THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS WfljjGjf DAY * DECEMBER 31 DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wednesday Morning Dooombor 30 SUBSCRIPTION KATKS. Br Carrtei . - . - - - 10 wnta r week Br Mall - - - - - tlO.CO per year OFFICE ! No. 7 reul BtreetN6&r Broadway. MINOB MENTION , H. R , Stewart , artist , at Chapman's. See J. Boltor'a now utock oilcloths. ' backwhoa t Try McOlnrg'a nolf-ralntng The Catholic fair is in progress in Bono's hall , Baud's mlnatrola appear at the opera house to-night. Special sale of dress goods at Cocko & Morgan's , 34 ? Broadway. A man named Maasay paid the usnal penalty yesterday for being drank. Qroat sale of white shirts nt Cocko & Morgan' * , 347 Broadway. Harry Hanson ia now on trial In the district court on tho. charge of stealing a homo. William Brown has boon acquitted of the charge of stealing his brother's ' horses. A little child of Mr. Brotrn , the car penter , on Avenue D , died yesterday morning. Charles Smith Is now in jail for a week for stealing a comforter from DayhofTs saloon. Permit to wed was yesterday given Thomas Rogers and Electa Leland , both of Beaver , Boone county , Iowa. The Knights and Ladles of Honor en tertain their friends this evening by a social in the Royal Arcanum hall. Conrad Golao Is employing'seventy teams and a lorgo'nnmbor of men putting up ico. The ice is now a foot thick. The boy Anton Thompson , who stele a pair of shoos from Piorco's second-hand atoro , has boon fined ton dollars and costs. The G. A. R. is requested to moot at headquarters at 1:30 : thia afternoon , in uniform , to attend the funeral of tholr brother , George Bowers. Wm. Ferguson , who has served one term for stealing a hat from the Pacific house , is now in for thirty days moro for stealing a robe from Bouquet's barn , "This ia a depot , " has boon suggested as the proper thing to put on the whlto background of a sign now awaiting let tering at the Broadway dummy depot. H. H. Inman haa purchased the bil liard hall , No. 15 Main street , and is about to have the same renovated and re fitted in fine style and run in first-class order. The M. L. S. C. gave a happy corn party at the Methodist church last oven- ing. Corn was served in various forms for refreshments , and , there was musical and literary exercises. The grand jury la said to bo investigat ing the cash of the Morao boy , whom , it is claimed died from the effect of usivo blows and kicks given by some schoolmates , the Alien boys. A man living next to Kirk's saloon on lower Broadway is reported having beaten badly his wife and son , but this wife either through too much fear or too much love refuses to prosecute him. Surveyors have boon engaged the past week staking out the ground owned by the U. P. about the transfer. Whether for a change of the switching to this side of the river or not is yet to be as certained. In the district court yesterday C. Walker was tried on the charge of pick ing the pocket of E. Welch , during the big Carlisle gathering hero last fall. The caao waa given to the jury late in the afternoon. N The Woatbrook brothers , who have the reputation of being oven moro skillful bicyclists than the Wilmots , are at the roller-skating rink for a Now Year's matinee and an evening performance. They should draw a crowd. Eva Paraon , the woman whom the contractor - tractor , T. Dawson , ia said to have so badly beaten with a boor glaaaia [ reported to bo delirious , and her condition qulta alarming. If such is the case it seems that the bonds of $200 are very small. The caao of Dr. Cross la now sot for Friday , and four deputy ohor/lffs are out summoning the jury , the county being divided into four parti , each deputy tak ing one. The deputies thus at work are Boswick , noisier , Harding and Long , ol Avoca. George Rudio , who represents Lautz Bros , of Buffalo , Is spending the holidays with his family hero. Mr. Radio has re cently purchased some fine lauds in Kansas , and in conjunction with 0. E. Adolf , intend to engage In the cattio bus iness , a business which gives every asaur- anco of being moro profitable than almost any other. It sooma to bo generally understood by the railway employca at the transfer that after January 1st all employes residing in Omaha and working for the Union Pacific in this city or vice versa will bo compelled to buy communication tickota , at ono cent per mile , for usoon the bridge divis ion. At this rate it will cost the men ten cents per day carfare for the round trip. Detective Fero , of the St. Paul road , caught two railroad men taking an empty beer keg and arreitod them. They were James Andrews , a car repairer for the 0. JJ. fc Q. , and Fred Troproll , car repairer for the St. Paul. They claimed that they bad bought a keg of beer some time before , and that some ono had taken the empty keg , so that they wanted thia keg to send back to the brewer. Justice Sshtuz found them guilty of larceny and Inod them each $3 and costa , A goodly number of taxpayers and bus * [ ness men have joined in the temporary organization of what promises to bo a permanent citizens' association , such as has done effective service in Chicago and ether cities. It la the Intention to have an organization which will encourage manufacturing and ether interests hero , and work for the upbuilding of the city , At the aamo time the association will keep close track of officials and encourage ago them in well-doing , and consnro thorn f ill-doing. The association will hold ltd meetings with closed doors. The presentation of such a play as that jlvon at the opera house Monday ovon- ng dooi not add any to the , reputation of .ho phco , and is > nch a damage not only to the morals of the city , but to the ogltimato announcement , that it is strange the management of the opera louse should permit it. There Is only abont a certain amount of money * o bo id oat each year for amusements , and .0 have such a disreputable show draw so argo a share of it , loaaona naturally the amount which worthy entertainments should have. It is said that Council Bluffs does not got the boat sort of enter tainments , and so long as such shows are allowed to take away the dollars , It will always bo-so. It Is to bo hoped for the aiko of decency that no moro such com panies will bo allowed to debase ao bo a to ilful an opera house. McClurg's self-rising buckwheat flour always ready for use. Try it. Wall paper and interior decorations at P. 0. Miller's , 13 Pearl street. DPSE1 SALE AT MEIOALF BROS. FKUHONAT , John Bochtelo is now with H. H. Inman. J. T. Spangler , of Walnut , was in tjioclty yesterday. Marshal Sells , of Nooln , was In the city yesterday. Miss Carrie Stevens has returned from California , F. 32. Pike , of Perry , Iowa , was at the Ogden yesterday. W. F. Supp , ir. , and hi * mother , ha\e re turned from their visit to Ohio. Georgia A. Keoline loaves to-day for Florida , to look after his orange grove. * Mrs. Bonding , of Beloit , Win , is the guest of Mr- and Mrs. J. C. Gorham. M. Holbrook , of Missouri Valley , was a visitor to the Bluffs yesterday. P. P. Kelley and E. B , Woodruff , of Glen- wood , visited the Bluffs yesterday. Justice-elect A. L. Hendricks has 10turned ftom a visit to his old home in Virginia. Miss Roberts lies very ill of congestion of the lungs , at the residence of J. A. Gorhain , A. J. Sim , wife and daughter , and Mrs Gibson , of Mondamin , were in the Bluffs yes terday. C. T. BiiggB , of Avoca , it visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gates , on south Seventh stieet , ho being a brother of Mrs. Gates. Edmund Stanley Van Brunt is the name of the little fellow who arrived'at the homo ol Frank Van Brunt Mdnday night. Bo sure you got McClnrg's self-riaing buckwheat floor. UPSEI SALE AT METOALF BROS. Thanks to the Fire * Boys. MR. 0. D. WAIF .s , CHIEF ENGINEER COUNCIL BLUFFS JIRE DEPARTMENT. Dear Sir : Wo desire to express to you and the members of the fire department who were on duty at the fire this morn- lag , our appreciation of your services , nol only in putting out the fire before il reached our ollicoa at great risk to your selves from snffocation by the donao smoke , but also for the care exorcised in preserving our books and papers from lesser or damage. Very Truly , N. P. DODGE & Co. , JUDSON & BUODBEOK. H. A. Collins , late of Toronto , has opened an art studio in the rooms ol Barko's gallery , 100 Main street , and is prepared to supply portraits In oils ant crayon in the latest style. Satifaction guaranteed and inspection invited' UPSET SALE AT'MKTOALF BRO'S. Dr. 0. 0. Hazon , Dentlat , 100 Main at. Kcal Eamto Transfers. The following is a lit of real eatato tranafers filed yeatorday in the recorder's office of Pottawattomlo county Iowa , , as furnished by A. J. Stephenson , abstrac tor , real oatato and loan agent , Council Bluffa , Iowa , December 30 , 1884 : Mary Klmball to Joaoph JJorwoin. part a e } s o i1075 U ; $1,200 , , David Hoover to Jurgun Grove , w.n ei 20.77 38 ; $2,700. W. S. May no to Nancy morrison , n w 1 n WJ20 75 43 ; S- . Frank Bay to Thomas Bay , n w } a w 1 and east half lot 2 in 20 77-44 ; § 1,000. Brlfjham Gray bill to Peter Brakop , lots 13 and 14 , block 9 , Underwood , § 85. Total sales , $5,035. Tlio I ) rain u in Arkansas , Arkaneaa Traveler. Ono while John night McCullonch was playing "Virginias" in Little Rock , a loan old follow from the hills , while standing at the foot of the opera honso stairs , was accnatod by an acqnaintanco , who aakod , "Undo Billy , are 'yon going to see the show ? " "What sort o' ' show Ia it , Llgel" "One o' theae hero actln' shows , whar men an * women coma out on a platform an' ' bow nn * scrape. " "No hoaaea in ir , Litre ? " "No hosaoc , Unoo . " 'Then I don't ' Billy. believe I'll go up. I got enough o' that sort o1 thing when Abe Spiller'a school shot down. We've seed all they can do. Come on hero an * lot's go 'round hero whar that fellow is playln1 a fiddle In a grocery. " UPSET SALE AT METOALF BROS. McClnrg's relf-rhung buckwheat flour Ia the beat. Try It. Jobbers NEW YORK , December SO , II. W. Stehr JL Co , , jobbers in clothe * , have asslfued to Frederick M. 1'osthofl , preferences amonntlni ? to SWJ.OOO. They were rated at from 545,000 § 00,000 , THIEVES TRAPPED. A Dayltoht Burglar ( laiitEreil for Roll' ' bin E , Keller's ' Honsc , Odd Uoot StcnlltiR nt O'Nclll'u ' Store. Yoatordny forenoon a an oak thief on tared the homo of E. Keller nn Vine street find got a way with nbont $25 worth of clothing. Officer Dougherty was soon on hta track and found hm ( trying to a oil sorno of the stolen property. The follow made a break and ran , but after a lively chaao WAS caught and the property was recovered. The follow gave his nnmo ni Alex McDonald , and did not deny doing .ho stealing , but insisted that the stolen slothes were not worth $25 , evidently toping to got off on a charqo of petit arcony. His cnso was at once presented 0 the grand jury , which la still in ncs > slon. Yesterday [ afternoon two young fol- ows In passing O'Neill's ' store on Broad- ray snatched several boots which were landing out as street signs. The boots voro odd ones , instead of being in pairs , > ut before they had discovered this Ohio ! Skinner had discovered them walking ip the street and arrested them with the loots still in their possession. They were at once taken before Judge Aylos- worth , where they gave their names as James Corcoran and Joseph Douglas. Fhcy pleaded guilty and were sentenced .o jail for thirty daya each , just what .hoy evidently wanted , it bolng easier for .hem . than to got an honest living by work. A BARGAIN. A stock of cigars for sale cheap , among which is a lot of good Cc cheroots at $15 1 thousand. Reasons of soiling , ill icalth and contemplation to go south. Apply to Frank Kern , D52 Broadway , or at Bochtelo's hotel. ANOTHER BARGAIN. I will soil a Webster's unabridged Dlc- .ionnry , Ten volumes Charles Dickens' Works , all for $35,00. I also have a pair of club skates aa good n now that I ironld sell at a bargain. Apply to Frank Kara , 552 Broadway , or at Bochtolo'fl hotel. Ask your grocer for McClnrg's self- raising buckwheat. Try it. . COMMEHOIAIj , COUNCIL BLUFFS UABKKI. Wheat No. 1 milling , 67 ; No. 2 , C5 ; No. 3 , 45. .Corn Now , 21c. Onta For local purposes , 23o. Hay § 4 50@G 00 per ton ; baled , 60@60. Bye 55c. Oorn Meal 1 SO per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00 ® 6 50. 50.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 0 60 per ton ; soft 4 60 per ton Lord Falrbank's , wholesaling at 9fc. Blour Olty flour , 1 60@2 90. Brooma 2 95@3 00 par doz. LIVE STOCK. Oattlo Butcher cowa 3 25@3 75. Butcher steers , 3 75(34 ( 00. Sheep 2 50@3 00. Hoga-4 004 25. PEODUOE AND FBUITS. Poultry Live old hens , 2 50 per doz ; dressed chickens , Sc ; dressed turkeys , 12c ; dressed ducks , 910c ; dreiwod geese , 10@12c ; spring chickens , per doz. 2 25. Butter Oreamery , 25@28o ; choice country 16@18o. Eggs 22 per dozen. Vegetables Potatoes , 8040o per bushel ; onions , GOc per bu ; apples , choice cooking or eating , 2 60@3 00 ; beans , 1 00@1 GO per bushel ; Sweet uotatooa , 2o xier Ib , Cider 32 gallon bbl. . SG.60. Ornngoa ( i 60 per bbl. ADMISSlON-ClentBltc l&dlei 100. i SKATES Gents 160. Ladles lOo. Admission Frto to Ladles each morning nd Tne > day and Thursday afternoons. Use of Slcatea 15 cents. A. F. ECHANGK , H. It , MARTENS , Proprietor Practloo In St to and Federal Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Room 1C , ShuRart's Building , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA Dr , W. H. Sherradea DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council Blufla Iowa , N. SCHURZ. OFFICE OVER A1IKIUOAII EIPRES3 COUNCIL BLFFFS. [ ( ) W A ORDER YOUR Cobs , Coal I Wood OF F. O , address , TxiaU Box 1499. Council BluOa , JACOB SIMS , Attorney - at-Law , COUNCIL BLUF1S , IOWA. Office , Main Street , Room 8 , Shugart and Jlcno block. Will practice In 8 ate and Forfo-al iwurta. not. omcxai TT. n , u , rir T OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Illuffs , > Ia , Established - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange and Horn * Securities. $20 REWARD ! REWARD paid lor Information of present SPA location pair horses , waaron and harness , more > Red br William D Hall to Thomas a'lienton Bay horse seven years old , 1/00 pounds , noir left bind leg , black horse nine jeani old , star In fore- laed M > * ln In rlg'it hiod leg w j 'on,0oorermako , ; h > o Inch let double Ii rno B , talren from I'ottewatt. atclo county In 4nust T n UolUri reward for dlsaovery ol sjld Hill. Hall ducrlt-edis about G IcctlCinches , tandy complexion , btld heart fn top tiers brownish red. stoutlih built , about 4Qicars aprij to Leonard Ev ° rett , attorney atlaw old. Bluffs , Iowa , I IWe to-day offer an < rlgllr until sold our entire - tire stock of CLOAKS CONSISTING OP . Dolmans , Newmarkets , Bussian Circulars1 ! Seal Plushes , Velvets , Etc , , Etc. At Prices That Will Close Them Out. A large 'invoice of Misses' and C/hilden At half their actual value. Balance o Gents' and Ladies1 heavy AT HALF ; PEICES. Also 10 DozenJerseyf Jackets. These are bargains and those desiring must se cure them at once as we shall close them out without delay. Bo not forget this is the time to pur chase Choicest Patterns , Lowest Prices and Bound to Sell. 401 Broacrway , Council 'Bluffs , Iowa : SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special a vortlacmonts , sue m Lost , Found , To Iioan , For Sale , To Bent , Waste , Board ing , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the law r to o ! TEN O&HTS 1'ER LINE ( or the flrat Insertion ind FIVE CENTS PEIl LINK lor eaoh subsequent n- ettlon. Leave advertisements k our offloe , Ho , Pearl Direct , near Broadway WANTS. T OIt SALE A good cooketovoIalmcet new. : Bee office. I F .OK . HUNT Tnotlccly furnlahed rooms. Mrs. A. A. Smith. 123 S. Firit St. IJAOK KENT A handsomely furnished room. C Kefcrencea cxch&tgul , 1102MLth street. WANTED A | ? oed Rlrl for Reneral house-ork In a family ot three , Addicss il. Couccll Bluffa Boo office. WANTED-By a gentleman of good address a position aa bock-keeper or aicsman. Can furnish A No. 1 references as to chuacttr and ex perience. Address letter A , Bco ollico. WANTED Agentj in every county in western IOH.I to e > 11 the "Champion Bosom Stretcher and Ironlcg Boord' , E\oiy lady pronounces it on sight to be Just what 8lu wants either for heteelf ot hirei' help. Big inducements to agents. HetillH for $1 , Address O. B. 8. and I Beard , Bco otLco Council BIufTp , low a. jjiOK SALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. J. JL ? Ftepl cnson , 6C3 First avenue. T7)OB ) SALE A top-buggy , flrst-il'si umko and JU in ox client condition Or will trade lor choip lot. Addro-9 f. il Don office , Council Hlu's. GOAL AND W OOD-Oeorgo Ileaton , 023 Bromd- nay. Bella coal and wood at reasonable prices , ehcH 2,000 Ibs. ( or a ton , and 128 cubic for a , cord , Try him. FOll SAL'S-Piano , H. K. Seaman , Taper , Beoka and Stationery , Council BlUu' _ TTfTANTED Every body In Council Bluffo to take VV TiiaBai. Delivered by carrier at only twenty cents a week. OLD PAPERS Foi Bale at Bil offloo , at 25 oonU a hundred j. L. DEBEVOISE. No. CO ? Broadway Council Bluffs. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the times of the arrival and de parture of trains by central standard time , at the 'ocal ' depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mm ntes earlier and arrive ten minutes later. otnoAOO , BURLiNorox IND qcmor. LHV * . ARUVI. 6S6pm : ChlcazoExrren B.OOaro f.itt a m Fast Mill. 7:00 : p n > 7:10 m I'ilall and Kxpreea , 7y3pru 1S:20 : p m Accommodation. St0 : ! p m At local depot only. Kinaia cm , BT. JOB AND COUNCIL BUJTTB. 10:05 : a m Uall and Express , 0.65 p m 8llS p m Paolflo Express , 6:45 : a m CmOAOO , lOLWADKIS AND BT. TADt , 66 : p m Express , 9:05 : a m 0:29 : a m Express , 0:66 : p m OfflOAOO , BOCK ISLAND AKD FACmd. 6:55 : p m Atlantic Express , 9:05 : a m D6 : a m Day Express 8:61 : p m 7:20 : a m * 0es Molnes Accommodation , 6:16 : p ra At local depot only , WAjiSII , ST. LOUIS AMD TACmO. 6:10 : prn Aooommulaton 6:00 : am USO p m LouU Exprtes 8:45 : p m 1:60 : p tn Chlcato Express 10:06 : a m Al Transfer only cmcAoo and NORIUWESTIBH. 6E3 : p m ExprcM , 00 : p in BiSCam F aolllo I'.ipreta 9:05 : a in BIODI OITT AND 1'ACWO. ' : iO p u Bt. rani Express , B CO a m fllO a m Day Express 7:00 p m UNION rAcma. 8:00 : p m Western Exprcaj , 8:80 : a m 1:00 : a m raclBo Express , 4 : < 0 p m 18:10 : am Lincoln Express , 1:18 : p in At Transfer only , * BUKMT TRAINS TO OHAIU , Leave 7:20-8:80-9:80-10:30-11:40 : : : : : . m. 1:80-5:3 : : i:80- : : BO6:80.80n:05 : p. m Bonday 7SO : - j o-llIO : a. m. iSO-SSO-6:30-6SO-llC6 : : : : : p. m. rilve 10 mlnut < g beturo Uaviiit ; time. only Irs H.J Hilton ! D. , . , , . . , PHYSICIAN & SUE&EON , f K3 Ulddle Br ad ay , Council Bluffs. 20D Upper Broadway , again to the Front. Studj , reflect and come and Examine , and Bee to yourselves what jou can buy forCath at my place quota j ou as follows : 13 Ibs granulated sugar for $1 0 16 Ibs O sugar for * 10 15 Ibs While urC sugar for 1 o 20 bars Kirk's white Russian soap for 1 C 22 bars Calroa , equal to Kirk's Rnsslan soap fr. 1 0 20 bars Kirk's blue IndU soap for 1 01 Dupont's best ponder per Ib " 18 boxes ol matches for French mixed candy per Ib 12jo. H j rup California honey drips , per gal D Syrup , naranted strictly pure Vermont maple pcrgal IOC Sorghampor pal. . K A No. 1 English currants 14Ib ) for 1 0 lew is' Ljo , genuine 10 boxes for 1CK Canned blackberries , preserved. Grans tor . . . 1C Canned Sib yellow peaches In white syrup 6 for. 1 C Canned 3 Ib 1st quality Tomatoes 10 for 1 0 A No. \\hitoflsli , per kit 7 Pure Mixed Candy , per pound 1 ? ] T. T. T. I can sell you according to qualityfrom 16c to 70o per lu. Flour We sell the celebrated Patent Fancy pe cwt , 82 75. Wo keep everything usually kept In a First Cine Grocery , and narranto\crythlnjr wo fell. Goods do llvercd free In any part of the city. I also handl Gloves and Mittens , Dry goods and Notions , Boot and Shoo * , and a good assortment of Tinware. Re member ; I will not only bo not undersold on an ; goods , but will sell 20 per cent below any CompotltloS In the city. Wo are now rcceivlig an Invoice of Doll In whlchwo can give thogrcatcst bargains over offcroi In the city. My expenses are very liphtpwlth nc Rents to pay. I am enabled and will Sell cheap fa CASH. Call when you want the bo of Bargains In my line , J. P. FILBERT , 209 Upper Broadway , ouncil Blufli EVERYTHING NEW , All the Latest Improved Machinery. All Work First Class. Orders by Mail Solicited Express Paid on all Or ders over $2.50. Collars and CufFs a Specialty , Established 1882. H. E. REMEE , Manager JU Broadway , COUNCIL BLUINb'S , IA. THE PLACE At Bottom Prices , is HOMER & GO'S 23 Main Street Council Blulfr [ ) ' E. Eice M. D , nHUfrntJ oroth rtamori lemored withoutthi ImH uDUOj knlfs ot drawing cl blood , CHRONIC DISEASES ° " " ) Un""p cl * Orer thirty yean practical traitM * * Ode * Ko. , Fear ) str t. Council BlcCf * i f . HOLIDAY GOODS Gold and Silver Watches , , Diamonds * Rings , Chains , - Lace Pins , Necklaces , Bracelets , Gold Pens , Gold Pencils , Opera glasses Spectacles , Solid Silverand Plated Ware , EtcEtc , The above goods are offered at prices as low as the lowest and are guaranteed as represented , E. Burhorn JEWELER , ' 17 Main Street , Council Bluffs , . * > * E , Nos. 217 and 319 S. Main St. , COUNCIL SMITH Oi 10VLER Agfa. , LEADING MERCHANT TAILOHS J and 9 Mala etroet , OOTJMOIL BLOTTS , IOWA. Complete Line of XTew Goods to Select From. I AM THE WESTERN AQKNT FOR THH SO. S. This < B vvhat Rome of the skate manufacturer * call it "Club , "but o call it "Our Half Clamp Glut. " It hai piini spring steel bottoms corrugated snank. U is fu I nickel patd Tfle bottom lislupol to flb the kole oft ho shoo or b'O' ' pirfu.t'j , thtroby % 'tWnif tin foot fros and natural action llh.r toe clamp aid light luatbcr iiitftoji or linl tr | S Tnu luel ntr | n are prcferrtble to heel clamp a molt caned , M tliii tr psttiy and strengthen the ankle otten'pro\eiilln | ; s tlon auj painful iccidenti. 1 } II the fluiitlooUrutikito In the nurkct , and one that h sure to pl s . It liii pure Turkey lljuroort wheels with } > tua bmhlngs , they an ) 'Jilnonc in dUmotir and every wntel psrtnty tru ; ntuli pair lo eased In a separate box. nlz3.i , 1 ti)9. I aU iatrya full line of mine skate In fill s'rap weal buttoim ash afulllinoof allextris , and vnull and Ivue bjr& lined wheo , Wrt | for pilcm Terms One-third oaib MoomiiaDylni ; order ; tialancosentC. O.U. * II. L. lIlLLfill , Weit rn Atfjut , 10FourtU ATOUUC Counril Bl'ifl ' < . Iowa. Iowa.GENUINE ' GENUINE SLAUGHTER IK THE rillCES OF Cooking and Heating Stoves ! The season being BO lar advance < I I have concluded to dlnposa of iny stovrs RiOAitDi.KBHOr COST In pial- eience to stoiin ; them until ntit leason. Call early as I will not ho umlcreold by an ) one. , A. J. Mandel , 825 broadway , ( Jouncil Jlluff-j. EJOEBNB & &ANDSTEOM , Winter Goods Ready. Suits Made to Order in Latest Style en Short Notice and at Rensomiblo Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 905 Main Htroet , . . . . . . Council Blnflj. AGENTS WAHTEB. t H Drs. Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt. \l 110 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ; 725 KL BT. , UALtAB , TEXAH ; and Kf , WAVNK , IND IT POSITIVELY CUHKB KMncy and T.lrcr Coroplaiot , llrlght'a Placate , nboutnatUm , Noutal/la ) > p rela , Nervonaccas Wietluf Wcakiifus , I'arilysls , Hjilntl Alf'Ollona , Indl , Heart llsoa , leidach.LimB IJack , C'o'd tVut , anlall uleeaaee requiring locreaBed motive p uwcm , New fmprovud lie ! 3 and ID ; old ttjle il each. WHOLKBALK DEAIilCUS IN 332 ud I10UNCIL BLUFF8 IOWA