Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1884, Image 4

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e , No. 010 FArnnm St.
Now York Ofllco. lloom O5 Xrlbnno
, rnbllihea creir nromlnjf , ie pl Sunday Th (
tlly Monday morning dally.
Oat Ten . J10.00 I Thrw Monthi . I
IUlfon41l . 0.00 | One Uotith . .
Per Week , 16 Cent * .
trnn wKntiT > , rtrtuinu mir W DHWB T.
Oe T * f . . ,9X00 1 Throe Months . > .l
IHUonthi. . 1.00OneU | nth. . 10
A | Commnclrntlom relating to New * r.n4 WllorUl
tiler i ehooM b adJreseed to Ib * KDiroa Of Tni
Bi . }
IIES mmiM Lima ! .
All riaftlneei Lotwrs and Remittance * ihon.d be
ildrtno'l toTniiBii Foiugtrmo Ooxrtur , OMAHA.
pl lts , Obookt and PMtoOlcc orJen | o b mtdt pay *
kbit to Hie order of the oompanr >
E. KOSEWATEIl , Editor.
A. IL Fitch , Munsjror Dally Circulation , F
0 , lei ! , 488 Omalia , Neb ,
OMAHA citizens nro in greater danger
to-day from "coasters" tlmn our scaboanl
state * were during tlio vfur of 1812.
TJ.vnvAnn college has a shooting gallery
lory in notlvo oporotlon. This is getting
the "teaching of the young idea how to
nhoot" into practical ohape.
to the conclusion that the way to roaoh
the heart of man is through the stomach.
Ho is keeping a restaurant in a Canadian
olty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- was a little off when ho pro
dieted for the Missouri valley clearing
weather on Tncsday. His prediction was
completely snowed nndor in this part of
the valley.
TUB Herald .innounccH that the Un
ion Pacific proposes to build a big round
hoiiso at the transfer. „ Wo nro not sur
prised at this , as the Union Pacific hardly
over docs anything on the square.
JOHN P. IRIBII , fonuerly the loudest-
mouthed democrat-in Iowa , but now lo
cated in California , fs among the pilgrims
who arc visiting Graver Cleveland. Ho
wants a slice of the democratic pile.
JonaiNQ from the lachrymose com-
-plainta that have been made by those
who have been asked to pay toll for uoing
the approach to the ice roadway of .the
river that "bridgo" mast bo a bridge of
" . "
"olgha. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
PEACE has been restored in Dakota ,
the county scat wars having been de
clared oft1. It is hoped that nothing
worse than an occasional .blizzard will
hereafter disturb the peace of thotcrritory
'until 'flhtf'bccoines a state.
DK BKAZ'/A , Stanley's rival explorer in
the Congo region , has baon honored by
; King Makako with the "order of the
grand collar. " A similar order exists in
JNobraska. It la the "order of the brass
collar , " and it is bestowed upon worthy
knights-arrant of the railroads.
UECVA LOCKWOOD is devoting her New
England lectures to a contrast between
* > , the vrotnon of 1884 and thoao of three
i uwnlurlqa jlSgo. Belra should not giro
! fHoPigJfaway. 'Slie "may find herself
Ineligible to official honora if she keeps
'CorrcBxnulont | is booked for n series of
lectures iu America. Ho is thu Gcorgo
Alfred Townsend of England a dealer in
second liand literary material the anpro-
priator of other persons' thoughts and
IOWA thinks she has as much of a claim
for n cabinet position as Nebraska , and
she therefore asks for the postmaster-gen
eralship. The democrats of tliat over
whelmingly republican state think that
they have just the candidate in the person
of Jtidgo Kinno , who they claim is a
progressive democrat.
A DAD blunder of the types ; in the BEE'S
reprint of the Chicago JVciwT interview ,
makes Dr. Miller refer to Mr. J. E. Boyd ,
of this city , as "ono of the loudest'1 ' dem
ocrats in tf ebraska. The word used was
"Houndcst. " The Herald refers to the
error only as a matter of justice to Mr.
Boyd and to its absent editor-in-chief
whoso conlidcnco in him has been so free
ly and openly expressed. Omaha Jlcr-
Printers will make blunders. The othci
day : . letter in tho.BEB , written by the
editor from Washington , referred to Gen
eral Rtigglus us being' his otlico ixt the
war department , barricaded behind four
baskntH of docinnunts tied up in red tape
The printers made it road , "I found General
oral Ruggles bum-headed behind fou
baakots , " &c. Qn another occasion th
editor wrote upon "Cuban sympathizers ,
rtnd when the article appeared in print th
word " .Hynip-i-atera , " in place of "sympa
nmdo it ridiculous.
"Wr. have roctlvod the holiday edition
of the G go , county democrat , pub
llshod at Beatrice by G. P. Mwvin. I
Is a most creditable Issue In oyery way
bright aa a now dollar , mechanically
rlsp as a Christmas iolclo in Ha nowa so
lootlonn , and editorially in full harmon
< lth the holiday spirit of the tlmoa. Th
general business prosperity of Beatric
receives deserved 'attention from th
democrat , and wo congratnlato the goo
people of that progressive trade cento
on the substantial work done by them
during 1884. Beatrice has always bee
ono of the favorite little cltiea of No
braaka fair in name , and famous for Ita
active , go-ahead reiidonta. Even the la
borlous duties of the political vlneyar
are by no meana neglected , for "Beatric
on the Blue" haa more politicians to th
a < iuare Inch than any plaoo of lmlUr aiz
in Nobraaka. llegardlea of aex , color o
pteviona condition , they take aa naturall
to 'BlTalra of alale as a butteifly to
When anybody In Lincoln wanta to
make himself solid with the citizens of
bat place , ho immediately tnrns loose
lii batteries of abuse on Omaba. Lincoln
an never build lUoU up by vllllfylng
Omaha. It la rather singular that the
> ooplo of Lincoln have allowed designing
mountebanks and unprincipled editors to
rouse them Into a frenzy of hatred
owards Omaha which was never equaled
y the most rabid haters In our slater city
f Council Bluff * In its maddest daya.
Council Binds was for many years an ao-
Ivo rival of Omaha , but Lincoln no * or
was and never will bo , whether olio gets
bo atato f ilr or not.
Wo have no disposition to disparage
bo advantages possessed by the good
ity of Lincoln , nor do wo desire to
icgot a controversy between Omaha and
jlncoln about the atato fair or any other
ubjoct. Aa a matter of general ioforma-
lon wo doom it our duty to correct a few
f the numerous falsehoods -which have
boon lately published In the capital city
oncoming Omaha and tho'laok of honor ,
ulnciplo nncl veracity on the part Of
hose of her loading citizens who lo
ured the location of the state fair for
ovoral yoara. It la charged
hat the citizens of Omaha
pretend to have [ raised 350,000 to be
used in some shape as a bonus for the
tate fair for the next five years , with the
mental reservation that the pledges arj
not to bo thought of after the fair haa
> eon located. This is a blank Ho , fab-
icstsd out of whole cloth. No auoh sum
im boon raised or oven talked about , and
or that matter no money whatever has
> eon raised or pledged. It laalso charged
hat the Omaha driving park association
nd leading citizens deceived the state
> oard of agriculture by plodgofl which
hey violated with impunity , and that
ho failure to keep faith had cost the
board largo oums of money. This is
bcut as truthful Injtho main as that the
Chicago , St. Paul & Omaha railroad
rack is throo-quartcrs of a mile away
com the fair grounds , and that the road
way between the track and the grounds
s almost Impassable. It is brazenly
harped that the accommodations at the
taco fair grounds are wretched , and that
ho buildings are in a tumble-down con-
ition. As a matter of fact the fair
uildings at Omaha will compare favor-
bly with the exposition buildings in
thor western states , and as for any
omparlaon between our buildings and
icso that formerly stood on the
Lincoln fair grounds It is not to be
bought of on the flame day. Aa a climax
t is asserted that Lincoln has far superior
ailway facilities and therefore is the
most available point for the state fair ,
'his ' is indeed a stunner. Omaha is the
ractical terminus for thirteen railroads ,
nd forty passenger train ; , not counting
10 bridge transfer iralne , ran in and out
f this city each day. Lincoln is a railroad
unction and croaaing for three railroads
with two branches having in all twelve
> ABBongcr trains in and out each day. Bo
jomounlobinkswhoarobelittling Omaha
maglno that they can declovo'tne whole
.ato ? Are they not only injuring Lin-
oln by inviting comparisons between the
wo cities t
THE latest cable advices show that the
ecent earthquake in Spain was a much
more aoricua affair than at first reported ,
n ono town alone 5,000 parsons were ,
tilled. In the province of Malaga the
orthqnako was followed by a destructive ;
lurricane , and thousands of honaea
were wrecked and ruined , and there is '
much Buffering on account of the tcarcity
f provisions. This earthquake calls to
mind the ono which vialtod tlio city of
jlabon , in Portugal , with such disastrous
U'ect 129 years ogo. It io claimed that
Ixty thousand poreona perished in six
minutes in that earthquake. Part cf
ho city was sunk GOO feet bsneath the
bay. In 178.1 probably 100,000 persons
perished by an earthquake fn southern
Italy. The moat dioastrous earthquake
on record is that which killed 250,000
joraons at Antioch In the year 52G A. .
A curious earthquake was that of
1092 , by which Port Royal , the capital
of Jamaica , was in less than throe min
utes aunk beneath the sea. The fissures
produced in the eaith opened and closed
so rapidly that in some cases , it is aald ,
the lower parts of the bodies of persona
were buried while the upper portions
remained above ground.
IT haa often been cnargoa that certain
members of congress , who are ambition
to acqulro fame aa oratora and logica
thlnkorr , employ impecunious but brill
lant Bohemlana to write their speeches
for thorn. That it la true , there soerci
to bo no longer any doubt. During the
Thirty-seventh congress , in 1802 , a
apooch written for Congressman BU
Allen , of Ohio , upon the conGacatlon o
rebel property , was printed in the
Congressional Itccord. At a later day
during the came session , the earne speech
with a few illght changes , appeared in
the Congressional Itccord and crodilet
to Hon. R. H. Nugen , also of Ohio. Th
author of the speech had duplicated 1
and aold it twice. The rooent senate dia
cueslon concerning the printing of undo
llverod speeches may reault in the absn
donment of that custom , and compel a !
speeches to be delivered.
VinrouiiNO NiEViz is ono of the luck
iest men in the .world , siys the Philadel
phia Times. He lives at Carmen , in
Mexico , and la a millionaire. The oibd
day ho and his wife celebrate ! their golden
den wedding anniversary. It waa a grea
day for eld Signer Nlevoz. He gave
banquet and scattered dollars right am
left. Five hundred thousand dollar * In
ono lump wore aent to the poor in the lo
cust-caton districts , and' ten thouaan
dollar * were given to the republic to help
pay elf the debt. Here la an ex&rapl
or some of our American millionaires to
ollow. If they would diottibulo among
be poor some of their wealth , particu *
arly that portion which is Ill-gotten ,
heir alns would bo forgiven , and they
would live longer in the hearts of their
ountrymen than if they should leave
bcir millions to bo fought ever by their
xpectant heirs. Wby our millionaires
tmnot appreciate the pleasures of doing
omo good with their money during their
ivcs , la something wo cannot qnito un-
A largo majority _ of the country papers
f Nebraska have either boon mere tools
nd organ * of oorporato monopolies , or
nouthplocos for politicians and spoils
luntera , who do the bidding of the rail *
cads.Bcc. .
This la the moat malicious slander that
IBB yet escaped the prostituted shoot
credited with It. There la no eater esti
mate of the honor of a man than tbo esti
mate ho places npon his follow-mon , and
when the BEX undertakes to stamp the
> ross of this atato aa tools in railroads
nd monopolies" It merely oxcitca a
aught Llncolri Jonrnat.
( It was not at all necessary , although
jerfoctly natural for [ the Journal
to express sympathy with the
monopoly country wooklloa , but
ho shoo fits it BO perfectly that it fools
our rebuke aa a ulap in its own face ,
ivory intelligent observer knowa that it
ho press of the state had boon true to
ho interests of the people , the high *
waymon who have robbed them , and the
obbers who have despoiled them , would
mvo been powerless for ovil.'but it is
perfectly consistent for an ex-confedcrato
lomocrat , who hires out as sub-editor of
of a republican paper , to lant and aneor
at an honest and fearless newspaper that
arcs print what It really believes , knows
nd thinks.
THE Oraaha Republican still continues
( i bo the otlicial organ of the Union Pa-
ific. Henry McFarland , uecrotary of thu
Jnion Pacific , has , through that paper ,
otilied the Imaginary stockholders of th
ftobrara & Black Hills and Umaha &
lupublicfin V.iley ! railroads to-mect at tho-
flico of the company , corner of Ninth and
farmm streets. , Omaha , on the 7th of
anuary. The editor of the BEE once at-
-ended ono of these meetings * , having
omo business wliich called him > to the
flico of Mr. S. H. H. Clark , who was
lien the general manager of the Union
'acific. Mr. Poppleton 'came into the
oem and asked , "What shall wo make it
liis year ? " "Tho snmo as last year , "
cplied Mr. Clark. The next morning an
nnounccmcnt appeared in the Omuln
Republican to the effect that at a meoi- *
ig of the stockholders of the Omaha &
lepnblican Valley railroad the following
iruetovs were elected , &c. All there was
f the meeting and election was the reply' '
f Mr. Clark : "Tho KUIIO as last year. "
If coin-so the Republican will deny that
. is the official organ of the Union Pacific.
THE organization of the pneumatic
postal eorrico throughout Paris , -which
haa lately been completed , haa coat more
than a million franca , and the length of
the pipes t over 34 milca. This elabor
ate work waa begun by Ml do Conchy ,
who waa director ot French telegraphs
under the empire 17 yeara ago. The *
charge for transmitting a letter to any
place within the fortification haa been
fixed at sis. cons. The service covers extreme -
treme pointo about seven miles apart.
Ondor the moat unfavorable circnmatan-
coa ) a letter will bo delivered * to the-- re
motest place. Including its conveyance
from , tho- nearest station , within ono
'hour. The saving of time and laborby
the pnonmatf s postal service ia expected
to-result in ita adoption ia other Euro
pean capitals and it will , of comae , find
ita-way into the largo American cities. .
Tun yean 1684 draws to a close , and-
bo now year will soca be ushered in.
: ha outlookio not BO encouraging , aait
might be , yst it might : ba a great > deal
, worse. Times are hard , but this coun
try is not alone in auffoiing from a general
oral depression. Ea nd is to-day. In a
much ivoras condition than we are , and
the same is true of other European
countries. It la bolisved , however , that
with the opening of spring there willi bo ,
a generaV revival of irade and industrial
raultsy and that wo shall again soon
BOO prosperous times.
Turn Springfield ( Mass ) Itcpublltoan *
evidently doesn't think Dr. Mk Iu
Georsro'a political miaaaion will prove very
profitable. It says : "Tho fact that Dr.
G. L. Miller , editor of the Omaha Haaatd ,
ia coming east 'on a political missies to
President-elect Cleveland' Interests Ne
braska people. Up to Jato such errands
have panned out email. "
IT la now stated that the emeralds
which adorned the crown of thd Empress
Eagenta were false and aa a ccnaequonco
the $40,000 paid fo ? thorn by an English
nobl aian haa been returned. This ia not
aa startling as it might bo for oven the
hair that adorns many a sorioty emprois
ia not only false but coold never be re
turned to the original owner.
LOOAK haa the load by a large majority
in the Illinois , senatorial race. Ho ia tba
first choice of 100 republican members (
the legislature. If a lopublican senrOot
can bo eleotod , Logan will probably bo
his own Bucceaaor. .
Mr , Ke K " ' I'ewoiml Apprarancc ,
Mr. Dt-agan , like most of the ( uutlicm
men.writes the Washington goAsiy glt-anut
of the World , i tall and largo bone. ? ,
Theiv is scarcely an nndenuzed wan fr&ui
the south lu fithur branch < congruM.
Maumu ! is the only dwarf frcvu belaw the
Mason and Dtxon's lino. Reagan , besides
being tall and broad-shouldered , has become -
como quite stout within the laat fifteen
year * . Ho dresses without a thought
beyond simply covering him < * ujf , All gar
iw alike to him. . Hu general. }
suit of coawoly wo\cn dark
anil carries hi * indifference to ln.i ft I
uppert-anco so f r as In permit R " . .
Texas tailor to cut and nmko it. y
fond of ( lie nqime-toctl boots wornA
in the sonth. ilia favo-ito hat is an t * * <
mons black slonch. Ho occasionally yields
to tlio conventionalities of Washington life
and puts on a s Ik hat. But before putting
it on ho L'cnoinlly takes a whisk broom
and roughs it the wrong way and puts it
on carefully hind side before. Mr. ilea *
gan's iioso is a real aggrcusivo pug. Its
alert , active line looks out of keeping with
the sallow-colored , heavy face. His head
is long and broad at the base and is set
well down upon his shoulders. His neck
is veiy short. .His hair h still quite black
and although it is thin upon the top of his
head shows but little gray. Hii forehead
is low and narrow. His eyes are black
and deeply sot under very sharply defined
eyebrows. The lower patt of his face is
full and heavy. Several yeats ago he
wore a stubby mustache and n furze bush
heard which covered his double chin com
pletely and hid his largo mouth from
sight. Now ho is as clean shaven as a
monk. There are very few lines upon his
face. The depressions here and there in
it have an olive green shade against the
broad sallovrllghts of his largo face.
CnBimlttfH of the Your ,
St. Louii Gloixj-Deraocmt ,
The year's casualty list begins on Jan
uary 2 with a collision on the Grand
Trunk railway , near Toronto , by which
twenty-five lives wore lost. On the 5th
the nuns' school In Bollovlllo , Illinois ,
was bnrnod , and twenty-six of the occu
pants perished in the ( limes , and on the
llth there wsw a tVomondoua explosion of
fire-damp In a mine at Arras , In Franco ,
by which nineteen snipers were lost. On
the 14th the Chinese steamer Hnai Tuon
was lost in the Pacific wl'h 200 pwson-
gore , a disaster followed on the 18th by
the loss of the Cliy of Columbus in Vineyard -
yard Sound , with over 100 of the passen
gers and crow. The 24th was marked by a
black atone from the death of 57 minors
by a firedamp explosion in Crested Bntto ,
Col. , while on the following day the
steamer Silma woa-loat with 23 passen
gers. The 20th will bo remembered in
England for the great storm that wreck
ed an unknown number of coasting ves
sels with most of their crows , whtlo thu
27th will not bo forgotten- the wives
ol 14 Welch minors- who perished in a'
firedamp explosion. Ob < the 30th the
steamer Ruywabons was Ibat with 12 of
her passengers , ana the narrative of the
month's disasters closed with a tcrriblo
railroad accident near Indianapolis , in
which a train wont nhremgh a bridfco with
a-loss of 14 ilvcs.
The month of February had fewer
accidents of unusually fatal nature , the
record beginning on tho-1st with a gaso
line explosion at Alliance , Ohio , eight
lives being sacrificed to the desire to
klndlo a fire with neatness and dispatch ;
while on the 4th thoyuny of Baker
Paohn > was entrapped into a defile and
the whole force , 3,500 btrong , annihil
ated.- The llth proved fatal to a wed
ding party of thirty-five who attempted
to cross the ice of the Thelss , in Han *
gary.nnd were all drowned ; while on the
14tn a- party of fifty fishermen on thf
Caspian sea were carried into open water'
on the ice floes and drowned.
On. the 10th the nowa- arrived of
the capture of Sinkut and the massacre
sacreof Towfik Bey and his troops four
days earlier ; while the lUh ! will be re
membered in the Central "Volley States
for trensendous tornadoes that caused
great destruction of property and life.
The 20th witnessed an awfal explosion of
tire damp in the Unlontotrn mines in
Pennsylvania , by which 19i lives were
lost j-and-on'tne 25th the boilers ot the
Japanese steamer Katsai Hongkong ex
plodedkilling 19 passengero and wound-
ing.many snore. Daring the latter part
of the month there were notable Hoods in
the-Ohio liver valley and'tmany destruc
tive-storms in the sonth.
The- month of March srporloncod a
lull In accidents , there being but two of
any ccnMfience , one , however , being per
haps the most destruct.TO-.of the kind
over known In America , the loss of 154
l.Toa-by on explosion and.subsequent fire
in a coal mine at Pocahsntaa , Va. The
other rwaa an accident that * ! * considered
certain , sooner or later to happen , its oc
currence being bat a nuestion ' of time ,
the explosion of a nitre'gljeerine factory
at Tnompon'B Point , Pa. , by which C
( ivoe.ofwcrklugmen TPOIO Ibat.
AU.3"ools' " Day , the 1st off April , wit-
ncesed the destruction of O&kvillo , Ind. ,
by.a-tornndo , with great Joe a of life ,
whlio on the same diy thaca were many
tornadoes west and eouUt. On the 3d .
tlio steamer Rebecca Eyorlnpham ( bnruod
un. < iho Chattahoochee rlvor with great
lees of lifo , and an the same day the
Daniel Steinman was vrmcked oil thn
const of Nova Scotia , .with , a loss of lf .fr
paasongers. On the ISihy thtiro was a
colliakm in mid-otoan between the Flor
ida , and the Poaomo , osalting in tie
lossof both Teasels and the drotva-
ing of 135 pEnsengeKuau'l crew. The
was celebrated by a panic in
Xho Bucharest theato rclrcns resul'jing '
m a fire and caaning many doiihs ,
ilo on the 27th a bridge gave way
pnder a --inarOiasLaulieol , in iin ,
{ killing forty passpngori. , The 20thwa >
noted forthe bnrnirig.of ffonrtocn pwjpors
in the Van liccon Bounty poor hocoe , in
Michigan , tdgetno * with the blowing up
ot a powder magfxjno. at San Aaionio ,
Cuba , the azplocion.U' Hng tvroity-ono
workmen. The last , four days ol the
month wjie aJso wmarkablo Jor thc >
breaking oat of iforostSres in N r YorkH
Now Jere y and Ifcnsaylvanla , 3y which
great deriruction _ ofi both lifo. and prs-
porty wt * caassdt
May had Ihtocvdbastrona ccldonis.
On the llth a colll&cn on tnu Baltirouo ,
& Oh' * ) , caiidngi fourteen 'Jo&ths ; , an
oarthcpako at the 3tishan Is'unds ic the
Persian Gulf , doaboylng mioy villages
and killing. SflOior ) the popukiion , anJ on
the f.3d.tna wretk of tho. Senorine off
tha banks off Nowfoundla' d , by which
elxty.-two MVJCS.WSTO lost. On this date
also.Borb-ir-waa. captured nd 3,300' of
th popuiatioa Mid garxon wore mas. ,
Juno i waa Mgn&llzed by a clmd'burat
In Frenchman's.Oulclt . , Colorado , "bf
whichlovea minors were drowned , and
on the Wtn. ihe schooner Six Brotbors
foundered Jtho { ( Oand Banks with
the Uoa c fourteen o ) the craw. M xioo
aadbradrailroad aocldont at Now La-
redsbjt which fourteen mm were killed ,
anil tha lul ten dtjs of the mouth wlt-
neuod cyo'ionea in , the central and wctt <
otn ataios.
July hud bat brn accidents of any note
ono being thtf bstjaklny of an engine axle
on the Manchester A ? Sheffield railroad ,
KQQ. , on the iJtli which cauiod the lost
of 25 lives , &xd the other , the collision
of the Spanish steamer Oijon with the
English steamer Lsxham , of ] Corunna ,
on the 2Ut , both ships linking and 12
eailora Ijting drowned.
The Grst great accident In august wae
on thd IQth , when an nndorgroand canal
t Brye , France , WM Hooded , drowning
t 17 workmen , while on the 20th tha Til
Ixos ) ) w a run down off Martha' * Vine-
.yard and 2 mon lost. Firedamp in the
1 Greenback mines in Pennsylvania killed
| 3 mlnori , while the sinking of the
ifer toamer Bolmonf , In a jilorm on the
Ohio river , drorruod 10 rallr& d paason-
gers.Tho 7th of Snplombor will not soon
bo forgotten in Cleveland , Ohio , for then
began the great fire in that city , and the
llth will ba remembered in Iceland for
the storm that swept over that unhappy
island , floods on the llth destroyed
{ M.OOO.OOO worth of property along the
E u Clnlro and Ohlppewa rivers ; but thio
calamity , great sa It war , bore no com
parison to the Ksng 800 provlnco in
Uhlns , where , on the 15th , over 70,000
lives were lost by the floodf. On the
23d , the English jfunboat Wasp wont
down offAho Irish coast with Cfty-two
of her crow , nd on the 27th a cloud-burst
over Pachuca destroyed the lives of thir
ty of the population.
October 3 witnessed the hurnim ; of
the royal palace at Copenhagen , and the
12th saw a hurricane tin Sicily that do-
Btroyod a dozen villages and caused great
loss both of"orcyorty and life. Fire
damp' In the Moravian mines killed 20
minors on the 19th. and accident repeated -
od at Uniontown , Pa. , on the 27th with
a loss of lives.
All Saints' Day , the 1st of November ,
behold a panto In the Star theater , Glas
gow , in which 10 children were trampled
to death , whtlo on the 9th there were two
explosions of firedamp , ono at Wasmos ,
In Prustia , the other at Trodogar , . In
Wales , causing respectively 20' and 15
deaths among the workmen , A railroad
collision on the 14th astonished the people
ple of Hanan , Prussia , and klllrd 15
passcngcrc , while on the same day an
other similar in its particulars took place
on the Houston & Texas Central , caus
ing 12 deaths.
December 1 brought news of the mys
terious plague in the mountains of Ken
tucky ; on the 2d , [ the steamer Mary
Joseph was loat on the Grand Banks with
almost sll on board , while on the 4tb , a
great gale eft the Banks destroyed a
wholn itaot of fishing vessels and caused
immenoo loss of life , and on the same
data a oohoouor 3 smuggling China
men over from British Col *
umbia , was lost with nineteen mon.
The 12th was noted for n storm on the
Rappahannook , drowning JIG fishermen.
The 16th brought another fire damp ex
plosion , tola timer in Stierdorf , Prussia ,
while on the 18th occurred the burning
of the Brooklyn asylum and a great loss
of life. On the Kfth came nowa of the
collision o3 the Ruluau and Maria off the
Philiippino Islands , while on the 20th
came a hurricane in Franco with great
loss of1 lifo and property.
Takenfor a Unrglur.
OnfOASo,1 December 30. At 11:30 : o'clock
lost uight Kdward I'hentico , a well known
veterinary surgeon , attempted to enter the
l' irat National brak , and the night wctchman ,
thinking ha was n bank burglar , lirod at hira ,
The bullet struck tho- watch In I'rnntlce'd
vcat-pockot , .and ho wan uninjured. Tha reg
ular police arriving , In was arrested nftorsomo
dl(56ulty ( , Ho is toliovecJ to be insane.
A Positive Cure far Every form of
and'Elivd'Diseases , from
JPm2 > lca'to Scrofula.
I b vs h&J the Pgorbnta for m.t * month ! ) . Aliout
flu T&onths ago I npplicJj to > : v doctor "cnr BoHton ,
uho-lrelpcd nio , but luiforliuutcty I liad to lcn\c ,
but irontimicd taking hia-inuclcno ! ! for nearly thrtio
inorihslint thAill uo--tlid in > lti\o. I naw Mr
Car feu tt-r'a letter In tlio-I'hil ile iliia ItucorJ anil Ills
rase-jcrJcct yilc8oribc4inin : > : 1 tiled the Cutlcura
ItciMMlKs , uslnoi tno liotlt Kei fvtut , uuil Cutlcura
and ( 'utlctira Sfyii in i > 37i > pribn-uul call in > self com-
plct'Jty'curwl. ' ' L. 1' . JUAUXA1U ) .
> <
Curort. Nor a Hl n of ita Koappearanco ,
ViMir.Cuticur * liasrttie iwimilariul cure fur mo
nicto than two > ear : iiai. ' Xot'.i.-iilio ( Ita ruapcar-
\ nj > lnco. Jt'curinl umcf a \ any b ( l tx.-7.uina ulilch
tiadtroulbcd uio for.moro t avtrvr"itvcarM. I Hell
a part deal ot it. ifRANIi.O. SWAN ,
iinlerlllll , ttusn.
ny used your Cltioiir.i lluintdies ( or iljihtccn
nicwitht ( or Tuttur , > 'id flnall > aurod it , I am anxious
tot get it to veil on cooinii t.ioni I ran recommend it
ti > mid any rulnodlcH 1 haver o\ar twol ( OT Tetter ,
Burns Cuts , etc. In lie * . .itttiuU' t nvptticlno I
1 & \ ecr tried ( or ; iu ) tli--if. K. S. IIOKTON.
I had a < ! onu bad-ir-iM ujawii mylicnly , and tried
Jl jeini-dwjl could hiur oi , and. "at last tried jour
/CutiuuRkltcmodlca i.nd thby havit cured nifc
llelnon , Tliaj leery
] ' . \ery iptclusof Jtrhlng.floalir.Piniply , Soroulnus ,
Inlicrltiil Kiid Uont lpuu iIUniot > , with lj" i ( Hair ,
curt-d bv C'uticuraiiaoh ttitliu new B1X4) ) 1'urifler
Skin CirvtcroU > } - . Sold cTtryulurf. l'ric <
Ciitlcuri , ( a centt ; > it > i ) , S oant ; Keiolntiit , > ft.
Oily BUn
Brunei K ! 'erllwi snhvliit.y ! pure
r. rnji.n Updnvnon n , licit utove-jntll hM > -M1 *
to ditleut iho uruumc'e of i
In mHllon homti t-jt qunr'ar of etntgrr LV. i i
itood. 4a # coiuunura * r llatile t > tt ,
Dr , Price's ' Special PlayoriDg Eilracts ,
Dr. Prlc&'s Lupulln Yeast Gims
Vor Light. H-.lllijr Brcud , Tro ) D it Dry Hop
YratUln tha Cnrfd.
A I TH (
Lln'ngs ' ADO Exteriors.
Aak for thm
CA.UN BROS. , AgonU for Omaba
1O IXJtXN1 * * Money.
MON-.T to loan on clut kn ums ol $10 ami
up. Alto in rc(0 ( onto. W. II. MotttrltOI
trnvn St. ! &H n 19
MONKY IxwnnI en prjonat r * i > . ity , chittcln
or col literal * . Om * . ) , * riatWtlV "TcHnijo.
.03 . rnfctm strrct , /45-Jinlp
MOffKV to lonn on ritr prcpcrtr. In m of
$ ; 90andur. W. II. Metier , ltQT-yrv' < > ni.
MONKV tt lotii M tha'ltli t.r J. T. tIMt ) , SIS
BQIitltUUi H. '
TO LOAM In numanf WiUaui ) wvw M.
MurtKi Davit and Co. , lUal RjUte at'J 7/on
, fYof 8 , 1(05 ( Fnrram St. SM U
MONET loaned on chMMb. Kallroad 7lket
bought end Kid . Foreman , SIS 8. ( Sth
WANTKI ) K KitV O'AHS Tegalib > cooV n\
Oosetva Home. 'HlTtf
ll ANTHt Tencurptntfrsaiiii t n h ndy mon.
t > Apply t frank iftidy at Hie St k Yard Co'
oo houtr. fft3-30i
\\ANrKl ) TwoKlriii oneto'ilt'cocrtlofrand ono
} i to do laundry work , kt'nortlnrnl corner ISth
nd DodRO. .VIJp
\ 17ANTKIOooil mtAtcOolr'tt JW 'd rnlaur nt
1500 F mai > SI.
AlfANTKD District niMURir wlio un'lorilnnda tiio
> > book inttitllmrnt pltn nail attending to tUto
gency. Apply to P. F. Colllor , 7IMkor ) Dlorli.
LnundriM at th * California Homo ,
llth and Loujjla- . SO.V3lp
WANTBD girl ( Or general homework , Slid
"YlfANTkll A Rltl to < lJ RcncrM hbasiworlc at
18U Chicago St. : , * 0-31 | >
TTirANTED-A dr t tlaw Rlrl ( or giner.l home-
V MOik. tin. 8. P. Mone , H * S-lllh St. 3 > 1M
" \T7ANTbl ) A Iho c iiv c Kr to fell Roods , con
VV niako $16 a week. Apply nt SUrtin's Inotiv.l- .
mrnt itore. .T54-II
TITANTIID To-morrow , two-persons ti learn bcok
V > ketplng , situations. J.a Smtli13rJ ! ; Douglas
. - to do housework. KWrnlro at
X412 Cnpltol Arcnuo. 310 DOp
-\X7ANTKI ) UIH to do general Housework In fnm-
VV Ky of l o. lira. II. O. Ccinistnan , .jilllN. .
K rpt clans dining gltl Immcill-
ntfly. Occidental Hold. 31711
TIfAK rni > \ l.nrlwr , 708 south icb : St. Dolor
_ IDA flr < t-cla s servant girl. Gill atHho
Ifoitlrc l comer of S3rd and Butt. * 3 T tf
- compel ont cnok and laundress to
WANTK1K-A ( KC rork tor a fnullr of thrco nt 80S
'atk Avenao. 3l7-lp
' - . good acthowoman to tilnjclnrRn
WANTED'-A. room. Kniiulro at 012 Doujlas ctf
S70-tf <
'VjrANlED tody xtii.t $ for " ( Ju'cu ? r6toon'
VY dalt atooklnRanlsVIrt eupiuirtcwi shouidor
riiies , butl > . btBOii ) formfi , d o 8 .SDloi ? eafcty
elts.ilcevo protectois , Ac. Kotlr-Iv newdovlco * , .
nprcccdcnied proiKsVohavo50 ( zcnt3 ra.-\Mi , ! ( .
100 monthly. Addreea with stamp h. H. Cowpbdl
& Con 0 SoulkMay 8 . Chlcitfo.
WAVEIV-1(0. ! ! ( eolfctorn , Rood oar tothsrlicht
man AodroM Nohra-ka Mutual 114iila-n'c
Jenoflt association , , t'rcnvjnt , Neb. 01 Jn &
WANTED A Ooiraangirl ( orgeneral hou work
inaZ ! ll ( amllj. Inquire seco'd clcwr ( mur
outh-wMt corner oTwC3ty-tlrst aLd Lcavciworth
L : XI > tf
CUIUK-rtN'J 1 want a man : o eviry
PUA11U1C the Btntu to buv them for co h. . No
m't H t J qtanilty D. B. Uooiicr , buyer and vlilp
xt c2 Otino pjaitry luid Kgge , SOI , 03 , 805 , uid 8 7
-.Omaha , 2tf
WANTED Agents to h ndlo our Electric Beit.and
appliance ) , u\o'ui < lvo teriltorf given. A ( ; r : id
pportunlty."or ho ilfjiiiparties. InicatlRa > tyail- '
rcsaing the t'cerlesa M'i'g Co. , Kansai Oity.Mn ,
\\1 ANiKD By. trreKobruka Klro and Wril ruroo , ,
VT Paint and Rooilhg Co.rtllablo menluxi\eiy
ounty in the ototo to err rae companies tci vor k
ngourpilnb" " Tii r .ViJij ( tuoney In It. I ow ) jnr-t
IcuJarjr&c.address- - K. Mivne , SocroWry aid
lanagcr , Ouittia.
WANTK7J-Uituntlc 4 ahrm > lniror onUr clerk ,
or can tao charge. Aiidresa "Expcrienee
. O. Box I-avOmiba. 172 Ip * .
WANTFD-A watchman an
byamarrud ci unvh < cui she the l < vst of cltr
ertroncca. AddreBjJiiD.3eo office.
rjTANTia > Bvaresponslble'mlad'e Bied ( ladii a
V T ' positron us hcHsekeeprr , to cwo trt children' '
r iodo nrlilos Ad.I ft4 "T" Bee office. ,
WANTED aituciUon , r thoroughly competent
saleomanlu tlthorivdry rjcod * . boola and Mioo
rgrocerj-.houso. Appllcuit Iw well acquainted yp
i ajia. A4dreisIeCiu ; 2 , McCagu < > b&nl < i
TTTrAKT Rr A position as-a.1 apprent'rc ' la .a hard-
VT-wan store. AddrswC. S. Barg > lt , NorAlk ,
A iouns married m n waul sicuatioii H Dook-
jt\ . keeper , In wholesale wUMlshmcnt In Omaha.
Addre38"C. " onre Uro. 1i .tf
countiri Gun.
"V\rAXTED-Torcnt3 r4uniirl8hed [ room * for
i i lljjht homekeeplne. or ouM buy email eft *
ftiio H tcrira eult. AildiciH U. A. , BCD otllco SS3'J
WANTED I ha > oS500 to glOCi * I would like to
iinest In aorov paIng bu'lncss In Ora-xhi
Bta'o business and where nn mtcnlcw call bu Ink.
Adarcds C. B. , Bro olfce. H'if-ii ' )
\ \ ' ' Dry KOodH and groceries n cxcbaoc
IT for , f 1.600 worth of Improved i all. end ton
iroperty. AddrSi ith iiarlh j'a.s o ( btoc. ' . t. . ) look
jo\.r.39 , Alblan , Root e Co. , Neb. lbS-6p-
\\"AN'l'rU TO XXUMANOK- of tao fln t
r i ( inn aljolnlng tblscil/ for a scui-ral tloc * .
nl rncrchandlB.- For pattlculirs , ali'itas I' . O Eo\
28ri , Uentral Cay , Neb. 378-Z p
\Tl ; ANTED To tell Homo lu nlturCtpveuaiidoar
. V > pet , n weekly ia ) > mints , ti. F. M rili,3 0
south IMh St.
-muuu mni'Jtb lu ny our. Bol riolotf
. T Pure Burhwbcat flour and Sclf-bltl ; Com
irneul kept by all flixt-o'v3 Riocere. "iVa wjout nil
( buckwheat od ! under our brand p . W. J WEL.
SUANf & CO. , llanufaoturere. 811-tf
To rent , oem , or riii cfi 5'.sn , Inr
WANTED . AOlUcfi.Oj U. A , 110
N. 18th Bt. CSi-J
i V\ AM'lftU Luaiee.and ioucif men * " liwtruct
1 VV book kceplne : Mill wait onhn'fi pj > mitll ltu
atlonu are furnbihid. J. 0. Hm'-tKlSlBUouKlns.
OH HK.NT Newly lurnli JeJirooffi alnvle r en
1 sultr. H. W. Uor , 17th ui'l CM.S. 391 ; i )
| , \ORIlKNT ( JottaK'o3 roora , Hhloi.'j ? il nlintl"ji ,
I ? tlO per rootth. Ino.vlr < roou 1 , Omaliu 'U ,
tlongl llans Uullilir ' . 3BW !
ipoil IIK.ST KUhtv HCTCS of land on milfry load
JL twomllcn frouicltj .for.thit' cr HID jirare U.
r , l ) ia i : Oo , IHV.
ITOU HK.N.T Onu hui e. Ii alie rMlui'in It Krla-
J ? eon. 3ijtl
TTAOIl KKNT Kurchlud rooms and boarat HI7
J1 Howard. SM-i |
FOH KENT 1 'urnlebid room with hoaid.and
uiilurLUhiid loouu for htuce ktvpl'tt ! , 1(117 ( } > !
cajo. SIT ! ! 0p
UKNT KuroliktJ rorins ; no extra charge
FOIt nrc. Knipl'.re 13iO Karntm , | f.T , c.
ISlhSl. 374 Jlp
KKNT N vr el ht room houar. Kncjulre llrr.
FOIt lUjiWei.'J'Oi.lit. tu\inpo > tandChlcaiOtJta. |
JIKNT Nicely luruliho.l . room , one or two
FOU In prl > tta faml'j , near at. Mai > '
Art' . Aumer W. K. , ore lice. 10 ] 31i |
I ? "OK UKNT A tiulto of thri * elrgant rooma , car-
L' i utod. C'arpetii tor nalu. Oim mluuius walk
from I'oBtjftloe , 1410 llo.lno . at. SOI 3lp
* UKNTJJIwly fiirnUtied front room
FO tlon excellent , at KI8 llowrad Kt. SS2-3IP
? 0ll HK.ST Fiuultked room , 1818 Jickeon Bt.
] i teSJinlHi )
FOIl HKNT-FuinUhod roouu 1S10 D < xg ) Ht.Zlttf
, - ) KKNV With ) K rd , oue larfo fuiolihed
1-Mrt rcmro , eu Mid littli S . cor. n | llth and
J.-iut AU Avvti.Ul rioArd nwa.luil. 16011
| ° li ni'.STThrco ir foorni chtnf Mh
JL' liouie north rfSt , fn Cfth ottt-t.
wAl t conroclrnrer. S81 ! * ) p
ir l'lt HUNT A nice 4 rrim m > > f , N , r. Ccf lOlJi
JL1 Mill CI rkJ 8M WMh. . Kfiiltn | 'rml t
tr t.M , r. Miriln'dSloS. ISth. 2 { 90
on UKNT3 room home , to J hn P.
L 1 lit * ! } , 10th aril UlArk ! * . . s < : . sir.
0053 ! .
Ir'Olt ' RK T-Mco Intnlihiil front room , V)4 ) ) Far
I ftta rtr t. 35-3C | >
171011 ItKNT-IMrnlihfil fr-nt room , 1721 MI St
ITJOIl ItKffr lt nso r rooitii , 6'n f nd Kim St. ,
IT 1 block a oflllcKPT3p month ! pp1.i on
U. j > c Don til tUU
RENT-Fight romieil trirrillnir Northflrt
1 corner Harm ? and 18. > Sis , Alt D. Jonn , CD
8 1811 * ? t. _ 81' ° P
"irToiT iVhft l Hen tvonirt ho'inc , " MS b. 12ih 8
I1 Alf > . Ji nc , S'H. ' 10th St. US-SOp
"ijioll UiraTa. . Will Bhtnnm Atrnue , "hou > 8
JL1 lth 0 tconp , Rof'l bnrn , dty and dotcm water ,
larxejard , > nn . nt ! hade trctt ; , $30 per month ,
'nnulro at GMHlllnV , . K. Cor. 15th A Dnuilas
> . S48t (
_ . , _ _ .
> TTIOR UKNT * A Rood hirnUhcd room
.V AlUnscupJlMlner ? Store , itlh Fb , h ot
I'ost offlpo. u
tpt > H KKNrlull of Mir. lihot front roon.r ri It-n *
X' did lo ntlon. Inqnllfat Iftl ? Djdo 8tr I 23-1
> ' KENT -.itnlrtied cr\in'urnljh l'ioon s.algo
F C o-nMli an < ' ChlcsRni Incinin at
nl.H2 ; H0tl16th ( Kt. < 3 fSIp
irOX KKNT U flloK hov > ej 1SITrrtistrr O\ , ,
I1 nl-w roonnsHJI and cS'.iurn. Irir uo Jnni
AnlcrfntnUhci > frint r'errt.or < >
FOUnBNT J f r IKjM houv lV j > lcr. ( Ai.ply ? 0
N. lSthh t \Vohuorand Eflit. ' jaa-OTti'
OU 11KNT V\\o \ hnu
F BUO block ( horn rod bar line stmt car. CT.
lln , S. K. co
iron UhNTAixtt * m.S rouiuiOJ S0lh reet ,
JL uearSt Xinrv'i a\cinin 12.W pjt <
on 8 _
--LirKO | ) lo\s nt ( iirnlsliml roorc > . In-
. * , T. corner IS.lfjind KaranmSt. 1.72 If
roororp situate 1 ba *
tAcm Oon ontnnd I'lcratnt strocti.on llarnoy
street. Inquire oi W. II. Thoiiraou , Flnt WUionil
Dank. liStt
ITIOUHKNT-AnV-o lurnlnhet room if W ( rO '
L' lo ! ) d'u Opcio Ilotiw , { 12 per month. M , K. liar-
tlnJIJH. | IMh. _ _ _ _ _ OM-X
lUNT-Stiro room 1611 TXrnnui ! ] t , with or'
Full BUIlarJ tobies , by Jiul.ou Jl Cn. , 161S >
Parnamat. ,087-t (
I OH I'.KNT FurtWied room aad boarulS.TX ) jwr
F wook. Very best location , 181 * Duvcn-wrt.
0-t IIHXT Ono f-.iwithed ro : m It h board , ah
two or three da-pboaidcw , 18HWobktT. '
T o"ltKNT-Kourrooa h.ou > 2- * nil J.- * ' , SIC"
l/cr month. liarkCrA Jlajnc.
( aral noj rojuv choaji at 319"
8. JBth ntn-et 18
F RHENT Neatest Mi ( rheapo t f Smithed rooms
InOmahx Apply * uO. II. Andcnon-room 14
HOii Block , uorth'-sntranoo , ICrt and D.tvon
jpo.-t or , SJ3-jarj'15
SulU of TOWCB ( urnltVd ( or light
U ? house kcopinff , are ejottioBallv n wnot In' ' U .
pier's block , corner 6th CD * HonardStE.ISt.tJ '
< T ? H KKNT TWM furnl > hcd ur unfumishcd-rooma
Jt- N. W. corner SOth and webetor St. "MM"
- - " "
x (7\ OH RFNT ToKontlcmen only , a p'oasMit for *
J * nbhud room , 0. K. ccrm ? 2Mb and
TJIOIV RENT Two elozactmoms In llcd-ik1 ! ) block.v.
JS F&cleen&Co.l(13Faraaxa. 84MI
IF > OH KKNT Furnished fron. loom Jor rint 222 tV
10th Nt lli-tl
NT FUrnUhod C3cnu > brick blocVi < modem
Impiovciiittj , onoboek J/omToet o.'See , 8 V7 > '
14ttl.-ui'tCnpltolavo. C3f-30V [
FOR RENT A nen liou-js o ! 10 roomsand a barni ,
hartiand soft water ; en ark nvcnuo , J blocks *
'torn Ftvrnam street. Inqslro 713 Fornam. HZtf
FOR IIBNT KeatcottayaiS rooms , hall , pwtry
c&eet and Dollar , ? liWvovoit other cheap ton. *
incuts. D. L. Ihomaa. 81S-tf
'TJAOllItKNT-Storo bulUln.with resldenro-nllforr
_ ti-2. y rinoDta In good location. I ) . L. Vhtamaa.
ESV-tf I
| , - OK KENT Largo eouthrcwt room , lorno. by/SL/ | * *
JC1 wlnJow cloeet , fire vlaoo mill bathroom prlvifcw" * . ' '
leges ; house and furulcuro .now ; 601 U , SOtb stree'Jfl ! :
ono MOC& north ol Bt. ' ' '
TTlull UKNT Furnished or untarnished rooau/
JU brick blank , ioornerilOth-fod Chicago Stai ' "
OCl.Jin- '
tTiOK KENT A nine room hau d ; ucsir a.e I'
J ? ri > u ; 810 per month. Barker it llajno. SCO
_ . . _
TTJOU SALK Cheip , her auj buggy , XIX. < i
J ? Ins St. sa i
FOKSAI.E UUEATy-Onoobirant ohTnib7re t ,
rovul.t ; r clok , ono -irly new Kniux Pin
i3vofoiil framed plctur s , tir.B.hona , lirratca i
jliMiion , ono 1IM1& . mTc.small sl/a , i/no De
chin * , ooffeoact. ll.--jll.ioXo. LOU ilariny
th anil 21st
. . . 311 SALK. COrJ)5 ) feet CuCuniln Bt : . t3h
JE1" west of Mllltiry lildge,31,8Dx John IjitcU f
jppc lto Po.t olIUo. IvO ,
. . * '
- - w
FOIt SALK 1SU124 fcak on corn'Jrj HQUthscat.
fio't ' , house J looms , bam , 3 blncta.wmt o' .
Park avo. anil Learenwortb , easy pajr-jitTUicip < \
JJ.700. John L. KoL'aKiio , dppoaitoI'Ob O.liKo 103-tf H f I
F OR HALR Ilcracn , izueharneza.aUi ) 'ugoni
on one or two ) eara tiaia. lleal tn-Utu security ,
Tlinmag. FM-tf
TflOKSALKOaKXClWNOIC At OIU p.oj aero , ftll ,
Jj or pait of two tnomvn t uoron of , tnnlur land ,
forty mlle pac * of Kanua ] City , wl'-VexclliciRe ' lot
Nobr&aba lamlor niertbiuullgu. E d.crj | Senor 4i
ib B28tla
1 011 TRADE Fcr mwchaui'lnisrt MtIuj pra * .
1 U-rrcJ.Uireu (3falii ( li'o li , J3.Tlon , Ohio.
Ono ( ) lot In Ht. Lei \ , .Mo ; C-Skcrt- ( hoe land ! c
K'un.uf ; Chio ( lf ru In OhUi. This pmwrty In frtu-
of licunil/aiiuu ADcomn ni'Iaj loi.ii. vlll br t'oilt/J
Hirlct j coiilldentlul , S. IlnViTinipuar. , 1094 Cunil-ij ;
St. 87JanSO
STKiYKD-KDr wl mare , t\o.-.TjO'ia ' teat , slntrla
( iKtbi-ul , lout yuan old Intprjuitlou conceru.
* > a will bu ycn'MnldUti Cani-'tn-etourant 2'/ili
f st. sa7.y | >
JQT-lnl ( ( reuard . ( t < lt
4 at 712 .V. 13Ui Kl.
ird oow nlth lilf mnrk
for lier rvtnra to N , W , Cur. 'J3ii and Bt. llr. , ' 3 Av ,
llobt Piir\l . Ul'iSQ
11 SI' Ulwl'la ' cloak and licwJ bet ct-n DiJ e and
J Welistuf Htri'ct * . lllu H.lnaio at IdC/Uni-fco Ht.
, a d rcroiv > rc nrd. UAU-iiO
1O3T "n WcJnetluyb\ ; a tial sliln pap , A
JnultaUu.lcuard.wid l ) 7ilil totru ' ! on rt.
linn of toe to Il4ik t , tilii\nv 13tli
Kuinam itrri't. Jilitf
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