BWB I if i\s v/ -THE BEST TONIC. i medicine , combining : Iron with pu . , - . . . > lo tonic * , nmrkly nml romnlcto i lire * l > T prp.iln , I inllKrutlnn , Wrnlinc" ( iMirnllnoil,0nlnrlntiilll | | ; uiHll > Tcr Mill Noiirnl ln , it I * an unfalllnc rcmtdy for llseiwioft ! ftlilncTn nrnl .vc. U invaluable for DUcMCs pc'ii ; JV.itnnn , nnd all who lend Bcdontnry HVO.I. ' ciocoi.fSHicicnni'i.1 , I i Jup ( constlpntlon O/IT ( / I Iran molttinei ii 't rnrlchcs ntnl imrillcs t ho Wood , n .iiiiictllo.nlds tlie ni lmlliitlonor fool , i i Heartburn nnd Ilddilug , nd tNBir < . - Mm muscls ? nnd ncrrei i' > i Intermittent Ki-vcrs , . Anltudc , lAoV I MX/I Ac. , It liua no cqiinl. flTlio KPtnilno linn nlnivo tn.ta . tnrV : % r < Jd rod lints ou wrapper. Tnkotit lib * UflQBdlscnteliiittt BROAD GLAIN VEEY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AN Krer ofTcrea to the nublio. HAMBUE&-AMEEIOAU OtnEOI LIKE FOR ENGLAND , rOANOE Al ' _ _ QEIUfANT. - rho steamship * ol this well-known line nro bnUl Iron , In w iet-flghk oompirtmcnts , and ro larnti it with every icqutslto to make the paa-neo be iklo inJ agrooible. Thoyo ny the United SUI nJ European malb , and le ro New Tork Thn J yeindtt turd y ! or Plymouth ( LONDON ) ch bonrz , ( PARIS ) nd HAMBURO. Uitus : 8teo ge from Kuropo only JIB. Fli OAbln. 56. * e5nniH76. Stoeriiee20. Deory Pundt , Utrk Ilaneon , F j : . Uooreg.U. To Konkslu Omkha , Gronowcir ft Sohoentzon , kirenta Council BluB . 0. B : RIOQARD a 00. , den. Ft Agla. , 61 Urovlwuy , N. T. Oboo. Kotmluakl ft C Oeoerxl Wcitoin Auanja , 170 Washington St. , Chi KOIU. r inici * iur cur * VARICOCELE r * 180l'ultou is Wealth t Da. E. 0. WMT'B N ar , CUkranteodspeolfloor ByBtorla.Diztlnou , Conn along , Flta , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervoi Prortratlon caused by the use of aloohol or tobbaco ( VaktfuluoM , Uental deprosalon. Softening of tl brain , resulting In Insanity and leaping to mlaor deoty and deaib , Premature Old age , Baronoaa , lo ofpower lo cither MX , Involuntary Losses and 8pe ' atorhoraoauied by over exertlontof the brain , eel bate or over Indulgence. Kaon box , contains 01 month's treatment. $1.00 a box.or sli bottlei i 01,00 , lent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE ODABANTKK SIX BOXES To euro any cue With each order reoetred by t lor ilx bottloa , acoompllihvd with 6.09 , wo will gee ho pnrohasor our written gaaranteo to rotund tt money If the troatmenidoea not effect euro. Qua nteo ! Istool only by JOHN 0 : WK9T & CO. . KlY SIS Uadloon St. , Chicago , III. * , & * " ktaKfidicalWitftt V- . . 3clChartered [ by theStateofllll ft''wlrtr" f jCW'noIsfort'lecxFres''pufpos ' v - - s-wsrj vSJKjjofElvinK Immediate rellell x > - > . ' AWIirRnll chronlc.urinaryanapri ivato dlsccsc" "onorrto ! J Gleet andby phills in all the ! complicated forms , also a diseases of the Skin an Blood promptly rellevedan permancntlycured by reme . dicatc3tidlnnI'or//l'ea [ . , > tiprctoll'ractief. bcmini \Vc.-\iti-esn. rliplit Dreams , Pimples o lieKur.etotManhoodj.-J3jJt > r < jr/ei < r < lT/.CT > ttmcfi 'rl > lr > llin < | . The appropriate lu.r.ed t'jntonc : ucdiii each ctte. Consultations , per o. nat or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med s scr.t bv Mall and Express. No marks o jj : to Indicate contents or sender. Addiea n. 204WajitifjlonSI.Chlcarjoll ! ! , . . - . , , . Uavarii Culmbacher , . Baviirii Pilsnor. . . . . . . . . Bohemiai . - . . . .Bramoi DOMESTIC. St. Loui AnbauBor. . . . _ .St. Loui Beats. . . . _ . Mibvauke . . . , .Milwnuko . . . . .Omah A.lo , Povtor , Domestic and Rhir Wine. l"DJMA.UItKR , ISlSFarnamS taih number of DOUOUEarS MONTH ! vT4Q&/INKwlll be B'ren a full size ( abhlooable Pier or not any lro of styles seltototl , malilDgtHeUe u or iduiing theytarsoraluoofovcr th'ce ' dollla tie | Jui the most lopular , enterlalnir aul u < e matting Simple osploi 20o , Jfirly , $2. Addn W , Jeuulngi , U < moro t , HKtit 14th Bt , New Vo > youraddreM to Swift Specific Co. , Drawn .J Atlanta , ( la. , for an intcrcitliiK trratlsn 1 mill blda Disease * , \tlilcb they will mall fri Inflammatorv Rlieumatism. I M attacked last winter with Inflammatory rhi ruaUtmof M < eretype my flrit 8eriou < lllueiu sir 1X70 : I \arloiuUndi of treatment itb 01 .rinporary relief. After eotcn weeks I was reduc In weight 35 pound ) , had no strength nor app t AH J w ai growing eaVer o > try day. In this coiulltl I ln'ijaii B llt'n ypeclflc , and In three ilajs Ua luiprovo , and In thrt'O weeks I was free fromdlsea nuj up atteodini to my regular bunlneao. My am tit returned and I rapidly calned my rlei.h. I h > walUxl this long to lw certain that my cure MM p uuuout. 0.1' . QOOUYBAR , / tturney at Law , Bmnsulck , Ua. , June U , ISSi A GOD"SEND i I hart hid rheumatism for forty yean , and hi IWMII rvlleved with a few bottlei ol S , S a. I couiltl It < t Uod eud to the attllcUd. J , aWAUBBTbomi > da. , tug ; it , ' 3 VIGILANTES. A Few Mile Parties , in K Mice , How JOB Fowler Was Lynohec His $50,000 , Powerless to Save The Gngo Train llobbcra How 1 Tcttcrborn Mot I1U IcMh Sixnil King mill tlio Tenderfoot A Onto Tor Lynching. DEMINO , N. M , , Dccombor22,1881 "Novor know an honest wan lynched. "Nor I either , old hous. Juc Lynch never got oft his cabaso as I 01 hcnrd of. " The speakers formed two of it gro collected round the etovo of a scoot rate hotel in Doming , favored by ma who prefer plain comfort to the proti tious luxury associated with the gr railroad hotel at the depot nnd locon tlvo whistles singing through the nh _ a lullaby to the weary. The group wo motley ouo , Minors in from the camps Victoria nnd Kurokn , cowboys fri Ilcarat & Head's Oow Springs ri > cgot drummers traveling for San Francli business houses and your corrcspondoi The gentlemen who had expressed th firm belief In the unerring jaatlco Judge Lynch'a decisions were mine middle-aged taon embrowned by years exposure to the sun , and hands harden by "churning" the drill and 'atrikin with the hammer "two-handed. " T subject thus abruptly Introduced seem to have a strange fascination for the i Bomblago , for the general hum of t conversation ceased for nearly a full m ! ute , when one of the 'Frisco drumrm broke In : "I must say , " ho commenced "thai cannot BOO how any law abiding citlz can for a moment approve of lynch Ian "P'raps If yo'd lived down hero a fi yonre , young follow , yo'd changes y mind BO quick 'twould make yor he swim ; oh , Bill1 "Yor head's level , Tom. What law roach Joe Fowler if the boya hadn't i lowed thai ho lived jeat long enough , n that the general public wan tired of etc ] ping his . .bullets , that'a what I'd ' llko know ? " "AVho was Joe Fowler ? " timidly quo led the drummer. A HAKD OAME. "Well , " resumed the minor addroaac 13 Tom , "ho wan a hard game ono < thorn follows who go round flourlahir : hcir guns and scaring people into fi 'or pure cnssodncss. Ho had a ranch i Socorro county , and whenever ho can : nto Socorro ho used to fill np wit vhlsky and then start In to run th .own. . There's no real sand in such fee ! Then they run against a square figh 't'a whisky that braces 'em to the racko Too ran against Capt. Jack Crawforc ho poot-acont , as ho'a called , one nigh ! Tack , yo know , wears his hair long , ai fould pass for a dime novel hero bac last. Ho used to play with Buffalo Bill , n' , beln' na he la a kind of half thoatrl al card , I guoaa It's ' part of his stock } ! rado. However , Jack had como in frm lia ranch at Fort Crai ? an' was takin1 ,188 of soda at the Central hotol. H lover touches no whisky. When Jo lommoncod remarking about Jack's hai o a crowd of his drunken pals , Joe teed , it about as long as ho though iroper , an' ' then , quick aa * a flash , h Irawod. Ho didn t turn her loose hough , an' thar'a where ho made a mis ake ; but he had the drop , and Joe beg od him not to fire , like the cur ho was 'oil ye , cap's got sand oven if ho Is i oot. A dcg-goned sight more sand thai oo ever had. I ain't no fighter , fron vay back , but if I can't paralyze yer Jo 'owler's kind in a aqnaro fight ye cat pit on my grave ; " and Bill drove thi oker vindictively into the mass o lowing coals in the Btovo. "But how did Fowler como to ge mchodl" persisted the drnmmor. "Well , it came about thin way : Yo see oo had killed throe or four men h ocorro previous an * under circumstance > o long to tell , but such as stamped hi illin's as cowardly murders. Even mo ho 'camo to town ho got bollin' , an o matter how cold the night was whet o struck a bar-room the boya lit out t < a joy the storm. Well , it seems Joe gored rod of ranchln' , and na ha had a gooc. ingo , he hadn't long to look for a pur iaaor. Some cattle men in Fort Worth 'ex. ' , bought him out for $50,000 , , an 10 money was hardly in the bank a ocorro when he came to town with hal do/.an of hia cowboys to blow himsol i. Among the rest waa a young fellov amcd Jack Colo. The minute Joe go ill ho commenced to raise h 1 as uaua n' the barkeeper in the Central aako < lie boys to toke him home. They go im to leave the bar , bnt xrhon ho go utaldo ho turned on poor Cole , who wa ryiug to got him to keep quiet , an1 en im in the bowels several times with i owio-knifo. Cole DIED NEXT DAY. 'owlor was arrested an * lodged In the eli debs jail. Thia was in the early part o 12. There was a good deal of talk abou , richin0' then , but the papers appealei 3 the people to lot the law take it ouno. as the evidence would surely han , im. Nothing was dona just then , bu lie boya kept a watch on the jail to so bat ho wasn't removed through any lega oodoo out of the county. They wantei 10 changes of venue in theirs. Yo knoi s how the vigilantes are permanent ! ; rganlzod in Socorro , an' ' have been ovd enco young Bac * killed Conklin. Th horlir had the governor order out th nilltia to guard the jail , an' they remain d on duty until the trial. Fowler had ; oed time in j il , and took it for grante < 10 would get oft" , tint ho waa foun ; ullty , and sentenced to bo hanged Jls lawyers at once moved for a noi rial , and aa they didn't get it , took a : .ppoal to the supreme court. Now i eomod that the supreme court couldn1 soar the appoil until early in ' 85 , an' b , hat time , if ho got a now trial , tber wouldn't bo a witneas against nltn They'd have loft tbo territory , bo dead > r perhaps bo bought oft' Ye see , Jo lad $50,000 , and when Judge Bell sen , enced him ho laughed In his face. H .ad never hoard toll of a man with $50 , )00 ) being hanged in Now Mexico , no my where elao for the .matter of that iVell , the boys kinder kept quiet , am tfter awhile the militia waa withdrawn in' then one fine night the j il was sur ounded. The guards didn't make n oehtance ; they knowed as how it waan' ' to uie an * allowed aa how Joe's time ha < lomo. Ho waa taken out beggln1 fo ifo like a cur , an' had to bo almost cai led. About 200 yards from the old jail in the street that runs np to the smeltoi a ai handsome a shanty aa you'd fini nywhere j a nice garden In front at towers an' ' plaster images an * thet hlngi. A few shade trees were growlt in front , an1 ono of the boya throw 1 rope over a limb an * then come fell spoke np an * skid as how it wouldn't trofttin' the women folks on the square hacg such dog-moat forncnst their hoi an1 the procession moved on about fi yards higher up the road , where ho v hung up to the limb of n cottonwood. . ' was bcpgin" an' cry In * all the time till I rope cut off his wind. Joe waa dot ! at last with n court when motlona fo now trial nro nlwaya overruled an' wt of havc-yc-hie-carkaas don't count. " THE TRAIX KOllBEnS , "I was in Sibor , " remarked Bill , wl thoOngo Station train robbers broke ji an' joined the citizens In followln' th up. Except Kid Joy , wo made a RC jail delivery of 'em ell , an'saved On county a good many dollars. Thnro T a young kid as had bin jailed for steal a hnrso , who broke jail with the crov an' as the gang had killed poor J Laflora In the fight , wo felt as how w > send the kid to join the othora an' make clean work of it. Wo told him how he'd better got ready to attend i nooktlo party an' ho never whlmpon All the youngster asked waa leave to i a few words. Well , may I never llvo draw A sober breath , if thai kid not m < nor 1C wain't clar grit through i through , an' if ho don't dlo with his boi on he'll live to down Fountain yet , i thar ain't a lawyer in Now Mexico 1 math in a murder case. " "Not much , RVO ! mo Fountain an1 greaser jury an1 I'd kill Governor Shold himself , " broke In Tom with oraphaa "Wrll , as I was naym' , the kid made ui speech. Ho allowed as how horso-sto Ing was na bad as train robbin' , an * tr. both deserved death without benefit clergy , whatever that is , but ho argu that ho had notbln tried , that ho was ! Decent an' that there waa no ovldou agin him. Ho was wlllln' , ho said , to tried by us , and if wo found him guil bo would face the music an' take 1 medicine llko a little man. " WltUIN AN INCH OF UI3 I.IFK. "Well , all told , thar were twonly-c men in the crowd , and it was dotormin to take a vote whether we'd hang tl kid or bring him back to jail. Those [ vor of the kid's swlngiu' wcro to wri 'hang' ' on a bit of paper an' put it in lat , an' those- who favored bringing hi jack to jail put in n bit of blank papc During the time this waa goin' on the k mt in a wagon smokin' a clgarotto ihongh It was none of hia funeral. Whi ho count was made tharwas ton fi langiugand eleven blanks , so wobroug ilm buck to jail with ( ho atiffa. It w i close ahavo for the kid an' may bo rarning. " "I waa up in Shakespeare , " observe no of the cowboys who had been quiet Istonlng , "when they strung up Sane Cing and Bill Tottorborn , him aa turnc ut to bo a Russian count. Sandy was oung feller about 20 , who wanted to 1 ad but didn't know how. Tried I atch on with Curley Bill when Bill wielding olding down the San Simon valley , bt till had no nao for him. Sandy wet ito Smyth'o's store in Shake oearo ono day when there was oung chap named Moss , ntoi orfoot from St. Louis , behind the cour > r. Ho selected a handkerchief for hi ock an' when asked for the atuH'hosaye Guess I'll pay in load , " reaching fc Is gun. Do gonued H , if the tendej lot didn't pull one of them Jim Orov latola they carry back in the states ar re. That was a fool play to make , fo hen a man finds out na ho'a hit fret 10 of thorn things it kinder makes hin .ad. Moss , though , was in luck ; th aa hit Sandy in the back of the neck jar the spine , an * dropped him. Hat > y Whitehill , the sheriff , waa rouni ist then , an' arrested Sandy , an' ho wa nt to jail to Sliver Oily. Ho was glvei i understand that Shakespeare would bi ihealthy for him in future , but thi amed CUBS wouldn't take a hint. Ho ill Tottorborn , an * a kid from Silver ore having a round a few months after id Deputy ShorilF Horn arrested then i suspicion of horse-stealing. Tha ght Sandy and Bill were strung np to t lam in the roof of the old adobe cala ioao they were confined in an' left hang g. They gave the kid a sound floggln > in the corral and , ordered him out o wn. He didn't go , but went ronnc wn next day saying ho knowed the nchors an' would have thorn indictee r the grand jury. Under the cironm incea the boys paid his fare to Tomb one to have him out of the way. Hi ed there of small-pox , I heard. " "There was not much harm in Tettor- irn , an' out of liquor ho was a gentle- an , Ho spoKe half a dozen language : French , German and Spanish umonj em ao I wasn't surprised when Har y Whitehall got that letter about hli ling a Russian nobleman. Ho alwayi as superior llko , but wanted to bi ought aa bad aa they make 'em , " con med another knight of the lasso , Why , 1'vo aeod him go to bed at Mrs , 'oods * with his spurs on , ao that he ight bo ready for a stray nightmare , 1 ppose. Ho waa forever blowln1 aboul 0 number of men ho killed , an * ho hac > ono to blame that ho vras taken nt hit ord , but I believe ho hadn't the sane kill nothin1. He weakened badlj hen ho had to paaa in his checks , but indy died game. " "Bill Tottorborn had aomo mines idn't he ? " queried ono of the minor * . "Yes , ho had oomo claims at Carrlzilil Springs , in what waa known aa thi .ouowall district. Ho waa in will idgo McOomaa , of St. Louis , that wai lied by the Indians. The mines novoi nounted to anything though , an' won > andonod long ago. " "Well , boye , aa I said afore , I novoi lowed an honest man lynched , an' Inaj ) w that if mnrderors were not admlttoc 1 ball in a few thousand dollars , if over ] urdoror waa tried at next term of conr 'tor ' the klllin' , if there were fewer no\i iala , an' if men who were ooutoncod tc ) hanged always were hanged , Judge ynch'a court would take a recces til ornlty. Thar wouldn't be no Insanity , ickot either. If a man's insane onougl i kill mo I want the law to bo ineani lough to hang him for it. " And with this bit of frontier phlloao ty the conversation drifted into otho : id mom pleasant channels. C. A. M. It lit Ileally Comminution , Many a casp nupnosed to bo radic * ng diseases is really ono of liver com aint and indigestion , but unices tha aeaaed liver can bo restored to health ; itlon , it will so clog the lungs with cor ' iptlng matter as to bring on th'ei ieedy decay , and then indeed wo havi inanrnptlon , which is scrofula of thi nga in ita worat form. Nothing can bi ore happily calculated to nip this dan ir In the bud than is Dr , Tierce's "Gol m Medical Discovery. " By drugglata Arresting the Or Prlvorw. NKW OnLKASH , December 29. A mimbe car drivers have been arrested , charged wit ! sturblng Uie peace , and interfeailog will , o fren passage of itreet can and incitlm at NotwithiUndiop the uttiVe , the nttend ice at tha World'rf fair la oa much u eipectei id every vehicle onUnd andieveraliteameri e [ iraateJ into service. A BON B ONK'S How tlio VdtieiUlon of tlio rtny , velops Onn Quality nt tlio Uvpcneo of Atintlicr I/on Jon Stnndanl. It was thought tleshnblo tlmi the c ilron ot the poor should Icjirn to litiov n liighiT kind of life , of nioro rolincd i hiuiKinixiiig sniTouiKlhiysl of grcnlur 1 lire , mill inoro oiiportuuitios of self < ture. It may or limy not liavo hcou f ( RL'pu that thcso oiuls coiilil hardly bu tniiiud without endangering the pun nenco of thnao homelier and inoro htini viitnea which had. hitherto , been c sidcrcd tlio best fentnro of our Eng' peasantiy mid mtisans , Wo do quarrel with what lias hanpened. Wo content to nay that wo cannot eat our and it. H wo think it better to ( ; to girls belonging to the working ela.1 the education of the clussea just i\b them , wo must expect that they will ijuiro occupation of rx higher character well. If wo train them to bo nboro tl work , wo liavo no right to bo surjiri if wo cannot get the work done , Tl howoverj is only one. and perhaps not most active , among tha causes that lead this result. Notwithstanding the sti ments that are constantly being publisl of tlio want of work suitable for worn it is certain that a flinch larger field employment outside of domestic servici njion to them now than was the case former generations. Places of cntcrta incut , employing largo numbers of w aitn us and barmaids , Imvo multiplied en iiiously of late years. Mills , factor ! ( mil shops have increased in proportii And though , of course , the female poj latioit has increased UH well , all hope Dbtain places in these es'ablishmon whether there is room or not. Wo hi icard of men starving in n liberal prof neil rather than condescend to wo ivhich they held to bo beneath the Similarly , numbers of young girls w lave acquired these erroneous ideas abi : ho occupation of a servant will pin : liemselves iu every Avuy to avoid bui Irawu into it , in hopes of something tin ng up which they consider to bo "gi eel.1' Then , too , wo must rememl hat tlio increase of newspapers and ji ei'tisements helps t < bring these tlih : icforo their eyes. 1 hey read of you vonien being "wanted" in largo immbe I hey know all about the music hulls , t estaurants , and the luncheon burs wi rliich nil our great cities abound. ' 1 uilway takes them into the county tow .iul there they gu/.o with a sigh of envy < ho elegantly dressed young ladies w ! ervo in the lefreshnient room. This ho life for them , they inwaidly exelaii Vim would drudge UH a household sorva rhcn such prospects as are open hem ? Their own mistresses out of wor ig hours ; plenty of excitement , variet nil admiration while work is going on ; lianco of seeing the world , and , pcrhatj f adyantngcously settling in it tlie auditions make the life of the kitche : 10 pantry andttho nui'sery look very dn nd ilruary by comparison , and the woi er rather is not that wo get HO many be intuits , but that in spite of nil the : iiinter attractions we get , o many goi ; ies. A Clean Sweep. There was a great commotion tha oth ( ight at a communist mooting when a ccitod orator aaid , "all existing sock istltntlons must be doatrojod , wipe it , and swept away. " Had ho remnrke mt rheumatism , dyspepsia and dtbilit ust 1)3 cleared out and swept away an tat Brown's Iron Bitters wonld do tli eaning dnd sweeping , ho would bav son opplandodA/Brcrwn'u Iron Bittoi ado a clean swoop of the dyspopnu javousaoea and ploopleaanecs of Mi eo. P. Miller , of Hamilton , Texas. BKEE DOIjtiAIlXVGDDING RING nor People Supplied "With Pure Goli Rings That nro "Swell. " 3W York Mall and Ex A jewelry store down-town on th iwery has in the show window in eon it-nous display largo , plain gold rings beli'd , "wedding rings for SU. " "Do you sell many wedding rings fo I/1 / asked a reporter of the Mail and Ex ebs of the politu clerk. "Yes , but not among swell people. Th tss of customers who purchubo thos go , maosivu , 18-canvt gold rings for on are principally from thu laboring cliiwe d .small Kiiluried clerks. They , yoi tow , are not able or fashionable oiiougl buy the pure Parisian diamond solitair igs which are worth from $10 to § iii ieci1. They would not have much ti mmunco housekeeping on if they did. " "Out what puxales mo is how you cai II nn JS'wtnit gold ring for ? : t < " "Well , that in ono of the bccrots of thi tile to lose on one article and mukothi nfit np on another. Haven't that mar l couple who bought ono of the wed ng rings got to have u clock and a goo < my other things in our line ? I shouli y t-o. AVe have been in the bivsinch ig I'liough to know our customers aybo you don't believe the ring is pur Id ? Well , it is , without a. doubt , am u may examine. " "Yes , it is pure gold ; but is it sulii Id ? ' "Ah , you have studied the questioi fore , it is pure gold only as far IM i es , but the solidity is interrupted : i mo not very distant point beneath th rfavu. But they are wedding rings , : tn < my a fair and blushing bride of JUvur n street and other streets similar ii pulation is led to the hymeneal alti th a pure § 11 gold ring on her engage jut linger. Strange thing what a fiusci tion gills have for ringu , und when tho. t engaged they must have a ring. Wha lid of a ring do you want ? Miuof thos ell Parisian dianioiids , sir ? Of coin's ui don't want a § 1 ! gold ring ] " "I will look at your swell ring , " wa o answer. "Ah ! 1 thought so , " ho said , as h .nded out HOVCII rings that , according t u idea , to buy was to bo u swell , bon ited , however , and as the front don isud tlio voii'o of tlio clerk was heal ying , sadly : "I thought ho was swell it he ain't , " YOUNG MI5N ! IvE1 > TIIIH. TUB VOLTAIO JJKI.T Co. , of Mnrahall , Mich 'er to lend their cnlebrated JtLKGrno'Yoi 10 HKI.T and other ICi.Kcniiu AITLIANCKS o al for thirty days , to men ( youiiK or old lirted with ncrvoun debility , Jotia of vltalit d manhood , nud all.klrjdrpdtroulilca. Ala r rheumutlsm , neuralgia , punilyals , an > ny otluir dieeasos. Couiiloto | rdstorution t ftlthviRor aa-1 manhotxl KUaraDtoad. N k u incurred ax thirty days trial i > allowed rite thorn nt one J for illuatrated jiamphle Yo r'n Necrology. LouU U lube-Democrat. ItJiasc-een computed that 40,000,00 the human i-ico die every year , am mo satirist on bin species hai made th rther computation that not more tha : 10 in u thousand docu anything tlui nkes his name worth remembering for , ir after ho in gone. While this vioi perhaps pi-ssimi > itic , there are foi things better calculated to lowir the i of the nxu.igc man than to iu how soon after men of eminence ami r ity have dropped out of the world's all for good their names and memory pel and their places are filled by others , ] haps as able , and certainly as diligent /.calous as themselves. G ho past year been pel Imps no nioro disastrous to great than many of its predeccMnu-s , in the necrology of the last twelve moi will bo recognized many names whoso ners nro missed in the respective circle which they belonged , As muni , the rank of otntnsmon i politicians have euflorod moat losses. ' . annalo of the year have begun with do&th of Herr Kdward Laskor , the ci bratcd German politician , who died Now York January 5 , while on the na day , but on the other side of the glo the noted Koshub Chuudor Son , died Calcutta. In January , E rl Grosvon in London , the once noted John Lota of Virginia , and the well known E. M. Mackoy , of South Carolina , di while February was equally dostructl the people of Boatou losing Wonc Phillips , while the French \rero cai to mourn Eugouo Houhor , nnd W. Hunt , our minister to Ilusaia , died nt Potoraburg. May was marked by death of three men of remarkable o nonce , each in the line of his profcaal Judoh P. Benjamin , the ntatoam Charles O'Connor , the lawyer , and Cy II. McCormick , the inventor and owi of the reaper ot jho sonio namo. 1 conprosa of thia country loat Hon. Hi tor Clymor , In Pennsylvania , in .Tu and among ether ox-mombora of house , John Hill , of Now Joraoy , in . Ir , while the cabinet loat Kucrro Folgor. Among the clergy the number of nar was not great , but the lack in nuua' ' waa more than made up by the proi nenco of the BO who died , , among th being Dr. U. H. Olnrkoon , bishop Nobreaka ; Bishops H. A. Kavanav and George F. Pierce , of the Mothoc Episcopal church south , and Bishop M thow yitnpaon , of the M. E. church. 1 Hat isalao Incronood by thouamoaof E : Abbott , of Massachusetts , and Dr. Chi ning , the nephew of the celebrated U Urian divine of the same npme. T army haa loat Generals Terrell and Alfoi and the navy commanders Fillubro' ' [ \ud Gregory , and Roar Admirala Geor F. Slmraono , A. A. Uarwood and Ale mdor Murray. Daring the same tii Uuisla lost Gon. Francis E. Todlobc ivno defended Sobaatopol , while the 1 } f departed soldiers also comprise t lamea of General WlmpH'aen , .loan Pn Dchramm , and Hicka Pasha , wlio pi shod in the Soudan. Soionco has loat Prof Guyot , cf Prlnc on ; Prof. John Guatavus Uroyson , 3orllu ; Dr. Woodward , of the Unit statfs army ; Augustus Voolcker , of Ut in ; Dr. Grimm , the Emperor Willlan ar coD , and Dr. Samuel D. Groan ; whi iterary circles mourn the death ot Ja : Jray Swlaahelm , Mary Clotnracr Amc yharlos Itaado , lilanchara Jerroldllon \ Byron , the dramatist , and Hen janbe , the Auatrian poet. Several noti ditors have died , among thorn W. ] Itorey , of t ho Chicago Timoa ; Thorn Ihenory , of 'the London Times , ai Thomas Klnaella , of the Brooklyn Eigl rhilo the publiahoro nho nlao wmit tl ray of all the earth were Nicholas Truer or and George Henry Bond , both iondon ; Thomas G. Apploton.of Bosto nd Smith Sheldon , of Now Yoi lloooly connected with literature Is tl ame of Robert M. Hoe , who dlod : eptombor , after having devoted a lito i 0 years perfecting MB celebrated proa Uho noble of the earth have lost .sever E _ their number , the most pivminei uiaig ; Priuco Leopold , diiko of / > Iban ; ho died at Cannes in March ; the o : 'mpress ' Anna of Austria : the prince < 'range ' ; Arthur Diehard Wellesley , tl ( cond duke of Wellington ; Sultan fash , 10 great Egyptijiii Btatesman ; and Lei mpthill , the English embasssulor i inssia. Seyeiul judges of prominem ul ability died in the last twelve month nong them being : J udges NeLson Po < : IM ill1 } land ; Anioit Monill , of Toxa .obert . E. Chambers , of Indiuna ; TJiatche ' . Culomdo ; and Swayne , of the supren mrt. Brigiioli ieft the openi forevo : id Maria Taglioni , the great dancer , dk at April at the ago of 80 years. Fran hanfi-au , the actor , and John Evers , tli enie artist , aie both lost to the dramat : ofession , while music lost Sir Micliai ustaand Qullalu Besides many a number of notable : ho in one way or another made then Ives fiuiioii.s , have passed away ; Cliarh elmonico , the New York cjiterer ; Alle iiikerton'thu celebrated detective ; th liev.alier Uenry Wycolt' : the lobbyisl mi Ward ; James Watson Webb , Gel DHL Worthington , Col. Claiborne , th stoiiui of Mississippi ; Fawcett , tlieblin )1 tical economist and PostmiiHter Gcnei ; W. A. Beach , 'lilton's .lawyer in on the greatest suits of modern times liuiuas Shannon , who covered ] Lth gjory at Ciiiukanuiuga , together wit oyal Phulps , John J. Cisco and Ralp jllew the millionaires. Send to 0. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell ins , for a book containing statement ' many remarkable euros by Hood's Sai Florida Orange Market. Ono thing acorns to ua evldonf. , am tat is that the production of Florid anges has outgrown the methods o arkoting thorn. With the rapid in ease annually of the crop , growers can > t depend upon the chanca demands o few dealers in o few largo cities jbblng houacf , with a fruit c-xchangp ill have to bo established hero la Jack- mvillc , who o conductors will purchaa om tbu groworr , and , having connec Onn in all parts of the country , wit ] lily quotations reported by telegraph ill know just where a profitable de and exists , and when to ship and whoi i withhold supplies , PILES ! I'lLTst P1IKS1 A BUUK OURK FOUND AT jjABTI NO ONE NKK1) liUyfKIt. A sure cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching an 'Icorutod lllos haa. been discovered by li 'illiama ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Di rtlliam'a Indian Pile Ointment. A elngl > z hiu cured the worst chronic ctutxi of 25 c ) yonra standing. No one iiood suffer fiv lautea after am > lymsr this wonderful Eootl g medicine. JLotiong , InetrumenU and elcx larlea do more harm than good , William1 idlan File Ointment absorbs the tumcre , al y the Intense itching , ( partlcularlx ftt nieli tor RettinK warm in bed , ) acts an a poultice vus Instnntrvlief , and la prepared only fo UM , itchlDK of the private pur La , and fe uhlno olso. Korid what the Hon. .T. M. UpiEnb - , ry. c leyeland , eayu about Dr. William's luilia : lie Oolutment : "I have used ncoroa of Pit ' .irt > a , nnd it nllords me pleasure to nay that ivo ntiver found anything which gave BUC nnodlaUs and permanent relief aa Dr. Wil un'a Indian Ointment. For ealo by oil drup t and mailed on receipt of price , 60o am , Bold at retail by Kuhn & Co. 0. F. GooDViN , Wholenala Ageut. roppeil Donil trotn Ilnart llm ; 8r SAX ] fii.\NCisco , December U , C' ptai avid Nye , general miperintendent of th ortb Pacific Count railroad , dropped dead t < ly from heart dlsene , 017 SI. Clinrlos S' . , S . IonU , Mn > T < | 1 * ' Jr 10H8 | * icJt ft t n't * 1 , M I f ( fi l ) t Ii CS1 lo 1h't f > i c ft i rriinitM t f Cnh < > Ni F Nitifit . f Ul Hio'b' ' * iiVm t > . 6 ! - 1'hjnfl.oln BUte M ft'f 1 M' * * * i * ' i * I n'a ' tfoi lnt ktgr Nervous PioUrAtion , DcMilty. Mentnl i rhIc.i1 Wtnknfifis McrcorUlnnd ether Afl ( Ions of Throat * Skin or Bones , Dlooii Poison ! old Sores and Ulcers * m tr iM * ith oFtrfii < jL'k ' > f < il n i * I'ttiUQ fr-intlr > * . Pfc'fli r-itlj. | Diseases Arising frum Inolscrclfon , Exce iHxpOSU'O Of Indulgence , nhku rrtKliife < n of r 'ioiiiK fOfi tit * MiiDciat jcMiiifi 'iia M or ii trJilffeclUc merrmrj , rtrpl > t * , \ the tttf , fb/kletld- " c-r tontoiri toel ty orf nnlti rc-nfo 4i fld M , < ftmlerfnff Mortlupe Improper or tiniikppy , t > frm ntilteurM , l'KaiblMtM * ) * ) * * Ibe N > tp { tilrl fMddpo , fr > IP tit JTrrn. Cmmltntloa tl 9 e or Ij null frro. nn-1 IntlU'l. Will * for nritloni. A Positive Wrirren Guarantc lrflti ll eornliUcitet. ItrJIrloKcol CTftjutun- rnmphlrti , Enellth or Orrrnon , ill re > , < > criblni bovodl t jci In male or remn ) , FU ! MARREAGIc CUtDE K0rt , ( ln flitn. niuitrclol la dolh n < 1 tlllMirtl LMruoncjer VOIUK * ! nineI'tip-f eori > r. , XV. TMi b- tooiAlvt ftll t&e cvrleui , donttrol or liKtMtlte trat How , A t > Mt of irril IntfiMt K > > IU Ultllh. Bui nUOOD.'roj Into tin- LIVER nnd KIDNEY HIM ! ) nsTiu : : TIIK HKAX.1 nnd VlQOtt of YOUTH. I ) ippsln. 'U'atunr Appi'tlte , ; illKi-flllon , Lack or Hlrcnit ill Tl r"-1 ' ' ( 'Inn nlisoliili nrcd. Itonc5 , uninclvsa IHTVCS Tocjtt u now I or ilr.ll\oii3 the mliKt u Biiptillus Jlraln I'nwi bttnerliiRlrom vuniplali . . _ Vjivusllnrto Bed loDK.Il'-BrEK'SIKONTONIO n rnta ei'i-oOjr euro , iflltc at'lcar , lioulUiy cornpluxlc Freqiiunt Micnirts nt c " " " -'Tf''Miir only a In Ilio popular lly nfiliu orlxlnil. Du not e.xpe ni lll ( ruttlloOlllllINAI. ASUlll'ST. rntxournrtdros toTb l > r. llnilo . CS . Mo. , for our"IWUAM EOOK. " Fnllof vtrnngf. itnn inteful l - . ftf-SemltwontnmpiforCrlehratihUtcillcalWorl AddreM.r. I ) . OLAKKE. la. . ! > . , i8G Soi Uatk Street , CHICAGO , ILL. NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY . OMAHA H v tor ! SC3.300 ci s ctretnJlT ooloaied l a i Euloru Kelirmkt , l low price uni on ntcy tern Improved urrno tor e l In Doagltg , Dodje , Uold 'latto , Burl , Cnmlng , S rpy , Wuchlnjton , Mull tnnJcre , tncl Butler Jonntloi. Tuca ptia In all parts ol the BUS * , . Money loaned on mproved larmi Kottiv Pnbllo nlwiTJ Bln office Correspond JAS.H.PEABODYM. D. Physician Ss Surgeoi Rcclldenoa Ko. 1407 Joneg St. Office , No. IMS F lam Btreet. Office hours,1'1'm to I p. m. bnd done o 8 p. m. Telephone , lor olllco 97rcsldoaea 1S6. 9H , HORN S ELI-GTBG3 BEL fill cure Nerroilineti , Lnmb K < > . Hh uniBtlioi.P raly teuralgU , sclAtlcH , Kidney , hiilne and I.lwr iINOHSt lout. Asthma , HaArtdlfieiiHH. DUp piU , Cnnstlplthtti. hi Ipelttn , CnUrrh , 11108 , Kpllep * ] ' . Iiiipfitrni' ) , Dtlliib Ai l Tolnpiui Uteri , etc. OnlRLlentlllti Kleotrlc Holt hi AUK : that nendi tlm Klertrlcllr ami naKiicll ] in thnMiiili : odjr , and can bo recharged fu tin Instuut bj tb patient. Winter la coming , the eeaaon of-tho year for nch ad pains. In view of thia f ct we ray Uuyeno r. norne'a Electric Bolts. By BO doing you w , oil nheumatlsm , Kidney Troubles and other II 'atfleihlabe'rto. ' Do ngb dotay , bnt coil at 01 Ho ) and examine bclta , Mo. U22 Donglaa street , i , F Goodman's , 1110 Farnam SI. , Omaha , Neb. 0 : rsflllod0.0. D W. bflOKMAKER . . , Lttorne and Coimsello AT LAW. 75 S , 13th 3f , . Omaha , Net Fouitoon Ycaru' rrsvctlcs In Iowa and Colorado. UKVBRKNCK3 IOWA Hon. J , Itocd , Associate. Jaitlco Suprcin ) iirirealdenoe.roiuicil ! IJlulIs ; lion U , H. ' [ strict JuJ e , residence , Cherokee : Vlrst Na loni ink und Olllcor & Pu c j , Bankers , Council Blulli ar\cy & Kord , Bankers , Logiai , llairlsen Co , , la. COLORADO lion. J , 0 , Helm , AssocUto Juetici ipromo Ceurt , resldtocv , Uanver ; lion. Wm. Ila acn. District Juji-j ( , lu.Uuice , Bouia Vi taIIath ; vay u Bank , Kaaplay , 1'ark Co declB-lm Science of Life Only $ ! 00 BY MAIL POSTPAID. MOKIf THYSELF , . A GREAT MEDICAL \VOilK ON MANHOOD ! Exhausted Vitality , Kervoni and Tbyslcnl Deblllt ] emature Decline In Uan , Krrora ol Youth , and thi itold mlborles rc ultlng from Indiscretions or er 88C6. A book tar every man , young , middle aged d old. It contains 126 prescription ! for all acul id cbronlo dleeuea each one of which la Invaluablo. > found by the Author , whose experience for II ra la auch as probably never oetoro fell to the lot any physician , too pagea , bound In beautiful encnmuelln empowed covers , lull , gilt gnarante < l be a finer work In every sense , maohanlcal , 111 ary and profwatoral , than any ether work eoldlo Ii country for f/2.60 , or the money will be refunded every tnitance. Price only tl.OO by mall , pout .Id. . Illustrative gample 6 centa. Bend now. Oold odal awarded th author by the National ttvt/toal isocUtlon , to the olHoera of which ha refers. TheBolenoeof Lite should bo read by thoyounu r Inatmotlon , and by tha afBlcted for relief , H will neftt all. London Lancet. There la no member of snclety to whom Ten Hoi oo of lite will not be useful , whether youth , pur t , guardian , Instructor or clergym a. Araonaot. Addrwis th Peabody Medical InUtuto , or Dr. TV , Parker , No. i llulfluch Street , IU ton , Uau. , whc ty be oonBulted on all diseases requiring skill and perlenoe , Chronloand ohstlnatedlseueathaihavi ified the skill ol all other phys-UCRI clanr , speclallyl Such treatexl lUOooas-llCHL loll ) thout an Instance of failure. Insurants Co. , London , Cash Atwsta J5B8I,0 t'ntchuiiter.N , YCapital J.WO.Wt leMerchautaof Newark.N. J.Capital. . , . If76.00 ( rardFIre , Pblladelphla.Capllal l.tfOO.Oit oman'a Kund , Capital l.-Jtt.OOC NOTICE. 1 he annual meetlri'ol the It ock UolOtn t ) thi extern Hone and CVtlla iDtUranoo Co. , will be lieli th oilliti of the company la O wl > , "n Mon < l y .nuirvlSth , 1H . Hf > av I'fHff , PieVt. n * K. UvK tsiiR'rtt 8 ' ; . dic-15 lew-lv A CIT ? The remarkable growth of Omaha during the Iwit few years la n matte * of great astonlabtaont to thooo who pay an occasional visit to thia growing city. The development of the Stor Yards the necessity of the Bolt Line Road tha finely paved atroetp the hundreds of now residences and costly business blocks , with the population of our city more than doubled in the laet five years. All thli In a great surprise to visitors and la the admiration of our cltlcouo. This rapid growth , the business activity , and the many nubatnntlal Improvements mndn a lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every Investor haa made n handsome profit. Since the Wall Street panic May , with the onbaoanont cry of hard times , there hoa boon less demand from npecula- torn , bnt a fair demand from Investors seeking homos. This latter clan * nro taking advantage of low prices In build' IfVf. material and arc oecnrlng their home * it much ICON coat than will bo possible pear honco. Speculators , too can buy real oota' ' 3 cbonpor now and ought to take \dvant o of present prlooo for fatnrv pro ti. rho iiozt few yortra promises grostoi 1 ivol opinontn In Omaha than the paat i v i yoara , which have boon as good naive ivo could reasonably desire. Now mou- ifactnrlng oatnbllnhmonta and largo job- Mug houses nra added nltnont weekly , end kll add to the prosperity of Omaha. There nro many In Omaha and through- ) nt the State , uho have their money in ho banks drawing a nominal rate of .orcst , which , If judiciously Invented in Dmnha real ektato , would bring then * nnch greater returns. Wo have many jargalna Tfhlch wo ore confident will irlng the purchaser largo profitn In tbn icar future. We have for sale the finest resi- [ once property in the north and veatern parts of the city. North -we have ihie lots atreaaon- ible prices on Sherman avenue , 17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. Weafc on Farnam. Davenport , 'uniing , and all the loading streets n that direction. / ' The grading of Farnam , Cali err V T - " " ' - iia and Davenport streets has maj ( ccepaible Borne of the finest heapent residence property in ity , and with the building of : treet edY line out Farnam , the n = orty in the ivestern part of the ( \h \ rill increase in value. We also have the agency for ; . lyndicate and Stock Yards pro * ' Y in the south part of the city. 1 ' evelopments made in this section y the Stock Yards Company and 10 railroads will certainly double 10 price m a-short timo. We also have some tine business its and some elegant inside resi- mccp for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find mie good bargains by calling t BROKERS , IS South 14th St Bet veon Farnhaiu auJ Douglas. P. 3. Wt iwk thooo who have opwty for sale ntalapgiun to gjva a eallWe wRafc oaly bnrgains ro will pwiitively not handle prop- ty t tuoru thun its mal value.