OATl > PEC. 31 , 1884 NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. JAID UP CAPITA ! . . ? S50OCO SURPLUS NOV 1,1584 . I2uCO U.'W TATKV. A. K. TOOZATJH , Pronldsnl. Vim President. ' V. UOOHK , JNO. 8. COLLINS , LKW1B B. REEI ? , ol K. lUyden , AMttUnt and Acting GMhltr. omcti The Iron Bank. ( JOB , 12TH ANDFAENAM STS , A QENERAIi JJANKINQ BUSINESS TRANSACTED. INTE11EST allowed on tlms deposit * upon vornblo tonne end npon BooounU ol banlu And bankoro. FOREIQN EXCHANGES Government Bonds and County n < l Oltjr ioctultlw boagbt nd raid. In Itn treatment of etutomori tbs most llby tt l policy ia pursued consistent with i&fota * ind Bound banking , and wo invite comxponce snco or pcreouftl inquiry In connection there with FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL Nrw YORK , December 30. Money liaiy at 1@1J per cent ; closed oITorcd at 1 } . Trimo paper li@Gc. Starling Exchange , Bankers' bills Steady at1 80J ; demand , 4 84J. Qovornmonta Strong. Railways Firm. Stocks Decidedly fttrongor during forenoon and prices advanced } to UJ per cent. Buy ing was stimulated by reports that trunk lines intended restoring west bound freight irttc * on the fiist of tlio year , and contracts imt- ftanillng would lw cancelled. After tha mid day ( ales tii roali/.s carried prlcaa down J to J per cent , but subsequently xolno juicus nd- vncceil to the l > cst figures of the day. COUPONS. 8'B. 1014 4Va Coupons. llilS I ? . S.I , now4'a 122 ? roclfioO'aof'95 121 STOCKS AND BONDS. Oontral pacific , SIIJ Chicago & Alton 11 ( i do do pfd 14G Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 11-1 \ Delaware , Lackawnna & Western 91f Denver & lUo Gran Jo 84 Erlo 133 do pfd 25 Illinois Central 1101 Indianapolis , Bloom , & , Western 11A Kansas & Texas 15t { Lnka Shore- & Michigan Southern Gil Loulsvlllo & Nashville 2.r. ? Michigan Oontral 6 A Missouri Pacific SO { Northern Facifio 10 do do pM 38 ? Northwestern 83 j do pfd 120 ? New York Central ; fin ? Oregon Trans-Continental 13 J PacilloMail . ' EH P. D. &E 11 ? Pullman Palace Car Company 105 \ Rock Island 10IJ St. Louis & San Francisco 1 ! ) do do pfd 38 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 703 do do do pfd. . . . . 102 St PaiU&Omaha , 123J t do do pfd 8S : ! Texas Pacific1. 12 * Union Pncifio 411 Wnbash , St. Louis & Pacific ! ? do do do pfd 12 Western Union Telegraph. . ' . G4 \ U. U. &N 70 tEx-div. Asked. GKNEIlALi PIIODUOE. OHIOAOO rnonnoE. OIIIOAOO , December 80. Flour Steady , > firm and unchanged. ' Wheat Active and unsettled ; iluctuated often ; opened Jffllo higher ; declined jjc ; ral lied fie ; cased elf Jo ; rallied and cased off [ again and closed Ic over yesterday ; 75J@7oJe for cash and December ; 7Cc for January ; 701 @ 7Gga for February ; 8283c for May ; No. 2 red , 70ic. Corn yuiet ; ruled go higher ; later cased elf ; year closed ic lower ; February , ftc lower ; iMiy : , } o higher tuan yesterday ; Sb\a for cash and thu your ; 35ffi.15jc ( [ for January and Feb ruary ; 8Jo for May. Oats Active at yesterday's outside figures ; ' 25 } % 21'is for ciwlij 25 > jo for December and Januarv ; 25 0 for February ; 20o for March ; 28J@8Jo for May. Jlyo Firm at 62c. Barley Steady at 68 ® GOc. Timothy A shade firmer ; prime , 1 20@ 121. 121.Flax Seed Steady and firm , No , 1 , 1 35. fork Active and irrt'tj"la' ; early advanced fi@74c ; latjr wcikoned 10 Sl" : , i-trongthoned lU@l5e , and closed steady ; 10 'JO for cash December and January ; 1100 @U 02\ \ for February ; 1110 , ll 12J for March ; 11 10 ® 11-1'JiforMay. Lard Quiet and stnadlf rand a shade lower , early. l.it r rallied GHj7iis ( nnd closed steady ; G 5. > @G 674 f ° r cn8' ' ' " " ' January ; 0 G5@0 1174 for Fcbnmry ; 0 7f > @G77i for March ; 0 824C9 f 085 for A .til. Bulk Meats - ShouldorR , 4 02 4 03 ; short clear , li 10@li 15 ; short ribs , D C0@5 55. Whlaky IKI. Butter Firm and unchanged ; clioico to fancy creamery , 25@27c ; choice dairy , I8@21o. Choose Firm and unchanged ; now full cream choddorg , lll@12c ; skimmed cheddars , . .a Froih , very scarce ; 2G@2i o. IHdos Steady and unchanged ; green salted , heavy ; fully cured , 8c ; light , Sic ; calf. U@1U. Tallow Steady and unchangodjNo. 1 coun ter , Bjfc. Receipt * . Bhlp'te. Flonr.bbla 18,000 lf.,000 Wheat , bushels IfiS.OOO Ifi.OrO Corn , bushela 1111,000 lOli.OOO Onts , buehola C'.OOO ' 10,00(1 ( Hyo , bushels -1,000 L'.OOC Uarloy , bushel * 3b,000 27.00C . LIVKni'OOL , LIVERPOOL December 'M. BroaJstulfa- Stnmg nml > > liglitly ilenrrr. Wheat Winter , Ga Ud7a 'Jd ; spring , 7 @ I'd. Oorn-Cs OJd. KAN8AH CITY. KANSAS CITV. Ducombcr I'd. Whoat- Ilighcr ; ca h , C5o ; 5.t ri5Ja ( or January lil o lor Mny. Corn Viriner"JP ; 2So for caih ; 2li'cbiil ' OJo : ibliKl for January ; 2o .for March ; L'SJi forlMny. O.vtH Dull nnd nominal ; : ) Jc bid. MCW YOUK rnoncoi. NEW VOIIK , Dticoiubor IM ) . Wheat Spot mlvnnccxl 4@lic" V'01' ' ' " ' 'lrn'i "Ptionn ii frac tioii hlnlirr ; iv eipU 1)1,009 ) ; oxi arts 411,000 , Jio 1 ! HUjifltf , We ; UBgrndivl n > * l ) ! 9ff'l9c ( : No 3 1 81fa H | e ; No. 2 nxl WJgKiJe ; 1-Vbrnar ; cloiiu ' ' ! . ) , t'K7jp. Oont Kc > itf il ncd irregular ; X < > . " Deci-ni ber ndvaiic'd fully I'.lo on ctivoricg ( linr < i- olotiiiK wi lui it notion of 5 , ' , Lntvr mcnth oiwcinl K' Jo totter , clofinjj iuliado lower Is 11. U bpot 17o higher. Others opcuml tin and dom'd iCTfa lower ; it'ceipti ( ki.OOO ; is iKiitH G7XXi ) ungradtxl IS.'iS''c ? No. 1 ! , 7&c Febriuty cloiiog atI7J. | . Onts A Shidn lowtr ; ri'tciptn 21,000 ; ci irarU 810 ; mixed weeturn , : il : U > a ; whiti W-SJlOo. Barley-Steady. Kegs Westoru fresh Ih in ind fairly nctlv at Sv , Pork Firm and in moJciate demand i 1225 1260 , Lud Market tti'ady ; tve tern tteani Bpo ciuotod tO'J.ifutilir. Butter Virintr at 2iJS33c. ) Chcete Unchanged ; choica cream 10@lli Sugar Quiet and unchanged ; granulate udcutloafatSgGic. Collce Steady and firm Cotton Firn > and prices unchanged ; mid- HnR uplands 10 02. Bulk Meat * Dull and nominal ; shoulders , 4 00 Jt Miort ribs , G 00. Wdlnky Firm at 1 11. TOLEDO , TOI.SDO , December 30. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 red , Decemlier , 7Cc , Corn Sluing , No. ! 2 cash 40c. Oati-Dull ; No. 2 cash and January , 2c ( bid. bid.iiarley Unchanged at 6Cc. CINCINNATI CINCINNATI. December 30 Wheat Demand f\ir : , highf r ; No. 2 rtd 7"(378f. ( Coin -Strong and hlghor ; No. 2 mixed , -I0o. Oats Demand giMxl and tending upward at 28JC. 28JC.HyoQniet at &IJc. Barley Dull and unchanged ! No. 3 fall , 680. 680.Pork - Quiet and steady at 11 00. Lard Stronger atO 53. Bulk Meats Market qulot ; shoulders , -17-18 ! chart ribfl , 5 75 . Butter -Quiet ) choice grades , 20@28c. Eggi Firm and xmchancod. Whiiky Active and firm at 1 11. BALTIMORE. BALTIMORE December 30. Wheat West ern Irregular , higher and strong ; No. 2 winter rod spot , 81 ; . Corn Western , irregular and easier ; mixed Oats Finn and dull ; western white , 31 © 3Cc : mixed , 32@331c. Kye-Qaiot at W@G2c Kggs Unchanged at 20 31c Pork Quiet but steady ; old , 12 25 ; now , 1225. Lard-llefined , S7 00. Bulk Meati Weaker ; shoulders , 8 374 ; short libs , 8 2f. Butter Steady ; western packed , 1020c ; creamery , 25@38c. Whiskey 1 18@l 11) ) . MILWAUKEE. " "MlLWAUKiE , December itO.-Whoat Easier ; No. 2 Milwaukee and December , 7IJc ; Janua ry , 7 Uc ; February , 7 ! ? . Corn Quitt and unchanged , light demand ; No. 2 yellow 3 < K 301o. Oats Higher ; No. 22Cl@27c ; No. 2 white , tc. Kyo-Quiet ; No. 1 621c. Barley Stronger ; No. 2 spring 51Jc. NKW ORLKAXS. N.KW ORLKANS , December . ' ! 0. Corn- Steady and in fair demand ; in sacks , white and yellow. 47c , Oata Western , easier at 37c. Corn Meal In fair demand at 2 30(32 ( 35. Pork Steady and in fair demand ; 11 S4 Lard Finn , tierce roBned , 7 CO ; keg , 750. 750.Bran Bran In bettor demand and market steady atOJc. ] f > R8 Western fresh' demand fair and mar ket firm. Butter Demand fair and market firm at S@21c , Bulk Meats In fair demand ; shoulders , packed , lower , 7 374. Whiskey Steady ; western rectified , 1 03 © 125. ST. LOUIH PRODCCK. ST. LOUIH , December SO. Flour unchang od. od.Wheat Wheat Again sharply h'ghor and very ac tive for may , but other mouths slow ; No , 2 red HI for cash and December ; 84g@849 for January ; 851@85J , closing at 851 for Feb ruary ; 01J@92 , closing at 91J for May. Corn tilow ; opened higher , then declined ary ; 33@33ji for February ; 35.35A { for May , closing at inside flpuroa , Oats- Stronger and a bit inactive ; 251 bid for cash ; 29i@293 for May. llyo-Duli ; 48 bid. Barley-Quiet ; 55375. Butter Market demand fair and. firm. Lead Nominal , 3 40 , Eggs Easier , 20@2l. Flaxseed Steady at 1 33. Oornmeal Firm ; 1 90@2 00. WhUkv-Stoady at 112. ] lay Unchanged. Bran Unchanged. lilVE SIOCK. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , December 30. Drovers' Journal reports : Cattle Kecolpts , 7.600 head ; steady and firm ; exports , G OU@t > 25 ; common to choice , 120gG ( 00 ; inferior t- > good cown , 2 20@3 DO ; stackers , 3 0033 80 ; feeders , 4 00@-1 30. Hogs Kecelpts , 34,000 head ; Be higher ; quality good ; roogh packing , 400@420 : packing and shipping , 42004 33 ; light , 100 @ 4 25 ; ekipa , 3 30@4 00 ; closed wuik. Sheep Receipts , 2,400 head ; steady ; low grades weak ; common to good , 2 2 ( © I GO ; choice to extra ; 4 00@1 25 ; lambs , 4 00@5 CO. KANSAS OITT , KANBAH Cur , December 30. Cattle Ro- celptu , 410 ; a.tivo and strong ; common to choice shipping 400@5 121 ; feeders , 3 GQ@4 00 ; cows , 2 80@3 50. Hogs Receipts , 4GOO ; steady ; 3SO@1 10. Sheep Receipts , 713 ; steady at 2 75. BT. LOUIS LIVE STOCK. ST. Louis , December 30 Cattle Receipts , 50 ; good local demand and prices noninal ; exports , 5rO 5i5 ; common to choice ship ping , 4 00 it 5 50 ; cowa and heifers , 300 ® 125. Slnep Receipts , 1,75 ; gocd to bct gr.ides wanted at 3 50gl 00 ; poor hard to sell. Hogs Recsipts. 1,200 ; active ; light , 4 10 © 4 15 ; packing , 4 10 © t 25 ; heavy , I 25@4 30. OM/VUA. : "Wholesale Prices. | OmcB or THE OMAHA BKZ , \ Tuasday morning , December HO , J Grain , Wheat Cash No. 2 , C8J. Barley-Cash No. 2 , 4G. Rye-Cash No. 3 , 38c. Corn No. 2 , 20Jc. Oata-No. 2 , 19 * . Hid . Steady ; green butchers' G green salted , 7c ; dry flint 12 ; dry salt 10@11 damaged hides , two thirds price. Tallow 4' ' ! ? . Grease I'rimo white , 4ie. Sheep Polta-25@l 00. Ijivo Stock Hog * worn firm at 3 25@3 GO. The cattle market to-day was quiet and butchers' stock was quoted at 3 003 7(5. ( Bheop wor [ quoted at 2 00@2 70. Flour and ftlillsruffe. Winter Wheat-Boat quality patent at 2 80 < 5300. ! Second quality 2 20 ® 2 BO. Spring Wheat Beatquallty , patent , 2 81 ® 2 00 00Second Second Quality-2 15@2 60. Brau 65o per cwt. Chopped I'oed-Por 100 Ibs. , S0@90c , Corn Meal-90c@l 01) ) per cwt. Screening 05@75o per Conornl Produce Applcs--Stocbs reduced considerably and are now rather email , Ben Davis iiro told at iJJ.fJO nnd Geuetona at.53. . Higher prices am expected. Poultry Since our hut the nmrVcfc hai been mtner HII k anil ptiron uii'-ettli'il , but did not go bo'/w thu H\crn ( ; ( ) ( in tuikey , KH'-H nnd duckx , but thn chickcna lloode < l the inuiKot a ain and went at very low fiijuies , liii' beiiifr the niling piica fur fair btnclc. As Usiivl : , rcuciptHvrro tha hea\iebtoa CtirlnUniis nioinmf- , when all tbn trade were eii | > iilicd and with no demand worth montiuning , havn reinniiiiMJ on b.iud nnd the quintity LOW held in comnifcfcinn hcu-sca la prolubly largo owiugh to J.itt nver New Ycirs , Wu xhall i-ontinue tn kei'p our coi igniirn ported punnptly ru the ptatoof our market and hnpa to ba ablutti ii'poit n rrnctiua with tlio Now Year , Chickens , drexacd , choice , per lb , 9@10c ; chicken ? , ilriwaoil , fair to good , fi@Uo ; IMtor , i@lc ! ; turkeys , dreAgod per lb , choice , 12 i9l3c ; turkeyn , dressed , fair to good , 10@ llcj poor , 8fel > o ; geeso. dreeeed , per lb , choice , lie ; fair to good , l > @ 10s ; poor , 7@8c ; ducVa. dieneod , nir lb , choiru , 1-c ; fair tc good , 10(5illc. ( lUdii-Iii moderato supply at 2.'ta25o. ( Butter ( Juiet , but blvady. Wrap thn rolli it in thin clean muslin and avoid mixing dlflerenl niulltlea in one package as much an possible Creamery 22@V5 ; fair to good , l'15 , clioici dairy , 1G@18 ; inferior grade * , 8@10. Oatnti c-ontinufs to bo in good demand : . The reason for tlrer , antelojx1 , etc. , run ou id iTuuuary Int. In chipping biriU jexcejitini geeae and ducks ) pack them in tight jiock ogetJ , boiea i > r barrels , and ( hip as " | ultry. De r carcaM , jxir lb. , 7@Sa ; deer noddlea , pi lb. , ll@12c ; Antelope , carcass , per lb. , 'fi .r antelope saddles , per IK , 11(012 ; prairie chick" en , per dozen , 31 fO ; mmll , $1.00 ( 21.25 | ; geese , per dozen , S3.00 $36C ; jack rabbits per dozen , 8I.COg$5 OJ ; mall rabbits , per dozen , $1.001.75j nlw. | per dnzen , 81,00 1.25 ; dsckit , mnlUrd , $2.00@2.50 ; teal and mixed , ? L50f 2.00. Potatoes No receipt ] and prices nominal , per bush. 30@-10c. Onions In .fair demand , per bushel , COS GOc. GOc.Po | > corn Market glutted. Sales slow at li < S2 per lb. Beans Demand very light nnd stock heavy. Only clean stock saleable. Navies ( clean ) per bushel , 1.20@1.10 medium , 1.00@1.V5. Honey Comb Choice domestic , 15@lGc ; California , 14@lCc. Beeswax In good demand. Choice bright per lb. 2628c ; common to good dark per lb. Cide0hlo" per bbl , , 700 ; "York State" per bbl. , 8 00 ; per 4 bbl. , 4 75 ; con densed per gal 85c ; crab apple per gal S5c , Choose nil cream , western , 12c ; Wiscon sin now 124c ; young American , 12 a 13ft. Maple Sugar Pure , in bricks , per lb. IGo , Ohio 13csmal ; cakes 12 0 , Grocer Ii CANNED Goons. Oysto a ' ( Standard ) per owe , 3 9i ) ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 20 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 50 ; California pears per case , 5 80 ; aprlcotn , per cose , 5 00 ; poncho' per cose , 6 90 ; white chorrioa per case , G 7 $ ; plums per ca e , 4 50 ; whortleber ries , per case , 3 00 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 290 ; greengages , 2lb , per case , 2 < JOpino ; aplcs , 2 lb , per case , 3 20@5 50 llors Sital , 4 inch and larger , 9c , jj inch. . Sic , I inch , lOc , CANDLSS Boxes , 40 Iba , 1G > , 12c , 8s , 12lc , boxes , 40lbs , 1G oz , Gs , 1-lc. ulntedjGic ; confectioners' A , Gjjo ; Standard extra C. tic ; extra 0 , Ggc ; medium yellow , CJcj dark yellow , Dc. COFFEES Ordinary grades , 12@12\c ; fair. 12 © 13&c ; good,13lc ; prime , l > l@10)c ) ; choico. lG@17o ; fancy green nnd yellow , lG@lGJc ; old government Java , 20@26c : Arbucklo's roost ed , IGJc ; McLaughlin's XXXX roasted , IDJc ; Imitation Java. lGJ@18Jc ; Clark's Aurora , IGJc. IGJc.STnur Standard Com. , SOc , bbla ; Standard do. 4 gallon kegs , 1 30. SODA In lb papers , 3 20 per caae ; keg , per lb,21c. PICKLES Medium in barrels , G 00 ; do in half barrels , 3 50 ; small , in barrels , ? 00 ; do in half barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins in barrolr , 3 00 , do in half barrels , 4 CO. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 4B@55c ; choice , GO@7Gc ; good Imperial , 4043o ; choice. GOSH 65e ; Young Hyson , good , SG@50c ; choice , 05 @ 1 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 7Cc ; Japan choice , G0.g75c ; Oolonfr good , 35@40c ; Oolong choice , 4 < ! ( < jG5c ; Souchong , good , 30@10c choice , 35 @IBc. RICE Louisiana , prime to choice , G@7c ; fair , Gjfc. FISH No , 1 mackerel , half bbls , , 7 ; 5o Family J bbls. , 4 25 ; No. 1 kits. 1 06 ; family kite , GOc ; No. 1 Whitehall , half bbls. , G 50 ; No. 1 kits , 95oi family halt bbls. . 3 00 ; family kits and'palls ' , GOc ; No. 1 trout , half bbls. , C 25. WOOIKNWAIIE Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; three hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; pioneer washboards , 185 ; Double ) Crown , 'i 90 ; well- buckets , 3 85. SoAra Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 45 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's White Russian , 5 20 ; Krk's { eutoca , 2 15. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , i cans in case , 35 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. In caae , 1 CO ; An- etior ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50. CANUT Mixed. Hal2c ; stick , lOallc ; twist stick , lOJe. VINEGAR Now York apple , IGc ; Ohio ap ple , 13o , SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ashton , in sacks , 3 CO ; bbla dairy. GO , 5a , 3 60. STAUCH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 80 : Corn Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Glosa , 7c : Corn , 7je. SPICES Pepper , 17c ; spice , 14c ; cloves , 20c ; cassia , 15c. DRY FRUITS No. 1 , quarter apples , bbls , GJcN ; 0 sliced , boxes , GJc : evaporated , boxes , 9Jc ; blackberries , boxes , lOJc ; peaches , | - boxes , 8Jc ; poaches , evaporated , 14c ; rasp berries , 32c , Dry Goods , BHOWN SHEETiNoa Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Atlan tic P , Cc : Atlantic LL , 5ieJBrunswick ; , 7c ; Beaver Dam LL , Gc : Lawrence LL , Gip ; Pa-1 cifio H , 7 c ; Royal Standard , GJc ; Indian Head A , 7Jc ; Wnuchusott A , 7jo. FINE BROWN SHEETINGS Argyle , CJc ; Pop- icrell R , 7c ; Salisoury R , Gic , BLUACHED COTTONS Ballon , 4-4 , GJc ; Bal- on , 7-8 , 5 c ; Cumberland , 4-4 , 8c ; Davoli DD , ijc ; Fairmount , 4lc ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , Oc ; Glory of tha West , Sic ; Golden Gate , 82c ; Hill 7-8. 80 ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jc ; Lonedale , 7ic ; Now York Mills , 11 jo : Watnsntta , lOJc. DOCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljoi Bos on , 10 oz , 1-1 ic ; Boston , 9 oz. , He ; Fall River c. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West 'olnt 10 oz. , 1-lc ; Point Boar , 8 oz. , lie. TICKINQB Amoskeng. 13&c & ; Continental Fancy , 9Sc ; Oordts I0c ; Pearl River , l'2c ; York , 12ic | Hamloton Awnings , 12e. DESIMS Amoflkosg , 14c ; Beaver Creek A A .2e ; Beaver Creek 'BB , lie ; Beaver Crook CO. lOc ; Havmakera , So ; Jalfroy D & T , 12fc ; TaaroyXXX , 12Sc ; Pearl River. 13c ; War- on AXA ( brown ) , 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , Ic ; Warren CO ( brown ) , ICc. CAMBBICSFifth avenue glove finish , 4Jc ; Covjtono glove finish , 5c. OonsEr JEANS Amory , 7Jc ; Hancock , So ; careayer SJc ; Rockport , 7o. P HINTS -Aliens , CJc ; American , DJc ; Arn- da , Gc ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4Jc ; Inaigo , c ; Indigo 7-8 , Ilic ; Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc ; Steel iver , 5ic ; Charter Oak , 4JC. PniNis SinnriNos American , Co ; Oocheco , ic ; Gloucester , 5c ; Southbridge , 4Je ; Waver- , ys. 4Jc ; Rosodale , 4c. GlNOUAMa Amoakeajj staple ? , 8Jc ; Bates itaplos , 8.c ; Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plunket plaids. 9cr Hudson checks , 8Jc ; Amoskeag " 'erslans ' , 9Jc , DBESS GOODS Atlantic alpacca , 9Jc ; Per- ion cashmere , 23)c ) ; Hamleton cashmere , 15Jc ; lamletou Fnncua , 1'ic ' ; Hnmleton brocades , 5c ; Arlington brocade , 18c. Heavy Ilardwnro List , Iron , rates , 2 SO ; plow steel , special cast , Gc ; crucible , 7o ; special or Gorman , Gc ; cast too ; do , 15a20c ; wa on spokes , set , 2 25a3 00 ; huba > or set , 120 ; telloes , sawed dry , 140 ; tongues , iacb , 70a85c ; axles , eah , 75c ; equarp nuts ] > cr b , 7allc ; washers , per lb , 8al8c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per lb , 6al2c ; malleable , So ; iron wedges , Gc : crowbars , G. : harrow teeth , 4c ; spring stool , 7a8o ; Burden's horEO iboes , 4 40 ; Burden's muleshoos , 5 70. BAHBED WinE In car lota. 4 00 per 100. NAILS Rates. 10 to GO , 2 30. SHOT Shot , 185 ; buckshot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , kega , G 40 : do , half kegs , 3 48 ; do , quarter kegs , 188 blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , i > or 100 feet , 50c. LEAD Bar , 1G5. COAL-Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whitobreast lump , 5 00 ; Whitehrcast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 ; Iowa nut , ft OOt Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Antbra- clot , 1123all 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 per ton. Leather. Oak solo , E8@42c ; hemlock sole , 2S@33c ; hemlock kip. fcOc ; runner 65o to 75o ; hemlock calf , 85 to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22 to < 2Ici. oak upper , 2 Ic ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 CO ; calf Idd , B 50 to 7 50 ; linlngi * , G 00 to 8 50 ; t ppinga , 9 00 to 10 BO ; B. L. Morocco. SO toSSc ; obble O. D Morocco 35c ; simon , 2 50 © 3 00. HAIUHHS No , 1 star oak , 3Gc ; No. 2 , 3lcj 35c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 33o ; No. 1 do , 31c ; No , 1 Mllwankoo 34c ; No. 2 do , S3c. No. 1 Pitta oak liar , 3Gc ; No. B Pitta oat liar , 3-1 o. Ijiijiiors. ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol , 2 2fi per wine gallon extra California spirits ; 188 proof , 11 ! per proof gallon ; tripple refined spirit * , 18i proof , 117 per proof gallon ; redlstillei whUkiei ) , 1 00 1 50 } flno blended , 1 50 2 50 ( SINS Imported , 450SUOO ; domoatlo , 1 41 @ 300. Rusia Imported , 4 50(20 ( 00 ; New Kugland 199 400 ; domestic , 1 50&3 50. PEACH ANIJ APPLB BRANDV 1 7534 90 , OllAMPACiNia Imported , per cose , 28002 31 00 ; American , per case , 12 00@li ) 00. Tnlinccn. Plug Tobacco Climax , 45c ; Bullion , 45c Horseshoe , 44c , Star , 4fie ; Rudy , 45c ; Hei iiey'a. 40c ; Black , 38 ® 10 ; Spearhead , 4Co Our Jtope.IBc ; Piper Heidtieck. Glc. Fine Cut Common , SOci Medium , 4Cc good , 45@GOc ; Hard to Beat , 70c ; FavoriU COc ; Diamond Crown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteer CGc. Smoktug-0 , 8. , 2'c ; MeerBchaum , 30 < DnLlfttn ) iGcoz. Klc ; Durham , 8 oz. , 65c ; Dur- _ _ 4 oz. , 57t ; Durliwn , 2 or. , GOc ; Seal of kh Carolina , 10 oz.,41c ; Seal of North Car- \ni , 8 oz. , 43c ; Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , iSc : Seal of North Carolina. 2oz. , 60c ; O. K. nrham. 4 or. , 28s ; O. 1C. Durham , 2 oz , 30c ; Uncle Ned , t'n 2oc ; Tom and Jerry , 23c , Tititnlcr. W1IOLK9ALE. Wo quote lumber , lath and Milngles on Mr , t Omaha at the following price" ! JOIST AND acANTLi.vo 10 feet and under , 2000. TIMBERS 16 foot and under , 20 CO. TntnsR AXD JOIST 20 ft , 23 CO ; 2tft. , 1500. FKXCISO No. 1 , 4 ami Gin. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 00. SHKATIIINO No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 00 ; No. 2 , 1800. STOCK Bo Anna A , 4500 ; B , 40 00 ; C , 35 00. FLOOBINO-NO. 1 , 40 00 ; No , 2 , 35 (0 ; No. 2500. SIDINO , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. 3 , 0 00. CmLiKo-1. 37 00 ; 8. 25 00. SlllNOLra , best 1 60 ; standard , 3 50. LATH 3 25 j > cr M. LlilE-Pcr barrel , 1 25 : bulk par ' .bushel , ' . "ic ; cement ; bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa platter , bbl , atr per bus , 50c ; tarred felt , 100 Iba , itraw board , 350. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Acid , carbolic , 40o ; , cid , Urtaric , 50c ; balnnm copaiba , per lu. , i5c ; bark , Bassafras , per lb , 12c ; calomel , per b , 90c ; cinchonidla , t > er oz. , SO 60 ; cliloro- orm , per lb , $1 05 ; Dovors powders , per lb , U 25 ; epsom salt'j per lb , Sic ; Rlycerino , mro , per lb. 25c ; load acetate , per lb , 20c ; oil jxstor , No. 1 per caL. 81 50 ; oil castor , No. 3 - > cr gal. , $1 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , SI 40 ; oil , irigauum , 50c ; opium , $4 50 ; quinine , P. & W , , nnd R. & S. , per oz. . ? 1 IB ; potAssIum , Iodide , per lb. . S3 50 ; salicin , per oz. , 40c ; ulphato morphine , peV oz. , S l 40 ; sulphur , or lb , , 4c ; strychnluo , per oz. , $ ) 35. Oils nnil Varnlotion. OILS HO carbon , per gallon , 12c ; 150 o oadllght , per gallon , 124c ; 175 ° headlight , icr gallon , liilc ; 150 ° water white , 15).c ) ; lln. .oca raw , per gallon , 4Sc ; linseed boiled , o'er tallon , 52c ; Lnrd , winter str'd , per gallon , 70c ; . o. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , BO ; castor XXX , per gal. on , 1 GOc ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 00 ; iperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish W. B. , > er gallon , G5 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , COc ; tfo. 1 , 76c ; lubrhating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; lummer , 15c ; goldcu machine , No. 1 , per col on , 35c ; No. 2 , 'ISc ; eporra , signal , per gallon ! 0c ; turpentine , per gallon , 40c ; naptha , 74 ° , ) er gallon , IGc. Dry Pnlnta. White load , 80c ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris ivhlttng , 22c ; whiting gihlora , l o ; whiting ; om'l , lie ; lampblack , German town , 14c ; ampblaclc , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian -blue , 55o intramarlno , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , Be ; umber , jurnt , 4c ; umber , raw. 4c ; sienna , buru-tctj ; ilenna , raw , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 25c 'aria prcon , common. 20c ; chrome green , N. Y. , ! 0c ; chrome green , K , , 12c ; vermllllon , Eng1 , EC ; vormilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , red , .Oc ; rose pink , lie ; Venetian , rod , Cookson'c , " ; Venetian , red , American , IJc ; red lead , ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chroma yol- ow , K. , 12e : ochre rochelle , 3c ; ochre , French , " 'c ; ochre , American , 2c : Winter's mineral , .c ; lehigh brown , 24c ; Spanish brown , 2 c ; Prince's mineral , 3c. VARNISHES Barrels , per gallon : Furniture , xtra , SI 10 ; furniture. No. 1 , SI ; coach , or- tro , $1 40 : coach , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Damar , extra , 51 75 ; Japan , 70c ; osphaltum , extra , 85c , ihellac , $3 50 ; hard oil finish $1 50. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P. 4 c ; whltp lead , St. Louis , pure , 5Jc ; Marsoil lea green , 1 to 5 lb cans , "Oc ; French zinc ; zroeu seal , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , lie , French zinc , in varnish asst. , 20c ; French zinc , "n oil asst , 15c ; raw nnd burnt umber , 1 'b ns , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyke brown , 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black and ivory black , IGc ; drop bUck , IGc ; Piusiian blue , 40o : ultramarine blue , ISc : ihromo green , L. M & D. . IGc ; blind and butter green , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Paris green , 8c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian rod , 9c ; Tus can rod , 22c ; American vennillion , I. & P.- ; yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , O. & D. O , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent dryer , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , valnut , chestnut and aah , 15c. FLOUH Colorado , 100 Ibs , 1 25@1 E5 ; pat- nt , 100 Ibs. , 2 76@3 00 ; Kansui , 100 Iba , 2 75 © 300 ; graham , 100 lb ; , 150 ; > rye , 100 Ibs. -2i ; buckwheat , 100 Iba , 750. GRAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheat" ' 100 Iba , Jo ; corn in sacks on track , 109 Ibs , 1 00@1 05 ; iata , in sacks on track , 100 Ibs , eastern white , 25l 39 ; Colorado white , 1 20@1 35 ; mired , L 10@1 20 ; barley 100 Iba , 1 S0@l 35 ; bran , ton , on track , 15 00i2)16 ) 03 ; chop , corn , 100 bs , on track , 1 00@1 05 ; chop mixed. 100 Iba , ra track , 125@135 ; corn tnool , 100 Iba. ISO © 140 HAY Baled , uplaml.J ton , 13 00@15 00 ; ipland , " " loose , ton , 8 00@12 00 ; second , hot- ; om , baled , 10 CO ® 11 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , .0 00@15 00 ; straw , baled , on track , ton , 7 00 © 9 00. , H BUTTER Crearxery , fancy , lb , 3G@37c iroamory , fine , lb , 33ratS3c ; dairy , choica. Ib , ! 0@22c ; dairy , good , lb , 18@20c ; dairy , fair , b , 15(31Gc ( ; cooking , lb , 6@8c. Eacs State , candled and warranted , doz , :0ai3lc : ( ; ranch , doz , 33@35o. CHEESE Full croatn , 15lCc ; half cream , b , 10'ellc ) ; skim , Ib , O lOc ; Swiss , domestic , b , 22@23c ; Swiea , imported , 80@32cLlm- jii'ger , 14@18e. POULTRY Live oldchickena , doz,500@5fO ; ive springs , doz , 3 00@4 00 ; live ducks , doz , ' 00g5 ; 25 ; dressed turkeys , lb. , 15@16c , POTATOES Colorado , 100 Iba , 1 12@1 25 ; iweet , for lb , , 4c. VEGETABLES Onlona , yellow , 100 Ibe , 25(81 ( 5'J ; cabbogo. 100 Iba , 125@150i beets , 00 Ibs , 1 101 25 ; turnipa , 100 Iba , 1 25. FRUITS Lemons , per _ case , Meastun , 7.CO 3 10 ; orangea , Louisiana , case , 10 0311 00 ; ilm , fancy bbl , 3 75@4 75 ; api > loa , medium , , 3 60 : pears , box , 3 50 ; California grapoa , box , 1 76@2 10 ; Molvoiao , Peru , Muscat , 2 00(552 ( 25 ; cranberries , bbl , B & B , 1C 00 , B & 0 , 1100@1150. CUBED MEATS Hama , sugar cured , lb , 12 { ® 124c ; hama , sweet pickled , lb , 12c ; bacon , brenkfait. lb , 13lS c ; dry salt sldea , lb , 7 ? S.lc ; dried beef , lb , 15c ; lard in palls ,9 , © ; c ; lard In tierces , 8j'c. FRESH MEATS Dreased beef. Colorado , per lb , G < 5Clc ; cboice veal , lb , Gl@74o ; hogs , lb , " ( S7ic * ; mutton , lb. 5@ec. LIVE STOCK Colorado Bteors , per 100 Ibs , 3 OJ@3 75. Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , porlb , 104@133 | No. 2 , lb , 8o)10c ( ) ; green eteers and branded calf , lb , 4464c ; green calf , lb , Oc ; green kip , b , G@7c ; shoot ) skins , dry , 7@8c ; deer skiiifl , mmmcr , lb , lG@18c ; door skins , winter , lb , U @ldc ; antelope skins , lb , 12@20 ; tallow , lb , 6@Go. WOOL Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , 14@15c ; buck , lb , 80 ; Mexican , 8c. * FISH Mackerel , No. 1 , 1 20 , kit. mess , 1 C/2 ) 00 : California ualraon , holf bbl , 10 50 ; Holland herring , keg. 1 5001 CO ; trout , per b. 13-aiGa _ For H'fltory , Maj ) , Profile , Details ot Shafts anil Tunnel - nol , Proposal ; , Ith'clcrs.aml Alslricts ot Hide , of the Kow Cretan Aqueduct , ami for a prott variety of other CONTRAOriNO 1NTEMIQESCB sco KMOI- NEEUINO NKWS AND AMKIIIOAN CONTUACT JOUKNAlpiiblkhoil weekly piltnTKN CEVT8. AildrPfS , BNOINKRKIKQ Nh\V3 PUBLUHINQCO. , 12 Tribune DullJInif , Now York City. mtolt St , Charles Hotel , OJSTUKETUCT.7thandStlJ , . IINCOLK , NED. Mrs. Kato Coakly , Froprlutorotp. -ly and elegantly furnUbcJ. Ccod aivnrle first floor. fVTcrma > $ l.f > 01"$2 pir thy. Bpejlal rates Klver incmbcrj cf tba liu'UUture. novlO-lm-me NOTICE. Tlio oimrtncr'hlp herctiforo fxlstlru' betwccr Charles .M. I > lylitj > n nd Ilunry T Clark under the natuonl Leluhtua & t'Urli , Is thU day d ! olvcil b ) inuiuil oortcot , MrI.c' ' otin r tirliiK" . All Indtliteu ncDiilu * tiuaulfirm will l > collcctiU uy Ur. Clark an I allclilma aciln-t olii flon will bu prttcntPil to him for jiijincnt. Mr O ark will continue bunluvst at the old etuid No. lilt Harruy et-ett. Dited atOraih , Docunbtr 19,1681 , BigncU. Ciunua U. lUMirT. CLABK. ( oorv ] mio WEAMHDEVELOPEDcPARTS OK TinHUMAN itoov IM.AIUJII : : > , mvKiZ Ol'KO M UI.N riili.MO : , " Km. , iaan intgrpntinii fctl rti rt imtiu e n t t ( i iia ru 111 n n u r p pi-r. _ 111 r H ply'ti i n. quirieii wo mil HMV that tttertj in nogvidtuc * ) of hum. Time Tatlo. In Kffect Dec. lit. 1884. The uttentlcn ol the trivflllnj pnWla Is rll d to the fact that thl < Is the only complete and Absolutely correct tlrao Ublo publlshcil In tha city , All trklai ftrrha at ami dopurt from Om h by CentrM StimUrd Time. Trains ol tha a St. 1' . M. A 0. mire t nod d . pirt fr-m their depot , corner ot Hth ind Webitet itrRts ; trains 01 the U. MM. , C.H. ft Q.I and K , 0 , St , J. & 0. 11 from the B. ft M , depot ; all others from the Union rdflo depot. a , Dally ; b , except Satorday ; o , ozoopt Sundiy ; d , oicept Monday , WESTW/UID DEPAHT. A. K. .M. Union. Pncltla. 885s Overland Kiprcw 11 Colortulo Exprcus , & Rop. vnll Mali ana Ki | > roM 0. A M. In Nab. 7 Ma1 , lull and Kxprots , 0 lea , . . Night Kinross. . . . 10 OOa SOUTHWAUD. Mlaaourl Pacific .0 85c . . . . . .1 > ' y ; Kipross. , ( CD 8B5 fl 20a C. D.St. J.&K.C. 7 4Kb . . . .Vlal'lattnnonth . 0 2M 7 80 9 OOftl 0 t&b . . .Via Council niuOV. . . 7 60d VVnbnsh Route t S5& . . . .Chtc k'oKiprc9S. . . . U 1 OOa . . . .a I. Louis EiprcM . . . . CO * EASTWARD. C. M. A. St. Paul- 8 ISO Day 7 Me t ! 6b . . . .Nlznt EyirtM 04Sd C. R.-l. & . Pacific. 8 16c | Day 7 Wo ' a2tb Night EiproM. . . * a'ioo , Accommodation - , . , 8600 7. & N-W. 8 ICe . .Day KiprcB3 , 7 860 4 Sf > b .Night Kipre i , B4W C B. " B < 5 4 COa ForCluoagovK PlaUm'th B 40a 7 SOa 8 16 25a' ' For Chicago vU C. Blua j B 4tia 7 Eia NORXHWAIID. C. St. P , M. & O. . .itlout : City Express. . . 200 Co S 600 Oakland Accommodation Iowa Riv. E-C..P. . .St. Paul Is > r Kzpresn. . . 6 0a .Et. Panl Nlgbt Kiprca w 4Bo The 9 ft m and 6pm dummy trains alto arrive at i tbo transfer lu tlmoto make cistern connections , 'Ut ' not to olicolc bagcago OMAHA BRIDGE TRAINS Dummy Trains I * vo Omaha at 640,8 00 ' 00,10 00 , U 15 ru , 1 00 , 3 W , 3 W , 4 CO , , 00 , 0 00 , ,0 Efi p m. On Bcndaya the B 00 and 10 00 a m and f 00 and 100 p m trains do not run. Arrive tt trtns- 'or ' depot IS minutes later ; Broadway depot iO mln- , lca lutcr , Leave Cocncil DluCfl ( Broadway dc | > ot ) at 7 SO , 8 80 .50,1080,1 a m ; 1 80 , 2 80. & 80. 480 , BSO , 685 and 1105 p out On Sundays the 8 80 and 10 0 ft m and 8 80 and 6 80 p m trains n 111 not run. Arrive at Transfer 7 minutes later , Omaha 0 mlnutos later. TrnnsforTralnr-i'Wo omah a4 8 u , CBS 005 in , 425 , 0 10 end eE6 p m , di'Jy. Arrlvo at 9 and 1116 a m , 12 X5 , 7 E5 and C 1C p SUNDAY TRAINS To and from Chicago via the Tripartite Alliance Ltnsg. SUNDAY MORNTKO. | BATDtDAT ITU. | Mil. | H-I. | N.W I N-W I H-II ioptcmlrer. 7-US ui 20 18 0-27 'ctobcr ' . . . IS C-29 I 11 4-23 18 November. , j -13 9-tO 1C C 1-C3 lb C9 December. , 14 7-231 18 C-S7 SO Sunday orentngond Monday morning tralnoarrlvo In orroepoadJng order. 0. B. it < J. trains ran ovcry day. STOCKYARDS TRAINS. Lcivo Union Vaclflo depot at Arrlvo from Stock Yards at Mall Time Card. OPEN. | HOUTE. CLOSE. Unlun Pacific Loot Mail 810 8 SO 700 Union Paalfla Tfirough Mal. ! 4 31 10 CO 8 00 li fc II in Sob. 6 in 0 00 C a&Q. K 20 800 C. B. & ( J Ex. Hall 4 IB .0 30 8 00 0. K. I. b r. 8 20 R 00 an &st. P : ese 6 CO a & > . w. 3 20 1 05 c. st. r. K. t o. 8 (0 O&Hep. Vftlley. 12 IS Slouu uy i , Pacific Local C SO 0 23 CO Sioux City & St Paul. 3 20 a ; Oonncll BIufTi & Utnsaa Ciy : 0 60 Cjuccll 131uC ) Local. 7 00 Fort Omaha 4 80 MIssf.url I'jclf.c. 8 DC 1 Oii Wabath-St. L uls. 12- Wabash Chlcafo. 8 20 Irvln trn C. K. COUTANT , P. I ! . PRINCIPAL LINE ClflCAGO , PEOIILV & ST.LOUIS , IIV V AT OP 01IABA USD LIHOOLM TO DSMVSB , on VIA KANSAS CITY A1ID ATOHIS01T tfl DEHVEB OonnoctlnB in Union Depots ixt Knn asCily , Omaha ami Denver with through trains Tor And nil points lu thu Gicnt West iJc-iinectlntr in Cir-nnd Union Depot at Chicago vltthrough \ trains for JVJ37P XOKK , KOSTON , And all KptJi Cities. AtPcorla with thiotf < " tmliiH tor Indlmmji. nils , Cincinnati , ColmC. ? is , and nil iioluta in tlloSoilth.Knst. At sS' uls with Uuoiiuli tniln.s for all jiointa , KloKnnt Day Coaches , rurlor Care , with Ho. clitilUK Chairs ( seuti tree ) , Sinokln ; ? Curs with Revolving ClinU-y , J'lilliiiiin J'alaco Sluoplng ( Jars and the famous ; . U. & Q. Dining Cats run dully tonml from ( -llcii o and KiuisasClly , Chlcufto and Council IJluiiBi Clitcnuo and Dus MolneJ , Chicago , St. Joseph , Atehlson and Topclm without cluuiKo , Only tluoiiKh Uric runnl.is their own trains between Chicago , Lincoln and Denver , and Chicago , Kansas City and Humcr. Thraugh cais hctweon IndlaiiapolU and Council IllulfJ , via 1'coria. CiOINO KOltTII AND SOUTH. Solid Tnilim of Klcjai > ' " - / Coaohcs nnd Pull-man PalacoSIcopIng Cars aio run dally to and from St. Louis ; via Hannlhal ; Qiilnry , Kcokulc , Ilinlliigton , Ccdnr HapldHmul Albert I.c.ilo.St. I'aul and } llnncapollH ; 1'ailor Curs with licclliilng Chulid to and fioni Ht. I.oulb and I'eorla. Only onoclmngo of curs hotwrcn St , Loiilsnnd Deu tolncH , Iowa , Lincoln , Nu- binRkn , nnd Denver , Colorado. H la also the only Thiough Line between BT. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and BT. PAUL. It la known as the great THHOUdll OAH LINK of America , and la universally admit < ed to 1)0 ) the Fhest Equiproi Hailrcad In the World fa all chsso : of Travel. Through Tlckrm vlu this line tor i-aln at S.V ft. K. ( ounon tlckctolllccs.il the United States v.iU Cunuda. V. J. POTTER , I'KUCKVAJ * Vli-e.ltn. AO a.SUitp , r O.n OMAHA Ghemice ! Dyeing AND 0. T. PAULSON , Proprietor ! Oentlement' Cloth'ng ' Cleaned , Dyed and Repaired. LftdleB * Drc33oa Cleaned and Dyed , without nipplnK. Plumes Cleaned or Colored any abade , to sample , lllkt. Velvet * and Laoea Cleaned , Dyed and Jtfln - "ahod. 1212 Douglas Street , . OMAHA , NED I 1,11 r J'MIUIIJM Jft _ _ W.W v.v 4 * pr crlptloa of aclt4 > pdtllit ( BOW fcrnl. ) Iru nUt.c uCllll. iddi.i. _ cr AV.HD i co.iivK5iiir/LaQ. SPEOIALNOTIOE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Cound Oil Cake It ts'llio boat nnd cheapest food for Block of nny kind. Ono pound la equal to three non > da of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gnko In the Fall nnd Winter 1 no toad of running down , will incronao iu weight And bo In good marketable comlt tlon lu the spring. Dairymen , no well a othoro , who use it , can tcotify to I to mot Its. Try It nnd Judge for yonraelvoj. Prlco $25.00 per ton. No charge for oacka Address WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS , Oninhn , Neb , DEALERS IN Hairs 'Safe FIEE AND BURQLAB PEOOF STEELED JOHNSON & CO , H. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly o ( Lockwood A Draper , Chicago , Manager ol the Ton , Ofgar nnd Tobacco Departments. A full line of nil grades of the nboxo ; nlso Pipes and Smokers' carried In stock. Prices nnd samples furnished on application. Open orders Intrusted to ns shall receive our c&roful nttontlon. Satisfaction Gunrnntood. AGEHVSFGR BENWOOD JAH-S flND LAFL/N & RAND PO\VDER \ CO Milwaukee. Wis. GTOTHEK & GO , , Sole Bottlers , C. F , GOODMAN. AND DEALER IN OMAHA , NEB. I\ \ 1301 AND 1303FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH , W F..BROWN. CEO. BROWN W. F.r BROWN & COMMISSION DEALERS IN Oifice , ExchangOuilding Union Slock Yards , IIEFERENCK3 : Fi NATIONAL BANK , Omaba ; OMAHA , Vf A , I'AXTO.V , Piest. andTieas. Union Stock Yds. , Omaha , BIVAN BROS , thejcnnc. Also connected with archery , Oooloy JOHN A. Mc.HiliNB , Manager Bay Ftate Cattle Co. Co , Union Stock Yards , Chicago. J. A. CRHOJITON , Vlcc-1'rcst. Kiret Nat'l Bank , Omaha. OTAddress all communications Union Stock Yards , Omaha , Nebraska.IE ) HENRY T , CLARKE , I're . andTrcag. A. M < CLARKE , JOHN T. CLARKF , Secretary. H , T. CLARKE DRUG CO. , BUCOEKDINCI LEIGHTOH & CLABKE , Jobbing Dmtfhoufo between Clilctgo and Son Frantleco , CAl'ITAL STOCK J200.000. Wo LAHOE8T at the bottom of the itarltet at all times. Will duplicate Chicago and Et. Louli prlwa witti Jrtlzht added. Our ipcclalty will bo Jf.ftirc Driiys , J * < tiirfs , OiJs and Window ( GHana Estimates eh en on plato Klaen To thoio about to rmbark In the drug Inmnosij nil ! do well to consul tlielr Interest by calllni ; on na or ccnd ( or our prlco Met wlilch will appear about January Mh. lltil onlrrv solicited , 1111 HAHNIJY HTUKf.T. A.-.I. . . STKANO CO. , Double and Single Acting Power and Hand Engine Trlmmlngo , Mining MnohlEery , Belting , 1/ose , Braei p.nd Iron FJUlnerv , at ivholcsalo and retail. HALLADAY WIWD-MILLS , AND , SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th and Parnam St , , Omaha Neb , EASTERN PEICES DUPLICATED 18 FAR LAM STREET , . . . . . OMAHA , NIZH ( SUCOEHSOR TO FOSTER & GRAY ) . , LIME AND CEMENT. 6th id DouglM > trc t , . OMAIIA , KBD