omaht. ta'o business and whore an Interview oaa bo ha' . Address C. B. , Bee office. 307-3p J ToIrjyadrugstore. If you hn\e a WANTED to sell tddru a lock bi/x 061 , Waterloo lee , Iowa. 380-3p I TINTED To buy shelving and countflrp. Dee > Hej'n , 1509 Dcu as So 350 3Ip "I'ArANTED To rent 3 cr 4 unfurnished rooms for \ > lightheiwekctpU'B , or ould buy Hmall eft- azc if terms eult. AUiliots U. A. , Bee cilice 3B3-31p AITWNTBD Drygoodiiand groccriuB-ln excha'iee V forSI.6uOworth of improved lailicaii town > roperty. Addr < Bs.with partiiu'a sot ttork tu lock 1)0X639 , Alblaii , Booto Cu. , Neb. l8D-5p TX7ANTED To cell some fii-nltiiro , 3to\esand car > pota , mwtekly pajuicnta. A ) . K. llnrnn , 3 0 south 15th St. 301-31 10.000 famlloa to trs our sef.rlin ! ( { WANTED Burkwncat lluur and Sslf-1 islog Cu.n meil kept by all flitt-o 0' s grocers. Wo warrant all liuckwbcat sold under our brand puro. W. J. WUL- SIIANH& CO. , Manufacturers. 811-tf To rent , room , or sulto ( f rooms , ( nr- WANTED or unfutnlshed. Address 0. It. A. , 110 N. 10th St. OSj-JnnU \ \ ANTKU ladles and jouug men to Instruct In VV book kecplm ; : will Halt en half payuntll situ- at ! m < ) are ruruisb.d. J. B , Smith , 1518Douglas. & 87a2n2p HEKT 1 farnUbel room with bo id , and 2 unfurbbhed looaa lor house keeping , 1B17 C'd- cao. 2-2p BENT A suite of three elf gant room ) , car. FOB . Carpets for sale. One minulrs wal't from PootJfflco , J419 Dodge St. 381 3p. . . KENT Vurnlsbcd housr ; afnrnl- 1 for a small family , 1817 Davenport bt. 401-3 KENT KuroUhed room lor gentlemen cr gentleman and wile , ' 08 CillfornU St. SOS-Op KENT -Thrco unjarnlshul rooms 101ft Chi- FOK . Wilp IlKNT Very dosbib'e room with b'aril for FOIt t'e"tloinnnor ( fontleman aid wile. Vtry rea- gontbla price , AdJfeas ' V" Boo olllcc. 31/7-3p Ij Oll UENT-Cottag' ) 3 rooin , Hhlnri' 2' ! < .tldltl'1n , I' $10 per n > onth , binnlra room 4 , Omaha N * . tlon l lima Dulldlra , 38011 I UNT ElgUy acres of land on tollit iry road JL' t o njl.oafromtliy , fcrthrcocr fl u-jenrn O. I.D MsiUo. 'iSi-5 roll KENT On hou 9. In'iulie rah : ui it Eric- ton. SMI Oil 11KNT yurnls.ed looms ajd hoard at 1417 Howard. UBNT Furblbhed rocms ; DO extra chargn FOK flro. Kcipire 1320 F riam St. , and 635 B , I7th St. 374 Sip KUNT New eight roomhous * . Enquire XIn. FOll lloJJus , 2thbet. ! L'axnjiortandC'mcagoSiK. ' S76-3p poll HKNT Nicely lurnh'ied room , one two I 1 Btntlcmcn In private limll } , near tit. Ma'y'a Ave . Aunwtr W. K. , circllce. EftJSlp AveFOrt KENT -Nloily Jurnlihel front room Lora FOrt excellent , at II H Howard St. Se2-3lp OH KENT FutuUhod room , 1318 Jtckson Ht. 883Jinfp [ TiOft UENI > 'uruUht > d rocnu 1U18 L'odge St , I * 84fit2 1701 ; UKXl With IxMnl , oue l fo | turnutut 1. ( rout roi'ru ' , KM k'lJ buth 8. v > , cor , < > l llth but 1&7J \ \ Xtrnrnhcu'e Atrtt Id f , f7ioiuxKWrKnr I * _ _ _ ' II I [ IOU UBNT'ninia a , 6frT. < l Urn St" , I 1 IMockS. t-tMlrkrr month ; M.tly . on 11. i > cDonilrr UBSTA pvod ftimblii'tl rotm Apt lv fct inscn'a Mi.llncry Stole , 16th M. , . > h ot S3 ll LpOll IliiMT-MilicUuriitteT irontroons fplnir. L1 dlil to atlov. Inqulifl at 10i7 Dodge M. t -l iivvlniK "hou e , iMrVebster Bti rooiiu , el ; ami ohtnn. Inquno.ltmr * Bonder. IM tl JjlOll UKNT-Chotca kultn of offlas r-oinn trry de- Itntiloforntloctor , Jrniilreikt\rrn. | lluahimu't tore o , ! II _ tpOIl RftNT Five hnu s , Irani 31 taJISpcr month no blrck Ihom rod or llnoetrcol ur (1 ( rol- 110,3. K , cor , l..th . and Douglas. 158 tl [ Ton HKNT A cottar < f 3 rooms , on SlHh reet , ' nenrSt Mary's avenue ; | 1S.60 pot moiil * . en Rtrllier.Il,1 ) H HtliMrcct tout IpOK IUNT-Iiro ( ploumil luriilshod roorot. m r.iilro N.V. . corner ISthMid F Inmi'S > 162 tt FOK IISNT Hnius ot ctclit rooms , tltuivtalbo- two nOmrentand 1'icosinl ttcttson lUrnoy street. Inquiry tl W. M , Thompson , First ICoMona ! " nfc. 11 Stl _ noilHBNT-A nl'o turnl < hrd room I V frm L' Hoj d' upota llotno , (12 1 M ttcnti. It. K. V InSHS.Mh. WS- ' F OH llhNT-atord room 1M1 Kanwm St , with nr wlthouy Billiard tables , hy Paulton AC" . , U1S 'atnatn bt. 007-lf < \0tt UKNT Kurnldhed room and board f .00 tier ' wools. Very Ixwi location , IBM l ) vonport. 847-JAii Ip ItKN'T Ono tmnlshtil room wll h board , ai two or three dny boaritori , 1014 Vi ebftcr. si rat O HKNT-l\.urroom hoti' Sid nu trJ10' I or month. Itarknr A Mav > " . yit F -.Vic. ) ( jrulnnoj r m , cheat ) at310 S. IMhPtroct [ 71011BKNT Kcatot and chnvpoit tiimlilicil rooms 11 luOintha. Apply to O. H. Anderson , room 14 Aaderaon blrwk , north ontrauoo , 10th anil Daron g > t at S73-Jan 15 | j Oil UHNT-Sults ol roonr lurol hcil lor light JC house kooplntr , are ocoimtcMlv ajcant In lleo. mor's block , corner Stli'dEil ' liowanlSts. 131tf FOIl HKNT Tffrt fiirnlnhcd or nnlumlshtd-roomi N. W. corner 20th aud eb tet St. "KOtf F OU 11FNT ToKcndcmen only , . R pleasant fur- nUlodroorn , S. K. corner 0th and Douglas. 114-tf i ,1011 KENT Two elegant rooms urUedlck'a block , L ! l\Hil8en&Co. , 1513 Karnara. 8t2-t ( F IOU nnUT Furnished Jront room for jont 222 N. 10th N U6-U FOK HUNT A new hdiiM of 10 rootnf.and a barn hard and soft water ; on Park a\muie , S hlooki rom Foruatu etreot. Inquire Olfl rnriiMii. 11311 Foil HEN1 No tcott jr.o 3 room" , hall , pantry cloatt and ao'.br , 812 60 , als other cheap ten mcnta. D. L. 1 homos , blfl-tt FOK KENT -A nine room hou > e ; oceuati o tl ui ; (40 per month. Darker & May no. 003-tt [ J OIl UKNT-Store building with resilience all for _ $2J. permottQ In good location. 1) . L , Thomaa. D3C-tf IpOK KENT Largo southeast room , largo bay 1 window closetflroplaooand'bkth room prlvf- egos ; house and furniture now ; 601. S. 28th street , no blcck north of St. Mary'r aicimo , D49-U F Oil HUNT Furnished or unfurnished room , now brick block , corner 16th and Chicago Sts. 001-jan-8p FOR SA.1.E. FOR SA.LI ; Cho p , horse and buggy , 11W , Cum- Ing St. 202 tf F : ili\l'-0iioeloiait chtmbormt , one rezultt ir clou , 0119 toirly new Knaho Piano , \c gold frmnsd plctnr a , uno horse , harness nd ihictjn , on ) Hills tafe , sawll size , ono beautiful hlnu sodjeict. liiqu.ie No. 2011 llarooy St. , bet Uth and 21st 284-jan IS . FOR SALR 66x101 font ou Cumin ; street 3 blooks vest of Military bildgo , $ l,00j. John L.IIcCaguo pposlto Poit ollUe. U'9-tt FOH SALE 137x124 foot on corner , south-east frort , house 3 rooms , barn , 3 bloclin west of ark avo. and Lcivcnworth , easy payments , cheap 1,703. J elm L. Mol'asuo , oppusito I'cwt Ollke. 10S-U FOK SALK Horses , mules , harcCiH ami wagons on one or two years time. Real nutate security / D. L. Thnnmn. 8flS-tf FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE At IO per acre , all or part of two thousin 1 acres of tlmhor land , orty mlle vast ol Kansas City , wil exchange for 'obraska laud or merchandise Bedford' , Souor * vis KZtttti _ .MIUOBLLANEOUE. ' O8T A. leather ncokctbaolt contalnirB some monei , on Saturday , hot. Crouns * blork and the ' . O A liberal reward iil ho given the Under by ro- urnlngsamo to room 4 , Urouino block. 404-1 7\OH TBAl > K-For nierohanillae proauicu preferred - . ferred , thr e (3) ( ) 'aliiflb'o kts In Dayton , Ohio ne ( ) Int in 8t. Lunlr , Mo ; MO acres cf line land I iungtis ; Ono (1)f ( ) rtn In Ohio. This propcity Is free f Ificumbrancii All comn ui loatioi.s will bu treated 'rlcty confldcntlal. S. II. W.nepear , 2ifJ Cumlnif , t. t.i i OST Gold cell bracelet. Liberal reward If loft L at 7C2 X. 10th Ht. SOS-Slp I OST r n Wcilnwilay c\cr.ini ; a-scal skin Dip. A gultabloieuard wid 1)3 paid totlo ftridor on 10- ijinofthe IITI : > to IJurkcr & Mayn * I3th ar.d 'amamiitreut. 317tf LOST About -njestorday , a pocket-book bo longing to the ( ! aj Co , Si 0 and < some pa ) > ers of vn uo only to owner. A suitable reward fcr ita return - turn to ( las olllro. Stslf OOMB With boaril , dOblablj ol winter. App LVat Kt. Chailcg UuteL 110-D < : w llttiiiic.jobbnii ; promptly btti.ndo < t , L tel < 3N , Ibtn t. John J. Cavanaugh. 142-J12p L'AKEN UP Ono black horse Jour whlto foot , white face , 10 0 South llth St. 80 J-6taw A 1'OHTAL CJRIITO 1IIH Heartlistone Publishing Comp'y. , PHILADELPHIA , PA , And you will receive by nturn mall a SPECIMEN COPY I K UKMaiinTOMi , unlch Is v Itncut exception tti HKUT Sitry lV > ) > er published. TJIK llKtiiTliHTONK Is a tixtetn-paqf paper , full , ho ( haimt oriyiuat KPtialt , rkelelie/i , jiottrilt todl 1 intitcellaneouitariioUtt , and Is printed on dno tinted , iaper. , Those who ulcrlte ( ) ilurlr ( ; the n t sUty.d t' | \\ll receive nn > ' nnonl I he fol iinlniartlcle : t WOOD'S 1'UNOOHAl'H , the beat fountain. pen \ over utoil. , OKNI'LKMAN'rtOOSSAMKKCOATur a LMMif.'l : NKWPOhT , JIAHNKS.POPULAH UiaTOHV , DAY'S COtLAOON cf 4i > , OOJ iiuotltlonu-lroni , 2 00 jj authors , c > iiluihhr Illustratiil. T1IKNKW AMK1UOAN DIuTIOSAIlY , A POCltET MAONiriKU. HOW TO UUAD UHAItACtEU ; n very book. A TimtjiM'iATKi ) ciin.n'a SET- OrHIX THIPLE PLA VUIKH SfOONS. Or BIX THIPI.K Pf.ATRD UK-bKHV HPOOW3 ; Or BIX TftlPl.K I'LATED TABLBSPOONi ; OrfilXTBlPLK PLATKDOHK h A TUIPLE PLATED BuTTEtl KNfFE ; Or MIX TH1PIJJ P1.ATKO W.NDSOIUttN fVKS. All thiisesllter pkivd ifnixU am Kuainututd to bo I of the beatqnalltv. Don't In I tu land Icf a tpetl- iitfii j y of Tim IfminiitToMi , and we MS urjuit will t induced to unhicrll < c after iLA'Dnjj thu paptrt AddreaiTllK Ilr.iiniimo'i.t I'uni , itMi Co. M tl 170 H. XinUi Ml. . 1'hlla. ,1'a. A F2H3S LXNB 0 P OUST ! . ! THE ONLV.'ICXO&UbiVK IN 1. NXU.